TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Rick Recounts 2012 Claim that Iran Possesses Ancient Source for Directed Energy Weapons

Episode Date: October 18, 2024

Recently, Brigadier General Ebrahim Rostami of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) claimed that Iran possesses a secret weapon more powerful than nuclear arms and reaffirmed the country's ...readiness to strike Israel's Dimona nuclear reactor. He hinted at highly classified weapons, unknown even to some Iranian officials, and warned of a “big surprise” for Israel that would be revealed at the “zero hour.”This echoes a 2012 interview Rick Wiles did with an anonymous man using the pen name VS Marlow, who claimed to be a former high-level U.S. State Department diplomat. Marlow spoke of a mysterious manuscript given to him in the Middle East about an ancient treasure, an energy-rich ruby in Iran, believed to be a key to a weapon more powerful than nuclear warheads. According to this account, Israel's desire for war with Iran was linked to seizing this ruby. After the war, a charismatic Islamic leader would allegedly emerge, aiming to unite world religions and bring peace. While Marlow's story was viewed skeptically, the recent developments with Iran have revived interest in such theories.Rick Wiles, V.S. Marlow. Airdate 10/18/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!             It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!

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Starting point is 00:00:01 Attention True News listeners. Great news from our sponsor American Reserves. Their amazing buy one get one free deal on select British Birkfeld water filtration systems has been extended through October 18th. That's right. Buy select British Birkfeld water filtration systems or filters and you'll get a second one completely free. Plus all orders over $199 still ship free anywhere in the U.S. No codes needed. Just add the desired products to your cart. With the recent devastation caused by Hurricane Helene and Milton and the rising risks of water treatment plants being hacked, access to clean drinking water has become a major concern.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Contaminated or disrupted water supplies leave communities vulnerable in times of crisis. That's why it's so crucial to prepare now before an emergency strikes. Clean, safe water is essential when disaster hits. Don't wait. This is a limited time offer. Head over to and take advantage of this BOGO deal before it's gone. Secure clean water for you and your family today. Does Iran possess a secret weapon it intends to use against Israel? I'm Rick Wiles. This is True News for friday october 18 2024 today's true news is sponsored by goldco request your free 2025 gold and silver kit today by visiting or by calling 844-960-GOLD days ago a senior islamic revolutionary guard corps officer warned that his country is
Starting point is 00:01:49 in possession of a surprise weapon that is more powerful than nuclear weapons brigadier general ibrahim rastami reaffirmed iran's readiness to strike israel's nuclear. He said the IRGC has conducted military exercises simulating targeting missile strikes on the Dimona reactor inside Israel. He also said, quote, we have equipment far superior to nuclear weapons, end of quote. Referring to his country's parliamentary leaders, the general said, quote, some aspects are unknown to them because these are highly classified in top secret information, end of quote. Speaking about an upcoming war with Israel, the Iranian general said, quote, Iran has a big surprise that is more powerful than nuclear weapons, and we will keep this surprise hidden
Starting point is 00:02:46 until the zero hour comes, end of quote. Well, the general's hint about secret weapons reminded me of a 2012 interview I recorded with a man who used a pen name, V.S. Marlow. He claimed to be, at that time, a high-level U.S. State Department diplomat. Now, I had no way to verify his employment. He wrote a novel based on what he said was a true story about something that happened to him in the Middle East. He based the story on a manuscript that was given to him by a mysterious visitor in a Middle Eastern country. The mysterious man talked about an ancient treasure in Iran that previously had been in possession of various rulers over thousands of years. According to the man who gave the manuscript to V.S. Marlow, the reason Israel wants a war with Iran is because Israel wants to take possession of an ancient
Starting point is 00:03:46 ruby. The ruby is the key to an unknown energy source that could be used to develop new weapons more powerful than nuclear warheads. The mysterious man also told V.S. Marlow that after the Israel-Iran war, a charismatic Islamic leader will appear who will seek to unite world religions to usher in an age of peace. And that's why this man's book was titled The Last Messiah. So years ago, I said that interviewing V.S. Marlow was like going to the county fair to see a two-headed boy who could pick up a cow. You know it's not true, but you buy the ticket anyway to go inside the tent.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Well, in light of the imminence of an Iran-Israel war and the recent hint by this Iranian general that his country is in possession of a secret weapon. I thought it might be a good time to go inside the carnival tent to hear the story once again. Here is my 2012 audio interview with V.S. Marlow, a pen name for a man who claimed to be an influential American diplomat. You are listening to True News, your alternative source for global news analysis and commentary. I'm Rick Wiles. I recently downloaded on my Kindle reader a new book whose title caught my attention. I couldn't resist.
Starting point is 00:05:22 It is The Last Messiah. The author is Mr. V.S. Marlow, a fictitious name. He says the book's message is too dangerous for him to reveal his identity. What we are told is that he is a former diplomat and terrorism consultant, and that his previous books have been praised by both U.S. presidents and Middle Eastern kings. The Last Messiah is written as a suspense novel. Okay, I think most of you know I don't read novels, don't have time. The real stuff I read every day is crazier than any novel.
Starting point is 00:06:03 So what made me stop and read a novel? Quite frankly, I was intrigued by the press release I received promoting the book. It was simply too tempting to ignore. The Last Messiah is about a breathtaking race against time to find a priceless and scientifically advanced ancient Persian manuscript. The story is juxtaposed with the rise of a charismatic Islamic leader who unites the Middle East, and a murderous sect that kills anybody who opposes this Islamic messiah. The pages contain threats from shadowy figures,
Starting point is 00:06:43 bloody ritual killings, assassinations, and elaborately crafted screens of political and economic events that hide the truth from all but a select few. If you believe the contents of this novel are true, then you must conclude that the Arab Spring Uprising, the soon-coming war with Syria and Iran, and the meltdown of the Western financial system are tied to an ancient Persian conspiracy meant to bring the world into unity behind an Islamic savior.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Is the last Messiah storyline truth or fiction? Is it disinformation planted by an intelligence agency? Should the author's pen name be V.S. Marlowe or B.S. Marlowe? Well, let's find out because Mr. Marlowe is on the telephone. Mr. Marlowe, welcome to True News. Thank you very much. It's an honor to be with you. Yes, sir. Well, lately, I seem to be interviewing people who can't reveal their identity. In June, I interviewed a young Brit who said that there would be no security in place at the Olympic Games in London. He revealed that the private security company, G4S, could not supply the manpower to protect the Games. It turned out that everything he told us in June was true. So now I've got you on the phone with this whacked-out story about an ancient Persian manuscript
Starting point is 00:08:10 that predicts the rise of an Islamic messiah and your fear that you'll be killed if this mysterious Islamic sect discovers your identity and whereabouts. So this should be an interesting conversation. I think it will be. Well, let's start with the information that you can reveal about your true past. Your bio says you were a diplomat. Was that with the U.S. State Department? Yes. And you served in foreign embassies? That's correct. But I can't be too specific because the more I say it, the easier it's going to be for somebody to track this back to me. I understand.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Eventually I think somebody's going to figure it out because I'm a public figure and I do a lot of speaking. In fact, that's how this story came to me. It was brought to me when I was on a trip, a speaking trip in the Persian Gulf or the Arabian Gulf, depending on which side you're on there. to me when I was on a trip, a speaking trip in the Persian Gulf or the Arabian Gulf, depending on which side you're on there. And this story was brought to me.
Starting point is 00:09:11 And I must say, I have a lot of people approaching me trying to get books published because I'm published myself. And the great bulk of them are just not publishable. But I sat and listened nearly entire night to this person who came to me. And then I agreed to read it. I thought a lot of it was rather far-fetched. But the more I thought about it, and then as certain events that were predicted in the story came true, I thought, well, maybe we should pay more attention to this.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Okay. Now, what you're saying, so our audience understands, what you're saying is you did not write this book. No, I didn't. I did some rewriting in order to position it as a work of fiction because I can't put a warranty on it. I'm not going to. Since I didn't produce it, for all I know, I'm being used by someone. And so that's why I did it this way. After consulting with my family and with my attorney, that's what we decided to do.
Starting point is 00:10:07 But I imagine at some point I'll have to step forward. Okay, so you are aware that you possibly are being used by some mysterious group or entity in order to get this manuscript into the hands of people. That's right. But you're the first author that I've interviewed who admits he didn't write the book. That's right. And I did some, as I said, I had to do some rewriting to turn this into fiction because it was presented as a journal of fact. And yet it had things in it that are clearly not fact, predicting that this Messiah would rise, that all sorts of things would happen that haven't happened yet.
