TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Rep. Cory Mills Demands Secret Service Scrutiny in Assassination Attempt
Episode Date: July 17, 2024Is the United States Secret Service guilty of a mindboggling level of incompetence or conspiracy to commit murder? It is not conspiratorial to ask the question. The American people witnessed on Saturd...ay the attempted assassination of a former President and the leading candidate for President in 2024. The shooting happened days after Mr. Trump’s enemies were foiled in their plot to imprison the former President for up to 138 years. Intelligent, sober citizens are reasonable in pondering whether the federal agency tasked with protecting our leaders was complicit in an attempted assassination of Mr. Trump.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 07/17/2024Listen to this FULL show exclusively on Faith & Values the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Now is the time to protect your assets with physical gold & silver. Contact Genesis Gold Today! https://www.TruNewsGold.comGet high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!https://www.AmericanReserves.comIt’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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I'm Jake but my friends call me Moose Jaw. I'm a blacksmith and I like to work with my hands.
I watch True News and it's apparent to me that we are in World War 3 and the US is very unstable.
I have faith in God but he expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for
trouble times.
There are two things we need, food and water.
That's why I buy my supplies from
American Reserves offers easy to prepare chicken and beef meals, pastas, soups and vegetables
that only need boiling water.
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equipped with Dalton ceramic candles and other emergency supplies at
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Is the United States Secret Service guilty of a mind-boggling level of incompetence or conspiracy to commit murder?
It is not conspiratorial to ask the question. The American people witnessed on Saturday the attempted assassination of former President Trump and the man who is the leading candidate for president in 2024.
The shooting happened days after Mr. Trump's enemies were foiled in their plot to imprison the former president for up to 138 years.
Intelligent, sober citizens are reasonable in pondering whether the federal agency tasked with protecting our leaders
was complicit in an attempted assassination of Mr. Trump. This is true news for Wednesday, July 17, 2024.
Before we discuss the astounding evidence that something very suspicious occurred on Saturday
in Butler, Pennsylvania, we have a brief update on World War III. I will begin with an article
published by RT. Dr. Curtis here with me.
Yes, sir.
The headline, Russia-NATO War, Extremely Close, says the President of Poland.
Right now we're watching this circus in the United States.
And we're unaware that in Europe...
World War III is still on.
It's still on.
And you have the president of Poland saying that an all-out war between Russia and NATO is now extremely close.
So RT is reporting that Polish President Andrzej Duda has warned of an imminent war between Russia and NATO
if Kiev fails to secure victory in its conflict with Moscow.
In an interview with the Werdielana Polska News portal on Tuesday, Russia and NATO if Kiev fails to secure victory in its conflict with Moscow.
In an interview with the Werdielana Polska News portal on Tuesday, President Duda claimed that if Russia were allowed to defeat Ukraine, it would then attack NATO states, a prospect that
has been mentioned by Western leaders several times, in which Russia has repeatedly denied.
He's quoted as saying, we cannot allow Russia to win this war because if we
let Ukraine lose, then a potential war between Russia and the West will be extremely close.
This comes from President Duda slamming Moscow's operation against Kiev as a manifestation of
what he's calling Russian imperialism. He also claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin
would want to attack further and further if allowed to win against Ukraine.
Now, President Duda claimed that NATO is unanimous in considering Russia the greatest and direct threat to the security of the bloc.
In my opinion, they should look in a mirror and signaled that despite being a defensive alliance, it is gearing up for war with Russia.
There is a determination to show Putin
that the West is not afraid. The threat of war exists because words of condemnation alone
will not deter Russia. He goes on to say that NATO is therefore arming itself to deter the
Russian threat with military might. So World War III is still on schedule, Rick.
Very much so. And I'll translate that article for you. III is still on schedule, Rick. Very much so.
And I'll translate that article for you.
