TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Resign! President-elect Trump Demands Gov. Newsom’s Resignation Over LA Fires

Episode Date: January 9, 2025

In a rare show of national unity, every living U.S. president sat together today in attendance of the memorial for former President Jimmy Carter who died in late December at age 100. A large crowd of ...mourners and admirers of the peanut farmer who became President packed into Washington’s National Cathedral to remember and honor the life of Jimmy Carter.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 01/09/2025Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!             It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!

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Starting point is 00:01:09 a large crowd of mourners and admirers of the peanut farmer from Georgia, who went on to become President of the United States, they packed into Washington's National Cathedral today to remember and honor the life of Jimmy Carter. This is True News for Thursday, January 9, 2025. Let's begin our analysis and commentary of today's news by looking at this report published by NBC News this afternoon. President Jimmy Carter honored with a state funeral at a at a not just a washington cathedral the washington cathedral yeah the national cathedral all right uh must have been an intern that wrote that headline there for uh nbc news um i i watched it as i was working
Starting point is 00:02:01 i had it playing in the background i did too and too. And, you know, there were parts of it that were very moving. I guess historically, the sight of all the living presidents sitting side by side was something to witness. There's President Trump coming in. There's Al Gore standing to meet him. Mike Pence also greeting President-elect Trump. President Obama. There's President Obama. Who came by himself. Yes, he did.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Michelle Obama did not attend. And Mr. Trump and Mr. Obama had a cordial conversation throughout the ceremony today. I didn't see President Bush speak to Donald Trump, and I didn't see Kamala Harris speak to him either. Right. Or Joe Biden. I don't know if Joe Harris speak to him either. Right. Or Joe Biden. I don't know if Joe Biden did. And here are the Clintons, of course.
Starting point is 00:03:09 They were seated at the opposite end of that particular aisle. And so I didn't happen to see them greet the Trumps either. Well, Doug, for me, the most moving part of the funeral service today was Joshua Carter. Boy, he did a great job. It was just a very tender and blessed anointed eulogy of his grandfather. And he kept it focused on Jesus Christ. That's right. And I text you and I said, well, all the presidents and their families are hearing the gospel right now. That's right.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Because he delivered the gospel. He did. He delivered the gospel. And also Steve Ford, the son of former President Gerald Ford, also made numerous references to Jesus Christ and his faith. I was impressed by those two men. Now, what we're seeing here is, and this is at the beginning, and this also moved me, Doc, when they were bringing President Carter's casket into the cathedral and the priest
Starting point is 00:04:28 was quoting scripture as the casket came down the aisle of the church. We're going to show you just a moment of it. Here it is. I know that my Redeemer lives, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. And though this body be destroyed, yet shall I see God, whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not as a stranger. For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. Ready, step. Ready, step. Ready, step. Ready, step. Ready, step. Ready, step. Ready, step. Ready, step. Forward march.
Starting point is 00:06:07 March. Prayers come. Center face. Ready? Down. For if we live and if we die, we die unto the Lord. It was a moving experience to watch that. You have to wonder, Doc, and only God knows, of the living presidents sitting there, which one's next?
Starting point is 00:06:47 Yeah, I was just wondering that myself. I mean, we really don't know who it could be no hands but they're all in i mean from president biden who's now in his 80s and president uh president bush yeah they've all got to be in their 70s yes so that's right um except for obama i think he may to be in their 70s. Yes, that's right. Except for Obama, I think he may still be in his 60s, of course. But if I could say one thing about the service, it was a great Christian witness. It was. It really was. Whether you agreed with the politics and ideologies of President Carter or not, there was mention over and over again about his Christian lifestyle,
Starting point is 00:07:29 his Christian walk, him teaching Sunday school for all those years, that he would make efforts to arrange his schedule. So he was back in Plains, back in Georgia, teaching Sunday school on a weekly basis. And he did that all the way up until COVID. That's right. And you have to separate politics and faith and character. Jimmy Carter, in my opinion, made some decisions as president that I didn't agree with at the time. But that does not subtract from who he is as a man, who he was as a man.
Starting point is 00:08:14 His character was good. I honestly believe he was a good man. I believe he had a strong Christian character. He lived out his faith. He set an example for many, many people who are not Christians. They look at Jimmy Carter and go, now that's what a Christian is supposed to be. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Because they saw his gentle nature, his service to the poor, building homes, habitat for humanity, his efforts to establish peace between warring nations. And they said, okay, there's an example. That's what a Christian is supposed to be.
Starting point is 00:08:51 So in that sense, he was very good. He honored Jesus Christ in his life. So don't be harsh on him because you disagree with his politics. Okay. Now, we mentioned Joshua Carter, his grandson. And I wanted to show you about three minutes of his eulogy to his grandfather. Because he really honored the Lord Jesus Christ throughout his entire remarks. And you know that he did it because his grandfather wanted him to do it that way
Starting point is 00:09:26 you know just like the entrance with the scriptures being read i i suspect jimmy carter had his hand in that and said this is the way i want it done okay now here's here's joshua carter my grandfather started teaching sunday school when he was a midshipman at the Naval Academy. He taught the Bible every Sunday from World War II to COVID. For all my grandfather's travels, he structured his life so that he was home in Plains to teach at Maranatha on Sunday. It was central to his life. Every time I went to church with him, it was packed. The line started before sunrise, and I was always very thankful that I got to walk in with my grandmother.
Starting point is 00:10:14 And as soon as we sat down, Sunday school would start. My grandfather always began by asking if anybody had been in his church before. My grandmother and I raised our hands, and almost no one one instead and then my grandfather would poll the congregation and we quickly find out that the church was full of people from all over the country of all different backgrounds and beliefs and my grandfather would address the most diverse Sunday school class ever assembled again
Starting point is 00:10:42 before he would deliver his Bible lesson, my grandfather talked about his week. If he monitored an election, he'd talk about it. If he stopped a conflict, he'd talk about it. If he eliminated a disease from a village or a country, he would talk about it. When my brother Jeremy died, he announced that news in Sunday school.
Starting point is 00:11:15 In fact, I remember that my brother died on a Sunday because it was the only time my grandfather was ever late to teach. My grandfather won the Nobel Peace Prize. His Sunday school class learned first. At the end of his Nobel Peace Prize lecture, he stated the most serious and universal problem on our planet is the growing chasm between the richest and poorest people on Earth. For the next two decades, as the problem compounded, he returned to this theme with stories from the Bible and stories from today
Starting point is 00:11:47 of the richest people in the world using their enormous wealth to buy a nation's poverty. Many of the people that my grandparents helped lived on less than $1 a day. My grandfather spent the entire time I've known him helping those in need he built houses for people that needed homes he eliminated diseases in forgotten places he waged peace anywhere in the world wherever he saw a chance he loved people and whenever he told these stories in Sunday school,
Starting point is 00:12:26 he always said he did it for one simple reason. He worshipped the Prince of Peace, and he commanded it. Good job. Yes. One final comment on President Carter. This is a video of him he had he had a reputation as long as he was traveling when he'd get on an airliner of course he's he's not traveling first class he's traveling commercial you know yeah with he'd be seated with all the other passengers and he would go down the aisle of the plane
Starting point is 00:13:07 shaking every hand and that was that was common on every flight there are many people i've read in the past week who've talked about yeah i i met him on a plane right what a pleasure thank you thank you thank sir. He was a unique individual, and once again, putting policies aside, he was a good man. Yes. So. He was a good man. No matter. He lived in the governor's mansion in Georgia for four years, lived in the White House for four years, but the rest of his life he lived with Rosalind and Plains.
Starting point is 00:13:50 In the same house that they built in like 1960, 62? Right. The same house. Yeah. A small little rancher. Yes. And I said this one a couple years ago to my son, Jeremy. I said, you know, President Carter still lives in the same little house that he bought when he first got married.
