TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Nvidia VP: AI to Acquire “Human Form”
Episode Date: October 28, 2024A senior vice president at U.S. chipmaker Nvidia told a Tokyo technology forum today that artificial intelligence will acquire a human form in the future. We will discuss this story in several minutes.... We also show you more evidence that world leaders are frantically preparing for an all-out world war in 2030.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 10/28/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves! It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw.
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dot com A senior vice president at U.S. chipmaker NVIDIA
told a Tokyo technology forum today
that artificial intelligence will acquire a human form in
the near future.
We will discuss this story in several minutes.
We will also show you more evidence that world leaders are frantically preparing for an all-out
world war as early as 2030. First, however, we will begin with a brief look at President Donald
Trump's spectacular rally last night inside Madison Square Garden. The former president
spoke to a full house while tens of thousands of people stood outside, unable to get a seat
inside the massive sports arena. Let's take a look at Mr. Trump's
closing remarks last night. The nation that we all love.
We bleed the same blood. We share the same home and we salute the same great American flag.
We are one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God.
We will never give in.
We will never give up.
We will never, ever back down and we will never ever ever ever surrender.
Together we will fight fight fight and we will win win win we're gonna win win
win. November 5th will be the most important day in the history of our country.
And together we will make America powerful again.
We will make America wealthy again.
We will make America healthy again.
We will make America strong again. We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again.
We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again. Thank you, New York.
God bless you. God bless you all thank you
well it didn't look anything like what hill Clinton said it was going to be, which was a reenactment of the 1939 Nazi rally in Madison Square Garden.
So is it that every time you fill up Madison Square Garden, it's a Nazi rally?
Apparently so.
Just want to make that clear in case that happens in the future.
But the rally, it didn't have – there were no Nazi flags there.
There were Israeli flags there.
There were Israelis.
Now, Doc, that's a different subject.
But it did not live up to anything that the Democrats said it was going to be.
What it turned out to be was a massive success for Donald Trump.
Indeed, yes.
In the last few days of the campaign. Now, to be fair,
Mrs. Harris is packing out stadiums also. Yes. Doc, I was looking over the weekend at
clips, video clips of her rallies. I was impressed. She is drawing huge crowds. So you cannot discount the Harris campaign.
I know a lot of Republicans are saying her campaign has imploded.
It's over for – I wouldn't say that yet.
No, she packed the house in Houston.
Those crowds are still showing up.
She packed out Houston.
So I think this is going to be very close, very tight.
And I don't think we're going to know the winner on november 5th or 6th
or 7th i have a feeling this is going to go on for quite some time and that leads me to this next
article nbc news today look at this headline see everything's in the headline just there's your
propaganda extremists inspired by conspiracy theories pose major threat to 2024 elections.
U.S. intelligence warns.
Doc, we are what now?
Eight days from November 5th, which is not the beginning of the election.
It's the end of the election.
And really, that's really kind of the midpoint of the election to start to think about because
we have different areas of the country that said, well, we may not know the results for
two weeks.
That's right.
So let's read what NBC is reporting, and I'll give you my comments, what I think this means.
Well, Rick, U.S. intelligence agencies have identified domestic extremists with grievances,
they say, rooted in election-related conspiracy theories, including beliefs in widespread fraud and animosity towards perceived political opponents as the most likely threat of violence in the coming election. bulletin that was not distributed publicly but was reviewed by NBC News.
Agents from the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security warned state and local law
enforcement agencies that domestic violent extremists seeking to terrorize and disrupt
the vote are a threat to the election and throughout Inauguration Day.
So they're extending it all the way out to January, Rick.
The report identified the potential targets as candidates, elected officials, election workers, members of the media, and judges involved in election cases.
The potential threats include physical attacks and violence at polling places, ballot drop boxes, voter registration locations, and rallies and campaign events.
So, Rick, when NBC News publishes this, who are they saying that the extremists are?
The Trump voters.
No doubt about it.
So, I got two main thoughts, Doc.
Number one, most of the voting has already occurred.
There's been voting for a month in some states.
Early voting and vote by mail,
tens of millions of votes have already been cast.
More votes have already been cast than will be cast on November 5th. Yes.
The majority of the votes are already done.
Have you seen any right-wing extremist
conspiracy theory
wackos disrupting
early voting? No, they've
had every opportunity to, haven't they?
U.S. intelligence
is telling NBC
the voting may be disrupted.
They've been voting for weeks.
And they were voting by mail
weeks before early voting started.
And these conspiracy theorists
haven't done anything.
These domestic terrorists,
they haven't done anything.
So they're trying to say
it's election day.
On election day,
these right-wingers are going to
blow up polling places
now that's that's fear-mongering the the second thought is
the deep state is now working with the media to plant the idea in the minds of american voters
hey if anything weird happens in this election like maybe a rigged election
like some really uh suspicious activity in in counting the votes people are probably going to
be really upset this time so let's let's prepare the public that anybody who gets upset about a rigged election is a violent conspiracy theorist.
That's what they're doing, Doc.
They're painting people now.
They're saying, just in case we rig the election, we want anybody who gets upset about it to be painted as a radical terrorist.
Now, when I read this article today,
my mind instantly went back to
2010, the Obama years. Remember
how wonderful things were during the Obama years? And what
happened on an election day in November of 2010?
What happened, this particular incident was in Philadelphia. And I'm going to show you just a
small clip from a CNN report in November 2010, as people went to the polls to vote.
And look at what greeted them when they got to the polling
place. I think it might be a little bit intimidating that you have a stick in your hand.
Election day, Philadelphia, 2008, two members of the radical black nationalist group,
the new black Panthers stand in front of a Philadelphia polling station.
One of them holds a billy club. The Bush
administration files a voter intimidation suit against the group. But in 2009, the Obama
administration narrows the scope of the case, asking for and getting a court order only against
the guy with the club. The Justice Department said it didn't have enough evidence against the group
as a whole. In a statement to CNN, the new Black Panther Party denied voter intimidation and said it did not condone the acts of the member
with the nightstick.
All right, so to correct myself, the incident happened in November 2008.
You're right.
And that news report was 2010. So armed Black Panthers holding a club.
Greed at voters coming into a polling place.
And the Obama administration basically went to,
I hate to use the pun, went to bat for them.
Didn't they?
To get them out of the trouble.
But see, that's different. Waving a club at voters is different than Trump voters saying, hey, maybe this vote by mailbox has been stuffed with ballots from people who are not Americans. See, they're trying to paint American citizens as violent revolutionaries.
Who may be concerned about election integrity.
What the U.S. intelligence agencies should be concerned about is that half of the American people no longer trust the voting system.
That's where it's at.
Because you guys have rigged elections all over the world.
Yeah, if you can do it anywhere in the world.
See, you've rigged elections all over the world.
And you wouldn't do it here, right?
No, we know.
We know. We know. But let's hope that this election will get
through it without violence,
without hatred, without any
problems. I hope
whichever side wins, I hope the election
the victory is so big, Doc, that
nobody can say anything about it. I would hope
so. Okay. Let's just move
Now, listen.
It's South America over the weekend.
The former president of Bolivia, Mr. Morales, somebody tried to kill him.
He's blaming the deep state of Bolivia. So Bolivia's former leader, Evo Morales,
accused the government of trying to kill him on Sunday
after his car was struck by bullets in an early morning ambush,
threatening to ignite a full-on political crisis in the Andean nation.
He said, quote, elite agents of the Bolivian state attempted to take my
life today. That's what he posted on social media. We've got a video. You'll see the shooting inside
the car. So this is actual footage of former President Morales. You see the bullet holes in
the windshield there. Apparently, the driver was struck but not incapacitated.
Shot in the arm.
He was shot in the arm, Doc.
And so you see them speeding off now and trying to get out of there real fast.
