TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Queen Kamala Courts Drag Queens for 2024 Endorsement
Episode Date: July 26, 2024This is TruNews for July 26, 2024. I’m Doc Burkhart, sitting in for TruNews founder and host Rick Wiles. Election 2024 continues to become stranger and stranger, with the myriad of twists and turns ...that have happened in the past seven days. It’s almost enough to make you forget that we are in the midst of World War Three breaking out into a shooting scenario at any time. We’ll update you on the latest. Bibi the Baby Killer Netanyahu is still in the US, making the rounds with both President Biden and Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris. He is meeting with Donald Trump as we speak. It won’t matter, because they are all Zionists. And, Queen Kamala is courting drag queens to join her campaign. Let’s dive into the latest analysis and commentary of today’s headlines. Doc Burkhart. Airdate 07/26/2024Watch this FULL show exclusively on Faith & Values the leading community for Conservative Christians!https://www.faithandvalues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!https://www.AmericanReserves.comNow is the time to protect your assets with physical gold & silver. Contact Genesis Gold Today!https://www.TruNewsGold.comIt’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw.
I'm a blacksmith, and I like to work with my hands.
I watch True News, and it's apparent to me that we are in World War III,
and the U.S. is very unstable.
I have faith in God, but He expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for troubled times.
There are two things we need, food and water.
That's why I buy my supplies from
American Reserves offers easy to prepare chicken and beef meals, pastas, soups and vegetables
that only need boiling water.
You can purchase the world famous British Burkefield gravity fed water filters equipped
with Dalton ceramic handles and other emergency supplies at
My family's security
is critical to me. Something big
is coming. Procrastination could
be costly. Act today before
a crisis suddenly appears.
Be ready. Be wise.
Go to this is true news for july 26 2024 i'm doc burkhart sitting in for true news founder and
host rick wiles election 2024 continues to become stranger and stranger with the myriad of twists
and turns that have happened over the past seven days. It's almost enough to make you forget that
we're in the midst of World War III breaking out into a shooting scenario at just about any time.
We'll update you on the latest. Bibi the baby killer Netanyahu is still in the U.S. making
the rounds with both President Biden and presidential candidate Kamala Harris.
He's meeting with Donald Trump as we speak right now.
It won't matter what happens because they're all Zionists.
And Queen Kamala is courting drag queens to join her campaign.
Let's dive into the latest analysis and commentary of today's headlines, starting off with this from the Daily Mail here today.
Donald Trump backs off on a presidential debate with Kamala Harris.
Now, we'll explain the details of this headline here.
Donald Trump says, this is according to the Daily Mail, has backed out of debating Kamala Harris, citing Democratic Party chaos after promising to the showdown
anytime, anyplace.
The former president had initially said on Tuesday he would absolutely debate Kamala
Harris after Joe Biden dropped out of the race.
And Thursday night, Trump backed out on that a little bit.
And we'll explain why here.
What happened to anytime, anyplace? Harris wrote on Twitter immediately after Trump backed out on that a little bit, and we'll explain why here. What happened to anytime, anyplace?
Harris wrote on Twitter immediately after Trump backed out.
Stephen Chung, the Trump campaign's communications director, claimed Democrats were in too much chaos since Joe Biden abandoned his reelection bid.
Given the continued political chaos surrounding crooked Joe Biden and the Democrat Party. General election debate details
cannot be finalized until Democrats formally decide on their nominee, he said. Went on to say
there's a strong sense by many in the Democrat Party, namely Barack Hussein Obama, that Kamala
Harris is a Marxist fraud who cannot beat President Trump and they are still holding out for someone
better. Therefore, it would be inappropriate to schedule things with Harris because Democrats very well could still change their minds.
The Democratic National Convention on August 19th to 22nd will officially determine the party's nominee for president,
but Harris has already secured enough delegates.
Well, Joe Biden had enough delegates, too, and he's out of the race
as well. There's a lot of things happening in the background regarding the election here. They have
this article from Rolling Stone here. Trump and RFK Jr. discussed trading administration position
for endorsement. That's coming from the Stone, and they're citing the Washington Post in their
Everyone knows that Robert F. Kennedy is running for president as an independent,
but whether he stays in the race may depend on what the Trump campaign is willing to give him.
This is according to The Rolling Stone magazine.
According to a Monday report from The Washington Post,
Robert Kennedy discussed the possibility that he could end his campaign and endorse Donald Trump in exchange for a position in his administration with the former president.
Now, it's unclear who of the two men first floated that particular proposal. Sources told the Post
that in the hours after Donald Trump was nearly killed in an assassination attempt at a rally in
Butler, Pennsylvania, Mr. Trump called up Kennedy.
The sources indicated that the possibility of a cabinet-level position was floated or
another post where Kennedy would be charged with a portfolio of health and medical issues.
But no such deal was made, according to the post.
Some of Trump's campaign staff were concerned about the optics of trading
an administration post for an endorsement.
But I wouldn't put it beyond Donald Trump or even Robert F. Kennedy to come to that.
Donald Trump is a transactional business person, and he's looking to make a deal.
