TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Rick Wiles: God Leads His Saints by Dreams & Visions

Episode Date: July 5, 2024

Do you know about the dreams and visions the Lord used to guide TruNews? Today, Rick Wiles shares a prophetic sermon detailing the history of the ministry, and the work God has placed on his soul. Fro...m humble beginnings to a powerful Christ centered movement, Rick delivers a glimpse of the foundation of the world's premiere Christian StreamCast.Rick Wiles. Airdate 07/05/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!https://www.AmericanReserves.comGold & Silver Re-Imagined. Buy it. Break it. Trade it. Order your Prepper Bar now!’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Attention True News listeners. Back by popular demand, we're excited to announce the return of a fan-favorite offer from our trusted sponsor, American Reserves. Just in time for the 4th of July, you can ensure your family has access to clean, pure water with an exclusive deal on the famous British Birkfeld Dalton filtration systems. From July 3rd to July 7th, purchase a 2.25-gallon or 3.17-gallon filtration system or bundle and receive two extra ceramic filters absolutely free. That's right, two additional filters to keep your water pristine for longer. If you opt for the one liter filtration system or bundle, you'll get one extra ceramic filter free. No codes, no hassle. Just choose your system and enjoy the added value.
Starting point is 00:00:41 During crisis, clean drinkable water is the most important factor to survival. It is imperative to keep your family hydrated and healthy during any emergency. And remember, this special offer is only available from July 3rd to July 7th. Visit today. American-owned, American-made, American Reserves. And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars, and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring, men's hearts failing them for fear,
Starting point is 00:01:33 and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth. For the powers of heaven shall be shaken. One man. One microphone. One man, one microphone, one mission, one message. True News, the only newscast reporting the countdown to the second coming of Jesus Christ. Here is end-time newsman Rick Wiles. Welcome to a special edition of True News. From the time I was saved by Jesus Christ in 1978 to this very day, the Holy Spirit has guided my life through dreams and visions.
Starting point is 00:02:15 They have been like breadcrumbs dropped on the path of life. One breadcrumb led me to the next breadcrumb on my journey through life. I've never known where they're taking me. I'm on a journey of faith through life. And at the end of the path is my loving Heavenly Father waiting to welcome me home. Several weeks ago, I shared some of these dreams and visions during my weekly sermon. The sermon was titled, God Leads Saints by Dreams and Visions. I didn't share everything God has done in my life with dreams and visions.
Starting point is 00:02:57 We would have been there for hours. I shared some of the most important dreams and visions that have really impacted this ministry. God loves you more than you'll ever know this side of eternity. You and I will only fully see and know his love for us when we stand face to face with our Creator. His love for us is beyond our mortal comprehension in this life. He desires, however, to help his sons and daughters through this life. If you will open your heart to him and trust him with childlike faith, the Holy Spirit will speak to you often in night dreams and visions. My friend, there have been times when I was sound asleep, and yet I knew Jesus Christ or an angel was standing next to my bed speaking words into my soul. I hope this sermon is a blessing to you. What I'm going to talk about tonight is being led by the Lord through dreams and visions.
Starting point is 00:04:07 And our family has, over the decades that we've walked with the Lord, we've been led by the Lord through dreams and visions. Not the only way He's led us, but it is a major way He has led us. And I will tell you that there are some dreams and visions we did not understand for years. There are dreams and visions that we didn't see come to pass for over a decade. But God does not give you dreams and visions just to tickle you, just to give you some goose bumpy experience that you can tell
Starting point is 00:04:41 everybody, wow, did I have a wild, crazy dream, and I had this amazing vision. That's not the purpose of it. He's giving it to you for a specific reason. What you do with it is up to you. And if you want to continue to receive information, guidance from the Lord, then you have to show Him that you are taking these dreams and visions seriously. That doesn't mean you go out immediately and try to make these things happen. If it's from the Lord, it'll happen. But you have to show faith and confidence
Starting point is 00:05:22 and you've got to do some old-fashioned legwork. You've got to get to work. And I'm going to show you some tonight here, how things that the Lord showed us years ago and how they've just come to pass. So God leads us by His Word, written and spoken. He also leads us by the inward witness of the Holy Spirit in us. He leads us by words of wisdom spoken to us by other people. He leads us by circumstances in our lives. He leads us by music. I've had the Lord speak to me with a song.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Anybody ever been in a situation that you just needed to hear from God and you turned on the radio or something and there was a song and the lyrics were exactly what you... No, it happens, doesn't it? The Lord speaks to us through music. He speaks to us in prayer. He speaks to us by nature. He speaks to us in dreams and visions. God desires to communicate with his sons and
Starting point is 00:06:30 daughters. He fellowshiped in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. That's the reason he created man. He created man, male and female, for fellowship. Adam and Eve were evicted from the garden because they fellowshiped with Satan. They weren't supposed to be fellowshipping with Satan, but they did. They listened to Satan. God told Noah to build an ark.
Starting point is 00:06:59 God made a covenant with Abraham, walked around in the sacrificed animal. Can you imagine what that moment was like? God instructed Abraham to leave his homeland and his relatives. He appeared to Moses in a burning bush. He spoke to Saul, who became Paul, spoke to him on the road to Damascus.
Starting point is 00:07:28 In Job 33, verse 14 and 16, the Bible says, For God may speak in one way or in another, yet man does not perceive it in a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men while slumbering on their beds. Joel, 2nd chapter, verse 28.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Speaking of the last days, it shall come to pass afterwards that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. Your old men shall dream dreams. Your young men shall see visions. A young Christian man said to me a few years ago Rick, you talk about these dreams that you have.
Starting point is 00:08:21 I've never had a dream. I said, that's very easy to explain. You're not old. You're supposed to see visions. Okay. Young, your old men shall dream dreams. Your young men shall see visions. Lord keeps sending me the visions. But I did notice in my own life where there was a shift where I started having more dreams than visions. All dreams and visions are not from God. Spiritual maturity will give us the discernment that we need to know which are from God and which aren't.
Starting point is 00:09:10 For one thing, if there's peace, you know it's from the Lord. There's nothing Satan gives you that has peace to it. for me if I remember if I wake up and remember vividly remember all the details that's usually a sign this is from the Lord when you receive a dream
Starting point is 00:09:40 or a vision that you think was from the Lord the first thing to do upon awakening is immediately ask God to tell you the source. Ask him to reveal it to you in your spirit. Your spirit will have a witness whether that dream or vision was from him. Number two, ask the Holy Spirit to interpret it. And what I do is I ask the Holy Spirit to walk me through it, frame by frame, just like a movie. And I'll see the opening scene. I'm like, Lord, what am I looking at?
Starting point is 00:10:15 And it's like the Lord will say, what do you see here? And I'll describe what I see. And then I'll get an understanding of that scene. And then I'll go to scene two and scene three. And I'm writing down what I see and what I perceive. And that's the other point. Always write it down. Write it down when it's fresh. Months later, years later, you need to be able to go back and open up that prayer journal and read those things. And you'll see things that you didn't see in the beginning. And it'll make sense to you.
Starting point is 00:10:52 In fact, today, as I was putting this together, I thought of a dream that I had forgotten about. And suddenly, I understood something about it. And I'm going to share it with you here later tonight. But I didn't understand it until today. But they have to be written down. Genesis 15 verses 1 through 16. After God had given Abraham the promise of a vast multitude of descendants, the Bible says in Genesis 15, 12,
Starting point is 00:11:27 Now when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram, and behold, horror and great darkness fell upon him. In that dream, God showed Abram, who became Abraham, He showed him that his descendants that God had promised him would be held in slavery for 400 years, but eventually delivered from bondage. And so we know that that's the great exodus from Egypt. Genesis 20, verse 1 through 4.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Abraham and his wife Sarah are traveling through Gerar. The king, Amalek, saw Sarah, takes a liking to Sarah. Hey, sweetie, who are you? And Abraham was afraid, and he says, that's my sister. Like, what are you talking about, Abraham? So he says, that's my sister. So the king says, well, if that's your sister, she's not married, she's mine.
Starting point is 00:12:38 And the king's people grabbed Sarah and took her off to the king's castle. Abraham made blunders by coming up with quick solutions. That was one of them right there. Ishmael's another one. That was a major blunder. He tried to make something happen that God promised him, and it turned into a mess called Ishmael.
