TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - President-Elect Trump’s Nominations Surprise Friends and Enemies

Episode Date: November 13, 2024

President-Elect Donald Trump has announced nominations for key Trump Administration posts in a rapid-fire speed that has surprised both his supporters and his critics. Meanwhile, the incoming Presiden...t was in Washington DC today to meet with the outgoing President. President Joe Biden greeted Mr. Trump, saying, “Welcome back.” Mr. Biden promised Mr. Trump a smooth transition of power and that he would do all he could to make sure Mr. Trump was accommodated.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 11/13/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!             It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You don't have to think the world is ending tomorrow to be realistic. Serious emergencies happen to regular people all the time. For the forward-thinking family man, American Reserves serves as the ideal safeguard. As a father and husband, providing for and protecting my family is my highest priority. With strength in every pack, American Reserves combines variety and durability for any family. Waiting until it is too late will be devastating. Ensure your loved ones are cared for in any crisis by building a storehouse with American Reserves.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Because strength comes from smart preparation. American Reserves, your ally in emergency readiness. Visit our website and become prepared today. President-elect Donald Trump has announced nominations for key Trump administration posts at a rapid fire speed, which has surprised both his supporters and his critics. Meanwhile, the incoming president was in Washington, D.C. today to meet with the outgoing president. President Joe Biden greeted Mr. Trump at the White House saying, welcome back. Mr. Biden promised Mr. Trump a smooth transition of power and said that he would do all that he could do to make sure Mr. Trump was accommodated.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Let's begin our analysis and commentary of today's top headlines with this New York Post article. Trump makes triumphant post-election return to D.C. with Elon Musk. Right. Mr. Musk is showing up often at his side. Post-election return to D.C. with Elon Musk. Right. Mr. Musk is showing up often at his side on phone calls, like with Mr. Zelensky, now traveling with Mr. Trump. We've got some video here of the president arriving in D.C. And so this is his first post-election visit back to the nation's capital. And by the way, you know, the rumor is that Mrs. Trump is not going to meet with Mrs. Biden.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Right. They normally have some sort of tea greeting or something. Not going to bit of tea. No. Melania Trump supposedly is quite upset with the Bidens over the FBI raid, which went through her personal belongings in their bedroom. And I don't blame her for being upset. Well, before Mr. Trump went to the White House, he met with the Republican conference, congressional conference over at the Hyatt. And this was his entrance there with the GOP reps in Congress. Watch this. Ladies and gentlemen, please stand to your feet. The 47th president of the United States, Donald J. Trump. Well, thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:03:06 This is a very nice gathering. Isn't it nice to win? It's nice to win. It's always nice to win. It's nice to win. And he did. Look, regardless of what you think about Donald Trump, this is truly the most amazing political story I've seen in my lifetime.
Starting point is 00:03:28 I can't compare it to anything. Peter Robinson Neither can I. I mean, there's nothing. Dr. Darrell Bock You go back his first term, I mean, so you have a billionaire who comes out of nowhere, wins the White House, okay? He's impeached twice. He has the worst attacks on him of any president, the intelligence agencies, the FBI, the media, the whole political establishment conspired against him to destabilize his presidency, to take him out. Then they pursued him accounts uh indicted convicted in one of the most unfair trials in in america the one up in new york yes and
Starting point is 00:04:18 ends up winning a second term against all odds. It is an amazing story. I mean, we forgot to mention, shot and attempted second assassination. What can you compare it to? This is like a movie script. Right. Yeah, there's nothing that we can relate to. This is all new territory for us, folks.
Starting point is 00:04:45 I think if we as citizens, if there's anything we learn from this man is to never quit. Never quit, no matter how bleak the situation, no matter how bad the odds are against you. He never quit. He never stopped believing in himself that he would win. I think the closest people around him didn't think he could pull it off. But he believed he could do it. And he did it. And that's the greatest contribution he makes to America. This determination to
Starting point is 00:05:25 overcome all odds and defeat your enemies and prove them wrong and come back and win. Like I've said many times, he's got a lot of flaws. Everybody does. But he also has some tremendous
Starting point is 00:05:42 attributes, some great virtues. And this determination to stay in the fight and win really is his greatest attribute. And it is an amazing story to see. We're watching history. And I think we've got some video of his return to the White House today. How did that go? I didn't see the video yet. Oh, it's very cordial.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Very cordial by both men. Let's watch it. Well, Mr. President-elect and former President Donald, congratulations. Thank you. And looking forward to having, like we said, a smooth transition
Starting point is 00:06:22 to everything we can to make sure you're accommodated, what you need. We're gonna get a chance to talk about some of that today. So, welcome. Welcome back. Thank you very much. And politics is tough, and it's, many cases, not a very nice world,
Starting point is 00:06:39 but it is a nice world today, and I appreciate it very much. A transition that's so smooth, it'll be as smooth as it can get, and I very much appreciate it. You're welcome. To see President Biden behaving this way, no bitterness, no anger, no threats. The Democrats seem to be subdued. I think they're shell-shocked. They're shell-shocked.
Starting point is 00:07:03 They don't know what to make of it. It's a massive landslide. There was a story that came out a few days ago that it was from, I forget the name, it was a former Obama administration political advisor who said that he knew, that he had first he was you know he had firsthand knowledge that joe biden had polling data this is before he withdrew before mr biden withdrew from the race
Starting point is 00:07:35 that mr biden had polling data showing him losing massively losing and that donald trump would would win 400 electoral votes and yet mr biden was continuing to campaign continuing to go on knowing he's going to suffer a massive loss and he's this uh this obama uh you know insider said you know, insider said, you know, it was common knowledge inside the White House among the highest levels of Democrats. They knew Biden was headed towards a massive defeat. And I saw a video clip of James Carville today, and you can see the shift in his tone now. Now he's blaming the Democrats. And he said, I told you your woke ideology would sink this party. And I don't remember him saying that.
Starting point is 00:08:32 I don't either. And I also remember him saying, without a doubt, Kamala Harris was going to win. Right. So he has a different memory right now. One person who is leaving D.C. is Jack Smith. And his team. And his team. Smith plans to resign before Trump takes office and fires him.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Now that, for Mr. Trump, is sweet revenge. There's the man that planned to put Donald Trump in prison. And now he's resigning. He's leaving. And I wouldn't be surprised, Doc, a year from now that he's facing an investigation. Very well could be. These guys need to be called out for their actions against the president. Oh, I think they're terrified. I think they're terrified. think they're terrified they crossed
Starting point is 00:09:25 the line so far so many times uh they've left a trail of criminal behavior i think they're terrified doc and they don't know what to do and mr trump's people are talking really tough and they know it the democrats know it. The people that are coming into power are not going to put up with any of their stuff. See, that's one reason the Democrats are quiet right now. They don't know what to do. They don't know what to do that they're not going to get slapped down really fast. Right. And I'm glad the Trump team is taking this hard-nosed approach to this.
Starting point is 00:10:08 By far, of all the nominations announced so far, the one that surprised me the most was the one that came out last night. Pete Hegseth for Department of Defense. Yeah, you texted me this, and I thought you were joking at first. But this is quite the surprise, isn't it? I'll be honest with you. When I saw the headline appear last night on my phone, you know how your brain sometimes adds a word or takes away a word from something? My brain added Pete Hegseth to be Pentagon press secretary. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Because I saw the headline I saw said Trump names Hegseth as Pentagon secretary. And I just inserted press secretary. And then I opened it up. I go, no, this is not this can't. Pete Hegseth is going to run the Pentagon? Right. I'm just – I'm completely stunned by it. Look, I'm sure Pete Hegseth is a really nice guy.
