TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Retired Special OPS Commander Says Obama Responsible for Taliban Takeover

Episode Date: August 19, 2021

Today on TruNews, the team responds to the bomb threat in Washington, DC, commenting on the connections between that event and the current crisis in Afghanistan. Edward Szall and Rick Wiles look at th...e failed reaction of President Biden, Secretary of Defense Austin, and General Milley in anticipating the rapid collapse of military and government in Afghanistan. Doc Burkhart and Edward Szall discuss how biometric data and no-fly lists are being used as tools to oppress those that love freedom. Lauren Witzke welcomes Michelle Malkin to the Godcast to talk about the influx of immigrants into the country. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Raymond Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (8/19/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit Welcome to True News. I'm Edward Zoll. Throughout the afternoon, there has been a threat on the Capitol. It has now been resolved. If you haven't been watching updates, a man by the name of Lloyd Ray Roseberry has surrendered to police after threatening to blow up a car bomb in front of the Library of Congress. We'll have more on this story in the program, but he has surrendered to the police. Everyone who was praying for that resolution, it has come peacefully.
Starting point is 00:00:54 In addition to this, we'll be discussing a statement from the former commander of Special Forces who knows exactly who is responsible for the mess in Afghanistan, more than just a mess. It turns out that the Taliban may have everything from stealth Blackhawks to F-35 jets. Trust me, unbelievable. In the second half of the show, Michelle Malcolm will be joining us. But first, here is Kerry Kinsey, today's True News Headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The Guardian says the CIA warned both the Trump and Biden administrations
Starting point is 00:01:32 that the Afghan army's resistance to the Taliban could collapse within days after an overhasty withdrawal. That according to a former CIA counterterrorism chief for South and Southwest Asia, Douglas London said the CIA anticipated it as a possible scenario. Here's what Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, that was widely estimated and ranged from weeks to months and even years following our departure. There was nothing that I or anyone else saw that indicated a collapse of this army and this government in 11 days. For information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's Axios says House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell
Starting point is 00:02:37 are demanding a classified briefing from the Biden administration on the government's plan to ensure safe passage for U.S. citizens out of the country. They want to know how many Americans remain in Afghanistan and how the government plans to evacuate anyone outside of Kabul who cannot reach the airport. In an interview with ABC, President Biden said no one's been killed in Afghanistan. That's despite reports of at least seven deaths amid the chaos at Kabul's airport. Biden also told George Stephanopoulos that intelligence did not indicate the Afghan government
Starting point is 00:03:14 would quickly collapse despite reports exactly to the contrary, according to intelligence. And then there was this exchange. If I had said I had a simple choice, if I had said we're going to stay, then we better be prepared to put a whole hell of a lot more troops. But your top military advisors warned against withdrawing on this timeline. They wanted you to keep about twenty five hundred troops. No, they didn't. It was split. That wasn't true. That wasn't true. They didn't tell you that they wanted troops to stay? No, not in terms of whether we were going to get out in a time frame all troops.
Starting point is 00:03:56 They didn't argue against that. So no one told your military advisors to not tell you, no, we should just keep 2,500 troops. It's been a stable situation for the last several years. We can do that. We can continue to do that. No, no one said that to me that I can recall. Now, George was probably talking about a Wall Street Journal report that General Mark Milley and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned against a full withdrawal. Washington Examiner says former Brigadier General Don Bolduck says Barack Obama, is the reason Afghanistan is a mess. He says Obama allowed the Taliban to gain control of large areas before American troops withdrew this week. The general did, he did 10 tours of duty in Afghanistan after 9-11 and earned five bronze stars and two Purple Hearts before retiring in 2017. He's from New Hampshire and is running for the U.S. Senate in 2022. That's a look at True News headlines.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Thank you for watching. Welcome back to True News. Rick, this afternoon has been very eventful. There's been a surrendering of the man who had the car bomb in front of the Library of Congress, the House of Representatives, the Senate. Many of the buildings downtown were evacuated. But the reports right now from WTOP News in Washington, D.C. is that at least this iteration has ended peacefully. That's good. That's good. We're glad we asked people today to pray. It was a very tense situation for a few hours.
Starting point is 00:05:27 I think it actually started in the morning. Yes, 9 o'clock. 9.15 this morning. But thank God it ended peacefully and no destruction done and no loss of life. But it's a sign of the times that we're in. People are desperate. People want to be heard. They feel like their voices aren't heard. On the left and the right, I understand it.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Both sides, people are desperate and they're frustrated. And I think we'll see more of this kind of acting out in the months and years ahead. One thing that we did encourage our audience to do this afternoon was to pray about the situation. And we really emphasize, you know, you're going to see all the different outlets talking about it and having their opinions about it. But there's not going to be that many outlets that say, let's pray about it. Let's pray that the Lord works in the midst of this. And I'll have to be honest with you.
Starting point is 00:06:23 When I saw the surrender of Mr. I guess Ray Roseberry this afternoon I was so glad because it could have been much much worse and I understand like he was an Afghanistan war vet that's what we're hearing he did make allusions to being a veteran he had some concerns about what was going on currently in Afghanistan right now. I haven't been able to see anything that said directly that he was an Afghanistan vet,
Starting point is 00:06:52 but he also said that he was taught how to make explosive devices, things like that, while he was in the military. I'm sure there's going to be a lot of dissection of Mr. Roseberry's past
Starting point is 00:07:04 here over the next few hours, and we'll learn a lot more. But I like what you said, though, Rick. There's frustration on the left and the right out there. There's a lot of unease in people's hearts, and it's almost like dry kindling in the forest, one little spark. When somebody wants to communicate what they're feeling and the person that they're trying to communicate to does not listen or, even worse, tries to stop them, what happens? I'm talking about in a relationship between humans, between people. Let's say a husband and wife.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Wife is trying to communicate. She's trying to express something. The husband doesn't listen, tries to stop her from talking what happens the frustration builds up and then gets to a boiling point at some point and then spills over one of the spouses explodes right because that has to come out this is what's happening in in the country both left and right they want to be heard and the establishment doesn't want anybody to be heard. And people feel frustrated. And each side thinks the other side is trying to stifle them and prevent them from talking. And I just, I hope we can get back as a country that we have civil discourse where we can talk out our differences. And, you know, the way I said this before, the way it was when I was young,
Starting point is 00:08:32 Republicans and Democrats, we were all friends and neighbors. Right. You could go to the chamber meeting or the Kiwanis Club or something like that, sit next to each other and actually talk to one another. You could be in a political event and both sides present their case. You had shared values. But after it was over, you all went and played baseball or something,
Starting point is 00:08:59 went bowling, you did something together. I mean, you were neighbors, you were friends. We've lost this. And social media and the news media and the political parties have weaponized all debate, all views. Everybody's at each other's throats. And this is not good for society. Doesn't matter who comes out on top, because all of us will come out on the bottom. Isn't it ironic that with the rise of social media that you see the division of extremism on both sides of the spectrum, both left and right,
Starting point is 00:09:31 that there isn't, people aren't communicating to one another, they're communicating in their own little segments and their own little cliques. And so they don't have the opportunity to actually communicate with someone who has a different view than their. That's right.
Starting point is 00:09:45 It becomes an echo chamber of their own ideas. And there's something to be said to listening to people, even people you don't agree with, because sometimes they say things that are true. That's true. And the other thing, Doc, we've talked about, Edward, is like when True News started in 1999, there were very few independent alternative news organizations, very few.
Starting point is 00:10:14 And most of them that were around then are not here now. Right, only a handful. But where we're at now is anybody with a phone can can have a video news program. And so now you have thousands and thousands of instant experts who have an opinion about everything. the marketplace is so crowded, this is forcing people to become more extreme, to break through the fog and the barriers, and they have to be more outrageous. I mean, you look at, you know, some of the young social influencers on YouTube. I mean, the more wild, crazy, extreme that they can dress, appear, the bigger the following that they get. And so the emphasis is no longer on intellect, on reason, on the presentation of ideas, debate. It's on how crazy, how extreme, just how far out can you look and sound to attract an audience?
Starting point is 00:11:25 And that's a sad state of affairs for us right now. Hey, I was standing off to the side when Kerry was giving his headlines, and I just caught a little bit of General Milley explaining that he didn't know. He never imagined Afghanistan was going to collapse in what, 11 days? Right. Yes. He was saying, well, we kind of figured it would collapse, but it would take maybe months or possibly even years.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Because he was so busy trying to set up transvestite entertainment centers on military bases. Or implementing critical race theory. He just didn't have time to think about, you know, possibility that the country of Afghanistan would collapse. Again, Milley should resign. It's an absolute failure. The man should resign. This is the worst thing that has happened to the U.S. military since the fall of Saigon. Well, two things from that Milley cut, Rick and Edward, that I caught was, first of all, they anticipated a total collapse.
Starting point is 00:12:33 He just said later. Yeah, we knew it would happen. We just didn't think it was going to be 11 days. But what General Milley said is in contradiction of what Joe Biden said earlier this week as well. Joe Biden had said earlier this week, we anticipated all contingencies. We, you know, we weren't caught off guard by this. And yet here is Secretary Austin and General Milley standing up there saying, yeah, we were even surprised by this. So who's zooming who here?
Starting point is 00:13:08 Maybe they're both telling the truth maybe maybe there was a meeting after the meeting after the military briefed Joe Biden maybe they had another meeting I'm talking about Biden and in that meeting they said that's probably going to collapse really fast. It's very possible because Joe Biden says he's, you know, he's not really concerned about it. He's not concerned about the 40,000 Americans that are stranded. And he's making no effort whatsoever to evacuate them. Right. And did you see the cut of the Pentagon press secretary coming out? And he was asked how many Americans remain in Afghanistan. And he was caught flat footed. He didn't know how many. There's another guy should resign. He's an embarrassment. He should resign.
Starting point is 00:13:59 I think the entire cabinet is trying to ensure they're not the one that takes the blame. Clearly, they've at least acknowledged that this is not just a crisis, but a major scandal. A scandal that could at least set back American interests for the next decade. What are the Republicans saying about it? Well, the Republicans are demanding a classified briefing. To date, the only thing they've gotten... What? There hasn't been one yet? There hasn't. There's been an unclassified briefing that was done just before the end of the weekend.
Starting point is 00:14:27 And there was this briefing laid over the same facts you would find on True News. I mean, it's something very ridiculous. It was done by General Austin to Congress. But Senator McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader and the Minority House Speaker, leader rather for the Republicans, Kevin McCarthy. He has said they've both signed a letter demanding a classified briefing from the military, from the Pentagon. They also want answers from the Biden White House. It's a score of things going from not just the stranded people, but when did you know? How did you think this was going to play out? Just tell us how you actually had planned for this. Was there a plan? Show us the plan. What about the weapons? What
Starting point is 00:15:08 about the equipment? Airplanes? Helicopters? So you're telling me that at least the Republicans and the Congress, they have not been given a classified briefing on what transpired in Afghanistan? Were the Democrats given a briefing? I don't think anybody was giving a briefing. Even though the president has come out and made his statement, Secretary Austin and General Milley gave their statement. But remember, the Constitution says it's Congress that makes war, not the president, not even the Department of Defense.
