Episode Date: June 2, 2021

Today on TruNews, guest hosts Milo Yiannopoulos and Lauren Witzke join the godcast, and talk about the suppression of the right, and particular Christians, by elements of the State. Later, the team t...alks about how children are being indoctrinated by drag queens on children’s shows, with explicit imagery embedded promoting pedophile attraction. Milo Yiannopoulos, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 06/02/21.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit. I'm Doc Burkhart. Thanks for joining us. No doubt many in our audience have heard the news late last week about True News founder Rick Wiles being hospitalized. We want to assure you that Rick is now at home and recovering along with his wife Susan, who is in the process of recuperating. Also, True News host Edward Zoll is at home recovering from severe symptoms that he started experiencing over the Memorial Day weekend. Rick, Susan, Edward, and Nijer continued prayer support, but we continued to praise the Lord for the healing he's already accomplished. Well, as I mentioned, Rick is at home. That doesn't mean he isn't working. He wanted to speak directly to the True News audience today, but he's still
Starting point is 00:01:20 recovering. He's still kind of weak, and hopefully he'll be able to join us tomorrow with a video update. And he wants to encourage our audience and just let you know that he's doing much better, him and Susan, as they are at home. Obviously, Rick and Edward are not going to be here today. They need time to rebuild their immune system and also to heal. But never fear, True News audience, because Rick asked two new friends to step in and assist us in sorting out the craziness in the world around us. Buckle up, everyone. Joining the Godcast, a special guest host during Rick and Edward's recovery are Milo Yiannopoulos and Lauren Witsky. Welcome to the Godcast, you two. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. So glad that you stepped in to help fill these seats here while Rick and Edward
Starting point is 00:02:09 are recovering. It was on short notice, but we appreciate you stepping in and thank you so very much. Well, we're very grateful and honored to be, big shoes to fill and we're gonna do our best to steer the ship in a responsible and godly fashion. So thank you very much for doing that for us. For people that are tuning in just now, who are you two? Well, how about we introduce each other? Okay. So Lauren Witzke, she's run for office in, were you in South Dakota?
Starting point is 00:02:38 Delaware. Delaware. I always mix them up. Why do I always mix them up? And she has emerged as quite the firecracker. She is now a political commentator and regularly to be seen on various news programs. If you're into conservative politics, you will have seen her expressing robust opinions on a variety of subjects, whether it's gun control or the overreaching tendrils of the administrative state,
Starting point is 00:03:03 the three-letter agencies and whatnot, which we'll be talking a little bit more about today. She is emerging as, I think, one of the most formidable and fascinating commentators in America. Oh, wow. Well, thank you. I wasn't prepared to give you such a great answer. No, I know.
Starting point is 00:03:20 I figured if I'm really, really nice, then she'll have to be nice back. Lauren will just say, here's Milo. I'll take it. I'll take anything these days. No, no. So Milo, I know him as a right wing icon, a contributor, but also an author. And what I admire the most about him right now is he has left the gay lifestyle. You left it all behind in pursuit of Christ. And you have been a champion against everything that we're fighting against and a leader against this. And I'm so glad to see you on the front lines fighting with us because we need you.
Starting point is 00:04:07 I now worry that if I so much as touch this thing, which I know that the more astute viewers will already have spotted on the table in front of me, my hand might start smoking. So we'll test that theory a bit later in the show. I wanted to talk, if you don't mind, first of all, about Lauren's journey here today. Oh, yes. Because one of the themes that's popping up a lot, and it's framed in the news, I think, primarily as a question of politics, but I don't really think it is that. I think it's a question of faith.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Republicans, conservatives getting harassed by the tendrils of the administrative state. I think specifically and more truthfully, it's Christians, because I think it's Christianity that the sort of faceless bureaucracy fears the most. You are a very ferocious Christian, Lauren. It's one of the things that people know you for. It's come with consequences. Now, we know there's that little mischievous imp in Chicago, Nick Fuentes, and everybody has very strong opinions about him. But whatever your opinions of him, it is absurd and insane to suggest that he is some kind of dangerous terrorist from whom the state needs to be protected and who should be on a no-fly list, which he now is.
Starting point is 00:05:12 He's a sort of young right-wing commentator for those who don't know, some pretty edgy opinions about things, but generally, as far as I can tell, a good guy. You too, though, have experienced some consequences, merely, I would say, for just being Christian in public. Tell us about your journey here down to Florida. Right. So what Biden's DOJ has done is it has weaponized against conservatives, especially influencers, people who influence the culture, people who influence an activism in conservative politics. So I had no problem flying. I ran for U.S. Senate last year, flew all over the country, rented cars I had no problem flying. I ran for U.S. Senate last year, flew all over the country, rented cars, had no problem. I did attend President Trump's speech
Starting point is 00:05:51 on January 6th. And since then, I have been put on a domestic terrorist watch list. I committed no crime. I did not enter the Capitol. I was just there peacefully. Watching the speech by the then president of the United States. At a rally sponsored by the president of the United States. Now, you weren't at the Capitol. You were just at the speech. Oh, no. I walked with everybody there.
Starting point is 00:06:13 I didn't cross into the Capitol. I didn't cross into the Capitol building. But you didn't enter the building. No, I didn't. But those people were let in anyway, like a lot of them were. Well, we've seen the footage now. But it just happens to be the case that you did not physically enter the building. Yes, no, I did not. And yet, when you now, as an American citizen, as somebody who ran for Senate, as a law-abiding person, when you go to catch a plane
Starting point is 00:06:39 in the ordinary course of business, what happens to you now? So I can't check in online. I have to go to the front desk. Then they have to make a phone call. They can't alert me what's going on, but they get a signal on their computer that they have to call security. Department of Homeland Security comes, and they escort me.
Starting point is 00:06:58 So DHS comes to the check-in desk to get you. Yes. And then presumably they walk you through TSA? Yes. So they personally escort me through everything. They have to swab you. Yes. And then they presumably they walk you through TSA? Yes. So they personally escort me through everything. They have to swab me for explosive. They take my phone and my laptop, which I have to turn on so they can go through it or do whatever it is that they do.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Incredible. That's to make sure that it's not a bomb, you know. You have to turn your, so if she shows up to the airport and her phone battery is dead, no hope. Because it could, in theory, really have been opened up, emptied, and replaced with explosives inside. So you've got to show that your electronics power on so that they know that you're not, you, this terrifying, dangerous terrorist. America, I think you can see for yourself what a dangerous terrorist she is. Just look at her. So you have to be escorted through by the Department of Homeland Security. Yes, this is for attending a speech
Starting point is 00:07:52 By the president says yes Escorted through and it is not unconnected to how robustly Christian you are in public which we'll talk about later Escorted through by the Department of Homeland Security. You're taken through TSA subjected to every Screening measure possible then what happens? Well, then I get sexually assaulted by the TSA workers as they just completely pat me down check but everything go through my hair Go through my pants through your head They like have to stick their hands in my pants and make sure there's nothing there
Starting point is 00:08:23 Like it's just it's just a demoralizing, humiliating experience. And that's what it is. And it's gotten to a point now where even my local airport, the ladies, they're like, okay, you know the drill. They're like, we're sorry, but come on, you know the deal. So it's every single time. This is crazy. Yep. So I was prepared when I came down here.
Starting point is 00:08:40 I was like, no, I'm going to have to go through this again. You know, and I just comply because I'm still grateful that they let me fly. Unlike Fuentes, where they just threw him on the no fly list and he was further away from the Capitol than I was. And so, yeah. And then but this time was different because now I get to Orlando, young girl, by myself, traveling. It's midnight. I get in late, and I go to get my car rental. And then I go to check in. They've already paid for it. And I'm like, OK, I'm here to pick up my car.
Starting point is 00:09:17 And they were like, look at their computer again. So this is at one of those companies, Avis, Six, whatever it is. It was budget. Rhymes with budget. Yeah, it was budget. It was budget, but they were at the airport. It was the airport. I don't know if it's connected in any way. So you're going to pick up your rental car,
Starting point is 00:09:28 and this is having successfully landed after all of this harassment. And you said something interesting, which I think is the key to understanding this, this humiliation ritual, right? Then you went to pick up your rental car. Yes. Also, they do it at the connecting flights, too. I wanted to mention that.
Starting point is 00:09:43 I forgot to mention that. At the connecting flights, even no matter where it is, Department of Homeland Security is there waiting for me. When you get off the plane? Yes, when I get off the plane. So somehow they think that I accommodate an explosive maybe on the plane. Have you been able to, in your mind, kind of turn this into a compliment? Do you ever get the feeling, okay, so this is awful, but I've got to try to make it livable somehow. So I'm going to pretend that they're there for me because I'm so important. I'm going to swan through the airport with an escort from the federal government. I suppose
Starting point is 00:10:12 it doesn't really feel like that in real life, does it? Well, at first it was terrifying. I'm like, oh my gosh, these people think I'm a domestic terrorist. Now it's just, I'm just used to it. But every time, it is a humiliation ritual. Isn't that amazing? It is an intimidation tactic. Isn't that amazing? They have made you become used to that level of personally, physically invasive humiliation. Yep.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Now I'm just used to it and I just take it. And so I interrupted you. Tell us about the car. Oh, sorry. So anyway, so I go to get my car. And I guess some kind of target on the computer hit again. And they said, ma'am, we can't let you rent a car. We can't let you take this car.