Starting point is 00:11:17 He is. Family man, military. Military record and everything, but he has no business record. All right. And you're talking to Pentagon is home almost a trillion dollar budget yes okay that is a massive organization to run I don't know how he's gonna do it I just be honest with you but you know he's got a great fan base for being on Fox News a lot of people are excited because they like him. I like him too.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Liking somebody, you know, there's a lot of people I like, but I wouldn't hire them. Can they do the job? I don't know. He's going to have to prove himself on this one. He's got a massive job. To run the Pentagon? It's going to be quite the challenge for him. And so another article
Starting point is 00:12:06 here regarding Pete Hegseth this is from Times of Israel Donald Trump taps Fox News host who said us must stand by strong ally Israel to head Pentagon of course this is being received positively in Israel piggyhead Seth has said that Zionism and Western civilization cannot be unbound. In other words, Zionism and Western civilization are bound together. Hegseth is a very strong Zionist. He's pro-Israel. He's anti-Iran. He's anti-Palestinians. He's anti-China. He's anti-Russia. So basically, his knowledge of foreign affairs comes from Russia. Basically, his knowledge of foreign affairs comes from the propaganda
Starting point is 00:12:50 that was fed to him as a Fox News commentator. That's his understanding of foreign affairs. What he's digested that has been fed to him every day to be on Fox News. So he's got, he has a robust
Starting point is 00:13:06 understanding of foreign affairs from the perspective of the people that run the nation. Because it's definitely a pro-Israel, anti-Palestine, anti-Iran,
Starting point is 00:13:28 anti-China, anti-Russia mentality. You had mentioned Don Rumsfeld earlier, and he was a civilian that led the Department of Defense. Under George W. Bush. But he had political experience in the administration prior to this. Well, he'd been a congressman. Right, and had been congressman and been on the Foreign Affairs Committee. But he was also CEO. Right. And so there's some unique characteristics
Starting point is 00:13:50 that are involved in running really the world's largest corporate entity, the Pentagon. Would you know how to run the Pentagon? You're talking about multi-billion dollar contracts for jet fighters and ships. I would turn down the job there'd be no way i would even contemplate a job like that i mean i have the lives of three
Starting point is 00:14:13 million uh service members in my hand a trillion dollar budget uh i would be under the microscope every single moment i spoke which he's going to be. He still has to go through the confirmation process, too, and will likely be drilled on these very topics. Okay, we get back to number six, the Wall Street Journal. There's another name in there that we didn't mention. John Ratcliffe will be the director of the CIA. Mr. Ratcliffe was national intelligence director, which was actually a higher position in the first Trump administration. But Mr. Trump wants John Rackcliffe in the CIA, and I think there's a very good reason.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Mr. Rackcliffe is very loyal to Donald Trump. And Mr. Trump wants to make sure the person running the CIA is on his side. That's one agency you want to make – the CIA and the FBI. There's two agencies you want to make sure whoever is running it is on your side. Right, which he didn't do in the first – He didn't do. This time, it's an amazing difference in his appointments. First time, he appointed a lot of neocon retreads.
Starting point is 00:15:27 We're all like, John Bolton, why are you putting these people in power? Well, they turned around and they bit him. This time he's got a different group coming in. These are Trump loyalists. And so he's learned something since his first time in office. And that's refreshing. I'm glad. So we know with Pete Hegseth, here's a Times, I think we shared this, where he said we must stand by Israel, okay?
Starting point is 00:16:00 So Pete Hegseth will be very pro-Israel, which means he will be very anti-Palestinian. And anti-Iran. When President Trump took out Soleimani during his first term, Pete Hegseth said, we should have gone ahead and just bombed their nuke facilities and their military facilities at the same time, during that same period of time. And so that gives you some picture where his mind is as far as our military approach to things. Okay, so I'm going to show you a video. This is from 2015. This was not his best moment. This is on Fox and Friends, an axe throwing contest.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Okay. And some of you may remember this. This is, again, 2015. Watch what happened. Who's going to win this battle of the lumberjacks? That's going to be up next. I'm putting my money on Clayton. What amazed me, it's not that he missed a target.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Okay, that's not what is amazing to me there. Yeah, I can't claim X3 proficiency. I would have hit a car out on the street. What amazes me is that they had people on the other side of the Target playing drums. Who was the event organizer at Fox News that day? Well, they probably aren't working at Fox anymore. Right. So, Eddie, on our staff, I know you're listening in headphones right now. There's a lesson of what a podcast manager should never do.
Starting point is 00:17:47 If you have me scheduled in an axe throwing contest, do not put people on the other side of the target. Can you imagine standing on the other side and an axe comes over the target? Which just happened to those guys. It wasn't a small hatchet either. It was one of those big axes. So anyway. Well, anyhow, Pete Hegseth is much better
Starting point is 00:18:17 than our current Secretary of Defense. Remember when... Oh, wait a minute. What is this, Doc? Remember during COVID? This was Secretary Lloyd Austin. That wasn't him leaving a party? No, this is a military inspection of the Marine Corps.
Starting point is 00:18:34 And so he had a mask on, had a shield on, and everything else. That's our current defense secretary. And this is the guy that went missing. Checked himself into the hospital, never told the commander-in-chief. Nope. Was gone for, what, a month or so? Well, at least several weeks.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Nobody knew he was gone. Not even his assistant defense secretary. She was on vacation. We're good. It's good to see Mr. Austin leaving the Pentagon. There may be some others leaving the Pentagon, too, Rick. I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:19:13 We've got this story from the Wall Street Journal that you see the headline there, Trump draft executive order would create board to purge generals. This is big, folks. This is big. All right. They're going to clean out the pentagon right uh says the trump transition team is considering a draft executive order that establishes a warrior board of retired senior military personnel with the power to review three and four star officers and to recommend removals of any deemed unfit for leadership you know what they're doing
Starting point is 00:19:47 doc they're going after the woke generals right they're going after the dei woke generals that are pushing um inclusion of transvestites all kinds of of far-left ideology. How about the ones that are loyal to China over the U.S.? How about this? The generals that are real friendly towards the China Communist Party. He's looking for generals that will knock a balloon out of the sky, not let it fly across the entire United States. So there is going to be a huge purge, cleansing of the Pentagon. Okay. Go ahead, Dr.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Well, I was going to say that article went on to say if Donald Trump approves the order, it could fast track the removal of generals and admirals found to be what they're calling lacking in requisite leadership qualities, according to a draft of the order reviewed by the Wall Street Journal. But it could also create a chilling effect on top military officers given the president-elect's past vow to fire woke generals, referring to officers seen as promoting diversity in the ranks at the expense of military readiness. Now, as commander-in-chief, President Trump can fire any officer at will, but an outside board whose members he appoints would
Starting point is 00:21:01 bypass the Pentagon's regular promotion system, signaling across the military that he intends to purge a number of generals and admirals. The warrior board would be made up of retired generals and non-commissioned officers who would send their recommendations to the president. Those identified for removal would be retired at their current rank within 30 days. Okay, I'll give you a history lesson. Okay, I'm ready. 1940.
Starting point is 00:21:29 All right. Before Pearl Harbor, okay? Almost two years before Pearl Harbor. Okay, so Pearl Harbor was at the end of 41. Right. 1940, President Franklin Roosevelt authorized General George C. Marshall to establish what was called the Plucking Board. And General Marshall plucked weak generals out of the ranks of the military. They plucked them out.
Starting point is 00:22:01 They called it the Plucking Board. You can look this up on the Internet. Oh, I have to check that out. The Plucking Board. They purged the military in 1940 and 1941. they plucked them out they called it the plucking board you can look this up on the internet they they purged the military in 1940 and 41. you know why they were anticipating they were getting ready for war what is mr trump doing he's getting this is a plucking board yes they're getting ready for night for 2030. they're getting ready for the war with China. It's the plucking board. This is, things are,
Starting point is 00:22:31 history repeats itself. Cycles keep turning. So don't be surprised by it. They're getting the weak generals out of the Pentagon, and they're going to promote the strongest men into the top positions to lead a war against China. And Lincoln had to do the same thing too with the Union generals as
Starting point is 00:22:51 well. Oh, yes. You know, when the war was on, he started taking generals out one by one. Oh, yes. And the unlikely generals, but the ones that were loyal to the Union, they're the ones that rose up and now we know in history. So these cycles continue, don't they, Rick? Yes. But it's a sign of when a government is getting ready for a big war. And what was Civil War? A fourth turning crisis. What was World War II?
Starting point is 00:23:21 A fourth turning crisis. So just before a fourth turning crisis war, there's a purge of the military. So I'm not surprised by Mr. Trump's board. They're calling it a warrior board, but General Marshall called it a plucking board. He's just like, I'm going to pluck out the weak ones, get them out of the military. Next big appointment, which has not been officially announced. New York Times, Trump expected to name Marco Rubio as Secretary of State. And we've got a CBS News video on this.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Also, Mike Waltz, congressman from Florida right National Security Advisor very anti-China anti-China Communist Party very strong on China uh so Mike Waltz will be an excellent National Security Advisor but his focus see Jake Sullivan's focus has been Ukraine and Israel. Waltz is going to be China. Let's watch the CBS report. President-elect Donald Trump's cabinet continues to take shape, and it may include a very familiar face. The former president and soon-to-be president is expected to name Florida Senator Marco Rubio as his nominee for secretary of state, though the pick is not a done deal. That's according to two sources familiar with the talks. Rubio would be the first Hispanic to lead the
Starting point is 00:24:48 state department. So far, his office has not responded to our requests for comment. CBS News Miami's Naomi Ruckum has more on the president-elect's transition. Two sources tell CBS News that president-elect Donald Trump is expected to tap Senator Marco Rubio for Secretary of State and Congressman Mike Waltz for National Security Advisor. Donald Trump is not steeped in policy. Rubio sparred with Trump during the 2016 GOP primaries before dropping out and eventually backing him up through this year's campaign. We are patriots who love America.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Walt is a decorated ex-Green Beret who served in Afghanistan, the Middle East, and Africa. I fully believe in his America First agenda. You just, Doc's got some information just came out. Right, so the Senate has selected its new leader to replace Mitch McConnell. It's going to be Senator John Toon. All right. leader to replace Mitch McConnell. It's going to be Senator John Toon. So it's going to be business as usual in the Senate.
