TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Needle Nazis May Require Vaccinations to Travel Interstate Highways
Episode Date: August 13, 2021Today on TruNews, Rick Wiles and Doc Burkhart are on set today as Edward Szall and Lauren Witzke travel back from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and the Mike Lindell Cyber Symposium. Rick discusses the ut...ter failure of the Biden Administration in Afghanistan, as our State Department begs the Taliban not to blow up our embassy in Kabul. Rick then brings it back home and reveals how the Vaccinator in Chief is considering locking down interstate travel for only those who have been fully jabbed with the COVID Cocktail. Rick Wiles, Raymond Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (8/13/21)
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The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support
of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit Well, welcome to True News.
I'm Rick Wiles.
Edward Zoll and Lauren Whiskey are en route this very hour,
flying home from Sioux Falls, South Dakota,
after attending Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium.
They will be back here on True News on Monday.
Doc Burkhart is with me today.
We have a lot to talk about.
But first, here is Kerry Kinsey with today's True News Headlines.
Welcome to True News Headlines.
I'm Kerry Kinsey.
COVID camps for high-risk people.
Yep, that's what Rebel News says the CDC is recommending in a new report.
Here's Andrew Chapadis.
The CDC, who now sees themselves as a governing body, and the Democrats agree,
saw fit to recently release the following document. It's titled,
Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings.
What does this mean? Well, how about the first
sentence? They tell you, quote, this document presents considerations from the perspective of
the CDC for implementing the shielding approach in humanitarian settings as outlined in guidance
documents focused on camps, displaced populations, and low resource settings, end quote.
Yeah, in fact, just Wednesday, the star Democrat out of
Maryland reported that the feds recently looked at putting high risk covid people into camps called
green zones. ABC News says President Biden is looking at tougher vaccine rules, but he's worried
mandating the jab for interstate travel might be too polarizing right now.
For information on this story and more, please visit our companion site.
It's called
Zero Hedge says if you've been wondering what the next phase of this public health insanity is going to look like,
your wait is over.
It's reducing the Marburg virus. It comes
from the same virus family as Ebola, but with a fatality rate of 85 percent.
Health authorities in Guinea have confirmed a case of Marburg virus disease in the southern Guadalupe Prefecture. This is the first time that Marburg, a highly
infectious disease that causes hemorrhagic fever, has been identified in the country
and in West Africa. Well, it seems like everybody's mad at Anthony Fauci. Now it's animal rights
groups. New York Post says Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Disease has spent money to infect beagles with disease-causing parasites.
Fauci's division specifically recently contracted $400,000 for a university experiment where they
bought 28 healthy beagles. The NIH website says they choose beagles because they're small and docile.
Read, that means they are easy to abuse.
They took these 28 healthy beagles, infected them with parasites by,
as they've done in the past, strapping devices to them
that allow flies to eat them alive, basically, give them parasites.
And then they killed the dogs at the end of the study,
even though they could have been rehabilitated and adopted out.
A spokesman for the University of Georgia told Newsweek the research was for a vaccine which had been developed at another institution that would protect against a disease.
Sounds ghoulish indeed.
That's a look at true news headlines.
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Prazer, Christian music streaming and... Well, hey, there's me and I'm Rick.
Hey, Rick. And this is Doc. Good to see you again here this week. It's been a very unusual week for
us. You guys haven't seen much of us this week because we've been covering the Mike Lindell
Cyber Symposium all this week. And so Edward and Lauren, they're on their way back here to Florida. They're making their way back.
I got an update from Edward and Lauren a little while ago.
Rick, TSA was there to meet them as they got off the plane in Chicago.
And so again, again.
And so so they've been hassled.
Particularly Lauren has been hassled by the TSA on every flight because she's been
designated as a domestic terrorist. Right. And as Edward asked one of the TSA agents,
what do you think she's going to do, hijack the plane with a curling iron? I mean,
it's political retaliation because she ran for the U.S. Senate in Biden's home state.
And they're now, the Nazis are now marking Americans and starting to isolate American citizens. We're going to be talking a lot about it today on True News,
what the needle Nazis are, what they have in store for us right now.
You know, I was just sickened watching the one report that Kerry gave about Fauci.
And the dogs?
Yes, his, you know, inhumane Nazi-like experiments on little beagles.
It's sick.
It's just sick.
These people, they're, have you ever wondered what the CIA did with the 10,000 Nazis they brought over to the United States after World War II?
We now know.
And just put them to work.
We slowly were turned in
to the Nazi empire. And America is no longer a republic. It is a Nazi empire. And we're doing
things far worse than the Nazis did. And it's about to get even more ghoulish in the days ahead.
God have mercy on us. I don't know where I live anymore.
I don't know what country I'm in.
I don't know what reality I'm in.
This is so bizarre.
And all I can say is, Maranatha, come, Lord.
Come quickly, Lord.
So we get in today's Godcast.
We're outlining some updated information today.