Here's what it means, Doc. The plan that NATO had to use Ukraine as a way to crush the Russian economy, to break break up Russia into 15 to 30 small states where there would never again be a large country called
Russia. That was the plan. And it has not gone the way that they expected. They have poured an enormous amount of money and weaponry and ammo and
propaganda into this campaign for nearly three years. And the Russian people have resisted
and have continued to defend because they believe that they're fighting for their existence and where we're at now doc is that
the boys that run nato instead of saying uh privately you know guys
this has turned into a big mess um the the advice that we were given by our stink tanks, it wasn't good advice.
I like that, stink tanks.
Yeah, stink tanks.
So the advice that the stink tanks gave us didn't work.
The strategies that our military commanders gave us didn't work.
We're facing a nuclear war with Russia.
This is going the wrong
direction. Let's just
meet Putin
at the negotiating
table. Let's work out something and
move on.
Instead of doing that, that's the reasonable
thing to do once you realize
you've made a horrific blunder.
That's the reasonable thing
to do. These guys are saying, no, we can't admit it.
We can't admit that.
They're in too deep.
We can't admit that we're idiots.
We can't admit that everything that we've done has failed.
We're going to have to fail all the way to Armageddon.
That's what they're saying.
We're going to fail all the way to Armageddon. That's what they're saying. We're going to fail all the way
to Armageddon. And that
means they're willing to burn
you and me and our children and grandchildren
up in a nuclear
holocaust. That's what they're willing
to do for their pride.
Yes. For their pride.
They're willing to burn
the world down
rather than admit they're idiots.
Why are we allowing these people to be in power?
Doc, it's astounding that the Western world allows these people to be in power.
But every time you see in various nations in the West, you see people rising up to get rid of them.
It appears that the same ruling bloc ends up winning.
That's right.
Just maybe a different party.
A different wing of the same operation.
But it seems like the West,
and they've got to get this going,
they've got to somehow provoke Russia
into doing something really aggressive
so they can justify moving against Russia at this point.
Part of the major reason
that the ruling class of America
has hated Donald Trump for so many years
is his unwillingness to go along
with their wars. If you go back to 2016, in the fall of 2016, Russia initiated a massive
civil defense drill. 40 million Russians went into underground bunkers, we were told, in, I think, October of 2016.
And Russian leaders said, if Hillary Clinton wins, we will be in a nuclear war with the United States.
And Hillary gave the reason why.
She said, if there's ever a cyber attack against the United States by Russia, we'll respond with nuclear weapons.
So the Russians knew that America's deep state wanted Hillary Clinton.
And if Hillary Clinton was in the White House, there was going to be a nuclear war.
Along comes Donald Trump. And you remember that spiritual vision I had of a hand throwing a rubber doorstop down,
came down out of the air and went between a door and a doorpost, stopped the door.
And I heard the words in my heart, Donald Trump is my doorstop.
And I saw the door wouldn't close.
I thought it was the door of judgment.
I thought this is Donald Trump is preventing us from being judged.
I now see it differently.
The doorstop is to prevent Donald Trump was the doorstop to prevent America's ruling class from taking us into a nuclear war with Russia.
And we've been in that holding pattern now for eight years.
And we're still in it.
And they just tried to kill him Saturday.
Because they're determined to have the war.
These people are maniacs.
They're more than maniacs.
They're demoniacs there is a very evil cabal that is secretly running this country
i've come to that conclusion years ago after many years of observing
what's going on in this world and they attempted to kill mr trump on saturday
they thought they were going to put him in prison a week ago.
July 11. That was supposed to be
the day they put the handcuffs on him and
take him off in a paddy wagon
to a prison, lock him up for 138
years. All right, done. Done with
Trump. Let's get on with the war.
And two days after that.
Dini Trump got out of it.
Yes. Okay. So they said, okay,
he's too slick for us.
We're going to shoot him this time.
What's our backup plan?
And a murder in front of the nation didn't work.
But the kid that they used as their MK Ultra killer, he's dead because of it.
The kid that was starred in a BlackRock commercial, this stuff is so surreal. got to confront this wicked, evil force that has its tentacles wrapped around America.
