TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Nearly half U.S. Marines reject Trumpcine injections
Episode Date: April 14, 2021Today on TRUNEWS, the team looks at the growing backlash against the COVID vaccines, especially within the US military; President Trump says the vaccines should be called ‘The Trumpcine’; and micr...ochips and virus technology blend together in shocking new ways. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (04/13/21)
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Welcome back to part two of the Godcast.
With World War on the horizon, you'd figure the Biden Pentagon would be focused on putting the best guns in the arms of our troops.
Instead, they seem to be fixated on plunging the vaccine into their arms.
But a motto change for the Marines may be too premature, as the few, the proud, the vaccinated find themselves in the minority, as nearly half the Corps rejects the vaccine.
And it's not just the Marines.
Over a million service members are opting out of being the guinea pigs for pharmakia.
Join me to discuss this story and DARPA's obscene vision for the Trump scene.
Our True News founder, Rick Walls and Doc Burkhart.
Remember last year about this time when they said that if you tried to connect microchips
and the vaccine together,
that you believed in conspiracy theories and everything?
That was last April, folks.
Those were the stories you'd read everywhere.
Oh, that's just crazy talk.
Now, 60 Minutes is declaring it.
Major media outlets are declaring it.
Once again, True News was ahead of the game by a year.
Yes, we were.
And we also have over the weekend, President Trump told his supporters that he wanted the COVID-19 vaccines to be renamed.
He wants them to be called the Trump scene.
And this is for real, folks. According to the news reports of people who were in the meeting.
He's very proud of the of the coronavirus vaccines.
And this is something that the Trump political base, the supporters of Donald Trump, you're going to have to come to grips with the fact that if you support Trump, you support the vaccine. Right. If you support Donald Trump, you support Zionism.
You have to come to grips with this.
And you can't blame it on Jared.
You can't blame it on somebody else on his staff.
This is Donald Trump saying this.
This is what he said.
He wants it called the Trump scene.
Well, Mr. Trump, if we start calling the vaccine the Trump scene in your honor, do you also take responsibility for the deaths,
the paralysis, the people who've been paralyzed, the people who've had heart attacks?
Or the mentally handicapped people being forced to take the vaccine like we saw yesterday?
How about the 34% of the people who've been vaccinated now have mental problems? That's not our numbers. That's science saying that. Yeah,
just follow the science. So what's going on with the vaccine if one third of the people vaccinated
develop mental issues? It's bad. They're going crazy. And President Trump doesn't just own the
impacts of the vaccine, because if you listen
to his speeches, he's often talking about how great Operation Warp Speed was and everything
that was produced through this.
And it wasn't just vaccines that were produced through Operation Warp Speed.
It also empowered DARPA.
Now, we touched on the story yesterday.
The soldiers are more than just the guinea pigs for the vaccines that have been produced. They're also being basically used to test out microchip implants.
So 60 Minutes this weekend did a segment where they talked specifically about how the next generation of medical advances are going to come through implants, microchips put under the skin, in your hand, in your arm.
Our soldiers are going to be drug dispensers.
But wait a minute.
As Doc said, last year we were telling our audience that there's a connection between implanted microchips and the vaccines.
And our enemies, our critics, were writing stories mocking us, laughing about it.
Look at True News.
Look at what they're saying.
Microchips. Bill Gates, microchips, vaccines it. Yes. Look at True News. Look at what they're saying. Microchips.
Bill Gates, microchips, vaccines.
Crazy talk.
Yeah, crazy talk.
But here's CBS.
Let's watch CBS.
Dr. Hepburn showed us a few current projects.
Some sound like they're from an episode of Star Trek.
Consider a ship like the USS Theodore Roosevelt
hobbled last year when 1,271 crew
members tested positive for the coronavirus. What if everyone on board had their health
monitored with this subdermal implant, now in late-stage testing? It's not some dreaded
government microchip to track your every move, but a tissue like gel engineered to continuously test your blood.
It's a sensor.
This tiny green thing in there?