Starting point is 00:15:40 It's Congress. But they never declared war in Afghanistan. They never declared war. And so is it a war? Did we ever really declare war? Maybe we did at some point, and they put a little footnote in the New York Times. My concern is for the American citizens that are trapped there. It's just to me it's unheard of that the U.S. government would abandon American citizens. Our policy as a country has always been you do whatever you have to do.
Starting point is 00:16:12 No man left behind, right? No man left behind. You never allow an American citizen to be stranded somewhere. That's one of the main purposes of government is to protect the people. But clearly over the last 20 years, we've strayed from that. We look at Benghazi, for example. That wasn't the case in that situation. We were not rushing to get our troops, or in this case, CIS, that's out of Libya.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Instead, we were looking to cover up the situation. But today, the facts on the ground are that the Pentagon, first of all, is saying that we don't know the exact number. But they're also saying that we're not able to actually evacuate past those that are inside Kabul airport. The Pentagon is saying we're not going to be able to go. If you're maybe even a couple of miles from the Kabul airport, you better just find a way to get to the airport. This is the only evac site. That's their plan? That's their plan. 40,000 Americans are spread throughout the country, but even up by Bagram.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Another major air base that we gave up, where a lot of the helicopters, for example, have been seen, have been handed over to the Taliban. Even there, America is saying, we will not be able to intervene. We'll not be able to send equipment to help you. The French and the British are. There's been pictures of both the British Special Forces and the French Special Forces on the ground at Bagram. But again, our Pentagon is silent and paralyzed. You know, one of the big arguments that we have for a global military machine is to protect American interests, right? Okay. What is more of an American interest than American interests, right? Mm-hmm. Okay. What is more of an American interest than American citizens, Rick?
Starting point is 00:17:48 There's nothing higher than American citizens. You would think. That's the purpose of a government, to protect citizens. But I'll tell you what the U.S. did protect. That's Afghanistan's gold. Mm. Because we seized it.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Stored in the U.S. For safekeeping. Yes. I want to say like $1.5 billion worth of gold. They're holding on to it. So Afghanistan will never see that gold. The Democrats, specifically the leader of the House, Speaker Pelosi, has come out and tried to give an explanation about the weapons, the people being left behind.
Starting point is 00:18:27 What she said is actually that this is just what happens when you withdraw. According to Nancy Pelosi, this is how you end wars. This isn't pretty, isn't beautiful. Sometimes you leave things behind. Sometimes you leave people behind. Nancy Pelosi's position, much like her position during the lockdowns,
Starting point is 00:18:44 was we're just going to gaslight the American public. We're going to tell you about mass mandates, but I'm going to go to the hair salon. This is much more serious. She, again, is an elected official who, again, short responsibilities are she has to uphold the Constitution and she has to carry out her duties as a congresswoman in California. This is a pure dereliction of duty. And she's not calling out Joe Biden for this. Her excuse is that this is just what happens. All right. So we were there for 20 years. We did not have the opportunity over 20 years to evaluate what all this equipment was, be able to, I mean, we've been talking about drawing down for four years now, haven't we? We've been slowly drawing down troops. So we haven't been
Starting point is 00:19:31 drawing down equipment. We haven't been doing all that. Or did we just, the way it looks now is we said, we're all leaving, we're leaving everything behind. That's what it looks like, right? I mean, we're seeing stacks of weapons. We're seeing tanks. We're seeing helicopters, like Edward mentioned. Jets. We gave the Taliban a modern military. And we equipped them. And it's not by accident.
Starting point is 00:20:02 I'm starting to wonder that. It's not by accident. I'm starting to wonder that. It's not by accident. Barack Obama just equipped the Taliban. He did it. Barack Obama? Yes, the president of the United States, Barack Obama. What is the Pentagon press secretary saying about how they're going to get the Americans out?
Starting point is 00:20:23 Get to Kabul airport. Yes. He's saying there isn't a plan right now. The troops that are on the ground, it's about 5,700 now, they're being purely used to cordon the Kabul airport and keep the flights running. The press secretary, again, doesn't know the number and is not going to say whether they're going to work with the French or British.
Starting point is 00:20:45 You actually have troops on the ground. But the message is clear. Get to the Kabul airport. That's it. So if you're an American citizen and you're outside the Kabul airport, you got to be rethinking your life right now, right? Because the American military, it's not coming for you. That's the message they were just sent. Yes. And when did the biden administration notify the american citizens up to 40 000 hey in a couple weeks we're leaving you might want to get out of here now did they notify american citizens it appears the if they did honestly they if they didn't that is gross negligence at such a high level.
Starting point is 00:21:26 And that's a great question. Did they notify 40,000 Americans, the military is going to leave within so many weeks, you have to flee now. Did they do it? The people who are trapped are saying no. They're saying that the first official message, statement they got was when Joe Biden held a press conference about the fall, after the fall had already taken place. Think about this. That's the first of the Americans heard of? The first official statement. Other than that, they're getting their news from social media and places like True News that the fall's happened and you have to find your way to a military base while you still can. That right there is enough to justify the immediate resignation of Biden,
Starting point is 00:22:11 Kamala Harris, Milley, and Austin. Honestly, that right there. They abandoned 40,000 Americans and did not even give them the opportunity to flee. Maybe Blinken too, Rick, because it wasn't just that there was a lack of official notice to those trapped. It was also that there were steps taken by the Biden State Department. Antony Blinken, one of the first things they did when they came in was dismantle a system and a program which were put in place specifically to protect American citizens trapped abroad.
Starting point is 00:22:45 This is inside the State Department. It was a process both for logistics, allocation of aircraft, troops, any of these measures. This process, this system, was actually dismantled. This is according to Fox News, a memo that has been leaked. It was dismantled in June. And on top of that, too, we haven't even discussed the rare earth minerals. Now, Nigel Farage must be watching True News because he has written an op-ed for Newsweek, and he said that Biden just handed Afghanistan's mineral wealth to China. This is in the trillions.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Now, again, these are all the things that have taken place, but you have to wonder who is responsible. You mentioned Barack Obama. The blame game has begun, and it's a pretty serious blame game. There is a former brigadier general, Don Bolduc. This man is the former commander of U.S. Special Forces in Afghanistan. He's had 10 tours in Afghanistan, five bronze stars. Six years as the spec ops commander. That's a resume. His blame is squarely on Barack Hussein Obama. He says he's the architect. Referring to Obama's eight years in the White House?
Starting point is 00:23:56 Yes, he said. Or referring to last week. Well, I think he is also referring to going to last week. What he's pointing back to, the Taliban didn't just wake up last week with the power to take Kabul. We've laid out some of the reasons why they were able to move forward so quickly, one of them being the quick drawdown, the lack of preparation in the Afghani army. But what he is saying is this isn't by chance. Barack Obama, before leaving office, set up the conditions necessary to be able to have a superpower Taliban. Part of this was, in 2013, Barack Obama moved the U.S. policy to withdraw from the rural areas of Afghanistan. Now, many will say, why didn't President Trump move back in? Well, when President Trump came in, the Taliban was actually very strong already. Barack Obama started this,
Starting point is 00:24:50 and it looks like Joe Biden finished it. So basically you're saying we abandoned the countryside and everything. That's where the Taliban were. They weren't hiding out in the cities, Rick. They were in the countryside. They were hiding in the mountains and all these areas. So when we withdrew from all these rural areas, that also increased opium production too. And so, and let's face it, opium production is money more than anything else. It fuels the opportunity for these terrorist groups to acquire the resources to build up their reserves. So in many ways, we can put the blame right at the foot of President Barack and St. Obama as building all this, building all this, preparing this. So, you know, back in 2001, 2002, they had reduced opium production down to less than 10 percent of what it had been just two years before. By 2015, 2016, it was actually more than before 9-11.
Starting point is 00:25:55 And that was because we had abandoned the countryside. So there's so much that was done by. He's not the former president. He's really the president now, the puppet master of Barack, I mean, of Joe Biden. And that's Barack and St. Obama. One other story that caught my attention today was that the new chief of the CIA visiting Israel told the prime minister of Israel, Mr. Bennett, that the United States government is very worried about Chinese influence in the state of Israel. BILL MOYERS Really? They're worried about it, huh?
Starting point is 00:26:37 JOHN BARRON Yeah, but I mean, for most Americans, they don't even consider that China has a presence in Israel. That doesn't compute because Americans think Israel is America's number one ally. And if you have known about the state of Israel over the past, well, not just 10 or 20 years, there's a long history of Israel cooperating with communist China. Yes. And stealing, I'm talking about the Israelis stealing American military technology and secrets and then transferring those secrets to China. So it's not just something happened once or twice over the years.
Starting point is 00:27:23 It's been over decades. And so finally now, the current CIA chief is wagging his finger at the Israeli prime minister and saying, we're concerned. We're concerned about China's growing influence in Israel. Well, my view is that Israel's just getting ready to pivot and throw their allegiance to China. And, you know, they don't need America anymore. They'll move to China. We remember the story last week.
Starting point is 00:27:56 And it was just last week. It wasn't like it was a month ago where the story came out that China had hacked systems inside Israel. Remember that? Bill Burns was visiting Israel that day. That was back just a week ago. And so to me, that just stunk to high heaven, Rick. And so that was simply them saying, you know, hey, the CIA is still here. We're still operating. We can still blame other governments. So don't make any deals with China. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Hey, another story I caught last night. This was out of a new service in Germany. This is a U.S. officials in Germany reportedly suffering from the Havana syndrome. Oh, that's back now, huh? But in Germany. So for the last couple of years, you know, U.S. diplomats in the U.S. embassy in Cuba were getting these weird headaches. After hearing a buzzing sound. Deafness and all kinds of things. But now U.S. officials in Germany are having the same effects. weapons, psychotronic weapons at American officials inside embassies and various government buildings. But now it's happening, happening in Germany. And then, hey, we're almost,
Starting point is 00:29:35 the last one is the Moscow Times and high level Russian official, Sergei Shagou, saying humanity is hurtling towards destruction. And this is becoming apparent to a growing number of people. The world is it feels like it's out of control. And folks, the reason it feels like it's out of control is it is out of control. It's headed towards a confrontation with Almighty God. I know we've got to take a break. We'll be back in a few minutes. Prazer, Christian music streaming anywhere, anytime, on demand.