Some of you probably have not heard yet about new mandates that are coming down the line. Rick was just sharing with me before the Godcast
started here, there's a new mandate out of Canada now that it doesn't matter if you're traveling by
plane, train, or automobile, I guess, you have to be vaccinated. Well, I don't know about automobile, but definitely inter-province travel, you know, from one province to another, whether it's by air or train.
You have to be vaccinated to travel inside the country.
That means Canadians, not just visitors and Canadian citizens.
And all federal employees in Canada, too, if I recall from the conversation.
And apparently Mr. Biden is thinking of a similar scheme.
We're going to talk about it later. Right now, WTOP radio in Washington, D.C.,
is reporting that there is an armed individual strolling around the Joint Base Anacostia bowling military facility outside of Washington, D.C.
This just happens to be the home of the Defense Intelligence Agency.
Remember, last week we had a shooter at the Pentagon.
That's right.
Now a shooter here.
And from what I understand, I guess the shooting took place off base and somehow he escaped to be on base.
How do you escape onto a base?
I don't know.
Can you just walk onto a military base with a gun?
And not just any military base, but the one with the Defense Intelligence Agency sitting on it.
I mean, I would think that would be...
The most secure facility of any military base. Right. And so so we're still catching up with the information from this particular story as we get updates on it throughout the God cast here.
We'll let you know what's going on.
Hey, Doc, before we get into the covid crazy news, let's let's take a look at the the success of the Biden foreign policy.
And we can look no farther than Afghanistan.
It is a mess today.
And the Wall Street Journal reporting Taliban sees Kandahar prepared to march on Afghan capital, Kabul.
And Afghanistan is now has fallen back into the hands of the Taliban where it was at 20 years ago.
Yes. When the war started. Right.
So over half of the province capitals are in the hands of the Taliban right now.
Half of them. So the U.S. military. Right. In 20 years could not defeat the Taliban.
Right. It cost us two trillion dollars, over 2400 U.S. servicemen's lives, over 3,000 contractor lives.
240,000 people died in Afghanistan in the past 20 years.
$100 billion was spent to train and equip and to provide support for the Afghan army.
And it collapsed in a month.
Not even a month. it's been three weeks
and so uh I would count Afghanistan a total loss uh we did not win that war it this is like a
Vietnam all over again and what was the purpose of the war what was it does anybody we were sold
that was in response to 9-11 remember yes but I mean it was 9-11 and then 9-18, we're in Afghanistan.
And the Afghan people attacked the United States on September 11th.
No, they didn't attack the United States.
But we went to war for 20 years in that country.
20 years, the longest war in American history.
Because the ruling class of this country wanted something in Afghanistan, and they were unable to get it.
Doc, I remember in, I'm going to say April, April 2001, George W. Bush had just come to power.
Right. And one of the London papers reported about a meeting of high-level State Department and White House officials with the Taliban.
And if I recall, it was apparently to get a pipeline built across Afghanistan.
And the Taliban wouldn't make the deal.
And according to the report, and this is why I remember this,
and I don't remember all the details, but I remember.
This is before 9-11.
Oh, it was like April of 2001.
Bush had only been in the White House since late January.
But the one line that I remember in that article is that a high level Bush White House official
shouted at the Taliban representatives, we will be in war by October.
And they were. I remember that story on True News.
And I remember saying to our audience,
what's this all about?
There was no 9-11.
It hadn't happened yet.
But the ruling class of America had decreed,
we're going to war with Afghanistan.
9-11 occurred for the purpose of starting a great war. We're going to war with Afghanistan.
9-11 occurred for the purpose of starting a great war.
General Wesley Clark himself is on record as saying that when he went into the Pentagon,
weeks after the attack on the Pentagon, that a, I believe it was a colonelel handed him, tried to hand him a document.
He wouldn't touch it.
He wouldn't touch it. The colonel said, this is the plan to attack 10 nations in five years.
And General Clark wouldn't touch the document because if he touched it, he was in possession
of a classified document. And so he said, and I believe it was a colonel, he touched it he was in possession of a classified document right
and so he said and i believe it was a colonel he said what's in it because he could be told
something uh that's verbal and could not be in violation of a classified document and and the
other officer said what we're going to attack 10 nations in five years.
And Afghanistan?
It went down the list.
And Afghanistan was first.
And the last one on the list is Iran.
So they haven't checked that one off yet.
They've had trouble getting to Iran,
but we're almost there.
But it was supposed to be done in five years.
This was supposed to be wrapped up by 2006.
We're now at 2021.
The foreign policy of the ruling class is a disaster.
Well, it might not be. It might be exactly what they want.
No, Doc, I think it's a disaster. I think these people are idiots. I think they're powerful idiots.
There's nothing more dangerous than a powerful idiot.
They're dangerous.
Idiots with power are dangerous.
These people are madmen.
They're idiots.
They're drunk with power and ego and lust for money and power and whatever.
They do whatever they want to do.
They don't care about the carnage that they call.
They don't care about the lives that are taken.
They don't care about the soldiers who are maimed and crippled.
They don't care about the buildings that are destroyed.
