TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Norwegian Doctor: AstraZeneca’s Covid Vaccine Triggers Blood Clots
Episode Date: March 19, 2021Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall details the latest in the attempts to vaccinate the globe, as brave researchers stand up and warn about the disastrous side effects, including blood clots death. W...hile individual nations are refusing the AstraZeneca vaccine due to these issues, global and regional governments continue their plan to jab the world. The team also discusses the accusations of President Biden, calling President Putin of Russia a killer, and the chilling response from Moscow. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (3/18/21)
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The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you.
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One of Europe's top doctors says AstraZeneca's coronavirus vaccine causes dangerous blood clots.
Dr. Paul-Andre Holm, the chief physician for Oslo University Hospital,
says it's not only reasonable to believe there is a connection between the shot and the blood clots,
but the shot itself is causing an immune response that triggers the blood clotting.
This casts doom over AstraZeneca's vaccine rollout globally,
as 20 nations halt the shots out of fear they may do more harm than good.
Joining me to discuss this story and more are True News founder Rick Wiles and Doc Burkhart.
Hey, Edward.
Edward, not good news for AstraZeneca.
No, terrible news. I think this is the single worst news you can get as a vaccine producer,
that the vaccine that you've rushed out without long-term human trials is causing harm to humans.
This is the second prominent European doctor to make an alarming statement this week about the vaccines.
We had a Dutch doctor earlier this week. Now we have a prominent Norwegian researcher today that
we're going to be talking about and really getting into finally determining the source
of all these medical problems that the vaccine's been causing.
Well, Dr. Holm is a professor at Oslo University Hospital.
He's certainly qualified to speak on this topic.
Yes, and very hard to discredit.
This is him actually giving a press conference earlier today.
This was a tough one for the European news to cover.
Again, he did this press conference, very courageous doctor to come out and say what he said.
But in this press conference, it was done in Norwegian, so we've taken out an English version of the quote.
What Dr. Paul Andre Holm said is,
I will be careful to maintain that there is a connection, but it is reasonable to believe that there is a connection between the fact that they have recently been vaccinated and that they get these rare conditions. Again, he was speaking about the at least 40 cases of blood clots among those who have received the AstraZeneca vaccine. He went
on to say, it seems that there is an immune response that triggers the blood clotting and
the low thrombocyt levels. We know of similar conditions that are induced by drugs.
Made that note, which I think is very important here.
Because do we really know what's in the AstraZeneca vaccine?
All we know is how quickly it was brought to market.
Now, how many has he personally reported in this process, Edward?
Well, he's actually the physician and the researcher who's receiving all
the case study material for the 40, plus anyone who's now reporting it. So at least 40 are being
studied by his university slash professorship. Do you know if they're also gathering information
on people that may have had, you know, passed away due to strokes or heart conditions or anything like that,
that you know, that they didn't correlate the vaccines to?
I don't think they're sending him the stroke and other side effects.
I think specifically it's related to the hemophilia center at the hospital that he's at.
And the reason for this is he's the expert.
He's considered one of Europe's top doctors specifically in hemophilia.
Now, hemophilia is a blood disorder that a certain portion of population has that, you know,
their blood doesn't clot. And so he's the expert on blood clotting and trying to help people, you know, with this particular condition. So when he says that the vaccine is creating these blood
clots, that's a significant event.
So he's not only a medical doctor, he's not only a professor, he not only teaches at Oslo University Hospital,
he's also a chief physician, but he is a blood clot expert.
Yes. So he knows what he's talking about as it relates to this. And he's seen that there's a
correlation between the AstraZeneca vaccine and blood clotting. Now, he's limited into his
sphere of research right now. I wonder how many others have passed away from heart conditions.
Well, strokes are caused by blood clots. How many have passed away because of strokes?
Heart conditions ended up in cardiac hospitals as a result of taking the AstraZeneca vaccine.
But it was not reported as a stroke.
I mean, not reported as a vaccine-related incident.
Simply, the patient died of a stroke.
Because of the attacks that come with that.
I mean, going back to, you mentioned the Dutch doctor, Dr. Geert Vandenbosch. He opened his letter saying, I'm not an anti-vaxxer.
His position was, I want to talk to you about some concerns I have about the vaccine. But he knew
he had to preface his restatement with the attack that was going to come at him for his statement.
This doctor, he hasn't done this. He's just a doctor.
He's just doing his job.
First, do no harm.
He's following the Hippocratic Oath.
When it comes to this, I think that why we need to pay very close attention to his work
and his research in the coming days is he's the one that actually prescribes drugs to cause clotting.
All right, so if you think about this, when he said there that we're seeing similar conditions, is he's the one that actually prescribes drugs to cause clotting. Yes.
All right, so if you think about this, when he said there that we're seeing similar conditions,
I've seen them, I'm an expert in this field,
we've seen similar conditions that induce blood clotting.
And I use drugs to do this. Right, because hemophiliacs, the reason they have their condition is their blood does not clot.
And so if they get cut, they have an injury of some kind, they could quickly bleed out. Because if you or I or anybody
with normal blood clotting conditions, you get a cut or anything, your blood has its own natural
ability to clot on its own. But hemophiliacs don't have it. So this researcher knows exactly
what he's talking about. And to bring that up to say, you've been asked this question before, Doc, what is a vaccine? A vaccine is supposed to be either the virus inside
a vaccine, which would induce an immune response. Right. Or nowadays, I guess we're also calling
mRNA vaccines, which technically, technically that's not a vaccine. And so could they have
mixed drugs in with this cocktail and not said anything about it publicly?