And there's former President Morales there.
Frightening moments there.
But, Rick, these could be scenes here in america doc we're we're
in the age of assassinations aren't we yes they're becoming more frequent and um
apparently state actors from from what mr morales uh said, there were two unmarked black vehicles that came up beside his vehicle with men dressed in black.
I'm glad there wasn't a black helicopter.
That would have been very conspiratorial.
Was it the government?
We don't know.
But who tried to kill president trump twice i'm convinced as actors inside the u.s government i'm thoroughly convinced that
members of the u.s government attempted to assassinate donald trump that was not um they're
trying to spin it now as incompetence well that's even scarier i know
it is it's even scarier i mean what else were they going to say doc what it didn't work what
else were they going to say the plan didn't work what were they going to say after they get caught
so here's here's here's the bottom line, guys.
If Mr. Trump wins this election next week,
the deep state and the far left are not going to accept it.
No way.
They will not accept it. They will immediately seek to destabilize him and his administration.
They will seek to prevent him from being sworn in.
If they have to do a third assassination attempt, they will do it.
I think it will get so bad he will not be able to do a public inauguration.
I think that's how tense it's going to be over the next two months.
Well, now that's a thought.
They'll have to do a private inauguration. They'll just have to cancel it because it'll be – do you think he's going to walk down the street, Constitution Avenue?
Would you do that after someone twice tried to shoot you?
Not in D.C.
So I don't think there's going to be a public inauguration.
We're probably at a place in our country's history.
There may never be another public inauguration.
Do you think Joe Biden had a public inauguration?
Remember the fence they put up?
Oh, yeah.
Was anybody really there to see it?
We're just told it was
there. We're told. Do you see that?
See those people behind that fence?
That's the inauguration.
We're just told that.
I think we're at the stage where
there won't be any public events like that
anymore. So be prepared
for turbulence,
possible violence leading up to the inauguration.
If he is inaugurated, they're going to go to work immediately to destabilize his administration.
The Democrats will have articles of impeachment filed before he ever gets in the White House.
You know that's right.
They're not going to stop. And Mr. Trump then is
going to double down and he's going to go after them.
And the more he goes after them, the more they're going to call him Hitler.
And this is going to go on for the next four years.
If Kamala Harris wins, I think
you're going to have serious opposition to prevent her from turning America into a communist country.
Doc, one way or the other, the next four years are going to be extremely rocky.
And turbulent.
And be prepared for it.
Be prepared for it.
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would help me a lot phone number 844-960-GOLD things are going to be unstable. If you think it's just going to be rosy after this election,
you're really naive. You're really naive.
It's going to be very turbulent. Have food,
have supplies, have what you need
for your protection.
It's not going to be an easy election cycle.
News Australia.
The government of Australia blocked Candace Owens from entering the country today.
She was denied a visa. Bad, bad Candace Owens from entering the country today. She was denied a visa. Bad, bad
Candace Owens.
In order to protect democracy,
they have to cancel
her free speech and her right
to travel. In order to
protect democracy.
In order to stand
up for free speech,
her free speech must be denied in order to protect the
right of people to travel her right to travel must be denied that's the orwellian world that
we're living in says i'm reading from news australia far-right commentator Candace Owens has been blocked from entering Australia.
Immigration Minister Tony Burke canceled her visa this weekend, stating her proposed visit to Australia for a set of five live shows across November had the capacity to incite discord in almost every direction.
The article goes on to say,
Australia's, this is a quote from the immigration minister,
Australia's national interest is best served
when Candace Owens is somewhere else.
The article says,
across podcasts, interviews, and social media posts,
Ms. Owens has spread wild and bizarre anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, including suggesting Israel was behind the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Gee, you think that's a wild conspiracy theory?
Wow. She's also called Judaism a pedophile-centric religion that believes in demons, child sacrifice, according to the ADL,
which is an organization sponsored by B'nai B'rith, which is the world's largest Jewish Masonic lodge.
But what she says is a conspiracy.
Yes, what she says is a conspiracy yes what she says is a conspiracy theory now the adl
and the bednabrith they can meet in their lodge and have their secret handshakes
and do their rituals but that's not conspiratorial it's just saying that
there are a lot of pedophiles in the world. Okay. Maybe, what if I said that the owner of the largest pornography company in the world is a Jewish rabbi?
Is that a conspiracy theory?
Or is that a fact?
That's a fact.
That's a fact.
But if you say it, you're not even allowed to travel now.
See, countries are going to ban you from
even entering the country
because you're so dangerous. Truth is
dangerous to these people.
Megyn Kelly
had some truth. She appeared
on Bill Maher's program,
Real Time, and she laid out the
facts about children,
about adults
mutilating the bodies of children to change their gender.
And I'm going to play a clip from this interview.
Friday night.
You can actually hear gasp in the audience when she said what is being done.
Let's watch.
Almost equally important maybe maybe as
important is the what we're doing to our children with this trans insanity i mean this is almost my
single issue um we are chopping off the healthy body parts of young children without a 100 we
are doing that well we are definitely doing that without any inquisition that's what it is so i
don't know what the owing is about. I don't either.
Pay attention, because I'm about to give you a truth bomb.
Kids who are suffering from bullying or who have been sexually assaulted or who are going through normal puberty and feel uncomfortable in their bodies will say to their parents, I'm not sure, maybe I'm gender confused.
They will send them into a psychiatrist or psychologist who are told by our organizations, the American Psychiatry Association and all the
others that run their licensing, you must affirm. Affirm is the only standard. And so the child gets
told, you're right, you are secretly a boy or vice versa. And the child gets put on puberty
blockers into cross-sex hormones, which sterilize a child and deprive the child of any chance of
sexual pleasure for the rest of his or her life. We're talking about 9, 10, 11-year-olds who cannot give informed consent.
Then they have body parts chopped off by a medical establishment
and by parents who mean well but believe in these doctors, and they shouldn't.
And when they inevitably get past the awkwardness of puberty or what have you,
and they want to turn around and detransition,
those who love- love bomb them on
Reddit saying, come on in, the water's fine, abandon them. They are depressed. They have
changed their bodies forever in a way that is irreversible. And we are all sitting back saying,
it's a remote issue. As Kamala Harris said, it's not remote. It's the issue of our time both with respect to children and women's rights you know
several years ago i was aware that you know this transgender movement was taking place
among adults i i really didn't
i read that that children were being transgendered.
And I thought, who?
What parent would do such a thing?
And so this happened to me several years ago.
My family, we were visiting a museum in Stewart, Florida.
And we're standing in front of a display, and there's a young teenager, maybe 13, 14 years old, who to me looked like a boy.
And I started a conversation with him about the display, and his voice was somewhat feminine. And so I didn't say anything, but I asked his name.
And it was a female name.
And I guess the expression on my face as I was trying to compute, wait a minute, he looks like a boy.
He sounds like a girl.
He's got a girl's name.
I guess it was obvious to the teenager
and he looked at me and he said i don't want to talk about it very uncomfortable i don't want to
talk about it and i knew doc his parents did it well his parents i don't know if it was a boy to
a girl girl to a boy his parents were it. And I started looking around in that museum thinking, who is the perverted, twisted, confused mother and father that did this to their own child?
And the medical industry is making billions off this.
Of course they are.
Billions of dollars off this.
So there's a financial motivation on their part to change gender.
Always is.
Hey, I want to get into this next story.
I saw this today in the Japanese news Nikkei.
Look at this headline.
AI will acquire a human form.
Top NVIDIA executive tells Nikkei Forum.
Well, of course it is.
Here it comes.
Hey, bring on the image of the beast.
Isn't that what we're talking about?
The image of the beast that was given a breath?
That's what I'm seeing.
The image of the beast in Revelation, what, 13?