They don't care about the families that have everything taken from them in their wars. They don't care.
They don't care. They don't care.
These people, I don't know if they're human.
The ruling class, I don't know if they're human.
I don't know if they have emotions.
It's all about power and money.
And they'll do anything that they have to do.
And so Afghanistan is a disaster
on the doorsteps of America's ruling class.
The American people ought to overthrow these people.
I mean, all of them, the whole ruling class ought to be overthrown
because they're destroying our country.
They've stripped us down to we're just barely a nation anymore.
And all for their agenda.
So we have the Taliban is back in control.
They're moving towards Kabul.
Now, wait till you hear this one.
The New York Times reported today that the U.S. State Department said to the Taliban,
please, pretty please, please don't destroy the U.S. State Department said to the Taliban, please, pretty please, please
don't destroy the U.S. embassy.
Please don't do it.
Spare the embassy.
If you're going to take over the country, would you spare the U.S.?
And you know what else we did?
The Biden administration told the Taliban, we'll give you foreign aid if you don't burn
down the embassy. In other words, we'll give you foreign aid if you don't burn down the embassy.
In other words, we'll pay you not to burn down our embassy.
Yes, yes.
This is the Biden administration.
So we had 20 years to get rid of the Taliban.
Still around, still doing what they did 20 years ago.
And we never learned a lesson out of that
i was never a supporter of this war in afghanistan we were we had children born on 9-11 that became
eligible to serve in afghanistan that's how long we've been there it was the bush cheney war
it's ending as the biden harris, and it's a complete disaster.
Now, we might see a clue here.
The next one, an AP story, U.S. News & World Report,
China preparing to recognize Taliban if Kabul falls.
But what is in Afghanistan?
$3 trillion worth of rare earth minerals.
And China's the only nation on earth right now producing rare earth minerals.
Could that be what we were fighting over?
$3 trillion worth of rare earth minerals.
And we've given up fighting for it.
Now we're going to let China have it.
Has China won that war without firing a single shot?
And who's in the White House to give Afghanistan to China?
Beijing Biden.
Who's on the hook?
Owned by China.
He had his two hour conversation with Xi Jinping.
Did Xi give him his talking points?
Did he give him his instructions?
If you don't want us to tell the world that we own your son, Hunter, these are the things you will do.
That's what happens when another country owns a politician through corruption.
So Mr. Biden may have been ordered by Xi Jinping, surrender Afghanistan.
I mean, how do you explain this chaotic mess?
Biden has done to Afghanistan what he did to the Mexico-U.S. border.
It's chaos.
It's chaos. In fact, the secretary, you know, the head of border security gave a speech today and they caught him on a hot mic moment saying, this is a disaster down here.
This is a mess down here.
This thing's going to collapse.
He said, we're going to lose.
The United States?
We're going to lose the fight for our border?
We had 200,000 people come across
the border in the past 30 days. 200,000. Because that's the Biden plan. Yes. It's not a crisis.
It's the Biden plan. It's the Beijing plan. It's the China plan. America is meant to fall, to collapse under Joe Biden.
That's what the Democrats and the media orchestrated in 2020.
New York Post article, Donald Trump, do you miss me yet?
Trump slams Biden over Afghanistan and inflation. Do you think the country misses him yet?
Well, they're not happy with Joe Biden, I wouldn't think. Well, maybe half the country is happy with Joe Biden. But I would say to Mr. Trump, you had the opportunity to
provide an answer in Afghanistan yourself for four years.
And you meandered around in that policy.
One week, you're four troops pulling out.
The next week, you're four troops staying in.
Because he allowed the ruling class to intimidate him.
I mean, I always wanted the troops out of Afghanistan.
But you have to do it in an orderly way.
I mean, you just don't pack up and leave and think that the Taliban is not going to take over.
Right. Yeah. We had invested in there and we couldn't just pull completely out.
I don't. We didn't need to go in. That's the thing. We didn't even need to go in.
We went in for the wrong reasons. And then we found ourselves stuck in that sandbox, creating, killing contractors, killing military personnel.
Two trillion dollars down the drain. Nothing to show for it at all.
But we can't even put a trophy on the wall. I mean, nothing to say we won this thing.
There was no win.
It's the Biden disaster.
While we're talking about Mr. Biden, do you remember back in the campaign?
He didn't come out very often.
He stayed in his basement because he was told, you just stay in your basement.
You will win the election.
Well, how do you know I'm going to win the election?
Just trust us.
Trust us.
Trust the plan, Joe.
Trust the plan.
Stay in your basement.
You're going to win the election.
And his handlers made sure that he won the election, which, by the way,
was the topic of Mike Lindell's cyber symposium
in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
We sent a team there.
We sent Edward and Lauren
and some production people there
to provide coverage.
We had a massive number of people
watching the True News live feed from Sioux Falls.
I have my own opinion, Doc.
I don't think much came out of it.
You know that internally here, um, I really didn't want to send anybody.
And, um, we had, we had the internal discussion.
Do we, do we attend Mike Lindell's event?
