TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - News Blackout on mysterious FBI shootout at CIA headquarters

Episode Date: May 4, 2021

Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall building-assistant suicides are happening again, as a Swiss diplomat representing the US in Iran falls 18 stories. New details are emerging about the mysterious sh...oot-out in Langley in front of CIA headquarters, by a suspect known to intelligence agencies. China’s Xi Jinping adds new titles of Helmsman and Oath Keeper as he consolidate Chinese power. Lawrence Livermore Labs is exposed in their Z-Division. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (05/04/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help,, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. Diffamats are falling off buildings again. A high-ranking Swiss diffamat has been found dead by a groundskeeper in Iran's capital. State media says she appears to have accidentally fallen for the 18th floor of her high-rise apartment building. The 50-year-old woman served as first secretary and was undoubtedly involved in the ongoing Iran nuclear deal negotiations as representative for the U.S. interests in the country. There was also an interesting development in Langley, Virginia last night.
Starting point is 00:01:11 FBI agents shot and killed a man outside the entrance to the CIA headquarters. The official story, a mentally ill man previously known to the CIA drove up to the spy agency's front gates in the morning, said he had a bomb, parked himself there until 6 p.m., then decided to exit the vehicle holding up what appeared to be a gun and was then shot to death. Oh, we know all this, by the way, because it's what the FBI and CIA have told us happened. And no American news outlet seems to be willing to discuss it. Well, we are. Joining me to discuss this secret spy shootout and the latest building-assisted suicide are True News founder Rick Walls and Doc Burkhart. Hey, Edward.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Edward, building-assisted suicide. You've told me about this over the years. Scientists, bankers, now we have diplomats falling off buildings. Spies, lots of spies. Spies have fallen off of stair steps and rooftops. Yes, and you've covered that. I mean, over the years, as I've listened, as a True News listener, I sure remember all that. And another banker fell off a building today,
Starting point is 00:02:17 or another doctor jumped off a building today. Or at least that's what the media reports. But what's interesting about this one, this is a diplomat in Iran. And they were involved in the negotiations between the U.S. and Iran on the I guess the restoration of the nuclear deal. So the diplomat worked is a Swiss citizen, works for the Swiss government. Yes. The United States does not have an embassy in Iran. Right, not since the 1979 revolution. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:48 So the Swiss were acting as... A proxy. A proxy for the United States? That's correct. Okay. Who stands to gain? who would not want the United States to restart the nuclear deal with Iran? Well, that list appears to be pretty short. Yes, I would say it's a very small country in the Middle East that rhymes with Israel.
Starting point is 00:03:18 That would be one player, I would think, that would qualify for that. I can pick a mainstay right now that's very sad about the nuclear deal negotiations, the Mossad, I think maybe would be a culprit here. Well, you know, the chief of Mossad met with Joe Biden last week. Yes, just the other day. About this negotiation. Yes, specifically. So they would have been working through the Swiss embassy in Tehran for any diplomatic cables. And you know, it's funny about the readout we were given, Rick. The press was told by the Biden White House that Joe Biden just stumbled into the meeting, that it was by chance that he got to meet the Mossad chief.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Yeah, he's just saying hi. Yeah, just say hey. But the Israelis, they actually counted that and said, we met for two hours and this was planned. Right. So they wanted to make it very clear that their version of the CIA, the director, got to meet with our president and wanted to convey that this nuclear deal negotiation is not in the interests of Israel. And then we have this story today about the Swiss diplomat falling off a building. So
Starting point is 00:04:21 timing isn't that great. I would call it coincidence once again. You know what I believe about coincidences. But let's catch up a little bit. As we were doing the Godcast yesterday, this story was developing or we first heard about it as we were doing the Godcast yesterday. What we're finding out now is this standoff that happened at CIA headquarters had actually been going on all day yesterday. Yes, at least eight hours. They say late morning is when the man who's been identified as Roy Gordon Cole, this is the man that drove a vehicle to the CIA headquarters in Langley, he showed up late morning, was in negotiations with CIA negotiators,
Starting point is 00:05:00 not FBI, not police negotiators, CIA negotiators, until 6 p.m. And then, reportedly, he got out of the vehicle, brandished a weapon, and was shot to death by the FBI. Do you recall what time he arrived at Langley? They haven't given an exact time. They're saying late morning, which I interpret as maybe 10, maybe 11, probably 10 o'clock. The reason I'm asking is that I heard a radio report about it yesterday. And the only time I listened to the radio is driving here. And so that had to have been, I think yesterday, it would have been somewhere between 7.30 and 8 a.m.
Starting point is 00:05:47 That's not late morning at all. That's early morning. If you heard it on the ride to work, that means it was 7, which as you can find this further, you're talking about almost 12 hours standoff. But were any of the major outlets covering the story throughout the day yesterday? Because what I heard, and, you know, it was one of those things I just assumed you guys would be on top of it all day. You know, hey, this is a big story. This is going to be all over the news. There's something weird going on at the Langley CIA entrance. And what I heard, I would have been listening to Fox Business News with Maria Bottaroma. And what I heard was a
Starting point is 00:06:28 woman who said she heard loud banging, like eight or nine loud bangs. But again, that would have been morning because I don't listen or watch any media throughout the day. Right. I don't have time. I don't turn on anything. But at some point yesterday, I heard a woman say, somebody in Virginia, that she heard a loud banging. And there was like eight or nine bangs. That had to have been a news report on Fox Business News early in the morning.
Starting point is 00:07:20 So if that's the case, the standoff started quite early, and it didn't end until 6 p.m. Yes, and you think you probably heard it during drive time, which would have been drive time in Langley. I'm saying it would have been around 7.30, 8 o'clock. When other agents, I'm talking about up in Langley, that would have been the time CIA agents, the administrative ones, would have been showing up at the headquarters for regular day's business. Rick, this story is very weird. And the reports we're getting is the man that has now been named showed up without an identification,
Starting point is 00:07:44 didn't have an ID on him. Again, his name is Roy Gordon Cole, according to the CIA. And he was known to the CIA's security services. That's a weird thing to say. First off, the CIA is not supposed to be operating domestically. How do they know about a mentally ill man who's showing up? Well, I took that as meaning he has shown up before. Oh, he's a crazy guy down the street.
Starting point is 00:08:09 And acted weird. That's the way I'm taking it. But once again, we have another example, as in many of these incidences throughout the years that we've noticed, it comes out within hours or days. He was known to the FBI. He was known to the CIA that He was known to the CIA. That he was on their radar, okay? I don't know if these guys are really on their radar or not, or if they're developed by intelligence agencies. And they say, well, he was on our radar. We were aware of him.
Starting point is 00:08:39 But this is another example. And when we were preparing for the Godcast today, I said to Edward and Rick that, well, you just wait. In just an hour or two, they're going to say he was known to intelligence services. It wouldn't be five minutes later that we saw that. Well, then another aspect of this story that's been very weird is that the FBI was present on the scene. Now, officially, the Bureau is claiming their agents were already in the area near Langley, the CIA headquarters, looking for suspicious vehicles. Thus, it was very easy for them. That's their official statement. So hold your laugh. They're just cruising around. Yeah, they're just holding their laugh.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Snipers looking for something. You guys, you agents today, once you go cruise around CIA headquarters, look for suspicious vehicles today. So they were available. They were available to show up when they needed to be there. They were not involved in the direct negotiations, but they were involved in the killing. Well, now it happened outside of CIA headquarters, right? Yes. Not inside the entrance.
