TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Oh NO NO: Santa Klaus Prepares Cyber Pandemic Lockdown For Christmas

Episode Date: July 9, 2021

Today on TruNews, founder Rick Wiles shares amazing testimonies of miracle money as God works in the lives of viewers and listeners. Host Edward Szall shares his investigation on the WEF’s CYBER PO...LYGON conference where Klaus Schwab is leading the way for cyber lockdowns and full global immunization. Lauren Witzke presents an investigation on shutting down voices like Nick Fuentes and Andrew Torba. Finally, Milo Yiannopoulos joins the godcast to give his response to the Gay Men’s Chorus in San Francisco who are ‘coming for your children.’ Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Milo Yiannopoulous, Doc Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (7/9/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for July 9th, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. According to Klaus Schwab, a cyber attack is coming that's on par with the worst pandemic you can imagine. Today, the World Economic Forum, in partnership with the top global elite, including tech firms, technocrats and Interpol, ran a simulated war drill to shut down the global supply chain. We'll have more on that in just a moment. But now we actually have a very special announcement. We have some miracle money stories. And Rick is going to be sharing them with
Starting point is 00:01:11 us. I've not heard anything about Klaus Schwab's cyber attack, so I don't know anything about it. This is going to be a fascinating true news. I'll be paying close attention to see what you guys have found. But I've been promising for days. I wanted to bring to our True News audience some real testimonies, some real stories from our True News partners all over the United States, and actually around the world, who took me up on the challenge to ask God for miracle money. Now, if you're new and you didn't hear me talk about miracle money, I'll just give you a very brief description of what it is. The Bible says God gives seed to the sower. And what that means is none of us have anything that wasn't given to us by God. So he is the source of every good thing in our lives.
Starting point is 00:02:10 And he gives us seed to sow into his kingdom to bring back to him as an offering. Because if you're not giving God an offering, that's like the most basic thing in your Christian life is to worship God with an offering. Be a giver, yes. Yes, an offering of praise, an offering of finances from the blessings he's given you. Look, we all have heard, everybody knows about VIP, very important person. But in the kingdom of God, he doesn't have VIPs because we're all equal to cross.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Right. But he has MIPs. MIPs, what does that stand for? Most important persons, okay? The most important person in the kingdom of God on earth are the givers. And here's why I say that. The givers have financed every church built anywhere in the world. Since the beginning of time.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Since the beginning. The givers have funded every preacher, every pastor, every evangelist, every Bible teacher. The givers. The givers have built countless orphanages and fed homeless children. The givers have taken care of widows. You can just go on and on and on. Without givers, nothing in the kingdom of God would get done. They are MIPs, the most important persons in the kingdom,
Starting point is 00:03:51 because our Heavenly Father relies on men and women on earth to have faith in Him, trust Him, and to generously give to the work of his kingdom on earth. Does God need your money in heaven? No. No. In heaven, you know, or in eternity, they're going to use gold for asphalt. Right. He doesn't need it. You need his money. You need his wealth. And he has set up a system of giving and receiving. Now, you can get your religious garments wadded up and get upset about it. All right, I was trying to figure out where to go with that. But you could get all upset about that and go, that sounds like prosperity preaching.
Starting point is 00:04:45 No, that's the Bible. God has set up a system of sowing and reaping. That's the way it works. He needs on earth finances, man's money. He needs that money to go into churches and the work of the kingdom. And he has set up a system the system is you bring an offering to him by giving it to a church a ministry that he approves of that is doing his work and then he returns that gift multiplied so you you get the gift back plus a lot more.
Starting point is 00:05:26 And then from that, from that blessing, you give another gift, and He returns again. And that's the rhythm, like breathing. So, you're taking a breath, you're exhaling, and it becomes very natural. That was a great example, Rick, because the breath, that breath we have, every single one of us comes right back to the beginning. The breath was placed in Adam. and it becomes very natural. That was a great example, Rick, because that breath we have,
Starting point is 00:05:45 every single one of us, comes right back to the beginning. The breath was placed in Adam. Yeah, he put the breath in us. I mean, where did it come from? So, miracle money. So lots of times, Christians want to give. They sincerely want to give,
Starting point is 00:06:06 but they simply don't have the money. Now, we could go into, we could do a teaching on that. Various reasons. We've all been broke at some time in our life. We've all had hard times at some point in our life. But typically, it's connected to, there was never a pattern of giving or the pattern of giving was interrupted and the flow of blessings stopped.
Starting point is 00:06:41 So in order to get the flow of blessings from heaven to restart you have to give but if you're really broke you don't have anything to give but there's a solution to this so you you've created a you've created your own famine your own drought but god is merciful and he he's not going to punish you and say well you didn't give you haven't given anything for five years i'm not giving you and say well you didn't give you haven't given anything for five years i'm not giving you anything you know you used to give and then you cut it off and you know tough luck you're on your own that's not that's not our heavenly father he gives seed to the sower right just like the scripture and what he's pleased by is faith. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. And so our Heavenly Father says,
Starting point is 00:07:29 we're not even going to talk about the fact that you've not been giving. I'll give you something to give. I want you to get back into this pattern of giving. I want you to worship me with your faith and your generosity. I want you to be like me. Be generous. Be a cheerful, happy giver. That's what God desires. And so the Bible says he gives seed to the sower. So when we have in our life a time of drought, financial drought, God is merciful. And if you ask him, he will give you seed to give back to him. It's amazing the way it works. Yes. That's miracle money. So what I've told people for years is when you're in a financial bind and you need to give, just ask the Lord for money and whatever promise you make him.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Make sure you keep to it. It's up to you. You make the, you set the terms. And what I mean by this is whether you say to God, if you give me miracle money, I'll give 100% of it to true news. Or if you say, I'll give 50% of it to true news. Or if you say, I'll give 50% of it to true news. God will expect you to keep your word. He'll keep his word.
Starting point is 00:08:53 You keep your word. Smart thing to do is to give all of it. But that's not, I mean, I've seen many times where people have said, I needed a certain amount. And I said, Lord, if you give me this much, I'll give this much to True News. God honored it. So, you know, I challenged people a couple of weeks ago. I said, ask the Lord for miracle money and then just wait. just have an attitude of expected faith, knowing it's coming. And then like a child waiting on Christmas, just start looking. It's coming. You're going to find it. And we have some stories about that.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Yeah. So Susan handed these to me today, and I'm just going to read through them quickly. I'm not going to read the entire, everybody's email. I'll just give you the brief message. This is Yolanda. She goes by Yoli in Texas. She said, True News team, I prayed for miracle money and three unexpected checks have come my way. I will deposit the checks and make a donation to True News. Just wanted to share what God has done so exciting. This is George. He was going through personal papers in his house looking for something. Right. And found an uncashed check for $200 from December 2020. Wow. He's laying in papers.
Starting point is 00:10:29 He forgot he had it. He forgot he had it. He never cashed it. But he had asked God for miracle money and then found the check. And he forgot that he had. So he sent his $200. Wade, I love this one. This is Wade in Yuba County, California. He's a welder. He works at a welding shop and he heard the challenge to ask God for miracle money.
Starting point is 00:10:58 So he was at work and he was listening to a podcast about COVID vaccines. And he looked down the aisle of the shop and he saw his supervisor coming towards him. And his first thought was, I've got the volume up too loud. And he's coming to reprimand me and tell me, turn the thing down or turn it off. Instead, his employer pulled out a 100 bill and said this is appreciation for all the work that you do wow that's awesome he just asked for miracle money okay and god gave
Starting point is 00:11:37 him the miracle money another one this is uh thomas and vita in texas um both they have they This is Thomas and Vita in Texas. They are financial supporters of True News. They've been regular supporters for a number of years. It's not like they're not giving. They are giving. But they heard me talk about Miracle Money. And Thomas says in his email, he says, I just sent a generous gift to True News. So I didn't feel any need to send another check since I just mailed a generous check. But he didn't know that his wife, Vita, the Holy Spirit spoke to her, and she took the challenge, and she asked God for miracle money.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Right. And shortly thereafter, he opened the mail and found a letter informing him that they would receive a check very soon. And the amount of the check was just a few dollars more than the amount he had just sent to True News. Wow. And then his wife, Vita, told him that she had made the vow for miracle money. And so they sent the gift. That's amazing, the stories.
Starting point is 00:13:00 It is. People taking God up by, yes, upon his word. Yeah. And having faith. Yes. It's the faith part. And you got the testimony after. Yes. That's what we're doing here. We're reading the testimonies of faith. How faithful God is. Yes. How good God
Starting point is 00:13:15 is. This is Giovanni. He said that he and his wife have, they prayed for miracle money. And today, when this email was sent, they were notified that somebody who had owed his wife money for a long time was paying it up in full. Wow. Basically money that they assumed they were never going to get. It was lost and gone.