Starting point is 00:14:06 And Jeremy said, yeah, Dad. And what you still lives in the same little house that he bought when he first got married. And Jeremy said, yeah, Dad. And what you don't know is that it goes down five floors. But on the outside, no, we're joking about that. President Carter is en route back to Georgia as we speak, and so he'll have his final resting place in Plain. You know, tomorrow
Starting point is 00:14:23 if nothing huge happens and we can spend tomorrow's program, I'm going to go over what's called the president's dream. Right. Some of you know what I'm talking about. It was a dream by a man, C martin many many years ago i don't recall if he had to dream in the 70s or the 80s um i haven't communicated with him for a number of years but there's a reason i want to share this with you tomorrow and plus doc had a dream in the fall of 2023 about Jimmy Carter's funeral. So I don't want to tell it right now, but watch tomorrow, and we'll share this on tomorrow's, Friday's True News.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Let's take a look at what's happening in California, Los Angeles Times, Sunset Boulevard in ruins. Fires massive scale comes into focus in Pacific Palisades. Doc, again, the videos, the photographs I've seen today, just unbelievable destruction. Look at this. That's Los Angeles. Can you believe this? Look at this, Doc. Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:46 I posted this on X and said, is this LA or Gaza? Right. I mean, it's hard to comprehend the number of homes there that have just been totally, totally destroyed. And, of course, there's the barbs being traded back and forth and the blame being traded back and forth right now but for the people that lost their homes it doesn't matter to them right now now they've lost virtually everything and so we need to be praying
Starting point is 00:16:20 for people praying that god provides for them and provide shelter for them. Well, Doc, as of this morning, these are old numbers, as of early this morning, the fire had burned through 12,000 acres. Yes. 100,000 people evacuated, you know, now homeless. Some of the richest people of los angeles have lost their homes yes a number of celebrities have lost their homes um john goodman julia louise dreyfus james woods yes uh just the name a few that have lost their homes and so when you get to um you know malibu uh pacific palisades you know
Starting point is 00:17:04 the the average price of a home there is around $3.5, $4 million. That's a middle-class home. But the upper level, they go from $20 to $50 million. I think the highest-priced one that was on the market before the fire was $58 million. All these homes have been destroyed. And some of these wealthy people did not have insurance. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:28 In fact, James Woods, in an interview last night, said one particular insurance company had canceled all fire insurance policies about four months ago. Oh, yes. Yes. Doc, they saw the weather conditions.
Starting point is 00:17:45 The insurers were getting expert advice. They were looking at the numbers. And they were looking at the numbers, and they said there's going to be a huge fire. They should not have been allowed to cancel insurance. The point that I'm making is experts knew there's going to be a fire. A lot of people are trying to come up with conspiracies and directed energy. No, how about it's just brush that hasn't been cleared out in decades. It's dryness, no water.
Starting point is 00:18:20 It is the perfect ripe condition for a wildfire. And the point I'm making about the insurance companies is their experts advised them and said, there's going to be a huge fire. The conditions are ripe. And yet they still maintain these policies, or at least the government of California did and the city of Los Angeles. But the government officials are the ones who are negligent. I agree. Because the same information was available to them. And they didn't care.
Starting point is 00:18:52 They were so incompetent, so negligent that they made no effort. Because to do the things you'd have to do, you would have to violate their radical green ideology. Right. Their green communism. Right. So they'd have to violate either the green communism or the pink communism. The pink communism being the LGBT agenda. That's right. So, you know, one famous home, if you know who Will Rogers was, famous, he was a news commentator, comedian. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Back around World War I. I asked a couple of guys in the office earlier today if they knew. Anybody know who he was? He said, wasn't he the cowboy in the westerns? No, no, no, you're thinking Roy Rogers. Will Rogers was a homespun philosopher, extremely brilliant. I've read several of his books, and so he had a unique take on American society, to say the least. And his son was a congressman from California.
Starting point is 00:19:58 That's true, yes. Who resigned to go to war in World War II. But I want to show you, first of all, I'll show you the image. This is the Will Rogers home, a historical landmark, preserved as it was when Will Rogers lived in it, beautiful home. And what is the Will Rogers State Park? That's what it looked like days ago. Now we'll show you what it looks like today.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Well, we don't actually have that image. It wasn't in the article. Oh, no, I provided it. You didn't get it? No, I don't guess so. Oh, I'm so sorry. But it burned to a crisp. There was absolutely nothing left to it.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Yeah. It's gone. All you saw was the fireplace. The foundation and the fireplace were still standing. A beautiful home is gone. It's a historical landmark. It's been wiped out. The house that Hunter Biden lived in for free in Malibu, that's what it looks like today.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Yes. So he didn it looks like today. Yes. So he didn't own the house. It was a friend of his that owned the house, but that house was burned down. That's what it looked like before. And we'll show you some other video. So this is before and after. All right.
Starting point is 00:21:22 So obviously after. We'll go back to that. We do have a picture of the Will Rogers home. There it is. That's it. That's the Will Rogers house. That's what it looks like now. What a loss. What a historical loss that is. I'm not gleeful about Hunter Biden's house burning down either. Just be clear about that. It wasn't his house.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Right. It was a lawyer who allowed him to live there for free. Let's see. Did we show number 11? Yes, we did. We did. Okay. So the next one, this is pathetic.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Los Angeles Fire Department firefighters using women's handbags to carry water. Doc, when I first saw this, I had like, okay, this is a spoof. This can't be real. But it's real. They were using pocketbooks to haul water. Now, at first glance, think that that's a bucket or of some kind but no these are women's handbags that they're using you know the one thing i thought about besides after i got over my shock of them going play that again after i got over
Starting point is 00:22:38 the shock of seeing these guys using pocketbooks all right watch him you know and here they are there's a handbag they're filling it up with water okay this is the part that i thought about why didn't you just move the fire truck over to closer to the fire well that was one thing i thought about the other thing is why didn't they run the hose well this is that's what I'm saying. Why didn't you drive the fire truck over there? Were they hired under DEI? I saw another video clip where a fireman was using one of the orange cones to dip water to put fires out. I knew they were struggling on the water situation,
Starting point is 00:23:21 but I didn't know they were struggling on the hose situation too. That's like amateur stuff. I mean, you have to wonder, have those guys ever fought a fire? They look like total amateurs. And you notice it was a dumpster fire they were putting out, too. Yes. Which, right now, that's what L.A. is right now. It's a giant dumpster fire that's taking place.
Starting point is 00:23:46 We need to pray for people there. I mean, we really do. President Trump today demanded the resignation of Governor Newsom and put the blame on the governor. This has the potential to destroy Newsom's political career. Yes. And you can be sure Donald Trump is going to do everything he can to neutralize Governor Newsom. Governor Newsom right now would be the number one candidate on the Democratic side for 2028. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Okay. They're going to hang this fire on him. Literally, pardon the pun, they're going to burn him with this fire. And so this is what President Trump tweeted today on Truth Social. He said, one of the best and most beautiful parts of the United States of America is burning down to the ground. It's ashes. And Gavin News scum should resign. This is all his fault. And of course, there's also a lot of blame being put on the LA mayor who was in Africa and to this day doesn't know really what's going on. Did you see her at the press conference reading her lines and she said url right she says you
Starting point is 00:25:08 can get all the help at at the url yes and she did a second time later uh even though she read out the website and everything but she didn't you know say where the website was located and so she was talking like a a URL was like a homeless shelter. Someplace you go to a city office, go to the URL. She's got to be, right now, she's got to be the number one candidate for the most incompetent politician in America. She's got to be out there in front of everybody. Who was the one that was the mayor of Chicago? Remember?
Starting point is 00:25:54 The mayor of Chicago. The lady that... Oh, I know who you're talking about. I don't even remember her name anymore. I see her in my mind. She was so incompetent. This woman. Lightfoot.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Lightfoot. Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice. Can't say it three times. She might appear. But this lady is now at her level. She's reached Beetlejuice level for being incompetent. But again, it's sad because a lot of people have lost everything because of their incompetence.
Starting point is 00:26:29 People in L.A. should be furious with them. They should be. And yet, they've tolerated this for decades now, Rick. I mean, I don't want to blame the people of California, but the fact of the matter is they keep voting these guys. You voted these people in, so now are voting these guys. You voted them in. You voted these people in. So now are you going to continue to vote them in? Now, you know who they're talking about is probably will run for governor.
Starting point is 00:26:55 I don't know now. After this, this may scare her. Harris? Kamala Harris. Yes. To run for governor of California in two years. But this may scare her because she's incompetent too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:08 She wouldn't know what to do with a fire. So as they start thinking, you know what? You probably should have some idea of how to run a state and you should make wise decisions. Maybe I shouldn't do this. Someone who values human life and property? Because up to this point, no one seems to value human life or property. Well, Governor Newsom responded to President Trump's resignation demand. Was it Anderson Cooper?
Starting point is 00:27:40 Is that who was in the video? Oh, yes. All right, so CNN. Let's watch. We're in the public safety phase. I hate to even ask this question, but the president-elect chose to attack you, blame you for this. One can't even respond to it. I mean, people are literally fleeing.
Starting point is 00:28:01 People have lost their lives. Kids lost their schools. Families completely torn asunder. Churches burned down. This guy wanted to politicize it. I have a lot of thoughts and I know what I want to say. I won't. I stood next to a president of the United States of America today and I was proud to be with Joe Biden. And he had the backs of every single person in this community. He didn't play politics, didn't try to divide any of us. He knows he's in trouble. He's in trouble.
Starting point is 00:28:33 He knows that everywhere he goes, people are going to remind him about this fire. Yes. He will not be able to get away from it. Honestly, this is the end of Newsom's career. He's been burned. Now, this next one, when I first heard about this, I didn't know about this, that he tore down the dams in California. Four dams.
