TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Peter Navarro: “Father Fauci” Helped China Genetically Engineer Coronavirus
Episode Date: April 9, 2021Today on TRUNEWS, the team examines the recent comments by Trump administration official Peter Navarro, and how he is laying the blame for the China virus at the feet of Dr. Anthony Fauci. TRUNEWS explores the latest developments in the dangers from the COVID vaccine, as a former Pfizer VP spills the beans on the development of the Coronavirus cocktail. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (04/08/21)
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Welcome back to part two of True News. If you missed part one, you can find it on our website,
Renowned economist Peter Navarro hasn't minced words in recent days regarding Dr. Fauci and his shadowy connection to the Wu flu.
In a recent interview, Navarro called COVID-19 the Fauci virus and nicknamed America's highest paid government employee the father of corona for sending millions to China's infamous Wuhan
bioweapons lab.
The father of Fauci is the father of the actual virus.
Fauci is the guy.
This virus, according to Bob
Redfield at the Centers for Disease Control, came from the Wuhan lab. And basically, we had Fauci
not only funding that lab with American taxpayer dollars, he authorized this thing called gain of
function research. He allowed the Chinese Communist Party, the People's Liberation Army, to genetically
engineer a virus using gain of function. I call it the Fauci virus now. If he wants to be the
father of something, he's the father of the virus that's killed over half a million Americans.
Well, Peter, we're still trying to get to the bottom of that, and we're definitely going to
bring you back when we get more information on it. But you're right, there's a lot of questions
out there. Peter, I can't thank you enough for joining me today.
Joining me to discuss this sharp yet correct criticism of Father Fauci, our True News founder,
Rick Walls and Doc Burkhart. Father Fauci, huh?
That's astounding. Peter Navarro openly said what we have said for a year.
But we got censored over saying it.
We got deplatformed for saying it.
Well, he got deplatformed, too.
The Trump administration got taken out of the White House because one of the reasons was Donald Trump kept saying the China virus.
Again, do you understand that there was
a communist coup in America in 2020? They overthrew the sitting president.
The U.S. military participated in the coup. Because it wasn't just the virus. It was the
tearing down of the statues, the rioting. Millionaire gang participated in the coup.
You have military troops to this day still in Washington.
You have a fence around the Capitol.
Not on the border.
We have a fence around churches.
It was a coup.
Now you have fences around churches in Canada.
It was a communist takeover.
Canada has fallen. The United States has takeover. Canada has fallen. The United
States has fallen.
Great Britain has fallen.
But Peter Navarro is not saying anything we didn't say
nearly a year ago.
Basically almost word for word.
He could have lifted the script
and said the same thing that
we said a year ago.
Maybe he watches True News. I hope so.
I interviewed him in 2015.
His book, The Crouching Tiger. But what makes this important is because of the position that
Peter Navarro had in the Trump administration. Right. As the U.S. trade envoy for the Trump administration. And he was very aggressive against China during his time in the White House.
And so he he has come out and he has said. Dr. Anthony Fauci is the father of this virus.
He used American taxpayer money. To help develop the virus that is destroying us.
It was developed in Wuhan, China.
Will we ever know how many high level Americans are traitors? And I'm saying treason, treason at the highest level, that they have, they've made an alliance with the China Communist Party years ago.
And they've been working on the inside of the U.S. government for many years.
And now we are witnessing the takedown of the USA.
It can't be a coincidence.
And we've covered on the program the statements of General Chi Hao-Tien, a PLA general, who said this was the plan.
Upon his retirement, they had a 20-year plan to release a biological weapon to wipe out the West, to supplant us.
What Peter Navarro is raising is something that is so serious that even Dr. Fauci
couldn't leave it. He had to address it. In an interview with Fox News, he was asked this.
Neil Cavuto, the host of Fox News, asked him this point blank. What do you say back to this?
He, of course, is like, this is bizarre. But I'll tell you, Dr. Fauci, he took a second.
