TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Putin Threatens to Knock Biden’s Teeth Out, After Psychic Spy Warning

Episode Date: May 21, 2021

Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall reports on Russian President Putin’s promise to aggressively defend his nation from the threats of war from the West, even employing psychic intelligence in the b...attle. The Madeline Albright Declaration is being used to respond to NATO’s advances. The team also talks about the global escalation between nations and individuals, China makes an announcement on aggressive management of cryptocurrency, and then Bitcoin tanks: there are no coincidences. Edward Szall, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 5/21/21

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help,, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. Vladimir Putin has warned he may punch Joe Biden in the mouth. Well, not physically, hopefully, but he has said he will knock the teeth out of anyone who tries to take a bite out of Russia. You know, like the Alliance of NATO forces practicing to invade Russia right now on the Ukrainian border. In a very real televised statement made to the Russian people, Putin said, everyone wants to bite us somewhere or bite off something of ours.
Starting point is 00:01:08 But those that would do this should know that we will knock out the teeth of all of them so they aren't able to bite. And the key to this is the development of our armed forces. Not widely reported, however, was that his statement, specifically warning foreigners not to try and steal all rich Siberia, was referencing an alleged thought from President Clinton's Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright. Now, this is where it gets weird. I said alleged thought, not statement, because there's never been a confirmation she actually said anything about conquering Siberia. But the Russians absolutely believe that she fantasized about it.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Putin even said she came under a spell of political erotica. How the Russians claim they discovered the secret thoughts of Secretary Albright is through the mind-reading division of the Russian Secret Service. In a 2006 interview with state-backed newspaper, Rosaskaya Gazeta, a retired Russian major general named Boris Ratnikov, who went on to become a personal bodyguard of Vladimir Putin, claimed that he worked in the secret mind-reading unit, and that Secretary Albright was one of their targets. General Ratnikov claims that the Russians read her mind a few weeks before the beginning of the NATO bombardment of Yugoslavia in 1999, and that apart from her pathological hatred
Starting point is 00:02:33 of Slavs, she was indignant that Russia held the world's largest reserves of natural resources. Now, General Ratnikov has since denied serving directly as a psychic spy. He now claims he was just analyzing the neocon nuggets from Albright's noggin. Now, General Ratnikov has since denied serving directly as a psychic spy. He now claims he was just analyzing the neocon nuggets from Albright's noggin. But President Putin absolutely believes this took place. And he just told 145 million Russians that he'll box someone's ears over that insight. Joining me to discuss this story, a manhunt for a vaccine-hesitant Rambo in Belgium, and the debut of a global tax, is my co-host, Doc Burkhardt.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Hey, Edward. Wow, what a way to start off a Friday here. It's definitely a Friday story here, and interesting find that you had here. I'm surprised that more papers didn't talk about this. Again, in the Reuters article, we showed the articles on the screen, Reuters, Forbes. This wasn't a tabloid story. Major news outlets covered this. They don't talk about what Vladimir Putin was actually referencing.
Starting point is 00:03:34 I mean, a leader of a nuclear-armed nation just confirmed, at least in his eyes, the validity of mind control units, that countries have men stare at goat technicians, but you know, like the movie that was produced from the CIA program, that's actually real. And they used it to develop a 20-year plan to confront the West. Well, we just had on the screen there from Forbes, that's from 2015, a story regarding some of this activity, this clandestine activity that was going on in reading Madeleine Albright's mind. There's this item called the Madeleine Albright Declaration. And basically they used this information to set policy regarding their approach to the West that they targeted key individuals, Madeleine Albright being one of West, that they targeted key individuals,
Starting point is 00:04:25 Madeleine Albright being one of them, and they were able to gain information through their psychic forces that told them how they should proceed. And the reason why that story from the past is important today is because Vladimir Putin made a specific reference to what he considers the West's motivation in trying to capture the natural resources of Russia. That's really what it's all about, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:55 And this is as both Sergey Lavrov, the foreign minister for Russia, and our Secretary of State Antony Blinken were meeting in Iceland to discuss how the United States may work together with Russia in some capacity. And this is on the global scale. Instead of, I guess, us fighting at every level from trade to munitions to the Middle East, they've tried to discuss a level of cooperation. Also, this is ahead of a meeting between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden that is supposed to take place next month. Now, the location of the meeting is reportedly going to be in Europe. If Vladimir Putin does the same thing he did to the Ukrainian president's proposition, Vladimir Putin is going to try to have Joe Biden come to Russia to maybe meet.
