TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - New Yorkers need vaccine passport to enter places

Episode Date: August 3, 2021

Today on TruNews, the team provides the latest updates on the Pentagon shooting, as Blackhawk helicopters circle the US Capitol city. As the federal backs down on vaccine mandates, cities are ramping... up new lockdowns, such as in Wuhan, to new efforts to implement vaccine passports in Mayor De Blasio’s New York City. Edward and Lauren speak to AZ state senator Wendy Rogers for the latest updates on the Maricopa County election audit. America’s Voice reporter Ben Bergquam provides updates on the immigration invasion. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Raymond Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (8/03/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit Welcome to True News, I'm Edward Saul. Today, gunshots were heard outside the Pentagon. New York has become the first state to implement a vaccine passport. And North Korea may have tested an ICBM. We'll have more on these stories in just a moment. But first, here is Kerry Kinsey, today's True News Headlines.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. CNN says a top RNC official in Florida has spread anti-vaccine rhetoric. The network says on his personal blog, Peter Feeman compared the Biden administration's vaccine efforts to Nazi-era brown shirts and twice called the vaccines the mark of the beast. The Hill dot com says there's a new poll out about who's responsible for the rise in covid cases in the US. And it's no surprise lots of fingers are being pointed at the unvaccinated. Overwhelming majority of vaccinated Americans blame those who are unvaccinated for a recent spike in coronavirus cases nationwide, according to a new poll. Approximately four out of five vaccinated respondents, 79%, point to the unvaccinated for the rising cases, the Axios Ipsos Coronavirus Index poll found. Just more than one-third of all vaccinated Americans, 36 percent, also point to former President Trump, while 33 percent blame conservative media and 30 percent say people from other countries traveling to the United States are responsible. Now the poll shows that 21 percent
Starting point is 00:01:57 say it's President Biden's fault. The poll was conducted among almost 1,000 adults. For information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's Reuters says Australia's Queensland state is extending a COVID lockdown in Brisbane and soldiers are patrolling Sydney to enforce stay-at-home rules. This as officials say they're struggling to keep the Delta variant from spreading. Aussies are also testing out technology that can ID people and know when they're breaking social distancing rules. Griffith University researchers creating a computer program that can be linked up to security cameras. It identifies human shapes, monitoring how close
Starting point is 00:02:44 together they are. Privacy was paramount in this week-long trial, so no one was identified. People are represented as dots on a screen. Their IDs are not recorded. Green means social distancing is being adhered to. Red is a breach. So not only can businesses see when there are breaches, they can also identify spaces within venues where rule breaking takes place, where more signage or physical barriers are needed. And here's a shocking experiment carried out by Mark Dice. Now, he asked people in San Diego if they would sign a petition supporting the arrest and detention of all unvaccinated adults until they agree to take the jab.
Starting point is 00:03:31 As you know, there's a growing controversy about mandatory vaccinations. And I want to see if Americans are willing to arrest those others who refuse to take this coronavirus vaccine, violating the most fundamental rights of one's personal liberty. You know, a lot of people still haven't taken the vaccine with everything that's going on, so we're trying to mandate the vaccination. We want to start arresting them if they're not going to be taking that. Are you kidding me? That's what the petition is for. Oh, man, that's fascism, man. Quick, we support mandating the vaccine. A lot of people still refusing to take it and they're putting the rest of us at risk. So we're going to start mandating the vaccine or start arresting these anti-vaxxers if they're
Starting point is 00:04:11 not going to follow the rules. Birth date and a signature. I don't want to hear any of this my body, my choice stuff in today's new world order. Now, granted, we are talking about California, but it was amazing how many people were okay with this. Scary, really. That's a look at True News Headlines. Thank you for watching. A lot of exciting projects are underway here at Flowing Streams. Most of you know us through True News, the most watched Christian news and analysis program in the world, and always from a conservative, traditional, biblical worldview. Over two decades of continuous broadcasting and streaming have not been easy, but they have been productive and rewarding. Only God in heaven knows how many lost souls have come to Jesus Christ through this news program. In addition
Starting point is 00:05:14 to True News, thousands of people around the world each week join us for our digital New Zion Assembly Church service. And tens of thousands of people are blessed by Prazer, our digital music streaming service. And I'll let you in on a secret. Prazer will take a big leap forward this fall. Watch for the all-new Prazer coming soon to your phone. Moreover, thousands of people watch Sacrificing Liberty, our first film.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Likewise, my book Final Day has been read by thousands of people and it has changed the way they think about the second coming of Jesus Christ. Now we are ready to launch our biggest project ever. It's called God Tribe. It is an exciting new digital platform for young Christian men to encourage each other in the Christian faith and grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus Christ. And I'll tell you more about God Tribe in the weeks ahead. Welcome back to True News. We have in studio with us a freshly minted doctor and, of course, our founder, Rick Wallace. Hey, Doc, congratulations. Thank you, sir.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Appreciate that. Tell our audience your accomplishment. I worked, you know, I love working here. But Rick afforded me the opportunity to be able to pursue additional educational opportunities. And so for the past couple of years, I've been working on my doctor of ministry degree. And so I graduated this past Sunday afternoon with my diploma.
Starting point is 00:06:58 I actually finished my work last summer and was supposed to graduate last summer, but the stupid virus kept postponing everything until finally they said, we can't put this off any longer. And so we had the opportunity up in Excelsior Springs, Missouri to finally walk the line. And so I made sure when they're new, how much appreciated the opportunity to be serving
Starting point is 00:07:24 in ministry here alongside you gentlemen, and that I hope that my educational efforts would be a big plus for here. Absolutely. The Lord has me for now. We're very proud, Doc. I appreciate it. Thank you, sir. We celebrate with you.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Thank you. We rejoice. All right, Edward, we've got a packed program here today. A lot happening. Doctors. A gunfight at the Pentagon today. Outside the Pentagon. Yes, this is actually by the Pentagon Transit Center.
Starting point is 00:07:59 This is where you use the travel if you're taking the bus line or the train line to the Pentagon for work. This morning, there was a stabbing of a police officer. This is of an officer who's attached to the Pentagon. The suspect, which they have not named, was shot to death. Police officer has died and gunshots were heard. In addition to this, blackhawks were seen at the time of the shooting. We were watching this story develop live. These were flying right as the shooting was both heard and being reported on by other journalists who were in the area,
Starting point is 00:08:34 especially those assigned to the Pentagon. It was quite a way to start the day. You said the police officer was stabbed. Yes. The reports I read was that he was shot. Yes, the initial reports were wrong. They now are saying he was stabbed. Yes. The reports I read was that he was shot. Yes, the initial reports were wrong. They now are saying he was stabbed to death. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Well, what about the other victims? The other victims have been transported. They haven't said if they were shot or stabbed. They're just saying they're sustained injuries and they've been treated. Because witnesses said multiple victims may have arrived. But it's all... There's hardly any reporting about the details.
Starting point is 00:09:09 I mean, you can find reports that there was an incident. The Pentagon is calling it, I'm trying to remember the... Workplace violence? Yeah, it wasn't workplace violence, but violence was in the term. So they're not calling it an active shooter or somebody with a knife. There's very few details about it. What I've learned about it is mostly from local Washington, D.C. radio stations, TV stations, newspapers. But when I see that, you know, that clampdown on details, that makes me wonder what is really going on. Right. Now, Edward, the WTOP report there said one dead, but you're saying it's two that's dead, the suspect and an officer. Is that correct?
Starting point is 00:09:59 That's what I've read. The police officer is officially confirmed dead, but the suspect was shot. And what I've read is fatal. He could be alive still, but as I said, the reports are being corrected. As, for example, initially the report was the officer was shot. That was not correct. He was stabbed to death. But this is at the center of America's defense structure. Why would helicopters be called out to fly around the Capitol, around near the Pentagon, over a stabbing.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Or what would appear to be just a minor incident. I mean, unless there was more to the story, as you suggest, Rick. But you've seen this before, haven't you? Yes. And one incident that came to my mind today was, this is some years ago, I'm guessing maybe, probably sometime before 2008, 2006, 2007, something like that. And there was a shooting incident at the Capitol. I heard a report of it. I was sitting in my office. I turned on the television, and I don't remember the network I was watching at the time.
Starting point is 00:11:05 So I had the television news network on, but I also had on my computer- Local radio? Local radio from Washington, D.C. So I'm watching the television, and they're saying there was a commotion at the Capitol today. There were some noises that some people thought were gunfire. Turned out it wasn't. And at the same time that this network television reporter is telling the country, oh, no big deal, just mistaken identity. The radio reporter says, they're bringing a stretcher out now.
Starting point is 00:11:44 There's a body on a stretcher. The body is covered up. I don't know if it's a man or woman. I'll never forget that. It's like I'm getting two different reports at the same time. There's nothing happening, and there's a body on a stretcher. That story disappeared, and we never heard anything about it. There was another one where a member of the Congress heard gunshots in the Capitol parking lot.
Starting point is 00:12:09 I remember that. The parking garage. Yes. And the congressman was retired military. The Capitol Police and the FBI tried to say it was jackhammers or something like that. And he said, look, I've served in the military. I know the sound of gunfire. There was gunfire in the parking garage.
Starting point is 00:12:31 But the official law enforcement explanation was, no, it was just, it was a jackhammer. Well, remember the story from just a few months ago, the CIA shooting right at the entrance of the CIA building. You don't hear about that anymore, do you? We never heard any details of it. Think about it. That day, it took us a little bit to confirm it was taking place. Same case in this manner. It was being downplayed by most of the national media. But that incident and today's incident show you that there's much more going on in the Capitol than lets on. But you asked about the helicopters. I don't know exactly how the Pentagon was using them, but we do know how they're being used in Australia. Right now, Australia has gone into their own version of a lockdown over approximately a thousand dead,
Starting point is 00:13:13 about 34,000 infections of both COVID and this new Delta and Delta Plus variant. The helicopters in Australia are being used to police beaches, being used to police open public spaces. If you're out and about, you'll get buzzed by these helicopters. They'll use the loudspeaker. They'll basically interrupt what you're doing to tell you could be arrested. You could be fined. Currently, it's a $500 fine. I'm not sure how many are going to take a helicopter flying literally maybe 500 meters away from you this seriously. Many people just carried on doing what they're doing. But they do notify them. Local police have been dispatched once they've watched and found the targets. But there
Starting point is 00:13:55 are Australian troops patrolling Australian streets with the police officers to enforce a lockdown. Let me ask you gentlemen something. What's the impact of seeing the military walking up and down your street acting as police, just generally? You've entered a police state. Right. You're under martial law.
