TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Road to Perdition: Netanyahu Accused By Fellow Zionist of Paying Hamas $30 Million to Create Crisis

Episode Date: May 19, 2021

Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall drills down to the real reason behind the conflict unfolding in Israel and Gaza. Reports from media outlets in Israel and the Middle East say former Israeli defens...e minister Avi Liberman is accusing Benjamin Netanyahu of collaborating with and funding Hamas, the supposed enemy. The team examines the creation of Hamas and looks at the changing attitudes globally regarding anti-Zionism. Finally, TRUNEWS re-airs the ten point peace plan for the Middle East presented by founder Rick Wiles. Edward Szall, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 5/19/21.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help,, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. Arabs. Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took Biden's firm message and reaffirmed that he's going to ignore it. In a briefing to foreign diplomats, the former propaganda minister said he appreciated the president's support, but the killing will continue until Israel's goals are met. Netanyahu told reporters, we're not standing with a stopwatch. We are taking care of the operation's objectives, and no time frame can be announced for an end to the armed conflict. Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi added that because Israel is already being investigated for war crimes by the Hague,
Starting point is 00:01:46 any efforts to jail Jewish politicians will need to be ended first before any ceasefire with the Palestinians. Meanwhile, France, Egypt and Jordan have met in Paris to present a ceasefire resolution to the UN Security Council, that is, if they can get past the US veto. President Macron, acknowledging Egypt's role as a major purchaser of French-made weapons, put his weight behind their efforts to mediate negotiations between Hamas and Israel. Israel's N12 TV News has reported that these secret channels had secured a ceasefire set to begin Thursday morning. But those hopes seem to be dashed, especially as Hamas itself seems to be fracturing under the loss of central leadership. And as Netanyahu continues to release the Dogs of War, an act that the Arab League Parliament, which convened
Starting point is 00:02:25 this week in Cairo for an emergency meeting, characterized as an ugly and hideous colonization of people who live under an apartheid state and an occupation government which is systematically killing them through ethnic cleansing. As for Egypt, President Sisi confirmed in a televised address that he plans to rebuild Gaza with $500 million and he's going to send 65 tons of medicine to the besieged Palestinians. According to Egyptian state media channel DMC, President Sisi said he supports the rights of Palestinians to build their own country, and this support is in peace or war. Joining me to discuss the Gaza genocide and the secret role Israel, and now Prime Minister Netanyahu, has played in creating it, is my co-host, Doc Burkhart.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Hey, Edward. Good afternoon. Great to be here today. So, the story continues to develop, doesn't it? It does. It's a little bit confusing to keep up with, especially as you see conflicting messages coming from officials who claim to speak for Hamas. And then you see Hamas, the ground soldiers, speak for themselves by firing missiles. Now, of course, the fighting has continued. Israel has fired artillery back into the Gaza Strip, specific Gaza City. Also in the north, Lebanon, there are probably Hezbollah missiles that have been fired into Israel.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Israel responding in kind there. The ceasefire hasn't materialized. Well, it's likely that it's not going to materialize because Israel hasn't met its quota yet on how many Gazans, how many Palestinians have yet to die. And so now there are those out there that might be saying to yourself, hey, you know, Hamas is shooting rockets into Israel, too. But you need to understand Israel is a nuclear power. They have the option. They also have about 200 jets. They have the option at any time they could literally wipe out any part of the Gaza Strip or the West Bank at any time.
Starting point is 00:04:31 And they've been doing a pretty good job at it lately, too. I thought about that very extensively over the weekend. I think I've got a good metaphor. It would be as if a red fire ant bit a huge gorilla. This gorilla is huge. And for whatever reason, it has a bunch of grenades. That gorilla kills that ant and then decides to try to exterminate
Starting point is 00:04:50 all the red ant colony. The entire red ant colony. It wants to kill all of them off because that gorilla is at threat. And the point here is that Israel is so much bigger, stronger, militarily at least, than the unarmed people of Gaza. Now, there's a separation.