Starting point is 00:13:12 And now we have a vast population of Arab Muslims who are the descendants of Ishmael. And we're all paying for Abraham's mess to this very day. Okay. So the Bible says that God gave the king a dream. He received a dream by night and God said to him, you are a dead man because of the woman you have taken, for she is another man's wife. But because the king had not touched her, he said to the Lord, Lord, will you slay a righteous nation also? Genesis 31, God told Jacob how he would prosper him in spite of Laban's unfaithfulness to keep his promise in employment.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Genesis 37, Joseph had a dream about his brothers bowing down to him, which was signifying the great famine that was coming and Joseph was going to be used to deliver them from the famine. Pharaoh had a dream. Joseph interpreted the dream. That got him out of prison. Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar's dream. God gave Daniel night visions about the last days. Matthew chapter 1 verse 18-20, an angel warned Joseph to flee to Egypt with Mary and the child, the Christ child. And then in Matthew 2, verse 19, the angel told Joseph that Herod was dead and it was safe to return. But he was told in a dream. God spoke to Joseph in a dream.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Now listen, if Joseph had not believed that dream, he would have stayed and the Christ child would have been killed by Herod. So don't let anybody tell you today that God does not speak to people in dreams. If Joseph had not received that dream and correctly interpreted it and obeyed, the Christ child would have been slayed by Herod. And then a dream told Joseph, it's safe, you can go home. So the Bible is full of stories of men and women of God
Starting point is 00:15:41 being led by God through dreams and visions. It's not the only way, but dreams and visions are two primary ways that God leads us. One of my heroes of the church is Patrick of Ireland. He was born around the year 390. His father was a presbyter in the church in England. This is before the church of England as it is now, but England had a church. In fact, the legend is that Joseph of Arimathea, Mary's brother,
Starting point is 00:16:19 that Mary and Joseph left Israel and sailed to England. And the church at Glastonbury was the first Christian church in England. And so the gospel went to England, most likely in the very first century. And the reason that Joseph this little history lesson here the reason that Joseph of Arimathea so this is the Joseph who
Starting point is 00:16:52 who went and said put the body of Jesus in my empty tomb Mary's brother the reason he was traveling the reason he knew how to get to England was that he was a trader of metals. The reason he was rich and had that tomb was he was a precious metals trader. And he supplied metals to the Roman Empire.
Starting point is 00:17:21 And so he knew England. And that's just a little history lesson. But Patrick was born around the year 390. His father was a presbyter in the church. He was kidnapped as a teenager, transported to pagan Ireland, sold into slavery to a pagan king, was a slave there for six or seven years. But then in a dream one night, the Lord told Patrick to flee and run to the coast, gave him the name of a city, and I think it was 200 miles away from where he was sleeping. Told him to get on a ship and go back to England. He made it to the coast, was hired to work on a merchant ship, made it home.
Starting point is 00:18:13 So he's in his early 20s and he just went back to a normal life. And then at age 40, Patrick had a dream. And an Irish pagan man appeared to him in his sleep and said, Come, come back to Ireland and teach us about your Jesus. Patrick gave up everything, went to Ireland to live with the pagans who had kidnapped him as a boy. And he said, if I be murdered or tortured, it does not matter. God has called me back to Ireland.
Starting point is 00:18:54 And so from age 40 to age 80, Patrick preached the gospel, converted pagan Ireland to Christianity. I think he ordained about a thousand pastors in those 40 years. Amazing story of what that man did. But he was led by dreams, led by God through dreams. Now, what I can share with you tonight are some real stories from our marriage, our life. I grew up in Western Maryland, came from an old German Reformed church family heritage, didn't know anything about it.
Starting point is 00:19:41 I know a lot about it now, but I didn't as a kid and as a teenager. But everybody where I grew up in Western Maryland basically were Germans that had fled Europe, fled Germany in the late 1600s, early 1700s. And my relatives had come down through the colonies in the early 1700s, settled in Western Maryland in 1720, and built a German Reformed church where there were no people but Indians. Rugged life out there in Western Maryland. But that was my heritage. But I really didn't know the Lord. I wasn't saved.
Starting point is 00:20:31 I was a teenager in the late 60s, early 70s. And I got into drugs and alcohol and was smoking a lot of pot, drinking a lot of liquor. Even after we got married, Susan was 18, I was 20 when we got married. I continued to party every weekend. I was still just as wild and crazy as I was before I got married, and that's the way we were living. But Susan started to mature faster than me. And the Lord got a hold of Susan first. And the odd thing about this was I knew at that time I had a destiny.
Starting point is 00:21:18 I wasn't saved. I didn't know anything about God. But there was just a knowing in me that my life had something to do with worldwide television. And it would happen after the year 2000. Those are the only two things I knew. Worldwide television and after the year 2000. Somewhere along the line, I met Alvin Toffler, who just passed away about three months ago at the age of 90. He wrote the book Future Shock, sold tens of millions of copies around the world, wrote the book Third Wave, another bestseller.
Starting point is 00:21:57 He was a futurist. And Alvin Toffler took me in and began to mentor me to make me a junior futurist. And he started introducing me to a lot of famous people like John Glenn. And, you know, it was just like every time he came to Washington, he would call me and I would go meet with him and I'd spend time with him. And so he was grooming me to come up in this world of futurism. And I've told this story before to the office. I distinctly remember this day. It was a Saturday afternoon.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Susan and I were driving, pulling in the driveway of our home. And Toffler called me, and he said, Rick, there's a young man I want you to meet. He's like your twin brother. I said, oh, okay. He said man I want you to meet. He's like your twin brother. I said, oh, okay. He said, I'm going to get you two guys together. I want to network you two guys. I go, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:54 He goes, I want you to write his name down. I said, all right. He goes, it's kind of an unusual name. I said, okay, all right, I'm writing. What is it? First name, Newt. Last name, Gingrich. That's a true story in a citizen. I never did Last name, Gingrich. That's a true story in a citizen. I never did meet Newt Gingrich,
Starting point is 00:23:10 but that's the kind of stuff that was happening to me at a very young age, and I wasn't saved. But then God began dealing with my life. Susan started attending church. She wasn't hassling me, wasn't pressuring me about going to church, but a change started happening in her,
Starting point is 00:23:37 and it was noticeable. But I continued to be wild and crazy on the weekends, and she didn't condemn me, but she just continued going to church. But then unusual things started happening. I would be in a party, and I would be drunk and stoned. And I would audibly hear my name. Rick. I would hear it. And I knew it came from outside. I knew it came from the sky.
Starting point is 00:24:11 And I would go outside, look up at the sky, and I would say, who are you? Identify yourself. You said my name. Now you come out, show me who you are. That how honestly i talk like that i said come on you said my name i want to know who you are there was nothing but i would be instantly sober and i'd leave the party and then the next week or two it happened to me again the same repeat the same thing i I'd go outside. Okay, you say my name. Would you come out and identify yourself? But there would be silence. These kind of things started happening to me. Then one Saturday night, I had a dream.
Starting point is 00:25:02 And in this dream, I was in a vast underground city, and this was, I could tell, like a man-made city. There were paved highway. I saw the walls. I could see structure, but it was very, very dark, but illuminated with artificial lighting.
Starting point is 00:25:27 It was like a vast tunnel. That's what I was looking at. Like a man-made tunnel is what I was looking at. And in the distance, I could see thousands of soldiers who were coming out of the darkness on each side of this highway. And as they were almost running, and they were strapping on their gear, they were putting on boots and strapping on helmets, and they were getting ready for battle. And I'm watching this, and now it's thousands of these soldiers are lined up. And there was an officer who was
Starting point is 00:26:10 shouting orders to them, but he had his back to me. And so I said, I'm going to walk down there. I want to find out what's going on. So in this dream, I walked down to this guy. And when I got down there, I realized these soldiers aren't human. They have animal faces. They have, they had a body of a, of a, of a human, but their face was like an animal. And so I tapped this officer on the shoulder and I said, hey, what's going on around here? And he turned around really fast and he looked at me with these burning eyes. And he didn't say this, but it was like he was saying to me, that is the dumbest question anybody has ever asked. And so he's looking at me and I'm like, well, what's going on around here? And he said, have you not read the book of the Revelation?
Starting point is 00:27:09 It's the end of the dream. I'm not saved. I had never owned a Bible, never read the Bible. Didn't know what the book of the Revelation was. And I woke up that morning and I was in a sweat. And Susan was up getting dressed. She said, I'm going to church. You want to go?
Starting point is 00:27:34 I said, yeah, yeah, yeah, I do. I'm going to go this morning. And so that was the first time I went to church. And so God began dealing with me. And then later, you know, some months later, I got saved. Susan and I got saved. It was a very powerful salvation experience that day. literally, physically died in the church. This is a true story. God is my witness. This is a true story.
Starting point is 00:28:14 I'm sitting in the back of this church, probably 900 people in this church, old theater, old 1930s theater. And, you know, inclined seating. And I'm sitting in the back, and the pastor said, we have a free gift. And if you want this free gift, you come down, and you'll receive this free gift. He said, this free gift is a gift of the Holy Spirit and it's free to anybody who wants it. Just stand up and come down. Honestly, folks, this is true.
Starting point is 00:28:53 I was so dumb and naive. I actually thought they were going to give me a box. I really did. I thought I'll go down. I'll get, I'll get two. One for Susan. I'll get three. One for the kid. I did. I went down and the pastor said, young man in the back, come on down. So I go marching down the aisle, skipping down the aisle with my long hair. And I'm expecting them to bring packages out and hand them to me. It's stuff free, you know. Take it home. I got down there, and the moment I got at the altar, something happened to me. And for the first time in my life, I became aware of sin. I had no awareness of sin until that moment. And I suddenly became aware that I deserved to go to hell.
