TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Pentagon Did Nothing as Mystery Drones Swarmed U.S. Military Base for 17 Days
Episode Date: October 14, 2024A fleet of unidentified drones hovered over Langley Air Force base for over 2 weeks, but U.S. Air Force General Mark Kelly did nothing.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 10/14/2024Join the leading comm...unity for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!       It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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So act now and double up on protection today. A fleet of unidentified drones hovered over Langley Air Force Base for over two weeks,
but U.S. Air Force General Mark Kelly did nothing.
I'm Rick Wiles. This is True News from Monday, October 14, 2024.
Let's begin our analysis and commentary of today's World War III news by examining this report published by the Wall Street Journal.
Mystery drones swarmed a U.S. military base for 17 days.
The Pentagon is stumped.
Doc, let's read it first before I say anything.
Because this is so obvious.
Once again, this is very reminiscent of the chinese balloons flying around military bases right and
the pentagon leaders looking up saying i wonder what that's about so this is what the wall street
journal reported u.s air force general mark kelly wasn't sure what to make of reports that a
suspicious fleet of unidentified aircraft had been flying over a langley air force base
on virginia's shoreline kelly a decorated senior commander commander at the base got on a squadron
rooftop to see for himself that's impressive i'm really impressed doc doc. The Air Force General went up on the roof to look at the unidentified
fleet of drones over Langley Air Force Base.
He joined a handful of other officers responsible
for a clutch of the nation's most advanced jet fighters,
including F-22 Raptors. And this wasn't a one-off
event, either. 17 days days that's right for several
nights military personnel had reported a mysterious breach of restricted airspace over a stretch of
land that has one of the largest concentrations of national security facilities in the united states
the show usually starts 45 minutes to an hour after sunset, a senior leader told General Kelly.
The first drone arrived shortly.
Kelly, a career fighter pilot, estimated it was roughly 20 feet long and flying at more than 100 miles an hour at an altitude of roughly 3 000 to 4 000 feet other drones followed one by one sounding
in the distance like a parade of lawn mowers the drones headed south across the chesapeake
bay toward norfolk virginia and over an area that includes the home base for the navy seal team 6
and naval station norfolk the world's largest naval port.
Doesn't this make you feel very safe and secure?
The Air Force General was up on a roof looking at the fleet of drones.
Well, look at that.
Those are drones up there.
Why didn't he just take Gomer Powell with him?
Officials didn't know what to, what if the drone, excuse me, officials didn't know what to what if the drone excuse me officials didn't know if the drone fleet
which numbered as many as a dozen or more over the following nights belonged to clever
hobbyists or hostile forces they didn't know rick they didn't know and they didn't do anything
some suspected that russia or china deployed them to test the response of American force.
Well, if they tested, if Russia or China sent them and tested the Pentagon's responses.
The Pentagon failed.
There's no response.
The general is just up on the rooftop gawking.
This seems so hard to believe.
This is so stupid.
You can't believe that people in the pentagon are
this stupid so you like what is the rash what what is the explanation for how many drones will it take
how many until you do something how many days is it the 18th night the 20th 25th 30 when do you say
you know we ought to shoot them down?
Wouldn't that be what you're, isn't that what you're paid to do?
To shoot them down on the first night?
Isn't that what we pay the Pentagon guys to do?
Shoot them down on the first night.
No questions asked.
What if those drones were carrying nuclear weapons?
What if they were carrying biological warfare
What if they were spreading
bubonic plague over
There would have been
no response, Doc. Right.
Just be up there looking. Are those drones?
Well, one of them is 20 foot
long, Rick. That's not a
hobby drone if it's 20 foot long. Well, let of them is 20 foot long, Rick. That's not a hobby drone if it's 20 foot long.
Well, let's see what our fearless commander in chief did.
Reports of the drones reached President Biden and set off two weeks of White House meetings.
Let's have a meeting about these drones.
For two weeks.
For two weeks.
Night after night, a fleet of drones are coming over virginia
and the white house is having meetings about it
so this actually happened in december we're just hearing about it now
officials from agencies included the defense department the fbi and the Pentagon's UFO office joined outside experts to throw out possible explanations
as well as ideas how to respond.
I'm just sorry. It's just so stupid.
They can't be this dumb, can they?
If they're this dumb, we are in a lot of trouble.
There's only two explanations here.
They are boneheaded
we have been sold out
to our enemies.
And they deliberately allowed them
to fly over the bases. Which one is it?
Which one makes you feel better?
Neither one makes me feel good.
would have been he would have taken his pearl-handled revolver out and fired out of the sky.
Well, Rick, this isn't even the first time something like this has happened.
So two months earlier, back in October of 2023, five drones flew over a government site used for nuclear weapons experiments.
The Energy Department's Nevada National Security Site outside Las Vegas
detected four of the drones over three days.
Employees spotted a fifth.
U.S. officials said they didn't know who operated the drones in Nevada,
a previously unreported incursion, or for what reason.
The purpose of the Department of Defense is to defend us.
Do they have any other mission?
No, that's the primary mission.
At the core, right.
And we spend hundreds of billions of dollars every year giving them all the toys they want.
They're never turned down.
All generals have to say is we want more and bigger toys.
And they get it.
And the american people
take it take it we just want you to defend us
they didn't even get out a slingshot no they're out there on the roof looking at it they didn't
they didn't take out bb guns they they made no effort in two weeks to bring these drones down.
Again, the moment they spotted the first one,
they should have been shot down.
Are you telling me we don't have any
jamming technology
to jam the GPS guidance systems of these drones?
I've got to believe we do.
Why wasn't it used?
Because brains were getting jammed.
That's why, Rick.
I'm not so sure, Doc.
Either our leaders have gone into such deep stupidity
that we're going to be taken over.
We're just going to be taken over, Doc.
Or our leaders are bought off and we're going to be taken over.
Which one is it?
I mean, both scenarios are just frightening, Rick.
I mean, just the idea that drones could get over Langley, could it get over Norfolk?
For two weeks.
And everybody's just, you know, with a thumb up their nose looking at the sky.
I wonder what they're up to.
Not just one, a fleet.
Folks, I don't know what to say
I'm out of words
to describe it
I don't have any adjectives I can use
it's like
our country
is going to be taken over
we're going to be, you and I
we're going to be, you and I, we're going to be left to defending ourselves
because it's not the Pentagon
NATO begins its annual
steadfast news exercise to practice nuclear strikes
now NATO, when it comes to these guys,
they're all, they're
serious, serious business, isn't it?
Bombing Russia.
But the Pentagon isn't going to defend
the homeland.
Langley, Norfolk. Langley.
They're not
doing anything to defend it.
NATO began its annual Steadfast Noon aviation exercises on October 14th to test nuclear weapons capabilities.
NATO Secretary General Mark Ruddy confirmed the maneuvers during his arrival in London for a meeting with British Prime Minister Keir Starmer.
Now, these exercises, which are held each year, involve dozens of aircraft from both nuclear and non-nuclear NATO states simulating tactical nuclear weapon strikes.
However, the drills do not involve flights carrying nuclear weapons themselves.
But they'll do drills to defend Ukraine from missile and drone strikes, right?
The Pentagon is all in on defending Ukraine's borders.
They're all in.
Totally all in.
They're over there practicing it.
They're over there saying,
I wonder what would happen if a drone or a missile
came across the Ukrainian border.
What should we do with it?
Oh, let it fly around for two weeks.
No, they're going to shoot the sucker down, right?
