TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Podcast Special: Rick Wiles on The Truth Expedition

Episode Date: January 31, 2025

Rick Wiles was a guest on "The Truth Expedition". The co-hosts are Mr. T. Gunnar Balstad and Mark Bishofsky. Gunnar and Mark delve into issues like TruNews such as geopolitical events, deep state acti...vities, and vaccine injuries. The Truth Expedition is available on Rumble and Substack.Mark Bishofsky, a respiratory therapist, became an activist during the Covid pandemic, opposing hospital protocols and vaccine mandates through rallies in Minnesota. He unsuccessfully ran for the state house, facing opposition from both major parties, and founded Stop the Mandate Minnesota. Bishofsky co-hosts The Truth Expedition on Rumble with Gunnar Balstad, focusing on investigating medical and other forms of corruption.T Gunnar Balstad is a co-host of The Truth Expedition, author of the Mideast Debrief series, a religion scholar, lawyer, and advocate for peace. He is also a devoted husband and father.You can follow The Truth Expedition at: and Wiles, Mark Bishofsky, T Gunnar Balstad. Airdate 01/31/2025Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!             It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!

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Starting point is 00:01:09 issues like true news such as geopolitical events deep state activities vaccine injuries well the truth expedition is available on rumble and substack i enjoyed the interview so much that I asked Gunnar and Mark if I could release it today on True News, and they graciously gave us permission. Here is my appearance on the Truth Expedition as seen on Rumble. Welcome back to the Truth Expedition. Gunnar and I are back in studio today because today's guest, a guest in this message today is just too important to risk any technical difficulties. That said, you've tuned into the program where we dig for truth in this insane clown show of a world where the fact checkers lie and the government and the media propagandize
Starting point is 00:01:59 you and me, the citizens of this amazing world. As always, joined by co-host Gunnar. How are you doing today gunner i'm doing great another bucket list interview for me we are so honored to introduce pastor rick wiles pastor wiles has hosted true news the christian news channel since 1999 where he has been instrumental in informing the american public about the dangers of nefarious government and religious actors. Pastor Wiles and his fantastic co-host, Doc Burkhart, had the wisdom and righteousness to peer through the heaviest of propaganda on COVID, 9-11, and the USS Liberty. They will
Starting point is 00:02:37 surely be prepared to guide us through the next false flag or calamitous event. Pastor Wiles has been a lighthouse in Satan's dark world, and we are thrilled to host him event. Pastor Wiles has been a lighthouse in Satan's dark world, and we are thrilled to host him today. Pastor Wiles, welcome to the Truth Expedition. Hey, thank you, Gunnar. I'm glad to be here. I'm looking forward to this. Well, let's start right out here. How did your faith influence your decision to become a pastor? I really never decided to be a pastor. It was a calling. I get two callings from the Lord. The first one come in 1980, 1985. I was working in Virginia Beach at CBN. I was was a marketing manager back then it was called the cbn cable channel later became the family channel so i i you know i was hired by pat robertson and
Starting point is 00:03:33 i was just a you know um middle level manager in the cbn uh television network and um but in 85 i got my first call from the lord and it it had to do with uh it was a message to tell america um your days are numbered if you don't repent to the to the whole nation and quite frankly gunner i didn't know what to do with the calling when you know i was in my 30s i shared it with various uh uh experienced pastors and religious leaders and they were kind of like without saying it it was kind of like well you're not going to come to our church and preach that message you know it was like kind of best wishes, Rick. You know, I'm sure the Lord will help you. But nobody wanted to extend a hand and say that's that's a message that needs to be heard.
Starting point is 00:04:35 I wrote a book that never got printed. This is in the late 80s. It was called God's Lawsuit Against America. And I wrote this little book that, and I framed it as a lawsuit, that God had a lawsuit in court in heaven, and it listed the indictments. And I sent it to every religious publisher I could think of.
Starting point is 00:05:01 They all came back, rejected. I remember going to a national religious broadcasters convention. This is back when they were always in Washington, D.C. And I got a meeting with like a senior vice president of one of the biggest religious publishers. I don't remember anymore whether it was Tyndale House or one of those big ones. And he looked over the manuscript and talked to me and he said, look, I'm going to be honest with you. There's nobody going to publish that book. There's nobody's going to publish it. He said, my suggestion is rewrite it as fiction. Don't tell
Starting point is 00:05:39 people you believe it. Just write it as fiction. Maybe we'll take a look at it then so you know gunner years went by and i i didn't know what to do with that um with that calling i was just frustrated and then the second calling came and guess where i was at i was at tbn god had moved me to trinity broadcasting network i was director of marketing and um thought my life was going well i had a great job i was traveling around the country meeting with cable television executives and all that kind of stuff and um handling all the marketing for tbn and i i couldn't think of anything else to do i was i was very happy. And then in April of 1998, what started in March, I started getting this feeling I was supposed to go on a fast. And I kept putting it off. And I was
Starting point is 00:06:39 like, hey, I'm too busy to be fasting. And I was like trying to tell God, can't you see I'm working for you so much? Don't you see how busy I am for you? I don't have time to fast And I was like trying to tell God, can't you see I'm working for you so much? Don't you see how busy I am for you? I don't have time to fast. I got to go to breakfast meetings and lunch meetings and dinner meetings and conventions and trade shows. But a month later in April of 98, it became almost an order, fast. I want you on a fast. So I went on a fast. And somewhere, I don't know, third or fourth day, I was sitting in my office. This is in Irving, Texas. And somewhere around two o'clock in the afternoon, I'm getting this prompting in my spirit, in my head, go to the TBN chapel, just go there. So I told the secretary, I'm going to go to the chapel. I'll Just go there. So I told the secretary,
Starting point is 00:07:25 hey, I'm going to go to the chapel. I'll be back in a few minutes. Every step I took towards the chapel, a more ominous feeling started coming on me. And I started to feel like, what is about to happen? This is serious. Is God about to tell? This is serious.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Is God about to tell me I have terminal cancer and I'm going to die in three months? I mean, it was that serious. And so I got to the chapel, opened up the door. There was nobody there. It's in the middle of the afternoon and work week, and there's nobody in the chapel. So I'm in there by myself. So I thought. there's nobody in the chapel so i'm in there by myself so i thought and i i didn't see god but i will tell you his i'll tell you what was there his holiness his holiness was in the room this overwhelming feeling of being in the presence of holiness. And I absolutely felt naked.
Starting point is 00:08:25 I felt like Adam hiding behind a tree and God saying, who told you you're naked? And to make a story short, God dealt with me on some personal issues, showed me that I was straying away from the walk that he wanted for me. And he was yanking my chain, saying, you get back to where I called you. And so I made things right with him.
Starting point is 00:08:51 And then all of a sudden, it was like, and this was the first time this ever happened in my life. It looked like a movie screen dropped down in the room. I'm looking at a movie screen and I'm i'm seeing america on fire i'm seeing an american city on fire what i saw was just a city i saw burning skyscrapers i saw smoke flames debris rubble and then outside of the i was like i was looking down at this scene and i could see people fleeing and they were running um through farm fields outside the city limits and i could see the the the survivors and they had a look on their face like they couldn't believe they survived whatever happened in there i had no idea what happened and i i asked God, what am I seeing? And I opened up my Bible
Starting point is 00:09:47 and I just went like this. I opened it up and the first page I was looking at was Isaiah 24 and it's describing a city that's been devastated. There's no food, there's no joy, there's no drink, there's no music it's devastated and uh and i said god why are you showing this to me and he said this is your country's future if your nation doesn't repent i said why are you showing this to me he says because i'm calling you today to tell your country to repent and i said but i'm not the right guy to do it. You just chastise me. And he said, I'm not calling you because you're holy. I'm calling you because you're a good repenter.
Starting point is 00:10:33 When I convict you, you repent. Now go tell the people to do the same thing. That was 26 years ago. And I haven't stopped, but I'll tell you what happened that night. I went home. I never told anybody at TBM what happened. Never told my wife.
Starting point is 00:10:52 My son and daughter were still living with us at that time. They were college age. And my son was enrolled. I think he was a freshman that year going to a local college. And so my daughter was 22 years old at the time and the next morning i still had not told her and the next morning she said dad jesus talked to me in my sleep last night and so i you know did this double take i go you had a dream about jesus she
Starting point is 00:11:19 goes no it wasn't a dream he walked up to my bed and spoke i said you saw him she goes no i never opened up my eyes i just know he was standing next to me talking i said what did he say and he carissa said the lord said daughter beginning tonight i will speak to you about the end times through dreams and visions and she said dad he gave me two dreams i asked her to tell me the dreams and the first one she said uh our family was my wife susan my son jeremy and my daughter carissa we were standing together like we were being huddled together and we were surrounded by she said it looked like thousands of people but they were all skeletons and she said they were going around and around like on a carousel. And she said, I can still see their sockets of their eyes, their bony features. And she said they were
Starting point is 00:12:15 stretching out their bony arms and they're pointing a bony finger at you, all of them. And they were crying in a loud voice. If you knew this was going to happen, why didn't you tell us? And my daughter said, dad, I don't know what God's telling you to do, but you better do it. So I told her what happened the day before. And Gunnar, I made a decision that very moment. I said, God, I don't know what to do. I'm not a trained pastor. I've never been to Bible school, never been to seminary.
