TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Rick Wiles Reveals Portions of Insights Received During Week of Prayer
Episode Date: September 30, 2024Rick Wiles shares the spiritual insights he received during a week of personal prayer and reflection. Rick discusses the importance of taking time to rest and seek God's guidance, offering a glimpse i...nto the revelations he believes were shown to him regarding global events, future conflicts, and the path ahead for his ministry. He encourages viewers to be spiritually and physically prepared for challenging times while revealing select parts of his vision for the future.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 09/30/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves! It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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This is True News from Monday, September 30, 2024.
I'm Rick Wiles.
Today's True News will be somewhat different.
I've been away for over a week, and Doc, I appreciate you holding down the fort here for me,
and also Paul and Eric and others who jumped in and helped carry the load.
I was not on vacation. Yes. The Lord clearly spoke to me about three weeks ago and told me I needed to take a rest.
He wanted to talk to me.
I was praying about some very important things.
And I don't know if you've ever been in a place spiritually where it's almost like your soul is groaning.
Like you've got to hear from God.
Sure. Okay.
And I was in that state, particularly after the election.
You know, that one that I was in.
Not the one coming up, but the one you went through.
The one that nobody noticed, you know.
And I was really seeking the Lord, and I cried out.
And my very words were, what must I do to hear your voice about the answers to these questions?
And I opened my Bible.
It fell open to Mark, and it said, come apart yourself and rest for a while. That was the words of Jesus to his disciples, saying, guys, you've been working
hard. He's telling, Jesus is telling his disciples, you guys have been working really hard. I want you
to break, take a break and rest. And we know that Jesus rested many times. That's a biblical principle. So,
if Jesus Christ, the Son of God, had to take breaks from ministry to be alone with his Father,
then how much more do we need to take breaks to be alone? Because we don't have his physical and spiritual makeup, and he needed rest.
Doc, for the Lord to leave the crowds,
there were sick people, crippled people, blind people,
demon-possessed people.
And Jesus would walk away from them,
go into the desert, go climb a mountain,
leave the crowds
you know why?
he knew that when he came back down
they'd still be sick
I hadn't thought about that
that way
they'd still be in bondage
they weren't going to get out of their bondage
while he was gone
you know a couple more days of bondage
wasn't you know
literally that's the way he was perceiving it, okay?
Like, I'll be back.
I'll heal you.
But right now, I need to go be with my father.
And see, if he didn't spend time with his father, that would weaken, how would you say it?
It would interrupt his ability to minister to those people.
He needed to be in constant communication with his Heavenly Father.
He was all man and all God.
And if he's all man and all God and he needed to rest, we need to rest too.
I'm one of the worst workaholics.
Everybody around me knows it.
I love the work, and I don't take breaks, and I don't rest, and I don't take vacations, and it's not good.
And the Lord showed me that over the week I was gone.
It's biblical to break away regularly and rest.
It's biblical.
And so anyhow, Doc, you'll be doing things by yourself here quite often.
I figured as much.
Anyhow, I just wanted you to know I wasn't on vacation.
I sought the Lord every day.
Susan and I went to Myrtle Beach.
I haven't been to Myrtle Beach in decades.
Forgot how wonderful a city it is.
Wonderful people, sweet, kind, South Carolinians love them.
And the city was empty.
We had the whole city to ourselves.
The hotel was empty.
The city was empty.
The restaurants were empty.
You know, the peak season's over. And you kind of needed that too didn't you i did i didn't want to be in a crowd and crowd and everything and uh you know and and so it you know when we when we
left we didn't know about a hurricane uh we didn't know about hurricane Helene. Right. I was originally going to go to Sanibel Island or somewhere on the West Coast.
I am glad.
I'm glad you did.
That we made a change because we were thinking about the Gulf Coast.
The Gulf Coast got hit pretty hard.
Oh, yes.
Very hard. was watching tracking the hurricane because in those early days of that week uh forecasters
were saying it was too early to know for certain the direction of the storm that it could veer
eastward and go up the atlantic coast through the carolinas i think oh great i'm sitting on the
atlantic coast we might be in the bullseye. So I was watching it very closely.
You know, I wake up in the middle of the night.
I check the weather, see where the storm, what direction is it going.
Because if it was turning eastward, I was packing and leaving.
I was getting out of there.
But the Lord protected us. He kept us.
The storm came over parts of South Carolina and North Carolina.
With devastating results.
With devastation, terrible devastation.
But Myrtle Beach there on the coast in the lowland country was spared.
And we had some heavy rain Thursday night, Friday all day, well, Friday till about noon.
Downpours, tornado warnings, you know, had one imminent take shelter immediately type of warning.
But overall, Myrtle Beach was protected.
And so we just stayed there during the storm. But every day I went outside.
We had a patio.
And I went outside on a balcony.
I went outside and sat on the balcony early in the morning.
I'm up early, and I would just Bible, notepad, cup of coffee.
And I stayed off the Internet most of the time.
About the only time I ever got on the Internet was later in the day if I took Susan someplace and she was at a store.
I'd check some things, but I wanted to stay off the Internet.
I wanted to hear the Lord, and I had a number of questions that I needed answers to for my personal life,
for this ministry, for the country, for the body of Christ.
And the reason I'm starting this different is that I am so full of information right
now that I believe is from the Lord, and I haven't even shared it with our staff yet.
And I'm not at liberty
to tell you everything. Look, we live in a
very different world today.
There was a time not too long ago that a minister
could go on radio or television and cast a vision of where he believed the Lord was taking the ministry and appeal to people to support the ministry.
And that's the way ministries grew.
Today, there are billionaires who pay full-time staffs to monitor ministries and listen to their plans and then immediately go into action
to disrupt and oppose those plans. That's the fact of life today. That's the world we live in.
And so the challenge now is for a minister like myself, is I have to trust that you are listening
to the Lord to understand
the nuances of things that I say.
That I can't say things openly. It's one of the reasons
I'm not at liberty to talk about everything I believe the Lord showed me this past week
because I don't want video clips made and posted all over the internet of, you know,
crazy wild preacher predicts such and such.
I don't want that, you know.
So I have to guard my words. And also, I don't want in any way for you or anybody to say that I came back and prophesied, predicted.
Folks, look, I'm just like you.
I have hard enough time figuring out what the Lord is saying to me, let alone to tell you what to do.
And so I have enough trouble for myself, Doc, to hear the Lord.
I don't have, I'm not capable of hearing for everybody else.
I'm barely capable of hearing for myself.
I just don't like, I just don't like these ministers that go out here and say, thus say
the Lord, he said this, this, and this, and you should, I don't want to do that.
I don't ever do that.
Okay? So please, I don't want you to make any plans based on that, hey, Rick Wilde said this is what the Lord,
I'm only going to share with you a little bit of what I believe is the revelation he was giving me this past week.
I took a lot of notes, handwritten notes. And over the weekend, we got back Saturday night and Sunday.
I spent Sunday organizing those notes, and I'm going to give them to you and the staff here after this program and go over it in a meeting.