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Starting point is 00:30:37 The new interactive Prazer app will be available soon. Pre-register today at Something new and exciting is coming this fall. It's a digital platform for young Christian men. The name is God Tribe. God Tribe is diverse. One tribe, many colors. A safe place online for Christian men to be real men.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Social media features to connect with other men who love Jesus Christ. Digital campfire conversations. Uplifting and inspiring Bible study courses. Register at for more information. God Tribe. Here at the Ministry of Flowing Streams, we do much more than news. You see a lot of us do the news
Starting point is 00:31:20 and a lot of aspect and focus on the news. But another aspect in which I'm actively involved with and which I really like to encourage our viewers and listeners to be involved with is New Zion Assembly. We'd like to invite you to come and join us on a weekly basis for this time of worship, a time of great music, and our weekly focus on the Lord's Supper, the Eucharist, the communion. We'd like for you to be involved. You're going to hear messages that will inspire you, that will uplift you, that will educate you, inform you, and exhort you.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Now, Rick Walls is also involved, and he usually has a weekly message as well. But you're going to hear a sermon from me each and every week at New Zion Assembly. So come and join us Sunday mornings on for New Zion Assembly. Welcome back to True News. Before the break, we were discussing the breakdown in Afghanistan. Who's to blame? Special Forces General believes it is Barack Hussein Obama and the policies
Starting point is 00:32:28 that he put into place. Really, it's the genesis, the building blocks that he set for the Taliban, who now are in control of a modern-day army, trillions of dollars of resources, and reportedly a biometric database.
Starting point is 00:32:44 We'll be talking about that in just a moment. But before the break, Rick mentioned that the head of the Russian military, Sergei Shogun, a respected general from the Soviet era, he is quoted in an interview that was published this week in the Moscow Times. Humanity is hurtling toward destruction with an out-of-control consumerism. Now, it's interesting, Doc, because you read that title. The first half that we would agree, the second half, you think, is he talking about capitalism? Talking about free enterprise?
Starting point is 00:33:18 Are you talking about the insatiable hunger, lust, I guess, of man? Yes. And, you know, actually, he's right on the money there. He's not even a preacher. How about that? Here is a Russian general that recognizes one of the key problems and one of the key issues that we face as a civilization of humanity, and that is our sin. And he calls it consumerism. But really, consumerism is more than just buying and selling things consumerism is the idea of getting as much as you can now whether you need it or not and he made the example that general shogun made the example that when he was a boy growing up in siberia
Starting point is 00:33:59 they didn't have much so they had to hunt for food and but they only hunted enough that they needed they didn't but you know if they only needed a couple rabbits they didn't kill five okay but consumerism is the philosophy of well I don't just need five things I need ten things and you know so that when you get ten things you're gonna have to get somewhere to store them. Right. You're going to have to build a whole system around it. And it's it seems to never stop growing.
Starting point is 00:34:29 That's right. Think of how the one of the biggest industries here in Florida right now that's growing leaps and bounds are storage facilities everywhere. It's one of the biggest growing industries here in the state of Florida. And to me, I in my mind, I'm just going, well, why are so many storage facilities? It's because we hang on to stuff. We can't let go of stuff. We've got to accumulate more and more stuff. So General Shogu did hit the nail on the head with that.
Starting point is 00:34:58 He may not know that he was preaching against greed and avarice and those things, but he is. But it's just an extension. He is right. That is going to be the downfall of society. And in so many ways, what we're seeing transpiring this week with Afghanistan and with threats in the capital and all these things are extensions of wanting more, accumulating more. We're not willing to do what's necessary to get more.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Right. And even that goal of getting more, what's the end of it? Right. I think soldiers will make a decision, especially in this past war. There's a viral meme, Doc. I don't know if you've seen this. It shows a soldier shooting an Afghan and an Iraqi and saying, sorry, I just want to pay for my college. You know, it's the notion of war even across the last two decades has been that it's a means to an end.
Starting point is 00:35:56 You know, you look at the consumption, but even the production of what we produce in the West, media, pornography, weapons. We're only growing. The GDP is only growing. The stock market is only growing. But what has been the impact to the people of the country? I think we've only gotten wickeder. Don't you agree? I would say man's heart has not changed. We have just refined the sin and we've narrowed the focus of it. So another story, this is coming out of the Daily Express, a missile threat. This is a headline there. It says, General warns of weapons capable of striking the U.S. from Russian soil. I thought we had that already in place now.
Starting point is 00:36:38 That's not really news. For those that have been following True News for years, they've known that. But I think what the gist of the article was is that those more advanced weapon systems that the Russians have been developing, the Russians don't waste things. They've learned to live without. And so you tie that General Shogun story in with this story. The American philosophy is, SHOGU STORY IN WITH THIS STORY. THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHY IS LET'S BUILD 10,000 NUCLEAR WEAPONS. WHEREAS THE RUSSIAN PHILOSOPHY IS LET'S JUST BUILD A FEW VERY EFFECTIVE NUCLEAR WEAPONS. YES. HYPERSONIC MISSILES OR THINGS
Starting point is 00:37:20 LIKE THAT FOCUSING IN ON WHAT THEY CAN ACTUALLY PULL OFF AND PULL OFF SUCCESSFULLY. THAT'S WHAT WE NEED TO FEAR. or things like that, focusing in on what they can actually pull off and pull off successfully. That's what we need to fear. Yes, that article was quoting the head of NORTHCOM, Northern Command, Glenn D. Van Hurick, Air Force General. And what was being discussed was that Canada and the United States are going to have to fully refurbish our nuclear arsenal. Now, this is happening at a time when China is not only expanding, but going through the same refurbishment. Same with the Russians, the introduction of hypersonic missile technology, missiles that are very hard to stop with countermeasures. You have to wonder if our Star Wars laser defense system ever got completed.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Maybe that went to DARPA and they did complete that. But there's never been a test to see if you could try to take down an ICBM, let alone a hypersonic missile. The Chinese and Russians seem very confident that they can take down one of our carriers, for example, with this. But what was being discussed by both NORTHCOM and the Canadian contingent that undoubtedly works hand in hand-hand with Northern Command, was that without refurbishment, the United States right now could be hit, devastatingly hit, as in our capitals, major cities, by a launch from Russian soil, also with submarines. This conference that was being held where this statement was made by the NORCOM commander spoke about the use of low-detected submarines.
Starting point is 00:38:49 So this could be a submarine with the Poseidon torpedo. We spoke about it on the program before, the one that produces a 1,000-meter-high tsunami that could go over and cover a good part of the inner coastline of the country, 26 miles inward. That we've talked about here on True News in the past. And, you know, if you just look at all the things that are going on in the country, I mean, again, the Trump administration, you can have a lot of things to say about them, especially when it came to Zionism and certain decisions that were made, certain hires that were made, but they generally were still functioning.
Starting point is 00:39:21 You didn't have to worry that the military was about to fall apart. You didn't have to worry that we were going to lose disastrously in Afghanistan. Doc, even when Joe Biden spoke from Camp David, many people didn't catch this. This is finally coming out now. You remember that photo with him in his polo t-shirt by himself in an empty room at Camp David? Right. Some people were able to zoom in on what was being shown. Oh, yes. And he actually accidentally reeled the faces of CIA operatives overseas. Right. There was a proof in the Doha station. Yes. And saw that blow up. Think about that for a second. Is anyone in the White House right now competent? Or again, is the White House so, not even just poorly run, so controlled by someone outside the White House, let's say someone like Barack Obama, that everyone is just waiting for orders.
Starting point is 00:40:16 And until they do that, they're making clear mistakes. You have to almost wonder if Joe Biden's being set up. Because you have the chance here of so many articles of impeachment. So many things that if President Trump had even done one of these things. That's right. Left one person in Afghanistan, he would be impeached. Yes, absolutely. There's 40,000 reasons to impeach Joe Biden.
Starting point is 00:40:34 And he should be. And he should have been. If President Trump had done the things that Uncle Joe Biden, Grandpa Joe Biden is doing right now, he would have been, they would have already impeached him. Now, in addition to what we've laid out, the treasure, the people, the embarrassment globally, the Taliban has actually also benefited from our penchant for surveillance. Now, this is an interesting article here. Yes. So what has come out through The Verge is the Taliban have seized the biometric data that was gathered by U.S. troops of citizens
Starting point is 00:41:12 in Afghanistan. Now, I remember using a device when I was deployed to Iraq. It was called the HIDES system. The HIDES system. Okay. The irony was that you couldn't hide from it because once you got scanned, you go through a checkpoint. So you couldn't hide from the hides. Couldn't hide from the hides. It stands for Handheld Interagency Identity Detection Equipment, HIDE. Anyone in the military who's been deployed overseas has likely seen this. It came in a big tack box. It looked ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:41:37 And for some of the time, it didn't work very well. But, Doc, we knew even then that what we were doing is we were helping build up a big database. We were helping actually improve the technology by exposing the people of Iraq and Afghanistan to biometric scanning. All right. So this database, this is according to several intercept orders, and it's been covered by The Verge now. That has been captured by the Taliban. When they were able to quickly move into Bagram, into Kabul, they seized the data necessary to put in, potentially here, a social credit system, like what China has in Afghanistan. They have a list, a digital list of everybody in their country, the biometric data.
Starting point is 00:42:20 If they were to, for example, work with China, which we know they have very good relations with, they've got facial relations with, Doc, they got facial recognition cameras throughout Kabul, they would be able to identify who's going to and fro, who's doing what, activity online. And on top of this, they're able to use this system to track down those that worked with the U.S. or NATO partners. So how many people are we talking about in Afghanistan at this point? I mean, just a few thousand, right? No, it's easy in the millions in this database. When I was able to see this database about 2010, 2011, it had 100,000 faces, names. This is across the Middle East, but we knew the majority of them were in Afghanistan. 2010, 2011, think 10 years later.
Starting point is 00:43:03 This database is so comprehensive that it can be used to micromanage the population. It actually could be used for hiring. The Afghan government has not only inherited a modern day army, they've inherited a modern day NSA. Now, just for those that might say, well, you know, the Taliban, they're just barely out. Remember, hear this all the time, right? But it was the same thing they said about Al-Qaeda too. They're just barely out of the Stone Age. You know, they're lucky to have rifles.
Starting point is 00:43:31 You know, they were just using rocks before and everything. But there are already reports that the Taliban has captured biometric data in outlying villages and have actually used that because the argument that some people are making, well, there's no way that the Taliban can hurt us. This can't hurt us because they don't have any idea how to access the data. Well, obviously, somebody's figured it out because they are using the data in some local villages.
Starting point is 00:43:58 And if they get access to a larger database, they're going to be able to control the nation. Well, the confusing thing about this, too, is this issue of ignorance, I think, many outside of Afghanistan. First of all, most Americans, most Brits, most Europeans can't even point out where Afghanistan is on a map. And they think that the Afghan people are illiterate. I mean, maybe the majority of them couldn't read. Maybe they didn't know English before the invasion. But it's 20 years past this now. And the Taliban. The Taliban have crushed two empires now. The British Empire, the Russian Empire, and now America.
Starting point is 00:44:35 They're nothing to be chalked at, nothing to underestimate. They're flying Blackhawks. There's reports that they are operating the aircraft on the landing way. And again, I read today there's a chance we might have left some jets, F-22s, F-35s. But the main point here is it's not what they even have the capability to operate today. It's what they're able to buy from China to operate the equipment they have. Or Russia. Or they can invite China in and help them to access the data.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Now, the reason why we bring this story out isn't just to say, well, the Taliban can work computers. No, what we're trying to get across to you is the American government, all the NATO allied governments have been rolling out these identification systems for years. They've been collecting data on local populations. They did it in Iraq. They did it in Afghanistan.