That tiny green thing in there,
you put it underneath your skin,
and what that tells you is that there are chemical reactions
going on inside the body,
and that signal means you're going to have symptoms tomorrow.
Wow. There's an actual transmitter in that?
Yeah, it's like a check engine light.
Check this sailor out before he infects other people.
That's right.
Sailors would get the signal, then self-administer a blood draw and test themselves on site.
Look at that.
We can have that information in three to five minutes. As you truncate that
time, as you diagnose and treat, what you do is you stop the infection in its tracks. For us at DARPA,
if the experts are laughing at you and saying it's impossible, you're in the right space.
So are you actually sitting there 60 days? You set a stopwatch? Yes. We say, here's your money, but then
here's the stopwatch. We're going to do a capability demonstration,
jargon words. But what it means is stopwatch and show us how fast you can go.
He seems to be very excited about the soldiers testing out microchip implants. He compared it to
a check engine light in the body.
You have to wonder if it's going to do more than just check for coronavirus.
Can it check for poisonous political ideologies or beliefs?
Well, my question to every man and woman in the U.S. military is very simple. Are you going to be implanted with
microchips or are you going to get out of the U.S. military? Moms and dads, you have
sons and daughters in the U.S. military, what are you going to advise them? Let them put
a microchip in your son or daughter or are you going to tell them, get out of the U.S. military?
Look, the U.S. military is becoming evil.
It is becoming a wicked organization.
No Christian at this point should be in the U.S. military.
End of discussion.
The U.S. military is becoming wicked.
That's how the first Century Church felt, too.
They required soldiers leave the Roman legions if you wanted to serve in a congregation.
Well, what are you going to do? If you're in the U.S. military right now and you're ordered to be microchipped, what are you going to do?
You either submit or you get out of the military.
That's your only choices now.
But I think they're going to take it even further.
They're going to, at some point, they're going to say,
if you don't take the vaccine,
they're not going to give you the option to get out of the military.
They'll lock you up in Leavenworth.
That's where it's going to go because they can't afford you
after investing tens of thousands of dollars
in training you to be a killing machine
for you to possibly rise up in response to everything that's going on.
So they'll have to lock you up or eliminate you.
One of the two.
We're not unafraid to do that either.
Oh, sure.
That's key, Herman.
But the other thing President Trump did under Operation Warp Speed is he empowered DARPA, that's the military research end of the
Pentagon, to start creating what's being referred to as a super vaccine. A vaccine that could stay
in you forever, fight any disease, and is a genetically modified organism. He wants to
create a vaccine to end all vaccines, maybe the super trunk scene. Who wants to do this?
DARPA and, thanks to President Trump,
Operation Warp Speed, the vision for the response to the pandemic for the rest of the world. Donald
Trump wanted a super vaccine? That's what DARPA said. DARPA said they followed the president's
instructions in finding innovative, futuristic solutions to the pandemic and doing it in a
manner which would make him look amazing,
give him a great reputation and legacy. Was this part of the 60 Minutes program?
Yes. They had a separate segment in here that they discussed DARPA's work in resurrecting
viruses, going back to 1918 to try to find this innovative stuff. They also talked about
creating a super vaccine, a universal vaccine that can be given not just to American soldiers,
but to people around the world to save us from whatever virus they say is going to kill us next.
In 2005, scientists at the tissue repository, Mount Sinai School of Medicine and the CDC
made headlines around the world when they resurrected the deadly 1918 virus.
That's when Dr. James Crow, an infectious disease researcher at Vanderbilt, joined
the team. He went looking for survivors of the 1918 flu, hunting for live human
antibodies, the proteins manufactured by our bodies to fight disease.
And lo and behold, if we took blood cells out of these nearly 100-year-old people,
they still had immune cells that were circulating in their body that had reacted to 1918 influenza.
That was one of those moments for me when I just said, wow, that's very powerful and interesting.
Well, once we have the genetic sequence, which is the DNA sequence,
it's a string of letters that encodes the antibody,
essentially we have the recipe to make it again.
And now we have a drug substance that we can use to prevent or treat that infection.
