TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Retired Generals and Admirals Warn Marxist Revolution in USA Must Be Defeated
Episode Date: May 13, 2021Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall reveals a startling letter written by retired generals, admirals and other flag officers questioning the Communist connections in the Biden administration. Is it al...l bark and no bite? The team also updates the audience with the latest on the election maneuvering taking place in Maricopa County, as evidence of direct elimination of records prior to voting devices being turned over for audit is questioned. Finally, Rick reveals the truth about Palestine, and the real reason behind the current slaughter taking place in the land where Jesus once walked. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (05/13/21)
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I'm Edward Zoll.
The Colonial Pipeline is coming back online, but only because they paid the ransom.
$5 million in cryptocurrency was paid mysteriously to an unnamed Eastern European hacker last Friday,
before the public was made aware of the shutdown,
and days before the nation began to throw fists over widespread gas shortages.
I guess we negotiate with terrorists now,
and leave the millions of
Americans affected by this disaster scrambling for themselves in the chaos and hysteria.
Speaking of chaos to come, 124 retired U.S. generals and admirals have published an open
letter warning of a Marxist revolution in the homeland. Chief among their concerns is the
collusion between government and communist revolutionaries to silence Americans, rig our Hey, Edward. as president. Join me to discuss this shocking letter and more. Our True News founder Rick Walls and Doc Burkhart.
Hey, Edward.
Hey, Edward. The letter from the 124 retired generals and admirals, that is the
biggest story in America by far of any day this week. And as expected, the news media has covered it up.
Right, won't say anything at all about it.
So, I mean, but it is significant,
especially we'll go over some of the names
that are on that list here in a little bit,
but to have such a large number of retired generals,
admirals, people of significant rank to say, you know,
the current administration may not be working out so well.
Not only it was not only just it wasn't just an anti-Biden.
No, no. They said America, America is at a state of that.
It could it could be it's being taken over by by Marxist communism. And they outlined the greatest threats to the republic.
Look, one hundred and twenty four generals and admirals say the republic is at stake.
The very first thing that came to my mind was the letter from the French military leaders last week with where the 75,000 a few days ago and then 150,000.
And then a week or so before that, there was a group of 20 generals of 20 generals
telling Emmanuel Macron, France is on the rights of Americans are being taken away.
People are being silenced, unable to speak their mind, being punished, being deplatformed. And they talked about the attack on the integrity of our elections and big tech.
They had an itemized list of things that they're concerned about.
Do you want to look at the names first?
Since the nonsense networks won't talk about this letter,
and the American public definitely wants to hear about it.
First, the letter was produced by Flag Officers for America.
This is their website.
We've got to get to make this accessible.
We have put the letter on our website.
So if you're listening or watching this program, you can go to later and you can look at our article on this.
You can read this along with us.
124 U.S. generals, admirals, accused Biden of election coup, call for war on communism.
All right.
So we have segments from this very shocking letter.
And again, this is bringing to life what many of us already believe.
I think the most shocking part about this was that four-star generals, people in charge of Delta Force, they agree.
They agree.
Some of these generals are only recently retired.
And this is how they opened the letter.
The letter began with,
Our nation is in deep peril.
We are in a fight for our survival as a constitutional republic
like no other time
since our founding
in 1776.
The conflict is between supporters of socialism and Marxism
versus supporters of constitutional freedom and liberty.
During the 2020 election, an open letter from senior military leaders
was signed by 317 retired generals and admirals,
and it said the 2020 election could be the most important election
since our country was founded.
With the Democrat Party welcoming socialists and Marxists,
our historic way of life is at stake.
Unfortunately, that statement's truth was quickly revealed,
beginning with the election process itself.
Without fair and honest elections that
accurately reflect the will of the people, our constitutional republic is lost. Election
integrity demands ensuring there is one legal vote cast and counted per citizen. Legal votes
are identified by state legislatures' approved controls using government IDs, verified signatures, etc.
Today, many are calling such common-sense controls racist in an attempt to avoid having fair and honest elections.
Using racial terms to suppress proof of eligibility is itself a tyrannical intimidation tactic. Additionally, the rule of law must be enforced in our election processes to ensure integrity.
The FBI and the Supreme Court must act swiftly when election irregularities are surfaced
and not ignore them as was done in 2020.
Finally, House Resolution 1 and Senate Resolution 1, if passed, would destroy election fairness
and allow Democrats to forever maintain in power, violating our Constitution and ending
a representative republic.
And that's just the opening.
And so what they're doing is they're setting the stage here for the proper response to
this. And as we said, we're going to have some significant
names that pop up here, names that you recognize. Another quote that they have is concerning
President Biden and the apparent attack on the Constitution. And it says, aside from the election,
the current administration has launched a full-blown assault on our constitutional rights in a dictatorial manner,
bypassing the Congress with more than 50 executive orders quickly signed,
many reversing the previous administration's effective policies and regulations.
Moreover, population control actions such as excessive lockdowns, school and business closures,
and most alarming censorship of written and verbal expression are all direct
assaults on our fundamental rights.
We must support and hold accountable politicians who will act to counter socialism, Marxism,
and progressivism, support our constitutional republic, and insist on fiscally responsible
governing while focusing on all Americans, especially the middle class, not special interests
or extremist groups, which are used to divide us into warring factions.
Well, they called the lockdowns population control.
That's exactly what they are.
They are population control.
You know why they know it?
Because in the military, they're trained to control populations that they subdue.
In foreign lands.
And what do they do?
They lock them down.
They divide them up and they lock them down in secretary.
To conquer them.
And they've named the conquering powerheads Marxists, socialists.
Did you want to read the last part?
No, go ahead.
So they carried on to talk about the border.
And this was really the theses, the attacks on the country.
And they named one of them now as the border problem.
Additional national security issues and actions.
This is listed in a row.
Open borders jeopardize national security by increasing human trafficking,
drug cartels, terrorist century, health and COVID-19 dangers,
humanitarian crises.
Illegals are flooding our country, bringing high economic costs, crime, lowering wages and illegal voting in some states. We had Mr. Villa on the program a couple weeks ago, and we're seeing the effect of the people just being left right on the border cities, border towns.
It's being left off of big wheelers, the back ends of the trucks.
It's a planned invasion.
It's not a crisis.
It's a policy.
It was planned. They planned to dismantle everything that President Trump
did to establish border security.
They couldn't wait to get there on January 20th to start
allowing illegals to flood into the country.
And now there are, and this is documented, there are now
more illegals coming across the
border now than there was at any time, at any day during the entire Trump administration.
That's daily, Rick. Yes. When you're living in Central America and you realize that, well,
the Marxist communists in Central America are passing the word on the street. Get yourself to America as fast as you can.
Get in.
Get over the border and get inside now.
Biden is for invasion of Central American citizens.
Get inside America now. Now, do you think that George Soros and the Democrats have boots on the streets in Central America going from village to village, town to town, slum to slum, telling people, we'll pay your way.
We'll transport you to the border.
You really think children walk four or five hundred, eight hundred miles by themselves, two, four, five-year-olds?
Give me a break.
No, they're being told this is the American dream.
They're being transported.
There's paid transportation to bring them.
I saw a story this morning as we were getting ready for the day about a group of six children all under the age of eight years old that were found at the border.
And the youngest was wearing a diaper and had a phone number written on the diaper.
And you're going to make me believe that those children walked from Guatemala.
Right. It's not happening.
It's not happening at all.
In addition to the threat that's coming from our illegal border,
that's problems that are going on.
They also address the threat of China as well.
It says that China is the greatest external threat to America.
Establishing cooperative relations with the Chinese Communist Party emboldens them to continue progress toward world domination,
militarily, economically, politically, and technologically.
We must impose more sanctions and restrictions
to impede their world domination goal and protect America's interests.
You can't have a conversation about China without talking about the censorship that's coming
and has already arrived regarding China. You can't talk about the bioweapon, for example,
that we've been told came from a bioweapons lab in China, they address this by saying the free flow of information is critical to the security of our republic.
As illustrated by freedom of speech and the press being in the First Amendment of our Constitution,
censoring speech and expression, distorting speech, spreading disinformation by government officials,
private entities and the media, is a method to suppress the free flow of information,
a tyrannical technique used in closed societies.