Starting point is 00:14:20 That's what martial law is. It's military taking on the role of law enforcement. Now, I get an email today, and I forgot. I didn't bring it out. A brother in Australia, thank you for sending it. I don't recall your name. But a true news fan in Australia sent me an email today and told me that the Australian Parliament late last year passed a bill in their Defense Authorization Act that authorizes foreign troops to be on the soil of Australia for the purpose of helping Australian soldiers during times of emergency. And COVID was one of the emergencies.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Right. Two of them they listed was Operation Bushfire, and the other one was Operation COVID-19. And so that was specifically in the bill last year. And we found discussion in Australian news, we found discussion of that bill in limited form in Australian newspapers from last year. We can't find anything about it now. It was like extremely suppressed news in Australia that the parliament authorized foreign troops to come into Australia. What is going to happen here in the United States? Are we going to see foreign troops in the United States?
Starting point is 00:15:48 Well, maybe a better question to ask, first of all, Rick, is why would they use foreign troops as opposed to Australian troops? Because foreign troops don't have any problems shooting Australians. That's it right there. Yes. Foreign troops don't have a loyalty to the local population. Right. The way policemen may or the domestic army. So likewise, if foreign troops were used here on U.S. soil, which, I mean, if you would
Starting point is 00:16:13 have told me last year that they would use foreign troops on Australians soil, I'd say, but you, that can't be true. But if we were to use foreign troops on U.S. soil, the same reasoning applies, right? Yeah. But Doc, after 9-11, George Bush brought in German troops in America. That's true. We had German fighter pilots flying military aircraft over the USA.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Was that part of Operation Paperclip? No, no, no, no. This was immediately after 9-11. I mean, the first several weeks. Yes, the first several weeks after 9-11, we had German troops in America. So there's something psychological about, you know, American soldiers, American policemen, you know, having to chase down Americans. But, you know, someone from another country wouldn't have any qualms with arresting an American citizen or, God forbid, gunning down an American citizen. So it's frightening enough that you have military troops on the streets being law enforcement officers.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Right. But you take it to the next level and they're foreign troops. Yes. Now that becomes very terrifying. This is where the world is moving right now. Yes, especially as we go into this new wave of COVID lockdowns and responses that are going to require both police and potentially military to check up on citizens, at least the mindset of the leaders.
Starting point is 00:17:36 One city in America, New York City, residents, about 8 million people now, woke up and found out they're going to need to get a vaccine passport, something we were told in America would never be mandated, something you wouldn't ever see. It was a conspiracy theory. Well, it's not a conspiracy theory for workers in New York City who want to enter buildings, want to enter indoor settings, especially restaurants.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Restaurants, gymnasiums, theaters, any place where more than one person congregates. This is the new normal in New York City. Where are your papers? Yes. You have to prove that you've been vaccinated or you cannot dine in a restaurant. You cannot go to a show.
Starting point is 00:18:18 You cannot work out in the gym. And de Blasio said that there would be more venues added to to the list of restrictions. Well, besides indoors, the only other venues are outdoors then. Right. So so who is enforcing this? Are we going to have a policeman in every restaurant in New York? He said that there's an enforcement mechanism being set up now. So the enforcement mechanism is probably going to be on the shopkeeper, the restaurant owner, something like that, you think? Obviously, they will put the pressure on them saying, we will fine you. We will take away your business license.
Starting point is 00:19:07 We will shut you down if we catch an unvaccinated person inside your business. So by extension, does that make a retail shop owner or restaurant owner an extension of the enforcement arm of the police? Yes. What did Whitmer do in Michigan? Restaurant owners had to gather the names and addresses of the diners and give them to the police. And I think that when you look at this, how is this not going to be used for building out the contact tracing applications that they have in place? First of all, the notion that you could stop someone from going into any place, let's say it's even an apartment building,
Starting point is 00:19:36 let's say it's more than just restaurants, you're talking about shopping. Now they're saying shopping has not been included yet. So it means grocery shopping may be among this in the future. What if you're, because of a health issue, a mineral compromise, for example, that you can't take the vaccine, that they're actually recommending you avoid it. Are they going to say there's an exemption? Or now you're going to have to permanently
Starting point is 00:19:59 have someone else shop for you? That let alone, had they said anything about religious exemptions? There's talk of this, what do they do, a vaccine requirement or vaccine passport, but that wasn't de Blasio, the mayor's lead. He said, we've got to shake people. We've got to shake them. We tried to convince you when it was voluntary. It's mandatory now because you didn't listen. He's going to shake and bake them is what he's going to do. So what does this
Starting point is 00:20:24 proof of vaccination look like? Do you have to carry papers around with you? I mean, what does it look like? It's a phone app. An app on your phone. And you take a photograph of your vaccination paper. Okay, well, how would anyone know that's genuine? Well, for right now, they don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I mean, do you think that there are fake ID documents in New York City? Oh, bless my soul, surely not. There surely aren't any fake documents in New York. You can buy them on the corner of most streets. No, they know that. They're setting the stage for a more draconian system. Eventually where this is going is, is a skin tattoo, some type of mark, a permanent mark on or in your body. That you can be able to say to that person, he has been vaccinated, that everyone would know. Yes. In the revelation of Jesus Christ,
Starting point is 00:21:26 what does the Bible say about the mark of the beast? That if you do not have the mark of the beast, you cannot what? You can't buy or sell. You cannot buy or sell. Listen to de Blasio. Quote, if you want to participate in society fully, you've got to be vaccinated. End of quote. And one way we participate in society is by buying things like groceries, meals, time at the fitness center and selling products, selling, including, you know, marketing our services, working at an hourly wage, that's selling ourselves, selling our time. So we would be
Starting point is 00:22:10 able to neither buy anything nor work nor access things. We won't be able to access society is what Bill de Blasio is saying. So I'm not saying the vaccine is the mark of the beast. I'm saying the enforcement mechanism is becoming the foundation for the mark of the beast. If they succeed at requiring vaccination in order to just live. Right. Now, or to buy food, to do the most basic things in life. We've seen prominent people call for
Starting point is 00:22:48 people to be denied medical service in hospitals and doctors if they're not vaccinated. I mean, this is the talk of a madman. When he reached that stage say i would rather that these people die than they refuse to do what i tell them to do so we're we're moving quickly into um a world where the next step will be you have to be marked there has to be a physical mark on your body in your body someplace that we know it's you. And that you're allowed to participate in society. And you're allowed to participate in society. It's interesting he used those very words, that you're allowed to participate in our society.
Starting point is 00:23:36 And so one of the things that struck me as part of this mandate that they're rolling out is they're not going to start enforcing this until the middle of August. It's not immediate. Well, this is only a few days away. I think they're going to September. Really? Yeah. I thought middle of August was what I'd seen.
Starting point is 00:23:56 But either way, middle of August or September, does that mean that we get a pass between now and then? Okay, so the initiative will launch August 16 and enforcement begins September 13. OK, so that just tells me they're they're not serious about it at all right now anyway, because if it was a true pandemic. True. Let's say we have a smallpox pandemic going on. OK, they wouldn't give you another month. That's right. It'd be today. Right. They wouldn't say you got two weeks to start doing this in a month before we enforce it. de Blasio is very open about why he's doing it. He said, we want more vaccination. It has nothing to do with, um, the protection of the people. It has to do with...
Starting point is 00:24:45 Getting the vaccination numbers up. Yes. There's a sizable portion of the population that will not submit. And so, therefore, we're going to make it painful on everybody. Right. This group of people won't participate, so we're going to punish everybody. Yes. But the people who get punished the most will be those who don't participate. It's going to cost you something.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Now, while he's laying out the groundwork to persecute his own constituents, the people he's supposed to be representing, there appears to be a two-tier system developing in the country for those who get to not wear masks, those who get to skirt rules. I mean, one of the biggest offenders, or at least preparing to offend in this case, is the former president, Barack Obama. He's inviting residents and elite from all around the country to go to Martha's Vineyard. And he's going to hold this birthday bash. They're going to do it outdoors. You know, this seems to be the excuse for not wearing masks. He said they're going to do tests on site. They're just hoping everyone shows up vaccinated. They'll have a check in place.
Starting point is 00:25:48 But there's no decreeing this is a super spreader event. There's no attack on this event. Because just like with the vaccine passport in New York City, it's almost as if they don't take their own propaganda seriously. I thought right now we're in a crazy pandemic. I thought we're in this situation. We're all about to die. They take their propaganda seriously, but they know it's propaganda. He's not bothered about anything. Right. So the media has got to decide, what do we do? Do we criticize Obama and his birthday party with 500 people? What if Donald Trump had a massive party with 500 people?
Starting point is 00:26:31 They'd be calling it Trump's super spreader event. Absolutely. But Obama gets away with it. You know, Biden had a thousand people at his July 4th event. Yes. The day after the day after he told America, you can gather in small groups for 4th of July, just small groups. And then the very next day he did a thousand people in the White House. Hey, I just came across this, guys. Let me pull this up. Reuters is reporting today U.S. military braces for mandatory COVID-19 vaccines. We'll kind of see that coming.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Yes. And if you follow the story, because it's not saying that they're going to make this decision now. It says, with the Delta variant surging, the Pentagon appears poised to do something it has not so far done. Mandate vaccinations. Officials tell Reuters a decision could come within days. Right now, I think what you're going to see in the next few days from the Pentagon is not going to be an order that every soldier has to be vaccinated starting Monday or something like that. I think Secretary Alston is going to issue the order to the generals, prepare your forces for mandatory vaccination.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Separate those who are vaccinated from the unvaccinated? Well, I think they're going to maybe prepare the system, prepare how you're going to carry out my order. My order is coming. Your immediate order is to prepare your plans for how you will implement my mandatory vaccination order. And really, they need to plan on not distributing the vaccine because the Army, if there's one thing they know how to do well,
Starting point is 00:28:28 and that's distribute vaccines. Edward and I know that. The real question is, how are they going to encourage the resistors to get vaccinated? So, Rick, let me ask you a question as a pastor. We have viewers all over the world, and know, and many are in the military. They're stationed different places around the world. And if a soldier wanted to serve his country, wanted to serve in the military, wanted to be loyal to defending his family and home, came to you and said, listen, I've got a tough choice to make. What do I do?
Starting point is 00:29:07 They're ordering me to get vaccinated. I either have to disobey that order or leave the military. I know it's a tough question, Rick, but what would you say to someone like that? Follow your conscience. Do what you think is right, no matter the price you pay. Do what you think is right for yourself and your family. I'm not anti-vaccine, but I am anti-COVID vaccine because I've never seen anything so wicked and evil in my life.
