TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - President Biden Reportedly Ready to Give Ukraine Permission to Attack Russia
Episode Date: September 11, 2024America’s news channels, talk radio shows, and news websites are abuzz today with chatter about last night’s presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Tr...ump. Meanwhile, few Americans know how fast the USA is racing toward a nuclear nightmare with Russia. Big things are underway.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 09/11/2024You can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves! It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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American Reserves because strength comes from smart preparation. American Reserves,
your ally in emergency readiness. Visit our website and become prepared today. America's news channels, talk radio shows, and news websites are abuzz today with
chatter about last night's presidential debate between
Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. Meanwhile, few Americans know how
fast the USA is racing toward a nuclear nightmare with Russia. Big things are underway and nobody's talking about it. I'm Rick Wiles. This is True
News for Wednesday, September 11, 2024. Let's begin our analysis and commentary of today's
world news by looking at this article published hours ago by London's Telegraph newspaper. Zelensky calls for strong British decision on missiles.
And we know what that decision is, what he wants it to be.
Permission to hit deep inside Russia.
And so the Telegraph is reporting this morning that President Zelensky has called on Britain and America to make a strong decision
by letting him use long-range missiles deep inside Russian land.
The Ukrainian president made the call, made the public call,
at a conference on Crimea for international leaders being held in Kiev on Wednesday. The conference was attended by David Lammy,
the Foreign Secretary of Great Britain,
and Antony Blinken, U.S. Secretary of State,
who are visiting the city together.
Mr. Zelensky said of the long-range missiles in Russia,
I will have a little bit later a talk with him,
meaning Mr. Blinken,
and Minister of Foreign Affairs for the UK, meaning Mr. Lammy.
Mr. Zelensky went on to say, I don't know all the details of our conversation.
I will be ready to be open and honest after these consultations. If I am optimistic about their decision to give us permission to use long distance, it is a pity.
It doesn't depend on my optimism.
It depends on their optimism.
And then Mr. Zelensky said, let's count on some strong decisions on this.
For us, it is very important for today. Anyway, I will tell you after the meeting.
And anyway, I'm counting on my dialogue with President Biden this month.
Now, we go to the next one.
This also telegraphed.
Biden poised to lift ban on firing British storm shadow missiles into Russia.
Doc, I don't even know what to say.
We knew this was going to happen.
But it's happening, and now—
You don't need to be a prophet to say that.
You don't need to be a prophet.
I didn't—yeah.
It's like, just watch the progression of where these leaders are going.
And as you opened up the Godcast today, everybody's enamored with what happened last night with the debate.
I have all the major websites open, all the major outlets.
Not a single one has anything about Russia or Ukraine or anything on its front page at all.
Not a single one.
No, but on their front page, they'll be talking about President Trump said Haitian illegal immigrants are eating cats.
That's their big story.
Do you understand the cats and the dogs are going to burn up with the democrats and the republicans nuclear fire does not discriminate discriminate yes everything is burned up
so let's get back to the telegraph again this is today joe biden is poised to lift a ban on
british storm shadow missiles being fired into Russia by Ukraine.
The president is considering changing policy after it emerged.
Here it is.
We predicted this one also.
Iran is now arming Russia with ballistic missiles, which could be used in Ukraine within weeks.
That's the trigger.
They needed something to justify the decision. And Iran gave them the trigger. Yes. They needed something to justify the decision.
And Iran gave them the opportunity.
Antony Blinken, Secretary of State, is due in Ukraine on Wednesday.
He's there.
With David Lammy, UK Foreign Secretary, both of them are there.
They're meeting with Zelensky to discuss lifting restrictions.
Why are they there?
To deliver the message, not to discuss anything, really.
To deliver the message.
That decision's been made.
Mr. Biden and Keir Starmer, the UK prime minister, would then discuss changing the policy in a White House summit on Friday, Mr. Blinken said,
adding that the president was not ruling it out.
Which means?
This weekend it's coming.
That's right.
This is moving so fast now.
If I sound melancholy and depressed today, it's because I'm melancholy and depressed today,
it's because I'm melancholy and depressed today.
I know what's coming.
Doc, I know what's coming.
The only thing that's going to stop it
is a direct intervention of Almighty God.
And why would He?
Why would He? All because we serve him so gloriously we're so obedient
we praise him all the time we humble ourselves we repent no none of those things are true both
countries are wicked as rick mentioned earlier the delivery of new iranian arms to russia
is thought to have prompted fresh discussion between the U.S. and U.K. over the use of storm shadows.
British government sources close to policy believe a change in position on long-range missiles is possible this week, but not guaranteed, with discussions remaining live at a senior level.
Now, Britain has been pushing for Ukraine to be given permission to use long-range missiles,
including storm shadows inside Russia.
However, the missiles are used in tandem with some U.S. systems.
So the Biden administration has not given permission for its technology to be used inside
Russian territory.
Now, on Tuesday, a senior Ukrainian source said Kiev understands perfectly well what
topics will be discussed and why today, given the intensification of missile attacks on our energy infrastructure by
the Russians, as well as the data from American officials on Iranian ballistic missiles being
transferred to Russia for use against the civilian population of Ukraine. Now, Mr. Blinken said that
he would use his trip to Ukraine on Wednesday with
Mr. Lammy to make sure that we have our own best assessment of what's needed. We'll take that back
and we'll both inform our bosses, the prime minister and the president. And again, I fully
expect that will be part of their conversation on Friday. But for all intents and purposes,
the decision's already been made.
It has. And we had this for you on Monday when Secretary of State Blinken said,
the Russians are buying missiles from Iran. The missiles have been shipped. They're going to be
used within weeks. And now all of Europe is at risk.
The entire European continent is now at risk.
I'm going to replay that video.
This was Monday.
We told you on Monday the announcement about the Iranian missiles would be the justification to allow U.S. and British missiles to attack deep inside Russia.
This is what Mr. Blinken said on Monday.
To wage his war of aggression on Ukraine, Putin is also relying increasingly on help from Iran and the DPRK.
In these instances, to get actual weapons in clear violation of multiple UN Security Council resolutions.
Now, Tehran has long supplied deadly drones. It's built a drone factory in Russia.
It's trained Russian personnel on how to operate them.
For some time, the United States has warned of an additional threat,
the provision by Iran of ballistic missiles to Russia for use in Ukraine.
We've warned Tehran publicly. We've warned Tehran privately
that taking this step would constitute a dramatic escalation.
Dozens of Russian military personnel have been trained in Iran to use the Fata-360
close-range ballistic missile system, which has a maximum range of 75 miles.
Russia has now received shipments of these ballistic missiles
and will likely use them within weeks in Ukraine against Ukrainians.
Russia has an array of its own ballistic missiles, but the supply of Iranian missiles
enables Russia to use more of its arsenal for targets that
are further from the front line while dedicating the new missiles it's receiving from Iran
for closer-range targets.
There will be significant economic consequences for Tehran's actions.
The United States will be announcing further sanctions on Iran later today, including additional
measures on Iran air.
We expect allies and partners will be announcing their own new measures on Iran as well. Iran's new president and foreign minister have repeatedly said
that they want to restore engagement with Europe. They want to receive sanctions relief.
Destabilizing actions like these will achieve exactly the opposite.
So how's the Kremlin responding?
What's their attitude today to this report that what everybody knew was going to happen is finally happening?
That the U.S. is ready to give the green light to Ukraine to use American and British missiles to strike deep inside Russia.
Reuters, Kremlin warns of escalation if U.S. allows Kiev to hit Russia with long-range missiles. Sergei Ryabkov, one of Russia's deputy foreign ministers, was cited by state news agencies
as saying Moscow was worried about what it regarded as a potentially dangerous escalatory
scenario and would move to destroy any new deliveries of long-range attack missiles to Ukraine by the United States.
He said, quote, as was the case with the past U.S. arms delivery to the Kiev regime,
they will all be destroyed, but the dangers and risks are growing.