And there's no love lost between Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the current Democratic nominee,
Kamala Harris.
And Robert F. Kennedy is rapidly distancing himself from the presidential contender.
Watch this.
You mentioned Kamala Harris is who you said that the Democratic Party appeared poised
to put into that position.
You were critical there, obviously, of President Biden's policy.
What, if anything, is different?
How do you compare yourself to Kamala Harris if she does become the Democratic nominee for president?
I think, you know, Kamala Harris is the party of war.
She is she's a war hawk.
You know, the Democratic Party was always the peace party. Kamala Harris is a war hawk. You know, the Democratic Party was always the peace party.
Kamala Harris is a war hawk on Ukraine.
She's a war hawk on China.
I think that we should be figuring out ways to coexist with the rest of the world as best we can.
And, of course, we need to protect our national security.
I think she's not going to do anything about the national deficit.
I've never heard her speak
about the chronic disease epidemic.
I think she's a product
of the corporate control of our democracy.
And she's one of the authors
in terms of civil rights.
She has one of the worst civil rights records
of any public official.
She's one of the worst civil rights records of any public official. She's
the author of the, one of the primary authors of the school to prison pipeline. She kept 5,000
people, despite a Supreme Court order that she released 5,000 prisoners of nonviolent drug crimes
who were illegally in California jails. She kept them in there saying that
we needed them for firefighting and for other public work services. And that's just a modern
version of indentured servitude, a modern version of slavery. She was one of the two leading public
officials in California, which now has the worst education system, 49th in education outcomes in the country.
50 percent of the homeless people in our country are in California.
And she was behind those policies.
I don't think she has a good.
I don't think in terms of the traditional democratic principles, I don't think she has a credible record.
You know, because she's a communist think she has a credible record.
You know, because she's a communist.
She's a leftist.
She makes Vladimir Lenin blush. And speaking of Kamala Harris and the depths of hell that we're about to enter into if Queen Kamala receives the election coronation in November.
We have this from the San Francisco Chronicle.
Kamala Harris makes history as the first sitting vice president to appear on RuPaul's Drag Race.
Now, let's just get in the article and we'll have some commentary here in just a moment.
Likely Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris will make herstory.
This is from the San Francisco Chronicle Friday when she appears on the finale of RuPaul's Drag Race All-Stars 9.
Harris is an Oakland native, Oakland, California native.
He'll be the first sitting vice president to appear on any iteration of the popular drag competition franchise. It comes at a time
when LGBTQ rights and drag in particular have been under attack in the United States by the
political right. That's the San Francisco Chronicle talking there. We have this clip
of Vice President Harris appearing with RuPaul and the other drag queens.
We interrupt this program to bring you a message from an extra special drag race viewing party.
Hi, everyone. It's Kamala Harris.
Each day we are seeing our rights and freedoms under attack,
including the right of everyone to be who they are, love who they love, openly and with pride. So as we fight back against these attacks,
let's all remember, no one is alone.
We are all in this together and your vote is your power.
So please make sure your voice is heard this November
and register to vote at Can I get an amen? Amen!
Now on with the show. And remember, you better vote.
Yeah, we're all happy.
Just drag queens hanging out together.
And so she's definitely got the drag queen endorsement.
But folks, don't take this lightly, okay, at all.
Because what these folks are doing with all the drag queen push that's going on is they're trying to warp the minds of young kids especially.
And we're beyond the days when Uncle Miltie and Flip Wilson could wear a dress and it would be funny.
It's not funny anymore.
It's serious.
They have an agenda, and the agenda is to de-genderize the next generation of young people. RuPaul is known for promoting his drag queen philosophy
through drag conventions, drag con,
where children themselves are promoted on stage
to dance in sexual ways in order to entertain others.
We have this clip from a recent convention sponsored by RuPaul.
Watch this.
These are kids up here, folks.
Kids up here dancing in sexual themes, receiving money from the audience.
This is the kind of thing that RuPaul is pushing on next generation people,
and by extension, now the current presidential candidate Kamala Harris. Ladies and gentlemen,
we are at the depths of evil in this nation if we allow this to continue to go on, and we allow
Kamala, Queen Kamala, to become president of the United States. This is going to become normal in America.
Just shameful what we're watching here.
I just can't believe that this is even allowed at all.
Well, the campaign continues here for Kamala Harris.
And the Harris campaign yesterday released a video. And you've got to watch this
because it's actually comical the way they set this up. The video is a endorsement by
former President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle. And the way they frame it and everything,
it's just a casual, oh, I'm just picking up my phone. I'm talking to Barack and Michelle and everything.
When you know it's absolutely staged.
So let's watch this endorsement of Barack Obama of Kamala Harris.
Hey there.
Oh, hi.
You're both together.
Oh, it's good to hear you both.
I can't have this phone call without saying
to my girl Kamala, I am proud of you.
This is going to be historic.
We call to say Michelle and I couldn't be prouder
to endorse you and to do everything
we can to get you through this election
and into the Oval Office.
Oh, my goodness.
Michelle, Barack, this means so much to me.