Starting point is 00:45:25 They've been doing it in other countries as well. We learned really well from Israel. Israel taught us how to do this, and we're implementing just Israel's policies in our own lab experiments. So they know the identity of every single Palestinian out there, every Israeli citizen. And so all that's in place. So this accumulation of data,
Starting point is 00:45:47 the argument is they're doing it to help promote liberty, help promote the welfare of people, to have a better society. But this situation in Afghanistan is a perfect example of what could possibly happen if this information falls into the wrong hands. So let's say a well-meaning government that meant only good things, that wanted lollipops and gun drops every day for everybody. They wanted good things for the people. And they had this kind of national ID system and a national database.
Starting point is 00:46:20 And yet, if that fell into the wrong hands, governments change hands, then suddenly someone else has that information. That's a very good point, Doc, because while there are many on the left, center, even right, who are condemning the Taliban getting access to a biometric database like this, they're quite silent on the database that the United States government is building. Yes. And weaponizing. Again, we've shown the evidence that there is an extremist score being used at a minimum for hotel rooms and Airbnb, for example, that you could be turned down for rent to
Starting point is 00:47:00 rent a property or rent a room for Airbnb if, for example, that you shut up in the Capitol to protest on January 6th. And I mean... Or own a gun. Remember the list that said if you have a gun permit, if you have training, you've ever spoken out at a school board meeting, anything that might be considered an exercise of your constitutional rights, even talking that way, could be seen in this database as a flag for being a terrorist. And again, they'll decry the Taliban doing it, but they don't realize that
Starting point is 00:47:31 everything's happening here in the United States. And speaking of this, there's been rumors for years. And it's been confirmed. There's been comments been placed on no-fly lists, for example. But there's been rumors for years that there is a massive database that's been created specifically as a watch list for domestic terrorism. And up until this week, that list was not accessible by you and me. You heard maybe some people, you could probably point to some people you might think might be on it. But what would you say if I told you that that list of about 2 million was sitting on a server in Bahrain and leaked on the internet last week? First of all, why would it be on a server in Bahrain?
Starting point is 00:48:11 That's a great question. It might be because when we went into a security agreement, created an Arab NATO, we maybe moved this database in part to our partners. We gave it to them. But it was on this server. It wasn't protected by a password, no security. And it was then leaked online where a researcher, a security discovery researcher named Bob Dychenko found it, went through it and said, wow, this looks like it's real. What this man found is that there were people in here with their name, country citizenship, gender, date of birth, passport details, no fly status or is among this. It was indexed in a way
Starting point is 00:48:55 that you could look through it. He pointed this out actually in July. It didn't get picked up anywhere. I know you and I heard about this story for the first time. But what's important is the average American doesn't have access to that list. Average congressman or senator doesn't have access to this list. And yet this was on an open server in Bahrain. Now, any idea why Bahrain in particular? I mean, any ideas? I think that because you had on there the citizenship, the subject of citizenship, I think that our Arab partners, the ones that we came into an agreement with.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Remember the infamous photo of President Trump with Arab leaders putting their hand on a glowing globe inside a security center? That may have had justification for sharing our terror watch list, for example. Because you'd think maybe it's not just Americans on this secret list. It's foreigners. It's people that you'd think, at least according to propaganda, you'd think people in the Middle East would be on this list. But again, the way this was looked at, it wasn't just people in the Middle East. It wasn't just Muslims. It wasn't just Arabs.
Starting point is 00:50:06 There were Americans on here. There were Americans on here. There were Americans on here. And you can now look at it. Well, and I have another thought on it. According to current policy, the CIA cannot do any domestic operations, right? But if you had a server in a foreign country, that's not a domestic operation anymore, is it? So if those names are being accumulated on a foreign server, and I believe they did the same thing in Ukraine too. That's why they've been parking all these servers and stuff in Ukraine. So the different five I
Starting point is 00:50:37 agencies can access information. And I think likewise, DHS at some point worked in cooperation with CIA and parked that server there. Why would you park a server list of domestic terrorists in a foreign country anyway, unless you wanted something out of it? I think you'd sit on the head dock. I think that is very smart. Very smart. I think the guy that discovered this, now, of course, he told DHS, right? Yes. And I think this actually goes to strengthen your theory because the man, Mr. DeChenko, he told the DHS back in July, and they took three weeks to take down the information, the server.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Now, in your theory, the information was parked there intentionally. Parked there intentionally as a form of parallel reconstruction so that the government can circumvent laws which would constitutionally stop them from spying on Americans or putting these lists in. You put it in a secondary country, third-party country where they can access it. Is it possible the reason why DHS took three weeks after being informed to take it down was they weren't trying to take it down. They just had to make sure they were moving it and moving it properly. Right. I mean, you think about this, they should have been able to easily shut this down, right? But three weeks passed before any
Starting point is 00:51:59 action was taken. Now, the security researcher paints that as incompetence. But as we're saying with Afghanistan, there comes a point where it can't be incompetence. All right, there comes a point, you hit a certain degree where it's not just that they're stupid or they don't have the training. It's malicious, that there's actually a plan going on, something past incompetence, something with malice, something with intention. And something like this is not, you know, you think they quickly would say, my goodness, let's get on, even if they saw it a couple of days late. But this researcher said he's been in contact with the government before. They're very quick to shut down these databases. I guess another explanation, Doc, could be that the government is literally paralyzed right now.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Maybe the change of power in January left the government gutted. Well, this isn't any secret about the server, apparently, because you had agencies like, of course, DHS. They were accessing it. The State Department was accessing it. The Defense Department was accessing it. Transportation Safety Administration was accessing it. You've got to find all those terrorists that are flying on airplanes now. Even Customs and Border Protection was accessing this Bahrain-based server with two million American names on it.
Starting point is 00:53:16 And this is a perfect example. So we can, of what we were talking about earlier about the Taliban having access to all this biometric data on Afghan citizens. And we'll say, oh, my goodness, that's horrible. That's that's rotten. That's that's totally scary. And yet our own government does it right under our noses and does it. Listen, if you're parking a server with two million American names in Bahrain, you're doing that because you're trying to hide it. a server with 2 million American names in Bahrain, you're doing that because you're trying to hide it.
Starting point is 00:53:50 You don't, you're doing something else. It's not like we don't have servers in North America. Well, it's the same question about why Hillary Clinton had a server in her house. Why Jeffrey Epstein had a server. All these individuals, they just so happen to have a private server. Is the Wi-Fi better in Bahrain or something than here in the U.S.? I mean, what would be the argument of, what would be the logical argument of any U.S. government server being anywhere else?
Starting point is 00:54:20 The only thing they could say is that if the majority of the list does have people from the region in it, people in the Middle East, they could say maybe that that would be the justification. But then that doesn't explain the three-week delay to bring it down. Doug, there's only a couple of reasons why governments make lists. That's right. There's only a couple of reasons. And clearly, the lists are not used to keep you and I safer. It often is an identification for something far more nefarious. It's an identification for those who should be deplatformed, those who should be silenced. And we're going through this tyrannical pandemic still, and we're seeing during this time, the social distancing, but also the contact tracing. After you tested positive, or maybe
Starting point is 00:55:07 you came in contact with someone who tested positive, well, you got your vaccine. That information was being put down into a database. Now, Salesforce, a company that has a field office based out in Israel, we actually met Mr. Benioff at Davos in the beginning of 2020. They are building this database. And something that we're seeing is that clearly this database is now being used for door-to-door knocks in the sense of trying to find those who've been unvaccinated and give them more information. Or it's also being used to mark those who might be dangerous, might be difficult to reason with.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Now, the thing that many have said in alternative media, the non-mainstream, the non-Marxist media, is often that these lists would be used one day to round up Americans. Now, overseas, we're starting to see some very draconian things. I think you can point to these as possible templates for how the West will respond to further lockdowns, future lockdowns as mutant variants continue. Doug, there's a very troubling story I've seen out of Australia. I know the one you're talking about. First of all, there is a stadium in Sydney that 22,000 students are being brought to. Parents are being told that if you don't bring your students, your kids, these are their kids, to the stadium to get vaccinated, you will face a fine. You could face imprisonment.
Starting point is 00:56:39 You can't go in the stadium with them. This is a vaccination facility. Your kid goes in. He's going to come out vaccinated. All right. And that let alone do we have basically the response, what is going to happen to those who get hurt? Well, something past this, Doug. That already is pretty draconian. There is a document that was released from the Australian government. Now, the Australian government has come up with a couple solutions to the problem with unvaccinated people.
Starting point is 00:57:08 They say they have a problem. They say unvaccinated people are causing the spread. They are calling these quarantine camps. Now that I lay out- They're actually using those terms? Quarantine camps. Now, online people have seen this story and they've named them, I think correctly in this case,
Starting point is 00:57:25 vaccination camps. And we're going to be going into this a little bit more in the next segment with Michelle Malkin. She'll be joining us here just after Kerry Kennedy's second headlines. But the alternative quarantine accommodation hub. Oh, that sounds nice. It sounds great, except when you start looking at the layout. First, when you look at the layout, it actually is on page 46 for Control, if you're able to go down there. It looks like our Capitol. That's the first thing I would say. The layout is very obvious. It looks like Washington, D.C. It does. You look at it, though, it's a camp. And it has a kitchen. It's got areas where individuals can be housed. It's quarantine housing. It's got a fence around it. I'm sure with barbed wire facing inward. These camps are seriously being discussed, Doc, in New South Wales. This is in Australia. So they're herding kids. They're herding kids into stadiums to vaccinate them.
Starting point is 00:58:21 And for those that refuse to be vaccinated, they're going to put you in a camp. It's going to be a nice camp, though, Edward. I mean, you're going to have a back porch and everything, and you can stay at the camp until you decide that you want to join the rest of society. Is that kind of the argument there? Yes, and you'll get a bad score. You'll be marked in society if you decide to not maybe go to the camp. The government didn't come up with this plan and publish this document because it's just an idea. That it's just something that's a faint possibility, something that would never happen. They have this plan, Doc, so it can be followed.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Right. You make lists for a reason. You create plans for a reason. I think it's absolutely amazing how we have watched New Zealand and Australia fall to this whole global effect with the use of the vaccine. They're hardly having any COVID cases in New Zealand and Australia, and they're locking down the countries. They're herding kids in stadiums. You hear that? Herding, putting kids, 20,000-plus kids in stadiums to vaccinate them without their parents. And then those that don't submit, those families that don't submit,
Starting point is 00:59:40 they're going to be put in happy vaccination camps. One of the most troubling things, Doc, right now is that how can we even begin to talk about trying to bring freedom to the Afghan people if we don't have freedom here? These databases are being built. These camps are being planned. These lists are being made in our own country. It sounds like we're going to need to hold our own government accountable,
Starting point is 01:00:03 accountable through legislation and prayer, because it's here. It's not in the distant future. Here's Kerry Kinsey with the second True News Headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. L.A. Times says Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is touting a COVID antibody treatment in which a top donors company has invested millions of dollars. The Times says the governor has been flying around the state promoting Regeneron. That's a monoclonal antibody treatment that was used by President Trump after he tested positive for COVID. covid. The governor first started talking about it about a year ago, and he is still
Starting point is 01:00:46 raving about it right here, pitching Sean Hannity of Fox News. So we've already have four sites up. We're going to have by the end of the week, we're going to have 10 to 15. They're going to each be able to do 320 treatments a day, Sean, which is a lot. So we're going to be doing thousands of these are going to be available every single day. And you and I know people, the data is very clear, but you and I know people, they took this, they had symptoms and it was resolved. It can keep you out of the hospital and it can save your life. More people need to know about it. And so that's one of the reasons we're doing these centers so that people understand if you are COVID positive, you actually have an ability to do early treatment, which is great.