Starting point is 00:13:46 That's right. Madeline. Madeline said, I'm getting ready to donate $10. But I really wanted to donate this last month. And so I prayed for miracle money. And when I was at work, oh yeah, I know what this one is. So Madeline prayed. She wanted to donate $10. And News. Right. She was at work and they went to lunch and a man standing in front of her, three persons up, turned and said, I'm paying for lunch for the first three people behind me.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Wow. And she was the third one. Oh, man. Praise the Lord. All right. And so she realized that... That was miracle money. It was the miracle money. And so she said she struggled to hold back her tears, but she testified standing in that restaurant food line. Oh, wow. She testified. The man apparently was a Christian. He was generous. And he said, yes, prayer does work. And so she said, everybody there heard, heard and saw what God did. So she wanted to send $10. She was, she said she had a very bad month financially,
Starting point is 00:15:21 didn't have the $10 to give, went to lunch, and God paid for her lunch and said, now take your lunch money and send the true news. These are beautiful stories. This is Josh. Now here's one where I want you to get the principle of how this worked. Josh said he's very frugal with his money. He's a giver. He tithes. He gives to his local church, and he gives to True News, and he's faithful in it. But he was trying to get out of debt and he had a $175 balance on a credit card
Starting point is 00:16:10 and he was trying to figure out how to pay it off. And he asked the Lord for $175 to pay off the credit card. And he asked for miracle money to send the true news. Okay. And he goes to work. His boss calls him in his office and handed him a gift card for $200. Oh, praise the Lord. Like a Visa card, MasterCard, you know. He said, you got to understand, my company doesn't give bonuses to anybody. Except today. Except today. Except today. So he had $175 to pay off his debt and $25 to send to True News. See, God honored both requests.
Starting point is 00:16:54 He asked two things, money to pay off a specific amount of debt and extra money to give to True News. And Josh was obedient to that. And he was obedient and God was faithful. God gave him $200, 175 to pay off the debt and 25 to send to true news. And he was obedient. And now God will bless the $25. This is Adrian. She heard the call for miracle money, and she told the Lord she's believing it. She received a check for $64.78, and she's already given her gift, which is above the amount that was given to her. And then this one, this is anonymous. It just says a Texan. Okay, so God knows.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Yeah, God knows who you are. God bless Texas. But he's in Nassau Bay, Texas. And so he said one, late at night, he was at his local post office. Parking lot's empty. Goes to his car. There's a $50 bill on the ground. It was dark.
Starting point is 00:18:12 He said he looked around. Nobody there. He didn't know what to do with it. You know, there's nobody in the parking lot. He really didn't want to keep it. And then he said he heard the request for miracle money and realized. This is it. See, God gave him the miracle money before he heard the request. Wow.
Starting point is 00:18:39 And then he matched it with $50 of his own. He gave the $50, which actually was somebody else, the person who lost the money. And then he gave his own $50. Praise the Lord. This is just some of the stories that have come in. These are testimonies of God at work in the lives of everyday people, people just like you, who just said, you know what? I'm going to find out if that works. Rick says it does.
Starting point is 00:19:10 I'm just going to take him up on it. So why don't you do it? You know, you might have half a million dollars in your bank account. Why not ask God for miracle money? You might receive a half million dollars. Would you give it? Would you give it? Would you give it?
Starting point is 00:19:35 If you ask God for miracle money and a half million dollars came in, would you give it? At what point would you become Ananias and Sapphira? Never. Yeah. You can't. You're speaking about the story in the book of Acts where they cheated the Holy Spirit. They didn't give.
Starting point is 00:19:52 And what happened? They said they're going to give. They died. They fell dead. They fell dead. They fell dead right there in the church meeting. And I'm just saying, you might be financially well off and ask God for miracle money. And you're not talking about ten dollars fifty dollars the Lord may suddenly give you a miracle money of a hundred thousand
Starting point is 00:20:14 right would you give it can you part with it okay that's what God's looking for are you faithful or will you keep your word and the Bible says that don't be in a hurry to make a vow to God, because if you don't keep the vow, he'll destroy the works of your hands. It's serious business. You're making a vow to God. So just have fun with this. The Lord is having fun with it. He's putting money in your path, in your way. He's causing other people to give you money to build up your faith. It does two things. It builds up
Starting point is 00:20:56 your faith and it provides finances for true news. But you're built up in your faith because you see God at work. Hey, if God can give you miracle money, sometimes within 24 hours of the request, can he answer your other prayers? Can he answer your other prayers? Of course he can. Can he work in the hearts of your family who haven't turned to Christ?
Starting point is 00:21:20 Can he work in the issues, the obstacles you have going on in your life? I'll tell you the truth. This is, you know, just a thing of praying. You guys were here. We have a project that we've been working on in our new studio. And I think I mentioned this.
Starting point is 00:21:38 We've been trying to find the right table. It sounds like a small issue. It is. It sounds small, but it's not because it can't be reflective. So it can't have a shiny top. It can't be glass. It has to be a certain height.
Starting point is 00:21:54 It's got to be in stock. It has to be a certain height. It has to be a certain shape because we're going to be putting four to five people around it. They have to be seated in the right angles for the cameras. It can't reflect light. It has to be lightweight because we have to move it for other productions.
Starting point is 00:22:10 There's a lot of things to it. And we have searched and searched and searched every source for the right table and just can't find it. Well, the only place to get something like this are the specialty shops that sell broadcast furniture. And if you put the word broadcast next to desk. May as well add another zero to it. Well, yeah, it's like, yeah, 10 times the price. It's outrageous. It's just outrageous. And you're like, it's just a table.
Starting point is 00:22:41 All right. How did it go from this price to this price? It's just a table because you have broadcast on it. Right. So we have searched and searched. And then even those places, they're like 90 days away to ship it. And we can't wait 90 days. We got things to do.
Starting point is 00:22:58 We're behind schedule. I mean, some of these tables were in the $10,000 range for a table. So one day, was it last week or this week? It was beginning this week. It was beginning this week. At the end of our Bible study, I just said to our team, look, we're being held up because we don't have a table. I'm frustrated.
Starting point is 00:23:23 I can't find a table. And I said, hey, I I got a wild, crazy idea. Why don't we just all come together and ask God in prayer and faith that he provide a table for us? Right. We needed a table. And so and we'd done everything except ask God for a table. Yeah. I mean, here we are, church, and we hadn't stopped to pray for a table.
Starting point is 00:23:45 You know why? Because we get in our mind that a table is something so minor that you shouldn't go bothering God about something so simple. You can find it yourself. Right. Why bother the Lord when he's given you the ability to go get a table? OK, that's how we think. The truth is he wants to help. He wants to help in everything. So we prayed for a table. Was it less than an hour? Yeah, less than an hour. Less than an hour. We, one of our team members mentioned something,
Starting point is 00:24:19 and we remembered that we had a table in a storage container. We had it the entire time. What's really amazing about this story is we had ordered... It's a miracle table. It really is a miracle table because what had happened is we had ordered a conference table for one of our offices, and basically they shipped a table to us. Wrong collar. Wrong collar. It had a slight nick on it.
Starting point is 00:24:44 And so we made arrangements to try to return the table to get another one. Well, they didn't have any other tables. Right. Didn't have any others that we could do. So we ended up getting a refund on the table. And for a good month and a half, two months, we tried to send the table back. We kept calling the company saying, we'll be glad to send your table back. The package, the box, it was a really big box. It sat right over there for about two
Starting point is 00:25:12 months waiting on the truck to come and get it. And pick it up. And so finally, you know, we, after repeated attempts, we just said, you know. Actually, they told us. Yeah. The company said, truthfully, we don't want it. Right. And they'd already given us the money back on it. Right. So we just put. It truly is a miracle table.
Starting point is 00:25:32 We got the money back. But we didn't at that time. We didn't have a use for that table because we had our conference table and didn't fit anywhere else. So we put that thing in storage and it was sitting in storage. But Thursday morning, we prayed prayed brought back to our remembrance that table and wouldn't you know it's the one we it is the exact table that we needed hallelujah and that was our miracle table and so um it you know it seems like a minor deal a small thing but aren't you glad our heavenly father is concerned about the little details, the minor things?
Starting point is 00:26:05 He wants to see the kingdom advanced, and he had prepared six months ago, Rick, for that table to be here now. That table has been in that storage for about two years. Has it been that long, really? It's been about two years. Wow. It just didn't seem like it. So two years ago, well, we know.
