TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Putin Dares West to Shoot Down Russian Hypersonic Missile
Episode Date: December 19, 2024Russian President Putin today challenged the West to a technological duel. He dared Western governments to try to shoot down one of his new hypersonic missiles. We will tell you more later in today's ...TruNews. First, the West tried again today to provoke Putin into attacking NATO nations. Ukraine used American ATACMS and UK Storm Shadow missiles to strike targets inside Russia. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 12/19/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comCelebrate Christmas with TruNews! Donate $200 or more to TruNews and receive 8 gifts: 2 Final Day books, 2 Sacrificing Liberty DVD sets, 2 The Greatest Reset DVDs, and 2 talking Fauci Elves. Donate at, call 800.576.2116, or mail to PO Box 399, Vero Beach, FL 32961. Request your gift bag today!Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!       It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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Eight Christmas gifts from True News.
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Make sure you request the Christmas gift bag when you donate $200 or more. russian president vladimir putin today challenged the west to a technological duel
he dared western governments to try to shoot down one of his new hypersonic
missiles. I'll tell you more in a few minutes. First, the West tried again today to provoke
Putin into attacking NATO nations. Ukraine used American ATAKOMs and UK storm shadow missiles to strike targets inside Russia. This is True News for
Thursday, December 19, 2024. Let's begin our analysis and commentary of World War III news
with this RT report about today's attack on Russia, Ukrainian missile strike targets chemical plant in southern Russia.
That's right. Ukraine launched a missile attack against a massive chemical
plant in Russia's southern Rostov region, the Russian Ministry of Defense has reported.
Now, according to the military, as you're seeing in the video there, the attack happened
late Wednesday afternoon. Six American-made AtAKMS tactical missiles and four air-launched Storm Shadow cruise missiles were used in the assault.
Russian air defense units engaged the incoming missiles, successfully intercepting all the ATAKMS,
and three out of the four Storm Shadow missiles, using their S-400 and Buk-M3 surface-to-air missile systems,
as well as their Panzer air defense system.
Now, one of the storm shadows apparently veered off course.
However, it still impacted the facility.
Remember, this is a chemical plant, resulting in damage to the technical building on the premises.
Moscow, of course, condemned the attack, claiming these actions by the Kiev regime,
supported by Western sponsors, would not go unanswered.
Once again, this was on Russian territory. hands-on active participation by American and British military advisors and American and British
software and satellites and everything else it takes to coordinate a missile strike on a target.
So whenever you read or hear that Ukraine used the missiles, know that there were Americans actively involved in the attack on Russia.
Next story, this is also RT.
Putin challenges the West to a technological duel with his new hypersonic missile.
This is quite an amazing article because what the Russian president said was,
you pick a target, you put all of your air defense systems around it,
and I'll send in my hypersonic missile and you try to shoot it down. And we'll see which one wins.
That's essentially what he said, Rick. Russian President Vladimir Putin has challenged the West
to put up and shut up in their modern air defense systems up against Moscow's new hypersonic
aurasic missile in what he is calling a technological
duel. During his annual end-of-the-year press conference Thursday, President Putin was asked
to comment on opinions expressed by some foreign military experts suggesting that the Oreshnik
hypersonic missile can easily be shot down by Western missile defense systems. This was his
response to that. Well, if those Western
experts you mentioned believe that, then they should suggest to their employers in the West
and the U.S. to conduct a technological experiment. For instance, a high-tech duel of the 21st century.
Let them identify a target in Kiev, concentrate all their air defense and missile defense systems there, and then we will strike it with an Oreshnik.
Let's see what happens. We're ready for such an experiment.
Is the other side ready? President Putin asked.
Doc, that's got some swag to it. It does. He's very confident
that this new missile cannot be shot down. And if he's right,
then any city is vulnerable.
There's no defense as of right now.
If he's correct, there's no defense against this new missile.
And if the missiles, if it's equipped with a nuclear, biological, or chemical warhead,
you have no way of stopping it from coming in.
I mean, it's going to come in screeching.
I mean, red hot, drops out of the sky like greased lightning.
And if it can be so easily shot down, why haven't they done so so far?
Well, I'm amazed again. Here we have another provocation by the United States and Great Britain and NATO trying to force Putin to attack.
They want him to attack a Western base, a Western city.
What are we at?
How many days to January 20th?
Mr. Trump is inaugurated.
Just about a month. Today's the 19th.
That's right. So about one month.
So the
Western warmongers are
They know that when
Trump enters the White House,
this war gets shut down.
Game's over.
Trump's going to negotiate a settlement with Putin.
Game is over.
The warmongers are going to have to go someplace else, start a war.
But they want to push this over the edge now so that we're in a shooting war between Russia and the United States by January 20th.
That's what I'm telling you.
This is an extremely dangerous time right now.
We're living by the grace of God every single day.
Count your days as grace from Lord mercy that we're living one more day
because the leaders of the United States and of Western Europe are doing their best to start a nuclear war between NATO and Russia.
Now, yesterday we mentioned a British colonel who's in charge of nuclear biological chemical warfare for great britain uh his uh his name is uh colonel hamish
de bretton court gordon he's the one that wrote that op-ed in the telegraph that said
general kirilov was an evil man and he deserved to die right okay so this is what he said today to the Daily Telegraph in London.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm one ahead.
I apologize to my team.
So I want to go first to the London Times.
UK forces could be sent to Ukraine for training mission.
They're determined to get Western troops.
Well, we know they're already there. They're there, but they're just going to make an official now're just but they want to do it openly they want to do it out in the open now uh so remember
it's just been a couple weeks ago that boris johnson said i am in favor of sending british
troops to ukraine yes and it wasn't long just a month ago less than a month ago, that if you even said that there was going to be Western troops in Ukraine, you were spewing Russian propaganda.
But now it's on the front page of the Times owned by Rupert Murdoch.
Looks like Great Britain is going to send troops to Ukraine, but only for training purposes.
Just for training.
Just for training.
British troops could be sent to Ukraine for training as the UK seeks to forge a new
leadership role in the war, the Defense Secretary suggested.
John Healy said the UK needed to make the training a better fit
for what the Ukrainians needed as he left the door open for it to take place
in the war-torn country instead of back in Britain. We need to make it
easier to the Ukrainians to access,
and we need to work with the Ukrainians to help them motivate and mobilize more recruits,
he said to The Times on a visit to Ukraine.