Starting point is 00:09:44 So who negotiated? You said the entrance. So who negotiated? You said the FBI negotiated. Who negotiated? The CIA negotiated. The FBI shot and killed. I see. Because the CIA is not allowed to do operations on American soil. The FBI can't.
Starting point is 00:09:57 So they killed him. They let the FBI do it. And so he did die of lead poisoning, right? Yes. So, all right. Okay. So. All right. OK, so the one thing that was strange about and I apologize, my throat is raspy today. And here in Florida, there's a there's a weed that grows and there's a lot of pollen in April and May. And it hits me every year at this time. So the thing that was strange is there was no news reporting about it.
Starting point is 00:10:33 It's a blackout. All day long. Again, when I came out here last night for yesterday's True News, I just thought you had a big story built out on it. And I found out there was nothing out there. The only news story I found late in the day was a very small, like one paragraph story by WTOP Radio in Washington, D.C.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Yes. Man shot it at Langley. And I searched the Washington Post, the Washington Times. I searched all the Washington television. There was nothing. I looked at CNN, Fox News, New York Times, nothing. We're talking about 10 miles from D.C. This isn't rural Virginia.
Starting point is 00:11:19 It's miles from the Capitol where the White House is. But there was a news blackout on this incident. So, Rick, let's take a trip back in our memories. Let's go back to 1993, okay? Remember 1993, the guy that tried to crash the gates of the CIA headquarters? In fact, I do. And so he tried to crash the gates of the CIA headquarters. Pakistani.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Yeah, and he was actually on the run for four years he got away that day uh and then he was on the run for four years they ended up catching him uh getting tried for it he was executed in 2002 um so this isn't the first time that uh someone's tried to do something like this there's a a lot of questions about Amir Qasim from that incident too. He was also known to intelligence services. It also could have been an agent
Starting point is 00:12:13 who said he was not going to remain quiet anymore and he was going to tell the American people what he knew. That's what I thought when I read the part about him not bringing in that identification. Yes, it could be that this is just a crazy man who showed up to the CIA, but also the FBI and the CIA in their statements made very clear that he had shown up not only without an identification, but expecting to gain entry. Again, he didn't get
Starting point is 00:12:41 out of the car and try to jump the fence. He drove up in his vehicle. And he said he parked. They're saying he parked and said, I'm not leaving until I go into this headquarters. We don't know yet if this wasn't an asset of some kind of the CIA. Also, a possible gun battle between CIA and FBI? Yes, because of the reports you mentioned earlier about, you know, a pounding. There were also others that said... That's a report of 13 shots.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Right. There were people in the area that heard what sounded like gunshots, more than 10 gunshots, yet we're being told that no gunshots were exchanged until this man was shot to death at 6 p.m. Right. I just recall some years ago there was a man in Houston shot and killed who said he was a CIA agent. Do you remember that story? Vaguely. So, but yeah if if i recall there was a a car chase in houston and the police shot and killed
Starting point is 00:13:49 the man but the man said he was a cia agent and uh but he was um he he ran into some bullets and he had a cia id yes he had i haven't pulled it pulled up from the Houston Chronicle. I'll give control just a moment. I'll send the link. That was fast. Good. But the odd part was he did actually have, appeared to be a CIA ID. It said, and this is from 2011 to August 8th, 2011, Carnaby flashed CIA card before deadly chase., the man in question, his name was Ronald Vincent Carnaby, which is interesting because the name that we were given this time around, it's a very nonchalant name, but three-part name. It just sounds like a good American name.
Starting point is 00:14:35 They always do the three-part name. That's another thing you can always count on, too. This is the article from the Houston Chronicle. The police captain for the Houston Police Department, Captain Steve Jett, said, he, the officer, did not know what federal credentials looked like. They look authentic, but you can do a lot of things with a computer. So they're trying to claim this man, a 52-year-old, that he had produced fake identifications. This is the guy from 2011.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Well, actually, I think 2008. Eight. So 2008. Oh, it was updated. Sorry, 2008. right and so uh but this is an example so once again these um this isn't the story from uh to yesterday this is a story from 2008 about another ci agent that was killed um assuming the oh doc i have uh there's been i wish i've kept records over the years so many weird stories like this there was one oh i'm the Capitol outside and I remember I had WTOP now the way I knew about it somebody called me hmm
Starting point is 00:15:56 somebody on the scene and said something big is going down right now at the Capitol building and I couldn't find any news about it. Right. So I'm checking all the major news networks. There's no report. But I got a true news fan on the phone right now who's telling me there's something big going on right now at the Capitol. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:19 So I kept waiting for Fox and CNN and all the news networks to break in with the report. Nothing happened. So I went to good old reliable WTOP radio. A local station there in the DC area. And also very well acquainted with that station from my early days growing up in Maryland. And sure enough, WTOP was doing live coverage from the event. Yes. The event that wasn't happening.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Okay. And I heard the reporter say, they are now carrying a body out on a stretcher. The body is covered. They're putting the body in an ambulance. And I'm listening to this. And then on one of the news networks, they broke in with a report and said that there was a minor incident at the Capitol and nothing happened.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Police had it under control. But I've got the radio. And you're hearing about people being hauled out on stretchers. And they're hauling them out on stretchers with their bodies covered. Nothing to see here. Right. According to the other media.
Starting point is 00:17:25 And then there was another incident where there was a shooting in the parking garage of the Capitol building. And a member of the Congress said he heard gunshots. And the police said, no, the congressman was wrong. It was a jackhammer. Those jackhammers, man. The congressman was a military vet and he said, I know what a jackhammer sounds like and I know what firearms sound like. Somebody
Starting point is 00:17:55 was shooting a gun. Oh, they were constructing something that day. Sounds like they're constructing a cover story. That's right. So somebody got shot that day in the parking garage at the Capitol. Right. But major media outlets didn't cover it. No.
Starting point is 00:18:12 So yesterday was an example of a major breaking story that was obviously suppressed for whatever reason. And notice that as this story has developed, they have not blamed Muslims. They have not blamed Russians. They have not blamed Russians. Or white supremacists. Or white supremacists. Okay. So none of the, you know, scripted narratives fit this. So something else happened.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Good point. Think about that. And so, you know, we're dot connectors here. We just, we think about these and we say there's a dot. Does it connect with that dot? Well, let's talk about directed energy attacks. Yes, there's another dot connector out there. It's the former Pentagon chief for President Trump, Christopher Miller.