And I don't even have on the notes everything you told me because there's some things that I just don't feel like there's a liberty to talk about it right now right he just says not now not yet so anyhow today i'm
going to share a little bit maybe through the week a little bit more and i'll try to walk you
through it oh hey by the way uh we have a new sponsor uh i came back and we have a new sponsor. That's right. That's great. And it's Gold Co.
So Gold Co. is now a co-sponsor along with American Reserves of True News. And we are glad
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Now, let's get to this material that we have here today.
And, Doc, you know, I said I didn't look at a lot of news, but I did.
I did look at some.
But the things that I saw were things that the Lord wanted me to see for the prayers I was seeking.
So it wasn't like I spent just searching all over the world.
But he showed me some things.
I'm going to start with this first one.
This was published September 22nd.
Lammy urges cuts in ongoing U.S. talks over Ukraine using missiles in Russia.
This was published by The Guardian.
Now, Doc, we don't have the text of what he said here.
So if you can pull this up, because it's really important to hear the quotes in here.
I'm going to show you over the next three or four articles a pattern that the Lord showed me as I was praying.
What happened is every day as I prayed,
there was a theme. And I would start out the morning
and I would just say, Lord, I'm here. What do you want us to talk about today?
And sometimes he would show me verses in the Bible.
Sometimes a thought would come to my mind.
What would happen, Doc, is that that theme would continue throughout the day.
That's interesting.
Now, it wasn't like nonstop flow.
Sometimes I'm sitting there for an hour waiting on more revelation.
Almost like he was layering it for you.
And when you see my notes today, you'll see the layers.
This day led to the next day, led to the next day, to help me understand where this ministry was supposed to go, what I'm supposed to do, and where this is taking our country and the world.
So the first thing I saw was this Guardian article.
David Lammy, he is the new Minister of Defense in Great Britain.
Now, remember, this is last week.
This is before the meetings with the new Prime minister, Keir Starmer and Joe Biden.
But there are some dates in this that I want you to see.
All right.
Do you have the notes there?
I do.
Okay, let's read them.
U.K. Foreign Secretary David Lammy indicated that delicate negotiations with the White House to allow Ukraine to use storm shadow missiles
inside Russia are ongoing arguing. It was a time for what he called nerves and guts.
The apparent encouragement to Joe Biden comes just over a week after Lammy and Kara Starmer
visited the U.S. president in the White House, but failed to resolve the sticking point between
the two countries. Now, he said this at a fringe event for the Labour Party conference in Liverpool.
He said that the challenges of the war in Ukraine continue to get deeper and harsher,
particularly heading into the back end of 2025 and 2026.
That's how far out they're talking.
There you go.
That's the first one I want you to see.
Take note of what he said.
Read that line again.
Yes. That the war in Ukraine will get deeper and harsher,
particularly heading into the back end of 2025 and into 2026.
We're talking a year out now.
We're now talking about November, December of 2025, January, February of 2026.
But there's a date.
Late 2025, early of 26. But there's a date. Late 25, early 26.
He said things are going to get difficult.
Really hard.
Really harsh in Ukraine in late 2025, early 26.
So there's a date projection.
The war planners in the West have their projections of where the fighting in Ukraine will be a year from now.
And it's going to be worse.
A lot worse.
So Lamy went on to say that right now is a critical time for nerves and guts.
That's how he described it, and patience and for fortitude on behalf of allies who stand with Ukraine. Lammy emphasized that Ukraine and its Western allies were discussing what more might be
necessary to help Kiev on the battlefield beyond trying to hold the front line.
He said, I'm not going to, as Foreign Secretary, of course, comment on operational details
because that can only aid President Putin, Lammy said.
But there's a very real-time discussion across allies about how we can support Ukraine as
we head into winter.
So they're making plans for the winter right now, which is really Ukraine's in a vice right
now because of energy issues.
What he's telling us, Doc, is the Ukraine war is going to continue all of next year
into 2026.
There's your first clue.
Next one, Reuters.
NATO plans for large-scale transport of wounded troops in case of Russia war.
And we touched on this story last week, too.
I figured you did.
I wasn't aware, but it's important that we see and review this
one again. So NATO plans to coordinate the transport of a large number of wounded troops
away from the front lines in case of a war with Russia, potentially via hospital trains and buses,
we were told last week, as air evacuations may not be feasible. The future scenario for medical evacuations will differ from allies' experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq.
That's coming from Lieutenant General Alexander Solfrank.
He's the head of NATO's Logistics Command. be faced with a much larger war zone, a higher number of injured troops, and at least a temporary
lack of air superiority close to the front lines, the German general said. The challenge will be to
swiftly ensure high quality care for, in the worst case, a great number of wounded, he said,
without specifying how many injured troops NATO would expect. Okay, now let's hold right there.
So what is this article telling us?
There's going to be a lot of dead people.
A lot of dead Americans and Europeans.
Do you understand this, folks?
NATO, which the United States is the head of it,
is planning for a lot of American troops,
British troops, French, Dutch.
It's obvious here.
They're planning for mass casualties on the battlefield.
They're making their plans to evacuate wounded and dead soldiers.
Now, let's read the next line.
So the German military has said it expects Russia to be able to attack a NATO country as soon as 2029.
There you go. There's the number two.
Number two clue, 2029.
So this war is already out to 2029.
Yes. Okay. Let's go down to the next one.
This is USNI. C&O Franchetti war for a potential war with China by 2027. As the maritime component of a joint warfighting ecosystem, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Lisa Franchetti will publicly issue her America's Warfighting Navy guidance to the wider fleet this week, more than a year into leading the Navy.
The plan outlines her priorities for the service, which includes fixing maintenance backlogs and recruiting, according to the final draft reviewed by USNI.
It's called Project 33.
Is that as in Masonic, 33?
I don't believe in coincidences, Rick.
Or is that in 20, 33?
Franchetti's service-wide guidance wrestles with preparing for war with China with a short time horizon.
Do you get this, folks?
The chief of naval operations, Admiral Franchetti,
her report called Project 33,
wrestles with preparing for war with China with a short time horizon.
And problems caused by legacy readiness and recruiting deficits and the ships and the aircraft currently in inventory.
I put this into plain English.
She's saying to the Department of Defense, the U.S. Navy is not ready for war with China.
That's exactly what she's saying.
That war is going to
be here as early as 2027, and we are in trouble. We don't have enough sailors. We don't have enough
ships. We're not ready. We don't have enough equipment. But the war is coming, and she gave
a date as early as 2027. There's the third date. So what do we see here, Doc? Well, it goes on to say we cannot
manifest a bigger traditional Navy in a few short years, nor will we rely on mass without the right
capabilities to win the sea control contest. Without those resources, however, we will continue
to prioritize readiness, capability, and capacity in that order. We must recognize that the Navy faces real financial and industrial constraints,
including the once-in-a-generation cost of recapitalizing our sea-based strategic nuclear deterrent.
In other words, they're going to have to build the Navy from the ground up in order to match what China is doing.
Rick, in my opinion, we're already in, I like to call it World War III and a half with China.
I mean, that's really where we're at.
With all the activity that's going on in the Taiwan Strait,
the drills with Russia, everything in the South China Sea,
U.S. intermediate-range missiles able to attack China
from the Philippines,
we are already in World War III and a half there.