Starting point is 00:26:21 He knew our need. Before the foundation of the world before we were born before the universe existed i knew about that god knew we needed the table to do his work and he provided a table and we couldn't figure out why doesn't the company come and get it you know they gave us a refund we're trying to get it back to them. They don't want it. They just said, keep it. We're like, we don't need it.
Starting point is 00:26:50 We put it in storage, forgot about it. Two years later, we pray and God says, the table you need is out in the storage. It's the exact table that we need. I know it sounds crazy and loony, but it is the exact table we need. It had specific requirements about it. And wouldn't you know it sounds crazy and loony, but it is the exact table we need. It had specific requirements about it. And wouldn't you know it, we put it together, and it's the thing that we needed. And so the Lord knew all about our need.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Nothing too small in your life, no need too small that you should not ask God for. I mean, we're at fault. We just took it as, hey, it's just a table. We'll find a table. But we should have prayed for the table in the beginning. We should have. And we didn't. But the Lord was teaching us something, wasn't he?
Starting point is 00:27:33 Yes. And took that long period of time to teach us. And now I'm praying for all of our needs now, any need that we come up with. So you're sitting somewhere, some of you, you're trying to figure out how you're going to pay the electric bill. You're trying to figure out how you're going to pay your rent, your mortgage, your car payment, your truck payment, child support, how you're going to buy groceries for your kids.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Make a vow to the Lord. And if you're in that condition that you need, you desperately need money, then you ask the Lord to provide the money to make that payment to fulfill that obligation and ask him for miracle money up and above it to give the true news. We want your needs met just as we want our needs met here at True News. We want you to see that God is faithful, that he is aware, that he cares, that he is your loving father. If you don't have any pressing needs and your finances are fine, well, just have fun with this and ask God for miracle money and just say, I just want to see you do it. I just believe that you will do it.
Starting point is 00:28:51 And I want to send the money to True News. Just do it and watch what happens. And then make sure you tell us about us. Email us at info at, info at And they'll get the stories to me. All right. Well, I look forward to hearing more stories and really testimonies about miracle money. But for right now, we have Kerry Kinsey with today's True News Headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. CNBC reporting that Wells Fargo is telling
Starting point is 00:29:25 customers that the bank is closing all personal lines of credit and warning then that the account closures may have an impact on their credit score. Customers were given a 60-day notice that their accounts would be closed. Remaining balances would require regular minimum payments at a fixed rate. Senator Elizabeth Warren tweeting, not a single Wells Fargo customer should see their credit score suffer just because their bank is restructuring after years of scams and incompetence. Sending out a warning notice simply isn't good enough. Wells Fargo needs to make this right. It does seem like it's a little bit unfair to these customers. No doing of their own to have their credit stores dinged.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Wells Fargo, is there a bank that fell from grace more quickly? The South China Morning Post says the Taliban sees China as a friend to Afghanistan and is hoping to talk to Beijing about investing in reconstruction work as soon as possible. A spokesman for the Taliban says they now control 85 percent of the country and that it would guarantee the safety of Chinese investors and workers if they were to return. For information on this story and more, please visit our companion website. It's a good one. It's called TASS, Russian news agency, reporting that the Russian military has started tracking the United States naval ship Yuma, which they say entered the Black Sea on Thursday and will be there through Saturday.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Russia's National Defense Control Center making that announcement. Now, the United States Sixth Fleet is reporting that U.S. NSU is in the Black Sea to operate with NATO allies and partners. The Spearhead class exhibit expeditionary fast transport taking part in NATO's sea breeze multinational naval maneuvers. Fox News says concerned parents and media critics hammered the New York Times after the newspaper presented Justine Angfonte as a sex-positive educator and called her lessons pornography literacy. She's the New York City teacher who recently became infamous for her sexual education curriculum for children and young adults. Critics condemn the Times for pushing what they believe to be a premature and dangerous message to children. That's a look at True News headlines. Thanks for watching.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Now, let's toss it back to Edward. Thank you, Kerry. Joining me now is Doc Burkhardt and Lauren Witzke. We have something very interesting to talk about today. There was a pretty major conference held today by the World Economic Forum. Well, I didn't hear it in the mainstream news. I didn't hear it anywhere. This conference, the Cyber Polygon Conference, as it's referred to, they've
Starting point is 00:32:25 held it for a couple of years now. Not only was this hosted by the World Economic Forum, we all heard of the World Economic Forum because True News covered the World Economic Forum in 2018 and 2020. This is where we heard Yuval Harari promise of digital dictatorships and transhumanism in the future. Well, they are now working on a brand new society-changing initiative, and it's in the realm of cybersecurity. A cyber polygon is an event that they claim combines the world's largest technical training exercises
Starting point is 00:32:57 and corporate teams, and they work together with senior officials. Now, these senior officials, Doc, include Interpol. They include the top banks in the world, Surbank, Russia's top bank. But they also include a tech syndicate called the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center, which has basically members, board members on board that make up about $35 trillion of assets among all the members, all the participants. In fact, their goal today was to address the pandemic cyber attack that they think is coming and deal with the other plagues of society, much like a virus, the people that are producing
Starting point is 00:33:41 disinformation, the people which are causing revolutions and problems for the very elite who are having this discussion. So would they consider true news a source of disinformation? I think we'd be a platform in their opinion. Because we tell the truth, we expose the agendas by just reading the websites. Edward, this is sounding a lot like the Event 201 thing that happened back in the end of 2019 preceding the, quote, pandemic that came along later on. Are we looking to something here? Is this like a cyber Event 201?
Starting point is 00:34:21 I think you hit it on the head, Doc. That's exactly how Klaus Schwab actually described. He made a direct comparison between the preparations for a pandemic and the effect of a pandemic and the effect of a cyber attack, which would shut off the power, destroy our digital mechanisms, our ability to communicate, our ability to bank, our ability to even create new inventions or conduct ourselves in society or in our houses. Klaus Schwab is saying, and I'm actually surprised he didn't just call this like Event 202, because this today was a combat drill, basically. In addition to a conference, Lauren, they actually held a simulation.
Starting point is 00:35:03 It was a hacking drill. Just like Event 201. Just like Event 201. The goal of the drill was to defend the global supply chain. You know, we're just talking about a table. We have a hard time getting a table for our needs here. Well, what about food? What about technology? What about weapons? What about everything that gets shipped around the world? What Klaus Schwab is saying is that there is a pandemic-style event coming through a cyber attack that will make it impossible for nations to trade with each other anymore, even communicate potentially. And today, they actually field tested what it would look like for one to be attacked and one to be basically unleashed
Starting point is 00:35:45 on the means of global supply. Well, that's how they know they can get us, is the supply chain. Taking out the supply chain, you know what it's done for. They actually, we had a couple conditioning examples that have happened earlier this year, too, you know, where they have shut, there's been cyber attacks on the supply chains, the gasoline, that kind of thing. So it's, everything's like a conditioning to prepare you. They aren't talking about this.
Starting point is 00:36:09 You haven't heard about this. You know, when you asked me if I knew what the World Economic Forum was this morning, I was like, well, I know it's where all the national leaders get together and they figure out how they're going to screw us over because that's exactly what they're doing. Yeah, that's pretty much it. That's pretty much it. I think you have it summed up. Yeah, so, I mean, it's all conditioning and preparing us for whatever they have planned.
Starting point is 00:36:28 But they give us hints. They always give us hints so we know what's coming. Some have to wonder if that's part of the mechanisms of predictive programming or in their sense their own version of prophecy. The evil ones also I think have their own version of wanting to predict something that may not be beneficial for most of the world. But in their predictions, they already have the mechanisms in place to make the prophecy come true. Yes. Well, today, with no heads up to the average people, the peasants of the world, me and you, and the rest of the world, they held the conference. It was about seven hours long. I
Starting point is 00:37:03 was able to watch through most of it. It wasn't simply about preparing for an attack on a global pandemic, though. It was really about a complete rebirth of our world. We talk about the Greek reset, and we've said this in the past. An aspect of this has been, how will the monetary system change? How will our daily lives be impacted by the fourth industrial revolution, the introduction of robotics, new technologies, and new tech overlords? Because I think in the modern era, we've seen technology and the ownership of it and the monopoly control of these mechanisms and these corporations. It's been really, it's been taken down to only a couple now, right? You've got Apple, Google, Facebook, and other tech conglomerates.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Microsoft, of course, the $2 trillion company. Well, this is also true for banking. It's also true for telecommunications. And one of the topics discussed today was the new world and new currency. How to make the financial system resilient as digital currencies are introduced. Now, they're obviously talking about cryptocurrency. I'm pretty sure the elite were not happy with the astronomical growth of Bitcoin over the last decade, especially not in this past two years, where the average person without using a bank can become a multimillionaire.
