TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Patriot Purge: Will Mandatory COVID Jabs Chase Soldiers Out of the Military?
Episode Date: July 13, 2021Description:Today on TruNews, Edward Szall and the team discussing the vaccine mandate being rolled out to the US military first and then the general population. This despite increased reports of inc...reased risks of heart inflammation and Gullian-Barre Syndrome. A US Navy officer pens a stunning rebuke of the US armed forces as they focus more on critical race theory and diversity training rather than battle drills. Reports are that DEA and FBI informants were embedded in the Haiti assassination and the kidnapping of Gretchen Whitmer. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (7/13/21)Hashtags:#TruNews #AfterLifeMatters #FinalDayTags:trunews, true, news, Christian, Jesus, Christ, Salvation, USS, Liberty, President, biden, kamala, harris, hunter, Trump, Donald, rick, wiles, final, day, book, second, coming, of, end, times, wuhan, china, coronavirus, pandemic, virus, emergency, flu, test, positive, prepare, mask, quarantine, world, spread, shutdown, israel, infect, lockdown, test, 5g, fauci, surveillance, covid, 19, gates, foundation, soros, unemployment, great, depression, tracing, closed, plandemic, riots, antifa, warzone, protest, depression, police, civil, unrest, riot, mandate, terrorists, election, court, vaccine, fraud, vaccine, stimulus, capital, maga, impeachment, gay, lgbt, pedophile
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The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you.
To find out how you can help,, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll.
Are the Marxist leaders in the U.S. military preparing to use mandatory
vaccination as a way to purge patriots from the ranks? We'll discuss that in a moment,
as well as the whistleblower reports from active duty officers sounding the alarm on how an
obsession with communist propaganda has left America's armed forces wholly unprepared to win
the next war. But first, here is Kerry Kensey with today's True News Headlines.
Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. CNN says the FDA updated the label on Johnson & Johnson's coronavirus vaccine Monday to warn of the possible increased risk of a neurological
complication known as Guillain-Barre syndrome. The FDA sent a statement to the network.
Here's how the updated label reads. It says reports of adverse events following use of
the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine under emergency use authorization suggest an increased risk of
Guillain-Barre syndrome during the 42 days following the vaccination. So what is this disorder?
Neuropathy means disease of the peripheral nerve. So it's damage to peripheral nerves and
Guillain-Barre syndrome is an inflammatory peripheral neuropathy. Meaning it's caused by
inflammation? Meaning it's caused by inflammation and autoimmune causes and attack by your immune
system, as you mentioned. So Guillain-Barre syndrome is an example of that. CIDP, chronic
inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy is an example of that. And necrotizing vasculitis is an
example of that. All of those things cause inflammatory neuropathies. But one of the things about Guillain-Barre is that we don't know why.
Your immune system's attacking your nerves.
For information on this story and more, visit our companion website.
It's called
SciTech Daily says in two separate articles in the Annals of Neurology,
clinicians in India and England report cases of
Guillain-Barre after people were vaccinated against COVID. Both reports describe an unusual
variant of the syndrome characterized by prominent facial weakness. Seven cases were reported from a
regional medical center in India, where 1.2 million people were vaccinated with the AstraZeneca jab.
Four cases came from Nottingham, England, where about 700,000 people got the same vaccine.
All 11 cases were among people who got that vaccine 10 to 22 days earlier. The Jerusalem
Post says the American Israel Public Affairs Committee will not hold its annual policy conference in 2022.
The organization cites concerns over the spread of covid.
This will be the second year in a row the pro Israel group has canceled its annual policy conference known as APAC.
That's a look at true news headlines. Let's get back to Edward now.
Thanks for watching. We don't have to apply for press credentials if they just keep canceling the event.
How will the Israeli Space Force be able to get video of their activity?
The other way to look at it is maybe there's no reason for AIPAC to meet because there's nothing left of America to conquer.
They've already taken it all.
I mean, what else?
We're already building lasers.
We've got the Republicans.
We've got the Democrats. What else is left? They have the Christian church. They've taken it all. That's true. We've already building lasers. We've got the Republicans. We've got the Democrats.
What else is left?
They have the Christian church.
They've got it all.
It's true.
They're like, our job here is done.
Move on to another continent.
Their informants are in place.
Well, speaking of informants, we have an update on a story we shared on yesterday's Godcast.
Yeah, this is shocking.
In Haiti.
We mentioned that the assassins yelled that they were DEA agents as they entered the building.
And one had a DEA hat. One had a DEA hat, but hey,
they chuckled it up to maybe he just wanted to get out of the sun. Well, no. Today
we have a confirmation from the DEA, the Drug Enforcement Agency here in America,
that at least one of the men, I believe
it's the man on the left, but they
haven't confirmed that, was an active confidential informant.
Now, they claim that they hadn't used him for a while, but he was working as an asset
for the DEA in Haiti.
And another member of the hit team was an FBI informant.
At least one.
At least one.
Well, what was so shocking about this article to me is the fact that the DEA confirmed it.
It's not that, oh, well, it could be true. It might be possible.
No. They came out and said, yeah, he's a former informant.
They had to because the DEA was one of the first calls one of those men made.
Think about it. You just assassinated the president of Haiti. That's right. You got a couple
calls. Maybe we're going to call the person that paid you to do it.
And then he called his handler at the DEA.
And said, hey, I killed the president of Haiti. What should I do?
And they said, well, why don't you turn yourself in?
First of all, bad advice.
Well, no, that's good advice.
Legal advice. Yeah, yeah.
That's good legal advice.
Bad dog go bad.
Bad strategy advice.
Especially when the
dominican or republicans just ride over there and so sure um but why should we be shocked
that several of the killers had relationships with u.s government agencies this is the norm
yes yes it's the norm we train them we him. We know about him ahead of time. We just
we're not responsible for the coup. OK, what's the you told me the story that out of Michigan,
the men who were arrested and charged with plotting to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer. Yeah.
Governor Whitmer. I mean, it was obvious. It was obvious when that story happened that that was...
The feds.
The feds, yeah.
It wasn't just one or two.
What do we know about?
This is BuzzFeed.
The FBI allegedly used at least 12 informants in the Michigan kidnapping case.
Basically the entire group.
I mean, it wasn't a big group.
The whole room was full of informants. So the FBI really
ran the audit and ran the operation to do a fake kidnapping. Yes. It was really meant to go after
the Patriots of Michigan. Yet this story, Rick, was used as one of the justifications for keeping
troops in D.C. for the election and months after. It was used to build up this fake narrative
around the election that conservatives were going to move in
and hurt Democrats over the mail-in ballots and the lockdowns.
That story, that's today, 12 informants
run by an FBI agent were plotting
to put in captivity, maybe hurt,
a sitting governor in the United States of America.
Who are the terrorists?
We all look to Rick.
They have government positions in Washington.
I mean, you keep going down this road and you'll think that the Twin Towers were not brought down
by Muslim terrorists who didn't know how to fly a jetliner
but just jumped in one, several of them, and took off
and flew it to New York City and hit the towers.
All right?
I mean, if you believe that story,
you will believe any conspiracy theory.
That's the biggest conspiracy theory ever told.
And if you question it, you know, they come after you.
But time after time after time,
we read that a terrorist worked for the FBI,
had a connection with the CIA.
Now the DEA is involved.
You know, on yesterday's program, when we mentioned that the one guy had a DEA is involved. You know, on yesterday's program,
when we mentioned that the one guy had a DEA hat,
I tried to give the guy some slack.
I said, it's easy in Haiti to get a DEA hat.
I mean, if it falls off...
I was just trying to stay out of the sun.
Yeah, you know, falls off your head.
Picking up at a flea market somewhere.
Exactly, you know, so that doesn't prove anything.
But today, that proves it.
I'm laughing because I don't know what else to do.
The government is so corrupt.
I don't know what to do.
Well, now, has it changed your opinion
that we were actually trying to take
the president of Haiti out?
No, because when we talk,
just go back to what we talked about yesterday.
The U.S. government has been invading Haiti since 1915 on behalf of the New York bankers.
And so we're doing it once again.
So we really want to find out who are the New York bankers that ordered the hit on the governor, on the president of Haiti.
That's the most likely.
It was a call of the oligarchs for sure.