Starting point is 00:29:07 He dismantled major infrastructure. Yes. Tore them down, imploded dams. Doc. For a green ideology. This is fairly recent because I went to the governor's office and i found a press release from october 2024 where he was bragging that his dam destruction policy was ahead of schedule and he was he was elated that they were ahead of schedule in tearing down dams on rivers.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Doc, these people have, we keep saying it over the years since Obama, they are deliberately dismantling the country. And yet, they do something else and we're stunned that they did it again. That's why I say, why do they keep electing these guys out there in California? This is their, you know, the way they operate. Well, this is the PR press release from Governor Newsom's office. I think we have it here, don't we? No, we've got a video of him talking about the dam removal. Okay. All right. Let's watch this.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Largest dam removal project in U.S. history and one of the most significant, if not the most significant water restoration project, bringing back salmon and steelhead into this basin. This project could not have happened without extraordinary partnerships with tribal nations and of course our partners in the north and Oregon. Just finished a celebration with the Secretary of the Interior and our tribal council and tribal leaders and I couldn't be more proud as a Californian and I couldn't be more proud as a Californian and I couldn't be more proud as a father because my kids and their great great grandkids will have the opportunity to see
Starting point is 00:31:10 something that well has been here since time immemorial and it's about damn time we got this done so there he is he's bragging that he was tearing down the dams on the rivers of California. And he said, what does that have to do with this? Well, you heard that they didn't have water in the fire hydrants? Yes. Because there was no water in the reservoirs up in the hills above L.A. It had all been diverted out to the ocean to save a fish. Yes.
Starting point is 00:31:49 This next one, number 16. This is showing one of the dams being blown up. This is hard to believe that they did this. And this is January 2024 here. this isn't that long ago if foreign terrorists blew up a dam we would say this is an act of terrorism yes and they did it four times they did four different dams the democrats carried out acts of terrorism in the state of california so the four dams that you had that first one listed there. That was the Copco Dam. So that's before and after.
Starting point is 00:32:28 And after now. And for the environmentalists, they're probably, oh, we're back to nature. No, what you've done is you've risked the lives of millions of Californians as a result of the segments of Copco II Dam. Again, eliminated there. The next is the iron gate dam and finally the jc boyle dam which was completely eradicated so uh like rick said if a terrorist had done all this we would be up in the air uh you know they're destroying infrastructure. They're risking lives. But no, environmentally minded politicians who are, you know, hypnotized by green communism, this is what they do. You know, Doc, even I'm so cynical about these people.
Starting point is 00:33:18 I believe the green movement is simply their cover for their agenda to dismantle the country. Start with the infrastructure. They come up with a political ideology to legitimize their intention to destroy. Just like the border. They opened up the border. They just completely eradicated the border. I mean, in the last couple months, Biden was selling the border wall. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:52 They were selling the border wall to government surplus buyers for five cents on the dollar and the guy that was buying the wall was offering to resell it to the trump administration at 200 above what the government paid under trump and a judge stopped it a federal judge stepped in and stopped it but this again this is this was intentional yes they're tearing down the wall that was built it was never completed but they're tearing down the wall that was built. It was never completed, but they were ripping down the wall that had already been built to sabotage Donald Trump's plans to close the border. I mean, this is intentional destruction of the United States of America. Personally, I believe these are acts of treason. I really do. These are acts of treason. In any normal time, these people would be arrested.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Because it goes beyond idiocy. Well, they're not idiots at all. They're actually brilliant because they get away with it. They're so good at it, they convince people it's good. They can convince half the country this is actually for your good you should support us as we destroy your country and it's worked for a number of years now fortunately it didn't work in november and a majority of the country said wait a minute. This isn't good. Look, it took independents and Democrats voting for Trump for him to win at that size. So there's a shift. There's a change. I want to get
Starting point is 00:35:35 on to some other topics. We'll talk about the acquisition of Greenland. How's this going down in Russia? Kremlin responds to Trump's Greenland acquisition talk. So RT is reporting that Moscow has called for peace and stability to be maintained in the Arctic after U.S. President-elect Donald Trump announced his intention to annex Greenland for national security and economic purposes. Speaking to journalists at a press briefing Thursday, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov highlighted that the Arctic is also in the sphere of Russia's national and strategic interests as well.
Starting point is 00:36:14 He said, we are present in the Arctic zone and we will continue to be present there, Peskov said, adding that Russia is interested in maintaining an atmosphere of peace and stability in the region and is ready to cooperate with all countries of the world in the name of this peace and stability. Russia's ambassador to Denmark, Vladimir Barbin, also emphasized that Russia aims to keep the Arctic stable and warned that an attempt to strengthen U.S. national security at the expense of other countries will be taken into account by Russia in its military planning. And of course, Dmitry Medvedev had something to say as well, former Russian president and the deputy of the chairman of the country's security council, described Mr. Trump's plans
Starting point is 00:36:58 as over the top and eccentric and totally unworkable. Well, the most important one that you read there was the ambassador to Denmark, Vladimir Barbin. He said any attempt by the United States to seize Greenland would be taken into account by Russia's military planning. So he's seeing it as a threat to their national security. And they're not going to laugh at it. They're not amused. They see it as a very serious move by Donald Trump
Starting point is 00:37:36 that would threaten them. Now, as I said yesterday, I think the most amazing thing that would happen would be if Donald Trump signs a peace treaty with Russia. Right. And Russia and the United States jointly manage the Arctic. Doc, it would be fantastic. And it'd be in both their interest. Yes, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:38:03 It solves political problems for both sides. Donald Trump could then withdraw from NATO. He could say to NATO, there's no point in having NATO anymore. I have a peace treaty with Russia. They're not going to attack us. Right. I don't know about you guys,
Starting point is 00:38:24 but they're not going to attack us and i'm just taking care of america right and we're out we're out of nato if you want to keep nato going on your own there is you pay for it you finance it you run everything and you deal with the russians right if you want to bring ukraine in on it that's on you guys. Go ahead. You want to put EU troops in Ukraine? You do it. Or you could do what we did, sign a peace treaty with the Russians. But if he could get a peace treaty with the Russians, it would drive a wedge between Russia and China. We should never have allowed Russia to be pulled into China's web. But they went there looking for any partner.
Starting point is 00:39:13 And we've said here before, years ago, 20 some years ago, during the days of Bill Clinton, Russia wanted to join NATO. And we told them to get lost. So that's not lost on Donald Trump. He may go to Vladimir Putin and say, I got you one better. Let's get rid of NATO and you and I work out a deal. Okay. And we'll jointly manage the Arctic. We'll be two of the biggest superpowers.
Starting point is 00:39:45 In fact, we're going to create a common market and we want Russia to join it. Yeah, I could. With Donald Trump, I could see that happening. And my son will come over there and build hotels in Moscow. We'll develop. We'll put up beautiful buildings, big, beautiful buildings in Moscow. Look, I can see it. I'm not going to rule it out.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Listen, something in Russia's interest here is they share a 2,000-mile border with China. Yes. We don't. We've got a great big Pacific Ocean between us and China. Right. So we're not, at least for a decade, we're not really threatened by China. We're really not. But in a decade, we will be. But China has a shared border with Russia. How easy would it be if
Starting point is 00:40:35 something were to happen in Russia for the Chinese troops to just move into Siberia? What does it do to China if Russia and the United states sign a mutual defense agreement and the united states pledges if anybody attacks russia we're going to defend you if anybody attacks america you're going to defend us what message does that send to china that they better stay in line that's right i'm not going to rule it out it's really out there on the far edge but don't rule out anything with donald trump it's going to be an amazing four years well it will it will he will neutralize the the threat of war with russia right now we've just gone through four
Starting point is 00:41:20 well really three very serious years under biden where we could have had a nuclear war at any moment right donald trump's gonna he's gonna neutralize that he's not gonna go to we're not gonna have a nuclear war with russia under donald trump i i can't imagine it but donald trump knows there's going to be a war with China. Yes. And why? That's the reason he's proposing this amazingly ambitious idea to expand the borders of America all the way up to the North Pole. And to realign relationships all over the world. Yes. over the world yes and to take down destabilize countries that are actually allies are supposed to be allies of the united states we're going to get to that now the president of mexico
Starting point is 00:42:14 uh she responded to president trump's idea that he said well it wasn't his idea he said we're going to rename the gulf of mexico we're going to call it the Gulf of America. The president of Mexico came back and said, basically, okay, you can rename the Gulf of Mexico, but we're going to rename North America. Right. And we're going to call it America Mexicana. This is getting crazy now, Doc. But don't rule this out.
Starting point is 00:42:50 It's just not as funny when she says it. No, but don't rule this out. America Mexicana. You have Mexico, the United States, and Canada in that name. Don't rule it out. When you hear Trump say, you know, that's a big, beautiful name. I love it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:15 If Trump comes up with a name that incorporates Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Well, when Trump names anything, it sticks. That's what I mean. or bad good or bad so anyhow the the president of mexico um claudia uh scheinbaum uh displayed a map from 1607 by the dutch east india company yes so i mean it does have historical precedence. I'll give her that. But when Donald Trump does this kind of thing, it's funny. It is. But yesterday we had the Israeli foreign ministry displaying a map of greater Israel from 3,000 years ago. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:58 What happens if China says, Mr. Trump, you know all those people you call Native Americans? You used to call them Redskins. They're actually Chinese. They're Chinese. We were there thousands of years ago, and you are living on our land. What do you do then? And what about Russia?