Starting point is 00:29:37 I agree. Never seen anything like this. And the madness to force the world to receive it. And then you put that together with the vaccine passports and the social credit scores. Yes. And you see the foundation of the mark of the beast system. And that's what bothers me.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Personally, Doc, it doesn't matter to me if I'm in the military or civilian. I'm not taking the vaccine. Neither am I. Period. In the discussion, I'm not doing it. So I'm not telling anybody what they should do. That's your own personal choice. I'm just telling you, I would not take the vaccine. And
Starting point is 00:30:27 if it meant I'm being court-martialed, if I'm being booted out of the military, okay, so be it. That's what it is. I am not going to submit to their system. And clearly, by looking at examples like what we covered yesterday with Lindsey Graham and the other senators who were partying with him on Joe Manchin's boat, a story we kind of previewed yesterday, the vaccine itself doesn't protect you from getting infected. At a base level, people who are getting the vaccine are still getting the virus. They're still having to wear masks. They're still having to quarantine. The only changes is that you submitted. It's on record that you've submitted.
Starting point is 00:31:08 And whatever is in that vaccine, they got it into your body. That's what worries me, especially the Moderna vaccine, the messenger RNA, which to me, it's just scary that we have finally reached that time when vaccines are being administered to people that take control of their body cells. Yes. And it's limited how long we'll even be allowed to say that or be heard. Because, Rick, the move is finally coming for the remaining platforms which have this information available. One of the outlets, Twitter, you could still tweet about some of the side effects, could tweet about what you just said about the contents of them. But Twitter just
Starting point is 00:31:56 signed an official deal with Reuters and AP yesterday. And those agencies will be the gold standard of what's true and what's misinformation on their platform. And guess what? If you're a doctor who's posting any objection to that, well, they've already started working on taking away the medical license of those doctors. That's according to Becker's health hospital review. This is a well-known industry, basically health outlet. This is the future. Edward, have we not entered a Nazi world? I mean, what is this? Where are we? Medical doctors are being stripped of their license if they speak a warning against a
Starting point is 00:32:40 substance that is hurting people? That's the way we are right now. Where are we right now? It's the hypocritical oath they're trying to get people to take. They're not putting people's health first. And that's what you noted is the health first. No, they're putting people's deaths first. People's deaths first. Right?
Starting point is 00:32:57 This is evil. These people at the top of this country are wicked and evil. I have no respect for them. I have nothing good to say about them. We'll cover this in the next segment. I was a rageaholic, I was an alcoholic, and I was a sex addict. You have to understand the addictive dynamics
Starting point is 00:33:23 that you're fighting. You will renew the structure of your mind the conquer series is the most successful small group series ever made and we're just getting started we spent the past seven years working on something that will totally transform the church. Wounded and broken people are flooding our pews, enslaved to addictions, marriages, families, lives are falling apart. So we decided to come alongside the church and do something about it. It's called Soul Refiner. We're putting something big in small groups. Hey!
Starting point is 00:34:13 You have been prisoners long enough. How much longer are you going to let those chains bind you? This is a turnkey ministry for your church, a powerful tool to help people deal with life's deepest struggles. is a website where you or your church can stream cinematic small group videos that focus on lifelong healing and freedom. We're not going for short-term band-aid stuff. We're going for permanent leadership. We've gathered the top Christian teachers and experts and created original content to provide answers and solutions to the tough and messy issues of life.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Sometimes we bring some things into our families that maybe shouldn't be there. I had to face it. I had to do the hard stuff today. I can teach you all kinds of parenting techniques, but the key is you need to be a healthy person. Let's make church the place where you heal from whatever life throws at you. No fluff, no cheese. Jesus didn't die on the cross to give us the ability to cope. He died on the cross to give us the ability to conquer.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Grace covers our sins, but it doesn't take away our problems. is more than a website where you can stream cinematic small group series on inner healing. It's a platform for you to safely and easily create, manage, and lead groups. Learn together, hold each other accountable, track progress, and experience true discipleship. Anywhere, anytime, on any device. The essence of Soul Refiner is sanctification. It's to disciple men, women, and children to become conquerors, overcomers, and leaders in Christ.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Transformation happens by the renewing of the mind. If you want God to do something new, you have to have a different approach. We hope you'll join us. Let's bring healing to the broken and freedom to the captives. Whom the sun sets free is free indeed! Sign up at, where true transformation begins in the refiner's fire. Welcome back to True News. In this last segment, we spoke about the push toward vaccine passports, not just in New York City, but around the world. There's discussions of vaccine passports, not mandates yet, but they want documentation.
Starting point is 00:36:53 While this discussion is carrying on, there is not any steps being taken to deal with hacking in hospitals. If this is not propaganda, there's a story that's come out of California that the very tubes being placed into those being placed in hospital, Rick, are hackable. That someone could take over a ventilation tube while someone's being intimidated, someone's being treated, and send that tube into overflow, injuring, maybe even killing a patient. It goes even worse, Edward. Implantable devices in patients can be hacked. Like a pacemaker or an insulin monitor that a lot of people have nowadays that are inserted internally and can be accessed with an app?
Starting point is 00:37:31 Yes. So those are hackable? Or a device that's injecting medicine into the patient at certain intervals. There's a hackable now. I have a relative that has an implant on their brain and it's controlled through their phone. Can you imagine someone being able to hack their phone and be able to maybe control that implant?
Starting point is 00:37:55 I mean, if that's the level of technology we're even at right now, imagine where we will be five, ten years from now. That's right. That's right. Very scary world that we've entered. Well, you mentioned implants and the possibility of implants and controlling people. There's been a weird spot noticed on the back of Kim Jong-un's head. Now, I'm not saying this is an implant or microchip or whatever it could be here, but there's clearly a Band-Aid and a blue scar on the back of the dictator of North Korea. What do you think this is?
Starting point is 00:38:28 Oh, they probably inserted new batteries. Look, I'm not even convinced all of these world leaders are human. We're in such a bizarre world. It's bizarre and strange. Obviously, he has something wrong with the back of his skull, whether it's a growth, a cancer tumor, some type of growth, or they cut open his skull. I don't know, but it is visible. And Asian news outlets are talking about it. He's been very invisible himself for quite some time. And that's led to speculation about even if this picture,
Starting point is 00:39:21 is that even Kim Jong-un right now? Because there is speculation out there that maybe he has already been replaced because of the prominence of his sister in diplomatic relations and in announcements and things like that. So he seems to be running the show. Right. Now, Edward brought up something earlier today that his grandfather suffered a similar condition that led to his death.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Is that right? Yes. Kim Il-sung had a calcium deposit tumor on the back of his head prior to the death from this cancer in the 90s, 1994. And there was a doctor interviewed by Joang Daily that said it's possible that's what's developed on the back of Kim Jong-un's head. Why this is important is that North Korea is considered a rogue nation. They're considered a country that, when placed under situations where their leader, who's considered holy, considered like a god, dies or is ill, the country may be handed over to generals who would inherit maybe a nuclear force, would inherit a very large army, could, in this sense, start a war, especially in the region, as they're beginning to reopen negotiations with South Korea. That hasn't been popular with both Kim Jong-un's sister and the generals.
Starting point is 00:40:36 What's interesting, yesterday, Yonhap News Agency in Seoul reported that North Korean state media showed on North Korean television video footage of an ICBM blasting off from a mobile launcher. And we've got the video. I mean, to my knowledge, no ICBM has been launched. There hasn't been any talk by U.S. intelligence agencies that they are noticing signs for preparation of a launch. So why would they interrupt their regularly scheduled programming for this ICBM launch. And the first thing that came to my mind is Kim Jong-un is very sick and a transfer of power is coming.
Starting point is 00:41:36 And the ICBM video was to tell the world, don't mess with us as we transition from one leader to another? Oh, certainly. It's a show of force. The only other time that North Korea has officially launched an ICBM would have been November 2017. It was under President Trump. As you said, Rick, it's hard to conceal this because it's an intercontinental ballistic missile. Any country around them would see this fly up in the air. But this was presented, actually, according to the NK News. This is an outlet that covers a lot of updates out of North Korea and South Korea.
Starting point is 00:42:15 This was presented mid-July during a concert for all the generals of North Korea. If you think about this, this was presented at really the first audience. Before it even was shown to the public, it was presented at really the first audience before it even was shown to the public. It was presented to the generals. And here they are clapping. Oh, they're excited. My.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Aren't they excited? I wonder if they had big applause signs in there, Rick. And this is when you applause or suffer the consequences. Well, they have an orchestra going with it. So. Now, they, now North Korea does have the ability to launch an ICBM, but they, as of yet, according to South Korean intelligence, they don't have the ability to place it on a mobile system. That's what we saw there.
Starting point is 00:42:52 And they say it's unlikely. I hate when they say it's unlikely, which means there's a small chance it might be likely. That South Korean intelligence is saying, as of now, there's no indication they have the mobile capabilities for an ICBM. But your idea is that this is a show of force on the part of Kim Jong-un, either there's an anticipated change in government that might take place. I'd say the generals are pretty much running the show right now and they're telling the west don't mess with us. We're going to change leaders and we don't want any surprises from the West right now.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Now, there's stuff, things heated up today in the Middle East regarding the alleged Iranian attack on a ship last Friday. And today, four ships off the coast of the UAE lost control of their navigation system. They were unable to steer the ships. Now, this is interesting for many reasons here, because first of all, one of the responses that was being threatened was a cyber attack. And I'm saying by the United States, the UK, Israel and Romania. The response they said was they may launch a cyber attack to harm Iranian interests. But obviously, these weren't Iranian tanker vessels which were hit today. The four ships that lost steering, you have to wonder,
Starting point is 00:44:28 could this have been an Iranian attack? Which is what is being characterized because the primary thing that happened is one ship has been reportedly hijacked. Now we're still getting updates from the region on this. The British are saying that Iranian forces have hijacked one of these tankers. Now, the Iranians have denied this.
Starting point is 00:44:47 They said, we haven't done anything of the sort. They've said this through Al-Arabia News. But the British have already pre-positioned a kill team. Now, before yesterday, before we even discussed about Israel being given a green light to start a war with Iran over this, and the United States United Kingdom and potentially other countries getting sucked in to help Israel. Britain had moved a kill team, an SAS kill team, to the region, to Oman. They'd been given orders, basically an authorization,
Starting point is 00:45:16 to find and kill anyone involved in the attack, the drone attack on the tanker. That was on Sunday. So going into today, this team is presumably very active. They activated on the day they were given authorization, and they are doing things that special forces teams do. One of them, you have to wonder, possibly they engaged in false flags. I don't know. But I do know they've been given a kill order. And what do killers do best? They shoot and kill people. So going back to the four ships here, Rick, so what are the possibilities?