Asked if this meant extending training of Ukrainian troops inside the U.K. to Ukraine itself,
he said, we will look wherever we can to respond to what the Ukrainians want.
They are the ones fighting.
Now, let's make it clear.
The U.K. is already training Ukrainians now in the U.K.
They're just going to take it out to the home field now.
That's exactly what they're doing.
I mean, they're bringing tens of thousands of Ukrainian troops to the United States for military training.
This has been going on now for several years.
Now, the story I started to talk to you about with Colonel Hamish de Breton Gordon.
This is the Daily Mail article.
Mystery drones over UK air bases and threat of Russian sleeper agents.
Putin's covert agents are probing the West's defenses for future attack,
warns Colonel, as UFO hysteria grips the United States.
It's the Russians, Rick.
I'll be honest with you, Doc.
He might be right.
He very well could be.
You know why?
I'll go back to the book that's behind you.
Through the Eyes of the Enemy.
Colonel Stanislav Lunov,
the Russian GRU spy.
He personally told me that there are,
and I don't remember the number,
but it just seemed to me it was in the thousands,
of Russian sleeper agents,
Spetsnaz are,
Spetsnaz troops are the highest
trained commandos in Russia. He told me that there were many Spetsnaz troops are the highest trained commandos in Russia.
He told me that there were many Spetsnaz sleeper agents in the United States.
And he said, they're here.
They speak perfect English.
They have jobs as, it could be as professors, medical doctors, news reporters, engineers.
He said they are embedded throughout society.
They speak perfect English.
They are married to American women.
The American women do not know that they are GRU commandos.
You know, that story is not so far-fetched because just a few months ago, remember the U.S. released a Russian – there was an exchange of spies.
I remember that.
An American spy and a Russian spy were exchanged between Biden and Putin.
The Russian spy who was living in the United States, his wife and children didn't know that he was a Russian spy
they didn't know he was Russian
they were ordered to leave
the kids, the wife and the children
boarded a plane in the United States
and flew, for them it was the first time
they went as
Americans being told
no you're really Russians
that just happened a couple months ago
so Colonel Luna told me that there are many Spetsnaz agents in the United States.
And he said they have a clean record.
There is absolutely no traceability to them.
But they are on standby. And when
he said they will be activated two weeks
before the war. Two weeks before the war.
Two weeks before the war.
It was one of the signs he told me to watch for.
He said, when you see the sleeper agents activated, you know that the nuclear war is imminent.
So when I read this, it put a chill in me.
Because I thought, okay.
Ordinarily, I would would just say typical NATO propaganda.
We're going to blame the Russians for it.
But he might be right.
He might be right.
And they couldn't come out and say that, could they? They can't come out and say it.
So what if these drones are flown by Spesnaz agents?
I hadn't thought about that.
They can't say anything if it was the case.
Because that would create greater fear than the explanation or even the event.
So then why did the West murder the general in charge of nuclear war?
Now you know why.
They know the agents have been activated.
And that ties in with the shortwave.
The shortwave transmission from the doomsday station.
That's another thing.
Lunaf said there's a series of things.
When you see these things happening, know that the nuclear war is within weeks.
Man, this is some great dot connecting you're doing today.
I know, but it's not good news.
Doc, it's not good news.
I agree. This may be the Christmas that our country's on fire, what the Lord showed my family years and years ago.
But this would make perfect sense why they can't come out and say what the source of all these drone sightings are.
I mean, if they know know this is really incredible so russian sleeper agents could
be behind the mystery drone swarms buzzing the u.s and uk military bases causing global alarm
a defense former defense chief is warned colonel hamish to bretton gordon claimed the incursions
worldwide may be part of a kremlin ploy to use covert agents to test the waters
and expose weaknesses in the defenses of both the British and American bases.
The veteran commander claimed that President Putin could have activated sleeper agents,
spies on the Russian payroll to run the brazen series of coordinated operations,
which left government agencies scrambling to respond on both sides of the Atlantic.
And this just got a lot more clearer here in the past few minutes.
Yeah, I would take it seriously.
UK's Minister of Defense, David Lammy, he posted this on Twitter on X in response to Dmitry Medvedev's threat yesterday that Russia would assassinate
editors of the London Times.
Because the London Times published an editorial applauding the assassination of General Kirillov
and Medvedev responded back and said, you know, all is fair in love and war.
We'll take out your editors.
Didn't say it in those words, but it was clearly implied.
He really did imply it.
So here's Minister Alami saying Russia's Medvedev gangster threat against Times journalist smacks of desperation.
Our newspapers represent the best of British values, freedom, democracy, and independent thinking.
I stand with the Times.
That just tells me they're taking this threat very seriously.
When the defense minister issues a statement saying, you know, we're denouncing this threat against the editors of our biggest newspaper.
I mean, this would be like saying we're going to take out the editors of the New York Times.
Or the Washington Post.
I don't know the Russians are going to do it, but I wouldn't be surprised, Doc.
If I were an editor, if I were an anti-Russian editor of the times i'd be very careful i'd probably take my pto
and go to thailand and get on a little boat and sail off for a couple months that's because this
is hot they're looking for people right now now look at this next story. This is in TASS. When did you see this headline?
Russia to invite representatives of anti-Hitler coalition countries.
What war are we talking about, Doc?
We're talking about World War II.
Russia is gathering representatives of the nations that defeated Hitler.
And they're going to gather in Russia on May 9.
Yeah, it's the 80th anniversary.
Of the defeat of Germany.
But just to see a headline like that,
anti-Hitler coalition,
we're in World War III.
And this time,
we are the bad guys.
That's the troubling thing, Doc. Yes. We're the bad guys. That's the troubling thing, Doc.
We're the bad guys this time.
You know,
in World War II,
do you ever think about the,
do you ever think about all the good Germans?
There were a lot of good German people.
I'm German.
I never,
I did visit Germany,
but not enough.
I want to go,
I've never gone back
and actually taken a long trip to Germany. I want to do that because all my relatives came from Germany
on all sides of my family. And Germany is a beautiful country.
And it's Christian. The Reformation came from Germany.
There were a lot of good Germans
and they weren't Nazis. The Nazis took over their country
just like the Satanists And they weren't Nazis. The Nazis took over their country.
Just like the Satanists have taken over the United States.
Not everybody here is a Satanist. We're not all Satanists, but they're in control of this country.