Starting point is 00:44:23 They could reclaim the Presidio. They could reclaim the Hawaiian Islands. They could reclaim Alaska. Not going to happen because the fact of the matter is no one's going to get in a fight over it. But the point is we're in a world war. Yes. And everybody knows the boundaries are going to change. That's right.
Starting point is 00:44:40 The only people that make money after the war are mapmakers. Yes. In fact, I saw a news article. It was in Polish. It was in a Polish newspaper. And I don't recall who the Polish official, I think it was a former Polish official. And he said, there's a strong possibility that all of Ukraine will disappear. Oh, I could see that. And Poland will be right there.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Yes. Don't count Poland out on this deal. Well, look at the next story. This is Financial Times of London, owned by the Rothschild family. Elon Musk examines how to oust Starmer as UK Prime Minister before the next election.
Starting point is 00:45:27 And they actually mention in here destabilization of the British government. Yes. Doc, intelligence agencies destabilize governments. Right. Not tech companies. But tech companies now have the ability to destabilize nations. Well, you know, in this case, is Elon Musk a tech billionaire or a publisher?
Starting point is 00:46:00 And I got to thinking about this. I was trying to think of someone in our past that we could compare Musk to. And the name that came to my mind was William Randolph Hearst. He practiced what we call yellow journalism. And he was able to start wars with just printing a column. The Spanish-American War basically started because of the Hearst newspaper syndicate. I think that's probably a more apropos comparison for Musk is William Randolph Hearst. And Rick, and I know neither of us have seen anything like this in our lifetimes, where Where not just a portion of the media, but now social media, is basically peeling back the corruption of a government. And not just any government, but an ally.
Starting point is 00:46:55 The bigger story, Doc, is that Donald Trump is not only, I think, encouraging him, but directing him. I think so, too. And this is the genius of this Trump-Musk alliance. Right. Is that Trump is taking care of the political side, and he's telling Musk, you carry out the destabilization of our enemies. And help me promote friends. Yes. So this is what the financial times said elon musk has privately discussed with allies how prime minister care starmer could be removed as prime minister before the next uk general election according to people briefed on the matter
Starting point is 00:47:40 musk the world's richest man and confidant of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, is probing how he and his right-wing allies can destabilize the U.K. labor government beyond the aggressive posts he has issued on his social media platform X. Quote, his view is that Western civilization itself is threatened. One of the people said, to force a change of prime minister before the next election.
Starting point is 00:48:31 The one thing I don't understand is why he turned on Nigel Farage and Mr. Trump has not corrected him on it. To me, that signals that it might be theater, that they're just doing it. We're pushing Nigel Farage away. See this? But then when the time comes, they'll puff him up. Bring him back. It all depends on if you see Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:48:52 If Donald Trump distanced, if he puts a name on Nigel Farage, it's over. Yeah. But if Donald Trump invites Nigel Farage to Mar-a-Lago, then you know it was either theater or he told Elon Musk to behave himself. Then you also had the other day Susie Wiles, not my wife, but Susie Wiles, the chief of staff in the Trump White House, the new Trump White House, and she made a comment that we're not going to permit any shenanigans in the White House. No lone wolves, no drama queens. And a lot of people thought she was directing that comment to Elon Musk, saying you're getting too big for your britches. We're not going to tolerate it. No, I really think the reason why she said that is because there were some within the White House circle
Starting point is 00:49:52 that were being critical of Musk. That's another possibility. She also said that all nominees for any of the cabinet positions need to stay off social media. Yes, except Elon Muskk who owns social media so think about that let's take a look at germany germany faces the worst bankruptcy wave since 2008 financial crisis reports as germany is grappling with his worst wave of bankruptcies since the 2008 financial crisis as 364 major companies declared bankruptcy in 2024 30 increase from 2023 the economic downturn has also led to a hiring freeze with many companies, fewer German companies recruiting new employees. Meanwhile, the number of firms implementing job cuts is rising steadily.
Starting point is 00:50:54 The trend has raised concerns about the resilience of Germany's economy amid growing challenges in global markets and domestic industries now what came to my mind when I saw this doc is the dinner that you and I had a month or so ago oh the visitor we went to dinner uh with a business person who uh is in the business of family offices. Okay, I'm trying not to give out it because I don't want to disclose confidential information. But the person is involved in, as a family office representing very wealthy families. And this person said to us during the dinner about
Starting point is 00:51:46 the instability in European banks. In fact, whoever it was, was asked a question, what do you see happening in the near future? And pointed specifically toward my biggest concern is this in Europe right now. The instability
Starting point is 00:52:04 of banks. And so we perked up and tried to drill down, and we couldn't get much more information. Right. But we were given one bank, Barclays. That was the one bank that this person did. The state was in serious trouble. But the way this person said it to us is like everybody with a lot of money already knows this stuff and they're making they're making quietly making plans to prepare for european trouble talking about americans very wealthy American families making plans to ride out turbulence coming from Europe.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Right. And I said, what are they doing? And this person said, by far, the number one thing that they are doing is buying precious metals. You were there. I was there. I was there. Was that the answer? That was it.
Starting point is 00:53:12 So, what I'm saying is, things are not rosy in Europe. Oh, no. They're not in good shape. And you're thinking, well, that's way over there on the other side of the Atlantic. Well, let me tell you something out of history. You know, when newly inaugurated Franklin Roosevelt closed the banks in America,
Starting point is 00:53:39 an executive order, he closed every bank in America. Do you know what started it? A bank failure in Austria. I seem to recall this. Now do you get the picture? You understand what I'm saying? That something happening in European banks ricochets over to the United States and closed all the banks in America.
Starting point is 00:54:08 So when I'm telling you what I'm hearing at a dinner table from a person employed in a family office representing wealthy families, and this person is telling Doc and me, everybody, meaning everybody in the circle that i work with in that sphere of of wealth they all know that the european economy is extremely unstable right now the banks are in trouble and there have already been crises that this person said were covered up and the public didn't know about it, but the wealthy know about it and they are taking steps to ride out a major financial storm.
Starting point is 00:54:53 And the number one thing that they're doing is buying precious metals. Okay. So with that said, there's the phone number. GoCo. 844-960-GOLD 844-960-GOLD you can't say you weren't warned i can't make you do anything all i can do is just tell you the things that i know what i've heard
Starting point is 00:55:19 and pass it on to you but you've've got information. See, a good decision, the only thing separating you from a good decision is information. Yes. Lack of information causes bad decisions. Lack of action is a bad decision. Taking no action is a bad decision because you didn't have the right information. When you have the right information, you can make a decision. You can make a good decision because you have information that others don't have. So I'm passing this on to you.
Starting point is 00:55:56 You just saw the headline. Germany facing the worst bankruptcy wave since the last crisis. Yes. 2008. And what was that? A bank liquidity crisis. Which also set off a real estate crash in the United States. On this next story, now, I showed this to you a couple days ago, the headline.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Israel prepares for Trump's return and for a joint attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. Yes, we talked about this yesterday, and you brought up that maybe what we're reading here isn't reality at all. So I've seen this pop up in different headlines the inference is as soon as donald trump gets in the white house he's going to give the thumbs up approval to bomb iran like they want you to believe this is a done deal and when i first saw it it troubled me and i thought oh i hope this is not true please mr trump don't go down this path but as I said yesterday I have yet to hear these words out of Donald Trump's mouth what you have are Israeli Zionist
Starting point is 00:57:15 propagandists putting these words in Mr. Trump's mouth they want the world to think this is what he's saying this is what he has said to us in private. He's going to bomb Iran. Even though we haven't actually heard. We've never heard him say it. But I'll tell you what he tweeted. There's Jeffrey Sachs, one of my all-time favorite university professors.
Starting point is 00:57:45 That man should be Secretary of State. Right. He's a professor at Columbia University. He's brilliant. He knows what's going on in the world. He's Jewish. Yes. And he's not a Zionist.
Starting point is 00:57:59 He knows what the Zionists are doing. He's an American. But it's interesting that Donald Trump retweeted, retoothed, however you want to put it on Truth Social, this video that was posted. Because this is about a three-minute video, an interview of Jeffrey Sachs. And really, it's no holds barred from Professor Sachs. I mean, he is critical of everyone, but particularly of Israel and Netanyahu. Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:28 So let's watch the video. This is what Donald Trump tweeted yesterday on social media. He's sending a message. Don't believe what you're hearing about me bombing Iran. I'm not going to get into a war on behalf of Netanyahu. Let's watch. Well, the war in Syria, and you may actually hear from grown-up reporters who are lying through their teeth or ignorant beyond imagining that, oh, the war in Syria, yes, Russia intervened in Syria. Well, do you know that Obama tasks the CIA to overthrow the Syrian government, starting four years
Starting point is 00:59:07 before Russia intervened? What kind of nonsense is that? And how many times did the New York Times report on Operation Timber Sycamore, which was the presidential order to the CIA to overthrow Bashar al-Assad? Three times in 10 years. This is not democracy. This is a game. And it's a game of narrative.