Starting point is 00:18:54 He has come out today and said that the directed energy attacks, which have been reported in Miami, Alexandria, Virginia, and in the Ellipse in Washington, D.C., that they are likely the Russians and they are an act of war. Now, we talked about this a little bit last week, about some of these different incidences, but they didn't go into a lot of detail about it. What do we know now more than we did before, Edward? Well, regarding the directed energy incidents, what we reported was that people in the Capitol have been experiencing similar symptoms to what was experienced at the U.S. embassy in Cuba
Starting point is 00:19:32 and also in Miami, those at embassy official, and in China. What we found is people lost their hearing, vertigo, felt really sick. Some of them had to be hospitalized, had injuries which required them to retire from diplomatic service. What we've learned now is that there are the same reports of these kind of attacks, incidents, in the nation's capital. Why this is important and why it's been brought up today is that Christopher Miller, as acting defense secretary, was handed, when he took over the job to investigate this, look into this. He said that during his time in looking into this, he found it was not just a mystery of communications. It was certainly a directed energy incident.
Starting point is 00:20:16 OK, if it's an active war directed energy attack, who is the attacker? He says it's likely the Russians. That's his analysis. Likely the Russians. He cannot pin it on the Russians or the Chinese, but he said it's likely the Russians. And he also went as far to say the CIA has launched their own investigation. It's not the Department of Defense,
Starting point is 00:20:41 not the FBI, the CIA. Well, should they be investigating themselves? I mean, really? Because, I mean, I wouldn't put it past the CIA to fake a directed energy weapons attack on U.S. resources anywhere in the world. I don't trust the CIA. I don't even believe those are the actual letters. Okay? That's how far I don't trust the CIA. And so, you know, having them investigate, that tells me the whole story right there. They're likely behind the incidents. But when somebody says, is likely, the suspect is likely this person, well, in a court of law, you can't get a conviction on likely.
Starting point is 00:21:29 No, they're very careful. Could be, maybe, likely. They're very careful to hedge their statements. But when you say something like it's an act of war. That's not hedging at all. Okay. It's an act of war. That's taking things to a whole different level.
Starting point is 00:21:42 It's not, well, it was an accident or it was an incident. No, it's an act of war, that's taking things to a whole different level. It's not, well, it was an accident or it was an incident. No, it's an act of war. Well, if it's an act of war, then we're under attack. Okay? But you can't, are you telling me that all the resources of the United States government, you can't tell me if we're under attack from a directed energy weapon or not and you can't tell where it's from that either tells me two things either you really don't have the ability to do it or you're doing it yourself or you're faking the whole thing but you have hundreds of fbi agents traveling around the country trying to find people who protested at the Capitol. Right. But you can't find out who is using directed energy weapons in the nation's Capitol.
Starting point is 00:22:35 You think it's Oath Keepers? You know? These weren't military talkies that caused real injury. I believe the injuries are probably real. I believe the injuries are real. Oh, I'm not discounting at all. It's serious. The injuries sound terrible.
Starting point is 00:22:50 What I'm saying is you have limited resources. I'm talking about the FBI. You have limited resources. And you have so many agents. And what are they using the agents for? What's more important, to find out who's using directed energy weapons? Or who committed trespassing on the U.S. Capitol on January 6th. That's right.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Because that's what it amounts to on January 6th. But there's a political agenda with the other investigation. Xi Jinping is claiming more authority. I thought he had all authority. Well, he wants a new title. He wants Mao's title, the title of helmsman, the navigator of the nation. Now, this is according to a general, Army Lieutenant General Scott Barrier, who testified to the Congress yesterday. He's actually the head of the DIA. He claimed
Starting point is 00:23:37 that the Chinese are now elevating Xi past his own thoughts being in the Constitution, he now has a Maoist title as leader of China. Now, the helmsman title was used during the Long March. Mao was seen as the man who was crafting China for the future, the Communist Party's visionary. Well, now Xi Jinping, who was previously just chairman and a leader for life, he's also now a helmsman. And Xi Jinping, does he plan to do anything with this extra power? Well, right now he's using it as a way to root out rivals that are within, that are, you know, that are in opposition to him. There's a particular faction called the Jiangs
Starting point is 00:24:26 within the Chinese Communist Party that have expressed some opposition to him. But by consolidating the power within Xi Jinping himself, he actually takes on all the authority of really speaking as the singular voice of the Central Committee at this point. He becomes the singular navigator moving forward. And those that aren't on board with him as captain or helmsman, then they might have to walk the plank. In a way, he's trying to attain the same kind of cult-like following as Kim Jong-un. Because this position, they're already putting Xi Jinping's face on plates, on signs.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Some are forcing Christians to take down a picture of Jesus or a cross on the wall and put up Xi Jinping in its place. He already has a big cult following. By taking on Mao's persona with the Hellsman title, he's creating a religious following, much like Kim Jong-un has in North Korea. You mentioned Mao. How long has Xi Jinping been calling himself the helmsman? The title came up during this year's CCP gathering. It was in March. And he also was given the title of the O keeper, the oath fulfiller. This was another title introduced. He was always introduced to the committee.
Starting point is 00:25:51 These have meaning. They're not just simply nice words they've added to his name. They're trying again to elevate him above anyone in the country. You could even say maybe elevate him to the mindset of an emperor. But as far as how long he's been identifying himself with this, well, we can go back to 2018 and outlet China Daily. They were saying the public supports helmsman, there's that word, helmsman, in guiding China's rejuvenation.
Starting point is 00:26:20 So this has been tracking for several years, for at least three years now from the looks of it. I like the way China Daily says the public supports this. And so I wonder if they took a poll and asked everybody, do you support this? Oh, yes, I absolutely support it, while they point a gun at them or something. But this is the first time, one of the first times you see this term being applied to Xi Jinping was three years ago. But now it's been elevated to more of a public title at this point. where a high-ranking Australian military commander warned his country that Australia is within years of going to war with China.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Yes, and this story continues to develop. You know, as that military buildup within the, I still call Asia Pacific, even though the current U.S. administration still calls it Indo-Pacific, these crises are going to continue to flare up. Listen, Australia is really an Asian entity. It's in the Asian sphere of influence. You know, as it looks right now, they're going to be drawn into some sort of conflict here within the next few years,
Starting point is 00:27:50 either by direct conflict or by proxy conflict when China ramps up toward Taiwan. By the way, there's a very important anniversary coming up in the month of July for China. And there are some Some speculators out there are some military experts out there rather I hate to use word speculator military experts that say that if China will make a move it will likely occur Somewhere near that anniversary sometime around the middle of July of this year of this year and so It's very possible that there is, you know, you see this war talk now being regional. And notice how the U.S. is being
Starting point is 00:28:33 left out of these conversations now. You have a direct conflict with the Philippines. We'll touch on that here in a little bit. And Australia and others in a conflict with China, rather than having the U.S. speak on behalf of that. And so this could flare up into a regional conflict. So. Who was the military commander who warned that war is a real possibility? Well, first quoted by the Australian news was an analyst named Peter Jennings of the Australian news, was an analyst named Peter Jennings of the Australian Strategic
Starting point is 00:29:06 Policy Institute. And what he is saying is that Australia and their military command are preparing, not just talking, are preparing to fight a war over Taiwan. Now, in addition to this, at the same time, think tanks are discussing how would China fight a war with Australia and would the US be able to help. A military general has been giving secret briefings. His name is Major General Adam Findlay. Now, he is the head of the special forces in Australia. And what he has said is that not only is a war on the horizon, it is possible by 2023 even. It doesn't have to wait until then, though, according to Mr. Finley, Major General Finley.