Now, another Reuters article, Kremlin warns of escalation. Now, this is the same
headline, but I want you to see the rest of the material that was here. Kremlin warns of escalation
of U.S. allows Kiev to hit Russia with long-range missiles. The Kremlin has told the West on Wednesday, this is today, folks, the Kremlin told the West today
that any decision to allow Ukraine to strike Russia with long-range Western missiles would
deepen what it called the direct involvement of the United States and Europe in the war
and would trigger a response from Moscow.
The warning came as senior Ukrainian government officials pressed Secretary of State Antony Blinken and U.K. Foreign Minister Lammy to allow Ukraine to fire long-range U.S. Atakams
and British Storm Shadow cruise missiles at targets deep inside Russia.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters this morning that a suspected U.S. decision
to let Ukraine fire such missiles into Russia had already been taken and that there would
be a response if that happened.
Peskov said, quote, it, meaning our response, will be an appropriate one.
The involvement of the United States of America and European countries in the conflict over Ukraine is direct,
and each new step increases the degree of this involvement. And then Mr. Volodin, the chairman of the State Duma, which is the lower house of the parliament,
said Moscow would be forced to use, quote, more powerful and destructive weapons against Ukraine
if Kiev started firing long-range Western missiles at Russia,
and I believe you can interpret that as tactical nukes.
Or other weapons.
Or other weapons.
And so because we've gotten into the nuke mindset, but there are—
They have other weapons.
That's right.
Peskov said they believe, they, the Russians
the decision's already been made
I believe that too
we're just waiting on the official announcement
and the announcement could come Friday
as early as Friday
it could be Saturday or Sunday
but they're going to have that meeting on Friday.
At the White House.
At the White House.
And so they may leak it late Friday, which is the way that you hide news stories.
So Biden signed off on it.
So expect it about 2.30, 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
But Biden signed off on it.
And we're off to the races.
We're going to attack Russia deep inside their territory.
And think that nothing's going to happen to us.
How delusional can you be?
Doug, the only thing that can make you that delusional is a delusion.
A strong delusion.
A strong delusion from the Lord because you choose to believe a lie.
And that's where we're at as a country.
God has sent a delusion over America.
And our leaders are unable to think correctly, to think sanely.
They are thinking insanely with no comprehension
of the repercussions
of what their actions will bring about.
But those of us who are sane,
those of us who are not reprobates,
those of us who have read the Bible,
we know where this is going.
I just, I've been doing this for 25 years, and I've been warning for 25 years this day was coming. You know, I'd rather
go on another 25 years warning. But it's here. This is what's hitting me so hard, Doc. It's here.
I've been in this routine for 25 years.
I saw the vision.
The only reason I'm here is I saw a vision of a miracle on fire.
That's the only reason I'm here for 25 years.
I've had a vision of a miracle on fire.
And so I started this program when I was in Texas in 1999, and I've been telling people ever since.
And now it's here.
The good thing about it is I won't have to do this anymore.
I'll wrap it up.
How did Jeremiah feel when the judgment came to Israel?
I mean, he couldn't go around saying, I told you so.
No, he wept.
He wept.
There was a sadness.
There was a sadness.
They won't listen.
And, you know, at one point Jeremiah said, my heart, my heart, I hear the sounds of war.
He could hear it inside his soul.
He could hear the horses.
He could hear the shouts of the soldiers.
He heard it day and night.
That's where I've been for 25 years.
But now we're in a place and time where we have the weaponry to create such destruction on a global scale, far beyond anything Isaiah and Jeremiah could even think about, even though they saw a portion of that day of the Lord that's going to come one day.
Listen, what we're looking at right now is an imminent day of the Lord coming to the earth.
And no one's prepared.
We're chattering over useless debates today when really we should be preparing for the
edge of nuclear annihilation, which we're facing right now.
As said, everybody's talking about the debate.
Was Trump right about dogs?
I mean, this is what we're talking about.
What about what about Kamala's earrings?
Are they listing devices?
You know, I mean, were they were they earpieces? You know, I mean, were they earpieces?
You know, I mean, this is what people are talking about today.
And your government is taking you into a nuclear war.
And we, as a ministry, we can't even get traction.
We can't get this thing going anywhere.
We're stymied because nobody wants to hear it.
The so-called conservative patriots don't want to hear it.
Absolutely not.
The Christian Zionists don't want to hear it.
The conservatives don't want to hear it.
Who do you go to?
Who do you go to?
Well, Jesus would say, well, you go out on the byways and highways.
You go find the drunkards
and the prostitutes and
bring them in. Get them into
the wedding feast now. Folks, the wedding
feast, do you understand how close we are
to the fulfillment
of everything in this book?
Doc. Everything in this book is about to
be fulfilled. That's how close we are.
But there's some horrible things
that are going to happen on the earth
before the restitution of all things.
And one of those things is
that life will become so unbearable here
that if God Almighty himself
doesn't cut the days of mankind short,
no flesh would survive.
What does that look like?
What does that look like?
That God looking down says,
just cut the lights.
End it.
End it now.
They're insane. They're insane.
They're crazy.
So, Bobby Kennedy gets it.
This is what he tweeted last night.
Yes, this is in response to a question during the debate where Mr. Trump was asked about Ukraine.
And Mr. Trump had made remarks.
Remember, Russia has nuclear weapons.
And Mr. Kennedy said, Trump makes a point that I hope everyone hears.
Russia has nuclear weapons.
The Biden administration's policy of maximum confrontation,
seeking Russia's humiliating defeat and regime change is a recipe for nuclear immolation.
It means setting yourself on fire.
That's precisely what this is.
We're going to set ourselves on fire.
As a nation.
The entire nation.
We're going to self-destruct.
For what purpose?
For the purpose of humiliating Putin.
That's what they seem to be bent on.
We're going to humiliate him.
We're going to force him to surrender.
We're going to take his country from him.
We're going to pillage their country and take their resources.
And carve it up like a Thanksgiving turkey.
I came across this story today, Doc.
Belarus has deployed special forces on the border with Ukraine.
Now, this is unusual that President Lukashenko would deploy his nation's special forces to the border.
That indicates to me that he is bracing for a Ukrainian invasion of Belarus.
Like another Kursk incursion.
That they're going to come into Belarus and try to grab a piece of Belarus.
Because he's been pretty adamant about
staying out of the war. Obviously, he's
pro-Russian. Right. But he has
not sent troops into Russia
or into Ukraine. He's just like,
I got a little country and I got to defend it.
But something's up today.
They've dispatched special forces.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I was going to say, Belarus has strengthened the protection of the border with Ukraine by deploying special units of riot police and internal troops.
This was announced earlier today by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic, Ivan Kubrikov, at a briefing before the start of practicing practical actions at the
stolen 2024 exercises. He said, the department analyzed the actions of the armed forces of
Ukraine and the Kursk region of Russia, and due to the tense situation near the southern borders
of Belarus, special units of Oman and internal troops are deployed in the border area. And he said that on Telegram here earlier today.
And so Belarus is making preparations for a possible invasion by the AFU.
Or a possible flight of people from Ukraine.
Yes. of people from Ukraine. In other words, if Russia is getting ready to do something extraordinary in Ukraine,
there's going to be an attempted flood of refugees.
He could be shutting down his border so that refugees don't come flying out of Ukraine into Belarus.
We heard Mr. Blinken on Monday talk about new sanctions on Iran.
We now know what some of these sanctions look like. This is BBC.
Great Britain has halted all Iranian air flights.
So if you're flying Iran air and you're trying to get in or out of Great Britain, it's not happening today.
And so the U.S., the U.K., France, and Germany have imposed fresh sanctions on Iran for supplying Russia with ballistic missiles for use in Ukraine. The measure includes restrictions on the national carrier Iran's air ability to fly to the U.K. and Europe,
and travel bans and asset freezes on a number of Iranians accused of facilitating military support for Russia.
Next article is Russia Today.
Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill condemns Western cultural degradation.
Says the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, has for the first time commented on the controversial Summer Olympic Games in Paris.
Speaking at an international cultural conference in St. Petersburg today, Wednesday,
the patriarch described the event as a sign of the spiritual degradation of Western culture.
