TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - President Trump Says Cabal Running Joe Biden

Episode Date: August 18, 2021

Today on TruNews, Rick Wiles shares with the TRUNEWS audience regarding Mike Lindell, and the conversation the two of them had regarding an attempt to sabotage their organizations. The team also consi...ders the remarks of President Donald Trump, of how the current resident of the White House is being run by a ‘cabal’. Democrats and Republicans in the Beltway are whispering the words ‘25th Amendment’ related to the Biden Administration’s disastrous response to Afghanistan. Edward Szall had the opportunity to speak to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, who says that Christians who got the jab should repent and that we could see upwards of 200,000 dead because of reactions to COVID therapy injections. Lauren Witzke welcomes Luana Stoltenberg, who shares her efforts to fight back against the whelming tide of abortion in the United States. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Raymond Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (8/18/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit Welcome to True News, I'm Edward Zoll. The situation in Afghanistan is a royal mess. Afghan women are begging soldiers to save them from the tyranny of the Taliban. And the opium haven is now armed with drones, planes, and the means to wage a modern-day war. 40,000 Americans are also stranded. Why are we evacuating Afghan males when our own people were left behind? The biggest question today in D.C. is will this scandal lead
Starting point is 00:00:52 to the 25th Amendment? President Joe Biden may be facing a coup from his own cabinet, led by his not-so-loved Vice President Kamala Harris. We'll discuss this and more in the first hour. And we have an update to share on MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell. He's now a big fan of True News. But today we're opening the program on a different war, the war to put a needle in your arm and constrain your freedoms until you submit. For doctors to challenge the government's official stance that vaccines, biannual boosters, and double masking are the steps to salvation from the endless pandemic is not only dangerous, it's career suicide.
Starting point is 00:01:32 The doctors who have been courageous enough to risk their lives and livelihoods are worth listening to, and they're also worth speaking to. Joining us for the next half an hour is one of the few Christian doctors challenging the propaganda and real misinformation surrounding the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny. Dr. Sherry Tenpenny is a board-certified osteopathic physician and the author of Saying No to Vaccines. Welcome to True News, Ms. Tenpenny. Thank you so much for having me. I appreciate it. I should say welcome back. You were a longtime guest. Rick, obviously, he's very excited that you've decided to join us today. Thank you so much. Ma'am, it's not just Afghanistan that are on the minds of most Americans. I think many are facing down a mandate right now, those both in the health care field,
Starting point is 00:02:21 maybe even the military. We're coming up on a one-month deadline for that. What is your message to healthcare workers right now that are either still speaking up, staying quiet, but know they're not going to get the vaccine? Stay the line. Stand firm and stay the line. We know that this vaccine, as we call it, what you're calling it, it's actually not a vaccine. That word has been co-opted by the pharmaceutical industry because people are familiar with the word vaccine. They're used to flu shots and shingles shots and pneumonia shots and the vaccine schedule for children. And so they've co-opted that word in calling this a vaccine, but it's not.
Starting point is 00:03:06 We call it a shot or an injection because it's an injection of messenger RNA wrapped in chemicals never injected into human beings before, creating a spike protein that, to my knowledge, may not even match the spike protein on the original SARS-CoV-2 virus for which the vaccine was created. So if that's the case, if the virus has morphed and the spike protein has modified and has shifted to a mutant format, the shots that were made back in the Pfizer and Moderna shot were released in December of 2020. The J&J shot, which has double-stranded DNA in it, was released in February of 2021. And here we are in August of 2021. The antibody that's created doesn't even match the spike protein on the various mutants that are out there and on the SARS-CoV-2 virus, if it even still exists anymore, because we dropped the curve so low that people were not getting sick by that virus anymore. The CDC has dropped back on the testing and they've modified it and they are targeting the unvaccinated. I mean,
Starting point is 00:04:25 the despicable things that are happening in relationship to this infection, this shot, the fallout from the shot, the deaths from the shot, the injuries from the shot. And yet there's this full court press now to get all healthcare workers injected, to get the entire military, even the Coast Guard injected, to get all of our college students injected, getting all of our athletes injected in order to participate in sports is absolutely criminal. It absolutely should not be happening. This is an experimental product issued for emergency use only, and we don't even have the emergency anymore. I mean, what's happening that has been
Starting point is 00:05:05 released on humanity is just truly, in my opinion, a crime against all of humanity. Well, Dr. Tempani, a crime against humanity, it pulls back to the thought about war crimes. There is a need, certainly, after, if we can make it through this without either taking the vaccine, risking our own life, or being placed in something I saw today called a vaccin-tration camp model that the Australians are putting together. They actually have a government document laying out what it would look like to put and quarantine those who refuse to get the shot, this vaccination camp. Well, the thing I think a lot of people are looking at, Dr. Tenpenny, is that they're trying to decide right now.
Starting point is 00:05:48 The country is clearly frustrated. There's enough people that are angry about this that I think that there's even hesitation to force a mandate even at health care workers. But the weird part is every time the government goes to move for mass vaccination campaign, you mentioned going back to the beginning of the year, March was when we first started seeing the, quote, spikes in infection rates of those sick. And it coincided with high infection, rather high vaccination rates in southern states and other states around the country. They told us that's just a that's just a correlation. That's just a coincidence. What did you make of that? They told us that's just a correlation. That's just a coincidence.
Starting point is 00:06:26 What did you make of that? Well, we've known from the beginning when Dr. Michael Yadin, Ph.D., who was the whistleblower from Pfizer, a longstanding researcher and virologist, and several other virologists that spoke out in Europe saying, we're vaccinating into a pandemic. We're vaccinating into an active infection, and we're going to put pressure on those viruses to morph, modify, and create what we call mutants. So as we vaccinated into that, the virus morphed and shifted out laterally, and now we've got more problem than we would have ever had. Back when they started trying to create a coronavirus injection, a coronavirus vaccine, back in 2003 and 2004,
Starting point is 00:07:12 every time that they would inject the experimental animals with a coronavirus vaccine, they would end up with a very high antibody response. And the researchers at first said, wow, that's great. That's exactly what we want. Now let's see if that high antibody response keeps these animals from getting sick when they get re-exposed to garden variety coronaviruses. And what happened is that antibody, which instead of being a neutralizing antibody, which means it would glob onto the virus and make it go away,
Starting point is 00:07:42 instead it would just loosely bind to the virus and drag it go away. Instead, it would just loosely bind to the virus and drag it into the cell, and it would start replicating, and the animals would end up with a worse infection, and many of them died in the first three years. All of them were dead within the first five years than they would have ever had if they had not been vaccinated in the first place. That phenomenon is referred to antibody-dependent enhancement, ADE, antibody-dependent enhancement. We know that it exists for coronaviruses, and we're very certain that those of us
Starting point is 00:08:15 who've been sounding the alarm about these injections, I've done almost 470 interviews since March of 2020 to get people informed and educated about what's coming through that needle and why they should be saying no, that this whole issue of antibody-dependent enhancement is really real. People who got the shot, when they get re-exposed to coronaviruses, are going to get sicker, much sicker, than if they had not had the shot to begin with. There's a research organization called SAGE, S-A-G-E, in the UK. They came out with a report about two months ago now
Starting point is 00:08:50 that said that coming this fall, when there's a third wave, which there's going to be, and that could be mutants, that could be just garden-variety coronaviruses that are back in circulation, which cause about 20% of flu-like illness every single year. When we get this uptick of coronaviruses and influenza, those people who've had two shots, two of the COVID shots, that 65 to 70% of those are likely to be hospitalized or die. Now, SAGE is the modeling agency out of the UK. They work with the UK equivalent of what our CDC would be here in the US.
Starting point is 00:09:29 And they have charts and graphs and they show that, and that's all related to this concept of antibody dependent enhancement. When people have an antibody from the shot, they're going to get much sicker when they get re-exposed to those viruses than they would have ever gotten if they would have not had the injections at all. That's an incredible, I guess, scenario you've laid out, Dr. Tempe, because in a way, I'm not a doctor. So my understanding of it is that is it because it's synthetic in that sense? sense. It's an artificial immunity that's been given through what we're not calling a vaccine, but the treatment, the therapeutic, the experimental concoction that they're giving. That vaccine or that experimental concoction is causing a reaction, which is not long lasting, artificial, and actually could be deadly. But if you do get one of the mutant strains or the
Starting point is 00:10:21 original strain, you've developed natural antibodies. These are longer lasting. Is that a correct understanding of it? You've kind of mixed a whole bunch of things together there. So let's kind of unpack that a little bit. If you have natural infection to this virus, you've had COVID and you've recovered from it, your body has experienced fever, cough, shortness of breath. You've engaged both arms of your immune system and you've battled back this infection of this virus and that creates a natural type of antibody to a natural infection.
Starting point is 00:11:00 When you get a shot, when you get one of the Pfizer, Moderna, or the J&J shots, or for your international audience, the AstraZeneca shot, when you get that shot, that shot leads to to that injection should identify a spike protein on an existing coronavirus and neutralize it. But that's not what's happened. For one thing, the spike protein that's being made by the injection or by the shots, we're now pretty confident has morphed or changed and doesn't even exist in circulation anymore because the viruses have mutated. So now you've got an antibody that is a non-neutralizing antibody that when it gets exposed to a coronavirus, instead of globbing onto it and eliminating it, it drags it into the cell and allows it to start to replicate. And with any virus, what makes you sick is when it can get inside of your cells to start to replicate. And with any virus, what makes you sick is when it can get inside of your cells and start to replicate and have a large volume of viruses,
Starting point is 00:12:13 a large quantity of viruses. So the natural infection that people said, oh, I had COVID, I was really sick for about two or three weeks, because we know that the death rate from COVID globally, let me rephrase that know that the death rate from COVID globally, let me rephrase that, that the recovery rate from COVID from actually having this infection, that 99.3% of people who contract the natural infection, their body fights it off and they recover. They develop an antibody. Now, if you have had COVID and you have a positive antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 and you proceed to get an injection, it is actually known that people who've had coronavirus infection and recovered and then decide to get the shot are going to have somewhere between a two and four times increased risk of serious side effects, including possibly even death. We know there was just a lawsuit that was filed recently by Tom Rents in federal court through a federal whistleblower that we got this from government databases that 45,000 people in this country
Starting point is 00:13:20 died within three days of getting a COVID shot. 45,000. Now think about that. If you live in a community like the community that I used to live in here in Ohio had about 70,000 people. What if suddenly looking across your neighborhood, half of the people were dead because they got a COVID shot? Well, we consider that to be a real genocide. I think the numbers, we've actually heard this from Dr. Peter McCullough, also the number 45,000. And I'm actually been talking to a whistleblower right now that's yet to be named, who's an insider at Pfizer,
Starting point is 00:13:58 who called and was crying and said, that 45,000 number, I have documentation that, and I haven't seen it yet, so at this point in time, it's still hearsay, that I've got documentation that that number's closer to 200,000 people that have died within a week or less of getting one of the shots. 200,000? And there's a new word that I just looked up. Somebody introduced me to this word the other day and I looked it up. Domicide. Genocide is killing off a particular population of people.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Like genocide would have been like the Jews during World War II or a group of American Indians or the Kurds. That would be like genocide. This word, domicide, D-E-M-O-S-C-I-D-E, is randomly killing people just for the sake of killing them. And that's actually what's happening. It's absolute madness. So you, hi, Dr. Tempenny. My name is Lauren Witsky. I have a question for you.