We must counter this on all fronts, beginning with the removing of Section 230 protecting big tech.
Now, they're referring to the exemption that big tech, Facebook, Twitter, Google have,
that allows them to be considered a platform.
Yeah, these guys think that changing one little section
of a law is going to deal with the technology tyranny.
They're really clueless about what's going on.
No, you have to break up these monopolies,
the power that exists within big tech.
You're going to have to do more than break them up.
They're going to have to be seized.
Generals act like generals and lead the charge.
Don't just talk about it.
Identify the enemy and take possession.
I was with these guys.
And look, I have great respect for these men. I want to say these guys. And look, I have great respect for these men.
I want to say these guys, these men, retired generals and admirals.
I was with them as I read this letter last night.
I was inspired.
I was encouraged.
And then I got to the part where they had to stick Zionism in the letter.
And I said, son of a gun, we're talking about saving our country.
And all of a sudden, you generals and admirals are talking about Israel.
What has Israel got to do with this?
It's my country that's going down in flames.
Anyhow, they said, you know, we have to stand with Israel.
No, we don't have to stand with Israel. Right. No, we don't have to stand with Israel.
When are you generals going to figure out who brought down this country?
You've been Zionized.
That's your problem.
You're never going to tackle the enemy until you get the Zionism out of your head.
Name the knee.
Yes. But anyhow, we'll just act like
that was a, I can't say it. A brain freeze. A brain aneurysm. Yes, a brain freeze. Yes,
there we go. Well, they also talked about like a key energy situation like the Keystone Pipeline,
which still confuses me while if we're having issues with energy, why we shut like the Keystone Pipeline, which still confuses me why if we're having
issues with energy, why we shut down the Keystone Pipeline.
But they address it and say, stopping the Keystone Pipeline eliminates our recently
established energy independence and causes us to be energy dependent on nations not friendly
to us while eliminating valuable U.S. jobs.
We must open the Keystone Pipeline and regain our energy independence
for national security and economic interest. We went from energy independence to now we've got a
busted pipeline, hacked pipeline, to energy dependence in four months.
What makes Joe Biden different than the hackers that shut down the Colonial Pipeline? He shut
down the Keystone Pipeline first days in the White House. He's a hacker.
He's a political hack and he hacked it. He's a political hack, that's for sure.
He shut down the pipeline. Why is everybody worked up
and crying about the Colonial Pipeline
and yet cheered Biden for shutting down the Keystone Pipeline?
Isn't there some stupidity in that kind of thinking?
Because he gave in to the ransom demands as well, didn't he?
Yes, he did.
So yes, he did.
He paid the political left who really didn't want Joe Biden.
But they they held their nose and they swallowed and took a gulp.
And they well, they didn't have to vote for
him because nobody had to vote for him.
The election was fixed.
But they went ahead with it and said, this is the plan.
Uncle Joe goes into the White House.
He won't be able to find his way around inside the building.
But Barack Obama will run the White House and we're going to shut down the Keystone
pipeline. but Barack Obama will run the White House, and we're going to shut down the Keystone Pipeline.
And yet the world news is hackers shut down the Colonial Pipeline.
Our energy independence has been threatened.
Joe Biden threatened our energy independence.
You're absolutely right, Rick.
And what proof do we have that hackers did it?
I'm not even talking about this with the pipeline.
In the case with the Keystone, we know who shut that down.
Joe Biden did.
In the case of Colonial, Colonial Pipeline said they paid money to terrorists.
Isn't that illegal?
That seems like it'd be illegal.
I thought it was.
And how do you send money to a terrorist?
I mean, do they have an account that felt well-sparked?
The Western Union won't let you send it.
Right? Yeah, right?
Yeah, right. You ever tried to send money overseas?
Oh, they want a tooth.
They want your underwear.
They want to see everything.
That's your first one shot.
Okay, money ground.
I mean, you go through the same thing,
trying to get money to somebody overseas.
Did they bring a suitcase of cash out,
drop it off somewhere, and someone picked it up?
I mean, how did they pay the five million?
How did Colonial pay the $5 million?
I know of some banks
that have experience moving money like that.
They probably
knew how to do it.
You tell
me, how do you move
$5 million to a
criminal cabal?
their bank account?
Did you just put it in a bag and mail it?
How do you get money to terrorists?
Where is the,
the financial crimes unit in the treasury department?
I mean,
don't we have crack men on the job?
don't you know,
if a grocery store owner who gets a lot of cash, you know, he's got a store in a poor neighborhood and people deal with cash.
And if he deposits too much cash in his bank account, the IRS will seize the entire bank account.
Suspicious activity.
You can move $5 million to hackers, terrorists.
And let's don't call them hackers because they're not hackers.
They're terrorists.
They did something illegal.
They did something harmful.
In my opinion,
anyone that does anything like that
to the infrastructure
is really worthy of the death penalty.
I mean, they really are.
This isn't a joke.
This isn't a game that you're playing.
When you influence,
I mean, they could have brought down the entire you know, and you know a grid of pipelines
That's you know, if they can get one they can get them all right and we still don't know like Edward said We still don't know if colonial was really hacked in the first place. We really don't know. They claim that the headquarters was hacked, the main IT system.
And then they took the decision to shut down the pipeline.
Yeah, they're saying the pipeline wasn't shut down.
They're saying the pipeline was shut down because they shut it down, not because of the hack.
I never heard this.
Yeah, it came out today, in addition to the news about them paying a ransom
before we even heard about the shutdown. The point is, we don't know much about this because our federal government
and the agencies of enforcement have been politicized. They're looking the other way.
They're too busy going to the houses of patriots. Well, according to the generals, another group
that's been politicized is our military. The generals left service because they knew this
was happening under Barack Obama,
and they're trying to raise awareness that it's happening now, once again.
They said, Using the U.S. military as political pawns,
with thousands of troops deployed around the U.S. Capitol building,
patrolling fences, guarding against non-existent threats,
along with forcibly forcing politically correct policies,
like the divisive critical race theory into the military
at the expense of the warfighting mission seriously degrades readiness to fight and win
our nation's wars, creating a major national security issue. We must support our military
vets, focus on warfighting, eliminate the corrosive infusion of political correctness
into our military, which damages morale and war fighting cohesion.
Another aspect of the problems I see in our country
that the generals addressed was the rule of law here in
our country, especially as it relates to the riots that we saw last year. The rule of
law is fundamental to our Republican security. Anarchy as seen in certain
cities cannot be tolerated. We must support our law enforcement personnel and insist that DAs, our courts,
and the Department of Justice enforce the law equally, fairly, and consistently toward
all." But probably the most dramatic portion of this letter that stands out is the one
that relates to the mental health of the current occupant of the White House, Edward.
They're saying what we all think. The mental and physical condition of the commander-in-chief
cannot be ignored. He must be able to quickly make accurate national security decisions
involving life and limb anywhere, day or night. Recent Democrat leadership's inquiries about nuclear code procedures
sends a dangerous national security signal to nuclear armed adversaries, raising the question
about who is in charge. We must always have an unquestionable chain of command. I feel like they
might have had an inside source on what's happening here. Did you hear about inquiries about nuclear code procedures? No. Democrats, they did under President Trump. They were concerned
about President Trump having nuclear codes. Remember that? After the election especially,
they were brought up several times. Well, should President Trump have access? He's, you know, he's like a wild match.
He's dangerous, you know.
Maybe he shouldn't have access to the nuclear codes.
But there's also been a proposal since President Trump left to have a committee.
That makes the decision to launch nuclear weapons instead of just the president.
A committee.
Yes. I remember Nancy Pelosi's committee.
On presidential mental fitness.
And President Trump said, Joe, they're coming after you.
Nancy's coming after you.
He warned them.
It's not me.
It's you.
They're coming after you.
They knew he was mentally.
They knew it. While we're talking about it, why don't we show some of President Joe Biden's mental
lapses during the first four months of his presidency?
Oh, there have been quite a few.
This is a montage of them.
You watch them one by one, maybe didn't seem that big.