We have a clip here to show you.
He wasn't as confident as he's been in the past. He does not want to talk about that $3.7 million grant that he approved, that he helped go to the Wuhan lab in 2017.
Peter Navarro saying I created the virus.
I mean, how bizarre is that?
I mean, think about that, Neil, for a second.
I mean, is that a little weird?
I mean, come on.
I am thinking about it, Tony.
I thought about it a lot for a year.
You're a liar.
You know what you did, Fauci.
You worked with the Chinese Communist Party for years,
and you used our own taxpayer money to work on a coronavirus with bats.
And you did it behind our backs, deceiving the American people,
and you participated in the creation of this virus.
And I'll say it again, Fauci,
you should be taken to Guantanamo Bay and waterboarded
until you cough up the truth,
including the names of the other traitors
who have helped China
damage the United States of America with this virus.
Communist co-conspirators, we will call them.
And Rick, he's gaslighting the public.
He's gaslighting us.
He knows the existence of documents.
I mean, typhoid Tony knows what The Daily Caller reported just days ago, what we reported
last year, which is that he sent, his agency specifically inside the NIH approved a grant
to go to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China,
specifically for gain-of-function research, in layman terms, weaponization of coronavirus.
Not of the flu, not of these, of specifically COVID.
Isn't this bizarre that this fact is not discussed?
Nobody discusses it. No, they don't. Nobody. They don't bring it out. They don Nobody discusses it.
No, they don't.
They don't bring it out.
They don't talk about it.
Do the Republicans in the House and the Senate talk about it?
Mitch McConnell, does he bring it up?
I'd hope they do.
Kevin McCarthy?
The president had to address this last year.
Did Donald Trump bring it up?
He did.
We were one of the people that forced this to the forefront in April of last year. But he talked about it for a couple seconds and then he dropped it.
Absolutely. He could have done way more with this. This could have been a campaign,
stump speech. The evidence is in the public. But in April, the beginning of the pandemic,
because of outlets like True News, this information was making it around the entire
country, around the globe.
And President Trump was forced from the podium to answer,
what's up with Dr. Fauci's money that he sent to Wuhan, the place you're telling us is responsible for the pandemic?
U.S. intelligence is saying this week that the coronavirus likely came from a level four lab in Wuhan. There's also another report that the NIH, under the Obama administration in 2015, gave
that lab $3.7 million in a grant.
Why would the U.S. give a grant like that to China?
The Obama administration gave them a grant of $3.7 million.
I've been hearing about that.
And we've instructed that if any grants are going to that area, we're looking at it literally about an hour ago and also early in the morning.
We will end that grant very quickly.
But it was granted quite a while ago.
They were granted a substantial amount of money.
We're going to look at it and take a look.
But I understand it was a number of years ago, right?
So you are.
When did you hear when did you hear was the grant was made?
2015. Who was president then? I wonder.
Well, the president did not know or didn't mention the podium at the time was not only
was this grant during his presidency in 2017, but it actually got renewed for several years
after that, even this year for the current president.
The grant going to Wuhan is eligible once again.
Dr. Fauci can bypass the rules like he did before and get President Biden to refund the lab responsible for the bioweapons leak.
It's just incredible. It's all about the control of the American people, really control the world.
We've been sold out.
Yes, we have. the control of the American people, really control the world. We've been sold out.
Yes, we have.
We've been sold out by traitors inside America.
We've been sold out at the highest levels.
You shouldn't sleep well at night.
I'm telling you, if you understood how deep the treason is, you would be terrified. Because we're seeing it now in Canada.
They took down a church. They put a fence around a church yesterday.
This is coming to America. Oh, sooner than we know. If the Christians in Canada don't do something
really soon, within two to three years, there will not be a church anywhere in Canada
that's open, a real church, a real Christian church. There won't be any in two to three years.