Starting point is 00:14:59 So you had mentioned before about these trials ran on animals before, and you said within five years that these animals were dead. All of them were dead. So was it I mean, it was from the shop, but was it their immune systems had just collapsed by that point? Or what was it that ended up killing these animals? And do you expect that to be the case with human beings who have been given the COVID-19 concoction? Well, it's my understanding that in the first three years after these animals, it was all the mammals that they tried it on. Ferrets, monkeys, rabbits, hamsters. Seems as though there was one other mammal group that they tried it on. Maybe it was
Starting point is 00:15:40 mice. That they got seriously sick because of the antibody-dependent enhancement. And as soon as they were, because remember, the researchers saw this really high antibody response, which is the goal of a vaccine program, get a high antibody response, because ostensibly that antibody is supposed to keep you from getting sick. So they saw this really high antibody response. They go, yeah, it's working. So now we know that it works in terms of creating antibodies. Let's see if it keeps the animals from getting sick. And when they re-exposed the animals to the coronavirus,
Starting point is 00:16:15 it just blew the viruses into the cage, the animals got deathly sick and died. That's the antibody-dependent enhancement I just explained. Because as soon as they got re-exposed, instead of that antibody protecting them and neutralizing that virus, they dragged the virus into the cell and it started to replicate. So they ended up with this antibody dependent enhancement, very virulent infection. And they probably died of like what we would call a cytokine storm, that their body just went into this overdrive of rampant infection. And then the rest of the chronic disease kicked in,
Starting point is 00:16:52 and I was told by one of the study investigators that all the animals were dead within five years, and they generally don't publish that study. This was told to me by somebody who was an insider who was part of it. The other part is that what we're the second part of your question, you know, I've identified 40, four zero mechanisms of injury of how these shots will make you chronic, can make you chronically sick or even kill you. And we divide those into four categories. The first category is acute illness and probable death, which is anaphylactic shock, heart attack, or stroke. Or the people that died within the first three days of getting this injection,
Starting point is 00:17:35 probably of some sort of anaphylactic reaction or some sort of cytokine storm that happened. That's category one. Category two is all the different things that the spike protein can actually do after your body manufactures the spike protein after you've been injected by one of the COVID shots. Some of the things that we know that the spike protein can do, it can cause cardiomyopathy.
Starting point is 00:18:00 And we've heard about all the teenagers that are in the hospital with cardiomyopathies. In one week, that number went from 2,800 to 3,750 hospitalized teenagers from getting a shot they don't ever, ever need. The second part, so we know that the spike protein attacks the heart, attacks the blood vessels, causes microcirculation clots. It can also, within the first 48 hours, be gathered into ovaries of girls, and we don't know what the long-term ramifications of that is going to be. We know it causes rashes and scrotal discomfort and testicular discomfort in little boys. We know that the spike protein can punch holes in the blood-brain barrier and cross into the brain and cause disruptions of proteins and enzymes in the brain and on and on and on. There's like nine or ten different mechanisms of how the spike protein can make you sick.
Starting point is 00:18:56 The second thing is the antibody itself that's created can attack up to 60, six, zero different tissue types in your body and lead to autoimmune reactions. The fourth category is sort of a catch-all of things like autoimmune illnesses, suppressing your immune system, causing chronic inflammation. So there are 40 that I've identified so far. And if I've been able to come up with 40 just by reading the medical literature, I think there's probably more than that. And in fact, I'm going to be publishing on my website. My website is It's just The first ebook is up there. It's the, that was, I published this in May. It was the 20 Mechanisms of Injury. Probably by tonight or tomorrow, the second e-book, which is 20 more Mechanisms of Injury, will be published up on the website so people can download these. And every single one of the assertions that I've said has an article,
Starting point is 00:19:57 a mainstream medical literature article with a hyperlink that you can click on the inside of the e-book and go and read the article for yourself and decide whether or not you think I took something out of context. We've made that totally available to everybody for their own education and information. Dr. Tim Penny, this is Dr. Burkhardt here, and welcome back to True News. Glad to have you back on with us again. One of our viewers asked a question, and maybe you can address this since we're talking about the health responses to the jab here. They ask, can Dr. Tim Penney address people getting thyroid cancer right after the jab? They've seen several reports of that and happened to their
Starting point is 00:20:38 neighbor. Have you seen any correlation with reactions along that line? Well, that goes along with the up to 60. The first article that I read had 28, I believe. It was an article that looked at 55 different tissue types, and 28 out of 55 of them, the antibody created by these shots would attack those tissue types. A few months later, I found an additional article that showed that up to 60, six zero different tissue types can be attacked by the antibody created after you get one of the COVID shots. One of the tissue types is thyroid. One of them is mitochondria. Definitely the heart, the lungs, the liver.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Almost every organ system in your body can be it can be attacked by these antibodies and there's a list of 60. I know that Dr. Ryan Cole had told me that and I believe I got this number correct I think he said that there's been a 32 percent maybe plus or minus a little bit for that but I believe he said 32 percent increase in endometrial cancer that he's seen since these COVID shots came out. I mean, this is travesty. What we've done by responding with this overabundance and issuing this emergency use, this emergency use only shots, you know, to be able to be able to be used with no long term studies, no science to really support what they're actually doing. I mean, we talk about the potential of infertility in both boys and girls. There's a lot
Starting point is 00:22:10 of research, a lot of studies that have been published about the consequence of infertility from the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein attack on the virus attacking the testicle or the spike protein created by the shots. There's been a couple studies that I've seen about the infertility, potential for infertility in women and girls. And at the conclusions of these studies, they said, we have no long-term studies. We don't really even know. I mean, people say, well, can you see that there's been any infertility?
Starting point is 00:22:39 We're not even through one whole year cycle yet. I mean, think about this. And people want specific answers to specific questions, even though the Moderna and the Pfizer shot haven't even been out a year yet. They've only been on the market since December of 2020. They've been out nine months. And the J&J shot came out in February. So they've been out seven months. And everybody wants to know exactly what's happening and what they can do about it. We have no idea. There's no long-term studies on this stuff. We have no idea what happens when you suddenly inject millions of people with an experimental product with chemicals wrapped
Starting point is 00:23:19 around a messenger RNA or a double-stranded DNA molecule that's never been injected into human beings before. We have no idea. Well, Dr. Tenpenny, I think what you're addressing here is, honestly, we have a society that they reject wisdom. You know, often they're looking for the quickest answer. They'll Google something. They'll try to find something online if they can even find voices of wisdom anymore without deplatforming. But honestly, what they're getting is they're getting deception on demand. It's very easy to get the official narrative, an official doctor's response, or even a debunking.
Starting point is 00:23:51 But it's very tough to find voices like yours. That's why we brought you on, Dr. Tempeni. I respect your analysis, the information you're referencing. It's not your opinion. These are scientific studies. Well, this is something I want, two things I want to say before we run out of time. What has not been done? No drug interaction studies,
Starting point is 00:24:14 no vaccine interaction studies. Can you get a COVID shot at the same time you get a shingle shot? We don't know. What about toxicity? The ingredients have never been used in humans before. We don't know whether it causes cancer. We have no studies in pregnancy, but yet we're just going to start giving breastfeeding, we have a set of scattered case reports of children that died after breastfeeding from moms who got the shot. We have no animal offspring studies, so we don't know what
Starting point is 00:24:54 happens generationally with these shots. We have no idea what's happening to the DNA. We don't know if it's causing birth defects, if it's causing mutations of your genetics. But we do know that this shot was designed to be a genetic modification technology that it goes in and it erases and damages the fingerprint, your individual fingerprint that came to you from God. At the point in time when your mama's sperm, your daddy's sperm and your mama's egg came together and that spark of life happened that dna combination there's no other combination like that anywhere on the planet now or in the past that's god's fingerprint of you and naming you as part of god's family at that moment in time of conception and this is a is a is a shot that goes in and modifies your genetics.
Starting point is 00:25:48 So I feel my heart has long been sitting in the place of the people who say they are Christian, but yet they bowed to fear, they bowed to inconvenience, they bowed to, I got to have a job, I need to travel, I need to see my grandkids, fill in the blank on the excuse, rather than turning it over to travel. I need to see my grandkids fill in the blank on the excuse rather than turning it over to God. Wow. Dr. Tim Penny, that's that's profound there, because that speaks to our audience here, a Christian audience here that a lot of people have given in on this and haven't had the courage to stand up to it. Another viewer asked a question here, Dr. Timpenny. Are vaccinated people shedding the virus? You hear that a lot.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Is that happening? No, they're not shedding a virus because the virus is not injected. What they are, they are transmitting probably some genetic material that is made like the spike protein. Some of the double-stranded DNA, they are transmitting something because people who are unvaccinated, when they are around vaccinated people, they are getting sick. They're getting rashes. They're getting cough. They're getting fever. I had an experience where I was exposed to someone and I lost, my tongue got numb. I got numbness in my lips. I had some memory loss for about an hour before I took a whole bunch of ivermectin and vitamin D and went and sat in the
Starting point is 00:27:12 sauna and drank a bunch of water. I have a really good friend who as soon as she hugged someone who was recently vaccinated, went out, left her office, went out in the parking lot, got a horrifying nosebleed. She'd never had a nosebleed in her life, and she almost couldn't get it stopped. We have case reports of children being around vaccinated teachers who they get nosebleeds and their eyes bleed. I have another really good friend who's been around a bunch of vaccinated people who started her period and didn't stop bleeding for almost three months. We have postmenopausal women who are starting to bleed that just by being around
Starting point is 00:27:45 vaccinated people. We have an isolated case report, not verified, but an isolated case report of a 22 month old little girl that spent the weekend with vaccinated grandparents and came home and started bleeding vaginally and passing clots. And I could go on and on and on. What is happening, what we are doing now is the people that are vaccinated are becoming as much of a weapon as the shot themselves. And we also know that the people that are vaccinated are the ones that are more than likely causing these Delta variants, these Lambda, Zeta, you know, XYZ variants that are going to be coming in the future because they put pressure on those viral strains. And something is happening that they're creating. They're creating horrible symptomatology in the unvaccinated. And we don't know exactly what it is yet. We know it's something because thousands of people are complaining about it and talking about it.