Doc, something very weird about the story yes pentagon north koreans deployed alongside russian troops in ukraine
according to sources this was reported over the weekend by the guardian in london
says north korean military engineers have been deployed to help russia target ukraine with
ballistic missiles and fighters operating in occupied areas of the country have already been
killed senior officials in kiev and seoul said there are dozens of north koreans behind russian
lines in in teams that support launcher systems for kn2323 missiles, a source in Ukraine told The Guardian.
So, Doc, if this is true, North Korean troops are now in Ukraine,
what's the implications of this development?
Well, that there are deeper ties with North Korea and Russia,
that then the reports are true that North Korea is supplying weapons systems, missile systems specifically, to Russia.
And so when the big war finally kicks in, it's not just going to be Russia that we're dealing with.
We're also going to be dealing with North Korea.
And North Korea right now is flexing its muscles, so to speak.
So with the troops, it's a small number of troops from what I can see.
But are we now looking at the possibility that large numbers of North Korean soldiers could be deployed in Ukraine to fight the Ukrainian army?
I mean, are we going to see 50,000, 100,000 North Korean troops on the battlefields of ukraine
i think that's a possibility here rick at this point would kim jong-un do it of course he would
he they're only people i mean they're they're not his people don't matter they're you know
if he's promised something from russia he, he'll order the troops to be sent.
But there's some really bizarre stuff going on in North Korea right now on the North Korean-South Korean border.
Stories are popping up everywhere of very odd behavior. Yan Hap News.
North Korea appears to be preparing for explosions on roads connected to South Korea.
Now, the way the headline reads there, it's kind of awkward.
But what North Korea is actually doing is they're blowing up the roads leading to South Korea.
There are several major arteries that they've had in place ever since the armistice began in anticipation of some
time in the future.
But there's no traffic.
There's no traffic going.
No traffic.
But the roads are there.
So what that says to me is they're expecting some sort of land invasion that's going to
take place at some point in the future.
And they're finally making the decision.
So they're going up the highways that the U.S. and South Korea would use to go into North Korea.
So is that connected to Ukraine?
I think it is because it says to me that North Korea is in the fight.
Whatever the fight is, whether it's Ukraine, World War III, whatever it is, North Korea is in it.
But South Korea is in the fight.
South Korea is sending weapons to Ukraine.
Yes, they are.
So we're told that's good, good, good.
That's really good.
Then North Korea sends weapons and troops to Ukraine.
We said that's really bad.
Bad, bad, bad.
Yes. Are we being told between the lines that the United States and perhaps all of NATO and South Korea are going to attack North Korea for its participation in the Ukraine war?
That'll give them the excuse to do it at least.
This war is getting bigger and bigger every stinking week, Doc.
And yet our Pentagon can't defend us from a fleet of drones.
There's something about that story.
We're not being told everything about that story.
Well, let's go through this story and see what Jan Hap is talking about with the highways that are being blown up.
Well, Yonhap is reporting that North Korea appears to be preparing to carry out explosions on roads connecting to South Korea as early as today.
The South's military said just days after Pyongyang vowed to cut off all inter-Korean roads and railways on Wednesday the North Korean People's Army announced the measure that will completely separate North Korea's
territory from that of South Korea and said it sent a telephone message to the
US military in the south to prevent any misjudgment and accidental conflict over
the fortification project the article goes on to say following an announcement
by the kpa on October 9th the North Korean military has been carrying out activities assumed to be linked to explosions on the roads along the Gyeonggu and Donghae lines, the Joint Chiefs of Staff said.
The JCS spokesperson, Colonel Lee Sung-yong, said at a regular briefing that the military has detected the North installing screens all on the roads to
make preparations for the explosions. It is possible for North Korea's explosions to take
place as early as today, he said. He also said that the JCS has been closely monitoring such
activities that are taking place north of the military demarcation line and seeking safety measures for troops and South Korean people.
So we may hear by today reports that North Korea has started blowing up roads that lead to South Korea.
And then another Yonhap story, North Korea says ordered artillery corps near border to fully prepare to shoot.
Another sign that tension is rapidly increasing at the North Korea-South Korea border.
It says that North Korea said Sunday it has ordered its artillery corps near the border of South Korea to fully prepare to shoot after the North threatened a horrible
disaster over the alleged flight of drones over its capital.
Well, at least North Korea defends its capital for drones.
They know what to do with drones, don't they?
They're actually going to shoot them down, Doc.
And they're going to go after the people who sent them.
We're being told these people are crazy.
No, we're crazy. We let are crazy no we're crazy
we let drones fly over
we have air force generals go up on the roof and look at them
and wonder what to do
the white house has two weeks of meetings
to talk about it
maybe they're aliens
if they're aliens what do we say to them
should we give them a box of chick-fil-a nuggets do they
eat chick-fil-a nuggets they're alien how do we know what were they talking about in the meetings
in a statement carried by the state media kim yo, the powerful sister of North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un, said the North was ready to take a strong corresponding retaliatory action in case drones carrying anti-Pyongyang materials are flown again into the North, warning that the attack time can come at any time. In response, South Korea's defense minister said
any attempt by the North to harm its people
would result in the end of the Kim regime.
Again, at least the North Koreans
are willing to shoot down drones
flying over their capital city.
Another one, North Korea issues directive
to artillery corps near its border to be prepared. city right another one uh north korea issues directive to uh core uh artillery coordinator
to border to be prepared uh this is oh this is a video isn't it yes uh but we've already covered
the material it's all in there okay all right um this next one from yonhap is basically the
the same message uh south korea warns north korea will see the end of the regime if it harms people in South Korea.
So the statement from the South Korean military says,
We clearly warn that if North Korea inflicts harm on the safety of our people, that day will be the end of the North Korean regime.
That's a statement from the defense ministry of South Korea.
Doc, these are strong words the end of the regime
yes for the Koreans these are very strong words
then let's take a look over at
here's South China Morning Post
in Hong Kong
PLA wraps up
day of joint force blockade drills around Taiwan.
Nothing to see here, folks.
Don't worry about World War III.
Don't pay attention to any of this stuff.
Just move on and just talk about the election.
South China Morning Post says the People's Liberation Army announced on Monday evening that it had wrapped up its blockade drills around Taiwan,
saying it had fully tested the integrated joint operation capabilities of its troops.
The joint Sword 2024B exercises started at around dawn and concluded the aircraft carrier Liangyang sailing to the strategic east of the island.
It says that the maneuvers, which included land and sea strikes, were conducted to the north, south, and east of Taiwan and Taiwan Strait with the goal of testing the PLA's
joint operation abilities.
So, Doc, this...
They completely surrounded Taiwan in this drill.
Yes. It says 17 PLA naval vessels, 17 vessels from the China Coast Guard.
PLA warplanes made 125 sorties near the island.
So that's just today.
Yes. so that's just today yes north korea is getting ready to blow up roads they've ordered their troops to be prepared to
shoot they've got ballistic missiles sitting on the border with south korea that's what it's saying
they're preparing for you got british papers reporting that there are now North Korean troops in Ukraine.
But feel absolutely confident because the
U.S. Department of Defense is protecting you.
You just let one more drone come over and watch what they do.
But Mr. Biden and the Department of Defense will defend Israel.
Yes, indeed, they will.
They won't defend Langley, but they will defend Israel.
Washington Post, Biden sends anti-missile system and 100 troops to Israel, deepening the U.S. role.
How do the Christian Zionists in America justify this?
I mean, we don't defend our own borders.
We don't defend our biggest naval base.
But we will do the U.N. cry for defending the border of Israel, right?
We have to send this, according to John Hagee and all the Christian Zionists.
They would say, well, if you defend Israel, God will defend America.
How's that worked out so far?
It hasn't worked out well at all. But our money and our weapons and our ammo and now our troops.