Starting point is 00:10:49 But then there are certain things that have happened, and that was the prediction of the Arab Spring. Also, there's a treasure hunt in this book. It's quite intriguing on its own. It's like the Da Vinci Code in that sense. The treasure that's missing in fact did exist it's still missing and that was something called the ruby
Starting point is 00:11:08 cup of Jamshid it's a Persian artifact at least 3,000 years old solid ruby Alexander the Great supposedly drank from it and it used to be that anyone who wanted to control Eurasia
Starting point is 00:11:23 believed that they had to possess this cup in order to do that. And the last person to own it was the Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent of Turkey, Ottoman Turkey, and apparently it disappeared late in the 16th century, late in the 1500s, and it's never been found since. But what's most interesting about this story is not only is this treasure valuable for its ruby content and its antiquity, but that it seems to hold a mathematical clue to a new kind of nuclear process. And it all ties in with the alleged Iranian nuclear program and so on. So I thought this is too important to ignore. There seems to be something here that's worth looking at.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Okay, before we go further into the storyline, let's tell the audience, let's talk about the mysterious man who gave you this journal, what can you tell us about the way you met him and how this came about? It was totally random. This is like someone handing over a sacred text, you know. I had given a speech in one of the Persian Gulf cities, and so my name was in the news. I appear on television and so on. So people know who I am. And then I come back to the hotel. It's hot. It's, you know, just at the time of year I was there, you know, it can be 125 during the day Fahrenheit.
Starting point is 00:12:59 So I came back and this person comes up to me. I'm getting ready to have a late dinner, and this person comes up, and he seems to know who I am, and I assumed he had heard me speak. And he said, can I spend a few moments? And I tried to brush him off because I was tired. I didn't want to, you know, and he seemed strange. But anyway, he gave me, he wouldn't give me his name. He said, you can call me Jonah. And I think he used the Arabic name for Jonah, which is Eunice, several times.
Starting point is 00:13:34 And actually Eunice is one of the characters in this book. So, you know, it was all quite fishy. But after talking to him and then after reading and rereading and doing some research on my own, I thought, well, this is really quite interesting. Never heard from the man again, never. All right, so he handed you the manuscript. How long did your conversation with him last? Oh, it was too long.
Starting point is 00:14:00 It probably went on for six hours. Six hours? Yep. And this was in a foreign city? Yeah, this was in a hotel. And we were in the lobby, and then we had dinner together, and then we sat outside this sort of a portal area. Okay, so he gives you the manuscript. You took it with you.
Starting point is 00:14:21 You read it, and it with you you read it and um it it captivated you but then what several weeks later you received a mysterious telephone call it was a long time later a long time okay a lot a lot longer because i was still debating whether to present it as non-fiction or fiction but then fiction. But then after the telephone call, this was, it could have been a hoax, but it sounded like someone being killed. And then there was this long rant in a language that I couldn't understand. A few words I picked up from my knowledge of Farsi, which is the current language in Iran, the mainstream language there, had a long rant about the millennial one is arisen and so on and so forth. And I had to have it translated for me. But you're saying that while on this phone call, this was
Starting point is 00:15:25 live or a voicemail? It was a voicemail because it came in while I was sleeping. I was in the U.S. at the time. It came in. It was there the next morning. And from the sound of it, it sounded like a long distance.
Starting point is 00:15:43 And I assumed an international call. And you, it sounded like a long distance, and I assumed an international call. All right, and you said it sounded like somebody being murdered. What did you hear? A screaming in the background. It could have been a setup, but it gave me pause, let me tell you. Was it a screaming that sounded horrifying, hair-raising? Yes.
Starting point is 00:16:10 It sounded quite convincing. And did you recognize the voice? The thing, you know, it was an intuitive sense, but as I heard it, I thought that it was the fellow, Jonah, Eunice, whatever his real name is, who had brought me this book. That was just what flashed into my mind. So the first thought in your mind as you listened to the voicemail is the person who is screaming was the mysterious man who gave me this manuscript. Right. And you were, did you notify authorities about the phone call?
Starting point is 00:16:47 I spoke to my attorney about it. Did you speak to the FBI about it? No, did not. You don't think you should have turned that phone call over to someone? Probably should have done that, yes. I mean, you realize what you're saying publicly here. You heard someone being murdered. I couldn't tell.
Starting point is 00:17:11 I was also, you know, my rational mind was saying, well, this is just part of the setup. But the man speaking in Farsi, you did pick out some words, and he was saying that, what was it, the millennial reign was starting? The millennial one has arrived. The millennial one has arrived. Yes. Do you remember any other words that you understood? Oh, it was things.
Starting point is 00:17:40 I didn't understand it. I had to have it translated. But there were things that all of the events that we're seeing are tied to the fulfillment of the plan, and it's been a thousand years in the making, and this sort of thing. It's in the preface to the book. So the translation, you had those words from the voicemail translated from Farsi to English. It wasn't modern Farsi. It was classical Persian. Classical Persian?
Starting point is 00:18:12 Yes. Does anybody still speak classical Persian? Some academics do. And then the language of Afghanistan, which is a modern language called Dari, the mainstream language, is pretty close to classical Persian. That's probably the closest. And there's some other areas like in Tajikistan that speak something akin to classical Persian. And the modern...
Starting point is 00:18:39 No, go ahead, sir. The modern Iranian has diverged. I mean, it's kind of like comparing Elizabethan English to what we speak today. Yes, and he was saying all of the events that we're seeing today are to bring about this millennial one. I don't believe the word Islam was used. It was that the millennial one has arrived. It's inevitable. You must comply and so on.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Okay, so what was your first reaction? I mean, after you heard the phone call, you got the translation. What were you thinking? Well, it corresponded with some of the storyline. So it wasn't foreign to me, but it was chilling in that here's a live person articulating some stuff that, for all I knew, was a bogus, was a hoax or some sort of ulterior, someone with an ulterior agenda, a piece of disinformation. And so it gave me pause, and it's not a good feeling. On the other hand, there are things in here that I think are potentially important enough that the story should be told. I mean, if there's much more to what we're seeing in the Middle East than just some Islamic fundamentalists or Iran trying to build a bomb,
Starting point is 00:20:12 if there's a lot more behind it, we should be aware of it. And then let the experts evaluate what to do about it. Right. Okay, let's talk about the storyline that's in the journal that was given to you. What's the basis of it? Well, there are three main stories here. One is this treasure hunt for the missing ruby cup of Jamshid. Jamshid was a mythical founder of the Persian nation. So I don't know who you are.
Starting point is 00:20:42 You look kind of like King Arthur in English history. And this ruby cup that was his, and then was later passed down to later Asian conquerors. This is like some type of sacred chalice. It's a solid ruby cup. And then, so that's one story. It's a mystery, and it involves an American art historian working with his girlfriend, who's an American reporter working in Istanbul covering the Middle East, and
Starting point is 00:21:14 they're looking for this cup. And the second story is the rise of this Islamic messiah. Now, his followers call him the Mahdi, you know, and that's from Islamic lore and history. The Imam Mahdi, the 12th Mahdi, the 12th Imam is a figure not unlike the Messiah who's supposed to arise and restore righteousness and Islamic rule and so on. And then the third story here is a historic story. It's about the same conspiracy nearly succeeding during the reign of Suleyman the Magnificent in Turkey. It was a conspiracy to try and unite Turkey and Iran and the Arab world. And it very nearly came off.
Starting point is 00:22:01 But then Suleyman died and it fell apart. So there are three stories, and then there are all sorts of subplots. It's very complicated. If you're into conspiracy and layers and so on, it's a wonderful read. Now, how much of this was the original manuscript, and did you embellish it? Did you add or take away anything? I did some rewriting simply of narrative because I thought there were pieces that were just badly written. It's sort of a mixed bag.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Maybe it's a group effort because some parts of it are just magnificent and others were less so. The characterization was excellent, but I changed some names. But the manuscript that was given to you by this mysterious man, he was implying that everything in that journal was factual, not fictional. Yeah, everything was factual including things that hadn't happened yet and that's why
Starting point is 00:23:06 I was saying well I think the fellow may be alone but but then some things did happen
Starting point is 00:23:13 especially the Arab Spring that's what really got me because although we always knew that there was all this pent up
Starting point is 00:23:20 unrest and people sick of being misruled and misgoverned and so on, the way it happened was so dramatic and so widespread. That's the way it set out in the book. And no one predicted it.
Starting point is 00:23:32 The CIA didn't see it. The Mossad didn't see it in Israel. Nobody saw it coming. And here it happened just as in the book. I say, okay, I have to pay more attention to this. Okay. Did you have the manuscript before or after the Arab Spring started? Before.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Before. You had it before? Yes. Well, I didn't understand that. Yes. I mean, I've been telling... That's why we're having this conversation, because otherwise it might have sat on a shelf. I will tell you this, Mr. Merle.
Starting point is 00:24:00 I mean, I've been telling our radio audience since the start of the Arab Spring, what was that, the fall of 2010, I've been telling our audience this uprising is well planned, it's choreographed, this is not spontaneous. I think it's very obvious if anybody really looks at it. So the question has been, who's behind it? Yep. Well, you know, I travel a lot in all those countries. I spent a lot of time in Egypt, a lot of time in the Persian Gulf, Saudi Arabia, and so on. And it was stunning, especially Libya.