Starting point is 00:28:40 And so something is happening. The most important thing that I think anybody can do to protect their health these days, number one is pray. Get your life right with God. Thank you, Dr. Tim Penney. The Lord can heal anything. Your days were numbered before you ever even came on this planet. So whether you're going to die of COVID or run over by a bus or be 105 years old and die when you're sleeping, the Lord is here to protect you. Do not bow to the pharmakia and a pharmaceutical product in exchange for the blood of Jesus Christ and the love of God. Don't do it. And if you did, you've got some serious forgiveness work to do with the
Starting point is 00:29:19 Lord because you bowed to that product and trusted the pharmakia before you trusted God and decided you were going to wear a mask and be horribly fearful. So number one, that is the most important thing you can do. From a biochemical standpoint, you need to get your vitamin D as in David, vitamin D level checked. And that number needs to be somewhere between 80 and 100. And number three, everybody needs to have access to ivermectin. I just read a paper that came out last month that has 26 mechanisms of how ivermectin can be used prophylactically and early on in your infection. And you can get that most readily across the country by FL, if you go to Thank you so much, Dr. Tenpenny.. If you go to Thank you so much. Thank you so much,
Starting point is 00:30:11 Dr. Tenpenny. We have to go to break. We're going to go to Kerry Kinsey. Today's True News Headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. Fox News says the Florida Board of Education will sanction two public school districts that are mandating mask wearing, defying the governor's executive order banning such requirements. The districts are Alachua and Broward. National Review says the Biden administration plans to extend mask mandates for travelers through January 18th. That applies to airplanes, trains and buses and at airports and train stations. NBC News says Pope Francis is urging people to get vaccinated. The network says he's calling it an act of love. autorizadas por las autoridades competentes es un acto de amor y ayudar a que la mayoría de la
Starting point is 00:31:07 gente lo haga es un acto de amor amor a uno mismo amor a los familiares y amigos amor a todos los pueblos el amor es también social y político hay amor social y amor político es universal siempre desbordante de pequeños gestos de caridad personal capaces de transformar y mejorar las sociedades. But people in San Diego say the jab is not improving their community. KUSI TV says many are not on board with vaccine mandates for their employees. Here's what one man said to Nathan Fletcher, who's the chair of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. This covid pandemic has ended. Nathan Fletcher.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Well, Mahoudan, we realize where you're getting your commands or your dictates from. Nathan Fletcher, we realize what you're doing too. We are here as your constituents to tell you this is over. San Diego is no longer under your rule of thumb. Nathan Fletcher, you need to know we're coming for you too. There has been a recall that's been started for one dictator. There will be another if necessary. Your constituents are here, Nathan. Do you see them? They're up here, Nathan. Are you looking?
Starting point is 00:32:37 They're making noise, Nathan. Do you see them? This must be difficult for you because your authority is being pummeled by the people. For information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's The Gateway Pundit says Australia will build what they call a mandatory quarantine accommodation to hold up to 3,000 in isolation. It's set to open its first phase in early 2022. Much better than a health hotel, right? Checking in on a positive case at Greystains.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Police in full PPE. As they break the news to Gabriel Chaloub, he's off to a health hotel. I went and got tested for peace of mind. Didn't get a text message that I'm positive or negative. And about a week after, I've got police calling me. So I don't know, maybe it's a mix-up. Confused but happy to comply, the concreter heads off for an indefinite stay.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Dr. Joseph Mercola says the CDC is guilty of a little fuzzy math in an article on He claims by using statistics from a time period when the U.S. was largely unvaccinated, the CDC is now claiming we're in a pandemic of the unvaccinated. He says they're trying to demonize those who still haven't taken the experimental gene modification injection. Mercola writes to achieve those statistics, the CDC included hospitalization and mortality data from January through June of 2021. He says it does not include more recent data or data related to the Delta variant. That's a look at True News headlines. Thank you for watching. right now is about 200,000 dead from the vaccination. On top of that, she outright
Starting point is 00:34:45 called for Christians who've been vaccinated to repent of that because they might have actually hurt those around them, their loved ones. There could be a side of storm of side effects caused just by the vaccinated. You know, that was the first doctor of any note on the anti-vax side that I've actually heard say those words. Now, this is something I've believed that if you've been vaccinated, you need to repent. You need to ask the Lord to forgive you. I have respected Dr. Tim Penney for decades. I think I first interviewed her on True News about 20 years ago, and she's always been outspoken, always in the forefront, always years ahead of others.
Starting point is 00:35:31 And I've just, anytime I hear somebody quote Dr. Timpenny, I tell them, that's information you can take to the bank. She knows what she's talking about. And she knows the Lord Jesus Christ. That's the most important thing. It was a great interview. Hey, I've got something to share with our audience. So this is becoming like the true news soap opera.
Starting point is 00:35:59 We've had some drama this week regarding Mike Lindell's cyber symposium that was held last week in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. So all of you know the controversy that erupted when Mr. Lindell multiple times this week said that True News infiltrated the meeting and brought Antifa into the meeting and other things. So it was just an astounding accusation. And I just couldn't figure out where this is coming from. So Mr. Lindell called me today. And Mike and I had a very frank and cordial, brotherly conversation today. First of all...
Starting point is 00:36:48 So you spoke with Mike Lindell? Absolutely, yeah, yeah. He called. And I'll tell you this. So we prayed together. There's no animosity between him and me. And as he talked, things started to become well let's just say more more interesting he believes that he was set up in fact what he believes is that we
Starting point is 00:37:16 were both set up that there was there was a a plan that was carried out that would cause him to accuse True News of doing things at his conference. Now, he made it very clear. When he spoke, there was no mistaken identity. He said, when I said True News, I meant you guys. Wow. Yeah, it wasn't a, there's been some talk back and forth. He didn't mean you guys, even though Brandon House corrected him and everything and said, you's been some talk back and forth. He didn't mean you guys, even though Brandon House, you know, corrected him and everything. He said, you're not the true news in Florida. But the information that was given to him was an accusation against us. I'm not going to give the details of our conversation yet because I don't speak on things like this until I have gathered as many facts as I can gather and then present the case. not verified or you tip off people who can hide the evidence or change their story.
Starting point is 00:38:30 But it does sound like somebody was at his event using our name. Okay, so he and I are doing, we're now jointly working together and we're sharing information. He's passing information to me. I'm passing information to him. We are specifically looking at certain individuals. And so there is, there's some flame where the smoke is coming from. Okay. some flame where the smoke is coming from. What he's concerned about is that he was put into a position to accuse us, to attack us, and as though there were, let's say, a plan
Starting point is 00:39:20 to cause division and strife. I had never met Mr. Lindell, never spoke to him. This was my first conversation with him. But obviously it created a controversy and made a lot of national news. So just keep watching the True News soap opera. We'll have more drama later this week, maybe next week. But there's something to this story, but we're still putting all the pieces together. Now, Mr. Lindell has appeared on several outlets,
Starting point is 00:39:50 including his own today, and has gone out of his way, in fact, bent over backwards to say this True News was not involved in any way as an organization, not involved in any way in an attempt to hamper the cyber symposium or do anything like that. He was on his own platform on Lindell TV, Frank's speech this morning. and we have a sound bite from his well his explanation on Bannon's war room today about the situation with true news but and before we watch it I just want to say that you know I I'm pretty good at discerning people's spirits when they when I'm having conversations with them and uh mr lindell uh his his spirit was
Starting point is 00:40:48 truly grieved and broken he wasn't faking it um his voice started to crack on the phone as almost ready to cry he he profusely apologized and uh you prayed together, too. We prayed together. And when I heard the true regret in his voice, I said, Mike, let's just pray. Let's just put this behind us. But he said, I've been up all night. He goes, it's just really bothered me that I said these things. And I'm not sure right now what's going on. And so that's after we prayed, that's when we began to work through the information that he had. And I gave him some information. And then literally while he and I were talking. Somebody on his staff literally interrupted him with more information that clicked something with me.
Starting point is 00:41:52 And I said, oh, now we're on to something. And so there were some clues. And, again, we're sharing information with each other. We're trying to figure out who the players are in this little drama but i'm gonna tell you mike lindell was given he was given information he was told to accuse true news okay there's a plan here and we'll get to the bottom of it. The Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will reveal it. There's no doubt in my mind, the Holy Spirit will reveal it.
Starting point is 00:42:28 And all this has done is, is really what Satan was intending for bad, for evil. God turns around, uses it for good. And those who are involved in nefarious schemes and plots, will get out it and their plans spoil. So anyhow, this is Mike Lindell on Steve Bannon's War Room today.
Starting point is 00:42:52 But the symposium really, really exposed a lot of the attackers, a lot of the things that have been going on. But one of the things I want to tell out here nationally, I was on the phone. You know, I went out and talked about True News. True News and Brandon, when I was on his show, he said, now this is not the true news in Florida. Hold it, hold it. This is Brandon House, the director. Yes, the one that does all the shows with you. And so when he said that, I talked to him off air, and I went back and checked. And then also I called Rick Wiles this morning from True News, and we got on the phone for quite a while.
Starting point is 00:43:39 It was, and we prayed together. We were both set up. It was a huge setup. And we are together. We were both set up. It was a huge set up. And we are brothers in Christ. Hang on a second. What do you mean set up? And the question is, if you set up, I think you've got to answer, given how serious this is, how serious the charges you're making,
Starting point is 00:43:58 how did a guy as savvy, tough, and smart as Mike Lindell allow himself to be set up? Well, it was both. This is like living inside of a spy movie, everybody. You bring in, just like our red team was brought in, and then you find out this Josh Merritt was on there. And, I mean, this is all tying to different, like was it all a big old, the whole thing where they all set it up together, or was it all a big old um the whole thing where they all they all set it up together or was it different pieces um we are we are now but with specifically on true news i want to go
Starting point is 00:44:34 you know completely go public here both of us were set up and we're going to say we're both looking into this we don't want to really give out specific steve because it really this would have done huge damage to their church i want to to tell everyone right now, this is one of the most amazing places you can go to go to true And you guys and get, you know, help them out. I mean, I feel terrible that we were, but we were both completely set up. And we're going to put out all the details we can this afternoon. I'm going to actually go on to the show. You and Rick Wiles, somehow somebody set you up about something that happened in the symposium,
Starting point is 00:45:14 and you guys are going to come forward and give people more information about what that was so they can make an independent judgment. That's right. I actually went out publicly and said that True News had did this, this, this and this. And because I got that from my my counterintelligence team. And and then when I called him, we found out that there was also you'll find out it was that, you know, when these when these people signed up to go to the symposium, there's a lot of. I understand that. But doesn't that raise doesn't that raise questions about your counter? If this is now you're kissing and making up, does that say something about your counterintelligence team? But you'll get to the bottom of that.
Starting point is 00:45:48 No, no, no. I want to bring in another thing. Yeah. Steve, I'm going, I've never, I did everything I could to prepare for this, but the attacks are so big and so go so vast. You don't, you go, you look at this, you go, who do you trust here? Who do you trust here? And this goes to tell you the bottom line is this they do not want me to get this information to the Supreme Court
Starting point is 00:46:14 There's a lot in there Rick a lot mention of just a little bite of the whole segment and so about that his counterintelligence advisors gave him information. And we're going to see where this goes. Look, I my view is Mike Lindell is an honest businessman. He's a pillow manufacturer who employs a lot of people and does a great business. And as a citizen, he got involved in the 2020 election because he saw corruption, but he had no idea. The level of corruption.