Starting point is 00:29:52 So the next two years. Next two years, and specifically, he says that it doesn't have to happen physically. It could be a cyber war, starting off as a cyber war. You have to start to wonder if a war like this hasn't already begun. Haven't we experienced the SolarWinds hack, for example? There's another story. I read this one today, Sydney Morning Herald, Australia. It's an op-ed written by Mr. Bob Carr, who previously served as the foreign affairs minister in the Australian government. But I want you to look at one particular statement that he said.
Starting point is 00:30:34 He said nationalists in China and the U.S. Notice how he's talking about nationalists in both countries. Nationalists in China and the United States need to understand that a horrendous war fought over which political order prevails in Taiwan is not worth this price. The issue will solve itself in 50 or 100 years without a blood sacrifice of millions and near ruin of half the planet.
Starting point is 00:31:08 It's interesting he used that phrase, blood sacrifice, there, isn't it, Rick? It's not by accident we see these things pop up in conversation, because really, wouldn't it be a blood sacrifice? Isn't that what war is? Yes. Well, the South China Morning Post, they laid out that it would require three quarters of the forces that we used in World War II. Millions of soldiers. I'm talking just the U.S. would have to commit that to stop China from invading Taiwan. To that degree, America is not asking just Americans to support.
Starting point is 00:31:44 They want Australia, Japan, India to be the main ground forces to help this. What this man is saying is, this isn't our fight. I think most of the quad, the nations that the United States has said will help confront Chinese influence in the South China Sea, most of them have buckled. Japan is not looking for a new world war. The Australians apparently now are also saying that this is not a fight that we're wanting to get involved. The New Zealand itself, the prime minister said, this isn't a fight. This isn't even a sanctioning war we want to get involved in. But the man who said that quote you showed on the screen, he specifically addressed this because what will happen is a nuclear war will take place. That's what he was quoted as saying right before then, that there is no conflict
Starting point is 00:32:32 with China that doesn't go nuclear. Right. And it would be a sacrifice of millions of people and the ruin of half the planet. That may be why they're trying to reframe this. There's going to be a war with China. There's going to be one. The only thing we're going to prevent is whether or not it becomes nuclear and everything. And this is another story.
Starting point is 00:32:57 This is about Putin. Well, this is an important story because we have to wonder, will there be a war with China? We keep getting told that. And of course, the spending and the arguments being made by defense ministers around the world, especially in the West, about why we need new trillion dollar budgets for our military is China. China is the biggest threat. But it does seem that those very military assets, the submarines, nuclear submarines, for example, they're not being sent to the South China Sea. In this case, they keep telling us actually on the other side, we will actually send forces to fight the Russians. Yeah, what we may see since we have a
Starting point is 00:33:36 China compromise president in the White House, Joe Biden, and a very pro-China administration. I mean, a lot of the people around him have close ties to China, including Anthony Blinken, the Secretary of State. Absolutely. Absolutely. We may see that the Biden administration never, never confronts China, that it's all theater, but the confrontation will be with Russia. Right. And then anything that happens with China will be with the regional powers that are there, like maybe the Philippines, Australia, Japan, Korea. And the U.S. might take more of a
Starting point is 00:34:29 stand back approach saying, well, we can't fight two of these at the same time. We'll focus on Russia. And that'll be their excuse. It's interesting to see how this is going to play out, especially if we're looking at the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party in July. If China is building up toward that event to possibly make a statement about China moving forward in the 21st century, we need to keep that on our radar and keep ourselves familiar with it. Let's go back to number 12. This is from the Sun in London. Putin launches submarine with nukes capable of wiping out U.S. cities in chilling warning to Biden. Edward,
Starting point is 00:35:15 what is the warning and what are the nukes? So what Vladimir Putin has been able to unveil is the new caliber and Onyx cruise missiles. Also, the submarines themselves the Russians have developed. They've actually been working on these for the better part of two decades. These are submarines that can launch from Russian waters. You don't have to rely on ground launchers. They, with this weapon, can hit Los Angeles. They can hit Washington, D.C.
Starting point is 00:35:44 They can threaten the United States with the very destruction the United States is threatening upon Russia. I think the message on this is that Russia is not going to let the U.S. and others bully them into, let's say, surrendering on Iran, surrendering their bases in Syria and specifically on the Crimea. But the message to Biden is that we have the very same capability that you're threatening us with past your financial sanctions. Now, these the Zircon missiles that they've been talking about? They're a caliber, caliber and onyx cruise missile that can be used off of the Russian nuclear submarines. But this is happening again at
Starting point is 00:36:25 the time that the Russians are preparing to do their Victory Day parade. Again, this is the country that we fought with in World War II to defeat the Nazis. And to commemorate this every year, the Russians have a celebration of Moscow and they show off all their brand new military equipment. The difference this year is there'll be no foreign guests to the Victory Day parade, but that Victory Day parade is about weeks away. This is now the demonstration of the new nuclear submarines they have. We also have a story of a Russian Navy
Starting point is 00:36:55 conducts first Black Sea supersonic cruise missile test. The Russians, this is in the Black Sea, this is right off the coast of the Crimea, are showing they have not just a supersonic missile, but a missile specifically that can take out a carrier group. Now, the supersonic missiles have been characterized as carrier killers because there's nothing that has been currently demonstrated that can stop this missile or a missile like it from hitting a carrier. I'm talking about not just the U.S. carriers, but maybe the British carrier fleet, which has been dispatched and is heading for its own kind of rendezvous in the Black Sea to challenge the Russian blockade. Now, this is the missile being fired from the Moskva in the Black Sea. They're doing this,
Starting point is 00:37:42 at the same time, this vessel and its fleet is shadowing the U.S. Coast Guard ship, the Hamilton. And this, by the way, Rick, can hit any target within the Black Sea. I mean, and extending a little further inland than that. They shot it from one end of the Black Sea to the other. Yes. So, I mean, any target in the Black Sea at all. So anyone that dares to really make any sort of aggressive move in the black sea russia has the capability of responding something that could possibly happen in the month of may yes so a lot of things are building up may
Starting point is 00:38:20 june july in different regional powers. And so we also have a report. This is from the Express out of the UK. The new aircraft carrier that Great Britain's rolled out was intercepted by Russian spy ships just hours after setting sail. So this was the debut of the HMS Queen Elizabeth. And they were actually sailing in the North Sea, right off the coast of Scotland. And two Russian vessels actually were able to track this immediately,
Starting point is 00:38:54 bring it within view, and were taking in data. One of the biggest questions about this carrier group has been, what are those capabilities? How many soldiers are on it? We've actually now learned this will be a permanent battle group. Now, what else is important is the British people, the British country
Starting point is 00:39:12 itself, it's not an empire anymore. Yet, they're now launching what has actually been seen by the US. We have permanent fleets, deployments of strike groups. This will be the UK's, but it will also be a multinational strike group. It will involve US warships. And we've now learned that there'll be 250 US Marines that will be based on this carrier as it heads to the Black Sea.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Okay. So the headline said the Russians intercepted the ship. Yes. The two Russians- But it doesn't mean that they boarded the ship. Yes, the two Russians. But it doesn't mean that they boarded the ship. No, no, they didn't. They didn't board the ship. But the interesting thing about boardings is the British carrier group has their own version of a boarding capability. They've now actually developed the ability to have jetpacks. These will probably be used on the aircraft carrier. But I think the most important part of this is that the Russians are watching very closely
Starting point is 00:40:07 as the U.S., U.K., and other countries are preparing to send an armada, an armada bigger than anything we've sent since World War II, to the Black Sea. What do you mean they have jetpacks? I've been waiting for decades to have a jetpack. I still don't have one. So the British military, they've actually produced something that looks much like a jet pack. It's an air system. It looks like a backpack you basically put on.
