TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Post-Election Crazy: What Will Happen After Presidential Election?
Episode Date: October 25, 2024You may want to enjoy the calmness in America in October. Things may suddenly change in less than 2 weeks after the presidential election on November 5.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 10/25/2024Join... the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!       It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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Things may suddenly change in less than two weeks after the presidential election on November 5th.
I'm Rick Wiles. This is True News for Friday, October 25th, 2024.
Let's begin our analysis and commentary of today's world and national news with this article published by Newsweek.
How early voting breaks down in swing states after 31 million votes.
It's hard to imagine, Rick.
You and I, you know, we grew up in a world where there was just Election Day.
That was it.
There was just Election Day.
You either voted or you missed it.
That's right.
And so, I mean, you know, if you were somewhere and you had to be somewhere,
there was another obligation.
There was absentee ballots, of course, but there was a big process involved in that.
Yeah, you had to have a legitimate excuse.
And if I recall, you had to go in person and actually get an absentee ballot.
And so it wasn't something that they just mailed to your house.
So some states are voting, I think, six to seven weeks before Election Day.
Most states, I would say 30 days.
So you have vote by mail and you have early voting.
Early voting is where they set up polling places in various precincts in a county or city and you
can go in and vote. It's usually two weeks before the election, vote by mail. Obviously is what we
used to call absentee ballots. It's just now vote by mail.
Here in Florida, the majority of votes cast are by mail.
And the second largest block is early voting.
And the smallest block of voting is Election Day.
It's hard to comprehend that. In some counties in Florida, election day is like
15 to 20 percent of the total vote. That's how things have changed in, what, less than eight
years. Yeah, and it's forced Republicans to shift from being opposed to early voting to, you know,
really wrapping their arms all the way around it. You hear Sean Hannity and all the other talking heads.
We've got to bank our vote, bank our vote.
And so 31 million so far.
Have already voted.
See, the election is.
It's on.
It's not only on, but it's about halfway done.
It doesn't really matter what happens over the next two weeks because a third to 40-some percent of the people have already voted.
They're not going to be affected by what happens in the next two weeks.
Old-style campaigning was you poured on the advertising.
Everything happened in those last two weeks.
Now, if you wait to the last two weeks, you've missed the election.
That's the new landscape.
So I want to tell you, I just want to look at some key facts here in this Newsweek article.
They said, according to the University of Florida's Election Labs early voting voter tracker, 32,678,726 Americans have voted so far.
And that breaks down to 14.8 million voting in person, early voting, 17.8 million by mail. As of 8.21 a.m. today, Friday, more than 64 million mail-in ballots have been requested
that haven't been mailed in.
Among those voters, almost 9 million have come from seven swing states, which are seeing a surge in early Republican voters.
Now, when early voting started on Monday in most states, the Republicans were giddy.
They were like, wow, look at all the Republicans who are voting.
Early voting is heavily Republican.
It's not that way right now, Doc, as of Friday.
I want to put a graph up.
This is, again, from the Florida Election Lab,
University of Florida.
And you see Nevada and Republicans.
Republicans are red.
They are in the lead.
You go to Arizona.
Republicans are in the lead. You go to Arizona, Republicans are in the lead.
You go to North Carolina, it's 50-50.
Look at Pennsylvania.
67% of the votes cast so far in Pennsylvania are Democrats.
Right, and this is in spite of a massive voter registration drive among Republicans. They've registered, I think, nearly 900,000 Republicans, the difference between 2020 and 2024.
Doc, Kamala Harris absolutely must win Pennsylvania.
If she doesn't win Pennsylvania, I don't think she can be elected president based on the electoral votes.
She has to win Pennsylvania.
Look at what's happening in Pennsylvania right now.
Of the early voting and vote by mail, 67% of the votes in Pennsylvania are Democrats.
Then you go to the national, all 50 states, 53% of all the votes, we just said it was how many, 30, almost 33 million votes.
Of those 33 million votes that have been cast, 53%, the majority, are Democrats.
So this is in favor of Kamala Harris.
Unless a lot of those democrats are voting for trump
that's the possibility that he's like ronald reagan reagan back in the 80s they called it
the the reagan democrats you know i was one of them i was a registered democrat
i voted for ronald reagan i was a you know what they called a Reagan Democrat. I switched parties after
Reagan. There could be, and I'm sure there are, there are union workers. There are,
we know that a lot of black men are voting for Trump. We know that a lot of Latinos and
Hispanics are voting for Trump. Which are both traditionally Democrats. So just because the
Democrats are in the majority of voting doesn't mean that they voted for Harris.
But on the reverse side, all through the primaries, there was about, from state to state, 15 to 30 percent of the Republican voters who continued to vote for Nikki Haley or other candidates and refused to vote for Donald Trump.
So you're talking, you know, one fifth to one third of the Republican voter base said, I'm not, I'm just not going to vote for Donald Trump.
Right. So we don't know what's happening out there. We have no idea.
The next story, Wall Street Journal.
Unprecedented surge in election threats swamp U.S. authorities.
Get ready now, folks.
Here we go.
Here we go.
Hang on.
Get ready for the ride. All right. So, it's a 27-year-old Lyft driver
in Oklahoma City
secretly messaged
his contact
in Islamic State
terror group
last month.
Nasir Ahmad Tahidi
was set to
buy a pair
of AK-47 rifles
to attack a crowd
on November 5th,
according to
U.S. prosecutors.
He said, with the help of Allah, we will get ready for Election Day.
He wrote in a messaging app, Telegram.
He was arrested this month after attempting to buy the weapons from an undercover FBI agent.
Wall Street Journal says U.S. officials say the case exemplifies the unprecedented convergence of aggressors they face this election season.
Foreign actors maneuvering to sow chaos.
Lone wolves like the men authorities say tried to assassinate Donald Trump.
And homegrown extremists, and let's not leave out the conspiracy theorists.
Which could believe anything rick who
are spoiling for conflict those conspiracy theorists doc they're sitting home and they're
just waiting for november 5th spoiling what what does that look like what does a spoiling
conspiracy theorist look like but the image that they're the wall street journal is telling you is
there's an array of people out there waiting for November 5th, and they're going to spring into action, and there's going to be violence.
That's the message of this article.
They quote a federal law enforcement official who said, this is the craziest thing I've ever seen.
It's a confluence of every bad guy you could have.
The federal government is planning drastically heightened security for when Congress meets
to certify election results on January 6th, four years after Trump supporters stormed
the Capitol. Lone extremists or small groups inspired by false claims of election fraud,
anger toward adversaries, and other election-related grievances could mobilize
between November 5th and the January 20 inauguration, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security this month warned state
and local officials.
A memo seen by the Wall Street Journal said extremists continue to create, exploit, and
promote narratives about the election process or legal decisions involving political figures. So what this is telling us is that federal law enforcement agencies
are expecting post-election violence.
They're expecting it, Doc.
I'm not going to add any commentary to it.
I'm just stating that anyone I care about are you, okay?
The people who watch me.
I can't talk to anybody else.
I'm talking to the people who watch me.
I care about you.
And I just want to give you the facts of what is coming together right now in these last days of October.
The federal government is expecting post-election violence.
That's what this article just said.
The Wall Street Journal is the paper.
Of record.
Of record.
All right.
Remember what the editor said in that meeting?
There was a day we owned the facts.
Whatever we said, that was it.
So we're just going to say, we'll just take you at your word.
You said today that the federal government is preparing for post-election violence.
CNN, Georgia election official, says battleground state fended off cyber attack likely from a foreign country.
Here we go again. Georgia's Secretary of State office this month fended off a cyber attack
believed to have come from a foreign
country against the website
voters used to request
absentee ballots.
CNN said the state's
cyber defenses, added by
tech firm Cloudfair, repelled
the attacker's attempts
to knock the absentee ballot website offline.
And there was no disruption to voters' ability to request ballots.
Now, I do remember in 2000, was it 2020?
Or was it 2016?
That Homeland Security hacked Georgia.
I believe that was in 2020.
They were doing it, they said, just to test the system.
Yes. So they're not testing the system now, are they? It's a foreign country, a foreign actor.
Now, the Secretary of State's office did say it slowed down our systems for a little bit,
but it never stopped our systems from working. That's coming from Gabe Sterling. He's an official
in Georgia's Secretary of State's office, which oversees the election in the battleground state.
The cyber attack likely originated from overseas and had the hallmarks of a foreign power or a foreign entity acting at the behest of a foreign power, Sterling said.