We are.
And, you know, I'm going to ask Lee in control.
Lee, bring in number 11 from Fox News.
China expert sounds alarm over war signals.
Xi Jinping is about to do something truly horrendous.
That one got my attention.
And this is Gordon Chang, who is a senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute.
He's the author of the book, Plan Red, China's Project to Destroy America. I've interviewed
Gordon Chang in the past several times. Really like him as a guest. He's very knowledgeable.
And this is what, according to Fox News, Chinese President Xi Jinping may be on the verge of doing something horrendous after sending two war signals within 10 days of each other.
This goes on to describe Gordon Chang, as I just told you.
He did this interview on Fox Business with Mornings with Maria.
This happened last Thursday. And it says his comments come after the Ministry of Defense
of the People's Republic of China announced that its military had launched an intercontinental
ballistic missile on Wednesday morning. Did you know about that, Doc?
Yeah, we reported it last week.
Yes. I didn't know anything about this stuff.
The missile, which carried a dummy warhead and was not targeting any particular nation, fell into the ocean.
The People's Liberation Army's rocket force claimed that the launch was part of its routine military training calendar.
Chang warned, quote, that's a war signal.
That's a second war signal that we've gotten from China in the last 10 days,
which means that Xi Jinping is about to do something truly horrendous.
Well, what is truly horrendous?
I mean, you've got several options there.
There could be an attack in the South China Sea. There could be an attack on ships in the Taiwan Strait.
There could be an attack on ships in the Taiwan Strait. There could be an attack on Guam.
I mean, if you've got an ICBM that you're testing,
there's only one purpose for an ICBM,
is to strike at long distances.
So Guam, Hawaii, maybe even the U.S. West Coast.
Is Xi Jinping sending a signal that China is about to enter
the Ukraine war on the side of Russia?
Is that the signal?
Well, when it all comes out, that's where it's going to land, isn't it?
Okay, so the other thing, and I don't have the article, but Putin, as we told you several weeks ago,
they were revising the nuclear doctrine.
Right, which they did.
Well, they haven't completed it yet, but he's proposed it.
And they'll go along with it for sure.
I wasn't sure if it was – I thought it was – that they actually announced last week.
It's not cut and dry, but it's coming. Medvedev, you know, he said, look, this doctrine should make it very clear that President Putin will do whatever he has to do to protect Russia.
And the other stories coming out of Russia about this doctrine is that this is the way they said it.
This is Putin's final warning to the West.
The new revised doctrine is the final warning to the West. The new revised doctrine is the final warning to the West.
I believe it is.
I saw various headlines of Western leaders saying the Russians are full of it.
They're all talk. One person, I want to say, Mr. Miller in the State Department, the spokesman, I think it was him.
He said nobody takes Medvedev seriously anymore.
He's full of hot air.
We don't pay attention to Dmitry Medvedev. which if that's true
if that is their mindset
that oh
he's always talking about nuking us
who cares
they're not going to do it we don't believe it
so then the Russians come back and they go
this new nuclear doctrine this is our
final warning to the west
we're telling you now
we've changed our legal code
in our country.
We can hit you
legally on our side.
We think it's legal.
I want to go over,
we've got dates.
David Lambie,
UK Defense Minister,
said the war in Ukraine
is going to go into 2025
and 2026.
Things are going to get really bad in that time period.
You know, I'm always, you know, I'm always on edge at the winter, at Christmastime.
Okay, so is this Christmas we're okay?
Next Christmas is trouble?
That's what I see there.
He didn't say the war was going to end in 2026. He said it was going to get really rough. No, he just said the war was going to get really bad. You've got the U.S. Navy
Admiral, the Chief of Naval Operations, saying
we're going to have a war with China as early as 2027.
We're not ready. We've got
NATO preparing to evacuate wounded and dead soldiers from Europe.
European battlefields.
We're talking numbers in the hundreds of thousands.
I saw some that did reports on this story last week.
Estimates between 800,000 to a million casualties.
We're talking about new Normandies.
New Normandies on the European continent.
And NATO is preparing the plans to evacuate the wounded and dead soldiers.
And the article said Germany says it is preparing for the war as soon as 2029.
So we've got our window here, don't we?
Now, Trump and Harris.
This is not a thus saith the Lord.
I didn't ask the Lord who was going saith the Lord.
I didn't ask the Lord who was going to win the election.
That was not on my mind.
Because you know what?
It doesn't matter.
You're right.
It really doesn't matter, folks.
Just be honest with you.
It doesn't matter.
Because we're going to get a war.
That's the answer I got, Doc.
The feeling that I got, the notes that I took was if Kamala Harris wins, the war is going to come a lot sooner than we want.
If Donald Trump wins, it's going to come later, after he's gone.
If he wins, he gets to serve one four-year term he can't run for a third term right when does that term end january 2029 yeah well there you go where are we so i've told you in the past 2016 in april of of 16 during the primaries the lord showed me a
vision of a doorstop and i heard the words donald trump is a doorstop okay i thought it was to
stop judgment i now believe it's to stop the war.
He's holding back the war.
And the reason there's so much
towards him from the establishment is that
he is in the way of
this war. We would
have already had the war had Hillary
Clinton been in the White House.
Yeah, you're right.
You're correct about that.
She was planning it.
She was going to carry it out.
And I think they even had the operation in place.
Remember the so-called Russian cyber attack on U.S. government and everything?
Remember in her campaign, she said a cyber attack would be justified for a nuclear response. That's right.
That's right. That's right. So the 2016 Trump victory disrupted World War III.
The establishment in this country and Europe, the whole war industry, the whole European-American establishment that makes trillions of dollars on war.
They do not want Trump in the White House.
He's not an easy sell on war.
But that won't stop the war.
That's not going to stop the war.
It's only going to delay it unless they can get rid of him
in his next term,
if he wins.
If they can get rid of him.
And I think they're going to start immediately
the the day one they're going to start it all over again to to to tear him down to remove him
absolutely okay they're not going to stop they want this war ukraine is But Ukraine is their offshore haven for corruption.
It's an offshore corruption haven.
I mean, Cayman Islands is an offshore tax haven.
Ukraine is an offshore corruption haven.
I like that comparison.
It really is.
That's what it is.
And Trump is disrupting it.
Why did they impeach him?
Because he was asking questions about what was going on in Ukraine.
The impeachment was over a phone call to Ukraine about corruption.
They're terrified that Trump will find out what's going on in Ukraine.
I'm talking about the depth of the corruption i think he i think he already knows oh
he knows it but they're terrified that he'll have power to reveal it right and i also believe
he will reveal the operation of the bio labs and the reason they just took down robert f kennedy they just took him out
in the past week well speaking of bio labs did you see the bio lab plant that caught on fire
yesterday in conyers georgia no yes a bio lab in conyers georgia it is it's the company named bio
lab their big chemical plant just outside of cononyers, Georgia, massive fire that they're blaming on a problem with the sprinkler system caused by the hurricane.
Oh, okay.
No, I didn't know anything about it.
But do you know what happened with Robert Kennedy?