Starting point is 00:10:52 It's telling us not to. I was like, well, what do you mean it's telling you not to? They were like, have you rented with us before? I was like, no, I have not. And they said, well, we have to call security on you. But we don't want to do that. So just leave. And I was like, what do you mean? I was like, well, call security because I figured this was
Starting point is 00:11:10 the same thing that happened with the flights where they have to escort me to my car or something. But no, or if you need to check me for explosives just to get the car and they're like, no, man, please just leave. So they did you a favor by asking you to leave. Yes. Because had that not happened, you would have been subjected to more of this stuff. And more likely than not, you wouldn't have got the car at the end of it anyway. Right. Exactly. Milo, maybe we should show our audience what the face of American terrorism looks like. Yes.
Starting point is 00:11:37 I really do want you to zoom in on the horror, the terror. Look at Lauren Winsky here. She is the face of terrorism. You might think, watching this at home, that the face of terror is some hook-handed, toothless, North London hate preacher. Abu Hamza. With an eye patch. With an eye patch. Abu Hamza.
Starting point is 00:11:57 You might think that the face of terrorism is some illiterate, hateful street preacher. But no, ladies and gentlemen. America, no. This, this visage is the new face of hate. Why? Because, hate to say it, hate to sound like a boomer, because she's a white, heterosexual Christian woman. Who had the audacity to support President Trump. Who had the audacity to support President Trump. Remarkable. Now, you, miserable Dick Tu, are not the only person suffering under the yoke, under the mantle of all this. We mentioned Nick Fuentes.
Starting point is 00:12:34 We also have somebody on the phone, an old friend of mine. He is a lovable—I like to think of him as a sort of one of those terriers, the dogs. He's just this adorable thing. He's always barking. He doesn't always do his business where he's supposed to. But absolutely harmless and very mesmerizingly entertaining. And everyone loves him. So he's a performer.
Starting point is 00:13:01 His name is Baked Alaska. And he used to work for BuzzFeed and sort of saw inside the beast how it all worked. Then came to work for me as a tour manager eons ago. And he is suffering the most mind-blowing and extraordinary prosecution for the most ludicrous things. Do we have him on the phone? His name is Tim, otherwise known as Baked Alaska. He's a social media personality and a recording artist and all the rest of it. Tim, are you there?
Starting point is 00:13:35 We'll come back to him. So the extraordinary thing about these persecutions is just how meticulously detailed they are in going through social media history. And also, they don't seem to draw the line anywhere. There's a mass resistance story that we have in front of us. Why don't you tell us a little bit about that? So mass resistance, I've worked with them before, did a little activism with them before, did an interview with one of their members. So what they are is they are just a champion for family rights. They have been holding the line against things like Drag Queen Story Hour, transitioning chemical castrations of children. They're just a pro-family group. I'm a huge fan.
Starting point is 00:14:19 I'm a huge supporter of them and their work that they do. So recently, they were accused of being part of the Capital Six organizing it, I think it was. And the FBI came and knocked on their door. So these people are completely innocent. They had no evidence that they even went. I don't even know if they were even there. It's Arthur Schaefer, isn't he? He's the director. Yes. And two FBI agents, they say on the story, you can find this on their website, they say in the story that the FBI agents somehow gained access to his apartment building. And they wouldn't say how, but most likely they just kind of hung around outside waiting to sneak in when someone left.
Starting point is 00:15:03 I mean, these are the actions of petty burglars, aren't they? It's intimidation. It's harassment. Yeah. But people like this, it's trying to get them to back off. Stop your work because we're watching you, and we will throw you in federal prison for no reason. And that's what this is about.
Starting point is 00:15:19 I mean, he wasn't even there at the protests. And they know that. But mass resistance has been publishing articles critical of the FBI. So it's an extra level of venom and vindictiveness, of petty-minded nastiness. Because you had the temerity, the chutzpah, if you like, to show up to a speech of Donald Trump's. These guys merely criticized the FBI in published journalism. And this was enough to have agents
Starting point is 00:15:48 rock up to this guy's front door inside a secure department building. It's amazing. Well, Arthur Shaper, who's the director, I know he's a fan of the show, couldn't be with us today to talk through this, but let's see if we can go back to Baked Alaska. I think we've got him on the line, haven't we? Still waiting to connect here. Oh, we're still waiting.
Starting point is 00:16:04 No problem, no problem. What about Jan Morgan? Do we have her? We'll have to switch gears on that one. No worries, no worries. So there's lots to talk about in terms of the harassment thing. Perhaps we'll come back to that later in the show. I want to do a quick little grab bag of news before we get on to the big subject, which is, of course, June and all of its various horrors and hypocrisies. Now, you came up with a new name for what corporate America requires us to describe as Gay Pride Month. Yours was Christianity Month?
Starting point is 00:16:34 Yes. It's not quite catchy enough, is it? Of course it is. I like Jihad June. You could call it the month of the sacred heart of Jesus Christ. You could call it conversion therapy month. You could call it stringing up. No, I won't say that. Kidding. Joking. Whatever you want to call it, it is the big topic this month. It started yesterday. No surprise, and we'll get into this later, on
Starting point is 00:17:05 the very first day of quote unquote Gay Pride Month. She's going to call it Christianity Month. I'm going to call it Jihad June. Viewers can pick which one they like the best. We'll take a poll on it on some other show. The very first day of Gay Pride Month, and already pedophiles are trending. They call them maps, Minor. I mean, if I were not saying it to you, I would think that this was just barmy right-wing nonsense, some lunatic, you know, internet show. But I'm saying it because I'm watching it, because I'm seeing it, because I live here.
Starting point is 00:17:38 I know it's real. It blows my mind. They're called minor attracted persons or maps. And this is the new woke terminology for people who want to mess with children. Yep. Now we're gonna get into all of this but first of all I would like us to introduce a new segment that we are we're gonna plan lots of goodies for you over the coming two weeks but one of those goodies is a new segment and it's called, you know what it's called. Why isn't it on fire? That's right. It's called Why Isn't It On Fire?
Starting point is 00:18:10 Now, we should stress before we begin this very seriously and sincerely that we believe here individually and as an organization in peaceful Christian resistance to the things that we find around us to be diabolical and to be hateful. But you have to ask yourself once in a while, why isn't it on fire? Why hasn't a bolt of lightning come down from the heavens and taken this thing out? And I think particularly of those kiddies, baby, do they call them baby grows? Do they call them that here as well? No, onesies. Onesies, onesies, excuse me. those kiddies, baby, do they call them baby grows? Do they call them that here as well?
Starting point is 00:18:45 No, onesies. Onesies, onesies, excuse me. Onesies for babies with gay pride rainbows on. As a woman, as somebody who must think about this more than the average bloke does, how does it make you feel
Starting point is 00:19:00 when you see this stuff? Well, sorry, there's something in my ear. No, that's all right. Well, as somebody who I want to be a mother someday, have kids, it's terrifying because I look at that and I'm like, okay, so how did we get to this point?
Starting point is 00:19:22 They knew that a nation of masculine, strong men would never allow this to happen. So that's why they went after masculinity first. And it's gotten to a point now where they're targeting children. They're coming after little children. And as somebody who I want to raise children in America, I'm like, am I able to equip children to live in this world that they're currently bringing upon us? It's dangerous. It's terrifying.
Starting point is 00:19:44 So overall, you know, I look at that, especially when it's little babies they want to put in this just degenerate attire. I mean, they're branding innocent babies with logos encouraging sodomy. Let's just say what it is, right? This is what they're branding children. Doc, do you worry about raising children today in America? I mean, if Lauren were to find the perfect man tomorrow and get married and decide to start a family, would you advise her to stay in America or go somewhere else? Well, at this point, that's hard to say. Where do you go at this point?
Starting point is 00:20:26 Because it's not just an American problem, it's a global problem. It's a global issue. The agenda is in place on a global scale. There's no place to go. So the only thing you can do is to stand where you are and to be a light right where you are, to be righteous right where you are. And that's difficult because in the past, we've had the options and we've had the opportunity to go somewhere else to start fresh,
Starting point is 00:20:53 starting that's part of the concept of America in the first place. It was to give a fresh start to express beliefs and to express the values that we engender, biblical values. But that's getting more and more difficult now. There's no place. There's no frontier left to go to. So that means now we have to stand where we are.