But if you were a Christian who loved your country, Germany,
and you saw Nazism take it over,
when World War II came and your country was bombed,
you know what?
You were caught up in it
because you were living inside the country
that was on the wrong side of the war.
This time, you and I are living in the country
that's on the wrong side of the war. This time, you and I are living in the country that's on the wrong side of the war.
Because the West is the evil force in the world right now.
Aligned with Zionism. Zionism is absolutely the most evil
thing on the planet right now. It is just
death. There's no other word you can put. Death. They're killing
people. They're killing people.
They're killing people every day.
This is the Antichrist.
So it's not the Hitler coalition.
It's the Antichrist coalition. Right.
And so there are going to be a lot of good Americans who are going to pay a price, going to suffer because we've allowed Satanists
to control this nation.
And you say, well, but Donald Trump has won.
He's not in the White House yet.
Look what they did to him the last time.
You think they're just going to let him go?
They're just going to allow him to run wild?
Of course not.
I don't think so.
I'm not. We are not in La La Land.
So anyhow, they're going to have an anti-Hitler gathering May 9.
The 80th anniversary of Victory Day.
Victory over Nazi Germany.
And the Americans should be there for that.
They should be.
But we're not going to be, are we? No. But we ought to be. Right now, we hate Russia. We should be there for that. They should be, but we're not going to be, are we?
No, but we ought to be.
Right now, we hate Russia.
We should be there.
Instead, we're attacking Russia.
Newsweek, satellite images show Russian air base in Syria has been vacated.
The Russians have done in Syria with their base like we did with Afghanistan.
They just packed up and left.
Multi-billion dollar military base
just sitting there empty,
waiting for somebody to come in and take it.
You know who I think is going to take it?
You won't guess.
Oh, does it start with an I
and end with an L?
Oh, I think they have that thought.
But I'm going to say
it starts with a C.
Oh, I hadn't considered that.
Who's going to stop China
from taking it?
You're going to tell Xi Jinping
you can't have it well they're they already own the haifa port for shipping yes why not a military base and
they could be justified in that too that they have to protect we do the same thing that
we protect american interests that's why we established all these military bases, right? Xi Jinping calls Netanyahu and says,
stay away from it.
He calls Erdogan and Turkey,
keep your hands off that base.
It's ours. We're taking it.
Who's going to say, oh, no, you're not.
We're going to fight you.
If China wants, I'm not saying they're definitely going to,
but I'm just saying if China wants that base
it's theirs
anything that China wants
it's theirs
they have 1.2 billion people
I mean you can
how big's their army
how many men do they have
in uniform
active duty
over 2 million.
Oh, it's much bigger than that.
Their reserve forces are tens of millions.
Oh, I think active duty is bigger than that, Doc.
I think.
Well, anyhow, the base is empty.
It's been vacated.
New satellite imagery shows Russian air base in Syria has been vacated, according to intelligence analysts familiar with the imagery.
This is, again, Newsweek magazine.
The analysts who spoke to Newsweek said it looks like the majority of the heavy equipment has been removed from the air base.
Now, where did they go?
Well, look at this story.
London Times.
Well, looky here. Russian forces seek refuge in libya
yes that surprised me they moved next door they went over to libya suddenly now russia
is going to have military bases in libya oh wait a minute i thought we killed qaddafi
so we could save democracy there right to prevent To prevent Russia from setting up bases in Libya.
So now Russia apparently is going to Libya. Russia
is in talks with a Libyan warlord to move
naval assets and military equipment in Syria to the North African country
as the Kremlin seeks an alternative foothold in the Mediterranean.
So Libya may become a Russian ally.
Now, the other thing that happened in the Middle East in World War III,
the Houthis, nobody has told the Houthis that
basically all the other people that have been attacking Israel are dead.
The Houthis are still shooting missiles.
They're obviously not getting the news over there in Yemen.
If I were a Houthi leader,
I'd do something different.
Because sending missiles into Israel, it doesn't work.
Because they send missiles back.
A lot of them, a lot of them.
So the Houthis hit an Israeli school today,
and then Israel returned fire and destroyed three Houthi ports.
We've got some video.
This one is the attack in Yemen.
This is Israel's attack.
I think that is a, do I have this right?
This is the power center?
This is the utility plant that's burning.
And this next video, I think, is in Tel Aviv.
Do I have this right?
Is that Tel Aviv?
Or is that Yemen also?
That's still Yemen?
This is hitting an oil refinery here.
So that's Yemen also.
But the targets in Yemen included about 30 targets total.
And so this is the latest escalation where Israel is responding responding to missile attacks this time from yemen well the
houthis have any sense they'll tone it down because uh nanyahu likes killing people
the pentagon released their new report on china's military this is the front page of the U.S. Department of Defense Military and Security
Developments Involving the People's Republic of China
2024 Annual Report to the U.S. Congress. It's
roughly 200 pages. I'm going to scan
down to page 11. I want Doc to read this one paragraph.
So this is on page 11 of this
report. So pay attention to the dates in this. Over the next decade, the PRC, the People's
Republic of China, probably will continue to modernize, diversify, and expand its nuclear
forces rapidly. The PLA seeks a larger, more diverse nuclear force comprised of systems ranging
from low-yield precision strike missiles to ICBMs with
multi-megaton yields to provide it multiple options on the escalation ladder. In 2023,
Beijing continued its rapid nuclear expansion. The Department of Defense estimates that the PRC
has surpassed 600 operational nuclear warheads in its stockpile as of mid-2024 and will have over 1,000 operational nuclear warheads by 2030, much of which will be deployed at higher readiness levels.
The PRC will continue growing its force through at least 2035.
So there's that window, Doug.
2030 to 2035.
This is the fourth turning crisis.
It's not the beginning of World War III.
It's the end of World War III.
It will end with an all-out war with China somewhere between 2030 and 2035.
So I just wanted you to see this.
Those dates keep popping up it's giving us uh indicators of
what is ahead that does not rule out that the u.s doesn't go to war with russia possibly this week
we may find out that's the plan right that our pentagon and nat NATO has plotted a war with Russia now, this year.
And then a war with China in the 2030s.
Because they don't want to fight a two-front war sometime in the 2030s.
U.S. government tells officials, politicians to ditch regular calls and text messages.
Like all calls, all text messages?
Apparently so, Rick.
The U.S. cybersecurity watchdog CISA is telling senior American government officials and politicians to immediately switch to end-to-end encrypted messaging following intrusions that major American telecoms blamed on Chinese hackers.