U.S. officials have yet to publicly confirm that assessment.
Hundreds of thousands of IP addresses from numerous countries flooded the Georgia website with bogus traffic.
Sterling said in an interview on Wednesday, from talking to experts, it felt like a probing attack, saying,
hey, if we do this, what will they do in response, Sterling said.
Now, CNN has requested comment from Cloudflare, a San Francisco-based firm that protects large portions of the Internet from cyberattacks.
The FBI and U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency are aware of the cyberattack
and worked with the Georgia Secretary of State's office in the aftermath of the incident, sources told CNN.
The FBI declined to comment.
CISA referred questions to officials in Georgia.
But depending on how things shake out, especially if it appears that Trump may win, you'll probably see a number of accusations of cyber attacks by foreign powers.
Isn't it interesting they don't name the country In this? And if the election was disrupted, if the voting was disrupted, can you declare a winner?
How can you legitimately declare a winner if you're admitting that the voting was disrupted?
And now you're admitting that foreign actors, we'll call them actors, can hack the voting system.
We were told in 2020 that's a conspiracy theory.
Yeah, that they weren't connected to the Internet.
To which is it?
Are they connected to the Internet or not?
How do you hack something?
Well, they say the voting machines.
So this was the website.
But where do the voting machines go? I mean, if you have electronic voting machines, where do they send the data?
Don't tell me that these machines are not connected to the Internet.
That data has to be sent somewhere.
It's in the machines.
Next one, Reuters.
Why we may not know the winner of the U.S. presidential election on November 5th.
Yes, now they're making all sorts of excuses that they will not be able to determine a winner by the end of the day on November 5th.
Folks, do you see what we're being prepped to accept?
We're being told, go ahead and vote, but you're not going to know on November 5th
who won.
We're being told
and after we tell you who won
there's going to be trouble.
That's the message here.
And that's what I want you to hear.
They're telling us you will not know the winner
on Tuesday, November 5th. And they're telling us once we not know the winner on Tuesday, November 5th.
And they're telling us once we tell you the name of the winner,
there's going to be a lot of trouble, a lot of civil unrest.
There's going to be violence.
So if that's the case, what should American citizens be preparing for right now?
Okay, just think it through. Don't let this stuff come up on you. what should American citizens be preparing for right now? Okay.
Just think it through.
Don't let this stuff come up on you.
And then there's another front in the campaign war.
And you've not had any preparation.
So next one, Newsweek.
Democrats prepare to wage legal war.
That's called lawfare.
With GOP over the election.
Yes. Imagine that. They're coming right out and saying it now thousands of democrat lawyers are going to file lawsuits everywhere
they're telling you up front there's going to be lawfare newsweek says Democrats and their allies are gearing up for a likely legal battle after election day.
Alex Floyd, spokesperson for the DNC, said the party was ready to stand up against MAGA Republican attacks on our democracy and efforts to sow chaos in our election from the polling place to the courthouse.
So how are they going to stand up for democracy?
They're going to sow chaos. That's right. From courthouse. Legal chaos. Yes, legal chaos. They're going to gum up
the works. Nobody will be able to certify the election. They'll be accusing the Republicans
of blocking certification of the election as they are filing lawsuits to block the certification of the election.
He said that we've assembled a robust legal and voter protection team with a proven track
record of winning fights to protect voters' ability to make their voices heard.
With more than 100 voter protection staff across key states and tens of thousands of
volunteers, we're ready to step up for all
eligible voters' access to the ballot box, Floyd told Newsweek.
We can't have an election anymore.
We'll just go vote.
And they count the votes and they announce the winner and, okay, either my side won or
your side won.
And life goes on.
We can't do that anymore. Now you have thousands of lawyers who have already prepared the lawsuits before the voting.
Our process is completely broken down.
You can't have an election anymore.
That's how you know we're at the very end of the republic here.
I mean, we really are. We're at the very end. The republic can't have an election anymore. That's how you know we're at the very end of the republic here. I mean, we really are.
We're at the very end.
The republic can't function anymore.
My prediction is there will be a new U.S. Constitution in the 2030s that all sides will
It's just broken.
We can't do this anymore.
And either
a new country will be formed
or multiple new countries
will be formed.
But it can't continue like this.
Especially after the 2030s
mega war.
That will be
that will be the thing
that just brings down
the old
You could.
No, no, no.
This can't happen, folks.
you can't stop
You can't stop
the march of time.
You know, people tried
to stop the fall
of the Roman Empire.
It didn't work.
It fell. It had to become something else. Empire. It didn't work. It fell.
It had to become something else.
Rome's still there.
But it's not an empire.
Greece is still there.
It's not an empire.
Spain is still there.
It's not an empire.
London's still there.
It's not an empire.
America will still be there, but it's not going to be an empire.
Things will change in the 2030s. Well, former President Barack Obama, also former community organizer, recently took to X to call
on lawyers to volunteer with the advocacy group We the Action to Safeguard Voting Rights. This was
on X. He said, with early voting happening in states across the country, We the Action is
looking for lawyers to help safeguard voting rights. If you're a lawyer and want to help protect the vote in your community, I hope you'll
sign up.
So that's coming from former community organizer Barack Obama.
He's looking for thousands of lawyers.
Thousands to volunteer.
Do you have an idea what November 6th is going to look like?
November is going to be in December.
It's going to be two very tense months.
Certification of the presidential election is January 6th.
You think last January 6th, 2020 was tense?
Get ready for this one.
We don't know which side's going to go berserk.
It's not going to be...
It could be both sides.
It could be both sides.
Like an old-fashioned civil war.
most of you know
that this week the rhetoric really picked up where the Democrats have been accusing Donald Trump of being Adolf Hitler.
In fact, I guess by Wednesday or Thursday, he went from being just Hitler.
He was Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin.
All rolled into one.
All together.
Really bad.
Triple bad.
So the Harris campaign has been pushing this narrative for several weeks.
I mean, it's been going on for months, but it is the message the last two weeks of the campaign.
The message is you have to vote for Kamala Harris even though she doesn't know anything about what's going on.
You have to do this because Trump is Hitler.
Is it resonating with voters?
Is it motivating people to vote for Kamala Harris?
I don't think so at this point.
I think people have decided at this point.
The needle's not going to get moved.
Now it's just get people to the polls.
I agree, Doc.
I think people had made up their minds months ago.
I don't think there's a lot of undecided voters out there.
And so they're calling in Hitler, but it's not gaining traction.
Mr. Trump said Kamala Harris has just basically stopped campaigning.
It appeared to be so earlier this week.
I mean, she took off for two days.
This is what he said about it.
Most unfit vice president in the history of our country.
No one respects her.
No one trusts her.
No one takes her. No one trusts her. No one takes her seriously. This is a
woman who took yesterday off. How do you take yesterday off? You got 13 days, you're running
for the presidency, she takes her time off. I can tell you applause applause
no but she's I think of that
she's taking days
off at levels not seeing I hear she's
taking another one tomorrow or something
it's the craziest thing I've ever seen
maybe she knows something we don't know
that's bad right maybe she knows something we don't know that's bad right maybe she knows something we don't know
does everybody understand that maybe maybe what's he hinting he's either hinting that
she's given up she knows she's going to lose or he's hinting something is going to come out in the news that's going to sink her.
I don't know what he's referring to.
To me, it's got to be one of those two.
That she's terrified of some news that's coming out about her.
And she's just giving up.
We were talking about the Democrats calling Mr. hitler stalin and mussolini well here's
the atlantic magazine and this is actually from last week so this started off the bowl of the
the ball rolling downhill here saying trump is speaking like hitler stalin and mussolini
well what should we do about hitler stalin and mussolini rick, what should we do about Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini? Rick, I mean, what's the solution to Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini?
This is what's troubling people.
If you have the Democratic Party nominee and her supporters say, my opponent is Hitler.
He's Hitler.
He's Mussolini.
He's Stalin.
He's worse than all of them because he's all those three together.
He is a threat to democracy, a threat to the republic.
That is a message to Mrs.
Harris' supporters. You have to do the patriotic thing
and take him down. I don't know what other
message are they sending.
I mean if you're telling the public that man is a dictator,
look what Hitler did. Hitler killed millions of people. This man is going to kill millions
of Americans. You're sending a message he has to be stopped he cannot be allowed to enter the white house
so even if donald trump wins on november 5th this attack is going to continue it's going to
intensify yes that's the point i'm getting across it's going to intensify it's going to be sharpened
after november 5th that you're going to see prominent Americans saying
we will not allow him to be sworn in
what happens at that point
what happens if members of Congress
of judges of members in the military say we will not allow
Donald Trump to be sworn in on January 20th.