This is what they reported.
Artificial intelligence will acquire a human form. This is what they reported. day of the Global Management Dialogue, a forum organized by Nikkei and Swiss Business School
The machine is to the body what AI is to the brain, said Masataka Asaki, Vice President
of Worldwide Field Operations at chip giant NVIDIA.
He said that the future challenges for AI will be not only in creating humanoids, but
also in connecting AI to real-world operations.
Now, he spoke this at a global governance dialogue, a forum, as we mentioned before,
organized by Nikkei and the Swiss Business School, IMD.
And so, Rick, are we going to see?
Yeah, it was called the Global Management Dialogue.
And it was held today in Tokyo.
And, Doc, I mean, it's one of those technology conferences I wish we attended.
Can you imagine you and I sitting in the audience hearing this guy say, hey, by the way, AI is going to take on a human form?
So it's telling us where it's going.
You're talking about
humanoid robots
that will be
empowered by artificial intelligence.
Oh, I believe that we'll see a day where they're given
rights. Of course.
Like human-like rights.
How about a day when the robots
rescind our rights? Okay okay because we're an inferior
race want to go i'm going to transition to world war three guardian now this is this is 2020 November 8, 2020, robot soldiers could make up a quarter of the British Army by 2030.
One-fourth of the British Army will be robot soldiers by the time this big war comes around i want you to see in these articles how many
military and government leaders are confirming that world war iii is scheduled for 2030.
it's it's repeated over and over again so this is uh it says says 30 000 robot soldiers could form an integral part of the
british army in the 2030s working alongside humans in and around front line the front line the head
of the armed forces said in a television interview on sunny doc i don't know if this was in in 20
2020 i think this just happened i might be wrong. I was thinking this just took place.
General Sir Nick Carter said that the armed forces needed to think about how we will measure
effects in a different way, and he called on the government to proceed with the previously
promised five-year integrated defense review.
Speaking to Sky News, the chief of the defense staff suggested that an armed forces that
designed for the 2030s could include large numbers of autonomous or remotely controlled
He said, I mean, I suspect we could have an army of 120,000 of which 30,000 might be robots.
Next article. And that was 2020 i just verified it
was 2020 okay all right i was uh doing i was just doing a lot of research over the weekend on
war in 2030 right so the next one i found was january 2014 u.. Army General says robots could replace one-fourth of combat soldiers by 2030.
There we go again, Doc.
One-fourth of the U.S. Army will be robots by 2030.
You know what this war is going to look like when this thing breaks open in six, seven years?
One-fourth to one-half of the
soldiers are going to be machines
driven by AI.
So it says the U.S. Army
may send
well, I'm going to skip this
because you get it with the headline here
because I want to keep moving on.
Next one, national interest.
November 2023.
The U.S. Marine Corps has been preparing for the first robot war.
And what they are preparing for in this article is how to fight a robot army.
How do you fight an intelligent machine?
With intelligent machines. machines yes that are more
intelligent than the other side's machines now we'll bring it up a little bit closer this is
april 2024 putin ally vows to destroy nato by 2030 this happened this was said in april of this year yes i'm we missed this story i don't recall
reporting this i don't recall it either go ahead doc let me read this so a top russian general
apti adladanov commander of the chechen forces fighting in ukraine and an ally of president
vladimir putin has vowed that his country will destroy the nato military alliance by 2030
aladinov who was appointed as deputy at the main directorate for military and political work
at the Defense Ministry by Vladimir Putin, made the remarks during a state TV broadcast
where he spoke to Olga Skabayeva, co-host of their version of 60 Minutes on Russian Channel 1.
We have this also from Newsweeks and from Twitter here.
So this is from Anton Gershchenko saying that Aptia Aladinov, Katerov's closest ally, recently appointed to a position in the Russian Defense Ministry, tells Russian propaganda Skabieva that Russia will wage a war for the rest of the decade and intends to destroy NATO.
Now listen to the quote here.
Russia will win in the special military operation and all other battlefields.
Yes, we will have to work hard until 2029, 2030.
But I can assure you that the outcome of this special military operation
will be that the NATO bloc will cease to exist in the format in which it exists today.
Most of those states who today are running after America like mutts
will kneel down and swear an oath to Russia asking to be accepted into our coalition, he said.
Like Estonia? Finland?
Now Georgia.
They're denying the elections in the you know they're saying they're denying the
elections in georgia in aligning with russia so it's uh it's going to be interesting to see
so there's the date 2029 2030 yes earlier in a month uh how long has it been doc since i was in
in myrtle beach during the hurricane it's been a month yes
hurricane helena so that's when the holy spirit spoke to me inwardly what i perceived the holy
spirit saying was rick the the war that you've been prophesying the war that you've seen for
years is going to be held off until the early 2030s.
Now, I did not hear the date 2030 due.
But I just remember having this firm belief that the Lord was telling me, you will have time to get your work done for the kingdom of god until 2030 after 2030 i think we're we're on very very
thin ice at that point that war could break open it could break open in early 2031 32 33 what we're
seeing here is that the powers of this world are all moving towards the date 2030 yes and what i've been saying to you
is that i see it as this tension between the east and the west they're both pulling
to keep the war from erupting now why because neither side is ready for it. Yes. They know it could happen right now.
Things are so volatile.
So it could explode any moment, but they don't want it to happen because neither side is ready.
But both sides know that 2030 is the target date.
So with that, God's people should discern.
We have about six years to get in place, to be prepared,
if we have to do physical relocation.
Whatever it is that the Holy Spirit is speaking to you about,
you've got about six years to get it done.
If He's given you a work for his kingdom, you've got six years
to get it done before the world is going to change radically.
The next one. This is Washington
Times, December 2023. Gee, Doc, what is
that headline? Emerging Defense Bill Mandates Pentagon Study
on War with China in 2030. So we're going
global with this conflict. So we're going to war with Russia in 2030. We're going to war
with China in 2030.
We're not going to read the entire article. This
goes back to December of 2023. It's not that old.
Washington Times article.
But it clearly states that the U.S. Congress ordered the Department of Defense to conduct a major study of a U.S. war with China around the year 2030.
Right. And that report is due the 1st of December of this year.
I will get a copy, Doc, if it's available to the public.
Russia could attack NATO by the end of the decade.
The end of the decade is when?
It says a group of German intelligence officials warned the Bundestag that against Russia's aggressive actions with the conflict having the potential to spill out into NATO countries, Russia could carry out an attack against NATO by the end of the decade, says German's Federal Intelligence Service.
So Germany is preparing for war with Russia by 2030. Yes.
Even people
in countries you don't expect
to be preparing
for 2030. This next article,
this one,
says it all, Doc. There will be
war in Kazakhstan
in 2030.
And this is coming from a deputy of the Kazakh parliament, Yomarat Bopi.
He predicted a war in Kazakhstan by 2030.
He said, in conditions of budget deficit, taking into account geopolitical risk, when compared with what is happening in ukraine the allocated funds are very small
the ministry of defense you are responsible for security there will be a war in 2030 there is such
a risk there are such forecasts even in the defense department without taking into account
world expert opinions in such a situation 44 of gdp what does this mean where do these calculations come from we will
raise these issues boppy said now he didn't go on to say who they were going to fight but he said
he got the memo so about 2030 it's it's a parliamentary budget hearing in kazakhstan
yes and this member of the parliament is saying to an official, where do we have it in the budget for the war in 2030?
He knows something, Doc.
It's common knowledge.
There's going to be a big war in 2030.
How many people in America know it?