Oh, sure.
Okay, so he's involved in a sex scandal with a 31-year-old reporter.
Okay. scandal with a 31-year-old reporter. They just launched an attack to neutralize him
so that he cannot go into the Trump administration as, say, the Attorney General or
Secretary of Health and Human Services. Or head of the FDA. Or the FBI. What if he was the FBI
director? Imagine FBI Director Robert F. Kennedy.
They're terrified of this concept.
That's why they just went after Kennedy.
Was the young, you know, if he's guilty of this, he got himself in trouble.
But was he set up?
I don't know.
You know, it's an adult world out there, and games are played.
And everybody knows where most men's brains are located.
And so apparently, he fell for it.
I'm just going by what I've read so far.
What I'm saying is the attack on Robert Kennedy is to neutralize him that he cannot go into the Trump administration.
They're straw man attacks.
Attack the person and not at what they're saying.
And you saw what's happened in North Carolina.
All right.
Mark Robinson.
Mark Robinson.
It looks like North Carolina is going to elect their first Jewish governor, Mr. Stein.
So there's a lot of stuff going on right now.
This is what I believe the Lord was showing me is the war, the big war.
I'll call it the big war because we're already in World War III.
But it's a series of smaller wars
but the big one the the grand finale where they bring out the flesh-eating robots the laser
weapons you know when they bring it all out that i think that is going to be in the early 2030s
that's the feeling that came away from this week.
Again, I'm not predicting, folks.
Please don't make any decisions based on what I'm saying.
I'm trying to figure this out for myself.
But, Doc, what I'm hearing, what I believe I'm hearing from the Lord,
is that we're going to see skirmishes.
We're going to see some serious conflicts.
I mean, some things
are going to happen between now and 2030
that are going to make us think
this is it. This is it.
This is the big one. But it's
It's like Jesus saying, you'll hear wars
and rumors of wars and commotions.
But the end is not yet.
it's going to be very we're going to be on choppy seas over the next five, six, seven years.
But I think the Lord is showing me that if Kamala Harris is in the White House, we're going to fast track to that war.
If Donald Trump is in the White House, it's going to be a slower walk to that war.
Not that he wants it, but he'll just roadblock them.
He won't go along with it.
He'll frustrate their plans.
And they'll have to postpone the war until they get rid of him.
And they're not going to let J.D. Vance win the White House in 2028.
They're going to have a war hawk to get in the White House, whether it's Republican or Democrat.
It could be Nikki Haley.
It could be Nikki Haley who goes into the White House in 2029.
So I think things are going to be very choppy, very difficult, very dangerous over the next five, six, seven years.
If I'm hearing the Lord right, we're not going to have this horrible war that I saw in a vision in 1998, which propelled me into this ministry.
All of last week, Dr. Lord was speaking to me about why I'm here
and where we're at now.
And, you know, he gave me a vision
in 2007
in which he showed me something that I was supposed to do with ministry and business.
And he told me, well, it was about two years later,
he told me, and I was in Bermuda when this happened,
and I actually entered into a covenant with the Lord,
and I called it the 2030 Covenant.
And the Lord told me to have this mission finished by the year 2030.
I often wondered, is that when I go home?
Did he just give me a clue?
You know, hey, Rick, you're going to be here to 2030.
You're checking out, okay?
No, I don't think that's what it is.
I believe what he's showing me this past week is you've got to have this work done I gave you by 2030.
You've got to have it done.
You have to have it completed by 2030 2030 which would mean the end of 2030
not the beginning of 2030
and we're at the end of 2024 right now
so you've got 6 years
25, 26, 27, 28, 29
and all 30
you have to have it done by 2030
because it would be extremely difficult
to do anything after that war
you have to have everything in place.
God's plan for this ministry, what he wants done,
what he wants done for you because you're connected to this ministry.
Folks, some of you are just sitting on the sidelines,
and you're playing around.
You're sticking your toes in the water of this ministry.
You've got to get in.
You've got to get into this ministry.
Come on in and get under the umbrella.
Get connected to us. Get under the umbrella of this
ministry. Get involved with us.
Pray for us. Support us. Donate. Financially support
us. Do something. Get involved. Don't just
stick your toes in the water. Don't just
try us and then you're going to go over here and you're going to try
somebody else and you're going to try somebody else.
Just, you're cherry picking information.
is about your soul.
This is not about
news. This is about your soul.
Besides, no one else out there is warning you.
They're all talking about the election.
So that's really what I wanted to get out to you today,
what I believe the Lord spoke to me last week regarding war,
that we're going to have a little bit more time but it's not going to be easy.
We're going to have time but not quality time.
We have more time but not good time.
We have time to get ready.
To get our souls ready.
To get
prepared physically.
To get in our place.
Get in your place.
Get in your assigned place.
Where has the Lord assigned you to be?
Geographically, spiritually.
Where has He assigned you to be?
Get in your place.
Some of you are going to move.
Some of you are going to move to a different state. Some of you are going to move. Some of you are going to move to a different state.
Some of you are going to move to another country.
Get in your assigned place.
I'm not going to speak for you and say where you're supposed to go.
I'll never do that.
I'm not going to do that at all.
I was seeking the Lord about what I'm supposed to do.
I will tell you this.
The Lord spoke to me,
and he told me this many years ago,
but he brought it back to me last week,
that this war that's coming will be so horrendous
if Noah
and I believe Abraham and Lot
and Ezekiel
I think those are the three
or Job
not Lot, Job
I think it's Noah, Abraham and Job
if they were there
at that time
and this is I think
I want to see it might be Jeremiah speaking.
It's Jeremiah, okay, getting my prophets.
I wrote all this down.
But what the Lord said was, what's coming to Israel, this was thousands of years ago,
it's so horrendous that if these patriarchs were here,
they would only be able to save themselves and not their families.
Not talking about children, you know, underage children.
Talking about their spouses and their adult children.
The judgment that was coming on Israel at that time,
I'm certain it's Jeremiah,
that if the patriarchs of the faith,
Abraham, Noah, Job,
if they were there for that judgment,
only their righteousness would save themselves. Noah wouldn't be able to save Job. Job couldn would save themselves.
That Noah wouldn't be able to save Job.
Job couldn't save Abraham.
They couldn't save their families.
That each person's future would depend on their own righteousness.
That's what the Lord told me last week.
You tell America what's coming
you tell them
Rick you tell them
that they're not going to get through this
because of somebody
else's righteousness in their lives
you're only going to get through it
for your own righteousness
you're not going to get through it for your own righteousness.
You're not going to save anybody else.
That's how dire the situation is going to be. I'll bring the notes
because I wasn't
planning to say that
but I felt like I needed to say it
you've got to stop
just sucking in information
and doing nothing with it
man are we on the same wavelengths Rick
man you're just sucking in information.
You're going to this podcaster to that.
You're sharing this video to somebody.
What are you doing with it?
How's it changing your life?
How is it changing you?
What are you doing with the information?
If you know the stuff is true,
are you on fire to tell the lost
that a fire from heaven is coming to this world?
Are you burning up with a zeal
to lead people to the cross?
What about your family?