Starting point is 00:05:06 There's Hamas, and then there is the Palestinian people. Right, and the people that are receiving the brunt of all this conflict are the Palestinian people. And we made the case earlier, and we'll talk more about it today, is that Hamas is, you know, a creation of the West, and specifically a creation of Israel itself. We'll be talking more about that on today's Godcast too. So stay tuned. There's more on True News today. So you've got to get the whole story here.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Before I report this next story, I want to clarify that we only know this because the IDF has said it. And I say this because over the weekend. They lied over the weekend. They lied. They lied in a manner to trick Hamas and other officials into tunnels so they could kill them. So the story in the Jerusalem Post today, and I say this is from the IDF, they're promising a new invasion. Now the energy minister, I'm not sure why the energy minister has an opinion or wants to speak up about the army, the role of the supposed defense ministry in Israel. But energy minister Yuval Steinitz said that he thinks the IDF should preemptively go into Gaza with ground forces, with tanks like that that you see on screen, and disarm Hamas.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Now, Doc, I don't think Hamas is just going to be putting down their weapons. I don't believe they're just going to come out and meet the Israeli soldiers in the street and begin growing flowers. I think that this would cause a pretty bloody fight in an area that's already been decimated out of food, power, water. But the energy minister has said, following Benjamin and Yahweh's promise that the operation will continue until objectives are met, that maybe the next step is an invasion. I want to make it clear to those that are watching that are monitoring our Godcast today, they're looking for ways that you can stick it to True News and everything.
Starting point is 00:07:00 This is a headline out of a Jewish news outlet from Israel. Okay, this isn't True News making up this headline. This is the Jerusalem Post. It used to be the Palestine Post, by the way. It used to be the Palestine Post. Here it says, IDF must temporarily take over Gaza to disarm Hamas. Is this fake news? Are we making this up? Or are we to trust this Israel outlet that it's telling the truth, that they plan to send the IDF in, basically to take over the Gaza Strip,
Starting point is 00:07:33 and they're not going to temporarily take it over. It's going to be a permanent takeover because that's what the IDF does. They don't temporarily take over anything. Once they take it, they keep it. What's yours is mine. What's mine, I keep. And this statement by the energy minister really is bringing to life, making it official, statements that have already been circulated by many Zionists
Starting point is 00:07:56 and political supporters of Likud, which is they want to turn Gaza into a parking lot. I'd be happy for the military to go in there and continue what everybody, I'm talking about the Egyptians, the Jordanians, even the French, have considered to be ethnic cleansing. Well, everybody wants to go in and do new infrastructure in Gaza. I mean, you said that about Egypt in the opening, but the only thing Israel is doing right now is creating the opportunity for infrastructure to be built now, because you get rid of the old infrastructure, buildings, streets, everything else, and maybe people too. Then you have a perfect opportunity to have a whole bunch of new real estate and a whole bunch of new opportunities for both Israel and its Arab neighbors to make a lot of money. Now, the Palestinians, they aren't giving up.
Starting point is 00:08:46 And their leadership in the West Bank, which for all, from at least my observations, visiting the West Bank, doesn't really have much control over the Gaza, the Gaza Strip. Hamas really controls that. And I think reporting has supported that. Right. The West Bank's separate. The Palestinian people don't. And the Palestinians certainly don't.
Starting point is 00:09:05 That's the thing. The Palestinian people themselves have no rights within Gaza or the West Bank. They're not citizens of Gaza or the West Bank. They reside there, but they have no ability to vote. They have no ability to elect who represents them in the West Bank, which is controlled by Israel. They have no rights at all, none. They don't have the freedom of speech like we take advantage of here, press, anything like that. They have no rights because they're considered second-class people, not second-class citizens, second-class people. Well, the Palestinian Authority has some leadership, at least some control of the West Bank.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority, he was at that emergency meeting in Cairo. And his position is they're not going to pursue Israel with guns. They're going to pursue them with courts. They're going through the Hague to pursue war crime charges against Israel. And of course Israel's response is, well, this is another way that we're being persecuted. You know, we're defending ourselves. When you see the defense, how is it defending your nation when you blow up apartment buildings of people that have no rights at all. In fact, and here's another headline for you. This is from Haratz. This isn't a true news headline. It could be, but it's not. It's a
Starting point is 00:10:34 Jewish news outlet in Israel. It says Israel is wiping out Palestinian families on purpose. This is number 10 for control here. And so I want our audience to see this is what the Israel news outlets are reporting. This is an analysis of what's going on. And when the outlets in Israel itself are saying, you know, there's a problem here. Israel is wiping out entire Palestinian families, not by accident, but on purpose. Edward? Yes. Reading this story, again, look at that kid on the front there. This was the featured image they show. This is a survivor of one of these roof-knocking attacks. I don't know if you've heard of this phrase. It's a term being used in Israel to describe how the Israeli Air Force and the IDF are warning civilians in Gaza.