We will block the inauguration.
Are we ready for this?
Because that's where this is headed.
I think they know he's going to win.
Yeah, I agree.
But I think the plan now is how do we stop him after he wins we need
to be asking democrats this question will you accept the results of the election on november
5th and they will say no and the reason they want you to accept yes but the reason they will justify
not accepting the results is because they believe their own propaganda right and their propaganda is donald
trump is hitler and so they'll say we can't accept the election because he's hitler if he wasn't
hitler we would accept it you see the reasoning if he wasn't hit, we could accept the election. But he's Hitler, therefore we can't accept it.
But if Kamala Harris wins, you have to accept it.
You can't call her any names. Vigano. He posted a message on
social media saying that Kamala Harris is Satan.
The tool of Satan. That's pretty strong. I know I'm jumping
out of order here. This is number 15. Former
Vatican ambassador to the United States calls Harris an infernal monster who obeys Satan.
In 25 years of doing this program, I've never read a headline like this.
The former Vatican ambassador to the United States calls the Democratic nominee an infernal monster
who obeys Satan.
If you're a Roman Catholic and you respect
how are you going to vote?
You're going to look at this
and go, I can't vote for Kamala Harris.
These are powerful words.
So you've got the Democrats saying Trump is Hitler, and you have a high-level, well-respected Vatican official, although he's been kicked out of the church because he's called the Pope, pretty close to being a tool of Satan.
But you have him calling Kamala Harris the tool of the church because he's called the pope pretty close to being a tool of satan but you have him
calling kamala harris the tool of the devil i mean there's i've never seen an election like this
that's so polarized like wait a minute am i voting for hitler or am i voting for the devil
isn't that what they made the choice yes well he He's made that for the Catholic. You can vote for Lucifer or you can vote for Hitler.
Wow, what a choice.
You know, what's interesting is that Archbishop Vigano actually predicted the fall of Joe Biden and the rise of Kamala Harris back in 2021.
So I found this tweet of his.
This is from March 26, 2021. Vice President Kamala Harris awaits with impatience the moment when the script
calls for the ousting of the corrupt Democrat under the pretext
of his mental and physical health.
This was three years ago he predicted this. You know, I had a thought the other day,
Doc, and I've shared it with you privately but not on the program.
Several weeks ago when
i saw a video of kamala harris in 2019 boasting of her the power years her years as a prosecutor
and she said i i realized as a prosecutor that with the stroke of an ink pen, I could take somebody down.
They could lose their job.
They could go bankrupt.
All I had to do was indict them.
With the stroke of a pen, I had that power.
It's not word for word what she said, but that's the message.
And when I saw that video and heard those words coming out of her mouth, the thought came to me.
These last four years with the prosecution of Donald Trump, all these actions against him.
Where he's been indicted. We never considered the possibility that Kamala Harris was behind the scenes running the prosecutions.
Because we look at her and go, well, she's not the type of person, you know.
No, she actually said that's what she is.
Right. And remember those stories about Fannie Willis's boyfriend going to the White House and everything multiple times?
The first reaction is, well, who in the Biden administration was he meeting with?
But when you said that the other day, I was like, wait a minute.
He wasn't going there to meet with any of the Biden team.
Meeting with the Harris team.
She was running it on behalf of Joe Biden, actually running it on behalf of Barack Obama.
Yes. of joe biden actually running it on behalf of barack obama yes and and when the time came
for mr obama who controls the democratic party to take down joe biden
he did it and he installed kamala harris and she reports to him and if she wins
mr hare i mean mr obama will get a fourth term running the United States of America from his home.
Well, the way he's been campaigning this week, it's like he's running for president.
He's lost his magic.
A lot of people are turned off by him right now.
Kamala Harris was on, this is number 11.
She was on CNN in a town hall a few days ago.
I was surprised that Anderson Cooper was pretty tough on her.
I was surprised by that.
And I thought, okay, is this a sign that the leftists at CNN don't believe she's going to win?
Or they don't want her to win?
You know what?
Ratings are better when Trump is in for CNN.
That's something to consider there.
All right.
Ratings will be better for CNN if Trump is in the White House.
When did they have their highest ratings?
During the impeachment.
They need Trump in the White House for ratings and ratings brings advertising.
You got to think, Doc, you got to think like.
But I also know, too, that Anderson Cooper is a tool of the deep state.
So just because he worked for the CIA, doctor, don't jump to conclusions.
Yeah, you're thinking that maybe he still does.
Anyhow, here's a here's a clip of Anderson Cooper asking Kamala Harris, is Donald Trump a fascist?
Donald Trump at the lead.
You've quoted General Milley calling Donald Trump a fascist.
You yourself have not used that word to describe him. Let me ask you tonight,
do you think Donald Trump is a fascist? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. And I also believe that the people
who know him best on this subject should be trusted. Again, look at their careers. These are not people with the exception, I think,
of only Mike Pence. These were not politicians. These are career people who have served in the
highest roles in national security, who have served as generals in our military,
who are highly respected, talking about the person who would be commander in chief,
not to mention what we know and what they've told us about how he talks about the military.
Okay, so that's her theme right now in the last two weeks of the election.
So what are we hearing in today's true news?
The Democratic theme is Donald Trump is Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin.
Rolled up into one dictator.
He's going to be a dictator.
We can't allow him in the White House.
They're setting the stage for post-election chaos.
We've been told that Obama is recruiting thousands of lawyers.
Post-election chaos.
We've been told you will not know the winner on November 5th.
You may not know the winner on December 5th.
You may not know the winner on January 5th.
There's going to be post-election chaos.
We've been told that there are foreign hackers getting into voting systems and state governments.
We've been told that there are lone wolves and conspiracy theorists and radicals and extremists waiting for election day to start violence.
That's what we've been told here today on True News.
Where am I going with this do not assume that november 6th
and how many days doc this is what october 25th okay yeah i think we're down 10 days now 10 or
11 days 10 or 11 days don't assume that november 6th is going to be calm like it is right now.
Expect trouble.
Don't cause trouble.
But expect it.
Don't cause trouble, but expect trouble.
Prepare for trouble.
Make preparations for trouble. Prolong trouble. Prepare. Make preparations for trouble.
Prolong trouble.
Perhaps several months of trouble.
Major protests.
Maybe an attempt on Mr. Trump's life.
Who knows what's going to happen? And I forgot to put in
this equation
Israel attacking Iran
and Iran
launching a major
counter attack.
if the U.S. gets
involved in that war,
the Iranians have already told
the United States, if you get involved
helping Israel, we're hitting your military bases.
We're hitting oil supplies.
We're going to hit refineries and oil vessels, pipelines.
We're going to hit your Western supply of oil coming out of the Middle East.
That means economic chaos.
Yeah, and keep in mind, too, that
Donald Trump has been in contact with Bibi Netanyahu
every day. Every day,
Doc. That's what he said.
So what do you think they're talking about?
Do you think they're talking about matzo balls and everything
on their call? I think
Mr. Netanyahu and
Mr. Trump are talking about
Mr. Trump is talking about post-election war. Mr. Trump is dangerous legally.
Because he's...
It could...
I mean...
Are you violating the Hatch Act on that or not?
It was not...
American citizens are not allowed to conduct foreign policy with foreign governments.
You can state your opinion. But you're not allowed to go to policy with foreign governments. You can state your opinion,
but you're not allowed to go to
a foreign government official
and negotiate
and make plans for foreign
policy for the United States. You can go
to prison for that stuff.
guess is that Bibi Netanyahu
is probing
Donald Trump's mind.
Hey, Donald, you're going to win, bro.
You're going to win.
We can't let Harris win.
We've got to get you in there, bro.
You need to go back up to the rabbi's grave and pray some more.
But we're going to get you in there.
I'm going to say a prayer myself to the dead rabbi.
I'll pray from here. We've going to get you in there. I'm going to say a prayer myself to the dead rabbi. I'll pray from here. All right. We've got to get you to win.
But I think Netanyahu is probing Mr. Trump's mind.
Donnie, what do you think about after you're in the White House?
We just take out Iran. Take them out. I mean, take them out.
What do you think about that donnie i think he's trying
to find out would president trump authorize an attack on iranian nuclear and oil facilities
absolutely he's already said it now why would why would Bibi be probing Donald Trump's mind?