What about your relatives?
What about members of your family who are
lost? Are you on fire
to tell them the truth
about what's coming?
Are you making any serious plans
to survive what's
coming? Are you seeking
the Lord and
asking Him what you're supposed to do?
You've got to get, turn off the videos, turn off the podcast, turn it all off.
And go be alone with the Lord and ask Him.
And get His plan for your life.
Look, I was getting the plan for my life.
You've got to get the plan for your life.
Because what He told me was, I'm not responsible to save you.
That's what I heard all these years, Doc.
I've had, you know, I have this burden.
I've got to rescue people.
I've got to rescue people.
Which is a good thing.
There's nothing wrong with that.
I rescue turtles off the road.
I rescue wounded animals.
That's me.
Okay? us off the road. I rescue wounded animals, okay? That's me, okay?
And I have for years said,
I will go down with the ship.
I will be,
I will not
leave anybody
behind. And the Lord,
folks, I know this is hard.
The Lord told me, Rick, that is not,
that is not biblical.
I told the prophet that Moses could only save himself.
Abraham could only save himself.
I told the prophet, you tell the Jews in this country,
the war that's coming here, they're going to wipe you out.
And the temple's not going to save you.
Judaism's not going to save you.
The rabbi's not going to save you.
Your grandfather's allegiance to the rabbis and to the temple's not going to save you.
Your own righteousness will be the only thing that can save you.
And you will not be able to save your wife or your husband or your adult children
or your neighbor or your uncle.
They will have to do it
on their own.
that is so shocking.
it's biblical. It's biblical.
It's right there in the book.
And that's what I came home with,
this reality that this mega war is coming.
The Lord is holding it off.
What I believe he showed me is that we've got some time.
You know, I'm always on edge.
This war is going to happen any moment.
Because this vision has been in me for 26 years.
And at the same token, they're itching to have a war too.
And they're itching.
Oh, if they could make it happen tonight, they'd do it.
I mean, all over.
I mean, Middle East, Europe, Pacific, everywhere.
They're just itching it.
What is it, Doc, that they want?
Death and destruction.
But why? What is it that they want?
Is it just a human sacrifice to Lucifer?
Is that all it is? Maybe it is.
Maybe that's literally what their passion is.
A massive global human sacrifice to Lucifer.
Aren't all wars about control?
But is Satan telling these freaks
that are in charge of nations,
bring me a billion bodies.
Burn them in front of me as an offering.
Is that what he's telling them?
Because it doesn't make sense
why they are obsessed with this war.
Or is it that they are convinced that they're going to rule the world for a thousand years after the war?
That they're going to have scientific breakthroughs to end death.
And they're going to live forever.
And they're going to rule the world.
The humanist millennia.
And they need to wipe out billions of people.
Is that their plan?
Is that how
Bill Gates thinks?
By the way, somebody
sent me a video and said, hey, you're in
a Netflix video,
Rick, about Bill Gates.
Oh, really? Yeah.
There's a video about
Bill Gates.
It's on Netflix.
I'm in it.
I was very proud of that because I was calling him the devil.
And so they showed, you know, crazy Rick Wilde saying, is Bill Gates, you know, when does his horns appear in his tail?
Because I was just saying the guy is evil.
You know?
Yes, he is evil. Yes, he is evil.
Yes, he is evil. And so are a lot of these other
billionaires. They're evil.
they serve Satan.
I got
four and a half minutes here. Number
RT, NATO member calls for end to
Ukraine red lines. This is the
Danish Prime Minister, Fredrickson.
Now this is a week old.
Said NATO should take a no holds barred
policy towards Ukraine conflict and allow Kiev
to fire long range missiles deep into Russia.
In other words, NATO is going to throw out their red lines.
Yes. She's preparing us. She's preparing the public.
We're going to remove the red lines.
Okay? I've got a video of her saying this on Bloomberg TV.
My suggestion is let us end the discussion about red lines.
And let us end the discussion about red lines and let us not delay what the Ukrainian needs not only to protect themselves but also to push Russia back.
So on the question of whether or not Ukraine should be allowed without restriction to strike
within Russia with donated gear where you stand it has of course to be according to international law but from a Danish perspective we we
are not working with restrictions and I think it has been a mistake during this
war to have a public discussion about red lines for me it it is you know the
meaning of of this public discussion about red lines and restrictions are simply giving the Russians too good a cut on their hands.
So, of course, Ukraine needs to work according to international law.
But as long as they do that, there are no restrictions from a Danish perspective.
I will not accept that Putin decides what the rest
of the world should do. He is the only one responsible for a war going on in Europe.
He could end this war right now. Sure. Yeah. And NATO could end this war right now, too.
NATO could end the war right now. So don't lay it at Putin's feet.
This next headline is from Newsweek.
Putin is afraid to use nuclear weapons, says Zelensky.
He was on Fox News.
We've got a short video clip of Zelensky saying it.
We now have had Putin again with the nuclear threats.
How concerned are you about that?
Nobody knows what's in his head, really. He could use nuclear in any country, in any time,
or not. I'm not sure that he will. I'm not sure that. I'm sharing with you what I think,
but I'm not Putin, God bless. I can't know exactly, because he's not always adequate,
because any adequate people can't just come to Ukraine and do what he did.
He loves his life, I think, his way of life,
and the way of how he's managing his life of others, I can tell, yes.
And that's why I think he has to be afraid to use nuclear weapons.
I'm not convinced of that.
No, I'm not either, Doc.
Because of time factor, I'm going to jump down to number 10.
The president of Serbia said that the war in Ukraine will end according to the Korean scenario.
Look at this, Doc.
Oh, yes.
When I saw this today, I said, oh, yes.
He's been given a glimpse into the plan.
The Serbian president said that in the end, there will be peace in Ukraine, but now there is a strong struggle for every village. The Korean scenario will be reached, and it will not have a solution for 10, 20, or 30 years,
and this will be a fundamental solution to the conflict in Ukraine.
Well, think about Korea right now.
So we're going to have a DMZ.
Yes, and effectively we're in an armistice right now with North Korea.
That's the way it's been since the 50s.
That's the case. We have 30,000 U.S. troops in South Korea that have been there since the 50s.
So what he's saying is there are going to be NATO troops in Ukraine for the next 30 years?
Or more.
I mean, it's 70 years for Korea.
It's going to be a permanent thing, Rick.
They know this thing's coming to an end.
I think they're going to wrap up the Ukraine war
maybe in the next one to two years and then start another war.
Probably in China. Leading up to the 2030s
for the big grand finale. That's the way I see it
forming right now.
Hey, we got to go.
Morning Manna coming up.
And for those of you on shortwave,
I got, well, talk to you later.
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everybody. Welcome to Morning Manna. We're glad to have you here and I'm glad to be
back. Appreciate Doc Burkhart keeping the class going while Susan and I were away.
A lot of fun.
And today we're in Matthew 24.
I've been looking forward to this all year to get to Matthew 24 and 25,
the powerful chapters of the gospel according to St. Matthew.
Today we're going to be studying verses 4 through 8.
Let's pray.
Dear Heavenly Father, Father, you are awesome and we adore you.