Starting point is 00:25:53 So Florida Senator Rick Scott was in the running as well, but apparently came in third place. That's according to reports, but John Toon has already been out on X announcing and thanking folks for their support. Doc, this CBS report said that President Trump was expected to appoint Marco Rubio, but there were still ongoing negotiations. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:20 What negotiations for Secretary of State? Yes, and this is interesting because this story – What is Mr. Rubio holding out for? Right. This story about Marco Rubio being considered for Secretary of State broke out early yesterday or maybe even late the night. And so there has been a whole day at least, day and a half, almost two days where President Trump could announce, which he's done on all other appointments. But he hasn't said a word yet. No, he hasn't said anything.
Starting point is 00:26:49 But you know, he bypassed Mr. Rubio for vice president. Yes. I was certain he was going to take Marco Rubio, and then suddenly it moved to Vance. And Don Jr. was the one promoting J.D. Vance. Right. And when I saw Mr. Trump made a comment about Rubio saying, well, we've got a problem here regarding the vice president can't live in the same state as the president. And Mr. Trump said, that's causing some complications i knew then
Starting point is 00:27:25 he's backing out he's backing out his lawyers have told him told mr trump this is going to cause a problem let's just let's pick somebody else right but he you know so he bypassed marco rubio for vice president there's some pause there's some pause. There's some hesitation right now for Marco Rubio for secretary of state. Now, Mr. Rubio would have to resign as senator of Florida. And there's talk. Now, this is what could be on his side. There's talk that his replacement will be Laura Trump, the wife of Eric Trump. Who's currently basically leading the Republican Party right now.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Now, the way it's done here in Florida, the U.S. Constitution mandates that vacancies in the House must be filled by a special election. But the Constitution allows state governments to have their own respective manner to fill a Senate vacancy. So some states allow the governor to appoint a person. Other states have mandated a special election. In Florida, the governor appoints, and then at the next scheduled election, that person that's appointed must run in a special election. It's not a special election, but the next scheduled election in November, two years away, must run for the remaining portion of that Senate term. So Rubio's term ends in 2028, January 29.
Starting point is 00:29:01 So whoever Governor DeSantis would appoint to fill Marco Rubio's position would have that Senate seat until 2026, then would have to run to serve out the remaining two years to 2028. her laura trump because once you put a trump name in it it's it's over okay it's done anything that the trumps want they're getting it right now okay the republican party belongs to the trump family my thought was that um governor desantis whose term ends in 26 would appoint a caretaker maybe the lieutenant governor of florida who would agree to only stay in the Senate seat for two years. And then in 26, Governor DeSantis would run for Marco Rubio's seat. That was my scenario. I didn't think about Laura Trump getting in the race. Well, all that's up in the air right now because we have yet to confirm whether or not Rubio will end up going to the Secretary of State position.
Starting point is 00:30:06 But if Laura Trump decides she wants it, then she and her husband, Eric Trump, are going to be pressuring dad to pick Marco Rubio. Right. Okay. So the biggest proponents for Marco Rubio will be inside the Trump family. But we'll wait and see if that happens the next big surprise uh well no before going to the schema today from newsweek marco rubio dossier leaked by reporter could this be why there's a delay remember the iranian hacker that hacked the Trump campaign and released the J.D. Vance dossier? Well, the hacker gave the Rubio dossier to the same reporter in the United States, and that reporter has released it.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Which, you wonder, why hasn't this person been charged with a crime? Well, he was suspended from Twitter, from X. Yes, but that's – But that's not really punishment. And so the reporter who leaked the alleged vetting process of Donald Trump's running mate, J.D. Vance, has published a similar dossier for Florida Senator Marco Rubio. The journalist, his name is Ken Klippenstein, published the 551-page document which purports to detail whether or not Rubio would be a suitable candidate for the 2024 Republican vice presidential nomination on his subtext page.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Klippenstein was temporarily suspended from X in September after he leaked the vetting process for vance which had allegedly been stolen by iranian hackers doc maybe marco rubio is offended maybe he's offended by what's in the dossier written by the trump insiders and maybe maybe mr trump is trying to calm him down. That might be what's going on. The Rubio has read the dossier and saying, that's what you guys think of me. That might be what's going on, that they're trying to soothe him and bring some peace and cooperation back into the relationship with him. Governor Kristi Noem,
Starting point is 00:32:32 Homeland Security, a good choice. What? Nothing. I was going to say something snarky, but I decided not to. Nothing snarky today. We've mentioned Mike Waltz as National Security Advisor, another Florida congressman. Here's another vacancy. There's going to be a lot of I am concerned about the House vacancies.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Well, and Mike Johnson and I forget who else yesterday was expressing some they didn't come out and say, hey, please quit. Don't raid the hen house anymore. Right. But they did say it's going to be a challenge moving forward.
Starting point is 00:33:10 I mean, these are Republican districts, but you could be sure the Democrats are going to go bonkers to win those seats. So every time he chooses a congressman or congresswoman, that means a special election. And that brings us to Elise Stefanik to be UN secretary. I mean, United Nations ambassador from the United States. So she is a Republican congresswoman from New York. She's going to be resigning. There will be a special election in New York. In New York.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Which is not a Republican state. Lee Zeldin, who used to be a Republican congressman, will run the EPA. Stephen Miller, who had a big role in the first administration, particularly in immigration policy. He's coming back. That's interesting. He's going to be the Deputy Chief of Staff of Policy in the White House. So he'll be serving underneath Susie Wiles. My wife.
Starting point is 00:34:17 By the way, Susan, my Susie, we're having fun with this. She is receiving congratulatory messages from people who know her, went to school with her. People from, they're living all over the United States. Right. And she's getting emails and text messages.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Susie, congratulations. I'm so proud of you. The president has chosen you. And I'm saying, Susan, just play this. Enjoy it. All right? I'm trying to get her to make announcements of cabinet nominations. Just as wild as you can get.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Just as wild as we can do it. Susie Wiles announces that President Trump has appointed, you know, we'll name somebody. But she is, I'm serious. She is getting these messages messages people think it's susan right okay because both are from florida he had two suzy wiles's from florida uh okay tom holman in charge of all deportation there is your rottweiler with rabies oh my goodness yes he will round up the criminals he will do it and once they cut the chain and let him loose if you are an illegal immigrant in this country who has a criminal record beyond being an illegal immigrant that's a crime right there. But if you are a murderer, a rapist, a robber, or whatever, you better run home.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Go back home. As fast as you can, because that man's coming after you. All right, what about Doge? These headlines are like, they're coming at me so fast, Doc. And I'm looking at this going, the Doge department? What is Doge? That's a cryptocurrency. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:14 And Elon Musk has made fun of Doge over the years and everything. Well, he made money with it. Right. But the Doge that we're talking about now is the department of government efficiency doge but there is no government department of efficiency that's correct our government is inefficient but there is no department how can you be appointed to run the department doesn't exist so i i'm just i'm asking this seriously. Is President Trump going to – is he going to recommend to the Congress that they establish Doge? I don't know. I doubt that. I think they're going to operate as a – what would you call an extra-governmental advisory board of some kind.
Starting point is 00:36:59 It's interesting that Donald Trump named both Musk and Ramaswamy to lead this. Why not just one? That puzzled me. But President-elect Donald Trump picked Tesla CEO Elon Musk and biotech company founder Vivek Ramaswamy, the former Republican presidential candidate, to lead an effort to cut spending, eliminate regulations, and restructure federal agencies. President Trump said in a statement Tuesday night that Ramaswamy and Musk, the wealthiest
Starting point is 00:37:29 person in the world who oversees six companies, would lead what the president-elect called the Department of Government Efficiency, or DOGE. The group's mandate is to streamline government bureaucracy, the president-elect said. And of course, Elon Musk is traveling with President Trump today, and that's an additional show of support by the president-elect. Doge will operate outside of the federal government, Mr. Trump said, and will work with the White House Office of Management and Budget to implement its recommendations. Mr. Musk isn't expected to become an official government employee, meaning he likely
Starting point is 00:38:04 wouldn't be required to divest from his business empire. Now, Mr. Trump gave Musk and Ramaswamy a deadline of July 4th of 2026 amid the nation's semi-quincentennial celebrations and just months before the midterm elections to complete their work. A smaller government with more efficiency and less bureaucracy will be the perfect gift to America on the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, he said. I am confident that they will succeed. Rick, is there any time in history that we could have a comparable situation like this? I can't recall of anything. This is really amazing.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Before World War II, it would be like putting Henry Ford in charge of government efficiency, which he probably would have done a good job. This is quite amazing what Donald Trump is unleashing. He obviously has been thinking about this for quite some time. And the appointments are coming very quickly. But there's a trend to it. We're going to shake up the government. It is not going to be business as usual. Now, I'll take a cynical view of this, that with Elon Musk involved in this, he's going to have access to reams of information about the federal government because of the big battle that he has is how to promote his companies, how to expand what he does. He's also going to be feeding this into AI.