I knew this was going to happen troops
boots on the ground you're going to see american men die in palestine for israel what's it all
about what do we get out of it except coffins a lot of heartache a lot of broken hearts mothers
and fathers brothers and sisters have lost someone that they love.
What do we get out of it?
Flags we put on display in the living room, remembering those that have been fallen.
So, well, the U.S. is sending one of its most advanced missile defense systems, the TAD system, and about 100 U.S. troops to Israel.
As Rick said, deepening that U.S. involvement in the escalating war in the Middle East.
The mission marks the first significant deployment of U.S. troops to Israel since the war in Gaza began
and comes just three weeks before the U.S. presidential election,
in which U.S. involvement in the conflict has been a polarizing issue on the campaign trail.
U.S. officials have been encouraging Israel to avoid targeting Iran's
nuclear oil and gas sites out of fear that it could spark an even larger escalation that upends
the global economy now the deployment of the terminal high altitude area defense missile
system or Tad is the latest indication that the U.S expects the Israeli assault to be so
comprehensive that the Iranians
will have to respond. That's coming from Aaron David Miller, a Middle East expert who has advised
multiple Republican and Democratic administrations. The TAD deployment adds to the more than 50,000
tons of armaments and military equipment the U.S. has sent Israel since the start of the war
last October, according to Israeli Defense Ministry.
Rick, I have another take on this, if you'd like to hear it.
Why are we deploying a TAD missile system to Israel?
It's because their Iron Dome missile system did not work.
Drones from Iran got through.
And so we'll protect Israelrael from drones coming from iran but we
won't protect langley or norfolk from drones coming in yeah why didn't we use that to wipe
out drones over langley right i mean we've got video of the drones coming through. These are legitimate questions that need to be asked.
Why do you have these air defense
systems that we have spent billions of dollars
to build? We don't use them
when there are drones over
Langley, over Norfolk, but we're
giving them away to Israel.
To defend them against
drones. against drones.
Against drones.
Iran said they're willing to hurt, kill American troops if the American troops get in the way between Iran and Israel. We knew this was going to happen.
This is obvious where this is headed.
This is the telegraph. Iran threatens U.S. troops sent to defend Israel.
So, Doc, I'll let you read this.
The Iranian Foreign minister, Abbas Argachi, issued the warning amid reports that the U.S. would send TAD missile battery and operators to Israel to defend against further missile attacks.
In a tweet, he said Joe Biden was putting lives of its troops at risk by deploying them to operate U.S. missile systems in Israel.
He said Iran does not seek war,
but we are prepared for war. He said this at a news conference in Baghdad on Sunday after meeting
with his Iraqi counterpart. In his post on X, he added, the U.S. has been delivering record amount
of arms to Israel and is now also putting the lives of its troops at risk by deploying them
to operate U.S. missile systems in Israel.
And while we have made tremendous efforts in recent days to contain all-out war in our
region, I say it clearly that we have no red lines in defending our people and our interests.
And that's coming from the Iranian foreign minister, making it very clear U.S. troops
are now a target in Israel.
And so once again, I ask the question, what do we Americans gain from American troops dying in Israel for Israel?
Tell me what we gain out of it.
Hey, I want to take a break here in our World War III news. I want to mention the British Brookfield Water Filtration Collection.
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We're going to know in a few weeks
which direction the election is going.
I'm of the opinion
it really doesn't matter because i believe that there are some
forces very powerful forces in motion that are going to upset whichever administrations in the
white house yes i'm not speaking for or against mr trump Trump or Mrs. Harris.
I'm just saying there are forces in motion
that are going to overtake
whichever person's in the White House.
I mean, we talked about some of those forces
that are taking place in the world around us.
Number one is World War III.
This thing's not going to be stopped.
That train has left the station
it's picking up speed
it doesn't matter who's in the White House
I know
I know a lot of our listeners believe that if Mr. Trump
wins he'll stop the war
I'm sorry I'm going to disagree
I'm with you
here's why
it's not that I believe
he wants the war to go on
I believe
the forces of war
the hounds of hell have already
been turned loose
the hounds of hell
have already been turned loose
there will be people
in Europe and NATO who will force
Mr. Trump's hand
yes I believe that
and when it comes to Israel and Iran Europe, and NATO who will force Mr. Trump's hand. Yes, I believe that.
And when it comes to Israel and Iran.
We're all in.
Mr. Trump will be far worse than Mr. Biden or Mrs. Harris.
And he's been very clear about that.
He's against war.
Except if it's Israel's war. Right.
So when it comes to war involving Israel, Mr. Trump is in.
That means he would
bomb Iran.
In fact, his only criticism
of the war is they're not moving
fast enough. They're not killing the people fast enough.
He doesn't like the public relations
So his viewpoint is
just bomb everything, get it over with,
and move on.
And I bet there are people out there watching right now or listening right now and saying, why do you hate Donald Trump?
We're just telling you what he said.
Not hating him at all.
He is absolutely pro-Israel, 102,000 percent pro-Israel.
Here's what I'm saying.
It doesn't matter who wins.
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I want to say this.
I didn't intend to say it.
I just feel impressed in my spirit to say it.
I'm going to share with you what's in my spirit.
I try to be transparent.
Those of you who have been with me for decades, you know, I just say it.
I don't care about the image. I don't care what people think about me. I just say it. I don't care about image.
I don't care what people think about me.
I just say it.
I returned several weeks ago from Myrtle Beach where I went to pray and seek the Lord.
I came home with a notebook full of notes that I wrote down as I believed the Holy Spirit was illuminating my mind again.
I don't hear voices.
I don't see lightning.
None of that. I pray.
I ask God questions, and thoughts come to my mind.
I ask more questions.
More thoughts come to my mind.
Scriptures come to my mind.
I write it all down.
That's one of the ways I seek direction from the Lord.
And I came home with a notebook full of notes about what I believe is coming to this country and what this ministry needs to do. And I am telling you this with all of the sincerity that I have.
I have been warning about war for 26 years.
A lot of people just tune it out.
Oh, Rick's on his war kick again today.
Jeremiah had to talk
about it.
He said, my soul, my soul,
I hear the sounds
of horse hooves. He could hear
the clash of the swords.
He couldn't rest because he could hear it
for years, Doc, for years.
He pleaded with God, take this
away from me.
No, God says, keep telling them.
Go back out there again, Jeremiah.
Tell them one more time.
Jeremiah's like, they don't want to hear it.
That's right, go tell them again.
That's what God has been doing with me for 26 years.
Tell the American people one more time.
So, where I'm at now, after a week in Myrtle Beach, is that I am 100% totally convinced that this war that I have been talking about for years is somewhere between six to eight years away.
I believe we have maybe six years to prepare. And I don't think more than eight.
This war could take place. You know, I've been aiming at well, around 2010, the Lord
spoke to me, and he had given me an assignment for this ministry.
And he said, finish it, finish it by 2030.
And, you know, Doc, I've mentioned this in the past.
And when he first said it to me, I was wondering, like, did he just give me a clue of when I'm going to die and leave?
You know, hey, Rick, get your work done by 2030.
I said, if God told you, hey, Doc, get this done, you know, you've got about two decades here.
Get it done.
Wouldn't you think, I'm going to be in my late 70s.
He might be saying, that's it.
Lights out for you, buddy.
And there's no assignment beyond that.
He didn't give me anything else.
He said, finish that assignment by 2030.
So I've been working with this for quite some time. That's the drive in me. Why I work so hard.
Why I stay at it over and over and over. No matter what they throw at me,
I just keep going. Why? He said finish it by 2030. But in
Myrtle Beach, several weeks ago,
what the Holy Spirit showed me was, Rick, the war
is coming shortly after 2030.
