TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Oh Gee! Biden and Xi Rack Up Frequent Flier Miles
Episode Date: April 29, 2021Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall examines the invitation only speech to Congress by President Biden, and the controversy surrounding his comments of his 17,000 miles of travel with Chinese leader X...i Jinping. The team also reviews the Chinese hooks in the back and soul of Hunter Biden and “The Big Guy.” Also, will Joe Biden create a new DARPA for the National Institutes of Health? Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (04/29/21)
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I'm Edward Zoll.
President Biden gave his first speech to Congress last night,
unveiling an almost $4 trillion spending plan to build America back better. I'm Edward Zoll. President Biden gave his first speech to Congress last night,
unveiling an almost $4 trillion spending plan to build America back better.
Fix the bridges, ban the guns, and vaccinate the kids.
These were but a few of the policy pitches he made in the primetime address.
A hundred days since I took the oath of office and lifted my hand off our family Bible and inherited a nation we all did that was in crisis.
The worst pandemic in a century.
The worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.
The worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.
Now, after just 100 days, I can report to the nation, America is on the move again.
In response, Senator Tim Scott from South Carolina called the proposals a big government waste and took aim at the Democrats for their voting rights bill, which he says is less about civil rights and more about rigging elections in the future. Senator Scott
ended on a positive tone and spoke about the American dream, which brought his family out
of slavery to serving in Congress. Our family went from cotton to Congress in one lifetime.
And that's why I believe the next American century can be better than the last.
There are millions of families just like mine all across this nation, full of potential,
seeking to live the American dream. And I'm here tonight to tell you that supporting
the Republican ticket gives you the best chance of making that dream a reality.
God bless you.
And Father, please continue blessing the United States of America.
God bless.
Joining me to discuss the president's address and more are True News founder Rick Wallace and Doc Burkhart.
Hey, Edward.
Hey, Edward.
I'm a big fan of Senator Tim Scott.
He's one of the most refreshing members of the U.S. Senate.
It was a nice change.
Right now.
It was a nice change hearing him speak.
Yeah, he's a good guy.
But the left today, the political left, went after him.
Vicious attacks.
Racist attacks against Senator Scott, calling him Uncle Tim, in reference to Uncle Tom.
The left, they're always doing, they accuse other people of being racist, and yet they
are the most racist people you'll ever meet.
And they get away with it.
They get away with it. They can do it. Because they control the most racist people you'll ever meet. Yes. And they get away with it. They get away with it.
They can do it.
Because they control the media.
That accuses everybody else of being racist.
And the media will back them up and say, well, it's to be expected, or they're just venting,
or whatever excuse they can give.
But if you flip the script around, they'll go on the attack. Well, I got to tell you, this Joe Biden speech last night,
to me,
there are two things
that are shocking.
It's not so much what he said.
It's the fact that
this speech,
which is, I mean,
they didn't call it
the State of the Union,
but it's essentially
his State of the Union address to the Congress.
It was invitation only?
Yes. Only part of the Congress.
The entire Congress was not allowed to be seated in the chamber?
Is that right?
Yes, not only that, if you weren't invited, you had to vacate the building.
You couldn't even be in the building?
That, according to a memo that was released by the Sergeant-at-Arms.
You're telling me that United States senators and United States representatives were not permitted to be in the U.S. Capitol building?
That's exactly what I'm saying.
And this is from the acting House Sergeant Arms, Timothy Bloodgett.
In a memo, this is what was stated.
The event will be invitation only for a limited number of members of Congress.
Any member who has not received an invite from their congressional leadership, quote, will not be permitted in the Capitol after 5 p.m.
They weren't even allowed in the building, Rick.
Who has the power to keep members of the Congress out of the Capitol building?
Well, it would be power.
I'd say I don't think they do have the power because they're elected there.
But the people that made the decision, it looks like on this end, is a cohort of party leadership and the president of the United States.
And the irony is, Rick, is that President Biden in his speech talked about the January 6th insurrection,
the rioting, the entry of unauthorized personnel into the Capitol building.
Yet the very speech excluded members of Congress. So Nancy Pelosi and Charles Schumer, working with the Biden White House, decided that this speech was an invitation only event.
So crazy that elected members of the House and the Senate were not permitted to be in the chamber to hear the speech.
And even worse, couldn't even be in their office, couldn't walk in the halls of the Congress.
Yes. Did they expect. Were they afraid that a member of the House or the Senate was going to attack President Biden?
Oh, boy. Well, I mean, they said that before. They've said that before.
Their justification, I believe, is in part COVID related because they social distance
everyone. But even then, they didn't make a big announcement. Almost the entire House and Senate
has been vaccinated and they're wearing masks. Yes. Should be the safest place in the world.
Yes, it should be safe. And Joe Biden didn't have a mask on. That's right. That's how safe it was.
I'll point that out. And so. I don't know. They didn't publicize it, did they, Rick?
Because you didn't hear about it this morning.
I didn't know until you told me.
And this is, from my recollection, looking at history, this is the first time in history something like this has been done.
What it says to me is it's a confirmation that a coup took place in 2020.
That the elected members of the House and the Senate really have no power.
They can't even get themselves inside the House chambers.
Now Congress is an invitation only club, even for those that have been elected to the office.
They drew the circle even tighter.
The inner circle now.
