TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Retired Airline Captain Dan Hanley Disputes 9/11 Narrative
Episode Date: August 5, 2024With war with Iran on the near horizon and the 23rd anniversary of 9/11 weeks away, we should consider the possibility that a secretive cabal has pushed the USA into two-decades of warfare in the Midd...le East.My guest today is Captain Dan Healey. He is a retired United Airlines pilot. He is the director of 9/11 Pilot Whistleblowers. He is here to remind us of the lies and coverups about September 11, and to understand why the official narrative cannot be true. Rick Wiles, Captain Dan Hanley. Airdate 08/05/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Now is the time to protect your assets with physical gold & silver. Contact Genesis Gold Today! https://www.TruNewsGold.comGet high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!https://www.AmericanReserves.comIt’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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We are two and a half years into World War III, but few people know it.
At the time of this video recording, Iran is expected to attack Israel in coming days,
or perhaps Israel may attack Iran.
In approximately six weeks, Americans will commemorate the anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon.
Are these events connected?
My viewpoint is yes.
Regarding 9-11, the questions are, who attacked America?
Why did they attack us?
I never believed the official conspiracy theory. I'm
talking about the ludicrous conspiracy theory that 19 Muslims with no commercial flying training
and experience somehow managed to hijack multiple commercial airliners and fly them into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon. Following the 9-11 tragedy,
I suggested on this program that we had to consider the possibility that the aircraft were
remotely controlled. 23 years ago, the idea of remotely controlled commercial aircraft was laughed at as a ridiculous idea,
and many people mocked me for it. Today, I believe it more than I did in 2001. Millions of drones are
in use worldwide. With war with Iran on the near horizon and the 23rd anniversary of 9-11 weeks away, we should consider the possibility that a
secretive cabal has pushed the USA into two decades of warfare in the Middle East.
My guest today is Captain Dan Hanley. He is a retired United Airlines pilot. He is the director of 9-11 pilots whistleblowers,
and he's here to remind us of the lies and cover-ups about September 11,
and to help us understand why the official narrative cannot be true.
Captain Hanley, welcome. Glad to have you on True News.
Thank you, Doug. Greg, it's a pleasure to be here.
Yes, sir.
I appreciate the opportunity.
That's all right. I'm glad to have you here.
Now, you're calling us from Pakistan, correct?
That's right.
I've been here for 14 years.
I fell in love with the married Pakistani 14 years ago, and I've lived here happily ever since. Okay.
Let's start with your commercial flying career.
You were a pilot for United Airlines.
Is that correct?
Well, actually, Rick, it started out before that.
I started flying 56 years ago in 1968 at age 19, first as a civilian, and got my licenses. And when I was getting out of college in Vietnam, the war was still raging, so I had to make service plans.
So I entered the Navy and flew there for 10 years, but hired in 1978 as a pilot at United Airlines. Airlines and over a course of a 35-year flying career span, I flew 15 different aircraft,
accruing over 20,000 flight hours. And I don't say that to boast on my accomplishments,
my credentials here, but I just want to make this statement. Having that experience level,
I can unequivocally state without reservation or embarrassment that I could not have flown
the 9-11 flight profile, in particular, the Pentagon flight profile, which we'll talk
about shortly.
And neither could these alleged Muslim hijackers because they were unqualified on the airplanes
and totally inexperienced to have done that.
There's over 300,000 pilots in the world today.
And we believe that most, if not all, will agree
with the statement I just made. Unfortunately, they were never given the chance to testify
before the 9-11 Commission because Philip Zelikow, the executive director,
prevented any pilots from testifying as to the absurdity of this ludicrous notion that these hijackers flew the aircraft.
So I'll just mention that my career personally ended tragically in 2003
when I spoke out about safety and security issues at United,
and I was illegally terminated by United Airlines working in collusion with the FAA,
and it practically destroyed my life.
And that's why so few pilots will come forward to speak about this issue, especially if they're
active military or civilian pilots, because they're afraid of the repercussions they'll suffer.
Captain Hanley, in 2003, were you at that time publicly questioning the official 9-11 narrative?
Mainly, it started out with me just questioning holes in the security system.
That did make sense.
I thought if 9-11 went down the way they claimed it did, they should be doing this, this, and this like they promised they'd do and they didn't do it and when i spoke out about
it i had union leaders and lower management people at united saying keep your head down
dan these guys are nasty if you take it to the next level you're going to get hurt
so i thought i had myself covered all the way around including correspondence trail witnesses
uh record of conversation i even went to see a psychologist
and psychiatrist because my union
told me they would come after me on
psychological grounds, which they did.