Starting point is 00:11:30 If you are going to get attacked, what they do is they shoot a small munition at your roof. Hopefully you hear the explosion. Because the next munition is going to come through and blow up your living room, blow up your bedroom, kill most of your family. And in this case, this story in Haratz, is there at least 12 families so far? It wasn't just a father, a mother, a couple of kids. The entire family, all the way from the grandkid to grandma, have been killed. And the practice, the article said, is that it's actually military doctrine in the idea, because they don't want survivors coming back, coming for revenge. Right. But they can say at least they tried,
Starting point is 00:12:09 right? They can say, well, the humanitarian thing to do is drop ammunition on the roof to warn people, or they might do it a courtesy phone call. This was the wild one for me, Edward. Sure. That they were actually, they actually had members of the IDF that would call up the owners of these apartment buildings that they're going to blow up. Okay. So here's an example here. You heard the story over the weekend about the building where the AP and Al Jazeera was in. That's just one. There have been dozens of high-rise apartment buildings where people live.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Now, most of these are 12, 17 stories. All right, let's say that you live in a high-rise apartment building, and you're told you need to get everybody out. How long do you think it would take to get everybody out of a, let's just say a 12-story apartment? Let's keep it small, manageable. 12 hours. I mean, you have to wake everyone up. Let's say this is the tax in the middle of the night.
Starting point is 00:13:10 You have to go door to door, hope they answer the door, keep going up and down. 10 hours, 12 hours. Maybe that long, but at least a couple hours, I would think. Sure, sure. All right. What happens is the IDF calls up these buildings buildings and they give them 10 minutes to get out. Ten minutes. OK, so now the IDF can say, hey, we tried. We tried to warn them. We tried to warn them.
Starting point is 00:13:37 And the great part is, Edward, is that after you blow up the building, you have no evidence that it was occupied by terrorists. But you do have evidence that there were families living there because you got dead people there. In the rubble. Screams from the rubble. Now, this isn't fiction. This is real. The IDF really has been calling building managers, people working in the lobby, the man that helps with your bags or tends to the elevator. That man gets a call from the IDF saying that this building is about to be destroyed. And he has about 10 minutes, sometimes an hour at the most, to warn everyone in the building or they're going to die. Now, one of those phone calls has actually been released. Sky News in Arabia has gotten a copy of a phone call.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Probably hundreds of these phone calls have gone out. They got a recording of one of the phone calls. And I tell you, it's a very interesting look into the mindset of both the IDF who seeks to destroy and even the Hamas sympathizers who work, own some of the buildings, and their pursuit may be of martyrdom for all the residents of the building. All right, let's watch this. It shocked me when I first saw it earlier today that this was actually going on. But maybe you'll be shocked as well. Watch this. Amazing phone call. And as Edward expressed, it kind of shows, on the one hand, the diabolical nature of the idea of saying,
Starting point is 00:15:48 hey, we're going to bomb your building. You've got 10 minutes to get out. But also the exasperation of the people living in Gaza and the West Bank. The Palestinians are living there. They're like, do whatever. You've been bombing us for 40 years. What's another bomb? You've been killing our kids for 40 years.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Kill some more. There's no way we can empty out a 12-, 15-story apartment building in 10 minutes. You can't even empty a movie theater in 10 minutes. And so how are you going to empty an entire apartment building with families, kids, I mean, everything? And you can't do it, everything. And you can't do it. And they know you can't do it. And that's why you hear screams in the rubble in Gaza from these buildings being knocked down. You know, you look in that call, the IDF soldier, you know, trying to act as if he's the hero. But hey, I'm calling you. I'm trying to give you a heads up.
Starting point is 00:16:42 I want to plead with you to try to save the people in the building. And the building manager said, it'd be better the children die than be saved. It'd be better to show your cruelty. I mean, the cruelty of this event, Doc, it really has begun. It started with the restarting of the taking of homes. This is about a month ago now. And that mindset is that the mindset that makes an Israeli soldier or the Israeli government officials believe they have the right to destroy hundreds of homes. That's an apartment building, hundreds of homes or level buildings and injure kids, children, women. Almost 300 people now have been killed. That mindset actually comes from the same mindset used to expel Palestinians from their homes. And this is something I think a lot of Christians who lived in that area experienced.