Well, the mechanisms to shut down the churches here in America, Rick, are here. President Biden,
who many, President Trump during the campaign was calling Beijing Biden because of his ties. Today, he announced from the Rose Garden a Chinese-style censorship, a Chinese-style confiscation.
They're called red flag laws.
Now, this is for guns, Rick, but he gets to determine the criteria.
For example, if you dare say what we're saying on this program about coronavirus,
you dare talk about your religion, you talk about your faith in Jesus Christ online. All these are markers which will flag you under
red flag laws and will allow the government to come into your home without a warrant to take
your guns. On what basis? Why would they flag me for expressing my views? Their authority,
the same authority that Trudeau doesn't have in Canada, it is their opinion
that they have the right to protect us. And in this sense, our ideas are toxic. They are viral.
And to fix them, we must be disarmed. So if you are an independent, free thinker who doesn't submit
to the Communist Party propaganda,
then that means you're mentally ill.
According to our sitting president right now.
This was his statement in the Rose Garden.
All right, go ahead.
During my campaign for president,
I wanted to make it easier for states
to adopt extreme risk protection order laws.
They're also called red flag laws,
which everybody in this lawn knows,
but many people listening do not know.
These laws allow a police or a family member
to petition a court in their jurisdiction and say,
I want you to temporarily remove from the following people
any firearm they may possess.
Because they're a danger and a crisis.
They're presenting a danger to themselves and to others.
So if I am opposed to wearing a mask.
You're a danger.
If I'm opposed to taking a vaccine, a so-called vaccine loaded with aborted fetal cells, can they take my gun away from me?
You're vaccine resistant.
You're an anti-vaxxer.
And does that mean they can knock on my door or not even knock, just come in my house?
Just come in without a warrant.
And take my gun.
Without a warrant.
And maybe take you too.
What did the, I started to say before the video, what did the Soviet Union do to dissenters?
They, they put dissenters in mental institutions and then did human experiments on them.
Yes. Their intelligence services rounded people up, intellectuals,
Christians. They rounded people up and made them disappear. You would never hear from that person
again. As you noted, they weren't just doing experiments on them. They would kill a lot of
these people, execute them in the woods. But they were charged with being mentally unstable,
being mentally ill. And instead of taking you to a prison, they took you to a mental institution.
You'd be better off in the prison because in the mental institution, they had you strapped down on a board and they were they were injecting you with all types of of experimental drugs.
So that when they did release you, you were crazy.
Yes. And then if you weren't crazy going in, you were going out.
And so people said, hey, the government was right. They're crazy. Stay away from them.
We have to start to wonder now
if the real bioweapon
wasn't COVID alone.
It was injecting into our society
the means to enact tyranny
against our population.
The real virus is communism.
And that's here.
That's the real virus.
And it's been around for a while.
It's deadly. It's very deadly.
I just don't know, Doc, if people comprehend.
An actual communist takeover is underway.
I would say it's in full bloom.
Well, it is.
I'm saying it started in full operation at the beginning of 2020.
And the public's not comprehending it.
I mean, you're showing people, look here, they just took down a church.
They just put a fence around the church.
Oh, big deal.
So what?
No reaction.
They're advancing as they see our apathy.
We don't care about these things.
I think the example of Christians taking the vaccine is proof that
Christians don't really care about abortion.
I mean, I'm not talking about Christians like us, confessing Christians, but those who pretend to be Christians.
They don't really care about abortion.
That's why they're okay to go get the vaccine.
So now Joe Biden, Beijing Biden, said today that he's going to sign executive orders.
He has no constitutional authority to do these things.
We don't have a constitution.
That's an optional, you know.
So he's going to he's going to sign an executive order that says that cops can come into your house without a search warrant,
without any kind of judicial warrant, and come in and just raid your house and take your firearms from you.
And there's nothing you can do about it except defend yourself.
And then they're going to make sure you never defend yourself again.
But who they're going to disarm are the people that are dissenting.