Starting point is 00:38:23 And some did it without paying any taxes well the biggest competition to central banks right now is the burgeoning uh cryptocurrency market um cryptocurrency by itself has the ability to totally uh turn the tables over uh you know biblically speaking for the modern central banks. And so they have to respond to this in some way because they can't allow people to control the financial system. They can't allow people to be able to exchange goods and services directly to one another like cryptocurrency allows you to do without rallying themselves through some sort of handler in between. Because that's what a bank is. It's an intermediary.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Every time a piece of money passes through their hands, they take a piece. If it comes from Lauren to me, they take a piece. If it comes from Doc to Lauren, they take a piece. That's what banks do, and central banks do it on a global scale. What digital currencies, cryptocurrencies do is they eliminate that grab. Okay. They get rid of it completely. So how have the global elite, the big central banks, how have they approached this now, Edward? Well, there's discussion of a new Bretton Woods. There's discussion of a new version of the SDR or, in one sense, a new digital currency, a cryptocurrency all
Starting point is 00:39:47 the central banks of the world can use. And maybe they exclude the average person like you and me from being able to trade it, being able to use it, being able to even discuss it. Right. And this is a change in focus, actually, because for several years now, different central banks and if you want number six for control, different central banks around the world have talked about launching their own version
Starting point is 00:40:10 of cryptocurrency. So the Federal Reserve has talked about it, the UK has talked about it. Each one of these countries have talked about issuing their own cryptocurrency. What is changing now, and what you should be definitely frightened about is now the central banks are talking to one another and saying, instead of all of us doing
Starting point is 00:40:32 separate cryptos, let's agree on one standard. And they're saying they're doing this in response to China, okay? As China begins to make these technological advances and begins to get ready to roll out a digital currency for a billion and a half people, that will change the game in a big way. But now that we're talking about the central banks cooperating, anytime you hear central banks cooperating, that should cause the hairs on your neck to stand up. Yes, and they've come up with a couple arguments here. One of them is that crime has gone through the roof now that we have the ability to use cryptocurrency. We have ransomware attacks through software, even though the famous ransomware attack,
Starting point is 00:41:19 not the $17 million one, but the one on Colonial Pipeline was actually on the administration system. And the company decided to shut down operations because they wouldn't be able to bill you and me. Right. The actual pipeline was not attacked. No, no, it was great. Administrative offices were attacked. The other argument is that the pandemic and the impact of people not being able to work because of lockdowns, because of health restrictions and various other impacts from COVID-19, that's caused governments to go into massive amounts of debt. Now, if a central bank doesn't have to have anything backing a currency, right now there's at least something. They have to have reserve of that currency in place to be able to loan out money or give out large amounts of stimmies,
Starting point is 00:42:05 you know, stimulus money to their citizens, whether it be the 1200 here or over in Europe, where they took up to a trillion dollar loan just to try to cover bills in Europe. They have to deal with debt and the debt caused by the impact of a pandemic. Well, at today's Polygon conference, Cyber Polygon, it sounds like a weird, evil kind of game. If you're a supervillain, I'd call it Cyber Polygon. I mean, yeah, if you want to come up with a name. They discussed this, and specifically, they tied in this digital transition to a new world order, and how it's going to be much similar through cybersecurity as it was with a pandemic itself with masks, vaccines. Well, there's going to be a cybersecurity version
Starting point is 00:42:52 of that in this new initiative. It's a great privilege to address you for the second year in a row here at the Cyber Polygon. We have come together today to discuss how we can develop secure digital ecosystems and protect companies but also societies from cyber attacks. We must do so with a broader mission in mind to improve the state of our digital world by enhancing on the one hand global cooperation but also public-private cooperation. One of the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic is also the notion of resilience. We have to protect ourselves not only against the virus, we also have to develop the ability to withstand a virus attack.
Starting point is 00:43:57 In other words, masks are not sufficient. We need vaccines to immunize ourselves. The same is true for cyber attacks. Here too, we have to move from simple protection to immunization. We need to build IT infrastructures that have digital antibodies builtherently to protect themselves So he wants to immunize us from a cyber attack Yeah, what is it with these elites wanting to put a needle in my arm? It's like everywhere I turn they find a reason and now it's like okay now we're gonna do it if we can't put it in Your arm physically we're gonna do do it in the way of cyber.
Starting point is 00:44:45 You know, it's like always like they're always trying to attack us every single time. And it was really bizarre. Was that really bizarre? It was very bizarre. I think what his dystopian metaphor was indicating is they want to change the way we think. Now, this was pretty obvious in some of the panel discussions they had. They had one on cyberbullying and beyond, but they specifically addressed that the reason we have cyber bullying is because of how vast and free the internet is. There is bullying online because the people doing the bullying, they're being radicalized. They're being weaponized by information. They're reading too much, you know? And there needs to be international regulations on the internet. The actual
Starting point is 00:45:27 organization that's in charge of the internet, at least for the IP assignments, ICANN, they were present at this gathering of the minds. They should have been. Sure, sure. But ICANN will have to be on board if there is a decentralization of the internet, for example, or a purge of the usage and the ability to even share information on websites, on blogs, on streams, as we're doing right now. They also have the Red Cross there. Now, why would the Red Cross be at a cyber conference, Edward?
Starting point is 00:46:00 Maybe going along with Klaus Schwab, the president of the WEF, his metaphor about treating this like a health epidemic. For the cyber Red Cross, I guess that's what they're going to be called, right, if they move to this. The Red Cross is going to help create a safe cyberspace, not just for our kids, but for the adults, for the citizens in the Western world, in the Eastern world. Anyone who wants to be part of this new society, you're now going to have the Red Cross showing up, whether it be on a website. Maybe they'll be part of the group that comes in with a cyber ambulance that says these phrases about vaccine damage. Nope, nope, that's dangerous.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Or maybe if they think that you're a prolific promoter of disinformation, maybe they'll come to your house and take you to a safe space so you won't publish any more disinformation. Well, that's what they have Interpol for. As I noticed, Interpol, this is Europe's version of the FBI. They have the ability to arrest, to prosecute. They were incorporated at the top level of this conference. They actually had the cybercr crime director, Craig Jones, and the secretary general, Juergen Stock.
Starting point is 00:47:08 I guess they're not too worried about that Interpol agent that went missing in China, but they certainly are worried about creating this new cyber defense grid for Klaus Schwab and the Wall of Economic Forum. Now, of course, Klaus Schwab, or as I like to call him, Santa Klaus, he has promised by the end of the year to deliver some presents by Christmas. What are some of these presents that he's promising that are going to be happening by the end of the year? Well, so he's actually been predicting this for two years now. At last year's cyber polygon, Klaus Schwab predicted that there would be a cyber attack so bad, so dire, that we'd have a dark winter.
Starting point is 00:47:51 We'd have the impact on our power greater be knocked out. And also, we wouldn't even know what to do with our financial system. We wouldn't be able to access our ATMs. We'd have a hard time paying for bills. We'd have revolution caused by power outages. But the power outage, again, coming from cyber criminals, you know, those Russian bots or those Russian criminals. They love to sit in the United States. That's who got blamed for the ransomware, at least.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Klaus Schwab is saying that these cyber attacks are going to be the new 9-11s. And what was so interesting, Doc, is that while no one was talking about cyber attacks, cyber crime, there has been an uptick. As soon as the discussion began by the WEF, by these global elite, we've seen this major uptick in attacks on our companies, our software, on the government itself. Remember right before the election, they announced this major attack that they'd covered up and been trying to address? Well, I want to show you this clip that we found out was at last year's version of this conference. The one that you might have seen a clip from. He was addressing this new pandemic,
Starting point is 00:48:53 a cyber pandemic against the world. The World Economic Forum recently published the COVID-19 risks outlook. The third greatest concern for companies to avoid is the increase of cyber attacks. We all know, but still pay insufficient attention to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack, which would bring to a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack.
Starting point is 00:49:46 You heard him. And I think we can't just look at these promises, these predictions, these prophecies that the global elite like Klaus Schwab come up with as a joke or something that won't come to fruition. Because as I noted, part of this project is the purge of ideas that they consider to be dangerous, disinformation. Just today, there was a major conservative voice. I know many hate this young man, but he is a voice that's needed. He was banned from Twitter today.