Starting point is 00:39:46 You're going to see AI running government. I predicted this years ago. That's the direction that we're going in. AI will run government agencies. If they're not already. Well, I think they have been, but we're going to get to the place where people are going to say AI is more efficient at making decisions
Starting point is 00:40:10 than humans, and there's no politics involved, so let's just let AI run the government agencies. And I really think that's coming. It's not coming next week, but by 2030? Yes.
Starting point is 00:40:28 The way AI is advancing, yes. And, of course, Mr. Musk, two things that he likes, robots and electrodes. Electrodes in your brain and robots. And he's rolling out. And moving humanity to Mars. Yes, moving to Mars. But how many robots is he, humanoid robots, how many is he bringing out next year?
Starting point is 00:40:55 I think the number between 20 and 25,000. That's at his robot plant down in Texas. Right. We're talking humanoid robots. The next four to five years, you're going to be shocked by the proliferation of humanoid robots in society. You're going to be working next to a robot. Yes. you might be sharing a workspace, a desk, assembly line. Right. You could end up with a robot as your supervisor.
Starting point is 00:41:34 That's true. Are you going to report to a robot? If the robot's smarter than you, what are you going to do? Because the robot's going to have AI. That's right. And the robot doesn't have to take breaks. It doesn't have to go home. But then we're going to get to a place
Starting point is 00:41:48 where we're going to see robots on the streets. Yes. In social settings. Okay. And you're going to start interacting with humanoid robots. That is going to happen in the next five years. By the time we get to 2030,
Starting point is 00:42:04 this is going to be a different looking country, different looking world. And Mr. Musk is at the forefront of it. We've got about 12 minutes remaining. I want to do some World War III updates because things are going to change with Mr. Trump coming in. A lot of people are going to say, hey, we dodged a bullet.
Starting point is 00:42:29 We're not going to have World War III. Go ahead and believe that. World War III has already started. It's just going to end in the 2030s. Okay? Things will calm down for a season here with Mr. Trump, and I'm glad. All right. So Fox News says Trump expected to soon appoint a Ukrainian peace envoy after promises of negotiating end to war with Russia. Fox News reported this morning, President-elect Donald Trump is expected to soon appointrainian peace envoy to lead negotiations on ending the war with russia multiple sources told fox news quote one of the sources
Starting point is 00:43:11 said quote you're going to see a very senior special envoy someone with a lot of credibility who will be given a task to find a resolution to get to a peace settlement, you're going to see that in short order. Anyone on your short list? I have no idea who this would be. Who is he going to choose that would negotiate? You're negotiating with Putin. You're not negotiating with Zelensky. Zelensky's not a player in this. Not anymore, yeah. Never really has been.
Starting point is 00:43:48 His term ended last year. He's usurping the office of president. They're going to push him out. But the real negotiation is going on with Putin. What will it take for Putin to end the war? And then they're going to put a new president in Ukraine. They're going to tell him these are the terms. And that's going to come really fast.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Well, we'll know a lot when this appointment announcement is made. If it ends up with someone like Graham or Newland. Lindsey Graham. Or Victoria Newland. Oh, no, no. That would be a disaster. I can't see Donald Trump doing that. I would hope not, but I don't, you know, there's nobody in my mind that really, you know, stands out that's called for peace in Ukraine. I know, but we never saw Pete Hegseth as defense secretary.
Starting point is 00:44:40 Never. If you would have said to me a year ago, heyick next year pete hegseth is going to resign from fox news and run the pentagon you think i'd believe that story oh boy uh so i wouldn't believe it a week ago i didn't believe it monday night uh mr trump has has appointed Stephen Witkoff as his special envoy to the Mideast. Well, Miriam Alderson and the Zionists got their payoff here on this one. Yes. Mr. Witkoff is a devoted Zionist friend of Israel. The golf partner who was with Mr. Trump during the second assassination attempt.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Yes. That's the man who was on the golf course with Mr. Trump during the second assassination attempt. Yes. That's the man who was on the golf course with him. Witkoff is not known to have any experience diplomacy in the Middle East, but those have not been criteria for previous Trump appointments. Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who similarly lacked such experience, managed to broker the Abraham Accords during the Republican politician's first term as president. Well, Mr. Whitcoff and Mr. Kushner share a common trait. They're both Zionists. All right.
Starting point is 00:45:59 So Kushner didn't need diplomacy experience. He had Zionist experience. And that was the reason he was there. I am so grateful that as of right now, he's nowhere to be seen. You're talking about Jared Kushner. He's nowhere to be seen. I think he's just out there making money. Well, he is.
Starting point is 00:46:19 I would vomit if Jared Kushner showed up in the White House again. I would. That would be it for me uh so far he hasn't shown up haras um new u.s envoy to israel wants full israeli control over the west bank who are we talking about mike huckabee mikeuckabee. Mike Huckabee will be the new U.S. ambassador to Israel. Didn't see that one coming either. Certainly didn't. I told you yesterday. Guess who? I shocked you.
Starting point is 00:46:57 He's a Christian Zionist. Mr. Trump's previous U.S. ambassador to Israel was a Zionist Zionist. A Jewish Zionist. Mr. ambassador to Israel was a Zionist Zionist, a Jewish Zionist. Mr. Huckabee is a Christian Zionist. Everybody likes Mike Huckabee. Very likable guy.
Starting point is 00:47:13 And Israel likes Mike Huckabee. And Israel loves him. But he is devoted to turning the West Bank over to Israel. Yes. Which means he will go for Gaza too. That's right. and he's been quoted in the past as saying there's no such thing as palestinians oh i know and he's also said he wants to buy land in the west bank okay which he doesn't call the west bank he refers to judaism
Starting point is 00:47:38 right uh but you're buying land from whom the The people who stole it from the Palestinians. Yes. How can you buy land from a land thief? You don't have a legitimate title. If you purchased your land from a land thief, you got swindled because it's a worthless deed. But Israel plans, I mean, they're already selling land to settlers. Well, I don't think in Israel anybody owns land. It's a socialist country.
Starting point is 00:48:16 The state owns the land. They give you the right to stay there. This is Haratz in tel aviv in his first interview with israeli media since being named as president elect donald trump's next u.s ambassador to israel former arkansas governor mike huckabee discussed american support for full israeli control over the west bank quote of course said huckabee there has never been an American president who has been more helpful in securing an understanding of the sovereignty of Israel, and I fully expect that will continue, end of quote. In an interview with Israel's Army Radio Wednesday, Huckabee was asked about potential Israeli sovereignty over the entire West Bank. Huckabee responded to the question by first mentioning all the times he
Starting point is 00:49:07 visited Judea and Samaria before suggesting that sovereignty over the area was necessary. Quote, I very much believe that the people of Israel deserve a safe and secure country and anything I can do that will help accommodate that is going to be a great privilege for me. When pressed for further clarification about whether he thinks Israel taking full control over the West Bank will be possible during Trump's second term, Huckabee said, well, of course. You know, I won't make the policy. I will carry out the policy of the president. But he wouldn't have been appointed as ambassador to Israel
Starting point is 00:49:49 If Donald Trump didn't know the policy that's right of Mike Huckabee, so Mr. Huckabee says That the people of Israel deserve a safe and secure secure country. What about the people Palestine? What do they deserve? Mr. Huckabee believes they should be kicked out What are you gonna do that with a mr. Huckabee? What is they deserve? Mr. Huckabee believes they should be kicked out. What are you going to do with them, Mr. Huckabee? What is your solution? Put them in reservations?