Starting point is 00:21:14 And the Bible talks about that, having done all to stand. And that's where we're coming to a point here in this nation is we have to stand for the values that are important. By the way, speaking of standing, we do have Baked Alaska on the line if you want to go to it right now. Splendid, splendid. No, no, I very much do. I very much do.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Sorry to the viewers for that little hiccup. Tim, are you on the line? Yes, thanks for having me on, Milo. Ha-ha! Got him. Thanks, Tim. Okay, great. So we've been talking, Tim, or baked as you go by online,
Starting point is 00:21:47 about people who are entertaining, conservative, Christian. I know your faith is very important to you as well. He's even been advising me on various... What was it you were telling me the other day I needed to get? Oh, yeah, I was saying you've got to get a brown scapular. A scapular, that's right. How does baked Alaska know about a scapular? I was saying you got it got to get a brown scapular a scapular. That's right. I was baked Alaska No matter scapular. I'll show you later so so you have
Starting point is 00:22:13 First of all, you are being pursued in an ideologically motivated crusade by the FBI because you did Let's be honest tiptoe into the capital on a sightseeing mission You went for a little museum you went for a little museum trip on January the 6th. Yes, you did. But the thing that made me really want to talk to you today was you told me by text the other day that in writing, the FBI is coming for you over a tweet. Can you just talk us through, I just want to hear the full level of absurdity of the weaponized Federal Bureau of Investigation and what they are digging up on patriots and on Christians. Tell us just briefly, what is it that they're coming for you over?
Starting point is 00:22:56 Yeah, absolutely. So, you know, I tell people this story and they literally don't believe it because it's so outrageous. But back in 2016, and, you know, I'm sure Milo remembers this. You know, we had a bunch of guys spreading memes and sort of funny stuff during the Trump election. And there was one tweet that told Hillary voters on the day of election. And it was a total meme. They said, you know, text this number and your official vote will be counted for Hillary. You would have to be an idiot to actually think that this would work. And I thought that was brilliant. I thought it was funny. Very funny. And so this yeah, so this was put out by a guy named Ricky Vaughn, which I'm sure many of you have heard about. And Tucker Carlson did an episode about this.
Starting point is 00:23:47 So Ricky Vaughn was literally arrested in New York for tweeting out this meme. And now I am listed as a co-conspirator for simply retweeting a meme. Just to be clear, that's the wording used by government lawyers, isn't it? That you are being described as a, quote, co-conspirator because you retweeted a joke at a liberal's expense. That's crazy. Yeah. And presumably the conspiracy in the first place is election interference. They're going to try to pretend that this joke, this meme that only a Democrat
Starting point is 00:24:26 voter could possibly be stupid enough to fall for, which I suppose is the point, isn't it? That this joke was represented a sincere attempt to influence or to interfere with the election. That's what they are with a straight face trying to claim and branding you a co-conspirator. Is that right? Yes, absolutely. Yeah, they are trying to charge me with election interference. You know, and the funny thing, too, is that the direct opposite joke was made by Democrats. They said, hey, if you want to vote for Trump, text this number. It was something very, very similar. They're not getting prosecuted. They're not getting demonized. They're like, oh, wow, that's funny. They're not banned from Twitter and they're not, you know, under the tyranny of big tech. So, yeah, I mean, it's completely
Starting point is 00:25:13 hypocritical. And, you know, Trump supporters like me and Ricky Vaughn are getting persecuted under Biden's Department of Justice. So it's actually just really sick. And I never thought this day would come. I mean, that's five years ago. You know, why are they choosing to prosecute me right when Biden got into office? You know, the timing is a little strange, isn't it? Right. Because, you know, the Department of Justice, it's not like they did things that they withheld cases that might damage Trump when he was in office. Well, look, we're going to have you on again to talk about this in more detail. But thanks for withheld cases that might damage Trump when he was in office. Well, look, we're going to have you on again to talk about this in more detail,
Starting point is 00:25:50 but thanks for just coming on and spelling it all out so people can have a sort of visceral example of the insanity, of the vindictiveness. It's the petty vindictiveness of it. It's going back through someone's tweets and finding out something they retweeted. Now, I remember that Ricky Vaughn guy. He was a little bit edgy for my tastes, but I certainly probably retweeted him myself once or twice because he was very funny on occasion. And the fact that somebody would make this joke saying, tweet this number and your vote will be counted. It couldn't be more obviously silly, funny. I'm willing to bet. What do you think, Tim? I'm willing to bet that a lot more
Starting point is 00:26:25 Democrats texted the number than Republicans. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. No, I think. And that's what they're really mad about. I think they said like five thousand people actually texted the number. This is what you're up against, folks, and they're beating you. All right, Tim, we'll have you on again soon. Sorry about the little technical snafu earlier, but we'll have you on for longer next time. And I want to hear more about the June 6th thing anyway, because all this stuff is going to start to come to trial over the next year or two. But God bless you. We wish you all the best. If somebody wants to support you or find out more about what's going on, is there someone you'd like to send them?
Starting point is 00:27:04 Yeah, sure. The best way to help me is through legal defense. I've incurred over $100,000 in legal fees already. $100,000. You have lawyer's bills for $100,000 for visiting a museum and retweeting someone. Yeah. No, it's crazy. So the link you can help me on is
Starting point is 00:27:28 slash baked Alaska. And for any sort of other updates, you can find me on telegram slash baked Alaska. So where people like us are going to hang out these days. All right. God bless you, man. Talk soon. All right. God bless. That's incredible. I mean, just for retweeting. I mean, I'm laughing because it is like laugh out loud hilarious, but this guy's going to jail. He's going to be in jail. I'm going to prison. He's going, I don't know the difference. There's a prison, prison is the federal, they will punish him. But look, he's an influencer. They're targeting influencers. He is. It doesn't matter if you're very right wing, it's if you're popular, isn't it? It's if people follow you and people listen to what you have to say and what you say is
Starting point is 00:28:09 lethal, they will shut you down. That's what's going up with him. It's a totalitarian regime that cannot tolerate rival power centers, however small and however virtuous. Stunning. Stunning. Stunning. Stunning. You know, I think the only reason that I'm not included in this
Starting point is 00:28:29 is because I'm a foreign national. Because I think that even if everyone in Britain can't stand the sight of me because I'm too big for my boots or whatever, you know, whatever it is that British people think about me these days, I probably think I'm too big for my britches. I think the British government
Starting point is 00:28:42 would nonetheless have something to say about a British citizen who was hauled in for the wrong tweets or something. And so I haven't seen any examples of foreign nationals get hauled in for stuff like this. Gavin McGinnis, again, Canadian by birth. I think it's the only reason we're safe. Because by now, for sure, it would have scooped up more of us. It's shocking.
Starting point is 00:29:07 You're an American citizen. You've been here. You've been fighting for God. You've been fighting for your values, beliefs, political principles of your life. How does it make you feel about the Republican Party as a Christian man thinking about trying to stop people getting into office who want to murder babies on an industrial scale and working to prevent that from happening. And this is what your government does to those people. How does that make you feel? Well, Milo, for me, I have a different perspective on it because I actually left the U.S. for about 10 years.
Starting point is 00:29:38 And, you know, so when I left America to go to the mission field, I came back. It was a whole different country. It was a different nation. I visited a couple times along the way, but I actually learned, I experienced culture shock coming back to the United States. It was not the same nation. The values were different. The way people treated one another were different. I mean, I saw a significant difference in the way that the church was treated in particular.
Starting point is 00:30:11 It was a totally different nation when I came back here in 2014. So it has changed drastically. That's quite a crucial period, that 2004-2014, isn't it? And I would have to say that, yeah, in the past I would identify as very pro-American, pro-Republican, you know, all the right values, you know, that you're supposed to be if you're an evangelical Christian. But having been outside of the United States and coming back, I have to say that, you know, my loyalties now
Starting point is 00:30:41 are to the kingdom of God, not to the nation, certainly not to the Republican Party because what has the Republican Party done for us over the past 40, 50 years? We have more abortion than ever. We have gay marriage. We have the destruction of family values. We have all these things that the Republicans put in the platform and promise to deliver.
Starting point is 00:31:04 What have they delivered except more votes, more money into the coffers of the Republican Party? The only thing we ended up getting out of it was an embassy moved to Jerusalem. And there are some of us that aren't even big fans of that. And so that's all I see as being the win out of all of it at all, if you count it as a win. So for me, the Republican Party is a shell of what, you know, it's shadow. It's mist. It's nothing. And then I have to even ask the same thing about, right. And so it's just the same thing as the Democrats. It just has different values.
Starting point is 00:31:40 We now have Republicans who, we just found out, are taking money from the chemical castration lobby. That's why they're vetoing bills to protect children. You're talking about one governor in particular, right? That's actually ironic, isn't it? We can't partner with that. The neutered Republicans are taking money from them. Well, they want the rest of us to be eunuchs like they are.