Starting point is 01:01:29 The Times reporting that Citadel, a Chicago-based hedge fund, has almost $16 million in shares of Regeneron Pharmaceutical. Citadel CEO Ken Griffin has donated more than $10 million to a political committee that supports DeSantis. For information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's a good one. It's New York Post says the NYPD will discipline unvaccinated cops who don't mask up while on the job, regardless if they're indoors or outdoors. This as city officials say they're trying to prevent a surge of coronavirus cases
Starting point is 01:02:11 in response to the Delta variant. The move comes as the department has struggled to convince its workforce to get the jab with only 43% of its uniformed and civilian employees vaccinated as of last month. Fox News says a Virginia Beach, Virginia mother is speaking out after a mask incident that she said involved her two-year-old son, his two-year-old daughter on a Southwest Airlines flight. Ali Cleek was going from Orlando to Norfolk. Her two-year-old daughter, Drew, was crying and wouldn't keep on her mask. On Instagram, she wrote in part,
Starting point is 01:02:50 Drew soothes herself by sucking her thumb, which is near impossible with a mask. And she says the flight attendant told her two things, that we could cut a hole in it, talking about the mask, or we could glue it to her face, indicating the flight attendant had some glue with her on board the plane. Wow. Ali says she knows wearing a mask is a federal mandate. She says, I get it.
Starting point is 01:03:19 I respect it. But at some point, we have to talk about human decency. Compassion, please. When she complained, Southwest basically blew her off. Faithwire says a pastor in Rockland, California, is handing out exemption letters to people who oppose taking the vaccine. Greg Farrington is the pastor of Destiny Christian Church. He says he's not anti-vaccine, but is pro-freedom, especially as it pertains to religious liberty. Yeah, we literally were receiving hundreds of phone calls
Starting point is 01:03:55 the last week and a half from health care workers, people who are government employees, teachers saying, we're going to lose our jobs. We're losing our livelihood. And is there any way that you could consider a religious exemption? And so we looked into it. We wanted to come alongside these people because we just don't believe that's right. We don't believe America is a free country. We have freedom of religion. If a person has a moral objection to taking the vaccine, we want to come alongside of them. One woman who got a letter said, we chose not to get the vaccine. We trust in Jesus. He is the great physician. The pastor
Starting point is 01:04:36 said some people drove for hours to get their letters. He's one of a few California pastors who have never closed their church doors, defying the governor's lockdown orders. That's a look at True News headlines. Thank you for watching. Welcome back to True News. In this segment, I have with me Lauren Witsky, but we also have a very special guest coming on with us. Yes, so exciting. A veteran journalist, I'd say. Someone that, as I was learning how to do this job, was paying very close attention to. And I think this guest, Lauren, she can speak on many, many subjects. But even, I think we're going to ask first about the database that me and Doc were just talking about. Did you hear this in the last segment? The Terra database that you may be on
Starting point is 01:05:27 as a no-fly list or SSSS individual apparently was sitting on a declassified, unpassword-protected server in Bahrain. Now, we can't get access to this, but our guest, Michelle Malkin, has attempted to get access to the no-fly list, those who have been blocked, and she's had no luck.
Starting point is 01:05:47 Instead, actually, they've tried to require that she pays more money. Yes, I think it's almost $5,000. You know, Michelle Malkin, she has been an America First champion. She has been one of the few journalists that you can rely on for real journalism, because she's always going to tell you the truth. The establishment media has pretty much done everything they can to destroy her just because she's way too honest. I am so excited to introduce to you guys today, Michelle Malkin.
Starting point is 01:06:14 Hi, Mommy Malkin. How are you? I'm doing good. It's good to see you, Lauren. Thanks for having me here on True News. This is the first time I've been on, so I'm very excited to be able to chat with you both and to address your audience. Yes, we're so grateful to have you. Now, you have been you are the author of Open Borders, Inc. I actually read your book. It's a great book talking about who is funding America's destruction.
Starting point is 01:06:41 In one of your chapters, you actually talk about the Afghan refugee crisis and who is funding it. Now, would you mind sharing with our audience? Because we're facing another one. Right now, we have every establishment politician. We have Republican governors, including Brian Kemp of Georgia and Democrats calling for a mass import of Afghan refugees. Now, can you elaborate a little bit about what you talk about in your book about this subject specifically? Yeah, I would highly recommend that if members of your audience haven't heard about Open Borders Incorporated, that they just go ahead and click on one of the big online booksellers or go to their local
Starting point is 01:07:22 bookseller and order it if they can, because Chapter 4 is very relevant to what's going on right now. And I think the biggest shocker for most people who haven't been following refugee resettlement is that the top donor, the top funder of this entire racket is you, the taxpayer. And it is to the tune of billions of dollars since the 1980 Refugee Act was passed. And with specific regard to the so-called special immigrant visa that has been creating a huge pipeline for thousands and thousands of alleged Afghan and Iraqi translators. We're talking about in the last 10 years, some 20,000 visa holders who've been granted these special visas and triple that number,
Starting point is 01:08:14 a total of 60,000, including their both immediate and extended family members who've been able to come here and enjoy enormous benefits for their resettling for the first 30 to 90 days that they're here, and then support up to five years from the State Department, from the United Nations, and of course from all of these non-profit religious charities, which are Open Borders America Last enablers. And then, of course, on top of all that, once they're here long enough, they can apply for green cards and then that very precious and treasured path to U.S. citizenship, which allows them to vote. And of course, I don't need to tell
Starting point is 01:08:58 you, Lauren, especially that the large, vast majorities of these people who are brought to this country under this program, whether they are heralded as people who love this country or not, are going to vote Democrat and continue and facilitate the demise of our country. And I find it interesting that it's Republican states, it's Republican governors who are being the most vocal we have. And Republican elected officials, you know, Mitt Romney in Utah is calling for immediately. We have no time to waste. We have to bring in officials, you know, Mitt Romney in Utah is calling for immediately. We have no time to waste. We have to bring in these refugees right away.
Starting point is 01:09:28 Governor Larry Hogan in Maryland and Georgia. Governor Kemp. Yeah, Governor Kemp. And, you know, it's very interesting because some elections are only determined by maybe a thousand people, 800 people within these. You know, so it is an electoral strategy to mass migrate people into this country to manipulate our electorate. You know, wouldn't you agree with that? It has been a method and this is just history repeating itself. It absolutely is. And in the back of Open Borders Incorporated are some handy maps that show readers where exactly the refugee resettlement redistribution is taking place. And I know,
Starting point is 01:10:06 put on your shocked face, that you will be not, not shocked to find out that the vast majority of these refugees, whether they're coming from the Middle East or Africa or Asia, are being very deliberately and very cunningly sprinkled into areas where they're going to make that difference between a red state staying red or a red state turning blue. The top three languages for the number of refugees who are being imported over the last 10 years is Arabic, Nepali, and Somalia. Large numbers of people from the Democratic Congo are coming in. And I think what's most important for people to understand is, like we're seeing now, the communities and neighborhoods that are becoming these refugee dumps have zero say in the refugee
Starting point is 01:11:01 resettlement process. It's a small cabal of refugee resettlement contractors that are making billions of dollars. These are the non-profit faith-based organizations that I've been talking about endlessly that, unfortunately, a lot of mainstream conservatives don't want to talk about because many of them are involved in them or are getting both political support from them as well as financial support. So we're talking about the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. We're talking about the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, church world services, evangelical groups. They're all involved in this, and it is one big racket, as I say, in which people do not have any local control, even though Section 2A of the Refugee Act specifically says that these local neighborhoods are supposed to have at least quarterly reviews
Starting point is 01:11:52 and assessments of the types of people who are coming in and the impact that it's having on their health care system, on their social welfare system, on their education system. And if you look at northern Virginia, where the vast majority of these Afghans are pouring into these communities, both Democrat and Republican local politicians have been complaining about it for the last 10 years to no avail. Well, Michelle, I've always been very confused by the immigration system here in this country. I'm a first generation American. I came over before 9-11. My understanding is you were born in this country, but your parents immigrated to this country, right? Correct. I can only speak for myself. I'm sure I'm speaking for your parents, too. We came to the country thinking not what the country could do for us, but what we could do for
Starting point is 01:12:38 our country. It's what led me into the military. It led me in this mindset to get a job. My parents, too, worked very hard. I don't see that. And when we look at the criteria for who we're bringing in, it's a very odd thing because I don't see visas being extended to Christians in Afghanistan right now, for example. There reportedly is a large church in Afghanistan that is going to have to figure out how to work under the Taliban. And they certainly weren't extending the visas when Christians were being crucified in Aleppo, Syria. But the bill of goods that are being sold right now is that we have to help military-aged males
Starting point is 01:13:15 shipped in on planes even from Dover Air Force Base, where you're from. Yep, it happened. They're coming right out of Dover. And Delaware has now called for refugees. But this, you know, we've noticed that there is no hurry to import people who share Christian values. You know, it's always been, you know, it's the people that vote the opposite way, people that create organizations for things
Starting point is 01:13:38 like abortion, mass migration, destroy everything that destroys our social fabric seems to be the agenda of this, you know, whatever this mass migration cabal is doing in America. So recently they found there was a plane stop that had nothing but Afghan male soldiers. You know, we are bringing in people. It's not like we're bringing in women and children. If you look at the photos, it's 90 percent military-aged men. So these are men that were cowards and fled their country, actually pushed women and children out of the way in Afghanistan to get out of there.