Now, in written guidance released on Wednesday,
the Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency said,
individuals who are in senior government or senior political positions
should immediately review and apply a series of best practices around the use of mobile devices.
The first recommendation, use only end-to-end encrypted communication.
Now, end-to-end encryption, a data protection method which aims to make data unreadable
by anyone except its sender and its recipient, is baked into various chat apps, including
MetaPlatform's WhatsApp, Apple's iMessage, and the privacy-focused
AppSignal. Corporate offerings, which allow end-to-end encryption, also include Microsoft's
Teams and Zoom communications messages. Just last week, Democratic Senator Ben Ray
Luyan said that this attack likely represents the largest telecommunications hack in our nation's history.
But for them to publicly come out now and say this, to start using encryption,
maybe everybody should.
Yes, and that's where it's going.
I'm going to make a prediction, Doc.
The American people will be told you have to ditch your current phone system.
I think, God willing, if we go to Barcelona in February, if the Lord allows us to go to Mobile World Congress, which is the global meeting of the phone companies.
There's a reason that we go there. You have to understand that the cell phone industry is the nerve system of the new world order that they're building.
It's the nervous system.
So when you go to the telecom conventions, you're hearing the plans of how they're building the system for the future. Because those guys are in charge of the hardware to make it all happen.
I think when we go there, Doc, we're going to hear a lot about encryption.
It would be interesting to see what they say in front of the Chinese telecom leaders.
Huawei and the other ones are going to be there.
But I think what we're going to hear is that the West is going to completely rebuild their phone systems.
They're at the point where they have to.
Here's where this is what you're going to have.
Everybody's going to be told you have to go to an encrypted system.
But we all know there's no such thing as
Completely encrypted
Whoever builds the encryption system
Has the key to
Encrypt it
The guy who builds the lock knows how to unlock it
Do you ever think about that?
The company that builds locks
Makes locks
They have a key to every lock.
So what does this mean?
It means that the whole world is going to eventually end up being compelled to choose
who do you want to spy on you.
Oh, that's good, Rick. That's good. That's the choice you're going to be given. want to spy on you?
That's good, Rick.
That's good. That's the choice you're going to be given.
Do you want the CIA to spy on you and the NSA to spy on you?
Or do you want
the Russian
GRU to spy on you?
Or do you want the MI6?
Or do you want
the Chinese intelligence? Who do you want the Chinese intelligence?
Who do you want to spy on you?
You have to choose the encryption service that you're comfortable with,
knowing that the government will be reading everything.
But you're protected from other countries reading it.
Man, that's mafia tactics there.
Isn't it?
Well, who do you, what are we dealing with?
If these aren't mafia gangs. You know that's mafia tactics there. Isn't it? Well, who do you, what are we dealing with if these aren't mafia gangs?
You know, I don't know, another year
or two, but that's where we're headed.
They're moving all the politicians into an
encrypted, now guess what?
The CIA and the NSA will
be, they'll have access
to everything said,
everything text by every politician, including
their wives. They'll have it all
in one nice database.
This is just like Big Brother. Just like it. It is Big Brother.
It is. Each one of the players
in Orwell's prediction about the future, they had surveillance within their own state on their own people.
That's where we're going.
To prevent surveillance from the other state.
From the other side.
That's where we're at.
Oh, my goodness sakes.
And the people will accept it.
So you're going to have to decide do I want the CIA
and the NSA reading my text
messages? Or the PLA or
Channel 4 in New York City
Manhattan man pleads
guilty to helping establish
secret Chinese police station in Beijing.
No, I mean, no, in New York City.
New York City.
New York City.
So a Manhattan resident has pleaded guilty to helping establish the secret police station
in New York on behalf of the Chinese government.
We were told this wasn't true a few months ago, that this wasn't happening.
Xi Jinping entered a guilty plea on a single count of conspiracy
to act as an agent of a foreign government
in Brooklyn federal court Wednesday.
Matthew Olson, assistant attorney general in the U.S. Department of Justice,
said Xin admitted in court to his role in audaciously establishing
an undeclared police station in Manhattan
and attempting to conceal the effort when approached by the FBI.
Supposedly, there are 50 more of these police stations in the United States, maybe more.
They only have one. And is it still operating?
OK, so they arrested the guy that set it up. Did they shut it down?
It doesn't say that they shut it down. It says they arrested the guy that set it up. Did they shut it down? It doesn't say that they shut it down.
It says they arrested the guy who set it up.
I like that word.
He audaciously established this.
Oh, he did it without any oversight from the U.S. government, the FBI.
Nobody stopped him.
It's been going on for years, Doc.
Another one, this also
NBC News.
Undocumented Chinese men
say they're baffled
by Trump's reported plan to
deport them first.
They're baffled, Rick.
Undocumented, you know, like
illegal Chinese
immigrants, males. They're illegal Chinese immigrants. Right.
They're baffled.
They're stumped.
They're confused.
Why would Donald Trump want to deport them?
Just because they're in here illegally.
And just because they are fighting age.
And just because they're Chinese.
What's wrong?
Why are you picking on us?
Why you do us first you know go get somebody else
no it's
you know this is propaganda
to make you feel sorry
for the PLA sleeper agents
it's to make you feel sorry
for the PLA
Trojan troops that are in
the country getting ready
to launch a war on
America we have I think we have russian
sleeper agents flying drones i am i am totally okay with that theory doc we have russia we have
chinese police stations and we have chinese military troops inside america we're about to
be taken down i don't know when but they're moving the troops inside the country
it's not going to be invasion with ships coming they're going to be here they're going to be here
and then the most shocking thing is when we find out that our politicians, our generals, law enforcement, FBI, are part of the
takeover. That they were cooperating with the Chinese. That they were bought off.
That's going to be the most shocking thing that happens.
When you find out that your politicians sold you
out. Members of the news media,
college professors, all across the board there
china has been buying off americans preparing for the takedown
i watched a video yesterday with laura logan you know she worked for cbs news for i think 16 years right then she said something and they
fired her you know she says something like truth and you can't you can't speak truth and work at
cbs or mbc or abc and so she got fired uh but she was speaking at a conference, and I watched this video.
I'm assuming it's recent.
It's the first time I saw the video, and I clipped about, it's about five minutes, folks,
but what she says is vitally important to hear about the mind control that the Western warlords are using against us to control our thinking, to restrict our speech, to introduce their propaganda narratives.