Starting point is 00:50:21 He was. They finally got him. Well, what these elitists have done is they've gotten really good at conditioning us into isolating ourselves, you know, where we become dependent on the internet for information. We stopped building our own communities. We stopped building things with other people. And we
Starting point is 00:50:38 completely relied on technology. That's why the cyber attack potential is it's very scary. You know, and today... So this is Nick very scary. This is Nick Fuentes? This is Nick Fuentes. So Nick Fuentes was banned today. I don't think it's any coincidence that maybe three hours earlier than that, the ADL had put out a hit piece on him. Yesterday, the SBLC put out a hit piece on him.
Starting point is 00:50:57 We have no doubt that these people have direct access. It's pretty obvious that they have direct access to people like Jack Dorsey. This guy, his voice is dangerous. We need to shut him down. And they did. You know, a 22-year-old YouTuber, the establishment seems to be terrified of. And today they silenced his voice on Twitter. But that's okay because we continued building.
Starting point is 00:51:19 We built something. We have somebody like Andrew Torba with Gab. He saw this coming years ago, and he started building. And that's what we need to continue to do. We need to build. We need to build communities. If you're creative, start building coalitions with other people and fulfilling your vision. Now is the time, because people like Andrew Gab gave me my voice back after Twitter took it from me.
Starting point is 00:51:42 After it took it from Fuentes, our voice is still going to be loud. Well, and you mentioned Andrew Torba, the CEO of Gab. He was facing debanking. So he just, just like what you went through. Another bank. BB&T, he claimed, has committed financial persecution against him. Now, Andrew is quoted by the National File saying this is a Christian-owned bank. And he said that what they told him before shutting down his access to accounts that he set up in good faith,
Starting point is 00:52:20 some or all of your account activity is not consistent with the intended purpose of the account. Now, I'm wondering if that message or that excuse, that ridiculous statement is going to become the standard global response to anyone who's deemed an enemy of this system, the cyber polygon of hell. And this is, I believe, the fourth bank that he has gone through in as many as four years, where you get onto a new banking system and everything you get all your accounts transferred over and then they pull the rug out from under you again and it's my understanding that he personally set up this account with some high-level executives of BB&T and had been you know basically basically told oh we would never do anything like that to to AND, YOU KNOW, BASICALLY TOLD, OH, WE WOULD NEVER DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT TO YOU.
Starting point is 00:53:06 WE BELIEVE IN FREE SPEECH, WE BELIEVE IN ALL THOSE THINGS. BUT BB&T WAS RECENTLY SOLD, BOUGHT BY ANOTHER LARGER ENTITY, AND AS THE CASE IS, POLICIES CHANGE, RULES CHANGE, AND ISN'T THAT THE WAY IT IS? IT ALMOST SOUNDS LIKE WHAT THEY DID TO YOU, LAUREN. YEAH, WELL, YOU KNOW, I FOUND IT FUNNY THAT WELLS FARGO IS REALLY STRUGGLING. SEEMS THAT, YOU KNOW to you, Lauren. Yeah. Well, you know, I find it funny that Wells Fargo is really struggling. Seems that, you know, when you come after the Christians, the Lord, vengeance is his every time. And they don't
Starting point is 00:53:32 seem to be doing so hot. So, you know, they did take my bank account. I did just get my money yesterday, praise God. So I did get it. You know, I had to open a local small bank account. They've told me that nothing's going to happen to my money, so we'll see what happens. But debanking somebody, you know, we're migrating towards a cashless society. So when I lost my bank account, my debit card down here, I had nothing else. You know, and that is why, you know, this whole cyber pandemic that possibly could be coming, you know, it's kind of terrifying. It's like, OK, I need to start preparing for something else, you know, because this could potentially happen. You know, and we have become almost a cashless society.
Starting point is 00:54:09 So, you know, the whole Wells Fargo thing, you know, I never expected in a million years they'd come after me. I wasn't doing anything. I was buying groceries. I was buying Wawa. You know, it wasn't like I was doing anything suspicious. There was no criminal activity. But, you know, the fight continues. Actually, I believe, oh, Michelle Malkin, she followed up with this.
Starting point is 00:54:29 They're putting us on the no-fly list. They're banking us. They're kicking us off of Twitter. And she filed an FOIA, and they told her that it would cost $4,000 for her to request all the information that she wanted on the TSA, you know, the TSA no-fly list. This is for the no-fly list. Yeah, this is for the no-fly list. Nick Fuentes is on this, too, right?
Starting point is 00:54:51 Yes, who also is on this. And you were also placed on some version of this? I was put on the secondary security. The standby list. You're a standby terrorist, I guess, right? Well, I have to be escorted by Homeland Security is what I have to do. You can still fly, but they're watching you. Oh, yeah. They take my laptop, swap it for explosives every to do. You can still fly, but we're watching you. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:05 They take my laptop, swap it for explosives every single time. You know, I'm not a criminal. I've committed no crime. I haven't done anything wrong. But, you know, she requested information on this, and they want to charge her $4,000, $4,500. We already paid the government. Yeah. Are they not pulling a government salary right now?
Starting point is 00:55:24 Yeah. Unbelievable. Yes. Well, you know they must have a lot, because this is for all information. They claim it would take 162 hours to put together all the information on everyone who's been shadow banned, basically, from flying, who's been persecuted
Starting point is 00:55:37 because of their political beliefs, or just maybe an arbitrary problem that someone in government has with the way they conduct their lives. Now, I'll tell you, this is, of course, a communist. Was she asking just for information on why she is on a no-fly list, or did she want the entire list? No, she wanted specifically to know why Lauren Witsky, America First, Nick Fuentes, and anyone else related to specific keywords were flagged, were investigated,
Starting point is 00:56:05 and were told, you're too dangerous to fly. I'll tell you what, Jeffrey Epstein was flying up until his arrest. Well, Doug, I think this is just another example of the chorus of communists. When we come back from this break, you're going to see another choir, another group that is trying to destroy society, but they won't succeed. Here is Kerry Kinsey with the second headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. CNBC says Americans will need masks indoors, as an official with the WHO says the U.S. is heading for a dangerous fall with the surge in cases of the Delta COVID variant.
Starting point is 00:56:49 The network says authorities in Australia, South Africa and Asia have reintroduced curfew says Pfizer is about to seek U.S. authorization for a third dose of its COVID-19 vaccine. The company claims that another shot within 12 months could dramatically boost immunity and could help ward off the latest coronavirus mutant. Tonight, Pfizer says a booster shot, a third dose of its current vaccine, could offer Americans five to ten times more protection against COVID. Given six months after the second dose, Pfizer believes those inoculated would be highly protected against the Delta variant, which is now exploding across the U.S. The company expects to deliver new data to the FDA within weeks and is also working to develop a Delta-specific version of its vaccine. For information on this story and
Starting point is 00:57:55 more, please visit our companion website. It's called CNBC says among countries with both high vaccination rates and high rates of COVID-19 infection, most rely on vaccines made in China. And then we have countries like the Seychelles, Bahrain and Mongolia, where the infections are rising despite half of their populations being fully vaccinated. All these countries mostly relied on Chinese vaccines. And now they're being forced to ask some serious questions. Yeah, the findings come as the efficacy of Chinese vaccines is being
Starting point is 00:58:33 looked at. That's compounded by a lack of data on their protection against the Delta variant. CNBC found that weekly COVID cases adjusted for population have remained elevated in at least six of the world's most inoculated countries, and five of them rely on vaccines from China. Chinese vaccines are a huge part of the national vaccine programs of the UAE, Seychelles, Mongolia, Uruguay, and Chile. The one country among them that doesn't depend on Chinese vaccines is the United Kingdom. That's a look at True News headlines. Thanks for watching, everybody. Now, let's toss it back to Edward. Thank you, Kerry.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Welcome back to True News. I'm Edward Zoll. A San Francisco gay men's chorus has published a creepy song promising to come forers to teach the straight and normal how to love. Here's a segment of the We'll Convert Your Children PSA, starting with gay lead singer Troy Iwata. As we celebrate pride on the progress we've made over these past years, there's still work to be done. So to those of you out there who are still working against equal rights, we have a message for you. You think we're sinful. You fight against our rights.
Starting point is 01:00:14 You say we all lead lives you can't respect. But you're just frightened. You think that we'll corrupt your kids If our agenda goes unchecked Funny, just this once, you're correct We'll convert your children Happens bit by bit, quietly and subtly And you will barely notice it. You can keep him from disco, warn about San Francisco, make him wear pleated pants, we don't care.