Starting point is 00:12:48 I don't know what to do. You said, go tell people to repent. I'll do it. And that's what I've been doing since 1998. The podcast started in 99. We started in Dallas, Texas. I started on a radio station, and I was streaming in MP3 files. So we were way ahead of the game, and we were doing live streaming
Starting point is 00:13:14 and then distributing the program on MP3 files. And that's how we got started. And so I've been doing this now since 1999. And the message has remained the same. That Jesus Christ is America's only hope. And no politician is going to save us. Our only hope is that we return to being the kind of nation we were in 1776. So that's my message.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Thank God that he sent you that message, and thank God that you followed it. How rewarding has it been for you to shepherd people to God? Well, seeing people come to Christ is enormously rewarding. It's the only thing you live for. The journey hasn't been easy. It's been very difficult. But the reward is fantastic.
Starting point is 00:14:10 We don't keep track how many people get saved, and a lot of ministries do that, kind of like McDonald's and 15 billion hamburgers served or whatever. I don't know. I just know that a lot of people have been saved over the years, and God's keeping score, and He knows who they are and how many. My job is just to be obedient, keep going, keep telling people the truth. But I got to tell you, we are close. I just wrote a new book. It hasn't been published yet.
Starting point is 00:14:48 It's just before you called. I was with our in-house editor looking at the layout of the book. But the book is called Mega War 2032. And hopefully it will be out in about two months. And it is my projection that I believe World War III started three years ago when Russia invaded Ukraine. And so I'm not predicting the start of World War III. I'm predicting the end of World War III. All right. And I get people who say, you knowick you're wrong world war three hasn't started
Starting point is 00:15:27 there are no nukes going off and i like you don't understand the nukes go off at the end of the war not at the beginning right so so i'm talking about the the end of the war sometime around 2032 could be earlier could be a couple years later and i'm i'm basing it on um the fourth turning concept by neil howe and i'm a big believer in cycles so was solomon and mankind repeats we repeat the same mistakes over and over and over so there is a big war in america every 80 plus years you can go back roughly 78 80 82 years there's a big war all the way back into the 1600s there's always been a big war every 80 plus years we are due a major war right now and we where it's already started in fact the russian invasion of ukraine was 81 years after america entered world war ii
Starting point is 00:16:40 take 1941 add 81 years to it, and you get to 2022. It's right on schedule. So my focus right now is to prepare people for the ending of World War III. And I believe, Gunnar and Mark, I believe that what I saw that day back in 1998, that vision God gave me. I believe what I saw was the end of this war in America in the 2030s. I think the city I saw burned out is a city. It's going to be one of many cities. This war is going to be fought on American soil. We're going to have Chinese troops on American soil. You're going to have hand-to-hand combat in american cities the people are not ready for it my focus right now is try to
Starting point is 00:17:34 get people ready for it absolutely that's what we're trying to do not on the same scale as you pastor wiles i understand you're a prepper i I am too. I just bought nearly 40 acres. I'm preparing for, I don't know what, but my gut, my spirit is telling me something really tragic is going to happen. What is it you think we need to be prepared for? What events do you think? Fire. Fire? Fire. A consuming fire. A fire beyond your comprehension. The country's going to be engulfed in fire.
Starting point is 00:18:19 There's a... I don't know if he's still alive. There's a Chinese general, PLA general. Trying to remember his last name. Hao Ten. I think it's pronounced Hao Ten. He retired, I think it was 2003. And he gave a speech to, you know, like young cadets in the PLA. And he told them how excited he was about the growth of the Chinese military
Starting point is 00:18:50 and the strategy. And he said that the PLA had polled the Chinese population and asked certain questions about what they would be willing to do on behalf of China. And the questions were like, would you shoot women and children? And, you know, they were getting like, he said they were getting like 80% yeses. If this was for the country. And so he was saying to these young cadets,
Starting point is 00:19:27 you know, we are preparing the Chinese people for this war. And he names the United States. And he said, we're not going to use nuclear weapons on the Americans. We're going to use biological and chemical weapons. We're going to eradicate them like pests. And then when they're dead,
Starting point is 00:19:50 we're going to transfer a sizable portion of the Chinese population to North America. He said, we don't want to nuke it. We want the land. We don't want it to be irradiated. We want to move our people to north america see americans okay we don't even think like there's somebody over there in china thinking like this and what i'm trying to tell people they're getting ready they're this is in the
Starting point is 00:20:17 countdown this big war is ready to explode on us i I think it's going to be sometime in the early 2030s. And it is going to be horrific. And people need to get ready, spiritually and physically. And we've got maybe five to seven years for preparation.
Starting point is 00:20:45 So the only thing I'm doing right now is to get people prepared for it. So anyhow, that's my thoughts on prepping. So let's chat about how we can repent as a nation. How have modern Christians and evangelicals been duped by the Schofield Bible? Big time. By the way, I want to say one other thing about prepping. Please. I want this.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Probably a lot of people won't like this. but um a less expensive way to prep for what's coming is to get a visa to another country okay i mean just get yourself out of the kill zone i mean that's that's the smartest thing to do get a long-term visa to another country. And when we're getting close to the time that you think the war is about to erupt, get yourself out of the kill zone. Because most of the American people are going to die in this war. Okay, Schofield.
Starting point is 00:22:03 So, gentlemen, among Christians, one of the biggest obstacles I've had over 25 years is the reply that I get from Christians. Well, Rick, I don't disagree with you that these things are coming, but I'm not going to be here because I'm going to be raptured and taken away. So I'm not worried about it. I've heard that a million times. They've been duped into believing that there's going to be an easy escape just for Americans. American Christians are going to be taken out and they don't have to worry about any of these tribulations. But when you get to know who Schofield was
Starting point is 00:22:50 and where he got his doctrine, he got it from John Nelson Darby. And Darby was an Irish Anglican priest, disgruntled, didn't like the Anglican church, broke away, started his own little sec called the plymouth brethren and they got that name because he moved from ireland to great britain and settled in the in the town of plymouth and the locals just started calling his people the plymouth brethren and he started concocting his own doctrine and what what made darby so effective
Starting point is 00:23:27 was it wasn't so much that he invented doctrines he was kind of like he had a uh like a little flower basket and he was just going around finding oddball doctrines and putting them in his little flower basket you know to, to make a bouquet. So what his real skill was, he made a theological bouquet out of these oddball flowers. He created a systematic doctrine, a systematic theology that was completely foreign to traditional Christianity. I mean, it was just a, it was wackadoodle time. And he had very, very strong critics in Great Britain.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Like, I mean, think of some of the strongest, most powerful pastors in London at that time. You know, they were denouncing him, telling their congregation, stay away from Darby. His views are dangerous. One of the things I found about Darby is the Darby family owned a haunted castle and darby as a kid grew up living in the castle and
Starting point is 00:24:50 it was haunted i have a copy of a book written by i want to say his sister might be his sister-in-law i think it's his sister she wrote a book about the darby castle and she describes you know the goblins and the spooks and the demons and i mean some really hideous creatures that were walking around in that castle it had a dungeon um i mean they were killing people in the i mean somebody was somebody was killing people in the dungeon. I'm not saying the Darby family did, but they knew about the dungeon. And the sister said,
Starting point is 00:25:36 the Darby family did seances in the castle. Gentlemen, I can't prove it, but my theory is darby got his rapture doctrine in a seance i think that's where it came from sure um you know he was a friend of uh uh it's just some very uh surrounded by a lot of Freemasons. You know, everything about him was kind of mysterious. So anyhow, his doctrine didn't go anywhere. It really stayed confined in England. The only person in America who was, was well the most influential person who was
Starting point is 00:26:28 paying attention to him was uh d.l moody and moody was meeting and i don't know if moody went seeking mount i think darby sought out moody when moody would go to england and i think Moody started buying into the Darby doctrine um but when Darby died kind of the mantle uh went to Cyrus Schofield and Schofield was a flimflam man in fact he went to jail for fraud I mean he he was an embezzler uh he could he was taking money from people he uh i mean he was just was a a scoundrel and when he got out of jail he immediately became a prophecy teacher i mean as soon as he got out of jail it's like it's like it's almost like uh somebody in the jail said uh you know, with your skills, I bet you do well in religion. He became a prophecy teacher right after he got out of jail.
Starting point is 00:27:37 And people refer to him as Dr. Cyrus Schofield. He never earned a PhD. he never had a doctorate degree totally made up and he's never been held accountable that all the rapture people today they still have never renounced his fake degree so somewhere i was upstairs in my office, I have the original first edition Schofield Bible. The first year came out. And he's got his name in it. Dr. Cyrus Schofield. Gentlemen, if you lie on the first page of a Bible, you'll lie the rest of your life.
Starting point is 00:28:24 He put a lie on the first page of the bible as he printed that he was a doctor and it was a complete lie fabrication he lied about his civil war record he lied about everything but uh the zionists, they found their man. And Schofield, at this particular time, was pastoring a little church in Massachusetts, could barely make ends meet. And he was tapped to become a member of a literary club, very exclusive literary club. Like Samuel Clements, Mark Twain was a member. The initiation fee, the annual dues was more than Schofield earned. But he was given free membership. And the man who put him in the club was a Jewish lawyer in New York City
Starting point is 00:29:29 who was the, I want to say, the vice president of the American Zionist Committee or something like that. He's the lawyer who wrote the law that was passed by the U.S. Congress that established the Federal Reserve u.s congress that established the federal reserve act same lawyer that's who put sire scofield in that club well the next thing happens is scofield got a an invitation to meet with the the chief publishers at oxford i, at the very top. And he got an all-expense-paid trip to London. He met with
Starting point is 00:30:07 the top executives of Oxford Publishing, came home with a contract and an advance to publish a Bible with study notes in it that were Zionist study notes. Nobody had done anything like this. It was a very revolutionary idea. He didn't have any money.