Starting point is 00:45:48 One possibility is Iran remotely hijacked the ships, basically, electronically. What are some other options here? Well, you could have a third party that is doing it. We do have hackers everywhere, right? Right. Yeah, that's what have hackers everywhere, right? Right. Yeah, that's what we're told, right? They're hacking elections and everything. Everything, everything.
Starting point is 00:46:09 They're hacking power. Yes. So, I mean, you could have a 14-year-old somewhere that's hacking the ship's navigation system. It could also be an intelligence agency of another country that is attempting to create the appearance that Iran is doing it. I have to think this about Iran. If Iran is doing these things, I can only think of two reasons to explain it. Number one, they're really stupid.
Starting point is 00:46:44 Right. That's what I was going to say. How does it benefit them to do this? The Persian people are not stupid. They've been around longer than America's been around. Yeah, but why would the Persians say, hey, you know what, let's just start messing with ships. Let's attack them, hijack them. Let's mess with their heads. Yeah, let's kill some people and, you know, let's see what happens. I just don't see them doing that.
Starting point is 00:47:16 The other reason, the other option is if they did do it, then they know that there's going to be an intense response from Israel, the United States, and Great Britain. Which is also stupid, because it'll cost lots of lives. unless the Iranians are convinced that they have a weapon that is going to do immense damage to their enemies. And I used to say this years ago, when Ahmadinejad was the president, do you remember how cocky he was? Yes. And remember the hints they had that they had some sort of super weapon? Super weapon, secret weapons, all kinds of stuff. And Ahmadinejad, this is years ago, Ahmadinejad would just talk like a braggart. You know, he would just say things that were so outrageous in terms of claiming to, you know, to have the ability to destroy the United States and Israel. And I used to say then, that old boy's got something up his sleeve. It's not a bluff.
Starting point is 00:48:33 He's not bluffing. He's got something up his sleeve. So I go back to this. If Iran is doing this with the ships, option one, they're dumb. They're stupid. They're going to get clobbered. Option two're stupid. They're going to get clobbered. Option two, they think we're going to get clobbered. And they're setting the trap for us.
Starting point is 00:48:53 We're going to find out very soon. You've got, I don't know if we showed number 22, the mirror. You were talking about the elite British force plans to capture Iranian-backed terror team after an attack. Okay, so you've got UK Special Forces now in the Middle East actively looking at this very hour for Iranians to kill.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Yes, and something that was interesting in this report from the Mirror is the SAS team is not just snipers and an assault team. It's electronic warfare specialists. What do electronic warfare specialists do? Presumably they're masters of picking up certain frequencies, helping with communications. But in the modern era, especially when it comes to the Russians, for example, in Syria,
Starting point is 00:49:45 electronic warfare specialists were involved in jamming, were involved in remote hacking, disabling of missiles, disabling of vessels, maybe. They deployed a team specifically for this, prior to these vessels going awry, their navigation systems turning off. Again, not to blame the British. We don't know yet. What we do know is the British seem to be very well prepared for what is now taking place this week. And it comes at a time when the United Kingdom, tiny nation, United Kingdom, is somehow deciding to flex its muscles both here in this situation off the Gulf of Oman, but also in the South China Sea. You know, England either trying to reinvent themselves, or they're playing their role in this new Western order that's forming.
Starting point is 00:50:35 But the hijacking of the vessel is very important. The Defense Secretary moments ago for the United States, Secretary Austin, he's confirmed, at least from the U.S. perspective, it is an Iranian hijacking. So we have a current situation right now where Iranian forces are presumably on board of the Asphalt Princess. That's the name of the vessel. Is that the ship that's flagged out of Panama? One of these ships today was a Panamanian flagship. And that would draw Panama into the...
Starting point is 00:51:06 Yes, it would. But you're saying Secretary Austin just said... Yes, he has confirmed it. And Press Secretary Psaki has just brought it up from the podium saying the United States is not only monitoring it, but is discussing with allies on how to respond to this. And they're calling it, the White House is calling it a hijacking now. And so now you're starting to see an escalation of this event. But I'm more inclined to believe, Rick, that this is a third party escalation.
Starting point is 00:51:36 That someone, I don't have a reason to believe that Iranians have any reason to escalate things any further for conflict purposes, but there are others who do. Others in the region and outside the region. And you can fill in the blanks for some of those parties that might be interested in that. Sure. Somebody that has been itching for a war for a long, long time. Right.
Starting point is 00:51:58 But this time, this looks serious. Like there's really going to be action in the coming days against Iran. The question is, like we talked about yesterday, will Iran absorb the blow and just sit there and take it and not respond? Or will Iran respond? And I think the day that Iran responds, they're going to let loose with everything they have. And it's, I mean, it's, there may be destroying Iran with nuclear weapons, but Iran's got the capability of crushing Israel. Israel may win the war, but have nothing left at the victory party.
Starting point is 00:52:57 May just be a country of ashes. I have to wonder if Israel has weighed what destroying Iran would do to the rest of the Muslim countries in the region. I wonder if a country like Iran, especially its leadership, maybe their play is to be the ultimate martyr, to be the ultimate victim that all the other Muslim nations basically rally behind against the Zionist state as they use in their own media. To destroy a nation like Iran is no small thing. And they still, to this day, haven't been able to successfully get the United States
Starting point is 00:53:30 to carry out the kill strike, carry out an invasion like we did in Iraq. Well, nothing creates friends and alliances like having an enemy, Edward. And so Israel benefits from having Iran as an enemy, someone that they can always say, we're going to destroy them, we're going to knock them out. And likewise, Iran does too. But the way Israel benefits is military and financial support
Starting point is 00:53:51 from countries like the United States and other alliances. However, we don't seem ready to enter into this fray with them right now, even though Mr. Bennett, current leader of Israel, has said, even if we have to go it alone, we'll do it. This is kind of a little bit of a change of a tone from Mr. Netanyahu. Here's Mr. Bennett now saying, hey, even if we have to do this by ourselves, we would.
Starting point is 00:54:15 So even he is recognizing that the U.S. may not step up with them on this. Or do you think that's just a play on words for him? Netanyahu used to say the same thing. Really? Oh, yeah. It was like, if the U.S. doesn't step up and do what they have to do, you're going to force us to do it. Now, get the evangelicals on the phone and get them calling. Netanyahu played that card often. You know, don't make us do this.
Starting point is 00:54:42 You're going to make us do something we don't want to do because you won't do what we want. I mean, you won't do what you're supposed to do. So Israel doesn't fight their own wars, but this could be one war that they have no choice but to fight. Hey, we only got a couple of minutes, but there's a couple of stories, political scandals that are on the headlines right now.
Starting point is 00:55:09 The first one was George Soros's. Well, let's go with Cuomo. Governor Cuomo was today formally accused of sexually harassing multiple women in the state of New York violating federal and state laws. Multiple calls by New York state politicians for him to resign. Yes, and these are no small allegations that are being leveled. This was the probe actually that Governor Cuomo had called for after the initial announcement, the initial whistleblowers that came forward. The way he got out of resigning first was to say, I'm going to allow this probe to move forward.
Starting point is 00:55:47 He went through an 11-hour interview with representatives from the attorney general's office in New York. It's come out that he groped women, sexually harassed women. I'd say sexually assaulted women. One of the cases was he physically put his hand up a woman's shirt. It wasn't just lewd comments. So this investigation was carried out by the New York State Attorney General's office, who is a far left Democrat, who's also, right, who's been prosecuting, going after the NRA and President Trump. I think the entire New York congressional delegation today called for his resignation. As we are talking right now, New York State Assembly Democrats are meeting in private right now.
Starting point is 00:56:36 Democrats. Democrats to decide what they're going to do in response to this investigation. Changes of power don't just happen in North Korea, do they? Yeah, I really I think I think Cuomo is finished on this investigation. Changes of power don't just happen in North Korea, do they? Yeah, I think Cuomo is finished on this one. I think he will resign because the next step would be for the assembly to impeach him. The other one is George Soros. There's a sex scandal involving not old George himself, but one of his top lieutenants, Howard Rubin, was accused of BDSM assaults in his sex dungeon.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Yes, and these were, sorry. Yes, here we go. Violent sex. That's what that term means. And this is he had a secret Manhattan apartment where he was allegedly carrying out these actions with Playboy models, escorts. He was carrying on the secret life while serving as a hedge fund manager for George Soros, for the Soros Fund. Again, Howard Rubin, up until today, upstanding Wall Street investor, someone you look to for an economic advice. A good Jewish boy. A good Jewish boy, as you noted.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Today, looking at this story, clearly carrying on infidelity, clearly carrying on sexual impropriety. But beyond that, it's into torture, all kinds of really demented, perverted sex acts. He said one case, I'm going to rape you like I raped my daughter. That's what one of the victims said he said to her. Andrew Napolitano was forced out of Fox News yesterday, accused of making sexual advances toward young men at Fox News. Yes, the producer, reportedly for Lou Doms, prior to Lou Doms being canceled from the network, this young man said he wasn't the first. He's got a friend who was actually also approached by the judge. The judge has denied this, but what has been reported is he was invited out to his farm, invited out to his manan apartment, and this was for a sexual encounter, not for... One thing I noticed in the story is it said it was well known inside Fox News
Starting point is 00:59:00 that Mr. Napolitano was making gay advances towards young men at the network. This was supposedly conservative outlet. We'll be back here after the break with Wendy Rogers. The culture warriors in this country are breaking down traditions, morals, family structure. They've been doing this for decades and they are aiming their guns at young men. They want to feminize them, they want to demonize them, they want to criminalize them so that they will not act like the men that God created them to be. God Tribe is a social media educational platform, digital platform for young men and to give young men a place to congregate where they feel safe. Its mission is just is to build better men. It's a place for Christian men to
Starting point is 01:00:01 congregate with other Christian men and communicate with each other, fellowship, encourage each other, building up each other to be better men for Jesus Christ. That's the purpose. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. Because of COVID, many students across the U.S. are going back to school for in-person learning for the first time since March of 2020. In L.A., KCAL 9 says that's the case in San Bernardino. Big cheers at San Bernardino High as across the district, about 47,000 students headed to campuses for the first time in 18 months. We get to practice with our team in person and just finally be able to cheer our school on. Just a very special moment today.
Starting point is 01:01:02 To try and keep students and staff safe, the district is mandating everyone mask up indoors. You just put it on. For musicians, that means getting creative. Before stepping into school, students will also be asked to do daily health checks and to stay home if sick. On campuses, air scrubbers will be at work with numerous sanitizing and safety protocols in place. But unlike Los Angeles Unified School District, San Bernardino City Unified will not require regular negative COVID tests. For information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's
Starting point is 01:01:44 Bloomberg says New York City is going to require proof of vaccination for workers and customers at indoor restaurants, gyms, and entertainment venues. Mayor Bill de Blasio is all about his key to NYC pass. Vaccination is the answer. We need these strong, clear mandates. And we've proven that even with outdoor entertainment, it makes sense. Our homecoming concerts are going to be amazing. But if you want to go to one of them, you have to be vaccinated. That's a requirement. Now, the launch date is August 16th, with enforcement starting September 13th.