He didn't give me a specific date.
I will tell you, I wrote down in my notes, 2032.
I'm not telling you I heard that from the Lord.
I just heard the war is coming.
You have to finish preparations by 2030 you have to get things
done by 2030 and that's just six years away six years now think back where you it was 2010 when
he spoke to me about it right okay i had 20 years we're now down to six years for me i got six years. For me, I got six years. Where I'm at spiritually,
everything else in me, is I'm just
giving you, I'm telling you things
I'm going to tell people in a staff meeting today.
Okay? So
let's pretend nobody else is listening
or watching. Okay?
I am completely
this ministry.
Everything that we do, everything, okay?
I've got six years to get it done.
Doc, six years, okay?
I don't have time for diversions.
I don't have time for side shows, freak shows shows anything else that's
popped up over the past 15 years
I got one thing to do I have
six years to finish it
a war beyond your
imagination is coming in the early
2030s beyond your
more than you can
more than you can think.
More than you, in your worst case scenario,
a war is coming to America.
Look, this war,
it could be one of three things.
It could be an attack by China,
an attack by China and Russia, multiple nations. It could be an attack by china an attack by china and russia multiple nations it could be a civil war
it could be both right it could be a civil war that is then followed up by a foreign attack
because they see us in civil war all i'm saying is
something is coming to this country in the early 2030s that i don't want to see
i don't want to see it because god has shown it to me for 26 years i don't want to see it
and that's not even counting the conflict that we could see leading up to it oh yeah
that's just the warm-up yeah we're not waiting for a bell to go off in 2030 no no no things are
going to get very
tense there are going to be times that you're going to think well this is it it might be 2026
2027 2028 you think this is it this is it this is this is the war no it's just getting ready for the
war when i say things could happen yeah we actually could see a city nuked. Yes.
But it won't be the start of the big war.
The big war is coming sometime in the early 2030s.
You have two choices, the way I see it.
You can either make plans to leave this country, get yourself and your family into another country for safety.
Obviously, it's not Europe.
It certainly isn't Russia or China.
That's your one option.
Your second option is to stay and fall upon the mercy of the Lord that you get through it.
And spend the next six years preparing for the worst case scenario beyond anything you can imagine.
Beyond anything you can imagine. Doc, over the weekend I was listening to Radio Makar.
And it was a replay of a nationally nationally syndicated uh talk show very well known
somebody i really like that narrows it down that narrows it down doesn't it it's a very small group
and uh it wasn't the the main host of the show it was his uh he had some um you know some co-hosts with him
uh who were doing the talking okay they were taking phone calls from listeners and somebody
asked and said should i uh should i spend some money on preparedness food i want to do that but
my wife doesn't want me to do that because we it's not in our budget and and the advice that
they gave them was look if you want to buy a bucket of food
and put it in your closet,
and that makes you feel better,
go ahead and do it.
But don't invest money
in stockpiling food.
Don't do that.
If you need a bucket or two
to get through a couple of days,
and that makes you feel better for your family,
Doc, this is the advice that these guys were giving this man.
I wanted to say to the man that could reach him, sir, what's coming is beyond your imagination.
It's not going to just be an
inconvenience where the power is out for a couple
hours. No.
No. Even the people who
are aware of what is
coming think,
we're America. We're going to win
the war. And
things are going to be fantastic after the war.
It's going to be a little inconvenient during the war, but we're
going to win the war.
No, you're not.
Let me tell you what's going to happen.
Planned Parenthood is going to burn to the ground.
The LGBTQ movement is going to burn to the ground.
The porn industry is going to burn to the ground. The porn industry is going to burn to the ground.
Off it, Doc.
Where I came over the weekend spiritually
was where I stopped fighting all this stuff.
I've been in the culture war since...
I can go all the way back to Jerry Falwell, the Moral Majority,
Pat Robertson, Christian Coalition. I've been in the...
Dr. James Dobson, I've been in the culture war since I got
saved. And what I was hearing in my spirit
over the weekend is, let it go, Rick. Let it go.
Let it go. It's over over the war has been lost it's going
to burn in the 2030s it's going to burn in the 2030s the abortion clinics are going to burn down
the porn industry is going to burn down the gay bars are going to burn down
gone it will be eradicated you don't have to fight this anymore god is going to do it himself
we can't do it you know they had a big prayer thing on the the washington mall over the weekend you know i
think this was uh it's supposed to be a million women you know gathering all right it was a prayer
meeting about the election it wasn't about repentance it was about the election yes and
they gathered on the washington mall and what was behind them a big stone masonic penis
yes okay you want to deal with the problem what's coming
the masonic influence on this country will be burned out the masonic influence will be burned
out every building that's got a mic engraving on it is going to burn.
You can't comprehend the fire that's coming.
You absolutely cannot comprehend it.
So, you got two choices.
You got six years.
Get out of the country, get away from the target zone or hunker down and find the safest place inside the the target zone to ride it out that's it
and pray to god that his will is done in your life.
That's where you're at.
I can't sugarcoat it.
I can't tell you, oh, we're going to win this election and things are going to get better.
We're going to make America great again.
With a first lady that's raising tens of millions of dollars for the homosexual movement. For a first lady that says she is all for abortion? Really?
For a president
candidate, Mr. Trump, who goes
to the gravesite of a dead rabbi
and prays and asks the corpse to bless
his election?
And then the other one, she's worse.
Her name
is devil. Kamala means devil.
the Hindi language. That means devil. In the Hindi
language, that means devil.
So we're going to elect a devil?
And things are going to get better.
No, they're not.
I'm telling you, I'm going to radically
change this ministry in the coming months.
I would say
over the next 60 days,
to go into
2025, completely new, different ministry. I would say over the next 60 days to go into 2025
completely new
different ministry
I have one thing on mind
for me to finish
my work in six years
to get as many people
who watch me
to get as many unsaved people
saved, get them baptized
I'm not going to talk to I'm not going to speak to the to get as many unsaved people saved, get them baptized.
I'm not going to talk to, I'm not going to speak to the walking dead anymore.
There's no point in it, Doc. I'm not talking to the walking dead anymore.
Either you know what I'm saying
is true or you don't. If you believe
what I'm saying is true, I'll't. If you believe what I'm saying is true,
I'll do everything I can to help you get
prepared to at least spiritually guide you.
I can't physically do anything to help you,
but I can spiritually guide you to get you prepared.
I'm going to do everything I can.
I've got six years to finish this work.
I got six years.
That's why I come here and I'll tell you what's coming.
And what is coming is a complete burnout of this country.
A fire is going to go across this country from the East Coast to the west coast and it's going to singe this country
i'm going to show you why okay let me find my notes here where are we at um
can we go to number 11 Where are we at? Okay.
Can we go to number 11?
This is number 11.
Israel considering surrender or starve plan in Gaza.
What happened to the arrest warrants for Netanyahu?
He's back.
He knows he's not going to be.
He doesn't care. You bet. He doesn't care you bet he doesn't care
we're dealing with an adolf hitler type of guy
the israelis are going to starve the people in gaza they tried it before and the world
outcry stopped them well they're back they're going to do it again and they'll get away with
it they're getting away with it they've been getting
away with it so israel is considering a controversial plan to seal off humanitarian aid
to northern gaza and starve out of course the terrorists how about that little kid right there
how about those children you're gonna starve them out too well they're terrorists right yeah
because the the jews and israel are blatant racists and they do not believe those
children are fully human they the jews believe they are the quote the chosen people and they
are unchosen they have no right to live right okay the plan would give an estimated 400 000
civilians one week to leave the northern third of g Strip before Israel would cut off aid and treat anyone left behind as an enemy combatant.