I am looking forward to doing this with the two of you,
Doug and I both, and getting out there, being on the road.
But most of all, I just want to tell you,
the words you have spoken and the friendship
that you have given over all these years
mean more than I can express.
So thank you both. It means so much.
And we're going to have some fun with this too, aren't we?
Yeah, we're just going to have fun.
And who holds a phone up to their ear when it's on speakerphone?
That's what I want to know.
So this is all orchestrated. This is all planned out.
This is all scripted.
And what they're doing right now
with Kamala Harris is they're test flighting her because as easily as they could move Joe Biden out,
they could move Kamala Harris out. And right now the Democrats are on a sugar high and it's going
to run out really, really quick. And I'm not the only one that thinks that. None other than James
Carville also believes this as
well. Watch this.
Not to beat a skunk at the garden party.
This is too triumphalist,
okay? This is everybody's giddy.
I look at the coverage, and it's great, and we're just
let me, if I had to write
a play about what I think it's
going to be like, it would be entitled
The Ice Pick Coming.
OK, get ready. They're coming. All right. And it's good. Everybody should feel good and liberated and everything else. But if we don't win the election, we hadn't done anything. We haven't
changed the temperature in America. We haven't changed anything. And I think the vice president
of hope that, you know, her campaign is getting ready.
I hope they listen to my friend and fellow in the Arlenian, Donald Brazil, who actually, I think, has the same kind of view of politics that I do.
And they're coming at us and they're going to keep coming.
And this kind of giddy elation is not going to be very helpful much longer because that's not what we're going to be faced with.
And I think the vice president, put it in athletic terms, needs a really good cut man in a corner because she's getting ready to get cut.
Yeah, the fight is just getting started here.
And if the Democrats think that Kamala isn't up for the fight, they'll get her out of the ring just as quick as they got Joe Biden.
And don't you forget that. Well, B.B., the baby killer Netanyahu is in the U.S. and he's making his rounds. And he is, of course, he gave his address to Congress, a joint session of Congress,
where he received 58 standing ovations in 60 minutes, 58 standing ovations in 60 minutes from Democrats and Republicans. They
were very, very happy. And they were actually singing Israeli songs in joint session of
Congress afterwards. It was incredible to watch. But Benjamin Netanyahu had the opportunity. He's
met with President Joe Biden and has met with Vice President Harris. But in his meeting with President Biden,
he said something very, very interesting. And as true news and audience, you'll catch this really,
really quick. Watch this. Well, welcome back, Prime Minister. We've got a lot to talk about.
I think we should get to it. The floor is yours. The President of the United States of America
The President of the United States of America
The President of the United States of America
The President of the United States of America
The President of the United States of America
The President of the United States of America
The President of the United States of America
The President of the United States of America
The President of the United States of America
The President of the United States of America
The President of the United States of America
The President of the United States of America
The President of the United States of America
The President of the United States of America
The President of the United States of America
The President of the United States of America
The President of the United States of America
The President of the United States of America
The President of the United States of America
The President of the United States of America The President of the United States of America The President of the United States of America The President of the United States 50 years of support for the state of Israel.
And I look forward to discussing with you today and working with you in the months ahead on the great issues before us.
And, of course, we shared with you in the past that Joe Biden has publicly said, I'm a Zionist. But to have Benjamin Netanyahu actually sitting there and saying from one Jewish Zionist to an Irish-American Zionist to another.
Folks, it's a game and you're not in it.
Fox News is reporting that President Netanyahu is meeting with President Trump today,
and that's happening right now even as we speak here on True News Live.
And he's to meet with the Israeli leader, and they're looking to rekindle the relationship.
Prime Minister Netanyahu will be meeting at Mar-a-Lago today, and they kind of have a fractured relationship right now because of some words that were said back and forth in the past.
But the effort right now is Benjamin Netanyahu is going to definitely bet on both sides. And so his meeting with Trump is an attempt
to rekindle that relationship in the anticipation that Mr. Trump will win the election. He said,
I want to thank President Trump for his leadership in brokering. This is from his speech the other
day. I want to thank President Trump for his leadership in brokering the historic Abraham
Accords. Like Americans, Israelis were relieved that President Trump for his leadership in brokering the historic Abraham Accords.
Like Americans, Israelis were relieved that President Trump emerged safe and sound from that dastardly attack on him,
that dastardly attack on American democracy. There's no room for political violence in democracies, said the Israeli leader with a straight face.
Netanyahu continued in his speech,
I also want to thank President Trump for all the things he did for Israel,
from recognizing Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights,
to confronting Iran's aggression,
to recognizing Jerusalem as our capital and moving the American embassy there.
That's Jerusalem, our eternal capital, never to be divided again.
So let me just share with our True News audience here,
it doesn't matter who wins
the election in the fall, it will be a Zionist in the White House. That is a sure bet that you can
take to the bank right there. In addition to these stories here, give me just a moment here,
Fox News is sharing this. We talked to you yesterday about how in testimony before Congress, FBI Director Christopher Wray was shedding doubt on whether President Trump was actually shot or not at the rally in Butler here weeks ago.