Starting point is 00:29:51 That I was a sinner. And that I was in the presence of a holy God. And I was just frozen. And so some pastors and elders gathered around me, laid their hands on me, began to pray. And what happened was some things started happening in the service. I started hearing angelic singing.
Starting point is 00:30:27 And then I started hearing what sounded like evil chanting. And my eyes were closed. I'm just standing there. All these pastors are praying for me. And I'm hearing this singing. And I'm hearing this chanting. And I'm thinking, I want to get out of this church. I just want to go home.
Starting point is 00:30:44 I want to get out of here. I want to get away from this church. I just want to go home. I want to get out of here. I want to get away from these people. And I couldn't find my legs. It's like my legs disappeared. I'm like, I want to run, and I don't have any legs to run, and this is not working out right. And I just came down to get the presents. It's like a really high-ceiling church,
Starting point is 00:31:05 and there was a man flying at the top of the ceiling. And he had a sword. It was a, and to this day, I can hear this. He was twirling it in a circular motion. And I could still hear the sound of this. That's what it sounded like. And he's just flying above me. And I'm thinking,
Starting point is 00:31:25 this church is so weird, the pastor flies. What is he doing up there? Why didn't he come down and preach? What's he doing up there, you know? This is what was happening to me. And then this chanting got louder, and the singing got louder, and all of a sudden there was total silence. Blackness, silence beyond anything I can describe. Total blackness, total silence. And I remember saying to myself, I just died. I'm dead and I felt like I was floating
Starting point is 00:32:05 in space that's what I felt like, I'm floating I didn't see light as a tunnel, I saw blackness, just blackness nothing, I didn't hear anything, couldn't see anything I know, I'm floating I don't want to be dead I remember these thoughts I don't want to be dead. You know, I mean, I remember these thoughts. I don't want to be dead.
Starting point is 00:32:28 And I was thinking, but I died in church. I guess I can't be that bad, you know. And then the next thing I know, I woke up. I opened up my eyes, and I was on the floor on my back. And all these people were looking at me and I heard them saying, is he all right? Is he okay? And they got me up and set me in a chair.
Starting point is 00:32:51 And, you know, then the service was over and I'm thinking, why are people going home after all this just happened? People, they're just packing up and going home. And the pastor said, he came up to me and he said, look, we're having baptism down to river today.
Starting point is 00:33:07 I want you to come down. I'm going to baptize you today. And so, Susan and I, we went to the river that day and were baptized. So, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:18 I was saved and baptized in water, baptized in the Holy Spirit, all on the same Sunday. What I found out later, about six months later from one of the associate pastors, he told me that when I came down to the front, when they laid hands on me, he said my eyes rolled up in my head and I turned white and I fell on the floor. And he said that three times he looked at me and I was a skeleton. He said he turned his head away, looked back, he said, you were a skeleton.
Starting point is 00:33:50 I turned, looked back, he turned into a skeleton. He said, I picked up your arm, you had no pulse. He said, I put my hand on your chest, no heartbeat. He said, I told the pastor, I said, this man, this man's dead. And he said, the whole congregation began to pray for your soul. All right.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Now, I said, what are you, what are you saying? He goes, look, I've been a pastor for decades. I've never seen anything like this happen. I don't know what to tell you. I'm just telling you that Satan was willing to come into this church and fight Christ at this altar over your soul. You were very close to the edge.
Starting point is 00:34:39 That's how I came into this kingdom. And after that, things got really weird. And it never stopped. It never stopped. All right? I want to go back to that dream about the underground city.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Because this is what I think I saw from Revelation chapter 9. Then out of the smoke, locusts came upon the earth. Into them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. They were commanded not to harm the grass or the earth or any green thing or any tree, but only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. And they were not given authority to kill them, but to torment them for five months. Their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it strikes a man. In those days, men will seek death and not find it. They will desire to die, and death will flee from them. The shape of the locust was like horses prepared for battle. On their heads were
Starting point is 00:35:41 crowns of something like gold, and their faces were like the faces of men. They had hair like women's hair, and their teeth were like lion's teeth. And they had breast plates like breast plates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the sounds of chariots with the many horses running into battle. They had tails like scorpions, and there were stings in their tails. Their power was to hurt men for five months. And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek is Apollyon. And I believe that what I saw that night in that dream were these locusts. And what I've been teaching in previous services about the millennium
Starting point is 00:36:30 and how the American evangelical church has messed up the understanding of the millennium, teaching that the Antichrist is released after a thousand years, after Christ returns. No, that's not what the church has taught. The church has always taught that the Antichrist, Apollyon, Abaddon, is released from the bottomless pit just before Christ returns to persecute the church, to make war on the saints.
Starting point is 00:37:02 And I believe what God showed me in that dream was those locust creatures that are prepared for this day whenever they are to be released. One other, right after I got saved, I mean, this was a couple of years, this had been some years, so that was 1978, June 11, 1978. Sometime in the late 80s,
Starting point is 00:37:30 I was meditating all day on the Psalm 122, verse 1. David said, I was glad when they said to me, let us go into the house of the Lord. And all day long, I meditated on that song. And I kept asking God, why? Why was David glad when they said, let us go into the house of the Lord? That was my question of the day. And I pestered God all day long. I want to know why David was glad when they said, let us go to the house of the Lord. And I didn't hear a thing from God all day long.
Starting point is 00:38:14 I don't know why I was so obsessed that day with getting an answer on that one question, but I asked him all day long. That night, in my sleep, Jesus appeared to me. I still remember, I mean, I was asleep. But he walked into our bedroom. Walked up to our bed. And he had this big grin on his face and a bucket. And he said, Rick, this is why David said he was glad. When they said, let us go into the house of the Lord.
Starting point is 00:38:43 And he poured. He upset this bucket. And this like golden light water came out. And I began to laugh so hard that I woke up laughing. I was sound asleep. I woke up laughing. Susan's like, what is wrong with you? What are you doing? I'm laughing so hard. The Lord poured joy on me. It was joy in that bucket.
Starting point is 00:39:21 He had that big grin on his face. He said, I'm going to show you why David was glad. He poured that joy on me. I just broke out in that laughter. See, that's been, that was the late 80s. I still remember that dream as though it happened yesterday. God has given, see, he gives you dreams. Do not discount them and do not forget about them. Because they'll carry you through your whole life. You'll always gain something from some wonderful revelation that he gave you at that time. Sometime, I guess around 2001, 2002, 2003, there were a lot of people listening to True News in the beginning years who were telling me that I had to keep the Jewish seventh-day Sabbath. And I wrestled with this so much because I wanted to be right with God.
Starting point is 00:40:20 And I pursued this question, and it troubled me, and I talked to people on both sides. I read books on both sides. And I mean, this happened over like two years. I just kept wrestling with this because I didn't want to violate any law of God. I wanted to be right before God. And I just couldn't get peace about it. But once again, the Lord appeared to me in my sleep, walked up to the bed and said, Rick, rest in me. I am your Sabbath. I heard it from him. Rest in me. I am your Sabbath.
Starting point is 00:41:09 I never worried about it again. And now, when my seventh-day Adventist friends ask me if I keep the Sabbath, I tell them I'm a seven days Adventist. I say, I'm going a lot farther than you. You're only keeping it on one day. He showed me to keep it seven days. Don't get out of the peace of God. Rest seven days a week. Rest in him. Don't let the peace of God escape you. Rest in the Lord seven days a week. Rest in him. Don't let the peace of God escape you. Rest in the Lord seven days a week. So that came from a dream.
Starting point is 00:41:52 That revelation, that understanding came to me in a dream. But it came after about two years of spiritual struggle. The hunger. See, hunger. Spiritual hunger. God, I want to know the truth. I want to know. And you can't expect to get these answers in one day, one week, one month. It may take you years until the Lord sees the hunger is so great. and then he responds to you when he knows that you can receive it and understand it. 1998, I was working at TBN. Susan and I had moved to Dallas-Fort Worth.
Starting point is 00:42:37 At this point, I think life just couldn't get any better for me. The way I got to TBN, I had had some opportunities given to me by the Lord where He opened a door, and then because of various circumstances and pressures and opposition, I didn't go through the door. And then the Lord would tighten the vice on me, crank it.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Maybe it's a little bit more pressure on you, Rick. You know, and you feel like your head's going to pop out of the vice, you know. And so I was on my knees in our home, and I was crying out to God. I said, Lord, forgive me. Forgive me for failing to obey you. Forgive me for not walking through the doors of opportunity you gave me. Forgive me for letting other people make my decisions for me when you have spoken to me and then I allowed other people to tell me what
Starting point is 00:43:52 to do. Forgive me. And I promise you right now that if you open up one more door, I will go no matter what is the opposition. I made a vow and you are not to make a vow unless you're going to keep it. God says, if you don't make a vow foolishly, he said, if you make vows and don't keep it, he said, he'll destroy the works of your hands. So you might want to just do a little heart check and ask if there are any vows you didn't keep because he will destroy the works of your hands for not keeping a vow. Don't make vows foolishly. I made a vow that day. I will go.