Now, Edward, were there, so there were members of the House, you know, you should have a They drew the circle even tighter. Yes. The inner circle now.
Now, Edward, were there, so there were members of the House, you know, you should have a crowd of at least 500 people in that building or 535.
All the senators, all the members of Congress, they should all be there and probably a few others.
So they cut it down just to 100.
Was that only Congress?
About 200.
And it wasn't just lawmakers. If you're cutting the guest list, you should at least make sure it's just
the elected officials there. That wasn't
the case. One
of the individuals who was invited,
got the elite invitation,
was General Milley.
This was a little bit odd. I was watching this speech
and I noticed General Milley
went over to talk to President Biden,
said something to him
very quickly, and then stood by. Isn't this bizarre? It's very bizarre. This is bizarre.
This is absolutely bizarre. You have the highest ranking military officer standing in an empty
House chamber when it should be filled with members of the House and the Senate, for some
reason he is allowed to come in.
There's only a handful of elected officials there.
We've got the communists there.
There's Bernie Sanders and Mad Maxing Waters.
The communist coup occurred in 2020.
The country's gone.
The Constitution is over.
The Republic has ended.
We're under some type of regime.
It's a regime that's represented both parties, because there were some Republicans that were
invited. Obviously, you don't see Marjorie Taylor Greene in the audience,
but you do see Congresswoman Liz Cheney.
She decided to give a little fist bump to the president.
I thought there were supposed to be enemies, political enemies, that.
Fist bumping.
President Biden in this segregated address.
Do you have any idea how many Republicans were allowed to attend?
My understanding is they did try to split it, 100-100.
There hasn't been an exact guest list that has been published.
From what I've read today, 200 were present.
We know Congressman Cheney was among the Republican delegation.
Congressman McCarthy, another. But clearly,
the most firebrand of conservatives were not invited.
Do any of you guys really believe Joe Biden is the president of the United States?
I believe he's occupying the position of president.
Right, he's getting to sit in the big chair.
But no, I think there's the puppet master behind him. And that's Barack and St. Obama.
Right there we have evidence of a coup.
That the elected members of the Congress were barred from attending a meeting of the Congress.
It's an address to Congress.
And yet the Congress could not attend.
You had members of the Congress sitting in their homes and apartments watching President Biden's speech to the Congress.
Does that not sound weird?
Oh, it's more than weird.
This is exactly what a coup would look like.
You would have governments that form and meet that weren't the representatives that you've elected.
Isn't that the core basis of a revolution? Edward, I think people around the world who are paying attention to American politics
know a coup took place in the USA. I agree. I agree. I think that's also why the Chinese
and the Russians weren't quick at first to even congratulate President Biden. They waited,
right? Remember that? Both President Putin and President Xi said, we're not sure just yet.
Well, I think they were waiting to see if there was going to be an uprising against the coup.
That's what they were waiting on.
They were waiting to see if there was going to be any kind of uprising from the American people against the coup.
The coup was allowed to solidify.
It solidified.
And there is a shadow government that's ruling the country now.
They're not even pretending anymore to be in the shadows.
We still have military troops around the Congress.
We still have a fence around the shadows. Right. We still have military troops around the Congress. Yes. We still have a fence around the Congress.
We got a general attending.
An invitation only.
An invitation only meeting, but the congressmen aren't there.
Who has the power?
I believe General Milley was part of the coup.
We know he met, actually got journalists, top hosts, and other officials in the government,
including the National Guard, to meet with him on the weekend right before the election.
He also said he wasn't politicizing the military, yet went out of his way to say the military would not intervene,
even if there was an attempt on our Capitol.
And Rick, isn't it traditional that when you change administrations, you generally change
the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff? But we didn't this time, didn't we? Because this general,
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, agrees with the policies of the current administration.
And so does Dr. Fauci. Dr. Fauci got to keep his job too. Hey, CNN reported that the U.S. government is
investigating a mysterious directed energy attack near the White House.
Yeah. So the report here is claiming that last year and in 2019, on two separate occasions,
a directed energy weapon, similar to what some diplomats experienced in Cuba,
that caused confusion, caused mental blurriness, made him feel sick, that that was used near the White House.
One official, while walking their dog, according to what CNN's reporting, they don't name their sources.
We have to make that clear.
But they claim while walking their dog, they felt kind of a heat come over them, a kind
of fusion, felt really sick all of a sudden.
And it was right after the reports of a similar event happening in our embassy in Cuba.
Rick, your thoughts on this?
I mean, I saw the story earlier today.
I mean, I'm not surprised by directed energy weapons.
I believe we've had them for a while.
I think we've experienced that.
There have been incidences that have occurred within the U.S. where we've seen results of
directed energy weapons being tested and everything.
But what confused me about this particular item is that it was actually reported.
Not that it happened, but they reported on it, letting people know that there was a directed energy weapon attack.
Are they getting ready to blame somebody for this?
I think so.
It used to be that when we would talk about directed energy weapons, that was the stuff of conspiracy theorists.
That's right.
And that wasn't that long ago.
That was a stuff of conspiracy theorists. That's right. And that wasn't that long ago. It was a few years ago.
We talked about, we've been talking about directed energy weapons and scaler weapons for 20 years.
And now here's CNN.
Just a comment.
Oh, you know, they're investigating a possible directed energy weapon right near the White House.