And Donald Trump was not backing down from that at all.
So he actually responded to this.
Former President Trump used his true social platform on Thursday to rip into FBI Director Wray after his congressional hearing regarding the assassination attempt.
Wray had testified that he wasn't sure if it was a bullet that struck Trump in the ear while he was at the outdoor rally in Butler. I think with respect to former President Trump, there's some question about whether or not it's a bullet or shrapnel that, you know, hit his ear, Ray said at Wednesday's hearing.
President Trump, who nominated Ray as the FBI director in 2017, went full blast on his former appointee after the hearing.
So on Truth Social, he posted this.
He said, FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress yesterday that he wasn't sure if I was hit by shrapnel, glass, or a bullet.
The FBI never even checked.
But he was sure that Crooked Joe Biden was physically and cognitively uneventful.
That's why he knows nothing about the terrorists and other
criminals pouring into our country at record levels. His only focus is destroying J6 patriots,
raiding Mar-a-Lago, and saving radical left lunatics like the ones now in D.C. burning
American flags and spray painting over our great national monuments with zero retribution.
No, it was unfortunately a bullet that hit my
ear and it hit hard. There was no glass. There was no shrapnel. The hospital called it a bullet
wound to the ear. And that is what it was. No wonder the once storied FBI has lost the confidence
of America. Well, as this story continues to unfold here, we also have events
that are happening around the world. And this week, with all the U.S. political stories that
have been going on, we've not had the opportunity to look at international stories. So yesterday,
there was a story that came out in the Times of Israel. I didn't get a chance to get it to you yesterday, but this was in Times of Israel yesterday,
and it's important to bring this out.
The foreign minister of Israel says Iranian terrorist proxies might attack Israeli athletes
and terrorists in Paris.
It says foreign minister Israel Katz sent a letter to his French counterpart on Thursday warning him of an Iranian-backed plot to attack Israeli terrorists and athletes at the 2024 Paris Olympics.
There are those who seek to undermine the celebratory nature of this joyous event, wrote Katz.
We currently have assessments regarding the potential threat posed by Iranian terrorist proxies and other terrorist
organizations. Meanwhile, Channel 12 reported Thursday that a group of anti-Israel hackers
calling themselves Zeus claimed to have published personal information about Israeli athletes and
pictures from their military service. According to the report, Israel's National Cyber Directorate
said that Iran was behind the social media campaign which aims to scare members of the Israeli delegation to the Paris Olympics.
So this was yesterday.
This story was yesterday.
And what happens today?
Well, here's France 24.
Paris prosecutor opens probe into criminal attack on France's high-speed train network.
French train operator SNCF said on Friday that the country's high-speed network
had been targeted with widespread and criminal attacks,
disrupting travel for hundreds of thousands of people just hours before the grand opening of the 2024 Paris Olympics. The Paris prosecutor
has opened a probe into a suspected bid to undermine fundamental national interests.
He said this is a massive attack on a large scale to paralyze the TGV network. That's their train
network. SNCF told AFP, adding that many routes would have to be canceled. SNCF was the victim of
several simultaneous malicious acts overnight, the national train operator said, later adding
that vandals had damaged signal boxes along the lines connecting Paris with cities such as Lille
in the north, Bordeaux in the west, and Strasbourg in the east. Another attack on the Paris-Marseille line was foiled. Arson attacks were started to damage our facilities, it said,
and explained that traffic on the affected lines was heavily disrupted with many cancellations,
and that the situation would last the weekend as repairs are conducted. So what the buzz is right now, that they're going to pin this on potential
Iranian terrorists that disrupted the train lines in Paris. Now, you see they're building the case
here for a possible attack on Iran in the very near future. With Benjamin Netanyahu's address
to the joint session of Congress earlier this week, which he basically said, let's bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran and get it done as soon as possible.
You add this to the mix.
And then yesterday, to have the foreign minister warn France,
you know, there might be a potential terrorist attack on the day of the Olympics.
You should watch out for it.
I don't trust anything, folks.
They'll red flag a situation in order to achieve their goals. Another story we didn't get a chance
to talk about this week, but the war goes on for World War III. This is from Washington Times.
China and Russia, in their first ever joint patrol near Alaska, seen as a test of U.S. resolve.
Chinese and Russian nuclear-capable bombers were intercepted by jet fighters near Alaska,
and they were engaged in an unprecedented joint patrol near the U.S. coast.
This was not a surprise to us, our defense secretary said, speaking to reporters at the Pentagon.
We closely monitored these aircraft, tracked the aircraft, intercepted the aircraft,
which demonstrates that our forces are at the ready all the time.
He's supposed to say that.
But these were four bombers.
Four bombers, two Russian Tu-95s and two Chinese H-6s,
flew within 200 miles of the Alaska coast but did not enter sovereign U.S. airspace,
prompting U.S. F-16 and F-35 jets and Canadian CF-18 jets to intercept the aircraft.
U.S. support and refueling aircraft also took part in the operation, a defense official said.
But this is the important part.
This is from Secretary Lloyd Austin. He said, this is the first time we've seen these two countries fly together like that, Mr. Austin said.