Starting point is 00:40:34 The military has been testing it. Your hands, well, both hands have what are basically cylinders that shoot air down. Here, this is a video produced by the British Royal Navy. That man is wearing the gravity system. There he is, levitating. Wow. Look at that. So imagine 100 men just like that coming upon a ship, and you board it.
Starting point is 00:41:01 That's what I want for Christmas. You want a jet pack for Christmas? I do. Well, it's got a hefty price tag on it, Rick. They cost about $440,000 for each unit. So you have to decide whether you want to put a down payment on a Pilatus or get a jet pack. Which would you rather have? Well, both of them make you fly. You can go about, it's about 85 miles per hour. It's 10 minutes you can go right now. Maybe they'll be extended. Up to 12,000 feet. You don't want to go out at 12,000 because it's a one-way trip down. And so, but it does look pretty cool, but really the practical applications of that, it's bulky, it's heavy. I mean, it has a great show value and everything, but really, you can't carry a weapon.
Starting point is 00:41:53 You can't do anything with it. To me, it's just a lot of show. But you can go to Publix and pick up bread. That's right. You can just skip all over town. And so it would be a great thing to do. But at $440,000 each, and of course, that's the military price, it would be out of my pocketbook range for sure.
Starting point is 00:42:14 It's only about eight Bitcoin. Well, that's all. Well, speaking of money, the Russians are paying attention to the international financial system, specifically them getting removed from it. Maria Zakharova, she's the spokesperson for the Russian foreign ministry, works under Sergei Lavrov, foreign minister in Russia. She says Russia is not only ready to leave the swift international wire transfer system,
Starting point is 00:42:40 but they are even looking at the Iranians' comparison for it, their alternative for it, as maybe one of the options for their country. She gave an interview to RT, Russia's state media, but she said this is no longer be considered a hypothetical scenario because they are being forced by the West. Because in addition to the military expansions, they've also sanctioned Russia and tried to force them out of the international monetary system. They say in this, Russia's possible disconnection from SWIFT is so far considered a hypothetical scenario.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Nevertheless, interdepartmental work is underway to minimize the risk and economic damage to our country, Russia, from restricted access to the usual international financial instruments and payment mechanisms. The central bank's financial messaging system is one example of alternative instruments. Options are also being discussed for adding interface with its foreign counterparts such as the European SEPA, the Iranian SEPAM, and the Chinese CUP and CIPS. So those are just a few of the options there. And cooperation is growing between Russia MIR payment system and its former, excuse me, foreign counterparts,
Starting point is 00:43:54 in particular Chinese UnionPay, the Japanese JCB, International MaestroCard. Such co-branded cards are accepted both in Russia and abroad. and in particular, various operations with them are already possible in a number of countries. Including NATO's Turkey. Right. And at the same time, it's a long and laborious process, and it's too early to talk about any specific dates for putting together a comprehensive national toolkit for payment transactions or for its promotion to international markets. There's more. Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:27 At the same time, Russia is vigorously exploring the opportunities provided by modern digital technologies and the potential of their use to increase the sustainability, stability, and interdependence of the national financial system and means of payment with a clear understanding that digital money can become the foundation of an updated international financial system and cross-border transactions in the future. Well, there's coming a day when they will throw the swift switch and they're going to cut Russia off from that. Russia is already making those plans in place. And, you know, if we continue to ramp up toward a wartime scenario, which it looks like we are at this point, there will come a day where they will cut it off.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Well, the day that they cut off Russia from SWIFT, Rick, will that be the day that we see Russia respond militarily? What are your thoughts on that? It's an act of war. Now, if their new system, the alternative system, succeeds and gets other countries involved, they may not go to war. They may say the greater damage is to make your system obsolete. Right. If you come up with a better system that actually works for them. And that you can't be blackmailed by it either. Hey, I know we got some powerful COVID stories here.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Yes. A new study about the origin of coronavirus. Yes, there was a study which was conducted in the early months of the pandemic. I'm talking about March, and this is in America. A bioweapons division of one of the most secret agencies in our government, the Livermore Laboratories, they were advising President Trump in 2020 that not only did the virus originate in China, but out of the Wuhan bioweapons lab. Now, what has happened now is the study has been leaked. It has been leaked to Sinclair Station, ABC7 News. And what they've gotten is an actual copy of this. They got a confirmation from the lab. But why this is important is when President Trump was saying last year, he's been told,
Starting point is 00:46:48 I can't talk about why I know this, but this likely came from the Wuhan bioweapons lab. We have to keep talking about Wuhan. This was before it was illegal to say Wuhan or talk about the virus in that manner without being hit with the xenophobia or hate crimes moniker. But this report, Rick, says not only did the government know, or talk about the virus in that manner without being hit with the xenophobia or hate crimes moniker. But this report, Rick, says not only did the government know, but they were actually working to respond based off of their own understanding that the Chinese did this. Do you know when this report was issued?
Starting point is 00:47:21 In May of last year. The leak happened just this month, about a year after the finishing of it. But the agency that conducted it, the Livermore Laboratory, have confirmed its validity. The reason I'm asking, I'm still, from time to time I think about Jared Kushner. We were in Davos in the winter of 2020, and the Chinese delegation was coughing all over everybody. And he quickly left. Yes. Yes. And Jared Kushner, we were paying attention to him because we knew about the coronavirus in January.
Starting point is 00:48:01 But we noticed that Jared Kushner skedaddled, and he was supposed to go to Israel because a lot of the world leaders were leaving Davos to go to Israel for a... Holocaust remembrance. Yes, it was a Holocaust remembrance. And Jared Kushner, who is Jewish, did not go. He skedaddled and flew back to America. And we've often wondered what convinced him to get out of town and not go to Israel, but return back to home base. And it may be that he was privy to a U.S. intelligence briefing to his father-in-law, President Trump, that the Chinese
Starting point is 00:48:47 delegation was infected with coronavirus and that Western leaders needed to get out of Dodge quickly. But they all didn't leave. He left. Yes. But they all didn't leave. That doesn't mean that they told everybody. Right.