And then the little henchmen go out and do the dirty work that they don't want to
Did he renege on his end of the bargain in sharing, you know, the wealth?
The oil, the real estate.
Who knows? I mean, what is it? Some people think because he, this is true. He got President Moise Moise rejected the AstraZeneca vaccine.
He wasn't totally anti vaccine on a COVID vaccine, but he did reject the AstraZeneca vaccine, didn't allow to be distributed.
Which is kind of ironic because we rejected the AstraZeneca vaccine here in the United States.
Then we shipped it to poor people.
Shipped it out to all the poor countries.
But the pharmaceuticals got paid for it by the U.S. government.
They sure did.
But I don't know if that's the reason.
But somebody in Washington, explain why several of the hitmen worked for the FBI and the DEA.
I don't think you're going to hear an explanation.
And then last week, have we forgotten last week?
It was the top witness
in the case against Julian Assange.
And he came out and said,
I work for the FBI and they entrapped me to lie.
They said they'd put me in prison if I didn't lie.
And yet Julian Assange is still locked up.
How many times do we have to hear this?
Where we're at is the corruption in Washington is so deep
that the American people are numb.
It's not that they don't believe it.
They're numb.
They don't know what to do.
Obviously, it's not voting.
They scared people into even questioning it.
Because if you start questioning, well, that's really bizarre that it happened to be 12 federal agents that threatened to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer,
or that's really bizarre that it was federal agents in the Capitol building.
You know, like if you start even questioning that, they label you a domestic terrorist, a streamer, ruin your life,
cancel your bank account, cancel you.
Put you on a no-fly list.
Put you on a no-fly list.
They, you know, they politically persecute people who question.
And we have no doubt, and it's come to a point now where we're not even surprised anymore.
I mean, did it really shock you to find that it was the feds that threatened to kidnap Whitmore
or that it was the feds that were related to the Haiti president killer?
Like, you know, it's just, it doesn't surprise anybody anymore.
But we're too afraid to say anything because if you say something,
they've conditioned us into believing that we're going to be politically targeted because we are.
It's not that it doesn't shock me.
It definitely troubles me.
Again, I'm at a loss to say what is the FBI doing day in, day out.
What we're learning day in, day out is the FBI is involved in pretty much every murder, theft, operation, you name it.
There's stories we've covered just this year, and then now we're learning that instead of
trying to fix these, remedy them, you know, maybe there'd be some kind of reform from
these blatant scandals.
Instead, you're seeing an expanding of federal power.
We're seeing a federalized police force, the Capitol Police.
I had to save this for later in the program.
I think this might be a good time to bring this forward. Rick, it came out last night that due to the backlash that the federal government is getting from people not trusting them,
you know, people angry about stories like what we're talking about here,
that the government is now moving to censor our text messages.
Now, this was buried in a Politico article, potentially a death sentence.
White House goes off on vaccine fear muggers.
Now, what they did is they tied it to the reports about President Biden's statement about we're going to go door to door.
We're going to help him about vaccinations. We gave deference.
There's no way the president means sending armed forces with vaccines to plunge vaccines in the arms of people.
No, no, he's, if anything, maybe he was just using a phrase.
Well, there are a lot of people that did, congressmen even, that said, look, do not come to our state.
This is an intrusion. This is definitely a violation of privacy.
But in that article, Rick, it stated Biden allied groups, including the Democratic National Committee,
are also planning to engage fact-checkers more aggressively
and work with SMS carriers to dispel misinformation about vaccines that is sent over social media
and text messages.
Quoting a White House spokesperson, Kevin Munes, it said,
We are steadfastly committed to keeping politics out of the effort to get every American vaccinated
so that we can save lives and help our economy further recover.
When we see deliberate efforts to spread misinformation, we view that as an impediment to the country's public health.
I will not shy away from calling that or in this case, censoring it.
They're going to keep politics out of it, Rick. You feel better now?
And they're only going to limit the censorship to talk about vaccines.
That's it.
That's all the censorship, right?
The American people have been conquered.
And I don't know if the American, the Americans who still have a functioning brain,
I don't know if they will ever rise up against it.
I don't know.
Well, they knew people were going to get upset.
You know, they know, like, we're going to get upset, but we've seen what happens to people that do stand up.
People that do stand up, they bring the full weight of the federal government down on you. Look, they're pushing Americans to the breaking point.
That's what they're doing.
I mean, you're now at the point you're going to censor text messages.
I mean, what's next?
They're going to censor graffiti?
How about messages written on public restroom stall walls?
I mean, where do you stop censoring?
Don't give me any ideas, Rick.
I mean, what's left that you haven't censored?
Smoke signals.
This is total thought control.
They're pushing the American people who still have a thinking brain to the breaking point.
Will that happen?
I don't know.
It could go one of two ways.
A third to half of the country could just say, there's nothing we can do about it.
We tried to vote it out.
We tried to protest.
We tried everything.
Tea party movements, everything. Nothing works. We just got to live with it. We tried to vote it out. We tried to protest. We tried everything. Tea party movements, everything. Nothing works. We just got to live with it or there's going to be
a massive explosion of fury beyond anything you can imagine. I don't know which way it's
going. But people are getting fed up.
And since the election, there's just this quietness among conservatives.
There's a quietness.
The wise ones are being quiet.
They've already made up their mind.
They've already made up their mind.
They know what they're going to do.
And they're just being quiet. And that troubles me that a lot of patriots have just gone into this quiet mode, which is they have processed in their mind the reality
of what's happened in the country, that the country was overthrown. There was a fake election.
The technocrats and the Democrats are working with the Chinese communists,
and they are imposing dictatorship on America. At some point,
there will just be a massive explosion of anger and fury because people can't live under these kind of, not Americans,
they can't live under these kind of restraints.
I'm not going to do it.
I'm not going to live like this.
But a story like this where it says that they're going to start reading your text messages
for politically incorrect speech.
Start reading. They've been reading.
I know they have, but for them to come right out and admit it and say it out loud and be proud about it.
Now, Doc, is that we've been reading it, but now we're going to block them.
You're not going to be able to get your text message out.
Think about it. You want to text your wife, your son, your dad, and you can't get a message out to them
because somebody in Washington has deemed your private thoughts.
Your speech.
Your private thoughts and speech as criminal speech, as hate speech.
I mean, where does this go?
This is total mind control.
And I'm at the point, it's like,
these people need to be overthrown.
And they need to be overthrown in a way
that they don't think about it for about 100 years,
about doing it again.
I mean, some serious hurt needs to come to these people because they don't
understand anything else. You can't reason with them. You can't talk to them. You can't show them
that what they're doing is unconstitutional. They know it's unconstitutional.
They know it is. You can't reason with these people.
And they're power hungry right now.
They're using every part of the government at this point to try to build lists, as we noted here, to censor.
Rick, there was a story that Eddie missed last week.
Did you know that we're now paying a British accounting firm $6 million to go through the text messages, the videos, the pictures, and the postings of Americans.
To create this massive database for the federal government for prosecutions.
Of all Americans?
All Americans.
That's what I wrote.
All Americans.
You mean revolving around the January 6th event?
If you posted something, especially pictures and video, but let's say you just had a text posting on your Facebook, a social media
But you weren't there. But you weren't there.
That can find its way
into the federal database, which is being put
together by Deloitte, an accounting
firm. But the FBI
can have informants who kill the president
of Haiti.
Or try to kidnap the governor.
To blame it on
patriots. Right.
And even some of the people that attended the Capitol rally have been reported to be federal agents as well.
Oh, sure, sure.
They're using people.
And I know for a fact that one of the people was from Delaware that supposedly tried to kidnap Gretchen.
And he had a history.
Like he had charges.
His charges were mysteriously dropped.
That kind of thing. So I think they're using people to try and recruit other people into extremism and then
setting these people up, you know, like, hey, listen, we're going to go do this.
You with me or what? And then, yeah, they set up traps for people and they're luring people.
And I think that's what they're doing. I think that's what the federal government is doing,
which is, you know, it's just totally normal that our federal government's setting up the American
people, that they're actually, their job is to protect us. But, you know, that's gone out the
window. That's the last thing they care about. They're coming for us. And what better example
that the shade, the veil has been completely dropped, the totalitarianism, the tyrannies
out in the open, than placing surveillance blimps in the air over American cities.