So Mr. Austin said the strategic aircraft flights did not appear linked to recent political upheavals in Washington,
including the withdrawal of President Biden from the presidential re-election campaign shortly after the assassination attempt from Russian Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
They're always testing us, Mr. Austin said.
That's no surprise to any of us.
We see activity in the North on a number of occasions
and we are always at the ready to address that activity.
Now, he doesn't see a connection between the two.
The first joint reconnaissance mission between Russia and China against the U.S. airspace,
first time, and it happens the same period of time that we have attempted assassination
of the Republican nominee, and we have the president stepping out of the election.
Just coincidence, folks. Nothing to see here. You know better. You're True News viewers.
Thank you for joining us for today's True News. Morning Man is up next here. We are
continuing our study in Matthew chapter 16. Join us as we look at the Word of God.
I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw. I'm a blacksmith and I like to work with my hands.
I watch and trust true news. Two things are clear to me. World War III has started and the USA is very unstable. I have faith in God, but He expects us to use our brains and
our hands to prepare for trouble. There are two things we need, food and water. That's
why I buy supplies from American Reserves offers easy to prepare chicken
and beef meals, pastas, soups and vegetables that only need boiling water. You can purchase
the world famous British Burkefield gravityfed water filters equipped with Dalton ceramic candles and other emergency
supplies at My family's security is critical to me. Something big is
coming. Procrastination could be costly. Act today before a crisis suddenly appears. Be ready. Be wise.
Go to
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You can find True News on frequency 12.160 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern
and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern.
Connect with us on Rumble, Facebook, X, and Getter. Welcome to Morning Manor.
We're glad to have you here with us in the 8 o'clock hour, live on the East Coast of the United States.
So glad to have you.
We're joined with people from all over the world today for our daily Bible study, Morning Manor.
We're so glad to have you with us.
We're going to continue our study today in Matthew chapter 16.
And so be sure to have your Bibles ready. We're going to actually continue in our lesson from yesterday, verses 13 through 20.
There's some important information we want to try to get across to you here.
And then at the end of our time together today, we will be having communion. So if you've got bread and
either grape juice or red wine, that'll work as far as communion is concerned. So let's open up
with a word of prayer, and then I'll read scripture, and then we'll just get right into what we're
talking about today, okay? Heavenly Father, in Jesus' name, thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity to worship you and to learn from your word.
We ask in Jesus' name that you would send your Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth regarding scripture.
Lord, we love you, we praise you, and we give you glory. In Jesus' name, amen and amen.
We are in Matthew chapter 16. I'm going to reread verses 13 through 20 here, but we're going to be focusing on verses 18 and amen. We are in Matthew chapter 16. I'm going to reread verses 13 through 20 here,
but we're going to be focusing on verses 18 and 19, but you've got to have the whole context here
to really get what we want to talk about. So when Jesus came into the coast of Caesarea Philippi,
he asked his disciples saying, who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am? And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.
He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar Barjona for flesh and blood have not revealed
it unto thee but my father which is
in heaven
and I say also unto thee
that thou art Peter and upon this rock
I will build my church and the gates
of hell shall not prevail against it
and I will give unto thee
the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever
thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven
and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven then charge to his disciples
that they should tell no man that even jesus the christ all right so our focus today is going to
be on those two verses 18 and 19 there and the different views are related related to Peter being the rock, or Jesus being the rock, or
the statement Peter made being the rock.
So we're going to kind of look at all four of them here real quick, and give us an understanding
of the various views.
So there's an ongoing debate on the correct interpretation on this, and different denominations
have kind of landed at different interpretation on this and different denominations have kind of landed
at different places on this so um remember that the immediate context of all this is jesus's
question who do you say that i am and peter answered back in verse 15 you are the christ
the son of the living god and jesus replies to that blessed art thou simon barjona
for flesh and blood has not revealed it unto thee but my father which is in heaven and then later on
it says that i tell you you are peter on this rock i'll build my church and the gates of hell
will not overcome it so the question is is this rock on which Christ promised to build
his church, is it Peter? Or is it Peter's faith? Or is it the truth of Peter's statement that he's
Christ, the son of the living God? Or is the rock Jesus himself? So let's look at all four of these here today okay we're we've got a limited time
but i think we've got just enough time to look at all four of these different interpretations
so the first view is that the rock is peter and of course this is what the roman catholic church holds
dear uh as the foundation for the Roman Catholic faith that Peter
basically was the first Pope right so but let's look at this let's let's be
let's look at this with a discerning eye discerning heart today by the way John
Mark been praying for you buddy I know you've been going through a trial there. So I've been praying for
you. So now the one view is that Jesus was declaring that Peter would be the rock on which
he would build his church. And this is based on the play of words that Jesus appears to be using.
So if we take that statement that Jesus made to Peter peter he said you are peter petros and
on this rock petra i will build my church now peter's name means rock and jesus is going to
build his church on a rock and in this first view it appears that christ that jesus means to link Peter with the founding of the church. Now, it's absolutely true that
God used Peter greatly in the foundation of the church. It was Peter who first proclaimed
the gospel on the day of Pentecost. Peter was also the first to take the gospel to the Gentiles.