That means the children.
Do you understand what that means?
If there are children left behind, they're going to shoot them.
The troops will be told, shoot them.
They're enemy combatants.
They didn't leave.
Meaning Israeli troops would be allowed to kill them or deny them food, water, fuel, and medicine. I'm going to say something.
Zionism is the Antichrist beast system.
And I believe the Antichrist will be Jewish.
That's what we're facing.
A Jewish Antichrist. They're showing you what we're facing. A Jewish antichrist.
They're showing you what hell looks like.
They're showing you the face of hell on earth.
This is going to become the recurring theme
over the years,
till the Lord returns.
It will be the Zionist slaughtering people.
Slaughtering people all over the world.
Led by a Jewish antichrist.
And yet, the American evangelicals are going to stand with Israel.
That's right.
They're going to stand in hell with them.
Parts of the plan are already being implemented, according to one official who did not provide details.
A second official said Netanyahu had read and studied the proposal, but did not say whether any of it had been approved.
The so-called General's plan was floated by retired Israeli National Security Advisor Yorah Elan in September,
but has come under increasing prominence since israel began an offensive
in northern gaza last week the israeli military has flatly denied receiving such a plan
reports of which have appeared widely in the hebrew media the plan is circulating around but
the military said it's not true now you want to see what it looks like? Times of Israel, IDF says it hit a terror center in a Gaza hospital.
But it's probing the alleged shelling of a shelter for children and just homeless people in Gaza,
made homeless by these Jews blowing up their homes.
And the headline there doesn't really tell the whole story.
It says shelter.
It sounds like it hit another building.
No, it hit a bunch of tents.
They used bombs that cost millions of dollars, dropped by planes that probably cost $150 million to blow up tents and burn people.
I saw this last night.
I was so horrified.
I was left speechless in my house last night looking at it about an hour after the first
video started appearing.
Folks, this is going to be horrifying for you to see.
This is explicit.
These are people, including children, burning alive, burning alive.
The Jews burned them alive. Who did it. Burning alive. The Jews burned them alive.
Who did it?
The Jews.
The Jews burned them alive.
I got three videos.
There you see.
So this is the, quote, shelter, which is basically a bunch of tents near the Alaska hospital that were also attacked as well.
Look, you can see the people in the fire.
I know one or two children I could see. I saw an adult in the flames, lifting their arms on fire, caused by the Jews.
The Jews in Israel are the Antichrist system. Folks, you're looking at the Antichrist system.
Folks, you're looking at the Antichrist system.
Only the Antichrist would burn humans alive.
See the body there?
See the man right there?
Only the Antichrist would burn humans alive.
Let's watch the next one.
That's the shelter being hit
at a hospital.
You stand with Israel?
If you do,
I don't want to see you.
I don't want anything to do with you.
Then I'll show you another one.
I want you to see this Lebanese pastor,
his wife and his children.
See them?
See that nice family?
Pastor of a Lebanese church.
There's his wife and his daughters.
See that church?
Israel bombed it.
See a terrorist?
It's his wife and daughters.
Are they terrorists?
But Israel killed them.
Christian. John Hagee. Jack Hibb. is his wife and daughters are they terrorists but israel killed them christian john hagie jack hib oh you've disgusting christians you're disgusting to me you christian zionists are disgusting
reprehensible that man and his wife and daughters are my brothers and sisters. And you helped kill them.
You applauded their deaths. You justify their deaths.
You want to know why there's a fire coming to America in the
2030s? Because we paid for a fire to hit Gaza.
You see what's happening to Gaza? It's
coming here, baby okay mark my words whatever a man
soweth that shall he reap what a country soweth that shall she reap america has sent the money
and the bombs and the ammo and the napalm and everything else has been used to to murder and slaughter children in gaza
it's coming to america in the 2030s
the next six years this is all i'm going to talk. I'm going to tell you over and over and over,
the war is coming in the 2030s.
You've got precious little time to get saved,
get right, get ready.
I'll be back in a little bit.
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Good morning, everybody. Welcome to Morning Manna. We are glad that you
have gathered with us and with saints of God from all over the world. Many nations gathered here
today on this Monday to study the Word of God. And you deserve a special recognition as somebody that would spend one hour
of any day of the week, but many of you are spending one day, five days a week to be educated
in the Word of God. And that is an amazing thing that's happening in this ministry, that people are setting aside one hour to be discipled.
Many churches struggle to get 20 to 30 people to come to a weekly Bible study,
and we have thousands who come five days a week for a one-hour Bible study.
That's just awesome and very, very grateful. So today we're going to be
studying in chapter 24 of the gospel according to St. Matthew, verses 32 through 35. Let's pray
and invite our dear friend, our comforter, our instructor, our leader, our friend, our companion, the Holy Spirit.
Father God, thank you for this beautiful day.
And thank you for bringing us through the storm last week, Father.
That all of us are safe and well.
And we give you glory and honor and thanksgiving father father we have
gathered here today to be discipled to be fed by your holy spirit and so we we formally and
sincerely request the presence of the holy spirit to take charge of this Bible study and to teach all of us, teachers and students, from your holy
Give us wisdom, knowledge, understanding, discernment, and illumination that is found
only in your precious word.
In the name of Jesus, amen.
And once again, what a privilege to gather with people from all over the world to study
the word of God together.
And as Rick mentioned, the fact that you come together here on a regular basis to spend an hour each morning fellowshipping with one another and learning the word.
You you know, it's changing your life, but it's also changing the lives of others around you, too, whether you or not because the word gets down in you it radically transforms it does it transforms your mind but it renews your mind
renews your spirit today we uh continue our study in this uh important chapter of matthew 24 and i
hope you've been learning a lot from matthew 24 and i hope you've been learning a lot from Matthew 24. And I hope you've been reviewing the material as we go along,
because there's a lot of things we have to unlearn in Matthew 24.
Today is going to be a perfect example of that.
We are looking at the parable of the fig tree.
This is verses 32 through 35 in Matthew chapter 24.
And it reads, verse 32,
Now learn a parable of the fig tree.
When his branch is yet tender and put forth leaves, you know that summer is nigh. So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled.
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
God bless the reading of his word today.
So Christian Zionists refer to these verses as the fig tree prophecy.
It's not a prophecy. It's a parable.
They teach that it was fulfilled in 1948 when European and American governments,
plus the newly formed United Nations recognize the existence of a Jewish
state in Palestine
Christian Zionists
teach that the
rapture and the
second coming are two
distinct events
separated by seven years
of tribulation
they teach that the Zionist state of Israel in Palestine
is the fig tree cited by Jesus.
Now, they are fond of saying that God's so-called,
and this is their phrase, not mine,
they refer to God's prophetic time clock.
If you hear somebody talking about God's prophetic time clock,
you can be certain that person is a Christian Zionist.
They say that God's so-called prophetic time clock paused after the crucifixion of Jesus.
In other words, God called time out.
They literally teach this.
They don't do it out in the open.
They do it in their seminaries.
They used to teach it openly back in the early 1900s,
that Jesus failed in his mission
he failed in his mission to give the kingdom of god to the jews right and therefore god called a
time out yes i said i got to go to plan b plan a did not work i got to go to plan B. Plan A did not work. I got to go to plan B.
I'm not kidding you.
This is what they teach.
They do.
And so they say that God's so-called prophetic time clock paused after the crucifixion of Jesus. and it stayed on hold for nearly 2,000 years until 1948 and when the Jewish
state of Israel was established in Palestine God hit the restart button on
his clock right now prophetic time clock is running again yes so that's the way they view these scriptures uh some christians
dionists believe that the signs spoken by jesus in matthew 24 particularly verses 4 through 44
will occur after 1948 and before their so-called secret rapture.