You are the best Father in the universe.
And we love you and we brag about you.
We want everybody to know that we love our father.
And we have come, Father, today to be fed by you.
We ask for the Holy Spirit to spoon feed us manna from heaven.
This program, this lesson, this Bible study is morning manna from heaven this program this lesson this bible study is morning manna and that's what
we're asking for we're asking for manna from heaven this morning build up our spirits and
make us strong in you father that we would do great exploits in your name in the days ahead.
In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, amen.
As Rick said, we are now in Matthew chapter 24,
and a lot of you have been looking forward to that.
And as I mentioned last week, this is probably the most maybe sought-after chapter
in the end times scenario and everything.
And so a lot of people have a lot of questions.
So maybe we can study the word itself and get the answers about things from the word.
So starting at verse 4 in chapter 24,
Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you for many shall come
in my name saying i am christ and shall deceive many and ye shall hear of wars and rumors of war
see that you be not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet
for nations shall rise against nation and kingdom kingdom, and there shall be famines and pestilence and earthquakes in diverse places.
All these are the beginning of sorrows.
God bless the reading of his word today.
Verse 4, And Jesus answered and said unto them,
Take heed that no man deceive you.
So the setting is the Mount of Olives overlooking
Jerusalem. After Jesus departed the temple, following his encounter with the Jewish rulers,
his disciples came to Jesus privately to ask three questions. one when shall these things be number two what shall be
the sign of thy coming number three what shall be the sign of the end of the world
the first question when shall these things be the first question pertained to the temple these things what things
the things Jesus prophesied in verse 2 in response to his disciples wanting him
to take another look at the beautiful buildings that were part of the temple
complex remember they followed him out of the temple his
disciples he confronted the the religious rulers in the temple and then
he left the temple and his disciples came to him and said Lord look at these
beautiful buildings look how grand these are you know basically what they were
saying was when you take your throne look at what you're going to be ruling over.
And then we get to where we're at now, verse 4.
And the disciples have brought him, they've taken him aside.
This is a private conversation now.
You might even call it an intervention, right?
They were worried now.
Jesus, you're talking about, really, you're talking about the temple really coming down.
You just prophesied you're going to tear down the temple.
And so they take him aside privately and they ask him three questions.
When will the temple come down?
What will be the sign of thy coming?
What shall be the sign of the end of the world?
Jesus said, see you not all these things verily I say unto you there shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down he's looking at the temple complex and he's looking at the temple complex, and he's telling them,
get a good look at it, because all you're going to have is a memory of what it looked like.
There's a day coming,
it will be rubble.
There won't even be a wall standing.
Every stone will come down.
So the disciples wanted to know when the temple and its buildings would be destroyed.
Yes, that's question number one.
When shall these things be?
All three questions pertain to future events, the destruction of the temple, the second advent of Jesus, and the end of the world.
Perhaps the disciples assumed that the temple's destruction, the sign of Jesus' coming,
and the end of the world would occur simultaneously with a common sign. Right.
Remember, their idea of the sign of Jesus is coming.
Their idea of Jesus is coming.
Like, he's already there.
Well, what does this mean, he's coming?
They were envisioning him coming into his kingdom,
into his earthly kingdom in Jerusalem, ruling over a revived Israeli empire.
So they're asking, when will the temple be destroyed?
When, what is the sign of your coming?
And what is the sign of the end of the world?
Yeah, yeah.
And I emphasized last week too, Rick, when we were looking at those three questions,
you know, I've explained to everybody that was listening or watching us,
Morning Manor, if you can get those three questions in your mind,
Matthew 24 becomes a breeze, really. I mean, it's a lot easier to understand. You don't need a
Rube Goldberg chart to figure everything out. If you can get
those three questions, you'll know more than most preachers about Matthew 24. That's right.
Actually, Jesus gave us an extended response to the three questions, and his answer is contained in the 24th and the 25th chapters of Matthew.
Correct, yes.
Chapter 25 is still Jesus answering the three questions.
And so many people who read chapter 25 as a standalone chapter
fail to understand that it is part of his response to the three questions
beginning at
the you know at the beginning of chapter 24 right so jesus's answers to each of the three questions
are blended together in his long discourse think of a a thread that's woven through a garment. At one time he's talking about question number
one, the next sentence he's talking about question number two, and then he goes back
to number one. It's like a thread that's woven through this garment. And that's where a lot of people miss it. So a lot of modern Bible prophecy teachers erroneously teach that everything in chapter 24 and chapter 25 pertain to the end of the world.
Right. They toss it in the future. It's always in the future.
Always in the future.
There are various camps in the future. Always in the future. There are various camps in the church.
One group is called Futurists.
Those are the Christian Zionists, the rapture people.
There are the Historicists, who see everything as the past.
And we're moving towards the second coming.
It's best not to be in either camp.
Modern prophecy teachers often teach erroneous predictions
about the return of Jesus because their eschatology
does not allow them to see that Jesus's first prophecy
has already been fulfilled. Yes. Meaning the destruction of the temple. Right.
See, it was a prophecy when he said it. It had not happened. It happened basically, what, 40 years later.
Right. So all of Jesus's long response in chapters 24 and 25 can rightfully be classified as Bible prophecy.
Because Christian Zionists reside in that future camp of eschatology,
they automatically assume that all of chapters 24 and 25 will be fulfilled in the future,
in the so-called rapture, the second advent of Christ, the end of the world they missed the fact that the
first question has already been fulfilled right that was the destruction
of the temple in 70 AD so this brings us to the first word spoken by Jesus in the
in this long response and Jesus Jesus answered and said unto them,
Take heed that no man deceive you.
The warning to you means you and me.
It extends beyond the apostles beyond the disciples
to encompass the entire
body of Christ
it contains
a warning against
allowing people to deceive you
about these three questions
this is really important Jesus said
take heed yes they're going to be people who
are going to try to deceive you about my answers the term deceive in matthew 24 4 in Matthew 24.4 is translated from the Greek word planaho.
It means to lead astray, to cause, to wander away, to get off course,
to deviate from the correct path, roaming into error.
It's interesting.
It is the root of the English word planet
because they wandered
around the sky
yes a planet is
a wandering body
in space
the word used
for deceive
is almost always connected to the sin of roaming away from God's truth.
So, Jesus warns us about the danger of being led away from the truth and the correct understanding of God's Word,
in particular regarding the destruction of the temple,
His second coming, and the end of the age.
He's telling us, if you're not on guard,
you're at risk of departing from the right path, the right belief system.
Jesus knew that false teachers would arise in the years after his ascension.
He knew that people would be led astray, that there would be serious consequences for their faith and their spiritual journey.
Jesus could look into the future and foresee the day when a rapture industry would dominate thousands of churches and ministries
and reap enormous financial gains by selling books and videos and courses
about the last days that contain false doctrines.
It's as though the Lord said, and I'm paraphrasing,
men and women, listen to me.