That's my question.
There may be a lot more than just a regular vaccine or whatever AstraZeneca has publicly already said is in there because it's preparatory.
What he may have just indicated is that they may have taken from previous drugs, even experimental drugs, for blood clotting and used them in this cocktail.
And that's entirely possible because we don't know.
It hasn't been disclosed in this.
The process hasn't been disclosed yet, and it won't be disclosed.
And even if it was disclosed, AstraZeneca has been given a get-out-of-jail-free card
as relates to anything related, any injuries, any deaths, anything involved with the vaccine
by not only the US government,
various governments around the world.
But it's not like you can go to your doctor's office
or a vaccination center and read the ingredients.
So, well, you know, do you have an organic version?
Not with the gluten-free shot.
Yes, they don't-
Low carb for me, thank you.
They don't allow you to read the ingredients in the vaccines,
because if you read the ingredients, you would run. And it would take you probably 10 minutes.
Like if I read humanized mice cells, I would be out of there. I'm gone. You know, putting
hybrid human mouse cells in my body. But that's not in the AstraZeneca, to my body. That's not that's not in the AstraZeneca to my knowledge
That's that's the that's the Moderna. Yeah, right
But if you wanted a clot, I
Mean if you wanted to if you wanted to take something and caused you to have clots and a stroke you get an AstraZeneca, right?
The people are but that's not on the bottle. It's not in the bottle is due to have clots and a stroke, you get an AstraZeneca. Right.
But that's not on the bottle.
It's not on the bottle.
It's not even on the marketing from the European Union and other states that were administering this. They don't have to warn the people.
There's no labeling.
There's no disclosure.
There's nothing that they have to tell a person walking up to a vaccination clinic,
I'm obligated to tell you the side effects and that you could have a blood clot and a stroke.
Oh, and Rick, they've created the climate where the patients or the people,
just the regular citizens, are clamoring for anything.
They've created it where the demand is so great among European citizens,
European Union citizens, that they won't even ask.
There's no reason to ask the doctor in their mind because they know if they get this vaccine, they can travel again.
You get this vaccine or at least they think so because the European Union may not let them travel freely like they did before the pandemic.
Well, and several European nations have already restricted the use of AstraZeneca, several Asian nations as well.
And yet, in spite of that, in spite of individual nations actually restricting the use of AstraZeneca
in their own countries, the EU agency in charge of vaccine distribution across the continent there
says the AstraZeneca vaccine is safe and effective. And this ruling came out today.
This headline is all over Europe.
We're using BBC, but it's similar headlines throughout Europe today with the European drug agency telling Europeans disregard, disregard all the stories you've heard about AstraZeneca.
It's safe. Don't worry about it.
We know it's only been public for a week that they cause blood clots,
but don't worry, we've investigated it already.
It's safe and effective. We will even go get the vaccination.
Wait a minute, you haven't already?
That's actually what the director said.
How many nations in Europe have delayed or postponed using AstraZeneca?
13. It's 20 around the globe, but 13 just in Europe.
And Italy, Spain and Germany have announced today that they're going to consider re-administering the jab.
They're going to take this, basically, this statement from the European Medicines Agency.
That's why AstraZeneca had to get that statement out today.
They had to persuade the EU drug agency to issue the statement.
Yes, but we're about to play a soundbite here, Rick.
And when you listen to this, you're going to be shocked by the last statement that they make.
OK, listen carefully. I want our audience to listen carefully.
This is Emmer Cook. He is the.
She is. Listen carefully. I want our audience to listen carefully. This is Emmer Cook. He is the excuse me. She's in charge of the, you know, the European Medicines Agency.
Yes. I'm trying to get the words out here. And so in this presentation, they outline here that it is safe and effective.
But one more thing before we close out. And so watch this. I'm not here to give you the outcome of any scientific review. I'm here to explain the
steps in the process, what we're doing and when you can expect us to come to a conclusion.
So we're doing this review in the light of concerns that we see from citizens in the EU and the current situation,
which means that our priority, which is to ensure the safety of the vaccine, can be communicated.
I have to first explain that a situation like this is not unexpected.
When you vaccinate millions of people, it's inevitable that you have rare or serious
incidences of illnesses that occur after vaccination. And our role at the EMA is to
evaluate these to make sure that any suspected adverse reactions are rapidly investigated
so we can figure out, is this a real side effect to the vaccine or is it a coincidence?
So while the investigation is ongoing, we are currently, we are still firmly convinced that
the benefits of the AstraZeneca vaccine in preventing COVID-19 with its associated
risk of hospitalization and death outweigh the risk of these side effects. So the last line there,
we have determined that the benefits outweigh the risk, Rick. Isn't that the famous line,
every bad science fiction movie that you ever watch there before the monsters come out and everything?
And that's exactly what is happening in this process.
So people who have blood clots, strokes, and die are collateral damage.
And worth the risk.
But they've made the decision that they're willing to accept a certain amount of collateral damage
for the greater good.
And so-
That's the argument.
We're talking about people here.
This isn't cattle.
This isn't dominoes.
You're talking about people, real human beings, who are not just numbers on a sheet.