Starting point is 00:32:00 You're talking about Greg Abbott from Texas. Yes. But he, of course, is not the most high-profile Republican eunuch. That particular honor goes to the entity running for governor of California. You've had a few things to say about that, too. Brucey, baby. Do you see, because you're very in tune with some of the younger dissident right wingers, your pals with most of the ringleaders, you know, in the sort of more exciting young Zoomer, Grouper, whatever. They all love you and you're in touch with all of them.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Do you see the same thing that Doc's describing? in a sense, turning from the ideals and idea of America, turning from the Republican Party and focusing instead on themselves, family, and God? Because if so, that strikes me as somewhat sad because it seems as though it might signify despair or resignation about the fate of the country. What are you seeing? Well, I saw a lot of compromise happen. And when you give your enemy an inch, it takes the whole thing. So we caved. Well, also the church was responsible too. Like we caved on gay marriage. We allowed it to happen. We allowed it to get this far. And now the conservative Republican party is running a transgender for office and glorifying him. Not only that, they're putting him on Fox News. Every establishment Republican is endorsing this man who has a mental illness, dresses as a woman. It's like having a schizophrenic
Starting point is 00:33:31 for office, isn't it? Exactly. But they call you bigots, hateful, homophobes if you oppose it. You specifically. The Republican Party establishment that is running a mentally ill cross-dresser for governor of California will disavow people like Laura Loomer and you because, what, you're too right-wing? Except not really. You just won't toe the party line on things where you draw a line in the sand. And those lines in the sand that you draw, as far as I can see, tend to be on matters of religious conviction, tend to be as a result of your
Starting point is 00:34:05 faith, which says, you know, the Republican Party can do all these awful things, but there's certain stuff I just cannot accept. Transgenders, gay marriage, so on and so forth. And it puts you on the wrong side of the Republican Party, which is really just a massive fundraising operation, isn't it? Exactly. And here's the thing. They want you to think that you are in the minority. That's why they put him on the TV. That's why they shame you when you oppose whatever they're presenting. But the truth is, you know, I represent the majority of the Republican Party, 80 percent Christians. So the voting base, at least. Exactly. And, you know, we are the majority. We've just been shamed into keeping our mouths shut. We've been shamed for years, being called names, being so afraid to be called names
Starting point is 00:34:49 that we have allowed it to get this far. Well, guess what? Now they're openly coming for children. That is because we were so afraid of being called names and being shamed and thinking that we were the minority. But listen, we are the majority. What do you think is the root of the shame, though? What's the root of it?
Starting point is 00:35:03 Why were they shamed? What do you think is the root of the shame, though? What's the root of it? Why were they shamed? What do you mean? Well, you say they're feeling shame, but where's that shame coming from? Well, it's from the ruling class. I mean, they propagandize us into thinking that we have to be ashamed for our beliefs. We have to be ashamed for standing up for Christian values, that standing up for Christian values isn't the way things are anymore. You know, if you want to be a part of a progressive society, you have to accept A, B, and C. Compromise on gay marriage, turn a blind eye to Planned Parenthood. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:35 It's interesting. I love that you picked up on shame, because I want us for the remainder of the show, if we can, to talk about some of those big words. And the one I want to focus on for a moment is going to be pride. This is the, look, I'm going to try. No, I'm still, this must mean I've still got some work to do. I'm not in flames. I've still got some work to do. This is actually not just a gay pride flag. It is the worst of all flags. And this is the subject of today's Why Isn't
Starting point is 00:36:08 It On Fire? I'm not touching that thing. This, I don't know if we're going to get a cat guess, this is not just a gay pride flag. This is a gay libertarian flag. This is as bad as it gets, ladies and gentlemen. The worst. This is the absolute pit. This is honestly as depraved as it's possible to get. Gay libertarians. So we're not going to set it on fire because I find flag burning a bit cringe and passe. It's been done, but I think we can dispose of it at least. Forever. But you know what?
Starting point is 00:36:44 That is a flag from the founding of this nation. You know, the image, if you will, the tread image on there, it originally was a snake symbol there that was broken up into 13 segments representing the 13 colonies. Don't tread on me. And it was a message to the British Empire, you know, don't tread on us. We are united. A foolish misstep in America's history, if you ask me. But we'll do a different show on that different day. We're still 2-0 against you guys, so keep that in mind.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Well, I don't know. I mean, you shake off the shackles of an empire, and then you kind of like meekly and obediently come and fight wars for us anyway. I mean, who really won? Anyway, we're going to have a show another day. Another day. You fought our wars for us anyway. I mean, did we even lose the colony?
Starting point is 00:37:38 Anyway, another day. You see, I've did so much hard work to win over the True News viewers, and I've just blown it all up in four seconds. I assure you my view on this is much more nuanced than I just suggested. But the whole idea is the LGBTQ LMNOP community, they take over what we would call the imagery of the right, the imagery of the conservatives, the institutions of conservatives or Christians, and, all right, for instance, the rainbow, okay? Yes. I'm so happy.
Starting point is 00:38:12 That's the symbol here that they have taken, a symbol really in the book of Genesis is a symbol of hope, a symbol of God's promise, a symbol of God's restoration of his people. And it's an unbroken circle too. That's right. That whole pot of gold at the end of the rainbow thing that the Irish like to say. You're right. It's a whole circle.
Starting point is 00:38:34 But it's not real because they don't land anywhere. Actually, if the rainbow were to continue indefinitely, it would be a perfect circle around the world. I'm so glad you brought this up because you're not the only person who had an interesting journey here. I was driving up past, I forget the name of the place now, Boca Raton, and it was drizzling. And out of the sort of murky sky emerged this crisp, wide, perfect, beautiful rainbow as I was driving here. And I had to scold myself because I saw it.
Starting point is 00:39:12 And the first thing I thought of was, oh, gay pride month, of course it is. And I thought, no, stop. This is something so magnificently beautiful, this incomparable wonder of nature, that just this perfect concatenation of water and sun and all the rest of it could produce this amazing thing. But isn't that precisely why they've gone after it? Because they've got to tear down the most beautiful things. You're right.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Isn't that right? So this incomparably beautiful phenomenon of nature, well, of course that's what they choose. Because in order to beat us, in order to win, they have to tear down not just beautiful things, but the most beautiful things. And that's where I think we should move on to talk about kids. Yeah. Well, that's what the enemy does.
Starting point is 00:40:02 He takes something and he perverts it. He takes something beautiful he perverts it. He takes something beautiful that God created. It was our promise, which I think it's really ironic because, you know, it was a promise that he'd never flood the earth again when we became Sodom and Gomorrah, but he never said anything about fire. Hence, why isn't it on fire? He never said he wouldn't set light to the gay kids section in Target. That's for God to do, by the way, if you're watching this, not you. But anyway, sorry.
Starting point is 00:40:37 You have brought to us this video from a kids' TV show. So tell us about what this kids' TV show is, and then we're going to play it, and we're going to talk about it. Right. So recently, Blue's Clues. Blue's Clues. Blue's Clues. Blue's Clues. My childhood is destroyed.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Traumatic experience. But this is about, like, this is what you're talking about, isn't it? Perverting beautiful things. I mean, you know, these lovely memories of childhood. The innocence of children. Now they're coming after children. Well, I mean, they've been coming after children. That was always the end goal. But now they're openly and arrogantly going after your children.
Starting point is 00:41:04 So recently, Blue's Clues launched a new episode in support of Pride Month. But not only was it in support of Pride Month, there was drag queens. There was also animals that had mastectomies done to them. And this is little children and little children on the show as well. This is when a woman wants to be a man. Yes. Like that stupid actress. Yes, they went into such detail to indoctrinate children.
Starting point is 00:41:28 The video you're about to see is a kids' TV show, so we're going to play it for you in full because it's a kids' TV show. I mean, it is what it is. You need to see what these people are piping down into your kids' brains. Yes. We're going to play it for you. It's all animated, so there's nothing explicit or bodily per se. Right. But there's an animal in this pride parade which has a simulacrum of the scars that are left after breasts are removed. Forgive me for going there with body parts, but I don't think we have any option but to describe really what they're... On a kid's show.
Starting point is 00:42:04 This is a children's TV show. Toddler. I mean, I hate to bring up body parts at all on a family show, but I think we have to, in this instance, tell people what is being piped into kids' brains. Yeah. Why don't we show the video, and then you can talk a little bit about what you're seeing them doing in this video. So we're going to play the Pride Parade.
Starting point is 00:42:27 It's number seven for the guys out back. And if you want to pause it and talk about it, go ahead. You've got the floor here. I just want you to describe what you're seeing. Okay. Hey, Blue. Look at all these families. Hi, families.
Starting point is 00:42:48 It's time for a Pride Parade. Families marching one by one. Hurrah. Hurrah. Families marching one by one. Hurrah. Hurrah. This family has two mommies. They love each other so proudly and they all go marching. So what they did was they took kids tunes, kids colors, kids programming, and oh, there's Black Lives Matter. I didn't even realize that was in here as well. They got it all in there. Yeah, and so we have, it looks like two dads right there with a little girl. And, you know, we have Pride Everywhere, and it's led by a drag queen. This entity that's singing is a man dressed as a woman whose dress is the new gay pride flag,
Starting point is 00:43:27 which now has brown and black at the end because of the marginalized who knows. And the bottom of her dress, you forget yourself with these pronouns, the bottom of the dress is the trans thing. Right? And this is basically they're presenting an ever-increasing horror. There's the mastectomy beaver.