And I thought afterwards,
go ahead.
When did you start to,
privately, when did you privately start
to question the 9-11
Actually, it wasn't until they came out announcing the flight experience or lack thereof of the hijackers.
Because I had flown Little Cessnas early on in the 60s, and I also flew the 757 and 767 aircraft.
And when I saw that, I said, there's no way.
There's something wrong with this story here and what as time went on i started questioning more and more until uh
we finally established this grassroots organization that i'm going to talk about tonight
today so you know when i go back in my memory and i think about 9-11, you know, for many Americans, our minds said this story is ridiculous.
It's crazy.
This could not have happened the way that the U.S. government and the news media is telling us.
But if you question it, there was a heavy hammer of oppression that came down on anybody who questioned the narrative.
You were either labeled a conspiracy theorist or a Muslim lover or a domestic terrorist or a tinfoil hat wearer.
But they would go after people and destroy their credibility if you question the narrative.
And that's a giveaway.
When you see that kind of organized oppression of the discussion of ideas, then you know something is underway.
I mean, we saw it with the JFK assassination. We saw it with, you know, Y2K was a worldwide propaganda operation.
Then 9-11.
We saw it with COVID and the vaccines.
Same type of operation.
So that was a, for me, that was a warning sign. There is something going on that they do not want us to talk about.
And if you talk about it, you're going to pay a price.
But the idea, I mean, I've been in Cessnas.
A little 172, it's a training aircraft.
It's as small as you can get.
I mean, just about. Two-seater, it's a training aircraft. It's as small as you can get. I mean, just about, you know.
Two-seater, that's it.
And anybody who has ever been in one knows you're not going to convince me that somebody who only barely knows how to fly a Cessna 172, can hijack a commercial airliner and make precision turns and evade the entire
United States Air Force and fly not only into the World Trade Center, but into the heart
of the U.S. military industrial complex, the Pentagon.
How in the world can you attack the Pentagon?
The whole story was crazy.
So as a pilot, as a commercial pilot, what holes did you see in that narrative?
Well, if you don't mind, Rick, I'd like to get into remote control in our organization.
Yes, sir. Go ahead.
And discuss behind you and why we're doing what we're doing, okay?
Sure, go ahead.
I presently serve as the director and international public spokesperson for this global grassroots effort called 9-11 Pilot Whistleblowers.
And we've got a website at
And the purpose of our organization is to show that there were no Muslim hijackers controlling the 9-11 aircraft,
but that the aircraft were electronically hijacked and remotely controlled through employment of a system called the uninterruptible autopilot
that enables a remote source to take complete control of the aircraft autopilot and flight management computer and fly it to its designated target. Now, once this system's engaged, the pilots cannot disconnect it. Now, one of our
goals of our organization has been to recruit highly trained and experienced pilots, whether
they're active duty, retired, military, or civilian, who will attest on camera. And we have some of
these interviews on our website that not only could the hijackers not
have flown the profile but that they could not have flown the flight profile themselves and we
only put 10 of them on our website because the guys were all saying the same thing they couldn't
have done it okay and youtube was taking them down for hate speech so uh okay so i i understand
the you know the concept of the automatic pilot control.
I get that.
In your view, were there human flight crews in the cockpits when this took place?
That's debatable because there's only two transmissions that went out of the aircraft.
One from Mohammed Adda, who flew American 11 into the north tower supposedly and the pennsylvania craft but there's no camera footage showing that
the hijackers actually boarded the aircraft so were they on board we don't know i personally
believe this is just my own personal opinion they did get on board they did commandeer the aircraft
but then it was remotely guided to what do what it was meant to do.
But I cannot prove that. But there were the transmissions that did go out of the aircraft.
Well, they always have their patsies. They always make sure there's a Lee Harvey Oswald present.
To substantiate the conspiracy theory that they're putting out to the public. So, because you, I mean, how do you explain the calls that passengers made
saying that there are guys on the plane with box cutters and, you know,
the various reports that we were told that day?
How do you explain that?
Well, you can't because you couldn't make cell phone calls
at altitude on 2001, on September 11th.
So I don't know how-
That never made sense.
So how did they get,
then the calls had to be fabricated?