Starting point is 00:17:31 They didn't have cell phones or cameras often to try to express this or show this. They were called conspiracy theorists or deplatformed by social media if they dared share their story. But there is video now that's coming out of what has been taking place. The same way that IDF soldier can come in and terrorize a family, the settlers taking homes in the West Bank have been doing it for years. Here's an example of that. You a**hole. You and your f**king Jesus could kiss my a**, okay? Go away! Screw you!
Starting point is 00:18:10 Screw you, you Nazi! You f***! Don't take camera! I break your camera, don't take picture! Leave. You need to, you can't come in here. This is not your house. This is not your house. We killed Jesus, we're proud of it. Where are you?
Starting point is 00:18:29 Did you record that? I did. This is not your land. You get the f*** out of here. This is my land, you f***ers. It's not your land. It belongs to these families. It's my land, you son of a b***h. I'm going to kill you and the person. You Nazi, you son of a b***h. End for dead. End for dead.
Starting point is 00:18:56 This is my land. God gave it to me. F*** you. Robo, end for dead. You Nazi. F*** you. Nazi. Call everyone you want. This is my house. This is my land. God gave it to me.
Starting point is 00:19:16 And f*** you. Now if you notice in the beginning of that video, I couldn't really discern it because we had to bleep out all the words because this guy had a real potty mouth. But in the beginning, obviously there was an interchange between someone who was a believer and this person with the mouth, because he was calling Jesus the effing Jesus and blaspheming the Lord and all that, and in addition to everything else that you saw there. Now, Edward, is this an isolated incident?
Starting point is 00:20:01 Did we just happen to catch him on a bad day? Or is this something that is common? Oh, it's common. And you can call them what they call them. Talk about the Israeli, the Israeli government, they're settlers. There's a movement that has been promoted by Benjamin Netanyahu. It's a Likud Legion that is moving into land owned by the Palestinians, where there are Palestinian homes. And men just like that on the screen are coming in, calling the people living there Nazis. If you're Christian, they'll lament you,
Starting point is 00:20:31 they'll blaspheme the Lord, they'll do anything they can. And they've been using weapons too. This is one example of thousands. But in addition to this, Syria girl, bless her heart, she brought out a very interesting example that caught my eye. People from America have been moving to the West Bank, getting their own rifle, getting involved in a local movement, and then they themselves are starting to take Palestinian land too. So this example here, this gentleman on the screen, he wasn't born in Israel, but he was born in New York. He came to Palestine a year ago. He was promised a free house and free land stolen from Palestinians in the West Bank. He thinks God grants him the right.
Starting point is 00:21:15 He is armed. And the way Saringer describes it, he is the Jewish ISIS. But another Jewish ISIS is already one other Jewish ISIS already. But this is the nature of things there. They get to be armed. Palestinians trying to defend their land, you know how they defend themselves? With rocks. I think the average American would agree with the Palestinians, if you put it in this frame,
Starting point is 00:21:50 that you would never be okay with someone coming to your home, coming to your town, and taking your house, taking your neighbor's house. Remember the summer of fire this last year? The same people that might say, well, I don't know, I don't want really to have an opinion on this subject. You were happy, and rightfully so. We're against the Black Lives Matter and the Antifa rioters coming to town, setting businesses on fire. What do you think is happening in the Holy Land? People's homes are being stolen.
Starting point is 00:22:25 And before the missiles started firing, there were mobs in the street lynching Arabs, going into people's homes. We showed the video. Children screaming in the middle of the night because they're being woken up because their door has been kicked down. And a young man that the same age as the one we just showed you in this video, they said, this is my house. You will leave or I'll kill you. You heard them say that. He called them a Nazi.
Starting point is 00:22:40 He also said, I will kill you like we killed Jesus. Yes. And you know, when you see this conflict, and you notice how the different outlets frame this, that's a conflict with Arabs. And when you say the word Arab, you automatically assume Muslim. But the fact of the matter is that many of the people that are being forced out of their homes in the West Bank and now in Gaza are Christians. They're Christians. Yes, there's Muslims there too.
Starting point is 00:23:10 But there are a number of believers that are being forced out of their homes, their land being taken from them. Farms, homes have been in their families for centuries, literally. They have a land deed that goes back hundreds of years, and they're being forced off their land. Or they're trying to live a quiet life, a life just like you, trying to raise their kids, trying to live a good life, trying to have a few items in life, and then their apartment building gets blown up. But a, but these, a lot of these, Edward, are Christian believers.