Starting point is 00:43:50 There's a mastectomy beaver who's got scars from having breasts removed, and the little kid's got the trans flag, meaning that these families are getting bigger and more demonic and diabolical, and now they're mixing species and all manner of... Okay, I think we get the idea. So we could probably hit pause on that. Make it stop. Yes, please, please, almighty God. Notice the mic she's holding too, right?
Starting point is 00:44:19 The Black Lives Matter mic. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And actually that's the communist raised fist there that she's holding. So this is all part of a communist agenda as well. So there's tons of imagery in this. There's a lot going on. And I have to say, I noticed something in this video when Lauren played it for me. And it's something that's been haunting me ever since I saw it.
Starting point is 00:44:44 There is a cake, one of the floats, the parade floats on this, and it has a very specific sequence of colors on this cake. You can see at the top what the specific sequence of colors is. Now, if I asked you, do you think that this specific sequence of colors is. Now if I asked you, do you think that this specific sequence of colors, which is merely upside down from the the flag beneath it, could possibly be a coincidence, Doc? Would you say that it's likely that this exact sequence could simply coincidentally, given how much is encoded at a granular level in this video, the messaging that is tucked into all different kinds of places
Starting point is 00:45:25 Would you say before I tell you what it is? Okay before I tell you what it would you say that that's likely or unlikely? To be an accident. I would say that is Extremely astronomically unlikely that there would be just dumb luck. I would say That's not a coincidence at all Because you can see can't you the white the yellow, the yellow, the light blue, the dark blue. Right. The white, the yellow, the light pink, the dark pink. So it's transposed.
Starting point is 00:45:48 So in the top. It's flipped upside down. Right. But everything in this video is on purpose. Okay. So I see a cake up in the top one. What am I seeing in the bottom, Milo? That flag is the flag for the group I mentioned earlier, MAPS, Minor Attracted Persons.
Starting point is 00:46:10 That is a pedophile flag. What? That is a flag that is used in the galaxy of gay rights flags to specifically indicate somebody who is attracted to children. And this is hidden. And I, please, if you disagree with me, and I can't imagine you're watching this and you do, write to me and let me know, because I'd love to have a conversation with you about this on the phone tomorrow. And you can try to persuade me that that isn't on purpose. Let's put that back up on the screen. Try to persuade me that that's not on purpose. It's not. Also,
Starting point is 00:46:48 the drag queen. More pedophilia. Well, yes. I mean, look. I know that we have to tread lightly on a show that is very Christian and is a family show, but we must at some point in Pride Month, in the shows that we're going to do together, Lauren, talk about the links
Starting point is 00:47:03 between homosexuality and child abuse. Oh, yeah. We confront our enemies. I think we have to. No more dancing around. We can't afford to. Look at what they're doing. I'm compelled to agree with you, especially because I can tell you stories myself.
Starting point is 00:47:17 So we won't go into it today. We'll try to tease it out because I know people don't want to be confronted with this misery morning, noon, and night. But please, if you think that's a coincidence, write to me, write to the show, get on the phone tomorrow, and I want you to try to persuade me that that is an accident, that that is just a coincidence, that this specific sequence of seven colors is just coincidentally the colors of the cake. And if you can't do that, we have to confront ourselves with a reality, which is that one of the biggest kids shows in America is encoding
Starting point is 00:47:51 pro-pedophilia messaging in its gay pride parade directed at children. And you know how this stuff works. You see that color combination. You become familiar with it. You associate it with positive emotions. They're priming. Hurrah, hurrah, all that nonsense that she's singing. And I don't know, is it just me or is there something very joyless and thin and mean about the sound of that singer? You know, like there's something like, you know, families marching two by two, hurrah, and they're all so proudly. We don't sound proud to me. There's something empty and ugly about the way even that that song is sung, in my view. Maybe it's just me. But that, I'm not shocked by very much because I live in the darkest, deepest corners of the internet. That's what spawned me.
Starting point is 00:48:38 And that's where I live. I am shocked by almost nothing. But I was shocked by that. I was shocked by that. And Doc, you know, you've been doing this longer than us. I'm shocked by almost nothing, but I was shocked by that. I was shocked by that. And Doc, you've been doing this longer than us. How can it be in a nation of 330 million people with tens of millions of fathers, why isn't it on fire?
Starting point is 00:49:02 For want of a better question. For want of a better question. For a nice and fire question. Yeah, for want of a better question. For want of a better question. For an extra fire question. Yeah, for want of a better question, how can it be that American men, fathers, husbands, sit idly by meekly, as it appears to me, and allow this stuff to appear on their children's television sets? How have we got to the stage? Well, to follow up kind of on what Lauren said earlier, I think it is shame. I think it's shame in the fact that a lot of people out there, men and women, really
Starting point is 00:49:33 don't believe. They really don't believe what they say they believe. Because if they believed what they said they believed, they would stand up and they would speak out and they would say something. They'd go to the school board meeting or they'd better yet, pull their kids out of school. They would stand up against this kind of programming and that's exactly what it is. It's programming of their children. They wouldn't just turn off the TV.
Starting point is 00:49:59 They'd get rid of the TV. Whatever it took to stop this mindless indoctrination that's taking place among our children. But that shame exists because we know we don't really believe. The Bible speaks about this mindless. It speaks about in Romans chapter one, that because people gave in to their own sin, their own wickedness, their own way of life. It's hard for a lot of people to imagine, but it says in Romans 1 that God gave up on them, that God gave them up. God gives them up to a reprobate mind,
Starting point is 00:50:34 gives them up to a mind that is not shocked by sin anymore. I wonder really, for the casual viewer out there that's watching this where we talked about the pedophile flag, it no longer shocks you, does it? It no longer angers you. It no longer really gets you upset. It's just like, well, it's just more. Liberals being liberals. More sin, more of that.
Starting point is 00:51:02 But, you know, it didn't start that way. But it has to shock you, surely. It shocks me. If you feel any sense of moral responsibility for the world around you. They do it slowly. They're very cunning. They do it very slowly. Could you imagine if they just legalized gay marriage and then all of a sudden pedophilia came out? There would be outrage. Sure. But they crept in. Our enemy is very cunning. He is. And he creeps in. Do you think Doc is right? Do you think Doc is right? He's in the night.
Starting point is 00:51:25 He takes everything. Do you think Doc is right? Do you think the problem is that lots of people call themselves Christians and perhaps aren't? Oh, yeah. And don't believe. Well, you know, and. This is the Republican Party in action, isn't it? In practice. It's the Republican Party, you know, perfectly pictured.
Starting point is 00:51:39 If you were filled with Jesus, this would righteously enrage you. Right. This should absolutely righteously enrage you. Right. This should absolutely righteously enrage you. I want to throw TVs out of the window. I was looking at this this morning as I was preparing for this show. And I mean, people take this with a pinch of salt if you want. I know that I'm a stuntster and all the rest of it. But I was overcome by the urge to pick up my MacBook Pro and hurl it out of the hotel window. I really did want to. Good reason.
Starting point is 00:52:09 And, you know, I like to treat life as, you know, with a bit of ironic distance and detachment because it's important to do that if you want to be funny about it. And, you know, one of the things that people, you know, like my books for is I try to, you know, make them feel a little bit better about all the horror around them with humor. But I can't bring myself to be funny about this.
Starting point is 00:52:30 There's nothing funny about it. It's very serious. It's real and it's here. You know, I read a report this morning, Lauren and Milo, that UNICEF now has come out with a report that says that children, that pornography has no negative impact on children. I saw this. I saw this. Yeah. That pornography, exposure to pornography has no negative impact on children at all. How, that is how far we've gone where we have to, where common sense tells you what's right, but you won't even acknowledge common sense, much less the Word of God speaking to people. But even more so, God has given even the most vile and degenerate person some measure of acknowledgement that there's a difference between right and wrong. This is the natural law, isn't it? We all instinctively understand certain things are
Starting point is 00:53:24 right and wrong. You notice something, just if isn't it? We all instinctively understand certain things are right and wrong. You noticed something, just, you know, if you haven't thrown your TV out of the window yet, I'll do my best to make that happen for the next couple of minutes. You spotted something else about that video, didn't you?
Starting point is 00:53:34 And it was to do with the way that the drag queen was dressed. Tell us about that. Yeah, so her dress looks awfully familiar because the FBI released symbols a few years ago that labeled pedophiles, what they use to identify each other with and what they are attracted to. It's that thing in the top left, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:53:54 Yes, the very top one, the girl lover, child love. That is what the drag queen. Child love. The drag queen, who is a man, by the way. I mean, the singer is also a man. It's an adult male. Yes, an adult male. And he is telling the world that he is attracted to little girls.