I don't believe he's wrong on that either.
So it goes on to say that the opening ceremony included a scene featuring a troupe of drag queens, homosexuals, and transsexuals posing at a table mirroring Jesus Christ and his apostles as they appeared in Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper.
The performance sparked global public backlash and was widely seen as mocking Christianity. According to Patriarch Kirill, a process of what he described as decultivation of moral values and unculturing was underway in the West.
And here's a quote from Patriarch Kirill,
various forms of savagery become a new culture.
The past Olympics are a vivid example of this.
Reports from the Gaines paint a very pessimistic picture that reflects the downward trajectory of the spiritual, cultural component of Western civilization.
Indulgence in one's passions is being exploited for commercial and political gain, added the patriarch as well.
In other words, the West has told people, we're going to make a trade with you.
It's really Satan.
It's Satan.
Satan's bargain.
Here's the deal from Satan.
We'll let you sin, unlimited sin, sexual sin.
You can have unlimited sexual sin.
Anything you want.
Anything you want.
In return, we get your liberty and your freedom.
We take your country from you.
We strip you of your heritage.
But you get to do anything you want.
That's what he's referring to.
For political gain because they're satan's team inside this country is becoming more powerful politically
i've got one more war story i want to talk about before we switch over to the
stupid debate topic. This is from Iran.
Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps chief
vows different form of revenge against Israel.
After a period of relative calm
in Iran's aggressive rhetoric towards Israel,
IRGC Chief Commander Hossein Salameh stated on Sunday that Iran's revenge against Israel would be different, though he did not
provide details.
He said, quote, the Israelis will taste the bitter revenge for their wickedness.
In the meantime, Iranian officials have softened their rhetoric,
signaling that Tehran's response may not involve a large-scale direct attack.
However, Salome's statement on Sunday served as both a renewed threat and an indication that Tehran is likely avoiding a direct escalation.
His remarks suggest a more calculated, possibly asymmetric response,
rather than an immediate, overt military operation.
According to the Tasnim News Agency, which is affiliated with the IRGC, Salome, when asked about when, where, and
how Iran's revenge on Israel will be carried out, said, quote, it will certainly be different,
and this mystery will be solved in time for everyone. Now, Doc, there is some discussion on the Internet that takes us back to that story months ago about the EMP weapons.
Right. That was the first thought in my mind as well.
You thought about it?
That's what I think he's alluding to.
He also said that
creating a nightmare for the Israelis
and that they will live
in a nightmare.
And it'll be a nightmare
inside a nightmare.
A nightmare that doesn't end.
That there will be no peace
in the Israeli
people. They'll find no peace.
That they'll keep them constantly in a state of fear, chaos, trouble.
So if they start using asymmetric weapons on Israel, EMP attacks.
Take out their power grid.
And then allow Hezbollah to attack.
Because Benny Gantz said on Monday here in the United States, days, maybe weeks, we're going to have to go north to Lebanon and do business.
Okay. Okay, so that means Israel is going to launch a military attack in Lebanon any day.
It could happen before this week is over.
It could be in the next two, three weeks.
What this tells me from Iran is when you guys do it, your lights are going out.
We're going to hit you with EMP weapons.
And your people are going to panic without power, without water, without communication.
We'll see how long your attack can...
That's what I'm reading into it.
That the attack will be different and the mystery will be solved in time for everybody.
let's talk
silliness. I just
don't care anymore. I don't care about
elections. I don't care.
You know,
I don't know how much of it you watched, Doc.
I watched all of it.
Did you?
I watched about half of it.
I got bored and sleepy.
And I have a habit.
I've been doing this for years.
I put myself to sleep listening to either peaceful, relaxing music or something funny.
And usually I've been for the past two years, I've been more than two years, I've been living in the past.
I've been going back in time, finding entertainment from decades ago where things were simple.
Life was different.
And the comedy was just more innocent and silly and no meanness, no profanity, just funny.
And this is the way I go to sleep.
I don't want to hear this stuff. And this is the way I go to sleep. I don't want to hear this stuff.
And this is where I was at last night.
I've heard enough of it.
It's the same old stuff.
And I just said,
well, the second half
isn't going to be any different than the first half.
And you were right. It wasn't.
It just continued.
Besides, 4 a.m. comes early and staying up to watch Donald Trump and Kamala Harris wasn't going to help me in the morning.
So September 11 today, New York Post, Kamala Harris smiles, shakes hands with Trump at ground zero.
This happened today.
They met.
They had an encounter today in New York City.
There's a former Mayor Bloomberg, President Biden.
And so we've got a short video.
This is what it looked like today. Vance with President Trump there.
And so Donald Trump and Kamala Harris shaking hands there after the greeting. A moment in time, the daggers were put away to honor the September 11th ceremonies on that particular day.
So everybody's got their own opinion about who won the debate.
Obviously, the news media, you don't have to guess, their headlines were written weeks ago.
We know what the news media is going to say. Harris won. Trump lost. Harris' momentum is unstoppable. That's the
standard story out there today in the American news media. But I look for other signs. What could I find besides the political talking heads who are paid to say things?
I'm going to show you two articles.
First one, CNBC.
Trump media shares plunge after GOP nominees debate with Harris. The share price of Trump media plunged more than 17% Wednesday morning,
a day after majority shareholder Donald Trump gave a widely panned presidential debate performance
against Vice President Kamala Harris.
The company's stock price at the opening bell was at its lowest intraday level since the Truth social app owner began
publicly trading as DJT on the Nasdaq in late March. Investing in Trump media stock is often
seen as a way to bet on the political fortunes of Trump. Trump media has said its business hinges at least partly on Trump's popularity.
And analysts say the company's value will rise or fall based on his election prospects.
So right there, people, investors in Trump media who are his supporters bailed out today, sold their stock.
By nearly a fifth.
What does that say?
That they've lost confidence in President Trump.
At least those investors have.
And they're not willing to hold on to the stock because they believe it's going to lose value,
because they believe he's going to lose the election.
That's what it says.
The next one, I don't know, and this is this morning, Dow drops more than 500 points.
They blamed it on hopes dim for more aggressive Fed rate cuts.
Doc, where are we right now?
Well, it's recovered quite a bit.
We're down only about 350 points right now.
We're still down.
Yes, but at one point it was pushing downward of 700 points.
Oh, it got that far?
Oh, yes.
See, I believe it's connected to the debate.
I think so, too.
I believe investors—
There's consumer confidence.
I believe investors said, oh, no.
We're going to have a Marxist president.
That's what hit people this morning.
We're going to have a Marxist president.
Trump is pro-business.
I believe the assessment this morning on Wall Street is he's not going to win.
And people began to bail.
Now, the next one.
And I've been watching this for months, and this is accelerating.
Berkshire Hathaway unload billion to buy a Bank of America stock after 2011.
So here we are today, September 11.
He was looking for a deal and found one.
And he found one.
Bank stocks were down, and he invested $5 billion in Bank of America.
That's not a big story to me.
What's a big story to me is a billionaire is selling off his stock so fast it makes your head spin.
Now, that makes me wonder.
And in this story is another hidden story that CEO Monaghan was kind of caught off guard, didn't realize it. He made comments about Warren Buffett's investment in Bank of America and didn't realize that Warren Buffett had unloaded another large piece of Bank of America stock.
Warren Buffett's been selling it off for months.
And so another one happened again today.
And so it says, again, this is CNBC.
The latest action extended Berkshire's selling streak to 12 consecutive sessions.
Notice this.
Warren Buffett's been selling off stock for 12 consecutive sessions,
matching the 12 sessions from July 17 to August 1. Berkshire has sold more than 174.7 million shares of Bank of America for $7.2 billion, with 858.2 million shares remaining,
or a total of 11.1% of the shares of the outstanding stock.
Bank of America has fallen to the number three spot on Berkshire's list of top holdings
behind Apple and American Express.
Buffett previously bought $5 billion worth of Bank of America stocks and warrants after in 2001. And then it quotes Bank of America CEO Brian
Monahan made a rare comment saying he has no knowledge of Buffett's motivation for selling.