Starting point is 00:23:49 That's never brought out. That's never crowed about anywhere. I don't see any evangelicals out there standing up for the Palestinian Christians that are being basically genocided out of their homes, out of their land. If it was the other way around, I'm telling you, the press would be completely different, wouldn't it? Sure. And it's our job to show the truth of this story while others won't. Well, there's something interesting that's happened.
Starting point is 00:24:18 I think even with the massacres in the Gaza Strip and the very nasty statements, characterizations by the Israeli press and the politicians, Doc, I think they're losing this one. And what I mean by this is the whole world is now seeing what we here brought out, what Rick took a stand on in 2018 and has watched throughout his career as a newsman. He has seen the Zionists act as Nazis. And something that's happening now is the Nazis are turning on each other. There is an individual, Avigdor Lieberman.
Starting point is 00:24:54 He previously served as the defense minister for Benjamin Netanyahu. He's formerly Likud. He's definitely a Zionist. He's for settlers. He's for everything short of the reeducation of the military with the Orthodox rabbis that want the killing and raping of Arabs. That was in their doctrine. But Havigdor Lieberman is a power player. Right. And he has said something very, very interesting.
Starting point is 00:25:18 And I'll have to take him at his word. He is accusing Benjamin Netanyahu of collaborating with Hamas. Okay, now once again, take a look at the screen here. This isn't true news saying this. We just show you the headlines from the outlets that tell it. Okay? Now why would an Israeli outlet lie about this? Why would a Jewish outlet? This is the Times of Israel. Netanyahu, a Hamas collaborator who wants fighting to continue for electoral reasons. Translation, Benjamin Netanyahu is funding terrorists who are fighting with Israel so that he can stay in power.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Now, you came across some really interesting information today regarding this very topic. It's one thing for Avi Lieberman to make that accusation. By the way, Mr. Lieberman is a Zionist. So you have a Zionist accusing another Zionist of collaborating with their supposed enemy. Okay, so wrap that around your mind first. But Edward found some information
Starting point is 00:26:26 today that actually put a dollar amount to that collaboration. Edward, tell us what you found. Yes. So it's hard to find information about the statements in English that Avigdor Leroun has made. He's done a series of interviews, one with Walla, Walla News Media. It's a Ynet. It's one of the outlets actually that's been used against Netanyahu and his prosecution. I'll never forget that the current prime minister is being prosecuted for corruption. But I did find a couple translations, one from Al-Ray Al-Yom, it's a newspaper in Arabic that I've actually started going to daily now because you'll get little tips like this. What it says here, it's quoting Waller News, that Avigdor Lieberman says,
Starting point is 00:27:10 the loss of confidence that we have witnessed in recent days was expected. Because in the current military operation in Gaza, there is no clear strategy and a specific goal. Because after more than a decade in power, four election rounds, Benjamin Netanyahu has become a blot on the Israelis and is leading them to perdition. To hell. To hell. Now, he goes on here to say that he's lost deterrence, security, government.
Starting point is 00:27:37 The collapse of the Israeli government system could happen. It'd be unprecedented. But he says he warned about this in 2009. He's open, Doc, that he wants to bring down Benjamin Netanyahu. The statements he's saying here, he says are true, but he wants you to know he's saying them because he wants Netanyahu to fall. OK, they're both essentially political allies. They're both Zionists, both for the taking of land, both for killing of Palestinians. But Avigdor Lieberman would like to do it in a different manner.
Starting point is 00:28:06 He doesn't want to do it by funding Hamas. Now, going into this article a little further, Avigdor Lieberman said, What is happening today is that the Arab groups in Lod and the Bedouins in the south have become more nationalistic and sympathize with Hamas. As for those obsessed with fires among the Jews, such as Smotik and his gang, the Zionist racist Lakhana organizations, he's calling the people who are in the street taking the homes racist. He said the leader of the Islamic movement,
Starting point is 00:28:36 they do not miss an opportunity except to pour it out. He blames here Hamas for some of the violence. So the oil is on fire internally and externally. But he says the calm in front of Hamas means surrendering to it, meaning if it forced to agree to transfer Qatari funds to Hamas every month, let me repeat that there, he said the Israeli government right now is agreeing to transfer Qatari funds to Hamas every month, although this does not give Israeli politicians the ability to look to the faces of the southern sellers, but it is strange that Netanyahu allows himself
Starting point is 00:29:09 to look in front of them every day. Now, Avigdor Lieberman is saying that money from Israel is going through Qatar and going to Hamas. The people, the Israeli government, considers to be terrorists. The group that's running the resistance in the Gaza Strip, firing rockets into Israel, Avigdor Lieberman is saying that the Israeli government is funding them. Now, on his official Twitter account, he goes a little more into depth about this.