Starting point is 01:02:21 CBSLA reporting that Kaiser Permanente wants all of its employees and physicians to get the jab. The health care company says unvaccinated employees and doctors will be required to become fully vaccinated or apply for a medical or religious exemption. They want everybody to be poked by September 30th. And now the feds are putting back the squeeze on. The Washington Examiner says the Biden administration is calling for additional vaccine mandates for employees returning to work in person. So says Jeff Zients of the White House. CBS LA says Spirit Airlines canceled hundreds of flights around the country on Monday. That led to issues with dozens of arrivals at Los Angeles International.
Starting point is 01:03:10 According to Flight Aware, Spirit dropped 313 flights on Monday and 210 flights have been delayed. Spirit says a series of weather and operational problems are to blame. That's a look at True News headlines. Thank you for watching. Thank you, Kerry. Well, welcome back to True News. In this segment, we're going to discuss the audits that are still taking place around the country, but specifically Arizona. Challenges for audits in other states, but in Arizona specifically, they not only conducted it, but we're starting to see some results, at least the hints of reports.
Starting point is 01:03:49 Is that right, Lauren? Yeah, the results should be coming out soon. Yesterday, it was really interesting because Maricopa County, the board of electors, put out a statement. The Arizona Senate has requested, they requested more information. They wanted them to investigate this. And they said, no, completely broke the law, refused the subpoena, you know, which is completely illegal what they're doing. But what they're doing is they are trying to discredit the audit
Starting point is 01:04:18 altogether. This was the most legitimate audit ever done, probably in the United States history. It was a forensic audit. But they're trying to say it's a conspiracy theory. They're trying to kind of smear it, walking into it. So even if the results do prove that the election was fraudulent, that it's just a conspiracy theory. So it doesn't mean anything. You know, so they're kind of painting the picture for that. Oh, sure. You have to wonder if these officials, if they're not being completely duplicitous in their response to this. If they have put it into their mind, this could be more than just a conspiracy theory. Of course, the response, they said that the senators who were calling for, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:56 issued the subpoenas that they were adventuring into Never Never Land. Yes. Well, I tell you what, it doesn't look like those officials are going to get away with ignoring those subpoenas. Right. Yesterday, also, Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers hit back. She was calling for their arrest. I would have arrested all of these people already if I had the power to do so. I vote to arrest, arrest and put them in solitary. I don't know about you, Edward, but I'm ready to see some really bad people be held accountable.
Starting point is 01:05:27 Well, I think that all Christians should be looking for justice in any situation where there's been a crime or there's been fraud. But, you know, we don't have to wonder so much about what the next step might be because we actually have on the line State Senator Rogers. Welcome back to True News, State Senator. Great to be with you. I'm talking to you from Phoenix, near the Capitol, where I was yesterday. I was there checking it out, as it were, at one o'clock Arizona time to see what the responses would be from Dominion and from the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. And some people call them county commissioners in other states, but of course we call them the supervisors.
Starting point is 01:06:08 And they responded promptly at 1 o'clock with a very snarky, disrespectful letter. I can read to you excerpts, but suffice it to say they were extremely dismissive, acted as though we were children, and that they had better things to do than answer the subpoena. They work for the voters. I believe they have forgotten that, and we're just not having it. Well, State Senator Rogers, I don't know about you, but I don't think I can ignore a subpoena. I'm pretty sure that's a crime, I don't think I can ignore a subpoena. I'm pretty sure that's a crime, right? You can't just ignore a subpoena that's been issued,
Starting point is 01:06:51 both in the case of the Maricopa County officials and the Dominion voting systems of fellow executives. What step are you senators going to take? Are you calling an example for the Attorney General to get involved? Yes, we did today. My colleague, Senator Sonny Borelli, Marine Corps, retired gunnery sergeant Sonny Borelli, launched the paperwork with the Arizona attorney general asking him to investigate because they have disobeyed. And there is a bill that was gotten through the legislature years ago, 1487. And so we are, quote unquote, 1487ing them to answer the mail. And as I understand it, Brnovich has 30 days to investigate. And then if they are found coming up short, then their state revenue share can be docked by 10 percent,
Starting point is 01:07:48 which is about $63 million. So this has happened once before to a certain municipality who was then brought to heel and brought around to compliance. So this is the next step that we've taken to get the Arizona Attorney General involved. And he, I hope, follows through. This is a huge step. It's a bold step. But as I said this morning on an interview, it's sort of like, when I would land my C-141 and 200 Marines would get out the back. That's what we're doing now. Now, as far as we can see, the Arizona AG was not supportive of the audits. How is that correct? However, it doesn't matter because what Maricopa County did, the Board of Electors did, was broke the law by refusing the
Starting point is 01:08:38 subpoena. So you're calling for him to take action and throw the book at them, is what I read, which is, you know, I mean, I think that is what I read, which is, you know, I mean, I think that's a bold stance. But if, you know, our attorney general, your job, his job is to prosecute crimes. We have to be able to, you know, bring justice. So I have a question for you. Yesterday, also, Dominion released a statement saying that they would not be releasing the public records that you all requested, saying that they were a private corporation. And you responded with, you had responded with no corporation is above the law. You know, these are both requests. But I was wondering, were you expecting them to both come out on the same day, the Maricopa County Board of Electors
Starting point is 01:09:23 statement, as well as the Dominion. Or is there some kind of collusion? Is that normal or was that what you were expecting? I'm not surprised by it. I'm not sure. I'd have to look it up what their deadlines were, but I tend to think they both had the deadline of yesterday, although I could be wrong on that. But no, we figured at one o'clock. I was there at the Senate just waiting. And, you know, the folks were on the phone with them and so forth, the staff. And sure enough, they just essentially thumbed their noses right now, those who are looking into election integrity, those who are calling for audits, everyone is kind of sitting in anticipation, waiting for next week's cyber symposium being hosted in South Dakota. I'll be there. You're going to be there. Yes.
Starting point is 01:10:17 Okay, that's good to know. Yeah, I'm very excited. We're leaving Friday, and we will wend our way up there. And, yes, I'm very excited to be there. Are you going to be speaking? No, but I've been invited as an elected official. So both my husband and I will be there all three days. And then we're going on eastward to support Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania a few days later to promote the audit there. And en route, we will be in Michigan
Starting point is 01:10:46 doing the same. So we'll be on a little bit of a barnstorming tour because, I mean, we'll be halfway across the country, so we might as well go farther. Well, we may see you out in South Dakota. That'd be great to meet you and speak to you in person. But I bring this up because I think as we approach the day, the beginning of the Cyber Symposium, it's on Tuesday of next week. There's going to be a rush, I think, to get out into the public space any last tidbits of information, any smoking guns, any whistleblower statements. And there was a man, Ron Watkins. I can't attest to the validity of this man's claim, but he says he has a whistleblower from Dominion that has told him and shown him in a video that was released right at noon that the election system could be connected to the Internet.
Starting point is 01:11:45 I wanted to play that video for our audience first, Senator Rogers, but I'd like to hear if you're going to maybe follow up with this whistleblower. It might, in a case, maybe have some significance to Arizona, though they claim that the man, the Dominion whistleblower, this man came forward and has mentioned in this video, that they're not out of Arizona, but certainly would be the same system that was used for the elections. Yes. And none of that surprises me. Before you roll the tape, I've been getting text messages from people with this sort of thing. And I just have every faith that Doug Logan, the CEO of Cyber Ninjas, and Ben Cotton
Starting point is 01:12:30 of Cypher, I have to know that they're aware of these anecdotal inputs because their ear is very close to the ground. And they are churning through a lot of data right now. I know that the Coliseum, the Phoenix Coliseum, the venue site, the head of security showed me a picture, I think, three days ago. It's completely whistle clean. They're all out of there. But the analysts now are churning all of this data, these data points. And, you know, I try to kind of let them do their thing. Although whenever I need a clarification on something, I do go to Doug Logan. But I mean, I'm I'm pretty certain that he's aware of these inputs. But yeah, let's let's see it on your show here. Voting systems are, by design, meant to be used as closed systems that are not networked, meaning they are not connected to the internet.
Starting point is 01:13:33 There is no internet connectivity at all. They are not designed to be connected to the outside world through either an internet connection or any other external connectivity device. Do we have these passwords in the system? Not the barrel's password. It's not? The state won't let us have our own password? Not the barrel's password.
Starting point is 01:13:54 Does Dominion have any way to remotely access any of the information on any of the equipment or have remote access within the machines themselves? No. Does anybody have access, to the best of your knowledge? No. You're connected to the Internet. Right. This one has wireless.
Starting point is 01:14:17 Right. But the devices are grayed out. Oh, I see. Okay. But you'd be able to go in and do that though, right? By unlocking it and putting the password in? So what we've seen in this video, and I based this in part on a blog post
Starting point is 01:14:35 which was released yesterday by Ron Watkins. What appears to be the election management system for Dominion, and I say appears to be because I've seen examples which were used of this software in Michigan, in the lawsuit that they were fighting in that state. And what they appear to be doing is, first of all, being able to connect that election management system and a laptop to a router or to the system being used inside a voting princely. Senator Rogers, that would be against the rules, right? First of all, it would
Starting point is 01:15:07 hold the CEO of Dominion potentially at liability of being a liar under oath. But if that's true, is it not true that that would be a brooch of even certification of that election? Well, it begs the question on several levels. One, whether or not they were telling the truth, as you say. Number two, the security of the system. And number three, if it happened, if breaches were made, and if nation state actors with nefarious intent got involved.