Well, Rick, it has now come out through the Washington Times that our newly federalized,
you know, this new force, the Capitol Police that will be outside the Capitol, will be
in Florida and California soon in field offices.
They've been given eight army surveillance systems.
See that blimp right there?
That's called a persistent surveillance systems ground drone.
The camera's on the bottom.
One of these was actually tested over Baltimore, but they have the ability to watch over an entire city.
Eight of those are now being given to the Capitol Police to keep Congress safe.
Now, were they using them strictly in Washington, D.C., around the Capitol?
They capriciously left that blank.
They said that they need expanded military equipment, including intelligence gathering capabilities,
to keep congressmen and senators safe, that there was no mention that it's going to be only for D.C.
What we reported on the program, they are clearly looking past the borders of our capital.
They have ambitions to set up offices in the major cities.
Edward, these military surveillance blimps have been in operation in the United
States since September 11.
This is an old story.
I mean, they've been using them.
Yes, they have, but very few of them and not the Capitol Police.
How do you know there's very few of them?
Well, I guess I happen to look it up in the air, right?
I mean, if it's a surveillance blimp, how would you know?
That's true, that's true.
Although, Sunday, that Sunday, I saw something very, very similar to that blimp going north along the Treasure Coast.
Along the ocean.
And I was driving.
I was headed eastward towards the ocean,
and I couldn't, there was too much traffic.
I couldn't stop anywhere to look at it.
It was all white.
And in front of it, there was a white, small,
white aircraft.
I mean, very small.
Like I was ferrying it.
I wonder where it was going.
That could have been one that was placed over behind me.
We wouldn't even have known.
Very possible.
Because I just kept my eyes on it,
and then it got too far away.
It was headed, let me think,
the direction I was, it was headed south.
It was headed south along the Treasure Coast.
Maybe they're trying to position it to watch what's happening in Haiti or Cuba.
The moment I saw the photographs, I said, oh my gosh, that's the thing I saw Sunday.
Well, we know the government probably has hundreds of these and other equipment.
The capabilities of the government
and that huge wealth that we've given them to spend on this, I mean, the tyranny is without
boundaries, what they can accomplish. But right now, one of their main goals is to push vaccination.
That's how they're focusing this power, this ability to both control messaging, control communication, but also to punish.
And Rick, the way the Marxist pundits are talking, it's time to punish the unvaccinated.
Punish those who are causing the country to be unhealthy, that are allegedly helping to spread the different variants.
What are we up to? Seven different variants now, Lambda now too. They don't like opposition.
They don't like people refusing to surrender to their dictates.
Whether it's in accepting an experimental vaccine that causes death, paralysis,
you know, heart attacks, strokes, or whether it's Americans refusing to be quiet and self-censor their speech
or just accept the political revolution that took place in 2020, the fake election.
They don't like opposition.
They don't like people refusing to submit, to surrender. And now they're getting
agitated. They're getting agitated. And they're saying, we're going to have to make life hard
on these people. Well, bring it on, baby. Let's see if you do it. There's a lot of us
waiting on you to do it. Because you're going to be met with something you did not expect to happen.
When they start talking like this, we need to put the hammer down.
We need to put the fist down on them.
That's usually when tyrants meet their fate.
And even though they haven't gone as far as mandating the vaccine yet,
they are doing de facto mandates through employers, through businesses,
you know, employers basically saying you can't come to work unless you're vaccinated.
But if you choose not to be vaccinated, then you have to do multiple tests every week.
And so, you know, one way or another, they're going to accomplish their goals. And so,
but for a lot of these guys, they're all in favor of mandating the vaccine. They want it
mandated. They want to hold you down, Lauren, and plunge a needle in your arm.
They're obsessed with it.
They're giving us the Trump vaccine.
Come on, don't forget. It's the Trump scene.
Oh, Rick, he's not letting us forget. You know, the same day you heard in Kerry's headlines, Johnson & Johnson been tied to Guillain-Barre, a neurological disease.
President Trump put out an email saying, hey, don't forget, I helped bring the vaccine.
I helped produce this.
Operation Warp Speed.
After they made the announcement?
It's almost as if he's not paying attention or maybe he is, but he claimed ownership.
You can't defend that.
There is no way defending that.
It's not even like, yeah, he wants everybody to know that he is the one that inspired and pushed through with Operation Warp Seed the vaccine.
And it's like, we're watching people die.
We're watching people get really sick. We're
watching hearts explode in children. And he's like, don't forget, that was me. And if he plans
on running in 2024, he doesn't stand a chance, especially after this, after pushing this vaccine
charade on us. Well, I mean, the CPAC, he was number one. Well, that's just because, well,
if you pay attention, a couple of weeks before that, they had a poll with DeSantis, and DeSantis
was actually polling higher than Donald Trump. Donald Trump starts talking about Ashley Babbitt,
the persecuted protesters, and then his poll numbers go right back up. I don't think
it's really genuine. I think he's just giving us lip service. And, you know, I hope
people start to wake up. I hope people see, hey, you know what, like, it took him
eight months to even mention Ashley Babbitt's name. You know, somebody hope people start to wake up. I hope people see, hey, you know what? Like, it took him eight months to even mention Ashley Babbitt's name.
You know, one of his most dedicated supporters got shot in the neck,
and it took you eight months to say something?
You also have to assume that Ben Shapiro managed a legitimate poll.
You can only assume, right?
Do you believe in polls?
He believes in politics.
It's the easiest thing to rig.
They're easier than elections.
I had a joke bumblebee.
Good restraint, Douglas.
On the Johnson & Johnson vaccine rig,
there's something very interesting in the report.
The Washington Post was the first to break this, but it's
everywhere now. Both the FDA and the
CDC put out a joint statement
last night. 100 cases
occurred within two weeks of the vaccination.
And Carrick pointed out something interesting. They are
now warning that it could occur
up to six weeks after
the vaccination. That's
new, okay? 95
of those 100 cases required hospitalization, and someone died.
At least one. You know, this is from the VAERS database.
Back in the 70s, when Gerald Ford, President Gerald Ford,
had his swine flu vaccination, swine flu was going to get everybody.
I've seen that. It's going to kill everybody. You better get or you're going to die.
That's when they brought out, remember the air needles? The air guns?
They do it that way. And Susan and I, we were
young, very young. And we
were vaccinated with swine flu vaccine
because of
relatives on Susan's side who were all worked up just like they have people
scared right now about of a kovat and
It was like the pressure was on you got to get you got to get vaccinated. Well
From that swine flu vaccine, there was a spike in the Guillain-Barre syndrome. Yes, I remember that.
Which is extremely dangerous.
I mean, it leaves you paralyzed.
It's horrible.
Side effects to it.
And so years ago, I can remember in trying to think how long ago, maybe about 10 years ago, 10, 12 years ago, because I reported on this.
There were victims of the 1970 something.
What was it?
74, 75, something like that.
Gerald Ford. They were victims of the vaccines who are still trying to collect compensation from the pharmaceutical companies.
Almost 50 years later.
And now this paralyzing syndrome was also connected to the Zika virus.
I don't remember that.
What happened to the Zika virus?
Where did that go?
That was a couple years ago.
Yeah, it was going to get everybody.
Babies being born everywhere with giant heads.
It was a tiny head.
Tiny heads, yeah.
And, you know, terrifying pregnant women.
And the Zika virus appeared in South America, Central America,
shortly after a famous billionaire who's really into population control and he's got a
divorce proceeding going on right now. And wants to block out the Sun. The guy that
wants to block out the Sun. The gateway drug to eugenics. Yeah Bill Gates it was
rumored that Bill Gates had released you know gazillions of genetically modified
mosquitoes in South America in an experiment.
And then shortly after the mosquitoes were released,
lo and behold, there's a Zika virus explosion,
started in Brazil.
What a coincidence.
Transmitted by mosquitoes.
And guess what?
This Guillain-Barre was in the virus.
So the Zika virus was producing the same thing that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is producing,
this extreme paralysis.
Now, if I remember right, what Guillain-Barre does
is it basically knocks down your
immune system okay whatever immune system that you had even if it was a
robust one GBS or Guillain-Barre syndrome basically makes it nil and void and so
of course that makes you susceptible for anything like only a cold could take you out permanently.