If we take them just at their word, 40 blood clots, let's say only five of those would actually be fatal.
That's still people dying from an experimental vaccine that was not tested on humans before rollout.
In that article from the BBC, she's quoted saying about herself,
if it was me, I would be vaccinated tomorrow.
But I would want to know that if anything happened to me after vaccination, what should I do about it? And that's what we're saying today.
Well, if you've got a blood clot and you have a stroke, you're not going to be able to,
you know, actually respond to that at all.
Well, wait a minute. If it'd be me, I would be vaccinated. We'll go get vaccinated.
Did you get vaccinated? She has the executive director.
She has not been vaccinated. Why would you get something the executive director of the European Medicine Institute can get? Because she knows what is
happening with the vaccine. Wow. She doesn't want to get a blood clot. Come on, do it on live TV.
Oh, that'd be wonderful. Yes, yes. What better way to reassure all of Europe? You notice they've
quit doing that, by the way, that they've quit trotting out. Oh, you mean after the nurse passed
out? They've quit trotting people out, celebrities and world leaders and stuff,
getting the jab in the arm.
You could have clot vision brought to you by AstraZeneca.
Clot vision.
Well, speaking of clot vision,
the Biden administration has come across a new way to bless Canada and Mexico.
It turns out that the U.S. stockpile of vaccines. We have a bunch of the
AstraZeneca vaccine. We can't move this stuff. We're going to bless Mexico and Canada. Oh,
yeah. Four million doses. Yep. 2.5 million are going to go to Mexico. 1.5 million are going to
go to Canada. We just hope that those doses, I suppose, don't cause the blood clots they're
causing in Europe, but that's
how you care for our neighbors, right?
Well, there's another problem.
AstraZeneca has not been approved for distribution in the United States.
That's exactly right.
So why do we have four million doses on our stockpile?
Maybe they're never going to approve it in the U.S., so let's get rid of it.
Well, it says that there are currently seven million doses in the inventory that we have.
So we're rolling out 4 million to Canada and Mexico.
Does it have a shelf life?
I don't know.
And so-
Is this one that has to be kept refrigerated at a certain temperature?
I'm not sure.
I believe all of the vaccines have to be-
No, I think there's one that-
Some have to be let at a regular freezing temperature, but others obviously have an extreme freezing, which would be the Moderna, Pfizer and others.
So maybe the cost of storing them or they just know it's not going to be approved in the U.S.
So think about this.
Just kind of walk this through here.
AstraZeneca has not been given final approval here
in the United States, and yet we're gonna send it
to Canada and Mexico.
I mean, isn't that just about the peak of hypocrisy there?
And your point?
It just...
We're talking the pharmaceuticals and the U.S. government.
Hey, we made a deal.
We made all these vaccines for you.
Somebody's got to buy them.
Well, the U.S. government's already paid for them.
Yeah, I know.
Well, we bought them, so we've got to put them to use somewhere.
Hey, let's send them to Canada and Mexico.
So if you are a True News viewer in Canada or Mexico, pass the word.
The blood clots are coming.
The blood clot vaccine is on its way.
Compliments of Uncle Sam.
And compliments, actually, of recommendation from President Trump.
According to President Trump, everyone should get the vaccine,
whether it be AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, whatever you can get your hands on.
Yeah, I heard him say it.
I heard him say it the other night on Fox News.
I was driving home.
He was talking with Maria Bartiromo.
And he once again encouraged everyone to be vaccinated.
It is the Trump vaccine.
He wants everyone to know he takes credit for the vaccine.
He's very jealous that Mr. Biden is trying to take credit for the Trump vaccines.
And every time we talk about it, the real hardcore Trump voters get angry at us and say,
no, it's not the Trump vaccine.
No, it is.
Well, that's why we pulled the footage.
It very much is.
I mean, it is what it is.
We have President Trump saying it.
There's no denying President Trump saying it.
How much under his administration, how many billions did the U.S. government give the pharmaceuticals to make the vaccines?
Well, it's got to be billions.
I mean.
Fauci didn't get approval.
I mean, he didn't make the approval by himself.
It came down from Donald Trump.
The Europeans are actually crediting.
They're saying President Trump, the one thing he did right was the amount of pre-production,
the facilitating of the mass production of these vaccines.
That's why we have 7 million in our stockpile,
among the other different vaccines we've stockpiled throughout the pandemic.
President Trump always had planned for the American people to be vaccinated.
The question was, would he mandate it?
He certainly is taking credit for the vaccine.
That's right.
Let's watch and listen to Donald Trump urging all of his supporters to get vaccinated.
Mr. President, I know that you received the vaccine.
Mrs. Trump also got the vaccine.
Would you recommend to our audience that they get the vaccine then?
I would. I would recommend it. And I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it.
And a lot of those people voted for me, frankly. But, you know, again, we have our freedoms and we have to live by that.
And I agree with that also. Okay. Now here's the responses
we're getting Rick, just so, so, you know, and Edward, he did not endorse the vaccine. He only
recommended it. He got it. market at record speed.
Operation Warp Speed.
That's his.
He came up with the phrase.
At every campaign rally, he talked about the vaccine.
He gets angry when Joe Biden takes credit for the vaccine.
He's very, very protective of the vaccine. It's the Trump vaccine.