And, uh, my wife, Susan and I, we both, we were of the opinion.
It's going to turn out to be a big nothing.
And it's going to be a waste of time and resources to go there.
But a lot of people were asking us to go.
Are you going to cover it?
Are you going to supply, you know?
And so at the last minute, we sent Edward and Lauren.
Well, in my opinion, it still turned out to be a big nothing.
Mike Lindell, and I like Mike, and I think he's a good man. I think he's sincere,
but he didn't produce. And is the American election system corrupt? Yes.
Yes. Absolutely. It has been corrupted. I have no confidence in the American voting system anymore.
I doubt if I'll ever vote again. It's gone. It's over. It ended in 2020.
Is there a dead rat somewhere in the building? Yes. Yes. You can smell it. Mike Lindell knows there's a dead rat
in the building. He smells it just like we smell it. He doesn't know where it's buried.
Okay. So he continues to tell the people he's going to show you the wall in the building that
contains the dead rat. And he's unable to do it. But you that contains the dead rat.
And he's unable to do it.
But you can smell the dead rat.
There's no doubt in your mind.
The odor, the stench is there.
And we know that the election of 2020 was fraudulent.
There's no doubt in my mind.
But to prove, to actually show the evidence,
when you don't have it,
you can't convict on instinct, on gut feeling.
Look, I've seen criminals that I've known just in my gut.
You knew what they did.
All right.
How about O.J. Simpson?
You know he committed those crimes.
How about Bill Cosby?
You know he's guilty and yet he's walking now.
Okay, so crime does happen and the criminals aren't punished.
The election was fraudulent. The election was stolen from Donald Trump.
There's no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden is an illegitimate president put into power by a cabal.
But Mike Lindell was unable to produce the evidence.
And I watched on and off for three days, and it just was nothing.
And for me, I watched the majority of it because I was communicating with Edward and Lauren
and the team out there, along with our control staff.
So we were monitoring nearly, oh, three days' worth of content there.
And so there was a lot of, you know, technical presentations.
There was a lot of, you know, talk about files being deleted from here and there.
I'm kind of torn on it because for me, there was some positive there, Rick, in that
you saw a lot of state legislators there that were very passionate about trying to change the system
back in their home states all right that that's a that was a good sign and of course we had the
opportunity to interview edward and lauren had an opportunity to interview a number of those
state legislators but on the other hand you had people like steve b, who is an anarchist, a Leninist, and a Zionist.
You have people like Alan, Captain Underpants Dershowitz, that did a presentation there.
And who is on retainer of Michael Ndell.
Yes. And then you also had, remember Dr. Death?
We did two episodes of True News about Dr. Shiva.
And so-
Those three people were all at that event.
They not only were they on the stage, they gave presentations.
Shiva, Dershowitz and Bannon.
And Bannon.
All three of them. OK, three strikes, you're out.
So, you know, I'm with you.
I believe that Mike Lindell means well, that he's passionate, that he wants to see change. But Rick, to
take your rat analogy further, I don't believe there's one rat. I believe the whole, every
wall in the house has a rat in it. And the only way to get rid of it, that's right. The
only way to get rid of it is you're going to have to tear out the entire infrastructure
and get rid of all the rats and rebuild and so so mike
kept saying he had how many terabytes of 37 terabytes 37 terabytes of data that was going
to prove the election fraud but in a true news interview edward zoll obtained a statement from a person at the conference who made a stunning revelation.
I'm surprised that the media has not run with what came out in that True News interview.
And basically what came out of the interview is that, first of all, the red team, the cyber team,
they weren't allowed access to 37 terabytes of data. They were only
allowed a little sliver of information. And then in that interview that Edward did,
the guest, and I'm trying to recall the name, I apologize for that, Rick,
my brain's going to freeze here, but he said, the information that we have received is corrupted.
The files are corrupted. That they have received is corrupted.
The files are corrupted.
That they had received was corrupted.
Well, then you can't present that as evidence.
Would a court accept a file that you admit is corrupted?
And so that was frustrating. When I heard that, I was like, Gordon, are you kidding me?
And that was on the third day.
And so, you know.
He kept making promises.
Tonight we're going to reveal this.
Tomorrow we're going to do this.
Thursday, the big announcement comes Thursday.
And nothing happened on each day.
Look, I don't think Mike Lindell has any credibility left on this topic.
And this, I think, is gone.
I mean, he needs to go back to making pillows,
or he needs to run for office and be a candidate in a fake election
and actually think he's going to, you know, that possibly you could win.
I think all the elections are fake now.
If there's electronic voting machines
or mail-in ballots, I'm not talking about absentee ballots, I'm talking about where
they just mail out ballots by the truckloads, you're not going to have a legitimate election
anymore. And they did show images and there was a great presentation that they did a mock election that was a highlight
for me they did a mock election showing how uh uh yes you could have the uh election machines
not connected to the internet but if they're connected to a scanner that's scanning ballots
and it's connected to the internet then the election machine is connected to the internet
they showed how you could be connected to the Internet. There was a little, you know, little pieces along the way, but it's all the little pieces that you have to dig in to find out.