Starting point is 00:24:45 You know, I thought Gaddafi would be there until he died of old age. You know, he had such a grip on it. And then countries like Tunisia, it was just astonishing. And Mubarak, who I've met, it was just, it kind of took my breath away. Who do you think got Gaddafi's 144 tons of gold? I have a feeling it's in a Swiss bank, but, you know. Me too. After me.
Starting point is 00:25:12 That could be Lichtenstein also. Yeah. Hey, the ruby cup, does it, purportedly, does it have some type of magical, mystical powers? Well, in mythology, it was believed to be more than just a cup it was like a portal it was a you know sort of a tacky parallel like crystal ball but you you could see things in it and uh what what you know who knows? But that was part of the reason that all these Asian conquerors, I mean, Julius Caesar wanted it. Alexander actually had it for a while because, you know, he conquered Persia in about the 4th century before Christ. And then it passed around to all sorts of people.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Everybody who, you know, came marching through managed to have the Ruby Cup for a while. And Genghis Khan. It's kind of through managed to have the Ruby Cup for a while. King is gone. It's kind of along the lines of the spear. Yes. The spear that lands to the side of Christ. The story is that whichever army was in possession of it ruled the world.
Starting point is 00:26:19 And right now, supposedly the U.S. has the spear. We took it from Hitler. Okay. If they are, they don't.S. has the spear. We took it from Hitler. Okay. If they are, they don't tell us, but, you know, they've been buried away. Well, the storyline was that as U.S. troops or tanks knocked down a wall, they discovered the spear, and the spear was turned over to, you know to commanders of the U.S. Army, and that's the last anybody saw of it. That's another story.
Starting point is 00:26:48 It's another book, isn't it? Yes. So let's go back to the story you were given. The rise of the Islamic Messiah, that's the second theme in this book. Yes. Is this, there's a group, there's a mysterious sect, a secret society that is trying to bring about the rise of this Messiah.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Is that the correct explanation? It is. There's a bit of a nuance to it in that they are seeking to co-opt this person. He's not necessarily in their control, but they are seeking through blackmail because of his family background. I can't give much more about it because then you really have no reason to read the book. But they are watching for such a person to appear,
Starting point is 00:27:57 and then they seek to control and co-opt it. Okay, so the secret society. What's the name of the secret society? In the historical story from the conspiracy back in the 16th century, they're called named Dashti from Iran, from Persia, who comes west and spends some time in Turkey and tries to infiltrate the Sufi movement. And we're going to get into some esoteric stuff about Islam. I don't know whether the readers or the listeners are familiar, but, you know, Sufism is a mystical movement within Islam, and it's had a checkered
Starting point is 00:28:46 or difficult history because mainstream Islam has sometimes turned against it and tried to destroy it. It's softer, but there's magic involved and all sorts of stuff. Okay, so it's the part of Islam that dabbles in the occult. Yes, yes. Okay. So what is it? It's not unlike what there was a lot of that going on in Europe, you know, a thousand years ago.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Alchemy and so on. And so it's a parallel movement. Okay. They are kind of the keeper of the flame that's keeping this legend going, waiting for the day that the legend becomes reality. That's right. And what's especially disturbing and astonishing is that this group, although it has infiltrated certain parts of Islam, is not really Islamic. It's something older. And it's much more rooted in Persia and Persian history. And I don't know how familiar you are with Middle Eastern religion, but there was a monotheistic religion in Iran before Islam, and that was called Zoroastrianism.
Starting point is 00:30:08 And they were also, you know, the Magi, they were the high priests of Zoroaster, and they engaged in some of this magic. They were supposed to be doing white magic, but some of them got into black, and that's where this Dashti movement comes from, the dark side of Zoroastrianism. They believe that all of life was a struggle between light and dark. And the god of light, which would roughly correspond to our concept in Christianity, was Ahura Mazd. And then the god of darkness was Ariman, like Satan. So your understanding of this
Starting point is 00:30:50 is that this secret society, this is not an Islamic group. This is actually rooted in ancient Persian pagan occult religion. Yes, it's Persian, imperialistic, pre-Abrahamic stuff. When you say it's imperialistic, what are you implying? Well, it was the official state religion of Persia until Persia was overrun by the Arabs and the Muslims in the 700s.
Starting point is 00:31:29 So it was a state religion. It was entwined with, remember the great Persian conquerors, Xerxes, Cyrus, Darius? These guys, they were all, it was entwined. The high priesthood, the Magi were entwined with that. And this book sets out the premise that Islam, or pieces of it, are being used to pursue an old Persian imperialistic plan. Islam? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:32:03 You have no idea how close you are to things that we talk about on this program. Uh-huh. We have been promoting the concept that Islam is being used to devour nations and it's being manipulated. And the terrorists inside, the jihadists inside Islam do not even know that they're being manipulated. Well, that's the premise of this story, that those, well, maybe some ayatollahs and others, they don't even know whose agenda they're following.
Starting point is 00:32:41 See, this idea of what we've been putting out sounded pretty wild and crazy now your book comes along and you're saying that this is part of an ancient conspiracy you know you have to remember Persia I mean Iran is not a significant country today other than that it can do some mischief
Starting point is 00:33:01 but Persia had the chance to dominate Europe. We might have been speaking a dialect of Persian, but for some battles in Greece, you know, 2,400 years ago. So, you know, Persia was a big deal. And I don't think, this story says that there's certain cliques and cabals who've never given that up. They've never given up that dream, even though, in reality, Persia is surrounded by hostile countries, it's boxed in, it's a developing country, and so on.
Starting point is 00:33:36 So what they're dreaming about is a revived Persian empire. Yes. But using the subterfuge of a religious pretext. In fact, it's talk about the advanced nuclear energy program that this journal claims is underway. Yes. Well, you know, I've always been a little perplexed that the West has been as concerned as they are about the possibility that the Iranians will get one bomb. And let me explain that. Because all the diplomatic and the bargos and all the talking and so on,
Starting point is 00:34:38 I've always thought it didn't correspond to reality because, let's be honest, look who's got the bomb now. I mean, well, North Korea has enough to turn, you know, Tokyo into a graveyard. And what else? Pakistan could certainly do horrendous damage, even though we pretend like they're our ally. And then, of course course Israel's got 200 warheads as far as we know. So all this worrying about one possible bomb in Iran, I've always thought, well, what's the story here? Well, in this book, the implication or the allegation is that this Persian manuscript and the cup and so on lead to an alternate route to a much more powerful form, essentially, I'm giving away too much, but fusion.
Starting point is 00:35:37 And this is something that, you know, the West has been messing around with for decades and so on but there is a i've done some research on this and there is an alternate way to fusion through lasers involving ruby lasers and so then it all starts to come together ruby lasers yes what tell what is a ruby laser well i'm not a physicist. I understand. In effect, passing this beam through ruby rods or lenses can create a more intense laser. And this is an area that the U.S. and the Soviet Union were looking at in terms of fusion, trying to generate fusion through lasers, and they've never gotten anywhere. Okay. Is there a connection to the Ruby Cup? Yes, I think there is.
Starting point is 00:36:27 It all comes together. So if you discover the secret of the Ruby Cup, you will rule the world? Yes. If you have an alternate route to fusion, which is essentially star energy, it's stellar, you know, what powers the sun, then, my gosh, then you've got it knocked. Okay, but if somebody gave this type of scientific knowledge to the Persians thousands of years ago, then those entities that passed that on to them could not have been human.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Well, give me a theory as to who gave it to them. I'll help you write your next book. All right. Okay. I think this explains all this ruckus about the Iranian bomb. Because, of course, if the Iranians had a bomb, then, you know, that makes everyone nervous. But I don't believe that the current, for example, Ayatollah Khomeini, as an oppressive and dictatorial leader as he is, I don't believe he's a suicidal maniac. I think those guys know if they were to lob a bomb, they're going to be black glass within 30 minutes.
Starting point is 00:37:51 I've said for years, I've said for years that Ahmadinejad is way too cocky. He's just way too cocky for his own good. I mean, unless he knows something. Well, that's why this rather far-fetched story that there's more to this Iranian program than just building a bomb, there's something else there, that tracks with all this ruckus and so on. All right, now, V.S., I don't know if you know about this article. I read this on this radio program in November 2011. So we're almost one year since this was news. This was November 21st.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Iran dares Israel to attack because the retaliation would send the Jewish state to the dustbin of history, a senior Revolutionary Guard commander said, according to Fars News Agency. He quotes the chief of the guards, Amir Ali Adedzadeh, as saying, quote, our greatest wish is that they commit such a mistake. Now listen to this. For some time, there has been a hidden energy we hope to expend to consign the enemies of Islam forever to the dustbin of history. Well, you found it then. I didn't realize anyone had ever gone on public record there. So this seems to validate it.