In a sense, Peter was part of at least
the rock foundation of the church.
I think we can all agree on that.
But was Jesus singling out Peter as the rock?
That's the question.
So that's the first view.
So second view is that the rock is the truth
that is contained in Peter's statement,
what Peter responded to Jesus in.
Peter's statement was, you are the Christ, the Son of the living God.
In this particular view, the second view,
the rock is the truthfulness of that statement,
that the church is built on the rock
solid truth that Jesus is the Messiah he's God's chosen one and he's the
eternal Son of God and so in confessing Jesus as the Christ Peter the rock was
demonstrating his own stability as he stood on that truth so he was in a way showing his character
and why jesus nicknamed him cephas or peter okay so the second view is it's the statement
that you are the christ the son of the living god okay that's that's view number two. The third view on this is that it's Peter's faith.
Now, understand that Jesus never in the Gospels explicitly taught the disciples the fullness of his identity.
And so, and Jesus acknowledges this in verse 17.
It's God who had opened Peter's eyes to that
revelation so what Jesus is saying in verse 17 in this view for instance that
it was Peters faith responding to God opening his eyes that was the rock so
Peters confession of Jesus as theiah and the son of god
poured forth from his personal faith and since personal faith in christ is the hallmark of the
true christian those who place their faith in christ as peter did are the church okay so that's the rock of the church faith in christ um
now later on in one of in peter's epistles uh first peter two four through five he write as
you come to him the living stone rejected by humans but chosen by god and precious to him
you also like living stones are being built into a
spiritual house to be a holy priesthood offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to god through
jesus christ you find that in first peter chapter 2 verses 4 through 5 now it's interesting that in that passage, he refers to Jesus as the living stone, as a rock, right?
So, is it the faith in the rock, or is it the rock himself?
Peter would make the case in 1 Peter there that the faith of believers is what makes them living stones.
In other words, we all are rocks right every one of us peter his name
was rocked but we are all made living stones built into the church okay so that's the third view
now there is the fourth view and the fourth view is that the rock is jesus christ himself so after jesus declares
that god the father had revealed the truth to peter he says to peter you are peter and on this
rock i will build my church so if we get into the greek here the word for Peter, Petros, is a feminine noun that means a massive rock or a cliff,
and therefore something foundational. So, to kind of give you an understanding here,
the name for Peter means a rock that would just stand by itself, that you could just move around
and everything else, whereas that second word, rock, in that is that the rock is a foundation
that's built okay now the difference in the two terms seems to suggest that jesus was contrasting
peter with himself that is jesus saying, you're the little rock,
but I'm the foundation of the church.
All right?
You're the little rock,
you're the small rock,
you're the movable rock,
the one that can be thrown.
But I am the foundation,
the Petros foundation of the church.
Now, we can actually the Petros foundation of the church.
Now, we can actually make a case for this, this fourth view here.
If you look at 1 Corinthians 3, verse 11, it says,
For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Christ Jesus. That word foundation is parallel with that word for Petros here in Matthew chapter 16.
Another verse is found in 1 Corinthians 10.4.
It says,
And all drank the same spiritual drink, for they drank from the spiritual rock that followed them,
and the rock was Christ.
So, now, whereas each one of these different views here on this
add another dimension, another viewpoint, as far as this whole passage is concerned.
So, which one do we land on here um
and that's the question which one carries the greatest weight each one of the interpretations
can provide revelation to us and uh can be you know inspiring to us. However, in the first view, where Peter is the rock,
the Roman Catholics, of course, they make Peter the rock,
that the whole church, the Roman Catholic Church,
is built on Peter and not on Jesus himself.
So depending on how committed you are
to the different interpretations on this,
suggests your, I won't say denominational background, but your faith background.
Now, you may ask, all right, Doc, where do you land on this?
Well, I tend to land on the fourth view, that Jesus himself is that rock, and that Jesus was contrasting Peter, who
he had nicknamed Rocky, you know, remember Sylvester Stallone, Rocky? Well, that's who Peter was.
His name was Rocky, right? And he's contrasting, you know, you're a rock, but I'm a foundation.
And the reason why I lean more on the fourth view than anything else is because of the other scriptures that identify Jesus as the living stone.
Over there in 1 Peter, where Peter himself calls Jesus a living stone and the passages by Paul in 1 Corinthians where it calls Jesus either the foundation or the rock now let's not
forget that Peter and the Apostles they played a foundational role in building the church but the role of the first role is reserved for christ alone
christ is the ultimate foundation now uh there's a passage in the new testament says that the
apostles and prophets are the foundation of the church but the apostles and prophets were only operating
under the authority of christ who is the ultimate foundation um so jesus himself
and this is another argument for the fourth view in my opinion uh called himself the chief
cornerstone matth Matthew chapter 21,
and we'll get to this here in a few weeks in our Bible study.
Matthew chapter 21, verse 42 says,
Jesus said to them,
have you never read in the scriptures,
the stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone?