Starting point is 00:59:29 Why did the U.S. invade Iraq in 2003? Well, first of all, it was completely phony pretenses. It wasn't, oh, we were so wrong. They didn't have weapons of mass destruction. They actually did focus groups in the fall of 2002 to find out what would sell that war to the American people. Abe Schultz, if you want to know the name of the PR genius.
Starting point is 00:59:53 They did focus groups on the war. They wanted the war all the time. They had to figure out how to sell the war to the American people. How to scare the shit out of the American people. It was a phony war. Where did that war come from? You know what? It's quite surprising. That war came from Netanyahu, actually. You know that? It's weird. And the way it is,
Starting point is 01:00:15 is that Netanyahu had from 1995 onward the theory that the only way we're going to get rid of Hamas and Hezbollah is by toppling the governments that support them. That's Iraq, Syria, and Iran. And the guy's nothing if not obsessive. And he's still trying to get us to fight Iran this day, this week. He's a deep, dark son of a bitch, sorry to tell you. Because he's gotten us into endless wars. And because of the power of all of this in the U.S. politics, he's gotten his way. But that war was totally phony.
Starting point is 01:00:53 So what is this democracy versus dictatorship? Come on. These are not even sensible terms. Donald Trump posted that video on his personal truth account. Donald Trump just told us yesterday, don't believe anything that you're hearing about me bombing Iran on behalf of Netanyahu. Right. Doc, don't rule out Donald Trump signing a peace treaty with Iran
Starting point is 01:01:22 and telling Netanyahu, we're not at war with them. You are. You want to have a war? You do it. I would be just blown away if Donald Trump cuts off military aid to Israel.
Starting point is 01:01:37 I'd be blown away. But I wouldn't be blown away if he supported another candidate in Israel. Just kind of like we're doing in the UK and now in Germany. But even the most far out thing would be if he plays hardball with Israel and says, either I cut off all military aid to Israel or you become a state of America. Okay? Don't rule it out. The state of Israel.
Starting point is 01:02:09 That puts us right there in the Middle East. That's right. And now we say to other countries, you want to join? You want to become an American state? First one that's going to jump in is going to be Jordan. Boy, how would the evangelicals react to that? They'd love it, wouldn't they?
Starting point is 01:02:24 Israel and America are one. We are now. I know. It put AIPAC out of business. They wouldn't have any reason to have propaganda, would they? Right. I think this is going to be the most amazing four years we've ever seen.
Starting point is 01:02:51 And we're just in the second week of January. January 9th. We've only been back here at the desk for four days. And he's not even in the White House yet. This is going to be amazing.
Starting point is 01:03:05 But, hey, we've got to get him through January 20th. Remember what we told you yesterday? Department of Health and Human Services, according to a whistleblower, has made a request to the Department of Veteran Affairs for all the doctors, nurses, and first responders that they can spare for January 20. That speaks of a mass casualty event. Now, let's just hope and pray, if it is is true that it's extreme caution that they are prepared for some type of disaster on January 20th. But we need to be praying that nothing happens to President Trump or anybody in the government on January 20th. Strange times, but dangerous times that we're in. We appreciate you. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Tomorrow, we're going to, we'll talk about the C. Allen Martin dream related to President Carter's death. And tonight, Thursday night, we are having a prayer meeting on faith and values to discuss the launch of microchurches. Yes. So 8 o'clock tonight on faith and values,
Starting point is 01:04:36 Doc and I will be there, and if you're interested in being part of a microchurch movement, microchurch being a nice term for cell churches, home cell groups. We've been talking about this for quite some time. This is the year we built it. And we're kicking it off tonight on Faith and Values, 8 p.m. Eastern. Right. You have to be a member of Faith and Values to be a part.
Starting point is 01:05:01 But if you're on Faith and Values, anyone can come. We're going to be praying about specific topics related to microchurches. Giving you a little bit of information because we're still building information out as well. But we're going to be doing this on a regular basis, weekly basis. There's a plan to be praying, bathing this project for 2025 in prayer. That's right. And tomorrow, Friday, we're adding something to our morning manna class. Fridays will be Faith Friday.
Starting point is 01:05:32 And we're going to be talking about faith on Fridays. We're going to be building up our faith to believe God for miracles, signs, wonders, healings for the miraculous. We're going to need it. And many of us need it now, today. Many of you have sicknesses. You have problems that you can't solve. You need faith.
Starting point is 01:05:54 You need a miraculous work of God in your life. And so that's going to be every Friday. We're going to be building our faith to believe God for supernatural intervention in our daily affairs. So check out Morning Man of Tomorrow. Love you very much. See you tomorrow. God bless you. You don't have to think the world is ending tomorrow to be realistic.
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Starting point is 01:07:00 American Reserves, your ally in emergency readiness. Visit our website and become prepared today. So good morning, everybody. Welcome to Morning Manna. And today is Thursday and we are glad to have you with us. We're studying the Book of Romans in January of 2025. And we'll be in the Book of Romans for probably, I don't know, a couple months, most likely. It took us a year to get through Matthew.
Starting point is 01:07:31 Yes. So we're going to work our way through the book of Romans, and you and I will know more about Romans at the end of the study than we've known in our entire lives. We're learning together and uh i want to remind you that tomorrow friday uh as usual we'll have the lord's supper but beginning this year on friday our theme will be faith faith fridays faith friday there you go i like that doc faith fridays so just just think about that keep that in your mind faith fridays we're going to talk about faith every friday we're going to build up our faith in christ so today we're studying uh chapter one romans one and we're going to be
Starting point is 01:08:21 looking at verses 16 through 21. Let's pray. Father, our precious, wonderful Heavenly Father, Father, we come to you with joy and thanksgiving in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, our mediator, our Savior. So, Father, because we have used his name, we know that this prayer has a straight line to your ears and so father we are thanking you for this beautiful day thanking you for our salvation thanking you for our blessings and asking the holy spirit to take charge of this bible study and educate us, illuminate us, enlighten us with understanding
Starting point is 01:09:07 of your word as we study the book of Romans. In the name of Jesus, amen. Amen. All right, so if you've got your Bibles, turn with me to Romans chapter 1. Do you love his word today? I want you to know that his word are the words of life. So if you've got your Bibles, let's open to verse number 16 here of chapter 1 of Romans, and I'm reading from the King James this morning. For I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith, as it is written, the just shall live by faith. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness
Starting point is 01:09:55 and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in righteousness. Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God hath showed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead, so they are without excuse. Because that when they knew God, they glorified him not as God. Neither were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations.
Starting point is 01:10:31 And their foolish heart was darkened. God bless the reading of his word today. This is going to be a good lesson today. Amen. I love verse 16. One of my favorite verses. Paul said, for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. For it is the power of God unto salvation.
Starting point is 01:10:55 Amen. To everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek. It's a powerful statement. So we'll start by saying that Paul's boldness about the gospel was the opposite of his society at that time. It said, you ought to be ashamed. Your leader was executed by the government on the demands of the highest religious leaders of your religion.
Starting point is 01:11:33 How dare you come here preaching his phony message? You ought to be ashamed of yourself. See, we don't think about it that way. But if you're living at that time the society was like jesus christ was a they saw him he was a loser yes a rebel he was a rebel he was killed executed by the government because the the highest most senior religious leaders of Judea demanded that he be put to death. So there was a stigma, there was a stain on the name of Jesus. And the Antichrist Jews made sure that stigma was spread across the world. They would get ahead of Paul, try to figure out where he was going to get to the next city and badmouth Jesus and Paul before he got there.
Starting point is 01:12:44 So Paul opens this letter and he says, hey, I want to tell you something. I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. Praise God. Yes. I'm quite proud of it. I am bold about it. And I'll tell you why I'm not ashamed. It is the power of God unto salvation. So this message, the message of Christ, the gospel, the good news, was offensive to Jews and foolishness to non-Jews. Right. The Jews were, the non-believing Jews were just highly offended
Starting point is 01:13:30 by the gospel of Christ. But to non-Jews, it was like, that is the craziest stuff we've ever heard. You want us to believe that a man who was put to death on a cross, you're telling us he came back to life. And you want us to believe that his spirit
Starting point is 01:13:56 is inside you. That is absolutely crazy. Very lot of people think that today. Yeah. Most of the world today falls in one of those two camps, don't they? That's right. That's right.
Starting point is 01:14:14 So the gospel really defied Roman values of power. The gospel promoted humility and grace. The Roman values promoted power, prestige, honor, kind of like the American Empire mentality today. Yeah. you know the the mindset that's in ascendancy right now in 2025 is america is on the move and we can take over the world yeah you've pretty much got it rick and get out of our way well that was the Roman Empire attitude. But I don't want to get in that. I'm just trying to show you that really things haven't changed.