In fact, they cite verses 36 through 34 as proof of a secret rapture.
Other Christian Zionists believe that the secret rapture could happen anytime without the signs.
Therefore, the signs are for the people left behind after the secret rapture and before the second coming.
Again, that's based on their teachings.
An unbiased reader, however, would conclude that Jesus said nothing about a secret rapture.
He said nothing about a reconstituted Israel before his return.
Read the New Testament from the first sentence of Matthew to the last sentence of Revelation,
and tell me where you see.
Secret rapture.
A second coming.
Seven years after.
Seven years of tribulation.
And a reborn.
Tell me where you see it in scripture.
It's not there.
But they believe it. And they use use this scripture that we're studying today they say is proof yes they say the fig tree is israel
so we need to discern the message j Jesus conveyed to his disciples regarding the fig tree.
What I've just told you is what it is not.
It is not what the Christian Zionists teach.
The fig tree is not a prophecy of a future state of Israel.
You go online and just put in this verse.
Put fig tree Israel 1948,
and just count the pages that come up
of websites telling you,
yes, the fig tree prophecy was fulfilled.
No, it wasn't. It's not not a prophecy it's a parable learn
this parable what did Jesus say look at verse 32 now from the fig tree learn this parable i'm reading the modern english version
king james and he spake to them a parable doesn't say and he prophesied. Right.
And yet they call it the fig tree prophecy.
Because they're grasping for anything to prove that Jesus foretold of a reborn state of Israel.
So they turn a parable into a prophecy.
What's a parable?
A parable is a story that uses earthly objects to teach heavenly principles.
It literally means to cast to the side. Like you take an object and you toss it so it's right beside another object.
The thing that you cast is the earthly object.
The thing that's there is the heavenly principle.
And think about this. Jesus uses the pictures and the illustrations of what people are familiar with.
So where were they at that moment in time?
The Mount of Olives.
Mount of Olives, where there are olive trees and fig trees.
We've been there.
We've seen it.
There are not too many on the Mount of Olives anymore because there's too many headstones.
But down at the bottom, lots of olive trees, lots of fig trees down at the bottom of the Mount of Olives anymore because there's too many headstones down at the bottom lots of olive trees lots of fig trees down at the bottom of the mountain
olives so Jesus you can imagine him sitting there teaching his disciples and
saying hey you know look around you see the fig trees here right so it's not
that Jesus was making a specific example to say now look at these fig trees here, right? So it's not that Jesus was making a specific example
to say, now look at these fig trees.
Now, remember, the fig tree is Israel.
They throw that out.
You know, this means that it's Israel.
I've heard them teach it. You have too, Rick.
But Jesus just
make an example of what's around him.
Hey, look at the fig tree over here.
You know when the fig tree
is ripe how do you know when it's in bloom and same thing things he also didn't say and see the
temple over there yes i told you i'm going to tear it down but when israel comes back
i'm going to rebuild it he didn't say it but the christian zionists say it's going to rebuild it. He didn't say it.
But the Christian Zionists say it's going to be built.
Because they twist, they constantly twist the scriptures to conform to their twisted eschatology so as doc said the the setting for this parable was the Mount of Olives and the timing for this parable was early spring spring is the
time when plants begin to bloom and to show signs of new life which is parallel cast
to the side of the lesson Jesus is conveying to them about recognizing
signs that's why he's using the fig tree a parable is casting something an object beside another object and using that object that you cast
over there to teach a principle about the thing that's standing there
so what is standing there is the spiritual principle that he's about to convey what he's cast over there is the fig tree said hey take
a look at all these fig trees it's springtime how do we know it's
springtime he's on his way to the to the cross we know we know that the crucifixion was in the spring. So the fig tree's behavior during spring, it puts forth leaves.
It blooms.
The winter's over.
The leaves come out.
So this is used by Jesus to teach this lesson that the emergence of leaves what
do when leaves appear on a tree what does that what is this what is the
message that the tree is sending to you that summer is coming yes it's spring the summer is on the way and there's going to be a harvest yes
it's saying look at me i got my leaves back this is springtime that means the summer is coming you
know what happens in the summer there's a harvest it means there's a significant future event. In the case of a tree, it's the harvest of fruit.
Go ahead, Doc.
Yeah, I was just going to say, and then when we follow through on this,
you know, he makes a direct parallel in the very next verse.
The very next verse, he says, these things.
These things are the leaves blooming on the fig tree in the
parable yes yes because the dimension of the branch becoming tender in the buds
swelling okay in springtime the branch is tender the buds swell you look at a bud before it opens up you know that
thing is just wanting to burst open and let the life come out of it but it's it's a time of
vulnerability and transformation and so he's teaching that there's a spiritual transition coming in the future.
The primary lesson of this parable is to teach his disciples about recognizing signs.
What Jesus is emphasizing is that just as natural signs like a fig tree's leaves foretell the arrival of summer,
there will be discernible signs that foretell the nearing of the coming of the son of man right
the the fig trees branches bringing forth leaves is the indicator
that spring has arrived and that summer is imminent yes Yes. There's this seasonal transition is visible to your eyes and it's predictable to your mind.
Your eyes can see it and your mind discerns it.
So Jesus, what he's teaching here is you ask me questions about the end of the age of my second coming.
There are going to be signs.
They're going to be visible.
And when you see them, your mind is going to understand what it means.
A seasonal transition is coming.
A harvest is coming.
Right. Harvest is coming. So just as the natural signs in a fig tree indicate the coming of spring and summer,
Jesus is telling his disciples that there will be certain signs that indicate significant
future events that culminate in the return of the Son of Man, Jesus Christ,
and the end of the age of mankind.
Whenever I say the end of the age, I'm talking about the age of humanity
from the Garden of Eden to the Second Coming.
That's the age of mankind.
So this parable is also teaching disciples
the importance about discernment and awareness.
That if your eyes can observe natural signs in trees,
that the leaves have come forth they're budding and you
you know that summer is approaching and there's going to be a harvest then
likewise disciples of Christ should be able to observe the signs of the times and understand the nearness of the coming of the Lord The inference of immediacy.
It's conveying this sense of urgency, of immediacy.
You see the tender branches.
You see the leaves.
You see the buds.
You know that there's not going to be a long time until there's fruit, until the summer has arrived.
It's not a long way off.
We don't have so much seasonal changes here in Florida.
We just go from hot to warm.
And we have flowers all the time.
But I lived in areas that had four seasons.
And I'm not a winter person.
It's always difficult for me to get through a hard winter with snow and gray, dreary skies and cold temperatures.
What did I hold out for?
I always held out for the first sign of spring.
That's right.
Oh, it meant the winter was over and it meant the summer is coming.
That's all spring meant to me.
The winter is over, the summer is coming that's all that's all spring meant to me the winter is over the summer
is near it's like okay spring hurry up get me to summer yes that's what he's saying here when you
see the change of seasons and spring has arrived get excited because summer is coming quickly yes and when we say
quickly we're not talking 2 000 years that's right but so when the signs appear the the events that
they foretell are not far off right and that is a mirror of the sudden change from a bare tree to one full of leaves and fruit.
Verse 33.
So likewise, you, when you see all these things, know that it is near even at the doors.
When you see.
Who is you?
Well, you is you.
You is me.
You is addressing the elect of God.
The chosen people saved by grace and baptized
into his glorious church.
And the four apostles,
Peter, James, John, and Andrew,
who were standing there,
were the direct audience
at that time.
But they symbolized the entire
body of believers.
Yes, Jesus
was speaking to them them when you men,
when you Peter, James, John, Andrew,
when you see these things, but he's
talking to the entire body of Christ.