Starting point is 01:14:13 So it's not even like they're sending people. This isn't an act of charity. This is more so an invasion. Don't you agree? Absolutely. And it's sort of like the reverse Titanic, right? Because it's not women and children first, it's women and children last. And you both make an excellent point about the bias against Christian refugees that existed during the Obama-Biden years. Trump tried to rectify it towards the end of his term. And of course, overall numbers he understood. There were people in that administration who truly were America first, who tried to reduce the number, which had reached an all-time yearly high of about 100,000 total refugees,
Starting point is 01:14:57 down to 18,000, 5,000, and even zeroed out. And the problem is not just a matter of economics, it's not just about demographics or the electoral consequences. As you both are inferring here, we're talking about national security implications as well, of bringing in tens of thousands of unvetted, poor, unknown, military-age men. And in Open Borders Incorporated, I had a handy little list, and I had to confine it to 60 because I could have made it a much longer list, of what I call refugee jihadis, refugee jihadis who blend into the larger refugee population and use open borders as a cover and a pretext to operate and undermine our country directly,
Starting point is 01:15:47 as opposed to all of the indirect methods that we're talking about there. And we have experience right here in Colorado Springs with that. There were five Iraqi special immigrant visa holders who were convicted of a heinous, brutal gang here of a young woman. And they had their supporters even all the way through their convictions, some even arguing now to reduce their sentences. And they abused the privilege, as you talked about, the privilege that they had here, a privilege that too many of these people see as an entitlement. Do you feel as if the Biden administration, so the plan was to withdraw from Afghanistan,
Starting point is 01:16:29 that has been a plan, but the way it was executed and then the immediate call for refugees, do you think that this was part of their plan to cause chaos over in Afghanistan for the Afghan people to the point where it was all planned? Because two weeks ago, the State Department actually put out a press release saying that they've already brought over 2,000. Now they're calling, originally the number was 30,000. Now people are calling for 1 million Afghan refugees. Do you think that was the plan all along? You know, they kind of left the Afghan people out to dry, caused chaos over there to create a refugee crisis. Certainly seems that way. And the refugee resettlement pipeline is something that is always flowing. And in July, of course, as part of the emergency funding package that was approved, they had increased the refugee resettlement specifically for this program for Afghans to
Starting point is 01:17:22 $1 billion. Clearly, they were anticipating the influx that we see now. But again, I want to underscore that this has been going on now for ten years. There are tens of thousands of these Afghans and their families that are already here. And if you do the math, it just doesn't add up. At my most recent column that I posted at or, I pointed out that the U.S. Government Accountability Office had done an assessment three years ago in 2018. And in addition to finding that now that there are 60,000 plus of these people, Iraqi and
Starting point is 01:17:56 Afghans, who've been brought into this program, at the same time that the number of troops was shrinking over the last five years, the number of these, all of these alleged translators and their helpers was increasing. So in 2017, just get this, you had 26,000 troops who were on the ground in Afghanistan and Iraq. That very year, we approved 18,000 of these SIV applications for Afghan and Iraqi translators. If you do that math, it comes out to like 1.4 translators for each American soldier stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq. Like this is an incredible explosion of people needing translators. And it just raises all sorts of questions about who these people are, what they're doing here, why they're here in the first place. And the bottom line, as you ran on your Senate platform, Lauren,
Starting point is 01:18:53 we need an immigration moratorium. We needed it before this influx. The number should be zero because we have enough problems as it is in this country, taking care of our own, period. And you can call that heartless. You can call that nativist. We know what all of the open borders establishment people on both sides of the aisle are going to call it. But what I call that is compassion for the people who are already here, citizens here who need help the most. Well, something that has always kind of shocked me, Michelle, is if you play it out logically and these individuals come over here to vote, it's not that their vote itself is illegal. It's of course illegal. It's more that it disenfranchises an African-American's vote,
Starting point is 01:19:37 disenfranchises an Asian person's vote. It disenfranchises an American citizen's vote. And also they bring their own value set. Because as we talked about, how many of these individuals are Christians? How many of them understand Western values and what we have remaining? You think, we just went through a communist revolution in this country last year.
Starting point is 01:19:55 Just forgetting the fact that statues burned and cities burned. But we're bringing in these individuals with their own value set. Those are almost like they're colonizing us. And this is after a pandemic. I thought I thought that we were worried, so worried about the different mutant variants for different on the world that we couldn't have freedom. I can't go outside without a mask.
Starting point is 01:20:17 But you can bring in Afghan refugees or military age males too afraid to fight the Taliban. Well, it's anti-American. And let's just be blunt about it. It's anti-white. You know, you've got all of these open borders globalists denying that the Great Replacement is going on. It's happening before our eyes. And the refugee resettlement program is a huge piece of that machinery to replace the historic majority of people who are in America
Starting point is 01:20:46 and not just the numbers of them, but their values, their underlying traditions and yes, their faith. Yeah, absolutely. You know, you were talking about persecution here in America, like we have our own issues going on right now. We're facing vaccine mandates and they're putting people who are actually Christian conservatives like Nicholas Fuentes and myself on lists. Now, the United States government is putting people on lists, innocent people that have not been convicted of any crime. Now, recently, you did file a freedom of information request. Have you heard anything else? I know they tried to charge you a bunch of money for hours. I thought we paid them to do their jobs, but apparently it's going to cost a little extra. We actually traveled to Mike Lindell's event last week, and they ended
Starting point is 01:21:31 up putting Edward on the list just because he was traveling with me. Yeah. So and, you know, they treated him like he was a domestic terrorist just because we work together, you know, and it's like the list is growing. And now if Edward seems to travel or chooses to travel with somebody else, they'll get put on the list. And he had nothing to do with anything, you know? So it's just incredible what they're doing. Have you heard any updates on that or not?
Starting point is 01:21:58 I have not. I do have a lawyer who is working with me now on my Freedom of Information Act request. And as you said, Lauren, the last that I had heard from the TSA and DHS was that I would need to be willing to pay thousands of dollars merely to get to the next step. And of course, we can already assume that whatever it is I do obtain, if I obtain it, is going to be heavily redacted, if not completely useless. But we have to keep pushing here. And I urged other independent journalists to join me to do this.
Starting point is 01:22:33 And surprise, surprise, conservative ink establishments couldn't bother to lift a finger, even though they say they're for free speech, even though they say they're for freedom of peaceable assembly, and even though they say that they're patriots and America first themselves. They're not. They're not our friends. We understand that. And neither are the members of the fourth estate, who are supposedly the most vociferous when it comes to freedom of information. One thing that is interesting, though, is that there is an interesting intersection of people on the left side of the spectrum who've been very concerned about the overbroad and sweeping nature of these no-fly lists
Starting point is 01:23:18 and the special security screening lists like the one that you're on, Lauren, that we can presume, I mean, just obviously that you're on, and so many others who were at the January 6th rally and were there and have also not been charged with anything. And I think that, you know, if we could reach at least some of those people, because there are some principled lawyers who fight in this First Amendment arena. I think it's going to take more than just one or two of us to raise our voices, and it will take an interesting trans-partisan or trans-ideological coalition along the lines of the anti-vax coalition. And that's, you know, I've been involved in that battle for a long, long time now, for as long as my children have been alive,
Starting point is 01:24:11 essentially. And what you see is, you know, you've got principled leftists like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the left, along with libertarians, some libertarians, homeschoolers, Christian conservatives. And it really is going to take that type of coalition to get movement on, whether it's the no-fly list or vaccines. Well, you mentioned Conservative Inc. I'd say a veteran of the industry in the sense that you've been a journalist longer than maybe I've been alive, but you've been working a long time. It's very respectful of what you've done. You've kind of brought a very interesting take to this question. What's happened to the conservative movement? You used to be a contributor to Fox News, had a show on Newsmax, and it appears that there's a ceiling to these networks and
Starting point is 01:25:02 that group, this conservative ink, the group that says they're America first, but does everything America last. What is it actually like among those people who claim to be working for the American people, but are doing things that help open borders, for example, working against the American people? Well, my investigative mantra always is
Starting point is 01:25:24 follow the money to find the truth. And that certainly is true about many of these con inc establishments. It's very disappointing. But I've had a very long and I would say self reflective journey from that world to where I am now. And I wake up every morning and I have never regretted a single decision, a single speech, a single appearance, a single friend or ally that I've made in the last couple of years that has brought me to where I am. And I want to say that that involves a range of things and, you know,
Starting point is 01:26:00 just sort of most relevant to what we're talking about now, where I stood on the invasions in Iraq and Afghanistan. I was in Iraq in 2007. I was literally a cheerleader for these interventions. And I would say that there are a lot of people in the conservative movement who were motivated in good faith, like I was, in the wake of 9-11, but didn't see the whole picture, didn't see who really benefited. And whether it's the military-industrial complex or certain other foreign interests that were
Starting point is 01:26:34 driving not only the initial invasions but the prolonged involvement of the U.S. in the Middle East, it took me far longer than it did so many of the young people who are now the, you know, the bread and butter, the foundation of the modern America First movement. And I salute young women like Lauren and Nick Fuentes, who are now on these no-fly lists because of their outspokenness, because of their bravery, and because of their sort of trenchant vision that it took a long time for me to acquire. I won't give the same amount of good faith to some other people that I know in Con Inc. who know the truth, but continue to, you know, grift and graft anyway, because it lines their pockets, because they value things like fame more they do their own integrity or their own country. But the co-opting of Con Inked has been taking place a
Starting point is 01:27:37 long time. There are many people before us who fought these battles, people like Pat Buchanan and Tom Tancredo, many Christian conservative leaders who fought the swamp for a long time. But I would say I feel more optimistic and sanguine than I ever have because of the savviness of so many of the young people and because of outlets like this now. There's a plethora of alternatives for people to turn to that there hadn't been for the last 10, 15, 20 years. So you had, I remember, I remember something you said, and I never forgot it. You said I was in conning, but I was not of conning. And, you know, a lot of people have taken, it's kind of been paving the way. We take the heat, you know, and people like you never get
Starting point is 01:28:22 the credit being the first one to, hey, kind of expose who is funding America's destruction. You know, they disavow you. They call you names. They call you a white supremacist, you know, our token Filipino, you know, but they but it's like people it's cost people something, you know, it's cost us something to stand up for what is right. But in turn, we pave the way because now normal talking heads are using the talking points of Pat Buchanan, of Nicholas Fuentes, you know, so we kind of watch it. Is it? I know it stinks having to take that heat and losing everything. But would you say it is worth it to continue pushing the window and holding these elected officials accountable by being a loud, outspoken voice for what you believe in? Because eventually, you know, we're just saying what everybody is already thinking. But eventually the big talking heads, Con Inc, ends up picking it up because they know that it resonates with their constituents,
Starting point is 01:29:14 with their supporters. Do you think it's worth it for the America First movement to keep pushing forward, keeping a loud voice, despite knowing everything that it has cost us. Absolutely, it is. And it's really, for me, I can only speak for myself, it's a small sacrifice. I think the satisfaction of waking up every morning knowing that you're doing the right thing, knowing that you can reach or change minds and hearts and souls based solely on exercising the First Amendment rights that we still do have, and finding companionship and friendship in all of that, it's been more gratifying to me over the last two years than, you know, the previous almost 30 years that I've been involved doing this. And that's not to say that I haven't worked with some incredible people along the way. But it matters to not be controlled. And I've walked away from so many jobs, from so many opportunities, because I knew that that control and that
Starting point is 01:30:21 compromise was not anything that I ever signed up for. And it's certainly something that my own parents, you know, didn't travel all the way around the world to come here and see me give into or capitulate on. So, you know, I keep doing what I do because I know that there are a lot of young people much younger than you or I who are out there who are just starting out, who are questioning, who are feeling the slings and arrows of what it's like to be a true dissident. And I've been very blessed and I've had a lot of career success and financial success in my own life. And, you know, I'm going to continue to do everything in my power to make sure that the young people in this movement know that they are valued and they are supported. I think there's a, certainly it's encouraging for anyone who's an American to hear that, that maybe their work isn't going to the wind, that they're actually making a difference. But many look at the current political system and they say, well, I'm not really sure if my
Starting point is 01:31:35 vote is even getting counted. I certainly don't think the officials that we're sending to D.C. are, for example, working to get rid of abortion, working to build a wall, let alone end the wars. I mean, you think of the 2016 platform that President Trump ran on, very little of that platform did the base even get out of that. They had very little policy, very little action. What would you say to those who are trying to find a way to get involved in taking back their country, but they don't know where the first step is even, or even what to even start begin using their First Amendment for.