What I'm about to tell you is of utmost importance. In the years ahead, my answer to
your three questions will be misconstrued, misunderstood, and misinterpreted. And eventually,
false doctrines will be constructed that will deceive many people about something that is
vitally important to know. Be careful. Take heed. Be be on guard do not allow anybody to deceive you
about these matters and when you think of it that way you get a better understanding
of the importance jesus put on his answers in matthew 24 and Right. There would be a lot of deception. A lot. He's saying to us,
this isn't open for discussion. This isn't open for multiple points of views.
See, the only view that counts is Jesus' point of view.
My point of view doesn't count, and Doc's doesn't, and yours doesn't, and John Hagee's doesn't.
The only point of view that matters is Jesus' point of view.
That's why every day when I prepare this lesson, my prayer is,
Lord, help me to teach your word according to your point of view.
I don't have a denomination that I have to uphold their doctrine.
So there is no doubt that Jesus' response to the disciples was unexpected. They were anticipating an immediate victory over their Roman occupiers.
And the disciples' eagerness for the immediate establishment of God's kingdom
contrasted with Jesus' call for patient endurance and perseverance.
What you will see in chapters 24 and 25 is Jesus extorting his followers to be patient, to endure, to successfully navigate life's journey before obtaining the prize they wanted the prize then immediately yes
to them the prize was kicking out the Romans and reestablishing King David's Empire and today you
have people in American churches,
and it's spread into other countries too,
because of religious media,
who are teaching the same thing.
They're teaching that these people in the Middle East,
who claim to be Jews, who are not,
it's the synagogue of Satan,
they're teaching that they are going to set up God's kingdom in Jerusalem.
It's a lie from hell.
The call to take heed, be on guard against deception,
emphasizes the need for every believer to stay grounded in truth and to test all things against the teachings of Christ.
And that includes everything you hear on Morning Manna.
You test it against the Word of God.
Yes. you test it against the word of God yes just because Doc and I
pray for God's anointing
on this class doesn't mean that we mess
up that we don't mess up
if you find us making a mistake let us
because we want the truth
recognizing and resisting let us know because we want the truth
recognizing and resisting deception requires wisdom discernment and reliance
on the guidance of the Holy Spirit verse 5 for many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive
the popular interpretation
of verse 5 is that Jesus
predicted that many false
messiahs would appear
and claim to be him saying I'm
I've heard that
taught for many years
I've heard it from the pulpit, too.
And yet the same teachers will admit that there is little historical evidence
that there have been many men in history claiming to be Jesus Christ.
There's always escapees from mental institutions. But I'm talking about somebody who had an influence on society comparable to Jesus.
Can you name them?
So what do they do?
I'm talking about the Bible teachers who say that many
false messiahs will appear and say I'm Jesus Christ that they do what they do
with everything else they extend verse 5 into the far future yep coming up way up
there in the future in the in the very last days just before the rapture or maybe immediately after the rapture
there will be many men claiming to be jesus and they will deceive many
is that what jesus said did he say that many men will claim to be jesus christ
did he say that many men will falsely claim to
be the messiah did jesus prophesy that in the final days of the last days there will be a
proliferation of false messiahs named jesus christ no i'm going to give you my alternative
interpretation of verse 5 and I could be wrong on this I I'm not saying this is
absolutely I know for certain this is true I'm just saying this is the way I
interpret it a better translation of the phrase in my name would be on the strength of my name.
Here's why.
The English word name is translated from the Greek word onoma.
It is the manifestation, the revelation of someone's character.
It refers to the person's character, reputation, fame, authority,
not the person's birth name or the family surname.
See, those who are saying that he said,
hey, there are going to be imposters out there saying,
hey, I'm Jesus Christ.
That's not what a noma means.
A noma means coming on the strength of his name, on his reputation, his authority.
Like probably a way to maybe get it in people's heads here, Rick, is if, you know, a king gave, you know, authorities to someone to carry out his commands, his wishes.
It's that's the idea.
Yes. Yes. You got it, Doc.
Onoma, the Greek word, is inseparable from the person to whom it belongs.
It is something of that person's essence.
When we pray in the name of Jesus Christ,
we present our petitions to God
on the authority and power of the name of Jesus Christ.
Christ is not Jesus' family's surname. his parents were not joseph and mary christ
there wasn't a mailbox that said the christ family
i i think there are a lot of people who believe that that oh his name
jesus was his first name christ was his last name
you know christ means the anointed one Oh, his name. Jesus was his first name. Christ was his last name.
No, Christ means the anointed one.
For many shall come on the strength and authority of my name, saying, I am anointed.
And they shall deceive many.
That's another way.
That's a paraphrase of what jesus said let me ask you this how many times have you heard a preacher on tv or radio maybe in a church
a bible prophecy teacher an evangelist say listen to me i am anointed by jesus christ you listen to me how many preachers have you heard speak in tongues
and then give an interpretation starting with the words thus saith the Lord to
you when they do it they are literally stating that God is speaking directly through them from
heaven to you and that every word that comes out of their mouth is sacred and
anointed God have mercy on me if I've ever done that I probably did in the years I hung around the preachers who did that kind of stuff.
Perhaps what Jesus said is that many people will appear in churches
claiming to be speaking on the power and authority of
his name yes and they will lead many people astray into false beliefs about
the second coming in the end of the age excuse me they will stand in churches or
on Christian TV radio saying I am saying, I am anointed.
I am anointed by Christ and I am saying to you, thus saith the Lord.
They're not saying I am Christ.
They're saying I am speaking for him.
I'm anointed like him.
And then they will teach false doctrines like the rapture like
Christian Zionism like building the third temple Jesus tore down the temple
and these guys on TV are telling us there's going to be a third temple? I don't think so.
And if a structure is built, it's not by God, it's by Satan.
God has no purpose in a temple.
He destroyed it.
Destroyed it.
If you got so angry and tore down the house you lived in,
would you rebuild it?
A third time. on the same day so these people will seek to establish their credibility and influence
by invoking the power and authority associated with the name of Jesus Christ. That's what I believe he's saying.
Yeah, so it's not limited to just people saying,
I'm Christ, I'm the Messiah,
but those that take on the name of that
and pretend to be that.
I don't think, and I think they believe it.
Look, you and I are not going to be deceived
by some clown walking around in a hundred dollar Jesus costume
and saying, I'm Jesus, I'm Jesus. We're not going to fall for it. What people fall for are polished, smooth, educated Bible teachers who say, I speak on the authority of the name of Jesus.
Those are the ones you got to watch out for.
There was one guy, he's passed away.
Doc, you know who I'm talking about. He used to, he used to speak in a God voice. Oh, yes. I think I know. He had a he had a stage voice.
It was deep. I'm going to tell you about the rapture you know it was almost like god himself is speaking through
this guy you know verse six and ye shall hear of wars and rumors of war see that ye are not
troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet now luke added another layer of unrest and upheaval in his account of Jesus's
words this is how Luke said it but when he shall hear of wars and commotions yes
be not terrified for these things must first come to pass but the end is not by and by the Greek word is a cat us dossier oh my god you almost did I oh I'm gonna ask me to do
a second time it was translated into English as commotions it means disturbances, instability, disorder, things out of control,
upheaval, revolutions, anarchy.
Anarchy first in the political sphere and then anarchy in the moral sphere.