Starting point is 00:54:09 And that is right there on child's television. And it's the same. This is right. It's the same shape. It's the same. They don't hide it. They're so arrogant and they're so prideful that they have no problem just blasting this for the world to see. Because they believe we can do
Starting point is 00:54:25 nothing to stop them. They think that they are unstoppable. I mean, look, I could have maybe said, well, it's all one color and it's sort of nested in a slightly different way. But when you see that cake and you see the flag, you suddenly realize, no, they mean all of it. It's intentional. They mean all of it.
Starting point is 00:54:43 It's intentional. They mean all of it. Yeah. And if you look at everything that they're glorifying this Pride year, it's not celebrating LGBTQ rights. It is now ushered in normalizing pedophilia. Everything's about, oh, look at this 11-year-old who led the charge on this Pride parade. Oh, look at this drag queen 12-year-old. Desmond is amazing. Are you familiar with Desmond is amazing?
Starting point is 00:55:02 Yes. This is a New York boy. Little boy. A little New York boy little boy a little boy little his his his I hate to say it his stage name is Desmond is amazing and his parents have him Collecting tips like a stripper. Yeah dressed in makeup from grown Homosexual men Who put you know dollars in his suspenders or thereabouts. And he's just a little boy. His parents should be locked up.
Starting point is 00:55:34 I mean, that's child abuse. That's child abuse. That's exploiting children. No, instead they'll lock up people who stand up for... Baked Alaska. Yeah. Harmless, harmlessless baked Alaska. This is a family show, so I can't describe in any kind of explicit or particular anatomical detail what I would do to the people who made that kids show, but I could. It would make the finale of Braveheart look like a romantic couple's getaway to the Maldives,
Starting point is 00:56:02 let me tell you. Oh, it's also depressing. Let's talk about something a bit more funny, a bit funnier, excuse me. And that, of course, is the never-ending clownishness and degeneracy of the French. The French who, by some degrees, by some metrics, you could say invented the modern world and have spent the last few decades dismantling it again with Foucault, Derrida, and all the rest of their crazy crackpot theorists. The French rugby team is now sponsored by Grindr. Grindr, of course, being the gay dating, and they say dating, what they really mean is hookups.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Here is the French rugby team. Now, look, the French have always been degenerate, dirty when it comes to sex. But is this not an extra level? I know that some people will be quite upset even just by this picture because of what's being implied here. But what are we supposed to do? Not show you? Not tell you? This is the French national rugby team
Starting point is 00:57:05 uniform we can't hide it from you we can't know what grinder is we can't pretend it's not happening grinder if you have a smartphone grinder is an app which will enable you to quickly find casual sex with another homosexual male who happens to be nearby it's a it's it works on the principle of who is nearby. It'll show you a picture of the person, and if you like what you see, you can arrange Congress with them. This is on the French national rugby team's uniform.
Starting point is 00:57:41 That is incredible. I mean, who would have even imagined that there would be a time where you would have any kind of app of you know that allowed for you know sexual interaction to sponsor a rugby team much less you know a homosexual one there and the implication of course in the image is you know look here yeah this is where it goes. You know what's really crazy about this? They're not even gay.
Starting point is 00:58:09 These are men that probably have children. These, I mean, I'd have to look into them because I don't watch rugby, but at least one of them is probably a father. Right. It's that normalization process that's taking place. It's saying, look, this is acceptable. They're sponsoring the rugby team here. I mean, you know, this is a family app. Depends on if you're in the Manson family or not. Did you notice, by the way, in that Blues Clues video, they kept saying families, families, families. And that's because it's not an accident.
Starting point is 00:58:46 It's not a coincidence that the conservative Christian groups that advocate, you know, that are resisting gay marriage, that advocate for nuclear families, which we all know is the, you know, the healthiest, happiest, most sustainable building block of, you know, good civilizations. It is how we ought to live. All have family in the title, you know, the Family Research Council. There's the enemy taking something beautiful that God created and perverting it. Exactly. That is what he is good at. He's not a creator. He can't create anything. I do pick these stories for a reason together, but there's a theme here. And isn't it a perfect example? Rainbow families. And these families come in one by one.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Look at these families, and they're proud, and they're happy. Families. Yep. Let's return to that word pride for a second. Pride actually kills love. Pride is not something to be aspired to. So there's a sort of ironic lunacy at the heart of the name of this thing in the first place, right? Pride is a sin.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Pride is not something that you trumpet, that you shout from the rooftops. You might feel a healthy, natural pride at, let's say, the accomplishments of your children. But that's not the kind of pride they're talking about. I think that points to the fact that these unions, these unholy unions that they're trying to present as valid alternatives, and even, I think, superior alternatives to normal nuclear families. It speaks to the fact that they don't actually understand what love is, don't you think? Absolutely not. You know, and it's just, you know, the family with the beaver, with the mastectomy, like that just, that was, that did me in. Who's that actress that who's had, and by the way, she just, sorry to interrupt you. No, it's okay. But she had the things, she had them cut off and she posted a picture. And what you realize in the picture of just how cosmetic this stuff is, how skin deep it is.
Starting point is 01:00:49 She didn't just have that done, but she had ab implants done at the same time, which nobody has mentioned because she didn't look like that before. She had her things lopped off. But when she did that proud, brave poolside picture showing her scars, I noticed that she'd had ab implants put in, which just goes to show how, I mean, come on. She's a skinny little thing already. I mean, it wouldn't have been that difficult to just do some sit-ups, but she didn't. She had implants put in. What is it that they're missing? Jesus. Well, yes.
Starting point is 01:01:42 About the nature of love that leads them to believe that these orgiastic celebrations of pleasure are just the same as the kind of love, you know, between a mother and a son, a father and a daughter, between a married couple. What is it that they're getting wrong about love? Well, I mean, there's just a difference between the love of this world and the love of Jesus Christ. You know, that is what they are missing. They know that, you know, a husband will love his wife eternally as Christ loved the church. And they know that a man on man will never love them the same way. They know that a woman on a woman relationship will never love them the same way that a man can love a woman. So they have to overcompensate and put it in the streets about how prideful they are of the current lifestyle that they're living in
Starting point is 01:02:19 because they know the way God is. They're overcompensating for what Jesus Christ has established as the family, the nuclear family. And they know that what they're doing is, you know, it's contradictory to everything that Jesus Christ stands for, everything he established here on this earth for us, for Christians. You know, he wants us to live good lives. He doesn't want us to live in mental illness and degeneracy and brokenness. And self-abuse. And self-abuse, self-mutilation.
Starting point is 01:02:48 I have to say this is personal for me because I hate when people say, for me, this is personal. I have to say this is personal for me because I've lived exactly through this. I was in a monogamous, stable, quote-unquote loving relationship with somebody, and I got to a point where I realized, actually, this isn't everything. There's not enough going on here. This isn't what I was seeking. This is a simulacrum. This is an approximation. In fact, you could really call it a burlesque. It's a grotesque version of it. It's a corruption of it. This is not what my soul was crying out for. It's not filling the hole, if you like. It's not satisfying the need that I have to love and be loved.
Starting point is 01:03:39 It's not cutting it. And that's nothing to do with body parts and Congress. Spiritually, it wasn't cutting it. And that's nothing to do with body parts and Congress. Spiritually, it wasn't cutting it. Because that's the way God designed you. That is the way he designed us. And it's interesting because when you, I won't dwell on this subject too much, but when you enter into reparative therapy, when you are addressing some of the lust-led, disordered urges that you've had in the past, what some of the therapists will say is that, especially the Catholic therapists will say, we believe that something working to its fullest potential is something that is working as it was designed. So you can feel good in the moment and have pleasure and affirm yourself in
Starting point is 01:04:28 these various ways, but you can't be at peace and you can't be fulfilled. You can't be a complete human being and have an authentic, full connection with your heavenly father, unless you are operating as designed. Right. Unless you are working in a way that you were designed to work. Right. And there are some obvious anatomical realities that flow from that, which become inexorable truths that you have to confront. Seems to me, Doc, that while we talk endlessly in society about hate, this is hateful.
Starting point is 01:05:14 These people are propagators of hate. Everyone at this table has been called that. Yes. What we really are suffering from is not a surfeit of hate, but a shortage of love, properly understood as the family, fatherhood with God, with Jesus Christ. I hate to sort of put you on the spot as the kind of like, how did America get this way guy in the trio? Because you've been living here your whole life too.
Starting point is 01:05:49 But it seems to me, and I'd be keen to hear what the two of you think about this, that this must come from the father. This must come from men. I think that it's men is where it has to start. And if the men in society aren't right, everything falls apart. And you see women pushing drag queen story time and pushing.
Starting point is 01:06:15 It's mainly women doing that too. Think about that. But it's women untethered from the influence of strong, wholesome fathers and husbands. Exactly right. Right? Yes. Because women are pleasers.