She's got it.
She understands it.
This is Laura Logan.
We live in the age of information warfare,
where propaganda is not simply a weapon,
it is the entire field of battle.
This is a war for our minds that is aided by advanced technology,
and we have never been here, not in all of human history.
It is a moment when we as journalists should stand together, united, and regardless of politics,
we should fight for the truth and we should fight for freedom.
Yet not very long ago, we allowed one of our own,
Tucker Carlson, to be branded as a traitor simply
for doing his job.
In fact, there were many so-called journalists who were leading the charge against Tucker,
accusing him of treason for the simple fact of interviewing the president of Russia, Vladimir
And to my knowledge, there was not a single legacy media institution that spoke up.
This was more than a politically motivated attack on one man. It was a betrayal of the most sacred principles of a free press and my
media colleagues know this to be true no matter what they say. My fear is that
they either no longer care or that they lack the moral courage to be honest, including with themselves.
I have worked at the highest levels of the media as a full-time correspondent for 60 Minutes,
chief foreign correspondent for CBS News, chief foreign affairs correspondent for CBS News.
That was my home for 16 years.
And as a journalist, I have sat down with world leaders,
mass murderers, and terrorists.
And I have held people on both sides of the aisle accountable.
I have seen suffering, and I have faced evil,
and I have walked through the fires of hell on distant battlefields.
I faced my own death at the hands of a mob of some 200 men in Egypt when I was gang raped and sodomized and beaten almost to death while on assignment for 60 minutes. And yet for almost a
decade I have been targeted and falsely branded and accused of many things that I did not do.
They have attacked my work, my character, my sanity, and my marriage.
And I am not alone.
We are many.
And we will not give up, and we will not
give in to those who wish to censor
the idea of free speech in America and all over the world.
Media companies, institutions, and journalism schools
have failed all of us.
And for too long, have allowed non-profit organizations to masquerade as
non-partisan media watchdogs, when in fact they are little more than highly paid political
propagandists and assassins, whose entire reason for being is to crush anyone who stands in their way.
And along with them, the long-held and cherished ideas of free speech, free thinking, and free minds.
This is a blood sport for them.
Their political allies and their puppet masters.
They know how to kill a journalist without murdering them.
We call it cancel culture.
In truth, it is a death sentence.
And they get away with it because they have information dominance.
Some are strong enough to survive,
but only a few, like Glenn Greenwald, Tucker Carlson, Matt Taibbi, only a few like them
are able to reach greater heights and thrive. These non-profits that I'm talking about are part
of a vast censorship network that includes government agencies. They use deception to mask
their actions with lofty goals, like preventing the spread of misinformation,
disinformation, hate speech.
They use phrases like protecting democracy.
And make no mistake, words matter.
The media is collaborating with government agencies
and operatives to censor and shape
the information battlefield,
to justify certain actions.
For example, when the President of the United States
threatens the unvaccinated,
saying our patience is wearing thin,
and accuses them of putting communities at risk,
his words are designed to justify hatred,
censorship, and intimidation.
And when the Vice President compares January 6th to 9-11 and Pearl Harbor, it is a predicate
to silence the opposition and justify the weaponization of the justice system.
Well, Doc, I applaud Laura Logan for making those remarks.
And I can certainly say I know what it's like to be on the receiving end of those attacks.
I've been smeared.
I've been attacked.
I've been maligned.
My name is muddied on a lot of websites.
And they do practice character assassination.
But glory to God,
through my faith in Jesus Christ,
I have withstood it for over 25 years.
Yes, you have.
Not because I'm great,
not because I'm strong,
but because Christ is in me.
And we will continue.
And the lying, the deception, the attacks against those who speak truth will increase.
It will be more dangerous.
But this is the age that we're living in.
And truth prevails.
So I commend Laura Logan for that very brave statement.
Some good news for Donald Trump today.
WSBTV channel.
Let's see.
I forget what channel they are in Atlanta.
Channel 2.
Channel 2.
Fonny Willis, Fulton County's district attorney was removed by a court today from overseeing President-elect Donald Trump's case in Georgia.
That's a shutdown.
Case still stands, but she's been removed.
So it's over.
It's over.
Whoever gets appointed is not going to continue this um so the georgia court of appeals on thursday
ruled that fulton county district attorney fonny willis and her office her office too
the office of district attorney it's not like they're going to appoint another district attorney
no her entire office her office has been disqualified from the election interference case involving Donald Trump.
The court said, quote, after carefully considering the trial court's findings in its order,
we conclude that it erred by failing to disqualify District Attorney Willis and her office.
So the ruling came one day after Willis filed new court documents claiming that trump doesn't have
presidential immunity in a case so that case is over all right it one by one they're being shut
down that's a victory like you said it would be it's amazing you know doc i don't know there were
times i can't say i wasn't sure how this was going to work out because there was a time just months ago, back in, you know, just think of the Republican convention was like July.
It seems like a couple years ago.
But it was July, right?
Two weeks before the convention, he was supposed to go to prison.
That's right.
I mean, that's how close we came to seeing him handcuffed and taken to prison.
But when that one ruling came down, that first ruling came down, it was like.
It took all the air.
Out of the fight.
Out of all the fights.
All of them.
Because he was facing, what, four simultaneously.
Yes. That's the most amazing
now he's the president-elect most amazing political comeback story there will be movies
made about trump there will be many series yes there will be books who will be movies this is
the most amazing political story i've ever seen in my lifetime congress in disarray shutdown looms as trump
and musk slam spending deal this is a bbc report looking in at america a u.s government shutdown
could be days away after president-elect donald trump called on republican lawmakers to reject
a cross-party funding bill. Trump urged Congress to scrap the
deal and pass a streamlined bill. His intervention followed heavy criticism by tech billionaire Elon
Musk. Congressman Steve Scalise, House Majority Leader, indicated Wednesday night that the bill
was dead after Trump denounced it.
The short-term funding bill will need to be passed by Congress by the end of the week to prevent many government offices from shuttering beginning on Saturday.
So they have to pass it by tomorrow night.
Oh my, the U.S. government has to shut down.
What are we going to do?
Oh gosh, who else is going to spy on me,
attacks me, and have contempt for me?
I have to find someone else, right?
I know.
It's just horrible to think
that the U.S. government might shut down.