Starting point is 00:50:13 And that is right now the plan. That's the plan. They're going to build reservations. Yes. Digital ghettos. They're going to put them in. You call them gated communities. Gated communities.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Imagine telling the Cherokees, we're building a gated community for you. A what? You'll be secure there. Nobody will be able to get in. And nobody will be able to get out either. Smotrich says Trump victory is an opportunity to apply sovereignty in the West Bank. So he's got the backing of the folks in Israel. What is it a guess here? They've already decided to duck. They've already decided to duck. They've already broke open the champagne bottles. They're celebrating. They're taking control of the West Bank.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Why? Because Donald Trump gave them Golan Heights, which belonged to Syria. Right. But you can't give it to them. You can't give. The president of one country cannot give a second country's land to a third country. Right. It would be like the president of the United States saying to Germany, we're going to take Bavaria and give it to the Dutch. Right.
Starting point is 00:51:15 What's your authority and legitimacy to do it? So – but anyhow, obviously the Zionists are excited. They're going to get what they believe they've been waiting for obviously for a long long time and that is uh military control over the west bank they have to get rid of the palestinian people plain and simple rick what are you going to do with the people living there What's your solution? Well, their solution is either make them move or kill them.
Starting point is 00:51:50 And they weren't able to make them move. So for the past year, they've been killing them. That's the truth. We've watched genocide take place in the past year. Something I've never seen in my lifetime. I've never seen genocide. I've witnessed the past year. Something I've never seen in my lifetime. I've never seen genocide.
Starting point is 00:52:07 I've witnessed it this year. And horrified by it and horrified by the acceptance of it. I don't know which is worse. What's worse? The mass killing of children or the acceptance of it? You know, Marco Rubio,
Starting point is 00:52:28 he's like, yeah, I don't want to see those kids killed, but it's not Israel's fault. Yeah, it's Hamas' fault. Here is a video. This is Smotrich. This is him making the announcement that the Trump administration means that Israel is going to take control of the West Bank,
Starting point is 00:52:49 which means he can't wait to send in the settlers and the military to push the Palestinians off of their farms and take their land. It's the most unjust thing I've seen in my lifetime. The Palestinian people are the most mistreated people on planet Earth. Nobody takes care of them, Doc. There's nobody. What is it about them? They're like, you can beat them up, you can kill them, you can blow up their houses. You can call babies terrorists.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Yes. It's a strange thing. Yonhap, North Korean troops dispatched to Russia already engaging in combat. That's according to the South Korea National Intelligence Service. They said the 10,000 North Korean troops sent to Russia are actively on the battlefield inside Russia fighting the Ukrainian troops that are in the cursed Russia region. There's a total of 50,000 troops fighting the Ukrainians inside Russia. Putin's got to get the Ukrainians out of his country before Trump gets in the White House for his negotiations. He's got to get them out. That's why they brought in the North Koreans. He'll bring in 100,000 North Koreans if he's
Starting point is 00:54:12 got to do it before Trump gets in the White House, because he's got to be in a position of strength. One more, and I already got 30 seconds. Ukraine's future may define a new global world order. There's our closing music. I'm going to have to save this for tomorrow. This was on Polish radio today, that there is a new world order coming after the Ukraine war is ended. That's right. So they all know it, Doc. They all know something big is coming.
Starting point is 00:54:50 We got to go. Morning Manor is coming up. I hope you stay and enjoy the word of God. You're listening to WWCR, International Shortwave Radio. You can find true news on frequency 12.160 from 12pm to 4pm Eastern and on frequency 4.840 from 10pm to 2am Eastern. Connect with us on
Starting point is 00:55:12 Rumble, Facebook, X, and Getter. Here are two massively important products to have in an emergency. Because it's not a matter of if, but when an emergency will happen to you. With years of experience in survival preparedness, let me tell you these are must-haves. One, high quality and nutrient-packed shelf-stable emergency food buckets and two, reliable and long-lasting water filtration systems. These essentials will make all the difference in an emergency, supplying your loved
Starting point is 00:55:45 ones with all the calories and nutrients they need to survive any scenario. Don't take the risk. Try my favorite America-loving brand, American Reserves, for your emergency food supply needs. Good morning, everybody. Welcome to Morning Manna. We are glad to have you with us wherever you are in the world and we are moving through the 26th chapter of the gospel according to saint matthew it's a very long chapter and today we're we're in verses 41 through 46 so let's pray and invite the holy spirit and then dr burkhart will read the word and we will begin our lesson. Dear gracious Heavenly Father, we thank you for this beautiful day and give you glory and honor. Father, we invite your Holy Spirit to take his seat at the head of the table in this Bible lesson and teach us the greatness of your Son, his magnificence, his glory, his majesty, and enlighten our
Starting point is 00:56:51 minds about his kingdom so that we would be bold and faithful servants for him. Salt and light in this world, Father, in Jesus' name, amen. Amen. this world father in jesus name amen amen we are uh in matthew chapter 26 still and uh if you've got your bibles please turn with me there read along with me as we read verses 41 through 46 today and i'm reading from the king james watch and pray that you enter not into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak. He went away again the second time and prayed, saying, O my Father,
Starting point is 00:57:30 if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done. And he came and found them asleep again, for their eyes were heavy. And he left them and went away again and prayed the third time, saying the same words.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Then cometh he to his disciples and saith unto them, Sleep on now, and take your rest. Behold, the hour is at hand, and the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Rise, let us be going. Behold,
Starting point is 00:58:04 he is at hand that doth betray me this is work today verse 41 watch and pray that you two actions watching and praying vigilance and prayerfulness and that what he's teaching us here is the combination of watching and praying is the means to maintain spiritual alertness, to be ready for challenges and trials. When you are going through a difficult time, these are the two things that you must do, watch and pray. What's the purpose of watching and praying? To avoid entering into temptation during the trial.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Not to be caught off guard or overwhelmed by the trial. Yes. The instruction is not to avoid all temptation, but to avoid being ensnared by it. We can't avoid trials and tribulations and temptations. There is no way you're going to get through life free of those things. But this is to teach us to avoid the temptation to not allow it to
Starting point is 00:59:59 ensnare us. That we should resist falling into it headlong and being overcome by it satan's desire is to ensnare you to get you to fall yes to break your fellowship with god he wants to he wants to throw you in you know in the hog pen he wants you to wallow around in the slop it makes him happy hey look I got you to fall you fell face-first into the slop aren't you a mess and then that brings discouragement can bring depression it can separate somebody for years from walking with God because they feel ashamed.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Look what happened to me. I fell into the slop. So watch and pray. That combination helps us not fall into the slop. Amen. Amen. Satan's, you know, look, before you're saved, Satan's objective is to keep you from being saved. After you're saved, his objective is to keep you from walking and living like you're saved.
Starting point is 01:01:24 That's right. He can't take away your salvation, but he can work to take away your victory. That's what he wants to do. He wants to prevent you from walking in the authority of Christ, knowing your identity, who you are in Christ, and speaking the word of god he wants you to speak
Starting point is 01:01:47 his words and his words are doubt and unbelief and hope hopelessness and how does he do it? He ensnares you. He gets you to become so engrossed in the temptation, the trial, the tribulation that you're going through that you stop praying. You stop quoting the Word of God. You succumb to the pressure. You say, what's the use? And I've been there in my life. I know what that is like.
Starting point is 01:02:32 I remember one time, Doc, many, many years, decades ago, and I had been under spiritual attack for years. And I remember that I won a victory. I won a victory. I won a victory. And I had been locked in a battle with Satan on a certain matter over several years. And it was life and death for me, not physically, but it was for my wellbeing.
Starting point is 01:03:04 And I won the victory. And the very next day after getting the victory, the enemy came to me. I heard his voice. And he said, Rick, I'll make you a bargain. You want to run when the devil says I'll make you a bargain. I'll offer you a bargain. I'll offer you a deal. And what he offered me was, if you don't walk in this victory,
Starting point is 01:03:32 I won't attack you again. What Satan was saying to me was, okay, Rick, you beat me. You defeated me. I'll give you that. You won one. And here's the promise I'll make you.. You won one. And here's the promise I'll make you. If you don't walk in this victory,
Starting point is 01:03:50 I will never attack you again. Well, first of all, he's a liar. What did he want me to do? Not walk in that victory. I defeated him. But he was tempting me with, man, I was weary at that moment. I had been through,
Starting point is 01:04:08 I think two years of a trial and I was weary. I didn't want to go into another attack. The last thing I wanted was another satanic attack. And so it was tempting. Really? Yes. No more attacks all I have to do is just act like nothing happened couldn't do it I had to testify God gave me the victory the devil was beneath my feet so these temptations will come to you.