Starting point is 01:06:29 I hate to generalize. Sorry if this is offensive to anyone at home. But I like to think of it like women are like the ultimate service providers. They will give you whatever you tell them that you want. They will somehow find a way to please you and to do it like that. And so if the men are saying, well, I want OnlyFans. I want a website where I can go and pay $5 a month to look at naked women, then women will go do that. And they are doing it in America today.
Starting point is 01:06:50 If you communicate to women culturally and personally that what you want is a mother, a wife, somebody to honor and respect and cherish and love, that is how women will present themselves and behave and act and be. So all this, it seems to me, has to come from the man. In just the same way that morality comes from our Heavenly Father, I think that earthly behaviors, culture, society comes from fathers, from men. Did you know America is a global leader in single parenthood now?
Starting point is 01:07:22 I believe it. So they went after our families first. I believe it. So it's the foundation of what this nation was founded on was family. So they broke down our families through opioid epidemic, pornography. And breaking up the black family in the 90s
Starting point is 01:07:35 with the crime bill. Dad's out of the home. One of the only communities that did still have relatively strong gender roles, you know? I mean, albeit, I think a lot of urban black men are kind of bi-culture, bi-hip-hop culture and all the rest of it
Starting point is 01:07:51 kind of stunted in adolescence, but they do still... Patriarchy to a degree. It is still a patriarchy. And they do still aspire to at least some portion of the heroic manly ideals, even if they miss a lot of them. I mean, they actually oppose homosexuality the most.
Starting point is 01:08:09 Right, right. They used to be a worshipping people. Have you ever been to a black church? I have. I have. I have. And woe betide you if you identified as a, all these euphemisms I can't use on this show,
Starting point is 01:08:23 if you identify yourself as, what do they used to say? Friend of Dorothy's? In a black church, it will not be a happy. Confirmed bachelor. Confirmed bachelor. Thank you. Thank you. I'm trying to re-engineer my brain with these lovely 1950s and 60s euphemisms.
Starting point is 01:08:39 There's so much more. And actually, that's exactly what I meant. If you are a confirmed bachelor in a black church, you might not have a happy experience. You might want to get out of there. So they do it with the black family too. So yeah, you're right about this, but it's the men, isn't it? They demasculinized a nation, whether it was through... Also, I believe testosterone levels are dropping. This is scientifically proven.
Starting point is 01:09:08 It's not an accident. Everything is going after the man because the man is the head. And when the man falls, the family falls. And we follow suit. As you can see, like, we, as women, we're leading the charge on the LGBTQ movement. We were leading the charge in BLM movement. All of this thing.
Starting point is 01:09:24 That is how, you know, when we don't have a strong leader to hold us into account and hold us in line, this is what happens. Women represent this sort of incredible, malleable, adaptable force. When not properly marshaled, it unravels the world. When properly marshaled, it creates new worlds. With every new birth, with every new life, with every new family, it creates a whole universe, a future
Starting point is 01:09:56 in and of itself. This thing that women can do and only women can do. But untethered... Which the enemy can't do. But you can't even say that anymore. You can't even say that anymore. You can't even say that only women can give birth.
Starting point is 01:10:12 You can't say that. No, you're right. Birthing people. Birthing people. How do you feel potentially being described by your nurse? Let's say you meet the man of your dreams. You might have met him already. And you get married, and you decide you want to start a family.
Starting point is 01:10:31 And at your maternity ward, you're about to give birth, and you hear looming over you the vast proportions, a corpulent nurse, woke nurse. Dancing TikTok nurse everywhere. Taking a break from her hectic TikTok schedule to actually deliver a baby. And she says, yes, we've got another birthing person in room C. How does that make you feel? I think somebody's going to get hurt.
Starting point is 01:11:04 That's what I think. You don't want to cross the woman who's about to give birth because they've got all that testosterone. They've got the hormones raging. They've got the Hulk strength. And then when they do give birth you cannot identify the child by a specific gender because you have to allow the child to determine its own gender. Doc, that's hateful. Oh, I'm sorry. Very hateful. You can write me at info at
Starting point is 01:11:29 On television. How could you? How could you just wantonly, openly express such repressive views? Look, it has a penis. It's a boy. You can't say that anymore. I need a fainting couch, don't you? Good lord.
Starting point is 01:11:47 Right, well, look, we're heading into the final stretch of this inaugural show, and if we haven't horrified you so far, good. Perhaps time to talk about some, let's say, a little grab bag of news stories that we've encountered. First of all is one of your favorite people, the dear, soon, I'm sure, soon to be sainted, the soon to be beatified and sainted Dr Fauci. That's not a look I ever want to get again.
Starting point is 01:12:17 I think the camera's missed that one. He's had some emails released as a result of a Freedom of Information request. What have we learned from the sainted activities of the great Dr. Fauci? So what we learned was that what they were shaming us for and calling us crazy conspiracy theories about was all true. The biggest mistake Donald Trump ever did was not fire Fauci. Instead, he gave him a platform for him in the United States to manipulate us all. And he still maintains that platform to this day. You know, so these emails were released.
Starting point is 01:12:55 They were leaked. And they are legitimate emails from Dr. Fauci to the lab in Wuhan, China, to other government entities. So hang on. So the specific claim that you're talking about is that, and this was something that everyone was called a conspiracy theorist for, was saying that the coronavirus emerged out of a lab in Wuhan rather than spontaneously appearing from bats. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:13:22 Well, there is a mention of bats, too. I'm going to get into this tomorrow. I'm going to study all of these emails, and I'm going to do a deep dive onto this. Oh, you will? Great. But they did mention the bats right right. Well, there is a mention of bats, too. I'm gonna get into this tomorrow I'm gonna study all of these emails and I'm gonna do a deep dive on so you will great They did mention the bats too. Okay, so I I don't know but I do know that what we were saying When they called us crazy conspiracy theorists. No, it's real It's very real because there's an email isn't now that you you you brought for us today and it shows Dr. Fauci being thanked by one of the investors or donors of the Wuhan research lab, thanking Fauci for squashing the it came out of a lab narrative.
Starting point is 01:13:57 In essence, he is thanking his buddy for running cover, doing propaganda. And I have no doubt. It's whether it was intentional or not. You know, we have no doubt that it was concocted in a Wuhan lab. It was bioengineered and unleashed onto the people globally. But it's just a matter of if this was intentional or if it was an accidental leak. And, you know, they will do everything they can to make sure that people like Anthony Fauci are kept as far away from this as possible.
Starting point is 01:14:28 But, however, the emails have been leaked. It's too late. And maybe these conspiracy theorists weren't so crazy after all. Well, then I can feel like true news was justified because we talked about this months ago, about the connection between Peter Daszak, Dr Dr. Peter Dasik and EcoHealth Alliance. This is basically how they funneled the money to Wuhan. When Dr. Fauci was giving testimony before Congress in front of Rand Paul, he said, no, we did not give money to the lab in Wuhan. Well, technically he's correct, but the NIH did give money to the EcoHealth Alliance. That's the organization that Peter Daszak is in charge of.
Starting point is 01:15:07 That organization did give money to the Wuhan lab. They did do weaponized research in that lab. That's what the money was for. We've laid this out in previous episodes of True News. But to see it come out in emails now, where Dr. Peter Daszak now is actually thanking Dr. Fauci. Hey, thanks for all your help with this. And thank you especially for tamping down these ugly stories
Starting point is 01:15:37 about there being a leak at the lab in Wuhan. Right. There's a lot more of the story. I'm looking forward to hearing Lauren develop more on it. Lauren's going to thank you for taking on that ghastly task, the labors of Witsky. I won't be doing it alone, Milo. I had a feeling she was going to say that. There's a thousand emails that need to be gone through.
Starting point is 01:15:59 I had a feeling she was going to say that. Well, that's my evening, ladies and gentlemen. Congratulations for that one. Great. We will. We will. We'll read them all. And what I quite like to do is not read mainstream press coverage at all on a big story like this when we have the source materials, because typically they'll pick periphery issues in order to reinforce a particular... I like to read things cold and not read anything that anyone else has said about it at all and just read.
Starting point is 01:16:29 So we're going to do that. Great. I forgot earlier, and we were talking about parents and men and whatnot, I forgot to show you something that I was sent by an Australian viewer. Here it is. This is an example of how deep the rot has gone. Just to hop back to what we were talking about earlier, I just wanted to show viewers this
Starting point is 01:16:50 because by the time it gets to tomorrow, it'll disappear and we'll forget about it. Just look on the left-hand side first. It says, parents like you, with an image of, is it a man's hand? It is, isn't it? It's a man's hand being led away in shackles, in handcuffs. Parents like you could be jailed for 10 years under new Victorian law. Well, what is that new Victorian law? Well, Victoria is the equivalent of a state in Australia
Starting point is 01:17:20 and may have passed a law which says that if your child tells you that they want to transition, you are forbidden from discouraging them. So although we know that kids will go through these phases, especially if they see it on Blue's Clues, they'll go through these phases and almost all of them will just get over it and grow out of it. The kids who describe themselves in some fashion as trans, at least four in five, get over it and get out of it and just grow up. Pretty much every boy has a couple of weeks where he decides he wants to put dresses on. It's kind of like a normal part of young kids finding out who and what they are.