Because he's calculating how long he can stretch out this confrontation with Iran until they can get Trump in the White House.
In other words, he's getting ready to attack iran so if if he is hearing donald trump
saying i'm with you bb we blow them up blow them the smithereens finish the job is what donald
trump finished a job i'll give you 20 moabs whatever you want okay you hit their nuclear
facilities you hit their oil production you blow up. I'll be with you right there.
And if they touch one American base, we'll nuke the whole country.
If he's talking like that on private phone calls with Bibi, does he know that the NSA is recording the conversations?
Does he know the CIA is listening?
Does he know that MI6 is listening?
Does he know this?
I don't know.
You know? that mi6 is listening does he know this i don't know you know but bb netanyahu
in my mind would then say we're going to scale back our attack
we're going to scale it back right now okay uh alatola committee i i you know what you've sent the signal you don't want war you've said hey if you hit a couple
warehouses we won't hit you back we'll only hit you hard if you hit our nuclear facilities and
our oil refiners that's when we'll attack and I think think Bibi is now thinking, you know what? He's telling his military guys, let's just hit them lightly, blow up some warehouses, blow up a couple of military bases, and then say, we're done.
Keep the focus on Gaza and Lebanon.
And let's get Donald Trump in the White House, and then we take out Iran and we blow them to pieces.
That's what he's planning.
See, I was leaning – before you said all this, I was leaning toward a possible attack between now and the election day.
And I was thinking that would be a Benny for Donald Trump.
But now that you've explained it that way, if Bibi Netanyahu did attack between now and the election day,
they would not have the support of the U.S. moving forward. That's right.
Biden would not back him. Harris would not back him.
And he'd be out there on his own fighting Iran.
Now, he might foolishly go ahead and do it.
But I think he's probing Donald Trump to find out, would Donald Trump back him in an all-out war with Iran after Donald Trump's in the White House?
And if that's the case, then we're not going to see a major Iranian blow-up over the next couple of months.
Until January 20th until yes until the
until the hardcore zionists are back in control of the white house see there are two factions of
zionists there's a biden faction yes biden is a zionist and then there's the Trump Zionists. Trump's aligned with Netanyahu.
He's aligned with the radicals who want to kill off all the Palestinians.
I'm not saying Donald Trump wants to kill off the Palestinians, but he would back shipping them out to another country.
He'd say, I'll make them a deal.
We'll move them to another country.
Bibi gets the land.
Mr. Trump is hard.
And they've already built the cities for them.
He's hardcore.
Mr. Trump is hardcore Zionist.
He's not hardcore war with Iran.
I mean, with Ukraine and Russia.
He doesn't want that. But when it comes to what the Jews want, Mr. Trump is all the way with the radical, hardcore, warmongering Jews.
And he'll give them whatever they want.
So that may be what Bibi Netanyahu is up to.
But to get back to what we're talking about, preparation, You and I need to prepare. If I'm right about the war, if I'm right about Iran and Israel, we're not going to have a major confrontation until the election is settled.
Now, if Donald Trump loses, Israel has nothing.
They're just going to go for it.
They're going to go for it.
What does it matter? There's no sense do they get biden now or kamala in january it doesn't matter to them
they're going to do it they're going to go okay because the response will be the same either way
with them so if she wins then netanyahu is going to attack and he's going to attack hard. If Trump looks like he's winning on November 5th, Netanyahu is going to hold off until Trump gets in the White House so he can clean out.
I mean Trump gave away the Golan Heights like it belonged to him.
And it didn't.
It didn't.
It belongs to Syria.
I gave him the Golan Heights. I gave it to him.
Like he had a real estate
deal going on.
Excuse me, sir, but that's not your land.
But he gave it to him.
And nobody challenged it.
Because the U.S. government said
Golan Heights is now Israeli territory.
what does Bibi want
from Mr. Trump in January
I want you to give us Gaza
you give it
you just declare Gaza belongs to Israel
Trump would do it
I think they're
yearning for Lebanon now too
he would give them Lebanon
because Israel's already said
Lebanon's not a real state
it's a fake state
so but immediate immediate prepare prepare for trouble prepare for civil unrest prepare for
disruptions in this country doc you know i live i live out in a rural area, very country, very rural, very, you know, one lane road.
Two cars cannot pass.
Somebody's got to get off the road, okay?
And not fall into the drainage ditch, okay?
I'm isolated, okay?
I have alligators, all right?
I walk my alligator every day before I come in here, Doc, you know.
So one of our neighbors, we have wonderful, wonderful neighbors, the best neighbors I've had since I've left Texas.
OK. Real people. All right. Everybody looks out for everybody.
We love we love the neighbors of our area.
But when I went home last night, Susan told me that one of our neighbors came to her yesterday.
And said, I wanted to talk to you and Rick about preparation.
Really? We're talking about a senior citizen,
retired couple,
as mild-mannered,
normal, everyday
Florida retirees as you can get.
And they came over to Susan yesterday
and said,
we'd like to sit down with you and Rick
to talk about preparation.
And Susan said, why?
And she said,
we are worried there's going to be trouble after this election we'd like to sit down with you and rick to talk about preparation susan said why and she said
we are worried there's going to be trouble after this election we don't know what to do
doc if you get mild-mannered florida retirees privately worrying inside their homes
that there's going to be trouble on november, then a lot of people are thinking like that.
A lot of people are thinking that way.
And she was asking Susan questions about preparation.
They know that we're preppers.
So they were asking questions.
I'm telling you, folks, I hope it doesn't happen.
I'm just looking at it and saying everything I'm looking at says there's going to be trouble.
If it's a Trump landslide, they're going to lie.
They're going to deny it.
They're going to say, well, maybe Russia hacked the election.
It doesn't matter if they don't even have to say that anymore.
Doc, all they have to say is he's Hitler. All they have to say is, he's Hitler.
See, they've taken it to a new level.
America's elected Hitler.
They would simply say, he's Hitler, and we cannot allow him to enter the White House.
You have to stop him, one way or the other.
See, when you take rhetoric to that level, there's no going back.
You're telling people it's okay to kill him.
And they've tried several times.
And they're going to try to get somebody in the U.S. government to do it.
Not using a third party.
They're going to try to get somebody openly in the military or the Secret Service or the FBI.
Saying, it's your patriotic duty to do it.
Be prepared.
Let's hope and pray for the best, but let's be prepared.
You know the two things I'm going to say. American reserves
for food. If you haven't any extra food,
you should get some food.
We don't know how disruptive things could be for several months.
So, you can get your food there.
The other one I'm going to tell you is gold.
You need to put a portion of your assets in precious metals.
The company I'm recommending is Goco.
The phone number is 844-960-GOLD.
There's a QR code on the screen.
It will take you to the website. Contact them. tell them that you heard about goco on true news ask for their 2025 gold and silver kit it's
absolutely free the postage is free i think they send it by fedex you should have it in two days
educate yourself educate yourself if you've been listening to morning manna this past week
we're talking about the parable of the talent and it's the responsibility of each one of us to
educate ourselves to wisely invest the assets the talents that the lord bestows to each one of us
it's my responsibility it's your responsibility we educate ourselves
to make wise decisions asking for that gold kit is an act of it is a conscious decision to say
i'm going to educate myself about investing in precious metals it doesn't cost anything
to educate yourself the kid is free the number is 844-960-GOLD.
You can't hurt yourself by just learning.
By knowing more, you'll be a better person.
You'll be a better steward of God's assets.
Study the parable of the talent.
And if you haven't been following Morning Manna all week, you need to listen.
We've been on this thing.
I think wena all week. You need to listen. We've been on this thing, I think we started last week.
And if you're a member of Faith and Values,
the archives are there.
You can watch all the previous lessons,
but the next lesson's coming up right now.
And don't turn off this video.
Don't turn off this audio.
Educate yourself about talents.
See you later.
You're listening to WWCR, International Shortwave Radio. You can find True News on frequency 12.160 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern and on frequency 4.840
from 10 p.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern. Connect with us on Rumble, Facebook, X, and Getter.
I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw.
I'm a blacksmith, and I like to work with my hands.
I watch and trust true news.
Two things are clear to me.
World War III has started, and the USA is very unstable.
I have faith in God, but he expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for trouble. There are two things we need, food and water. That's why
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My family's security is critical to me.
Something big is coming.
Procrastination could be costly.
Act today before a crisis suddenly appears.
Be ready. Be wise.