Doc, I asked, I personally asked Stanislav Lunov, Russian defector, colonel in the GRU.
I personally asked him in 1999 if Russia had directed energy weapons.
And the colonel was a chain smoker at that time, you know.
He spit out a cigarette?
Well, no, he just, you know, took the cigarette out of his mouth and answered my question.
I only asked him one question that made him, I think, choke on a cigarette.
That was asking about red mercury.
How do you know about red mercury?
How did he know or how did I know?
Well, is that what he said back?
He said, how?
No, no. He pulled a cigarette out of his mouth and got up in my face and he said, you do not need to know about red mercury.
And I said, well, why?
I said, you know, I got this radio.
Well, no, I didn't have a radio show.
I said, you know, I'm interested in this stuff.
And he said, men have died asking questions about red mercury.
And I said, what do you think about the Yankees?
And their third baseman, red mercury.
Yeah, let's change the subject.
But anyhow, I asked him about directed energy weapons,
and he told me that he was told by KGB agents. Now, remember, he was GRU.
Right. That's the Russian FBI.
No. KGB was Russian FBI.
Military Intelligence.
Military Intelligence.
Okay. Gotcha. More the DIA.
GRU viewed KGB as Boy Scouts.
Okay. GRU viewed KGB as Boy Scouts. Okay.
All right.
So he told me, the KGB agents told him, that the KGB used directed energy weapons against Boris Yeltsin and gave him a heart attack.
Now, that was 1999.
Okay. So the fact that CNN finally is catching up with true news and reporting about directed energy weapons, congratulations, CNN.
I'm glad you're, in another 20 years, you'll be talking about the coup in 2020, you know.
Maybe there was a coup then.
So, yeah, I'm not surprised that it's happening. But going back to Biden's speech last night, besides it being a closed door affair, invitation only, basically three fourths of the Congress not invited.
Well, more than that. Yeah.
You know, that that's stunning. The other thing that is shocking is something that Joe Biden said in his speech that has caused the his news media protectors to scurry today to try to cover up, to try to explain what Joe meant. He said, Joe Biden. I'm skipping one of our items to go directly to this. that he traveled 17,000 miles in an air flight with Xi Jinping.
Now, that's the Washington Post right there.
Biden's repeated claim he's traveled 17,000 miles with Xi Jinping.
Now, we have, we've got the video of Joe Biden saying it last night.
Secretary Blinken can tell you, I spent a lot of time with President Xi.
Traveled over 17,000 miles with him.
Spent, they tell me, over 24 hours in private discussions with him.
When he called to congratulate him, we had a two-hour discussion.
He's deadly earnest about becoming the most significant,
consequential nation in the world.
Joe Biden said last night that he traveled 17,000 air miles with Xi Jinping.
And he's been saying this for a while.
I mean, he was talking about it in the campaign.
And he said it several times since the inauguration as well.
Right there, there's Mediate.
And they're trying to put a spin on it.
Biden repeats comically false claim.
They're accusing Biden of lying about himself.
Right. They're accusing Biden of spreading fake news about himself. Just look at this headline.
Mediate is a far left propaganda website. They're trying to make fun of what biden said is the truth so mediate is calling joe biden a liar
yes a delusional liar yeah there's no way he could have traveled 17 000 miles with
chinese leader and rick in this uh debunking they tried to conduct, what they said is they can only account for about 5,600 of the 17,000.
Now, out of that number, Edward, how much of that is within the past, let's say, four or five or six years, would you say?
It dates back to 2011.
This is time when Joe Biden was serving as vice president under Barack Hussein Obama.
But the point of this is, this is not how the media,
the establishment media would have handled it if President Trump had said it.
And it's certainly not how any journalist should handle this.
If the president says he's traveled 17,000 miles with the president of China,
has had 24 hours worth of private conversations,
private discussions is how he put it,
and had a two-hour
conversation with the president of China where he was congratulated with his victory.
Rick, a congratulation takes 10 seconds.
That's right.
And so to put it in perspective, what if President Trump had said in his first 100 days in office,
I traveled 17,000 miles with Vladimir Putin.
I spent 25 hours in private conversation with him.
He called me after I won the election and talked to me for two hours.
The Russians are taking over.
It would have been impeach, impeach, impeach, impeach.
We'd have to send defibrillators to D.C.
People having heart attacks over that.
So to put this in perspective, I've done a lot of flying in my life and 17,000 miles. I can tell you what 17,000 miles
is like. Okay. That's a round trip, Washington DC to Los Angeles about four times. Yes. That's a lot
of time in the air. Now the four round trips in the United States, coast to coast, the four round trips to make up about 17,000 miles.
Now, to give some background on this, the first time he ever publicly stated this number, combined together with President Xi, was at a Hillary Clinton campaign event back on November 4th, 2016.
Okay, so this is as far back as the election.
Right before the election.
And he said, quote, because the former president of China and President Obama seven years ago
thought we should get to know one another, I traveled 17,000 miles through his country
and our country over nine days.
He's dating back to 2009.
Yes, at least at that particular event.
So he's counting that mileage in China
and in the United States traveling with President Xi.
So he's got a long time deep personal relationship
with the communist dictator of China.
Wouldn't you say by his own words?
By his own words, by his own admission. I would say he got to know President Xi pretty well.