Starting point is 01:15:13 A lot of the Christian leaders of today in America are making Jesus Christ and his gospel subservient to Americanism. It is to help America. It is the gospels here. Jesus is here to, to promote America. And that's, that's the mentality that they have. Right.
Starting point is 01:15:45 But Paul is saying, I am not ashamed of the gospel. I have no embarrassment at all telling you that Jesus Christ appeared to me. That I was one of the worst enemies of the gospel and Christ appeared to me struck me blind and saved my soul and now I serve him as a slave as a bond servant he described the gospel as the power of God unto salvation. The power of God. First of all, good news is the gospel is the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. When we say gospel, we're saying the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. And Paul says the gospel, and what is the gospel?
Starting point is 01:16:52 The good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. He said that is the power of God. If you desire to release the power of God in your life, in your community, in your family, in your church, wherever, speak the word of the gospel. Yes. Don't mix it with anything else. Don't mix it with, you know, psychology or self-help or political ideology or anything else. Just the word itself is a challenge
Starting point is 01:17:28 and a transformative agent in the culture. Just the word of God itself, without attaching anything else to it. Somehow, I don't understand it. How do we describe it? There is supernatural divine power in words that proclaim the gospel yes god the father energizes he energizes human words when those words are proclaiming faith in his son, there's some type
Starting point is 01:18:08 of like invisible heavenly nuclear energy taking place inside those words. Like those words are some type of nuclear reactor. There's actual energy in the words of the
Starting point is 01:18:24 gospel. Right. It's the words of the gospel. Right. It's the power of God. God's power is seated inside the words of the gospel. Why? Because Jesus himself is the word. Yes. Really, you can't separate Jesus from the word. They don't exist independently from each other. What he speaks through his Word is who Jesus is. This is how it's just you know text it's just words it's just stories and everything no it these are as we said at the beginning these are the words of life because the life giver himself is the word yes I don't understand it I just know that there's energy in the proclamation of the gospel.
Starting point is 01:19:25 Amen. That's why you could have the most uneducated country boy preacher versus a sophisticated, educated preacher who went to the best seminaries and if the country boy preacher delivers the gospel in its purity the power of god is there yes where the other guy may or may not deliver the gospel with that kind of purity, innocence. The power is in the gospel. And God will use any person. See, this is good news for all of us. All of us can be used by God. It's not us.
Starting point is 01:20:23 It's the words that we speak if you speak his words the gospel if you speak those words proclaiming faith in jesus christ the power of god is unleashed in your words there's there's a there's a like dynamite inside the words yes think about how you got saved that's right you confessed somewhere somewhere you heard the gospel you may have heard it one time you may have heard it a hundred times for me it was over months. You know, the Lord got me in church. And week after week after week, I heard sermons that I was lost.
Starting point is 01:21:18 I needed a savior. I needed to be baptized. And I'm hearing the word over and over and over and then one day that word came alive inside of me suddenly I became aware that I was a sinner
Starting point is 01:21:36 I had no idea I didn't know what a sinner was honestly I can't ever think I don't remember ever thinking before i was saved anything about a sinner right but i became aware on one day that i was a sinner what happened the word inside of me convicted me yes That word was growing inside of me. I didn't know it. But it was growing. That's the power of God unto salvation.
Starting point is 01:22:12 The good news had gotten inside my head and my heart. And it released the power of God unto salvation. But it wasn't complete until you confessed that word. That's right. Think about that. You had to speak the word. The word was convicting you, but then in order to complete it,
Starting point is 01:22:36 that process, you had to speak the word. Because confession, confession leads to salvation. Right. You have to speak it. You have to, with your mouth, affirm the word of God that has been delivered unto you.
Starting point is 01:22:59 Where you're saying, I believe, I confess that I'm a sinner. I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Those words have to come out of your mouth. It's interesting, Rick, that God spoke the words, and then in order for you to be saved, you have to speak the word too. You have to speak the words, yes. And it's not a silent statement it has to come out of your mouth
Starting point is 01:23:28 so the gospel is not just words or ideas but it is the active power of God that brings about salvation hallelujah there's no other way to be saved apart from the gospel so this this word power
Starting point is 01:23:50 is the Greek word dynamis which is dynamite where we get dynamite I said a few minutes ago it's like there's dynamite packed inside the gospel
Starting point is 01:24:03 it literally is yes there's divine dynamite packed inside the gospel. It literally is. There's divine dynamite. That would be a good book, wouldn't it? Divine dynamite. But this term power, it speaks of the gospel's ability to bring about real change inside our lives. What is the greatest need of all humans? To be reconciled to their maker.
Starting point is 01:24:46 All of humanity was separated from God at the Garden of Eden because of sin. And God's desire has been to be reconciled to every human. To bring them back into a Garden of Eden relationship. Yes. And that's really what the gospel is doing. It's reconciling you to your maker. And the gospel overcomes sin and guilt and death, and it brings eternal life. There are many religions in the world,
Starting point is 01:25:22 but they don't have a gospel. Right. There's no power in the world, but they don't have a gospel. Right. There's no power in their words. And what other religion is there in the world where the God of that religion takes up residence inside the adherent? Satanism. That's the onlyent. Satanism. That's the only one. He's only doing that to copy God.
Starting point is 01:25:52 There's something unique about this gospel that we preach, isn't there? That's right. It is. Because the gospel is what transforms sinners into children of God. Yes.
Starting point is 01:26:08 And it cannot be done without the gospel. That's why I said the other day, we have a lot of churches there. You've got Christless Christians in crossless churches. You have churches that no longer preach the cross. And you have church members who really have never been saved. Because they've never heard
Starting point is 01:26:36 the message of the cross. You can't preach the gospel without the message of the cross. That God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. That whosoever should believe shall be saved. That's the gospel. You have to talk about the cross.
Starting point is 01:26:58 But the cross is old fashioned to a lot of churches salvation brings freedom from the penalty of sin it liberates people from from sin you have once you're saved, you have the ability to resist temptation, avoid sin. Salvation restores broken relationships between you and God. Salvation is a present-day reality and a future promise. That's good. I like that. I like the way a Greek Orthodox priest told me one day. He said, I asked him his, I said, what's the Orthodox view of salvation, of being saved? I said, we talk we talk about you know we're born again we're
Starting point is 01:28:07 saved he goes rick for us it's like this i was saved i'm being saved i shall be saved right i was saved years ago i'm being saved right now because God is at work inside of me and I have faith that on the day of judgment I shall be saved I like that because it's it's ever-present it's God's always working in your life um faith and this is what we're going to be talking about on Fridays faith Fridays without faith it's impossible to be saved without faith it's impossible to please God faith is the only condition for receiving the benefits of the gospel you can't clean up yourself you can't get rid of the sin before you go to god to be saved it's impossible right the only thing god desires is your faith in his son
Starting point is 01:29:27 he said I'll take care of it I'll get rid of your sin I'll clean you up don't worry about it you just believe in my son salvation is only available to those who believe in Jesus Christ in the Jesus Christ who was born of a
Starting point is 01:29:50 virgin. In the Jesus Christ who lived a sinless life. In the Jesus Christ who was crucified on a cross for our sins. In the Jesus Christ who was buried, descended to the place of the dead. In the Jesus Christ who was buried. Descended to the place of the dead. In the Jesus Christ who was resurrected. Himself. Raised from the dead. Seen by many. Ascended. To heaven.
Starting point is 01:30:17 And in the same Jesus Christ. Who's going to return to earth for his church. You have to have faith in that Jesus. If you have faith in any other Jesus, it's not the gospel and it's not Jesus Christ, the son of God. Amen. We have to know what we have faith in. It's sad.
Starting point is 01:30:44 Sometimes I ask people, how do you know you're saved and doc it sometimes you get some very pathetic answers and and you gotta you gotta tell them say no that's that's that's that does not guarantee salvation right because they're they're not taught, Rick, what salvation really is. It's frustrating because there are people that have spent decades in church and yet don't have a salvation relationship with Christ. How that happens, it's hard for my mind to comprehend it, but it's just that it's not taught. It's just simply not taught from the pulpit.
Starting point is 01:31:34 Confession is made unto salvation. Confession is made unto salvation. There's a component that's involved in which the believer activates their faith by confession. And it's not limited to salvation. It's also healing, also provision, everything. It's confession. But, you know, we're not creating something out of nothing.
Starting point is 01:32:00 We're simply accessing the promises that have already been delivered to us. Yes. And, Doc, I've also talked to people who couldn't explain to me how they knew that they were saved. And yet, once I talked to them, I was certain they were saved. Right. Okay. So they had a born-again experience. They did believe in jesus but nobody ever taught them
Starting point is 01:32:28 that's how you know you're saved right in reality they were saved but they attended a church that never taught them this is how you know you're saved and so you find people who wonder you you know, am I really saved? They don't know. And I think part of the issue, Rick, in this modern day is that most churches are ashamed of the gospel. It goes right back to this verse.