Starting point is 00:49:04 I had not considered that possibility until just now. That's a real possibility. No one, Jared Kushner, and so. Well, the group that would have briefed Jared Kushner, I guess, through his fallen law, because it doesn't sound like Jared Kushner should have had the security clearance to hear this, but the group was out of, they're actually called the International Assessments Program, a very nonchalant moniker. But they're actually a secret division of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. They're nicknamed the Z Division or Z Program. Now, it's considered to be a special projects group. They were established in 1965
Starting point is 00:49:45 to provide analysis and advice to the US intelligence community during the Cold War. They got switched to look into biowarfare and such, and that's what their case was with this. They reportedly have a working agreement with the CIA to brief the CIA on what's happening. They look into viruses. They're supposed to be the ones that would catch a virus right away. They don't even have a website. I tried to find this today. What I found was an archived version of what was once the Z Division for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
Starting point is 00:50:19 This is what it looks like. They are tailored to look at not just biowarfare, but also directed energy weapons. They're a counterintelligence, counterproliferation agency. And you had to go all the way back to 2010 to find this information? Yes. It's the only available record of this agency, other than what you're about to see in the report from the Sinclair Station. But the Z Division knew this was a virus from Wuhan, and specifically the military biowarfare lab. Now we have a report from WJLA about this leak. COVID-19 still raging in various parts of the world and far from vanquished here in the United
Starting point is 00:51:04 States. Identifying the origin of this devastating virus remains of paramount concern still raging in various parts of the world and far from vanquished here in the United States, identifying the origin of this devastating virus remains of paramount concern to scientists across the globe. Our story this morning concerns an effort by some of the most highly qualified scientists who work for the federal government to pinpoint the origin of COVID-19 and the reactions that their classified report provoked across the national security apparatus. On May 27 of last year, scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, the Department of Energy's premier biodefense research institution, produced a report classified at the top secret level that assessed as plausible the theory that COVID-19 originated in a Chinese
Starting point is 00:51:45 laboratory. That's according to multiple officials who have either seen the report or been briefed on its contents and described them to Sinclair. Justin Jacobs is a China scholar at American University and author of Compensations of Plunder, How China Lost Its Treasures. There is going to be no way to prove this beyond a reasonable doubt, but it does seem to confirm that high-level U.S. intelligence suggests that this is at least at a minimum a plausible scenario that should not be dismissed out of hand. Indeed, the Livermore report was produced by Z Division, the lab's intelligence unit. Livermore spokesperson Linda Seaver confirmed the report's existence, telling Sinclair in an email, because the report you are referring to is classified, it would be inappropriate for our lab to discuss this.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Chairman Schiff. At the House Intelligence Committee two weeks ago, the director of National Intelligence said the U.S. is still examining, quote, two plausible theories. One of them is that it was a laboratory accident, and the other is that it emerged naturally from human contact with infected animals. We're looking at exactly where it came from. A year ago, when the Z Division study was still a work in progress, President Trump aligned himself firmly with the lab origin theory.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Have you seen anything at this point that gives you a high degree of confidence that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was the origin of this virus? Yes, I have. Yes, I have. And what gives you a high degree of confidence that this originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology? I can't tell you that. I'm not allowed to tell you that. In January, the State Department declassified intelligence suggesting that the Wuhan Institute of Virology, located in the central Chinese city where the outbreak began, has been experimenting with other bat coronaviruses in close cooperation with the
Starting point is 00:53:29 Chinese military. The People's Liberation Army, or PLA, is widely believed to have an advanced biological and chemical weapons research program. The Washington Post reported that State Department officials who visited the lab in 2018 cabled back to Washington that they had observed poor safety protocols there. The dual use of China's experiments with coronaviruses has in turn divided proponents of the lab origin theory into two main camps. Both camps believe COVID-19 accidentally leaked from WIV personnel, but one camp attributes the accident to legitimate medical research, the other to prohibited biological weapons research. China denies the virus somehow leaked from
Starting point is 00:54:11 one of its biotech labs. Instead, Beijing suggests, in tandem with the World Health Organization, whose onsite probe and final report were tightly controlled by the government of Xi Jinping, that a zoonotic theory is likeliest. This theory holds the virus leaped from a bat to a human or went through an intermediate host such as another animal at one of the so-called wet food markets in Wuhan, where many early cases were traced. The joint WHO-China team, however, acknowledged it could find no intermediate host. Dozens of thousands of animals were tested and all negative. Asked about the Z Division report, Republican Congressman Michael McCaul of Texas,
Starting point is 00:54:54 ranking member on the Foreign Affairs Committee, declined to comment on classified material, but said in a statement to Sinclair, this is why it's crucial the WHO conduct an independent investigation, not one that is tainted by the Chinese Communist Party's malign influence, unquote. So that report, Rick, lays out, it kind of frames this, that it's not intentional. The reporter even said there's two groups, it's really actually more than two, but two, that it's either an accidental leak or it's part of work that the Chinese military is doing. But none of it is a direct bioweapons attack on America, which is something we've postulated. We've laid out the evidence for this. It's interesting they didn't even weigh that. They claim the report covered it as being originated from the bioweapons lab, but never took it past that to say, well, maybe the
Starting point is 00:55:40 bioweapons lab produced a bioweapon that was actually used. But Edward, the WHO investigated. Oh, wait, it was directed by the Chinese in that investigation. You heard him say that in the report, the WHO and Chinese investigation. But the fact of the matter is there are direct ties between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the People's Liberation Army in China, right? Yes, and the government itself was briefed about it. Now, you heard from the president's end and specifically the intelligence community's end on what they thought about the origin of the virus.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Well, the State Department reportedly also was doing an investigation which found the same information. Now, the State Department, according to the Epoch Times, they actually knew about flu-like symptoms, which were being experienced in Wuhan in 2019. Saying in autumn 2019, there was a virus going around. In addition to this, this virus didn't appear to simply infect people. It was actually producing symptoms in line with a bioweapon. This bioweapon, we've since learned, is coming from a lab that had not just one, not just two, but an entire team of Chinese PLA
Starting point is 00:56:56 bioweapon warfare specialists producing gain-of-function weaponry. They were actually researching specific viruses which could infect humans, and working out of this very lab that's become the center of the pandemic. To me, it's always been very clear where it came from. That it came from China, came from Wuhan,
Starting point is 00:57:19 and that it was a Chinese bioweapon. And it makes sense, and it's the one story that gets censored. that it was a Chinese bioweapon. And it makes sense. And it's the one story that gets censored. Just look at which coronavirus story continuously gets censored. You wanna get deplatformed? Talk about coronavirus coming from Wuhan
Starting point is 00:57:39 as a biological attack. Right. You'll get censored. You'll be deplatformed. It's very clear that there is a full operation underway in America to derail, to block, to hinder any news organization, any senator or congressman, anybody who dares to question the origin of coronavirus. And then it'll take you out. Right.
Starting point is 00:58:06 And if they don't take you out over that, they'll take you out over. If you start questioning what they consider the answer to this bio attack, and that's the vaccine. So if you have any kind of, you know, concerns or quality concerns about the vaccine going into your body, then you can get deplatformed from that too. So here's a story out of Great Game India. So the other day we got hit by a couple of different outlets saying, well, they quoted the conspiracy website Great Game India.