Starting point is 01:32:11 Yeah. Well, you know, the old cliche that all politics is local. It's a cliche because it's true. And if President Trump did one thing, it was to open a lot of unopened eyes to just how deep and corrupt the swamp is. And the proof, of course, is that he was able to accomplish only so much in his own Herculean efforts to oppose those forces. Many of those forces within his own family, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, for example. But starting locally is very important. And you see now the grass fire that has been set over something like the anti-white critical race theory curriculum. Well, you know, many of us have been fighting these battles against Common Core, against Goals 2000, against school to work, against all of these federal programs and the education
Starting point is 01:33:05 bureaucracy for much longer than that. And there are many established grassroots Christian conservative parent organizations that are out there that are doing that work. There's an enormous amount of opportunity for people who have energy to put into making change in their local communities. And whether it's on religious liberty issues, abortion, vaccines, education reform, immigration reform, we need little local pockets of resistance in every red state and every red community that's left to oppose not just the Afghan refugees, but the entire system, the entire racket.
Starting point is 01:33:46 And finding out who's funding it and which organizations are running it in your town is incredibly important. So I would say the first step is get informed. And I know it sounds self-serving for me to say, well, you know, read up on it. But it's not just my books. It's Pat Buchanan's books. It's the entire pantheon of books on America First immigration policies, and great blogs out there. I want to mention one because it's very relevant to refugee resettlement.
Starting point is 01:34:12 Ann Corcoran, who I highlight in my book, has been running an important blog. It's an investigative journalism citizen activist blog called Refugee Resettlement Watch. WordPress tried to pull the plug on an archive of 15 years of her work two years ago while I was writing Open Borders Incorporated. Nobody helped her. She had to reconstitute the whole thing. She rebuilt all of her archives and she is imparting information every single day about this racket.
Starting point is 01:34:40 We need help stopping it. So there has been a call from Republicans and Democrats about the vaccine mandates. You know, you talked about local, but they're even well, the federal government can't mandate vaccines. The Biden administration knows that. That's why they're depending on corporations, institutions like military to force these vaccines on people. You know, I've noticed as the Republican Party has completely abandoned the issue of abortion, you know, their base, 80 percent of their base is evangelical Christians. I believe so. Their voting bloc. But they have completely abandoned one of the biggest Christians have something to worry about where they're going to say, you know, you don't have
Starting point is 01:35:28 a right to deny this vaccine? We don't care that it was made with abortive fetal cells because the Republican Party is pushing it on us. We're even seeing, you know, Republican governors encouraging you to get the vaccine. The Trump administration is encouraging us to get the vaccine. Fox News is telling us to get the vaccine. And abortion is supposed to be an issue that people care about. Would you say that our religious liberties are probably going to be completely redacted and do not apply in 2021 or moving forward? Yeah, our religious liberty is in great peril and the sanctity of life is in great peril. The sanctity of the American nuclear family is in great peril. And in addition to the whole litany of vaccine pushers that you just mentioned, Lauren, of course, I'm Catholic and we've got the them Christian parents and many of them from the other side of the aisle who were testifying here in Colorado against a move to undermine and to sabotage religious and philosophical exemptions from vaccine mandates, whether they were COVID or not. And we lost that battle. We raised the alarm back then on both the left and the right
Starting point is 01:36:47 that COVID was going to be used as a pretext to force the entire panoply of vaccines that are in the pipeline now on our children as a condition of education. And of course, that's exactly what's happened. In a way, I hate to be blackpilled about this, but in a way it's too late. And of course, that's exactly what's happened. In a way, I hate to be blackpilled about this, but in a way it's too late. And you know why it is? Because so many people were afraid to be labeled, quote unquote, anti-vax or to be smeared as, quote unquote, an anti-vax conspiracy theorist. The childhood schedule now for vaccines from zero to 18 is 72 different jabs. And now you're going to add on top of that, look, it looks like, you know, quarterly COVID booster jabs on top of whatever else is in the pipeline and then reintroduction of the flu shot as mandatory as a condition of school. Of course, homeschooling has now exploded.
Starting point is 01:37:46 And I think in a way, I guess that's a silver lining. But we can't completely exempt ourselves from society in this age of Vax Parthai. We have to stand in a fight and hold the line. The term you had there is actually very pointed and very correct. It is like an apartheid. I mean, think about this. You mentioned the homeschooling, mentioned the exemptions.
Starting point is 01:38:08 We are splitting. Society itself, Christians especially, we're being forced out of the cities, being forced out of society based on the rules society is trying to implement. I mean, just with the vaccine, we sent how many millions of men to go fight in Europe to beat the Nazis,
Starting point is 01:38:28 yet we seem to want to ignore the lessons that were learned from the Nuremberg trials. Informed consent. Forget about that. It's about informed protection now, I suppose. But they're not informed, and they don't want you to question their ideas. But on the subject of division,
Starting point is 01:38:44 you're watching trends in this country. We just even had this situation today in D.C. where a man, thank God, it ended peacefully. It was a man who showed up for North Carolina with a slew of explosives being reported in his truck. Parked it out at the Library of Congress. He said he was there to send a message. What did you think about that? What do you think about the state of the country? Is it true we're facing a civil war?
Starting point is 01:39:10 So I don't believe anything that I see in the media anymore. And I'm going to withhold judgment about exactly who this person is, what this is all about. And I think that, you know, part of the dissident movement is questioning every single narrative. And, of course, the false narrative that's've been spreading about January 6th and about Trump supporters and about anybody who supports an immigration moratorium and anyone who protects the American nuclear family and objects to all of the licentiousness that has poisoned our culture, all of that. So what is happening to our country? We've completely lost our moorings. And the twin catastrophes of post-George Floyd America, along with COVID tyranny, has shown how weak
Starting point is 01:40:13 so many of the people who make up the American demographic are. And it's decades and decades of conditioning through government schools, through Hollywood culture, and through the loss of faith in this country and any kind of central objective truth and belief in God. That's what's happening in this country. And it's not a reason to give up. I mean, that's why I'm still here. That's why I keep doing what I do. That's why I'm inspired by your example and the existence and and the success of this channel. We cannot give up. We cannot afford to give up. And and just, you know, this this thing that happened today. I mean, you know, they're going they're going to milk it. They're going to they're going to turn it and exploit it as an opportunity, as they always do. And my one problem is that people on the right are unwilling to exploit opportunities the way that the left is. That's why we are where we are. So, you know, Australia recently created, they're literally creating vaccination camps.
Starting point is 01:41:20 They are literal camps to put people in to vaccinate them or quarantine them. And, you know, I've noticed that Australia has been trending about three months behind or ahead of the United States of America. It seems to be a place where they test organizations and policy over there because they lost their Second Amendment. You know, they gave up their guns in the United States of America. We still have our guns. And I'm watching as every American institution is trying to label us as terrorists in order, I believe it's to take our guns, to implement Australian policy on us because they've been paving the way for this. Do you think that in America we're eventually going to face vaccination camps, quarantine camps, punishment for people who choose not to be vaccinated or to vaccinate their children.
Starting point is 01:42:08 Do you think parents are going to lose their children? They're going to have them taken away because they're not deemed fit to be parents because they choose not to put an experimental jab in their children. Yeah, I think we could see that. And you're right with their children not to send them back to the public schools here, which are essentially indoctrination and will be quarantine camps themselves. You know, I don't know if you know this, but any parent with a kid in a public school, well, on the back of their academic record, it lists the vaccines that they've had. But there's been a change recently because not only do they list the vaccines that your child has had, now it will disclose which of the COVID vaccine jabs they have not had. And that information,
Starting point is 01:43:20 unfortunately, is not protected by HIPAA, nor is it protected by the Family Educational and Rights Privacy Act, FERPA. And so any clerk or secretary or student who might be working in the front office can have access to that information. And it's already very vicious, the social pressure that is being exacted upon kids who are refusing to get the vaccine or even to object to the things like the mask. When you combine that with the social media culture, all of these kids snooping and snitching on each other. Remember, these are the kids that were pressuring each other for not having the black square in the aftermath of George Floyd. You know, it wasn't enough to keep quiet. You had to put the black square on. It's the same square in the aftermath of George Floyd. You know, it wasn't enough to keep quiet.
Starting point is 01:44:05 You had to put the black square on. It's the same thing with the vaccine. And, you know, the scarlet letter is now a U for young kids, whether they're on K through 12 campuses or college campuses or at the service academies. We essentially have de facto quarantine vaccination camps already. Well, Michelle, you've laid out the argument, I think, for any American to get motivated to be involved. Many, though, by the weight of this, they get discouraged. You mentioned blackpilling. I think a lot of people in the movement, a lot of voters, a lot of Republicans, they get a little discouraged. It's something you can share with the audience. What do you do? I don't play pickleball, of course. What do you do to get your joy back?
Starting point is 01:44:51 Spend time with my family and pray hard. Pray hard every single day. I think it's really important to unplug from all of this social media and media and turn inward. And having self-reflection and having that prayer and meditation is really, really important. And being able to exercise and exert control over the things that you have control of. And I know that's very scriptural and it's a bottom line truth for me. And that means taking care of your diet, taking care of your physical fitness, and taking care of the people that you care about most around you. And you can be very despairing. I mean, I haven't seen my parents in a year and a half now because of all of the crazy COVID regulations and rules. They're trapped in another country.