Starting point is 00:44:32 I stood up and I heard this as clear as anything. Call TBN. I didn't know anything about, I mean, I knew who they were. I had worked for Pat Robertson at CBN, but I didn't have any connections at CBN, at TBN, but they had just come on our cable system in our hometown about a year previously. And I had, Susan and I had been watching them. I mean, who am I going to call? So I'm standing there at the phone and I saw this as clear as anything. I saw Paul Crouch talking to one of his employees,
Starting point is 00:45:08 and I saw the name on the screen, Bob Higley. I saw this. Now, the reason the Lord brought this to my remembrance was because, I don't know, six months earlier, I saw an episode of TVN where they were at the Anaheim Convention Center. And I had been in the Anaheim Convention Center many times. And so I recognized the moment they came on the screen and Bob, Paul was interviewing an employee named Bob Higley. Well, I didn't know Bob Higley when that happened, and I didn't remember his name.
Starting point is 00:45:49 But that moment when I had just prayed, God, what do I do? And he said, call TBN. And I said, who do I call? Up in my mind comes Bob Higley. And I'm thinking, I'm imagining this stuff. This is crazy. None of this is happening to me. I'm delirious, you know. So I called California because I didn't know any other office that they had. And I'm thinking, okay, they're going to laugh at me. I said, hi, may I
Starting point is 00:46:19 speak to Bob Higley? And the receptionist said, oh, he's not here. He's in our Dallas-Fort Worth office. Would you like his number? Are you for real? Yes, yes, he's Dallas-Fort Worth. So I called Bob Higley, got him on the phone. He was vice president, TBN. And I introduced myself, gave him my background, marketing, television marketing and everything. He goes, oh, you're calling about the job. I go, yes, yes, I am. What job? Director of marketing.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Yes, yes, that's the one. I have so many here in front of me. Yes, yes, that's why I called you. And he said, how did you hear about us? Which magazine did you see the ad? I said, he started naming off, you know, magazine. Did you see it in broadcasting or multi-channel? No, no, no. Where did you see it? I said, I didn't see any ad. Well, how did you find out about it. You really want to know? Yeah. I told him. There's this pause on the phone.
Starting point is 00:47:29 And he says, then he said, I think Paul Crouch needs to hear this story. This story, short. Later, I get a phone call. Weeks, weeks, weeks later, I get a phone call. Paul Crouch wants to see you in his office tomorrow
Starting point is 00:47:44 at 2 o'clock in California. And they said, will you be there? I said, yes, I'll be there. And, I mean, I remember saying, if I have to put myself in a FedEx box, I will be there tomorrow, overnight. And so I ended up, you know, I'm in Santa Ana, California. I'm taken into Paul Crouch's office. Paul Crouch comes in, sits with me. We go through the whole thing, the interview.
Starting point is 00:48:15 And he says, hey, last thing, I want to hear that story. Tell him the story. Puts his hand out. He says, you're the marketing director. I need you in Dallas on Monday. He got up and walked out. And I'm sitting in his office. And like, what just happened?
Starting point is 00:48:32 His secretary came in. I'm like looking around. She knows I'm looking dumb. And she goes, follow me. We're going to personnel. You've just been hired, you know. That's how God put me in TBN. Okay? No, that's how God put me in TBN. Now, I flew home, and from all the way from California to Maryland,
Starting point is 00:48:50 I'm rehearsing how I'm going to tell Susan that this is Thursday, and on Monday I have to be in Dallas-Fort Worth. And fretting it the whole time. I get home, walk in the house, and before I could say anything, I'll never, Susan, I don't know if you remember this, but you put your hands on my face and said, don't say a word. The Lord told me he's blessing you.
Starting point is 00:49:21 And I said, yeah, he's blessing me. He just gave me director of marketing job at TBN. That's how I got there. So then fast forward, 1998, I'm minding my own business. I'm doing my job. Things couldn't be better at TBN for me. And the Lord says, meet me in the chapel. And it was stern, really stern.
Starting point is 00:49:49 So I walked down to the chapel. Nobody's in there. There's a room about the size of this. Nobody in there. But God's holiness was there. And I didn't see him. I didn't hear him. But his holiness was there. And I didn't see him, I didn't hear him, but his holiness was there. And I felt like Adam in the garden with a fig leaf. Everything wrong with me was like written on the walls. I realized what it is like to be in the presence of a holy God.
Starting point is 00:50:27 And let me tell you something. You will tremble. You will tremble in the presence of a holy God. I cannot describe what it feels like to be in the presence of holiness. Because, like Isaiah said, I am an unclean man in the presence of a holy God. I don't care who you are. If you're Billy Graham or Mother Teresa,
Starting point is 00:50:53 you will tremble. You will tremble. And so the Lord just... I was sobbing and crying and all this stuff going on, and God just showed me all this garbage that was in my life, and I repented. He forgave me, and then there was a movie screen up here. I always say movie screen. It's like a vision up here. I'm standing, and wait.
Starting point is 00:51:23 I'm not asleep. I'm standing there. I see this right in front of me. And I saw American cities on fire. This is 1998. I saw American cities on fire. I saw refugees. I saw burning buildings.
Starting point is 00:51:37 I saw cities just wiped out. And I saw the refugees. And I said, what am I seeing, God? And he said, this is your country's future if your nation does not repent. So what am I supposed to do with this? And he said, I'm calling you today to go tell your people to repent. And I'm like, but did you forget the conversation we just had five minutes ago? And he said, I didn't call you because you're holy.
Starting point is 00:52:07 I called you because you're a good repenter. When I convict you, you repent. Now go tell the people to repent. What am I supposed to say? Go tell them to repent. I said, give me a scripture that tells me this is you. And my Bible fell open to Isaiah 24. And I'll just let you read it on your own.
Starting point is 00:52:38 It's a vision of judgment on earth. Isaiah 24. That night, I went back to work that day to the office. I didn't say a word. of judgment on earth. Isaiah 24. That night, I went back to work that day, to the office. I didn't say a word. I was shaken. I went home, didn't talk to Susan.
Starting point is 00:52:53 It was really quiet. Didn't talk to Jeremy. Carissa didn't tell anybody what I saw or experienced. Just internalizing it, trying to comprehend it. The next morning, Carissa said to me, Dad, Jesus spoke to me last night. I said, oh, you had a dream about the Lord? She goes, no, he walked into my room and spoke to me. I was asleep. I didn't wake up, but I knew he was standing there. He was speaking to me and he said, daughter, beginning tonight, I'm going to talk to you about the last days through dreams and visions. And he gave me a
Starting point is 00:53:25 dream, dad. And in the dream, you and mom and Jeremy and I, we were standing together and we were surrounded by thousands of people and they were rotating around us. But she said, they were skeletons. I remember the eye sockets. I remember the bony faces, the long bony arms. And they were reaching out these long bony arms to you. And they were crying in a loud voice. If you knew this was going to happen, why didn't you tell us? And my daughter looked at me and she goes, I don't know what God's telling you to do, but you better do it.
Starting point is 00:54:01 So I told her what happened the day before. And I made a vow that very moment. I vow that very moment. I said, God, I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I don't know what I'm supposed to say other than repent, but I vow to you right now, I will do it. I sat down, Paul Crouch told him the whole thing. He listened politely, respectfully. As the months went by, this is again summer of 98, the Lord began speaking to me. This is what I heard.
Starting point is 00:54:32 I wrote it all down. I have proof. I got proof. I can show you I wrote it down. Okay? Because I published it. And I recorded it. In 98, he told me Osama bin Laden.
Starting point is 00:54:45 He told me nuclear suitcase bombs. He told me Islamic Jihad attacks in America. Poisoned food. Poisoned water. This is 98. He told me a surprise attack by Korea, North Korea, on an American city. He told me about an EMP, an electromagnetic pulse attack.
Starting point is 00:55:14 And then he told me, watch the derivatives. They will bring down the world economy. Nobody in 98 knew what a derivative was. I couldn't even spell it. But I heard God say derivatives. And so I started telling people in 98, in the summer of 98, this is what God is telling me. And I probably looked and sounded like a crazy man. Like, what are you talking about? Who is Osama bin Laden? What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:55:47 Muslim hordes in the country. What are you talking about? Terror cells. Jihads. What are you talking about? This is what I was hearing. But it was so real to me because of that experience. And I thought it was going to happen that very day. This radio show, I quit my job at TBN in September of 98. You know what, Doc?
Starting point is 00:56:11 I think today's the anniversary, today or tomorrow. Really? I've got to go back and look. Yeah, this week is when I left TBN, 98. First week of September. I walked out the door. TBN in Irving, Texas, never looked back. I had $52,000 in my savings account.