But check these out, Ren Roe. There's them one by one. Maybe didn't seem that big. But check these out, Renro. There's
something wrong with Joe. For example, there's a situation where there's an estimation of somewhere
between 700 billion and a trillion, 300 million billion dollars. If we have more IRS agents and
we go after those folks who are avoiding taxes at the top end.
You guys are bad. I'm not supposed to be answering all these questions.
I'm supposed to leave, but I can't resist your questions.
Well, I'm just waiting for them to tell me when we get going here since we're live streaming this.
You're good.
Oh, ready to go. Okay. Well, first of all, hi, everybody. It's
good. I'm supposed to look over here, not at you guys that are delivering poison water to our kids
and over 400,000, 400,000 schools in America have lead pipes leading, I mean, 400,000.
Yes, that's right. 400,000 have lead pipe. Visit, vaccines. Yes, that's right. 400,000 have lead pipe.
Visit,, or text your zip code to 438829.
So we did that in the last piece of legislation we passed.
But let's extend that child care tax credit at least through the end of 2025.
You chose to wear a mask as you walked out here.
What message were you sending by wearing a mask outside alone?
By watching me take it off and not put it back on until I get inside.
What do you say to the folks in India?
I'm sorry, I'm going to, just the last question I'll take,
and I'm really going to be in trouble.
But no amendment, no amendment to the Constitution is absolute.
With regard to the filibuster, I believe we should go back to a position of the
filibuster that existed just when I came to the United States Senate 120 years ago. Now,
when President Harris and I took a virtual tour of a vaccination center in Arizona not long ago.
So I want to thank you all. I really mean it. I want to thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank
you. And I'm happy to take questions if that's what I'm supposed to do, Nance, whatever you want me to do.
That's the president of the United States of America.
It's sad. It's sad. And the Democrats knew what they were doing.
It's sad. And the Democrats knew what they were doing. It's abuse. It is. It is elderly abuse.
I'm not mocking the man. I feel sorry for him that he's out there doing this.
But the Democrats are sick and sadistic for doing this.
Now, getting back to this letter by the generals, though, in response to it, they issue a call action.
But I've got a question about it, too. It says in this letter that the generals, though, in response to it, they issue a call to action. But I've got a
question about it, too. It says in this letter that the generals wrote, so in response to all
of this that we're seeing, it says, under a Democrat Congress and current administration,
our country has taken a hard left turn towards socialism and a Marxist form of tyrannical
government, which must be countered now by electing congressional and presidential candidates
who will always act to defend our constitutional republic.
The survival of our nation is to cherish freedoms, liberty, and historic values are at stake.
We urge all citizens to get involved now at the local, state, and or national level to
elect political representatives who will act to save America, our constitutional republic,
and hold those currently in office accountable.
The will of the people must be heard and followed. Now, my response to that, Rick, would be, I've heard this all before. I've heard it all before.
All we have to do is that next election is the next one. We're going to solve all the issues.
We just got to elect the right people. If these generals and admirals, if this is only about rallying people
to vote for Republicans in 2022,
if this is all it is,
it's useless.
I'm done with the... I don't even want
to waste any more time talking about it.
Either act like military leaders,
patriots, and lead
the men
of this country
regain control
of the republic from the communists
or shut up.
That's it.
I don't want to hear it.
And how can I elect somebody when I can't trust the election?
Read your own letter.
I can't trust the election.
You told me not that there's a problem
with the electoral process.
And then you're telling me, well, we know that there's a problem, but keep on voting for those candidates.
I've heard it for decades.
I'm not buying it.
I'm not buying it.
Either get up and lead the men of this country or shut up.
I don't want to hear it.
I'm way past entertaining this kind of stuff. I'm just past it. I don't want to hear it. I'm way past entertaining this kind of stuff.
I'm just past it.
I don't have any.
Look, I.
Where some of us are thinking right now is political asylum in another country.
That's where generals, do you understand?
There are some of us, we're thinking political asylum in another country to escape the communist
revolution in America.
That's where we're at.
Because we're taking the communists to their word.
They want to kill us.
They want to behead us.
They want to get rid of Christianity in this country.
And the generals admit in this letter, we've taken a hard left turn. Yes. We're almost doing donuts in the left turn parking lot towards communism right now. We
haven't just taken a hard left turn. We've gone full blown communist and quit calling it socialism,
quit calling it progressivism. It's full blown communism. And it's not coming. It's here. And they won in 2020, not fairly in the election.
It was a coup.
It was a revolution.
I'm just shocked about how many conservatives cannot bring themselves to the realization that a communist revolution occurred in 2020. But I will say, there's a growing number of people who are privately telling me, I'm making
plans to get out.
A growing number of people who are saying, I don't have any confidence that we have any
leaders left in the country.
And we're talking about these generals.
You write a nice, oh, it's a nice letter.
Oh, it's a great letter, but are you going to ride?
I don't think so.
It's a letter no one will read if their own predictions are true.
This letter will be deleted.
We ban.
Nobody's talking about it.
Nobody's talking about your letter.
What are you going to do about it?
All right. Look, I'm not going to follow
the clowns
that led
a raid on the U.S.
Capitol wearing antlers and
fur. I'm not going to
get mixed up with a gang like that.
But you
bring me a group of
generals who say
we will organize and we will march.
Now I'm in.
Now I'm in.
And there's millions.
And I'm willing to die.
I'm willing to die for freedom.
I'm waiting to see the men who signed this letter to step up and lead.
And that's where I'm at on this too, Rick, is that it's almost like deja vu in history.
He's seen this so many times before.
And they talk a great game.
They send out a great letter.
And they say, these are the principles.
And we've got to do all these things.
So keep voting.
Generals don't give speeches.
Keep voting in a rigged system.
Keep voting.
Next year, 2022, the evangelical Christians somewhere around September will call for 40 days of prayer and fasting.
Ending on election day, which means we're organizing in the churches to get out to vote.
And the only thing you end up with is a rigged election and Hungary.
That's it.
That's all you really end up with because nothing changes.
Well, the letter is on
You can go there and read it.
We'll remind you, this is number 24. 150,000 French soldiers signed a letter warning President Macron going to take action if action is not taken against political correctness, against the Islamization of the country.
That's number 25.
Now it's up to 150,000.
Yeah, number 25 is the retired generals.
That's actually United States.
Oh, excuse me.
This is the U.S.
I'm sorry.
Now, these are the generals on the other side, Rick.
There's leftist generals.
They actually got their group.
They got their plan in place. Yeah, Milley's leftist generals. They actually got their group, they got their plan in place.
Yeah, Milley's there. Yeah.
Retired generals and service chiefs launch Operation
Protect Democracy in wake of
Capitol attack. What is
Milley and Austin
doing right now?
They're combing
through the U.S. military
looking for patriots
to remove them from the military. That's exactly
what they're doing. Because they want new patriotism. New patriotism is you're okay
with transgenderism. You're okay with a soldier wearing a dress. That's the new patriotism. Right.
And they mask it under. A mask. Yeah, they mask it under a mask. They mask it under
defending the Constitution. Well, I'll remind you, China has a Constitution. No, they don't. Yeah, they mask it under a mask. They mask it under defending the Constitution.
Well, I'll remind you, China has a Constitution. No, they don't.
No, they don't, Doc.
Milley said he took an oath to an idea.
Oh, that's right.
No, you took an oath to a Constitution.
That's right.
He did say that to the cadets at Howard.
He very subtly changed it.
I took an oath to an idea. An idea of what?
Marx's revolution? No, you took an oath to
defend a constitution against enemies
foreign and domestic. And we have domestic enemies
of the constitution in this republic. Right now.
Domestic enemies.
I could put names on them.
They're at Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter.
We can go down the list.
Open Society.
Yeah, we can go down the list.
All right, we can go down the list
of enemies of the republic
who are working to overthrow the constitutional republic of this nation.
And they know what they're doing. This isn't by accident. This isn't out of ignorance to our laws.
They hate our laws. They're changing the country.
And this group of generals, they say it.
They act on it.
The ones that are fighting.
They act on it.
The ones that are actually trying to change the country.
You know what their biggest operation is right now?
Is fighting voter accountability laws.