Starting point is 00:39:22 That's why I have you on the program, because when I read your press release, that was the very first thing I thought about. Is this connected to that mysterious statement about a hidden energy? Well, it could be bluster, because, you know, Saddam managed to bluff everybody for all those years. He had weapons of mass destruction, and apparently he had nothing but, you know, hot air. Well, he was also developing a super gun. Yeah. And that was, you know, that was another story from back in the 90s.
Starting point is 00:40:00 And that was real. Yes, I remember. Yeah, that was real. Yeah. Okay, so if General Haddad J.D. is not BSing here and he's really boasting, and he's saying our greatest wish is that the Israelis won't commit such a mistake and not start the war. That's what he's saying. Please, please attack us. That's what he's saying.
Starting point is 00:40:22 Hey, Jews, please come attack us. We've got something. We have a hidden energy that will put you in the trash can of history. So you get a book, you get a manuscript given to you by a mysterious man who may have been murdered later on a telephone call that you heard is murder and in this manuscript there's the story about this ancient persian conspiracy or plan to bring forth a revived persian empire with a with a super energy weapon and it's all centered around using an Islamic
Starting point is 00:41:05 Messiah. This is pretty... I mean, to me, this is too real. It's really spooking. It is chilling. It's spooking me. Yeah. And you have to sit and think, alright, who would be up to something?
Starting point is 00:41:23 Who would want to put out this story? Well, it could be somebody in the West who wants to call attention to it, but stay under deep cover. It could be the Iranians who want to put out the word that don't mess with us. It could be, or it could just be absolute BS. You called me BS. I appreciate you being a good sport. I didn't put a warranty on this one.
Starting point is 00:41:50 I didn't, but I think it's really intriguing. Yes, it is. saying that you could be a pawn that somebody in a very high-level, sophisticated operation is using you. But it also could be because somebody is using you to tell the truth. Could be. I mean, you could be used for disinformation. This could be Israeli Mossad trying to put out a boogeyman story about the Iranians, that they got some type of secret weapon.
Starting point is 00:42:33 But then it also could be somebody in U.S. intelligence who knows that this is the truth. It could be somebody in Iran who is terrified at what they have in their possession. That was my, when I talked to Eunice Jonah, my intuitive sense was that he was a dissident from Iran. Although he spoke
Starting point is 00:42:55 with an English accent. It sounds like he grew up in London or something, but that was just my take on him that he was representing a dissident faction. That was my my take on him, that he was representing a dissident faction. That was my feeling, but, you know, if it had been it, he could have been working for the Israelis. I don't know. What's the role of Turkey in all this?
Starting point is 00:43:15 Well, Turkey is really the linchpin because just as in the 16th century plot and today, there is no way to really unite the Middle East in a significant, meaningful way if Turkey's not a part of it. Iran is too weak, and the Arab world is just a royal mess. I'm probably misusing words there, but it's a mess. It's fragmented. There's just no agreement on anything. All these governments are being overthrown and so on. The only way is for Turkey to be brought into this. Now, Turkey, you know, Turkey is one of my favorite countries in the world. I love to go there because it's so many layers of history. And Istanbul is one of my favorite cities.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Turkey, you know, after being the heartland of Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox Christianity, and the seat of the Orthodox Church is still there, you know. But it was then Islamicized, and the Turks Built an empire That was probably comparable To the Soviet Union It was huge
Starting point is 00:44:29 It lasted 600 years And then they fell And then Mustafa Kemal Ataturk He tried to make Turkey Into a secular country And he did it really by force Because the Turks are very Muslim, generally. There are other religions there, because there was a fairly tolerant tradition under the
Starting point is 00:44:52 sultans, but he tried to make it like a Western European country, by force, and that's being undone now. It's still officially secular, but as we know, the current government has Islamic roots. And so it's very sensitive. It's a U.S. ally. It's a member of NATO. But there are those who I'm sure would love to see it go the other way. And Turkey is really the key. If Turkey moves away from the West and starts to embrace
Starting point is 00:45:28 Iran and the Arab world, then I think we're looking at a different map. A lot of the intrigue and suspense in the book is in the town, the Turkish town of Dogobayazat. Have you ever been there? No, I've not been that far east. I've been in some of the other cities in that book, but no, I've never been out there. That's really in the Kurdish, that's Turkish Kurdistan. I recognize, when I was reading the book, I mean, I instantly recognized his hiking partner from Scotland was apparently murdered there. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:46:15 It is a dangerous town. It's a very dangerous town. What took your son there? Searching for treasures. Uh-huh. Okay. Like everybody else that ends up in that place. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:28 The legends. Now, he's making a movie about Noah's Ark. Oh, yeah. Yeah, he spent a lot of time in that town. In fact, he had to flee one time because he feared that the Turkish secret police were going to apprehend him. Yeah, it's very sensitive because of the Kurdish thing in particular. And it's also close to the Iranian border, so you're getting close to it.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Oh, yeah, you can wave at the Iranian soldiers in the guard post. Well, one last question. Has anybody in the U.S. intel community talked to you about this book? Yes. You asked me if we talked to the FBI, and no, not officially, but I do have friends in those other agencies, and we have talked about it. All right. Any foreign intel agencies talk to you about it?
Starting point is 00:47:29 Well, if they have, they didn't let me know it was who I was talking to. All right. All right. Well, I'll tell you, it is a fascinating book, and I encourage our audience to buy the book. It's available in print and electronic form. I have it on my Kindle reader. If you have your Kindle, you can get that thing right away.
Starting point is 00:47:53 And it is The Last Messiah, The Last Messiah. And the author is Mr. V.S. Marlow, fictitious name. And maybe you can come back later when we find out if this book is for real. I'd love to come back. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Let's stay in touch, sir.
Starting point is 00:48:14 I appreciate you being on True News today. Thanks for having me. Today on True News, you heard V.S. Marlow's amazing story about an ancient Persian manuscript, a Middle Eastern legend about a ruby cup with mystical powers, a Zoroastrian secret society working to manipulate world affairs to bring about an Islamic messiah, and the revival of the Persian empire. As he spoke, I thought about
Starting point is 00:48:40 the Iranian commander's boast last year that his nation possessed a hidden energy that would vaporize Iran's enemies. I've always thought that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is simply way too cocky for a guy who's going to get bombed by the biggest military on the planet. So what does he know? Why is he eager for war? Why do the Iranians provoke Israel? Does Iran have a secret weapon? You know, at first I thought that perhaps they had acquired a Tesla-like scalar weapon from Russia or China. But why would those countries consider the possibility that Iranian scientists have developed on their own a new weapon, something the world has never witnessed.
Starting point is 00:49:26 My first thoughts are the many prophetic dreams that members of my immediate family and close friends have experienced over the past two or three years. The common theme in all the dreams is the urgent need to escape a consuming fire that sweeps across America. In Pastor T.D. Hale's dream, everything in the USA had been scorched. Two years ago, my daughter-in-law dreamed that our family was in a holiday party. An angelic visitor entered the room and said, this is it. There's no more time. You must leave now. In that dream, my son Jeremy ran outside to find a boat to sail away, but there were no boats to be found. Everything was on fire. On the same night, my daughter Carissa dreamed
Starting point is 00:50:08 that our family was frantically running in search of a place to crawl into to escape raging fires. And days after the Watchman's meeting, Jim Haddock dreamed that he was running in sheer panic to escape flames. I could go on and on with more dreams and warnings, but the message is clear. There's a fire coming. Are your sins under the blood of Jesus? Are you saved? Have you been born again? If you perished in a raging inferno, would your soul rest in the presence of the Lord?
Starting point is 00:50:41 Well, thank you for watching True News today. And don't forget that the BOGO offer for British Brookfield water products ends tonight at Check it out. Go to No promo code needed. Just purchase the British Brookfield products that you want and get a second one for free. Thank you so much for watching True News. Doc and I will see you on Monday. Good morning, everybody. Welcome to Morning Manna.
Starting point is 00:51:17 We're glad to have you with us. We are studying the Gospel according to St. Matthew. And today we are beginning a new chapter chapter 25 we are still in the answer to the three questions the disciples asked Jesus outside on the Mount of Olives and they asked him when shall these things be what is the sign of your coming What is the sign of the end of the age? And all of chapter 24 and chapter 25 contains Jesus's answer to those three questions. So today we move into chapter 25, and I'm very excited because this is another parable and i love teaching parables
Starting point is 00:52:08 we're going to be looking at the parable of the 10 virgins and this is verses 1 through 13. pray and invite our wonderful holy spirit to participate in this study with us. Father, our Father in heaven, we come to you in the name of Jesus, filled with thanksgiving and praise and gratitude and joy. Father, we are hungry today. We gather to receive teaching from your word, nourishment from your word. And we also gather today around the Lord's table to be fed his body and his blood. So, Father, this is an important day for us. And we request the presence, the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We know the Holy Spirit dwells in us,
Starting point is 00:53:06 but we show respect to the Holy Spirit, saying, please, take your seat at this table and lead this Bible study and teach all of us the truth of your word. In the name of Jesus, amen. Amen. Praise God. Rick, I'm reminded when I was a boy, early in the mornings,
Starting point is 00:53:27 my grandmother would be making breakfast and everything, and the smells would be going all through the house and everything. But then she would say, who's hungry? That was her line. Who's hungry?