Starting point is 00:30:32 He had never written one note. He had nothing. Just an idea. And Oxford says, we love it. Here's the contract. Here's some money. And then somebody hired uh an editor his name was gabalin and he was a a yiddish speaking pastor and he really was the editor who
Starting point is 00:30:57 who wrote the the scofield bible and then after it was published ox Oxford gave away, I don't even remember what the precise number, it was in the hundreds of thousands of Bibles. They mailed them to churches in America, free of charge. They ceded the churches with the Schofield Bible. And they planted the doctrine. So then people, you know, you're talking about 1910, 1912, that time. You know, people were, they'd have a Bible and they got these footnotes explaining what the scriptures say. And it's all from a Zionist perspective. And so people were like, well, it's in the Bible.
Starting point is 00:31:44 This must be true. These foot, it's in the Bible. This must be true. These footnotes are in the Bible. They wouldn't be in the Bible if they weren't true. And people just started to accept the footnotes. And it laid the foundation for Christian Zionism. And so guys, here we are today, and Christian Zionism is settled science in the churches. You can't even talk about it. It's not permitted. You will be excommunicated from any evangelical church in America if you dare question it. And that's the state of the american christianity right now do you think the state of israel bribes mainstream pastors to push this stuff well i can't say bribe like here's a possible, but I will say that they, that money flows. It flows into Christian ministries. I mean, the very first one that I know of was Dr. Jerry Falwell. And I think it was
Starting point is 00:32:59 Menachem Begin was the prime minister then who gave him a state-owned jet well what did jerry falwell do he really got excited about israel but then other other leading evangelists said hey man if you if you get on the israel bandwagon they they might just give you a jet and i think the israelis realize man this is working all we got to do is funnel money to these churches and they'll sing our song for us so you know thousands of pastors or you know go to israel every year they they get indoctrinated they get invited to all kinds of meetings and everything. It's all part of a Mossad-run indoctrination process. They really don't even have to do much anymore because it's on—the pastors are doing it themselves now. They're so indoctrinated that they'll actually—I think they would send the money the other way.
Starting point is 00:34:01 I know this, guys. Some years ago, trying to think maybe five or six years ago, there was a so-called Christian organization that was really attacking me a lot. I mean, calling me all kinds of names, going on Christian shows and trashing me as a bigot and a racist and all this kind of stuff. Well, one day the story broke in Israel in Haratz newspaper, and the newspaper got their hands on government documents that showed that government money in Israel was being laundered to evangelical ministries in America. And that ministry that was attacking me was one of the recipients. So, you know, I had the proof.
Starting point is 00:34:52 You're being paid by Israel to attack me. You know, I'm wondering, like, what's this people's problem? Well, they're going to find out you're paid. You're paid to attack me. So, yes, money does flow from israel to american churches and um you know there's uh i mean john hagie come on his kufi organization christians united i don't i don't know if any christians actually work at kufi's offices. Everyone I've ever seen is an Israeli Jew working in the United States at Kufi. It's a Mossad propaganda operation
Starting point is 00:35:35 inside the churches. Absolutely. So we believe, well there is, there's a pyramid of power in this world. We know who sits at the top and the throne, it's God. But to the evildoers, there, there's, there's someone sitting at the top. Like, you know, we have this genocide happening in Gaza, tens of thousands of children getting slaughtered. We have these evildoers trying to get parents to inject bioweapons into their children. I mean, the amount of evil. And we're starting to realize that perhaps Zionism sits at the top,
Starting point is 00:36:10 is the head of the snake. Do you think that could be true? Well, to be precise, at the very top is Satan. And then just as God sits at the top of his kingdom, he has humans that are part of his kingdom on earth. Satan sits at the top of his kingdom of darkness. And then he has humans who are carrying out his work. Yes, I've come to the conclusion that Zionism is the beast system that will rule the world
Starting point is 00:36:47 before Christ comes. I don't see anything else that's as wicked as Zionism. I don't see anything with more power. You know, Babylon is actually Jerusalem and the Bible, the book of Revelation tells you Babylon is the harlot city.
Starting point is 00:37:09 God calls Jerusalem Sodom and Egypt. What is all this fascination with the city of Jerusalem? God calls it Sodom and Egypt. There's a massive earthquake before Christ comes back. It splits Jerusalem into three parts. If Jerusalem is so wonderful, why is God splitting it apart with earthquakes? So, and by the way, that city over there in Palestine they call Jerusalem, it's not Jerusalem. It's a Roman
Starting point is 00:37:43 city that was built by Hadrian. The Roman army destroyed Jerusalem just as Jesus prophesied, 70 AD. Jesus said not one stone will be left standing. Was Jesus a liar? He said not one stone will be standing. The Roman army went in and ransacked Jerusalem. They turned the city upside down.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Hadrian came later, a Roman emperor, not an emperor, but a Roman leader, and built a city on the rubble, on top of the rubble of Jerusalem. What is there today is a Roman city. I hate to tell all the Catholics there's no Via Dolorosa. It's down below in the rubble. It's all tourist traps. You go to Jerusalem
Starting point is 00:38:43 right here. Mary stood right here. to Jerusalem, right here. Mary stood right here. Oh yeah, right. How could she have stood here if this is a Roman city? The real city is down below in the rubble. That's why archaeologists are always discovering things where? Underground.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Why don't they find things above? If it's the real city, they ought to find things above ground. No, they're always drilling down because the real old city is underneath the city that Hadrian built. Look, Israel is a fake Israel with a fake Jerusalem, with fake Jews that speak fake Hebrew. The whole thing is a hoax. There's no more Jewish DNA in these people than a cat.
Starting point is 00:39:41 I mean, they just don't have... It's made up. They're Europeans. a cat i mean they just don't have it's made up they're europeans they're europeans who moved to palestine and killed the real semitic people the palestinians by the way semitic semitic means a language there there are about 30 languages in the middle east that are semitic and hebrew is one of them arabic is is one arabic is semitic so when you say somebody's anti-semitic you're saying they're anti-language see another it's a fake term it's been made up uh we got to get this propaganda out of our heads because they've taken control of the minds of people america has been captured we are under control a tiny little group of people in the
Starting point is 00:40:36 world what is like two percent of the of the population has captured the majority of the people in America. They didn't use guns. They used propaganda. They captured their minds. I got to tell you, they're brilliant. They're absolutely brilliant. They knew we can't defeat them with guns. We have to capture their minds. And so the American people have submitted to lies from a small
Starting point is 00:41:07 group of people. And we've given up our country. We've given up our heritage, our Christian heritage. We've allowed them to defile our nation with pornography and drugs and all kinds of sin, abortion and everything. These are Jewish values. You know, the patriots keep talking about they want to get back to 1776. Well, guess what?
Starting point is 00:41:35 There wasn't any Zionism in America. There wasn't any rapture doctrine. There wasn't any of this stuff in 1776. So if you really want to get the country back to the revolutionary days, you've got to get rid of most of the most of the theology that's in American churches today.
Starting point is 00:41:56 It just didn't exist. I have thousands of old Christian books in my library. There's no Zionism in them. It doesn't exist. There's no Zionism in them. It doesn't exist. There's no talk about there's going to be a state of Israel. None of it does not exist.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Spurgeon. Spurgeon was a vehement opponent of Darby. Spurgeon denounced him, okay? They didn't, Charles Spurgeon didn't believe that Israel was coming back as a nation. He didn't believe any of that stuff. He didn't believe in a super, you know, in a rapture.
Starting point is 00:42:32 All this stuff appeared in basically the 1900s. And now you can barely talk to people about what used to be considered traditional Christianity. Right. Pastor Wiles, I have a coin at home issued by the Sanhedrin, the Temple Institute. It has Trump's face on it. The other side is the temple. How close are we to the third temple?
Starting point is 00:42:58 What is Trump's role in this? Well, okay, two things uh first of all the bible absolutely does not prophesy there's going to be a third temple that is not there that again is a john nelson darby cyrus scofield lie so god is not seeking to build a temple. Why would he build a temple? He destroyed it. He destroyed both of them on the same day. Not the very same day, but the same day of the year. The ninth of Av. Both temples were destroyed.
Starting point is 00:43:37 You know, anybody put two and two together? First temple was destroyed on the ninth of Av. Second temple was destroyed on the ninth of. Second temple was destroyed and the ninth. Anybody put this together? Maybe God's making a point. He destroyed the temple. Why would he build another one? Because he wants something to destroy?
Starting point is 00:43:56 There's no need for a temple. To build a temple is blasphemous against Jesus Christ. He is our temple. Jesus Christ is our temple jesus christ is our temple i don't need animal sacrifices there's no there's absolutely no need for a temple so it's not biblical to say that god's going to rebuild the temple. But does Satan want a temple? Absolutely. And you know who wants it more than anybody? Freemasons.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Everything about Freemasonry is around Solomon's temple. Yep. Okay. The legend of Hiram Abiff. It's all about masonry in the temple. They believe that secret knowledge is at the temple. They're in pursuit of secret hidden knowledge.