But the far left news media that defends him all the time, the way that they're defending him today
is to tell us that Joe Biden is lying about himself. That's their defense. They're treating this like the
Hunter Biden laptop, which the Daily Mail using an FBI forensics team proved was indeed Hunter
Biden's laptop. Well, there's one other thing. This is number 12. And we heard him say it.
Biden said Xi Jinping called him after the election and talked to him for two hours.
Not after the inauguration.
After the election.
After the election.
And that's important.
Why, Rick?
They were supervising the coup.
China took over America in 2020.
You got his marching orders.
I'm going to repeat this again.
China developed a bioweapon called COVID.
Anthony Fauci had a role in it.
A $3.7 million role.
China released a bioweapon in the United States.
China brought down the U.S. economy, closed our schools, closed our churches, closed our factories, closed our businesses,
pitted Americans against Americans, compelled Americans to wear masks, even when outside alone.
They changed society.
They brought down the president of the United States with a rigged election.
They financed Antifa riots. They financed Black Lives Matter riots.
China, the China Communist Party waged war against the American people in 2020 and China won. Right.
China won.
The Communist Party of China won the revolution of 2020.
They defeated the Republic of the United States of America.
And they installed their president.
And they installed their puppet, Joe Biden, and the communist dictator, Xi Jinping,
called him after the election,
talked to him for two hours to supervise the transition of power.
The transition.
How many of you have two hour conversations with somebody?
Just my wife.
On the phone.
Anybody call you, talk to you for two hours?
I can't remember the last time I had a conversation that long with any individual for two hours.
I'm antsy after about 15 minutes.
Oh, sure. Me too. I'm like, I got things to do.
Wrap it up. I got things to do. All right. Two hours?
Okay. There's only two reasons,
there's a couple reasons two people would talk to each other for two hours.
Number one, they're lovers.
Okay, I'm not suggesting that Xi Jinping and Joe Biden are lovers.
That's not what I'm suggesting.
I'm just saying in the natural realm,
the only reason two people would talk to each other on the phone for
two hours is they're lovers. So let's check that one off and say, no, they're not lovers.
Number two, the only reason two people would talk on the phone for two hours is that they have
nothing important to do. Okay. Let's go and check that one off because they're both presidents.
So we strike that one off the list.
The third reason two people would talk to each other for two hours is...
They're coordinating.
They're coordinating strategy.
I got you.
Now, why did Xi Jinping talk to Joe Biden for two hours after the election?
He gave him the instructions for the transition of power.
Right. After the election for the transition of power. Right.
After the election, before the inauguration.
We've got to make that clear.
And do a comparison.
If Donald Trump had spent two hours on the phone with Vladimir Putin,
what would everybody be saying?
They would be saying that he's a puppet of the Russians.
So the NSA certainly has a copy of that call.
Oh, certainly.
Are they going to leak it?
They would leak it if it was Donald Trump.
Yes, they would.
How many, Trump couldn't call the president of Swaziland and not have the phone call leaked.
Yeah, you remember all those leaks, even with the Philippine president.
Remember the leak about the nuclear submarine? So let's have somebody at the NSA leak Joe Biden's two-hour
call with Xi Jinping. And do you actually think Joe Biden stayed awake on the phone for two hours
with Xi Jinping? Yeah, I do. Yeah, I do. Or was he coordinating with others on that call as well?
Oh, I'm sure there were others on the call.
I'm sure there were others on that phone call.
But the NSA heard it.
And if there are any patriots left inside the NSA, they should leak that phone call.
And why they should do it is they have to remember during that time period,
the establishment media, the political elite,
and various Democrat officials were saying it was a conspiracy theory to even suggest that Joe Biden might be compromised.
Compromised specifically by a relationship,
business corrupt with the Chinese
and going through his son, Hunter Biden.
They said that was a conspiracy theory,
yet they didn't see any merit in reporting on a two-hour private conversation with the leader
of the group being accused of conspiring with the incoming president.
Look, Joe Biden wasn't the only one, Edward, that Xi Jinping called right after the election.
He started calling CEOs of American corporations.
That's right.
Howard Schultz, a big Zionist.
Of Starbucks.
A wealthy man, a former CEO of Starbucks.
He got a call from Xi Jinping.
Xi Jinping wanted to know if Howard Schultz
would help him change America's opinion of China.
Of communist China.
Of communist China.
So you had a corporate CEO, Schultz of Starbucks, pledging to Xi Jinping he would help gather up Wall Street support for China.
So Xi Jinping was busy after the election. the main thing for Joe Biden is that the China stooges in the American news media
successfully suppressed most of the news about Hunter Biden.
Hunter Biden's still walking around free.
He's not going to go to prison.
He's right. He's about to become a visiting professor.... He's not going to go to prison. He's going to become a visiting professor.
Rudy Giuliani's going to go to prison.
His apartment in Manhattan got raided.
Yeah, Hunter Biden's got a gig coming up at Tulane University on propaganda in the news.
He's got a book deal coming out.
So he's wearing his Kabbalah bracelet.
So things are going good for Hunter Biden.
Oh, is he still wearing his Kabbalah bracelet. So things are going good for Hunter Biden. Oh, he's still wearing his Kabbalah bracelet.
Oh, yes.
So, yeah.
So Hunter Biden, the media did their work.
They took care of Joe Biden.