Well, there's an author named Rebecca Raw
who claimed that the aircraft were remotely guided
to Westover Air Force Base up in New England,
and passengers were forced to make phone calls on the ground, and once they made them, they were snuffed.
But this is her theory.
She's written three books on it.
But other than that, I cannot explain how those calls were made.
Okay, so, but there were passengers on the plane, and there was a flight crew on the plane, on all the planes.
Yes, and there's some people that actually claim none of those flights took off that day.
Well, I was at Newark Airport.
I was delighted to go to London that night, and I can attest to the fact that United 93 took off with crew and passengers.
That's the one that crashed out in Pennsylvania.
So, yes, those planes did
take off. And if they did not crash into those buildings, then what happened to them? There's
people that claim a cruise missile hits the Pentagon and that there was an airborne swap of
five vehicles. Okay. Well, the government went in and confiscated over 80 cameras, the FBI did,
that would have revealed to us what actually hit the Pentagon,
but they won't release them for national security reasons.
I absolutely do not believe an aircraft hit the Pentagon.
I've always believed it was a missile.
Well, we don't really go into that. That's outside the scope and purpose of 9-11 Pilot Whistleblower. We're only saying the hijackers couldn't have flown the aircraft.
Let's talk about that. We've got about 26 minutes. Tell me, as an experienced commercial pilot,
and how many commercial airlines did you fly for over your career?
Just one, United. United, okay.
From your experience as a pilot,
tell me why it's impossible for a novice
to take control of a commercial jetliner
and make the precision turns and maneuvers that we were told
by the government and the news media that that they made on that day is it possible
no it is it isn't possible at all rick and on our website we show a comparison of this one ton
cessna 172 to 100 ton boeing 767 aircraft, the handling characteristics are entirely different.
It would be akin to having driven in your family car and just gotten basic experience driving a car
and then jumping into a four-wheeler, a 18-wheeler, a semi-tractor trailer truck,
get it up to a high speed and
try to drive it to a garage without scraping the side of the truck or getting into a Formula
One race car and keeping it on the track that you've never driven before.
So it's impossible, given what we were told that they did and the experience level or
lack thereof of these hijackers for them to have been able to perform the maneuver.
So the government, the U.S. government, never alleged that these 19 Muslim hijackers ever received advanced commercial airliner training.
That's correct.
It's so ludicrous i mean it's just crazy that that they fed us this
garbage it gets worse in that wreck because they suppress critical information with regard to
honey hondra the pentagon hijacker if i could get into that. Sure, yeah, let's go ahead.
Hany Hanzur was a 29-year-old Saudi Arabian who came to the States in the mid-90s to take flight training.
And it's a well-documented fact that he was a very poor student.
I mean, after the fact, the Washington, the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, ABC News all had stories running on what a poor story, what a poor student Hani Hondur was. He was such a poor student that he went back to Saudi Arabia and came back to the
States just prior to 9-11 and tried to re-enroll in a flight school that he had attended before,
and they wouldn't take him because they didn't want to waste assets on him. Now, we were led
to believe that Hani Hondur took off from Washington Dulles Airport,
heading for the West Coast, got to cruising altitude, then at about phase U-turn,
descending back into Washington DC. And at 7,000 feet, this aircraft commences this descending,
accelerating 330 degree, corkscrew turn to arrive precisely at the
surface. Now this is a trick. This is the impossible part
that even humans couldn't do. To arrive precisely
at the surface, two feet off the deck, without skating
the surface, to hit the Office of Naval Intelligence
at over 500 miles per hour on its first attempt.
Now this same maneuver was replicated
in a simulator by another grassroots
organization called pilots for 9 11 truth and these highly experienced pilots that attempted to
accomplish this maneuver crashed the simulator and yet honey did it on its first attempt but it gets
better than that wreck two weeks prior to 9 11. hondjer goes to the freeway airport in Bowie, Maryland,
and wants to rent a 172.
Now, when you show up at a fixed-base operator at an airport
and you want to rent an airplane,
they don't just throw you the keys and say, have fun.
You've got to show you can fly,
so you've got to go up on an evaluation flight.
Well, Hanjer didn't go up on just one evaluation flight.
He went up on three separate evaluation flights with two instructors, a guy named Ted Baxter and a girl named Sheila.