When you see all
these things,
see what things?
The signs.
Go back to the beginning of the chapter,
24. Actually, if you go
back into 23,
Matthew 23, 36, it says,
Verily I say unto you, all
these things
shall come upon this generation.
And so, that's
the bookend there. That's the
one end of the bookend. We're That's the one end of the bookend.
We're now at the other end of the bookend.
And so these things
are everything that we've talked about
from 2336
till now.
These things
that Jesus is talking about.
And he certainly wasn't casting them at
two millennium in the future.
He was saying these things.
Because here's the contradiction that the dispensationalists will fall into.
They'll say that chapter 23, 36, when it says these things and this generation,
was talking about that generation there.
But over here in 24, 33, they'll say that all these things and this generation is sometime in the future.
This is where it becomes controversial.
And these several sentences can be very challenging to properly discern understand and teach so at the beginning of
chapter 24 the disciples asked jesus three questions you know this by now
tell us when will these things be yes what were these, he had talked about the destruction of the temple. What is the sign of your coming and the end of the age?
So the first question pertained to the destruction of the temple, and it has been fulfilled.
The second and third questions pertain to his second coming and the end of the age of mankind,
and they have not been fulfilled
what are these things
these things refer to the specific signs and occurrences described by jesus from matth Matthew 24 4 to Matthew 24 verse 28 they include various
tribulations the rise of false prophets celestial disturbances the spread of the
gospel to all the nations we'll go down a list Matthew 24 verse 5 many false messiahs will come verse 6 there will be wars and rumors of
wars verse 7 nations will rise against others nations uh verse 7 there will be famines and
earthquakes throughout the world pestilences uh verse 9 there christians will face persecution and death
verse 10 many believers will turn away from the faith and betray each other
false prophets will deceive many people
wickedness will increase the love of many will grow cold.
The gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world.
There will be a time of great distress, unequaled in the history of the world.
There will be signs in the heavens affecting the sun, the moon, and stars. the sign of the Son of Man will
appear in heaven we really never talked about verse 30 last week the sign of the A lot of controversy about what is it.
But it's one of the signs.
Some people say it's the cross.
The cross will appear in the sky.
Various interpretations.
And I don't think any of us really know what it is.
But we'll know what it is when we see it.
I guarantee you, whatever it's going to be, Doc, we'll all know.
That's the sign of the Son of Man.
Jesus said his disciples must watch for these specific signs.
That these signs are the indicators of the
second coming in the end of the age then he said know that it is near what is it
what is he said even at the doors what is at the doors. What is at the doors?
Well, Apostle Luke identifies it in chapter 21 of the gospel according to St. Luke.
Verse 28.
But when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads because your redemption is near.
Verse 31 of Luke 21 says, Even so, you also, when you see these things happening,
know that God's kingdom is near.
So the it is the completed redemption,
our completed redemption from sin and death
that will be fully realized at the day of judgment when
God's eternal kingdom will be established know that it is near even at
the doors as I just said the it is our completed redemption from sin and death
and the full manifestation of the kingdom of God.
Right now we're in the kingdom of heaven, which is a subset of the kingdom of God.
But when it arrives, the kingdom of heaven is absorbed into the full kingdom of God.
Jesus said it is near it's at the door
the verse speaks of the closeness of Christ's return as these signs these
things begin to unfold so the phrase at the doors, indicates extreme immediacy, suggesting that the second coming
and the end of the age are not just approaching, but are on the verge of happening.
If somebody is standing at the door, he's ready to come in somebody who's standing
on the door isn't going to arrive 24 hours later if you look out your your
window or the window in your door and you see somebody on your porch standing at the door. What are you thinking?
There's somebody at the door
There's somebody who wants to come in
There's somebody who's going to knock on the door ring the doorbell any minute any second. They're on your porch. They're right at the door
What Jesus is saying is that when you see these things
happening know that my coming will happen very soon i will be standing on the doorstep
of humanity ready to enter at any moment. Now, there are other interpretations
of the meaning of it being near.
The Ethiopian church
emphasizes the nearness
of the Son of Man himself,
suggesting that the presence of Christ
is almost upon them.
Another interpretation is that the it means it's in the gates.
It's at the door.
It indicates that the event prophesied is not just nearby,
but already present, ready for total fulfillment understanding these signs is
crucial for recognizing the proximity of these significant events when these
signs appear they are not just warnings but indicators that the prophesied events meaning the second
coming and then and the end of the age are imminent even at the doors that these occurrences are not only approaching, but they have almost arrived.
In other words, when you see these signs, it's like Jesus is, if you think of a theater and the stage and the curtain.
He's behind the curtain waiting to walk onto the stage he's waiting for these signs to
you know the signs are the warm-up act when the signs are over he opens the curtains and walks stage he's waiting he's at he's at this he's at the door so spiritually we will
experience the cessation of seasonal transitions and move into a time of
eternal summer spiritually the spiritual seasons will cease and there will only be eternal summer right
that is the kingdom of God so just as the emergence of leaves on a fig tree indicates the arrival of summer that is near the the occurrence of these things
signal a shift from the winter of god's old economy for mankind to the summer of a new
beginning for mankind in god's plan
so the final fulfillment of these prophecies
is the arrival of an eternal summer
full of joy, redemption,
everlasting light,
and an end of mankind's thousands of years of spiritual winters which were
full of sorrow and pain and misery and death so Jesus is telling his disciples
to recognize the signs the signs of his coming. Let's go over this again,
going back to verses, starting with verse 29. He told them a parable, see the fig tree and all the
trees and all the leaves when they are already budding. Excuse me, see the fig tree and all the
trees when they are already budding. You see it and tree and all the trees when they are already budding
you see it and know by your own selves that the summer is already near
even so you also when you see these things happening know that god's kingdom is near
just to recap this the parable of the fig tree does not tell us, it is not a prophecy that 2,000 years from now in 1948 A.D., they didn't even know A.D. at that time.
There's just time. Jesus didn't say in 1948 AD of the year of our Lord 1948 I'm going to restart I'm going to use
the Rothschild family and a lot of wicked people to bring about a reconstituted kingdom of David
he didn't say any such thing.
What he's teaching here is a parable.
The parable teaches us that when the tender branch and the budding leaves appear in the
spring, it's telling us that summer is near.
There's going to be a harvest.
And he's teaching us, watch for the signs that I gave you.
I just gave you a list of signs
and when you see these signs happening know that my appearance is imminent i'm standing
at the door i'm right behind the curtain i'm going to walk out on the stage any moment
that's the lesson has nothing to do about a prophecy about the state of Israel coming back into
existence. It's not the fig tree prophecy. It's the fig tree parable. And it's teaching
believers to observe and interpret worldly events, as isolated incidents but part of a
divine plan that culminates in the return of jesus
christ what do we do with true news
we're looking at worldly events and we're trying to interpret whether these
worldly events that we report each day are part of these signs
that's the reason God has me doing the news maybe we should change your name to
these things there's a new name for a podcast. These Things. These Things podcast.
The signs.
It's teaching us to be vigilant, ready.
That's throughout the New Testament.
Jesus constantly speaks of being vigilant.
How many times does he say, take heed?
Take heed means be alert.
Pay attention.
He's teaching the need for vigilance and readiness.
Be dressed.
Be ready.
He's constantly in these parables telling his church to be vigilant and to be ready.
Ready for what?
His return. So this parable is an encouragement to us.
And it's to help us discern the times that we're living in,
to know how close we are to the second coming.
Verse 34.
Verily I say unto you this generation shall not pass away to all be fulfilled all right this and this verse has many interpretations, and they are controversial.