I don't know how, I don't know why people pretend that he's not the vaccine president.
Donald Trump is the vaccine president. Well, there'll be others that would say he is not a
doctor. Okay. He was only going with the recommendations of the people that were advising
him. So he's only pushing the vaccine because it was recommended to him by his closest advisor.
Who? Fauci. He made Fauci his advisor. Yes.
Who brought Fauci up on the stage? President Trump. President Trump introduced Dr. Fauci at the various press conferences.
President Trump actually applauded Dr. Fauci up until he had the falling out and was publicly discrediting him.
I mean, was somebody hold a gun to Donald Trump's head and said, you're going to appoint Dr. Fauci as your coronavirus advisor?
And no one held a gun to his head when he got the vaccine.
That was a confirmation that President Trump did indeed get the vaccine.
And he got the worst. He got the worst of the worst vaccines.
He got the humanized mouse vaccine. Right.
The the messenger RNA that changes us changes his DNA.
He got the worst vaccine.
Well, maybe he was told by friends, other world leaders, that this was a great option. I mean,
I know in Israel right now, they're running a very happy-go-lucky public service announcement
with President Trump's best friend, Benjamin Netanyahu. They make it seem as if you must be
stupid to not go get the vaccine. You're going to miss out on all the joy and Yahoo. They make it seem as if you must be stupid to not go get the vaccine.
You're going to miss out on all the joy and fun. כן, מה איתך? התחסן? כל אותו הולך סמך, ביבי אבל אומך את האמת, אני פחד, אני לא יודע מה יש בחיסונים האלה
כן, אל תהיה לי צן
החיסון הזה עבר את טובי המומחים בעולם
את רשות ה-FDA האמריקנית
מיליוני אנשים לקחו אותו, התחסנו, יצאו מהסכנה
שמעתי שזה משנה את ה-DNA
מה, אין צריך שיצמח לזעניו?
כן, תפסיק לקשקש
מהתתו של החיסון לזהות ולפקוף את הנגיף
בדיוק כמו כל החיסונים שהיריחו לנו את תוכלת החיים
כן, ביבי, אבל לאחר המחקר המעמיק שעשיתי
בטיק טוק גיליתי שיש לי יותר שאלות מתשובות
ואני הולך לכתוב זאת ברפת
הנה עוד גיבור מקלדת
לא באמת
מה האינטרס שלך לחסן אותנו?
למה שרצו לחסן את כולם?
מה האינטרס שלך?
די מה פייק ניוז
האינטרס של כולנו זה שהתחלואה תירד
וכולנו נוכל לחזור לשגרה
בסדר אבל אני צעיר הקורונה לא מסוכנת לי
לצערי הקורונה מסכנת את כולם אבל החיסון זה הדרך שלך להגן על עצמך על אבא ואימא על סבא וסבתא
חוץ מזה תקבל דרקון ירוק
וואלה נשמע לי טוב דרקון ירוק
לא עושי חלטתי מה שתהיו עכשיו
מדינת ישראל תהיה המדינה הראשונה שיוצאת מהקורונה
זה בזכות מיליוני החיסונים שהבאנו בזכות חיים אזרחי ישראל בזכות צלתי הרפואה שלנו So, So they're definitely pushing the vaccination process in Israel.
And making fun of people who question it.
That's right.
Try to say there might be a microchipping going through.
You're just a keyboard war conspiracy theorist.
If you dare question anything about this.
It was approved by the American FDA.
It must be good, right?
So it's interesting that they brought in that dragon image because I've heard this over the past month now that there's a lot of among the Orthodox community in Israel that they are calling the rollout of the new green passports,
you know, so you can have a bagel or go work out or whatever.
They are calling it the green dragon.
They've been calling it for a green dragon.
And that's interesting imagery, especially in Jewish culture.
And so they are basically equating the green passport, because if you say green passport in the modernized Hebrew,
the made up Hebrew, it sounds like green dragon. And so they are equating the green dragon,
the green passport with Satan. So, uh, so he equates the dragon with Satan. Right. And so,
um, and you know, we can bring that same injury imagery here.
You know, it's all about control. It's the, the, the dragon itself and everything. But, um, Mr.
Netanyahu hit everybody in that PSA. I mean, he was talking to every, you know, he made you a clown
if you questioned it or you're an idiot, if you do any kind of online research. Or if you question it at all, you know, there must be something wrong with you.
What if I question B.B. Netanyahu's name?
Because he's had at least three names.
Oh, sure.
And his hold on power.
Because wasn't that questioned only a couple weeks ago?
I think B.B. Benjamin Natai is one of his names.
I can show you videos.
Oh, sure.
He was in the United States going to college, working at BlackRock.
So if I question which name is correct, does that make me a clown?
Because I know more about him than he wants the public to know?
Bibi Netanyahu was the government propaganda chief many years ago under another prime minister.
And so his specialty is propaganda.
But his wife runs the country.
Although, you know, they're now suing the man that came out and claimed this.
They're putting a big lawsuit up that hasn't been recanted yet by that
that eminent industry in Israel. But of course, he couldn't let that stand because it was much
bigger than simply the wife running or getting to call who would be head of Mossad. It was
questioning who controls Israel's nukes. Any other countries putting out vaccine PSAs?