Well, anyhow, the names aren't important. goes down the road three days later to the congressional air charters another fixed base
operator in virginia and went up flying with a pilot named eddie shalev who came back and said
he was a good pilot what did the other what did the other two uh trainers say oh i'm sorry i didn't
finish the story they went back i confirmed this story because I talked with Marcel Bernard, the chief flight instructor at the freeway airport, who told me he refused to rent him the airplane.
After three successive failures of check rides, he wouldn't rent him a Cessna 172 aircraft.
So he goes down the road to Congressional Air Charter and flies with his Eddie Shalev.
Now, who isdie shalev now who is eddie shalev
he came to the he was an israeli who came to the states two months prior to 9 11
contracted out as a flight instructor at congressional air charters and flew with
uh hondure now what appeared in the 9 11 commission final report, only Eddie Selev's statement and his name appeared just once.
And it was just an end note, a footnote.
The testimony wasn't taken under oath or anything before the commission.
And those other three instructors at the freeway airport, their testimony was completely suppressed by the FBI and the 9-11 Commission. So he was an Israeli who came to America two months before 9-11,
and he just happens to be the flight trainer who says,
yeah, this guy's great.
Rent him a Cessna 172.
It's amazing.
That was Eddie Shalem Assad?
We'll never know because he wasn't invented and he's disappeared probably back in Israel.
Do you remember the shoe bomber?
Oh, sure.
All right.
And I forget the gentleman's name.
He was a lawyer.
I'm talking about a passenger, not the shoe bomber. There was a lawyer from Chicago, and I interviewed him. And he told me that he was in the airport, you know, waiting on their flight. A well-dressed man in a business suit escorted this Islamic Middle Easterner to the ticket counter and said he needs to board the plane.
But the ticket agent said, let me see his passport.
And he said he doesn't have a passport.
And the ticket agent said, well, he can't board the plane. And this well-dressed man who he said spoke perfect English said,
he's going to get on the plane and escorted him onto the plane.
Now, this lawyer I talked to was sitting on the floor watching this happen,
watched the entire thing happen.
Somebody deliberately put that guy on the plane
so all this stuff has been orchestrated they create the narrative
so that they have the ability to blame certain people for what is happening.
What else?
Where's another big... Well, let me ask you this about drones.
You talked about the automatic pilot feature.
Right, right.
It's built into the control systems of the plane,
and it can be remotely accessed,
and the human pilot in the cockpit
cannot deactivate is that true absolutely there's one way to connect an autopilot let's turn the
switch on there's four ways to disengage it turn the switch off push on the control with a pressure
of 70 pounds or greater there's a little button on the yoke or the steering wheel you can press,
or you can pull the circuit breaker
to remove the electrical power.
Even if they pulled every circuit breaker on the airplane,
they can't unpower this system.
It's got its own power source.
How long has that technology existed
in commercial airliners?
It's the mid-90s.
The mid-90s.
Well, let me go back on remote control, Rick.
Eighty years ago, in 1944, towards the end of World War II, the Army Air Corps launched Operation Aphrodite out of the UK, where they took old B-17 bombers, gutted them out to lighten the weight of the aircraft so they could load it up with 30,000 pounds of torpex, which is a highly incendiary compound. Pilots were required to make the takeoff,
but once they got airborne, they would remotely guide these aircraft into targets in Europe.
Now, this was 80 years ago that they had this remote control technology. I could cite several
other examples, and we include them on our website. But in 1984, 17 years before
9-11, NASA and the FAA conducted a joint crash test experiment in a remote location where
they took a huge four-engine commercial jet airliner, a Boeing 720, loaded it up with
crash dummies and cameras because they wanted to test crew and passenger survivability in
the event of a crash landing with this type of fuel that they were using.
They flew it around the pattern remotely, no passengers or crew on board,
several times before intentionally crash landing the aircraft.
This is 17 years before 9-11.
Wasn't that experiment done out at Edwards Air Force Base?
Yes, yes it was.
And it crashed it in the desert.
And so NASA, this was a commercial airliner that was purchased by the U.S. government, I think, in 1960.
It had about 20,000 flying hours on it.
The U.S. government has said, okay, I think they used it for commercial pilot training.
And then they said, we're giving it to NASA to do some experiments.
That's the same one, right?
Right, exactly. one right exactly and so the u.s government through nasa flew a commercial airliner from
edwards air force base in california and deliberately crashed it in the in the desert
to prove that they could remotely fly a commercial airliner well that's what they did so that was 1984 now the american people don't know about
that kind of technology you know we didn't the average person didn't know about drones in 2001
the idea of a commercially flown airliner sounded crazy to people but hey when I was a kid, I had you know,
I had planes I was flying,
you know, remote control planes.