Starting point is 00:53:38 She didn't say, let's eat, or breakfast is ready. She said, who's hungry? And that was the call to come to the table and to feast. And so I'm asking that question today. Who's hungry? Who's hungry today? Well, I can tell you right now, as of this hour, at just a little past 8 a.m. Eastern,
Starting point is 00:54:03 there are 287 people with us at the breakfast table. Praise God. And then later in the day, thousands more will join. Praise the Lord. Well, we are in Chapter 25, as Rick mentioned, and we'll be reading the first 13 verses. So if you have your Bibles, let's turn to there. And just a reminder, we'll be having the
Starting point is 00:54:25 Lord's Supper at the end of our lesson today. And so just be reminded about that. And so if you got your Bibles, let's read along with me here. I'm reading from the King James. This is the parable of the ten virgins. Then shall the king of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lambs and went forth to meet the bridegroom five of them were foolish and five excuse me five of them were wise and five were foolish they that were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps while the bridegroom tarried they all slumbered and slept and at midnight there was a cry made behold the bridegroom cometh go you out to meet him then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps and the foolish said unto the wise give us
Starting point is 00:55:12 of your oil for our lamps are gone out but the wise answered saying not so lest there be not enough for us and you but go you rather to them that sell and buy for yourselves and while they Now, folks, I know you not. Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh. Now folks, I would encourage you to listen carefully to Rick's teaching on this. Okay? Listen to how he explains this. You're going to get a lot of clarity on this parable today. I promise you, because we've gone through it several times,
Starting point is 00:56:03 and Rick has taught it several times So I'm telling I'm asking you reserve your comments and questions let Rick teach And explain it and then you a lot of things will clear up really quick Amen But before I'm curious how many nations are represented today in our class? I I have at least 12, but it's probably more than that since we've had a conversation today. That's awesome. Well, my lesson outline today is based on Chapter 2 in my book, Final Day,
Starting point is 00:56:37 the 10 characteristics of the second coming of Jesus Christ. And I start that chapter by saying that religiosity is not synonymous with spiritual readiness. Just because you're religious doesn't mean you're spiritually Jesus directed many of his sermons to religious people, not heathens. If you go back and look at the sermons and the parables, he's talking to religious people. His talks and his parables often warn religious folks that they must always be ready for the day of the Lord. What is the day of the Lord? It's any visitation of the Lord. Any day that God visits the earth, it could be for a person, a church, a denomination, a city, a state, a nation. There have been many days of the Lord throughout history.
Starting point is 00:57:53 But there is coming one big and final day of the Lord. And what chapters 24 and 25 are about is being ready. It's not so much the signs. He started with the signs. But the rest of his reply to their questions is about being in a state of readiness. Yes. So if Jesus expects us to expect the unexpected, it would be wise for all of us to examine our hearts daily for signs of spiritual sluggishness. So the parable of the five foolish virgins represents religious people who are religiously
Starting point is 00:58:49 dull and lazy and complacent and preoccupied with this world. There's ten virgins. Five are foolish. foolish but the bridegroom's expected arrival came at an unexpected hour in the parable all ten bridesmaids believed that the bridegroom would arrive for the the wedding but his unexpected delay tripped up five of them so as we studied days ago Matthew 24 Jesus gave us the sign of his second coming in the end of the age of sitting on the Mount of Olives he prophesied the future demolition of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, the destruction of the city of Jerusalem.
Starting point is 00:59:54 He gave the saints warning that they would suffer intense persecution. He promised that God would cut short the days of tribulation for the sake of the elect. He said the sun, the moon, the stars shall go go dark he gave his disciples the parable the fig tree he also warned that human civilization would be just like it was in the days of noah and then jesus compared his second coming to a thief's unexpected arrival in the night. Lastly, he said, wise disciples would be busy serving the right food at the proper time when he returns. Meat in due season. That was yesterday's lesson.
Starting point is 01:00:46 So then after his detailed description of the final day, Jesus' next spoken word, which marks the beginning of Matthew 25, is the word then. Jesus didn't stop and go, turn the page, we're going to chapter 25. Right. He finished his sentence about serving meat in due season. He talked about the disciple, the wicked disciple, the slothful, lazy servant who would be caught off guard by the master's sudden return and that man would be cut asunder
Starting point is 01:01:32 the very next word out of his mouth is then then what? then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened. Likened means it shall resemble. Thus the parable of the ten virgins teaches that when Jesus returns to judge humanity, it will resemble the bridegroom's father instructing the bridesmaids to be ready
Starting point is 01:02:08 any time for his son to arrive for the grand wedding ceremony so in this parable jesus is the bridegroom the event in the parable is the marriage of Jesus with his bride but the parable does not identify the bride and this what I'm about to say next is where a lot of people their wigs flip off of them and you know the hair curls because like what did you just say neither the bridesmaids nor the guests can also be the bride correct have you ever gone to a wedding where the bridegroom married the bridesmaids have you ever gone to a wedding where the bridegroom married the bridesmaids have you ever gone to a wedding where the bridegroom married the guest at the wedding and yet isn't that
Starting point is 01:03:11 how this parable is generally taught yes but the people in this the main characters in this parable are bridesmaids. That's right. They are attendants at the wedding. They are observers, witnesses of the wedding. So St. John wrote in the 21st chapter of the Revelation of jesus christ that new jerusalem is the bride correct the bridegroom was not betrothed to marry 10 bridesmaids in the parable this bride groom was he didn't practice polygamy correct
Starting point is 01:04:01 bridesmaids don't get married to the bridegroom the bride marries the bridegroom and st. John in the revelation of Jesus Christ said New Jerusalem is the bride yes so that's another teaching that's not for today likewise Jesus also did not identify the bride in another parable about the final day and that's the parable of the wedding banquet and in that parable the story's focus was on the the spiritual fitness of the guest. Right. In this parable, the focus is on the spiritual fitness of the bridesmaids, the attendants. So in contrast,
Starting point is 01:04:55 the parable of the ten virgins theme is about the bridesmaids' readiness for the bridegroom's sudden arrival at an unexpected hour. Now, what little I know about ancient Eastern culture, my understanding is that marriages in Arab nations typically occur at night. Doc and I have been in Jordan. We've seen weddings just about any given night of the week.
Starting point is 01:05:37 They don't have them just on the weekend. Monday through Friday, there are weddings at night. So young men known as the friends of the bridegroom, they attended to the bridegroom at his father's house. And the young virgin women, known as bridesmaids, attended to the bride at her father's house. And typically the custom was that the bridegroom should go where the bride was waiting and take her to the wedding ceremony at his father's house right so the bride
Starting point is 01:06:16 is at her father's house the bridegroom is with his father but he leaves his father's house, goes to the bridegroom's father's house. The bride, I'm talking about the bride, not the bridegroom, goes to the bride's house and takes her to the wedding. And the wedding is at the father's house, the father of the bridegroom I hope that makes sense so when the bridegroom's arrival was soon imminent somebody would shout that he's almost he's on his way and the bridesmaids would meet him and accompany the couple with lit lamps to the wedding ceremony.
Starting point is 01:07:10 And when they entered the bridegroom's father's house, the doorkeeper shut the door and the wedding ceremony commenced. However, this parable's imagery implies that the wedding ceremony was not held at the bridegroom's house. And theologians differ in their interpretation of this deviation from ancient Eastern customs. Did the bridegroom arrive from a great distance with his bride, or did the bridegroom travel a long way to fetch her? Regardless of which interpretation is correct, the bridegroom's father expected the 10 virgins, the bride's maids, to wait for the bridegroom's arrival so that the wedding ceremony could begin.
Starting point is 01:08:06 That was their assignment. Right. They didn't have any other assignment. Just be ready. And when the call comes, escort the bride and the bridegroom to the wedding. So the way I see this, the ten virgins represent the entire body of people who confess belief in the Christian faith. And in this parable, they are divided into two groups,
Starting point is 01:08:38 wise and foolish. This isn't about saved and heathens. This isn't about righteous and wicked. It's about wise and foolish. So unlike actors in other parables, Jesus did not classify the ten virgins as good or bad, righteous or evil, prudent or careless. All were virgins, and yet five were foolish. All were friends of the bride, and equipped with lamps and oil. Right. And he qualified what made those five brides foolish.