I thought the vaccine was supposed to build your immune system and help strengthen you against COVID.
Well, that's the line that they, or the lie, rather,
that they keep repeating out there and everything.
But remember, it's truly not a vaccine.
It's a symptom suppressant.
We haven't had time to develop a vaccine.
We haven't had time to develop a vaccine. We haven't had time to develop a vaccine.
Because it takes two to three years.
That's right.
And we haven't had time to really use common sense in thinking about the decision to take or not take it.
Because if you think about it in this manner, had we known, had it been widespread,
that there were going to be side effects like Guillain-Barre,
didn't anyone would have taken the Johnson & Johnson vaccine if it was well known that the same database
they used to figure out that Guillain-Barre
was being caused by Johnson & Johnson,
the various database,
that that same database says there's 6,000 dead, Rick.
If we'd known that,
do you think anyone would have taken the AstraZeneca
or the Moderna vaccines?
I mean, this past month,
we had a condo collapse in Miami,
tragic incident, 100 could be dead.
What about the 6,000 here?
We went to war over 2,000 on 9-11.
And the 6,000 is only the number that has been reported.
Yeah, literally.
I would say 10 to 20 times that many people have died and either they're the victim's relatives or doctors did not report it to the CDC as a vaccine related death.
What I noticed today is that the Marxist media, how they're downplaying this report, their headlines say things like, study reveals small risk.
Super rare.
Super rare.
Super rare syndrome.
Small risk.
In other words, don't worry about it.
Go ahead and get the vaccine.
Don't pay attention to these people who are paralyzed.
You just go ahead and get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
Because it's just a small risk, just a small one.
You know, we should call Franklin Graham and T.D. Jakes and Bob Jeffers and ask them what
they think about it.
So how small is small enough for you?
All right.
So let's say it's one in a thousand.
Okay. Is that small enough for you. All right. So if let's say it's one in a thousand. Okay. Is that small enough?
Well, that would mean that anytime you got on an airplane, Lauren, you had a one in 1000 chance of dying on that trip. Would you get on that plane? No, absolutely not. All right. So why?
I'll live if I don't get on it. That's right. And so now you start understanding math and that
the numbers are actually
higher than that. The percentages are higher than that. But that gives you an idea where we come
from on this, because not all things have been vetted out on this. We're finding new information
all the time. Heart complications, Guillain-Barre syndrome, so many other things that are popping
up in these various vaccines, which aren't vaccines that, you know, and if you question it, you're the bad guy.
You're an anti-vaxxer.
You're a conspiracy theorist.
You're spreading medical misinformation.
We need to shut down your text messages, Doc.
Well, the direction they're going, you're a threat to national security.
Oh, yes.
You know, because I think the next big campaign
that Dr. Fauci and his friends
at the medical establishment are setting up for
is the vaccination of the military.
Now, the military has not, at this point,
mandated vaccines because they're not FDA approved.
They've only been given an emergency approval. Even Joe Biden said that he won't be the one to order it. He's leaving it to
the generals, leaving it to General Marxist Milley to make the call. But the problem here is that
they've already been cases of heart inflammation. Now, of course, they're quite rare heart
inflammation. The thing about the military, Rick, is that by definition, it is the most healthy, the most able group in society here in America.
They say less than 1% can serve, but you can't get into the military if you have any pre-existing conditions.
You're a perfect test population.
And that's why they want to get the vaccines into the arms of these soldiers.
It would bring probably to most a form of reassurance.
But to these cases right here, they developed heart inflammation.
These are soldiers younger than me, in their 20s.
But it's always rare.
Rare, very rare.
But if your heart is inflamed, it's not rare to you.
No, it's real to you. It's real. But to the media, it's not rare to you. No. It's real to you.
It's real.
But to the media, it's always rare.
As their intelligence is.
That would be non-existent.
How many shootings have they stopped?
Though they've known the shooters beforehand or their assets were present.
So what are they going to do, Edward?
Is the military going to mandate that all the soldiers have to be vaccinated?
I believe they will.
But the reporting right now is the wait is for an FDA approval.
Now, we reported a story here.
Oh, to make it legit.
To make it legit.
Now, the military has confirmed that memo that we reported on last week that the U.S. Army is preparing in September for mass inoculation.
They haven't said which vaccine they'll use.
Here's the story that reported on back at the beginning of the month.
But they've confirmed the story now.
They said, yes, yes, we're in preliminary early talks of how we're going to accomplish this.
All right. That means they've been told that the FDA is going to approve the vaccines as safe in September.
That's what that means.
Now, the head of the Navy.
It has to be done legal.
They're not going to mandate the vaccines when they're safe, then the government says, well, since we declared it safe,
we're going to mandate that you have to take the vaccine that we said is safe.
Yes. And what you're doing in this case is you are giving an experimental substance. As Doc said,
we're not going to call it a vaccine. Don't know if it's a drug. Giving a substance that's causing
Guillain-Barre is causing heart inflammation, causing death.
You're giving it to the group that's designated to protect our country at a time when you're threatening to go to war in at least two different places, Russia and the South China Sea.
But also we have a brewing domestic revolution here.
It doesn't make any sense unless there is some reason behind this other than that you're looking out for the
health of the soldiers.
Well, if you wanted to weaken the U.S. military, it's a brilliant idea.
Well, yeah, they've already done quite a good job at weakening the military, but without,
let's say, half of the force being knocked out by side effects or death, which could
occur from an experimental vaccine.
Well, there's a report that was released today, Rick, that laid out the social impact so
far. This is pre-vaccine. We're right now in the pre-vaccine era of our military. A report by
Senator Cotton and Congressman Crenshaw from Texas. This was looking into why Navy ships are
exploding. We have the aircraft carrier, the helicopter carrier in San Diego that was basically knocked out of service last year.
We have ships running into each other, the USS John McCain.
And what they found, this was the conclusion.
What was wrong with the big fire?
The Blumenhauer.
Was that San Diego?
Yeah, it was San Diego.
The thing burned for days or weeks?
And it's out of commission.
We can't use it.
They physically knocked out a ship.
And the conclusion was the soldiers were not prepared.
They were not prepared or trained to handle a fire, let alone a combat situation.
In the case of the ships that were looked at, the conclusion in this report is the military
spent more time on political correctness and critical race theory than they have even conceiving what it would look like to win the next war
our leaders are trying to goad us into.
And drag queen entertainment shows.
Oh, yes, they have drag queen entertainment shows, but they don't have battle drills.
Now, there was an active duty lieutenant who was quoted in the report.
This is what they said.
Sometimes I think we care more about
whether we have enough diversity officers
than if we'll survive a fight with the Chinese Navy.
It's criminal.
They think my only value is as a black woman,
but you cut our ship open with a missile
and we'll all bleed the same color.
Now, again, this is pre-vaccine.
This is just with what's already taken place
with the Marxist revolution, our sector of defense emphasizing critical race theory.
Well, now you're going to have critical vaccine theory.
Because in addition to that anonymous lieutenant, there has been a 15-year U.S. Navy officer who has published a whistleblower statement to the country.
Now, I've read through this. We've had this for about a day or so.
It's an incredible,
incredible piece, Rick. Where was it published?
It was published on Twitter under a pseudonym. But reading through
this, and a couple people like Tony Schaefer,
a former military
officer, he's caught on. This hasn't caught
any of the Marxist media's attention. I'm not sure
they're even going to bother covering this.
But this individual, it's a
male officer.
Can we read through this letter?
Yeah, sure.
We'll take turns on each of the parts here.
He started by saying, I'm a naval officer who spent the last 15 years on active duty.
I'm now potentially facing forcible discharge if I won't submit to taking the COVID vaccine.
Here's a thread on just what a scandal that is.
All data claims will be linked.
They said last week the army released an executive order,
we showed this,
telling its troops to prepare
for mandatory vaccination in September.
Though he has the authority,
it's not likely the president will mandate vaccination
without full FDA approval.
So look out for that development.
The Department of Defense will assuredly move as a whole, meaning all branches will require
vaccination on the same schedule.
I've spoken to two command chaplains regarding religious exemption.
I'm a Christian, abortion abolitionist, and cells from aborted children were used in the
vaccine's development.
And I'm told exceptions won't likely be granted.