Starting point is 01:15:42 And so I come back to the point that keeps sort of being lost in the shuffle with detractors, and that is the excellence and absolute above-reproach scientific capability that these companies have that we've hired, who are expert at disclosing this and uncovering it. And I hearken back to the story I think I told you the first time I was on, which is Cypher, C-Y capital F capital I capital R, Cypher, which is the company that is founded by Ben Cotton, who went to our very federal government a few years ago to demonstrate their software on another level and found the breach of the Office of Personnel Management, where all of us who had top secret clearances and secret clearances, all of our applications were compromised. And it had been
Starting point is 01:16:40 ongoing for three years. So again, this is the, yeah, this is the excellence of the companies that Karen Phan has hired and that we have ultimate faith in because they not only have this expertise, but they have this access and they have the highest levels of security that our government endows. And so I am very confident that at the end of the day, in a few weeks when all of this is put together in a report, that you're going to have very finely tuned expert findings. Now, in that video, Senator Rogers, they mentioned the passwords. In the blog post prior to the release, the assertion is that this Dominion employee, again, we can assert for the validity of this information,
Starting point is 01:17:29 it's a claim that's being made by an alleged whistleblower, but that employee had access to all the passwords for the router systems and the election management systems. The subpoena that was issued both to Dominion and to the Maricopa Board of Supervisors, what were you asking for specifically? subpoena that was issued both to Dominion and to the Maricopa Board of Supervisors. What were you asking for specifically? Wasn't it passwords among the things that you were asking for? Yes.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Yes, we're asking for passwords, routers, you name it. They're listed. And they're relisted in Sonny Borelli's missive to Attorney General Brnovich. And we're very precise in what we're asking for, in fact, so much so that other states have used us as a model in terms of being able to elucidate exactly what we need and what we want, because we've been thwarted at every turn. We've been upheld in four courts, as I've mentioned before. And so when these other states have come out, Pennsylvania in particular said, hey, Rogers, hey, Borelli, can I have a copy of what you guys, your latest iteration is with your attorneys? Because this is sort of
Starting point is 01:18:37 an evolving lesson journey that Arizona has been on. And then now we've shared it each step of the way, as well as we can with what we've learned. And we will get everything we need ultimately. And if we don't, I have every confidence in the expertise of these computer scientists to be able to still paint the picture. Well, while you've been carrying out your duty to your constituents, Senator Rogers, the Department of Justice has on two occasions now threatened this process, saying that it's a violation of election rights and laws of those people in your state. Has the Department of Justice attempted to intervene in this highly developing scuffle between the state senators, you included, and the Dominion executives
Starting point is 01:19:33 and the Board of Supervisors at the county level? To answer your question, not to my knowledge quite recently, but bring it on, federal government, because we're not going to back down. It is our plenary power as a state legislature, per the U.S. Constitution, to do our duty. And so if they want to try to infringe on our plenary power, they can come and try. But we're just not going to back down. Well, that's good to hear. So, Senator Rogers, I was wondering, when can we expect the audits? I know you haven't gotten the passwords. I know you haven't gotten the routers. But some of the votes were audited. Are they going to do a partial release of what they found? Can we expect that?
Starting point is 01:20:22 Or what can we expect moving forward? I'm hearing maybe two or three or four weeks from now. Again, it's such a tedious, laborious process. I don't want to rush them and I don't want to speak out of school. I want them to do their job. And in the meantime, it's up to us to keep close and personal, up front, the narrative of what is going on. And as an example of how the left tries to diffuse the narrative and blur lines of distinction and get us off track and distracted, I just came from downtown Phoenix an hour ago, where at Banner Health headquarters in downtown Phoenix, which is our largest healthcare provider consortium in
Starting point is 01:21:12 Arizona, hundreds of healthcare workers demonstrating against a mandated vaccine that they purportedly will have to take or else be let go from their jobs on the 1st of November, which is completely egregious and unfathomable. 60% of Banner Health providers have not taken the vaccine. And if they don't want to take it, they shouldn't have to take it. And they need to band together in solidarity and push back. And again, I hold them up as kind of an example for all of us. You are brave in promoting a media channel that people can get true news on. And all of you are brave for doing that. And we can look to you as an example.
Starting point is 01:22:08 We all have to stay out front and keep the narrative of truth going. Yeah, absolutely. I know with the new vaccine mandates and the promises of new lockdowns and this Delta variant, it's scaring people. People are scared. But also, we have to remember that we are transitioning into another election season. And we are they are going to do what they know works. Last year, they were able to lock down law abiding citizens. And now they're pushing vaccinations, forced vaccinations on us, which we vehemently oppose here at True News.
Starting point is 01:22:40 But listen, like how can we people aren't trusting the system? That is the problem. Like come 2022, we have the midterms coming up. We have a big another big election coming up. How can we what action are you taking to help voters trust the system again? Is there election integrity legislation that you're working on getting rid of electronic voting machines, going back to paper ballots. You know, what moves are is the Arizona State Senate doing to get voters to trust the process again as we're looking at another 2020 of covid lockdowns and fear propaganda? That's a great question, Lauren. Bear in mind, and I may have said this before on your show, but each state has a varying number of months that its legislature is in session. So in Arizona, for example, we are in session roughly five months a year. And so we're out of session.
Starting point is 01:23:38 When we enact new legislation to restore election integrity that will come around January, February, March. Then there are 90 days after that for it to go into effect. So you'll ask me, well, Senator Rogers, will you have new legislation to shore up election integrity by your primary. Well, our primary isn't until August, and we are a late primary. Arizona has a very late primary. So I believe we will have restored election integrity with several measures, several laws put into effect by then. If not, we at least will have it restored by November. But again, various states have different timetables. They might have an earlier primary. They might have a full-time legislature like Pennsylvania does. So we're all trying as national state representatives and state senators to get this going. But remember, it's a twofold situation happening here.
Starting point is 01:24:52 We need to find the truth of 2020, but also restore, as you say, election integrity for 2022. I'm optimistic because so much has come out and we are intent on drilling down. Well, I certainly believe that there are millions that stand with you, not just in your state, Senator Rogers, but outside of your state. You've become like the Joan of Arc of election audits. That's my middle name, actually. Really? Oh, wow. Well, we might have just created a meme. I'll leave that to them. My mom and dad said that's what they thought of when they named me.
Starting point is 01:25:32 So, wow. Okay. Well, on that, Joan of Arc, I think, would also want to secure the border. Arizona being a border state, I think you're also experiencing the moronic flow, unchecked, of migrants coming into the country right now. We're supposedly at fear of a lockdown so much, and a variant, so much so that we're almost ready to do mail-in ballots en masse again for elections. Americans might die in millions if we're to believe the propaganda. But we don't believe in enough to shut down our border or check or stop migrants from being shipped around the country, even those who test ball with COVID. What are you seeing on the immigration front in your state?
Starting point is 01:26:15 Oh, that that dichotomy, that hypocrisy is just rampant. It's very, very troublesome, especially in Texas. I was listening to this morning. Wow. I'm speechless. It's a federal issue, and it's horrible. The child trafficking aspect is just unimaginable. And as a mother and a grandmother, it's tragic and really, really irksome from a public health standpoint. It's I don't have an answer. It's horrible. Yeah, I understand. I understand that Arizona has the opioid epidemic is starting to affect it because it is a border state and those drugs are coming across the border. Now, is it I know that other states there are other states like Texas that have taken action on immigration. They try to say that only
Starting point is 01:27:09 the federal government can address immigration. Is there anything that the Arizona Senate or the Arizona governor can do to secure the borders to protect the people of Arizona? I mean, we tried, we passed a financial appropriation to give more money to agencies on the border. I'm not sure how well that's taken effect. Again, it's mostly federal. And and the heat now, of course, is over 100 degrees. It's it's a real, real national security crisis. Senator Rogers, we've got to got about about two minutes left with you. a real, real national security crisis. Senator Rogers, we've only got about two minutes left with you.
Starting point is 01:27:49 I would be forgotten if I didn't ask something on behalf of my adopted mother in your home state, Patty, Patty Hopper, if she's watching. She's among many elderly in your state experiencing the remorse, I think, and depression of being singled out. I mean, honestly, it's not just about election auditing. It's been a tough time for the older generation.
Starting point is 01:28:14 Is there anything that the Arizona State Legislature is looking at to try to help those who are widows, to help those who are really maybe the first victims of a pandemic, crisis, lockdown, even chaos? Well, on a minor note, I got an appropriate, and God bless your mother. We talked about this last night among us family, how hard this is on people who are shut in, who need the nurturance of those around them. We are social beings. I did get an appropriation through a million dollars in the budget.
Starting point is 01:28:51 I'm pretty proud of for an ombudsman role to add to the oversight of the developmentally disabled and the elderly state homes in our state. So they will be visited more and held to standard more scrutinizingly. So, you know, I kind of did my small part. That was one of my campaign promises was to help the elderly as well as veterans and, of course, you know, all the other things that I stand for as a conservative. And, you know, all the other things that that I stand for as a conservative. And, you know, my my heart goes out again. We we need to stay connected. And I had an individual approach me today down at the Banner Health Rally.
Starting point is 01:29:35 And he said, I want to get involved. I may want to run for office. And I said, you need to understand one thing. People are tired of emails and watching TV. They want to be visited. They want to see the whites of your eyes. They want to know who represents them on a personal level. And that's why I think going door to door, irrespective of the pandemic, is so vital. And that's what I did when I ran for office a year and a half ago. I knocked on 14,000 doors. And people would say to me, wow, no one's come to my door before. I said, well, I'm here
Starting point is 01:30:11 and I'm here for you. Wow. Well, the Joan of Arc for elections, but also the greatest neighbor you can have. I really appreciate you joining us once again, Senator Rogers. And we look forward to updates coming out of Arizona regarding the audits and and much more. Well, thank you. And God bless you all. God bless you, too. Well, before we go to the next segment, there was an update while we were speaking with Senator Rogers. Nancy Pelosi has called for the New York governor to resign. Cuomo may not survive this one. Oh, my. I thought they were just going to kind of slide it under the table.
Starting point is 01:30:46 Guess not. And quoting her exactly, recognizing his love of New York and the respect for the office he holds, I call upon the governor, Governor Cuomo, to resign. And she commended the Attorney General Letitia James for it, which might be significant. So we can talk about that later. Yes, certainly. I think this might be an example of justice in the land. We'll be back in just a moment with another interview. Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge. But he who hates correction is stupid. A man is not established by wickedness, but the root of the righteous cannot be moved.
Starting point is 01:31:33 An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who causes shame is like rottenness in his bones. The thoughts of the righteous are right, but the counsels of the wicked are deceitful. The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsel is wise. A fool's wrath is known at once, but a prudent man covers shame. Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who deal truthfully are His delight. I have a big announcement for you. Very soon, we will launch our biggest project ever. It is God Tribe. God Tribe is an exciting
Starting point is 01:32:28 new digital online platform for young men to learn more about Jesus Christ and his kingdom. The first phase of God Tribe will launch in early fall 2021, and it will include social media and audio chat rooms. Our chat feature is called campfires. Any member of God Tribe will be able to start and conduct a campfire conversation any time of the day. And I personally plan to have a campfire conversation every weeknight from the comfort of my home. I am confident that you will love holding your own campfire chats along with your friends. But there's more. God Tribe will also have its own 24-hour television network. God Tribe TV is the first Christian television network for men. The programming will include hunting and fishing and outdoor shows, do-it-yourself
Starting point is 01:33:26 shows, sports, news, and inspirational programs. Our in-house development team has been quietly working since January with developers around the world to build the God Tribe platform, and it's not been cheap. We have invested several hundred thousands of dollars into God Tribe. The souls of young men are more than worth the money we have invested. All of these exciting projects are for the glory of Jesus Christ and the expansion of his kingdom on earth. They are made possible because generous people just like you contribute money each month to underwrite the growing expenses of flowing streams. I'm asking you to join me as a monthly partner of Flowing Streams.