Starting point is 01:09:28 He said they took no oil with them. That's right. Well, I'll clarify that, Doc. They did take oil. And that's what you're going to see here. This is the subtle point that has to be understood the five wise had extra oil yes but the five foolish had the bare minimum oil supply they the five foolish had oil but not enough the the amount of oil possessed by each of the ten virgins resulted from individual choices made by each young woman during the daylight hours.
Starting point is 01:10:25 That's right. Nobody hindered the five foolish from gathering extra oil. Nobody stopped them. There was no opposition. It was their choice. The stores were open. And nobody ordered the five wise virgins to get extra oil. It was their choice.
Starting point is 01:10:49 Why did they do it? They're wise. So all ten virgins, five wise and five foolish. Again, these are not five righteous people and five wicked people. This is not five Christians and five pagan heathens. They're all, all 10 represent the church. But they've been divided into two groups wise and foolish and all ten went forth to meet the bridegroom whom all ten expected to arrive for the wedding ceremony yes the five foolish didn't
Starting point is 01:11:40 their their problem wasn't that they didn't expect him to show up. All ten expected the bridegroom to show up. The problem was scheduling. So these two words went forth. That implies that all ten virgins took the initiative to act on their responsibilities. Both wise and foolish bridesmaids knew four things about the bridegroom. They knew his identity and that he was coming from a far distance to marry his bride. They also knew that somebody would alert them by shouting, the bridegroom is on his way.
Starting point is 01:12:31 And number four, they knew that it was their duty to escort the bridegroom with lit lamps to the wedding ceremony location. Now, all 10 bridesmaids also shared three other things number one all 10 were unanimous in their desire to attend the grand marriage event number two official invitations had been sent to all 10 bridesmaids. They were invited. You can't go to a wedding and appoint yourself as a bridesmaid.
Starting point is 01:13:17 You can't make yourself the best man at a wedding. You have to be invited. That's right. All 10 were invited. Now do you think about the parable of the wedding where people disregarded the invitation? And number three, none of the ten virgins knew at that time that they were in two separate groups, wise and foolish. Yes. None of them did.
Starting point is 01:13:51 At that time, they didn't know the difference. No. None of the five foolish virgins gazed in a mirror that day and sighed, I am a fool. And none of the five wise virgins looked in the mirror and boasted, I am wise. Yes, the separation didn't come until later. That's right. On the surface, if you looked at the ten, hey, they're all equal. They're all fine. The foolish deceived themselves because they thought they were wise. The foolish assumed they were wise. But God calls them fools.
Starting point is 01:14:42 So what's the factor that separated these ten virgins? The five foolish virgins went forth to meet the incoming bridegroom with their lit lamps, but no extra oil. The five wise virgins did the same thing, but also carried vessels, meaning containers filled with oil. If you go back and look at the scriptures that Doc read,
Starting point is 01:15:17 it mentions that the five wise had vessels. Yes. All ten had lamps. All ten had oil in their lamps it's I think most people think that the five foolish left their houses without putting oil in their lamps no they they had oil but they didn't have vessels they didn't have vessels. They didn't have enough oil for the journey. The vessel was either like a leather container. A pouch, yeah. A pouch or maybe a ceramic container where they put oil in it.
Starting point is 01:16:07 That was their little extra supply. So the five wise virgins carried vessels, meaning containers filled with extra oil. So the sin of the five foolish virgins was not wickedness, fornication, unfaithfulness, apostasy. They were none of those things. The sin was neglecting preparation for the bridegroom's sudden arrival at an unexpected late hour and rick it just dawned on me they had enough oil to get them to midnight
Starting point is 01:16:52 but no further amen they had enough oil just to get midnight you got it they had enough to get to midnight and they paid a severe price for their neglect of duty the parable says in verse 5 when or while the bridegroom tarried they all slumbered and slept. There are three things in this verse I want you to see. Firstly, the bridegroom delayed his arrival for an unknown reason. Secondly, all ten virgins got sleepy. Not just five. Allgins got sleepy. Not just five. All ten got sleepy.
Starting point is 01:17:59 Thirdly, all ten virgins fell asleep while the bridegroom attended to some other matters that prevented him from arriving earlier. While all ten bridesmaids were deep asleep, a shout was heard at midnight. The bridegroom is coming. Go out to meet him. That's the midnight cry. The cry at midnight was the defining moment when the two classes of bridesmaids became obvious until they were one group. Suddenly, when the cry at midnight is heard, they're now two groups, wise and foolish. So let's look at the three things they had in common before the shout announced that the bridegroom was on his way. Number one, the bride's or the bridegroom was on his way number one the brides or the bridegroom's parents
Starting point is 01:18:46 officially designated all 10 virgins as the wedding's bridesmaids somebody invited them somebody appointed them somebody said you have been selected selected to be a bridesmaid at the wedding. Number two, all 10 young women had lamps to light their way, including oil. And number three, all 10 women arose at the sound of the shout and trim their lanterns. Doctor, trimming of the lamps was not the defining moment. Yes. Until then, both groups of virgins looked the same, and none appeared to be foolish before they trimmed their wicks it was only when circumstances compelled them to trim their lamps at midnight did the separation of the virgins into two camps become visible yes the line that divided them into two groups was their supply of oil the foolish had some oil enough to
Starting point is 01:20:10 get to midnight the wise had enough to get the midnight and extra let's talk about the oil lamps and the care. Any of you who've ever had an oil lamp, you know what this is about. The wick draws oil up from the storage reservoir. You put the oil in the reservoir. There's a wick that draws the oil up. A trimmed wick is more economical than an untrimmed wick. And it can burn for hours to provide light.
Starting point is 01:20:50 Right, because it's burning oil and not the wick. That's right. But an untrimmed wick creates a flame that's dim and smoky. It burns faster. It consumes the oil quicker than a trim wick. In other words, you get more mileage out than a trim wick in other words you get more mileage out of a trim wick than an untrimmed wick and so that the rapid consumption of the oil results from an untrimmed wick having more of its length burning. So upon trimming their lamps at midnight, the five foolish virgins suddenly realized they were in trouble. All ten, not just five, all ten lamps had burned for hours while all ten slept.
Starting point is 01:21:53 All ten lamp reservoirs were nearly empty when they woke up. They were full when they went to sleep. They were nearly empty when they woke up. The five wise virgins, however, they weren't bothered at all. They looked over and they saw their lamps flickering flames and said, oh, okay, I got to pour some more oil in. They brought vessels filled with oil. They calmly refilled the reservoir tanks in their lanterns.
Starting point is 01:22:26 And they knew that their flames would burn brightly again but the foolish virgins brought no extra oil here's why it never occurred to them that the bridegroom would delay his arrival right they counted on an early arrival. And the foolish virgins had enough oil for the arrival time they anticipated. But not an unexpected late arrival. They had enough oil to get to midnight. And so when the bridegroom changed his plans, it caught the five foolish virgins by surprise and so
Starting point is 01:23:11 what did what did the young women do the same thing sisters and young women would do today they went to their sisters or their friends and they begged, please share some of your oil. But the wise women rejected the unreasonable request. And here's why. It wasn't that they were selfish. No, no, that was not the reason they were not selfish they were wise they explained to the five virgins if if we give you some of our oil we may not have enough to finish the journey i'm sorry i cannot share my oil with you it puts me at risk i'd love to share with you if i had more but i don't have enough i brought extra but not that much see the five wise bridesmaids they reasoned that five was better than none making it to the wedding on time right and so what
Starting point is 01:24:36 what was their advice hey you five you should go back to town and buy some oil well there was a problem it was midnight and the oil merchant in the little town was in bed in the apartment above his shop he just got a picture what what a town looked like it at that age you know they didn't have wawa's and racetracks and 7-elevens they had a little merchant and as he lived above his shop so they had no other option other than to walk all the way back to town knock on the merchant's door until he woke up and plead with him to sell them some oil in the early morning hours the man standing there in his pajamas and he's wiping his eyes he goes you want me to open up my store and sell oil it's midnight come back in the morning and they're bleeding oh no we have to have it now
Starting point is 01:25:46 so he sells them oil yes that's what a lot of people miss in this parable right that the merchant did end up selling oil to these yes he didn't turn him down he sold oil to them and they filled their lamp reservoirs and then and then they hoofed it back they they walked as fast as they could to catch up with the wise virgins where the two groups had departed where they had been sleeping all night but apparently that now they had enough oil to make it all the way to the wedding party yes but, but they lost time. Yes. See, when they got to the place where the ten had been sleeping, they discovered the other five left without them. Right. We better get moving. So the lack of preparation cost them valuable time at a time
Starting point is 01:26:42 that they could least afford not to be ready for the bridegroom's late arrival. So there was an unhappy ending for the five foolish virgins. They missed the grandest wedding ever. And even worse, the bridegroom ignored them when they repeatedly knocked on the door where the wedding was being held and begged to enter the wedding party yes they made it to the event actually made it to the wedding party but the door was shut the bridegroom who in this parable is jesus would not open the door and let him in why he was insulted by their late arrival and he acted like he never knew them he looked out there he looked out and said i don't know you
Starting point is 01:27:45 i mean think about it you show up late for a very important person's wedding you've messed up the wedding plan there's supposed to be 10 bridesmaids now there's only five yes you were invited you had plenty of time to get ready but you didn't do it and now you're late and you went in and you're banging on the door you're banging on the door and all the guests in the wedding room are wondering who is that outside banging on the door and the bride today and they said to the bridegroom, who was it? And he goes, I don't know. I didn't recognize him. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:28:36 This is what this parable is about. But the parable had a happy ending for the five wise virgins. Jesus said, those women went in with him to the marriage and the door was shut. So what does wise mean in this parable? It means trustworthy stewards who are prudent and intelligent they were aware that the time of the bridegroom's arrival was uncertain remember he was delayed but the careless foolish foolish virgins they probably heard people in town saying, oh, he'll be here soon.