How many people in theica know it how many people how many people in the church of god
know it that's my responsibility to get this information out to as many people as possible
i am now firmly convinced it is scheduled for early 2030 um now we'll continue in world war
three i've got about nine minutes remaining the current world
war three the current because it's already started so again what 2030 is not the beginning
of world war three it's the grand finale world war three started two years almost three years ago
february 2022 with the invasion the russian invasion of ukraine that's the beginning of world war three
the grand finale is in the 2030s that's when that's when the robots come out that's when the
scale your weapons come out that's when the laser beams come out this is what they're saying yes
this isn't speculation on our part this is what they're coming right out and saying that's the grand finale bbc reporting
nato says north korean troops deployed to russia's curse region north korean troops have been
deployed to russia and are operating in the curse border region where ukrainian troops have a
foothold nato has said for the first time the alliance's secretary general, Mark Rutte, said he could confirm the deployment after weeks of intelligence reports following a meeting with South Korean security and defense officials on Monday.
The newly installed NATO chief said the deployment represented a significant escalation and a dangerous expansion of Russia's war in Ukraine.
Now, my new doc the north korean
troops are in russia yes as of today they have not crossed the border into ukraine what are they
doing in in russia training no they've been deployed now to cursed who is in cursed ukrainian troops that's true on behalf sent there by whom nato
nato you know nudged ukraine and said hey go ahead and cross the border invade russia we'll
give you uh the logistics support we'll we'll give you surveillance uh you know information
data you go ahead and invade russia so there are ukrainian troops inside
russia they've been there for months putin has brought in north korean special forces commandos
to take them out now the the western papers are saying this is a sign of putin's desperation
desperation he's just brought in killers yes that's not an act of desperation
he's going to take them off the chain and go go get them and and you got mr uh ruta saying
the presence of north korean troops in russia is a significant escalation.
How about the presence of Ukrainian troops? How about the presence of Ukrainian troops in Russia is a significant escalation.
Oh, Doc, these people.
The propaganda.
Washington Post.
North Korean troops are at a Russian military training site video show.
North Korean troops appear to be on site site alongside russian soldiers at a military
complex in russia's far east potentially preparing for deployment in the war against ukraine
so uh we've got a short video here um you'll see uh these videos were this video was recorded by
russian soldiers who are saying on this video in Russian, we're not supposed to be filming these guys.
But those men standing there are North Korean troops, and they're on a Russian military base.
So they're there.
And most likely they are going to cross the border after they clear
clear out the ukrainians in russia most likely they'll send them into ukraine and i'm sure
there will be a lot more that are coming but this is world war three and a world war is a lot of
countries fighting each other germany has confirmed the first delivery
of its KF-41
IFV to Ukraine
by the end of 2024.
Where are they building
them, Doc? In Ukraine.
So Germany's
what is this?
Rheinmetall, yes. Rheinmetall? Rheinmetall, yes.
Rheinmetall is a defense contractor that builds tanks.
They've built a factory inside Ukraine to build these tanks.
And they're going to deliver the first ones by the end of this year,
like next month, by December.
So Dmitry Medvedev had something to say about it.
There we go.
This is Medvedev promises fireworks at the German military factory in Ukraine.
That's the RT article.
And now we have the telegram post that he sent out over the weekend. Yeah, he said that the German concern Rheinmetall has launched the first of four military plants in Ukraine.
As promised earlier, we are looking forward to the festive Russian fireworks right at the production site.
He also posted this video along with his both Twitter and telegram post as an example of Russian fireworks at the Rheinmetall factory.
So I think the message is quite clear.
It becomes a target.
What did Germany think Russia was going to do?
What did they think they were going to do?
You spend all that money.
Germany is going broke.
The government is going broke.
They're going to bankrupt themselves fighting this stupid war that they started against Russia.
They started it way back in 2014 right and i don't know if you caught uh vladimir putin's comments over the weekend he
he said to germany you know you can turn on the nordstream pipeline any day just turn the valve
and you can have all the oil you want. Instead, German industry is shutting down.
Volkswagen, shutting down three plants,
laying off thousands of workers.
Is it worth it, Germany?
Has this war been worth it?
What did you get out of it?
Nothing but debt and decay of your country.
Putin hopes NATO heard him on long-range strikes.
He's reiterating his warning that he gave out last week of what's going to happen
if NATO nations allow long-range missile strikes inside his country.
He said how to respond when
and where specifically it's too early to talk about it now but obviously our military department
is thinking about this and we'll be offering various options i i'm sure they will doc
that's no doubt my mind also, this next one, same thing.
Putin told how Russia will respond to
possible long-range missile strikes.
See, these are the kind of things
that could make World War III
explode now.
Could happen now,
and not 2030. We might not get
to 2030. I'm just saying that
the leaders of the of the West
and East want the war to be fought in 2030 but they're doing stupid foolish things now
that could cause that war to erupt this very uh this very hour another RT West training Ukrainian saboteurs to target Russian nuclear sites.
This is unbelievable, Doc.
At the BRICS summit last week, Vladimir Putin was presented with a mock-up.
You see him there in the left holding a banknote.
That is a mock-up version of a BRICS currency.
That's the close-up.
So they want the world to see.
You know what?
We have a mock-up of a new money system for the world.
You know, I don't see an all-seeing eye.
Or a pyramid.
Or a pyramid.
I did see an image of Jesus.
I don't know if you noticed that. an image of jesus on it um so no all-seeing eye no masonic emblems there that i know of but he did
it to tell the west your financial system is not going to last long. Yes. You're going to have a challenger.
He clearly said our plan is not to take down the dollar, but I believe it is.
They plan to take down NATO by 2030.
They're going to dismantle the West because they have to do it in order to survive as a country.
Or they're going to get dismantled.
We have put them in that position.
Got to go.
Morning manna coming up.
Don't go away.
We love you.
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Good morning and welcome to Morning Manna. We're so glad to have you with us. And wherever
you are in the world, we are one in Christ. So welcome. If you have not joined Faith and Values,
we invite you to become a member of the online community. You can find us at
We are still in the 25th chapter of the gospel according to St. Matthew.
And hopefully today we're going to finish the parable of the talents.
We're going to be looking at verses 24 through 30.
We started this teaching on the parables, actually, I think, a week before last Friday.
I think so.
I think this is probably, what, Doc, the seventh or eighth day in this parable?
Yeah, I think it's day seven today.
Day seven, okay.
So let's begin our lesson.
We'll pray.
Doc's going to read the Word, verses 24 through 30. Heavenly Father, you are magnificent and wonderful and glorious
and holy, and we praise you and we give you thanksgiving, Father. We're grateful to be alive
and to be saved and be sons and daughters in your kingdom. Father, we're hungry for your word. We desire to please you and to serve you in this fallen world as we await the return of our Savior, your Son, Jesus Christ.
So, Father, we ask for the Holy Spirit's presence in this morning man of Bible study to lead the class and teach us from the gospel according to St. Matthew.
In Jesus' name, amen.
And we welcome you here to Morning Manna, heard on each weekday morning
at 8 a.m.
And we invite you to participate in this Bible study with us by opening up the Word of God
to Matthew chapter 25.
We're going to pick back up today at verse number 24. Welcome to the 15 to 20
countries that are already online with us today, including Russia, Brazil, South Korea, the
Philippines, and about a dozen more today. God bless you for being here with us. If you've got
your Bibles, read along with me. Matthew 24, 25, 25, 24. Then he which had received the one talent came and said,
Lord, I knew thee that thou art a hard man,
reaping where thou hast not sown and gathering where thou hast not strewed.
And I was afraid and went and hid thy talent in the earth.
Lo, there thou hast that is thine.
Still can't get over that.
His Lord answered and said unto him,
Thou wicked and soft of servant,
thou knewest what I reap where I sowed not
and gather where I have not strewed.
Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money
to the exchangers.
And then at my coming,
I should have received mine own with usury.
Take therefore the talent from him
and give it unto him which hath ten talents.
For unto everyone that hath shall be given and he that shall have abundance. Matthew chapter 25.