So we know they're going to...
And it's not really shutting down.
Planes are still going to fly in the air.
The mail is still going to get delivered.
And the military continues sending weapons
to Israel and Ukraine.
I'll tell you what gets shut down.
National parks.
Little kids are told, you can't go in the park.
The government's been shut down.
Senior citizens, they won't get their meals on wheels.
They'll shut down certain things to make it painful on just little everyday Americans.
Right before Christmas.
Right before Christmas. But the bombs will still be shipped to israel that's right and the money will still be going
to ukraine that's right it's not going to get shut down but it's getting crazy wait till you
see this next one fox news ron paul suggests replacing speaker mike john with Elon Musk for Speaker of the House.
Now, you know, we've gone over this in the past. You don't have to be a member of the House to be
the Speaker. Yes. There's nothing in the Constitution that says you have to be a member
of the House. It just says the House shall choose a Speaker. All right? It doesn't say the House shall choose
from one of their own to be a speaker.
It says the House shall choose somebody to be speaker.
So the theory is the House could choose anybody.
There was talk last year.
About Donald Trump.
About Donald Trump would be the speaker of the House.
And he actually flirted with the idea and said,
yeah, I'd be willing to do it for a short term
until they get,
right after they
took out
Kevin McCarthy, and they couldn't find
a Speaker. So,
Senator Paul suggests
that the Republicans elect
Elon Musk as
Speaker of the House. This would be so
dark if this happens. 2025 is going to be the wildest year.
Can you imagine Elon Musk with the gavel in the House chamber?
Well, what's really telling about this headline is the fact that they're even saying this.
It shows how weak Mike Johnson has just become.
He's on his way out.
As of today, he's on his way out.
He only has a one-vote majority.
Do you know that?
Because of the various resignations and because of the people that Mr. Trump is appointing to his cabinet.
He's down to one-seat majority.
That's it.
If one Republican refuses to vote for him, he doesn't win.
You know, it's something that, just as an observation, you've seen various
pictures of Donald Trump with Mike Johnson, maybe some others, when they were
on the plane together, a picture at Mar-a-Lago, up at
the Army-Navy game.
Doesn't it always appear that Mike Johnson is like the fifth wheel?
Like he carried the bags of snacks in.
And so it's just like he didn't, which of these doesn't belong?
And now with this continuing resolution that's been shot down that Johnson advocated for without saying,
we had to pass it because basically it's Christmas week.
When this continuing resolution started out, it was only 20 pages long.
By the time it reached the desk of Congress people, 1,500 plus pages.
With every boondoggle you could imagine because it's a christmas tree
bill right they've decorated it all right with all the garland all the bells it's a christmas
tree bill all right so they're going to pass something by tomorrow night you know oh yeah
it's going to pass but the big story here is house speaker Speaker Johnson is on his way out.
President Trump was asked last night or today, do you stand behind, would you support Speaker Johnson when the House votes in January for a new speaker?
He said, let's wait and see.
That's it.
That's it, Doc.
He just said no. That's what he's saying.
It's his nice way of saying no.
It's his nice way of saying no.
Now, are they going to put Elon Musk in? I don't think so.
But, you know, floating the idea, Rand Paul, as Rick said, did mention this, and he went on X to say this, too.
The Speaker of the House need not be a member of Congress.
This is from a sitting member of Congress
much. Well, he's in the Senate. Right.
But the fact that he could
actually say this, nothing would
disrupt the swamp more than electing Elon
Musk. Think about it. Nothing's impossible
not to mention the joy it seemed
the collective establishment,
aka the Uniparty, lose their ever-loving
Elon Musk might do it for three months.
As part of this Doge reorganization of the government.
I mean, you're literally putting the house gavel in his hands.
The man that Donald Trump said, I want you to reorganize the federal government.
He'd be putting the house gavel in his hands.
Right. It would start with reorganizing Congress.
Yes. It may not be that far-fetched it's on the surface it sounds crazy now the next story
i'm not happy about this one nbc news trump calls for abolishing the debt ceiling
okay so every democratic talking point for i've since when reagan may be beyond that why do we
have a debt ceiling theoretically to prevent the congress from spending money like there's no
tomorrow now what they do is that every year they raise the debt ceiling right and then they spend
like there's no tomorrow up to that ceiling right and then next year about it throw dust in the air yeah and this goes on every year donald trump said let's
just get rid of the debt ceiling that we won't have the fight every year that's the logic of it
but there's no but there's no ceiling you can borrow all the money you want to borrow well
wouldn't that fit donald trump yes. Because he made his millions on debt.
He likes debt.
He likes debt.
He's not a conservative Republican when it comes to finances.
He's not an old-style Reagan conservative on finances.
He is a liberal New York Republican slash Democrat who loves debt.
Okay, so will the Republican Party fall in line with it?
Now, if Elon Musk, he and who's his partner?
Vivek Ramaswamy.
So they're supposed to reorganize government,
cut down government waste.
What are they going to say
about abolishing the debt ceiling?
Because all you're doing
is expanding government spending.
Yes, but Musk would go for that too.
He'd be in that too
because he borrows billions.
And he would like more contracts for his companies, like SpaceX.
And Vivek promised for me he's a tech CEO.
He's probably built his business on debt, too.
It's not that crazy thing.
All three of these guys were former Democrats, Rick.
That's right.
All three of these guys were former Democrats, Rick. That's right. All three of them.
Today's Republican Party is actually yesterday's moderate Democrat Party.
You got it.
All three of these guys. Republican Party has moved so far left, it's now the old Democrat Party.
I'm too conservative for the Republican Party.
And all three of these, by the way, all three of these guys
are also social moderates,
social Democrats
when it comes to social issues. Yes, when it comes
to abortion, homosexuality,
marriage. Yes.
That's the reality of it, folks. They're Democrats.
Yeah, hate is for saying the truth, but that's
the truth. But here's a soundbite
of President Trump saying, let's get rid of the
debt ceiling.
Garrett Haik just spoke with Trump over the phone. Let's start there.
Garrett, what else did President-elect Trump say?
Well, he was pretty unconcerned with the prospect of a shutdown.
He essentially wants to see some of these issues, most notably the debt ceiling, which wasn't even part of this conversation really a day ago, be cleared off
his plate before he takes office. On the subject of the speaker, I asked if he still has confidence
in Mike Johnson. He said, we'll see. He was clearly very disappointed with the work product
that came out of the speaker's office in form of that 1500 page continuing resolution that was
essentially nuked yesterday by he and Elon Musk. But the majority of our conversation was about the debt ceiling.