Starting point is 00:05:41 He didn't want to meet Vladimir Zelensky, for example, on the border of Ukraine and Russia. That might have been a smart decision on Vladimir Putin's part. But again, the news gets weirder every day, Doc. And that Forbes article you just put up on the screen, apparently we have our nuclear doctrine, a first strike nation, all these other things. Well, there's a doctrine in Russia that they follow and based on an Albright declaration. An Albright declaration that was always a thought. One that Madeleine Albright has never denied.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Something last night, I'd love for our audience to just prove me on this. Maybe I missed this. But from what I found, I was looking at articles on this subject. She's never publicly acknowledged that this was false. What has been said is there's no record of her verbally or physically writing it. Verbally saying it, physically writing it. She hasn't denied it. You'd think it would be an easy thing to say, oh, that's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:06:34 But in that, the Russians absolutely hold it as policy within their own ranks. One key factor in that Albright Declaration, which, once again, we can go back to articles from 2007 that shows that it was derived from psychic intelligence. Mind reading unit. It sounds as ridiculous as to say it. Hang on here. Don't go anywhere with us, okay? One of the key elements there is that they lay out that the strategy for getting at Russia was through Ukraine. And we see that so obviously now. Whether or not there's any legitimacy to the psychic aspect of the intelligence gathering of that, one thing is for sure, that's exactly what's playing out in the real world today, that the West is using the Ukraine in order to get at Russia, to cause Russia problems, to cause problems for
Starting point is 00:07:33 it diplomatically, cause problems for it domestically. Between Ukraine and Belarus, we'll be talking about Belarus later in the podcast today, too. The whole idea, and even Kommersant, the outlet in Russia, this article from 2015, said that behind the destabilization of Ukraine is an attempt to radically weaken Russia. And so there's a reason why Ukraine is important to so many intelligence services and so many military services, especially surrounded around NATO, because they see that as the wedge to get at Russia.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Now, this man on the screen here, this is the National Security Council chief, Nikolai Pertushev. He's the head of, former head of the FSB. He's their version of John Bolton, you know, National Security Advisor. Again, I hope he and any other individuals who might have read the thoughts of Madeleine Albright or were involved in the Minority Union, I hope they went to go see a priest after. But some of the thoughts, I'll call them that, some of the thoughts they claim to have pulled from her brain. One of them was that clearly the US has a plan, a global plan to pull resources from oil to water to farming land, that this was at the forefront of any decision the United States
Starting point is 00:08:58 made. Nikolai Petrushev, he also quoted this intelligence from psychic spies in that 2015 article he mentioned from Commissar. He was actually being questioned about the picture he was painting of America. He said that America has become the world's force of evil. Now, he's asked, what do you mean by this? To this, Pertushev responded. He said that the West does not want Russia to exist as a nation. We possess huge riches of resources, and the Americans consider that we own them, not by law, not deservedly because, according to their understanding,
Starting point is 00:09:37 we are not using them as they should be used. That's a direct quote. He went on to say, you should, you probably remember the declaration of ex-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, that neither the far north nor Siberia belongs to Russia. And this is quoting the direct thoughts of Madeleine Albright. He's saying it as if it is the gospel. That's something that's actually said. He also said that there is a direct agenda, a campaign of psychological warfare, specifically to zombify America. He said that in recent years, a number of threats, the complexity of which have transcended boundaries. He said, take information security. In recent years, this concept has seriously expanded and already covers the entire range of threats from cybercrime to the use of psychological warfare in order to zombify the population.
Starting point is 00:10:33 He said that the example of Colin Powell, our former Secretary of State, saying that there's weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, that that was used to trick the population into accepting war. And then after the fact, he never had to show any kind of proof. How many wars since then have been started on a lie? Look at Syria. Did we ever really get the proof of a chemical warfare attack? I guess none of that stuff mattered. So the Russians, I kind of weigh this. I don't think it's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:11:02 They've built these, I guess, these strategies. They're really strategic responses. It almost seems as if they did get quite a bit more. What if they're doing this to other leaders? If they did to Madeleine Albright, who else have they done this to? The article that we saw from Forbes from 2015 says that they were targeting a number of world leaders. Madeleine Albright was just one of them. But the question might arise in the minds of our viewers and listeners today, well,
Starting point is 00:11:31 there's nothing to that. I believe there is something to it. I believe there is powers and information that can be exchanged through occult practices. The development of psychic abilities falls within the realm of occult practices. That's right. The U.S. militarized it for a number of years, and as far as we know, they're still militarizing it, even though they denied it. The Russians make no bones about it. They say they do it. They say, yes, we've developed it, and we've actually been successful. They boast about it. Now,
Starting point is 00:12:03 you may minimize that. You may say, well, that's just a bunch of hooey. I believe that there is actual information that's being exchanged through demonic forces. See, every good thing that God creates, Satan has a copy. Well, sure, like confession, confessing to one another, the Book of Romans. And Satan uses confession as leverage against people. But in the sense of that information being exchanged mentally, we would say in the Christian realm, we'd say we're receiving a word of knowledge from the Holy Spirit. Okay?
Starting point is 00:12:39 So Satan has his copy and his ways of communicating as well. Needless to say, the only winner in all this, in exchanging this information, is to destroy one another. And Satan's resume is to seek, to steal, to kill, and to destroy. And so we keep this information in mind because even to this day, and this is number six for control, this is the result, okay, of the demonic influences on the U.S. military and on the Russian military as well. This is article from yesterday. This is from National Interest. U.S. forces are training, not just for a little skirmish,
Starting point is 00:13:20 but a full-blown war with Russia. We don't know what a full-blown war will look like, Edward. Yeah, all the reference we have, the ridiculous movies that are published, but more so the stories we've been told about World War II. World War II was a long time ago. I don't think many would glorify a new war if they knew the destruction which would come with it. And Americans really are innocent from war. By that I mean that they don't have a direct impact of war. We haven't really since the Civil War, maybe before World War I. But even World War II, we shipped out all the armaments and all the soldiers and everything.
Starting point is 00:14:03 There was nothing that was happening here in the United States. There was no invasion of the U.S. We've never experienced that. When we talk at some point, Edward, about a full-blown war, should it happen, that next war is going to be here on American soil. I mean, there's going to be, you know, forces that, you know, that impact what's happening here. We don't know what a full-blown war looks like, but they crow about it. The powers that be want a full-blown war. Sure, and I think the only saving grace is that they're very incompetent at times. An example of that incompetency is actually the moments when they get caught doing something very, very silly, or let's say like funding revolutions, color revolutions.
Starting point is 00:14:47 The Times of London published this. They claim that a group of pranksters. Yes. This is a show, a YouTube show between two Russian-speaking individuals. They're known for being able to get through to world leaders, pretending to be an advocacy group, or in this case, pretending to be the opposition leadership in Belarus, and then tricking people into saying things such as, we're providing money, resources, anything you need, including Louis Vuitton bags, to overthrow the sovereign government of that country.
Starting point is 00:15:26 This happened. This was actually with the National Endowment for Democracy, a group that Lindsey Graham and John McCain are very... Sounds pretty innocuous, doesn't it? It's a U.S. government-funded organization that is supposed to promote democracy around the world. Everybody wants democracy, right? Especially endowed democracy. We want an endowment of democracy. Give me a republic. Right. Actually, give me Christ. Let's just forget your government. But the National Endowment for Democracy has some mysterious trails in the past anyway. And so you
Starting point is 00:15:59 bring it up to today. Especially in Ukraine. Everybody knows that these NGOs, that the U.S. government forums are just mechanisms to funnel money to various opposition leaders. They're called opposition groups. Look, revolutionaries. But there's never been like any smoking guns. You know, right. I've got you on tape. I've got the bank script. I've got everything. The two Russian comedians who recorded this, they may have done it as a joke, but actually the information you're about to watch in this, this is an online meeting like a Zoom call or a Skype call, something like that, that various players within the National Endowment for Democracy here in the U.S.