They don't want any ID.
No, because they're racist.
And that's it right there.
They want soldiers to rise up against.
Use your voice.
Get out and protest.
I guess you can protest if you're a leftist person in this country, a politically left individual.
But if you're on the right, you'll be arrested by the government.
Hey, while we're on the topic of the military, let's go down to number 29.
The military is going after unvaccinated soldiers.
They have a problem.
Yes, this is Fort Campbell.
Right there on the screen is the commanding general, General Moore of Fort Campbell, Kentucky.
What he has said is if you want to take summer relief, you want to see your family, it's been a long year.
Maybe you've been deployed to Afghanistan or Iraq or one of the various wars we're still in.
Well, I'm sorry.
Vacation's canceled unless you are able to show you've been vaccinated.
You see, Rick, it's not mandatory yet, but it is in this general plan.
But we'll punish you.
We'll punish you. We'll punish you.
We will punish you.
We'll make your life miserable until you submit and get vaccinated.
Rick, the issue they're running into, some soldiers have gotten smart to this game.
It's not mandatory, General.
So I'm not doing it.
One third of the soldiers, Rick, have said no.
The lines are non-existent.
There was the initial rush of people in the military said, I better go get the vaccine, whether it be Pfizer, Moderna, whatever's available.
Now there's no one waiting in line and they know the soldiers won't do it unless they're ordered.
You better be careful.
But here's the catch.
If you had the double shot, had two shots, you get you get special treatment. He says, if you're a vaccinated soldier and you've received two vaccines,
you're at incredibly low risk of contracting the virus and bringing it back.
You pose minimal to no risk for them.
They'll be able to take leave unhindered and with no additional requirements.
For those soldiers that choose, as is their right to not take the vaccine,
well, we will prudently apply measures of how we will make sure you are able
to travel safely, which is translated in military ease. You're not going anywhere.
Isn't that segregation? Yes. Aren't they discriminating?
It's punishment. They're punishing Americans for saying, I don't want an experimental
vaccine in my body that's not even a vaccine.
It causes blood clots.
It causes facial paralysis.
It causes death.
It changes our DNA.
What's wrong with somebody saying, I don't want it?
If it's so safe, why hasn't it been approved by the FDA?
Yes, absolutely.
I mean, if it's so safe, what's hindering that full approval?
Why do they have to continue to classify it as experimental?
Well, Fox News has a story, one shot the U.S. military doesn't want to take.
Now, in this story, they note that the military itself, and you can find this on, thank you, Control.
This story indicates that the military is at a standstill. The problem we're facing right now,
Rick, is that the question is, can they even deploy? Will they be able to use the civil
infrastructure? If you send the military, for example, a unit to go help with a disaster,
let's say the colonial pipeline, what are you going to do if half the unit hasn't gotten the shot? But the state requires
either a vaccine passport
or certain civil restrictions
on citizens who haven't submitted.
I would tell the state,
take care of it yourself.
You'd fix it, right?
You'd fix it.
My question here is,
we've got a lot of people in the conservative movement, people who consider themselves to be Republican, Christian.
They're getting the shot and they're even supporting mandatory vaccines.
But you support the troops, right?
What about the one third of young men who've raised their right hand, sworn allegiance to the Constitution, who are saying, I don't want that shot.
I've already taken enough experimental vaccines.
Are you going to enforce the mandates that you want on me and Rick, on those heroes, the heroes of our country?
It gets even worse. We're going to show you where General Milley, the Marxist Milley.
We'll show you where General Marxist Milley and Secretary Austin is taking the U.S. military,
and it is in full-blown rebellion against Almighty God.
This is shameful that America has come to this place.
This is number 31.
This makes me wish I was woke or awake because this is a nightmare.
We're woke. So look at this. nightmare. Woker. Yeah. We're woker.
So look at this.
U.S. Army releases cartoon recruitment ad that features LGBTQ march and lesbian wedding.
So Rick, they don't want to be outdone by the CIA who recently put out a transgender,
a homosexual advertisement.
This is the kind of people they want to recruit.
The CIA wants transsexuals.
Well, so does the Army.
What is this revolution about?
It is anti-God.
It's a rebellion against God.
It's satanic.
And remaking our society.
The revolution of 2020 is satanic.
It's anti-Christ.
Milley and Alston are promoting an anti-Christ
agenda in the U.S. military
why is it anti-Christ?
because Christ is against this
that makes them anti-Christ
if you oppose
the commandments of Jesus Christ
you are anti-Christ
if you keep the commandments of Jesus Christ, you are anti-Christ.
If you keep the commandments of Jesus Christ, you're pro-Christ.
Are you pro-Christ, Doc, or anti-Christ?
I'm pro-Christ.
What about you, Edward?
I'm definitely pro-Christ.
Well, what about General Milley?
Is he pro-Christ or anti-Christ? Well, he has another calling, and that's what he's named this series of anti-Christ commercials.
Rick, we grabbed a segment from this series that was paid for by the taxpayers in Rebellion to God.
Rick, they now promote and they want soldiers with lesbian mothers and who attend pride rallies rejecting God's definition for life.
This is the story of a soldier who operates your nation's Patriot Missile Defense Systems. by two moms.
Although I had a fairly typical childhood, took ballet,
played violin,
I also marched for equality.
I like to think I've been defending freedom from an early age.
When I was six years old, one of my moms had an accident that left her paralyzed.
Doctors said she might never walk again.
But she tapped into my family's pride
to get back on her feet,
eventually standing at the altar to marry my other mom.
With such powerful role models,
I finished high school at the top of my class and then
attended UC Davis where I joined a sorority full of other strong women.
But as graduation approached, I began feeling like I'd been handed so much in life, a
sorority girl stereotype.
Sure, I'd spent my life around inspiring women, but what had I really achieved on my own?
One of my sorority sisters was studying abroad in Italy.
Another was climbing Mount Everest.
I needed my own adventures, my own challenge.
And after meeting with an Army recruiter, I found it.
A way to prove my inner strength and maybe shatter some stereotypes along the way.
I'm U.S. Army Corporal Emma Malone-Lorde and I answered my calling.
Soy Jennifer Liriano, especialista en el Army y encontré mi llamado.
We're not even speaking English anymore in our commercials.
No, no.
And I've got one thing to say to General Milley and Secretary Austin.
Your deplorable leadership is leading America to a massive military defeat.
Because the holy God of heaven is going to turn his back on the American military. That's all I'm going to say. And you will own that defeat.
Here in Florida, tax collector, this is up in Orlando, Seminole County, Joel Greenberg, who is a close drinking buddy of, you know, party friend
of Congressman Matt Gaetz, conservative right-wing Republican.
Well, what we're hearing today here in Florida is that he's going to change his not guilty plea.
So if you change your plea that was not guilty, that means
it becomes guilty.
Guilty. Guilty. If you're not
not guilty, that makes you guilty.
So if he's
going to tell the judge,
you know, now that I've thought about it, Your Honor,
I am guilty. I did do those
things. Which includes
child sex trafficking.
Well, that tells me he made a deal with the prosecutors.
So he'll keep his tush out of the state prison, but he may rat on his buddy.
Matt Gaetz.
Matt Gaetz.
So where do you think this is going to end up, Rick?
Well, if he's going to tell a judge that he's guilty
of grooming girls, underage girls for sex,
and, you know, I don't know what all he's going to,
he's going to admit to,
but clearly he's going to be taking down Matt Gaetz.
So I just think Matt Gaetz is just a few steps away from being indicted.
Now, this is actually, these are federal charges that we're talking about, right?
These aren't state charges. These are federal charges. I don't know. Yes, they are. They're federal, these are federal charges that we're talking about, right? These aren't state charges.
These are federal charges.
I don't know.
Yes, they are.
They're federal?
Yes, federal charges.
So that means he made a deal with federal prosecutors for likely information regarding all of his activities going who knows how far back.
The hearing's not until Monday, but the lead on it right now is that he is changing his plea.
And like Rick said, that's a clear indication that there's probably been a deal that's been made at some point.
There's another story involving Florida, and that is that prosecutors in Manhattan are getting very close to indicting Donald Trump
and that the Palm Beach County police officials have been discussing extraditing Donald Trump to New York.