Starting point is 01:32:58 Yes. They're ashamed of the gospel. They're ashamed of a bloody Christ. They're ashamed of a Savior that died on the cross. They're ashamed of preaching what sounds like an old-fashioned religion. Like it's out of date. That's what they're ashamed of, Doc. Yeah. That sounds like something they preached a hundred years ago. Right. Now they've
Starting point is 01:33:32 reinvented Jesus. Jesus gives TED Talks on a regular basis. You know, we don't talk about salvation because nobody's a sinner. Hitler was a sinner. Genghis Khan was a sinner, but not me. So I don't need salvation.
Starting point is 01:33:48 A lot of pastors have become life coaches. Yes. In fact, they'll do that as a side gig, a lot of them. Yep. Why? Because they're ashamed of the gospel yeah they can coach you through life but can't coach you through the gospel salvation is a free gift you know it's almost oxymoron if it's a gift
Starting point is 01:34:23 it's almost oxymoron. If it's a gift, it's free. I should say salvation is a gift. I guess you're right. It's a gift of God's grace. And it's access through faith rather than works or merit. Faith itself is a gift from God. The faith that you need to be saved is a gift from God. I don't know how to figure that one out either. That's over my pay grade, Doc. I have to have faith to believe in Christ to be saved, and yet I need God to give me the faith to believe. That's how utterly hopeless we are, Rick.
Starting point is 01:35:13 Yes. How utterly bereft of any ability really to save ourselves. Yes. I guess, I don't know, I'm trying to think of an analogy. It's like, you know, a little child, a parent is needing the child to answer questions correctly and the father or mother gives the child a little book with the answers in it. It says here, I'm giving you, I'm giving you the way to answer the questions. That's our father. Yes.
Starting point is 01:35:57 He obviously knew the only way that he could deliver salvation to us is that we had to have faith in his resurrected son but he also knew that we didn't have faith yes and so he gives to every man a measure of faith he even gives us the faith to believe yes so there's where we start. Faith itself is a gift. And so people will say, well, I don't have the faith to believe for such and such. But you have faith. Yes. You have been given a measure of faith. That's a promise from God.
Starting point is 01:36:43 And even if it's just the size of a mustard seed, what did Jesus say you could do with it? There's a lot of power in the faith he gave you. Now, I'm getting into tomorrow's lesson. See, it's our responsibility to develop our faith. God says, here, I'm giving you some faith. What you do with it is your business. It's yours. Here it is, a gift from heaven.
Starting point is 01:37:12 Here's faith. It's our responsibility to develop and use the faith. But faith is a gift from God, and it's produced in the hearts of believers by the holy spirit faith is not a one-time act but it is an ongoing relationship with our heavenly father amen and it's developed through bible study through prayer through practice doing things and it's marked by trust and obedience and spiritual growth i thought i had faith many years ago and and I look back now and I go, no, that really wasn't real faith.
Starting point is 01:38:09 Yeah. The gospel is universal. It's global. It's worldwide. It applies to everybody. There is nobody excluded from the gospel. Don't listen to anybody who says that only certain kinds of people are saved. Right.
Starting point is 01:38:36 That's racism. It's bigotry. It's insulting to our maker look all the races are we're just with the same we're the same. So it's a universal offer to everyone who believes. And it crosses all barriers of race culture nationality economic class education it's available to everyone who believes it's the great equalizer because salvation is offered to all people in all nations. So, Doc, Paul said, to the Jew first.
Starting point is 01:39:54 What does that mean? Well, depending on the commentators that you talk to, some of the commentators say, well, that word first really shouldn't be in there, you know, and things like that. But this was Paul's pattern, though. I mean, really, when he would go to a city, wherever it was, where was the first place he would go? He would go to the synagogue. He would establish himself there at the synagogue,
Starting point is 01:40:21 begin preaching the gospel there, and it was from there that even the Gentiles were drawn toward Paul's message. But in his mind, this was his pattern. He went to the Jew first, and then to the Greek. But notice that there wasn't an alternate plan for Jews and a different plan for Gentiles. It's the same plan. It's the same gospel, the very same gospel. It's everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek. We've got the Jew plan over here and the Gentile plan over here, like some kind of surreptitiously teach today that somehow there's a different salvation plan for Jews than there are for everybody else. No, it's the one and the same gospel. It's just that the pattern was established by Paul to preach to the Jew first and then to the
Starting point is 01:41:21 Greeks. Now, does that continue to today? Well, it's not a bad principle, is it? I think if more evangelicals were focused on preaching the gospel to the people that call themselves Jews that live in Israel, instead of giving them bullets and bombs to blow people up with, we might actually see Jews saved. But that's not the priority, is it? It isn't. And we would also see evangelicals beat up. They would beat them, physically beat them. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:55 Just like they beat Paul. But Paul said, hey, because of your position in the covenant, Yes. because of your position in the covenant, I am obligated to offer the salvation plan to you first. You get the first choice, the first opportunity to hear it, then I'm moving on to the Gentiles, to the Greeks. But keep in mind, this was not a separate gospel. This wasn't a... The same gospel.
Starting point is 01:42:22 It's the same gospel. You have to believe believe in what believe that god raised jesus from the dead he had to die because of your sins that's the reason why he died but he was resurrected so you could have new life too same gospel for both jews and greeks it's not version a and version b there's not an alternate path of salvation. Yes. So what the Lord is doing is that he's honoring his promises to the Jews.
Starting point is 01:42:52 Yes. While at the same time fulfilling his prophecies to open the door to all nations. That's why a lot of Jews don't like the gospel because they don't want the Gentiles coming in. Right. So they're trying to hold the door shut.
Starting point is 01:43:18 But God's saying, no, I promised. I promised Abraham, I'm going to make you a blessing to all the nations. Your seed will bless all the nations. Well, Jesus is the seed. So the gospel goes to the Jews first, but simultaneously it's going to all the other nations. That's right. There's not an exclusionary clause in the gospel. That's right. There's not an exclusionary clause in the gospel.
Starting point is 01:43:47 That's right. So, let's see, where are we, Doc, here? We've only done one verse. There's a lot in that verse. Verse 17. For
Starting point is 01:44:01 in it is revealed God's righteousness from faith to faith, as it is written, but the righteous shall live by faith. This is great for tomorrow's lesson. For in it, in what? The gospel. In the gospel is revealed God's righteousness. Yes.
Starting point is 01:44:27 From faith to faith, as it is written, but the righteous shall live by faith. And it's interesting that he makes mention of faith to faith, as if there was a place you began in faith, but there was a place further along in faith too. So there was a growth in faith, an implied growth in faith, but there was a place further along in faith too. So there was a growth in faith, an implied growth in there that you couldn't believe for everything, but you can believe for something right now. I'm glad you said that because, you know, I was wondering about that, Doug. What does it mean, faith to faith?
Starting point is 01:45:01 So the righteousness of God refers to the process of God making sinners into righteous people through faith not human effort we can't take credit he makes sure you guys are not taking credit for anything I know you too well you start becoming better
Starting point is 01:45:26 and you'll start bragging you did it. So righteousness, to be righteous means to be right standing with God. If you say I'm righteous, it means you're in right standing with the Lord and it's done through faith. If you say, I'm righteous, it means you're in right standing with the Lord. And it's done through faith. This righteousness is not something that we do.
Starting point is 01:45:54 It's a work of God. It's a divine gift. It's imputed to believers through the finished work of Jesus on the cross. And it demonstrates God's justice in addressing our sin and his mercy in providing deliverance and salvation from our sin. The salvation from God, he deals with both at the same time. Right. As the judge, he says, I'm dealing with your sin. In my role as one who is merciful, I'm providing deliverance from your sin.
Starting point is 01:46:41 And all this righteousness is revealed through the gospel. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. Justification and righteousness, both are received solely through faith, not by works. Now, Doc, you explain the difference. What is justification and what is righteousness? Well, righteousness is not something we can engender ourselves. Righteousness is a characteristic of God. Righteousness can only come from Him. But when we talk about justification, that's a legal term. And what that is saying is that you have a need in your life. What is that
Starting point is 01:47:31 need? That need is that you lack the ability, the resources, the payment for your sins, and so you need an outside advocate that will not erase your sin, not get rid of your sin, but will declare you justified. Now, you can't be declared justified unless there's been a payment made for whatever that debt is, right? So the payment has to be declared for the debt, which the judge himself provided by giving his own son, Jesus Christ, as the payment for that sin. And then the judge turns around and says, my son has paid this. I declare you now justified. And now that you are justified, you now have the ability to rest in my righteousness. You couldn't before because your sin occupied your life. Now that that debt has been paid, it can be, if you will, filled back up now with the righteousness of God. Not our righteousness, but the righteousness of God. That's the way I...