Starting point is 00:58:40 But inside this article, though, are links, direct links to reports. For instance, this report out of Israel that the Pfizer vaccine, its side effects include every system of the body and that it basically breaks down what's happening in your whole system. It's a total attack on your whole body, Rick. So are there a lot of deaths now in Israel related to the vaccines? Officially, 288. This report was just produced by an independent group called the Israeli People Committee. And I read this report today. It was authored by Israeli doctors, scientists, researchers. These are all official doctors. They all have doctorate degrees.
Starting point is 00:59:27 They're living in Israel and they're responding to the pandemic. They claim not only is the number underreported, but there are catastrophic side effects which have done far more harm than the virus itself. Now, they're referring specifically to the Pfizer vaccine. A couple of the side effects they said have been reported and seen a huge uptick of. One of them is neurological damage, skeletal and skin system damage, strokes, miscarriages, genital bleeding. This is something that people who aren't getting from coronavirus, they're getting from taking the vaccine. Yeah. And in the article itself, the extended article, it says there has never been a vaccine that has harmed as many people. I thought the reason for a vaccine was actually to help people,
Starting point is 01:00:17 but they're saying, and this is coming from Israel, folks, so it's got to be true, right? They said there's never been a vaccine that has harmed so many people? Yes, sir. Well, that kind of talk makes you an anti-vaxxer. Right. Or a vaccine hesitant. Right, and if you're in Germany and you're anti-vaccine, you're also anti-Semitic, too. And a domestic terrorist.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Right. You need to be shunned, according to the view. I mean, there is a view in America now that anyone who questions the safety of the vaccine or just simply wants to talk about a friend they have or someone they've read about, many reports about this, about people who've had side effects, strokes, blood clots. If you talk about that, you need to be shunned. Your opinion and your sharing of that information is dangerous by itself. I think what's dangerous is censoring Americans and censoring the very real damage that's being done on society by these vaccines. I don't care if they shun me. Actually, I'd like it. That's being done on society by these vaccines. I don't care if they shun me.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Actually, I'd like it. Please get out of my face. Get out of my life. Go away. Shun me. Please shun me. Here's the propaganda that they're pumping into the minds of silly women every day across this country. And they're turning and repeating.
Starting point is 01:01:43 And yes, I did say silly women. It's a Bible term because you won't read the word, but you'll listen to four shrews on The View to tell you the truth. So here's Sonny Hostin. We need to shun those who refuse to get vaccinated. Shunning, that's where we're going with this. I'm telling you, Ms. Sonny, there's a change in attitude going on out there. There are a lot of people that are taking their mask off and they're crying freedom. And so, hey, we're going to wrap it up.
Starting point is 01:02:12 We've got, let's see, one, two, three. It's kind of a potpourri of news stories. There's stories that didn't fit anywhere else. Yeah, we didn't know where to put them, but we wanted to show them to our audience. Well, the first one is out of South Africa. There is a former police sniper who has also had training in the police special forces.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Well, he's serving as a cash and transit driver. This man, an operatory, his job is to take cash between locations, between banks, take them to customer visits. OK, so here in the United States, we call it an armored truck driver. Armored truck driver. In Africa, it's a CIT, cash in transit. Cash in transit driver.
Starting point is 01:02:58 All right. Well, there was a certain CIT driver. His name's Leo Prinslow. Well, he's become an international hero for not buckling under an armed ambush. Up to 10 armed men in vehicles tried to attack Leo, tried to take his vehicle. He shot up his window, but Leo didn't buckle. There were 10 attackers? I didn't know that. I'm reading up to 10. They're saying car is full of gunmen. There could be more than 10, at least two vehicles full to the brim with men shooting at his vehicle. I watched this video last night and I sent it to you guys. It was so wild. It's like, oh my,
Starting point is 01:03:36 look at this. I've never seen video like this of an actual armed robbery taking place. Oh, absolutely. And I think the message, we're going to share this video with you, is that in your life, you might be doing something that could be dangerous, could result in you getting attacked. But if you stick to your guns, you stick to your training, literally, you're going to survive it and you're gonna beat them. Here's the video from New Zealand. I think we're done. We're done? We're done. We're done. We're done.
Starting point is 01:04:30 We're done. We're done. We're done. We're done. We're done. We're done. We're done. We're done. We're done. O caminhão está... Coming off dash.
Starting point is 01:05:17 Coming off dash. So you see here, Rick, the sound is from inside the cab. He's now actually turned the vehicle around. He tricked the gunman and he's now driving away from them. You see the left and right sides. His entire passenger cab has been shot up by what appeared to be automatic fire. At least probably seven, six, two rounds. But he didn't frazzle. Look, his helper, I don't think, did much helping.
Starting point is 01:06:04 This armed guard next to him is just now calling the police off his cell phone. He looked to be more shocked than anything, but Leo didn't lose his cool. And because of that, both those men are alive today. Amazing. Absolutely amazing. If he stays with the company and goes for retirement, I recommend that he request another partner. Because the guy on the right had absolutely no idea what to do. Clearly, he wasn't trained. But he did like to wear a seatbelt. Yes, he did. And he really
Starting point is 01:06:47 was a fan of seatbelts. The driver had to hand him the phones they called the police. The driver handed him the guns. The guns. So another story that you might have seen or might not have seen, if you are a time viewer or listener, you know that several years ago, we donated a tent to the ministry of Mario Morello, Evangelist Mario Morello, many of you know him. And we're very excited to have been a part of that and to see souls saved as a result of him using that tent.
Starting point is 01:07:30 But there was something unusual that recently happened at a Mario Morello tent revival out in Rockland, California. Edward, do you have more on this? Yes. So the event was being hosted at William Jessup University. A couple thousand came out, defied the COVID tyranny there, but they were being monitored. And not just by police on the ground, but a mysterious military drone was pictured in the air, and so much so, Mary actually had to address it, speaking to it, and say he will not buckle to the tyranny. I'm going to have a moment of glory, but then I'm going to be arrested and martyred.
Starting point is 01:08:03 So why push it? So every day, he put money in the man's cup. Now, just so our audience can understand, that wasn't just a plane flying overhead or anything like that. And that was a drone of some kind. And it seemed military style. And the reason why I say the commercial commercial versions have a different configuration different shape you don't see them in that particular shape but there might be a few out there that do but most of them that you buy like at Best Buy or online they have a specific kind of configuration shape to them this seemed to be a military military style drone flying over the Mara Morello revival that was out there.
Starting point is 01:08:47 My guess, Doc, is that the police are monitoring this evangelistic meeting by Mario Morello because it's in the state of California and you are not allowed to congregate. Yes, that's right. They're still in place. It's in the state of California, and you are not allowed to congregate. Yes, that's right. They're still in place. It's probably what's led to Gavin Newsom's recall.
Starting point is 01:09:14 You know, it's been a very unpopular rule. But they're also using the resources at their disposal to spy on Christians who are defying it to worship the Lord. Yeah, the persecution is real. Well, let me tell you how the persecution is affecting Mario. Because every time he holds a meeting in California, he texts to me pictures of the tent.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Right. And I usually get these text messages around 1 a.m. at the end because he's on the West Coast. But he's all pumped and excited, and I love it.