All right. Now, this is an interesting story to me, Rick,
because that means that somebody from the Manhattan DA's office probably talked to the police department down
in Palm Beach and said, listen, there's a possibility we may have to extradite the
president of the United States. The county sheriff's going to have to go out to pick up
the president and get him. Right. This is an incredible story.
And he still has Secret Service protection.
So if the county sheriff shows up at Doral to arrest Donald Trump, do the Secret Service
agents allow a county sheriff's office to take away the former president. And if it's a federal warrant, would federal marshals have to, you know,
enforce that warrant to extradite the president?
But here in Florida, we have a unique situation, don't we?
Yes, there's actually a loophole.
We're one of a couple states that has this.
New Jersey is another state that has this, that allows the sitting governor of the state, which in this case is Ron DeSantis, to intervene if a citizen of our
state is being asked to be extradited to another state. So in this case, a New York case is asking
if they are going to follow through this extradition of President Trump to New York state.
Governor DeSantis actually has the ability to intervene
and stop that extradition.
Now, the president also has a residence in Bedminster, New Jersey.
Now, there are reports that he's already moved his residence to the state of New Jersey.
They have the similar law there, but it's not as airtight.
He's safer here in Florida.
Now, Rick, he plans to start doing rallies, according to the Daily Mail.
It's another story they came up with today in June.
But he can't leave the state if they're going to indict him.
Yes, it would be very foolish to leave the state where you're protected for an extradition.
Understand that there's some new news coming out of Arizona?
Last night after our program, there was some movement, actually some revealing data about what has been found in the Arizona audit.
Now, we described yesterday that Arizona is going through their own audit of what happened on November 3rd, looking at ballots.
They brought in cyber ninjas. They're doing a forensic audit of their election.
Well, Rick, what they found is they have found quite a few irregularities. Now, these aren't just small irregularities.
They're saying outright deletion of election cycle databases.
All right, so walk us through this, Edward.
So Maricopa County was supposed to hand over all equipment,
all data for the audit.
That seems simple enough.
What the audit has found, this is according to them and the Senate president of Arizona, Karen Fann,
they have found that as part of the database handed over to the audit officials,
the election cycle, specifically the ballot records for what are called adjudicatable ballots,
ballots which were questioned, ballots which humans had to decide
what was the intent, Biden or Trump. They were deleted before they were given to the audit
officials. So they were given instructions to turn over the election databases. And at some point
between the time they were given that order to turn it over for audit and the time they were
given for the audit, the files, Rick, mysteriously disappeared.
Well, that's obstruction of justice.
That's the destruction of evidence.
Tampering of evidence.
Tampering of evidence.
That's a federal crime.
And becomes a criminal offense.
And Democrats in Maricopa County should be handcuffed and taken away to prison.
Now, this was revealed last night by the Senate president in Arizona,
Karen Fann. She put a letter out to insiders. I got my hands on this letter last night.
And Rick, there was some revealing things in this. So this is the Maricopa, Arizona audit alluding to the letter from Karen Fann. They said they opened boxes of ballots delivered by
Maricopa County and they were discovering a significant discrepancy between the number
of ballots therein.
Now, what they're talking about, this is the letter right here from Karen Fenn, Arizona
State Senate.
She was writing the chairman of the Board of Supervisors in Maricopa County, Jack Sellers.
She said, I'm writing to seek your assistance and cooperation with the resolution of three
serious issues that have arisen.
Now, the first one was the noncompliance of subpoenas.
Simple enough. Subpoenas have been issued. They're ignoring them.
Now, the next one is very big.
They have found...
Because the sheriff is in on it.
We have a moaning force of subpoenas.
That's why. Maricopa County Sheriff is in on it.
He won an election. That was a question.
Now they're finding out that the chain of custody for the very ballots has not been done according to procedure.
First, they said the county has not provided any documentation of a chain of custody.
Now what it means is when someone voted, that ballot went in a box for storage after being counted.
Where did it go?
Did you keep it in the back here? Was it kept, untouched, unedited, changed?
They're saying there's no documentation of this given from the county, meaning, is it possible some votes got changed?
They also said the bags in which the ballots were stored were not sealed.
Now, the audit team has found that at the bottom of many of the boxes where the ballots were,
that's where the seals, the seals are cut, and they were put at the bottom of the box,
as if to hide them. Why would you want to do that? They said the types of sealed, the sealed
ballot boxes were found there. And they're also asking why the seals were placed there. They said
the batches inside the boxes of ballots
were frequently separated. And they only had a divider. There wasn't even an organization here.
It was almost as if someone had gone in there and rumbled it, moved around, maybe taken a few out.
They also said there was missing ballots. See, there's something called a pink slip. This was
detailed in the letter. That details how many ballots are supposed to be in each batch. Simple stuff. Well, it turns
out that that number
is not correct. In most
cases, the pink slip had
actually an inflated number. Inside there, there
was missing ballots. Where are they at?
In some cases, they actually found that there were some
extra ballots which were placed in
this supposedly secure record
of votes.
Now, they said most of the ballot boxes were sealed.
They were actually sealed not with the official tape,
but they were sealed with a kind of tamper evidence seal.
That was broken, missing.
Again, what's with the custody?
They have this chart I want to show you.
They have a couple of ballots that they have in here. Edward, in any process that requires a procedure to assure
all parties involved
that the documents
have not been tampered with,
and whether folders,
envelopes, boxes,
shipping containers,
whatever it is,
once a seal is put on it.
That is the end of the discussion.
The seal is the proof.
Nobody has been in this container.
This box.
This vault.
This envelope.
If the seal is broken,
there's nothing to talk about.
There's nothing to debate.
If the seal is broken, somebody got in it.
This is really elementary.
I mean, Doc, if you had a vault
and you had your great-grandma's collection of old coins worth $2 million in the vault,
and there was a seal on it, and everybody in your family knew, great-grandma's vault is sealed right and then on the day that you gather with your
family lawyer to go through the will and you go and you look at the vault and the seal is broken
you can't trust anything at that point right the broken seal says somebody was inside
they had access not a conspiracy theory they They found this. And whether they took
anything out or not, it doesn't matter.
They violated it.
They violated the
trustworthiness of the
documents. So if I had, let's say I had
that vault in the custody of a bank,
okay, and
during the custody of the bank,
the seal had been broken.
Whose fault is that? The bank's. the bank, the seal had been broken. Whose fault is that?
The bank's because they allowed the seal to be broken.
They allowed access, unauthorized access to my particular vault, my lockbox, whatever it might be.
But I can't trust the bank.
I can't trust anything that's happened now.
I don't even know, even if there are valuables in the vault, I don't know if there were more
valuables in there or not. And you don't
know if they are valuable
now. Right. They could be
counterfeits. Right.
I would have to assume that everything that transpired
from that point on
is... And when
there's a broken seal, you call
the police. Right.
I have a problem here. You can call the sheriff. But in Maricopa County, if you call the sheriff, you don't, you call the police. Right. I have a problem here.
You can call the sheriff.
But in Maricopa County, if you call the sheriff, you don't want to call the sheriff.
Because he may have been the one that broke the seal.
In this case, Karen Fenn is going to have to act like the sheriff, and she's promised to.
She is holding a hearing on Tuesday, Tuesday of next week,
and she's calling all the officials who are responsible for making sure that those
seals are never broken.
She's going to issue subpoenas if they don't show up.
The initial summons has been put out.
I think they found something, Rick, and this is going to be very telling for the rest of
the country.
Do you have any idea, in the letter, does she indicate how many seals were broken?
Yes, she actually detailed the specific batch.
She could name the batch and the location.
Now, if you can pull up the letter once again, control, I'm going to show you that specific
So right here, Pallet 5, Batch 2104.
These are five separate batches where they documented not just a seal being broken, but
also a discrepancy in the number of votes that was on the pink slip. You seal it,
you put the number of votes. In ballot 5, batch 2-104, there's two votes missing. Two ballots
are gone. In ballot 5, batch 9-276, 35 votes are gone. Batch 9-278, 13 are missing. In batch 16, 43, there's a mysterious 18 additional votes.