Starting point is 01:04:49 This exhortation, watch and pray, became central to early Christian theology and practices. Especially emphasized by Paul and Peter in their epistles. Paul in 1 Corinthians 16, 13, Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. Paul, Colossians 4, 2, Continue in prayer and watch in the same with thanksgiving. Amen. He reversed it.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Prayer and watch. Jesus said watch and pray. Paul said pray and watch. It's the same combination. Paul added with thanksgiving. When you're in a trial when you're under a lot of pressure you're praying you're watching you add the thanksgiving what what are you thankful for obviously all the other blessings in your life but you give god thanksgiving for the victory in this trial. Even when it hasn't materialized yet,
Starting point is 01:06:05 you're giving him thanksgiving. Father, I thank you that through Christ, I am victorious in this trial. Amen. And I thank you in advance for the victory I will walk in. This trial will end victoriously. I am the head and not the tail.
Starting point is 01:06:26 I will come out on top. I'll glorify you. Paul, 1 Thessalonians 5, 6. Therefore, let us not sleep as do others, but let us watch and be sober so this obviously has connotations with the verses that we're studying right now the disciples were sleeping Paul said let's not sleep he didn't mean don't go to bed at night don't go to bed spiritually, as others do. But let us, me and you, let us watch and let us be sober. Sober means to be alert. When you use drugs and alcohol, you can't be sober.
Starting point is 01:07:19 Your mind has been altered. 1 Peter, this is Apost apostle Peter first Peter chapter 5 verse 8 be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour just just declare you're not available to be devoured move on Satan I'm not I'm not your lunch you you may have invited me to the Lions Club luncheon but I'm not the lunch meat that's right go devour somebody else go devour another weak person but I'm not weak you're not going to devour me he roars as a lion but he's still a lion he roars like a lion
Starting point is 01:08:29 he's not even a lion he roars like a lion he walks about seeking whom he may devour devour means consume, destroy just eat you up that's what he wants to do he wants to eat up your life destroy your life he wants to come into your home and wreck it wants to come into your business and wreck it devour it and you're like at the end go what just happened to us
Starting point is 01:09:02 i used to have a thriving business it's gone i used to have a happy home it's gone satan devoured when he comes when he's walking around you and he's roaring like a lion that's you tell him to shut up i don't want to hear you roar you're not going to devour my family you're not going to devour my church you're not going to devour roar. You're not going to devour my family. You're not going to devour my church. You're not going to devour my friends. You're not going to devour my business, my job, my income. You're not going to do it. You're not going to devour my health.
Starting point is 01:09:35 I'm not going to let you do it. You can roar all you want, but you're not going to devour me. See, he'll just roar louder until you flinch. Yes. That's where you have to say, that doesn't scare me. I mean, if you had a real lion, and those animals are massive, and it's up in your face, inches away, and it opens up its mouth and roars, wow, who can stand there and say, you don't scare me. But that's what you have to do with Satan.
Starting point is 01:10:32 Because he is as a roaring lion. And what do we do? We be sober. We be vigilant. And this is what we're, this is what Jesus is saying here. Watch and pray. These disciples, they're not watching with Jesus. They're not praying with him. So there's an echo of the message in the Lord's Prayer, in these words. And Jesus is warning his disciples not to succumb to the trials and tribulations, especially those that are associated
Starting point is 01:11:20 with imminent danger and persecution. Right. The objective here is to avoid falling into temptation to avoid succumb to it there are times we have to walk through a storm there are times you have to walk through a dark place You know, Doug, when I was a little child, my grandparents lived near us. And we lived out in the summer, you know, I'd stay late at my grandparents' house watching TV shows, and then my grandmother would say, it's time to go home. Now, this is back in the late 50s, early 60s, okay, out in the country.
Starting point is 01:12:48 You know, there wasn't crime. And she says, it's time for you to go home. Right, I'm five years old, okay? I'm going to walk to my house. And I wasn't afraid of the dark. But there was this one place where I had to go around an area and there was absolutely no lighting. And I hated that spot. I hated that spot. I ran through it. go back into a walking gate but the point I'm making is sometimes you have to walk through darkness you just have to do it but you don't have to linger there werewolf was there, you know. You know, at that age in the 50s, you know.
Starting point is 01:14:02 They don't have anything better to do than chase after five-year-old kids. I figured that's where, see, this, I'll date myself. I was convinced as a kid, this is the place where Bela Lugosi lives. He lives right here in this dark spot,
Starting point is 01:14:20 okay? But the point I'm making is I had to go through it. But there was nothing there. The fear was in my mind. It was all in my mind. And what Satan wants to do is that when you're in that dark spot, he wants to roar. That's when he roars, when you're in that dark spot he wants to roar that's when he roars when you're in that dark place
Starting point is 01:14:52 you know he's going to turn it into a fun house a house of horror and you turn on the light you you know you turn on the lights in a house of horror and guess what there's nothing there you go this is what scares people it's all fake look at it it's all fake well that's what that's what Satan does it's all fake it's just noises he's trying to frighten you he's Rory he's doing everything he can because it's dark. He wants you to be afraid. He wants you to give up trusting God. He wants you to say that he's in control and not God.
Starting point is 01:15:36 Right. Don't give him that pleasure. So temptation here refers to the testing of their faith in in the face of Jesus's rejection crucifixion and death he's the one who's facing the trial and that these guys are not walking with him through it. Jesus reminds them of their human frailty their weaknesses and the need to rely on god's strength that comes to us in times of trial he's not he doesn't chastise him he's not condemning them for sleeping it's it's a sorrowful pitiful comment to them.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Like, guys, you should be doing better than this. He says, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. He's acknowledging, I know your spirit wants to be with me i know that but i know that your your body is is tired it's late it's you know who knows it was might have been two o'clock in the morning midnight what what what hour would it have been doc based on other um between midnight between midnight and 3 am. at this point I think right though because the trial or that before the high priest happened sometime between 3 and 6 I recall right yeah so it's yeah somewhere between midnight and 3 a.m. they're tired. All right? These guys have been walking.
Starting point is 01:17:45 They didn't have Ubers to take them around. They're physically tired. And I think, I think part of it is they shut down because of the pressure. They knew,
Starting point is 01:18:01 they saw Jesus in this. I'm talking about the three. They saw Jesus wrestling in his spirit, crying out to God. I think they shut down because they couldn't cope with it. It was too much for them. The best thing to do is just go to sleep. So even though the disciples may believe that they will not deny Jesus, Jesus cautions them to be aware of their own vulnerability and to guard against the weakness of human nature.
Starting point is 01:18:44 Watch and pray. Satan is eager and confident in his attempts to tempt and lead us astray. Disciples, humans, are prone to doubt, unbelief. But Satan, Satan's confident. He's got thousands of years of case histories where he has tempted people and they fell. So when he comes after you, he is confident. I'll take you down. Because he's taken down so many other people.
Starting point is 01:19:35 Over thousands of years. And he knows that we're weak and vulnerable to his attacks. But that doesn't mean we have to allow him to do it. It is knowing the word of God and knowing your father, knowing your savior, knowing the Holy Spirit and having that close,
Starting point is 01:19:59 intimate fellowship with him and knowing the integrity of his word that his word never fails never never as in never ever does his word fail it has never failed in the past it's not going to fail today it's not going to fail tomorrow when you get that down in your spirit then when satan comes after you and he's he's all pulsed up with pride and confidence he's taking you down how do you respond just like jesus responded in the wilderness yes with the word satan it is written he hates those, it is written.
Starting point is 01:20:48 He hates those words. It is written. I just picture him holding his ears and running away screaming. Pulling his hair. Oh, no, it is written. Let's go, guys. He's demons. Let's go, guys. He says he's demons. Let's go. We're wasting our time with this woman.
Starting point is 01:21:10 This is a waste of time with this guy. He's quoting scripture. We got better things to do. Let's go find a church member, a Christian who doesn't read the word. Yes. We'll have fun with that one. We'll just tear up their life we'll devour them because they don't read the word now we get back to the parable the sower
Starting point is 01:21:32 and who falls away quickly the one where the word falls on stony ground. And when what comes? Persecution. Yes. They become what? Offended. See, this all makes sense now, doesn't it? The key to it is knowing the word of God. And so this class, it comes five days a week, one hour a day to study the Word of God.
Starting point is 01:22:08 You are above 99.9% of all the church members in the world. Right. Because you are applying yourself to the Word. And you're not offended by the Word. You're not offended by the word you're not offended by it you just keep coming back saying okay that one hurt but i need some more and isn't that the cry of the modern church let's don't offend anyone yes let's don't offend anyone well what that tells you is that the word is not being preached that's right now in this scene even though jesus gently reproved the disciples for their slothfulness at the same time he's he offers them hope and consolation he offers them encouragement
Starting point is 01:23:01 he's acknowledging their good intentions the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak it's not condemning them he's he's praising them for their willingness to do right he doesn't want their weakness to lead to despair he's expressing his understanding for their current state it's not a condemnation there's there's kindness in his words um now although these words were spoken directly to the disciples, this applies to all believers who are regenerated by the Holy Spirit, and yet we contend with the weakness of our human flesh. So the Word of God is alive. It may have been spoken over 2,000 years ago, but it's alive today.