Go to Good morning everybody. Welcome to Morning Manna. We're glad to have you with us. Whatever state
you are in today, whatever country you're in, whatever time zone you're in, we're glad to have
you in this class. Now there are many people from many nations gathered in real time at 8 a.m. Eastern Time at
And we invite you to join, become a member, participate in the chat, get to know Christians throughout America and Europe and Asia and the Caribbean and South America and Central America and just the whole world, the Middle East, the islands of the sea.
We have people in the Philippines and the Koreas all over the world who participate in this class.
And they are your brothers and sisters.
Get to know them.
So it's
We have been this entire week in one parable, the parable of the talents.
I told you at the beginning of the week, I wanted to take our time. I did not want to
gobble it down and not enjoy all the flavor that's in this parable.
It's one of the most important parables in the Bible.
And so today, we're just about at the halfway point here with this parable,
which means that next week we're going to still be talking about the parable of the talent.
So today we will pick up in verse 20
and go to verse 25. So let's pray. Dear gracious heavenly father, we are so grateful for you.
We're grateful to be alive and to be saved and to be members of your family,
brought into your kingdom and sealed by your Holy Spirit until that day of redemption
when Christ comes back
to resurrect the church
and gather us all together
and that we would be with you forever
on new earth, in new Jerusalem.
We wait for that day, Father.
In the meantime, Father,
we are learning about your son's kingdom
and we are studying his parables, which teach us the manner of the kingdom, the principles of the kingdom,
and what we are expected to do while we wait for his return.
So, Father, teach us and illuminate our minds. Use this class to make everyone in this
Bible study a stronger Christian for you. In Jesus' name, amen. Amen. And as Rick mentioned,
we are still in Matthew chapter 25 in the parable of the talents and we're picking up today at verse 20 so
if you've got your bibles please turn with me to matthew chapter 25 verse 20 read along with me
in your bibles and i'm picking up verse 20 here in the king james and so he that had received five
talents came and brought other five talents saying lord thou deliver son to me five talents behold
i have gained beside them five talents more his lord said unto him well done thou good and
faithful servant thou has been faithful over a few things i will make thee ruler over many things
enter thou into the joy of the lord he also that had received two talents came and said lord thou deliver son to me two talents
behold i have gained two other talents besides them his lord said unto him well done thou good
and faithful servant thou has been faithful over a few things i will make thee ruler over many things
enter thou into the joy of thy lord then he which had received the one talent came and said Lord I knew thee
that thou art a hard man reaping where thou has not sown gathering where thou
has not strewn I was afraid and went and hid thy to hid thy talent in the earth lo there thou hast that is thine okay verse 20 he who received the five talents came
and brought another five talents saying Lord you delivered to me five talents in addition to them. So there's two diligent servants in this parable,
and the first one, and both of them, both of them began their work without delay. The moment
their master gave them the talents. He left immediately.
Said, I'm going to be gone for a while.
They went to work immediately.
They received the gift and they knew what they had to do.
And so both of the diligent servants went to work immediately. And what we learn here is the importance of prompt engagement
in using God's gifts.
That every moment is valuable
for spiritual growth and service.
So these two servants continued working
even though their master
was gone and took a long time to return.
And so that teaches us consistent effort and faithfulness.
That true service to God is marked by steady progress and perseverance.
You should be a stronger Christian today than you were last year.
And next year, you should be a stronger Christian than you are today.
We have struggles.
We have setbacks.
We have obstacles.
We have problems that come into our life.
Unforeseen, unexpected.
But many times, our most significant spiritual growth is when we're faced with those problems.
Don't allow the problems, the crises, the unexpected calamities, disasters, setbacks,
don't let them hinder your spiritual growth.
Put them to work.
Put those bad times to work to learn more about the kingdom.
Those seasons will draw you closer to the Lord my my personal growth in my life has been the the deepest growth has come
during the deepest trials of my life and then you have to ask the question did God send the trial or at least allow
it so at least allow it did he allow it okay to to bring about spiritual
development in your life I would never learn to love my enemies if I didn't
have enemies until you have an enemy, the words
love your enemy, they're just words. They're words in the good book. But when you have
real enemies, when you have people who despise you and hate you and trying to hurt you that's when you learn to apply those words love your enemies
and so these these difficult times actually bring about growth
you know this parable doesn't tell us uh the weather conditions the market conditions while while the master was gone yes we don't know these servants they operated in
whatever conditions they were in right good times bad times mark it up mark it
down real estate collapse who knows what happened at that time when the master
was gone it doesn't tell us any of the problems that the investors encountered
nothing at all so we see initiative diligence industrious strategic use of resources by the two profitable servants.
These are the principles that this parable is seeking to impart to us.
These are the positive things to learn so God's grace is on us when we are sincerely seeking to do his
will you can't fail when you are sincerely seeking to do God's will even though on the surface it may look like a
failure in God's eyes is not a failure if you were seeking to do his will and
very good it's just failure insurance I've cashed that policy in a number of times he gives you failure insurance and you know when
you're a giver when you're a praiser you've got credit built up in heaven and
there are times in your life you need to tap into that account in heaven.
Say, hey, things aren't going well right now.
I made a bad decision.
It didn't work out right.
I could use some extra grace, Father.
I'd like to tap into my bank account in heaven.
I've been storing up riches in heaven.
I'd like to make a withdrawal.
If you don't go to the window with a withdrawal ticket,
they're not going to give you any money.
Look, I've got a, you know, you have a bank account.
I have a bank account.
I can sit here all day long in need.
And my banker is not going to come over to my
house and bring me money. I've got money in the bank. I have to go over to the bank and present
a withdrawal ticket. If you're a giver, you have resources in heaven's bank.
And you need to present withdrawal tickets.
I mean, you have the right to withdraw if the funds are in your name.
You don't have the right to withdraw from doc's account or my account or and i don't have
the right to take from your account i have to put the money in the account in heaven jesus said lay
up treasures in heaven one way that you lay up treasures in heaven is by giving to the work of God to preach the gospel.
And when you do that consistently over years, you have this peace, this confidence in you.
I've got fortune.
I got a fortune in heaven.
God keeps track of all of it he invented math he knows he knows things that you gave 30 years ago
so even in making decisions and using your talent,
there's insurance if you make some mistakes.
So what I want to get to now is that when the master returned,
the faithful servants presented their results with joy.
They had confidence in how they had used their gifts.
They didn't crouch and hide and go, oh, the master's here.
They were joyful. They were confident. They ran up to the master.
They certainly didn't badmouth the master, did they?
Didn't badmouth him.
You see, their joyful accountability came from their love and trust in their master.
And so this readiness to present their gains demonstrates their accountability, their preparedness, and their confidence that comes from
faithful service they had nothing to fear
they were prepared they were confident and they were willing to be held accountable
they had nothing to hide if you have nothing to hide you don't fear accountability
you don't fear inspection you don't fear accountability. You don't fear inspection.
You don't fear an audit. Employees in a business who handle money or resources, they don't
fear audits. If you're treating the employer's money and assets as though it's his or hers, then everything's in order.
When there's an audit, you have nothing to fear.
You're actually like, hey, I'm going to come out looking pretty good.
That's what you want.
When there's an audit, you want to come out smelling good. And so these two servants were not afraid when the master returned.
They were looking forward to it.
He's finally back in the house.
And actually, they got ahead of the audit.
They came to the master.
Master was back.
Master was back. They came to the master. Yes. Master was back. They came to the master.
Master, I'm so excited to tell you
this news. Remember that
five talents you gave me?
I got five more. That's their
confidence, Doc.
They were waiting on their
master's approval.
They wanted to...
The whole time he was gone, they were thinking, how can I act
and perform with these assets he gave me that will make him proud of me when he comes back?
And so when he came back, they were eager, eager to present the results of their investments because what they were seeking was the master's approval.
And something else, too, about this, Rick,
they brought the talents to the master.
The guy that had the one talent said,
by the way, it's still buried in a hole over here.
Yeah, if you want it.
You've got to go get it.
If you want it, there's the shovel.
Oh, Lord.
I'm so frustrated with this guy after this week, Rick.
Yeah, this is a guy I'd like to fire.
I want to hire him just so I can fire him.
So the two servants, they're eager.
They're ready to be held accountable.
See, judgment day doesn't scare them.
They're not afraid of death.
They're not afraid of the second coming they are
eager to be inspected glory they're eager to be inspected when they die
they're eager to be inspected on the Lord's return they have nothing to hide nothing to be ashamed of they didn't do
anything dishonest with with the lord's assets now each servant acknowledged the two that what
he possessed came from the master and And so they understood the principle of stewardship,
that they had been entrusted with the master's assets.