Starting point is 00:16:40 in which they admit on this call, now once again, they're getting pranked. So they think they're really dealing with Belarus opposition and everything. And so they're saying, this is what we do in Belarus. This is what we do in Russia. We actually are managing funds to opposition organizations through the National Endowment for Democracy. And then at the end, watch what quickly happens. Watch this.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Right. You know, let me invite, if they want, other members of our team who are with us, Barbara or Nina. Yes, thanks. And it's such a pleasure to be talking with you, but there's so many things to go over. Just to comment on a couple of questions that you raised.
Starting point is 00:17:38 First is on the labor front, so that you know, we've had our labor group intermittently involved in Belarus since probably the mid to late 1990s. And they are doing programs out of Ukraine right now, trying to support, but we will keep pushing with them. Plus, we have provided direct funding to some labor-related activities in Belarus over the years. So we will keep working on that. We understand how critically important that is. On Russia, most importantly, so we have a very ample program in Russia, and it's, as Carl mentioned, goes even to the grass in provinces, Oblast, outside of Moscow. But there are different media outlets and investigative reporters that we have really a grant relationship and a direct relationship with. sorts of tracking of government officials and their resources and or, and this is where I think Carl raised the issue of Russian force presence, looking at the deployment of Russian military
Starting point is 00:19:19 in the country and how that might be changing over time and whether we should be raising this with some of our Some of our contacts that do this work with the Wagner group and others You know tracking what these Russian we have to take our guidance from our friends in Russia as to what they need Mr. Mr. President also, I would I would like to mention mention that the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Sweden told me that my look is very poor, that my clothes are very poor and my shoes also. So I need some money even for a good look. I need some money for a Gucci brand because they say that it's very trendy in the United States or like Louis Vuitton and you know that I'm looking like a like I'm sorry and
Starting point is 00:20:14 I need some money and I'm having some meetings with Mr. Blinken I can't go with that poor look I'm so sorry. Yes, I know. Nina, do you want to raise any questions, Nina? I mean, I think that we probably need to take this into another call. I don't think that, you know, the NET can really provide resources for clothing. I think that absolutely, as Karl said, we have certain procedures in place. And we will keep them. I don't know who this is on the call. I don't know who this is on the call. I think we need to wrap this up. Hello.
Starting point is 00:21:31 I agree. Hello, do you hear me? This is mayor of KGB of Belarus. So as you know, we have listened to everything that you have said said you have the right to remain silent Anything you're saying can be used against you in court. You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice Any question you have the right to have a lawyer with you during questioning? Yeah I'm sorry before any questioning if you wish that man was reading the miranda rights to them yeah um that was a prank call but uh
Starting point is 00:22:15 inside they didn't know it was prank though but they didn't they were saying it was real you were getting a look at what happens behind the scenes all right so here's the national endowment for democracy this is how your tax dollars work so you know you're getting your money's worth here You were getting a look at what happens behind the scenes. All right, so here's the National Endowment for Democracy. This is how your tax dollars work, so you know you're getting your money's worth here. They're funding labor movements in other countries like Belarus and in Russia in opposition to the current government. They're doing that surreptitiously. They're funneling money to Mr. Navalny in Russia. They have their own set of investigating journalists within Russia that they use.
Starting point is 00:22:52 It's a cadre of journalists that they have. You know, it's a lot like here. Heed propagandists. You know, as the prank, you know, the girl and that was on the call. She was saying, I need a Gucci bag. I need a Louis Vuitton bag. And I noticed the one lady with the National Endowment for Democracy. Well, we don't have really the funds for clothing. But what that did imply to me is what we have funds for other things, weapons and revolutionaries for anything else.
Starting point is 00:23:24 And the KGB call was a nice touch at the end. I have to admit that. That was pretty funny. And the look on everybody's faces when the gentleman said, this is the mayor of the KGB in Belarus coming on. But use that as an example. So when we talk about all the turmoil and tension that's going on in the world, understand that there are other players in this, NGOs like the National Endowment for Democracy, other CIA fronts that are out there. At the same time, we've got conflict breaking out all over the world. Yes. And specifically, this was considered to be a conspiracy theory only last month. Now it looks like this is a conspiracy fact. This was Maria Zakharova, the foreign minister in Russia.
Starting point is 00:24:12 She was accusing the U.S. of being involved in a coup in Belarus, the country that the National Endowment for Democracy was just discussing, trying to influence, trying to fund revolution in another color revolution. The Russians called this out last month, and it turns out they were absolutely correct. Now, in addition to this, countries that are on the sidelines of the tension that's being created, they're noticing that this could definitely have collateral damage to their country. One such country is Singapore. It's obviously not just the conflict between Russia and America,
Starting point is 00:24:50 but even the conflict that we're being told developing between the U.S. and China. We don't know how this war will happen, but the countries are treating it as if it may happen. And the reason why Singapore is significant in all this is it's got two major trading partners that are pulling at its seams, both the United States and China. So Singapore, beautiful city by the way, Rick and I had the opportunity to visit there before all the stupid virus came along. And the city, wonderful city, but it is dependent upon the two major powers because basically Singapore is an island of commerce. And major shipping takes place there, shipping coming from China to China, from the U.S. to the U.S.
Starting point is 00:25:35 And so they have some skin in the game, if you will. And the prime minister of Singapore, he made it clear that the U.S. and China must learn to cooperate or war will ruin us all. And this was also reported in the Express out of the U.K. The Prime Minister of Singapore was saying World War fears, you know, as all-out conflict with China, U.S. could see everything lost. And he's right, because Singapore would be at the brunt of that. They would lose nearly all their commerce going in and out of their city. They would be gone in a fortnight. Well, certainly. And it would directly impact us here in Florida.