Starting point is 00:44:53 And so the driving force for a third temple is Freemasonry. But that's connected to Judaism. But to get the temple, and again if they build one, it's Satan building it. It's not God. They got to get rid of the Temple Mount, which is an Islamic mosque. So to get rid of the Temple Mount, you got to get rid of the Arabs. What do you think we've been watching for the past two years? Ethnic cleansing.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Get rid of them. Just kill them. Get rid of them. Then we can build the temple. No, nobody would be... Yeah, they are. They're mad. They're insane. They're driven by demonic power. And we're watching it happen're driven by demonic power. And we're watching it happen. It's demonic power. Because I believe, and again, see, what I'm going to say is absolutely contrary to Darbyism. Because they teach that Satan is released from the abyss at the end of a thousand year millennial reign,
Starting point is 00:46:07 which that's a whole other story because they teach that there's a thousand year Jewish kingdom on earth. Peter said when Jesus Christ comes back, he burns this earth. Well, who's telling the truth here? Did Peter get it wrong? Peter said this earth and the elements will burn in fervent heat when Christ returns.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Not a thousand years later. But anyhow, that's part of the Zionist. See, the Zionist doctrine is the Jews are going to rule the world for a thousand years from old Jerusalem. It's a Jewish fable. So, I believe that Satan is released from the abyss just before the end. And I've come to the conclusion, gentlemen,
Starting point is 00:46:57 that the only explanation I can come up with for the unprecedented, unimaginable evil and wickedness that we have witnessed in recent years is that Satan has already been released. He's out of the abyss. He's roaming the earth, deceiving the nations. And I think we haven't seen anything yet in terms of the depth and the grossness of wickedness and evil. He's out roaming the earth. He's deceiving the nations. Why would God release him after Jesus Christ has been with us for a thousand years? That whole idea doesn't even make sense. But I think Satan's loose now. And he's deceiving people. And the wickedness
Starting point is 00:47:44 is... I can't cope. What happened in Gaza for the past year and a half, I can't cope with it. It's beyond my ability. I saw videos I wish I never saw. So tragic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:02 And you've got Christian Zionists in this country justifying it. Saying, the Israelis are justified. God is commanding them to kill all the Palestinians so they can take the land. That is blasphemous. But that's where we're at. What else do you want to talk about? Pastor Wiles, so as Christians, what do we do to
Starting point is 00:48:29 bring peace on this earth? What do we do to prevent this? Do you think that... We can't prevent it. We can't prevent it. It's going to get worse. It's going to get worse. All you can do is hide in Christ.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Go to the secret place. Okay? Go to the secret place. The secret place is to be hidden in Christ. And that's why you need the Word of God in you. You need to be, you know, if you're going to be a prepper, nothing wrong with prepping with food and supplies, but prep the Word of God in you. If you're going to be a prepper, nothing wrong with prepping with food and supplies,
Starting point is 00:49:08 but prep the Word. Make sure you're stockpiling the Word in you. And get as close as you can. Develop a close, intimate relationship with God. Develop the most intimate relationship you can have with the Holy Spirit
Starting point is 00:49:24 and build your faith that you can believe for miracles. You're going to need miracles to get through now to the last day. We're going to survive on miracles. Miracles are coming back. I believe it. Miracles will return. The remnant church will need miracles. You got to drop out of the Babylonian system. Drop out of the Babylonian churches.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Come apart. Come out of them. He's saying, come out of her, my people. Who is in Babylon? His people. Not pagans. He doesn't say, hey pagans, come out of Babylon. He says, come out of her, my people. God's people are in Babylon. They need to come out. So that's the first step. Come out of Babylon. Get Babylon out of you. Not only you come out of Babylon, but get Babylon out of you. That's the biggest, that's the more difficult thing. Getlon out of your head and you know you just you constantly you know i call them dog hairs cobwebs you know that are left over in my mind from churches i used to attend you know the taught the secret
Starting point is 00:50:44 rapture and taught israel and taught all that stuff you know, that taught the secret rapture and taught Israel and taught all that stuff. You know, there's always these little cobwebs. You got to get rid of them. You got to get this stuff out of you and just read the word as it is written and let the Holy Spirit interpret. Instead of going to somebody else to tell you what it
Starting point is 00:51:00 means. See, that was the sly thing that Schofield did he did he told people what god meant and it it eventually you know took hold and now a lot of people just accept it and they actually have bible schools teaching it do you think trump is going to prolong the war or do you think he's going to be a catalyst? The Ukraine war or the Gaza war? World War III in Gaza.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Okay. I think Mr. Trump is going to wind way, Steve Bannon is a major student of the fourth turning. I think Donald Trump knows about the fourth turning and World War III and the cycle and the dates. I think President Trump is getting us ready for the war with china if the war is in 2030 2032 mr trump's not going to be in the white house he's going to leave the white house january 20th 2029 it's either going to be jd vance in the white house or another person which i kind of think it will be another person okay somebody that will um not be walking with the lord so i think mr trump is getting america ready for the war with china that's why he you know when he first said we're
Starting point is 00:52:40 going to take greenland we're going to take Canada, we're going to take the Panama Canal. At first I thought, okay, he's just trolling them. And then I realized he's serious. And then after I got over the shock of him being serious, I realized, oh, he's not going to tell us why. But the real reason is he's building a fort. He's fortifying America for the war. That's why he wants Greenland.
Starting point is 00:53:11 That's why he wants Canada. That's why he wants the Panama Canal. If the Chinese shut down the Panama Canal, they'd choke us. If he can put military bases and missiles in Greenland and Canada, I mean, our defenses are better. So I think he's all in. He knows that we're going to war with China.
Starting point is 00:53:33 And the war with China is already underway. It's being fought with AI. It's being fought with cyber attacks. We're in World War III. These attacks are taking place. I mean, the tragic accident over the Potomac on Wednesday night, I mean, we could find out, and maybe the government would never tell us we could find out that that uh some entity took control of that aircraft of the the army helicopter and literally drove it into the american airline uh passenger jet because if you watch the video it's looked like it just went right for it i mean is anybody thinking about the possibility that military hackers for another country took control of an army helicopter in the nation's capital?
Starting point is 00:54:35 We are in the age of hacking and cyber warfare and AI. We're going to see AI doing these things. I mean, you won't even need hackers ai will be the hacker so the war is on and i think president trump is getting us ready for the war with china he's just not going to tell the people because it'll scare the daylights out of everybody absolutely pastor wiles you truly are a lighthouse in a dark world. Could you, we have never asked anyone to do this on the show before, but could you say a prayer for humanity that we find God? Thank you, sir. Absolutely. Thank you for that opportunity. I want to speak to people, two different groups of people.
Starting point is 00:55:26 One, you already know Jesus Christ, and I want to pray that you, something comes alive in you, that you get a fire, that we're near the end. And mega-sized things are about to happen in very near future, in the coming years. I'm talking about the next five to ten years. And then the other group of people, you have not yet been born again. And I want to pray for you also. So, Father God, my dear Father, I love you so much, Father. Father, I my love for you, you are my Papa.
Starting point is 00:56:08 I love you, Father. You have been so good to me. You have saved my soul. You have washed away my sins. Your Holy Spirit lives in me. You have guided me and protected me and provided for me. You've been a good Father. Father, I pray that you will reveal yourself to people watching us right now who don't know you yet as Father,
Starting point is 00:56:34 that they would see you, they would recognize you, they would experience you as a loving, kind, heavenly Father. And so I pray that people will step towards you because if they make a step towards you, you will run towards them and embrace them. Father, I pray for those who already know you through your Son, Jesus Christ, that you would ignite in them a holy fire, that they would perceive the lateness of the hour and commit
Starting point is 00:57:07 to you that they would devote all of their life, their being, to proclaiming that your Son, Jesus Christ, is coming back. Father, I pray that those who are not saved would make that decision right now to believe on the name of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. Great war is coming to the world, but the Prince of Peace is coming. He will extinguish all war. It will end forever, and his reign of justice and righteousness shall be forever with no end.
Starting point is 00:57:46 And that's what we desire, Father, in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you so much for that, Pastor Wiles. Though we have a lot more questions, you know what? We respect your time. The amount of gratitude we have for giving us some of your time, we have no words for that. Thank you so much for joining us on the truth expedition. Well, thank you, Jonah. I I've, I've enjoyed this. Uh, ask me back. I'll come back. I like this. This was good. Good conversation today. Excellent. We, cause yeah, we do have a lot more and I could learn so much from you and so could our, our audience. So we are, we are so thankful And God bless you, sir. And thank you for watching, tuning into the Truth Expedition.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Do not tread on me and do not shed on me. Well, I hope you enjoyed watching their interview of me as much as I enjoyed being interviewed by them. You can watch the Truth Expedition on Rumble and Substack. Doc and I will be back on Monday. And I've got something I want you to keep in your mind this year. 2025 will be the year of inflation-busting faith. Many of you are going to get a revelation from God
Starting point is 00:59:02 about the economic power of touching him with your faith through consistent, generous offerings for the purpose of advancing the gospel of the kingdom. Food prices will continue increasing throughout this year, and so will many other items. But God will supernaturally bless your faith-packed offerings this year. Somehow your income will increase and you'll find bargains you never imagined. I've seen it happen in my own life. You will be the head and not the tail. Now, today is the last day of January 2025.