Starting point is 00:29:36 He gives a number. He says the number is $30 million. Yeah, this is his tweets. $30 million a month. This is the official Twitter account of the party leader of the Israel Betanew. It's an opposition party in Israel, one that Benjamin Netanyahu was trying to build a coalition with to try to stay in power. What he said on his Twitter, he kind of, he did a double negative. I'll read the ending first.
Starting point is 00:30:02 He said, Netanyahu endangers our existence and leads us to perdition. He also said, I claim that Netanyahu was a collaborator of Hamas and the winds were blowing. I still stand by my words and am well backed by reality. If the prime minister claims otherwise, he is welcome to prove it. Now, he said in his tweet thread, we had to use a Hebrew translator for this. It was all in Hebrew. He said, anyone who does not cooperate with Hamas does not transfer $30 million a month while launching thousands of rockets into our territory, killing and injuring Israeli citizens.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Those who do not cooperate with Hamas value the lives of all our citizens of our country more, and treat an attack on Eshcolon, Ash'ad, and Sadat as they treat an attack on Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. All right, let's keep that image on the screen for just a moment because I want our audience to see that. And if you want to take a screenshot of it, if you're online and you want to share that on social media, now's the time to do it. I want you to really understand what Avi Lieberman is saying. He's saying anyone who does not cooperate with Hamas doesn't transfer $30 million a month
Starting point is 00:31:09 while launching thousands of rockets into our territory, killing and injuring Israeli citizens. So Avi Lieberman is putting a dollar amount on the amount of money that's being transferred to Hamas by Israel. Specifically Netanyahu. Yes. He is being sarcastic in the front of this. That's why it kind of reads kind of weird. He says, anyone who does not cooperate, he concludes at the end he's being sarcastic. But not in the dollar amount or the action.
Starting point is 00:31:41 He's saying that no one in their right mind who claims the things that Netanyahu is claiming would be sending the money. But he is sending the money. He is sending the action. He's saying that no one in their right mind who claims the things that Netanyahu is claiming would be sending the money. But he is sending the money. He is sending the money, according to Avigdor Lieberman. And he says, look, if I'm wrong, prove me wrong. I'm putting my reputation on the line to remove you from political power. And this is how I'm going to do it. I'm going to expose that you're transferring no less than $30 million. Money, mind you, Doug. A month. A month.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Okay, that's more than $300 million a year, which I have to wonder, do you think that comes from the money we give Israel? Oh, I'm sure it does. Why would Israel take it out of their account when they can take it out of their U.S. account that we send the $3 billion that we send them all the time? And they are doing it for other organizations too, I believe. And so... Now, this isn't just Avigdor Lieberman saying this. Little bits of this have come out in the past. ABC News, for example, in 2019, they reported that Israel was getting blocked by Hamas.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Hamas said they didn't like the means of which the transition, the money was being sent, but they put an amount to it. They said Israel is going to allow Qatari payments to Hamas. Right. This is 2019. This is ABC News. In here, they quoted an Israeli official who said, it's funny, they always quoted anonymous officials, but they said specifically it would be dangerous for him to be revealed his identity because of what he's saying here.
Starting point is 00:33:02 An Israeli official says Israel has approved the transfer of $15 million in Qatari aid to Hamas militant group in the Gaza Strip. Khalil al-Hayah, a top Hamas official, said the group was protesting Israel's delays. Not saying they're protesting the claim, the delays. And blackmail. Now, accusing Israel of violating understandings. An understanding means there's a deal, right? Yes. He said, Hamas has informed Qatari mediator Mohammed al-Ahmadi, who is in Gaza, of its decision.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Now, the story was that the Hamas leadership, they were holding out on agreeing to the payment structure. It wasn't disputing the fact that money was going to them. They said, look, we feel like you're blackmailing us. We'd like to have a discussion about how this is being done. We'd like a better deal. We'd like a better deal. But this was at the time that the peace deal was being negotiated. At that time, it was $15 million a month. Now, according to Avigdor Lieberman, who would know, has a security clearance, used to run the IDF. He's saying that Benjamin Netanyahu is sending $30 million a month, $30 million to a group that he has told in English, the rest of the world, that they're
Starting point is 00:34:17 terrorists. He's funding terrorists. So the next time you see rockets being fired by Hamas into Israel, the next time you see those glorified firecrackers that the Iron Dome is shooting down with $3 billion in U.S. aid, ask yourself, how did Hamas get those rockets? And by the way, it's not mom and dad Palestinian that are shooting those rockets, it's Hamas. So you have to ask yourself, all right, how did Hamas get those rockets? Well, you could say, well, Iran provided it for them or so-and-so provided it for them. Okay. You know what the Wall Street Journal says?