Starting point is 00:26:18 It would affect the United States. I mean, much of our products, not just talking about the plastic things you see at gift stores, but I'm talking about industrial mechanisms, things that you use for your car, chips. They come from Asia now. We've lost our industrial base. President Trump tried to bring a little bit back, but that's in reverse. The Prime Minister, Lee Sin-yong, he actually made this statement during an event hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Now, this is important because who was his audience? Business leaders in the U.S.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Business leaders in the U.S. He's trying to warn America that there is no conflict that doesn't affect everyone in the world, that it will result in hunger or result in shortages, oil shortages, technology shortages. This is also happening at a time that the largest NATO fleet since World War II, honestly, the Falklands War is the last for the British deployment of a fleet, is heading both to the Black Sea and to the South China Sea, to China. Now, the Chinese have been very clear on this position. They may sink a ship if the United States doesn't respect the Taiwan Strait and the exclusion zone there. The Chinese, for all accounts, are preparing to invade Taiwan. We'll see if that materializes. But for now, the U.S. is testing that claimed sovereignty of the Taiwan Straits.
Starting point is 00:27:41 And they're not the only ones in the neighborhood either. They're not just the only ones, right? That's the U.S. has sent a destroyer through the Taiwan Straits. And the U.K. is preparing to send their own group, this fleet I just spoke about, the carrier, the British carrier, the Queen Elizabeth. Modern carrier with rocket propelled soldiers, all kinds of modern marvels on it. They may sail along the Taiwan Strait. And again, I think this is at a time when you have to wonder if the smallest mistake could lead to an escalation,
Starting point is 00:28:20 something that was miscalculated, an example of possible miscalculation that could lead to international repercussions. Let's go back to Europe. This past week, the Polish Air Force has been doing their own wardrobes. Everyone seems to be doing a wardrobe. The US is doing one on the border of Russia. We're doing wardrobes in the South China Sea. Well, in Poland, they're doing a hijacking drill, like let's take one of our planes owned by the Air Force and test what
Starting point is 00:28:46 would happen if one of these planes got hijacked. Well, they didn't tell the public about it. So people were watching on flight radar, even amateur pilots, others around airports in Poland, started seeing a plane heading off, of course, and veering toward the Atlantic. Now, you see where Poland's at. That would have been heading toward Britain, maybe, or another country. People were freaked out by this. They're wondering, what's going on? The Polish military had to jump in and say, OK, no, don't worry. This is a drill. But what was also happening at the same time was the United States was flying B-52 nuclear bombers all around the globe. Now, this was a simultaneous flight in Europe, the Middle East, in the Indo-Pacific, so that means in Asia and Africa. Six B-52 bombers were
Starting point is 00:29:35 launched at the exact same time as a show of force. Globally. Globally, that we can deploy nuclear weapons on a whim. And in three different theaters, mind you, at the same time. All the main theaters that are tense right now. Well, you'd think the United States would be congruent with their war drills. The problem is we have a different pull here. We want to also culturally and socially prepare our military. So the Air Force Academy is kicking off Transgender Working Group Week. They want to figure out how they can get more drag queens inside B-52 bombers. I don't think
Starting point is 00:30:11 the Russians or Chinese are doing this. I definitely don't think the North Koreans are. According to the Washington Times, Bill Gertz over there, he's a well-informed neocon. I'll give Bill Gertz that, a well-informed neocon with real sources He's claiming North Korea has started back up their push for Nuclear armament including the development of MIRVs. Now these are multiple Entry warheads. It's a special advanced version of a nuclear warhead that when you shoot it it Will break up into 20 different warheads meaning if you have an air defense system, especially with the Russian side with S-500, S-600 advanced systems, that you can take out maybe 10 of them. But that means there's still 10 other warheads that are falling with the impact of a nuke.
Starting point is 00:31:01 This is important because Joe Biden is facing his first kind of test with Korea. Now, President Trump came very close, reportedly, to ending this crisis. It got derailed by people like Secretary Pompeo and John Bolton. But for Joe Biden, he is still pushing for complete nuclear disarmament. He's meeting with Moon Jae-in, the head of South Korea today. The summit will reportedly cover not just getting rid of North Korea's nuclear weapons, but also allowing South Korea to arm themselves with missiles. This is new. The United States has always been the power to step in and provide the soldiers and armaments placed right in Seoul. The new administration has a goal to have South Korea do it themselves. Now, we've talked about the Middle East.
Starting point is 00:31:49 We've talked about Russia, talked about China. There's been a lot of saber rattling in the Middle East. Everyone's been paying attention to this. This week we covered extensively the Palestine-Israeli standoff. Right. And now they're under an apparent ceasefire that seems like both sides, the right price came along, and so they've decided to hold things off for a little bit. Let's see how long it will last, an hour, a day, a week, or a month.
Starting point is 00:32:14 It all depends on how far the money goes, I guess. But there are still strange situations that are happening within the inverns of the Middle East. Here's a story out of Roya News out of Jordan. Jordan is facing some mysterious power outages that are occurring across the kingdom as a result of supposed problems. They say it could be a technical error at the power. But this is widespread. There's several outlets in Jordan that are reporting this and in the Middle East. This is happening right as there's a new clash on the Temple Mount. Now again, the
Starting point is 00:32:47 Temple Mount is regulated. It's really, it's controlled by the Jordanian king, King Abdullah. The Heshamite Empire has a responsibility to ensure the safety and respect of the Temple Mount, the dome of the rock. Yeah, a lot of people may not realize that aspect of things, that what is generally called within here in America the Temple Mount, but it's actually the place where the Dome of the Rock is. The Kingdom of Jordan, the Hashemite Kingdom is what it's called, has had a longstanding responsibility as caretakers of the mosque that sits on that piece of ground,
Starting point is 00:33:36 and they provide the security for it. But here lately, Israeli forces have been there. They, in fact, several weeks ago it was a conflict that took place between worshippers who were at the al-Asqa Mosque up there and IDF forces that- Yes, they dropped stun grenades inside. Right. That precipitated a lot of the violence that we've seen over the past two weeks, all the missiles going back and forth. Well, as we said here, there has been an outbreak of new violence.