Dr. Crow and CDC scientists infected lab animals with the deadly 1918 virus and cured them.
And what happened?
Well, the antibody, like a heat-seeking missile, floats around in the animal,
finds the virus, latches onto the virus, and inactivates, stops in its tracks.
For us, after we had done that, we realized,
wow, your body is a library of everything you've ever seen.
Then we started thinking as medical researchers, we could find the cure to virtually anything that had ever occurred on the planet.
With their promise of speed, immediate protection and a cure, Dr. Hepburn says RNA antibodies could stop the next Wuhan-like outbreak cold.
It's really beyond vaccines. That's our future. That's our next step.
Shoot for the moon.
Shoot for the moon.
Some Pentagon researchers are shooting higher. With the spread of dangerous new coronavirus
variants, the Army's Dr. Kayvon Majarad is testing a revolutionary approach to stop them all.
We're trying to not just make a vaccine for this virus. We're trying to make a vaccine for the
whole family of coronaviruses. This is the core of our vaccine. We engineer the spike so that
we can attach it to this protein.
If his concept, now in clinical trials, proves successful, Dr. Majarad says in five years, a single vaccine could defeat all coronaviruses.
That means many common colds, the deadly strain causing this pandemic, and thousands of others.
Is that, at this point, a dream?
This is not science fiction.
This is science fact.
We have the tools, we have the technology
to do this all right now.
And you think we can, at some point,
inoculate the world against these killer viruses?
Killer viruses that we haven't seen or even imagined
will be protected against.
I'll tell you one virus. It's the most deadly, and it's in every human being,
every human who has lived for over 6,000 years. It's called sin,
and that virus cannot be defeated except through the blood of
Jesus Christ. And these men are talking about eradicating every virus known to man,
but they can't eradicate sin. No, instead they want to eradicate the antidote to sin.
The church, the believers of Jesus Christ,
they want to eliminate any talk of Christ.
They want to eliminate the word of God throughout culture.
They want to eliminate the cure.
Doc, did you hear in a segment,
did you hear the one scientist say that when they had
100-year-old living survivors of the 1917 Spanish flu pandemic,
and they got the antibodies out of their blood, he was all excited.
And he said, now we can recreate the virus.
We have the recipe.
We got the recipe for 1917.
You're not baking a cake, sir.
You're creating a very deadly disease.
And these these scientists and they recreated it, Rick, recreated it.
Doc, I I did true news programs on this topic over 20 years ago.
When they were digging up the corpses in the frozen tundra.
I was warning 20 years ago, this is madness.
This is insanity.
They're digging up corpses looking for the 1917 flu.
And I said, someday they're going to have it.
They're going to create it and it's going to be released.
Here we are now. We're living in
this is like a bad sci-fi movie. I know we're getting close to the end, but there's one other
person who's in the news today about microchips and that's Elon Musk. Yes, he's got his project.
It's been his pet project for several years called Neuralink. This is number 31 for control. The Sun newspaper said it correct that Elon Musk wants to put chips in your brain, implant them by this year, 2021.
Folks, just read this headline. Elon Musk Neuralink brain chips could be implanted in human beings this year.
Ricky, he tested this on a monkey feeding them bananas.
And I think the folks have to understand that people in America, around the world, understand
you're going to become that monkey.
OK, they're testing it on the monkeys now, but we're the next test subject.
And again, it's not about the vaccines, not just about the microchips.
It's about all of humanity being treated like slaves.
It is about the arrival of the beast system.
Ruled by Lucifer himself that will take control of this planet
just before something happens called the final day,
the last day, the day of the Lord.
When Jesus Christ comes back to stop this craziness, put an end to it, because God is looking down on mankind saying they're doing it again.
It's like it's the days of Noah.
And I have to stop it.
I've got to go down there and I've got to stop it.
That's our hope, the hope of glory.
Jesus Christ is coming back.
The blessed hope.
And that is the only hope we have, Rick.
And I pray again that people will realize it.
Do not watch this show and ignore your eternal salvation.
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