Starting point is 01:48:46 So, Doc, how does justification differ from sanctification? Sanctification is... The word itself means being in the process of being made holy. So there's a legal position that takes place in justification, but there's the practical application of that, if you will, ruling in our own lives, that we are being made righteous and holy as a process. And it takes time, just like it would in real life. If a judge said,
Starting point is 01:49:28 all right, I declare you justified. You need to quit being a criminal. And I'll help you in that process too. I'll bring you along. I will train you in my righteousness because you don't know how to handle it yourself. You can't handle righteousness, but I can help you handle it. So the idea is that it's not a one-time event, although it starts
Starting point is 01:49:54 at a point in time of confession, but that this human flesh requires a process to handle the righteousness of God. Yes. So at the time of salvation, we are justified. Yes. Our file folder in heaven's court is emptied. There are no sins, no charges against us. We're justified. That's right.
Starting point is 01:50:26 But then over our lifetime, we're sanctified. Right. Each of us should be a better person today than we were yesterday, a year before, ten years before. That's the process of sanctification. Are you allowing the Holy Spirit
Starting point is 01:50:42 to improve you? You're justified by believing in Christ. Yes. But you're sanctified by obeying Christ. Right. And that obedience requires faith in itself. It requires faith. I want to take some time.
Starting point is 01:51:03 This is from faith to faith. So to me, it indicates there's both a beginning and a progression of faith throughout our lives. It's not a stagnant one-time thing. We're going from faith to faith to faith. There's progression. That's the way I see it. My faith today is not the faith I had 10 years ago. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:41 And the faith I had 10 years ago was not the faith I had 10 years before that. And I can tell you, my faith was deepened through trials and adversity. That's maybe God can help you better than he can help me. But he's had to put me through very difficult times to deepen my faith, to deepen my trust, to burn out a lot of things in me that were detrimental to my life. Right. But it's faith to faith to faith. There's a continuous progressive nature of faith the just shall live by faith so Paul
Starting point is 01:52:32 is quoting Habakkuk 2.4 from the Old Testament showing that justification by faith has always been central to God's redemptive plan. Yes. All the way back to the garden.
Starting point is 01:52:49 Trying to show the Jews, hey, the prophets talked about justification by faith. The just shall live by faith. So faith is the means of justification and the guiding principle for daily living. So our life is both spiritual and physical. You know, we need faith for our, provision, strength, perseverance. No matter what comes at you. And none of us know what's going to happen to us today. Things can, I mean, there are people in California who did not think that their homes were going to burn down last night.
Starting point is 01:54:09 Yes. In fact, Doc, I heard yesterday, I was watching Los Angeles TV station KTLA, and I just had it running in the background. They were doing a live transmission all day broadcast from the fire scene. And the reporter was talking to various people who were, you know, outside, you know and there was one young man who said uh i i don't know what to believe i'm a christian my house burned down i don't know what to believe okay he was struggling i felt sorry for him dog he was struggling you know if i'm a christ, how come my house burned down? You know, those are hard answers to give.
Starting point is 01:55:16 You know, hey, brother, you're alive. You didn't burn down. Yeah. Your stuff burned, but you're not dead so faith daily living requires faith and that faith is to trust god when things don't seem right that's difficult when we can't process can't understand what's going on, you still trust God. Yes. And without that faith, it's difficult to get through this life. the righteousness in the gospel is different than the righteousness that the Jews were seeking through obedience to the law.
Starting point is 01:56:16 Because that righteousness requires perfect obedience, which it's impossible to do. Right. obedience which you're impossible it's impossible to do right but righteousness in the Christian faith requires faith in the one who was obedient Christ was obedient and so you put your faith in the one who was obedient, who now lives in you, where the Jews were saying, we must be obedient. We must keep the law perfectly,
Starting point is 01:56:55 and they could never do it. Right, and it's interesting. The scripture says that Jesus learned obedience through the things that he suffered. There you go. That's the one we don't want to hear. It doesn't require
Starting point is 01:57:10 any faith to turn on the water tap and expect water to come out. That doesn't require any faith, does it? No. What faith requires, when faith is needed, faith is necessary when there's a need.
Starting point is 01:57:33 Faith is necessary when there's a need. If there's no need, there's no faith necessary. So we, and that's why we need faith because every day we're going to encounter a new struggle, new opposition, new tribulation. Every day the opportunity comes along for us to exercise our faith and to respond to what, if it's a marital situation, respond by faith. If it's a work situation, respond by faith. As tragic as all the things going on in L.A. and Palisades and everything is right now, for believers, I'm not saying this casually either, they have to respond by faith. Faith knowing that they're alive, that God's got them, that God's going to take care of them,
Starting point is 01:58:22 and that God is going to work in the midst of this. And that's in every bit of suffering that we go through in this life. And we need faith. We have to have it. We have to have it. It's our oxygen in the spiritual life. Yes. So faith shapes every aspect of a believer's life.
Starting point is 01:58:51 Yes. Our thinking, our attitudes, our speech, our decisions, our plans, our actions. Faith must be in the center of everything that we do and think and say. And it's faith in God's Word. You can have faith. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:17 But faith in something else. But you have to have faith in God's Word. Because if you have faith in God's Word, you have faith in God's word. Because if you have faith in God's word, you have faith in God himself. Yes. And in a God that never fails. It grieves me, Doc, when I have to keep my mouth shut, you know.
Starting point is 01:59:42 Why start now rick yeah why start now you know but to be around christians and they're facing a problem it could be sickness or whatever it is and nobody's says, let's pray about it right now. Let's believe God. And they'll talk and talk and talk about how to solve the problem. But nobody says, let's ask God. Let's believe our Father now. Yes.
Starting point is 02:00:24 And I see that going on so often. And what happens is after they run out of their solutions that didn't work, they go, well, the only thing left to do now is pray. Well, that's what you should have started with. And not just prayer, but the prayer of faith yes
Starting point is 02:00:52 people pray with unbelief and that doesn't go anywhere right prayer itself doesn't do anything it has to be prayer that is spoken in faith of God's promises and his word just praying is just that's just mumbling and grumbling about something but it you have to express to God your belief, your trust in him, and that his word gives you hope. His word gives you a plan. There's nothing wrong with reminding God of what he said. Yes. I mean, my employees do it to me. Well, well Rick let me remind you what you said
Starting point is 02:01:48 oh yeah oh I forgot that okay you're right I said that I did okay I did I promised that okay see and when they do that I go you're right I did promise that I guess I'm
Starting point is 02:02:04 stuck okay so God wants you to say it to him I go, you're right. I did promise that. I guess I'm stuck. Okay, so God wants you to say it to him. He's saying, come on, remind me of my promises. You know, and that is faith right there. Because you're saying to God, God, I expect you to honor your word. Yes. He didn't forget his promises.
Starting point is 02:02:29 Either we don't know them or we forget them. Or we don't think his promises apply to our situation at that time. But he's desiring us to remind him of his promises. Not so that it comes back in his mind. It's not like he's so old he's become feeble-minded. He wants you to demonstrate to him you know his word and his promises, and you have faith that he will do it. Right. So faith is a lifelong journey of trusting God,
Starting point is 02:03:04 daily trusting God's guidance provision sustaining grace I feel like doc we've done a preview for faith Friday right on pre-faith Friday so yeah so all right so we'll we'll pick it up Monday on Romans 117, but tomorrow will be faith. Right, so keep that in mind, folks. Tomorrow, I want you to come expecting to receive something good about faith tomorrow. Come with an expectation. Exercise your faith in that you're expecting to receive something about faith. And so if you've got a need in your life, whatever that need is,
Starting point is 02:03:53 whether it's restoration relationships, healing in your body, a financial miracle, I want you to be bathing that in prayer between now and tomorrow because we're going to teach you faith tomorrow to start working to that need. So bring that need. God wants to fulfill that need and don't think it's too small
Starting point is 02:04:18 for him. Bring it to him tomorrow. And we're going to teach on that. Doc and I are coming tomorrow expecting answers yes not hoping but expecting yes expecting god will answer our prayers of faith and we believe that there are going to be people healed tomorrow physical ailments you're going to be you're going to receive healings tomorrow. Amen.
Starting point is 02:04:47 I believe blind eye. There's just something. When we did our prayer request back in December, Rick, I was just burdened down by the number of people who are experiencing eye problems, whether it was astigmatism or cataracts, a lot of cataracts, and things along that line. I feel like tomorrow God's going to open eyes, restore eyes tomorrow. And so I just encourage you, if that's an issue in your life and you want to exercise faith in that, let's get some faith teaching in you.
Starting point is 02:05:25 I'm seeing right now. Kim, Kim said my eyes are better. Are you saying that from when we prayed weeks ago, your eyes improved? Oh, I had several people say that. And so, yes, she said, yes. Good. Good. But we're going to have more tomorrow that's right so look you kim experienced uh healing right there she exercised her faith she believed the word
Starting point is 02:05:55 and you are just as deserving of healing as kim is yes amen so all right we'll be more than anything else we need you to have the teaching of faith in you. That's the place where we start. So yes, it's God. Okay. See you tomorrow. God bless you. Everyone. We'll see you on the Friday edition on faith Fridays and don't forget communion tomorrow as well. First communion of the year. God bless you. We'll see you tomorrow.

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