Starting point is 00:46:53 The level of corruption and how evil and wicked and dirty these players are. And he's getting an education. I've been at this for 22 years. I've pretty much turned into a grumpy old man. I can't stop laughing. But listen, because you just come to the place, you go, it's crooked. All right.
Starting point is 00:47:20 They're evil. They're wicked. All right. What do evil people do? Evil things. Evil things. Evil things. Once you come to that realization, you kind of get over the shock of it. I think Mike Lindell's at the place that he's in shock that the evil is being committed. Because most Americans, most citizens are like that. They just have no idea how much evil is going on around them. And as when you start bumping up against it,
Starting point is 00:47:47 you find out how ugly that thing is. That is actually deeper than the election fraud. Oh, much deeper than the election fraud. I think you probably had the conversation with Mr. Lindell, Mike. It probably goes a lot deeper than just the 2020 election. It goes right to the very heart of who we are as a nation. Bill and Del, Mike, it probably goes a lot deeper than just the 2020 election. It goes right to the very heart of who we are as a nation.
Starting point is 00:48:08 It does. And in fact, former President Trump was on, actually he was on Sean Hannity's show last night. I did not see that one, but I heard him this morning on Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business. And President Trump actually used the word cabal and said the cabal is running Joe Biden. Just let this sink in. The former president of the United States, the immediate former president, said a cabal is running the country. OK, so what if what if Dwight Eisenhower said about Jack Kennedy, a cabal is running Jack Kennedy or or, you know, George W. Bush would have said a cabal is running Barack Obama. Right. Would that have been news?
Starting point is 00:49:10 That would have been headline news. He said President Trump said a cabal is running the Biden administration. Yes. And cabal comes from cabala. Cabala. Cabala. And the thing about President Trump's statement, he was challenged on this. And even the former president wouldn't name specifics. You got to think about this. How
Starting point is 00:49:31 powerful could this be? That he's afraid the president is afraid to say who it is. Yes. This is his statements today on Maria Bartiromo, Fox Business. Is there a chance, is there a chance this massive misstep in Afghanistan gets in the way of Biden's economic agenda getting through? Do you think now people will think twice about voting for this? Yeah, there is a chance because I think he's lost such credibility that, but he's not running government anyway. They have a cabal that runs government, a group of people who's running government who's running it mr president who do you think is in charge i don't want to say right now uh but they use their prosecutors to get people they prosecute people
Starting point is 00:50:16 and yet the son doesn't get prosecuted and you take a look at what that what he's done so the president again the former president, though we're looking at these events, Mike Lindell, even many in the country still see President Trump as their leader. He is saying a cabal is running. Joe Biden's administration is handling him. And on top of that is placing judges, placing law enforcement officials in places of power.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Prosecutors. Prosecutors. To go after the honest. That's when you know the system in places of power. Prosecutors. Prosecutors. To go after the honest. That's when you know the system is really in power. When the corrupt start wearing the badge and they start investigating and arresting and imprisoning the honest. Right. So who do you think that President Trump thinks is the cabal, Rick?
Starting point is 00:51:04 The people who are not is the cabal, Rick? The people who are not in his cabal. It's a safe answer. There's not one cabal. There are multiple. Yes. Multiple. And I think that's the toughest thing for people to digest.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Yes. They think it's just one giant entity. They're competing entities. Right. They're snakes fighting against each other, biting. Think of a basket full of snakes. It's such a snake pit. You've got a snake pit, and they're all fighting at each other.
Starting point is 00:51:36 So that's really what you've got. And so our elections are really just, we just switch out one. Cabal for another. Yes. That's really what it comes down to. But he did say it. Yes, and it started a new, I think, a new campaign for him. Even if President Trump doesn't run, what's happening in Afghanistan and what's happening just in general in the country, the mistrusting government, he's got a new message. He looks different.
Starting point is 00:52:04 He sounds different. On top of the interviews he gave yesterday and today, Rick, he also put out a statement by email. And again, this would have been on any other day a lead story. We're led with the whole program. A former president is causing the current president illegitimate. This is the message that Donald Trump set out on his Save America Pact email today. He said, It's interesting he used that phrase, illegimately elected isn't it Rick? Yes once again we have the former president calling the current president an illegitimate president. I don't think this has ever happened in the history of the USA. Usually presidents are quiet at
Starting point is 00:53:01 least don't criticize the current administration. Well, Obama was the only president in my lifetime, former president, to criticize a current sitting president. He changed the rules because the protocol was former presidents go play golf and they just stay out of the limelight. The only thing they do is cut ribbons and, you know, attend ceremonial events and write books and memoirs, but they don't criticize the sitting president. But President Trump did more than criticize the sitting president. He said that the sitting president, Joe Biden, is illegitimate, meaning he was not elected through legal means. Right. And number two, he's controlled by a secret cabal.
Starting point is 00:53:51 How do you move beyond that? I mean, you have to stop and deal with what the former president said. Illegitimate president run by a cabal. Now, if we had been, You always like to flip the script. If we'd been looking at Russia and the accusation was that President Putin was illegitimately elected,
Starting point is 00:54:14 that he was being run by a cabal. We'd want to know who were the secret power players in the Kremlin. He was controlling the nukes in Russia. So, the Russians know who the cab controlling the nukes in Russia. So, the Russians know who the cabal is. They're not dumb. I know.
Starting point is 00:54:32 I saw an interview with, oh, I read it several years ago with Vladimir Putin and he just said, look, here in Russia we know that the U.S. elections really don't decide who the president is. That things never change. Regardless of who the president is, that things never change. Regardless of who the president is, things don't change.
Starting point is 00:54:49 They know it. They got it down that there is a secret shadow government. But it's it's not secret anymore. It's out in the open. There are so many people who know about it that they have to. They've been forced to come out and show their presence right and you now have to decide whether you like it or you dislike it you can't pretend anymore that there's not a shadow government you got a lot of people in this country who actually
Starting point is 00:55:18 have the mindset yeah i know that there's a shadow government i'm okay with it yeah you know they're okay i'm i'm not i'm government. I'm OK with it. Yeah, they're OK. I'm not I'm not going to be upset with it. One other thing that just happened. I heard this this morning. Florida U.S. Senator Rick Scott, Republican. Has called on the cabinet of Joe Biden to remove President Biden from the White House, invoking the 25th Amendment. This is a big story. This is big. A U.S. senator from the state of Florida, former governor of this state, calling for the removal of Joe Biden because of gross incompetence in Afghanistan. And you think about this topic, it's got bipartisan support. The president has not had defense from his party on the subject of the Afghan withdrawal.
Starting point is 00:56:09 It's a complete mess. It's still ongoing. I mean, today we've now found that 40,000 Americans are stranded, not just in Kabul. They're saying throughout Afghanistan. There are 40,000 Americans. And these aren't troops. Not troops. Citizens. 40,000 citizens, according to embassy documents, who were in the country, have no record of them leaving the country. And again, it's not just the capital. They're all over the country, specifically in remote areas.
Starting point is 00:56:35 And Biden is going to abandon them. While we're bringing in Afghans. Yes, we're bringing. How many Afghans is the U.S. government bringing to the U.S.? Officially, they said about 22,000 to 24,000, mostly males, not families. I'm sure it's well above that. Is it mostly government soldiers? There's a large portion of former ANA, Afghan National Army, that have been moved out of the country.
Starting point is 00:56:59 The pictures we're seeing coming into, like, for example, Fort Bliss down in Texas or Maryland, D.C. Texas is another place, you know, obviously taking in refugees. It's, I'd say, a scatterplot of individuals who claim to simply be refugees seeking asylum. We don't even know who these people are, but we do know about the Americans. Just on that point, I'm sure those Americans aren't just Republicans. So Biden got 20 some thousand Afghan males, most likely Afghan soldiers. He got them into the United States, but he's going to abandon 40,000 American citizens and leave them behind to fend for themselves. You know, I can't do
Starting point is 00:57:40 anything about the Afghans that they brought in, but I hope they relocate them to Delaware. Well, Governor Kemp of Georgia was inviting a bunch of them there to just the state above us. Does he need them in the 22 election? I guess so. Extra votes. But, hey, put them in the state of Joe Biden. Put them in Delaware. They might be doing that, actually. Dover Air Force Base.
Starting point is 00:58:03 There's a story Lauren was showing me yesterday that that was one of the places we sent cargo planes out of to pick up basically refugees, hopefully some citizens along with it. Rick, on top of this, General Milley is in the news again. As we speak, he's actually lying. Is he resigning? Not resigning, but he is once again coming against the sitting president. In this case, he is saying, along with the secretary of defense, that they warned Joe Biden. They warned Joe Biden's cabinet. They said, you need to keep troops in Afghanistan or the whole country is going to collapse.
Starting point is 00:58:35 The Taliban will take it over. What he's saying is he was warned ahead of time, which now puts you in the situation. Why did Joe Biden ignore it? Well, General Marxist Milley defied President Trump multiple times. Yes, but he did not defy Joe Biden. I'm just following orders now. Yes, he's following orders. So Milley should resign as a matter of principle. This debacle happened under his watch. History will record this is a Biden-Milley disaster.
Starting point is 00:59:08 And Milley should be the first to resign. Then Biden should resign. Well, Rick, we're hearing from the deputy press secretary that intelligence reports were given to the Biden administration. We're also hearing that Kamala Harris, the vice president, refused to come out and do a press conference on Sunday and has tried essentially to stay out of this story. The subject of the 25th Amendment that Senator Scott brought up, Rick, it may not be unfounded. It may actually be very realistic to what's happening right now in the White House. If you think things are incompetent now, just wait till Kamala Harris becomes the president. You're going to see incompetency at a level we've never witnessed in this country.
Starting point is 00:59:54 She doesn't have the slightest idea how to be the president of the United States. But you're going to have her for about three years unless they can find a way to get her out. And then we get Nancy Pelosi. Rick, we have some more to share on this subject. And, well, God forbid Nancy Pelosi becomes president. But first, we have Kerry Kinsey with some more True News Headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. Fox News reporting that the State Department is telling Americans in Afghanistan to shelter in place until they hear from the U.S. embassy there.
Starting point is 01:00:26 The Pentagon says there are up to 10,000 American citizens near Kabul. But some flights are resuming. The New York Post says a Turkish Airlines plane flew into Kabul and left with 300 passengers. Military flights are back on as the U.S. sends additional troops to secure the perimeter. For information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's Fox News says biotech CEO Vivek Ramaswamy is cracking on Twitter for allowing the Taliban to tweet while banning others like Donald Trump. Yeah, look, the hypocrisy is staggering.