And they're absolutely going to tie this to coronavirus.
Yes, they will tie this to COVID.
Remember the extremist score we shared?
America's going to have a social credit score.
We already have it through our no-fly list and terror watch list.
But the social credit score that the Chinese Communist Party invented,
where you're rated, you're given points for everything you do,
how good of a servant to the government you are.
This is now going to be incorporated to a law which will allow the government to enter your home and steal your weapons.
And don't forget how beholden Joe Biden is to Beijing.
He was recently asked, have you questioned Xi Jinping about the origin of COVID?
A legitimate question.
And Joe Biden said, no, the topic never came up.
Never came up.
Isn't this the number one issue in the world?
It is the number one issue.
He said it never came up.
You can hear him in his own words.
554,064 American dead from COVID-19.
A lot of families want to know
how this happened,
how it got here.
Have you had a chance to speak
to any of your international partners,
any of that?
President Xi,
who I know you go way back with,
have you had a chance to ask him
if these reports are true,
that China maybe misled the world
at the beginning?
No, I have not had that conversation with President Xi. Thank you.
Now quit bothering me. And he's not going to have that conversation. No, he's not.
Because they own him and they own Hunter Biden.
This is serious, folks. This is really serious.
It's becoming dangerous to speak the way we're speaking. It's been for some time.
You think about how many witnesses, how many whistleblowers have been scared out of even coming forward.
Because not only are our elected leaders acting like this isn't a story, it's not even true.
They're saying they will come after you if you dare speak out. They'll take you off social media. They'll lock you down that way. They'll put you in digital ghettos first.
They'll put fences around your churches because we dare to stand up and question the narrative.
Well, in addition to Peter Navarro, other people have spoken out and said
COVID is a creation of the China Communist Party.
And specifically, that was it's a biological attack on America.
This article was authored by I think this would be the highest ranking whistleblower to come out on the subject to date.
Colonel Lawrence Sellin. Now, he's an army, a U.S. Army Reserve colonel that has served with both the U.S. Special Forces, infantry, chemical, medical services.
He became famous actually for challenging General Petraeus and killer bureaucracy in the U.S. Army.
He was tired of watching PowerPoints. He wanted to actually fight a war, maybe win it.
What is he saying here about the biological attack?
He's saying that the evidence is clear.
His independent research into the specific scientists, he's named them, he's got them,
he's got them dead to rights.
He's saying the Chinese government absolutely knew that this bioweapon was being released.
They were directly involved in the production of it going back to 2005.
And it's released in America.
It's not an accident.
It's part of the plan, the takeover of American society.
And I came to the conclusion that COVID-19 was in fact created in a laboratory in China.
It was done so with the indirect assistance of U.S. scientists and partially funded by the U.S. government.
Now, what surprised me, even up until today, is that the U.S. government, the U.S. media, the U.S. scientific establishment has continued to make the claim that the COVID-19 pandemic occurred as a natural transmission from animals to humans.
As early as February, early February, February 3rd in fact, there was a meeting between the U.S.
National Academy of Science and the President's Office of science and technology policy,
and a number of scientists who have been involved in coronavirus research.
And it's quite clear from those emails that they had already decided that this was a natural transmission from animals to humans before any investigation that occurred. So that just tipped me off as being the initiation of a cover
up for political and economic rather than scientific reasons. If you look at two attributes
of this COVID-19 virus, the first is it seems to be pre-adapted for human infection. And that's been
studied in a number of different laboratories.
So that was the first thing. But for me, the smoking gun, there's an insertion in this virus
and it's called a furine cleavage site, that if you look at any close relative of COVID-19, that it simply doesn't exist. This furine cleavage
site must have been inserted using genetic engineering. And in fact, Chinese laboratories
have actually done that type of genetic engineering where they have inserted furin cleavage sites into viral genomes.