All right.
We'll start with verses 24 and 25.
He also who had received the one talent came and said,
Lord, I knew that you are a hard man, reaping where you didn't sow,
gathering where you didn't scatter.
And I was afraid and went away and hid your talent in the earth.
Behold, you have what is yours.
So the unfaithful servant made a false accusation against his master.
The outright lie.
The servant said he feared his master because his master was a harsh, hard-hearted, greedy, unreasonable man.
Listen again to what he said.
Lord, I knew that you are a hard man, reaping where you didn't sow, gathering where you didn't scatter.
See, that's greed.
Yes. That's saying that his master is a greedy thief you you reap profits from places you never sowed you gather assets
from places where you didn't scatter investments. I know you.
You're a hard man.
And you scare me.
I was afraid.
So I went and I hid your talent in the earth.
Behold, here it is.
This is yours. the unfaithful servant tried to justify his inaction by falsely accusing his master of being a cruel, greedy man.
In truth, he condemned himself.
Yes. A person who reaps where he did not sow is a greedy, coveting thief.
It means he claims as his own the fruit of other people's works.
This was a gross misconception of the master's character.
The unfaithful servant justified his inaction by distorting his master's true character. If he described his master to other people in those terms, then he slandered his master.
Right. in those terms then he slandered his master right when you cover up your
failure to obey God and to serve God by slandering other people other people who
are obey God you're you are speaking condemnation and judgment on yourself absolutely you are yes and it will
show up in your life you can't constantly slander other people particularly god-fearing people who
are doing their very best to obey the lord you can't do that you can't slander them and not reap a very unpleasant harvest in your life.
It may be sickness. It could be poverty. It could be all kinds of troubles.
Constant financial trouble. Constant health issues. Why? Because you have a poisoned tongue
that is slandering other people who are seeking to serve the Lord.
And you're trying to cover up your failure to serve God
by tearing down somebody else who is serving God.
That's what this guy was doing.
Now, of course, in this parable, the master represents Jesus Christ.
So I think it's even worse.
He was slandering.
In essence, he's slandering the Son of God.
He's saying the Son of God is not a fair man.
He's not a fair Savior. He's cruel. He's saying the Son of God is not a fair man. He's not a fair Savior.
He's cruel. He's harsh.
He does things his way, and he doesn't care how it hurts people.
That's literally what he's saying about Jesus.
Most likely, the unfaithful servant projected his own
poor character traits
onto his master
and this is a common fault
among ungodly people
they accuse godly people
of being what they are
they accuse godly people of being what they are they accuse godly people of doing what they do
so the servants actions represent a failure to fulfill the obligations inherent in his
and his status as a servant even without an explicit command from the master
he was still expected to seek and improve his master's interest the master never said
i'm ordering you to double your talents it was an assumed instruction.
As I said last week,
the servants had watched their master in action over a long time.
They knew what he expected because he did for himself
what he would expect others to do for him.
I mean, his master wasn't job of the hut sitting on a sofa eating food all day his
master was diligent his master was industrious his master was always leading by example. So the servants knew what to do.
And so this unfaithful servant
knew what to do,
but chose not to do it.
That's the key thing.
He chose not to do it,
and then he slandered his master
to make up an excuse for his inaction.
And the phrase that jumps out at me in verse 24, Rick, is,
Lord, I knew you were a hard man.
Lord, I knew you were a hard man.
He recognizes the authority of the Lord in his life.
And yet, calls him Lord.
And the very next words out of his mouth is,
I knew you were a hard man.
It just shows you where his heart was, where his mind was, where his loyalty was.
His loyalty wasn't to his Lord.
He called him Lord.
I'm reminded that Jesus tells us there will be those that call him Lord, Lord.
He'll say, I never knew you.
Here's an example.
This servant didn't know his Lord.
That's right.
So, doctor, there are two words that stand out in the servant's attitude.
Laziness and fear.
I don't know if his inaction was caused by only one or by both.
But those are the two words that I think of, laziness and fearfulness.
If his inaction was caused by his fear, then his fear of failing or his fear of being punished led him to do nothing.
But that ended up, that resulted in a harsher condemnation.
So his fear, if that's what it was his fear resulted in paralysis he was so fearful of making
the wrong decision that he did nothing yes he chose he opted for safety security
but again this led to condemnation see fear-driven mindset will choose preservation
over productivity.
There are seasons, however, when one
must be cautious because market conditions are unstable. I said to
I think to Travis a couple weeks ago
I said the older I get
the more
the only thing that I exercise
is caution
you become more cautious the older
you become
but that doesn't justify inaction.
When business market conditions are very unstable, yes, you have to use caution.
But is there ever a time when conditions are stable?
I don't know if there ever is.
I can't think of any during my lifetime
that you could say conditions were stable.
Relative to everybody's experience at that time,
they were unstable.
So you can't use outside
the stability of the world, you can't use that as an excuse to justify inaction.
That's right.
You may have to be much more cautious, seek more wisdom in making your decisions, but it doesn't justify inaction. Now, the other issue was, you know, laziness.
He covered up his laziness by pretending to be cautious and wise.
Look how wise I am.
Look how cautious i am look how cautious i am i was so cautious i did nothing
but again there's laziness see fear and laziness are working together here in this man
his fear actually was driven by his laziness.
He feared making the wrong decision because he was too lazy to research the right decision.
Isn't that really the top and the bottom of the hand?
There's laziness and fearfulness.
He made no effort to engage in productive stewardship and so
that that revealed that he had a mentality of passive neglect rather than
active engagement as some Christians use excuses such as feeling insignificant or believing that their limited abilities justify doing nothing.
But the Bible refutes that mentality
because everyone is accountable for what they have been given the master intentionally gave this servant only one talent because
he knew he had limited abilities so having limited abilities is not an excuse for inaction the master was kind
the master was was gracious to him saying I'm not gonna overload you but I
do believe you have the ability to to double this one talent. And as you grow and expand your knowledge,
the next time I'll give you two talents.
And then later, as you grow and expand your ability,
I'll give you three talents.
The master gave him one,
but you have people in the church today
who say, well, I'm just a little nobody.
I'm insignificant.
I have very limited abilities.
I better hadn't do anything.
I just sit here.
That excuse doesn't fly in heaven.
That's not going to get you anything in heaven
except a condemnation for inactionaction and you know Rick in verse
24 there I think the servant knew exactly what was expected of him exactly
because he uses his master of sewing you know reaping where he didn't sow. So there was an expectation to sow.
There was an expectation.
So whether the rest of the parable
actually comes right out and says it or not,
that the unfaithful servant here reveals right there
what was expected of all three servants,
that they were to sow what they had received.
Yes. right there what was expected of all three servants that they were to sell what they've received yes
so doc
four thirteen
i think everybody wants to say that you know everybody's heard this you've read
i can do all things through christ who strengthens me
yes that verse things through Christ who strengthens me. Yes.
That verse, Philippians 4.13, empowers every single person, whether you have limited abilities or many abilities, that verse empowers you to do what god expects you to do
all you have to say and believe is i can do all things through christ who
strengthens me
when the master gives you an assignment and at first it takes your breath away
and you go this is too big for me.
I don't know what to do.
What does the Bible say?
I can do all things.
Never say, I can't do it.
I don't know what to do.
You may not know what to do at the time, but he'll tell you.
He will tell you if you ask him he wouldn't give you the assignment if he didn't believe you could do it but it's your responsibility to speak the word
of God and say I can do all things now if you never read the Bible you don't even know that verse is there. That's like
a plumber
needing a wrench
and he never dug down
into the bottom of his toolbox to see
if he had
a wrench.
If you don't get down in the toolbox, how do you know
what tools are in there?