There's not a lot of agreement on this verse.
The preterists and many Bible commentators
from a Reformed church denomination background,
they interpret this generation as pertaining only to the generation of believers
who were alive at the time Jesus spoke the parable of the fig tree.
They believe that all the signs he delineated pertain to the destruction of Jerusalem and
the temple, including the coming of the son of man they they believe all that it was included that what he
was talking about was the people in jerusalem will see the son of man coming with power and glory
coming to destroy jerusalem in the temple i don't accept that, but it is a popular viewpoint.
Till all these things be fulfilled, suggest that the events prophesied would begin to unfold during the lifetime of the audience he was addressing.
If this viewpoint is correct,
Jesus meant that the disciples listening to him would be alive to see the beginning of the signs he said would be on the earth.
And that viewpoint would mean that the signs have been happening for over 2,000 years.
But to me, that viewpoint conflicts with his words that his second coming is at the door.
The issue that trips up many Bible teachers,
or their interpretation of this parable is the destruction of Jerusalem
in the temple the preterists the historicists say that all these things
have already happened the Christian Zionists say all these things will
happen in the far future my viewpoint and I don't know if I'm correct on this,
my viewpoint is that you must separate the destruction of Jerusalem
from the signs of the second coming and the end of the age.
And when you do so, you see that this generation
refers to the people who are alive when these things begin to happen.
The destruction of the temple is separate from these things.
Again, he's talking about three things.
The destruction of the temple in Jerusalem,
his second coming, and the end of the age.
When he says this generation,
I believe he's saying the generation that sees these things happening.
This generation that sees these things happening will know that his return is near.
So there are layers of meaning
that encompass both immediate events
and future events
culminating with the final judgment
and the full manifestation of the kingdom
of God.
So the term generation may have dual meaning, applying to the people who were standing there,
the believers who were alive at that time, and also to the ongoing existence of the church of christ until the end of time
so we also have the question this generation
what is the length of a generation 40 years 80 years
the things that we're told to watch for,
let me ask you,
how many of these things are present today?
False messiahs.
Do we have false messiahs right now?
I would say no.
I don't know of any false messiah out there right now.
Are there wars and rumors of wars? Yes. Yes. Check that one off.
Are nations rising against nations? Yes. Check that one off.
Are there famines, pestilences, and earthquakes throughout the world yes our Christians persecuted yes have many Christians turned from the faith and fallen away yes have they betrayed each other yes are
there false prophets deceiving a lot of people? Yes, I believe that.
Has wickedness increased?
Has the love of many grown cold?
Has the gospel been preached to the whole world?
Have there been signs in the sun the moon in the stars no I don't think so
have we seen the sign of the Son of Man no so where are we got 50% of them
finished 50% of them are happening right now well if that's the case that 50 of these
these things are in fulfillment right now the other 50 could happen in a short period of time
i mean rapidly doesn't doesn't mean it'll take 20, 30, 40, 50, 100 years.
These other things could be fulfilled in one year.
Remember that the Jews in Jerusalem were given many signs.
According to Josephus, they were given many signs years before the destruction,
and they misinterpreted the signs. Their rabbis were telling them, oh, this means we're going
to defeat the Romans and set up our kingdom. No, the signs were telling you the Romans are going to defeat you and set up their kingdom inside your city.
The signs were there, but they misinterpreted the signs.
Are we misinterpreting signs today?
That's a lesson to learn.
And, you know, that all of us need to ask ourselves.
Verse 35.
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away.
To me, this speaks of the stability and the orderliness of the cosmos.
The word heaven.
This is not referring to heaven where
God lives. It refers to the sky
and the cosmos and everything that's
in it, the universe.
verse is speaking of the
precision with which
the cosmos is
The divine order
and control of the cosmos.
It's telling us
that the earth has a firm
foundation. It's stable. It's permanent.
But his words
are eternal.
And he said, my words.
My words.
Jesus said, my words. My words. Jesus said, my words.
He takes personal authority, ownership of the words.
And he declares that his words shall not pass away.
Although the earth and the cosmos, the universe, presently have stability and permanence.
I mean, they're not going anywhere today.
I don't care what the climate change people say.
The earth's not going anywhere today.
It's not going to end.
Not today.
God has it all under control.
But eventually, they will pass away when jesus returns however his words will
never pass away so you have the fleeting nature of the physical universe heaven and earth
compared to the enduring permanence of his holy words.
It's the superiority of his words over material substances.
The phrase heaven and earth will pass away
speaks of the commencement of the dissolution
of the current order of the cosmos.
It will pass away.
Peter talks about it.
2 Peter, verse chapter 3.
He talks about a cataclysmic transformation.
Not a transformation,
a cataclysmic annihilation.
It burns up.
So, it burns up so he's teaching us that his words
will never pass away
but the earth the cosmos will
and we are to watch
for the signs
we are to
these things
these things are the signs
and when you see these things happening for the signs. These things. These things are the signs.
And when you see these things happening,
know that the earth and the cosmos are going to pass away.
That's the message.
If you read my book, Final Day,
that's the message of Final Day.
There's a day coming
when God turns out the lights yes
if you're in a if you're in a store and the owner turns out the lights what does that mean
it means we're closing
it means i'm the owner of the store and i'm closing
now you don't have to go home but you can't stay here that's right there's a day coming god's going to turn out the lights
the sun the moon and the stars will cease giving their light
he's turning out the lights he's done he's done with the universe but his words shall not pass away
his his words shall endure forever that's the confidence we have in his words
well i'm pretty certain the earth's going to last today i'm not worried about it i don't have
climate change and anxiety like so many people have today I didn't
even know such a thing existed but it does there's a there's a mental disorder right now an emotional
disorder called climate change anxiety people have listened to so much climate change propaganda they they are afraid that the world is going to end because
of climate change no I'm not worried about the world ending today the oceans
aren't going to boil today like Al Gore said the oceans aren't going to come up
higher and higher and overtake islands that That's not going to happen. Yes.
None of that's going to happen.
I am totally confident that God is in complete control of the cosmos.
But I also know His Word
is more permanent than the
And this universe
is going to pass away when He says so.
Yes. But His Words going to pass away when he says so. Yes.
But his words will never pass away.
That's our lesson for today.
All right, Doc.
We'll wrap it up at this point.
All right.
Well, we appreciate you joining us today for a brand new week of Morning Manna.
Hurricanes are gone for now.
And so we don't have to worry about that.
Now we're going to have a full, robust week of exploring the word of God here in the gospel. Hurricanes are gone for now, and so we don't have to worry about that.
Now we're going to have a full, robust week of exploring the Word of God here in the Gospel of Matthew. So stay with us all this week.
And we invite you to come back here with us tomorrow morning, Tuesday morning, 8 a.m. here on the East Coast.
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We appreciate you being here.
Rick, any final words before we close out today?
No, sir.
We've got a lot to report today on True News,
so make sure you watch it.
The signs are happening.
The signs are happening.
Nations rising against nations.
Wars and rumors of wars.
It's happening around us right now That means
He's going to be at the door
His arrival is imminent
I started thinking today, Doc
What if
What if
All these things happen quickly In the next 10 years What if? What if? All these things happen quickly in the next 10 years.
What if?
Can you get excited about it?
Can you start thinking, wow, what if?
We all hope to see the Lord return.
But what if?
What if it's really close?
Oh man,
that excites me.
Praise God. Amen.
Alright, I'll see you later.
We love you. God bless you.
And we'll see you on the Tuesday edition of Morning Manor. you're listening to wwcr international shortwave radio you can find true news on frequency 12.160
from 12 p.m to 4 p.m eastern and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m to 2 p.m eastern connect with
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