Starting point is 00:59:42 And I am challenging you to launch your first inflation-busting faith rocket equipped with a generous payload for Faith in Values, the parent of True News. Give online at or or call 800-576-2116 to send a check, money order, or precious metals. Address your letter to True News, Post Office Box 399, Vero Beach, Florida. The zip is 32961. Don't wait until the middle of the year to decide you need God's help to overcome inflation. Get the jump on inflation in the beginning of 2025. God will bless you. Now, coming up next is Morning Manna, and every Friday in 2025,
Starting point is 01:00:37 Fridays on Morning Manna are Faith Fridays. I am devoting one day a week on Morning Manna to teaching people how to build their faith. I encourage you to watch it. Plus, we have the Lord's Supper every Friday. Doc and I will be back on Monday. God bless you. You don't have to think the world is ending tomorrow to be realistic. Serious emergencies happen to regular people all the time. For the forward-thinking family man, American Reserve serves as the ideal safeguard.
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Starting point is 01:01:51 Welcome to Faith Friday at Morning Manor. This year, 2025, we are devoting every Friday to studying faith, to build up our faith, to increase our faith muscles so that we can do great exploits for God in 2025. I should say that God can do great exploits through us. Amen. That's really what we're talking about. So last week, I started a two-part series, Two Kinds of Faith. And I talked about the faith of Thomas. And, you know, it was doubting faith. It was faith that required physical evidence. Today, we're going to talk about the faith of Abraham.
Starting point is 01:02:38 So let's pray and ask the Holy Spirit's presence. And then we'll begin this lesson. At the end of the lesson, today's Friday, we will have the Lord's Supper. So have bread and your choice of grape juice or red wine available. Anybody in your family, anybody in your office, wherever you're at, if they are born again and baptized, they are welcome to join us. We have an open table. And we want every believer to participate with us. Father God, Almighty God, our Father in heaven, Father, we thank you for this beautiful day.
Starting point is 01:03:17 It is an awesome day and you are an awesome Father. We glorify you and magnify you and bless you and praise you. Father, we have gathered today to learn about the faith of Abraham, so we invite the Holy Spirit to take his place at the head of this table and direct and lead and guide this morning manna Bible study that all of us would leave this class today with stronger faith in you. In Jesus' name, amen. Amen. So, Doc, actually, I put this lesson together last night,
Starting point is 01:04:01 and wouldn't you know it, I end up in Romans. You can't get away from it. night and wouldn't you know it I end up in Romans well how does this happen all right so we're gonna skip ahead because what we're in Romans 3 or yeah yeah we in chapter 3 now yes we are, so we're going to jump to chapter four. I really, I guess, should have timed this for next week. So I want you to read Romans 4, verses 15 through 25. Romans 4, 15 through 25. All right. So reading Romans chapter 4 4 verses 15 through 25 I'm reading from the King James this morning because the law worketh wrath for where no law is there is no transgression therefore it is a faith that it might be by grace to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed not to that only which is of the law
Starting point is 01:05:06 but to that also which is of the faith of abraham who is the father of us all as it is written i have made thee a father of many nations before him whom he believed even god who quickeneth the dead and call us those things which be not as though they were, who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, so shall thy seed be. And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about a hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb. He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God and being fully persuaded that what he had promised he was able also to perform.
Starting point is 01:06:01 And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. Now it was not written for his sake alone that it was imputed to him, but for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead, who was delivered for our offenses and was raised again for our justification. We're talking about that Abraham faith today. Amen. Amen. I just thought it was humorous how the Lord did this. You know, I was saying yesterday, Romans is very difficult for me to understand and teach.
Starting point is 01:06:45 And then, and I said, you know what I love to talk about? I love to talk about faith and miracles. And so I got to prepare this lesson. And the Lord said, well, I'm going to take you to the fourth chapter of Romans. So he has his own sense of humor. Now, probably in about two weeks, we will be in these verses in Romans and we will go through them line by line. that's not what I'm going to do today we'll be
Starting point is 01:07:10 Romans 4 in about like I said probably two weeks so what we're going to talk about today is that Abraham's faith was characterized by three things. Obedience, trust, and faithfulness. He believed in God. He obeyed God, even when it was difficult. I'll give you examples, and we'll go deeper into this as we go. Obedience. Abraham left his home country, went to a far land without knowing where he was going.
Starting point is 01:07:49 By faith. Abraham obeyed God even when he didn't understand the instruction. Has God ever inspired you to do something without explaining the instruction. I know he has with me.
Starting point is 01:08:10 And you just begin by faith. And as you go by faith, revelation comes to you with every step that you take. He reveals more until you get to the place. You're like, all right, I get it. I see what, I see what you're doing. I understand now. But he doesn't tell us right up front.
Starting point is 01:08:29 He wants us to take those steps of faith. That's what Abraham did. Told Abraham, leave. Leave your family. Leave your mama, your papa, your uncles, your cousins. Leave. I'm taking you somewhere. Where, Father? I'm taking you somewhere.
Starting point is 01:08:45 Where, Father? I'm not going to tell you. Just start walking. That requires faith. The second word, trust. Abraham trusted God because he knew God was truthful. So Abraham believed Believed. Whatever promise God made to him.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Even when there was no reason. To hope. That they were true. Right. He believed. And then. The third. Faithfulness.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Abraham was. Stead his decision and his commitment to follow God's instructions. And his faith remained strong. Even when God tested him, he didn't waver. Now, last week we studied Thomas and you know as I said last week I'm not ragging on Thomas
Starting point is 01:09:55 I have great respect for him he was an apostle he died as a martyr in India but right there in the days after the resurrection, his faith was not strong. He required physical evidence to believe that Jesus had been raised from the dead. He didn't want to be fooled. He didn't want to fall for a trick. He thought maybe his fellow disciples were delirious,
Starting point is 01:10:32 like they'd lost their minds. They're so traumatized by Jesus's death. They're imagining he's out here walking around. I don't want to fall for that. The pain of losing Jesus was so great. he didn't want to lose him a second time and that's really what was you know in thomas's defense he didn't want to be hurt he was already hurt what if i believe that he's alive and i find out it's not true then i'm hurt again right so jesus did not condemn thomas but he said thomas blessed are those who will believe without seeing yes
Starting point is 01:11:19 so the bible tells us where else would I find this other than Romans? That Abraham's faith is the model for our faith. That Abraham's faith pointed to the Messiah. Yes. And it is through the resurrection that we are justified our faith in his resurrection Abraham's faith was a personal trust
Starting point is 01:11:56 yes it wasn't just a general belief there's a God out there somewhere and our faith is a general belief. There's a God out there somewhere. And our faith is, our justification is through faith in Christ, just the same way that God justified Abraham. So, Romans 4 tells us that
Starting point is 01:12:24 Abraham's faith is our model. I'm going to be more excited about Romans when I get to chapter 4. Because that's what I want to talk about. Faith, believing God. So the central question for all of us how can a man or woman be justified before God
Starting point is 01:12:51 this is the central question for all of humanity what must I do to be saved yes the two views, justification by works, justification by faith.
Starting point is 01:13:12 A lot of people are trying to be saved by good works. They're generous. They're involved in charities and they're involved in humanitarian efforts. And, you know, they do a lot of good things in their life. And they end up they're they're involved in charities and they're involved in humanitarian efforts and you know they do a lot of good things in their life and then and
Starting point is 01:13:29 they end up at the end of their life they're still unsaved they they think that their works will save them um them um how many of you know who rich little is the impressionist so back in the 60s and 70s he was very famous as a young man he was an impressionist he could do an impression of just about any politician any movie star he was an impressionist he could do an impression of just about any politician any movie star he was the best well mr little now is in his late 90s it's hard to believe and he's still performing Bill performing in Vegas. I saw him actually twice in Las Vegas as I was there for the National Association of Broadcasters Convention. And my son was with me on one trip. And Jeremy didn't know who he was.
Starting point is 01:14:48 And I had to get Jeremy to watch some youtube videos just so he knew who he was okay um but jeremy was amazed by and what rich little did he did a one-man play on the life of jimmy stewart the actor jimmy stewart the actor and again if you're too young you don't know who jimmy stewart is so it was a one-man play and rich little played all the parts in the play there were like 30 different characters in the play male and female he played all of them it was amazing doc and it was a very small theater. I mean, just a couple hundred people. And we were seated at a table at the stage. I mean, literally, I could put my hand on the stage. You know, so when Rich Little was over at that part of the stage, I mean, I could have tapped his shoes.
Starting point is 01:15:42 That's how intimate this was. But anyhow, this is where I want's how intimate this was. But anyhow, this is where I want to get to this story. The very closing scene, they bring out, the props that they used was very, you know, minimum, but they brought out a staircase.
Starting point is 01:16:00 And this is representing the end of Jimmy Stewart's life. The play is coming to a close. Jimmy Stewart climbs the stairways. He's going to heaven. He gets at the top of the stairways, and he looks up into the sky, and he says to God, I gave you my talents. I have nothing else to give you.
Starting point is 01:16:26 End of play. Now, Rich Little wrote that play. Doc, when I went back to my hotel room, I wept like a baby for two hours for his soul, Rich Little's soul. When I got back to my hotel room, the Holy Spirit told me that last scene was Rich Little himself, the impressions,
Starting point is 01:16:56 talking to God, saying, I'm at the end of my life. I'm in my 90s. I have given you my talents. I have nothing else to give you and i wept and wept and wept and knew that he was not saved and i uh i cried for his soul. And I have continued. You see, that's been maybe five years ago. I have continued to pray for him.
Starting point is 01:17:34 And he's still alive. And I've prayed, God, don't let that man leave this world until he's saved. I obtained his address, his business address in las vegas and i sent him an overnight letter that i told him i said i i took my son to see you because i wanted my son to see the greatest impressionist who's ever lived i got his attention with a compliment but at the end of the letter i told him the story i said mr little. Little, when you climbed those stair steps and said to God, I've given you all that I have, my talents. I said, I knew that was you speaking to God, not Jimmy Stewart. It was you.