Starting point is 01:34:19 This is fertile soil that is producing a rich harvest of souls for God's kingdom. The Lord himself will richly reward your generosity and faithfulness. Welcome back to True News. That was a very riveting interview with Senator Raj. Always a good person to speak to. And her state is ground zero for one of the many plagues being led on the country by the Biden administration,
Starting point is 01:34:48 one of them obviously being the immigration crisis. Lauren, there's a video that started going viral about the Biden administration importing Haitians into the U.S. Can you tell me about this? Yes.
Starting point is 01:34:58 So they were spotted. A journalist named Ben Berquam stumbled upon it, actually. He was covering the southern border in Texas. And he rode by this gas station and saw that there was a group of Haitian migrants that were just standing there. They were families and they were just lost, it seemed. So he went to go find out exactly what was going on.
Starting point is 01:35:18 And you are not going to believe what he found out. Check out this video. So he just got to the stripes over here noticed a big crowd of illegals over here just gonna find out what their status is how long ago did they get here they brought him straight from there over here so they're literally bringing them from the wall and just dropping them off here did they did they get any uh court date or anything like that to to reappear okay so he has
Starting point is 01:35:52 a document that uh border patrol gave him so does that mean it's a person for value for 60 days he's instructed to hand it over to whenever he sees another veteran of Border Patrol, that's their, to get their process started for asylum seeking. So he has to take that document. And present it to that, I guess, Border Patrol. And if he doesn't? What happens if you don't present it? We just got over here, just came back from the border and pulled up here to the stripes
Starting point is 01:36:20 on Veterans Boulevard in Del Rio. And what we're being told is this is crazy they're giving them come over here out in there they're giving them a document okay okay he's going to show us the document over here so so he was instructed they're being instructed not to show that document to anyone other than border patrol so that's why he's calling us aside. Okay. To show it to us. Appreciate it. Yeah. So it's basically on them. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:01 So it's 60 days to report, and then they start their asylum process. And that can be anywhere in the country. Wherever it's final destination. Were they doing any COVID testing in Israel? No. No. No. No. No vaccination?
Starting point is 01:37:12 No. Where's he going? It's all destiny. I'm in Orlando, Florida. So that's what we're being told. They're literally bringing them the same day from the border, no COVID checks, no vaccines, dropping them off here at this stripes because this is the stripes that Greyhound picks up at.
Starting point is 01:37:33 They wait here for Greyhound. Otherwise, they're actually walking. I talked to another guy. They're walking to the airport and coming to a city near you. Thanks to Joe Biden. So Ben Berkman, we actually have him on today. Ben has been covering the southern border crisis. He's been down there. Ben, thank you for coming on today. How are you? I'm doing well. It's good to be back. We actually moved out of communist California
Starting point is 01:37:59 about a month and a half ago, and we're living here in Arkansas now. It's a great place to be here, but I got to tell you, what I saw down on the border should scare every single American. It's the worst I've ever seen. I do a lot of reporting there. I go into Mexico, down to Guatemala, and it's just, there is no border anymore at this point. So how would you say that these, in your opinion, how are these Haitian migrants coming to the southern border? Like, who's funding this? Are they coming via caravan? Is this something that you believe is orchestrated and funded?
Starting point is 01:38:30 And if so, who do you think, how are they getting here? It's a combination of several different routes. So a lot of them actually start off in Chile. So a lot of these people have immigrated years ago. We've got documents showing that they had children in South American countries. A lot of them immigrated to Chile, to Brazil. And then now, though, they've decided to come north. And so some of them are fairly affluent.
Starting point is 01:38:56 Some of them have quite a bit of money. We also have people coming over from Africa. I met a family from Cameroon who came over. Brand new clothes, brand new cell phones, really well-dressed jewelry. So it really, it's a whole cross-section, but you also have the folks from Honduras and Venezuela and Central America. It depends on where you're out on the border and it depends on when you're there. There's different groups that are coming. What we do know is that it's controlled by the cartels. So everything that goes through Mexico, it is mostly starting south of Tapachula,
Starting point is 01:39:31 Mexico, on the Guatemalan border. And all of that is controlled by cartels, whether they're riding in buses, a lot of the governmental agencies. In fact, I was told that in Acuna, the city we were at on the other side of the border of Del Rio, the day before I shot that video, I was told that the the cartel was actually brought into the government. So there used to be a the cartel ran that area. Now it's actually the government. This is what the locals believe. They basically hired the cartels to pretend to operate as part of the government officials. And so it's just, you know, it's an incredibly corrupt system. The worst part to me, though, is the combination is the addition of leftist organizations in America, groups, these NGOs, groups like Catholic Charities, groups like Pueblo Sin Fronteras, Centro Sin Fronteres, El Otro Lado, these organizations that are many times multinational and they're in Central America and South America training people on what to do,
Starting point is 01:40:31 how to break into our country, how to break the laws, and to the point where they're actually instructing them to rip up their documents before they come across to turn themselves in, because they told us they were told that they would have an easier time staying in America. It's just, it's catastrophic what's happening. And and to see that what you just saw, this is people think, oh, people are coming across illegally. We're going to hold them. We're going to put them in a detention center. We're going to figure out who they are. And we're going to deport most of them. You know, I think most Americans think that what's actually happening now, we've been so overrun that they're taking them in and
Starting point is 01:41:05 the same day they were releasing them into the public. They are providing money for them to travel if they need money to travel. If they determine that they don't need money to travel, they're just letting them go. And with that piece of paper that says, find a border patrol agent, a scout's honor, you know, because these are a bunch of trustworthy people that would never break the law. It's just, it's ludicrous. Yeah, no, so I noticed that they had the documentation. They weren't supposed to show it to you, and they're left on their own and told that they have to show up to court in 60 days. What do you think the chances are of these people actually showing up to court? Well, intuitively, you would say not very likely because you're talking about people that have already broken into our country.
Starting point is 01:41:46 We know the asylum seekers, only about 10 percent of them, their claims are accepted. So 90 percent of them will be rejected. And most of them know that as well. They've been told this years ago that everyone would come across and they were at Border Patrol would ask why they're coming. And it was always jobs. And that's still why they're coming. But they've been trained to say asylum. Once they get in, if you know you're not going to qualify for asylum, why would you show up for that asylum hearing? I spoke to Brandon Judd, the president of Border Patrol Council, about that specific issue. And he said more people you would think actually do show up to the hearings. But we're talking five years from
Starting point is 01:42:25 now. The courts are so backed up. And that was five years from now, a year ago. We've had over a million come in this year. So we're talking about immigration courts that are potentially 10 years backlogged. So, you know, at that point, what's the point of even showing up? But if they do show up, what he said is most of them are denied. But then they're given almost entirely almost all of them are given a 30 day stay of deportation to get their effects in order. So then they send them back. And that's where they go. That's when they disappear. None of them show up to be deported for obvious reasons. And that's that's what we're dealing with now. And instead of stopping this, like President Trump did, President Trump's policies worked. The remaining Mexico policies worked. Holding Mexico accountable and threatening tariffs got them to use their military to stop the invasion on their southern border.
Starting point is 01:43:15 Now it's the floodgates are open. And what the saddest part about all of this are the children that are being sold by the cartels. Men are buying them on their way up. They're recycling these children. They're molesting and raping them and murdering them along the way. And we are aiding and abetting. America right now is the number two country in the world for trafficking, which is slavery. And we are aiding and abetting with our current policies. That's interesting. I think it was only a couple of years ago we were number five in the world in human trafficking, and we've progressed to number two that quickly. And immigration is a factor. Now, here in the United States, we are facing COVID lockdowns and new reports of a Delta variant. Were these immigrants that you encountered, the Haitian immigrants, were they even tested for COVID?
Starting point is 01:43:59 Like, what are we looking at here? Because I remember before, you know, it's been said that these migrants, these illegal aliens do bring in diseases into the United States. Now, were these people tested, vetted or vaccinated? You know, I don't support the vaccines, but, you know, they're telling Americans they have to get vaccinated. What is the status of what they're expecting from the immigrants that are coming into the United States? The simple answer is no, they're not being tested. Very few are. Again, speaking to Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd, he said they're only tested if they're going to remain in American custody,
Starting point is 01:44:34 if they're going to remain in ICE custody, which virtually none of them are anymore, and or if they're showing visible signs and symptoms. So most of the people that are coming across, and every single person that we asked that had come in illegally said no, that they didn't see any testing. They didn't know of any testing being done. And this is why, this is while you and I are hearing about new COVID lockdown restrictions, that you have to wear a face diaper on your face, that you may be required to get vaccinated and all of this. In fact, family members of mine in California work in the medical industry, and they're being told by next month if they're not vaccinated, they're going to lose their job. And all of this is happening.
Starting point is 01:45:14 Well, we had last month almost 200,000 illegal aliens come in. I anticipate this month it's going to be even higher. And these are the months that are typically the lowest traffic because it's so hot. And we're seeing surges like we've never seen before. And I, you know, seeing what's happening by our government, the sad part is I don't see anything changing anytime soon to fix it. But you and I, we're going to be the ones that, you know, we have to shut our businesses down. We have to wear the mask. We have to get vaccinated. It's criminal what our government is doing right now. Mr. Birkwam, by the way, I'm Edward. I'm Lauren's co-host. I really appreciate you coming onto the program. And I've watched your reports. They've been excellent. You get a gut feeling when you're on the ground investigating these things.