So my choices are vaccination and forcible discharge.
Doc, you want to pick up there?
Okay, picking up here.
Sorry, I missed my spot here.
I'll carry on.
We're just a few years removed from the military's mandatory anthrax vaccine debacle.
And here's hoping the administration
remembers what a disaster that was. Numerous service members were harmed by a vaccine they
didn't need. Many more had their careers cut short, were dishonorably discharged, court-martialed,
and even imprisoned for their refusal to get the shot. So let's take a look at the rationale behind the forthcoming DOD mandate. By their own accounting, as of two days ago, 202,567 active duty service members have had COVID, of whom 26 have died.
And even allowing for the absurdist definition of a COVID fatality, in quotes,
death for whatever reason within 28 days of a positive RT-PCR test run to 40 plus cycles for
military personnel, COVID has a better than 99.987 survival rate. But here's the
plain truth, COVID-19 is utterly inconsequential to the military. Don't
get me wrong, our response to it has been anything but inconsequential. We've
halted training, destroyed unit cohesion and morale,
strapped worthless pieces of cloth over everyone's faces for the last year,
and spectacularly destroyed our warfighting readiness in the name of COVID,
but the pathogen itself is meaningless.
I defy you to find a group of 2 million U.S. adults at lower risk from COVID.
It doesn't exist.
We are overwhelmingly young, fit, and free of comorbidities.
Compared to other causes of death, COVID isn't even on the radar.
But between 2006 and 2021, roughly 400 service members died annually of accidents,
300 committed suicide, more than 200 died of random illnesses and injuries.
Over 1,000 service members were killed on motorcycles between 1999 and 2012, yet we still
permit their use. Beyond the laughably insignificant threat posed by COVID to the force,
consider the aggressively unintelligent plan to expose the entire force to a drug
with zero long-term safety data? What if there are short, mid, and long-term negative effects?
Who will defend the nation once the entire force is compromised? There's a reason drug trials
always contain a control group, yet the political appointees and flag and general officers running
our military seem perfectly willing to potentially jeopardize 100% of the force in the name of
political agreeability.
Now, we do a lot of talking about forceful backup and warrior toughness, but you won't
hear a word from that cadre of esteemed yes-men motivated by varying mixtures of a desire
to get promoted and a fear
of getting fired. And for those who will respond with, but you've taken plenty of vaccines in the
military. You're right, I have. And the FDA's multi-year safety data were available for each,
not so for this vaccine. There's a reason we maintain material safety data sheets on all hazardous chemicals on ships.
Or would you tell our sailors, you volunteered, now shut up and stick your hand in that acid?
We sure hope not.
And for those who will invariably respond with, George Washington forced all his troops to be inoculated against smallpox.
That's cute.
Be sure to follow it up with, for every one soldier lost to action
with the British, 10 died of disease. Offer me an experimental drug for a pathogen that kills 10
times more soldiers than bullets during time of war, and I might have a different reaction.
And son, we've learned to live with countless threats infinitely more serious than COVID,
and all without resorting to extreme measures.
COVID, however, is different.
This threat until now has merely demonstrated how absurd the argument for mandatory vaccination is.
From this point on, I'll explain why I think the argument is being made despite its absurdity.
Lauren, do you want to pick it up there?
Remember, if you can, the 2020 election.
We haven't seen anything as contentious or as unusual in a lifetime.
Whatever your politics, I genuinely don't care.
The fact remains that roughly half the electorate is convinced that something fishy happened around November 3rd.
Whether you believe the theories about ballot manipulation, burst pipes in Atlanta, etc., the interference
in elections by several state governors, and subsequent top cover from various wings of the
judiciary are matters of fact, not opinion. The Constitution clearly states that state
legislators wield authority in conducting elections. Here's the Constitution. Still,
governors in numerous key states appropriated this authority to themselves, mailing unsolicited ballots, extending deadlines, suspending or weakening signature verification, etc.
Various courts nearly universally permitted their usurpations, reasoning that if anyone is sufficiently scared of a virus, the Constitution can be
disregarded. Why do I mention the election? It is sour grapes. Is it sour grapes over who won
the White House? Not a chance. I've served under four presidents, and I don't care much who's in
the Oval Office. Given the chance, I'll serve under a couple more, whoever they are. One of America's great marvels
is the consistency of its military, no matter which party is in power. I mentioned the 2020
election because it and COVID policy are inextricably intertwined, despite the glaring
unconstitutionality of what happened during the election. If enough of the populace are convinced
that the situation really was dire enough to warrant suspending the Constitution
without actually doing so, then what happened during the election can be permitted. This
position, however, cannot withstand dissent. It requires absolute fealty, particularly from the
armed forces. And how do you prove your allegiance to this narrative?
By rolling up your sleeve.
You have to be genuinely convinced of the existential threat posed by this virus
to volunteer for an experimental vaccine for which no one,
not the pharmaceutical giants nor the government mandating it,
its acceptance is liable in case things go wrong.
That's real faith. Failure to volunteer
for vaccination, to say nothing of refusal of mandated vaccination, is the sort of rebellion
that cannot be tolerated. Those who question the reality of the COVID apocalypse are dangerous
insider threats who must be purged from the ranks. Consider that a great majority of those resistant to vaccination are Republicans.
Mandating vaccination is an admittedly brilliant strategy
for purging them from the force, all in the name of public health.
Rather than calling them what they really are, ideological threats,
they can be removed on the grounds that they are biological threats.
The rest of COVID policy, too, is tied to acceptance of the official narrative.
That is, if COVID really wasn't the world-ending catastrophe it was made out to be,
several of the highest-ranking public officials would have to answer for the effects of their edicts.
Economic disaster, unemployment, spikes in suicide, increases in crime rates, domestic violence,
substance abuse. All can be forgiven if COVID was worse. If it wasn't, however, people have
blood on their hands, and that's a conversation they'd rather not have. In the end, I'm just a
guy who wants to keep serving his nation, providing for his family, contributing to his community,
and minding his own business. I know a lot of people say this, but those who've worn the
uniform know it to be true. It really is an honor to serve all of you. The last 15 years,
I've sacrificed or risked my comfort, my safety, and my life on a handful of oceans
and in various sandy spots to support and defend the Constitution and ensure the welfare of people who retweet
this despite or despise
it alike. Whichever you choose to do,
I put on the uniform every day. That's how he
ended it, at least in this part, Rick.
Rick, what he just laid out here,
he thinks there
is a plot to force out
Republicans, conservatives,
Christians, basically anyone who wouldn't
be willing to take the
vaccination because of what other views they might hold. As maybe they think that the November 2020
election was fake, that it was rigged. And look, General Milley and Secretary Austin have clearly said and they have implemented a plan to identify and remove from the U.S. military anybody they deem to be a radical, a white supremacist, a white nationalist, whatever slanderous label that
they want to put on you.
Because that's the way you do, that's the way the left operates.
They just put a label on you.
Call you the boogeyman and-
And you have no recourse, you have no way to defend yourself, you're not entitled to any judicial forum to remove the slanderous name put on you.
So they just go in and they point to people and they go, white nationalists, domestic terrorists,
bigot, hate. I mean, they just put the labels on. OK, you guys got to go. We're cleaning up the military.
What they can't say is Republican, born-again Christian,
constitutionalist, patriot, libertarian.
They can't say those words because it would be too obvious.
It's a political and religious purge. So what this gentleman is hitting on,
which I hadn't thought about, was that they're going to use mandatory vaccination to ferret
them out. We're a conquered nation. You said this before. We are a conquered nation. And the Biden
administration knows and the military is supposed to remain neutral. Like he said, you know, he's like, I've served under four presidents.
Doesn't matter to me. I just love serving my country. But they know that constitutional,
patriotic, America loving soldiers aren't going to come in and take our guns. The new woke Biden
army that they are creating will come for us. And they know that. That's why they're
purging out the good people, the people that love their country, that want to fight for their
country. And we're a conquered nation. You know, they're no longer serving America. They're serving
the American globalist regime. I agree that they're serving a corrupt regime. regime, Lauren, they will replace the patriots with illegal immigrants.
They're already doing it.
You can get citizenship in the United States by serving in the U.S. military.
That's been going on for a number of years.
And so they will go to the illegal immigrants and say, here is a fast track to a passport.