Starting point is 01:24:11 And we're being taught the need for prayer and vigilance, that this is a universal instruction, and it will remain in effect until Christ comes again. There's empathy. There's empathy. There's compassion for his beloved brothers. There's sorrow. Obviously, in his heart, there's sorrow. He wanted them to be there for him he's in the worst
Starting point is 01:24:49 situation of his lifetime on earth and he had been there for so many people in their worst crisis and now he's in his worst crisis and there's nobody there for him. And there's sadness, there's sorrow in his heart. He's not angry at these men. It's a sadness, it's a sorrowfulness. Yes. He's human. Yes, he's saying, guys, come on, help me. Please wake up, help me.
Starting point is 01:25:29 Verse 42, he went again away the second time and prayed, saying, Oh, my father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, I will be done. So he spends considerable time in prayer, repeating his petitions. He's praying the same thing again. This is his second prayer session. He went away again the second time and prayed. And he prays the same words.
Starting point is 01:26:12 If this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it. First time he said, please take this cup away. He still wants this cup to be taken away. Each time he returns, his sorrow deepens. The more time he spends in prayer with his father, the more, the deeper his sorrow grows. How do you explain that one? Because his Heavenly Father is preparing him, revealing more to him
Starting point is 01:26:52 about what he's going to face at Calvary. And so, you would think the more time you spend in prayer with your Heavenly Father, the lighter you would feel. more time you spend in prayer with your Heavenly Father, the lighter you would feel. In this case, the sorrow increased. It deepened because of the revelation of what he was going to go through. And the separation that he was going to experience.
Starting point is 01:27:23 So in these moments right now, he is intimate with the Father, but this coming in just hours, about 12 hours from this moment or less, he'll be on the cross, and he'll be abandoned by the Father. Yes. And I believe the Holy Spirit told it. I believe his Father revealed it to him in the garden. I think so, too. I believe he said, Son, I got to tell you something.
Starting point is 01:27:48 First of all, they're going to put you on a cross. They're going to nail you to a cross. They're going to put spikes through your hands and feet. They're going to hang you up on a cross. They're going to ram a sword in your side. Son, there's a moment coming. I'm going to turn away from you. I'm going to abandon you. Can you imagine that moment? David cried out, Father, don't take your spirit from me. Right.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Jesus is crying out, Oh, God, please don't. Don't. Don't forsake me. And the father saying, I must. I have to do this for you to complete your mission. I must forsake you on the cross. Why? Because you're going to be, you're going to have all the sin of mankind on you, and I can't look at you. Is there another way to do this? No. There's only this way.
Starting point is 01:29:13 So Jesus is now acknowledging this path that's set before him. Speaks of a cup that he's got to drink from, a cup of suffering, a crucifixion cup. This cup represents the crucifixion, the physical suffering, and the spiritual burden of bearing mankind's sins. And there's a heavy weight attached to it. And he's becoming more aware of the sacrificial nature of his mission these words if this cup may not pass away from me they reflect jesus's humanity he's expressing his desire for relief from the impending upcoming suffering, and yet yielding
Starting point is 01:30:09 to the will of God. His conditional request to remove the cup speaks to us about the depth of his emotions. And it shows us both his divinity and his humanity. His humanity is take this cup away from me. His divinity is thy will be done. He's all God and he's all human. He wasn't half God, half half human he wasn't a hybrid he was the last Adam
Starting point is 01:30:53 he was what Adam was supposed to be there was no sin in Adam until he sinned. Adam was sinless. Yes, until he sinned. Until he sinned.
Starting point is 01:31:22 So I think, you know, we talked about this yesterday, the possible causes of Jesus' agony, the fear of crucifixion, this
Starting point is 01:31:36 horrific apprehension of divine forsakenness, his father turning from him, intensified demonic temptation, the weight of bearing humanity's sins. I'm sure all those factored in, but at the same time, understanding Jesus' agony, it remains, agony remains speculation.
Starting point is 01:32:09 Because none of us can comprehend what was happening to him that night. Right. We can only speculate. No human had ever gone through a trial like he went through that night. There's a progression in submission. He didn't go into the garden totally submitted. He came out of the garden totally submitted. The Bible says he learned obedience through his suffering.
Starting point is 01:32:48 He learned obedience. He went into the garden hoping to get out of it. Can we come up with another way, Father? Have you considered this way? Here's an idea. Do I have to go to the cross?
Starting point is 01:33:08 I know some people don't like thinking like that. But what else does these verses mean other than he wanted out of it? Yes, why the struggle then? Yeah, what was he struggling about if he didn't want out of it? He wanted out of the cross. Who wouldn't? Jesus wanted out of the duty of going to the cross. So, there's this progression in his submission to God.
Starting point is 01:33:50 His prayer evolves from a desire to avoid suffering, and it moves into total submission with the words, Your will be done. There's a lesson here for us. When we're under great distress, when we're under great temptation, pressure, trials, there will be a progression in your spirituality throughout the trial. If you stay with the program, you'll be much stronger when you come out of that trial than when you went in. We go into these trials and tribulations in our life like,
Starting point is 01:34:34 what's going on, Lord? What's happening? Help me. I can't deal with this. We come out. We're supposed to come out of it strong mighty victorious okay there's a progression so don't beat yourself up don't criticize yourself if you look back you could be in a trial right now or you look back at a past trial tribulation dark time in
Starting point is 01:35:02 your life and go oh yeah that was not too good in that. Yeah, but how did you come out? It's not how you went into it. It doesn't even matter what you were like in the middle of it. What were you like at the end of it? Were you closer to God? Were you deeper in your faith and trust of your Heavenly Father if you can say yes then you won and it was a progression and this is why
Starting point is 01:35:36 God allows these things to come into our life because we progressively become closer to him. There's a shift in the tone of his first prayer. He's now expressing his acceptance of the inevitability of his sacrifice. Even if it means enduring physical, mental, emotional, spiritual anguish on a cross.
Starting point is 01:36:09 He ultimately submits to God's divine will. And he comes to the understanding, the acceptance, that the cup of suffering cannot be avoided. Again, he did not have that position when he went into his first prayer session with God in the garden. But he's shifting. There's movement in his understanding, a change in his words.
Starting point is 01:36:44 He's now moving into resolving to fulfill God's plan he goes from I don't want to do it too I will do it yes all right let me ask you this. It's hypothetical, okay? None of us can even come close to having a situation in our life that compares to Jesus going to the cross. That doesn't happen for any of us. But what if there was a loved one in your life, a spouse, a son, a daughter, a grandchild, dear friend, somebody just means the world to you. You love that person. And that person is sick. And that person needs an organ transplant to live and you are the only person who can donate the organ for that loved one to live and the doctor says to you, I can make two promises to you. The organ transplant in your loved one absolutely will succeed.
Starting point is 01:38:15 He or she will not die. They will recover. They will live. I promise you that. Okay, doc. That's good. What's the other one I promise you I guarantee you you will die on the operating table I have to tell you that you will die on
Starting point is 01:38:33 the operating table what would be your reaction of course I'd be very concerned at that point. Isn't this what Jesus was facing? Hey, humanity is sick. It's dying. It needs a blood transfusion. The only way humanity can live is I got to take your blood. Yes. You're going to die.
Starting point is 01:39:04 You're going to die on the operating table. But they're gonna live they're gonna live are you willing to let us do this to you this is what his father is saying it's the only way son it's the only way we can save humanity we we made them we made them the Holy Spirit God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit made man Father
Starting point is 01:39:34 Son Holy Spirit made man Father Father Jesus Son we made them
Starting point is 01:39:41 remember we made them we had a plan for humankind. Lucifer, who we kicked out of heaven, came down to earth and he did this out of spite. He tempted Adam and Eve to hurt us. us to destroy the human race to take them away from us separate us from them son the only way for us to be reconciled to humankind that you and I made the only way is for you to die on the operating table right are you willing to do it son son they're going to live you're going to die but here's another promise you're going to raise yourself from the grave that's right you're not going to stay dead you're not staying dead you're coming out three days that's it and you're not even dead. Your spirit's not dead, just your body. Three days, your body's going to be dead for three days.
Starting point is 01:40:53 You put it in context. This is what Jesus was dealing with. So there's a shift that shows his resolve to fulfill God's divine plan despite the cost, even if it means drinking the cup of suffering. By uttering the words, this phrase, except I drink of it, that speaks of Jesus' recognition of the necessity of suffering. Except I drink it. I drink. The word, I drink.
Starting point is 01:41:38 He's acknowledging his impending action of drinking the cup. And that by drinking the cup, he brings himself closer to the act of completing God's will. Except I drink it. Here, here's a cup of poison. If you drink it, she will live. Really? You got to drink it? And he's like, I will drink it.