Where did they come from? Where did those ballots come from? And in batch 6, 3, 5, 9,
10 votes are missing. These aren't small discrepancies. In one case, 17% deviation for the pink slip. I'd understand one.
One maybe.
Two maybe.
17% in the case of the 35 missing.
Were they Trump votes?
And did this happen across the board?
Not just Maricopa County, but the rest of the counties in the state. state? Well, it stinks and it simply adds to my suspicion that the 2020 election was rigged
in several states. We can at least say it's questionable, can't we? We can at least say
that when you see a box, seals on boxes and ballot bags being open and broken how can you trust that
when i see election officials refusing to comply with a subpoena or turn over routers
something as simple as that when they refuse and then the sheriff comes in and says, I am not going to allow them to give the routers.
Or I'm not going to enforce the subpoena.
Well, think about this. The same governments, the same officials are requiring personal information for vaccine passports.
They're happy to violate HIPAA. They're happy to violate our rights for making sure we're vaccinated.
When it comes to these routers, they said, no, no, no, no. We have to protect your data.
Oh, yeah, sure.
Hey, I think we should go through some of the Israeli-Palestinian developments.
We've been every day this week.
We've meant to do it, and we've gotten to the end of the program.
But it's extremely serious. And I, you know, before we get into it,
I brought out to the studio, you know, I've told you, I collect old Christian books and I just got
this one in. I got a marker in here. So I just got this in a few days ago. Now that's a serious Bible. That's a Bible, right? It is portable. Yes.
And you can do some serious Bible thumping with this one. You can thump them. Okay.
Many of you remember when Bibles were like this in homes and in churches.
Every church had a Bible like this. Every Christian family had a Bible like this
and they put their family genealogy,
the weddings, baptisms, and burials,
it was all put inside the Bible
and you passed it down generation to generation.
This particular Bible was published in 1905.
Now, the reason I brought it out
is that I want to show a map that's in this Bible. Now,
mind you, the Schofield Bible was not published until 1913. And I have in my office an original
1913 Schofield, which was the introduction of the Zionist Masonic heresies about a future state of Israel and separating the church from Israel and all that rapture stuff.
That's where it came from.
It was a Masonic Zionist heresy that was introduced into the American churches in 1913.
This is a 1905 Bible.
Pre-Scofield, with no Scofield notes in it.
So you open it up, and this is on page 13.
I mean, this thing's big.
I want to show you.
Here is a map of the Holy Land.
And it says, what?
Palestine of the Holy Land. They misspelled Israel.
Palestine. Palestine. And all these Christians
I know to tell me, Rick, there's never been a Palestine.
All right. So here's a still. There it is. Zoom in and show you here.
So, yeah, you hear these people like John Hagee.
There's never been a Palestine.
Well, look at this Bible map from 1905.
And most Bibles from then had a map of Palestine.
And Palestine is in the Bible itself in the Old Testament. So we're showing you this just because
I'm trying to break through the propaganda,
the confusion, the lies that the Zionists have
implanted in millions of minds of Christians in America
and told them there's never been a place called Palestine.
But I have a map, Rick.
Right there it is.
So with that in mind, do you know who lived in Palestine?
I got that one right.
And Palestinians were Jewish, Christian, and Muslim.
They weren't of particular faith.
They were citizens of a particular country.
They were all Palestinians.
Jesus was a Palestinian.
Look at this.
So Israel has never meant a political country.
It's always meant the people of God.
The called out Ecclesia, the people of God.
That's what Israel means.
It's not a political country.
With that in mind, we're going to show you some of the scenes of the violence that's taking place in Palestine this week because here's what's happened. Following the 1917 Jewish Bolshevik revolution
in Russia, where the Jewish Bolsheviks went in and slaughtered the Romanov families in a
satanic ritual, imposed communism on Russia, killed hundreds of thousands, literally millions, millions of
Christians, hundreds of thousands of Christian Orthodox pastors and burned their churches and
just a horrible attack on the Russian church in 1917 and afterwards. Then they began to infiltrate Palestine in the 1920s and the 30s.
In the 1930s, there was a congressman in Texas, Lyndon B. Johnson,
and he was smuggling guns and rockets and grenades from Texas to Palestine,
putting them in the hands of the Jewish communist terrorists that were infiltrating Palestine.
There was no Israel, no state of Israel.
It was Palestine.
And they crow about that.
That's not a conspiracy theory.
That's right from the Lyndon B. Johnson Library.
The crates were called, they were marked Texas grapefruits.
The grenades, they were shipped as Texas grapefruits.
The same grapefruits that blew up the King David Hotel.
So the 1920s, the 30s, and into the 40s,
the European Ashkenazis invaded Palestine, infiltrated.
The Arabs, Christian, Muslim, and Jewish,
all Palestinians, were alarmed by the arrival of the communist Ashkenazis from Europe.
The so-called Jewish settlers were killing.
They killed the Jewish residents of Palestine.
You understand that?
They killed the Jews who lived in Palestine.
They killed Christians.
They killed Muslims.
They finally got enough critical mass that they had enough numbers that they took over Palestine
and declared their independence in 1948.
And Harry S. Truman, a 33rd degree Freemason, quickly recognized this new country as a real country.
And that's how we got to 1948 and the state of Israel
there's never been peace in the Middle East since that day that day is marked
by all Palestinians as a day of disaster napka napka a day of disaster the
disaster continues to this day.
The Ashkenazi invaders continue to take the land, the homes of the Palestinians
who have resisted, refused to leave their houses,
refused to leave their farms. It's not about
Palestinians trying to
chase out Jews. It's Jews who are trying to chase out Palestinians.
And to this day, since 1948, they're still fighting them, trying to make them leave.
Right. And these Palestinians have been stubborn and they've said, no, this is our land.
We're staying here. That's why there's so much violence there.
If America was invaded by Chinese in the next 70, 80 years, the survivors, the American survivors
just resisted and the Chinese kept fighting and fighting and fighting. Do you understand
how those Americans would be labeled as terrorists?
Of course.
They're just patriots, resistors.
So with that in mind, now let's take a look at what's going on in Palestine this week.
We'll go through a couple of them very fast.
Let's go to number 38.
So this is Times of Israel.
Jewish-Arab violence rolls through cities like wildfire.
This was last night.
Police overwhelmed.
And then we'll go to number 39.
This shows Jewish Zionists going door to door to beat up Palestinians. موسيقى יואו! יואו! היי, יקד!
זהו, זהו.
זה נעולות הצרה, הוא מת. הבן אדם מת, אין בן אדם. הוא מת. הוא מת.
אני לא יכול להגיד, אני לא מבין לך.
מה כלי? מה כלי? אתה אדם מת כאן?
שניים, אין כוס פראי, לא נשגן.
מיני אנשים מתו עכשיו, מלא נתרסו. זה שלושה אנשים נתרסו. Now, that last clip there, Rick, was actually broadcast live on ComTV there in Israel, KANN in Israel.
We have a clip of that.
And you can hear the announcers, of course, are speaking.
And what you're seeing is we have to talk because it's in Hebrew.
So what you're seeing is you're seeing an arab man right being pulled out of his
vehicle and being lynched by a zionist mob yes they were saying either pulled off a motorcycle
pulled out of his vehicle but we saw an overhead that showed him uh pulled out of a car they were
reporting a motorcycle so there it was the car that was going back and forth trying to escape the mob, the driver was a Palestinian.
The mob were Jews.
See, most Christian Zionists in America, if they saw that video, they would think, oh, those are Palestinians attacking the Jews.
Those are Jews attacking the Palestinians.
Yes. Palestinians. This stuff goes on all the time in Palestine, but the American Christian Zionists
don't see it because, well, most of the church leaders in this country belong to the Zionist
camp. So those mobs that you're seeing in the streets, those are not Palestinians. They're Jews
on the rampage in Palestinian neighborhoods. They're burning Palestinian homes.
They're beating up Palestinian pedestrians and drivers.
This next one is the man that you saw, that they dragged, you saw him for a moment there on the street.
This next video is even more graphic.