Starting point is 00:34:55 Let's say that. You know what the Wall Street Journal says? They still have to pay for them. Oh, they still have to pay for them. Where are they getting the money? Well, Avi Lieberman is saying there is a money trail. This probably isn't the only money trail. There's probably other money trails in place.
Starting point is 00:35:07 But this is the one that Avi Lieberman himself put there. Now, this is a headline from 2009, the Wall Street Journal. This is the Wall Street Journal. Not true news, okay? Don't throw out all that anti-Semitic stuff and everything. This is the Wall Street Journal. Look at the headline there. 2009, how, who?
Starting point is 00:35:32 Israel helped to spawn Hamas. What? How Israel helped to spawn Hamas? You mean God chosen Israel? You mean where everybody's sitting on the banks of Jordan, singing the songs of Moses, Israel? That Israel, they helped to spawn the enemy they're supposedly fighting? Is that my understanding?
Starting point is 00:35:54 That's exactly the understanding. The Washington Post also agreed. They published an article in July 2014, how Israel helped create Hamas. Put this in terms. So are all these outlets anti-Semitic, Edward, or are they just following the evidence? I think they're telling the truth in these instances. Again, let's not take any of their words at face value. The Intercept, actually, they did a great job of putting together a colorful presentation taking you right to the beginning of the very group that Israel claims is killing Jews with missiles.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Turns out, they created them, they funded them, they handled them. Watch this. The Palestinian militant group Hamas has carried out brutal acts of terror against Israeli civilians. And Israeli and American leaders are always keen to tell us how dangerous and evil Hamas is. The inhumanity of Hamas. I have no sympathy for Hamas. That keep shelling Israel with thousands of rockets and motor shells.
Starting point is 00:36:57 What if I told you that Israel helped create Hamas, which is the acronym for an Arabic phrase meaning Islamic Resistance Movement, was founded in 1987, at the start of the first Palestinian Intifada, or uprising, against the Israeli occupation. But its roots were planted much earlier. The Hamas founder, Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, was a half-blind, disabled Palestinian cleric and member of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Brotherhood had been repressed by the Egyptians in Gaza prior to 1967. But once the Israelis invaded and occupied the Strip, they didn't just turn a blind
Starting point is 00:37:38 eye to these Islamists, they encouraged them. See the Israelis, especially right-wing Israelis, wanted to undermine the power of the dominant Palestinian political force at that time, the nationalist PLO, at the heart of which was the secular Fatah party of Yasser Arafat, their Bet Noir. By empowering Sheikh Yassin and the Muslim Brotherhood, Israeli leaders thought they could divide and rule the occupied Palestinians, play them off against each other, secular nationalists against religious Islamists. So in 1978, when Yassin wanted to officially register his Islamic Association, which was basically the precursor to Hamas, the Israelis were only too keen to help.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Yassin built and grew a network of Islamist social institutions across Gaza, including schools and clubs and mosques, and Israel helped fund some of those projects. Most American politicians have no clue about any of this, although the former Republican Congressman Ron Paul once made this point on the floor of the House. Hamas was encouraged and really started by Israel because they wanted Hamas to counteract Yasser Arafat. Arafat himself told an Italian newspaper, quote, Hamas is a creature of Israel. He even claimed that former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin admitted as much to
Starting point is 00:39:03 him, calling it a fatal error. Now, you might be wondering, why should I believe mad Ron Paul or the famously shady Yasser Arafat? Well, you don't have to. You can believe top Israeli and US officials who've basically owned up to all this. Brigadier Yitzhak Segev, for example, who was the Israeli military governor in Gaza, later told a New York Times reporter that he helped finance the Islamic movement. The Israeli government gave me a budget, he said, and the military government gives to the mosques. Colonel David Hakam, who worked in Gaza in the late 1980s as an Arab affairs expert in the Israeli military,
Starting point is 00:39:37 has admitted that the original sin was Israeli support for Yassin in the late 70s. But at the time, he has argued, nobody thought about the possible results. Well, Avner Cohen did. Cohen was the Israeli official who was responsible for religious affairs in Gaza for more than two decades and who now says, quote, Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel's creation. Yeah, Cohen's words. He actually wrote an official report to his superiors in the mid-1980s, warning them not to play divide and rule in the occupied territories and calling on Israel to quote, break up this monster before this reality jumps in our face.