Seriously? You're the CEO and the billionaire that owns $5 billion worth, he bought $5 billion worth in 2001.
He's selling it off like crazy, and you don't know the reason for it?
Did you ever call him?
Did you ever just pick up the phone and go, Mr. Buffett, could you tell me that I do something
Well, and he goes on to say, and this is a quote from him regarding that very conversation.
I don't know what exactly he's doing because, frankly, we can't ask him.
We wouldn't ask.
He said this during Barclay's Global Financial Services Conference, according to a transcript on FactSet.
But on the other hand, the market's absorbing the stock.
We're buying a portion of the stock, and so life will go on. So I guess because of financial regulations,
he's not allowed to talk to a stockholder and say why he's selling.
But has anyone else talked to him?
There are other people that can do it.
Are other stockholders, could they ask, hey, Mr. Buffett, why are you selling off?
So does Warren Buffett, why are you selling off? So, does Warren Buffett know?
He's a pretty good bellwether.
I don't like the man's politics, but
business sense.
Obviously, he's an extremely
astute businessman. Does he know
something's coming
in the very near future?
Another impact that he has is when
he makes a decision like this, you've got the Berkshire Group and everything and then the newsletter group.
They'll follow suit.
And so that has a dramatic impact on the market.
Rick, why is he moving out of Bank of America?
What does he see that other people aren't seeing?
A major world crisis.
A major correction is on the way.
But more than a correction.
A world crisis linked to a war with Russia.
And owning a bank is probably not the best investment you could have at that time.
Mr. Buffett's cashing out.
I mean, at his age,
he's just taking cash.
He's getting his cash out.
He's going to leave with $7 billion cash.
I don't know.
He's going to put it under his mattress somewhere, Doc.
He's pulling out $7 billion in cash
and hiding it somewhere.
Waiting for what?
Blood in the streets.
Now, at his age, he's still thinking he's going to live another 50 years.
What is he, in the 90s, right?
I think so.
But these guys, they all think that they're just going to keep living.
And they think, well, there's a crisis coming, and there'll be great buying opportunities.
When this war, if this war goes full, you know, totally red hot, what are you buying?
Rubble? You're going to get a you buying? Rubble?
You're going to get a good price on rubble?
He's 94.
So I guess that's what they're expecting.
They'll be able to buy rubble at cheap prices.
Because that's all that's going to be there, rubble.
What are you going to want to own?
Hey, there's some land that's radioactive.
It's going to a really cheap price right now.
Yeah, because nobody's going to live here.
They don't get it.
People don't, they don't.
There's a disconnect, Doc, about nuclear war.
People think, oh, it'll be over in a couple of days.
We'll just go back.
We'll be shopping.
We'll watch American Idol, we'll be shopping.
We'll watch American Idol on Monday and Tuesday nights. Everything will be just
If you survived it, you'll wish you didn't.
see, we've got 11 minutes here.
I want to talk about illegal immigration.
Here's another story.
I know I sound today like, what's the use?
They're coming into our country by the tens of millions.
It's not hundreds of thousands.
It's not even millions.
They're coming by hundreds of thousands. It's not even millions.
They're coming by tens of millions.
Doc, the fix is in.
And I think it's been in for decades.
It has.
But the fix, when I say the fix is in, our leaders have sold us out. And the knowledge of it goes all the way down to the smallest city councils.
I'll show you something.
This is Alabama City Council meeting comes to abrupt close after questions about Haitian immigrants.
Now, don't have anything against Haitian immigrants.
We have a lot of them here.
We're talking about illegal immigrants.
We're not talking about legal immigrants.
We're talking the issue is illegal immigrants.
Legal immigrants are welcome.
Illegal immigrants are not.
So this is, what is this, Salacuga?
Salacuga City Council.
City Council, Alabama.
The meeting was cut short after only 20 minutes following how the city knew workers coming there were illegal immigrants,
who had determined this, and what effect that they were having on crime and housing.
After three residents asked questions during the city public, this is a public city council meeting.
Right. during the city public city council meeting right the council president
Tiffany Nix said I'm going to cut it off and she ordered the citizens to leave
the city council chambers right that's we got a small clip it's the whole thing
is you know three or four minutes but here's a small clip of that event event. People come here all the time. We visit. We visit. Haiti is a failed state.
Their president was assassinated in 2021.
There is no way the State Department can defend these Indians.
We're done and I'm gonna ask this.
Please let him talk.
He, you had to say I was very specific.
Okay, I'm gonna ask all of you to leave because this meeting is over.
If having no other further business, I have a motion to adjourn.
All right, second?
Second. Second. Second. Second. Second. Second. I was very specific. Okay, I'm gonna ask all of you to leave because this meeting is over.
If having no other further business, I give the motion to adjourn.
All right, second?
All in favor?
Good to know.
Don't want to hear the truth.
This is our city.
Can you just say that we can't speak, that we have no word? This is our city, not Ferguson's. This is our city.
Can you just say that we can't speak, that we have no word?
What would you like us to do?
To cut off public debate in the middle of a meeting is a violation of the law, by the way.
What they're going to do is they're going to spend our tax money. That's the money they're going to be spending.
They speak French. Are teachers going to be able to educate the children in French.
We're going to have to hire teachers.
All male.
All male.
All male.
All male.
All male.
All male.
All male.
All male.
All male.
All male.
All male.
All male.
All male.
All male.
All male.
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All male.
All male.
All male.
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All male.
All male.
All male.
All male.
All male.
All male.
All male.
All male.
All male.
All male.
All male.
All male.
All male.
Your views are not welcomed.
You can't.
They're not wanted. They're not wanted.
They're not permitted.
You can't ask questions.
You can't bring up policy.
Talk 20 minutes into the meeting.
The city councilman on the far right, I listened to more of that video,
and he was trying to explain to the citizens look we're not allowed to ask any
questions about these immigrants that's what he said we're not allowed you're not allowed by who
yeah who said who said that who told you you couldn't ask questions he said we're not allowed
to ask where they came from, what they're doing here.
So who made that decision that you're not allowed?
Is that something that comes from the state, the feds, your lawyers?
The feds.
The feds.
It's coming down from Washington.
And they're telling these little city councils, you can't even ask the –
we're going to bring bussons and
buses and buses of illegals here and drop them off in your town square.
And you are not allowed to ask them any questions.
And if you do, Department of Justice lawyers are coming here to arrest you people.
That's right.
That's what's happening.
The fix is in.
We've been sold out we've got communists so deep into our government that american citizens attending a little town hall meeting are told shut up and leave you're questioning the agenda right now what does that look like
let's go to this next story uh lee this is number 19 new york post
top aid to embattled new y Police Department Commissioner Edward Caban,
linked to the Chinese Communist Party.
Doc, we just reported last week that the, I don't know, it was the press secretary,
somebody in the governor's office for 10 years. The governor of New York, two different governors, Cuomo and Hochul,
that this woman was connected to the China Communist Party. She'd been there for 10 years.
And right now, three of Eric Adams' top staff are under FBI investigation right now.
Three of them. And one of them is related to this.
This is the top aid to the commissioner
of the new york police department right now remember the stories last year about or two
years ago that china had police stations in america right and new york was one of them
absolutely and we were saying how could they have a police station in American cities and nobody does
anything about it? The top aide
to the commissioner of the police department
is a communist. That's right.
A Chinese communist.
And yet
if you say anything, oh, you sound
Joseph McCarthy from the 50s.
Oh, McCarthy would do
absolute bonkers if he was here today. He'd say, I told you in the 50s what Oh, McCarthy would do absolute bonkers if he was here today.
He'd say, I told you in the 50s what they were going to do to you.
We showed that image of everybody at the 9-11 ceremony this morning.
You notice who was missing?
Eric Adams.
He wasn't there?
He has COVID.
Oh, does he?
We've got about three minutes.
Let's go through this story because there's a lot in here about a Chinese communist infiltration of local government offices.
So a top aide to embattled New York Police Department Commissioner Edward Caban is associated with shadowy groups that do the bidding of the Chinese Communist Party.