So the BBC, England is one country that has been using
AstraZeneca and Pfizer, the two
vaccines, but mainly AstraZeneca as
their primary vaccine. They've
gone into full-blown propaganda
mode to tell you, you are absolutely
stupid to not get the vaccine.
And actually, you are dangerous
to others unless
you get vaccinated. Alright, let's watch
this one.
Your friends, family, colleagues, classmates, and anyone else you come into contact with,
even strangers, could be put in danger if you turn down the vaccine. It's not just a decision
that affects you. It's okay to have questions about the COVID vaccine. That's normal. It's
good to talk about them, them though with your doctor or community
leaders or even friends and family you trust who have received the vaccine already. Vaccines have
been tested rigorously and they've been found to be safe and to prevent people from developing
symptoms and getting seriously ill with Covid-19. But now we're starting to see research which
suggests that a vaccine can prevent people from spreading the virus too.
You're vaccinated and your friends and colleagues are vaccinated.
That will substantially reduce the risk for everybody.
That makes sense. If you're not coughing or sneezing, then it's harder to pass the virus on.
If we spread less COVID-19, fewer people get sick and the pandemic will be over sooner.
So the current thinking is,
if you choose to get the vaccine, you're choosing to look after yourself and everyone you come into
contact with. If you don't, then you and those people won't have that protection. But scientists
say they need to gather more data on this issue before we can be certain that vaccines reduce
transmission. But even if it turns out to be true, if too many people don't get their shot,
then that makes it easier for the virus to find a way to spread,
meaning more people will get ill and die.
And if it turns out the vaccine doesn't stop you
from spreading the virus,
then it's even more important that everyone gets their shots.
There is only one victor in a world
where a vaccine has and a vaccine ev-nots.
The virus itself.
They really want that vaccine in everybody, don't they?
Yeah, you'll kill your family, you'll kill your friends.
You'll be the ostracized party for not getting vaccinated.
But it's okay to have questions.
But just make sure who you're asking questions to.
Your doctor, a community leader, friends who have already been vaccinated.
What counts as a community leader, by the way? Is that what a community organizer would be
during this pandemic? Someone who's been trained, a soldier for the NHS?
Barack Obama. Hey, if we could go back to Israel for a minute here, there are some new developments that are taking place in the COVID response in Israel.
One big thing that's happening right now is they're rolling out electronic bracelets for ret Israel, if you've been traveling outside the country, you're being issued a bracelet that will track you and make sure that you're complying with COVID requirements as you return back to Israel.
No, remember the article a few weeks ago said they wouldn't track people, but they will monitor them.
Yeah. Well, if you're monitoring, if I'm monitoring my kids, what am I doing to them? I'm tracking them.
It's all in the words. That's right. And so it's all in the propaganda. That's what it is.
And so so are these freedom bracelets? about this is that it is a private company that is going to monitor, track, and surveil the Israeli
people on behalf now through the mandate, through the government. RT rightly called it a freedom
bracelet. It was a TED talk about four or five or so years ago now. We covered it. Nick Bostrom,
an Oxford professor, used that term. He said that we're going to need freedom bracelets in order to remain free.
We won't be able to have a free society
because all this technology, all the different things
that are empowering populist movements.
Well, we're going to have to have a way to clamp down
on patriotism, nationalism.
Well, we're going to need patriot camps.
Well, Israel now has freedom bracelets.
And from this article here, it says,
the Israeli Knesset has handed the government powers to force all citizens returning to the country to wear a tracking device, tracking device during their mandatory COVID-19 quarantine or else be stowed away in a military run isolation hotel.
Well, at least it's a hotel run by the military.
Is that a fun way of saying it?
I can order room service.
Can you order room service if you're in a military concentration camp?
I would guess probably not.
Isn't it interesting that Israel is in the lead?
Oh, certainly.
And even Europe is naming their pass the Green Pass.
Same name that Israel came up with.
Israel is creating the template for the world.
They want to be in the lead.
They want every country to.
And Fauci said the whole world should follow Israel's lead.
Well, I don't like what Israel's doing.
Look what they're doing to their own people.
They're treating them like cattle, like animals.
You put a collar on your dog.
You now have a collar in Israel. That's right. You know, one of the big groups out there that
have been concerned about the vaccine, Rick, have been women who are either trying to get
pregnant or who are pregnant. They're concerned about the health of their baby, right? And so
they're concerned, you know, will the vaccines have some impact on my
child to be born or for try to have a baby well folks don't worry in a new
Israeli study babies born to vaccinated moms why they're gonna have kovat
fighting added antibodies in them already Rick they're gonna be able to
beat kovat on their own so the vaccine enters the baby in the womb.
Now, I find this interesting because actually...
And they're born vaccinated.
Yeah, because mothers and their child actually have separate blood systems.
This is weird.
So how is it that COVID antibodies are getting into the child
all right that's a really good question i don't know i was just a pre-med student is all i'm just
asking a question and so how are those antibodies getting from the mom to the child if they have
separate blood systems you have any suggestions?
I have no idea at all.
That's why I'm wondering.
I've been pondering this all day, unless I missed one class of biology one day.
But because your child develops its own white cell defense separate from the mother.
Well, so from understanding in this story, the times of Israel,
Hazada Medical Center in Jerusalem, they checked the blood from the umbilical cords
of 40 newborns. So that's where they claimed they found the antibodies.
You're right, Doc, that that shouldn't have been the case unless the mother's DNA.