Starting point is 01:18:22 And I want you to know Mr. Little your talents will not save you you have to give your heart to Christ you have to believe you have to believe in a resurrected Jesus you know he never answered the letter I know he got it it went directly to his office
Starting point is 01:18:44 I thought I did my part i gave him the gospel so this is the this is the vital question for all humanity how can i be justified in the eyes of God. Most people believe it's by good works. People say, well, he died. Did you hear about so-and-so? He died. He was a good man. Oh, she was a good woman. Were they saved?
Starting point is 01:19:17 Well, I don't know about that. They were good. That's not salvation. No, it's not. So Abraham, that's not salvation no it's not so Abraham his faith is our model we have to understand Abraham in order to understand our salvation and how to explain salvation to other people
Starting point is 01:19:39 Abraham is the key figure in understanding justification by faith. Yes. Because he is. He's the poster child. He is. That's it. So, Apostle Paul references Abraham as a model of faith. He's mentioned in the Old Covenant
Starting point is 01:20:07 and the New Covenant as the model of faith. All Jews look to Abraham. Yes. Christians are told to look to Abraham. But Jesus, Jesus affirmed that Abraham's faith points directly to the day of Jesus Christ. That's in John chapter 8, verse 56. See, Abraham saw Jesus.
Starting point is 01:20:44 He saw his day thousands of years before Jesus was born in Bethlehem. And Jesus said, Abraham longed to see this day. He longed to see it. He longed to see it. He had a desire to it. You know, so Jesus is telling the Pharisees and the Sadducees you're rejecting me but Abraham
Starting point is 01:21:09 longed to see this day you're here to see it and you're rejecting it if Abraham were there he'd say which one with you people this is what we've been waiting for yes Genesis 15 What's wrong with you people? This is what we've been waiting for. Yes. Genesis 15, verse 6, says that Abraham's faith was credited to him as righteousness.
Starting point is 01:21:48 Yes. that Abraham's justification is based on his trust in the Lord, not on his works. I mentioned that Abraham left his hometown, the area where he grew up. He obeyed God's call to leave. You know it was emotionally gut wrenching. Leave everybody. Leave all of your family,
Starting point is 01:22:12 your cousins, uncles and aunts, grandma, leave everybody. You're not going to see them again. Not only are you leaving, you're not going to see them again. Yes. That took faith. It took faith to be obedient to that step.
Starting point is 01:22:29 To say, Lord, okay, I don't know where I'm going, but Lord, I'm following you. That's it. And if he had known everything else that was going to happen, he might have had second thoughts.
Starting point is 01:22:45 Yes. But every step of the way from his first act of obedience by faith, going to the land that God had promised him, to believing for a son, to seeing that son resurrected, if you will, from the altar, to his acknowledgement of God's authority in his life by submitting to the king of Salem, Melchizedek. Every one of these things was an act of faith on Abraham's part. Every one of them. And every one of them required impossible faith impossible faith and yet doc
Starting point is 01:23:28 there were things good things that he did that did not justify him he rescued lot yeah he he renounced material gain those were acts of those were acts of courage but they did not justify him right he uh defeated armies people forget abraham and his men they they fought other tribes and everything and so uh but that didn't justify him the only thing that justified him was his obedience to the lord and this before the written law was carved in stone. Yes. Now, in Romans, we have been reading about circumcision. That circumcision of men was the mark of the covenant. But Abraham's justification. Was pronounced by God before circumcision.
Starting point is 01:24:32 Yes. So he was justified before God ever introduced circumcision. That's right. And remember, Abraham was a Gentile he was not Jewish do you understand folks Abraham was not Jewish Isaac was not Jewish
Starting point is 01:24:56 Jacob was not Jewish that messes people up the father Abraham of thes was not a jew i mean that's another level of faith even there yes uh you know abram abraham uh didn't receive the full promise of land and everything until after he left heron he had to leave heron and go before god ever ever gave him the promise of any land yes so old covenant prophet habakkuk said this is is chapter 2, verse 4, the righteous shall live by faith. That's old covenant.
Starting point is 01:25:52 Faith in the new covenant is not a new concept from God. Right. It's been very hard of God from the beginning. From the beginning. Methuselah had faith. Noah had faith noah had faith paul again we're back to romans in the first chapter of romans verse 17 paul quoted habakkuk chapter 2 verse 8 verse 4 the righteous shall live by faith uh paul quoted habakkuk and galatians 3
Starting point is 01:26:31 it's mentioned again in hebrews 10. it is a a principle that has continuity throughout the scriptures yes the righteous shall live by faith if you have no faith in God how do you know you're saved right John chapter 8 verse 56 Doc mentioned this Jesus said Abraham saw his day and rejoiced Abraham's faith pointed to the coming of the Messiah and the salvation that would come to mankind even though christ had not yet appeared in human form yet abraham saw him knew he was coming yes
Starting point is 01:27:37 jesus identified himself in in john 8 58 the first one was verse 56. Two verses later, 58, Jesus identifies himself as I am. He asserts his eternal identity as the same God worshiped by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. As I said earlier Abraham's trust was not a general generic there's a you know the man upstairs
Starting point is 01:28:15 or whoever he is that's not what he believes he knew who he worshipped amen he knew he wasn't the man upstairs um you know i i i you know i believe abraham was dog i don't i you know i, I believe God gave Abraham knowledge of the pre-incarnate Christ.
Starting point is 01:28:53 I absolutely believe. I mean, John 8 confirms that. Because even the Pharisees, they were accusing him. This man says he's been hanging out with Abraham. Little did they know he had been at one time. So Abraham's
Starting point is 01:29:14 faith was always pointing to Christ. Yes. Which means Abraham had an awareness of the Trinity. He knew that there was an almighty God, but he also knew that there was a Messiah. Now, Abraham had stages of faith. now Abraham
Starting point is 01:29:45 had stages of faith I'll show you three stages of Abraham's faith go back to Genesis I mean Abraham just didn't burst on the scene as super faith his faith grew. And this is the encouragement to you and me. Amen.
Starting point is 01:30:09 Your faith can grow. Abraham's faith grew. Genesis 17, verses 16 and 17. Doc, can you turn to that? Yes, sir. Genesis 17, 16 to 17. And this is, these verses reveal that Abraham initially doubted God's promise to him that he would have a child at his old age.
Starting point is 01:30:39 You know, most people don't realize that in the beginning, Abraham doubted. Yes. Go ahead and read it if you have it. Sure. This is Genesis chapter 17, verses 16 and 17. And I will bless her and give thee a son also of her. Yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations. Kings of people shall be of her.
Starting point is 01:31:03 Then Abraham fell upon his face and laughed and said in his heart, shall a child be born unto him that is 100 years old? And shall Sarah that is 90 years old bear? Come on, Lord, I'm 100. And Sarah, well, Lord, she's 90. He wasn't laughing at the Lord. He was laughing at the idea the Lord gave him.
Starting point is 01:31:29 Yes. Come on. It wasn't mocking. It was like, oh, that's the craziest thing I've heard. I'm 100 years old. My wife's going to have a baby? Yeah. I'm 100 years old. My wife's going to have a baby? Excuse me here. I just lost my place in my notes.
Starting point is 01:31:55 Give me a second here, Doc. I scrolled too far here. Okay. Found it. So, he starts out with weak faith. In his heart, he laughed. God didn't rebuke him.
Starting point is 01:32:23 God didn't say, hey, I'm going to wipe that grin off your face god god allowed him to laugh just like he allowed sarah to laugh but their laughter was not unbelief it was just like that is the wildest thing I've ever heard. It's impossible. It's impossible. So you go from weak faith to great faith. I said, wait a minute.
Starting point is 01:32:57 I thought you said there are three stages. Yes. First is weak. Second is great. Then I'll tell you about the third one there's something beyond great in Genesis 21 verses 1 and 2 Abraham and Sarah received the promise of a child and they bore Isaac scripture says and the Lord visited Sarah as he had said and the Lord did unto Sarah as he had spoken for Sarah conceived and bare Abraham a son in his old age at the set time of which
Starting point is 01:33:34 God had spoken to him so they go from weak faith to great faith. Abraham's 100, Sarah is 90. They got a baby. Faith is the substance of things hoped for. The evidence. The evidence of things hoped for the evidence the evidence of things not seen so in Genesis 18 verse 12 Sarah initially laughed when God said she would be pregnant doc I don't think she laughed i don't think she i don't think she laughed at god i think she was laughing at the idea that that abraham could get her pregnant i think that's why she broke out and laughed her right he's he's a hundred this ain't happening you know i think that's
Starting point is 01:34:50 why she chuckled um but through persistence and the assurance of of angels, Sarah's faith overcame her doubt. And she received the power to conceive and she bore the promised child, Isaac. So both Abraham and Sarah's faith led to obedience. So genuine faith is not just belief. It is active obedience to god's will even when the circumstances seem impossible i mean you can only get an image of what was happening in that tent with a 100-year-old man and a 90-year-old woman? And they're going, well, if we're going to believe God, we've got to put some action to this.
Starting point is 01:36:05 We don't know how many attempts there was, but there was at least one that worked. Yes. So we have weak faith, great faith. What's the third one? Perfect faith. Beyond great faith is perfect faith. Doc, read Genesis 22, verses 1 and 2 okay all right genesis chapter 22 verses 1 and 2 and it came to pass after these things that god did tempt abraham and said unto him, Abraham. And he said, behold, here I am.