Was the election fraudulent?
In my opinion, yes, it was.
How it's going to be corrected is going to take people on the county level, the state level to make those changes, Rick.
I don't see it happening. I don't see a movement of people. I don't see, to make those changes, Rick. Absolutely. I don't see it happening.
I don't see a movement of people.
I don't see people fired up for that, Rick.
I really don't, at least in my purview.
I don't see it.
No, because people don't, they can't bring themselves to admitting it's fraudulent, it's fake.
Nobody wants to admit, hey, our elections are fake.
We're just pretending that we run the country. Nobody wants to come to that place because then you have to decide what are we
going to do about it? And then when you start thinking about what you're going to do about it,
then it gets really scary. Hey, we're going to take a break. Kerry Kinsey is coming up with
more headlines when Doc and I come back. We're going to jump in and tell you about Joe Biden's extreme measures plans that the White House is considering imposing here in the USA.
Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey.
The New York Post says former President Trump lashed out at Joe Biden by email. He said tragic mess in Afghanistan, a completely open and broken border,
crime at record levels, oil prices through the roof, inflation rising and taken advantage of
by the entire world. Do you miss me yet? Fox News says former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
is also slamming Joe Biden for what's happening in Afghanistan.
He wrote this op-ed and he also said that weakness begets war.
Well, it looks like this was poor planning, poor leadership,
and that the model of deterrence that the Trump administration had in place,
that we prepared to bring the soldiers, sailors, Marines, everybody who's on the ground
there home, looks like they've not been able to execute this. Martha, you know this big strategy
depends on planning and execution. Looks like there's a bit of panic. NPR reporting that the
U.S. Embassy in Kabul has told the staff to destroy sensitive material and evacuate as most of them prepare to leave the country.
3,000 U.S. troops are on their way to the capital city.
For information on this story and more, please visit our companion site.
It's called says a Nigerian civil society organization estimates
around 43,000 Christians have been killed by Nigerian Islamic radicals in the last 12 years.
More than 18,000 Christians have permanently disappeared and 17,500 churches have been attacked. Ciro Hedge says Axios is reporting that a new preprint study shows that the Pfizer vaccine was only 42 percent effective against infection in July when the Delta variant was dominant.
A senior Biden official said, if that's not a wake up call, I don't know what is.
Fox News says a former Loudoun County, Virginia, school teacher has no regrets over her public resignation
over woke curriculum. Did you see how Laura Morris called it quits? I was told in one of my so-called
equity trainings that white Christian able-bodied females currently have the power in our schools
and that quote, this has to change. You no longer value me or many other teachers you've employed in this county so since my
contract outlines the power that you have over my employment in Loudoun
County Public Schools I thought it necessary to resign in front of you
school board I quit I quit your policies I quit your trainings and I quit being a
cog in a machine that tells me to push highly politicized agendas
on our most vulnerable constituents, the children.
I will find employment elsewhere.
I encourage all parents and staff in this county to flood the private schools.
Now, I would hazard a guess that they cut her mic at that point.
Moore said she had enough of the district's curriculum, which she argued had been injected with an emphasis on transgender and critical race theory.
Summit News says a new report by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh has found that the most highly educated Americans are also the most vaccine hesitant. Yes, they looked at five million Americans and found that there's an
association between hesitancy and education level. Peopleancy was among those holding a Ph.D. See? Our viewers are very
smart. That's a look at True News Headlines. Have a great weekend. Thank you for watching.
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God Tribe.
Yeah, God Tribe's coming this fall.
That's the thing I'm working on every day.
And we're very, very excited about it.
And a lot of you are excited about it because we're getting a great response from people. All right. We're going to talk about the Biden administration's Nazi like extreme measures that the CDC director Walensky said last week is coming is needed.
Extreme measures. Extreme measures are needed.
Well, back in the election campaign, I started talking about it in the first segment.
In the election campaign, when Joe Biden was in his basement, he said he tweeted out.
If you believe he knows how to tweet. He said, we're eight months into this pandemic and Donald Trump still doesn't have a plan to get this virus under control. I do.
Okay. So we are now eight months into the illegitimate administration of Joe Biden.
Right. And if you believe the media, the virus is worse now than it was at its peak during the days of Donald Trump.
But somehow Donald Trump is bad at it and not Joe Biden.
So, all right, that kind of sort through you.
And the Democrats were against the vaccine last year.
But this year they're for the vaccine.
But somehow Donald Trump is to be blamed for everything is going wrong.
But Joe Biden said he had a plan.
All right.
We haven't seen that plan yet,
have we?
I think we're getting ready to see the plan.
I think they're getting ready to show us.
Biden eyes tougher vaccine rules without provoking backlash.
Well, what kind of vaccine rules?
Obviously, you know, one mandatory vaccination for U.S. military.
Mandatory vaccination of federal employees.
Mandatory vaccination of all international travelers.