They made sure that the American people did not know that Hunter Biden was doing business with the Chinese communist government.
Not just doing business in China.
There's nothing wrong with doing business in China, but doing business hand in hand with high-level Chinese Communist Party leaders.
And he might have been being blackmailed.
The component of the Hunter Biden laptop was that it had pornography on it.
It had very exposed pictures, emails exposing the business
relationship. But again, the question everyone was asking was, is he being blackmailed? And is
his father being blackmailed through him? And if the relationship was with the Chinese,
were the Chinese blackmailing the incoming president of the United States of America?
Well, what we do remember during those weeks that we saw documents that were from the
Hunter Biden laptop is that we saw documents that clearly revealed that Joe Biden and Hunter Biden
were in lucrative business deals with the China Communist Party. Right. And Hunter Biden complained that he had to give 50 percent of his personal income to his father.
Well, to the big guy, to the big guy, which was his father. Right.
And also. The big guy, Joe Biden, also got 10 percent ownership of all the deals.
Yes. So these are two different things. A stake in the business.
Joe Biden got 10% stake in the business.
Whatever Hunter Biden received as a salary and compensation, he had to give 50% of it to his father, the godfather, Joe Biden, the godfather.
The two countries, Ukraine and China.
Where's the FBI?
Where's the investigation?
Where are the handcuffs?
What investigation?
There are media sources out there that have contents of Hunter Biden's hard drive.
New York Post has it. And so the FBI agents are wasting time going around the country saying,
were you in the Capitol on January 6th?
They're wasting time.
But Hunter Biden is walking around free.
And he's in cahoots with the Chinese Communist Party.
But so is his father.
And I'm telling you, I believe people at the top of the U.S. government,
in the FBI, the Justice Department, I believe in the Supreme Court
and the Pentagon are all bought off by the China Communist Party.
They're bought off.
That's why there are no investigations.
It makes sense.
You mentioned the Supreme Court.
We just seem to forget that the Supreme Court Justice John Roberts just mysteriously got hit in the back of the head last year.
Remember that story?
Hit back in the head jogging.
The Supreme Court Justice doesn't have a bodyguard.
Where's Tony Bobulinski?
He resurfaced for just a moment in the news about a week ago, but he's gone, Rick.
It turns out he did
go in for his interview with the FBI, told them everything he had. He gave them some of the
information, some of the documents. Basically, Hunter Biden had one end of the conversation.
Tony Bobulinski had everything copied. He had the other. But to point back to what he told the FBI,
let's just go to what Tony Bobulinski said at the time. And let's remind our audience, who is Tony Bobulinski?
Tony Bobulinski is the longtime associate and businessman, specifically for international deals,
that worked with the Biden family as a liaison between China, a man named Tony Gillier,
and Hunter and Joe Biden, and the brother, James Biden.
Now, in this detailed affair, which he held a press conference before one of the main debates,
I think the audience will remember the face.
What he said was, what I'm outlining is fact.
I know it is fact because I lived it.
I am the CEO of Sino Hawk Holdings,
which was a partnership between the Chinese operating through the CEFC chairman
Yi and the Biden family. I was brought into the company to be the CEO by James Gilliard and Hunter
Biden. The reference to the big guy in the much-publicized May 13, 2017 email is in fact a
reference to Joe Biden. The other JB reference in the email is to Jim Biden,
Joe's brother. Hunter Biden called his dad the big guy or my chairman and frequently referenced
asking him for his sign-off on advice on various potential deals that we were discussing. I've seen
Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I've seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business.
I've seen firsthand that that's not true because it wasn't just Hunter's business.
They said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy online.
This is, look, keep reading. Do you see the rest of that statement?
Yes. I was giving you one. Did you want to say anything?
No, I'm just, my mouth's hanging open. I'm just...
I realize the Chinese were not really focused on a healthy financial return on investment.
They were looking at this as a political or influence investment.
Once I realized that Hunter wanted to use the company as his personal piggy bank
by just taking money out of it as soon as it came in from the Chinese.
I took steps to prevent that from happening. I don't have a political axe to grind.
I just saw behind the Biden curtain and I grew concerned with what I saw.
The Biden family aggressively leveraged the Biden family name to make millions of dollars
from foreign entities, even though some were from the communist-controlled China.
Now, let's go back. Let's put number 11 on the screen.
And this is Mediate. Biden repeats comically false claim that he traveled over 17,000 miles
with China's Xi Jinping. I believe he did travel. You better believe he traveled.
It's not comically false. He did
travel. And he's been doing it since
2009. He's been on the
take for years.
He's been on the take. Biden's on the take.
He had
to be in prison.
The man is owned by
the Chinese Communist Party.
Now let's put number 12 on the screen.
Biden says Xi Jinping called him and talked to him for two hours right after the election.
Those two headlines together with what Tony Bobulinski said.
Is it hard to believe that he talked two hours
with Xi Jinping?
Is it hard to believe
that he traveled 17,000 miles
with Xi Jinping?
I've been in discussions
for 24 hours.
No, it's what you would expect.
It's what you'd expect.
But it grieves me
that they've done nothing with this.
But the corrupt, worthless...
Yeah, why would they?
The Chinese won.
They won. They won.
They won.
They won the press.
They paid off the press by their junkets and by their money and by bringing them on board,
paying them directly from China, from the Chinese Communist Party.
So they brought the media on.