This was the Lord's doing,
and it is marvelous in our eyes.
Jesus himself identified himself as that cornerstone.
We also read in 1 Peter 2, 6-7, that Peter reaffirms this passage,
the same passage from Isaiah that Jesus had quoted in Matthew 21.
He says, for it stands in Scripture.
Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious,
and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.
So the honor is for you who believe, but for those who do not believe,
the stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone now we mentioned that
first peter passage earlier that we're the living stones he's the ultimate living stone but we are
also the living stones that make up the church and we're anchored to that chief cornerstone. Ephesians 2.20 says, We are built on the foundation of the
apostles and prophets,
Christ Jesus
himself being
the cornerstone.
those who put their trust in
Christ will never be put to shame.
That's the foundation
of our faith.
Now, as I mentioned before, the Roman Catholic Church argues that Peter is the rock upon which Jesus built his church.
And because of that, the Roman Catholic Church confers upon Peter the title of Pope and claims to be the one true church, right? But as we've seen in the scriptures that we have here,
identifying the rock as Peter
is not the only valid interpretation of Matthew 16, 18.
In fact, I would put the fourth view as the greatest view.
So even if, but even if,
now let's just say even if Peter is the rock
upon which Jesus promised to build a church,
even if that's the case, it does not give the Roman Catholic Church any kind of authority.
Even if that's the case, Scripture, first of all, nowhere records Peter being in Rome.
That's tradition.
We don't know if Peter actually made it to Rome.
That is strictly church tradition and not scripture. All right. Scripture nowhere
describes Peter as being supreme over the other apostles, even though he was the chief spokesman
on the day of Pentecost. As we get further along in the book of Acts, we see that James is in the lead role of leading the church.
So, Scripture nowhere describes Peter as being the boss of the church.
The New Testament does not describe Peter as being the all-authoritative leader of the church.
So the origin of the Roman Catholic Church is not in the teachings of Peter or any other apostle.
If Peter was truly the founder of the Roman Catholic Church,
it would be in full agreement with what Peter taught, wouldn't it?
And it's not.
It's in opposition to what Peter taught. So that's why
I think with confidence we can dispel the
idea that Peter is the rock upon which
the church is built. Jesus is referring to himself.
Now it goes on there in verse 19,
and we only have a few minutes left before we have to get into communion here.
I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven.
And whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth
shall be bound in heaven,
and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth
shall be loosed in heaven
now we actually have had this conversation
before both in morning manna
and on
the I do a separate program
called ask doc
and we actually talked about this idea
of the keys that have been given
and Jesus is expressing this he says I will give unto thee and we actually talked about this idea of the keys that had been given.
And Jesus is expressing this.
He says, I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom.
Now, the Roman Catholics would argue that the thee there is Peter.
But if you really get down into the original language there,
Jesus was addressing all the disciples at that moment
he says i will give unto all of you i will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven
the first question is what are the keys of the kingdom of heaven now on in the roman catholic church they have the the shield for the Roman Catholic Church,
and part of the emblem of the Roman Catholic Church is to have two keys that are crossed.
And they would say, the Roman Catholics would say, that the keys of the kingdom were given to Peter,
and then by giving to Peter, they were handed down through the succession of popes to this day.'re not physical keys but they're the authority the keys represent authority uh if you have a set of keys you have authority
over uh access to doors and everything else and so that's the idea there that the keys
granted peter the first pope that's the this Roman Catholic to you the first Pope the
authority to lead the church and also to do this binding and loosing but in the original language
here the V is to all the Apostles all the Apostles were given the keys to the kingdom
now what are the keys to the kingdom what are are those? Are they a set of keys that you
can carry around in your pocket? Well, of course not. They're not that. What are the keys to the
kingdom? Well, in my view, the keys of the kingdom is the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
It's the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ it's the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ
it's the Word of God being preached isn't it a fact that when the Word of
God is preached it both by it both binds and loosens, doesn't it? What's the purpose of the keys?
Jesus says the purpose of the keys is to bind and loose.
Now, the binding and loosing idea is very popular in some charismatic circles,
but the way they use it is, I believe, in great error.
You'll say, I'm going to bind the demonic forces here, or I'm going to loose angelic forces here. That is not the purpose of
this binding and loosing. The keys of the kingdom are the gospel of Jesus Christ, and it's the gospel
of Jesus Christ that does the binding and the loosing. What does it bind? It binds the forces of evil.
What does it loose?
It looses the grace of God into a believer's lives.
So it's not a matter of us releasing demons
or binding demons or releasing angels.
I call forth the angels over Africa.
I heard Paul White preach one time.
That's not it at all.
That is not the authority that is being expressed here.
The authority that's being expressed here is the keys of the kingdom
are the gospel of Jesus Christ.
It's the gospel of Jesus Christ, the keys that bind and loose.
We have this authority in Christ.
We have this authority in Christ.
But don't mistake what this authority is.
This authority is the preaching of the gospel.
The preaching of the word of God.
That's what the keys of the kingdom are.