Trump told me he's not just keen to see it lifted,
as we've all seen and covered so many times in the past,
but he'd like to see it got rid of entirely,
something that's been discussed really by Democrats mostly in the past,
but something that he said he would welcome and would actively campaign for.
He argued that the debt ceiling doesn't work for its purpose.
It doesn't actually control debt at all. And that its effect is merely psychological. And it is used,
again, most often by Republicans as a sort of a choke point to get something they want out of
the majority when they are in the minority. He told me in no uncertain terms this morning,
he'd like to see it gotten rid of entirely. I can tell you just within the last few minutes,
Elizabeth Warren, the Democrat from Massachusetts, got the opposite end of
the political spectrum on so many issues, tweeted her agreement. Rick, let me ask you,
do you have a debt ceiling at your house? I do at mine. Yeah, it's called my weekly paycheck.
It's like there's only so much you can afford. Right. I mean, that should be standard.
What would Ronald Reagan say about that?
I'm going to go home tonight and say, Rick, I'm going to eliminate my debt ceiling.
Hot dog.
Yeah, you can buy whatever you want to.
It doesn't work that way, does it, in the real world?
I'm going to go through some financial news very quickly here.
I watched a video today with Peter Schiff.
I haven't talked to Peter Schiff in years.
Really like him.
And he's got his own podcast now.
Grow a beard.
There he is.
Looks like you and me, Doc.
You know, see, we get old and we grow a beard, all right?
So somebody wrote to us the other day
and said they would donate $500
if Doc and I would shave our beards.
What's your response to that?
$5,000, I'll do it.
Because I can grow it back.
Grow it back.
But Peter Schiff, I used to interview him a lot.
I really like him.
He's a very sharp businessman, and he's got his own podcast now called The Peter Schiff Show.
How about that?
And I watched this video today.
The world's central banks are starting inflation again.
And I'd recommend that you watch.
I'm not going to go through and play it.
It's a long video, but find the video, watch it.
He breaks it down, how we're getting ready to go into another wave of inflation,
which is what I've been saying for over two years now.
I would say a 10 to 15-year inflation cycle has started.
And you're going to have peaks and valleys of inflation.
He's saying that there's another big spike of inflation coming.
They're getting ready to pump the money.
The next story, now this one, Doc and I were just talking about this earlier.
Doc was wondering, why did you put this on our schedule today to look at?
Lamb Weston.
Do you know what Lamb Weston is?
That's the company that supplies French fries to McDonald's.
Well, virtually every fast food company.
Well, everybody, yeah.
I mean, they are the king of French fries.
Lamb Weston reports unexpected loss, cuts its financial outlook, and fired their CEO.
Fired him.
Removed him from the board.
Over French fries.
Now, why am I putting this up here?
Here's why.
Consumers in 2024, especially the last quarter, have cut their spending so severely at fast food restaurants that they're not buying french fries.
Yes. restaurants that they're not buying french fries. Doc, that means people, I guess, instead of buying a large, they're going to a small.
Or they're not buying anything, or they're telling their children, you get one order
and you share.
There's been a drastic reduction in the purchase of french fries at fast food restaurants. And this was really unexpected because most analysts were predicting that going into this quarter
that it would be showing record profits, you know, like $88 million in profits.
That's not what they told their shareholders today.
They were at a loss of $36 million.
That's $100 million different, $120 million difference.
Listen to what the Lamb Weston corporate officials told their investors.
There's the financial report. throughout the remainder of fiscal 2025 and into fiscal 2026,
driven primarily by an accelerating rate of capacity additions
and continued near-term softening of global frozen potato demand
below historical rates.
In other words, the bottom has fallen out of the French fry market.
It's an indication of how high inflation is and how much pain American families are suffering because of inflation.
What causes inflation?
Well, when the government does stuff like spend trillions of dollars that we don't have, when they talk about eliminating the debt ceiling.
This is where inflation comes from.
Or manipulating the markets.
Pumping trillions of dollars into the market.
So a little thing like French fries can tell you a lot.
Yes, as an indicator.
When there is such a substantial drop in French fry consumption,
then you know that something big is happening in the marketplace, across the board,
that millions of families are hurting financially.
And they're making choices at the drive-thru.
Think about that. They're
saying, no french fries this time. Right. Or one order and everybody shares. Right. Okay.
Now, I got two things for you on this. This inflation stuff's not going to go away. I'm
telling you, it's a 10 to 15-year cycle. You better get used to it, and you better figure
out how to stay ahead of it. There are two things that I would recommend, natural and supernatural. In the natural,
well, obviously, you cut expenses. You're frugal. You have to become frugal,
but you also invest in things that will hold value, like metals this is the time to purchase precious metals
there's the phone number for gold goco 844 960 gold 844 960 gold get in touch with them find out
about how you can start a precious metals portfolio find out how you can move your 401k,
your retirement plan into precious metals.
Get the information.
They're not going to charge you anything for the information.
At least make the phone call and ask the questions.
So that's the natural.
Be frugal in your own lifestyle.
Take your savings, invest in precious metals.
Now the supernatural.
You have to put your faith in God.
You have to out give inflation.
I went through this.
I was a young man.
I was a young married man when that first inflation cycle hit back in the mid 70s.
I'd just been married.
I got married in 1974. The inflation cycle started in 75.
It was a blowback from LBJ's Vietnam War. Just like we're doing the Ukraine War and Israel and
all this stuff. We're spending billions of dollars we don't have, hundreds and hundreds of billions
of dollars we don't have. We borrow money from foreign lenders so that we can give the money
away to foreign moochers.
And then we pay for it.
And we pay for it through taxes and inflation.
And not being able to buy french fries.
And your kids can't buy french fries, but Netanyahu can buy bombs.
He doesn't even have to buy them.
We send them to him free.
But your kids can't have french fries.
You understand how this hurts us?
Our politicians give this money away.
They don't care about you.
They don't care about your family.
Anyhow, the supernatural.
I learned as a young man in the mid-70s.
Doc, I remember Alan Greenspan when he was the economic advisor to President Ford in the White House.
He wasn't chairman of the Federal Reserve.
And he was old then.
He was old then. But I remember him saying, look, I've only been married for a year.