Starting point is 01:01:08 And these companies are the most powerful companies, I believe, in human history. And they have now turned their back on America. And this is actually not only one of the themes I talk about in my book. This is one of the themes that we ought to appreciate as an American people right now is that the companies that we have produced are not advancing American interests one bit. And the discussion about their terms of use or their terms of service really is just a smokescreen for being able to do whatever allows them to aggregate the most power on a given day. And the fact that they are now advancing the Taliban's ability to stage a coup while the 45th president of the United States cannot access the stained platform, says how far we've come since 20 years ago. National file reporting that Vice President
Starting point is 01:01:51 Kamala Harris refused to stand alongside Joe Biden as he addressed the nation on the Afghanistan chaos. She allegedly said, you will not pin this bull hockey on me. This despite her massive role in Biden's U.S. troop withdrawal decision. The VP plans a Vietnam visit next week, despite comparisons between Kabul and the fall of Saigon in 1975 that I remember so well. Tucker Carlson says that America is becoming a Soviet society. He says we're putting a priority of conformity and obedience to government over freedom of behavior and thought. He made the comments on Sirius XM. But we don't ever. It's such a Soviet society now that what we celebrate is team joiners you know oh look this guy got the vaccine yeah right it's like insane it's insane and the last thing i'll say and this is the saddest realization that
Starting point is 01:02:55 i've made in the last couple years is that propaganda works you look at the polling you can tell people almost anything and like some percentage of them would be like well yeah i mean i saw it on nbc news and of course that's why they do it but it's still you know if you thought this was a really independent minded country with a bunch of flinty mavericks in it it's kind of distressing to see that sounds like he nailed it let's look at true news headlines thank you for watching. The new Prazer app includes an interactive dashboard, hand-curated categories, offline listening, search for music, create custom playlists, and much more. Pre-register today at and get the first month free. The new interactive Prazer app will be available soon.
Starting point is 01:03:55 Pre-register today at Something new and exciting is coming this fall. It's a digital platform for young Christian men. The name is God Tribe. God Tribe is diverse, one tribe, many colors. A safe place online for Christian men to be real men. Social media features to connect with other men who love Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Digital campfire conversations, uplifting and inspiring Bible study courses. Register at for more information. God Tribe. Welcome back to True News. Before the break, really in that first hour, you heard from Dr. Tenpenny that there may be 200,000 dead from the COVID vaccines. We also shared that the former president believes a cabal
Starting point is 01:04:47 has taken over the White House. What we were discussing was the prospect of a 25th Amendment, the 25th Amendment from the cabinet. Majority of the cabinet would have to agree to this, overthrowing President Biden constitutionally. Doc, there's a lot going on in the country. Did you see the statement from the deputy press secretary? That statement, Doc, I think is going to end up finding its way into an impeachment hearing. What did he say? So he, this is the former, former staffer in the Democratic Party. He's also now the deputy press secretary for Joe Biden.
Starting point is 01:05:23 He said something very interesting. He said the administration didn't anticipate a Taliban takeover, at least not an immediate one. He said that statement is false. That possibility was in intelligence reports. This is going to be very important. If what this man is saying, this is an official for the Biden White House, that they did know this was possible, this was probable. They even maybe had a plan in place, maybe the plan President Trump had in place
Starting point is 01:05:50 for the May withdrawal. They knew this and they ignored it, which means that anyone who dies, any assets, whether it be the billions of dollars of weapons we've left over there or the 40,000 Americans, let's say even one of them is held hostage, hung from a checkpoint. Their lives are on the Biden administration now, just like the lives of those soldiers at Benghazi, those operatives at Benghazi, one of the hands of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Well, President Biden yesterday, Lauren, I mean, he said we prepared for every contingency. We did not anticipate the speed of some of those contingencies, but they prepared for every contingency, which means, according to what he said, that they prepared for this contingency.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Well, if that's the case, then why weren't the resources in place? Why weren't, you know, the personnel in place and the processes in place in order to, first of all, get Americans out of there? And I'm not opposed to helping Afghans who assisted us, you know, assisted the military there with relocation. If we've made a promise to them, and this is where I'm at on it, if we made a promise to Afghan nationals that if they would help us, we would help them, we would bring them to America. If we made that promise, we need to keep that promise. I truly believe that. Even though I'm against everything we did in Afghanistan, I still believe in keeping a promise. But what's happening is we're bringing Afghan nationals here that we don't know are Afghan nationals.
Starting point is 01:07:31 Yes, and some of them are Afghan soldiers, and they're trying to expedite the vetting process to bring them here. They're trying to get them here as soon as possible. But how do I know the Taliban's not in there? Exactly. We don't know. We don't know. We don't know. And to your point, Doc, it is important to keep your promises. I mean, not just as a nation, but as a believer. I think that keeping our promise in that messy war,
Starting point is 01:07:57 the war that probably should never have happened, but keeping it actually, in a sense, opened the doors for some Christians to come into Afghanistan, set up churches. It's a story that doesn't get talked about at all. I read yesterday there might be the second largest underground church in Afghanistan, and especially in countries in that region. But the point is, the promises were not kept. That's not our opinion. That's Secretary Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Milley, and Secretary Austin. Joint Chiefs of Staff, General May, and Secretary Austin.
Starting point is 01:08:26 This is something that's being said by people in Joe Biden's own camp. And on top of that, too, what do you mean you plan for every contingency? Did you plan for this? I mean, is this the position? You're trying to say, you plan for this. This was the intent. This looks like a plan to me. Your intent was to have those Afghans who could make it to Kabul airport to be surrounding military aircraft, trying to jump on a military aircraft.
Starting point is 01:08:53 Hanging onto a plane. There were men who fell off of this. One man crushed in the landing gear. They found him upon landing. That was planned? I mean, so you say, if I take this correctly, you planned for these men to die? Isn't that manslaughter? Have you seen this where the guy's
Starting point is 01:09:09 taking video from hanging onto the plane? Yes. From his phone? This man might very well have been one of the men that fell. I can't imagine any of the people on the side of the plane made it to landing. They're just lucky, again, the pilot must have been aware that people were jumping on the side because he didn made it to landing. They're just lucky, again, the pilot. The pilot must have been aware
Starting point is 01:09:25 that people were jumping on the side because he didn't go left to right to kind of push people off the side, which would be the military protocol in this sense because you have a weight limit. But the point here is everything you just saw on screen, President Biden's position is all that was planned. We planned for those contingencies.
Starting point is 01:09:42 We wanted Afghans to be pulling into there. We wanted to rush the 82nd Airborne to that airport to protect against the Taliban. We wanted the Taliban to take Kabul. Is that the plan? If that's the plan, you might want to plan on being impeached. You know what's super interesting? President Trump warned. He actually, when Nancy Pelosi was trying to invoke the 25th Amendment on President Trump,
Starting point is 01:10:03 he said, that's not for me. It's going to be for Biden. Do you remember how Andrew, look, they can control the narrative. They can spin this any way they want. But I find it very interesting that even people, the Biden administration, Kamala Harris, General Milley, people that were in Joe Biden's camp before, now even they're like, I don't even want to touch this. And they're collectively giving all responsibility to President Biden. And it's interesting to see because, you know, they control the narrative. They can tell us anything they want.
Starting point is 01:10:31 But they did the same thing with Cuomo. Well, I'm tired of them telling us whatever they want because most of it's propaganda. A lot of it's gaslighting. I mean, think about this. What was one of Joe Biden's planks? I'll call it a plank because these folks are really starting to look like communists. Because we're walking the plank now. We're walking the plank and they appear to be following the planks of the Communist Manifesto.
Starting point is 01:10:51 Wasn't it rights for women? Human rights? You know, the Republicans, they hate women. They're against abortion. They're not for women to have the right to choose and what they do in their lives. They're for women's rights, right? Everyone can agree that's a part of Joe Biden's campaign platform. But what about the rights of the women in Afghanistan? What about the protection of them? At a basic level, I think most men,
Starting point is 01:11:15 those who are actual men, who would say one of the things we do is we help protect women. We help protect our family. You naturally have an instinct to protect women around you. I saw the most disgusting thing today out of Afghanistan. On top of the women who are saying, you know, I have to forget now English I learned, the coding I learned. I'm going to have to stay home. I'm going to have to really forget my former free life that I've had during the American occupation of Afghanistan. There are also now begging soldiers,
Starting point is 01:11:46 begging soldiers to get them out of this country before the Taliban come execute them. And we're bringing in Afghan men who are pushing these women and children out of the way to flee their country and leave them behind. So we're leaving behind the women and children and bringing over a majority. If you look at the planes that are packed full, it's a majority of Afghan men. Right. Overwhelming majority. Overwhelming majority. Overwhelming majority. I mean, we're talking 90 to 10 percent in comparison.
Starting point is 01:12:30 And I have a question about all the Afghan nationals that we're bringing in. Are they getting tested for COVID when they come in? I doubt it. But also, they're not wearing, they're not practicing any type of social distancing. They're not wearing masks, are they? Not that I believe in it, like we need to be doing any of this anyway, but the tyranny that they've been pushing on us for the last year and a half does not apply to migrants, which goes to tell us that it's never been about our health, because if it was, we'd
Starting point is 01:12:58 be seeing the same standard being held. And I heard General Milley the other day, he made a comment about, well, we have to, you know, the collapse in Afghanistan now makes us more susceptible to domestic terror. And our southern border, you know, is now, you know, susceptible to terrorists coming across. Are you kidding me? Now you're worried suddenly about terrorists? And for all we know, you're bringing in plane loads of terrorists because I know they are not checking IDs on these people. There's just no way they're processing the IDs on these people. They're going to say, you want a plane ride? Get on. I mean, you just look
Starting point is 01:13:38 at the planes that are coming out, it's obvious. Well, Doc, for them to test, vet, interview those coming in would provide an unfortunate problem for them, especially if the terrorist variant that some of these individuals are clearly carrying with them, that if that was to be revealed and we actually have some terrorist attacks and attacks on communities, attacks on churches in the country in the next month, next two months, the next year, that would be culpability. That would be liability. Doc, the weird part about this is they're going to carry on the same strategy they've done with coronavirus, with the pandemic, with the gaslighting. What they're going to do is they're going to bring in these Afghans. They already have brought in quite a few. They're then going to tell us
Starting point is 01:14:26 that there is a problem, that we now have to maybe have certain parts of the country that are going to have to maybe go back to another form of lockdown. And they'll give us the solution. The solution is less rights. The solution is you're going to have to maybe pay for the relocation of these individuals.
Starting point is 01:14:42 Give them citizenship. They might be the new DACA recipients. The point of the new DACA recipients. The point of this is it's insanity. And the gaslighting occurs when they force sane people to accept this craziness. And, you know, he had mentioned, you know, if we had made a promise or an agreement with the translators or those that had helped the U.S. government or the U.S. military,
Starting point is 01:15:02 you know, none of us were asked. You know what I'm... Like, they migrate, they make deals with people to bring people over here and have us fund it.S. government or U.S. military, none of us were asked. They migrate, they make deals with people to bring people over here and have us fund it, give them food stamps, taxpayer dollars, but none of us were asked. I was never asked. None of us were asked, that's true. We never should have been in Afghanistan in the first place. It was an immoral, unjust war.