Well, how about mandatory vaccination to drive on an interstate highway in the USA?
And when I saw this in the article today, Rick, I hasten to recall it was just two,
maybe three months ago, you were sitting on this very set and said, you watch it.
The the government, the federal government's going to mandate vaccinations in order to use the interstate highway system.
And sure enough, in this article that is being considered. This is number nine for control.
This is in the article. Still, while more severe measures such as mandating vaccines for interstate travel are changing.
And this is also important to record and changing how the federal government reimburses treatment for those who are unvaccinated and become ill with COVID-19 have been discussed.
The administration worried that they would be too polarizing for the moment. For the moment. Let's
see what they're doing. They're floating the balloon. Yes. They want to see what kind of
reaction that they get. Now, there are two things in this quote. Interstate travel, meaning the use
of federal highways. Yes. I-70, I-10, I-20, US. 40, all the interstate highways across America.
Are they going to put federal troops on those highways?
That's the first one to discuss.
The second one is how the federal government reimburses treatment for those who are unvaccinated and become ill with COVID-19.
That's Medicare and Medicaid.
Yes, because right now, the way it stands,
the federal government pays $13,000 to a hospital through Medicare
for those that are eligible for Medicare,
pays $13,000 for a COVID patient,
and pays $39,000 for a COVID patient who goes on a ventilator. So when you start doing
the math real quick, Rick, it would be in a hospital's interest in order to have more COVID
cases and have COVID cases on ventilators. Yes. There was a monetary incentive there. Look, Obamacare, a lot of people said Obamacare was socialism.
It was not, and it is not today because we have Obamacare. It is not socialism. It's fascism.
Yes. The insurance companies are the ones who demanded Obamacare. Yes. It is fascism. The the government in partnership with corporations.
That's Obamacare. And so when you when you have the health care system become a fascist health care system.
The government is now paying for-profit hospitals.
Where did we go from non-profit community hospitals to for-profit hospitals?
Because if you're a for-profit corporation,
you've got to make a profit.
And if you're treating people, human beings,
you have to make money off their sickness yes if you want federal
government to pay you for it yes so uh and they're just saying they're that all right now if you're
unvaccinated you get covid then we're not going to send the hospital money so would a hospital be
less likely to accept you if you're unvaccinated. And there are hospitals now in the world.
It's not quite happening here in the U.S. yet, but it is happening here.
They're in France.
You try to go to a hospital unvaccinated, they won't let you in.
So that's coming here to a hospital. My guess, Doc, is that they're going to say Medicare and Medicaid will not pay the medical bills,
the hospitalization for an unvaccinated person who has COVID. But they will
then go to the place and say, we will not pay for any medical bill, whether you have COVID or not.
Right. If you're unvaccinated. Yes. That would be the extension of it. Well, let's go back to
the interstate highway idea though, Rick. So first of all, they are federal highways. Okay. They're not state highways,
they're federal highways. And they weren't really, they weren't built for the purpose of, you know,
for us just to be able to take a two day trip out to California. You know, those are just some of
the benefits of having an interstate highway system. The Eisenhower, it's called the Eisenhower
Interstate Highway System for a reason.
It was General Eisenhower who endorsed this, pushed this.
It was envisioned by him for the purpose of being able to move military throughout the country quickly.
Do you think General Eisenhower, when he entered the White House,
you know, just years after his role as the Supreme Commander in World War II,
do you think he was looking at the USA, the continental USA, and thinking,
if we had an invasion, if Russia invaded the United States,
I have no way to move troops and tanks across the country.
Right. I'm sure that's part of the math that was
into play there because in the past, they either had to move them by rail or by ship,
troop carriers, tanks, things like that. You couldn't haul them on the highways. The roads
couldn't take it. They weren't even up to speed for that. And so the interstate highway system
was devised as a military plan.
OK, now there are benefits of some military plans. In this case, you can drive to up to New York, you know, in 17 hours from Florida.
OK, I grew up in a house along U.S. 40.
All right.
That was the interstate highway.
A two lane highway.
You could go from the East Coast to the West Coast in the U.S. 40, but it was a two-lane highway.
And there were houses and farms on each side.
So young Americans today, you really can't imagine what the transportation system was like in the 50s and 60s.
Not that long ago.
You didn't have these vast interstate networks.
So if Joe Biden issues a decree, because that's all it is.
The emperor's decree that no unvaccinated person can use an interstate highway.
How does he enforce it?
He has to use the military to do it.
There has to be checkpoints on the interstate,
on the exits and everything.
You can't get on the exit
unless you can prove that you're vaccinated.
That's the only way to do it.
Because the police, there are no federal police.
I mean, the FBI,
but the FBI is not going to have patrol cars.
They're not going to be out on the highways
in all 50 states. So you're right. The only enforcement mechanism would be the military.
Right. And it is a military highway system. Now, this isn't without precedence, Rick. I mean,
we have roads here in the U.S. called King's Highways. You've seen them. We've got one here in Florida.
And King's Highways were initially set up.