So the media is not going to criticize Joe Biden.
They're just going to say, oh, he didn't really travel 17,000 miles.
That would be ridiculous, right?
Not if he was seriously being influenced by China.
But he has been placed in this position by the Chinese Communist Party.
And with the help of the American Communist Party, also known as the Democrats. So.
Let me go back.
The radical Democrats, Nancy Pelosi and such, mad Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, that whole gang.
They were livid against Donald Trump from the beginning,
calling him a Russian stooge, Vladimir Putin.
Impeached him twice.
Entered falsified transcripts into the hearing.
Yeah, shifty shit.
Congressional record.
Lied about President Trump.
The dossier that Hillary Clinton paid for,
fake accusations involving Donald Trump and the Russians.
But on the other hand, Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell,
you know, don't forget Eric.
Fang Fang.
Oh, yeah.
Eric Fang Fang Swalwell.
Is he still on the House Intelligence Committee?
He's still there, isn't he?
He was at the speech last night.
He got invited, didn't he?
They see nothing wrong with Joe Biden.
No reason to impeach him.
No reason for a special prosecutor.
No. We're all happy now. A hundred
days. Look how America is so much better now. Now that Donald Trump's gone and Joe Biden's
president, it's everything's better now, right? There's money everywhere. We're all getting along
now, right? So whatever they accuse you of is what they're doing. Yes. So they accused Donald Trump of being a stooge for the Russians.
But the truth is they are stooges for the Chinese.
The accusations were to cover up their crimes.
And there's no demand right now for an investigation of Joe Biden, Hunter Biden.
And there won't be.
Who will you call?
Certainly not the FBI.
It's corrupt.
It's compromised.
It's worthless.
Who do you call?
I mean, for citizens who are outraged by this, where do you go?
There's no place. There's no place.
There's nobody who will carry out justice in the country.
The system is corrupt.
Corrupted scales.
The scales are broken here, Rick.
And we're on a crash course, I think.
And we're not the only people speaking about this.
Conrad Black wrote an op-ed for the national interest.
And he said that the speech was a declaration
of war on America.
Now, he said this in part because I think he also noticed that there was a limited group
of lawmakers there.
He called them a hand-picked corporals guard of well-masked, double-vaccinated legislators
that got to hear Joe Biden speak. But he said that nothing
in the speech was an olive branch. Nothing in the speech was meant to be a bridge to the other side.
It was an edict. It was basically a new plan, a new constitution for the country,
which means he's declaring war on the rest of America.
I've not heard from Conrad Black for years. I'm surprised to hear, you know,
I didn't even know he was still around making noise.
Well, he was pardoned by President Trump.
Right. So they sent him to prison. Conrad Black was a deep state insider,
and the deep state turned against him and put him in prison.
And he ended up serving about three and a half years in prison before getting his sentence reduced and sent to Canada.
He was a Canadian.
And so, but now he's weighing in on this particular topic.
He was pardoned by President Trump.
And that's one of the things I wanted to ask you about.
You know, Conrad Black here. What do you think, you know, his play in is on this?
I mean, I don't I mean, I'm just surprised that Conrad Black is even commenting.
I just thought he had faded away. So it kind of caught me by surprise.
But one thing that Biden said last night is that he wants a new DARPA.
Yes. Yes. This was intriguing. I'd like to get rid of the old DARPA.
Yes. And now Joe wants a new DARPA, a second DARPA, too.
Yeah. A DARPA specifically that involves Dr. Fauci.
Now, in his speech, he spoke about what DARPA, the Defense Institute for Research Projects, and this is really the dark side of the Pentagon. Any project that you think might
be too classified or too controversial, like putting chips in our soldiers, DARPA handles it.
What he said is he wants a version of that for health care, specifically for the National
Institute of Health. And he wants people like Dr. Fauci to have the power, maybe a military power,
to do the things the American public probably would not want them doing.
The Defense Department has an agency called DARPA,
the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency.
The people who set up before I came here, and that's been a long
time ago, to develop breakthroughs that enhance our national security.
That's their only job.
And it's a semi-separate agency.
It's under the Defense Department.
It's led to everything from the discovery of the Internet to GPS and so much more.
It's enhanced our security.
The National Institute of Health, the NIH, I believe,
should create a similar advanced research projects
agency for health.
And that would — here's what it would do.
It would have a singular purpose, to develop breakthroughs to prevent, detect, and treat
diseases like Alzheimer's, diabetes, and cancer.
Hey, before we talk about this, I want to ask for guys in the control room, can you
play that video again and at the very beginning freeze frame the shot,
the wide shot of the chamber?
It's right at the beginning.
Right there.
Right there.
Look at that.
It's Joe Biden's speech
to the Congress.
His Congress.
Why don't you just put
inflatables in the chairs?
Or cardboard cutouts.
The, you know, not the Ukrainians.
Who was it that just made the cardboard?
The Russians.
Iowa Senator Joni Ernst?
No, I'm talking about the Russians with the cardboard tanks.
Oh, the bullet tanks.
Yes, Von Rippert.
Yes, the inflatable tanks.
I mean, just put cardboard congressmen in the seats.
That's pathetic, isn't it?
This is what a coup looks like, ladies and gentlemen.
This is what a coup looks like in real time.
They've thinned the hurt of elected officials.
They've purged Congress.