You join the Army, join the Marines, join the Navy,
you serve so many years, at the end of your service,
you get a passport.
They're going to recruit hundreds of thousands of illegals from other countries and put American military uniforms on them and give them guns and then tell these young illegal immigrants, these people that we removed, they are threats to the country.
They'll fill them up with hate-fueled america hating
fueled propaganda and they'll unleash them on us and will they have any any qualms about shooting
americans not at all and it's a strategy that rome employed whenever they were trying to
dominate certain even in fact they even used it in the city of rome uh when the when it
uh when rome shifted from a republic to an empire,
the Caesars, recognizing that the guards
that lived in the city were going to be loyal
to the citizens of the city.
So what does he do?
He imports a foreign army,
puts Roman uniforms on them,
and makes them the enforcers of the law
and ships out the loyal ones to other areas.
He reimagined the Army.
That's right. And so here's my question for you. So you have this young man. Obviously,
he's a loyal American, someone who wants to do the right thing. What does he do, Rick?
Does he remain in the military? Does he stay there?
He has to be vaccinated if that's the case.
So he has to make a decision.
Is he going to serve?
You're really serving a new country.
You're not serving America anymore.
Your oath to the Constitution is not void.
Remember, General Milley said the military oath is not to a country.
It is to an idea.
Yes, he said that.
And we all said, what are you talking about, sir?
The idea.
The idea of the Constitution.
The idea of the revolution.
General Milley is a Marxist.
He is a revolutionary.
And he is telling soldiers the military oath
is not to the Constitution. It is to an idea. What idea? Whatever idea I tell you it is.
Yes. See, they very stealthily changed the thinking in the military.
And this is the way they incrementally moved people into their camp.
And did any soldiers object?
Hey, General, no, I'm sorry.
The oath says to the Constitution.
No, they just sit there, okay? Well, at some point, if you're in the military, you've got to stop just sitting there.
And nobody wants to be the one that steps out of line and takes the first hit.
But it's required.
Somebody has to do it.
It's what really serving a country looks like.
It's far more noble than the wars have been.
If you want to talk about if you really want to serve your country, it wasn't to rob Syria
and destroy Iraq.
No, the country itself right now is being dismantled.
As you noted, a new revolution is forming a constitution, a government.
They're forming a new legitimacy.
And the purge is happening now in our own military. Yes. Patriots, the 22 years I've been here doing this work, American patriots always told me, Rick, you can count on the military.
No, you can't. Not now.
The enemy listened to that.
You could have, but the communists now have the military.
I don't know how to get this across to the American people.
The communists now control the American military.
They've gotten inside the military at the highest levels.
And they have no problem, like, letting us know, too.
I mean, if you look at their social media pages, it's
woke, woke, woke information, like putting out a pride, you know, everything. Did you
see the commercials? Gay parents for the US Army? Gay parents, you know, everything. It's
like, it's embarrassing. They have no problem letting us know, hey, you don't have the military
anymore. We're in charge now. We are a conquered nation and they have the military too. So they're pushing the patriots to radical actions,
and that's really what they want.
They want that.
But then they have the justification to start killing.
That's what they want.
That's the ultimate purge.
That's the ultimate purge.
It's one thing to push them out of the military,
but that's not the final answer for them.
For them, they want to identify you, and they want you to rise up so they can respond.
I am of the opinion, and I don't care if Joe Biden has his F-16s and nukes,
if they ever uncork the fury of the American patriots,
they will not be able
to put that fury back in a model.
It will overtake them.
It will overwhelm them.
Look, they're small in numbers.
They're very small in numbers.
What they're good at
is doing what you just said.
Look, we're in charge.
Look, we've taken your military.
Look, we've gotten your
children we're turning your children into little gay homosexuals we're doing
this to you we we're in your schools we're and we have the nukes and we have
yes they but numerically they're small yes we're the ones numerically that are
huge and yet we're being intimidated by a wizard of Oz.
They used January 6th as an example of that, too.
They're like, look what we're doing to these people just for trespassing.
They organized it.
We're putting them in solitary confinement and giving them 20 years in prison just for having the audacity to trespass across the threshold.
That was a warning.
That's what they're doing.
They're warning us.
They organized the January 6th event to do this very thing.
It was all planned.
They're very evil, wicked people.
And the solution to it is for, and I've said this for 22 years to the patriots.
If you don't bring Jesus into your movement, you're doomed to failure.
Because my biggest criticism of the patriots in this country, and look, I've watched it from 1998.
I've seen the militia groups. I've seen the Tea Party groups. I've seen all this.
All right. Seen the rise of Alex Jones and all this stuff. Okay. They leave out Jesus Christ.
If they bring his name up, it's just a little shout out. Hey, my buddy Jesus. Okay. No, Jesus wants you to bow down. He wants you to
surrender to him. He is your king. And until the patriots return to the spirituality that we had
in this country in 1776, they're doomed to be defeated and imprisoned and captured,
whether that is a physical incarceration
or a technological incarceration,
because right now we're being incarcerated by technology.
They're turning the whole country
into a concentration camp.
And so the patriots have to decide, are they going to call upon the name of Jesus? Are they going to repent of their own personal sins, get their own lives
cleaned up, and call upon the name of the Lord to restore this nation. If they don't do it, this is futile.
It's absolutely futile.
And I love your tender heart, Lauren,
and your positive thinking and your hope.
You're a new Christian,
and I hope you keep it.
Because of my age and how long I've been in this battle,
I'm becoming increasingly
worried that the American Christians are not going to rise to the occasion.
Now, that's not to say it won't happen.
But it is not up to God to do it.
It is up to the church to do it.
God would have responded 50 years ago.
He would have responded in 1962
when the Supreme Court took prayer and Bible reading
out of the schools, but the churches did nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
He would have responded in 1973
when abortion was legalized in this country.
And the church still had clout at that time in this country. Yeah.
All right. So the Lord will respond. But if we sit back and just say, well, we're waiting on the
Lord, we're waiting on the Lord. Well, he's waiting on the church. He's waiting on people
who call themselves his people. He's waiting on them. And if they never change their ways, they're going into
captivity. The Hebrews were in captivity for 400 years. What's the date of 400 years from
now? Think about it. 24-21.
What does North America look like 400 years from now?
Think how different North America is now from 400 years ago.
How different will it be 400 years from now?
So think about your children and your grandchildren, your great-grandchildren, your great-great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren,
and they're living in slavery in this land, and they don't even know
that their distant grandmother or distant grandfather was a worshiper of Jesus Christ.
They don't even have the knowledge. That's what happens when a people goes into captivity. But the Lord released them.
And the Israelites went into captivity multiple times
because they'd go back to sin.
Sometimes it was 70 years,
sometimes it was 400 years.
They just,
the human nature to go back to sin.
So this is where we're at.
I mean, even in 70 years,
the Russian people were in captivity for 70 years.
Think about the millions of lives lost in Soviet Russia.
You know, just that alone,
the cost of terms of life,
more people were lost in that 70 years than during World War II.
Then think of all the decades of productivity that Russia lost during that time as well,
all the blessings that they missed, everything that happened on them
because they were an atheist nation, basically.
They missed out on everything that God had stored up for them
for God has things reserved for nations that serve him.
And you can argue from here till Sunday that America is a Christian nation.
We are not a Christian nation.
We're a secular nation wearing a Christian hat.
That's all we are.
That's all we are. That's right. If you were, say, 10 years old in Russia
when the Bolshevik Jews took over Russia
and overthrew it with the support and money
of the Wall Street bankers.
And Operation Trust.
They had a fake opposition.
But if you were 10 years old in 1917,
most likely you died in captivity.
Most likely.
You never saw freedom.
You may have been tried to tell your children and grandchildren what life was like before the Bolsheviks took over.
But you lived and died as a slave.
Or you never got out of it.
I doubt if you could even talk about it.
Because someone was listening.
Because they turned your children and grandchildren against you.
Into informants.
Made them snitches.
They monitored the things you said.
And they're doing the same thing now.
They're trying to get family members.
I think we're in the midst of a Bolshevik revolution currently here in America because the same tactics, you know, the degeneracy, the breakdown of
the family, the going after the children, spying on your grandparents for being radicals
who supported, had the audacity to support President Trump. You know, these are all the
same tactics and it's just a different era.