Again, they're eager for this inspection.
There's pleasure.
There's actual pleasure in their voices.
Genuine pleasure. in their voices genuine pleasure
like i i'm i'm actually going to feel good being inspected
you know it's like a soldier that doesn't have one button out of line on his uniform
you know his his boots are polished everything is is in perfect shape. He's ready for the inspection.
He might get a promotion. Behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.
The servant used the word behold to invite his master to inspect his results.
Behold, Lord, look. Behold means look. Look, Lord.
You don't have to open the box and see what's in it. I'm opening it up for you, Lord.
Behold, look. Look inside the box. You gave me five. Count them, Lord. What's in it. I'm opening it up for you, Lord. Behold, look, look inside the box.
You gave me five.
Count them, Lord.
What's in there?
Count them.
See, they're excited. They're excited.
The phrase beside them implies that the servant achieved additional gains beyond the original deposit.
Behold, I have gained beside them.
The them are the five talents he was given.
I have gained beside them five talents more.
Look in the box, Lord.
You see, there's the five you gave me.
And over here beside them are five more. Is that good, Lord? You happy with me?
They recognized that their ability to increase their talents were due to their master.
They returned everything.
They acknowledged both the gifts and the success.
See, this is, our attitude must be, we acknowledge to God that the gifts given to us and our success are due to God's grace.
And it keeps us humble
and in an attitude of gratefulness.
Let's go to the verse 21.
His Lord said to him,
well done, good and faithful servant.
You have been faithful over a few things.
I will set you over many things.
Enter into the joy of your Lord.
The master's response is filled with warm commendation and affirmation.
Well done signifies not just approval, but enthusiastic praise, delight in the actions of his servants.
Well done.
Today we would go, awesome.
I mean, imagine Jesus giving you a high five.
Imagine Jesus saying to you on the day he comes back, give me a high five.
Well done.
I've been watching.
I am pleased.
I've been looking forward to this day to giving you a high five and a big hug and telling you how proud I am of you.
This is what we should be striving for every day.
The approval of our Lord when he returns.
I can't think of anything more valuable.
He called him a good and faithful servant.
So that speaks of the servant's moral excellence.
He's a good and faithful servant.
So this goes beyond the financial success.
This is focused on this servant's character.
Good, faithful.
The reason you succeeded is because you're good.
You're good and faithful.
That's the reason you succeeded.
So the master is acknowledging the servants diligence consistent service over a prolonged period of time while the master is away
for us it would be a lifetime if Christ does not come back during our lives,
then we're,
as I said yesterday,
you know,
the day that we take our last breath is the day that we cease working with the talents he's given us.
And that's what is entered as complete and final on the spreadsheets in heaven.
If you're still breathing you still got time to improve your bottom line you can't be depressed you can't be saddened
by years of neglect I'll share something with you I can't I can you. I can't think of a scripture to prove this.
It's just kind of a feeling I have about the Lord's abilities.
He's able to do anything.
If you think of life as a game board,
and you get your little game piece,
and you're at start and you got to
go around the board there's a track you gotta go around the board and there are
places there are traps there are different things along the way penalties
and so forth but you've got to work your way around that the game board to get to
the finish line the finish line
is the day you die the day the Lord comes back his judgment day you got to
get there and as you're moving your piece along life's game board there are
obstacles there are setbacks there are delays there are problems there's
opposition there's all kinds of things that go wrong in real life there
are divorces there are bankruptcies there are sicknesses illnesses auto
accident all kinds of things on life's game board and look we each one of us can can get into a mindset how i'm really far behind
five years ago i thought i would be 10 spaces ahead but i'm already moved two spaces
in five years i there i'm i should have been another eight spaces I should have been up ten
spaces but I had all these problems I believe that when we sincerely desire to
please the Lord and to use our resources and he's aware of the things that
happened in our life I believe he's able to pick up your little game piece and accelerate you move
you up 10 spaces and say there i know what the devil did to you i know what satan did to you
we're just going to jump over him yeah i can do. It's my game board. I can pick up your game piece and move you over, Satan, and take you up and drop you off 10 spaces up. And he can't do anything about it.
Right. And have you had days like that, Rick turned into a couple years. And
you think am I ever going to get out of this hole?
And then one day, just one day, there's a breakthrough. It's
just a breakthrough. And it changes. Yes. and so I don't want any of you to to beat
yourself up saying man I'm this this parable this teaching and morning manna
is making me feel bad about I'm not trying to make anybody feel bad about
yourself I'm just saying life has problems. And God's aware of the problems. And he knows what Satan does to each of us.
But when you sincerely want to please him, he'll help you do it.
Because he wants to be pleased.
You know, there's something in it for him too.
He likes to be pleased.
So he'll help you please him.
He'll help you succeed.
The Master acknowledged the servant's faithfulness over a few things, which speaks of that small tasks are valuable.
Yes. Faithfulness in small matters leads to faithfulness in larger matters. And we will be tested,
our faithfulness will be tested
in small things before we're promoted
to be faithful in bigger things.
If you're frustrated
that the Lord has not given you bigger things,
it may be because you haven't passed the test in smaller things.
Oh boy, that's a tough thing there.
I'm sure that's probably resonating with some folks out there today, Rick.
We really don't consider the little things and how they multiply.
But the way I look at it, Rick, these little
things are seeds that are planted in the ground. They will have a harvest, just as ignoring them
will have a harvest too. You know, we talk about one day everything can change. Just one day of
favor is worth a thousand days of labor, and just day but you know what you have to be watching
for that day too you have to be watching for it the the one talent guy he's not watching for it
he's watching the hole in the ground here's the good thing doc if you realize if the if if the
holy spirit gives you illumination and see all you have to do is ask the Lord,
Lord, have I not been faithful in some small things?
Guess what? He'll tell you.
That's not a reprimand.
You're not being chewed out by the Lord.
You ask Him a question, He answers it.
Here's the cool thing.
You can go take care of it right away, and then he promotes you.
Lord, is there anything that's holding me back?
Oh, I'm glad you asked. Matter of fact, there is. I'll tell you what it is.
Don't be offended. Don't be depressed. Fix it.
Just take care of it and move on see the Lord wants you to
succeed he's not against your success he's for it he wants to be pleased by
you he wants you to be promoted I see, I'm using the word want.
See, I'm using that word, Doc.
Well, I've been convinced about that over the past day, too.
He desires to be pleased.
He desires for you to be promoted.
He does not have want in his life.
He desires to be pleased.
He desires your success he desires your fulfillment
in life he desires your happiness but we have things in our lives that we we we overlook and
and those little weeds produce vines and they trip us up so go pull the vines up so you can run faster
this this principle of divine promotion is evident as the master promises
to promote to elevate the servant to a position of higher authority.
I will make the ruler over many things.
A ruler.
A ruler.
I'm not going to move you to another department and you're just going to be one of the other servants.
I'm going to make you a supervisor over others.
I'm going to make you a manager over many things I own.
I will make thee a ruler over many things being faithful in small assignments leads to
greater trust and greater opportunities and more promotions from the Lord the
servant is invited by his master enter into the joy of your Lord.
Not, the master didn't say,
I want you to be joyful in your joy.
No, I want you to come inside my joy.
Enter into my world.
I'm joyful.
Enter into my world.
See, Jesus today is asking you, he's inviting you, hey, come on in.
Come into my world. I'm joyful. There's no depression here. There's no sadness. There's no
negative feelings. There's no rejection, no abandonment, no lack, no want. There's joy in my world. Come
on in. You're welcome. Door's open. Come on in. There's absolutely no problems in heaven.
None. None. No negativity. No negative words. No unbelief. No doubt.
Everybody's positive.
Everybody's talking about what God can do.
What are we going to see him do today that he never did yesterday?
He can do anything. Praise God.
What a place to live.
What an atmosphere to be in.
And Jesus said, you're invited.
Enter into my joy.
And so we enter into his joy when we enter in, actually, and this sounds paradoxical.
We enter into his joy when we enter into his suffering on the cross.
The greatest joy you'll have is when you're suffering for Christ.
That doesn't make sense.
Ruler over many things speaks of a promotion to higher positions of authority and trust.
Expanded opportunities for service and stewardship in God's kingdom.
It's a significant change in the status of the servant.
Remember, when the master gave the two servants the talents, they're servants.