I mean, I'm just spitballing at this point is it couldn't
have been through the vaccine itself. It could have been the mother itself. Her reaction to the
vaccine was passed off onto the child somehow. And again, this is not how the vaccine is supposed
to function, at least how it's been briefed to us, because then wouldn't this prove in part
that it is indeed changing our bodies?
Are they giving these women two vaccinations?
Are they two injections, one for the mother?
Are they actually inserting a vaccine needle into the womb?
And that might be one way that they're fudging the numbers on the whole study here
because, you know, rightly so, the number one group out there that's been most vocal
about vaccinations has been pregnant women or women trying to get pregnant.
But they're usually exempt.
They're usually exempt because you just don't know if there's going to be a positive impact.
Now they're not exempt anymore because this Israeli study now says,
hey, your baby's going to be born with the COVID vaccine in them already.
They come out.
Your baby comes out pre-vaccinated.
That's an extra bonus.
No, you know what's happening is the baby is born with antibodies
that are fighting the virus that's in the environment.
It's not because of the vaccine.
I mean, you know, this isn't news.
This isn't news at all.
You know, medical science has known about this for centuries now.
Mothers pass off immunity to their child.
Well, not just that, but even the child in the womb can develop its own antibodies to the environmental factors that are going on and build up resistance while they're in gestation.
They develop their own antibodies, their own antibodies.
In fact, a growing child has a much more robust antibody development system than an adult does because they have to.
They have to defend against not only attacks from the outside environment but
from the mother itself. And so the child develops its own antibody attack system.
It's crazy. I really question this study. For me, the disturbing thing is that the next wave of vaccinations will
be infants and children. Dr. Fauci said a few days ago in the United States, high school students
would be vaccinated this summer, this fall. Then they're going to start moving down the age groups.
Other countries like Israel, they're going, they're ready to vaccinate the children.
I think they've already started vaccinating the children.
You get an entire generation bought into the policy, much easier to mandate it across the board
if you have children nagging their parents now who haven't gotten vaccinated,
but the children have, so they can just return to school.
I think it just shows more than anything else that how susceptible that the total population,
no matter if you're in Israel, the United States, Canada, Mexico, the continent,
anywhere in the world, how susceptible we are right now to the influence of government and media.
We refuse to have any thoughts of our own.
We just accept everything that's coming down the pike. We just
say, this is it. And really, isn't this a sign of the end of days, of the end of time? It allows for
an end time government to be able to come up and mandate a global system that everyone buys into.
And that's precisely what appears to be happening right now. They're calling it the Great
Reset. They're rolling out the world elite, the rulers of the world and Europe, the United States
and other parts of the world are synchronizing the rollout of a new system that is part of the
fourth industrial revolution, is supposed to be the response to this pandemic,
which really looks like a plandemic.
All of this is part of a carefully planned,
choreographed, orchestrated propaganda operation
to change the world.
And so the Great Reset has been discussed, you know, for the past
year, since I think probably the summer of 2020, we started hearing about the Great Reset.
Yes, as the World Economic Forum gathered again and offered their solution and the path forward
out of the pandemic. So as we said before, here at True News, we've always been ahead in terms of
telling our audience, here are the things coming down the road. This is what they plan to introduce.
And so years ago, we were talking about the fourth industrial revolution, robotics, surveillance, all these things.
But none of us really knew how they were going to introduce it.
What would be the triggering mechanism?
Would it be a global war?
And I think most people thought an economic collapse.
And that's where it looked like it was headed.
We were bracing for, and especially going into 2008,
9 and 10, it appeared that the entire global financial system was going to break, implode, and then that would be the way
to introduce the system.
But really what they've done is they've caught everybody
by surprise by introducing a system. But really what they've done is they've caught everybody by surprise
by introducing a virus. And they're rolling out the system through the response to the virus.
It's so much more refined and believable than terrorism. Terrorism, in a lot of ways,
is an invisible threat. You and I are never going to meet a terrorist, even though the threat may persist and the government may take action to protect us from it.
A virus is everywhere.
It's everywhere and nowhere.
You can't see it.
You can't touch it.
It's too small for you to physically see.
But the government is able to take sweeping power and act change that you wouldn't see in a generation for your safety.
That's right. Well, here we are making another film and we'll be working on it for the next year.
Hope we might get it out by the end of 2021, if not early 2022. And we're calling our film The Greatest Reset because, yeah, the enemy is going to have a great reset.
Satan's going to roll out a new system for the world.
That's nothing new.
The Bible has told us that for thousands of years.
It's called the fourth beast.
It's the beast that makes war against the saints.
It has teeth of iron.
So Christians have known about this system for thousands of years.
It's just been a lot of speculation.
How will it arrive?
What will it look like?
How will the enemy, how will Satan be able to bring this system about? Well, the closer
we get to the end of the age, the more Satan has to pull back the curtain and let us see his grand
plan. Right. And that's what's happening now. Because pride, pride is his downfall yes he loves to show off and so he's revealing it now and he's off on
timing always so right um maybe maybe he's got this one wrong it's it's it's possible
that our heavenly father is not going to allow satan to pull this off
as i've said before the lord could take his hand across the game board, just knock all the pieces off the game board onto the floor and say, well, that just set you back 50 years.
A divine reset.
Yeah, try again.
That may happen.