And the inflation had kicked in
and unemployment was big
and factories were closing
and jobs were disappearing.
And I remember the day Greenspan said
a little unemployment would be good for the economy.
I still remember him saying it.
I was a young guy.
I remember looking at the TV saying,
you know good old, you know what?
How dare you say Americans unemployed is good for the American economy?
You're sitting in Washington in a real nice, cushy job.
That's when I first started being suspicious about these banksters. But anyhow,
I became a Christian in 1978, and the Lord immediately taught me the principle of giving.
And he taught me to out-give inflation. He taught me to give my way out of lack. And it became ingrained in me
that it was just second nature. I didn't have to think about it. Just give, give, give and receive,
give and receive. It's like breathing. You breathe out, you inhale. That's the way giving is. You give, you receive. From what you receive,
you give more. You receive more. You take from that and you give more. And it's a lifestyle.
And I've been doing it my entire life as a Christian since 1978. So there's the natural
that you learn and there's supernatural. And you need both to get through this 10 to 15 year inflation cycle.
So on the natural side, contact Gold Co. about precious metals.
On the supernatural side, contact God in heaven.
And His Holy Spirit will give you an instruction to give financial gifts
to ministries that are preaching the gospel. And I
hope and pray that we are one of them that you would give. You are connected to us. You're being
fed by us. It would only be right and proper that you supply us with financial offerings. You're
giving an offering. It's not a donation, folks. We don't want donations.
We don't accept donations.
We accept offerings.
A donation is what you give the United Way.
An offering is what you bring to God.
Big difference.
There's no return.
There's no blessing on donations.
It's just a donation.
You get a tax write-off.
That's it.
When you bring an offering, God receives it.
He receives it and He breathes on it.
He blesses it.
So learn to be a giver.
Our phone number,
Our phone number is 800-576-2116.
Mailing address,
P.O. Box 399 V Vero Beach, Florida, 32961.
Of course, you can give at or
We still have a few of those Christmas kits left over for $200 offering.
There's a small batch that are left that we're going
to send out tomorrow.
So you can still place
your order. I know
they have some boxed up.
There's a whole train of them going out
the door today. I know.
I was like, wow. It looked like a Christmas
parade, didn't it? They had them in wagons.
They had them in wagons. Literally, they had them
in wagons. And they're going down the street.
People watching
our team take
your gift down to the post office.
I know
that once this batch
that we have boxed up, ready to go,
once they go, we are out of
Liberty DVDs, but
more are coming in on Monday. But you're not going to get it for Christmas, okay more are coming in on Monday.
But you're not going to get it for Christmas, okay,
if you wait till Monday.
So we can still receive your gift,
$200 for the Christmas package.
One more thing.
Tomorrow, Friday,
will be our last episode for 2024.
We're going to take our annual holiday break.
Doc is going to the Philippines.
His wife is going to go visit her family.
You haven't been there for how many years?
Well, we went last year.
Oh, that's right.
You went last year.
That's right.
So you're going back for Christmas.
And then our sound director, Eddie,
his family lives in Brazil.
And he has an elderly grandfather
he has not seen for,
I want to say,
six, eight years.
And Eddie asked about,
could I go see my granddad?
I said, of course, go.
All right, let's do it at Christmas time.
So we have a number of different staff members
that are going to weigh, because all of our team is from outside of Vero Beach.
All right.
So it's the only time they get a chance to go see their families really at the holidays.
For me, I'm staying home to write a book.
I'm working on a book called Mega War 2032.
I'm about halfway finished. My goal is to finish it
by New Year's Day
and to get this thing published
by early February.
So I will be writing
for the two weeks
starting this weekend
until January.
We will be back here
on January 6th.
Monday, January 6th is when we come back to do a program.
And then the second thing is in mid-January, we're going to launch a new podcast, Remnant Ready.
And it's going to be an all-new format, new energy, just a completely new work that we're doing.
I'm very excited about it.
We just built a new studio for Remnant Ready, and I know you're
going to like it. You're going to like it.
We're going
in a new direction. So that's coming
up in January.
So those are the housekeeping
things. What happens if World War
III erupts?
I will
go live on Faith
and Values.
I'll go live on Faith and Values. Okay?
I'll go live on Faith and Values.
We have internet in the Philippines, too.
So I can connect with you.
If there is any major crisis,
we will go live on Faith and Values.
We won't be on all the other platforms,
but we'll be live on
And so let's pray to Almighty God that nothing crazy happens during the holidays let's just get
through it and enjoy our time with our family i have been trying for a couple weeks to show
two animal videos and i run out of time every time this time just doing it okay
i love looking at animal videos it relaxes me i it's one thing i do it in the evening before
um i'm just kind of zipping through twitter and i'm looking at a whole collection i know we've
been i know is this we've been building so these two videos both are from russia and they should
they should tell you why america should not go to war with Russia.
Here's the first one. As you see, here's a guy with
a tiger. Remember the old saying, you had a tiger in your tank?
He's got a tiger in his back seat. He's got three of them.
Yes. Eventually he gets three tigers. This guy's a Russian.
I wouldn't go to war with anybody that hauls tigers in their truck or their SUV.
Well, he has to coax a tiger into it, too.
What is this, Doug?
He's friends with tigers?
Like you said, Rick, I'd like to know who's brave enough to put a collar on a tiger.
These obviously aren't tigers in a cage.
They're tigers out in the wild that know him.
Hey, you want to go for a ride?
Yeah, come on, get in.
That just amazes me.
All right.
Ride around with three tigers in your SUV. The next one is a Russian feeding a bear.
Once again.
Who does something like that?
He's not feeding the bear himself. He's feeding the bear food.
Once again, do we really want to deal with the Russians?
Oh, my goodness.
Could take your arm off.
One bite, that man loses his head.
Well, as long as you keep giving him
jelly beans. Yes, but what happens
when you run out of jelly beans?
You become the jelly bean.
Just incredible.
Oh, my. Oh, well.
I finally get to show you those videos.
And if you have
some animal videos that you think our audience ought to see, send them to Doc.
All right?
And on Faith and Values, share them on Faith and Values with Doc, and we'll show them.
All right?
Hey, we'll be back here tomorrow.
Remember, tomorrow, Friday, will be our last day for 2024.
We'll be back on January 6th.
And we want you to have a very wonderful Christmas and New Year's holiday period.
God bless you so much.
See you tomorrow.
God bless you.
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