Starting point is 00:34:08 There's a lot of anger that's being spewed from Jerusalem. We actually have scenes from today as a clash which could maybe lead to a break in the ceasefire. Altyazı M.K. موسيقى. As you saw there, that's IDF and Israeli police that are storming the Temple Mount. The ceasefire didn't have a precondition saying that they couldn't do this. It was just implied that the Israelis wouldn't try to incite the Palestinians by attacking something that most of the Arabic world, this isn't just a Palestinian issue or concern, that the Israelis wouldn't do something that would make most Arabs, most Muslims completely angry. Something I would say
Starting point is 00:36:06 would be insensitive to their specific concerns. But this spirit of anarchy, Doc, it's not being kept in a bottle, you know, a genie bottle just in the Temple Mount. It's spreading throughout the world. Yes, it is. And it's something we've been seeing for weeks, years really, especially over the last couple of years. I don't know. I want to address something first. We're going to be moving to not play as much violent footage. I know we want to show you things that are crazy and things that are nuts. We have a feeling that by showing violence and by showing sometimes the craziness out there, we're actually victimizing people. What I mean by this is I think there's a psychological impact when we see others doing inhuman things to victims, to people, and the receiving end of a beating.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Something that we saw made me think about this. I have to stop myself watching this. The spirit of anarchy is present in Georgia. There was a savage beating at a Little Caesars in Georgia. A young mother with her daughter right next to her got beat up right in front of a bunch of people. And no one wanted to step in. I mean, it's the same thing at the temple. There were people with video, taking video and holding the door open so that the lady in red there could drag the lady out the front door.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Held the door open for them. Now, the police are looking for this woman, but the point here, it's just like with the temple. Everyone's got their cell phone out. Everyone's recording it, trying to get some likes, some views, sharing information about what's happening. And I don't completely discredit the power of that, that we learn now very quickly about information that's shared through social media, through the means of telecommunication. But this video is everything that's wrong with the spirit of anarchy right now we've let take seed in this country. Just like with the Temple Mount, we've got craziness on our own
Starting point is 00:38:01 streets. That's right. Here's just a very short video clip. What I want you to really pay attention to is the little girl that tries to we're going to show you. They actually have, somebody stood there with a camera for a minute and 20 seconds while this beatdown took place there. Tragic situation there, but it just shows you the tensions that are out there, not just within the global conflicts, but conflicts with individuals. Another example that we came across today is a story that comes out of Colorado. This is the Daily Mail reporting this about two Colorado cops, and they're appearing in court, and they're charged with assaulting a dementia sufferer, 73 years old, who forgot to pay for $13 worth of groceries.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Now, this story is important because as we just spoke about the power of video, especially in the modern context, if it wasn't for video recorded by the body cameras of these two policemen, these two policemen never would have been arrested. They're being charged with assault, with even potentially covering up an attack, a very nasty attack, dislocated the shoulder of this 73-year-old woman that was suffering from dementia, was not fully mentally capable. This story, something we covered at NewsCoup when it first broke about a month ago, the core of it is a woman accidentally took, they say stole, she took $13 worth of groceries from a Walmart, tried to go back in and hand it back in, but they said, no, no, we can't. We called the police on you. She then left.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Two police officers, the two being arraigned here now in Colorado, found her down the street, slammed her to the ground, dislocated her shoulder, took her back to the police station, and then they proceeded to re-watch the video of them slamming her, high-fiving, fist-bumping, cheering, as they watched their body cam footage. And luckily, there was video of this happening. There's a video of a security camera
Starting point is 00:40:20 watching them watching the video. Again, stop the madness. If there is going to be video, and I hope that these two policemen are held accountable because it's such a crazy era that we have to wait until this video is something like this for action to be taken. You have to wonder how many times something like this happened without there ever being a recording. But again, the power of video is big. And I don't discredit that. One example that we wouldn't know about what's happening on the border.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Right. You know, today, those 32 Mexican nationals dressed in camouflage look like a platoon, a platoon of terrorists coming across the border into Arizona. We know about this because of that photo, that video you have right here.
Starting point is 00:41:04 I can report this story to you. But at the same time, I also have to report the other scenes of madness. I mean, we can't control our border. We definitely can't control the streets of New York. Our hearts are with the Palestinian people or against any kind of injustice that's taken place overseas and especially here. But there has been a slew of attacks on Jews. And we don't know if Palestinians are behind them. They're certainly being blamed.
Starting point is 00:41:31 But if you haven't heard about this, in Manhattan, yes, they look like a war zone. Fights breaking out, there are marches through the street. Peaceful protest is okay. But throwing incendiary devices is not. Now, this also took place in Los Angeles. In Los Angeles, diners were sitting and eating. And the KTLA-5 claims that Palestinian, pro-Palestinian protesters came up to us. We don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:56 It could be, again, the National Endowment for Democracy. They love to fund terror groups. They love to fund revolutionaries or color agents. But in this case, somebody is going and harassing Jewish Zionists. For all intents and purposes, if it is Palestinians, they need to take their win where they got it. You cut your losses short. You take your win. The win was the ceasefire.
Starting point is 00:42:22 The win was embarrassing Israel on an international scale. Do not give Zionists the sound bites and the pictures to justify their mass murder of children. And we'll just say to you right now that we're an equal opportunity offender. If the Palestinians are doing something wrong, we'll call it out. So we're calling this out. This is wrong for them to do it. And as a matter of fact, if you haven't done it yet,
Starting point is 00:42:49 and we told you about it earlier this week, if you have not read Rick Weil's 10-point peace plan and his article on displacement theology, it's on our website, easy to find there. Just go to You'll see the article there near the top of the page, and you'll be able to find there. Just go to You'll see the article there near the top of the page and you'll be able to go through. Rick outlines a 10-point plan for peace in the Middle East and really peace even at Little Caesars or in Colorado police stations, peace
Starting point is 00:43:18 everywhere. In Manhattan. And one of the things we've been talking about here internally with, we have a daily Bible study. We have a weekly training class. One of the things we've been talking about here internally with, we have a daily Bible study, we have a weekly training class. One of the aspects that we're learning about right now internally is the opportunity for forgiveness in our lives. And in the 10-point peace plan that Rick Walls outlined, one aspect that he put out for both sides was forgiveness. Now, you don't hear that talked about much in the general media or from evangelical Zionists or from just run-of-the-mill Zionists
Starting point is 00:43:55 or Hamas or PLO or Abbas, anybody, because no one wants to forgive. And not only did Rick make the proposal, hey, the Jews have to forgive the Palestinians, but that the Palestinians have to forgive the Jews. Now, that's tough. That's hard. That is hard. And yet the only way there's going to be real peace that takes place in the Middle East
Starting point is 00:44:22 is if that forgiveness comes about. And people in the flesh generally don't like to forgive. That's why you have fights break out at Little Caesars. That's why you have cops laughing about beating up old women. And that's why you have wars in the Middle East or global wars is because forgiveness has not entered the picture. There's only one person in eternity that truly has the power to instill forgiveness within these rotten, revengeful buckets of meat that we walk around in.