Starting point is 01:00:56 We'll convert your children, we'll make them tolerant and fair. We're coming for them. We're coming for your children. We're coming for them. We're coming for your children. We're coming for them. Your children will care about fairness and justice for others Your children will work to convert all their sisters and brothers
Starting point is 01:01:32 Then soon we're almost certain Your kids will start converting you The gay agenda is coming home. The gay agenda is here. Gen Zers gayer than Grindr. We're coming for them? I guess I don't understand the joke, but maybe it was less joke and more marching orders for the militant homosexuals who are apparently obsessed with other people's kids.
Starting point is 01:02:08 And that's in more ways than one. We'll cover that in just a moment. An excellent response to this blatant admission of their true mission, the real gay agenda, was published this week by Church Militant under the title, It Was Always About the Kids. The author was our good friend, Mila Yiannopoulos. In the well-written piece of prose, Mila said, the odious video has an unvarnished, explicit, and unequivocal message. They want to abduct and abuse the children of Christians as a form of blood sacrifice, and it's all in the false hope of a supernatural reward they will never receive while they live in the bondage of sin. It's a great piece. I recommend reading it for yourself.
Starting point is 01:02:51 I've got a couple questions for the author, but I'm just shattered that I can't ask him in person. Or can I? I think it's time to introduce the panel for segment two. Doc Burkhart, Lauren Witzke, and the one and only Milo Yiannopoulos. We must stop meeting like this. I said it right twice. Welcome back, Milo. Thank you, Doc.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Welcome back to True News, Milo. Thank you, thank you. It had been too long. I was sitting at home, you know, writing these elegant, intelligent, beautifully reasoned columns and I thought, you know what, this is just not cutting it. You're a good writer. Well, thanks. It's not doing it for me. I need to come and see my friends again.
Starting point is 01:03:28 So here I am. Thank you so much. You know, honestly, I wanted to be really angry about this when I first saw it. And all I was filled with really was sadness because most of these guys are not pedophiles. Most of them are themselves lost, damaged people. They might've been turned into homosexual are not pedophiles. Most of them are themselves lost, damaged people.
Starting point is 01:03:46 They might have been turned into homosexuals by pedophiles. But for the most part, these people are just desperately lost, dead children, living in the bodies of fully grown adults. And then they started coming out with excuses, saying it was all tongue in cheek and it was a joke, typical kind of running cover. They've now taken this video off the internet, by the way, which is a victory. And if you're at home wondering whether cancel culture
Starting point is 01:04:09 is a bad thing, it isn't. It's just that our side sucks at it and we've got to get much better at it. But this is a victory. They've taken it offline. They're now showering the internet with excuses about it, saying that it was all just tongue in cheek. Well, I think what parents at home will want to know is how old is that tongue and how old are those cheeks? Because every single time we look into one of these choristers, we discover some murky, hideous, dark past. There are now at least four of them, four of the people in that matrix of unrepentant, you KNOW WHAT, FOUR OF THEM WHO WE NOW KNOW ARE SEX OFFENDERS. THE NUMBER IS CLIMBING.
Starting point is 01:04:48 AND OF THOSE SEX OFFENDERS, AT LEAST ONE OF THEM WAS ARRESTED FOR SEXUAL ACTIVITY WITH A CHILD UNDER 14 YEARS OLD. NOW, THIS ISN'T JUST HEARSAY. THIS IS A DIRECT CORRELATION OF DAVID, EUGENE WALLACE. IT'S JUST ONE EXAMPLE. AND THIS IS HIS WRAP SHEET, BASICALLY. correlation of David Eugene Wallace. It's just one example. And this is his rap sheet, basically. Lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14 years of age. If we go back to the previous still there, the previous screenshot, he is right there in the red in the lower right-hand corner.
Starting point is 01:05:18 That's the same guy. Three up and one over. You'll see the red box around him. This is one example. As Milo said, there's others within the course. So are they coming for your children? Well, they already have. And they've been convicted of it. And so. I think that these people tell us who they are. Oh, certainly.
Starting point is 01:05:39 All we have to do is listen and take them at their word. Yes. Because they're telling us who they are and what they're, she's getting so furious. I can see this is, this is subjects on which I try to be Christian and compassionate, but when they start with the excuses, I just start, you know, well, it's like, they're so arrogant. They just can't help themselves. They'll be like, yeah, we're coming for your children little bit by little bit. And there's nothing you can do about it. It's that arrogance. It's that pride. They're proud of that video. They're not sorry. They took it down. They're not sorry not one bit. They're just kind of facing a little
Starting point is 01:06:09 backlash. What they've realized is that that video, praise the Lord, has done so much damage for the cause of gay rights. More, I'm sorry to say, than decades of Fox News, decades of the Republican Party that video The mask slip that it exhibits has done more damage to the gay rights cause than anything else I think I can remember for as long as I have been alive. Well, I'm so tired miss for that I'm so tired of this endless debate It's leading us in the direction of persecution against Christians, those who are choosing not to live a homosexual life, that the homosexual population in this country is under attack.
Starting point is 01:06:51 They're under threat. There's death threats everywhere. They're being placed in situations where they can't live normal lives. This isn't Saudi Arabia. There's not homosexuals hanging from cranes. I think it's such a good point that you make, and it's such a good point. And I say something a little bit similar in the column, which is that if gay men or men who believe that they are homosexuals in America are suffering, it has nothing to do with the quiet prayers from strangers who are trying to save their immortal souls.
Starting point is 01:07:18 It has much more to do with the fact that the way that they are living their lives, embedded in their gay lifestyles, the way they're living their lives is contrary to their intended purpose. They are rejecting God's plan for their life. That is why they are in pain. That is why they are miserable. But they are locating blame for their misery in people who do little more offensive than pray, nothing more offensive than pray for them, than wish that they could get better. Milo, are they projecting their self-hate on others? Is that what's happening? I think you're a pastor, so you'll be familiar with this dynamic.
Starting point is 01:07:58 When people are living in sin and shame, nothing makes them more furious than compassion. When you express love for somebody who knows that they are living in a way that they should not, they get absolutely furious. They get mad. And they cannot help but overflow with fury precisely for the reason I think you say, which is, you know, nothing that devil writhing in the heart of it hates more. There's nothing it hates more than the sound of prayer, the sound of good wishes, the sound of somebody appealing to the Holy Spirit for salvation, for redemption, for absolution, for a soul who was once an innocent soul, writhing in agony and on an express train to hell. Nothing makes that demon writhe and screech more than somebody simply saying, I love you and I will pray for you. And I hope to goodness, brother, that you get yourself out of this.
Starting point is 01:08:51 Nothing makes them screech and hiss and spit more than that. So it's yes, yes, is the simple answer to that. But it's the thing that drives you nuts, I know. The smugness, the self-congratulatory sound of it. This is chutzpah. This is the devil overplaying his hand. And it's such a shame and it's such a sorry situation that they do more damage to them than we ever do, thanks to our useless useless supposedly conservative and Christian
Starting point is 01:09:25 institutions. Useless Catholic Church, the useless Fox News, useless Republican Party, useless evangelicals who go along with so much evil and wickedness in the world. The compromise class. The compromise class. Useless. They do so much more, that's a nice expression, they do so much more damage to themselves. But thank goodness that they do. Thank goodness that evil is that arrogant. Because if it weren't, we'd be in an even worse spot. Oh, you're absolutely right.
Starting point is 01:09:53 Lauren, when you saw this video, I thought my screen was in trouble. I can feel that he... I thought you were going to throw something at my screen. But get this. I get the whole compassion thing because hurt people hurt people. You know, that's the truth. And you'd be proud to know I asked Lady Maga to go to church with me. You did?
Starting point is 01:10:11 I did. I reached out to him. Is he going? He hasn't responded yet. But I have, I am trying. Is he at the airport now? He's cleaning toilets because I think that... Not dressed up as a woman though.
Starting point is 01:10:24 He had a beard. He had a beard. I think, I don't want to tempt fate or overplay our hand, but I think, in all humility, something's going on with him and I think it's got something to do with... We played some videos, I think, from I call him the entity, but we really should
Starting point is 01:10:40 just focus on this person in pain. We played some videos on this show a few weeks ago, I think. Yes, when you died. Right, right. Now, Milo, I see something happening. And I don't think it's unconnected to us talking about him on this program. I think this program has done something to that man. And he's appearing in public as a man.