The Post has learned Lin was a vice chairman of the one nonprofit linked to a web of CCP-controlled community groups and school associations known as United Front.
We've reported on United Front in the past.
School associations.
That's right.
This is according to records viewed by the New York Post.
He has also been pictured and attended events alongside prominent members of United Front groups are sponsored by them. The role of United Front
is to spread Chinese propaganda in the U.S., overseen by the United Front Work Department,
funded and controlled by the central government in China. Lin Guan was also handpicked by Mayor
Eric Adams for his high-ranking job as assistant director of the police commissioner liaison unit,
despite having limited police experience,
sources said. Now, after initially not commenting, a spokesperson for the New York Police Department
said Wednesday that Lynn came to the department as a deputy director, which does not require
mayoral approval. This was strictly a police commissioner appointment. See, they're trying
to distance him from Adams.
It went on to say that Lynn's ties come under scrutiny at a time of heightened awareness of Chinese influence in New York after the arrest of Linda Soon, a former aide to Governor Kathy Hochul last week.
Soon is charged with 10 criminal counts, including money laundering, visa fraud, conspiring to act as a foreign agent for China and other crimes.
She is pleaded not guilty in Brooklyn Federal Court.
Lynn has been described by sources as Caban's right hand.
The commissioner is himself under pressure after he and others saw their homes raided by federal agents last week.
Although the reason for the raids has not been made public,
sources said the investigation prompting the raid centers around undue influence on the New York Police Department from China and Turkey.
Lin also had close ties to Winnie Greco, a controversial Adams aide who is a special advisor and director of Asian affairs.
Greco is also under probe by federal authorities looking for private emails and records of trips he organized to China for Adams when he was Brooklyn borough president.
Lin has also attended events with Greco sponsored by United Front Groups, working with the Chinese consulate in New York, according to Chinese language media.
So is the mayor of New York City a stooge for the China Communist Party?
Is that what we have here?
Does China own the mayor of New York City?
Because he's got a history going back many, many years of associating with Chinese agents.
How long has this been going on in many cities?
They're down to the school level.
They're in the local schools.
Folks, our country has been infiltrated, and we're being taken over,
and we have high-level people in America knowingly, willingly participating with the Chinese takeover of this country.
I'm asking you, sincerely, personally, I'm asking you to
financially support True News this month. We need your help. Please send the very best gift that you
can send. Support us. Keep us going. We've got to continue speaking truth.
You're listening to WWCR, International Shortwave Radio radio you can find true news on frequency 12.160
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for your emergency food supply needs. Well, good morning. Welcome to Morning Manna. My name is Rick Wiles, and we are teaching
the Word of God. We welcome you to this Bible class. We meet Monday through Friday at 8
a.m. Our meeting place is, and there are hundreds of people gathered
with me right now from all over the world, about 20 nations.
We're glad to have everybody here. And we know that thousands listen later in the day on various
platforms. We just want you to know that there is a class that meets and our Bible study classroom is virtual.
It's online.
We are in the 22nd chapter of the Gospel according to St. Matthew.
Today, verses 15 through 22.
Let's invite the Holy Spirit.
Mighty Father, our wonderful Father in heaven.
Father, your name is hallowed.
Your name is holy.
Father, we reverence you and adore you and praise you.
Father, your sons and daughters are gathered this very moment to be fed by your Holy Spirit.
And so we ask the Holy Spirit to lead this morning man of Bible study and bring forth truth and revelation from your word about your son and his kingdom.
In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Amen. And we appreciate you joining us this morning here on morning man no matter where you are around the world as Rick said about 15 to 20
Nations tune in each weekday morning to join us for this International Bible study we are in
Matthew chapter 22 I'm going to pick back up verse 15. just a reminder a lot of focus in the book of Matthew is on Matthew 24 and the end times
and everything related to that. But you really can't get an understanding of what's happening
in Matthew 24 until you get through chapters 21 through 23. So we're in the midst of that
discourse leading up not only to that Olivet Discourse here hear about a week we can happen our study but then immediately the crucifixion after
so all this is leading up to you up that highlight here
within the next week we can happen our studies keep that in mind
all this impacts our understanding Matthew 24
I'm reading from the King James verse 15
then when the Pharisees and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk.
And when they sent out unto him their disciples with the Herodians, saying,
Master, we know that thou art true, and teach us the way of God in truth.
Neither carest thou for any man, for thou regardest not the person of men.
Tell us, therefore, what thinkest thou?
Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar or not? But Jesus perceived their wickedness
and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites? Show me the tribute money. And they brought
unto him a penny. And he said unto them, Whose is this image and superscription and they say unto him
caesar's then saith he unto them render therefore unto caesar the things which are caesar's and unto
god the things which are gods and when they had heard these words they marveled and left him and
went their way it's going to be an interesting passage today because
i've heard this misquoted so many times but i already know rick has unique perspective on it
because he's taught on it before let's jump right in well i hope i don't misquote anything here
today um verse 15 then went the pharisees and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk.
So after hearing the parable of the wicked vineyard workers and the parable of the wedding feast,
the Jewish rulers did not repent. Instead, they doubled down
in their rebellion against God when they perceived that they were the objects of the parables
and that Jesus had just prophesied that they would be cast out of the kingdom of God despite their fury and indignation the Pharisees refrain from
taking immediate action against Jesus because they feared the people so
instead they convened privately to strategize to conspire to plot seeking counsel among themselves
but how they would entrap Jesus now this this narrative that we're studying today
is also found in Mark chapter 12 and Luke chapter 20. And those two accounts provide different perspectives on the same event.
For example, Luke emphasized their intention to deliver Jesus to the governor's authority.
They wanted to avoid direct responsibility
for the murder.
The phrase, in his talk,
means that the Pharisees and Herodians
engaged Jesus, deliberately engaged Jesus
in conversation,
attempting to manipulate his words.
They sought to exploit any controversial statement made by Jesus to discredit him before the people and to incriminate him before the government so the purpose was to ask
questions that would entangle in trap Jesus with the Sanhedrin the Jewish
Council and the Roman government right and so the strategy was built around asking crafty questions
designed to provoke controversial answers from jesus
it's kind of like dealing with the news media
that's what the news media does today.
They ask people crafty questions to entrap them. So, by seeking to implicate Jesus in the matters of Roman governance or Jewish law,
the goal was to undermine his authority and influence and ultimately lead to his banishment,
either through imprisonment or death.
You know, today they would edit videos.
There would be people surrounding Jesus
with their cell phones,
recording what he's saying,
asking him questions.
And then they would go to their dens of iniquity and edit the
videos and make him say something he didn't say right it's the same people
nothing's changed what we have today are political organizations with vast financial resources who employ people
to monitor certain preachers of the gospel to find things that they say
that could be manipulated to destroy that person's ministry they write slanders Wikipedia pages they have
a network of organizations that publish the same articles online under different
titles it's the same people it's just it's It's the same people.
It's their descendants.
The same synagogue of Satan.
So they sought to entangle him
in a deliberate strategy.
Again, entangle means setting a trap
to ensnare somebody.
So what we learn out of this is the importance of discernment.
Faithfulness to God and love in the face of opposition.
It's not easy.
It is not easy.
It is not easy.
It's easy for Jesus.
It's not so easy for his disciples.
Verse 16.
And they sent out unto him their disciples with the Herodians, saying,
Master, we know that thou art true and teacheth the way of God in truth.
Neither cares thou for any man, and for thou regardest not the person of men.
Modern English is, Teacher, we know that you are honest and true.
We know that you teach the way of God and truth.
And no matter whom you teach, for you aren't partial to anyone.
So the Pharisees opted for a political strategy.
Because they couldn't beat him with the word of God.
Right. Couldn't beat him on miracles. Couldn't beat him with the word of god right beat him on miracles couldn't beat him on character so what do they have to do that resort to politics they're down to politics
now so they they went the political route to fulfill their malicious plot for Jesus's destruction so they strategically
chose to question Jesus about state affairs hoping to trap him into making a statement
that would be seen as treasonous to Rome right like that's he they failed in everything spiritual religious they're they're down now to
to the bottom of the barrel we got to go for politics
so the pharisees who were known for their strict adherence to religious laws,
made an alliance with the Herodian Jews,
who did not adhere to religious laws.