Starting point is 01:18:03 It's nothing to be alarmed about. Any mother will tell you that if they had a boy, they did that for a couple of weeks. Every boy does. Some of us, unfortunately, had it last a little longer than others, but we're working on that. But this law prevents parents from discouraging their children. If their child says they are transgender, you are prohibited from encouraging them to wait until they're older before pursuing irreversible therapies. In fact, you could even go to jail. And we've seen this stuff happen in America too.
Starting point is 01:18:40 There was a story of a heartbroken dad who has to pay six grand a month in alimony payments to the wife who's transitioning their kid. You see that other story about the kid that died and the parents couldn't decide? Of course, you know, the dad is always the one who's, that's nonsense. And the mom's always the one, oh, really? Ricky was Rebecca. Yeah, reel her in. Yeah, they had separate gravestones for this same child because the parents couldn't
Starting point is 01:19:07 agree. No, no, no, no, no. We'll try and pull it up tomorrow. Separate gravestones. One, I'm making those names up, but you know, for instance, one with Ricky, one with Rebecca, two gravestones for one kid because the parents couldn't decide whether the kid was trans or not. Newsflash, no, because nobody is, especially not at six. Anyway, I just wanted to cover that. Not to mention the fact that that also, I mean, carries a 40% suicide rate, I think, I believe, or attempted suicide rate. But you can't say that, can you? No, but these are like statistically speaking. So parents cannot prevent their children from following the lifestyle.
Starting point is 01:19:46 It's good to know we've only got to deal with the other 60%, all right? I'm joking. I'm totally joking. I'm totally joking. Occasionally these unchristian things will topple out of my mouth that I do not mean. That I do not mean. You know, look, I like to think of it like this, and I know I'm flattering myself, and I know this is coming from a place of ego, but I hate to do that, as you know. Look, Christians are fundamentally good people
Starting point is 01:20:09 who can sometimes veer on the side of credulous and can sometimes veer on the side of giving the benefit of the doubt when they shouldn't and being a bit too nice and being a bit too accommodating and believing the best in people. And I think that Christians need Rottweilers. And if I have to account for some of my actions and thoughts in the course of being a Rottweiler for Christ or what is it that you say on your mugs? Oh, that's commandos for Christ. Commandos for Christ, I'll take it. You know, commandos have to do things that ordinary citizens don't, won't, can't and shouldn't.
Starting point is 01:20:46 Like Jack Bauer in 24. So if I occasionally have a mean spirited thought and it leaks out on this show, I encourage you to consider it in that light. All right. A few other things. There's a wonderful story about Google. And I wonder if we could pop it up on the screen. I know I didn't ask for that earlier, but maybe we could find that Daily Mail story and pop it up on the screen. Now, one of the things that people get very upset with about the left is hypocrisy, of course, because nobody likes it,
Starting point is 01:21:13 because it's ghastly and dreadful. But there's a sort of beautiful thing happening. The sheer level of complacency that is now evident in the ruling liberal elite classes, they don't care if they get caught out on stuff because there are literally no consequences anymore for them, has produced a steady stream of absurdities like this story. Google's head of diversity, this is one of the most powerful people in one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful company in the world. And being head of diversity at Google, everybody in the building is terrified of this guy, right? This is the guy that can get you fired for cracking the wrong joke about something, right? Everybody is walking around Google, left, right, and otherwise, afraid of this guy, because he's the Gestapo, right? He is slammed, not fired, we note, slammed for saying
Starting point is 01:22:08 Jews have insatiable appetite for war and killing in a 2007 blog post which argued they should have more compassion because of the Holocaust. Now look, I know people have a variety of different views about, you know, the state of Israel and all the rest of it. I've having started my life as an ardent Zionist and now finding it completely impossible to support the actions of that particular state. So I'm going on a whole journey about that. But just the laugh out loud hilarity, let's focus on for now.
Starting point is 01:22:42 I wonder what he did to have them dig that up. Right. What did he do? Right. I wonder what he did to have them dig that up. Right. What did he do? Right. I reckon, do you know what I reckon? I reckon he's like failed to promote some transgender lunatic who has, because, you know,
Starting point is 01:22:56 you don't want to go up against the trannies in the workplace because they're all mental. So, you know, I'm just saying, I mean, what do you expect they're going to do? They're all, ugh. Look, I'm just saying, I mean, what do you expect they're going to do? Look, I have nothing but compassion for people who are suffering from this disorder. I have one myself of a different nature that I am praying and working my way out of. I see the gay people gyrating in gay pride parades as much victims as aggressors.
Starting point is 01:23:28 There are a lot of forces acting on them. They're not always within their control, right? But my patience is tested by transgender activists because they seem very much in control of their actions whilst at the same time being incredibly petty, vindictive, spiteful, nasty people. Just unpleasant, unkind, nasty people. So take that as you will. But I reckon that's what happened, don't you? He said the wrong thing to some cross-dressing coder at Google. Watch this.
Starting point is 01:24:00 Watch this. So they've gone on with a wayback machine. They've gone on the internet archive and they've dug up everything he's ever written and tried to stir up trouble. I think they're going to fail because I have to tell you, on both the left and the dissident right, there's quite a lot of tolerance for criticism of Jews in general and Israel in particular. I've got to tell you. Right. It's not something that keeps me up at night, to be really honest with you.
Starting point is 01:24:24 I know it's not popular to say that, but I mean, you know, it's not something that keeps me up at night, to be really honest with you. I know it's not popular to say that, but I mean, you know, it's not something that keeps me up at night. I prefer to just talk about what's happening in America and what's good for America. But still, I thought that was funny. All right. Anything else that we should mention today? I think we've got through quite a lot. I want to keep our powder dry for tomorrow and get to some other wonderful and less wonderful
Starting point is 01:24:44 stories. We are going to come to you with, I'm afraid to tell you, because we can't avoid doing it. It's necessary. It's necessary. More of the horrors, hypocrisies, and humiliations of Jihad June, or as you like to call it. The month of Christianity. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Hers is more virtuous, I know. Doc, anything that you would like to wrap up with? No, first of all, we just want to say thank you guys both for being here. And they're going to be here with us for the next two weeks, filling in for Edward and for Rick, of course, while they're recovering at home. And from what I understand, Rick will be checking in with us tomorrow. Let's hope that's the case. He wasn't feeling quite up to it today, but we'll work to try to get you an update directly from Rick tomorrow. And that way you can be encouraged to know
Starting point is 01:25:31 that he's doing well. Continue to pray for Rick and for Miss Susan. If you received our newsletter here over the weekend, we updated you on the status of family and staff members regarding all the different things that are going on here regarding Rick's health, Susan's health, now Edward's health as well. If you did not receive that email or if you're not on our newsletter list,
Starting point is 01:25:53 I encourage you to go to and sign up for our newsletter on the website and that way you can stay informed anytime we have an update that we wanna send out to you. That way you can stay informed and be actively involved in all the work that we do here at True News. What I would also like for you to do is let us know, hey, how did Milo and Lauren do today? Give us some feedback. And I'm sure there will be some of you out there right now that are already tapping out emails that you're really angry right now or that you're really happy right now.
Starting point is 01:26:23 Either way, let us know, and we want to hear from you. More of the latter. Yeah, it had to be better. I want you to be brimming with Christian charity when you write those feedback emails. The problem is, Milo, not everyone that watches is a Christian, and so there might not be that. Do you have a lot of faith watchers?
Starting point is 01:26:40 Yes, I think right-wing watchers are going to have a good review, Milo. They'll be shocked. I'm very much looking forward to what Jared Holt has to say about this show. Oh, no, I think he got fired. Oh, what a shame. He got fired or he stepped down. Which was it? We don't know, do we? They're always allowed. Aren't they always allowed to resign? It makes me so mad. They let them step down rather than the humiliations of being summarily fired. But we know that Kyle Montaya at Right Wing Watch has to watch our show every single day. So hi, Kyle.
Starting point is 01:27:07 Have a great day. You're going to love this one. Well, guess what? Tomorrow in the driving seat will be this one. And if you thought I was bad today, just wait until you get a load of whiskey. All right. Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News.
Starting point is 01:27:19 Please share this Godcast with your friends and family and consider becoming a partner with this ministry as we report the truth every day with courage and conviction that you will hear nowhere else. And you can support True News by going to, that's T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com, and just click on the heart on the left-hand side, or you can always call our toll-free number at 1-800-576-2116. That's 1-800-576-2116. That's 1-800-576-2116. You can also donate to us by mail at PO Box 690069, Vero Beach, Florida, zip code 32969. We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, precious metals,
Starting point is 01:27:55 whatever you want to bless us with, we'll gladly receive and put toward our mission here to save souls, report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you, and God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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