Starting point is 01:11:01 And also, he's doing something else that's interesting. Something that's completely absent from this you know hellish choir he's exhibiting extreme humility he posted something about cleaning toilets for a living because he got fired from Delta the airline and he said and I'm proud of it because I'm not above it there's something happening with him yeah he's setting aside pride he's setting aside pride so I can't say where it's gonna to go, but I'm glad that you did that. That kind of stuff is character building. And you know,
Starting point is 01:11:35 I'm trying to be more compassionate, but I am. I am trying. I'm trying. People think I'm the mean one. They know nothing. It is very hard to have compassion for people that think that they're coming for your children. You know, I know you see the brokenness. I mean, these people are obviously broken. They're victims too, but they're victims that we must protect our children from so long as they refuse to repent. And so long as they refuse to live humbly. And so long as they refuse to recognize what it is that they are doing wrong, they have to be kept away from children. They have to be kept away from everybody. And I will say one thing, though. I have been there, not ever in that culture, and not with those politics. But I know the world that they're living in, the world of people trafficking, of self-abuse, of drug taking, all manner of other horrible things that I can't say on a family show.
Starting point is 01:12:25 I know how deep and sick and dark and horrible it is. And clambering my way out of that, I'm becoming almost as homophobic as you, which is very encouraging. No, I'm kidding. But I see how deeply hurt they are. And I just look behind the eyes of this guy. There's no one home. Oh, sure. He has shrunk of this guy. There's no one home.
Starting point is 01:12:45 Oh, sure. He has shrunk and retreated. He's hiding away, trying to persuade us all, trying desperately to convince us all that he's having fun. And he's not having fun. And I think people like Lady Marga and this guy and whatever, I think something's happening. I think the crust is cracking. And I think we're going to be able to get through to a lot of them in the coming decades. Well, you can. I mean, specific testimonies can testify to certain people. I can't
Starting point is 01:13:08 testify to these people. You can. You know, there's different ministries for different people. That's your ministry. Good luck. I have a question for you. Obviously, when we watch this particular video, we're offended by it. I would like to know, how do you think the LGBT community in general received the video? I have to be honest with you, loath as I am to use any kind of expression like the good ones in the gay community, because they are all in trouble, in peril, if they are identifying as that at all. Yeah, they should identify as SOS. Yeah, very good. I have to tell you, I've had a lot of communications from people who tell me, I have no intention of giving up that lifestyle, but this sickens me.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Obviously, there's the other half who are just upset that it came out because they think it's counterproductive to their political objectives. The thing that really makes me furious is the double standards, the hypocrisy. I mean, it gives you a clue into the psychology, like the statement they put out when they took this video down about, oh, we've been getting vicious calls, you know, all the rest of it. Are you surprised when you told America's parents that you were going to be coming for their children, that you've got a couple of phone calls saying no thanks in some quite fruity language. Like, oh, we've informed law enforcement.
Starting point is 01:14:26 We're getting death threats. It's a cry bully dynamic. This aggressive, taunting, triumphalist, smug, threatening demeanor that immediately twists and contorts itself into wailing victimhood. This is a key to understanding the psychic break that has happened in these individuals that's left them like this. And I got to tell you, there are people, lots of people, who don't at present, right now, are not right now contemplating a change from this life, who nonetheless were sickened to their core by this. And I would have been a year ago, I would have been a year ago, or perhaps a little more than a year ago, somebody who was still, but still would have been sickened by this. So there are plenty.
Starting point is 01:15:08 And the pressure from all sides to take this video down gives me a faint glimmer of hope for this country. Because for whatever bad, good reasons on whatever side, there isn't a single normal person in America who watched this and thought, good on you, mate. Nice one. More of that, please. Nobody, nobody except the most ingrained, broken, politically compromised lunatics. That is encouraging, isn't it? Well, sure. I mean, somewhat. A little bit. I mean, it's, you know, the fact that anybody thought that it could possibly be a good idea to publish it is chilling and terrifying. But the fact that it is one of those examples of cancel culture working properly, got to give us a little glimmer of hope, just a little bit. I certainly think it was clearly perceived in the same manner that the public would take the Ayatollah in a tutu,
Starting point is 01:16:00 presenting a video about calling for death on the world. I mean, there was no support for this. There was very little support for what I just described. I was wondering where you were going with that. The point of this, though, is that it is interesting that when they overplay their hands like this, because they're trying to make disciples, disciples for the devil. They said they want to convert. It wasn't just they were coming for your kids. They want to convert. It's not accidental. They use these words on purpose because this is not about sexuality. It's about Christ.
Starting point is 01:16:26 It's about God. It always is. It's always about taking children out of the light of the Lord. It is always about snatching kids. Always. And this is the first example. Sorry to interrupt you. This is the first example in a while where they've just come out and said it.
Starting point is 01:16:49 And when people tell you who they are, you should listen. And if you, you know, and if it's, it's offend some people at home, I'm sorry, but there is an enormous overlap between homosexuality and pederasty. And indeed one often produces the other. There is enormous overlap in these kinds of abusive sexual behaviors that hurt the, the, the, the perpetrator and the person that they are with. Very often the person they are with is a child. There is an enormous overlap. And you're not supposed to say it, but every time we look into one of these gay choirs that does one of these diabolical things, we find sex offender, sex offender, child rapist, child rapist. There's a link. And the link really is that very often one produces the other. But these people continue the cycle of abuse into adulthood. And though they are themselves in many cases victims, they must nonetheless be kept far, far, far away from the rest of us. Well, in our first segment, Milo, we laid out that there is a movement by the World Economic Forum, Interpol, and the banking infrastructure to deplatform people like us for opposing something like this. A choir of LGBT SOS participants
Starting point is 01:17:46 that want to satirically come after the children of the straight. But it's not the only thing we've seen this week because when it gets dark, clearly it wakes up those who before this maybe didn't have the courage to stand against something that actually threatened
Starting point is 01:18:01 their family. There was an incident with a private school sex educator. Now, this is a children's school. I don't know why there's a sex educator at even an elementary school level to begin with, but this was covered by the New York Times. This is in New York. Lauren, can you tell me a little more about this story? Right, so this teacher planned sex ed from kindergarten all the way to 12th grade.
Starting point is 01:18:24 She had been showing allegedly pornographic materials to children and teaching them how to masturbate to children as young as six years old. She acted like actually it was really interesting because her response was like, I don't know why everybody's freaking out. I don't know. I just showed up on the front of New York Times. I don't know how this happened. But the truth of the matter is these people do know what they're doing. They're planning this. This is calculated. And no, they're not sorry.
Starting point is 01:18:48 They're not victims. But she's only been teaching at that school for nine years. So what has changed? What's happened? What's going on? Why now? Well, she resigned because due to lack of support, quote unquote. I didn't get any support. Nobody's supporting me. So she needs to be a victim ask me for Jeffrey to been yeah I'm not sure he yeah but new you know it's really interesting I'm surprised you can find support because reported by National File a Jeffrey Epstein taught at that school years ago to school the Dalton
Starting point is 01:19:20 the Jeff oh my Jeffrey Epstein so you know it's a comes as no surprise to me that they don't exactly hire the cream of the crop. Was he teaching, or was he just there to scoop up a new crop of victims for his audience? Well, according to National File, who do their research, they do a really good job of researching and following through with everything.
Starting point is 01:19:40 They said he was a teacher there. He was placed there by, was it Bill Barr's dad? There was reporting that Donald Barr, Bill Barr's father, was the one that hired him. That's been challenged, but what is absolutely true is that Bill Barr's father was there, and at his time there he wrote a sci-fi sex novel that involved a rape scene of an underage child. This is the father of President Trump's attorney general. Of course he did. The thing that is the most distressing about all of this,
Starting point is 01:20:10 and the thing that reveals the pagan roots of a lot of this child abuse, the particular feature of it is mothers offering up their own children as sacrifices. You've got mothers who want Drag Queen Story Hour. Yes. You've got mothers, and it's not gay people. I mean, on the whole, for the most part, it isn't gay people desperately trying to cram themselves into nursery, kindergarten libraries, right?
Starting point is 01:20:38 Like straight single moms. Yes, it's liberal white women, sorry, but it is, who want a new gay best friend, and who are offering their own children up as sacrifices. And this woman is an example. You've got kids in this school with parents who are telling their parents what's happening. How many kids how many kids are pulled out of that school? I'm guessing not very many. Jeffrey Epstein in this school. Somebody must know what's happened. That should have been enough. Are they pulling their kids out? No. And it's the mothers offering up their own blood as a sacrifice.
Starting point is 01:21:08 And as I said in the column, and you quoted just the right bit of it, offering up their kids as a sacrifice for the vague promise of some kind of supernatural reward. And this gives you a clue to the apocalypto-style pagan roots of all of this. Sacrificing your own flesh and blood for the promise of a smile from the winter. A feel-good virtue signal moment. It's weird, isn't it? But it's something very modern, dovetailing with something very ancient. Because what they have in common is godlessness. What they have in common is reaching for transcendence.