Starting point is 01:36:46 And he said, take now thy son, thine only son, Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah. And offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains, which I will tell thee of. Yes. yes so Abraham demonstrated perfect faith when God commanded him to sacrifice Isaac the son of promise you know this miracle baby
Starting point is 01:37:18 I gave you I want you to sacrifice him to me now God will never again ask a human I want you to sacrifice him to me. Now, God will never again ask a human to perform a sacrifice like that. But God tested Abraham. The King James says tempted. That's not the right word. God tested Abraham.
Starting point is 01:37:50 Tested him. Would you do this? Would you sacrifice your son if I gave you that commandment? I'm going to show you in a moment here the faith that Abraham had when he did that. So, Abraham's life is defined by faith obedience trust and we're told in Hebrews 11 1 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen faith is the assurance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the proof of things not seen.
Starting point is 01:38:30 Faith is not merely hoping for something, but it's a firm trust in God's promises. And it is believing you have your request before it physically manifests in this world of matter. It's the assurance. Faith is the assurance of things hoped for. I ask God according to his will. I know it's his will because it's in his word. I have the proof. I have the evidence of it even though I can't see it I have it that's the kind of faith God is delighted to see people have
Starting point is 01:39:23 he likes just to look at us and go amazing they actually believe i'm going to do this for them well you know what i am yes i am i'm going to do it for them because they have faith in me they actually believe look if you if you if you had it depending on your age if you had a little boy or girl or a little grandson granddaughter you know five years old and just grinning and telling people my daddy or my mama my granddad my grandma whoever you know they're going to give me a new bicycle. How do you know that?
Starting point is 01:40:08 I asked them. I asked them. I asked my granddad for that bicycle. Well, do you have it? Well, it's not here right now, but I know he already bought it. I know my mom he already bought it i know my mom has already bought it for me i know well do you have it no but i know that mom already bought it for me i'm just waiting for her to give it to me let me tell you if a mother or father grandmother grandfather hears a child talking like that, you know what they're going to do? They're going to go buy a bicycle.
Starting point is 01:40:46 That's right. Because they're not going to disappoint that child. That's right. They're going to say, hey, I actually believe I bought it. I'll break their heart if I don't do this. And that belief caused belief in someone else. this is the kind of faith god wants you to have
Starting point is 01:41:10 in him you ask according to his will is it god's will to heal your body yes how do i know it's in the bible yes it's his word it's his word it's a promise does god want me to be financially blessed yes it's in his word there are things in the word that i know that's his will and i can ask according to his will he may do it in a way that i'm surprised that that's not the way I thought it was going to happen. But he will do it. That's when you trust in his ways. In his timing. In the manner that he brings it about.
Starting point is 01:42:02 So. Genuine faith leads to obedience Genesis 12 verse 1 now the Lord has said unto Abram get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that I will show you his faith motivated him to obey yes that I will show you. His faith
Starting point is 01:42:25 motivated him to obey. Yes. He lived as a sojourner. What's a sojourner? A traveler. Hebrews 11 verses 9 and 10.
Starting point is 01:42:42 By faith he sojourned in the land of promise as in a foreign land living in tents with isaac and jacob heirs with him of the same promise for he looked forward to the city which has foundations whose builder and maker is god god told abraham leave your hometown, leave your family. I'm taking you someplace. Where are we going? I'll tell you later.
Starting point is 01:43:09 I'll show you. I'll show you. Was it good? Yeah, it's good. It's a land of promise. Abraham lived in the promised land. Wait a minute. I thought he was there. there no Abraham was there yes he lived in the
Starting point is 01:43:33 land of promise but he lived there as it was a foreign land He never took ownership of it. Why? He was looking forward to a city whose builder and maker is God.
Starting point is 01:43:58 He's saying, thank you, Lord, for this land of promise. I thank you for it, but I'm not going to settle down here. I'll just live in a tent. I'm going to that city. Yes, the city that you for it, but I'm not going to settle down here. I'll just live in a tent. I'm going to that city. Yes, the city that you're building, God. Yes. This completely refutes Zionism.
Starting point is 01:44:14 Yeah, absolutely does. That the Jews have to live in Palestine because God promised it to them. Well, then why didn't Abraham live there? Why didn't he stay there? Why did he live in a live there why didn't he stay there why why did he live in a tent why didn't he say i got to build a temple i got to build big cities he said i i appreciate this place but i'm going to the city
Starting point is 01:44:39 and the city is not jerusalem it's new jerusalem the zionists are telling you it's all about Jerusalem. It's not about Jerusalem. It's about New Jerusalem. And Abraham knew it. He lived in tents, trusting God's promise of a permanent city.
Starting point is 01:45:02 He said, I'm not settling down until I get home. He saw it god showed him new jerusalem so what about sarah genesis 18 now abraham and sarah were old advanced in age it it had ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women. So Sarah laughed to herself saying, after I've grown old, my husband is old. Shall I have pleasure? She's like looking over and going, it ain't gonna happen.
Starting point is 01:45:39 This isn't gonna happen. Neither one of us capable of having a baby. But God didn't rebuke her laughter and eventually she bore isaac because genuine faith will lead to action even when the circumstances. Are not certain. God acts when we act in faith. Hebrews 11. Verses 17 through 19. Doc you want to read that one for me?
Starting point is 01:46:25 Hebrews 11, 17, 18, 19. Okay. All right. So Hebrews chapter 11, verses 17, 18, and 19 here. By faith, Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac. And he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son. Of whom it was said that in Isaac shall thy seed be called.
Starting point is 01:46:58 Accounting that God was able to raise him up even from the dead. From whence also he received him in a figure. Yes. Now, listen to these verses from Hebrews. After these things, God tested Abraham and said to him, Abraham, and he said, here am I, here am I. He said, take your your son your only son
Starting point is 01:47:27 Isaac whom you love and go to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering upon one of the mountains of which I shall tell you so Abraham rose early in the morning saddled his donkey and took two of his young men with him and his son Isaac. And he cut wood for the burnt offering and arose and went to the place of which God told him. Verse 4. On the third day, Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place afar off. Wait to hear verse five. Then Abraham said to the young men, stay here with the donkey.
Starting point is 01:48:14 I and the lad will go yonder and worship and come again to you. Abraham, Abraham's perfect faith, this is not perfect faith. It's not weak faith. It's not great faith. He has now graduated to perfect faith. God has said to him, Abraham, I want you to take your son Isaac up on the mountain and sacrifice him like you would a sheep. And Abraham said, yes, sir, I'll do it. And he said to the young men down at the base of the mountain, stay here with my donkey.
Starting point is 01:48:59 Isaac and I are going to go up there and both of us are coming back. Abraham believed that God would resurrect his son. Yes. I'm coming back with my son. I am going to sacrifice him up there. I don't know how this is going to happen, but he's coming back with me. You know why? He's the child of promise.
Starting point is 01:49:21 That's right. That's the perfect faith that Abraham had entered into at that point point he didn't fight god he didn't question god he just said i believe isaac is the child of promise and even if i sacrificed him god will raise him from the dead amen i said isaac's a promise how could the promise disappear if God says sacrifice him the promise is still going to be here my mind can't understand it I don't understand
Starting point is 01:49:56 I don't comprehend any of this I just trust God we're coming back down that mountain that's perfect faith. So, there's no other way to God the Father except faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life.
Starting point is 01:50:23 There is no other way to the father except through him he's always been the way to god even in the old covenant everything was pointing to the messiah so abraham's faith was looking forward to the fulfillment of God's promise. He knew that there was another promised child. Yes. And our faith, our salvation, our justification would be brought to mankind through faith in that promised child God was going to
Starting point is 01:51:06 bring to mankind so Abraham's trust was ultimately trust in Christ who fulfilled all of God's promises yes again obliterates Zionism. We have to back the Jews. We have to let them kill the Palestinians. We've got to let them take all the land because we're waiting on God to fulfill his promises. He already did. He did it 2,000 years ago. Amen. Amen. So Abraham's joy was
Starting point is 01:51:47 in seeing Christ's day and it reflects the truth that salvation has always been through Christ. Hey, I'm looking at the time. hey looking at the time let's go to the Lord's Supper amen
Starting point is 01:52:12 by faith that's the key here the judge live by faith we walk by faith and not by sight this lesson is fun, Doc. And you were in Romans. But I was in Romans.
Starting point is 01:52:30 Yeah. I just had to jump ahead to chapter 4. Praise the Lord. Well, as Rick said, we are participating in the Lord's Supper today, the communion, the Eucharist, and if you have bread, either grape juice
Starting point is 01:52:47 or red wine, you have made a confession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and been baptized in water according to the scriptures, and we invite you to participate in this holy table, this holy meal that Christ has provided for us. We
Starting point is 01:53:03 receive the elements of the Lord's table by faith and trust in his promises. This is my flesh. This is my blood. We receive that by faith, just the same perfect faith that Abraham said, even if I sacrifice Isaac, God can raise him from the dead.
Starting point is 01:53:24 That's perfect faith. And so we exhibit perfect faith today by believing that this is his flesh and that this is his blood and that he commanded us to observe this until he comes again. And so Rick, before we enter the Lord's table, as we always do, we ask the Lord to search our hearts, that if there's anything that stands between us and him that would hinder us in giving our full devotion to this, anything that would cause us to not believe God fully for the promises that he has delivered to us, would you pray for us that he would search our hearts and eliminate those things in us that stand in the way of truly believing in every promise that he
Starting point is 01:54:10 has for us? Yes. I think the greatest sin that's present right now with some people in this class is the sin of unbelief. And it is a sin. There are several people here today and you are guilty of the sin of unbelief. And it is a serious sin.