What's different?
You know, I flew remote control
planes as a child,
as a boy. So
why is that crazy to think that the
technology isn't advanced and they're able
to control an aircraft?
Rick, there's a Wikipedia article that's specific to Boeing Honeywell uninterruptible autopilot.
And it's misleading.
It goes on and says the stated design purpose is to prevent would-be hijackers from commandeering a commercial jet airliner and taking remote control of the aircraft, blah, blah, blah.
But it says Boeing patented this system in 2006.
Well, we've had informants from Raytheon, Boeing, and other people come forward saying,
no, it was developed and produced in the early to mid-90s.
Just like the Predator and the Global Hawk drones, they made their debut in the mid 90s.
They didn't become public knowledge until later. But this remote control technology has been out
there for decades. They've been developing it. And people say, okay, so the hijackers didn't fly.
We say, look, the only viable alternative explanation
as to how three airplanes hit buildings on their first try with such precision
is through the employment of the uninterruptible autopilot system
because people don't realize that the advanced navigation systems
on today's modern commercial jet aircraft is derived from cruise missile
technology. It's extremely accurate down to a meter or two of its target destination.
And this is evidence on an auto landing. When the weather drops down below a certain visibility
requirement minimum, pilots by federal regulations are required to allow the aircraft to auto land itself
because the system can do a better job than the pilots.
So even though it would appear to be a human impossibility to have flown the Pentagon profile,
the uninterruptible autopilot could have done it.
That's how accurate these navigation systems are. So, you know, I don't know if the average
passenger understands it, but when you're on a commercial
airliner and you're coming in for a landing, the pilot
isn't landing the aircraft. Well, they can, but
Yes, they can, but they're not. Yeah, right.
Who or what is landing the aircraft?
The flight management system.
Right, so there's an ability to fly the plane without a human.
As a matter of fact, if you would like, you get airborne and engage the autopilot,
and if the flight management computer is programmed correctly and certain modes of flight are selected, it will fly all the way to your destination,
shooting an approach and landing flight.
So we accept that kind of technology.
We don't question it.
Dan, you said that the aircraft used on 9-11, that the so-called hijacker pilots made precision
maneuvers that are beyond the ability of any pilot you know.
The Pentagon profile particularly.
I mean, if you look at the two strikes on the World Trade Center buildings, okay, those buildings are only 208 feet wide and the wingspan is 160 feet on a Boeing 767 aircraft, okay?
Minimal margin, minimal room for error.
If they've been off heading by a few degrees, they could have missed the buildings entirely. And at that closure rate, coming into those buildings, trying to guesstimate,
taking into account wind drift and other things, okay,
we say, but then they've hit all three targets, the twin tires and the Pentagon,
with such precision on their first attempt,
which necessarily had to happen for a successful mission on 9-11.
It had to have been on 9-11.
All right, so here's the idea I want to throw out to you.
For that precision to take place in 2001,
was artificial intelligence used?
I mean, we're told today that artificial intelligence,
it was just invented a year or two ago,
if you believe that lie.
All right.
But did they have artificial intelligence in 2001?
Has the U.S. government and other governments been using AI for decades?
It wouldn't surprise me in the least bit, but I cannot answer that question with certainty. Well, the reason I'm asking you, Dan, is that if the autopilot made maneuvers that are beyond human ability,
was there an artificial intelligent mechanism operating the system?
I don't know.
I'm just wondering.
This flight management computer is like the HAL 9000 computer on 2001, a space odyssey, okay?
It takes control of the airplane, takes it away from the pilots, okay?
Whatever is programmed into that flight management computer,
whether it's uplinked from the ground station, another airplane, or downlinked from a satellite,
that's what that airplane is going to do.
It doesn't need artificial intelligence.
That's how accurate and sophisticated this system is.
How many commercial pilots have spoken out and then lost their careers because of it?
Well, I don't take credit for exposing this system. A friend of mine named
Peele McConnelly, the former Northwest Airlines DC-10 captain, exposed it in 2006 and filed
a suit in 2007. Now, Northwest Airlines, the union, and the FAA went after him,
and they were going to try to force him to go see a psychiatrist in la and i caught
wind of it through an email network i had at the time and contacted him and i said field don't do
it it's a setup they'll ground you for life and he retired early as a result they didn't fire him
but they would have and uh he spent the last 20 some odd years traveling the world.