Starting point is 01:29:31 He's never later than midnight. Right. But the bridegroom never told anybody that he would come soon. In the scriptures, Jesus said, behold, I come quickly. See, people are always saying Jesus is coming soon. There's nowhere in the Bible he says I'm coming soon. He said I'm coming quickly. Yes.
Starting point is 01:30:00 Well, people assume that quickly means soon. It doesn't. Soon means the near future. The time between now, the present, and the anticipated event. Quickly means the velocity, the speed, that somebody or something travels between two points. Jesus never told us he would come soon. He said he would come quickly.
Starting point is 01:30:35 He told us that we do not know the hour nor the day of his second coming. What we do know is that when he departs heaven, he will arrive here quickly. Human minds cannot comprehend the rate of speed Jesus will travel on his trip from heaven to earth. It will be instantaneous. The angels will see him go out the door of heaven, and the same second, everybody on earth will see him in the sky. He comes quickly.
Starting point is 01:31:19 He's not wasting any time. He's not going to stop at any rest areas between heaven and earth right all ten bridesmaids had lamps with oil but only five made sure nothing would prevent them from attending the wedding. Five entered the wedding ceremony on time with a smiling bridegroom. The other five stumbled in the darkness and missed both the bridegroom and the wedding. And then adding insult to injury, he snubbed them at the door when they arrived late and pleaded to take their place in the ceremony all right now what I'm going to teach you now is I think
Starting point is 01:32:13 it's mind-boggling this this is gonna this is worth the things I'm about to teach you are worth you getting up early and coming into this class. Let's talk about their timing mistake. Verse 5 and 6. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh. Go ye out to meet him all ten expected
Starting point is 01:32:51 the bridegroom to arrive all all ten went forth to meet him the bridegroom, however, was delayed in his expected arrival. What is this delay? The delay represents the time between the ascension of Jesus Christ after the resurrection, his ascension back to heaven, and the second coming. That's the delay. At midnight, the cry was made, behold, the bridegroom cometh. Go ye out to meet him. But he was delayed.
Starting point is 01:33:37 The delay represents the 2,000 plus years since Jesus went back to heaven. And the day that he comes back. And for 2,000 years, generations of Christians have wondered, what's taking him so long? We thought he'd be back by now. He's been delayed. And it's none of our business why he's been delayed and it's none of our business why he's been schedule not yours that's right so during the bridegroom's unexplained and unexpected delay all 10 bridesmaids became slumbered and slept.
Starting point is 01:34:46 Folks, listen to this. This is really big. It means they became weary and exhausted in their journey and needed rest. All 10, wise and foolish. They all get sleepy. They all went to sleep. The slumbering and the sleeping represent aging and death. As you get older, you become weary. And then there's a day you sleep. All confessors of Christ, wise and foolish, wheat and tares,
Starting point is 01:35:36 all who confess Christ must lie down in their respective graves and sleep we all await the resurrection when the bridegroom shall arrive after traveling a great distance for a wedding ceremony wise and foolish shall both sleep in their graves until the shout is heard the bridegroom is coming go out to meet him all the graves shall open but not all the bodies will be caught up in the air to meet Jesus Christ in the clouds everybody will come out of the graves all people but not everybody will go up. Some of the bodies that come out of their graves will stretch forth their
Starting point is 01:36:31 arms to Jesus, but he will turn his head and look away and say, I don't know you. Their bodies will fall back to earth, unable to rise in the atmosphere with the wise saints who will receive glorified bodies when their eyes see Jesus. Yes. The parable's reference to midnight refers to the state of Christ's church when he returns
Starting point is 01:37:11 Isaiah prophesied that darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness shall cover the people apostasy, lukewarmness, a lack of zeal for God's kingdom will characterize much of Christendom in the run-up to the day of the Lord. Despite most of Christendom falling away from the truth, a mighty remnant church will boldly hold up high and enthusiastically wave the banner of Christ. And in a world that will become increasingly hostile to the name of Jesus, his faithful saints will appear as insignificant people on earth. And a sizable portion, a sizable portions of the world's population would prefer to rid the planet
Starting point is 01:38:15 of those pesky Christ lovers. Yes. This is what he's teaching them about the last days. You will be hated by all nations. The end time saints who refuse to compromise as the final day approaches are members of the churches in Smyrna and Philadelphia. And in the book of the revelation of Jesus Christ, you read about them in the seven letters.
Starting point is 01:38:47 They share something in common. The wicked synagogue of Satan will cruelly persecute both churches. Let's get back to the parable. The foolish virgins discounted the possibility that the bridegroom's arrival could be as late as midnight, the darkest hour. Consequently, their lamps went dark. They stumbled in the darkness, unable to see the path to the wedding. Just a little bit of extra effort earlier in that same day would have prevented the costly error at midnight that resulted
Starting point is 01:39:36 in them being denied entrance to the wedding event. what is the lesson for us? You know, that oil. That oil, I believe, is, represents, it represents the, obviously, I believe it's the word of God. The Bible says that thy word is a lamp unto thy feet.
Starting point is 01:40:16 Thy word is a lamp unto thy feet. I believe the Holy Spirit is the the spark that lights the fire yes there are people who have the Word of God in them and no spark they just have words you've got to have the Holy Spirit operating in you you've got to have the Holy Spirit operating in you. You've got to have that lighter, that Holy Spirit lighter. It's got to light that oil. And when the Holy Spirit lights that oil, His word is a lamp unto your feet.
Starting point is 01:41:01 You'll see your way at midnight. When the world is its darkness when gross darkness covers the world you'll still be able to see in that darkness doc do you have anything you want to add to this no rick i i think you sometimes it's just best to stay out of the way no you you you hit it and I want to remind people you can read this and Rick's book final day and so you you need if you don't have a copy of final day you ought to get it and so because he teaches this in there and so there's really you know you got it in your hand at that point so
Starting point is 01:41:48 uh so i encourage everyone get a copy of final day if you haven't already how many how many people uh is this how many uh would say you've never heard this parable taught this way yeah nice though so the answers are coming in yes yes and yes I've never heard it taught this way and have you ever been told the reason for the delay I mean that there is a delay Jesus has stayed in heaven now for over 2,000 years. This is the delay in the parable. And have you ever been told that the slumbering and sleeping is death? Right. And the call, the call at midnight is the call at the resurrection.
Starting point is 01:42:47 All ten get up out of their graves. No, I think most people in the evangelical church have been taught that this is an example being left behind at the rapture. Yes. Which is totally off base i mean that would say that if you missed the rapture at midnight you still didn't get to go to the wedding right i mean if you're using their logic right that's right you still don't get in that's right you were left behind not only you're left behind you're left out so you know doc um back in in uh 1998 when when the lord gave me the vision that started this ministry when i was working at tbn and i had this encounter with the with the lord in the tbn chapel in irving, Texas. This is when he showed me the vision of America on fire
Starting point is 01:43:47 and called me to warn the people. I didn't tell Susan, didn't tell my family, didn't tell anybody what happened to me that day. I was very quiet. I was shaken. It disturbed me. The next morning, my daughter Carissa, and she was 22 years old at that time, she said to me, this is in the morning, she goes, Dad, Jesus spoke to me last night. I said, oh, you had a dream about the Lord?
Starting point is 01:44:27 She goes, oh, no, it wasn't a dream. He walked in my bedroom. And I said, you saw him? She goes, no, I was asleep. But I knew that he walked up to my bed and was talking to me. And I've had that experience before, so I know what she was describing. And she said, the Lord said to me daughter beginning tonight i will speak to you about the end times through dreams and visions and that he gave me two dreams and i said would you tell him to me yes the first one and
Starting point is 01:45:02 most if you've been following me for years you've heard this dream the first one, if you've been following me for years, you've heard this dream. The first one was that I was standing with my family, Susan, Jeremy, and Carissa. They were young. Jeremy was in college at that time. We're standing together, but we're surrounded by thousands of people. And they were rotating around us like they were on a carousel. We're standing together, huddled together as a family. But they're going around us.