Starting point is 01:45:59 You mentioned 200,000 just this past month. We could be up to two, three million by the time that even state governments are able to maybe put a clamp on this. What's your gut telling you for why this is being done now? Is this related to next year's election? Well, and just to clarify, it wasn't 200,000. I think it was closer to 180,000, but nearly 200,000. This is by design. It's not even what my gut tells me on it. It's what we've seen. So these leftist organizations, they've been telegraphing this for years. The groups I mentioned earlier, they don't believe in sovereignty. They
Starting point is 01:46:38 don't believe in borders. In fact, they go around chanting, no borders, no walls, no USA at all. This is the mindset of many of the people that we're dealing with. And it's the mindset of the left that is in charge of our country right now. This is intentional. It is partially designed to break down our country's social safety net and break down our norms in this country. And it's also designed to usher in their wave of socialism. I mean, this is what they want. They want to remake America
Starting point is 01:47:11 in the socialist communist utopia that they've always dreamed of. And it ultimately is a death sentence for this country if it ends up happening. So you've interviewed a few migrants, you interviewed the Haitians, and they said they were heading to Orlando. Florida is where they were catching their bus to. Have you where are does it seem like a coincidence that these migrants are headed to Republican states or red states? Have you done more interviews? Have you asked other migrants what their destination is? Could you tell me overall, does it seem like there is a targeted destination of red states? Well, that's one question that we've tried to ask. I've been asking for a while to the administration is where are you sending them? Two questions, if there was legitimacy in
Starting point is 01:47:59 news today, CNN, MSNBC, the AP, they would all be asking this question to Jen Psaki or to Joe Biden or to any of them. How many of the people coming across the border have COVID and other diseases? And by the way, I want to back up for a second. It's not just COVID. There's a new flesh-eating bacteria in Panama that we know of that they've been catching that's coming up. It's here. It's in America. We know of tuberculosis.
Starting point is 01:48:22 We know of yellow fever. There are tropical diseases that we've eradicated in America that are now on their way back in America. We know of tuberculosis. We know of yellow fever. There are tropical diseases that we've eradicated in America that are now on their way back to America. But when it comes to COVID, the question that needs to be asked is how many of these people have COVID? How many of them have the so-called Delta variant? And what states are you sending them to? Now, what we know now, based on what we found at that gas station at the stripes there, is that some of it is not even controlled by the government. They're simply letting them out and letting them go. But we do know, I've had reports, large numbers are ending up in Louisiana. They're being driven there by
Starting point is 01:48:56 buses. So sometimes if they have a destination and they have a large enough group that's heading there, they will actually be transported via the government buses or via the airplanes. They're using Laughlin Airfield in Del Rio to also fly people around the country. But we know large numbers are going to Louisiana. And if you look at the map of where COVID is spiking, it's spiking in some of these states, Louisiana, where I'm here in Arkansas. And it just begs the question, how much of that is due to this traffic if you look at the corridor where they're coming up when you come up through mccallan texas or del rio all of that traffic funnels through the middle of texas and then ultimately into louisiana or north into arkansas and missouri and and further
Starting point is 01:49:40 east so it's it's that's the. That's the question that we're not getting any answers to. But part, part of what we do know is some of it is directed or dictated by the illegal aliens themselves. They're just getting to pick where they go. Okay. So they're kind of choosing it overall. So you were down at the Southern border. I, there's been a rumor I wanted to ask about. Apparently the government only sends one photographer to take one picture of the Southern border and it kind of dispenses it out to the other media outlets to share with the public like a government approved, state approved media coverage of the southern border. Did you see any other reporters down at the southern border or was it just you?
Starting point is 01:50:19 That was probably the worst part about my reporting down there. I was there for three days. I was in Del Rio. I went down to Eagle Pass, Texas. I went across to Acuna, Mexico. And I did not see one single other reporter there. Not a single AP. No one from the AP. No one from CNN.
Starting point is 01:50:36 No one from MSN. Not a single other reporter was there. That is so sad. Now, Ben, you consider yourself a political evangelist, a political evangelist. You know, it's hard being in the swamp and still radiating the love of Christ. I was hoping you could tell me or share with our audience, how have you encountered Christ in your political work? Like, have you had a situation where Christ showed through no matter how dark the situation was? Well, you know, and this is one of those things where you have this weird paradigm. You
Starting point is 01:51:09 know, Jesus says, love thy neighbor. And we're instructed to love our neighbors, but we're not instructed to let our neighbors rape our children or to drug our family or to steal our property. And that's what we see going on at the border. And so there are these leftists, they call themselves churches. There's a movement in America to push for open borders. The problem is all you're creating is more victims or are more victims. And I've seen, you know, the tragedy in all of this are the children that are being, that are suffering along the way. But in my fight and what I've been doing with the Lord, I've also seen a huge awakening, a move back towards God in this country. I mean, from the time where I got beat over the head by Antifa in Berkeley to today, there's been a shift in this country and a reawakening and a sifting
Starting point is 01:51:59 as well. You know, we talk about the wheat from separating the wheat from the chaff and that is happening in america today that the weak dead churches are being sifted and and hopefully going away and the the you know god's remnant is is being called to rise and that's my prayer in all of this and everything we do and everything i do is to to shine god's light and some of it's hard sometimes i get angry um and but but in all of it we are to be God's light to the world. And and that's what America is. We are the beacon to the rest of the world, but only because of the blessing that God has bestowed upon us. And when if we lose that, the world loses that as well. That's why this issue people would say, well, this isn't really a Christian issue. It absolutely is. God is the God of sovereignty.
Starting point is 01:52:43 God is the God of narrow gates that are difficult to enter through. And he has called us to be people of reflecting his image. And that is really what a sovereign nation is, a godly sovereign nation, which is what America was founded as. And so it's all connected. But I have to tell you, just as a as a personal note, the biggest story that I've had and hopefully have time for it. My family, we left California to escape the communism, escape the tyranny that we had there. We were traveling across America showing what makes America great. We're doing a new show for our network, Real America's Voice on what makes America great. And we spent eight days on the road moving out here to Arkansas.
Starting point is 01:53:24 The first day we got here, we the road moving out here to Arkansas. The first day we got here, we were involved in a golf cart accident. My wife broke her pelvis. I nearly cut off my heel. My daughter had really bad road rash. My wife's still in a wheelchair. And I was sitting in the ICU with my wife after they cut her femoral artery and she almost bled out. And I was just praying, Lord, what are you doing? We were coming out here to tell this story and to show what makes America great. And I felt the Lord tell me, and the blessing that has come from this, you wanted to show what makes America great. And this is the foundation of it, is God's people showing his love to others. And that's what we've
Starting point is 01:54:00 experienced just in the short time that we've been here. I've seen God work in incredible ways in our family and in our life. And I just know he has an incredible plan for this country and for the people, for his people. And what a wonderful story in the sense of that you are at exactly where we're at with this and that this isn't just about politics, it's about fulfilling the Great Commission. And I pray for the recovery of your family. That's quite the encounter to have. I think that I'm glad the Lord spoke to you. We often say here that before America can be great again, we must be good.
Starting point is 01:54:37 Amen. Alexis de Tocqueville. Well, the Lord is a Lord of a narrow gate. And it's such a message on this. I know you have a flight to get to, but is there anything you wanted to leave our audience with before you head on out? I just want to encourage people. It seems dark right now.
Starting point is 01:54:56 And in many ways it is. And what I see on the border, there's a lot of times, and when I go around to different cities and I see Minneapolis burning and Berkeley and L.A. being destroyed by these terrorists, anarchists, Antifa and BLM, it's easy to throw your hands up and say, why are we even doing this anymore? California. Henry was telling me this story and he talks about fire fishing and he grew up in Louisiana and he said they used to go out fire fishing when he was a kid and they would put a light on the front of their boat and it would it would stun the fish and they would be able to spear the fish as they were going by. And he said it only worked, though, in the darkest of night when the light was the brightest. And and he used that to say, you know, our light shines the
Starting point is 01:55:44 brightest, the darker the night is. And that's what we're in in America. We're in a dark time, but your light shines brighter now. And if you are a child of God, if you are a follower of Christ, you are called to stand for these times. And for me, it's an honor. I deal with a lot of crap. I deal with a lot of bad situations. I deal with a lot of bad people that I don't necessarily want to have to deal with. But to be used by God for such a time as this is the highest honor that any of us can have. And so I would just, I would encourage you, if you don't know what God's call in your life is to pray about it, he will show you and ask him to use you. And the first step is always the hardest. If you feel God tugging at you and he says to go do something, you do that
Starting point is 01:56:25 one thing. Even if it's a simple act, if it's stepping out in faith at a grocery store or in front of a group of people, whatever that thing is, I promise you, if you do that thing, he will open the door a little bit wider and you will be called in a little bit deeper. And the further you go, the more fulfilled your life will be and you will fulfill that calling, that purpose that you have, especially if you feel like you're not being used and you want to be used. If you feel called, you are called. And I would just encourage you,
Starting point is 01:56:51 everyone in America, now is the time to stand. Thank you for that message, brother. We're standing with you, and we're standing with our other brothers and sisters in this country as we confront what is very well the biggest tyranny, I think, we've ever experienced in the history of this nation. But more so, I stand with you to fill in the Great Commission.
Starting point is 01:57:11 And we'll be praying for your safety as you get deployed around the country. I look forward to speaking to you again, Ben. It was a pleasure. It's my honor. Thank you so much. God bless you. Well, great interview, guys. So great job with that.
Starting point is 01:57:25 And I appreciate Ben's testimony, too. And so it shows that you can be involved within the political sphere and in the news sphere and be a strong believer and be a bright shining light in the world of darkness. And so very good guys. And so he's doing a great work. What did you think of that narrow gate God comment? Oh, that's, that'll, as we say back home, that'll preach. Our God is a narrow gate God. But yeah, that was a great message. So thank you, Ben. You just inspired a sermon out of me. And so, but, but he's right. And sometimes we forget that the principles that we find in Scripture can apply to us in our real world, too.
Starting point is 01:58:09 And our borders should be narrow gate borders. They should be selective. The policies of the past 40 and 50 years to allow just anyone to come across the border, no matter what the policies, no matter what their status is, has created innumerable problems. And the reason why we bring so many in, Lauren, is because we kill so many. And we're trying to replace the population we lost. So we want to have our sexual lust, but we still need bodies to do the yard work. Right. And so you look at it, it's not just anybody who gets to come in because there was
Starting point is 01:58:46 not, for example, an initiative given to the Christians who are being crucified in Syria to bring them in. We weren't giving asylum to brothers and sisters around the world being persecuted. Clearly, it's one sided. There's an agenda at play here. We will continue to report on this issue because the border issue is tied in with the pandemic. It's tied in with the national security issues. It's tied in with the very fabric of this country because a country that doesn't police its own borders is essentially a banana republic. I mean, with everything else aside, how many more decades are we going to discuss this topic? Yeah, I know you're getting ready to close, but do you have open borders at your house?
Starting point is 01:59:27 No, I do not. Why? Lock doors. Why? Keep danger out. That's right. Amen. Well, thank you for tuning in to True News today.
Starting point is 01:59:35 You are our family. You stuck with us for two hours. Those who get to see these interviews, we want to do more of these. If you have a recommendation of someone that you think we should reach out to and bring on to the program on the topic too we want to hear from you you can report you back to us at info that's info again this has True News.

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