Starting point is 00:44:53 That's Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ grants us the ability to forgive because it's not human nature to forgive. It's human nature to strike back, to even out the odds, make sure the scales are not just to overcome your enemy, but defeat him, demolish him, genocide him if at all possible. Do whatever you can. But what the gospel teaches us is that there is forgiveness in Christ. Hallelujah.
Starting point is 00:45:23 And if the gospel can be preached at Little Caesars, at Colorado police stations, at the Mexican border, in Palestine, in Israel, if the Prince of Peace can be preached, he will bring peace. He brings peace through forgiveness, through reconciling God with man and then man with one another. And so I just want to encourage you in that, that when we talk about these news items, we're not just generally, you know, fountain out headlines. We want to see where God can work in the midst of these situations. And we're training the diplomatic corps, Doc, because we're all ambassadors of peace. Everyone watching this, if you're saved by the blood of Jesus, you're an ambassador of peace, a priest in the high order of Mikal Sadek. Right. And, you know, on the website is Rick Wall's article on displacement theology and his 10-point peace plan. And you may read it and say,
Starting point is 00:46:17 well, it's just pie in the sky stuff. Yeah, it's big. It's a bigger hope than we can ever hope for. But you know what? We have a big God. And God can enter into situations. God can bring about His plans and purposes. But He's looking for willing vessels that are obedient to Him that will practice forgiveness. So let me ask you, when we talk about these matters of war, possible war between the U.S. and China, U.S. and Russia, between two parties at Little Caesar, really it comes down to a practical application.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Where is forgiveness in your own life? Think the worst thing that's ever happened to you. Maybe you've suffered abuse at the hand of someone, sexual abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse, whatever it might be. Have you forgiven that person? And you may say, I can't, I can't do it. And you can't not in this flesh jacket that you wear, you can't do it. That's why you need the Prince of Peace in your heart. And I want to invite you right now, if you have unforgiveness in your heart, maybe you have hatred in your heart for somebody, sheer hatred. I want
Starting point is 00:47:31 to invite you to meet the Prince of Peace, to bring not only peace to your life, but also to your situation. And yes, he can bring peace to these situations too. He's that big. And so when we tell you these stories and these news items, and when Edward shares them, we're not without hope. We're not without the prospect of saying God can walk in the middle of that situation and he can bring about his kingdom in the midst of it. Well, yeah, but this is the briefing room. You're in the command center. You're getting information that you're not going to get from the mindless network TV.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Remember that ridiculous cat fight on Fox News between Dan Bongino and Geraldo Rivera? That's the kind of information you're going to get there. What you're going to get here is a high-level briefing. And it's a briefing to prepare you. It's a briefing so that this weekend, when you go out, have a discussion with your friends at a Bible study or at a barbecue or at a concert, that you're able to have both an educated perspective, but more so a perspective of strategy. You know how to use this information to get through to them, to break through that, the line of ignorance often in society, an obsession with entertainment, ridiculousness, they'll recognize that you're smart. You're informed. You might be informed about their eternity, too.
Starting point is 00:48:51 And something we stay informed about is obviously finances. And the success story, I think, of the last couple of years has been cryptocurrency. Well, there's been a lot of development in the space of cryptocurrency that we have to address. Especially in the past few days, yes. The fluctuation of Bitcoin. So China made an announcement that they were tightening regulation around the trading of Bitcoin and specifically the use of cryptocurrencies for transactions in China. Now, the Chinese long have had issues with money being drained out of their country
Starting point is 00:49:27 into the United States, into the places for investment, because they want their capital to stay at home. They want the Chinese government to be able to regulate. Cryptocurrency is, for the most part, actually defeated that. Unless we believe Peter Thiel, though. Peter Thiel believes, the famous homosexual Republican, that the Chinese have bought a major share in cryptocurrency, specifically Bitcoin, and they're using it to combat against the US dollar, the hegemonic system. Right. And that was one of the first things I thought about when I saw this article today that,
Starting point is 00:49:56 all right, so 11 o'clock Friday night in China, they announce that they're going to restrict Bitcoin mining within China. What happens to Bitcoin? It drops. And then, so now it's tanked out. It's about to 35,871 right now trading on Coinbase. And so someone that knew perhaps that it was going to tank, maybe they got rid of their Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:50:18 And now they're in a position to buy even more Bitcoin at a lower price. People don't manipulate markets like that, do they? Well, they do. Shockers, they do. They do according to the Fed chair. The Fed chair is not sitting back, Jerome Powell. He's saying that this absolutely is market manipulation. We're not going to ever go after the people who might be doing it. But what we will do is introduce a central bank digital dollar.