That's right. You know, Stalin killed millions of Russians. And I've had
people say to me, Rick, how could Stalin kill millions of his own countrymen? Well, the answer
is easy. Stalin wasn't Russian. That's true. Yeah. He wasn't Russian. They weren't his countrymen.
And that goes back to what we were saying a few minutes ago
about bringing in illegal immigrants
and offering them passports in return for service in the military.
They're mercenaries.
It's Haiti to a much bigger degree.
That's where we're headed.
So you're going to have a police force populated with Antifa, Black Lives Matter Marxists.
Community enforcers.
Yeah, wearing guns and badges and pepper spray and, you know, handcuffs.
That's the future.
That's where we're headed right now.
That is where we're headed right now. That is where we're
headed. Unless the population of this country that has a functioning brain and
a moral conscience rises up and says, no, we're not going to let this go another step.
I don't see how you can reverse it and keep the country together. I honestly think we have to go to a peaceful divorce and just break up the country.
A spiritual secession.
And so the enemies of the nation win in the sense that they broke up the United States of America. A breakup of the union would be far better than a bloody civil war.
I mean, just break it up and let me live in peace. And the leftists, you go someplace and
live in peace and stay out of my business. Just stay out of my business. Get out of my life.
Stay away from our kids.
All right, stay away from my kids.
Yes, just stay away from us.
Why can't they do it?
Because that's not what the leftists do.
You got to push them.
You got to push them and knock them on their rear end.
They don't know anything else.
They don't know.
They won't back down.
They won't back up.
The only thing they understand is force.
And so we're coming to the place where we either have to say,
either we're going to get this communist revolution under control,
or we're going to split the union and let everybody go to their respective corners of the continent,
or we're going into a civil war. That's where we're at right now. Well, the other alternative
We're invaded. Conquered.
Well, the constitutionalists in this country just surrender and let a minority take them. How many people were in the revolution
that overthrew Russia? What, 5%? About 5%. 5% of the people? Same with our American Revolution.
5% of the people. Yeah, same way in China. I mean, the Chinese communists, there may be a couple
million hardcore communists in China,
and they have 1.4 billion people under control.
How? They took control of their minds.
They capture their minds.
I mean, Stalin's communists learned, hey, man, this shooting and torturing and jail, this is hard work.
The communists have refined their methods over the years. shooting and torturing and jail. This is hard work.
The communists have refined their methods over the years.
They've said, hey, let's not use the guns if we don't have to.
Let's capture their minds.
Fused with technology.
Let's tear down their society.
Let's cause confusion and bewilderment and moral decay and let their system collapse and they just come into our system.
That's where we're at right now. We've been under this attack for 50, 60 years.
They're not using bloodshed anymore if they don't have to. The bloodshed now will come when American constitutionalists say,
I want out.
I'm not going to live like this.
I want out of this thing.
That's when they'll use the bloodshed.
That's when they'll become violent.
But right now, we still have a tiny window,
a tiny, small opening in the window.
My job is the same as it's been for 22 years,
to tell the American people to repent and call upon the name of the Lord.
And I haven't changed my message.
It's a real simple message. And I haven't changed my message. It's a real simple message.
And I haven't pursued other agendas.
I have, you can't go back in my 22 year ministry
and look and say, well, he had this message back then
and this message then.
It's been constant.
It's always been the same.
America, you are doomed to calamity
if you do not turn to the Lord.
It's not the Lord who's going to bring the calamity.
You're going to bring it on yourself.
That's right.
And we're doing self-inflicted torture
on our culture, on our nation,
because the stubbornness of the American people spiritually is that we're
not going to repent. That's right. We like our sin too much. We like our pornography. We like
our adultery. We like our fornication. We like our greed. We like our lying. We like it, and we're
not going to give it up. And Satan says, okay, I've got captivity for you.
You can go ahead and watch pornography, but you can't speak your mind anymore.
You can't vote in a free election anymore.
You can't go where you want.
But you can watch your pornography.
I'll give you the desire of your heart.
I'll give you your bondage.
That's literally what it is.
You can go use those drugs.
It makes you feel really good.
Satan has pulled off a mastermind strategy.
A spiritual coup.
Yes, a spiritual coup.
That's exactly it.
He convinced the American people to give up their freedom and liberty in return for legalized sin.
You want to get a woman pregnant and not have the baby and care for the baby?
Well, we'll make it legal for you to murder the baby.
You want to have nonstop lust?
We'll make pornography so pervasive and so easy and perverted.
And you want to marry somebody of the same sex.
We'll make that legal.
They're legalizing the sin.
Just shut up and don't make waves.
Shut up.
Just shut up and don't talk about Jesus.
Don't say that name.
What name?
Just keep saying his name. Jesus. Jesus. It's the name that they hate. They're holding their ears right now. Make him stop it. Don't say that name. What name?
Jesus. He's the Lord. He's the king. They've almost drowned out in this country, all vocal mention of his name.
Even on Christian.
On Christian television, radio, in churches.
They talk about everything but Jesus.
The only one I want to talk about is Jesus.
The thing that boggles my mind, Rick, is even with all this darkness and the advances that the devil is making,
there are still hundreds of kids giving their life to the Lord.
We've got an interesting story to share in just a moment, but first I wanted to share Kerry Kinsey's second headlines for the day.
Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey.
The UK Daily Mail says several suspects arrested on suspicion of taking part in that assassination of Haiti's president last week were previously U.S. informants.
One of them, a Haitian-American man, had been an informant to the DEA, according to an official with the agency. The Miami Herald says he is 55
year old Joseph Gertland Vincent. CNN reported the other informants worked for the FBI. Fox News
reporting that Texas Governor Greg Abbott says Dems who fled the state over an elections bill
will be arrested upon their return. He criticized the Democrats who flew to Washington, D.C. on Monday
in an effort to deprive the legislature of a quorum,
thus the ability to vote on the GOP's sweeping elections overhaul bill.
The State House of Representatives, who are here in the Capitol in Austin right now,
they do have the ability to issue a call to have their fellow members
who are not showing up to be arrested,
but only so long as that arrest is made
in the state of Texas.
That's why they have fled the state.
Once they step back into the state of Texas,
they will be arrested and brought to the Texas Capitol,
and we will be conducting business.
The governor says,
isn't that the most un-Texan thing you've ever heard?
Texans running from a fight of the Dems?
He says they're quitters. reporting that the State Board of Education approved rules to limit classroom discussion on race and gender. K-12 educators there could have their teaching licenses suspended,
and schools could have their accreditation docked for teaching banned concepts about race and
racism. For information on this story and more, please visit our companion website. It's a good
one. It's called CNBC says cryptocurrencies are in summer slump right now
as they navigate a two-month correction period
after a string of negative stories,
trading volumes at the largest exchanges,
including Coinbase, Kraken, Binance, and Bitstamp,
fell more than 40% in June.
Last month, the price of Bitcoin hit a monthly low of $28,908. The report
says China's efforts to crack down on the industry have had a great impact on the cryptos.
Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his family are finally out of their Jerusalem
home after 12 years there. He was ousted from power nearly a
month ago, although this is in line with an agreement he reached with a new prime minister.
There's no law that says how quickly a former prime minister must leave the residence. Now,
in the past, it's been done within a few days, but the Netanyahu family has twice taken weeks to do so. That's a look at True
News headlines. Let's toss it back to Edward now. Thanks for watching.
Thank you, Kerry. And the legislator in Texas has approved that arrest warrant of the Democrats.
And that last story, Rick, it's actually the second time
the Netanyahu's have delayed leaving the official residence.
They were still staying after the failed election.
But what if Donald Trump had stayed in the White House
two or three months after the election?
Well, they'd say that he, well, they might have tried to arrest him, actually.
It didn't show Biden threatened that.
They said they'd pull him out with the military.
They said the military would go in and drag him out.
They were asking the question, well, what if he doesn't leave?
Remember that? Netanyahu just moved out today. Wow. What a
piece of work. Well, we were talking before
the second headline segment about this push
to destroy the nation. It's Marxist. It's demonic.
It's an enemy kingdom that's being formed.
But as we've identified, looking at the world,
we know that people are being saved every day.
And specifically, in Kentucky, over 200 kids
gave their life to the Lord last week.