Starting point is 00:56:40 I spent it all traveling around the nation preaching. A year later, we were flat broke. I had no money left and didn't know what I was going to do. I really wasn't worried about it. I do remember saying to God, and it was one of the dumbest things I've ever said to God. I said, because I kept all my receipts during that year. I did. I asked the Lord how he was going to give back my $52,000. And I had this instant flash. We're so stupid, aren't we? We're so stupid the way we talk to God. I had this instant flash of all the meetings I had been in for months. I'd been traveling all over the United States, holding meetings in hotels and churches, and I had this flash of meetings like this and people coming forward getting saved.
Starting point is 00:57:38 I mean, I saw the actual people who got saved, and I heard the Lord say, which one of those souls do you want me to take back? I said, none of them. Then don't ask me again for your savings. I'll take care of you. He said, why don't you give me your savings? I said, it's yours.
Starting point is 00:58:00 I burned those receipts. I did. I threw the, I trashed them. I got rid of the receipts. I did. I threw the, I trashed them. I got rid of the receipts. I'm not going to turn receipts into God. See, I'm a human. I'm being led by the Spirit. Being led by the Spirit.
Starting point is 00:58:21 But I'm human. I'm making mistakes. I'm saying dumb things, but I'm walking by faith. And He's leading me through all these things. One thing I thought about today. We went on the radio in 99.
Starting point is 00:58:44 And we were on one radio station and four months into the program the owner canceled the program and that's how we went on the internet and shortwave radio and we moved from Dallas Fort Worth down to Granbury Texas
Starting point is 00:58:59 and we bought this little this little house that had been used as a daycare center. We turned that into our office and our studio. And it was a humble little place, just an old brick rancher. And that was the grand intergalactic headquarters of True News. The Lord told me in 99, I will give you a national audience on television
Starting point is 00:59:29 before the judgment hits America. Okay. So I was ready. I heard that. Okay, I'll do it. So in 2003, I came up with a way to start a television program. And we didn't have any money for it. But I had this burning passion. I've got to tell people what's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:59:56 By the way, in June of 1999, June 11, the Lord told me to say on the radio for 90 days judgment starts in America on September 11 that was 99 I didn't know what it meant I just said it every day the Lord said judgment starts in America on September 11
Starting point is 01:00:18 you're listening to WWCR International Shortwave Radio you can find true news on frequency 12.160 from 12 p.m to 4 p.m eastern and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m to 2 p.m eastern connect with us on rumble facebook x and getter attention true news listeners backed by popular demand Attention True News listeners. Back by popular demand, we're excited to announce the return of a fan-favorite offer from our trusted sponsor, American Reserves. Just in time for the 4th of July, you can ensure your family has access to clean, pure water with an exclusive deal on the famous British Birkfeld Dalton filtration systems. Thank you. ceramic filter free. No codes, no hassle. Just choose your system and enjoy the added value. During crisis, clean drinkable water is the most important factor to survival. It is imperative to keep your family hydrated and healthy during any emergency. And remember, this special offer is
Starting point is 01:01:34 only available from July 3rd to July 7th. Visit today. American owned, American made, American Reserves. So, fast forward 2003. Like, I got to get this message out. Now, we've got the Iraq War going on, the invasion of Iraq's taking place, 2003. I'm like, I got to get this message out. Time's running out. This could be it.
Starting point is 01:02:07 I mean, you know, I mean, think about what they were telling us. Saddam Hussein's got, you know, he's going to release weapons of mass destruction on America. And all that stuff was going on in 2003. And I'm so, I was just driven. I got to get on TV. I got to say it. I got to tell people. And so we came up with this ridiculous, humble little television set. My son Jeremy had just graduated from college,
Starting point is 01:02:29 and HDTV had just come out, and so it took about four or five men to carry an HDTV. Anybody remember what those things looked like? They started out around $4,000 or $5,000. So we went and bought one and he, he took a still photograph of a television news studio region and love this, right? He took a still photograph of a television news studio, put it on a DVD and then put it on the TV set. And then I sat in front of the TV set. Our lighting, our lighting came from Home Depot.
Starting point is 01:03:14 He went to Home Depot and bought garage lights. And I would be sitting there getting ready to record a program. He'd say, you got a shadow. Don't move. I'll be back. He'd drive down to Home Depotot come back with another garage light and rig it up so that shadow would go and i mean i was just i was surrounded by all these contraptions hanging and sitting in front of an actual television set couldn't twitch my nose he was, don't move. And we did that program day after day after day,
Starting point is 01:03:45 put it on satellite. And 2003, 2004, I'm telling America, you've got to repent. Judgment's coming if you don't repent. There's going to be great trouble in this country if you don't repent. Not one Christian television station would put this TV show on. Not one. They would not touch it because I said repent. It was too radical a message. Too radical. They didn't want to hear it. Well, I said things like, George Bush, you've got to repent for going in an Islamic mosque
Starting point is 01:04:18 and taking your shoes off and saying you're on holy ground. I said stuff like that, and they didn't want anybody saying that kind of stuff. Okay? Yeah, because everybody thought George Bush, you know, was the greatest thing that happened. So the TV show was a total bomb. We almost went bankrupt. Came very, very close within of hair going under. But God rescued us. He sent an old farmer on a Greyhound bus with suspenders and a straw hat. And I just thought thought my daughter had told me, Dad, you need $36,000 cash by Friday, or you are completely shut down. Lights go out, phones are cut off, building is repossessed.
Starting point is 01:05:17 I mean, that's how close we were. $36,000 by Friday, or you're done. And I'm sitting there thinking, God, everything I've done here has been for you. Why am I in this mess? Everything I've done has been for you. I've not solved anything for myself. It's just for you, to obey you.
Starting point is 01:05:38 And now look at the mess I'm in. This old man shows up. This old farmer. Joe McBride. Never forget Joe McBride. Joe walked in carrying suitcases wrapped with masking tape, straw hat, you know, dungarees. And he says, Rick, I'm here to stay at your house.
Starting point is 01:06:14 He's listening to the true news on radio. I've never met the man. He came on a Greyhound bus. And I'm thinking, I need Ross Perot. I don't need Joe McBride. I need Ross Perot. All right. What am I going to do now? This old guy sits down with me and told me his life story. And I mean, like, I came out of my mother's womb. And then, you know, he told me the whole story. And I'm just sitting there and I'm thinking,
Starting point is 01:06:49 we're going under, we're going under. And somewhere in the afternoon the Lord spoke to me and said, treat him with respect. He's getting his affairs in order. And I knew what that meant. Yes, sir, Lord.
Starting point is 01:07:06 I'll listen to whatever story he wants to say because I knew what that meant. Well, at that point, I thought, what's it matter? You know, we're not going to get the money by now. We've got another day left. You know, by now, it was like Wednesday night, Thursday. You know, I've got to have $36,000 for Friday morning.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Tomorrow's Thursday, and I've got Joe McBride here. So we went home. Susan made a meal for him. We sat at the house and talked all night long about fishing and hunting and everything. Quite a guy. Next morning, we're back in the office, and he says, Rick, do you know how to make a phone call to Australia? I said, well, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:50 You've got to get an area code, a country code, and call. And he says, could you do that for me? I said, yeah. He gave me a piece of paper. He said, call this number. So I called, and it was a banker, an Australian banker, direct line to a banker. And I said, my name is Rick Wiles.
Starting point is 01:08:11 I'm in Texas, and I have a gentleman here that wants to talk to you. His name is Joe McBride. Joe? You've got Joe there? Yeah. You know, I had a phone there. Well, Joe held the phone out like this. He's talking in it real loud, you know, and had a phone there. Well, Joe held the phone out like this. He's talking in it real loud, you know, and I could hear the whole conversation.
Starting point is 01:08:29 And he says, how much money I got in my savings account? And he said, well, Mr. McBride, I'll find out. He comes back, he goes, Mr. McBride, you've got $2.5 million right now. He says, well, I'm with a radio preacher and I want you to wire 40,000 U.S. dollars to him right now. I'm going to give the phone to him. He'll give you a bank account here. That really happened in the citizen on that Thursday morning. Within an hour, we had 4040,000 in the bank,
Starting point is 01:09:06 paid cash for all the bills Thursday, and God resurrected this ministry. We came back to life. Okay? See, if you're doing God's will, if you're serving God, you cannot go under. You absolutely cannot go under. You cannot fail if you're serving God. If you are sincerely seeking to please God, you cannot fail at anything. You will be resurrected. There is no such thing as permanent death. He'll bring you back up.
Starting point is 01:09:41 But when that happened, and we were wiped out at that point. I mean, yeah, we had our bills paid, but we're now, I mean, we're still broke, okay? We weren't bankrupt, but we were broke, okay? And Carissa had a dream. She had several dreams. First dream she had, she was driving from our house to our office. It was out in the country.