During the entire time that he's gone their servants he comes back and he's so impressed with them
that he elevates them because you're no longer a servant i'm moving up
you know george jefferson moving up to the side. To that deluxe apartment in the sky.
I'm giving you a promotion.
This is, it represents the promise of reigning with Christ and inheriting the kingdom.
And these promotions come on earth.
The major promotion comes on the day of judgment.
But there are promotions on earth where God steadily increases and change in our life because we're not
prepared to handle such a sudden change it usually comes incrementally because
with continued faithfulness over time your life will improve doc would you say you've been with us over ten years would you
say that your life is better now than it was when you came to work for us oh absolutely and
why as I'm right in the middle of the will of God right now yes and you doc burkhardt has been a faithful servant
he's been a faithful servant for over 10 years in this ministry and steadily i've watched god
bless him he's not the same doc burkhardt that i hired over 10 years ago he's different. And I'm different than the person who honored him.
We've grown together.
So promotion in this world comes incrementally.
It seldom comes suddenly, a massive change.
It's not ruled out.
But it would only happen if God is completely confident that you can handle it yes
look at the people that win jackpots in the lottery they win you know 300 400
million dollars and a couple years later they're flat broke
they're divorced they've lost their families they've lost everything and the
money and the money is we in the flat broke they look they lose them they lose
it all because they couldn't handle it
the disparity between the smallness of earthly service and the greatness of heavenly reward
speaks of the magnitude of the joy that awaits faithful servants
we enter fully into his joy on the day of judgment. On resurrection day.
That's when we're in the complete manifestation of his joy.
So you can't compare the future reward of eternal joy with the smallness of earthly service.
They're not even in the same category.
The only thing we will think when we're with the Lord is,
oh, I wish I'd done more.
Oh, if I'd known about this.
Well, it was there in the book.
If I had understood it,
I would have done more.
I would have been more faithful. I would have given more gifts. I would have done more. I would have been more faithful.
I would have given more gifts.
I would have visited more people who needed a visit.
Just the things that you're supposed to do in life.
I would have done more if I had known the joy that awaits me.
Rulership and Dominion suggests that faithful stewards will play a significant role in the future administration of God's kingdom and it certainly applies on earth while we wait for his return
so the servant's journey from receiving a modest trust to becoming a ruler over many things
speaks of the the transformative power of faithful service.
That this transformation is a promise of greater authority and responsibility in God's kingdom.
He's promising you a transformation.
If you do this, do what?
Be faithful with the gifts that i give you and multiply them
i promise to transform your life
that's the promise and at the's no price tag on his joy yes
so the joy that the servant is invited into that same joy is what sustains believers
in their earthly journey.
The joy.
It's one thing, and it convicts me.
We don't have, the Christians today don't have joy.
Oh, that's true.
We just don't have joy.
And I think of the Christians I knew when I first was saved
I was saved in 78
and the Christians I knew in the late 70s
the early 80s
they had joy
remember Dennis Kerkarian's book
The Happiest People on Earth
now he would write the most miserable people on earth
what's wrong we've lost the lord's joy maybe it's because we're not
doing anything for his kingdom right well you know i quoted psalm 1611 the other day.
There's joy in your presence, Lord.
Joy in your presence and at your right hand is that joy.
Pleasure is forevermore at your right hand.
And so what the Lord is saying here with that joy of the Lord is actually,
you're going to rule with me.
You've been so faithful in what you've done.
I'm bringing you into my presence.
I'm going to sit you at my right hand.
Doc, I think there's been a very subtle shift.
I'm talking about in the American church.
I can't speak for other nations.
There's been a subtle shift
in the focus church i can't speak for other nations there's been a subtle shift in the focus of christians and churches away from the kingdom of god and towards politics
oh obviously yes and so they're they're working to build a political kingdom
and they've lost their joy yes yes they're no longer working to build god's kingdom
they're building a political kingdom and so they have no joy
uh yesterday i when i was uh working on this uh lesson a memory came to my mind of a pastor in the little town where where I
grew up I I say a little time I grew up in it I I lived out in the country this
was just a little town of about 500 people that was four or five miles away from where I lived. And, Doc, he was an old-time Pentecostal pastor, Church of God.
Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee.
And I just thought, I forgot about him.
I thought about him yesterday.
That before I was saved, when I was a young man and it
wasn't saved I was always impressed by the smile on his face I was always
always impressed by his happiness his joy that he everywhere he went he just
was happy and he'd say the funniest things and i wasn't saved
oh you know i was a you know into a lot of bad stuff at that time you know i was a 20 19 20 years
old but he he would make me laugh and we all knew all the boys knew that he's the pastor. He's the pastor of that church.
He'd make us laugh. He was always joyful. And he'd go into the hospital
and just go through the hospital, go room to room. People who were not members of his
congregation, he would just go into their rooms and make those people happy.
He had that gift. He was joyful. He had real joy that he was a Christian,
and he wanted to share it everywhere.
I forgot about him. What a happy old guy he was how many of them do we have today not not many there's not many joy ambassadors out there nowadays no we've allowed the
world to weigh us down and Jesus says enter into my joy. And we're going, we can't right now.
We're depressed about what's going on in politics.
We're down.
We're feeling down because of the economy.
He goes, well, enter into my joy.
We don't go into his joy.
The door is open.
Enter into my joy.
There's a big sign above the door.
Joy room.
And we stay over here in bummer room.
He goes, okay, you want to stay over there? Go ahead.
But over here, you can come in to my joy.
It's happy over here. We're having a great time over here.
And we're saying, well, Lord, things are really bad over here.
Yeah, I know. Come on over here with me.
You think, is it that simple?
Yes, it's that simple.
The invitation is enter into my joy.
It's an invitation into spiritual fellowship with Jesus.
Not just a reward, but a partnership with Christ.
Hebrews 3, 14 talks about being sharers with Christ.
And this is not, the joy that the faithful servant enters into is not self-made joy but it's the joy of the Lord Himself his presence his presence his presence is joyful when Jesus walked the earth, when he wasn't around religious people,
the only time he got upset was when he was around religious people.
But when he wasn't around religious people,
can you imagine how happy he was to be next to,
to be in a room with him?
The laughter, the laughter,
the smiles,
the love, the joy.
That's him.
The only thing that gets him upset
are religious people.
Sinners don't upset him.
Religious people upset him.
Because they're misusing his name misusing the name of
his father for their own purposes but his joy is perfect it's eternal it
exceeds any pleasure on earth it's more than celebration it's more than celebration. It's more than happiness.
It's communion in the presence of God,
which is what we're going to do here today.
I'm looking at my time.
What do we have, Doc?
About 11 minutes left.
Verses 22, 23.
He also who got the two talents came and said lord you delivereth to me two talents
behold i have gained two other talents in addition to them his lord said well done good and faithful
servant you have been faithful over a few things i will set you over many things enter into the joy
of your Lord.
So the servant who received less got the same reward
as the servant who had been given more.
He gave them different amounts of talents in proportion to their abilities
but the rewards were the same
that messes up the marxist thinking of a lot of people today yes well that's not fair
get over it yeah get over it's the lord's it is belongs It's the Lord's. It's His. It belongs to Him.
He can do it the way He wants to.
It's fair.
If He says it's fair, it's fair.
So both the servant with five talents
and the one with two talents
receive the same reward,
which verifies that faithfulness
is valued over the amount entrusted.
There you go, Greg.
See, it's the faithfulness that's rewarded, not the dollar amount.
He's rewarding the faithfulness.
And so the man with one talent, all he had to do was produce one more talent.
All he had to do.
And he would receive that reward as well.
The same reward, enter into my joy.
So despite receiving fewer talents, the one who received two, compared to the one who received five. The one who received two approached the Lord,
his master, with the same level of confidence
that the other man approached him with.
He was confident.
Hey, Lord, I notice here
what you just gave my fellow servant.
You gave him five and he produced five.
Well, Lord, you gave me two.
Hey, behold, look at this.
There's two more.
And he's looking up at his master.
What do you think?
And the Lord says, well done done thou good and faithful servant
enter into
my joy I will make you ruler
over many things he gets the
same reward yes
you think that guy was happy that day
he was happy
do you think the guy
they had the five do you think he was angry
and jealous no
they're locking arms.
They're hugging each other.
They're brothers.
Hey, we did it.
We did it.
We did it.
They're happy.
Both were blessed.
There was no favoritism.
Why? Because the second servant demonstrated the same diligence and faithfulness
and responsibility in using the resources entrusted to him, as did the first servant.