They were supporters of Herod's dynasty.
So you get two major groups of Jews.
Of course, you had the Sadducees, Sadducees, Pharisees, Herodians.
The Herodians were the political Jews.
The George Soros of their day.
Yeah, they claimed to be Jewish, but they really didn't care about the religious side
of it.
It was about politics.
It was about power.
So the Pharisees were the religious Jews, the Herodians were the political Jews.
But both groups opposed Jesus because he threatened their empires. so they came together to cunningly devise a joint plan to entrap jesus into saying something
that they could use to bring state charges against him see the pharisees because they were out of
bullets and they're down now to the political angle.
They had no standing politically with Herod.
The Herodians were the political allies of Herod.
They had to get the Herodians in on this deal in order to get inside the palace to get to herod
in other words they they needed a they needed a political consultant
they needed a carl rove that could get to george w bush and so that that's that's the role of the Herodians so they decided to
paint Jesus as seditious against Rome yes yes didn't work, paying him against God, because that dog would not hunt.
The people knew God was with him.
I have a feeling, Doc, that they sent a younger delegation.
So if Jesus was in his 30s, they probably sent some young men in their mid to late 20s.
That's my guess, because I think that they wanted Jesus to lower his guard, to look at
these young men as saying, oh, they're sincere.
They're asking me a question.
I'm going to answer them.
And being more on the same age level,
maybe he'd be more relaxed.
Maybe he'd talk a little bit freer.
So this delegation of Pharisees and Herodians approached Jesus and they attempted to deceive him with flattery master we know that you are true. They outright lied.
It's ironic that they spoke truth but didn't believe it.
Yes, isn't that amazing?
They did not consider Jesus to be true.
Their flattery was meant to entice Jesus
to lower his guard
and engage in casual conversation with them. However,
even in their lying, their mouths confess that Jesus is true. Just like God.
So the delegation of liars also insincerely commended Jesus for his impartiality and truthfulness.
They said, teacher, we know that you are honest and teach the way of God in truth, no matter whom you teach, for you are not partial to anyone. Again, their lying lips
spoke the truth
about the Son of God
even though they did not believe
one word they said about Jesus.
And yet they were compelled
to tell the truth
as they conspired to entrap Him.
And their words
will be replayed to them on judgment day.
Did you not say this?
We know you're true.
But you didn't believe it.
You lied.
The lie was not that Jesus is true.
The lie was they didn't believe what they were saying.
Verse 17.
Tell us, therefore, what do you think?
Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not?
So the question posed a dilemma for jesus if jesus affirmed paying the tribute the tax
he could be accused of betraying the jewish people to roman oppression right but if he denied it he could be charged with rebellion against
Rome tax evasion sedition so that's the best the trap they have Jesus do you is is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar?
And these Pharisees and Herodians are saying this knowing that if Jesus says,
yes, you've got to pay,
right away they can they can run throughout jerusalem and say jesus is a he's aligned to
caesar he's against the jews he's he is not for israel but if jesus said no no we're not
obligated to pay it they were going to run to herod and say jesus is out there telling people to evade their taxes
what sniveling little
hours oh my
i don't know well i do know how he kept his cool he's he, I do know how he kept his cool.
He's God.
That's how he kept his cool.
So we know the word tribute means tax.
It's a census tax.
It was, the fee was a denarius coin per head.
And it was collected by the publicans, the tax collectors, and then sent to the Roman treasury the fee was a denarius coin per head
and it was collected by the publicans the tax collectors and then sent to the roman treasury of course the publicans got to keep a little portion of it their fee for handling a handling
charge uh and we know caesar referred to whoever was the reigning Roman emperor at that time.
So during that time, the Caesar in power was Tiberius.
Who was known for his depraved immoral behavior.
His sensuality, his vices, his sins.
And so, linking Tiberius,
who all the Jews knew was just a low-life creep,
by linking Tiberius to this question,
they're adding a layer of difficulty on Jesus to answer it.
Because if he said, yes, pay the tax, they would say,
so you want us to pay money to this man that we, as Jews, know is a low-life sinner?
There's a lot of layers of intrigue and deception in this question.
But so at that time there was an ongoing dispute among Jews
regarding the payment of the tax money to the Romans.
Because the hardcore nationalist Jews, the ones
who wanted to bring back the Davidic kingdom,
kick the Romans out,are Israel a restored nation. They were totally against
paying the Roman tax.
So this was going on at the time.
This was a controversy in Jerusalem and throughout Judea.
Is it lawful to pay the Roman tax?
We're not Romans.
We're under occupation. Why do we have to pay this tax it was a contentious issue because it was a direct personal tax and a symbol of Roman domination. Right.
It was a census tax.
The Romans were counting you in their census.
Other taxes were like
customs duty, sales taxes.
And the Jews weren't complaining about that.
It was that census tax.
Because they knew it meant that they themselves individually were under Roman domination correct so the
the Ben Gavir's the smolchages of that time opposed paying the tribute tax to Caesar.
And they said it's contrary to their allegiance to the God of Israel.
Now the Herodians, who were the political Jews, they said, hey, go with the flow.
We're under Roman occupation.
Make the best of it.
Pay your taxes.
Go about your business.
Make money.
Rome won't bother you if you pay your taxes.
That's all they want.
They just want their taxes. and so the herodians were
very practical they were like who cares just pay the tax there's money to be made and it's kind of
hard to picture this in our modern day and age but these two groups that approached jesus were at opposite ends really of the political uh and religious spectrums
so you had the the disciples of the pharisees which uh here didn't say pharisees it says
that's disciples of the pharisees so when you said the younger guys and everything i thought
oh that makes sense there so you have the disciples of the Pharisees who were extremely religious,
wearing Jewish garb,
you know, the phylacteries
and everything, you know,
did everything Jewish. Whereas the
claimed, you know,
their Jewishness, but
they would have Greek
haircuts, Greek
clothing, Roman clothing. they were more of the
romanized jews and so they they dressed differently than uh the pharisees did i
and it was two opposite ends of the spectrum coming together this one time to uh falsely praise Jesus it's interesting that back in verse 16 I just noticed this just second ago
both of them called him master mm-hmm and that just added to the false flattery that was on
there and everything so they agreed they agreed on that strategy that's right they agreed yeah so again i you know
i i do believe that they were the younger they were the pharisees in training i think the older
pharisees said hey we got an assignment for you and if you can trick jesus you're going to get moved up on the ladder in the world of Pharisees and Herodians.
And so I think these young guys went out there with a personal motive.
Hey, if I'm the one that can trick Jesus, my career is going to soar the Herodians were the business Jews the political Jews again they
were we would call them today secular Jews I think of the Charles Schumer in the Senate, Adam Schiff in the House, here in America in politics.
They're political Jews. They're the business Jews. They're interested in making money,
and they play the political game, and they let Herod know, hey, we're not bucking you.
We're not opposing you.
In fact, we're out here telling people to obey you.
So by posing this question, this delegation of Pharisees and Herodians wanted to entrap jesus into a dilemma
where his response would be to alienate one group or the other either by affirming
the legitimacy of roman rule or by rejecting it either way he would lose either undermine his authority or agitate the
Roman government if if he affirmed that the tax should not be paid he would be accused of sedition. Yes. But if he affirmed the legitimacy of paying the tax,
he would be accused of betraying the population of Israel at that time.
You know, I mean, what are the issues that we have today in America?
Immigration, taxes, abortion.
That's what this question was it's something that people argued about
during lunch yes
so we get to verse 18 but when jesus perceived their wickedness
and said why tempt ye me, you hypocrites?
He demonstrated his divine insight by perceiving the malice in their hearts.
He addressed them as hypocrites.
What is a hypocrite?
We've learned in this Bible study, a hypocrite is an actor.
A person who pretends to be something he or she is not.
In the broad general definition, actors and actresses on stage, in films, are hypocrites.