Starting point is 01:10:17 There was a man standing on the road holding a pole. I don't understand this part with a pole. And the pole was bent over. She stopped asking if he needed help. He spoke through telepathy. He didn't speak with his mouth. He said, no, I'm doing fine. She goes, but your pole's bent. Can I help you? Well, a luxury car pulled up and this well-dressed woman got out with lots of jewels and she started berating this man. What are you standing out here? You look like an idiot. Get that stupid pole off
Starting point is 01:10:44 the road. And Susan's thinking, why are you so mean to this man? You got all this money. You could fix his pole. You'd be mean to him. And she got mad and got in her car and took off. So Carissa said, look, I'm going to try to help you. So she opens up her trunk. The trunk is empty, except one thing. She says, I'm down to my last piece of rope. Now we know what that means, that phrase, down to my last piece of rope. She says, I'll use my last piece of rope to fix your pole. So she ties this pole up. And when she does, these bags that are on the road, on the side of the road, the bags open up
Starting point is 01:11:28 and there's light. I've never told you this story, Doc. There's light coming out of the bags. And she opens up the bags. Read, all the bags were filled with brand new television equipment. Cameras, lights, everything. And she goes, what are you doing out here standing on the road with all this new equipment? He didn't say anything. She goes, my father needs it. You're standing out here on the road with it in bags. My dad's preaching the gospel. He needs the television equipment. You're going with us. So she packs him up, takes him into our little
Starting point is 01:12:05 office. Now our dorky little television studio was in a garage. Okay. Literally the garage. It wasn't a renovated garage. It was a garage. Okay. With a TV set and a chair. That was, and Home Depot lights. It was sad, folks. It was sad. It was just sad. Wasn't it? It was sad. But you know what? I believe my Heavenly Father smiled on me.
Starting point is 01:12:41 And He said, He's determined. He's determined to obey me even though he has nothing to work with he's determined and so Carissa said in the stream she brings this man into the studio in our garage she goes and gets me and Susan and brings everybody out and she goes look I found this guy got all this new equipment and he points to the wall and a image appeared on the wall. And it was, it was a image of the little building we were in and our dorky little studio
Starting point is 01:13:15 and everything. And then twinkling lights started at the bottom and the lights started coming up. And eventually the entire image was covered in twinkling lights. And then the lights started to descend. And she said it was a brand new studio with equipment, brand new everything. And he looked at me and smiled and said, behold, I make all things new. Behold, I make all things new.
Starting point is 01:13:55 Twelve years for that to happen. Twelve years. I just realized it today. As I was preparing, I realized this is it. Twelve years. Behold, I make all things new. There was no effort to build this.
Starting point is 01:14:17 No effort. It just came together. It just appeared. It took 12 years. My daughter received a dream. We did not laugh at the dream. We did not mock the dream. We did not scoff at the dream.
Starting point is 01:14:37 We didn't say, oh, that's ridiculous. That's a stupid dream, a man with a pole and a bag of cameras. That's stupid to believe something like that. No, we said that's hope. That's all I had, hope. It's the only thing I had, hope. I had a dream to hope.
Starting point is 01:14:55 I held on to a dream. In 12 years have gone by, and I held on to a dream. And in the past six weeks, that dream came true. See, God will lead you through dreams and visions. You have to show him that you believe him. You have to show him that you have confidence in him, and you have to show him that you will work toward it.
Starting point is 01:15:30 The other dream that Carissa had at that time, and Rita, I'll just tell you, this was the other studio we're going to build, because this is not the final one. This is just the first one. I know what the second one looks like. She came in, this was back in 2004. She came into my office. She goes, Dad, I got good news and bad news.
Starting point is 01:15:53 I go, what's the good news? I had a dream last night. God showed me your TV studio. Oh, that's great. What's the bad news? It's not a news program. Carissa, look around. Look at her name, True News.
Starting point is 01:16:07 She goes, I don't care. I saw it. You were not reporting the news. And she described the set, and it was a Mediterranean patio, like Jerusalem, like a scene from Jerusalem or Greece or someplace, and cobblestone floor and, you know, facade, the house, you know, the house is stone. She said that there was a piece of wood that came out of the stone wall,
Starting point is 01:16:41 and there was a loaf of bread, homemade bread, and a chalice of wine sitting on it. And she said there was a large globe in the center of the set, and that all the preachers were gathered at that globe, laying hands on the continents, interceding for the souls of humanity. And she said, Dad, that's what you're going to do. That's where it's going. And so I've seen this.
Starting point is 01:17:19 He gave the same vision to me years later, 2007. I saw the exact same thing. It's how Flowing Streams came about. He gave me a vision which he showed me, Flowing Streams. And I saw the same thing, except I didn't see it as a studio. I saw a church, underground church. And I was reading a book about Patrick of Ireland. Susan was asleep.
Starting point is 01:17:44 I got up out of bed. I walked out in the living room. And I said, Lord, I want the an about Patrick of Ireland. Susan was asleep. I got up out of bed. I walked out in the living room. And I said, Lord, I want the anointing of Patrick. That's what I'm asking for. I want the anointing of Patrick. And this vision started. And I was wide awake. I just went into this very deep, like, dream-like state.
Starting point is 01:18:02 But I was standing up. And we were outside. There was a man with me. I don't know who he was. He was heavenly. I don't know if it was an angel or Jesus. He spoke through telepathy again. No words, just spoke.
Starting point is 01:18:19 He said, follow me. He opened up a door. We came in, and it was a room just like this. And it was a really big place. And there were hundreds and hundreds of employees working at workstations. And I knew when I walked in, by the way they looked at me, that I was the CEO. And so I'm winding my way through this.
Starting point is 01:18:40 And he looked at me and he said, I know you're impressed by this, but it's really not the important thing. Come. So we walked this way and there's a door. He opens up the door. We go down steps. We came out into a church, a worship center. Thousands of people worshiping the Lord. The stage was a Mediterranean Jerusalem patio.
Starting point is 01:19:09 And the preachers, everybody preached in harmony and unity. It was like one preacher would be preaching and then he would sit down. The next preacher would get up and in mid-sentence pick up right in the same sermon. And then the next preacher and the next preacher. It was a harmonious sermon.
Starting point is 01:19:29 I heard the music, the angelic singing, the choir, the harps. It was beautiful music. And nobody was performing. Everybody was worshiping God with their music. And there was a stream of water that flowed through the church. And it came from this direction.
Starting point is 01:19:46 It was flowing this direction. And people were coming down, getting in the water. Some were being healed when they touched the water. Others were being baptized. Others were having their feet washed. But nobody really paid attention to it. Everybody was focused on worshiping God. One thing that I noticed is that the people in the church called me the pastor of the underground church.
Starting point is 01:20:09 And so the man led me out, so we're back outside, and I said, oh, I get it. I understand. When the Lord gives me a headquarters for true news, I'm supposed to excavate a deep foundation, put the church down below and the offices up above. And he's like, no, no, no, no. You're the pastor of the underground church. Do you get it here? And that was it.
Starting point is 01:20:35 I woke up from it. I came out of it. All right? I wrote it all down. Exactly. And so a couple days later, he said, call it flowing streams. And that's where this came from, flowing streams. Several years later, I'm on a fast.
Starting point is 01:20:54 And on the third day of the fast, the Lord said, you want to know about that vision? I'm going to tell you. And he said, what do you call, you want to know about that stream of water? What do you call media content on the Internet? I said, streaming. He goes, what is it, Rick? Internet streaming? It's Internet streaming.
Starting point is 01:21:18 What you saw going through the church was Internet streaming, the gospel going out through the internet. He goes, where did the stream go? I said, past the cross. He said, everything that you send out must be filtered at the cross. He said, Christian television and Christian radio in America is sending out polluted water, and I want you to filter it at the cross.
Starting point is 01:21:42 And he said, I'm going to hold you responsible for what you send out. You will hold you responsible for what you send out. You will be held accountable for what you send out. That's how Flowing Streams came about. See, all this is, I'm being led one step at a time. God never gave me one big plan and said, here, go do this. It was always a step of faith. Always one step.
Starting point is 01:22:07 Like, where are we going with this? Where is this taking me? Okay? But that's the way God leads us. Because he wants you to depend on him. He wants you to have your confidence and your hope in him. And not to be so full of yourself and your abilities that you can do it without him. And he'll bring you to a place of brokenness so that you will depend on him.
Starting point is 01:22:38 I don't know any great man or woman of God who was not broken, crushed, not just broken, crushed, crushed to get the human flesh out of them, to get their ego out of them, to get all that junk out of them. Because God can't work through them with that stuff in there. Because they think that they're doing it. You have to depend 100% on the Lord. Let me tell you something real quick, and then we'll close. I went to, the Lord started leading me to the Caribbean.
Starting point is 01:23:13 2006, he kept telling me, go to the Caribbean. Where? Finally, he shows me St. Kitts Nevis. Never heard of the place. But I knew I was supposed to go there. Susan said, just go by yourself. Just go get it out of your system. Go out there.