Starting point is 01:15:24 It was a Halliburton war, just plain and simple. They were planning to run this war for 100 years. And for all I know, we still have 80 years left. Okay. We're going to send troops back in. So it's not done. We are not done. As far as I know, we're starting the second 20 years this week. And we'll 20 years from now, we'll be looking back. Remember when the when Kabul fell the first time? Well, you're absolutely right, doctor, to be skeptical of this status quo, because what did we do in Iraq? I think cynical is probably the closer term for me. So I was giving you a little bit of benefit that way. I'm as cynical as you when it comes to these endless wars and the war on terrorism that were never really fully explained
Starting point is 01:16:10 to us about the justification for. But what happened in Iraq? We pulled out of Iraq and then we went back in. It was only about two years later we're now fighting ISIS. This group that had training were the size of giants, as Vladimir Putin,
Starting point is 01:16:27 the Russian president, would call them. We're able to enter Iraq without being destroyed on the roads. They had a plumbing truck from Texas. You remember this? Ridiculous stories, right? But that was, again, the story. And again, you had intervention by the U.S. two years later, even under President Trump's administration. That second iteration of the war carriedS. two years later, even under President Trump's administration. That second iteration, the war carried on. You could say we had a third war in Iraq. But with Afghanistan, I think the part that might be a little bit different is the involvement of world powers. Now, obviously, you had world power involvement in Iraq,
Starting point is 01:16:58 but it was less that they were trying to extract resources other than oil from Iraq, but more about maybe trying to find the justification for the anti-terrorism laws at home and especially the expenditures of military resources. But Afghanistan is unique because of the rare earth minerals. It's unique because of its placement along the one-bought-one road. It's also unique because it gives many of countries that have a significant Islamist population, those that may actually have a tendency to lean toward the beliefs of the Taliban and others, it gives them an excuse to say, well, maybe we can normalize this. For example, Britain today, their army chief, Sir Nick Carter, he said that maybe we should give the Taliban a chance to govern.
Starting point is 01:17:50 Maybe they're different now. Maybe the Taliban. Taliban 2.0. Taliban 2.0. Maybe the Taliban that is tarring people. Literally, they're putting tar on people's faces as punishment. They're whipping people. They're subjugating women, executing them,
Starting point is 01:18:06 hanging people. That Taliban, even now, they're just trying to go through growing pains. Again, this would be the same as a general in our country normalizes. Even the EU has said that if Afghanistan can demonstrate that they're for human rights, the protection of women. The EU will work with them. In fact, why would any country or power bloc be willing to work with Afghanistan? Could it be over the resources in the country? Or again, could this be part of the shift? Well, and let's keep in mind that it was the Trump administration that made the initial agreements there with the Taliban.
Starting point is 01:18:54 And so, of course, this has gone on for four administrations now since George W. Bush, Cheney years. And Dick Cheney, he believed in a 100-year war. And, you know, because there were so many resources to be captured, and that was part of it. And they didn't even know the potential of the rare earth minerals at that time. So, yeah, Afghanistan is a key nation. I admit that. But is it enough of a nation to murder a quarter of a million people, which is what we've done over the past 20 years? Now, 2,400 of those people killed were U.S. servicemen. 3,000 of those people killed were U.S. contractors. Those get forgotten about. I'm not an
Starting point is 01:19:34 endorser of that either. But there's been blood that's been spilled. There's been money that's been spent. There's been infrastructure that has been built and now is being totally destroyed and one other thing is we have basically armed now the most well now the Taliban is the most armed terrorist group in the world that's number 19 for control if if we have it. I don't know if we do or not. So if you see this article in The Sun, they show the pictures of mounds of weapons. I mean, just heaps of weapons. The Taliban is now the world's most heavily armed terror group after seizing motherlode of U.S. tanks, Humvees, and weapons. You just brought these people out of the, basically barely out of the Stone Age, and just gave them everything from, you know, machine guns to jets. Yes, Doc, we're seeing some of this equipment in use on the
Starting point is 01:20:41 streets of Kabul. For example, there are some videos that have come out. You're seeing people trying to get into Kabul airport dock. And there's already patrols of Taliban that are firing shots at those trying to scale the wall, get in through the perimeter. The Kabul government itself is starting to stand back up. The Taliban, though they've been cut off from cash reserves, which are held in the United States, the Treasury Secretary announced last night that about $10 billion of cash that the former Afghani government had amassed, that that will not be allowed to go to the Taliban. But the Taliban themselves, they're setting up infrastructure. They now have more munitions than some of the other countries in the Middle East. And I do suspect that they may become the new Saudi Arabia
Starting point is 01:21:32 if they are able to leverage and properly extract the rare earth minerals in that country. I think many countries have recognized, I'm talking about Turkey, for example, not just the threat, but the significance of what just took place. It goes back to... I think you are on to something there, because if the Taliban, now who control Afghanistan, can leverage China like the Saudis leveraged the U.S. back in the 70s, I mean, that's where the wealth in the future is going to be, because we need the rare earth minerals for everything from
Starting point is 01:22:06 electric cars to artificial intelligence. Hypersonic missiles. You need this kind of equipment to build anything in the new industrial revolution, either weaponry specifically. And what is it China is trying to become a world leader in? It's in electronics. It's in more than just simply that chip manufacturing, futuristic weapons, whether it be a solar factory in space that can send a directed energy beam to Earth or, again, a carer killing hypersonic missile. Do you think it also has anything to do with, OK, so the opium industry there that they do have? You know, and China is, you know, they make fentanyl. They created synthetic fentanyl. Well, what they do is they mix opium with the fentanyl,
Starting point is 01:22:49 and in turn they create this super drug that's inexpensive and that's coming through our southern border, and they're feeding it to the American people. So I think that there's something certainly being made. They're going to become so wealthy off of the opium supply that they have. Are you suggesting we might see pharmaceutical industry investments in the country, that they actually might start producing the drugs right where the raw material is being harvested? Right, and that was something else that was sold to us early in the 2000s, too.
Starting point is 01:23:15 You guys were, were you still in high school in the early 2000s? Yeah, I was. You were probably in junior high in the early 2000s. But in the early 2000s, right after 9-11, when we were sold the bill of goods about going to Afghanistan, we're going to catch that Ben Laden feller. He's hiding out there in the mountains. A guy, a seven-foot Arab, trouncing around the mountains of Afghanistan with a dialysis machine. And we couldn't find the guy.
Starting point is 01:23:43 So tell me another story. Anyway, that's for another argument another day. But we were sold the bill of goods on Afghanistan. We're going to find that rascal. But the other thing, we're going to help the Afghan people. We're going to deliver the Afghan people. We're going to get rid of those opium fields. We're going to get rid of those poppy fields because, man, that's bad.
Starting point is 01:24:07 It's only grown since our invasion. And so for two years, opium production dropped down to about 10% of its previous, you know, I mean 10%, I mean dropped 90% within two years. By 2015, we surpassed the opium that was coming out of Afghanistan. The poppy that was coming out of Afghanistan surpassed what it was in September 2001 and has been increasing ever since. Now, how is that possible? How is that possible unless the United States has helped mitigate that traffic? There's no way. Come on, tell me that.
Starting point is 01:24:51 I wonder if they're going poppy out there. I wonder where all that opium is coming from. Doc, you just jogged my memory on this story. I speak to a lot of my friends who are still serving in the U.S. military, and I think of a staff sergeant I had a conversation on this subject with. The United States Army set up a base right next to a huge opium field, a poppy field.
Starting point is 01:25:11 And what they were finding, Lauren, is that soldiers were going out, right out the back of where they're sleeping, and picking poppy leaves off. They were actually making their own version of a drug they could get high on. And there were a bunch of soldiers in this unit. They got addicted to opium. This is a literal opium den. And what they found was, because the staff started inquiring, why are we doing this? Why don't we burn this whole field?
Starting point is 01:25:35 Obviously, you've got to be careful burning an opium field because you're going to create a pretty addictive aroma. But what he was told was, it's the same reason we don't do anything about the abuse of the tea boys. I'm talking about the young children, boys that are made to dance for Afghan warlords. Those are our allies, okay? And not just dance. Not just dance. Abuse. Sexually abuse these young boys. We don't do anything about the tea boys. We don't do anything about the opium because it's just part of their culture. And for us to succeed in standing up the Afghan government, the one that is gone now, it's gone. It's not coming back. The former president fled with $5 million in cash
Starting point is 01:26:15 and cars. But the point was, they looked the other way. They looked the other way because they said it was better that way. We just don't confront those sins. And we were also told, Loren, for THEY LOOKED THE OTHER WAY. THEY LOOKED THE OTHER WAY BECAUSE THEY SAID IT WAS JUST, IT WAS BETTER THAT WAY. WE JUST DON'T CONFRONT THOSE SINS. AND WE WERE ALSO TOLD, LAUREN, FOR 20 YEARS, ALMOST 20 YEARS, THAT FIRST IT WAS AL QAEDA. ALL RIGHT, SO WE GOT TO GET RID
Starting point is 01:26:42 BAD, BAD, BAD. AND SO IMAGINE MY SHOCK WHEN IN THE LAST YEAR OF THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION, they're really, they're really bad, bad, bad, bad. And so imagine my shock when in the last year of the Trump administration, Mike Pompeo comes out and says, hey, we're going to broker a deal with the Taliban. We're going to make a deal. As a matter of fact, Mike Pence just said, this is in Wall Street Journal, Mike Pence says the reason why uh there's a problem going on in afghanistan now is president biden broke our deal with the taliban that that the current president broke the previous president's deal with what used to be called a terrorist group yeah and i think was it in involved with like, I mean, they were supposed to pull out in May.
Starting point is 01:27:27 I'm not really sure what Biden in his press conference said in regard, but he tried to say, yeah, I followed Trump's plan that he had laid out to withdraw. The generals challenged that actually that specifically Secretary Austin said that, no, no, we we did not follow the plan which was laid out by the Trump administration, specifically, which would have been the withdrawal plan. Many phases involved, again, leaving the troops there until all Americans and presumably most of the assets are gone. The thing that confused me, obviously you see Mike Pence, it's another end of this, is that
Starting point is 01:27:57 there are politicians using this, using Afghanistan, using this defeat in our decade to rebrand themselves. Like Mike Pence, now you're not thinking about the election certification. You're not thinking about the mess of things which were taking place last year. You're not thinking about the pandemic. Remember, Mike Pence was the spokesperson for Operation Warp Speed.