This is what was televised live last night in Israel. רכב ככל הנראה, אפשר לראות כאן לינץ' בשידור חיידורי. אנחנו רואים כאן לינץ', אנחנו רואים כאן, אנחנו רואים כאן לינץ' בשידור חיידורי.
יש מישהו בתוך הרכב? יש מישהו בתוך הרכב הזה?
יש, ככל הנראה, מישהו, רגע, אנחנו מנסים לראות, מנסים לראות אם יש או שהוא נחלץ וברח.
אבל אפשר לראות איך העמון פה פשוט מכה בזה אחר זה את הרכב, מנפץ את השמשות. Now I know if you caught that at the end, and we had to slow it down so you could see it but right there at the
very end see what the one individual did slapped the uh person already that had been beaten up on
the ground slapped him across the head with what rick the star of david right israel isn't the
day the king has nothing to do with king david it's it's a satanic Kabbalah symbol. Right.
That's a Jewish mob beating up a Palestinian driver.
This is what goes on in that place called Israel all the time. But the news media doesn't show you these things here.
And the preachers don't talk about it.
But they call me a bigot.
They call me anti-Semitic.
Now, what you just saw were Jewish extremists, violent Jewish extremists attempting to kill
a Palestinian. And you wouldn't put up with it in your neighborhood. If this is happening where
you live, someone's trying to take your home, someone's trying to kill you while you're out
and about with your car on the side of the highway, you wouldn't put up with it.
Yet you're going to criticize the Palestinians for fighting back.
In the city of Lod, which is a suburb, it's an Arab, Arab Palestinian, Arab neighborhood.
There were clashes between the Palestinians and the Israelis and the mayor said, you know, we're at civil war.
Yeah, we've lost control.
This is number 42.
We'll show you some of the stuff that was happening in Lod.
All right, so this is the city of Lod here, Rick.
And like you said, this is a majority Arab population that's in this city, a majority Palestinian population.
The clash that's going on are between Israelis that don't live here.
Who are attacking the Arabs who live there.
Yes, that's exactly what you're saying.
To back up the Israelis, the IDF and the special forces have come in.
Here's the video. תודה רבה. Stå på! So as you see there, the military, the police, armed, shooting grenades, pepper bombs, rubber bullets, unarmed Palestinians just protesting.
They're angry.
So did the Palestinians start rioting in their neighborhood? In their own neighborhood.
Did they start burning down their own homes? No. Well, if you'd watch
the mainstream media, you would think that by their narrative.
But do you create violence where you live?
No. The Jews came into the Arab neighborhoods and began attacking the
Palestinians. Why? They want their Arab neighborhoods and began attacking the Palestinians.
They want their homes.
It's just that simple.
They want their home.
The Palestinians won't leave.
The Jews keep saying, get out.
We're taking your land.
And the Palestinians say, we're staying.
That's why there's violence.
Those Palestinians, they're just stubborn
about wanting to stay where they've always lived.
And staying in the home that belongs to them.
But the Jews want their land.
And they'll use any means necessary, including, I'd say, biological warfare.
Rick, do you know that they're using a weapon called the skunk, skunk water?
First of all, what does that sound like to you?
It sounds like something weird, something silly.
The Israelis right now are using basically a chemical version of sewage.
And they're spraying it in the Arab neighborhoods, on the buildings, on people.
I bet it is sewage. I don't, I bet it is sewage.
They claim the skunk weapon smells literally like donkey crap.
Okay, this is from the Palestinians who are being sprayed by the Israelis in any other country.
This would be a war crime.
I'm with Doc.
They're spraying sewage.
They're literally spraying crap on the Palestinians.
Well, because they've crapped on them for 70 some years.
Old Ben-Gurion said, talking about the Palestinians,
Ben-Gurion said, we saw them as donkeys.
Yeah, animals.
Second class citizens.
Third, fourth class.
Because these people, the Jews are racist.
They are the most racist people on the planet.
They have a racial superiority complex.
They believe that they are a superior race of humans.
And all other humans, goyim, are subhuman.
That's why Ben-Gurion said we saw the Palestinians as donkeys.
Well, they see Americans as donkeys, too.
Or the pack mules that fuel this.
What else?
Let's take a look at a couple.
So there's been a lot of rockets.
Yeah, yeah.
It's been getting the headlines. Let's go to 46 and look at that one.
So both sides have been firing rockets.
The Palestinians, rather than even Hamas and Hezbollah,
have been firing what are considered to be rudimentary unguided rockets.
Well, the Israelis have been using guided bombs, guided missiles.
Even this hour, according to the IDF themselves, tanks and troops,
because they're now invading the Gaza Strip, the southern portion of Israel.
Who's firing what here in this video?
Well, what you were just seeing, there were smart bombs.
You were seeing missiles supplied by the United States and some by France being fired into
the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
In return, the Arabs, the Palestinians, and Hezbollah and Hamas have been firing guided
rockets, unguided in this sense.
They're rockets supplied likely by the Iranians.
These have caused some damage, have killed some Israeli citizens.
But the death toll has the majority of it's been on the Palestinian side.
Because when the Israelis fire back with these guided munitions used for war, they're hitting civilian targets.
They're hitting civilian targets. They're hitting apartment buildings. One apartment building,
Rick, a 12-story apartment building, they claimed
this was done. These are the missiles that are being fired across.
These are missiles being
fired by Hamas towards Tel Aviv.
And then what you're seeing there are the anti-
The Iron Dome system.
The Iron Dome system shooting them down.
When the Israelis shot back, and we'll play 57, please,
they fired them at apartment buildings.
The apartment buildings, the biggest issue here being-
Now watch this, folks.
It's where people live.
This is a 13-story apartment building.
Rick, they claimed one apartment was used by Hamas as a headquarters.
They were broadcasting out of it.
So guess what?
Everybody's got to go.
They gave them two minutes.
Some people lived there all their life.
Two minutes and then gone.
Your home is blown up.
Gee, it looks like the World Trade Center.
Yeah, except it fell straight down.
This one fell sideways because it had been struck by a missile there at the base. That's a war crime.
What Netanyahu just did to that apartment complex is a war crime. And that's not the only one, Rick.
There have been reports of up to six multi-story apartment buildings that have been destroyed as a result of direct missile strikes by Israeli forces.
Now, they're claiming that they've killed Hamas commanders in these attacks.
That's how they justify it.
They're killing Hamas commanders.
There's Times of Israel, number 56 for control.
They claim they've killed a couple of the commanders at apartments in these high-rises.
But, Rick, I'll tell you who they have killed.
Operational apartments, Rick.
That's what they're called.
Operational apartments, Rick. That's what they're called. Operational apartments. Well, the operational apartments have killed these
individuals. These don't look like Hamas commanders. Number 59 for control.
Does this look like a Hamas commander to you? That's Yasan al-Mazari, a five-year-old.
This is Ibrahim al-Mazari. There's a six-year-old young boy. That's an five-year-old. This is Ibrahim Al-Mazari.
There's a six-year-old young boy.
That's an 11-year-old right there.
Are these Hamas commanders to you?
That doesn't look like a Hamas commander. It looks like a small child.
All these kids have been killed this past week.
You don't see their pictures on the news.
Well, I want John Hagee and Jensen Franklin and Stephen Strang
and Michael Brown and Jim Baker and Tom Horn and the whole gang that defends the Zionists.
The whole Kabbalah club. The whole Kabbalah club and evangelical churchianity in America.
I want you to come out and publicly say that these children deserve to die because they're Palestinians.
Take ownership of it, you guys.
Come on, just take ownership of it. As it stands right now, there have
been at least, because they won't know for weeks the total
death, but at least 90 Palestinians
have been killed over the past several days, including at least 17 children.
You know what the Christians are?
Or as they like to call them, Hamas commanders.
You know what the Christian Zionists will say?
Israel had to kill them because Hamas was hiding behind children.
Use them as human shields.
So that 13-story residential building was Hamas hiding behind children living in that building.
Will you say it when it's your home?
And also the five other apartment buildings that they've taken down?
Will they say it when it's their home, Rick?
It's a war crime.
Lock up Netanyahu.
We have more images, and these are shocking images.
This is number 60 for control.