Starting point is 01:23:28 Jody, does that sound like something she would say? Just go and get it out of your system. I'm tired of you talking about it. So I flew out to St. Kitts by myself. I'm standing on the island. What am I doing out here on this island? This is crazy. I'm walking around by myself.
Starting point is 01:23:44 It's a two-island nation, St. Christopher and Nevis. But I had this incredible peace that came on me while I was there. So I got on a boat, went over to Nevis, and I got to Nevis. As I'm approaching Nevis, I see a TV tower in the mountain. So being a geeky nerd, I'm like, I got to find out who put a tower on this mountain, on this island, all right? Like, that's intriguing me. Well, I'm out here in the middle of the ocean on a rock sticking up out of the water, and there's a television tower on the rock in the water. I want to find out who did this. So I got a rental car and drove around. Finally, he got up there and found the tower. And then I'm like, all right, I've got to find the building of this thing.
Starting point is 01:24:30 So I'm driving around, and I found the TV station. And I'm sitting there, and I'm having this deja vu moment. I'm like, I've seen this. And I turn my head, and I see the sign, Trinity Broadcasting Network. It's like, wait a minute. Where did I see this? Years earlier, Paul Crouch had a photo album. He showed me pictures, early pictures of TBN. And he pointed to that tower and that building and he said, Rick, that was TBN's very first TV station outside of America. He said, we only had four stations in America. And then God gave us a station on an
Starting point is 01:25:14 island called Nevis. And when we went to Nevis, God opened up the whole world to TBN. I'll never forget him saying that. The whole world opened to us from Nevis. I'm like, Lord, what is this? So I got back on the boat. I'm going back to Kitts, and I'm sitting up on the upper deck of the boat. I'm looking back at the mountain, and I said, God, why did you bring me here? Why did you bring me here and show me that tower? And this is what I heard in my spirit. I brought you to the same place Paul Crouch started. Do not repeat his mistakes. Now, the Lord did not say his sins. Sins and mistakes are two different things. Okay. Billy Graham has made mistakes. Okay?
Starting point is 01:26:08 Pope Francis makes mistakes. Okay? Sins and mistakes are two different things. We all make mistakes. Okay? So the Lord didn't say don't repeat his sins. He said don't repeat his mistakes.
Starting point is 01:26:19 But what are the mistakes? Well then, that was a learning process to find out what were the mistakes. But here's what I discovered. God opened up the world to Paul Crouch from that island. I don't understand it. Why?
Starting point is 01:26:35 What is it about that island? I don't know. I had two dreams on that island about flowing streams that involved TBN. I was asleep in bed in a hotel at St. Kitts, and I dreamed that I was in prison. And I was in a low-security, minimum-security prison. And it wasn't bad. It's kind of a nice prison. Had basketball.
Starting point is 01:27:08 Had gym. Had library. You know, I'm saying for a prison. It wasn't bad. But it was still prison. You knew you were in prison. And in this dream, I got frustrated. I was like, I don't belong in prison.
Starting point is 01:27:22 I went out. I didn't do anything wrong. I went out of prison. So I marched up to the gate, and the jail warden was my friend, Bob Higley, from the guy who hired me at TVN, all right? So we stayed friends. We're still friends today. Sorry. So don't read anything in this. Bob and I are still friends, okay? See, God uses people that we know. He'll use in dreams. You can't assume in a dream that because somebody that you know is in the dream, that that means that person. You got to find out who do they represent. Like if you see a president in the dream, that does not mean it's Obama. It could
Starting point is 01:28:04 mean a future president. It could mean a future president. It could mean it's the presidency. You have to understand what is the symbol? What does it represent? So in this dream, Bob's at the gate, and I said, Bob, I want out. He goes, you can't leave. I said, Bob, I didn't do anything wrong. I want out of here.
Starting point is 01:28:18 And he goes, hey, I'm just doing what I'm told. You've got to stay here. So I left, went back. Like a week later, I got frustrated again, marched up, doing the I'm told. You got to stay here. So I left, went back. Like a week later, I got frustrated again, marched up, do the whole thing again. Bob's like, Rick, sorry, I'm just doing my job. Go back to yourself. You know, I'm getting more frustrated. I want out of this place. You know, I march up again and Bob says, look, Rick, I was told you belong in here. You are not allowed out here with us. You get it?
Starting point is 01:28:46 Bob, come on, let me out. No, Rick, get back there. Next time I march up and now I'm angry. And I speak with the authority of God. And I pointed my finger at him. I said, if a shaking is what you want, a shaking is what you're going to get. An earthquake hit and the prison collapsed. The gate fell over on Bob, right?
Starting point is 01:29:10 And his face is sticking up through the gate. And I walked right over top of him. I said, see you, Bob. I'm leaving, okay? So I woke up. I woke up. I'm insane kids. I woke up, and my first thought is, oh, my gosh, California is going to be hit.
Starting point is 01:29:29 The San Andreas Fault is going to go. I got to call Bob and tell him to get out of there right away. And the Lord's like, no, get a cup of coffee. Just get a cup of coffee. Sit down. Sit down, you know. And I was all agitated. I got to call him before the earthquake hits.
Starting point is 01:29:43 No, no, no, no. Calm down. Calm down. Sit down. So I got a no, no, calm down, calm down, sit down. So I got a cup of coffee, sat down at the patio, and the Lord began to share with me what the dream was. The prison was shortwave radio. I had been consigned to shortwave radio by the broadcasting world. It's the backwater.
Starting point is 01:30:08 It's where nobody wants to be. Bob, my friend Bob, represented. Where was he working? At the gate. He was the gatekeeper. In the television radio industry, the people who decide who gets on radio or television are called gatekeepers. That is the term, the gatekeepers. They make the programming decisions, the gatekeepers. What God was showing me through my friend Bob is he represents the gatekeepers of religious radio television
Starting point is 01:30:47 and they are telling their employees keep Wiles in that shortwave prison he doesn't get out here with the rest of us when I became indignant and spoke with the authority of God God shook the prison. The gates fell down on the gatekeepers. It's happening right now. It's called digital streaming.
Starting point is 01:31:24 This bypasses the gates. Our number one way to reach people is this phone, not radio stations. I got past the gatekeepers with this. Hundreds of thousands listening to me on the phone. We're building apps for television, for Apple TV, Roku. Last night I was studying PlayStation. PlayStation View has 100,000 subscribers right now for PlayStation, for television. Television channels, PlayStation View, 100,000 paid subscribers. The gatekeepers
Starting point is 01:32:01 have lost control. But see, God showed me. He showed me in a dream, the gates are going to fall. Don't become impatient, Rick. The gates are going to fall. Then in another dream in St. Kitts, involving me and again, Paul Crouch, Susan and I were walking down a long hallway and way down at the end in the corner,
Starting point is 01:32:25 it's like an L, right there in the corner, there was like an L. Right there in the L, I saw a man and he's fidgeting around. He's looking at his watch. He's just kind of pacing and fidgeting. And I looked, I said, Susan, that's Paul Crouch down there. So as I got down there, I walked up to him. I said, Paul, I am so surprised to see you here. I haven't seen you for years. And I'm shaking his hand. I'm trying to greet him and just say how much I missed seeing him and everything. And he's like, Rick, Rick, Rick, Rick, Rick. Yes. Okay.'ve got to talk to you, Rick. What is it, Paul? He said, none of us knew this storm would be this bad. And in the dream, I knew that the storm was financial. I knew it. His eyes said, he didn't say it with his mouth,
Starting point is 01:33:24 his eyes said, I wish say with his mouth his eyes said I wish I never built so many big buildings I knew he was saying I can't keep them up the upkeep is too much I said Paul what do you want to tell me he said Rick keep your overhead low that's it keep your overhead low.
Starting point is 01:33:45 That's it? Keep your overhead low. Okay. Shook hands. Susan and I made a left turn, started going down here. I turned and I looked, as we were walking, I looked back.
Starting point is 01:34:01 Paul Crouch was in the corner. He was looking at his watch. His back's against the wall. He's looking at his watch. His back's against the wall. He's looking at his watch. His back was against the wall. He was out of time. Okay, Paul died 2013. One of the last things he did,
Starting point is 01:34:22 this is so amazing how God does this stuff. On the island of St. Kitts, there's a radio station called Radio Paradise, the biggest, most powerful AM radio station in the Caribbean. TBN owned it. Every time I went to St. Kitts, I'd drive over to the transmitter and lay hands on the transmitter and ask God to bless it.
Starting point is 01:34:44 And I said, Lord, I would love to have a radio station like this someday. I promise you, if I ever had a station like this, I'd tell people about Jesus. I'd use this station all day to talk about Jesus. One of the last things Paul Crouch did before he died, and I'd never seen Paul Crouch once, never talked to him from 1998 from the time I left.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Paul Crouch gave that radio station to us. Signed it over to us. The very place I went and blessed it. What is going on here? God said, I brought you to the same place Paul Crouch started. Started where?