Starting point is 00:50:50 The Federal Reserve is talking about introducing their own Bitcoin, their own cryptocurrency, one that will be pegged to the dollar, you know, the physical dollar, the cash dollar, the dollar that's not really a physical dollar anymore. 99% of the dollars out in circulation are not physical. But for Jerome Powell, the future is a digital dollar. And he believes, he put a paper out through the Wall Street Journal. This paper will be widely available for the public to give your opinion,
Starting point is 00:51:17 give your feedback on by the end of summer. So a digital dollar, cryptocurrency-based, that they're saying will be like a stablecoin. A stablecoin simply means it's stable. It's something that the price won't go from $50,000 to $36,000 in the whim of a tweet, or the announcement from a country that they're banning it. It's something that is as stable as the dollar, as constant as the dollar. As stable as that is. No, right. But this is important because at the same time that the Fed chairman is announcing this, our Secretary for Treasury, Janet Yellen, she has announced we're moving toward a harmonized global minimum tax rate. 15% corporately for every place from the United States to Europe to Africa.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Everyone in the globe will pay the same tax rate. All I can say is Rick Wiles was right. He said this was going to happen. He said this was exactly going to happen, that whenever we get a Democrat back in the White House, that this would be the direction that they would go. Really, what this means, Edward, with a 15% global minimum tax is that we pay that tax. Yes. The average person, and this is globally now, you will pay more money. You'll pay more money to governments, which will spend it to build aircraft carriers,
Starting point is 00:52:40 will spend it to seed revolutionaries, make people kill each other at Little Caesars. The money is being sent for bombs, for missiles, for everything but the care of your family. That money will be generated now through a new slush fund of taxes. And not just here, globally. Well, this is not being received well in Europe, at least according to the Wall Street Journal. There's some countries that you're fighting back against. There's Ireland, a tax haven where Google is located, Czech Republic, Hungary, the main countries. Although there's reports in this article that
Starting point is 00:53:13 Germany and France may say they want a global tax rate equal across the board to know one country is better than the other, but their corporations might have a different opinion. Now, why this is important is one of the things necessary, I think, for a global government, a real global government, one that actually has power, has a military, has the ability to dictate or maybe even declare a pandemic. They need a global budget. They need a slush fund. They need a budget. They need money. They need an ability to generate that. That can be done very easily if every country already is taxing the same.
Starting point is 00:53:48 If a business is operating no differently in America than it has to operate in France due to regulation and taxation, then it makes it very easy for you to introduce a global government body, one you may not even need to vote for through Dominion machines. But you know what? Anything like that, Edward, even if they did manage to convince a number of nations to actually go along with that, it'd be much like the Paris Climate Agreement, right? In that all the nations, like all the nations in Europe, the U.S. and everything, they would abide by the terms of it. But then you'd have countries like China, they'd agree to the terms of it but not follow the terms. And so, and that's exactly what would happen.
Starting point is 00:54:31 You would have, you know, Western nations paying the over, probably 90, 95% of this tax bill, while many other nations would just say, well, you know, China's not going to pay that tax. And so, you know, once again, this isn't a way to try to, you know, get other countries to do something. It's just another way to drain American pocketbooks to finance communist objectives around the world. Yes. And certainly this will fund pandemic responses, whether it be a vaccine passport or further lockdown measures or bailouts for companies which are following the notion that they must not service customers out of fear they might kill them, spread a disease to them. This has been the case in Europe, a trillion dollar bailout there, a multi-trillion
Starting point is 00:55:23 dollar here in America. You have to wonder where the money comes from. It comes from taxation plans like this. But, Doc, something that's interesting is that most people, they've kind of dealt with this. They're getting a little agitated, but some are breaking. Some people are having a real tough time with the lockdowns. I pray for them. I pray they don't break. But in the case where they do, it's not going to be a seven-year-old paraplegic in Arkansas. In some cases, it's going to be a well-trained assassin in the center of Europe. Now, according to the Daily Star, there is a manhunt underway. Not a manhunt on our border, not a manhunt over in the Middle East. No, a manhunt in Brussels, seed of NATO, head of our governance in Europe. There is a manhunt
Starting point is 00:56:16 underway for a corporal named Jürgen Konings. Now, Jürgen Konings, this what you're seeing on screen here is the confluence of about 250 special forces soldiers equipped with masks and heavy armaments. They're searching for a soldier who vowed on Facebook that he will kill his country's version of Dr. Fauci. Now, he not only said he would harm this man, would fight to the death, he went to his barracks, grabbed four rocket launchers, a machine gun, and a loadout of equipment, enough for at least three days to hide in the swamps of Flanders. Now, this man has a plan. And they believe he has a plan so much so that he deployed
Starting point is 00:57:01 a wide-scale manhunt through the swamps, the forests. They are searching for this man, Juergen Connings, okay, in Belgium. They call him a rogue soldier. They're calling him Rambo. They said it's becoming a nightmare for authorities. Doc, he's got a rocket launcher. Four rocket launchers. Four rocket launchers.
Starting point is 00:57:20 And all of this stems from his rejection of the lockdowns, his rejection of vaccination. He said he believes that society can no longer live where politicians and virologists have taken everything away from us, taken it away through taxation, taken it away through edicts. But that's his position, and it sent him over the edge. I don't know where this man's going to show up, Doc, but I don't think he's alone. Well, there's two ways to look at this. Either it's someone who has finally just been so fed up that he's finally just gone over the edge.
Starting point is 00:57:56 And what can you expect when we live in the pressure cooker of the world that we live in, and when you have restrictions where people are chasing you down in restaurants and grocery stores for not wearing a mask, it comes to a point where there's a tipping point for some people. Mentally, they can't handle it. Another possibility to consider, Edward, is this is a false flag operation, and that's not beyond the realm of possibility. And I wouldn't be shocked to hear if there's reports that this guy was under observation by, you know, very Brussels intelligence that they had him on their radar. How many times we heard that story here in the U.S. when there's a mass shooting or there's a major threat by somebody and you get the announcement from the Federal Bureau of Bungling Investigations that, yes, we, we had that guy under our observation
Starting point is 00:58:47 and everything. But either way, you look at it, this is yet another symptom of this world that we live in where the conflict is just increasing, increasing, increasing all the way around us. Well, Doc, we have a lot more on the coronavirus, the plandemic, and some very shocking statements from scientists. I think we're going to hold that until Monday. Okay. But what I will say is you're going to want to pay attention
Starting point is 00:59:16 to Monday's program. We're going, if it's not Monday, it will be Tuesday. We have some very interesting information about the Diana revelation, that MI6 was spying on Diana, that they're now trying to cover up an interview which she revealed the sins and adultery of the royal family. We may have an expert on that, but we also may talk about a French virologist, famous French virologist, Luc Montagnier. This man, Doc, is claiming to have an explanation to why we have a brand new wave of infections and death, even though we have widespread vaccination. He believes, Doc, the variants are from the vaccine. And he's not alone in this. It also is a tie in with Dr. Mikevitz. Right. And this gentleman that Edward is talking about is a Nobel Prize winner. So that means he's really smart, knows his stuff. And so and that's a story that
Starting point is 01:00:10 we'll cover more about. Edward, you had some good news stories that you want to share with our audience this Friday. Can you believe it's Friday? Can you believe it's May 24th? What a week. Well, yes. And thank you for all the submissions that we've been getting. Again, you can send it to info at That's info at We'll take any news tips, but specifically, please send stories that made you laugh, that made your heart fill. Testimonies, anything. Please send it and we will share it on the program to edify the audience. I got to thinking about this, Edward.