Starting point is 01:28:18 No, you're thinking now Mike Pence is against the Biden administration's handling in Afghanistan. It's the reframing. That's what's on your mind. That's the reason why he wrote that op-ed. But wasn't there something else that Mike Pence has been doing? Oh, he's getting ready for 2024. That's right. Look at this.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Oh, look at that sign he's holding, too. And so this is from Jewish Insider Today. And they had a big puff piece on former Vice President Mike Pence. Mike Pence has had a big fundraiser going on here lately, ramping up for 2024. And I think the picture itself says volumes there about where he's gathering funds and where he's building a base up. And so Mike Pence is actually, he actually, in fact, Tom Rose says, yeah, Mike Pence thinks he has a real shot in 2024. Well, it's interesting. He might. Again, if a cabal is running the country, running Joe Biden,
Starting point is 01:29:17 it's clearly not the American people who are picking who our leaders are. And in that article, it noted nothing about how great Mike Pence would be for the country. What it did say is that Mike Pence's qualifications for 2024 are simply he gave the most pro-Zionist speech ever to the Knesset, which is Israel's parliament. That qualifies you right there. Well, it definitely qualifies you for a certain amount of money and investment, and it gives you, I think, the justification to run on a not America first platform. Yeah, because if you poll Americans, he's polling at zero. That's right. Or 1%, right, if we're giving a little bit of credit. Well, I think we'll be closing up this segment on that. It's the messages again that prayer is what you need to be doing right now and it is the only solution against this war and scandal. We'll be back in just a moment. Whoever loves instruction
Starting point is 01:30:12 loves knowledge, but he root of the righteous cannot be moved. An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who causes shame is like rottenness in his bones. The thoughts of the righteous are right, but the counsels of the wicked are deceitful. The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsel is wise. A fool's wrath is known at once, but a prudent man covers shame. Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who deal truthfully are His delight. The culture warriors in this country are breaking down traditions, morals, family structure. They've been doing this for decades, and they are aiming their guns at young men. They want to feminize them. They want to demonize them. They want to criminalize them so that they will not act like the men that God created them to be. God Tribe is a social media educational platform,
Starting point is 01:31:50 digital platform for young men, and to give young men a place to congregate where they feel safe. Its mission is to build better men. It's a place for Christian men to congregate with other Christian men and communicate with each other, fellowship, encourage each other, building up each other to be better men for Jesus Christ. That's the purpose. Welcome back to True News.
Starting point is 01:32:32 I know today has been quite action-packed. I recommend you stick around every day for all two hours because you never know what direction the show is going to go. We've had quite a lot of information here, Lauren. I wish I had an opportunity to ask Dr. Sherry Tempe, the doctor we interviewed in the first segment about this. But something that dropped my memory was you were talking in this last segment about Afghanistan. The prospect that Afghanistan may not become a rare earth mineral factory,
Starting point is 01:33:01 a facility king in the world, but more so may overtake China or partner with China specifically on drugging the world. We know opium grows well there. We know that a country like that, Lauren, certainly is not under the control or regulation of the FDA. You can do quite a lot, get away with quite a lot in a country like Afghanistan and dealing with a government run by the Taliban. But something I would have asked Dr. Shuri Tempeny would have been specifically about the role of big pharma. And when we're talking about opium, the fentanyl epidemic, I know that's not FDA, but the FDA has kind of looked the other way on opium. Yep. They're still facing a lawsuit with
Starting point is 01:33:45 the Sackler family where they started promoting the prescription of OxyContin to 12-year-olds. They said it was perfectly safe. So we can't even trust really our own FDA. You know, and I certainly don't trust them when it comes to this COVID-19 injection. Won't even call it a vaccine anymore. But, you know, it's the same kind of thing applies. Like, that's the standard that they hold. It's all about making money. It's all about answering to big pharma. Well, certainly someone who would agree with you,
Starting point is 01:34:14 Lauren, would be Dr. Robert Malone. Our documentary team, the Greatest Reset, Matt Scowl, the director, and his assistant producer, Nick, have recently interviewed Dr. Malone. And among the many shocking things that Dr. Malone shared with us was one about the control of big pharma. And more so that many would think the FDA, the same group that gave emergency authorization and might give authorization for regular use of these experimental drug cocktails. I'm talking about the vaccines, Pfizer.
Starting point is 01:34:50 Now, this is coming from the guy who invented the mRNA. Yes, he invented the mRNA for Pfizer and Moderna. What he is saying is that we have many monsters we're having to confront in this country, many internal monsters, I think. Boy, we need prayer, we need the gospel in this country more than ever. But often we can't even get to the point where we might be sober enough to read the Bible or hear the gospel because we're drugged out of our mind. And one of the groups that is directly facilitating this, and I'd say running it, running who this cabal is, maybe this is part of the cabal, it would be Big Pharma. Dr. Nolan had
Starting point is 01:35:32 something very interesting to share with our team, the Greatest Reset documentary team, this past weekend. This is his statement. In terms of conflict of interest and financial conflict of interest, we have a clear situation of regulatory capture that has occurred throughout the FDA and really throughout the entire government. Congress is financially beholden to the pharmaceutical industry, that is undeniable. So congressional oversight is compromised. The FDA as a regulatory body is compromised by regulatory capture by the pharmaceutical industry. A large fraction of their budget comes directly from the pharmaceutical industry. So I've been warned by an experienced wartime journalist that I need to recognize the threat
Starting point is 01:36:39 to my personal security because I am creating risk for mega capital and that mega capital will retaliate. Thing is that if a sniper decides to set up across the street and pick me off, no number of shotguns is going to stop that. It's going to happen. Should I allow that theoretical risk to cause me to self-censor? Because that's what we're really talking about. We're talking about the mechanisms of authority and their ability to cause individuals to self-censor. That's how this works, right? Is they're trying to pick me off because I've been sufficiently high profile.
Starting point is 01:37:36 In a way, it's a dangerous business to speak in these times, Lorne. Dr. Malone is taking a stand which not only could risk his career, but could cost him his life. And he's come to the position where he's accepted that. It could happen tomorrow for us. I mean, I live by the grace of God. What did you think about what Dr. Malone said? Well, I thought it was really interesting he talked about the sniper. Like, you know, he was like, I could die any day, but I still will not self-censor.
Starting point is 01:38:21 Anybody who is a, their messaging. Can you imagine having your messaging so threatening to the establishment or whoever wants you to be silent that you have to worry about your own life um when you're just saying the truth you're just saying whatever you know to be fact like this is the actual inventor of the mrna vaccines like he would know firsthand um exactly what we're dealing with here, but he still has to self-censor or fear self-censoring himself because he knows that it could potentially cost him his life. Lauren, something I'm becoming acutely aware of is that there is a coalition
Starting point is 01:38:56 of the brave, coalition of the safe coming together. It's across many different topics, many different industries. And what it's centered on is having the courage to speak out against injustice, against murder, against war. Dr. Fauci, people consider him evil because of his role in the vaccines, but many forget about the role Dr. Fauci played in the purchase of baby parts from murdered children. Yeah, and that ends that the vaccines are used.
Starting point is 01:39:34 They're developed with aborted fetal cells is what they are used on. I know the J&J actually included them in the vaccination. So, you know, and they can't say that they can't filter out every single cell when they're injecting people. And they know that. I mean, this is a huge should be a huge pro-life issue, you know, with people that claim to care about being pro-life like Republican legislators. But they seem to be the ones pushing the vaccine on us the most, including President Trump. Well, you can't care about the Americans that are stranded in Afghanistan, not care about the Americans who are murdered every day in this country. And, you know, we often like to end the show, we try to find a fellow Christian, we try to find someone in the fight, we're trying to find somebody to give you that inspiration, that pick you back up.
Starting point is 01:40:20 Yeah. You're not alone in this fight, and you have found someone today. Yes. Who fits that. back up. You're not alone in this fight. And you have found someone today. Yes, somebody who also doesn't self-censor, even though she carries a message that may be deemed unpopular or challenging to the establishment. Luann Stoltenberg, she's going to be joining us today. She's a pro-life activist. She's an author. I actually met her when I was working for the Trump campaign out in Iowa. And she was working with pro-life legislators to try and get them into office. Now, she has had experience.
Starting point is 01:40:52 I'm going to have her share her testimony on here. But she has experienced. Hi, Luanne. How are you? She has experienced firsthand the horrors of abortion and overcoming it. And she is trying to fight it every step of the way to try and end abortion in America. Hi, Luana. How are you today? I am great. How are you? Good, good. Thank you so much for joining us today. You know, your testimony is so powerful and it serves as a warning to other
Starting point is 01:41:16 girls, you know, and it's encouraging as well because your fight is not over. You know, you could have stayed in your shame. You could have self-censored yourself because of your message. I mean, let's say, let's be honest in 2021, it's not popular because people have served the God of convenience as opposed to serving the Lord on high. Would you mind sharing with us today a little bit about your story and what you're up to now fighting abortion in America? Yeah, I would love to do that because my story is not just mine. It's so many women's stories. And I am just one of millions of women who have been hurt by abortion. I had an abortion when I was a teenager and went into the facility and thought that I was scared, ashamed and thought that this was going to be my answer. And what the abortion industry told me was that this was going to be quick, it was going to be
Starting point is 01:42:09 easy, that it would be safe and effective. And they told me I never have to worry about it again. And so here I am, I'm this teenager, and I have these adults who are medical professionals, why would I not be able to believe them? And so I believed them, and I went through that procedure, no one telling me the risks, no one telling me what could happen to me later in life. And I had that abortion. And scary, scary, was not given an anesthetic for the abortion. And when I left, I had complications, was bleeding profusely, and called the facility back and was told that I was no longer their problem. And I would have to call my own medical doctor. And that led me to a life of absolute horror.
Starting point is 01:42:58 I hated myself for what I had done, had nowhere to go. And so I chose abortion two more times. And my life just spiraled out of control. It wasn't until I gave my life to the Lord and started realizing who I was in Christ and what abortion was that I started fighting against it. I got married and my husband and I wanted children and we were unable to have children. And when I went in to get tested as to why, I was told it was because it was a complication of the abortion procedures. So the only children I ever had, Lauren, were those that I killed, never had anymore. We adopted a little boy from India, so we were able to parent, which is wonderful. But the story is that there are millions of women that are going through this and that are facing this horror, that face shame every day, that face condemnation,
Starting point is 01:43:53 that feel like this is their only option when that is not true at all. I mean, we have to have better answers for women than to tell them that the only solution to their problem is to kill their child. It's just not true. Right. And I'm noticing that, you know, we now serve a God of convenience. You know, they tell women that it is your right to choose, that you actually having a child, being a mother is an inconvenience to you. It's going to ruin your life. You're not going to have a job when really motherhood is a beautiful thing that God created for people. And people have bought into that lie. And I'm so glad to hear that somebody is challenging that lie. You know,
Starting point is 01:44:34 you have walked through it. You were, you believe the lie. You know what I'm saying? Just like millions of other young women in America, actually across the world have bought that lie that that is abortion is the answer. And you're here to say today that it's not the answer, that you can choose life and encourage others to choose life. I've noticed that actually our own party, the Republican Party, it seems to be that the topic of abortion seems to be something that nobody wants to take on. Everybody is too afraid to take on the issue of abortion. Why do you think that is? I do not know because as a legislator, that's your job is to protect your constituents,
Starting point is 01:45:15 to protect the people of your state. And we're wounding and maiming women and we're killing children. I mean, to me, that is the greatest thing that they can do. I don't know if it is because there's a lot of money behind it. Money usually, usually when you're looking for the root of something, you can find the money behind it. And so that's the only thing I can figure out as to why these people would not want to help women. There are too many other answers out there. You know, there are safe haven laws on the books that if a woman feels like she just cannot parent, she can give her child to a fire station. She can take it into a hospital. No questions asked. And the state will
Starting point is 01:45:56 raise it in foster care or adopt that child out. So the only thing that could be there if she doesn't feel it could be that inconvenience of carrying that child for nine months. But there's just no reason for it. We're at a time in our nation where there's more people wanting to adopt than can have children. And those children are wanted. They're adoptable. There's just no question that there's no reason for abortion in our nation. There isn't.