That's what the gospel does. It binds and
loosens. We don't have enough time today to get into verse 20, where we talk about don't tell
anybody this. Maybe we can ask Rick to have his viewpoint on that on Monday. What I'd like to do
right now is prepare our hearts for communion. And if you've got bread and either red wine or grape juice, I ask you to get that ready right now.
We're going to pray for the elements of communion here in just a moment.
But before we do that, any time that we get together and we worship the Lord through the Lord's Supper, through the communion. We always want to approach with clean
hearts and clean minds, clean hands, clean feet. Amen. And so let's pray first. Ask the Lord to
search our hearts and make sure there's nothing standing between us and him regarding our
participation in the Lord's Supper. Let's pray together. Heavenly Father, in Jesus' name,
thank you so much for this wonderful, glorious opportunity, Lord,
to participate in the Lord's Supper.
And we ask today, Lord, that you would search our hearts, Lord.
Let nothing be found standing between us and you.
Rather, Lord, let us have clean hearts,
clean minds, clean hands in everything that we do.
Lord, that we have forgiven those
that have trespassed against us,
that we've made amends with others that we've wronged.
Lord, that idle words that we've spoken, Lord,
that I pray that we've repented of,
idle time that we've spoken, Lord, that I pray that we've repented of, idle time that we've spent in doing nothing
instead of pursuing your will and your grace in our lives.
Lord, we repent of these things.
We ask you to let the Holy Spirit search our hearts
and bring forward those things
that would be an offense to you, Lord.
We want nothing to offend you, Lord Jesus, we pray.
Lord, forgive us as we participate in this most holy of sacraments.
In Jesus' name, amen and amen.
Well, if you have the elements of communion in front of you,
we're going to get started here.
And so I've got mine right here.
I have the portable one right here with a communion wafer and the little cup. And so
very convenient for communion. So let's get together. Let's pray for the elements and then
we'll participate in the Lord's Supper together. Amen?
Almighty God, in your tender mercy, you gave your only begotten Son,
Jesus Christ, to suffer death upon
the cross for our redemption.
You offered yourself, himself, and
made, once for all time,
a perfect and sufficient sacrifice
for the sins of the whole world.
He instituted this remembrance
of his passion and death,
which he commanded us
to continue until he comes again. And so,
Father, we ask you to bless
and sanctify with your word
and with your Holy Spirit these gifts of
bread and wine that we may
partake of his most blessed
body and blood.
Christ, our Passover
lamb, has been sacrificed once
for all upon the cross
therefore let us keep the feast
hallelujah on the night that he was betrayed our Lord Jesus took bread and
when he given thanks he broke it and he gave it to his disciples saying take eat
this is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.
Praise the Lord. The body of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was given for you,
preserve your body and soul to everlasting life. This is the bread of heaven.
Take and eat in
remembrance that Christ died
for you.
After supper, Jesus took the
cup and when he'd given thanks,
he gave it to them saying, drink this all
of you. For this is my blood
of the new covenant which is shed for you
and for many for the forgiveness
of sins. Whenever you drink
this, do this in remembrance
of me.
Praise the Lord. Hallelujah.
Lord, we just
worship you right now. Glory to God.
The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ
which was shed for you,
preserve your body and soul to everlasting life.
Drink the cup of salvation in remembrance that Christ's blood was shed for you
and be thankful.
Behold the Lamb of God.
Behold him who takes away the sins of the world.
And blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.
This sacrament is the gift of God for the people of God.
Feed on him by faith with thanksgiving that Christ died for you.
Praise God. Glory to God.
Praise the Lord.
I'd like to know, just from those that are with us live right now,
here in the 8 o'clock hour on the East Coast,
is this the first time in a long time that you've here in the eight o'clock hour on the east coast is this the first
time in a long time that you've participated in the lord's supper i'd just like to find out from
those that are with us live and that are joining us uh it hasn't been a while since you've been
able to participate in the lord's supper we see a few there i mean's truly a blessing, isn't it?
It really, really is.
And, you know, some denominations,
some church, and even,
I came from a Pentecostal background.
We only did communion
maybe three times a year.
There wasn't a priority on it.
There wasn't an urgency about it.
We do it every week.
We don't want it to become common at all.
But at the same time,
we observe it weekly
because Jesus said,
as often as you do it,
do this in remembrance of me.
So we take that literally
do it often
amen do it as much as you can
can you do it too much
I don't think so
well it's been an interesting week we've had
abbreviated versions of morning manna all
this week on Monday we're back to our full hour
and so we're looking forward to
having Rick back here with us
and everyone appreciates his
teaching i know i do and uh he has some very unique insights and he'll be back with us
on monday uh lord willing and the creek don't rise as we say back home but uh all the obligations he
had outside of the office this week are finishing up today and so we're looking
forward to having rick back with us on the full schedule starting on monday keep praying for rick
and susan all of us here at the ministry pray that god provides for all of our needs and he does that
through people just like you and i pray that you would uh prayerfully consider supporting us
god bless you we love you and we'll see you on the Monday edition
of Morning Manor.
You're listening to WWCR International Shortwave Radio. You can find true news on frequency 12.160 We'll see you next time.