Starting point is 01:21:44 And all homosexuality, on some level, is a sort of perversion of is reaching for transcendence. And all homosexuality, on some level, is a sort of perversion of that desire for transcendence and connection with the Heavenly Father that we're all seeking. And on some level, homosexuality is all about that. But all these things have in common, these very new forms of secular worship in social justice and these very old forms of literal worship on the top of the step pyramid is that they are all reaching for something that could be so much more healthily
Starting point is 01:22:12 and properly achieved if they would just fall to their knees, admit their sin, their fault, ask God for absolution, and begin to live their lives in a better way. Wow, is that an altar call from Molly in Annapolis? We're like having an episode on pride. The common denominator I'm finding here is people have too much pride to humble themselves. You know what I'm saying? There's a reason that smart guys say that's the sin to watch for because all the others come from it.
Starting point is 01:22:38 Yeah, I'm noticing a pattern here that it seems to be that when people humble themselves, good things happen. Actually, we had one of my favorite pro-life activists, her name is Lela Rose, she actually responded to this when they were, the New York Times put out an article where she was trying, the educator was trying to defend herself and Lela Rose hops in, she slammed it. She said, porn is not sex positive. That's like saying rat poison is a vitamin.
Starting point is 01:23:09 Porn is dehumanizing to everyone involved and damaging to a healthy sexuality. Also instructing five-year-olds about masturbation is sex abuse, and any adult involved should be criminally charged. Is that enough? That was great. She's usually a pro-life activist, pro-family activist, but I loved this analogy where she was talking about, it's like saying that giving rat poison as a vitamin to somebody is good for their health,
Starting point is 01:23:30 good for children's health. Those of us who are regularly called right-wing conspiracy theorists have been suspecting for some time that the ultimate endgame of the sexual revolution, all of this stuff, is the normalization of pedophilia. Right. You've talked about it. I've talked about it. I know you guys talk about it on the show a lot as well. Were we not right?
Starting point is 01:23:48 Were we not right? DAVID POGUE, JR.: Dead on. Dead on. DAVID POGUE, JR.: Another example of right-wing conspiracy theory is news minus two years. DAVID POGUE, JR.: Well, Molly, I think the reason why they'll never give us credit for that is there are quite a lot of these pedophiles in the media. You remember the man in the tech firm, Mr. Pizza? I think it was Peter King.
Starting point is 01:24:10 Oh, Aris Technica, which is a Condé Nast publication. Condé Nast publication. The same person who was going after Jack Posobiec, the reporter, for Pizzagate in the first place, yet named himself, interestingly, after it. Yeah. No, I mean, look, poachers make the best gamekeepers, right? And so often we hate in others or we call out in others what we hate most about ourselves. There are lots of aspects of reflexive human psychology here. If it looks like someone's hitting something a little bit too hard, it's reasonable to ask why that might be the case. And, you know, if somebody is going on and on and
Starting point is 01:24:52 on and on on Twitter about right-wing pedophile conspiracies, all I can say is have a little look into them. And, you know, in just the same way as when someone describes themselves as a male feminist, you can start the clock on the rape charge. Well, before we close, Doc, I know we're going into the weekend here, and we've got a lot of Christian families listening. There's a lot of kids, too. Sometimes they listen to this information, they don't even know how to respond. It's a lot of very troubling things, things we need to be praying for and against.
Starting point is 01:25:21 Doc, what would you say as a pastor to this information? Well, we saw two segments today, one that talked about a global agenda to try to control information and also to find other ways to control population, control money. And then in the second part of the program, we talked about the agenda that's in place to try to take kids away from families and try to indoctrinate kids steal kids steal their souls steal their sexuality before they've even had an opportunity to even know what life is really about and these seem like two dis distinct topics but really they're related to one thing because it's all about satan's kingdom that's operating in the world right now. But we serve a different kingdom.
Starting point is 01:26:06 We serve the kingdom of God. The Bible tells us in Romans 12, verse 2, Be not conformed to this world. This is his world, Satan's world. Be not conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove that which is good and acceptable and perfect, the will of God itself. And so, and the way that happens
Starting point is 01:26:30 is that we need to publish the word. We need to preach the word. We need to share the word. We need to get the word of God in us. That's not a trite saying. It's life. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me.
Starting point is 01:26:44 And so I want to encourage you, examine your hearts and lives. No matter who you are today, maybe you're a casual viewer, casual listener today. I want to ask you, or if you've been a long-time viewer or listener, I want to ask you today, is your mind being renewed? Are you being changed? Are you being transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ? I hope you're not centering on any particular personality, whether it's Rick or Edward, Milo, Lauren, or myself as an answer.
Starting point is 01:27:10 We're not an answer. Jesus Christ is an answer. And I'd like to invite you, if you're seeking for the Lord and want to have more information about what the Lord is doing in the world right now, I invite you on Sunday mornings, we have an online church service, 1030 on Sunday mornings. You can gather with us around the world, no matter who you are. There's no qualifications to watch.
Starting point is 01:27:31 We'd love to have you come and watch. Even if you're a mocker, come and watch. I don't care. I can't hear you anyway. Join us, 1030 Sunday mornings at for New Zion Assembly. Right now, I've been going over the past several weeks through a sermon series on the apostles creed. And I've been learning just a ton of information about, I feel like at times Milo and Edward
Starting point is 01:27:55 and Lauren, that I have been cheated out of my family heritage. As I study more about the church fathers and the history of the church and the creeds, that something has been stolen from me, like I was left out of somebody's will, and I finally found the will, and I found information I've never had before. And so I'm sharing some of that information in my sermon series on the Apostles' Creed. I'd love to have you join us and love to have you participate. We have communion every Sunday morning with people around the world, and please keep sending those pictures in. We love to get pictures from Saudi Arabia,
Starting point is 01:28:31 from Pakistan, from everywhere that have people been sharing with us, saying, hey, I'm sharing in communion with you as well. So that's Sunday mornings at 1030. So I'd like to have you join us. But why don't we close this week in a word of prayer and then we'll toss things back
Starting point is 01:28:50 to Edward here. We've been tossing to Edward all day today, haven't we? Carrie did it twice. I've been catching it. Let's pray. Let's pray for our audience today. You know, there's a lot of mockers today that are watching and the Lord's dealing with you. The reason why you're mocking is because the Holy Spirit
Starting point is 01:29:05 is prodding your heart right now because he's showing you such love and you're fighting against that love that he's showing for you. Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for every viewer and every listener right now. I ask right now, Lord,
Starting point is 01:29:20 that you deal with those who are under conviction. Lord, that you show them love and compassion, just like you showed love and compassion to this man many years ago, that you didn't leave me out on the curb, Lord, but that you welcome me into your home. Lord, I just ask in Jesus' name that you use our words today, the things we've shared from our hearts today,
Starting point is 01:29:42 and the information that we shared today, in order to point to the Lord Jesus Christ, to the cross and to his resurrection and that they would feel the tremendous joy, the tremendous sense of relief and the tremendous love that comes in a relationship with you. Thank you so much for this opportunity
Starting point is 01:30:01 and thank you, Lord, for this team and this ministry. Bless Rick and Edward and Milo and Lord, for this team and this ministry. Bless Rick and Edward and Milo and Lauren and everybody that's involved in this God cast and bless every viewer and listener that supports this ministry and reward them back sufficiently and abundantly according to their faith. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen. Thank you for that, Doc. All right. Edward. Appreciate it, Doc. I'll be joining you on Sunday. Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. It was a lot of information, but hopefully also some inspiration.
Starting point is 01:30:36 This weekend, use what you learned today. Start a conversation with your family, your friends, or the random guy waiting in line with you at the gas station. Be a witness for truth in a world that loves to lie. If you liked what you heard, please consider becoming a monthly partner with this ministry as we report the truth every day with courage and conviction that you will hear nowhere else.
Starting point is 01:30:58 We offer discernment on demand. Please back us. You can support True News by going to That is and just click on the heart on the left hand side or the red donate button on the right. You can also call our toll-free number at 1-800-576-2116 that is 1-800-576-2116. If you'd like to donate to us by mail or have a prayer request or a story you'd like us to investigate. Our address is PO Box 690069, Vera Beach, Florida, zip code 32969. We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, precious metals, and even a manly bandana from Milo's
Starting point is 01:31:36 growing mullet. Whatever you want to bless us with, we will gladly receive and put to our mission here to save souls and report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you and God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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