Starting point is 01:35:30 To reach the world. Okay. I don't fully comprehend spiritually what's taking place in all this. But I know it's big. And I go back to the dream when I got saved. All saved. And the Lord telling
Starting point is 01:35:48 me, before I got saved, worldwide television after the year 2000. So we're finally here. We're finally here. And it's happening. And now Flowing Streams is up and running, and we're just at the beginning of it. It's just the beginning of it. And God has...
Starting point is 01:36:17 It would be decades, decades of building. He told me to finish Flowing Streams by the year 2030, which is only less than 14 years away. It's not that far. Not that long. I want to close with down in Ecuador, there's a little
Starting point is 01:36:44 girl named Maria. She's now six years old. She is the cutest child you'll ever see. Dark charcoal eyes. She can't say her name, Maria. She says, Mia. You know Mia. Everybody loves Mia.
Starting point is 01:37:04 All right. This child is blessed. She's anointed. She came out of the jungle. Her parents killed at least 10 of her brothers and sisters. This is for real. Okay. Our daughter and son-in-law have rescued six of the siblings.
Starting point is 01:37:26 The whole battle that they've been in in Ecuador for four years has been over their lives. And little Mia couldn't speak. The trauma she had received, the head trauma was so bad she never spoke. And she did come see us. Hrsa brought her to see us a couple years ago on a medical leave. They were able to get her out of Ecuador here for a couple weeks on a medical leave. And Mia had never spoken. And on January 11, 2014, Carissa and Mia were taking a nap on Saturday afternoon, and Carissa woke up, and the Lord said,
Starting point is 01:38:09 lay your hand on her lips and pray that she speaks. And Mia woke up and started speaking. She was four years old at the time. And Susan had taught her sign language and so with broken words, sign language, she's telling Carissa, she says, Mia, see Jesus. Carissa said, where did you see Jesus? She said, sleep. This is the first time the child has spoken. She said, what did you see?
Starting point is 01:38:49 Jesus came down from the sky with fire. Everything on fire. Houses, cars, people. Jesus said, say it. Carissa said, what did he tell you to say? She points to her lips and she said, Jesus said, say he comes with fire. Those are the words, the first words of a jungle baby in Ecuador.
Starting point is 01:39:25 True story. Same day, same day, January 11, 2014. I woke up that morning. I had slept in late. I didn't know about Mia's dream until about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I slept in late. But when I woke up, I was with the Lord. I was standing in a vast pasture field, and Jesus was standing there, and he was dressed as a bishop. He had his outer robe was
Starting point is 01:40:06 red, his inner robe was white. In his right hand he had a staff as a shepherd, as a bishop. His arm was around me, holding the staff. His arm was around my shoulder, holding the staff. And his left
Starting point is 01:40:21 hand, he's pointing out to the horizon, showing me something. and I heard these words he will guide you that was all it was he will guide you God showed me Jesus as a bishop he appeared to me as a bishop as a shepherd.
Starting point is 01:40:47 He will guide you. And I believe the Lord is showing me that through that ancient, one holy Catholic apostolic church, that the Lord will guide through the bishops. The Lord's showing me. He's going to guide you. That same day, me, I had the dream, Jesus come down with fire.
Starting point is 01:41:20 The Lord does speak. He does speak. If you ask Him, He'll speak to you. All these things I told you didn't happen in one week. It happened over 30 years. Okay? But I am where I am now because I've been following these things
Starting point is 01:41:42 like Hansel and Gretel, like breadcrumbs being led by the Holy Spirit to go each way. So let me pray. Gracious Father, I pray. Father, I pray that you would fulfill the hunger and the thirst of every person here who hungers and thirsts for you, that you would speak to them, that you would reveal yourself to them in whatever special way, Father, that they would know it's you.
Starting point is 01:42:13 I just pray, Father, that you would manifest yourself and speak to them, either through dreams or visions or through nature or something that they would see and know it's you. That they can't explain it to anybody else, but they know it was you who showed up and spoke to them. Lord, strengthen your people.
Starting point is 01:42:38 Father, that we would tell the world to repent. That we would tell them to believe on the name of Jesus Christ, that Christ would tell them to believe on the name of Jesus Christ that Christ is coming with fire. He's coming with fire. This world will perish and burn up
Starting point is 01:42:55 and only those who are saved in Christ will live with you in New Jerusalem. Bless this ministry, Father. And continue to bring people to flowing streams to fulfill your divine plan. Now, Father, we prepare for Holy Communion because your word Father Jesus said
Starting point is 01:43:32 that if we do not eat your flesh and drink your blood there is no life in us Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, in your tender mercy, you gave your only Son, Jesus Christ, to suffer death upon the cross for our redemption. He offered himself and made once for all time a perfect and sufficient sacrifice for the sins of the whole world.
Starting point is 01:44:10 He instituted this remembrance for his passion and death, which he commanded us to continue until he comes again. So now, Father, we ask you to bless and sanctify with your word and Holy Spirit these gifts of bread and wine that we may partake of his most blessed body and blood. that Jesus was betrayed, he took bread. And when he had given thanks, he broke it and he gave it to his disciples saying, take, eat. This is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me. And after supper,
Starting point is 01:45:01 he took the cup. And when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, Drink this, all of you, for this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for you and for many, for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, do this in remembrance of me. Behold the Lamb of God. Behold Him who takes away the sins of the world. Blessed are those who are invited
Starting point is 01:45:35 to the marriage supper of the Lamb. You may come forward. Just everybody, let's just gather up here and we'll serve you. And just go ahead and receive. Go ahead and eat and drink as we give you the bread and the wine. This isn't the body of Christ. The flesh of Jesus.
Starting point is 01:46:07 The old true manna from heaven. The body of Jesus the all true manna from heaven the body of Jesus Edward the body of Christ my manna from heaven the Lord's flesh Manna from heaven the body of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the flesh
Starting point is 01:46:30 of our Savior Jesus, the bread of heaven, manna from above. The bread of heaven. The flesh of Jesus, manna from heaven,
Starting point is 01:46:47 the body of our Savior, Jesus Christ, manna from heaven, flesh of Jesus, the body of our Savior, flesh from Jesus, manna from heaven, the body of Jesus, true manna, manna from heaven, the body of our Savior Jesus Christ the flesh of our Savior true manna the broken body of Jesus
Starting point is 01:47:14 manna from heaven there's that. The flesh of Jesus. Well, I know I held you a long time. But I hope you got something out of this and I hope you were blessed by it. Because every story I told you is true. God is my witness.
Starting point is 01:48:09 Walking a walk of faith. And we serve a wonderful, wonderful Savior. And He will walk with you and He will talk to you. He really will. If you hunger and thirst for Him, he will show up. He will talk. You may be saying, I don't hear God talking to me. Maybe you need to get closer to him. sometimes he talks a lot lighter. And I've seen this in my own life where I've gone months and months
Starting point is 01:48:52 and I've not heard the Lord's voice. Like, Lord, how come I'm not hearing you? What's wrong? What is it? And this is what I've learned from him. He speaks in whispers. And this is what I've learned from him. He speaks in whispers. And so, Renee, if I just talk to you in normal voice and say, Renee, this is what I want you to do today, Renee.
Starting point is 01:49:17 That's easy for you here. If I talk like this. What do you have to do? You have to come up to you have to come up you have to come up see if I whisper you have to come up close to my lips
Starting point is 01:49:33 and if you get close enough I'm going to hug you see that's what he wants to do he wants you to get up close enough that he can hug you okay so sometimes he talks very softly
Starting point is 01:49:46 but he's not silent he's just talking softly for you to come up closer you'll hear his voice you'll definitely hear his voice let's pray Father thank you for feeding us with the spiritual food
Starting point is 01:50:03 of the most precious body and blood of your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, and for assuring us in these holy mysteries that we are living members of the body of your Son and heirs of your eternal kingdom. And now, Father, send us out into the world to do the work
Starting point is 01:50:20 you have given us to do to love and to serve you as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord, to him, to to love and to serve you as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord to him, to you and to the Holy Spirit be glory and honor now and forever
Starting point is 01:50:32 may the peace of God which passes all understanding keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and the love of God and of his son Jesus Christ our Lord and may the blessing of God almighty the Father, the Son and the love of God and of His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Starting point is 01:50:47 And may the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit be among you and remain with you always. Amen. Thank you for spending this time with me in this special edition of True News. I hope this sermon was a blessing to you. Your Heavenly Father desires to personally guide your life. Open your heart to Him and ask for
Starting point is 01:51:12 guidance. You can't make divine dreams and visions appear. They come to you when God desires for you to receive them. He then observes what you do with them. If they are only momentary spiritual thrills, you probably won't receive many more. But if you ponder them, pray about them, and allow the Holy Spirit to interpret them and then direct your steps, you'll receive more spiritual breadcrumbs on your path of life. Now, I'll tell you this, you'll never see the full picture.
Starting point is 01:51:50 You only see part of it along the way. That's because God wants you to depend on Him and trust Him for everything in life. 840 from 10pm to 2am Eastern. Connect with us on Rumble, Facebook, X, and Getter.

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