Lauren, do you have a little more information about this story?
Well, you know, Pastor Weil said something really interesting
this morning. He said both kingdoms are growing. You know the kingdom of darkness
is growing here on this earth. We see it every day, but our kingdom is growing as
well. 200 kids were saved over the weekend, gave their life to Jesus Christ.
They will spend eternity with Jesus and you know this is just amazing. Look at
them, like that is the future generation right there. That is our future army. That is our future warriors for Christ.
And praise Jesus.
200 kids.
Praise God.
I'm glad to hear that.
That's encouraging.
You know, Lauren, the churches should be devoting 80% of their time and energy and resources
in ministering to children.
Instead, they spend it on adults.
You got people who've been going to Sunday school
for 50 years.
When are you going to graduate?
When are you going to host a home church?
I mean, honestly, when are you going to graduate? What are right i mean honestly when are you going to graduate
what are you doing going to send school 50 years jesus said go out into all the world yeah that's
what it's all about there's children you know people driving past unsaved populations
on their way to church and sunday school going there 40, 50 years and never thinking,
maybe I should stop doing this
and spend some time over here with these children
that don't know about Jesus.
Okay, that's going to church.
That's where you go to church.
But our religious system in America
is designed to spend time, resources, and energy on entertaining adults instead of evangelizing children.
But the children, I mean, the Lord would move in a marvelous way if we would just make it our focus.
Most people, I would say 80% of salvations are probably before the age of 25.
It's the 80-20 rule.
80% saved before 25th birthday, 20% after.
I'm not saying that senior citizens don't get saved in their 70s, 80s, and 90s.
I'm not saying that, but rarely.
You seldom hear about an 80-year-old person getting saved.
Because they're set in their ways.
They're set in their ways.
They've heard to God.
They're not changing, okay?
It's the children.
Where are the Marxists focusing?
The children.
Where are the homosexuals focusing?
They're telling us.
They're going after the children.
Yes, we're coming for your children.
But the churches, you know, by and large,
the church, you know, isn't focused.
Now, that summer camp, praise God. Yeah.
Seven Hills Church in Florence, Kentucky and Cincinnati, Ohio.
Hey, I, I, uh, bless them. And I'm so glad.
You have a summer fest at your house, don't you?
Yeah, I've got, uh, we've got 10 grandchildren.
We have a little United Nations. Everybody gets together.
But last night after we left here, after Susan and I left here, Susan had to go to a store. And so I was sitting in the parking lot in my vehicle.
And a church bus pulled up.
And it was filled with young teenagers.
And they got out of the bus to go into some place. But then I saw the name and the address and it was a church bus from a church in North
Carolina. And so I was just praying the Lord's blessing and protection on those children, teenagers, you know.
Because I thought, OK, here's a church.
They're on a trip to Florida.
It's just good to see that there are still churches taking time to minister to their children and their teenagers.
Because we could turn this country around.
How did the communists do this?
They got to the kids.
They took control of public education.
Became the professors.
They took control of entertainment and the culture.
And they warped and defiled the minds of children.
Now we have, so we're not shocked when a little boy on a scooter riding down the sidewalk with his mom is outraged
because a neighbor has an American flag in the yard,
and he stops and pulls the flag up and curses it and throws it across the yard,
and mom just sits there. She's's also happy in her little communist son. How did that, how did we arrive at this sad,
sick position? Because we allowed the communists to take the minds of the children.
That's how. The only way you're going to take back this country
is to win the hearts, the souls of the children.
And it's all about Jesus.
You're not teaching about Jesus, they're learning about the devil.
That's right.
Yep, the devil's coming for the children.
We need to go after them too, you know.
We need more ministry focusing on children.
It requires moms and dads and grandmas and grandpas
to be living for Jesus too, And that's where you come in.
We know we have kids watching on a daily basis.
We've got a lot of homeschool families
that tune in for real news right here.
But the majority of our audience,
I would say the overwhelming majority of our audience
is probably over 18, okay?
So what that requires for our children to live godly
is for us to live godly first.
And so that way we can train a child up in the way that he should go.
And then when he is old, he will not depart from it.
That's God's word right there.
And I got to say this, look, folks, and I'm not saying everybody in our audience, but it's something I've seen over the years. When I start talking about this ministry reaching
out and doing evangelistic work, Bible teaching, I get pushback from a segment of this audience
because they're not interested. They're just not interested.
They want to hear about the Marxist revolutionaries and all the things that are happening in the world.
They don't know how that happened, though.
They want the doom porn.
And their view is, we're giving you money for you to feed us that doom porn.
And that's what we want.
And we're not interested in you going out preaching to kids or young men or anybody.
Certainly don't go to another country.
And I do.
I get this, but not the whole audience.
But there is a portion of this audience that pushes back when I talk about evangelism.
And that reveals their heart that they have no heart for lost souls.
That's right. They're like a heart.
They have no heart for lost souls.
I think about it all the time.
What can I do to reach more souls?
That's why we're expanding this year with a new ministry that's going to come out of flowing streams
that is targeting young men between 25 and 45.
Because the Lord showed us of the people who have gotten saved
through this ministry, that's the age group.
I have very, very few testimonies over 22 years
of somebody in their 60s, 70s, or 80s getting saved through true news.
But I have a lot of 20, 30-year-olds saying.
Young men.
Young men saying, I got saved watching you discuss the news.
And how could this be? Because what they saw was honesty, transparency, courage, and that they were attracted to those characteristics.
And then they heard the gospel mentioned throughout the program day after day, and they came to Christ.
So, look, Milo Yiannopoulos, he said something to me a couple months ago that it just, it was like a hammer to my head.
This first time I'd met him, and we were at my son Jeremy's house. And so he and I were
sitting outside on Jeremy's patio talking. Nobody else was around. And we were talking about the
future of this ministry and true news and everything. And Milo looked at me, Lauren,
and got up close and looked me in the eyes and he
said I already know what you believe about the news and world affairs there's
nothing you can say I already know what you think how you think I need you to
teach me what's right and wrong.
And that was like a sledgehammer in my forehead.
Here's a young man who just came out of a life of decadence and debauchery and homosexuality who has courageously said, I am now a Christian and I'm no longer a homosexual. I'M NOW A CHRISTIAN, AND I'M NO LONGER A HOMOSEXUAL.
YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING? YOU KNOW, THEY DON'T HAVE THAT MAN FIGURE IN THEIR LIFE TEACHING THEM WHAT'S RIGHT AND WHAT'S WRONG There's nobody to teach people. Like, you know, a lot of them don't have fathers. You know what I'm saying?
You know, they don't have that man figure in their life teaching them what's right and what's wrong and guiding them through life.
You know, and we need more leaders like that who are willing to step up.
By the way, promise keepers.
Have you ever heard of promise keepers?
Are they a band?
Are they a band?
Dang it.
It's so good to be young. So, your mind is just a
sponge waiting to soak up information. So back in the 90s, the Promise Keepers movie was started
by Coach McCartney and it grew and it turned into millions of men who were members of Promise Keepers.
And then it faded away.
Well, all of a sudden, I find this fascinating because I didn't know.
I had no idea Promise Keepers was coming back.
I had no idea. And so I just learned that this coming weekend,
there's a major Promise Keepers event happening in Dallas-Fort Worth.
The 16th and 17th, yes.
They're expecting 90,000 men to show up.
90,000 men?
Now, that's like it was in the 90s.
They have stadiums would fill up.
90,000 men?
Let's go.
That's awesome.
Look, if you're in the DFW area or you can get to DFW, then attend Promise Keepers.
That tells me the Holy Spirit has a plan. he planned because it's not just what he's inspired me to do but he's also inspired some
people to revive promise keepers that tells me the holy spirit is going to make a major
evangel evangelistic push to win the souls of young men. And it's big.
And it's not just one organization.
It's going to be multiple organizations.
But we had no idea about it.
No, no, we were just following the Holy Spirit on this.
Yeah, so I bless them.
I hope they do well.
And I hope their event is a huge success this coming weekend in Dallas-Fort Worth.
There's plenty of lost souls.
That's right.
There's no reason not to cooperate
with other ministries doing the same thing.
There are plenty of lost souls.
All right?
Well, thank you for those words of wisdom, Rick.
Thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News.
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