Both performed as their master expected, although the investment capital and the profits were proportional.
The reward was not proportional. The reward was factored on the faithfulness,
not the production of, in this case, money, gold, silver, whatever the talents represented.
The reward was based on their faithfulness.
So it's teaching us that a servant's success demonstrates that faithfulness and stewardship are not constrained by the initial allocation of gifts,
but are measured by diligence and willingness.
The same reward.
Well, listen, I think we should go here now to the Lord's Supper.
There's so much more to learn in these parables you know
each servant used their talents to the best of their ability with the master
recognizing and rewarding them based on their individual capacity and effort not not direct comparisons. Yes.
So let's enter into the joy of our Lord.
Let's go to his breakfast table.
He's serving himself.
His flesh and blood, he's serving to his servants today.
And we're not servants anymore.
He said, I no longer call you servants.
I call you friends.
That's what Jesus said.
I no longer call you servants.
I call you friends.
Can you imagine these two servants back in that time in this age of this parable?
You know, they're working for a master.
And they get elevated.
And he goes, hey, guys, I'll take you.
I'm not calling you servant anymore.
You're my friends.
And you're ruling with me, too.
You're going to rule with me now.
Their life changed.
They went from servanthood to friendship and kingship and kingship servanthood friendship kingship wow what a what a what a career path but it's available to you me the door is open right now today
ask the Lord today what is it Lord what have you given me that I have not
developed I'm serious I want to get to work right away and he's going to say, hot dog, let's get going.
I've got some ideas for you.
I'm not going to scold you.
He's going to commend you.
He's going to say, great, I've been waiting for this day.
Let's go.
Let's get some things done.
And your life is going to change.
All right, let's go to the Lord's table.
Well, we appreciate you joining us here each and every weekday morning and especially Friday mornings, because that's when we participate in the Lord's Supper.
And if you have bread and either grape juice or red wine prepared, then you may participate with us.
And we're going to ask the Lord's blessing on that in just a moment.
Who is eligible for the Lord's table?
Well, it's those who have confessed Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior,
believe that God has raised Jesus from the dead,
and that you've been baptized in water according to Scripture,
in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus.
You qualify for that.
We don't ask any questions beyond that.
Everything else is a matter of conscience beyond that.
But we do ask that you approach the Lord's table with a clean heart,
clean mind, clean hands.
And that's what we're going to do right now.
I'm going to ask Rick, if you would, to just pray for us
that as we approach the Lord's table today,
that we come to it worthily,
that we come to it as a servant,
and that we leave the table as a friend,
but we come to the table as a servant.
So, Rick, would you pray for us today that the Lord would search our hearts today?
Don't let any wicked way be found in us today.
Dear Gracious Father,
we come to you, Father,
as your sons and daughters who are dwelling in
mortal human
with fallen natures.
through faith in Christ,
the resurrected Christ,
we overcome our fallen nature,
and we take on his nature.
But every day, Father, is a new challenge.
Every day is a new challenge to keep the old nature in the grave
and to live in the new nature of Christ.
And some days we stumble.
Some days we have a setback.
Some days the old person rises up and makes himself or herself known again.
And we have to put that old nature back in the grave.
So Father, we ask you to search our hearts,
reveal to us the things that are in us that are not pleasing to you. We repent,
we humbly seek your forgiveness, and we sincerely seek your grace to overcome these weaknesses.
Father, we're so glad, we're so thankful to have such a kind, loving, forgiving Father.
Who is always seeking our best.
So Father, forgive us and cleanse us with the blood of our Savior jesus christ that we may enter into his joy
commune with him at his table and partake of his flesh and blood in jesus name amen amen amen
well if you have the elements of the lord's table then we're going to pray over those at this time
and ask the lord to bless them and then we're going to pray over those at this time and ask the Lord to bless them. And then we're going to enter into this great celebration of the Lord's body and blood.
Almighty God, in your tender mercy, you gave the only begotten Son, Jesus Christ,
to suffer death upon the cross for our redemption.
He offered himself and made once for all time a perfect and sufficient sacrifice
for the sins of the whole world.
And he instituted this remembrance of his passion and death,
which he commanded us to continue until he comes again.
And so, Father, dear Father, we ask you to bless and sanctify with your word and Holy Spirit
these gifts of bread and wine that we may partake of his most blessed body and blood.
Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed once for all upon the cross.
Therefore, let us keep the feast.
On the night that he was betrayed, our Lord Jesus took bread,
and when he had given thanks, he broke it
and gave it to his disciples, saying,
Take ye, this is my, which is given for you.
Do this in remembrance of me.
Praise God.
The body of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was given for you,
preserve your body and soul to everlasting life.
This is the bread of heaven.
Take and eat in remembrance that Christ died for you. After supper, Jesus took the cup, and when he'd given
thanks, he gave it to them, saying, drink this all of you, for this is my blood of the new covenant,
which is shed for you and for many, for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it,
do this in remembrance of me.
Praise the Lord. Hallelujah.
The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was shed for you,
preserve your body and soul to everlasting life.
Drink the cup of salvation in remembrance that Christ's blood was shed for you.
Be thankful.
Behold the Lamb of God. Behold him who takes away the sins of the world and blessed are those who are
invited to the marriage supper of the lamb the sacrament is the gift of god for the people of god
feed on him by faith with thanksgiving that christ died for you praise the lord
glory to god it's always a privilege to share the lord's
table uh with other believers but i'm still overwhelmed by the fact that we can meet with
people hundreds of people online around the world literally around the world, literally around the world, and participate in the Lord's Supper
together as believers.
You know what?
Technology gets a bad rap on a lot of things, but boy, this is a good thing, isn't it, Rick?
It is. A holy communion service with 345 members of the church spread across 15 to 20 nations.
And in real time, we just went to the Lord's table and participated in communion.
And then later today, when we restream this Bible study, thousands,
not just hundreds,
thousands will join.
It's amazing.
It's amazing. Absolutely amazing.
It's humbling is what it is.
So, praise God.
Well, we want
to wish everyone a great weekend.
Spend some time with the Lord this weekend.
Set aside, you know, a big portion of the weekend to just reflect on the Lord and His Word.
Do a deep dive in His Word.
Get lost in His Word this weekend.
Give it a try.
You may like it.
And enter into His joy.
The door is open.
It's open.
Just walk in.
By the way, there's a now hiring sign that God has put out.
He's looking for good and faithful servants.
Doc, many, many, many years ago when I was a young Christian,
I was studying.
There was a verse that just
i don't know why it just stuck with me all day david king david said i was glad when they said
let us go into the house of the lord okay and i was a very young christian and i all day long i
said god why was king david glad when they, let us go into the house of the Lord?
And he just kept asking that question all day long.
Didn't hear anything.
That night in bed, Jesus walked up to me and stood next to my bed.
I didn't wake up and see him.
This was all in my sleep.
But I knew it was him.
I saw him in my sleep. And he had a bucket. And he said to me, Rick, this is why David said, I was glad when they
said, let us enter into the house of the Lord. And he turned the bucket over and he said, receive my joy.
And, Doc, I burst out.
I burst out in laughter and praise in bed.
I woke up praising the Lord, singing, happy, joyful.
Susan woke up.
She said, what are you doing?
I said, you're not going to believe what just happened you're not going to believe this
Jesus just poured a bucket of joy on me
he said receive my joy
praise God
he likes to do this stuff
he wants you to come in
and be joyful with him
the more the merrier
it's a party It's a party.
It's a party at his place.
And, you know,
I don't think heaven's depressed.
Do you?
No, no.
There's a lot of singing and dancing
and laughing.
It's just, it's a good place to be.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, that is
it for this week, but we're going to continue
our study of the ten talents on
Monday, and maybe
we'll get through it next week, Rick.
But go ahead and read
ahead, read again, Matthew
chapter 25, get the full context
of everything
that we've been talking about this week, and we'll be finishing up the parable of the ten talents of everything that we've been talking about this week.
And we'll be finishing up the parables of 10 talents.
And then we'll be talking about the judgments of nations in that chapter 25 here next week as well.
Doug, I just want to say one thing to Ryan out.
We just kept the feast.
You're supposed to keep the feast.
We just kept the feast.
We just feasted on the Lord.
We kept the feast.
All right. Got to go. Bye. God bless you, on the Lord. We kept the feast. Okay? Alright,
gotta go. Bye. God bless you folks.
Love ya. Bye-bye.
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