We've got to remove it.
And it can only be removed through spiritual power.
And if we don't do it, it is going to strangle the life out of all of us.
It is evil.
It is wicked.
So here we are.
We've got the president of Poland saying we're very close to an all-out war with Russia.
The Newsweek reporting Germany's secret operation plans eyes Russia threat.
No, that means eyes invasion of russia that's right because
germany is preparing they're calling up reservists 900 000 wasn't that the number yes
some ridiculous number close to a million so for and then we were told months ago that nato
has prepared uh and it was published in the Telegraph of London,
the invasion routes into Russia.
And so now we have this story, Germany's secret operations plan.
And it says that Germany's defense ministry has confirmed it is developing emergency plans
to move hundreds of thousands of NATO troops
across its territory in the event of a war with Russia.
No, that's, you're preparing an invasion of Russia.
Russia isn't preparing to move hundreds of thousands of troops to Paris.
But Paris is planning to invade Moscow.
And Macron said so.
Remember? Yes. Earlier Macron said so. Remember?
Earlier this year, he said, I can't roll out putting troops in Russia.
Well, at first it was in Ukraine.
But he's talking about an invasion of Russia.
And so anyhow, this, you know, I don't know, Doc, we're looking at a time.
Let's go through this very quickly because I want to get on to the assassination story.
Well, a spokesman for the Bundeswehr Homeland Defense Command in Berlin confirmed to Newsweek on Tuesday
that the secret operations plan Germany is continually being worked on
under the responsibility of the Bundeswehr Homeland Defense Command.
It's constantly updated.
Listen to these numbers coming up here.
The comment followed a report by Der Spiegel last week suggesting Berlin is preparing to move some 800,000 NATO troops
and 200,000 vehicles across its territory if the contest with Russia devolves into a full-scale war.
That's just general NATO troops, not even counting the German troops
that have already been called up.
That's World War II level.
A mobilization of troops and vehicles.
Where do you think they're headed?
The French Riviera?
This is an invasion of Russia.
What do you think Russia's going to do
when they see 800,000 troops moving towards
their border? The same thing they did when they saw
Napoleon coming their way.
But, Doc,
NATO is anticipating
that Russia's going to respond
by mobilizing
to meet their invading
So they're going to fight World War III with World War II tactics, is what you're saying?
Russia's not going to respond that way.
Russia's not going to say, oh, I get it.
Your plan calls for us to go out on the battlefield and shoot each other, and we're going to do that for a couple of years, right?
They're going to go nukes immediately.
Goodbye. a couple of years, right? No, they're going to go nukes immediately. Yes. Okay. Goodbye, Paris,
London, Brussels, Berlin, Washington. Goodbye. You make one move towards the border. Goodbye,
Western cities. I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw. I'm a blacksmith and I like to work
with my hands. I watch and trust true news.
Two things are clear to me.
World War III has started and the USA is very unstable.
I have faith in God, but He expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for
There are two things we need.
Food and water.
That's why I buy supplies from
American Reserves offers easy-to-prepare chicken and beef meals, pastas, soups, and vegetables that only need boiling water.
You can purchase the world-famous British Birkfield gravity-fed water filters equipped with Dalton ceramic handles and other emergency supplies at
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Something big is coming.
Procrastination could be costly.
Act today before a crisis suddenly appears.
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It doesn't mean, I'm not implying that every member of the Secret Service was in on it.
You only need one person in on it.
That's all you need.
Somebody with authority.
Somebody that can order people not to do things.
Because they're going to follow orders.
That's what I want to know.
Why are there so many unexplained issues about Secret Service having, spotting this guy,
knowing that he's there,
being told that he's there,
and doing nothing.
They didn't pull the trigger
until he shot the president.
Was that the instruction?
Don't shoot him until he shoots Trump.
That's my view.
That they were told, don't shoot him until he shoots Trump.
Then kill him.
So he can't talk.
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