Starting point is 01:54:35 And I wouldn't be, I wouldn't be partaking of this communion while you're still in a state of unbelief. Okay. I just feel it. It hit me, Doc. It just hit me. Okay.
Starting point is 01:54:52 There's one or two people that's bristling at what I just taught. Okay. Look, we had somebody. I'm not going to name. We had somebody last week who quit morning manna you know why because we believe god and raise thirty thousand dollars to go to barcelona and they quit this bible class it offended them think about that it offended them they quit this bible class they were offended that we would raise thirty thousand dollars to take a trip to barcelona well i asked in faith and i believed in faith and the thirty thousand dollars came in in a couple of days and I got what I asked for. Because I had it.
Starting point is 01:55:50 I had it at the time I asked for it. I believed. And I knew it was according to God's will. I knew that God wanted us to go. So you're faced with two choices in that story. In that God, either God provided the resources for that through God's people, or we conned people out of $30,000. Right.
Starting point is 01:56:12 That's your only two choices. There's no middle ground there. So this person wanted us just to teach the Bible. You don't need to go to Barcelona. You don't need to go there. I'm teaching faith. Yes. And you don't get it. There are people in this class who don't get what we're teaching, and yet they're showing up to hear it. And then when we show a practical application of what we're teaching, they get all worked up. Yes.
Starting point is 01:56:47 Which is to intimidate us not to move by faith. I'll guarantee it. Everybody who donated for us to take this trip will be blessed by God because they gave by faith. That's right. No one coerced them. No one made them do it. No one got tricked.
Starting point is 01:57:09 No, they stepped out in faith and believed and said, yes, I believe that this is what God wants to happen. And they said, I want to be a part of it. You know what's at the heart of it, Doc? She was jealous envy she saw thirty thousand dollars come in in a couple days and it made her jealous and that's envy you have that kind you see that that what it does it's revealing ugly stuff in people's hearts I'm bringing this up because we're praying about going to the Lord's table here
Starting point is 01:57:54 yeah these are the things that condemn you at the Lord's table yes that you're eating and drinking unworthily unbelief selfishness greed Yes, that you're eating and drinking unworthily. Unbelief, selfishness, greed, envy, jealousy. These are ugly things. Don't come to the Lord's table with it,
Starting point is 01:58:14 especially when you have it towards preachers of the gospel who are teaching you the word. Okay. Okay. Father. Thank you. Father, search our hearts. And show us the things in us that are not pleasing to you, Father. Let our hearts be clean.
Starting point is 01:58:40 Our mouths be clean. Our eyes, our hands, our minds. Let our being be clean our eyes our hands our minds let our tar being be clean before you that we may sit down at your table and be served the flesh and the blood of Jesus Christ which we eat and drink by faith. In the name of Jesus, amen. Amen. If you do have the elements of the Lord's table, we're going to pray over those right now.
Starting point is 01:59:17 Ask the Lord to bless them. And as I mentioned before, we enter into this with that perfect faith, believing that Christ died for us, rose again from the dead, sits on the throne for us right now. And there will be a day where we do this meal with Christ. Yes. There will be a day where we do this meal with Christ. And so every time we partake of this meal,
Starting point is 01:59:44 by faith we're believing in that day. In that day, that day where we're resurrected and we share this meal with him. Rick, I'm so looking forward to that day. I'm so looking forward to that day. As emotional as I get with the Lord's Supper, I'll probably just be bawling in front of Jesus, you know, on that day. And so, but this, this should move you. This should, I mean, it should really cause you pause in your life what Christ has done for you. Something you could never do for yourself. And so let's enter into this right now. I'll pray a blessing over the elements here.
Starting point is 02:00:25 Almighty God, in your tender mercy, you gave your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to suffer death upon the cross for our redemption. He offered himself and made once for all time a perfect and sufficient sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. And he instituted this remembrance
Starting point is 02:00:42 of his passion and death, which he commanded us to continue until he comes again. And so, Father, we ask you to bless and sanctify with your word and Holy Spirit these gifts of bread and wine, that we may partake of his most blessed body and blood. Christ, our Passover lamb, was sacrificed once for all upon the cross. Therefore, let us keep the feast. Alleluia. On the night that he was betrayed, our Lord Jesus took bread.
Starting point is 02:01:10 And we had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples saying, take, eat. This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me. Thank you, Lord. The body of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was given for you, preserve your body and soul to everlasting life. This is the bread of heaven. Take and eat in remembrance that Christ died for you. After supper, Jesus took the cup, and when he'd given thanks,
Starting point is 02:01:44 he gave it to them saying drink this all of you for this is my blood of the new covenant which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins whenever you drink it do this in remembrance of me glory to God
Starting point is 02:02:00 hallelujah thank you Lord the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was shed for you, preserve your body and soul to everlasting life. Drink the cup of salvation in remembrance that Christ's blood was shed for you and be thankful. Behold the Lamb of God. Behold him who takes away the sins of the world,
Starting point is 02:02:20 and blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb. This sacrament is the gift of god for the people of god feed on him by faith with thanksgiving that christ died for you praise the lord it is god by faith by faith what we just did was by faith yes hey this was a good Friday yes faith Friday every Friday is good Friday if there's faith in it
Starting point is 02:02:58 right and you should have a good Thursday a good Wednesday every day even Monday that's right if you live by faith And you should have a good Thursday, a good Wednesday, every day. Even Monday. That's right. If you live by faith. Listen, we appreciate everyone being with us live. We had over 300 people, at one point, 350 people with us today.
Starting point is 02:03:21 And we appreciate you participating in the Bible study and participating in the chat. I appreciate your questions. And we have a few folks that try to get us off into side discussions and everything, Rick. But generally, out of everybody, they love the Bible study. They love to participate. And they are intent on learning. And so that's what I'm blessed by, Rick. Yes. I'm just reading the various comments right now, Doc, before I sign off. That's the only chance I get to read the chat before we sign off okay thank you
Starting point is 02:04:07 everybody for kind words thank you so much and even when you you know what even when you don't understand what we're teaching by faith just keep coming back yes yeah faith uh you know abraham didn't know everything when he left heron he didn't know about the child of promise he didn't know uh you know where the land was going to be he certainly didn't know that his son could be resurrected after sacrifice he had to leave heron and some of you have to leave heron too some of you need to leave the the the old city behind and look toward the new city of God yes so you've got to there folks when it comes to faith there are some things you got to leave behind that's true well Doc let's uh move on to the work we have to do. Yes. And for us here today, it's
Starting point is 02:05:07 we're losing one of our team members, one of our team leaders, and he's moving on to another position. It's a blessing for him. And we're glad. We're happy for him. We're not happy to see him leave, but we're happy for what
Starting point is 02:05:23 is happening in his life. And the Lord has opened up a door for him to work with his son. And he'll be traveling around the world. I mean, it's amazing. He's going to be traveling around the world. So it's a great opportunity. So this is our last day with him. We're going to take him to lunch and give him a good farewell.
Starting point is 02:05:47 But you know what? Life is seasons. Yes. Seasons come and they go. Seasons change. I don't like the changing of seasons. I get emotional about them. You know, Steve's been with us for six years.
Starting point is 02:06:02 You build a relationship with somebody over six years, working with them every day. And so, but I know it's God's season. Yes. I can't teach seasons and cycles and not accept them when they happen.
Starting point is 02:06:19 Okay. So, anyhow, that's what's happening here with us today yeah so bittersweet day so yeah well folks uh be praying for this ministry and praying for god to continue open doors as far as the god cast is concerned as far as morning manna is concerned and our uh miracle faith microchurches and so uh please be continuing to pray for all those areas. We are believing 2025 is going to be our year of faith, the year of faith for us here. And we want you to come along.
Starting point is 02:06:52 The great part is as we come together as a community and believe by faith, it's sort of like the tide that rises. You know, when the tide rises out at the ocean, all the boats get lifted up, right? So when we as a community join together, believe by faith for God to do great things, he raises your boat too. And so I encourage you, if you want to see your boat raised this year, then join with us as a community and believe for God to do great things through uh the ministry of true news through morning manna and through our miracle faith micro churches this year we got other things going on too we got so much going on rick it's hard to tell it all i know and you know what everything that the lord's put on my heart to do requires faith.
Starting point is 02:07:45 Yes. It requires faith on my part, on the team's part, and it requires faith on your part to be involved with it. Yeah. It's all about faith. I could start another faith lesson, Doc. Well, I'm just telling everybody, if you want to come along with us this year, you better get on the faith wagon. Okay. If faith is not important to you,
Starting point is 02:08:11 I would suggest you find another hobby. You find something else to take up your time. We operate in faith this year. Go find a faithless church. Yeah. Find someone that you can commiserate with and complain and say, God can't do something. There are plenty around.
Starting point is 02:08:29 There are a lot of churches out there, Doc, that don't have faith. There's a lot of them. I want to be part of a faith group. That's right. All right. By faith, we need to sign off and get ready for our day. We love you. You have a great weekend.
Starting point is 02:08:45 Spend some time with Jesus this weekend. Spend some time in the word and come back ready, willing, and able to jump into the word. Romans chapter 3 on Monday morning, 8 a.m. Eastern time. God bless you, and we'll see you on the very next edition of Morning Man. Love you.

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