They are pretending to be somebody that they are not.
We have a different idea of what a hypocrite is.
But a hypocrite is an actor.
What do actors do in movies?
They pretend to be somebody that they're not they get paid a lot of money to be somebody that they're not so Jesus you know they came to him with insincere praises it was flattery and he saw through their
pretense and he discerned their hidden motives and that's because he perceives
what is truly dwelling in the hearts of all men and women he is the discerner of hearts of
inner thoughts intentions and motives
you don't have to say anything to the lord
you don't have to say anything. He knows.
You don't have to convince him that your intentions are true.
He already knows.
So he exposed their deceitful and insincere nature.
And he challenged their motives.
And he did it by asking,
why are you testing me?
Why are you tempting me?
He didn't say, oh, that's a great question.
Let me think about it.
He said, why are you tempting me?
He went right to the heart of it.
The lesson for us is the importance of seeking discernment from God.
Because our human understanding alone is not always sufficient to penetrate the deceitfulness of the wicked. And it's a reminder
that at all times we have to remain vigilant
against snares and traps.
And we've got to seek guidance and wisdom from God.
Some people are really good at being deceitful.
Some people you can see through fairly quickly others are pros and you need a demon to help you be a pro at deceitfulness that's the truth yes
verse 19 Jesus said show me show me the money that's literally what he said show me the money
show me the tax money and they. It was the denarius.
So the denarius was the Roman coin used to pay the tax.
It was not the coin used to pay the temple tax.
That was paid in Jewish shekels.
So that takes us back to why there were uh money changers at the temple they were converting the denarius into shekels right and in when you're paying the tribute money for
the taxes to rome it had to be in roman tender right you couldn't pay in shekels right you had
to go back to the money changers hey I got
to turn these shekels in and get some denarius that's because each government
once paid in its own money you're not going to go down you're not going to pay your IRS taxes in America with pesos.
They won't accept it.
Now, here's what's important in this one.
Jesus' request to see the money.
On the surface, it seemed like a very simple request.
Hey, show me the money.
What are you talking about?
Just show me the money. He you talking about just show me the money
he's trapping them right now yes he is trapping them it was strategically significant because
one of those guys reached down in their pocket and pulled out a roman coin
wow he just happened to have a Roman coin on him.
The prevalence of such coins in Israel at that time indicated recognition of Caesar's title and authority and dominion within Judea.
That's right.
The fact that the Pharisees were in possession of Roman coins and using them
tells us that they accepted Roman rule and taxation.
Those rascals, even the rascals that argued about paying the tax,
privately paid the tax.
Because they were subject to Rome.
You hypocrites.
That's right.
So why are you arguing about it,
telling other people they shouldn't pay it
when you're privately paying the tax yourself?
And you're paying it with
the Roman coins.
So Jesus' brilliance
entrapped them.
had a Roman coin in
their possession. They had more than one. It wasn't hard to find
one. They all had coins. Just happens to be one of the guys pulled out a Roman coin from his purse
because they carried small purses. They didn't have pockets. But one of them pulled out a coin
and said, here Jesus, this is what we're talking about Now, Jesus didn't laugh and go, hey, I got you, man.
Hey, knucklehead.
Knucklehead, he said, you just incriminated yourself.
But he was smiling on the inside. So, the presentation of the coin by the Pharisees acknowledged their submission, their subjection
to Roman authority, and their compliance with Roman taxation, because the coin that they
gave Jesus was stamped with Caesar's likeness. So, the question by Jesus,
show me the money, or the instruction,
show me the money.
He revealed
the Jews' voluntary
submission to Rome.
And the proof was, they had the money
with them.
In other words,
hey, if this money is so evil how come you got it in in your
purse how many of those coins do you have so the act of using Roman currency
meant the transfer of authority to the Roman government. It's the fact that they had the coin says, yes.
Internally, we have transferred Israel's authority to Rome.
We're hypocrites.
We tell people not to pay the tax, but we privately pay the tax
and we buy our bread with denarius
that's the that's the currency
and the the the currency whatever it is in the world is the controlling power like today in our
day it used to be that it was the Spaniards that they had the dominant
currency for about 150 years. Then the French did, and then the British did for several hundred
years. And now we've been under the rule of the dollar and all of it though, whatever the ruling
currency is, is usually backed up with military force and might.
It's the same thing in Jesus' day.
And that's what's going on now in the world.
People are saying, we're tired of using the American denarius.
And the United States government is saying, well, we're going to come in with battleships and let you think about it.
That's what Rome did.
When Caesar got word that some region of the Roman Empire was rebelling against paying their taxes, he sent Roman soldiers. so verse 20 he asked them whose is this image and inscription he has to see the
money and then he said oh who's whose face is this? And what is this inscription?
What are these words on this coin?
The inscription are the words.
The image is the engraving, the picture.
So the coin bore the image of emperor tiberius and the inscription
gave his name and his title which identified the coin as roman currency
no doubt about it that's the Emperor Tiberius his title is Emperor that's a Roman coin these
Jews had Roman coins in their possession and so their possession of the coins signifies their recognition of Roman
rule and authority over them and Israel
so once again by asking this question whose inscription whose image he's
revealing his ability to discern the true intentions of his interrogators.
So he forces them to admit the truth.
Verse 21.
They said to him, Caesars.
Then he said to him, Caesars. Then he said to them,
Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's
and unto God the things that are God's.
It's probably one of the most famous quotes
of Jesus Christ.
Unsaved people know that quote.
Have you said to somebody, any person on the street,
who said, render therefore unto Caesar?
They go, that's Jesus.
It's one of his most famous statements.
He uses the presence of Caesar's and caesar's name on the coin
to illustrate that it rightfully belongs to caesar yes him when required the coin belongs to Caesar Caesar issued the coin
therefore when Caesar asked for the coin back you're obligated to give it back to Caesar our
money comes from the Federal Reserve
it's not even the US government right it's a Federal Reserve note
and that you and that even currency really it's a promise
I think that's all it is but when
when we're ordered to pay the IRS which
basically is just the mafia thugs of the Federal Reserve,
you're obligated to give them back their Federal Reserve notes.
And if you don't, they'll send mafia agents to your house.
They'll take your house. They'll take your house. They'll take your car.
They'll take everything
because they're demanding it.
That money is ours.
We want it.
But then Jesus added a crucial caveat.
Give to God the things that are God's.
And so here's the wisdom of his teaching the
importance of fulfilling both duties
civic duties and religious obligations
he implies that there is a realm of responsibility owed to earthly rulers that does not conflict with your obligation to God.
And under God, the things that are God's.
He says that while Caesar may have authority over certain aspects of your life,
your ultimate allegiance belongs to Almighty God.
He didn't say, ignore earthly government leaders.
No, he said, pay Caesar.
Pay him. Just give them what they want.
Give them what they want, but make sure you give God what he demands.
So there's a distinction between the secular realm, represented by Caesar,
whatever government you're in, whatever nation you're in,
whether you're in Great Britain or Canada or Mexico, the United States, France, Russia,
whatever geographical place you find, you are obligated to obey the Caesar of your government.
If you don't obey the Caesar ofesar of your government and you for whatever reason decide
to protest paying taxes and not pay them caesar has the authority the secular authority to come
pick you up and put you in jail that's right and friends that went to jail because of that. Yes.
The United States of America is one of very few,
there's only a handful of countries that imposes taxes worldwide on their citizens.
You could move to the moon
and the IRS would still send you a notice that your taxes
are due right and I know that to be true because when I lived in Korea and the Philippines I still
had to file my taxes in the U.S you cannot escape you cannot escape them if you're a United States
citizen that's right the only way you can escape the taxation of the united states is to
renounce your citizenship yes leave the usa that is the only way but then again if you do that you
fall under someone else's authority yes escape the the caesar of the world you just yeah you got to
make sure that the country you go to uh doesn't tax you at the level that the US does.
That's right.
Many countries do not tax offshore income. For example, let's say you live in,
I'll just pick Panama. Any money that you make in Panama
as a Panamanian, you owe taxes on.