The Bible is full of tools. If you never read the Bible, you'll never know the tools that are in the toolbox how do you know what tools are in there the bible is full of tools
if you never read the bible you'll never know the tools that are in your toolbox
you'll just carry your toolbox around and go look at this i got a toolbox
a lot of people go to church every sunday carrying the toolbox
they've never popped the lid on it they've've never dug down deep in it and go, oh, look at this.
What could I use this for?
What problem could I solve with this tool?
God's given us a toolbox.
It's called the Word of God.
And there's a tool in that book for every problem you will face today.
You dealing with sickness?
There's a verse in that toolbox you're dealing with poverty there's there's a verse in that toolbox
you're dealing with depression there's a verse in that toolbox that will give you
victory over that problem so don't make excuses don't say just little old me i don't know how to do it i i you know no
you can do all things
and your heavenly papa will be standing on the sidelines
cheering saying go go go you can do it
amen he's not going to get out there and run the race for you. He's not going to
go on the basketball court and make the shot for you. He's going to be on the sideline cheering,
saying you can do it. I gave you the tools to do it. So,
this servant was lazy.
He covered up his laziness by pretending to be wise
and cautious.
He made no effort
to engage in productive
stewardship of what was
entrusted to him.
So his laziness
was coupled with fear.
He feared making decisions to increase the master's one talent.
But he was unwilling to learn about wise investments.
He was unwilling to seek advice from others.
He was unwilling to increase his education about investments. He knew that without such effort
for self-improvement, he would most likely make unwise decisions regarding the investment
of his master's talent. So his laziness and his unwillingness to learn and to seek information produced fear in him.
And that led to burying the talent.
Better to hide the talent and preserve it than to make a stupid decision and lose it.
So his decision was driven by the fear of loss the fear of punishment he ends up being punished
anyway yes so what do we make our decisions based on reward or punishment
gain or loss most most of your decisions are based on one of those two things.
The act of bearing the talent represents not just a physical inaction,
but a spiritual refusal to use God-given gifts.
Because true stewardship involves taking risks.
It involves stepping out in faith.
It involves actively engaging in the work of God.
Playing it safe by doing nothing is condemned in this parable.
Because God values productive faith.
Without faith, it is impossible to please God. look when you're struggling your father in heaven is not upset with you when you're struggling to
do the right thing he's there encouraging you he's watching he's encouraging he knows you've
you fell down and skinned your knees. He knows you got back up.
He knows that something came against you and knocked you on your back again.
He sees you get back up.
Yes, there's struggle.
And he's pleased with your effort to keep going,
even though sometimes it seems like you're making the tiniest progress.
But it's progress.
If you're one inch ahead than where you were yesterday, you've made progress.
Because sometimes there's all kinds of demonic opposition that comes against you.
And the Lord knows it.
But he still expects performance from us
he still expects us
to push forward
using faith
in him and faith in his word
alright so let's
we'll move down to the next verse because I've got to finish this today.
Verse 26, His Lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant,
Thou knewest that I reap where I sow not, and gather where I not strong.
So, Doc, verse 26 starts out with, His Lord.
It identifies the master as His Lord.
His owner, His ruler, His master is who speaks in verse 26.
Making it very clear.
It's not His boss, his Lord.
But his Lord addresses the servant as wicked and slothful,
meaning evil and lazy.
Not just lazy, but evil and lazy.
Evil and lazy. Evil and lazy.
The master's words speak of the true nature of the servant's character.
The rebuke reveals that the servant's inaction was not merely about fear,
but rooted in laziness and a refusal to act responsibly.
The non-productive servant's wickedness was his slandering of his master's character.
His slothfulness was his unwillingness to make even the slightest effort to increase the talent entrusted to him you see why he said
wicked and slothful the wickedness was you just lied about me you said that i'm a hard man a a greedy covetous man that's a lie
you're wicked and then he called him slothful you were too lazy to make an effort
to to increase the talent i gave you
these terms wicked and slothful they're significant the
wicked refers to the servants false accusation against the master slothful
emphasizes the servants's laziness.
Once you understand why the master spoke those words, then you see
the gravity of the accusations.
And that servant knew exactly
what the master was saying.
He was being called down he had no response so the masters challenging the servants excuse
the masters rebuke he used the servants own words his own reasoning against him
to show him that his excuses
were empty and flawed.
He's not agreeing with the servant
that he's a hard man.
He's saying
if you knew I was a hard man
if that's your reasoning here
he's saying to the servant if you knew I was a hard man, if that's your reasoning here, you're saying to the servant,
if you knew I was a hard man, that I reaped where I didn't sow, and gathered where I didn't
stir, then this is what you should have done.
At the very least, you should have done this next thing that we'll talk about.
So, you know, I can picture the master getting up in this guy's space you know getting right up to
his face looking at him saying if i were the scoundrel you said i am yes there you go
then you would have at least at the the very minimum, put my money in the bank.
So the master uses the servant's own words to condemn him,
saying, you knew that I reaped where I didn't sow.
He's not agreeing with it. He's saying, if that's what you believe,
you should have taken action.
It's the servant saying,
it's not my fault.
It's your fault, Lord.
And we've encountered that
in our own lives,
haven't we, Rick?
Oh, my.
It just dawned on me that i think that's what he's doing
we've had with uh different people maybe we've gone into business with or or have worked with
and everything it's not their fault it's the boss's fault that's literally what he's doing he's saying my failure is your fault he's not taking ownership
for anything he had an opportunity to repent he could have said Lord I'm sorry I misunderstood
the instruction whatever it but we don't have any record of that at all, do we? No. But the insult was lying
to the master's face
about himself.
the master's saying to him,
well, if you truly believe
I'm the creep
that you said I am, you would have worked harder to do something with the talent I gave you to avoid the punishment that you're going to receive.
So he used a rhetorical question, not as an admission of saying, yeah, you're're right I am the scoundrel you
said I am he's using this rhetorical approach to convict the servant by
pointing out the flaws and his reasoning that's right he's revealing the
inconsistency the hypocrisy in this man's reasoning.
And what this exposes is how easily people can deceive themselves when they fail to act on God's commands.
They blame somebody else.
The servant's accusation that the master was harsh illustrates a misrepresentation of God's character
and this false perception became an excuse for his lack of action There are a lot of people who believe that God is harsh. Yeah.
Yes, rebels.
Because what they get so often is the back of his hand.
But they don't want to deal
with the fact that they're rebels.
And they want to be a rebel
inside the kingdom of God.
You can be a rebel
outside of the kingdom.
But if you come inside the kingdom, you can't be a rebel.
Because a rebel is somebody who is not submitted to the king.
I've met more than my share of rebels in the church.
And they
wreck everything.
They'll just tear up
and wreck everything.
Because they're not
going to allow
they're not going to allow the Holy Spirit to put that
bit in their mouth.
They want to be that wild stallion that says,
if I want to run around and kick and upset things and break things, I'll do it.
But see, the Holy Spirit is putting that bit in the horse's mouth.
Get the reins on the horse.
What's the Holy Spirit doing? Breaking our rebellious spirit to bring us into submission to the king.
We're of no use to the king when we're rebellious.
And there are people that truly believe they have a right to be rebellious.
I mean, they're proud of their rebellion.
Verse 27,
Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers,
and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury. Usury meaning interest on a loan.
So the master points out that the servant could have at least put the money with the exchangers the bankers the least you could have done is walk down the street opened up an account
at the bank and put my money in the bank in your name and then withdraw it when i came back that's if you believed i was a hard man
that was the minimum yes if you really believed i'm i'm the scoundrel you said
the least you could have done that was that would require minimal effort
compared to that hard work you did going out there and digging that hole and burying the talent.
So the master, his words suggest that a willingness to act, even in a small way, would have been better than doing nothing out of fear.