Starting point is 01:46:25 You're so right. I'm among those people looking to adopt. It's the same situation. I'd love to have a child. I'd love to take care of any child. I think it's a biblical mandate, especially those married, to do this. And I don't have the answer to the question Lauren posed, but I do suspect one of
Starting point is 01:46:45 the parts of it that might be true is that every time you have sex out of wedlock you are risking the situation where you might get a woman pregnant and in a lot of cases this is how abortions will come about because individuals out of wedlock, they're in their 20s, they're being told to work, they're being told to serve the God of this world, and they then make that decision to say, well, a baby, they don't think of it maybe as a baby when it's initially revealed to them in the pregnancy test, but that baby, they want to get rid of it, they want to kill it, so they can carry on with their lives. What you're saying is you never really carry on. You still remember those children that you had. How have you moved on from that? Was that one of
Starting point is 01:47:37 the toughest parts of this to be able to move forward from? It was very hard to move forward from. Very hard, especially when I found out I could not have any other children. Very hard. And it affects you every day of your life. Every day I wonder, who would those children be? What would they be doing? You know, someone would be in their 30s right now. So I could be having grandchildren right now, and I have none. I have none. This goes on for generations and generations and generations. You know, when I think about it, I think not only did I kill those three children, but I killed generations of children. And we as a nation have to ask ourselves that.
Starting point is 01:48:19 What are we doing? We are killing our future generations. Who were these people supposed to be? We are not God, and we cannot just choose convenience. You know, and was it really even convenience? I thought it was an answer because I was filled with fear and thought I had no other option. Fear will cause us to make horrible choices. It will paralyze us, as we all see right now with what is going on in our nation right now. But there is no reason to fear. There are answers for us. These are our children. If I ever would have seen them as my own children, you know, it's hard. And it's hard for women,
Starting point is 01:49:00 once they do realize the choice that they made, that they killed their own children, to come to that realization. I think that's why we have so many angry women in our nation right now, because they have to justify that choice they made, or they're going to have to face the reality that they killed their own children. And how many of them are on that side of choice or abortion that can't have children like myself? How do you deal with that if you don't know a God that can forgive you and will forgive you? I don't know the answer to that. Well, the United States of America aborts 1.1 million babies a year. We kill 1.1 million babies a year. That's actually remained the same even throughout the COVID pandemic when
Starting point is 01:49:42 things were shut down. That did not change. That has been something that is consistent. Now, you have written a book. Would you mind sharing with us what your book is about? Is it to encourage other women? Is it to address your own experience? And what would you say to these women who have a choice to make? They have an option to choose life or choose death. I have written a book. It's called Singing in the Wilderness. It's based off of Isaiah 54, because I felt like my life was kind of like an Isaiah 54 moment. You know, it says, sing, barren woman. And the book does address abortion, but it's more than that. It walks through like rejection, abandonment, when you have made choices that are not good for you or right, how you deal with that.
Starting point is 01:50:31 I wrote the book in such a way that after every chapter, I deal with like chapter one deals with rejection. So I walk through how can you deal with rejection. There's scripture in there. There's prayers in there. And then like the second chapter deals with abandonment. And also it's amazing God stories as well. After I realized what I had done and gave my life to the Lord, the Lord just did absolutely incredible things in my life. And he was just there every minute of it. So I tell those miraculous stories of some of the things that he did. And so it's not just
Starting point is 01:51:05 all a bummer. It's a lifter-upper. You guys were talking about people who put their life on the line every day and sacrificed that that could be their last day. You know, it's hard sometimes to speak truth, but it is so worth it. It is so worth it not to compromise the gospel or not to compromise who we are, but to stand for the truth because the Lord blesses us in it. He truly does. And he uses us as those truth tellers to help others that are going through those things we went through. Yeah. And we are certainly glad to hear that you are not self-censoring yourself and you decided not to sit in your shame. You decided to be a voice to help us end abortion in America. I was just reading Isaiah 54, Luana.
Starting point is 01:51:53 It's a very interesting passage right at the top. First of all, the chapter, at least in my Bible, titled, A Perpetual Covenant of Peace. But the part that caught my eyes is about shame. Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed. Neither be disgraced, for you will not be put to shame. We've discussed maybe the things that brought you shame in the past, but I think the audience would really love to hear how you've overcome this and found joy. What do you find joy in today? I find joy in the Lord. You know, that has truly what turned my life around is when
Starting point is 01:52:34 I came to know Jesus Christ and came to know that his love for me was greater than my sin and his death paid for that sin and that I could find that forgiveness in him. I could find healing in him. And so I know that he is there. I am greater than what I did that was wrong. He loved me that much that he covered it. And so that, I mean, I want women to know that they don't have to live with that as their shame their whole life. They don't have to live with that regret and the consequences of that regret every day, but they can run to the arms of Jesus and He is there every day. You know, the Word talks about how when we come to know Him, it says all things become new. All things become new. And He does a new thing in us. And it's by the blood of the
Starting point is 01:53:24 Lamb and the Word of our testimony that we overcome in this life. And that's revelations 12, 11. So when we, when we take those tests in our life and we make them testimonies, that's where we overcome. We see the hand of God and he, he makes it up every day. It's a great exchange. It's amazing how amazing he is. He exchanges our pains and our sorrow for his love and his blessings and his mercy every day. So that's what got me through life is grabbing hold of him. He's faithful every day. Yes, he is. Indeed, he is. I love a good testimony. And I love, you know, that you're encouraging other women as well. You know, I know that you also and you're not giving up the fight. You're still trying to get people in office that, you know, it does come down to legislation.
Starting point is 01:54:14 You know, it's a moral issue, but somehow it ended up as legislation. You know, when actually the Supreme Court decided for us, didn't they? They're weighing right now, challenging Roe v. Wade. They are. That's the story we have right now out of Mississippi, a case that is coming to bear where Roe v. Wade, look, we have to hold elected officials accountable on this and pressure on them, right? Because this is an opportunity to stop abortion in the country.
Starting point is 01:54:41 Yeah, and I believe it's a curse. You know, it literally cursed our nation. You know, when you sacrifice, it's child sacrifice to Satan. He loves it. He loves dead babies. And, you know, it's what he loves. And when you partake in that, you become a part of this satanic ritual that Satan loves. And, you know, it's the truth. And we need to be broken free of it as a nation or we will remain cursed. You know, since we made abortion illegal, our country, are you looking around? We're not doing so well. You know, we have brought a curse upon ourselves and we have an opportunity. You know, we need to pray for our Supreme Court justices. We need to pray for our
Starting point is 01:55:18 legislators that they will feel the conviction of Jesus Christ. You know, You can't in good conscience know that you vote or that you enable 1.1 million dead babies a year and know that there's something good waiting for you on the other side when you die. We need men and women of courage to speak out in these times. And that's what you're doing, Lelana. And I think that when you put that in frame, you start looking for examples of that in life, you see it everywhere. That's what I'm starting to realize. Biblical values exist and they're being lived out,
Starting point is 01:55:55 but often they get overshadowed in this current society, this society of decadence, this society of ignorance and entertainment. Many are not using that breath that was given to us by the Lord through Adam, right, for glorifying him. I was wondering if you wanted to carry on with us until the end of this segment. We're coming up on the end,
Starting point is 01:56:14 but there was a story I caught this week that I thought was very interesting. Again, example of courage, the same courage it took for you to speak out. We actually found in an alligator zoo. An alligator zoo? Alligator zoo. I'm not sure if you've seen this story yet, Luan. There's a alligator petting zoo. I hope it's not a petting zoo. They're not letting the alligators at least be petted. But it's called Scales and Tails. This is in Utah. This is in Utah. There was a trainer
Starting point is 01:56:42 in the ring with an alligator. He was doing some tricks. And what happened is the trainer got their hand caught in the mouth of the alligator. Well, I'll show you what happened next. This family is enjoying a birthday party at a local animal entertainment zoo. Suddenly, the alligator attacks. The beast bites down on the trainers hand so she jumps into the glass
Starting point is 01:57:13 enclosure to get better leverage. Then the Gator whips the trainer underwater, getting her in a death roll. One by one the kids are taken away. That's when a brave dad, Donnie Wiseman, who was there with his family, leaps in to do what he can. Without hesitation, he gets on top of the alligator and holds it down. Then the female trainer is able to break free and is pulled to safety. And all this time, the hero dad remains in the enclosure and continues his epic battle with the alligator.
Starting point is 01:57:46 Then the female trainer returns and tries to help the dad. She tells him to try to sit upright. That's when he finally finds a way to escape. She's dead. Now he's being dubbed Crocodile Donnie after the famous movie character Crocodile Dundee. What do you think, Lana? Does that man deserve a medal from heaven for that one? It's funny, an example of courage. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you so much for sharing your testimony. Thank you for your bravery.
Starting point is 01:58:21 If you could say one thing to a young woman who has she has a choice. You know, she has found herself in a situation with an unexpected pregnancy. We have about a minute left. What would you share with her? I would say to her, choose life. It is so worth it. That is your child. And if you can't raise that child, trust and know that there is someone out there that would love to have that child, would love to raise that child. But if you were not to choose life, you could face a life of regret. And so just know, and the women that have chosen that path, know that the Lord will forgive you and that he is there for you with open arms. There is never anything that the Lord will not
Starting point is 01:59:06 forgive us of. So know that he's there waiting to take your shame and your pain and he loves you. That was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much. And you can be found, you can read more about Luanna at Luanna Is that correct? You can also check out her book, her testimony and stay in touch with her and follow her work as well. Thank you so much for joining us today, Lana. Thank you, Lauren. God bless you. Oh, Lauren, what a day. And honestly, Lauren, I love working to hear the testimonies.
Starting point is 01:59:38 And the testimony is the most important thing, I think, for a believer. It's what actually encourages the others who are here in the Church of Vero Beach, the Church of Atlanta, the Church of Sacramento. Lauren, I think that many every day run through tribulation, but they have to keep in the faith. That is what we command to do. We'll be back tomorrow. God bless you.
Starting point is 02:00:18 The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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