But any money that you make
in Costa Rica
and ship it over
to Panama, you don't pay taxes on it.
The United States says,
we don't care where you're at.
You can go to Mars.
You owe taxes.
Yes, and they have
offices worldwide
i was surprised when i was living in manila to find out the irs had an office in manila
because there's so many expats that live there of course i wasn't there as a service center
as a collection point and so and a surveillance center that's right and so uh that's the reality of the
world that we live in jesus didn't jesus didn't uh uh you know say well just ignore that you know
yeah you know he didn't say my kingdom's not in this world so you pay taxes as the kingdom
my kingdom no he said the matter is you're living in the real world here
those irs offices around the world have agents that spy on americans living in those countries to see if their standard of living is greater than the income they're claiming on their taxes
because some people think because they can move to another country,
oh, I can have a beautiful house.
The IRS won't know anything about it.
No, they got agents coming out to your property in that foreign country.
So anyhow, the lesson, and the reason we're talking about this is that every year we hear about, here in America, we hear about American Christians who end up going to jail because they take a stand.
I'm not going to pay the IRS.
Well, they end up in prison.
And Jesus, this is an instruction from Jesus paid Caesar what Caesar demands it
may not be fair or just or right it when is it it certainly wasn't Tiberius
wasn't a fair man Jesus didn't say you pay your taxes
when the government is fair
you pay your taxes
give them what they demand
obviously paying as
as little as possible
that's legally possible
there's nothing wrong with that
but he says unto God That's legally possible. There's nothing wrong with that.
But he says, unto God, the things that are God.
While Caesar may have authority over certain parts of your life,
your ultimate allegiance belongs to Almighty God.
And that's what God will hold you accountable for while there are temporal obligations
those temporal earthly worldly obligations
can never supersede your allegiance to God
and while it's possible to fulfill both civic and religious obligations sometimes they conflict and
that's when trouble comes because you have to choose God over state right so while earthly authorities deserve obedience and respect within their legitimate sphere
they do not have ultimate authority over matters of conscience and worship
for example several years ago in china it it was reported that Xi Jinping ordered churches to take down paintings of Jesus and to replace it with paintings of him.
You can't do it.
Well, the government will come in and demolish the church.
Yes, they would the
church building they can't demolish the church because the church is in the
building yes sometimes carrying out this instruction can lead to punishment even
death financial loss.
There's a proper balance between earthly responsibilities and spiritual devotion.
Proper obedience to secular government
does not absolve you from your responsibilities to God.
And that's the principle that we're being taught here today
political order and obedience to earthly authorities is subordinate to the worship and fear of God and yet God does not condone political rebellion
and there there is another place that Christians get caught political rebellion over political issues
disobeying government when it comes to matters of conscience is not rebellion
fighting the government over issues like taxes is rebellion I'm talking about physical fighting
and that doesn't go over well in America because we're a nation birthed
in rebellion yes over taxes over taxes
so this verse that we just studied verse 21 really is a is a key plank in the doctrine of the separation of church and state,
which at its core says the church will stay out of the government's business,
but the government will stay out of the church's business.
And if we truly had church and state separation in this country,
the IRS would have no authority over churches right they don't I mean spiritually they don't have any authority but according to the yes and there are churches involuntary too
at that
verse 22
when they heard it they marveled
and left him and went away
so Jesus'
response was so wise
that it astonished
the Pharisees and Herodians
his conspirators were amazed at the unexpected that it astonished the Pharisees and Herodians.
His conspirators were amazed at the unexpected manner in which he responded.
His response was beyond anything they anticipated, because he entrapped them.
They went to entrap him, and he entrapped them I mean that would be like you setting a bear trap and the bear sets a trap for you yes and you're in his trap
and the bears look into you going who got caught? So they were shocked, astonished, stunned by Jesus' smooth ability to evade their trap and to entrap them.
He did two things.
He sidestepped their trap.
And while he was sidestepping their trap, and while he was sidestepping their trap,
he laid a trap.
So, they did not imagine he could navigate so skillfully.
And the conspirators recognized Jesus' shrewdness and cunning
in slipping out of their hands
without giving them any grounds to accuse him.
These young guys had to go back to the Pharisees,
the older Pharisees and Herodians and say,
Oh, it was horrible.
It was just terrible, guys.
We're sorry.
Not only did we fail in entrapping him he entrapped us
they were embarrassed they were humiliated
he exposed their deceit and he left them with no recourse so they knew that their conspiracy
failed and so they left him they departed
the conspirators conspirators had to regroup and devise another plan of attack against Jesus.
I almost hesitate to use this analogy because I don't want to in any way ever
compare Jesus
to a cartoon figure, but I
can't help but to think about
the roadrunner and
Wile E. Coyote.
I just see
the Jewish conspirators as Wile E. Coyote. I just see the Jewish conspirators as Wile E. Coyote.
Everything he does fails.
And he ends up, the anvil falls on him.
You know, nothing works.
He sets traps and then he gets in the trap that's the way
I see the the Pharisees and Herodians confounded again tricked again but even even though wicked men may continue to resist
God's will
and God's ways
God's word
ultimately triumphs
over their plots
and the word of God is always
victorious over the schemes
of Satan and his followers.
That's the lesson for us.
To use godly wisdom, discernment, when enemies of the gospel are coming against you. And let the Lord give you a wise, shrewd way to slip out of their trap.
I don't even think he expects you to entrap them.
Just get out of their trap.
Consider that success.
You almost have to be Jesus to do the second part and trap them now
if you if you just can invade their traps you've done pretty good and
avoided harm to your life to your ministry to your business your marriage
whatever it is that they're setting traps. There are people constantly setting traps for God's people.
Locke, anything else you wanted to add?
No, I was just saying, in this day and age, we have certain groups of Christians.
I mentioned a friend of mine that actually served time in prison for not paying taxes in protest of the pro-life issues
and stuff like that so understand that if you don't pay your taxes there's a price to pay for
that and you may be convinced and have a conscience about that and everything but for me this solves
that issue I mean render under Caesar things that are Caesars the things that are gods under God the
higher port is to submit to God and to follow his uh his direction there might be a better way than not paying your taxes.
That's right.
Because the fact of the matter is the folks that make you pay taxes, they have the guns and the tanks and the F-16s and everything else that Joe Biden
said a couple of years ago. So they can force you to pay.
And what good is it going to do, unless you're in prison ministry,
what good is it going to do for you to be in prison and unable to preach the gospel?
That's right.
So many Christians in the world are living in countries that have no freedom of rights.
Very limited freedom of rights.
You don't even have the luxury of debating this issue.
It's pay it or go to prison.
Yeah, and you may not like doing it.
In fact, there's nothing joyful about me writing a check to the IRS every year.
And so there's nothing joyful about that.
I'm not saying, holy cats cats i get new roads now no
uh i'm i'm paying for other people's you know uh services and that's what i think when i pay taxes
but i still pay taxes because i'm in that environment if i was living in uh the philippines
and i had you know given up my u.s citizenship i'd be subject living in the Philippines and I had given up my
U.S. citizenship, I'd be subject to
the rule and authority of
the Philippines.
That's the world that we live in.
That's a hard thing for a lot
of Christians to
balance out and everything.
It's a very difficult
Just keep that in mind.
Be very careful about some of the things that you read online
and the teachers and everything that talk about not paying your taxes and stuff.
Just be very careful.
Use great wisdom in that.
That's right.
We're over time.
Let's go ahead and wrap it up.
All right. We're over time. Let's go ahead and wrap it up. All right.
This is a Wednesday edition of Morning
Man that you've listened to today, and so we
appreciate you being here. I counted
19 countries today, Rick,
and we had over 300 people here
with us today, and we appreciate
you coming here every day,
being with us live. Of course, you can listen anytime
19 countries
that want their taxes.
Yes, that's right.
19 different authorities out there today.
If somebody's paying taxes,
we appreciate you joining us
and we invite you to come back here tomorrow
same time, same channel
for Morning Manna here on
God bless you, and we'll see you next time. International Shortwave Radio. You can find True News on frequency 12.160 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern
and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern.
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