Again, the servant's choice to bury the money instead of investing it showed his laziness and his fear.
He simply, he was unwilling to even walk down the street and open up a bank account.
He not only buried it, he hid it.
As if it was his.
Think about that.
He hid it as if it was his.
Not as if it was his Lord's.
He hid it as if it was his to hide
i believe the servant knew exactly what he was supposed to do and it wasn't just laziness it
it was more than laziness it was rebellion
it was saying i'm going to do what i want to do i don't care what the lord says
that's right um what I want to do. I don't care what the Lord says.
That's right.
You know,
Doc, you know who I'm talking about. We had a
former employee
love and
Yeah, former. Now, this is in a good way. It's in a good way. He former. Yeah, former.
Now, this is in a good way.
It's in a good way.
He's no longer with us.
Loved him so much, still love him.
I used to tell people,
I meant this with everything. I would,
if I had a visitor in my office, and if that young man came in and then left the
office i often would say you know if i gave him a million dollars in cash and said i need to go away
i'll be gone for a year i want you i want you to watch over this million dollars. When I would come back, it
would be two million.
Yes, I know who you're talking about.
That was his character. Not only did I trust him, not only did i trust him with the would i trust him with money i also had confidence that
he would do more than just keep it he would he would double it see that's character
that's character
i one time doc i had a friend who had to take a trip.
They were in the process of moving their home and everything,
but he had to take a trip overseas.
And he handed me, and he was going to be gone for a couple months.
He came over to the office and handed me a box and said,
Rick, I need you to watch over this for me until I get back.
I just didn't have time to do something with and I said what is it I guess
they're gold coins he's he said there's some I don't remember it was several
hundred thousand dollars worth of gold coins because I can't think of anybody else I would trust to keep this until I get back.
See, when you have the right character, when you have character that people trust,
they will hand things to you and know that you will safeguard it.
You will protect it so this is this
master is saying to these three servants here I'm going to be away for a while
I'm giving you some of my wealth I trust all three of you to not only keep it and protect it, but to increase it. Two fulfilled the
assignment, but one failed. He did keep it, but he failed to do the right thing with it. So, you know, in biblical times the exchangers were the intermediaries who facilitated financial
You know, we call them forex dealers today, or money lenders and exchangers.
There's actually two different things, money lenders and exchangers. There's actually two different things, money lenders and exchangers. The exchangers are forexers.
Money lenders are the loaners, the bankers.
But they provided a way for individuals to invest money
and receive a return on that money over time.
The master stated mine own.
You notice that in the verse?
Go back and look how he says.
Then at my coming, I should have received mine own.
He's reminding the the servant I own it this
is Andy and the interest and the interest I own the cap the principal and
the interest but you you only gave me the capital back no interest and he
didn't even do that Rick he told the master where it was yeah he he said yeah you told the master you know it is get
over there you can show it with you you see that tree over there go to the tree
turn left and walk 20 steps and then dig you'll find it lord that's even more insulting like me you didn't even dig it up
it's like me saying hey rick uh you know that money that you gave me i buried it in the ground
here's a shovel rick you go over there and you dig it up yeah i buried it now you dig it up
he was he was too lazy even to dig it up for the master who owned it the master
said my own that's my money and the servant was too lazy to even dig up the money and give it
back to him yeah the other servants brought their talents to the lord brought it to him yes with
with what they multiplied as well brought it all to them
oh doc they were grinning from ear to ear man they were excited to look at this lord man the rest of
the world the economies go in a spiral but we multiplied what you gave to us, Lord. That's right. So if you are unable to go into all the world and fulfill the Great Commission,
you should at least invest in the ministries of those who are willing
and able to go into all the world to proclaim the gospel.
Preach it, Rick.
So when you give offerings to soul winning
gospel preaching churches and ministries you are putting your master's money to work remit
it's his money yes it's not your money it's his money everything you have is his. You are putting his money to work in his kingdom.
You join the capital that's been entrusted to you
with the capital entrusted to the ministries.
And together, your capital, your invested capital,
will collect interest on behalf of the kingdom.
His talents entrusted to you must bring to him the best ROI, return on investment,
when he returns on the final day.
Look what he said.
All right. look what he said all right and then at my coming
that's the second coming then at my coming i should have received mine own with usury
jesus is when he comes back he's going to
look for his ROI yes what were you doing
while I was gone I've been in heaven what did you do with it? Are there any souls saved? Were there any orphans fed and
clothed? Were there any elderly people visited? Were there any sick people in the hospital
visited? What did you do with it? I buried it. I hid it in a hole you buried it
I see
so you don't even have a little bit of interest
did you
did you give
some of my money that I gave you
did you give it to any churches
any ministries
who were doing the things I told them to do
see there's a day of accountability
the day of reckoning see this is a day of reckoning so the master expected the
servant to take it the simplest least risky step to generate some profit.
But any attempt to be productive would have been better than none.
We'll go on, verse 28 and 29.
Take, therefore, the talent from him and give it unto him which hath ten talents.
For unto everyone that hath shall be given
and he shall have abundance.
But from him that hath not
shall be taken away even that which he hath.
This is so unsocialist.
This is so opposite Marxism.
Marxism says, take from him that has
and give it to the one who doesn't have.
Yeah, until you get equity.
Yes, in God's economy, he says, take from the one who doesn't have yeah until you achieve equity yes in god's economy he says take from the one who doesn't have and give it to the one who has
well that doesn't make sense does it but i like it it doesn't make sense in our
in our current mindset in our environment that is heavily influenced by socialism.
Even Christians have a socialist mindset,
and they don't even know it.
The word, notice he starts, therefore.
This is it.
This is the judgment.
Take therefore. This is it. This is the judgment. Take therefore.
The word therefore signifies that given the servant's excuse,
he should have logically sought minimal form of profit
rather than choosing complete inaction.
The therefore is the beginning of the judgment.
The master orders that the one single talent
be taken away from the unfaithful servant
and given to the one who has ten talents.
This illustrates the principle that unused gifts or opportunities will be reassigned to those who have proven themselves
diligent and capable. What is the the current uh mindset in american education today
we're going to um we're not going to we're not going to grade anybody we're going to
give a passing grade to everybody the achiever and the non-achiever both get the same grade
right why because we don't want to hurt anybody's feelings
you know travis our ceo when he passed the florida bar exam last year he scored so high that the Florida Bar Association took, I want to say 90 points from him.
They took the points from him.
To make it fair for the others.
To make it fair for the ones who didn't study.
It's crazy, but it's absolutely true, folks, that happened.
That's true.
They punished him for getting such a high score.
But see, the Jesus way would be, no, we're going to take points from the bottom and give it to Travis.
This is why our society is so unbiblical is you see it in colleges and universities well this person can't pass the exam well we're
gonna pass it for him or her. We're going to give
the diploma to this person who couldn't pass the exams. Well, what about the ones who studied?
What about the ones who stayed up late hours semester after semester for four years? What years you're you're what are you going to do for that person yeah take points away from them put
them on the same level playing field as those who never studied so the the master takes the one talent away from the one who had you know only one gives it to the one with
ten so it demonstrates that god's gifts are not permanent they are not used responsibly.
Gifts from God can be reassigned at any time according to his prerogatives.
If he sees that you're not using the gifts he gave you he may just take them from you and give them to some other brother or sister who is just going to town with the talents he gave them right have you
observed that in your own life rick with anybody that you know well i i worry about it in my own
life i look back doc and i go wow did the Lord take anything from me over the
years that I was unaware I missed the opportunity I didn't fit that that
troubles me that worries me I can't point to anything but I it makes me
think about it did I have opportunities that I missed,
that I did not go through the door and develop the opportunity that the Lord gave me?
That bothers me.
And it should be a point of self-reflection for all of us.
I think I've missed opportunities through the years.