As a matter of fact, if you remember Malaysia Air 370, the Boeing 777 that took off and disappeared out of Kuala Lumpur.
They paid for a first class round trip ticket for Field to come to Kuala Lumpur to discuss this system with him. And the officials there told him, Phil, if we can ever prove that this was used, you'll see the first trillion dollar lawsuit filed for this happening. So it's
been around a long time. I've been out here, Phil's been out here, there's been a number of
other organizations that have been out here trying to expose the system. But where do you go?
Because the Zionists own owning controlled mainstream media,
thinking that they're going to deliver our interviewers?
That's why I'm here talking to you, Rick.
Dan, what do you think was the purpose?
What was the endgame of 9-11?
The ultimate endgame is Dutacher and the New World Order.
If you look at every crime has a means and a motive. Israel has a means.
They developed drone technology back in the 70s, okay?
And their motive was the Greater Israel Project, which is being fought out
today in Gaza. And if you look at the seven
countries that they were going to destroy in five years per
General Wesley Clark, they didn't successfully complete that mission and they're out to do
it now.
And we're in the brink of World War III with them trying to do it.
I agree.
I absolutely agree.
This war with Iran could happen, you know, within hours. That's how close we are right now.
So I don't know if you're aware, because you and I have never talked before,
but just before 9-11, July of 2001, I was broadcasting from Texas, and I reported that an economist in Moscow who was an advisor to Vladimir Putin told members of the Russian Duma, their parliament, that Russian business people should get their money out of the United States before the end of August of 2001.
She said, there's going to be an attack on America.
And I reported it.
I have the proof.
I have the, you know, I've got the audio recordings of me saying it.
So then after the attacks, I thought about it, and I was able to contact her,
and I recorded a one-hour interview with her, with a Russian translator.
And she said that there was a cabal that consisted of very wealthy people, secret societies, religious cults, intelligence agencies. She went down this list and she said,
the purpose of the attack was to crash the U.S. economic system and replace the dollar with a
new currency. And she said they were shocked that the U.S. did not collapse. And I said,
what's going to happen? And she said, they're going to continue to attack until America collapses.
And, you know, she was an advisor to Putin.
And, you know, obviously on the Russian side,
they were watching what was happening on 9-11
from a different perspective.
Saying, hey, something big is going down
and we better
be careful.
I'm in agreement with you. It was to
usher in the new world order. It was to
start a
season of
perpetual war. Dick Cheney said
a hundred year war. But we're
23 years
into it right now.
And we spend 6.2
trillion dollars on the war on terror
alone. And who
reaped financial benefit from that?
Well, there's only one
And the American taxpayers have been paying
for these endless wars
and we're about to get another one
that I think this one's going to be horrific.
I think it's going to be a terrible amount of destruction
and blood that is about to be unleashed on us.
But there's only one country that's benefiting,
and that is the state of Israel.
And what they did is that they, you know,
we were taught, we, the American people, we were told, you have to hate Muslims. They're bad people.
People in the Middle East, Arabs, they're bad people. You have to hate them. They're coming
here to kill you. They're going to slice your throat. They're everywhere. And so this anti-Muslim, anti-Arab bigotry and hysteria was whipped up.
And I'm sad.
I'm sorry to say I fell for it at that time because I was getting calls from people all over the place saying,
Rick, I've got intelligence agents telling me such and such.
And I really believed that they were getting that information. It was years later that I figured out that my friends who were giving me that kind of information were getting the information from Israelis.
It was years until I figured this out.
And I could name some people who used to call me people that I respected, and they believed it.
They truly believed it.
But when I finally figured out that their sources were IDF officers in America,
Mossad agents in America who were, you know,
privately educating American leaders about the Muslim threat,
then I realized there's a propaganda operation going on,
and many good Americans are being pulled into this thing and swallowing it,
and we're paying the price of financing these wars.
I've only got a minute left.
What's the last thing you want to say, sir?
Thank you for having me on.
And if people want to get in touch
with me, I'm on Twitter at Dan Hanley for our Facebook at Dan Hanley. But I appreciate the
opportunity to let me come on and talk, Greg. Best of luck campaign. Thank you so much. Thank
you so much, Captain Dan Hanley. And enjoy the conversation. Take care. We'll check in with you at another time and see if you have any new information.