So to paraphrase both Matthew and Luke, we could say,
you will hear of wars, rumors of wars, and all sorts of commotions in the world, including revolutions, anarchy, disturbances, disorders, upheavals, and things out of control.
See, Christians are depicted as more likely to hear about wars.
All right.
Now think about this.
Jesus said you're going to hear about wars and rumors of wars.
As Christians, we're more likely to hear about wars
than to actively engage in them.
Until the modern American
age when
Christianity and war have been
let's say
churchianity and war have been married.
loves warriors.
And we've brought it
into the church one of the most shocking things I ever saw I
was attending years ago an Anglican Church here in Vero Beach and they they have communion every Sunday.
It's a very beautiful service for the Lord's Supper.
And just before they went into the communion service,
they had a color guard march into the church
with the American flags up to the altar
where the Lord's Supper,
the elements of the supper were sitting.
They brought the American flag in.
It was blasphemous.
They were marrying patriotism with the Lord's Supper.
That gives me chills just sitting here, Rick.
I cringed.
It was terrible.
I'll tell you what the Lord told me to do.
It was probably the last time I attended that church
because the Lord told me to turn my back. Everybody stood up for the arrival of
the American flag. The Lord told me to turn my back. I had to stand up facing the back
of the church. He told me, he said, don't look at it. It's an abomination. And believe me, there were hundreds of people looking at me,
facing the wrong direction.
But I know what the Lord said to me.
Turn your back.
Don't look at this.
He said, see that ye be not troubled.
Take care.
Be not terrified. Don't succumb to fear or alarm when you hear of wars
and rumors of wars. Wow, that applies to us today. Yes. 2024, I have never seen a year like this ever.
The killing, the bloodshed, the destruction.
And the apathy about it.
Not only apathy, but some places in churches downright approval and glee.
I've seen prominent pastors posting social media posts cheering Israel's killing of people. So despite the prevalence of wars and unrest,
believers in Christ were encouraged not to succumb to fear or alarm
or to be troubled.
So his words are giving us a sense of calm, of assurance amidst turmoil.
It is to reassure us that the culmination of these events do not signify an immediate end,
but are part of a larger narrative leading towards a future outcome.
See, be not trouble.
That means there's more to come.
For all this must happen, but the end is not yet.
There it is right there.
When you hear of wars and rumors of wars and commotions and revolutions and everything's getting out of trouble, don't be troubled. When everything's getting out of control, don't be troubled. For all this must happen, but the end is not yet. There's more to come.
But this is a sign to you that the end is coming.
And is that an answer to question three?
I want our audience to understand that.
Jesus just answered question three of the disciples' questions to him.
That's right so these distressing events
are not the end it's a prelude to greater calamities right remember he later says
if we're going to study this if my father in heaven doesn't shorten the days no flesh would survive those are the
greater calamities yes verse 7 for nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom
and there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places jesus spoke about four things that will increase in frequency intensity and severity
until he returns war food shortages plagues and seismic activity
they will increase in frequency, intensity, and severity.
To not store food is to directly ignore Jesus' words.
Being prepared.
He's telling you there will be food shortages.
More than a shortage, a famine.
There will be many famines.
He said nations shall rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom.
Conflicts between nations and ethnic groups, tribal warfare.
That's where we're at now tribal warfare racist against racist tribe against tribe
famines a famine is a widespread scarcity of food
and they are accompanied by malnutrition, starvation, epidemics, and
obviously increased mortality. People starve to death. Famines are caused by war, natural
disasters, droughts, economic collapse, or governmental policies.
Governments can lead to famines.
Either through their stupid policies
or through their deliberate policies.
There have been governments that have cut off food
and starved people to death, like in Gaza.
Ask the Palestinians whether they're having a famine.
Yes, because Israel's cut off the food.
A pestilence is a plague.
It's a plague that's…
Origin is an animal, a virus, a bacteria from an animal.
A contagious epidemic, such as the bubonic plague, characterized by significant number
of deaths within a short period of time.
Pestilences cause significant loss of life, and they contribute to the overall sense of calamity
and distress and despair. Pestilences are closely linked to famines.
When one occurs, the other is likely to follow.
And both pestilences
and famines are closely associated with wars
and political commotions, turmoil.
The King James Version uses the old English word divers.
And earthquakes in divers places.
It literally means here, there, everywhere.
That's what it means. Here, there, everywhere.
It indicates a widespread occurrence of seismic disturbances. Earthquakes in places not known to have fault lines, not known to have a history of earthquakes.
You'll see stories about a rare earthquake struck a certain city.
That never had an earthquake before.
Here, there, everywhere.
Now, wars and famines and pestilences and earthquakes have always been present.
What Jesus is telling us is that their frequency their geographic locations their severity will
increase as we approach the end of the age now saint luke adds two additional events
luke 21 verse 11 and great earthquakes shall be in divers places and famines and
pestilences then he gives us two more and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven
fearful sights and great signs
and the news media
and the scientists
and the experts
will explain away
the fearful sights
and the great signs.
You'll see it with your eyes,
but there'll be a scientist
on TV saying,
well, now this occurred
because the light
was reflected through the,
you know,
they're going to come up with an explanation. This is what you really saw.
It was an illusion
created by the sunlight.
it looked like a big angel
holding a sword. Yes, but that was
not real.
There will be fearful
sights and great signs from heaven first eight all
these are the beginning of sorrows this phrase indicates that the troubles and
the tribulations are only the initial stages of a March much larger series of events.
The beginning.
Notice, the beginning, not the end.
The beginning of sorrows.
The intensity and severity of tribulations will escalate.
He likens it to birth pains of a woman.
So birth pains are not random events,
but they're part of a process that leads to a significant event or outcome,
the birth of a child.
If you're a woman and you're having birth pains, you know there's a baby coming.
There's going to be a marvelous ending to this pain.
And so that is the message for us.
We're going to go through something like birth pains,
but something's going to be born at the end, the kingdom of God.
So that gives us hope that enduring through tribulation will lead us to this new beginning. Sorrows suggest profound suffering and distress.
A significant magnitude of the sorrows is both a warning and an encouragement
yes for believers to remain steadfast and faithful because our lord told us
these are the things that are going to happen. Yes. Then they start happening.
Don't panic.
Don't be afraid.
Don't despair.
It's only the beginning.
That's right.
And you're right, Rick.
If you didn't have Christ, you'd be fearful about this.
With Christ, you're sitting back going,
Jesus said this was going to happen.
That's right.
Let me tell you the way it would be. By the time we get to the end, you'll be longing for the good old days of birth pangs.
They'll look like the good old days of famines and wars and pestilences and earthquakes.
Those will be the good days, the good old days.
All right.
Hey, I'm finished, Doc. I want to go ahead
and wrap it up.
We went 43 minutes,
so I'm doing better.
And we'll be back here
tomorrow. We'll pick up with verse 9.
Alright. God bless everyone. We'll see you
on the Tuesday edition of Morning Manor. you're listening to wwcr international shortwave radio you can find true news on frequency 12.160
from 12 p.m to 4 p.m eastern and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m to 2 p.m eastern connect with
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