Starting point is 01:09:46 I get these pictures, and the tent is full, absolutely full of people hearing the gospel, coming to know Jesus Christ. And the good news, I'll tell you how the persecution and the intimidation is affecting Mario. He's building a tent, I don't even know. About four times. Four to five times bigger than the one we gave him. And all I can say is, go, Mario. You outgrew the tent.
Starting point is 01:10:13 Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. You outgrew it. He wore it out. He did exactly what he promised me he would do. Right out that door. You were here I was standing there that night yes either late 2016 or early 2017 I'm gonna say early 2017 he
Starting point is 01:10:35 was in January 2017 we just kind of moved into the building here hadn't we so and Mario was speaker I asked him as he was leaving on a Sunday night, his associate said something about. If we just had a tent. If we only had a tent. And I said, you want a tent? And I remember Mario's response. He said, do I want a tent? Yes.
Starting point is 01:11:04 Only Mario could say, do I want a tent? Yeah, he said, do I want a tent? Yes. Only Mario could say, do I want a tent? Yeah, he said, do I want a tent? And I looked at his assistant. His assistant said he wants a tent. And I said, we have a tent. Yes. It's 10,000 square feet. We've got a thousand chairs. I'll give it to you on one condition. And Mario said, what's that? I said, you promised me you will use that tent to preach the gospel and win souls. He said, you're on. And he has.
Starting point is 01:11:33 And we shipped the tent to him. And he has been using it ever since. And now he's building a bigger tent, about four times bigger to accommodate the crowds. So the drones, all the, you know, whatever they've tried to do to intimidate him in California, in the middle of this so-called pandemic, it's not worked. He prospers and grows. See, that's what they've done to us. Our enemies have tried to intimidate us,
Starting point is 01:12:06 persecute us, slow us down, and we simply got bigger. Because that's the way God does things. And when we give, God gives back. That's right. Now, we got another photograph. You may have seen this today. So President Biden and his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, met with former President Jimmy Carter and Rosalind Carter. Does anything look strange in this photograph? Just I'll pause. Just look at it. Everything to me. Are they in the loop? From his vaccination? Thank you.
Starting point is 01:12:46 Uh, control. So this is the, the image provider provided by the, uh, Carter center, the Carter center there in Plains of the event, because the news media weren't allowed in.
Starting point is 01:12:58 Okay. So this is the official photograph. Now, a couple of questions, of course, to me, the, the Bidens look like giants compared to the Carters. Now, a couple of questions, of course, to me, the Bidens look like giants compared to the Carters. Now, I realize that as people age, they get shorter and everything, but they don't shrink, do they? Do people shrink? No, no. Doc, I've lost two inches over the last
Starting point is 01:13:20 10 years. Okay. That's a fact. I've lost two inches. But, and we all know, elderly people, as Doc says, get smaller. But in this photograph, Mr. and Mrs. Carter look like dwarfs. Right. And Joe and Joe Biden
Starting point is 01:13:38 look like giants. Right. And it just, the proportions just don't seem right. And if you can pull up, if you want to take a screenshot of this right now, if you're watching this live and you want to take a screenshot of this, go ahead and just on your phone or whatever. Zoom in on some of the different aspects of it, because some things just don't look right. It looks like that the Bidens have been put into this picture because something just doesn't look right. It looks like that the Bidens have been put into this picture because something
Starting point is 01:14:07 just doesn't look right. Now, I'll say this too, Rick. Something to think about in this is that they are not wearing masks and they are not social distancing. Now, the Carters are in their 90s, right? Yes. Now, wait a minute. Mr. Biden just did a television news interview. Right. And he was separated by about 12 feet. 12 feet. Yeah. And he said to the reporter, we've both been vaccinated.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Right. But we are social distancing. So there they go up to the 90-year-old President Carter and Mrs. Carter, and they get up in their faces. And we're told that, you know, older folks are more susceptible to coronavirus, right? No mask, no social distancing. Look at Mr. Biden. Look at the size of his body compared to Mrs. Carter and the chair. Right.
Starting point is 01:15:02 Look at the chair. If he sat down in that chair, he would overwhelm the chair. Yes. So is that a little people chair? Do the Bidens have little chairs? Do they have a little house? Rick, we fixed this because we think this photo might be off. We might let the Carter Center know we've done our own edit to the photo.
Starting point is 01:15:23 We think this is a little reason. Oh, there we go. All right. Is this better? Is this more in perspective for you, Rick? There you go. That looks more realistic. If you're watching us live right now, if you want to take a screenshot of this and share it on social media, go ahead and do that right now.
Starting point is 01:15:39 This is a correction to the Biden photo and everything. And so that way we get the perspectives correct. Well, it's just as realistic as the other photograph. Yes. What I would have suggested is that the Biden White House should have used the same professional who made Barack Obama's birth certificate. Right.
Starting point is 01:16:02 Now that looked original. You know, whether or not the image, the first image is fake or it's a trick of the camera or whatever it might be. They weren't social distancing. They weren't wearing masks. That's a fact. And some leftist news organizations have commented that they didn't wear their mask. Therefore, Mr. and Mrs. Biden jeopardize the lives of the former president and the former first lady. I mean, if we're to believe the line that we're told. Follow the science. Right. I mean, we don't want to kill the former president with coronavirus, do we? Someone who's been in and out of
Starting point is 01:16:43 hospital, had surgeries, yes. They don't really believe the things they're telling us. So did they really take the photograph? I don't know. Did they take the photograph or was it superimposed? Did the carter say, get off our front yard. Get out of here. Don't come in our house.
Starting point is 01:17:08 We're in an age of deep fakes, manipulated media. We're seeing now even the Washington Post, New York Times and NBC News are constantly making up stories. There's no repercussion for it. Why wouldn't the White House be doing it? It's a fair question. It's just weird. If you if you met Mr. and Mrs. Carter and you had a photograph taken, why would you doctor it? Well, a conspiracy doc would say that, you know, that the photograph never actually happened because they were concerned about the Carters and coronavirus and everything, but they still needed a picture. And maybe the folks at the Carter Center just weren't as great at Photoshop as maybe some other outlets might be. But the picture seems off to me. And, you know, I know that there are a million camera experts out there
Starting point is 01:17:58 that say, oh, no, don't worry about it. But it just doesn't seem right. But the fact of the matter is they weren't social distancing. They weren't wearing masks. Why? Well, either the image was faked or the virus response is fake. One of the two. Why not something that won't be doctored?
Starting point is 01:18:17 That'll be the glorious return of our Lord and Savior. Praise the Lord. And everyone will see that day. You won't have to worry about photos and dollhouses and all these other silly things. None of that stuff matters when the end of the age comes. Lord, did you have anything you wanted to share before we close it out? I'm done. All right.
Starting point is 01:18:34 Everything you just saw on the program, you can find at That's where we post our headlines after the program. And again, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. We've covered a lot in this show. Jesus said the end of the age would have terrors and great signs from heaven. Are you hearing these stories anywhere else? Stand with us in this time and make a commitment to fuel our work by signing up to donate monthly to True News. You can support True News by going to That is T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. And just click on the heart on the left-hand side.
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Starting point is 01:19:29 we will gladly receive put toward our mission here to save souls and report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you. And God bless you. the preceding program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support

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