Starting point is 01:45:35 And she said all the people were skeletons. And she said they were reaching out long arms, bony arms and bony fingers, and they were pointing at me and shouting at me, if you knew this was going to happen, why didn't you tell us? Of course, I had no idea what happened to me the day before. So I told her and and she said dad you you better do what god's telling you to do i don't know what it is but you better do it i said so what was the second dream doc the second dream i have i have rarely told this publicly in 26 years because I didn't understand it I didn't understand
Starting point is 01:46:32 it until I wrote final day I kept my mouth shut because if you don't understand something spiritual just keep your mouth shut yes that's the wise you'll do more you'll do more damage with your mouth by talking about something you don't know about then just keep your mouth shut that's just wise advice so i felt like god had never given me the interpretation of that dream but when i was writing final day i suddenly understood it when i wrote this chapter I just taught from, chapter 2, that's when I was writing the chapter. I can tell you the very paragraph of when the revelation came to me. Here's the dream.
Starting point is 01:47:21 She said that. And the second dream, I saw the Lord in the air. He had arrived, and I saw the graves open up, and I saw the people going. Their arms were outstretched. Their faces were smiling. They just kept going and going up to the Lord. But the other group, their arms were stretched out too, reaching for him, but they couldn't get any altitude. And they started to fall back. And she said, Dad, that second group fell backward into their graves I never understood it now I understand it it's the five foolish virgins they didn't have the oil to complete the trip that's where they ran out of gas yes they came out of the grave they said that's the bride the bridegroom it's him it's the wedding
Starting point is 01:48:33 time jesus pick me up please but they couldn't go up right isn't that isn't that a horrifying terrifying sad thought that there will be people on that day who would come out of their graves thinking that they're going to go to the wedding. And he turns his head and says, I don't know you. Well, that's it. I can't think of anything else to say, though. Well, we have to do. We have communion.
Starting point is 01:49:16 I forgot. Yes. Let's go to the Lord's table. All right. Well, we appreciate you joining us today for today's Bible study. And we do this every day at 8 a.m. And so we'd love to have you with us today for today's Bible study, and we do this every day at 8 a.m., and so we'd love to have you with us live. We have a live chat that's going on while Rick is teaching, and so we encourage you to join us every weekday, 8 a.m. Eastern Time on for that. If you have the elements of communion, go ahead and get them
Starting point is 01:49:40 prepared right now. We're going to pray a blessing over them in just a few moments. But before we pray a blessing over the elements of communion, we always, and isn't it appropriate today to be studying this parable and then also to say to the Lord, search our hearts. Are we wise or are we foolish in our approach to you and our expectation of your return? Are we wise or are we foolish in our approach to you and our expectation of your return? Are we truly prepared? And this is a question every believer has to deal with. Are you watching?
Starting point is 01:50:14 Because verse 13, watch, therefore, watch. And so do you have a watchman's attitude? A watchman isn't an elite class of people. You're a watchman's attitude. A watchman isn't an elite class of people. You're a watchman. Jesus is ordaining you as a watchman today. That watchman classification for every believer, we're all supposed to be watching. And so, Rick, if you don't mind praying for us today that the Lord would serve our hearts. And, Lord, make us wise.
Starting point is 01:50:47 Make us wise as we follow after you, Lord. So, Rick, I'll just let you pray. Father, our holy Father in heaven, we come to you with broken contrite hearts we recognize that we are sinners and that we are saved by grace that we cannot save ourselves it is by your grace that we are saved it's day we are tempted, we are faced with situations, Father, that bring about sin in our lives, even when we don't want to sin. But we're aware of our fallen state but we we're also aware that of our resurrected state that we are right now this very moment seated with jesus in heavenly places but it's through him it's his our
Starting point is 01:51:57 faith in him we understand this father so father we've heard a very sobering message today. In fact, the whole week has been about being prepared, being ready. I'm asking you, Father, to search our hearts and show us if there's anything, Father, that would prevent us from being ready. Father, we confess that we need forgiveness. We need the blood of Christ covering our lives. And we come to your table with clean hands, clean hearts, clean minds, clean eyes, clean feet, because we have come this very moment to ask for forgiveness and to be washed in the blood of our Savior, Jesus Christ. In his name, we pray. Amen.
Starting point is 01:53:00 Amen. Well, we appreciate you joining us for this celebration of the Lord's Table today. And as we always say, who may enter into this? Well, if you're a confessing believer in Jesus Christ, believe God raised him from the dead after the cross, and you've been baptized in water according to scriptures, and we invite you to participate in the Lord's Supper today, there's no condemnation to you in participating. You don't have to be in a big church setting or anything like that to participate in the Lord's Table. So if you've got either bread and either red wine or grape juice, then that is a proper preparation for us for today. So what I'm going to do right now is I'm going to pray for the Lord's blessing
Starting point is 01:53:47 over the elements of the Lord's table, and then we're going to enter into that celebration immediately. So pray with me, if you will. Almighty God, in your tender mercy, you gave your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to suffer death upon the cross for our redemption. He offered himself and made once for all time a perfect and sufficient sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. And he instituted this remembrance
Starting point is 01:54:10 of his passion and death, which he commanded us to continue until he comes again. And so, Father, we ask you to bless and sanctify with your word, with your Holy Spirit, these gifts of bread and wine that we may partake of his most
Starting point is 01:54:26 blessed body and blood. Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed once for all upon the cross. Therefore, let us keep the feast. Alleluia. On the night that he was betrayed, our Lord Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and he gave it to his disciples, saying, Take eat. This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me. The body of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is given for you, preserve your body and soul to everlasting life. This is the bread of heaven. Take and eat in remembrance that Christ died for you.
Starting point is 01:55:16 After supper, Jesus took the cup, and when he'd given thanks, he gave it to them saying, drink this all of you, for this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, do this in remembrance of me. Praise God.
Starting point is 01:55:38 The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was shed for you, preserved your body and soul to everlasting life. Drink the cup of salvation in remembrance that Christ's blood was shed for you, preserve your body and soul to everlasting life. Drink the cup of salvation in remembrance that Christ's blood was shed for you, and be thankful. Behold the Lamb of God. Behold Him who takes away the sins of the world, and blessed are those who are
Starting point is 01:55:56 invited to the married supper of the Lamb. This sacrament is the gift of God for the people of God. Feed on Him by faith with thanksgiving that Christ died for you. Amen. Not just invited, but made it to the married supper. That's right.
Starting point is 01:56:16 Hey, Doc, one thing, I was looking at comments in the chat, and Jojo said, I think the oil is the sign of readiness of each individual. Jojo, I've got to agree with you. I didn't correctly teach that when I got to the end. I was trying to wrap things up. But the word of God is the lantern. Thy word is a light unto thy feet. Okay?
Starting point is 01:56:43 The word of God, right right but you're right the the I so the Holy Spirit is the fire the flame that burns the oil but the oil is the desire the hunger for God yes the quest for God the searching for God. What is it that's burning? What is it that catches fire in your life? It's got to be the quest for God. And that quest for God will lead you to readiness because you want to be there. So I hope that's a little bit better
Starting point is 01:57:25 explanation love reading the comments when I get done well well on Monday we're going to continue in Matthew chapter 25 and then we had the parable of the ten talents right right afterwards here and so teaching on that on Monday and actually the par of the ten talents gives you further revelation on the parable of the ten virgins, and so the ten bridesmaids. It's interesting that both have ten in them. So they are related. No action, Jesus.
Starting point is 01:58:00 So any final words before we close things out today, Rick? No, Doc. We're a little over time. So be blessed. Enjoy the weekend. Spend some time with the Lord. Make time. Turn off the noise.
Starting point is 01:58:13 Be with Him and listen. And the world, particularly our country, is headed into a very dangerous season. Yes. It's going to change in a couple weeks that's in my spirit that a doc it's going to change in a couple weeks yes the atmosphere the political social and religious and financial atmosphere of our country is going to change in several weeks it reminds me of watching the hurricane milton last week you know you knew a hurricane was coming but you didn't know exactly where it was going to land where it was going to hit how powerful it was going to be didn't know any of that information until you know really just hours before and and
Starting point is 01:59:08 that was a surprise to people because of the tornadoes yes and to be not everybody by surprise so there are there are repercussions outside the storm and we'll be talking about that today on the god cast and uh keeping you informed of what's happening in the storm. Yeah. So, all right, folks. Well, Doc, I see my other laptop, the microphone doesn't work. And this laptop, the camera doesn't work. Yeah, it keeps going down.
Starting point is 01:59:38 But that's all right. I'll have a new one next week. We're coming up with a solution, folks. And so, praise God. Okay, got to go. Love you, folks. Have a praise God. Love you folks. Have a great weekend in Jesus. We'll see you Monday morning, bright and early.
Starting point is 01:59:49 God bless you.

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