Starting point is 01:45:44 But I'm able to talk to them every single day, tell them that I love them and cherish them. And that's what people really need to do. We need to exert control, IRL, in our real lives, because these are the things that cannot be taken away from us, no matter how controlling the control freaks are around us. Now, I know that you have been a strong proponent of getting the young kids out, telling them to go to the gym, telling them to eat right, because there seems to be a generation of young, specifically men, young America firsters who like to sit in their basements and not go to the gym. So I have, I've completely backed that a hundred percent, 110%. I think that is great advice for the youngsters. Get out have I've completely backed that 100 percent, 110 percent. I think that is great
Starting point is 01:46:25 advice for the youngsters. Get out, go play sports, go meet with friends, work out, eat right. You know, Michelle, where can people find you? I know that you are no longer with Newsmax. I know that you're no longer. Well, definitely not with Fox News because now they're mandating vaccines in order to work there, which is crazy. You know, thank goodness you got out. But where can people find you and continue to see your work? Because I know you're still fighting. I am. So you can go to My blog, which I've run for 20 years now, is now housed under the umbrella. And they've been very good to me, very welcoming and hosting another dissident voice. And then I am on Gab at Michelle Malkin and also on Telegram. I have my other social media channels. They're still up and running and I'll use them occasionally here and there. But, you
Starting point is 01:47:20 know, they're not long for this world anyway. And why continue to feed the platforms that hate us and want us gone? Absolutely. Totally get it. Thank you so much, Michelle, for coming on True News. We really appreciate you and keep fighting. You too. It was my pleasure. God bless. God bless you too. Well, we'll be back in just a moment with some more True News. We have a very interesting video from the Heartland,
Starting point is 01:47:46 as many do show up at school board meetings and county meetings to fight against the tyranny. You're watching True News. If this pandemic has taught us anything, being prepared is everything. Heaven's Harvest survival food is not only delicious, it has a 25-year shelf life. Packaged in state-of-the-art sealed Mylar bags, then sealed in grab-and-go food-grade buckets, Heaven's Harvest survival food is second to none. Whether you want to be prepared for one week, one month, or one year, our survival food kits have everything you need.
Starting point is 01:48:18 Don't delay. Call or visit Order yours today. The culture warriors in this country are breaking down traditions, morals, family structure. They've been doing this for decades, and they are aiming their guns at young men. They want to feminize them. They want to feminize them, they want to demonize them, they want to criminalize them so that they will not act like the men that God created them to be. God Tribe is a social media educational platform, digital platform for young men and to give young men a place to congregate where they feel safe.
Starting point is 01:49:08 Its mission is to build better men. It's a place for Christian men to congregate with other Christian men and communicate with each other, fellowship, encourage each other, building up each other to be better men for Jesus Christ that's the purpose welcome back to true news that was a very interesting interview Lauren yes she's very smart very very smart, very involved. That's what I like about her. She never gives up fighting, no matter how many times she's been canceled or had her events been kicked out of the events.
Starting point is 01:49:54 You know, I remember a couple of years ago in 2018, they actually canceled Michelle Malkin, tried to cancel Michelle Malkin, just for associating with people who are now reiterating the same talking points from 2018. So that was a little bit. It's interesting to see one of the pioneers for the America First movement and strong Christian. You know, she cares about Christian values. She cares about family and children specifically. So, you know, it's really she's just, you know, I'm a huge fan. So, yes. And I think that she touched on a couple of very important areas there.
Starting point is 01:50:28 We didn't get a chance to share it, but there was an interesting thing about the census. You know, obviously I think that the immigration, it's not so much to displace a race, but more so a belief set. And it's more than just belief in the constitution or American values. It's belief in Christianity. I think that the left, the right, even anyone who's working against God, try and dilute Christian values in American society. And that's why you're seeing the arrests of pedophiles. You're seeing, for example, a Brazilian priest, the Pope just called this man basically to resign because he was caught on Zoom doing what Jeffrey Toobin was doing. We had the top official, for example, in the U.S. using Grindr.
Starting point is 01:51:12 You know, religious officials obviously not living life well. But secular society itself has gotten crazy. Right. Decapitations, attacks. I mean, we're becoming more evil. Yes. Well, the recent 2020 census just came out and said that the white race, the white population of the United States is declining. You know, it's not surprising with mass immigration.
Starting point is 01:51:34 People aren't getting married, not having children. We have broken homes. You know, that wasn't surprising. What was surprising to me was the reaction, the celebration of people declining. And, you know, it's not just about race in this issue because they don't care. They make it about race. Yeah, they don't care. White population there, that really just put in Christian population drinking. Yes. And, you know, they don't care about that. The issue, they don't care about white liberals,
Starting point is 01:51:57 you know, the liberal that's out marching with BLM. You know, they don't care about them. The issue is the Christian aspect of it, because they see white people as, you know, the European Christians that originally settled this country. So there's a personal vendetta, you know, and we live under a Luciferian, satanic regime that hates us, you know. So they kind of realize that a majority of white population of America is Christian, and we are fighting literally Satan. So they vehemently oppose us. They mock us. And they celebrate our decline as a population and the breakdown of our families as well.
Starting point is 01:52:31 You know, so it's all about spirituality. It's not about race. It's not about, you know, what color you are. It's about how you think, how you believe. Actually, it really just comes down to your love for Jesus Christ. You know, Christ said in his word, you know, when they hate you, remember that they hated me first. And that is exactly, you know, it still applies even today.
Starting point is 01:52:52 Well, Lauren, you think about this. I mean, God doesn't care about the melanin in your skin. He cares about if you believe in the Messiah. You know, you believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ. And often I think the politicians, the very politicians who constantly disappoint, the politicians who lie, they steal, they cheat, some kill, they are working for someone else. They're not working for us, certainly, but I'm talking spiritually. I think many of them are completely lost and many are looking to idolize those politicians when really they need to be getting into the word.
Starting point is 01:53:26 I find it ridiculous, Lauren, how many books the conservative movement produces, yet our side sometimes is so dumb when it comes to our actual belief set. We can spew off talking points, but really we're not wise. And I think maybe part of that is it's not just the constant barrage from Fox News, these other places that have done nothing but take a step back. I mean, they're finding positions we can compromise. I mean, Fox News, they're anti-mask but pro-vaccine, as you pointed out with Michelle. They're walking us one step closer each time. But I mentioned before the break, I don't think we'll have the time today to show the full video, but there was a doctor, Dr. Dan Stock from Indiana.
Starting point is 01:54:10 This is Hancock County. He went to a board meeting, a school board meeting, and laid out what's considered to be common sense responses to mandates, just mask mandates, for example, in schools. It's not something that Barack Obama and his friends in Martha's Vineyard want to wear. Why should the kids wear it? You heard Kerry's headlines. He mentioned a woman on a Southwest Airlines flight had been told by basically a flight attendant, glue the mask to your daughter's face, rather. Lauren, what's happening to this country? I have to wonder, is it because we've turned our back on God
Starting point is 01:54:48 that we're being given over to these devils? Yeah, well, I mean, we have allowed, we have sat by and done nothing as they have aborted 1.1 million babies a year and made us pay for it. You know, we said nothing. You know, I always like to remind people in 2018, it's not a political issue because in 2018, we had the House, the Senate, the presidency, and we still passed a bill to force Christian taxpayers to fund abortion. You know, so this is, you know, there are things that have brought a curse on this nation. Absolutely. And now we have allowed it to get to a point where they are coming for children openly.
Starting point is 01:55:23 Drag queen story hour, four children. Chemical castrations, four children. Puberty blockers. Parental rights are being completely disregarded. Parents don't even now have a right to stop their child from transitioning. They're specifically going after the kids. They're going after the most innocent among us
Starting point is 01:55:39 because they know if they destroy something in seed form, it's the easiest way to kill it. If they couldn't get it in the womb, they'll try and get them outside of the womb, completely smearing their identity. So, yes, we have certainly brought a curse on ourselves, it seems. But, you know, repentance, you know, God just wants us to repent and he will heal our land. It's just that simple. You know, if we cry out to him, yeah, the direction is right there and we can still reverse this. We can still come back from this,
Starting point is 01:56:05 but it is going to take a major call to repentance. It's going to take a major call out for Jesus Christ to just come in and change our nation. That is the only way we can be healed and restored. Well, Lauren, we only have a couple minutes left today, but I think we might have just enough time for you to share a praise report. Now we had a former lesbian on the program, turned to Christ for her salvation, for her future.
Starting point is 01:56:30 I guarantee you she's going to become an evangelist for the kingdom. She's going to share the gospel of the kingdom with thousands, if she hasn't already, through her testimony. But that interview and even that story, that's had an impact, hasn't it? Yeah, so, you know, originally, actually, you guys brought Milo Yiannopoulos on to share his testimony about, you know, how he had, you know, he made the decision that I'm going to give up everything and follow Christ. You know, it actually, it sparked something. A lot of outrage is what it sparked, you know, on the demonic side that doesn't want to let these people go. But also, I believe it triggered, like, other people are starting to be like, okay, you know, I'm not, I'm ex-lesbian or I'm ex-gay. I'm coming out of it and I'm pursuing Jesus Christ with all my heart.
Starting point is 01:57:13 You know, we did have Mariah Barton on two days ago. She's awesome. She's an ex-lesbian who has come out and said, you know what? I am leaving the lifestyle. I'm going to pursue Jesus Christ with all my heart. Well, I received an email from a young gentleman. I'm going to maybe have him on the show, who shared his testimony. He was so inspired by the testimonies that we've been sharing on True News
Starting point is 01:57:32 that he decided to post his testimony on Facebook about how he left the lifestyle. And they keep going viral. You know, they have more support than they know. You know, the left is loud. The LGBTQ mafia is loud. But they have more support than they know. You know, the left is loud. The LGBTQ mafia is loud, but they have more support than they know. Christians love you. We want you to come to Jesus. We want you to be free from bondage.
Starting point is 01:57:53 And we will keep sharing testimonies of people who are leaving the LGBTQ mafia lifestyle and pursuing Jesus Christ because it is the anointing of Jesus who breaks the yoke of addiction, of of addiction, of pornography addiction, of degeneracy, of sexual sin. It is only Him. And we will continue to share the goodness of Jesus Christ and the freedom that comes with it. So I'm excited. I'm probably going to bring him on to share his testimony as well. Well, I look forward to that, Lauren. I think many of these stories do nothing but encourage the body of Christ. Michelle used the word black pill. I really hate that phrase.
Starting point is 01:58:30 It is true. I hate it because it just stings to know so many are becoming more aware of what's happening in the world, but they're falling into despair. And we're not supposed to fear man. We're only supposed to fear the Lord. But many are also, they aren't putting their hope. They aren't putting their kind of assurance in the Lord. They don't have a faith, some folks, especially on the right. I hate having those conversations with my former army compatriots.
Starting point is 01:58:59 The core of this, though, is that if you have a testimony, you have to share it. And if you have, again, a testimony you'd like to share on the program, or even have seen a story, great news stories, not just good news, great news stories, give us your story. Send it to info at That's info at That's also the address if you want to send any information, investigation, anything that you think might be interesting, something you want to send any information, investigation, anything that you think might be interesting,
Starting point is 01:59:26 something you want to see on True News. And this is your news channel. We're a Christian news channel based in Vero Beach, Florida. But we've been around for 20 years. Rick founded this ministry on faith. And what he has done this for is to bring America the message that they need to repent. All the world needs to repent, specifically America. It's gotten worse but you know what, as every individual gets saved, as those who've chosen
Starting point is 01:59:52 to follow Christ in these last days come, angels rejoiced and we could have more of those stories. Well thank you for joining us today for True News. God bless you.

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