They're all over Europe, and there's a few here in the U.S., especially along the East Coast,
where the king established a road to connect one part of his land to another.
And only certain people were allowed on the king's highway.
There was usually a toll involved, but there usually was more than that involved.
You had to be someone either military, you served the king, or you had to be someone that was
accepted by the king to use the king's highway. Peasants weren't allowed to use the king's highway.
Those that weren't in with the king's program weren't allowed to use the King's Highway. Those that weren't in with
the King's program weren't allowed to use the highway. King's Highway still exists today.
You know, they basically county or state roads now. But, you know, during the Middle Ages and
even up until, you know, the founding of our nation, there were King's Highways.
This is what we're seeing now. Only the privileged and
only the authorized will have access now to transportation on a readily available and easy
to use interstate highway system. Can I deduct from my income taxes the amount that goes to
highways? You can try. How about the gas pump? I'm paying taxes for highways. Now, that's a good point. You know,
where 75% of the cost of gasoline is taxes. Yeah, can I get a rebate? Since you're not using the
highway, you're not authorized to use the highway. On a serious note, will General Milley call out
troops? That's the only way to enforce it, Rick. I mean, really, can you imagine, all right, you're traveling on,
let's say you're in the free state of Florida,
and here in Florida you can, you know,
you're trying to get onto I-95 here in Vero,
but there's military police sitting on the exit,
and they're saying, you cannot access this exit
unless you can show proof of vaccination.
But I have to go on the interstate to get to my house.
Well, you'd have to find another way home.
I mean, that's the reality.
I don't have a right as a citizen.
You see where we're at in this country?
There are two classes of citizens.
The needle Nazis are locking down America.
I never imagined that America would be overthrown with a needle.
Just a needle.
A little piece of metal.
That's what they're doing.
They have taken down the United States of America with a needle, with a virus.
And this is being orchestrated out of Beijing.
And the man in the White House is compromised and owned by Beijing
because his son is corrupt and Biden is corrupt and Beijing is calling the shots and we're locked
there. Beijing is locking down the USA. Doc, this is the reality of it. We're being locked down by
a foreign country. Yes. When when Biden says has a two-hour conversation with Xi Jinping, he's taking notes.
He is.
Or receiving orders.
That's what I mean.
That's what I mean.
Xi Jinping is giving him the orders.
The country is being taken over from within, but orchestrated by a power without.
And now they're saying, we're going to take away your rights to travel.
And see, then it'll be not that you can't travel state to state,
but you can't travel in state.
And then you can't travel county to county.
You can't, then it'll be, you can't leave your city.
Now you can't leave your neighborhood.
And just keep, you know, putting you in the smaller and smaller ghetto until, hey, you can't live.
Until you submit.
That's what they're working on right now.
And Mr. Biden says, well, hoping not to provoke a backlash.
What do you think, Doc?
If he locks down the highways, will there be a backlash?
You know, Rick, I would hope there would be enough
patriot-loving Americans that would respond to it.
But I just don't know anymore.
I really don't know anymore. I really don't.
You know, and if we do,
if Americans do decide to do something,
they have to go all in.
They can't go, you know, a little bit in.
They have to go all in.
And President Biden's made it clear.
If you decide to go all in,
we've got the nukes and we got the jets.
What do you got?
Yeah. There's's 100 million people
with 30-odd-cent rifles and pistols,
and God bless America for having them.
I'm a concealed carry permit holder myself.
I protect myself.
I believe in protecting myself,
but can I protect myself against a nuke?
When will they start canceling concealed carry permits
because you're not vaccinated?
I could see states start doing that.
Because they would question your mental fitness for refusing the vaccine.
And in most states now, if your mental fitness is questioned, they can deny you a permit to carry a weapon. So... Look, our Marxist ag commissioner here in Florida,
Nikki Freed, who is the only leftist socialist
elected statewide in Florida,
the agricultural commissioner in the state of Florida
is the government official
that issues concealed carry permits.
So we have a leftist Marxist that's issuing the concealed carry permits in the state of Florida.
And our good friend, Big Jim Shaw, the worm man, is running for ag commissioner.
That's right. revoked the concealed carry permit of 20-some Florida citizens
who attended President Trump's rally on January 6th.
Not who went into the Capitol building.
No, just attended the rally.
Attended the rally.
They lost their concealed carry permit for being at the president's rally.
So they are weaponizing the concealed carry permits.
Yes. Pardon the pun. Yes. All right.
I want to get to some other COVID news.
The Washington Post reporting that the World Health Organization scientist says Chinese officials pressured investigation to drop the lab leak hypothesis.
Is that a shock?
What a shocking story.
Can you imagine that?
The Chinese pressured the World Health Organization not to say Wuhan.
It just finally came out in the Washington Post.
Will the Washington Post apologize to all of us
who said last year that China was covering up
the truth about coronavirus?
So there was a deal made.
The World Health Organization made the deal.
Not to mention a lab leak.
In fact, to push away from it.
In a quote from that, it said, in the beginning, they didn't want anything about the lab in the report because it was impossible.