Starting point is 01:00:46 We have the largest news staff of any organization out there because you are our news staff. You send us so much information. And what a staff you are. We have so much information. True news can't handle it all. That's why we also have NewsCoup. And if you haven't been on NewsCoup lately, that's N-E-W-S-C-O-U-P, It's a coup against the news.
Starting point is 01:01:09 It's the right alternative to the Drudge Report. And so if you go to News Coup, all the stories that we talk about on air and all the stories that we don't have the time to talk about on air, you can find on as well, because we go through a lot of news every day and there's not enough time in an hour, hour and a half to cover it all and do it justice. So we have to get bigger to do it. But what we are trying to do is to encourage you as well with some good news items, because it's not all bad news out there, folks. There's some good things happening out there too. Yes. And one of them is the pedophiles are on the run. In Charlotte, North Carolina, 150 plus children were just rescued. Now, these children, according to WCNC, were involved in drug activity, prostitution and human trafficking. Well, a joint Metro effort,
Starting point is 01:02:04 including some federal agents, they rescued them. They found them. They got them out of this situation. It is a wonderful story. Again, I want all the missing children to be found. I want them to be saved
Starting point is 01:02:17 from any of the torture, any of the things that are taking place in this country. We know are taking place because of the Epstein sex scandal. But I'll tell you, we need to bring back the milk carton. The milk carton. Missing kid milk carton. We need to be talking about missing kids. All the missing kids that never came back to school from the pandemic.
Starting point is 01:02:34 Right. And, you know, I remember they used to run PSAs and spots on television and radio about missing kids all the time. I guess we don't miss them anymore. We've just become so callous to the idea that kids just disappear that we don't even think about it. Out of those 150 kids that they rescued in North Carolina, Edward, the majority of them would be between the ages of 14 and 17. So that means they were likely drug trafficked, sexually trafficked. See, there's a whole other world out there that is abusing and using kids
Starting point is 01:03:10 like just so much trash that's there. And so we're gonna be an advocate, we're gonna be a voice, we're gonna speak up for those that are being hurt by this society. We're gonna call out the pedophiles, no matter where they're at, no matter how high up in the government they are are or how low in the gutter they are.
Starting point is 01:03:28 And so we're going to stand up for them. Another great story Edward came across here. Tell us what happened here, Edward. So we also stand up for courage, strength, even signs and wonders. I wonder, in this case, there was a Virginia deputy who was able to single-handedly lift and overturn a car. Now, this car, it was a woman that was trapped. This deputy rushed in there, didn't think he'd have the strength to do it, found the strength, and he saved this woman. Is he under it? Go. Gloucester, it's entrapment. Hey, how? Yes. She can't breathe.
Starting point is 01:04:25 She can't breathe. Please. Gloucester, she's trapped under the vehicle. I can't get it off. Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Help me! Her head's pinned. Mommy! Calm down. Mommy! Come here, buddy. Come here.
Starting point is 01:04:33 I'm not talking to you. There's a pillow. Okay. I'm trying to get out. Can you slide any, ma'am? Is your head clear? Wow, praise the Lord. What you were watching there, you couldn't really see it because he had his body cam pressed up against the vehicle. He lifted a car off of this woman that was trapped. What had happened,
Starting point is 01:05:06 the car had flipped over and she was caught, her head was caught where the car was upside down and she was outside the sunroof, now on the ground, and her head was being wedged by the car itself. The officer in this story lifted the car off the woman so she could be rescued. Don't say there isn't a God in the world that is active and seeking an opportunity to show His grace and mercy around us because He certainly is. A dramatic video there, the officer rescuing the woman.
Starting point is 01:05:42 But you know what? God wants to rescue you too and so you may feel trapped in your situation where you can't get out where you see death is imminent I just want to encourage you right now there's someone here that will lift that burden off of you they'll lift it up off of you because he's already born that burden himself and that's Jesus Christ and I want to encourage you if you've not made himself, and that's Jesus Christ. And I want to encourage you, if you've not made a confession of faith in Jesus Christ,
Starting point is 01:06:08 please do it today. Please, I beg of you, make your confession of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and God. I know we have a lot of atheists and a lot of Muslims that watch our program, and we appreciate you watching. But I also want you to know we love you,
Starting point is 01:06:27 and we want you to know the Savior we serve. And we invite you to do that. And then after you make that confession of faith, you find someone to baptize you in water and seal that covenant between you and the Lord and start walking in faith. God wants to lift that burden off of you. It seems impossible. It seems like you're completely trapped under that vehicle. But God wants to lift that burden off of you. It seems impossible. It seems like you're completely trapped under that
Starting point is 01:06:46 vehicle. But God wants to lift that burden off of you and rescue you and do that in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. So you don't want to be the most informed person in hell. Join us in New Jerusalem. We'll have a great time. I'd rather be the dumbest person in eternity than the smartest person in hell. Amen. Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. It was a wild one, but you are now the most informed person in your neighborhood. Make use of it. Wake up your friends and family by sharing this Godcast and help us produce more of them by becoming a monthly partner with this ministry.
Starting point is 01:07:20 You can support True News by going to That is And just click on the heart on the left-hand side or the red donate button on the right. You can also call our toll-free number at 1-800-576-2116. That is 1-800-576-2116. If you'd prefer to donate to us by mail, our address is PO Box 690069, Vera Beach, Florida, zip code 32969. We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, precious metals, even tractors. Just make sure it runs.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Whatever you want to bless us with, we will gladly receive and put toward our mission here to save souls and report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you. God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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