Starting point is 01:42:15 I drink. He's made a decision. I will drink it. For you, Father. I will drink it. For you, Father, I'll drink it. And really, this is what's the, it's for his Father. Father, this is what pleases you. I'll do it. So, in the beginning, he prays for the removal of a cup to avoid the cross but then he submits to
Starting point is 01:42:51 God's will and he acknowledges that if drinking the cup is necessary for fulfilling God's plan and bringing glory to him he's willing to do it and endure it. So he surrenders to the divine purpose, even in the face of great personal anguish. It's going to cost him something. How deeply are you committed to God's will? There will be times God will require you to do something for him that's going to cost you. It's going to cost you something. But you do it because you love your father. Right.
Starting point is 01:43:45 Not you love your father. Right. Not you love your comfort. Oh, Doc, you know, this next topic, I could go off and teach for hours on this. The garden. Yes. I was hoping you'd get to that point here in our discussion today we got two gardens yes simony and eden and we've got two atoms the first and the last yes jesus is not the second adam he's the last adam there's a first and the last there will never be a need for another adam he did it he finished the sacrifice first adam last adam the garden of eden the garden of Gethsemane Adam chose self-will Jesus chose obedience to his father's will the
Starting point is 01:44:50 first Adam was disobedient the last Adam reversed the curse by being obedient to his father and offering himself as a sacrifice for the sins of humankind brought about by the first Adam. Not your will, but mine. Listen, not your will, but mine was spoken in the first garden. Yes, essentially, yes. But in the second garden, not my will but yours, there is a threefold, there is a similarity, the threefold conflict in the garden of gethsemane
Starting point is 01:45:48 how many times does he pray three times how many battles has he had three how many times did satan tempt jesus in the wilderness three times. Doc, it's being replayed. Yes. The wilderness and the garden. Satan is tempting him three times. Right. And with the same three things. The lust of the eyes,
Starting point is 01:46:22 the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. Those three things the lust of the eyes the lust of the flesh and the pride of life those three things yeah satan is now really pouring on the pressure don't do it jesus don't do it don't obey your father i'm the god of this world make a deal with me obey my will yes I run this world you and I can we can go places I mean he's hearing all kinds of voices. And we can only speculate it, but there's demonic, intense demonic pressure on him. If you've never come under a severe, deep, long-running demonic attack, you don't know what we're talking about. When Satan gets inside your head,
Starting point is 01:47:30 it's like he has set up speakers inside your brain. All of a sudden, his voice is amplified. You can feel his presence around you. I've been in those kind of battles where you can feel the presence of evil, right? There was one time, Doc, many, many years ago, I was in a great battle. I felt his cold touch on my shoulder. It was cold, ice cold. I felt it. I'll tell you what happened. This is back when we were living in Marylandaryland many many decades ago and i i was in um we had a two-story house split foyer and and i was in the lower level is where i was praying and i had a desk there and
Starting point is 01:48:37 above me was the breaker box for the house and i i was praying and i felt felt Satan's cold hand touch me on my shoulder. I felt it. It was like death. That's what it felt like, like a dead man just touched me. And at first it shocked me, but I immediately rebuked him.
Starting point is 01:49:06 I immediately, I was in the spirit of the Lord. I was praying, and I immediately rebuked him, and Doc, right above me was the breaker box, and fire flashed out of the breaker box. No kidding. I am not kidding you god is my witness the power went out in the house susan was on the other floor in the kitchen cooking and she she yelled down the steps what did you do down there all the power's out
Starting point is 01:49:46 and i said i didn't do anything the devil was here and I cast him out and he left through the breaker box that's a true story Wow he he exited the breaker box he was mad like okay I'm gonna I'm gonna do something childish on my way out I'm'm going to turn off all your lights. Oh, okay, Satan. All right. I just flipped the switch and turned the power back on. Big deal. Okay. But he did. He left. He pouted like a baby. I'm going to do something scary on my way out. Oh, I know what those battles were like.
Starting point is 01:50:28 Verse 43, he came again and found them sleeping where their eyes were heavy. How many times has he come to them? He's completed his second prayer session under great distress. He's soon going to enter his third session of prayer. And so what are we learning here? Commitment, persistence, never giving up on prayer, even in the worst times. Those are the lessons for us. He comes to the three disciples, Peter, James, and John, and he's desiring their human support. Guys, I need you right now just hug me can you just hug me right now
Starting point is 01:51:25 they're sleeping he just needed them to hug him yes he knew that they couldn't fight the battle for him they couldn't win the battle they couldn't drink the cup he just needed them to hug him.
Starting point is 01:51:46 He needed his friends to be there for him. But they're sleeping. Again, it's emotional and physical exhaustion. The inability to remain vigilant in a difficult time. He doesn't scold them. He doesn't wake them up. He looks upon them with sorrow, disappointment, sadness. Oh, guys, I need you.
Starting point is 01:52:16 I need you, and you're sleeping. It was Mark. In Mark's account, he said that the disciples, when they woke up, were so disoriented and ashamed, they didn't know how to respond to Jesus. So each time he returns, Jesus' sorrow and distress intensifies as he grapples with the forthcoming suffering the enormity of the sacrifice he's about to make on
Starting point is 01:52:59 behalf of humanity so you've got this scene, this moment of contrast between Jesus' deep anguish and his disciples' inability to stay awake to comfort him. And again, I mentioned this yesterday. All of us, we need to search our hearts. Have there been times in the past that somebody that you love went through a trial and you didn't comfort them? We all have done it. It doesn't mean we were sleeping, physically sleeping, but we were spiritually, emotionally sleeping. Right.
Starting point is 01:53:52 We were busy. We were busy about our own things. We might have sent them a few messages and, you know, hey, pat on the back. I hope it all works out. Praying for you. But what about 2 o'clock in the morning were you there to take a phone call when that loved one needed somebody to talk to there are times when people just have to talk to somebody at the most inappropriate time anguish usually comes in the middle of the night Jesus Satan turns up the heat in the darkness he
Starting point is 01:54:35 wants you to feel alone separated from everybody um I guess I look at our time here I get what two minutes here verse 44 he left them again went away prayed a third time saying the same words notice that he prayed the same words this was not a repetitive prayer. He wasn't praying by rote. He wasn't just reading a written prayer. But he's praying the same words. He's got something he wants his father to hear. Amen. That's why he's repeating the prayer.
Starting point is 01:55:26 Luke adds at this point that the angel appeared to strengthen Jesus. This experience is described as agony. What is agony? I mean, agony is far more intense than just not feeling good about something. Agony is gut-wrenching. Agony produces ulcers and so he had great drops of blood we have ulcers we have drops of blood inside of us what is an ulcer manifestation of distress yes he prayed the third time saying the same words
Starting point is 01:56:27 there was consistency in his prayer not repetition consistency the third prayer was the culmination of his struggle. So, I want to get to the last verse. Verse 45. Then he came to the disciples and said to them, Are you still sleeping and resting?
Starting point is 01:57:07 Behold, the hour is at hand, and the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. He describes the people who are going to take him away as sinners. It's the sinners of the world coming for me. All the sinners of the world are coming to this garden for me. And I'm going to die for them. I'm dying for the sinners. Sleep now. Sleep on now, he says. Are you still sleeping? Sleep on. Sleep on now, he says. Are you still sleeping?
Starting point is 01:57:46 Sleep on, sleep on. He's either conceding their weariness and giving them permission to rest, or he's speaking in an ironic tone of saying, at this point, it doesn't matter. Go ahead and sleep. It doesn't matter at this point. Why? Because the hour is at hand and the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. He's saying it's already done.
Starting point is 01:58:21 It's over. Sleep on. Go ahead and sleep. It's over. Sleep on. Go ahead and sleep. It's over. And there's also another view on that too, Rick. I know we're short on time, but some commentators say that that phrase right there should be better translated as a question rather than as a statement. Because over in Luke chapter 22 jesus asked the question why sleep ye and so uh either way uh you know no matter how it lands there the emphasis is on
Starting point is 01:58:58 jesus and his struggle in the garden yes uh that he had to go through that alone and by himself, just him and the Father. Amen. Okay, tomorrow we start at verse 46. Arise, let's be going. Behold, he who betrays me is at hand. That's tomorrow. We'll see you on Thursday.
Starting point is 01:59:20 That's right. That's the Thursday edition of Morning Manor. We love you. We invite you to be here with us 8 a.m. on Faith and Values. God bless you and we'll see you then. You're listening to WWCR International Shortwave Radio. You can find True News on frequency 12.160 from 12pm to 4pm Eastern and on frequency 4.840
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