And I'm hopeful.
That would be great.
But we may be witnessing the final countdown to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Right. Regardless, when Jesus comes back, that will be the greatest reset because He will
not only reset human civilization, He will reset the entire cosmos.
He's going to eliminate the cosmos.
He's going to completely remove it and speak into existence a new cosmos, a new universe,
a new cosmos, a new universe, a new world.
And that's the greatest reset where our bodies will come out of the grave.
And when we behold him, we when we see his glory.
We will become like him.
That is the greatest reset that any man or woman can ever know.
So we started the production of The Greatest Reset, and Matt and our team have another promo.
They've updated their work.
They just came back from an international trip where they did some interviews.
And so here's a sneak peek of The Greatest Reset,
coming later this year.
Well, Klaus Schwab, a hard one to find.
So before the World Economic Forum was created in 1971, Klaus Schwab's history was basically
unknown. Some people thought he was a construct, Klaus Schwab's history was basically unknown.
Some people thought he was a construct,
that he was just a made-up persona.
Some people didn't even think he exists.
Good morning.
I would argue that WEF is a front organization,
just like Epstein was a front man.
They're the front people for the same ideology.
About the prospects for a new world order now within our reach.
When I see how people who worship darkness, how they rise to power, it's extremely suspect.
Using the frameworks of my sustainable markets initiative and the imperative of the great reset.
I mean, we're taking things that are, you know,
genetically modified organisms,
and we're injecting them in little kids' arms.
We just shoot them right into the veins.
We are basically creating a prison for ourselves
and every future generation,
because they want to create this technology
that's never existed before
and push everything to this point of singularity, but they don't know what it's going to do once it's there.
Maybe it will hate them all.
So when groups like the World Economic Forum come out and say,
you'll own nothing and you'll be happy, they're not talking about themselves.
They'll own everything, you'll own nothing, And you'll have to be happy about it.
It's going to be good. It is. It's going to be good. We need your help. We need your support.
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We've got this wonderful group of people
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but they can't carry it all the time.
And there's a limit to how much that they can give.
Our ability to do things
depends on your willingness to do things.
Let me repeat that.
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Edward, what else do we have?
Well, there was a big meeting today.
But before we get to that, there's also some big insults.
The president of the United States, Joe Biden, has decided to do more than just order preemptive cyber attacks against Russia.
He's also decided to call their president a killer with no soul. No soul? No soul. He said
this during an interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC News, Good Morning America. Now grab the
soundbite here and you're going to see why this has ruffled some diplomatic feathers.
Director of National Intelligence came out with a report today saying that Vladimir Putin
authorized operations during the election to denigrate you, support President Trump,
undermine our elections, divide our society. What price must he pay?
He will pay a price. We had a long talk. I know him relatively well. And the conversation
started off, I said, I know you and you know me. If I establish this occurred, then be prepared.
You said you know he doesn't have a soul. I did say that to him, yes. And his response was,
we understand one another. I wasn't being a wise guy. I was alone with him in his office.
That's how it came about. It was when President Bush had said, I've looked in his eyes and saw
a soul. I said, look in your eyes and I don't think you have a soul. And he looked back
at me and said, we understand each other. Look, most important thing dealing with foreign
leaders in my experience, and I've dealt with an awful lot of them over my career, is just
know the other guy.
So you know Vladimir Putin.
You think he's a killer?
I do.
So what price must he pay?
The price he's going to pay, well, you'll see shortly.
I'm not going to—there's—by the way, we ought to be able to have that old, that
trite expression, walk and chew gum at the same time.
There are places where it's in our mutual interest to work together.
That's why I renewed the START agreement
with him. That occurred while he's doing this. But that's overwhelming in the interest of
humanity that we diminish the prospect of a nuclear exchange.
I don't know how this is diminishing the prospect of a nuclear exchange. You're doing more than
chewing gum and walking. You're punching while shooting. You know, how many of us have forgotten that the U.S. is carrying out a cyber attack
on Russia?
Maybe already has or getting ready to do it in the next few days?
Said they were going to.
I mean, that was a huge story a week or two ago.
And yet most of us have forgotten about it.
Except Vladimir Putin. forgotten about it. Right. Except Vladimir Putin.
He remembers it.
So you have Joe Biden.
First of all, they revived the Russia hacked the election.
Russia hacked the election again.
Did you hear this?
They said this?
Russia hacked the 2020 election?
There was a new director of national intelligence report, Rick.
And look, they've been very thorough.
This time, Rick, they're telling us Iran, Russia, other foreign actors have interfered,
were actively engaged in helping President Trump.
But there was one nation that decided to sit it out this time.
They were being good.
China did not get involved. They said, you know,
we almost got involved in this one. Let's stay out of interfering in the U.S. election.
So Russia changed the votes in Georgia? According to the Director of National Intelligence,
yes. They're saying interference. They're saying malign influence activities,
helping President Trump. That's the verbiage used. Well, that's just it. They never say
specifically what Russia did to interfere with the election.
They wait until about two or three years later and say, well, they bought some Facebook ads.
You know, and suddenly it's like, well, that's it?
Or a troll called Fuzzy Bear.
I mean, think how ridiculous this story is.
Well, it's resurrected.
It's, again, we have Chapter 2.
And so now we're going to attack them.
And are attacking them.
If we take our government at a word.