Yes, they did.
This is shocking.
They're all vaccinated.
They're all wearing masks.
If you believe their propaganda, not one person there could catch COVID or spread it.
But they still wear a mask.
Except Joe. Joe didn't wear a mask.
Well, they're all wearing masks.
Masking the truth.
Well, getting back to the topic of what he was talking about there, about the implementation of a DARPA-like organization for health, that's the last thing I want.
I don't, in fact, it seems like that's what we've had for the past several years, which has ended up with the United States cooperating with China in the development
of what we've got going on right now.
Well, just imagine the CIA and the Pentagon jointly working in health.
What would they create?
They would want to put things inside our bodies, such as microchips.
They'd want to control our brain.
I mean, these
are the projects DARPA is already working on. You're now going to actively involve doctors,
and not just that, military doctors. Unbelievable. Well, I looked into this a little further,
Rick, and it isn't the first time DARPA has actually worked with the NIH. Of course,
Joe Biden didn't expand on what his vision would look like past trying to fix cancer,
you know, treat cancer.
That's a novel suggestion of that, but I don't think that's where this is going.
He also said that we want to build an arsenal of vaccines for other countries.
He specifically pointed out that his administration, speaking back to Barack Hussein Obama's era,
when he was vice president, collaborated on cutting-edge technologies.
And something they worked on together was something called the tissue chip program.
What? Hold on a second. The tissue chip? I thought that was a conspiracy theory, too.
Well, so this tissue chip isn't a microchip implant, but it definitely is cause for concern
because what they started doing with DARPA is they started creating test subjects, human-like test subjects in a pallet.
And they could try drugs on it.
They could try different concoctions against it.
They claimed they were doing this to see if a drug would be effective.
But the same logic would lead to say you could also use biological weaponry against these
test tissue chips and
This may be what he's talking. Are you talking about like a microchip that has human?
flesh human tissue made in it
I'm it doesn't part have human tissue
It looks like a square what I did is I grabbed a video to
show you what this looks like. They're doing both implantable microchips, but this is another
project that until today I did not know about. This is what a tissue chip is.
Several thousand diseases affect humans, of which only about 500 have any treatment.
Getting a drug through the current development pipeline
takes too long, is too costly, and the vast majority
of new therapies, about 95%, never
make it past clinical trials.
Drugs that seemed promising in early studies using cell and animal models often don't have the same response in humans.
We need an alternate research model that accurately represents the human response.
NCATS, the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences at the National Institutes of Health is supporting research to make this possible.
Through the Tissue Chip for Drug Screening Program, a collaboration among
NIH, DARPA, FDA and researchers nationwide, NCATS is supporting research
on bioengineered devices that mimic the function of human organs. The goal is to use these tissue chips to test the
safety and effectiveness of potential new drugs, weed out those that don't work,
and pursue ones with the most promise. The chips are fabricated from a flexible
plastic with ports and channels to allow nutrients
and oxygen to pass through them.
Unlike cell culture and animal models, the innovative design of tissue chips replicates
the complexity of the human body environment.
One example is a liver chip, which includes multiple cell types that are organized much
in the same way
as they are in the human liver.
Features such as blood flow can be
mimicked to recreate what cells experience in the body.
The complexity of these chips generates human-specific data,
which enables researchers to better understand
how the liver responds to a drug and if it is toxic, critical data before testing in people.
By connecting chips that represent various organs into a full human body system,
scientists may better understand how the whole body responds to drugs,
and if they're safe and effective.
For example, chips that include additional factors such as hormones could help researchers
investigate differences between male and female responses to drugs.
The ultimate goal is to use these chips in a variety of ways, including to advance precision
medicine, test for environmental toxins, and develop disease-specific models
such as for cancer and rare diseases.
So it's basically a test table.
They can war game a virus, see if it will work.
In this case, they're trying to war game drugs, see if a drug would be effective.
What was odd is they didn't go this route with the COVID vaccine.
At least they weren't building this up.
They said they went the COVID vaccine. At least they weren't building this up. They said they want the mRNA route. What we do know DARPA and NIH has been working on is also implanting microchips. They've got the
tissue chips. And as we've covered on the program, they've been working on implantable microchips.
And they want to put these in our soldiers. They are the test subjects. These tissue chips, clearly they're made with human cells.
Where did they obtain the human cells?
Are they aborted babies?
Where did they obtain the human cells?
That's a great question.
And are they now doing it with hormones too, as they promised in 2015?
I think there's a lot of secret research, which would definitely occur if we had an actual agency.
They're already doing it now.
But imagine what they'd do if they had an actual agency like DARPA.
And this is what DARPA is doing.
DARPA is doing this now.
Yes, that was a DARPA approved project.
You saw right there, DARPA, the FDA, and the NIH.
Well, Joe Biden wants an actual agency dedicated to this Mad Hatter project?
Look, when it's all said and done,
mankind is racing towards a collision with its maker.
That's where we're going.
Jesus said his return would be as in the days of Noah.
You have to look at what was going on on the earth in the days of Noah.
Evil was at an all-time high.
Mankind was violent, bloody.
The Nephilim were here.
All kinds of things were taking place. Nephilim,
you had fallen angels who were having sex with human women. You had hybrid creatures on the planet. And God reached a point where he said, I'm done with this.
I wish I never made them.