You know, what can you do about them at this point?
It's up to say, Lord, I messed up. I repent.
Lord, help me not to miss what you're giving me in the future.
So if you've missed something in your life, missed a calling, missed whatever it might be,
if you're aware of it, repent of it.
Reign to the Lord and say, Lord, I fell short on this.
I really did.
And if you don't use me again, Lord, I completely understand.
But, Lord, this I give back to you.
I messed up.
That's an attitude of the heart there. I can see three different types of people that have been either in our organization
or have been. First of all, the first group, the people who are absolutely in the middle
of God's will for their lives. They in our ministry they are they are where they
are supposed to be and there's peacefulness about their presence they contribute they're diligent
they're faithful they're working you're one of them doc i can go down the list everybody on our
staff they're diligent they're working there they are where they're supposed to be.
Then I can think of others who were with us and are no longer with us
because they chose to step out of God's will.
For one reason or the other,
they were unwilling to submit to what God wanted them to do.
And they opted out.
Now, sometimes people leave because it's God's will.
And that's perfectly fine.
There have been employees who have left, and I've cried with them.
I said, I'm going to miss you.
I love you.
But I know this is God moving in your life, and I want the best for you.
But there are others who left because they would not submit to the discipline God had for them in this ministry.
And then there's another group.
They were given the opportunity to join and they turned it down and i knew i knew when they said no
they missed god's will for their life i just knew it i've been in those interviews with you rick
yes you just know and we look at each other and go they missed it yeah and usually it was based on fear wasn't it yes or outside pressure yeah
uh a spouse that would not a spouse who would not move or something that would cause them to
turn down the opportunity or something they read online or something like that
i mean there was one employer i think i hired him three times he'd quit come back quit and come back i think i hired the guy three times because i knew he was supposed to be with us and yet he
still ended up leaving yeah and he would he would leave and come back because he'd get out there in the world and it would just be horrible.
And he'd come back and say, I made a mistake.
I want to come back.
And I hired him three times.
The last time I said, nope, not again.
Not again.
You made your decision.
All right.
So what are we learning here?
We're responsible for the gifts and the opportunities God gives us.
And if you end up hiding that out of fear or rebellion or something,
it gets taken from you and given to those who are productive in the kingdom.
Doc, look at the line, the sentence,
take therefore the talent from him and give it unto him which hath ten talents.
It appears to me that the faithful servant who doubled his five talents was permitted by his master to keep all ten.
Even though five came originally from the master.
The master had the right to say give me back
my five I'll let you keep the other five I want my I want my investment capital
back I'm gonna reward you I'm let you keep five I want my investment capital
back but this this appears as though the master said, I'm giving you all 10. That's right. Plus my presence.
Plus my presence.
The blessing.
The approval from the master.
So while abilities cannot be transferred, opportunities can.
Your ability can't be transferred but the opportunities can be so the talents represent external opportunities in this parable is teaching that those who fail to use these opportunities will eventually see them given to others.
I've seen that in my life.
I've seen opportunities.
God's given me an idea, and I didn't act on it.
And what happens, Doc?
A year later, somebody's building my idea.
How many times have I said to you, Doc, I believe ideas are just floating out there.
They're just floating in space.
Here's a great idea.
Anybody want to take it and run with it?
So the transfer of the talent signifies that resources will always be reallocated to those who will make the best use of them.
This is a divine principle where God's work continues, even if it requires him to redistribute his gifts to people.
Are you saying that Jesus believes in redistribution of wealth?
Yes, he does.
The person who uses the gifts given by God will be given more for past service
and a challenge for future service.
Here's your reward for what you did, and this is going to motivate you for the future.
Those who develop and use their faith in God will be given more faith.
Those who have an appetite for the Word of God shall be satisfied with a
greater appetite for more knowledge and understanding of the word whoever uses
whatever gift of the Holy Spirit that's been bestowed upon them the word of
wisdom the word of knowledge the discerning of spirits, faith, miracles, healing, tongues, interpretation, prophecy.
Whoever uses the gift or gifts that God has given them
will be given more anointing and grace to operate in those gifts
and may receive one or more additional gifts.
So, the reallocation of the talent to the faithful servant was a reward to that person.
It encouraged the faithful servant to continue engaging in activity
and make the most of his gifts.
Verse 29.
For to whom everyone, for to everyone who has, will be given, and he will have abundance.
But from him who doesn't have, even that which he has will be taken away to the one who has will be given and he will have abundance we don't like
to think about this that there are people who are far more successful to us
because they've just been better at using the resources given to them.
I believe, God, this principle works even for the unsaved world.
Oh, yeah. I think so, too.
At the end, they have to give an account yes
at the end they have everyone's going to give an accounting there's going to be a day of reckoning
so to everyone who has will be given that implies growth and development lead to greater blessings.
The more one actively uses their divine gifts,
the more they will receive from heaven.
God rewards faithful service by entrusting people with more, and that encourages us to take every opportunity to grow learn and invest
and the promise of of abundance means more than just earthly material benefits
there are there are many blessings that god can enrich your life with
you know if if you're rich with money and in poor
health what good is it you know if you're laying in a hospital bed and but
you're wealthy what good is it you want to be you want to be financially blessed blessed and blessed with good health too
beloved I desire that thou prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers even as all three you know there's three things they're happening I
desire that you're that you prosper I desire that you prosper.
I desire that your body is healthy.
I desire that your soul is healthy and prosperous.
For the soul, it's both healthy and prosperous.
So the warning that even what he has will be taken away that's the reminder of the consequences of
spiritual negligence it is costly to be negligent to be lazy in the kingdom
then we get to the last verse and cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness
there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
There is no description of hell that can better describe the horrifying state than Jesus' ten words.
Under darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. The darkness is being totally separated from the presence of God.
That's why I believe hell, the lake of fire, has black flames.
I don't believe it's glowing.
I believe the darkness is so great you can't see the fire it's total separation from God it's so dark that the fire
doesn't even light up the place the flames are black.
It's a place of weeping.
What are they weeping about?
That they're there because of their own actions.
Why are they gnashing their teeth?
There's no exit doors.
It's eternal so the unfaithful servant is cast into outer darkness total separation from God eternal loss weeping and gnashing of
teeth deep regrets sorrow over wasted opportunities and no ability,
no opportunity to redo it,
to go back and make it right.
When you close your eyes at death,
that's it.
Your spreadsheet in heaven
is folded.
It's put away.
It's done.
It's filed away for judgment day.
As long as you are still alive,
you can have the spreadsheet can have different entries.
If you're still breathing, you still have the opportunity to make things
right. Don't be overwhelmed by this parable. This is a sobering parable. This ought to make every
one of us sit up straight today and self-examine our lives, our tongues, our thoughts. What are
we saying? What are we doing? What are our hands doing? How are we saying what are we doing what are our hands doing
what how how are we using what god gives us today so you can't do anything about yesterday's lost
opportunities but you can say to the lord today today father i am going to use what you have given
me for the glory of your kingdom please open my mind
help me to do what's right
he'll be delighted
he will be
that you
are aware of your responsibility
and that you're eager to
partner with him
see he wants to partner with each of us
for the glory of his kingdom,
the glory of his son,
to bring in souls.
Doc, I just saw the time.
I'm seven minutes over.
I want to wrap it up.
I got a lot of stuff to talk about today on True News.
All right.
Well, folks, we appreciate you joining us today
for this live edition of Morning Manor.
We do this every day at 8 a.m. on
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If you're not, you can always listen to the archived editions of Morning Manor on a day-to-day basis.
We also stream Morning Manor on various social platforms in the afternoon.
So be watching for that as well.
On behalf of Rick and the entire team here,
God bless you. We love you. And we'll see you on the Tuesday edition of Morning Manor.
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