These are more scenes of death and destruction among the Palestinians after the rocket attack. So what you're seeing here is just the ongoing destruction that's taking place.
Imagine being a resident in the area and watching this destruction take place all around you.
People having to hide, just trying to live.
Because Israel's bombing residential neighborhoods.
And the world says nothing about it.
Have there been any allegations that Israel is using white phosphorus?
I have not seen white phosphorus past initial reports in the day of the...
But on the first day, there were reports.
But what we do know right now is the military is using everything,
including the Macava tanks, to move into the Gaza Strip.
I don't doubt for a second that they don't have white phosphorus, the skunk and other munitions, anything to suppress the people
of Palestine.
Well, earlier today there were reports that Netanyahu is going to send the Israeli military
into a ground invasion of Gaza. And our latest report just minutes ago is that that has begun.
That there are
land forces and there's a crack control
IDF. So you know
it's got to be true. The IDF says
air and ground forces currently
attacking Gaza. And all that
means is that now... A lot of people are going to die.
Yes. That's exactly what that means.
Because the Jewish military shows
no mercy to anybody.
They have no mercy whatsoever.
They do not see Palestinians as human beings.
They see them as animals that are in their way of taking the property and putting Jews on that land.
Look, folks, that's the way they think. If you if you would read
Jewish newspapers as much as I do, you would understand that's precisely how they think. Yes.
Somebody in world leadership should. What I would like is for responsible Jewish leaders outside of the state of Israel to say that the Zionist idea of a Zionist state has been a colossal disaster.
A failure.
Most of the problems that the Jewish people have today in the world is attributable to the Zionist state
in Palestine.
Because the rest of us look at this stuff and we go,
we're told the rest of us look at this stuff and we go, we're told the state of Israel is representative of the Jewish people. It is the pinnacle of all Jewish thought, reason, philosophy, compassion, everything.
Everything is embodied in the state of Israel.
If that is Judaism, if that is Jewishness, then I must oppose it.
I have to oppose it.
Responsible Jews should come together and say, it was a disaster.
It was a bad idea.
It should never have happened.
Let's dismantle the state of Israel and just rewind time
and try to heal Palestine.
I don't expect that to happen,
but it would be a welcomed step of responsibility
if Jewish leaders would simply admit that the state of Israel is a colossal mistake.
It's a monumental mistake.
And the sooner they admit it, the faster we can go on to healing the land.
Create a new state.
Create a new state where everybody there is equal.
What a radical thought, Rick.
And what do you have to lose?
Right now you can't have a successful election.
Why can't you have a,
why can't there be a Palestinian
slash, you know, Israel state where Palestinians and the Jews who want to live there live side by side and each of them are equal.
They each have one vote.
They each can run for office.
They all have rights.
What's preventing that, Doc?
The fact that they don't want to let that happen.
Zionism. Zionism will not let that happen.
Zionism says the Palestinians have to leave or be killed.
Right, because they have no rights. They have no rights.
So, the Jews have created a
horrible The Jews have created a horrible mess in Palestine.
I know we're limited on time here, but the question I have for those that are just blindly supportive of Israel,
what is the solution here for you?
What is the solution?
You say, pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
We should pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We should pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
I believe that.
I want peace.
But for the Zionist, for the true hearted Zionist,
the only way they have peace for Jerusalem is the elimination of everyone else,
of everyone else, including Christians.
That's how they interpret peace.
For them, peace means the elimination of the enemy.
That's what they mean by peace.
And if you're not a Zionist, you're an enemy.
They don't mean the prince of peace,
and we all sit on the banks of the Jordan singing the songs of Moses.
For them, it means the elimination of your enemy.
To them, the Palestinians are the enemy.
They must be eliminated because if they continue to exist,
they deny the right of Israel to possess the land.
So I ask you, Christian Zionists, so-called, which I don't think you can be,
but if you identify as that, what is the solution? If the solution for you is peace in Israel, how do you achieve it?
Just what do you do with all those Palestinians?
Zionism is not going to give up.
Zionism will not give up until it is either victorious in its completion or it itself is eliminated.
That doesn't mean eliminating Jews. That doesn't mean eliminating Jews.
That doesn't mean eliminating Judaism.
But the political philosophy of Zionism, which is as dangerous as communism,
is what is causing the problem.
Would Michael Brown and Stephen Strang at Charisma and John Hagee and Jensen Franklin
and on and on and on. Would they openly admit that the only solution is to kill all the Palestinians?
What is the solution?
Because the Israeli Zionists are not going to stop until they have either killed or driven
out every Palestinian.
Yeah, they want the Palestinian in pieces.
So does Hagee support it?
I would tell you he does.
I think if he sat here and he actually was honest, he'd say, yes, I do support it.
Well, then come out and say it.
Yes, John.
Let the blood be on your hands.
Yeah, let the blood be on your hands.
And that being said, I want to see the gospel preached to every single Jew.
I want to see the gospel preached to every single Palestinian.
I want to see the gospel preached to every Arab, every Muslim.
I want to see that gospel preached.
But Satan has deceived people in so-called Israel and Palestine with Zionism.
They've deceived. Satan has deceived this. in so-called Israel and Palestine with Zionism.
They've deceived.
Satan has deceived this.
And Zionism is equal in my mind to communism.
It's satanic in its source.
The purpose was to deceive.
It was created in deception.
It's implemented in deception.
And it's enforced by violence.
That's what Zionism is.
Zionism keeps the gospel of Jesus Christ from being preached in the Holy Land. And we Christians in America are being subdued and marginalized
with the same tactics the Zionists used on the Palestinians.
You're going to have to wake up and realize who's doing it to you here.
The same tactics.
It's the knee on the neck.
And I wish the blacks of this country would wake up and realize that those police officers in Minnesota were trained in Israel.
Sent there by the ADL.. Sent there by the ADL.
Paid for by the ADL.
In fact, the police officer who was found guilty, I forget his name.
Derek Chauvin.
He was the training officer.
He trained other officers.
Where did he get his certification and training?
He did what he was trained to do.
Did he go to Israel?
Or did Israel come to him?
Did the IDF come to him and train him how to treat people like Palestinians?
Well, the Israeli training sure came to George Floyd, and it led to his death.
Maybe these generals that wrote this letter, they'll wake up and realize what's going on, too.
All right.
What a day. I can't think of anything else to say that will offend anybody. Rick, before we go, right now as you speak,
there are bombs falling in Gaza. There are probably at the end of the night will be hundreds of dead.
Do you mind leading us in prayer? Yes. There are many Christians that live there.
Yeah. People forget that. There's so many believers in Palestine.
And let me tell you that the Muslims that we met, kind, generous, hospitable people.
They don't want to cut our head off. They want to give us coffee. if if Palestine ever gets
its freedom and independence
I hope
have a
home in Bethlehem
beautiful city
I'd like to have a second home in Bethlehem
I loved it
I loved the way I was treated
the people are just wonderful,
but they can't live in peace because of the Israelis who have guns in their faces,
have barbed wire around them. I still get worked up over a meeting that we had, Rick,
and it still makes me angry. The city of Bethlehem has been trying to build a sewage plant for 30 years.
For 30 years, they've been trying to build a sewage plant to process sewage.
And Israel won't let them.
For 30 years, they've been trying to do that.
Make their life miserable.
Just to make it miserable.
But they'll spray sewage on them.
But they'll spray sewage on them.
All right, let's pray. Gracious Holy Father,
Father, we come to you
in the wonderful name
of your son, Jesus Christ,
who was born in Palestine,
who spoke Aramaic.
Father, we pray in his name.
And we ask you, Father, to bring peace to Palestine tonight.
We pray, Father, that the fighting between the Jews and the Palestinians will stop.
We pray for a protection over the innocent people on both sides who do not want violence,
who do not want war.
We pray that you protect them.
And Father,
tonight, Father,
cause world leaders to be outraged
and to apply pressure
on all parties involved
to stop the killing.
Father, we pray for the liberation of Palestine.
I pray for the peace of Palestine.
I pray that the Palestinian people
would be blessed by you,
that they would gain their freedom
and their independence
and that the old in Palestine would live to see their children free.
This I pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Amen. Hallelujah. Pray for Palestine.
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