We had the President of the United States calling the President of Russia a killer, a murderer.
Yes, and the Russians, they were quick to shoot back.
Vladimir Putin said, this is according to RT, it takes one to know one.
That's not just a children's saying and a joke.
There's a deep psychological meaning
in this.
It takes one to know one?
So he was asked specifically, President Putin was asked specifically, you know, U.S. President
Biden called you a killer. And this was President Putin's response. It takes one to know one.
Now, he did another thing in this talk about a vest.
What do you guys think? What does Putin know about Joe Biden?
Well, that was the question I've been pondering this afternoon.
He's responsible for death. He's responsible for killing.
Whose death?
It could either be the many Muslims, Arabic Christians, anyone in the Middle East that
the Biden administration under Barack Obama when he was vice president were responsible for,
or he's saying actual people,
which could be bodies buried in the United States.
That's how I interpret it, that Putin was saying,
I know things that you have done.
And that was the gist I received, Rick,
that there is something, and I'm trying to go through my mind,
has there ever been something in particular you can point to and say, well, this was a question about Joe
Biden. But you know what? If anyone would know, the Russians would know, wouldn't they?
Yes. And well, the Israeli defense minister, Benny Gantz, said it was strange.
Yes, he came out actually in an interview right before this program. He said,
Biden's statement that Putin is a killer is bizarre and extreme.
Too extreme for the Israelis.
And this right here on screen, the former prime minister,
now the deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medov.
He's also said here, he has another explanation for Joe Biden's words.
He thinks it might be his age.
He said, I met with incumbent US.S. President Joe Biden at various
international events. He gave the impression of a reasonable person then. However, it seems that
time hasn't been kind to him. I can only quote Freud, nothing in life is more expensive than
illness and stupidity. I got to tell you, I love the classy way the Russians respond to the globalists.
They do it in complete sentences. I mean, it's impressive.
Yes, they can form a complete sentence and they also use style and wit to to answer them.
And so Mr. Medvedev said, you know, I met Mr. Biden back when he had his faculties,
when he actually knew what room he was in. But time hasn't been kind to him.
Right. He's saying he's an old man with old man, you know, characteristics.
But he has his, he has a nuclear football in his office that can launch 6,000 nuclear warheads.
So a story that we caught late this afternoon, Rick, that is developing on this is that Russia
has recalled their ambassador to the U.S. for consultations.
Anatoly Anatov has been invited for consultation.
This is considered to be the first step in diplomatic punishment.
The Russians are classy about how they handle diplomatic issues.
The first thing you do is you recall your own ambassador to discuss.
The foreign ministry spokesman, spokeswoman rather, Maria Zakharova, said that the main thing for us is to find out ways to improve U.S.-Russian relations.
But Russia's not going to stand by as the U.S. makes blanket, slanderous statements about their leader.
Well, then President Putin offered to talk to President Biden tomorrow.
We offered to debate him.
And the White House said, sorry, he's busy.
What's he busy doing?
Because I've never seen President Biden doing anything.
I saw him go to a car plant or something here last week.
And he was out putting Valentine's hearts on the front lawn for Dr. Jill here a couple weeks ago.
That's the only time I've seen him escape the doors.
But it's just, you know, the way that they just brushed off the president of Russia, who happens to be in
control of thousands of nukes also, and just said, hey, we're busy.
Here they are.
We said you're a killer.
Live with it.
Over the past two weeks, they've threatened to a cyber attack on Russia.
President here said Russia is going to pay a price.
They're going to put sanctions on Russia for election matters.
And then called President Putin a killer.
So you have to be sitting there thinking to yourself, if you're Russian, hey, things aren't looking good diplomatically for us right now.
Let's bring the ambassador home here.
We have to talk.
But the warmongers are back in total control under the Trump administration.
They had they had to fight because Donald Trump did give them resistance.
He called off the Iran strike. We have to get rid of that.
But they have total control now under the Biden administration.
The people, just like we had with the Obama administration,
and this really, the Biden administration, is the third term of the Obama.
He got his third term.
And this is no small thing.
It's not a game.
There's high stakes here.
The Russians are certainly not sitting on their hands when it comes to the battle of superpowers,
which superpower will come out in this new fourth industrial revolution.
Sergey Lavrov, the foreign minister, he's actually planning to meet with the Chinese.
He's actually planned a trip for next week to travel to China, meet with the foreign minister.
And this, again, is on the heels of the U.S.-China summit that's happening this moment in Anchorage.
Now, there aren't any news per se about specifics that have come out of it. Well,
what is new is the Chinese and the U.S. are talking about a Biden-Xi meeting in Anchorage.
That's on the record now. That is So if anything has come out of these meetings,
Rick, I think it's clear that the U.S. has gotten closer to China and we have declared war, at least diplomatically and with our words, against Russia.
That's right. One other thing that Mr. Putin said today, he referred to Crimea as the holy land of Russia.
There's a lot of Christians in Russia, Rick. Actually, I think majority Christian.
He did say he had a soul.
And too, he said that Crimea is not just a place
that we are going to protect,
but it's a very important place for our heart and soul
and unification of our nation.
A holy land, a sacrosanct place
and center of the nation's spiritual unity.
And he talked about the history of it,
that Prince Vladimir took baptism in Crimea.
Wow, what a story.
Well, thank you for joining us on today's edition of True News.
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