So there was no need to waste time on that, right?
So we insisted on including it because it was part of it was very unlikely that the virus, officially named SARS-CoV-2, could have accidentally leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology
or another facility in the Chinese city where infections were first found.
The joint team of researchers said it would not recommend further investigation.
A discussion of whether to include the lab leak theory at all lasted until 48 hours
before the conclusion of the
mission wouldn't even consider it Rick in the end the Chinese counterpart to
the official for the WHO eventually agreed to discuss the lab leak theory in
the report on the condition we didn't recommend any specific studies to
further that hypothesis so we can talk about, but don't think too hard about it. OK, don't discuss
anything further about it because we don't want this theory to even be discussed. So China was
ordering the WHO. You can't even say in the report that coronavirus escape from may have escaped from Wuhan. And then they ended up agreeing that they could say
Wuhan in the report
but not
ask for any more
investigations. Right.
Don't even think about it.
Just put it out of your mind.
Wow. And here we are a year and a half
into this. And where
are we at right now? Joe Biden is
thinking about shutting down the interstate highways. This is where we're at right now? Joe Biden is thinking about shutting down the interstate highways.
This is where we're at right now. Philadelphia, the mayor says, if if you aren't vaccinated, you're going to have to wear two masks.
This is where we're at right now. The needle Nazis are on the march. Boston, NBC TV, Boston, nearly 10,000 breakthrough COVID cases reported in Massachusetts.
Over 100 have died.
What does this mean?
10,000 citizens of Massachusetts who are fully vaccinated have been infected with COVID.
And 100 of those fully vaccinated people have died.
And in the last week, Rick, over 2,000 new breakthrough cases.
Just in the past week, these are infections of people who have been vaccinated.
And that 100 who have died, think about this, Rick, that's a 1% mortality rate.
That's higher than just COVID by itself.
Because COVID by itself only has a 0.6 mortality rate.
So you're at a greater risk of dying from COVID if you're vaccinated.
That's what this just said.
I'm telling you, you can get COVID and survive if you call on the name of the Lord Jesus
You can survive.
I know that for a fact.
CNBC, could vaccine mandates in job listings,
or COVID vaccine mandates in job listings jump 34%.
So now employers are requiring candidates for jobs.
We have jobs going out the gazoo here, Rick.
I mean, we can't fill the jobs, right?
But you're going to make it more difficult.
You're going to make it harder for people to even get the job because they're going to require you to be vaccinated before you start the job.
I don't see how they can legally mandate this, but they are using laws from back during the Spanish flu epidemic where
that they said, yeah, we can do this. Okay. But the Spanish flu, I mean, we are talking about a
mortality rate of five to 10%. We're not talking about a 0.6 mortality rate of people who have,
mainly of people who are out of the workforce. You know, I think people would be more conducive to being vaccinated
if we didn't know so much about the vaccines.
That's right.
But we do know.
We do know about the vaccines.
And they're not safe.
They're very dangerous.
And in my opinion, ethically wrong.
We talked about the possibility that Medicare
could be denied for not having a vaccination. Well, what about unemployment benefits?
That's right. In this article, this is from WSA TV 9, they did their fact checking on this and
said, yes, if you are fired for not getting a required vaccine, you can be denied unemployment benefits.
So if you get fired because you would not get the vaccine, and by the way,
we saw another article today, the religious exemption is probably going to fail 99% of the
time. Oh yeah, they plan to remove that. Yeah. So the religious exemption is not going to work.
And so those that are out there putting out the letters and stuff, we've been hesitant to do anything like that because the federal government, they're going to get rid of that.
Well, they can't stand religious exemptions.
If the Christian presents a legitimate religious exemption, they will stand.
What the article was talking about were flimsy written documents that were not from a legitimate church.
And so that's that's what you have to have.
You need you need to make sure you have a legitimate religious exemption.
Justice Amy Coney Barrett denied a request by Indiana University students
to block a mandatory vaccine mandate.
There you go.
There's a Trump Supreme Court appointee.
Amy COVID Barrett.
Oh, Coney Barrett.
Amy COVID Barrett.
Put in the Supreme Court by Donald Trump.
Mr. Vaccine himself.
Trump scene.
Remember the Rose Garden event where we welcomed Amy Coney Barrett into the fold and everything?
All the evangelicals that had the four rows of seats and everything.
They've overturned Roe v. Wade, haven't they, by now?
No, not this week.
But don't count on the Trump Supreme Court nominees to back you.
She's not going to do it.
And the FDA is also saying a third vaccination shot is now necessary for people with with compromised immune systems, which will soon be everybody who's taken the vaccine.
Oh, boy, if you want to compromise your vaccine, your immune system, get vaccinated, you you will have an immunity problem.
There is so much here that we could talk about.
But you get to you get the picture of where this is going. They are using coronavirus as a way to overthrow the Constitutional Republic of the
United States of America. That's it for today. God bless you. Turn to Jesus Christ. He's our
only hope. We'll see you next week.
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