I'm just going to wipe it out.
I'm going to save Noah and his family,
and I'm starting all over.
Jesus said his return would be as in days of Noah.
And we are approaching that point again where God will say, I'm done with the human race.
I will retrieve out of that cesspool.
I will retrieve the men and women, the children who love me, who call upon my name, who have not been defiled, who are pure in their heart,
and I will rescue them. And I will destroy the earth. I'll destroy the universe.
Rolled up like a scroll.
The whole thing. He's going to get rid of the entire thing. And those who are in Christ will be safe if you are in Christ,
because Christ will never end.
If you're in Christ, if you're dwelling in Christ,
he will rescue his children and create a new heaven and a new earth.
That's where we're at.
I believe what qualified Noah for that was,
the Bible tells us he was a preacher of righteousness.
He received revelation from God, therefore he was a prophet too.
He was someone that was in fellowship with God, that listened to God, obeyed God, and preached the righteousness of God.
If that's a qualification for those that are going to make it through the end times,
who qualifies for that? Who qualifies for that? And that's something we all need to be asking
ourselves. Are we in that same position? Do we hear God? Do we obey God? Do we preach righteousness,
the righteousness of God? I heard somebody say today in one of Matt Scowl's interviews that he's recorded that
Noah was a conspiracy theorist until it started to rain.
That's the truth.
People thought it wasn't 100 years he was building the ark.
And up until it started raining, people thought it was ridiculous.
He was building this truck.
What are you doing this for?
Telling everybody
to listen to him. God's going to
destroy the earth. How? It's going to
rain. It'll flood the entire
And their question was, what's rain?
Noah was a conspiracy theorist in their
minds until it started
raining. And
Apostle Peter
said the same thing.
The scoffers and the mockers will be present in the last day saying, where is Christ? Where is the second coming? Where is the end of the world?
Where are these things that these preachers are talking about? But then they will be swept into eternity suddenly, unexpectedly.
A ferocious fire will come upon the earth.
They will have no time to prepare for it.
Christ will appear and life will end.
And judgment is instant.
Judgment is not a thousand years later.
Judgment is instant.
And people are gathered up the lost are bundled and burned the righteous are caught up into
the air to meet Christ we're lifted up to escape the fire. You will feel the heat on your feet as you're going up in the atmosphere to meet the Lord.
You will look down and see the earth burning and realize you were saved in the nick of time.
With seconds to spare.
Christ saved his church.
But the wicked will be bundled and burned
and it will happen suddenly
no escape for anyone
and every person
whoever lived righteous
and wicked will come out of the grave
and they too
will be separated this is the great separation of souls.
All the souls of mankind.
From the beginning of time.
From Adam and Eve.
Until the last people who are born.
All the souls will be separated.
Goats to the left.
Sheep to the right.
If you go to the left. You're in right. If you go to the left, you're in trouble.
If you find your feet taking you to the left, you're in trouble.
You're going to be burned.
If you feel tugged to the right,
the shepherd is calling you.
But all humanity will be separated.
Graves will open every single human being who ever lived.
From Adam until the person who was buried in the ground five seconds before Christ returned.
Who will have the shortest time in the grave.
You imagine you've only been in the grave. Can you imagine?
You've only been in the grave five seconds.
I'm back.
And we're all back.
We all will witness the glorious return of Jesus Christ.
I don't know if people think about that.
The last man to die.
There's a sermon, Doc, the last man to die.
I mean, if you're saved and you die
seconds before Christ returns
you're only in the grave seconds
but it doesn't matter
because if you died a thousand years ago
three thousand years ago
you're coming out of the grave. You're going to meet the Lord.
And whatever is your
spiritual fate at the time you died, your condition at that time,
that's your eternal destiny.
When you died, wherever you were
in your relationship with God, on the moment you died, whether it was five minutes ago or 5000 years ago, when you died, when you come out of the grave, when Christ comes back, your eternal destiny has already been fixed.
And that's why you must choose New Jerusalem.
You must believe on the name of Jesus Christ. You must place your faith in the resurrected Savior,
that Jesus Christ is God in human flesh,
that he came to earth as God in human flesh,
and he died for sinful man.
And he raised himself from the dead.
He raised himself from the dead and ascended to heaven and is seated in heaven right now in his physical body.
He's in the same physical.
Well, it's a glorified body.
He's in the same body glorified.
But it's a human body.
It's a human body.
Angels can touch it.
There's a human body sitting in the right hand of God, the Father, right now in heaven.
Now, when we look at this stuff, DARPA, China Communist Party, corrupt politicians, war, microchips and humans, all this stuff, it can be overwhelming.
But what we have to tell ourselves is Christ is coming.
Yes. Our blessed hope.
Christ is coming. He sees all of it. He will not allow his church to be overtaken.
We're not going to be overtaken.
We're going to endure.
We will endure. The true church will endure to the end.
We will be victorious,
and we will reign and rule with Christ for eternity.
Keep that in mind.
Don't lose sight of the promise that we have in Christ.
I don't know if we should even continue talking about the news. No, because all we're going to do is just go deeper into the mud hole.
Well, if you do want to see our headlines daily, they are on
I know there are some of you out there that love to watch the news and watch everything about it.
Well, newscoup is your destination.
But other than that, the real destination should be your
eternal destination. That's the most important story you're going to hear today. Well thank you
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