Now, that component of the molecule, the COVID-19 molecule that Dr. Selin is referring to,
is something that would happen under synergy, synergy biology. Now, why this is important
is in a paper he's written for the Citizens Commission on National Security. Dr. Sellens said the Chinese in their five-year plan, released in 2016,
five years brings us to 2021, they had a specific section dedicated to something called
the fusion of military and civilian research into synthetic biology.
What he says is this was the last stage before the release of the bioweapon.
They had funded it, they'd planned for it, and in this sense, attacked America with it.
The entire world, the entire world, the China Communist Party is the enemy of the human race.
They need to be marked for elimination. Because they've marked us for elimination.
Yes. This is about survival. The world needs to respond, civilized world needs to respond
to the China Communist Party like we did to the Nazi Party. There was no option. It was
either destroy them or be conquered. that's where we're at right now
it's either destroy the china communist party or be conquered but right now we're being conquered
right and if the coronavirus and the mandates and lockdowns and everything related to the virus
itself uh don't get you the vaccines will uh one way or another. So this is a one-two punch.
If the coronavirus itself doesn't have its impact, don't worry. We've got our backup plan
that'll finish the job, the vaccine. And that's not our opinion. Although we look at the news
every day and we wonder the stories of side effects from Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca,
that that might be maybe worse than getting COVID itself. There's actually some former VPs, vice presidents at
pharmaceutical companies who've come out. On this case, Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former vice president at
Pfizer. He's got something very clear to say. We were paying attention to statements before. He
said some things last month we're about to share here in just a moment. Today, he has published through an
interview with LifeSite News that the government is not in his line to us, but their lies about
the vaccines could lead to our deaths. He's not mincing words. Rick, this is a senior
vice president with Pfizer. I'm going to say it again.
The depth of the treason is incomprehensible. If it ever is revealed how many people
have sold out America to China, it will be staggering.
That's why I don't see there being a potential, you know, resistance to it.
I think it's, you know, inevitable at this point.
I really don't see people rising up in opposition.
It's not inevitable if people would just get up off their fat rear ends and do something,
but they won't.
But they won't.
That's the key.
That's just it.
They won't.
Because the Chinese communists know that Americans prefer convenience and they won't. That's the key. That's just it. They won't. Because the Chinese communists know that Americans prefer convenience and they won't fight.
And they've made a policy gamble on it.
And it's turning out to be right.
The American people won't do anything that's inconvenient now.
Well, they better fight now because this Pfizer vice president says that it's not just the vaccine that might kill you.
There is a plan for massive scale depopulation, something we've talked about in this program quite a bit.
This is a statement from Dr. Mike Eden.
He said, please warn every person not to go near top up vaccines.
There's absolutely no need for them. As there's no
need for them, yet they're being made in pharma and regulators have stood aside. No safety testing.
I can only deduce they will be used for nefarious purposes. For example, if someone wished to harm
or kill a significant portion of the world's population over the next five years, the systems
being put in place right now will enable it.
It's my considered view that it is entirely possible
that this will be used for massive-scale depopulation.
In my 22 years doing this program,
I have never read a statement from a scientist that confirmed that the global elite are planning mass death of the human population.
And this is an ex-VP of Pfizer, a pharmaceutical company.
He is on the inside.
He knows what's going on.
Left out of conscience.
He's a Christian, too.
In the interview, you talked about his faith in Jesus Christ. You put that together with what the Dutch
scientist said several weeks ago. Dr. Gert Vandenbosch. Yes. He made the same warning
that the vaccine is going to lead to a substantial reduction in the human population.
Yeah, he said one could only think of very few other strategies
to achieve the same level of efficiency
in turning a relatively harmless virus
into a bioweapon of mass destruction.
All I can tell you, my friends, is Jesus Christ is coming.
Get your life right with God and get ready.
We're entering the time of tribulation.
There's no other wisdom we could share with the audience.
That's it right there.
Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News.
Please share this Godcast with your friends and family.
We'll be back tomorrow.
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