Starting point is 00:40:15 The inconvenient truth is that Hamas is in part a creature of Israel's own making, an enemy that Israel spent more than 20 years helping to build up and then spent the next 20 years, the past 20 years that is, trying to bomb, besiege, and blockade out of existence. By the way, that relationship that they established with Sheikh Yassin back in the 70s and 80s with the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is an Islamic branch of Freemasonry. And so there's your Freemason tie-in. For those of you that are playing a Trini's bingo today, you got the connection there that you have a Zionist state,
Starting point is 00:41:04 which is an extension of Freemasonry, making a deal with the Muslim Brotherhood, which is an extension of Freemasonry. I'm no fan of Yasser Arafat, okay? I'm not that at all. But what I am saying is that they had a plan in place. They created a Frankenstein monster. And some say the Frankenstein monster got loose. Don't you believe it for a moment? They've got their monster on a leash, and that leash is money. Believe Abigdor Lieberman.
Starting point is 00:41:33 The monster is still being fed. Abigdor Lieberman, the very group that you just heard in that report, they're still being sent $30 million a month. Okay? That's quite the allowance. It's not just a creature. It million a month. Okay? That's quite the allowance. It's not just a creature. It's a baby. A baby that's grown up to be a great son.
Starting point is 00:41:50 And I think for Israel, the notion that they funded an Islamic terror group to counter the PLO would also lead you to wonder if they then played a role in the funding of the Free Syrian Army, ISIS,
Starting point is 00:42:08 and any other Islamic terror group in their region, to undermine the existing political structures in those countries. Is that a conspiracy theory? Surely not. That wouldn't happen at all. But the point here is, Hamas was created by Israel. Avigdor Lieberman says they're still paying them to create terror, to shoot missiles at Israel. I mean, you think about this. They're creating their own monster. And his other position was that this is being done
Starting point is 00:42:33 to keep Benjamin Netanyahu in power because they can't successfully complete an election. The thing I think we need to look at here is that all of these, you know, this subject used to be fringe. That's because you couldn't get someone to sit down and listen to it. But there's something that's happened this past month. It's broken through, the malaise, the ignorance in people's minds, the entertainment. Everything is actually different now. Even the word anti-Semitism, that used to have a lot more power to it.
Starting point is 00:43:09 You call someone anti-Semite, it would be maybe like punching them in the jaw. Now, it's barely a speck of dust because it's been overused. It's been, in this way, debunked. A lot of the things that were called anti-Semitic are now just fact. And one of the things that I think is really hurting the Israelis is they can't even get a weapons bill through. Reportedly, President Biden, he went to Detroit, and there probably was a kind of a tense exchange on the tarmac. Now, this is Fox News reporting this. Representative Tlaib of Michigan, she basically confronted President Biden, and the issue was that her heritage, she's a Palestinian.
Starting point is 00:43:48 She has family. She felt like there wasn't being enough done to stop. She has family in Gaza and the West Bank. Yes. And right. So she was standing. She's been a little bit foul mouthed in the past. I wouldn't say I'm a political supporter of Representative Tlaib. But what I will say about Representative Tlaib is that she's at least consistent. And she did. She confronted President Biden. And there was about an eight-minute confrontation, according to the press. And what came out of it was that there's going to be a democratic challenge to an almost $735 million weapons sale to Israel. Now, this was reported by The Washington Post this past week.
Starting point is 00:44:26 And these weapons, it's smart bombs, smart bomb kits, actually, to be honest. They're running out of bombs. They come in a kit. They are. They're running out of bombs to use against the unarmed Palestinians. So what America is going to do is they're going to sell them kits which upgrade the bombs they currently have and allow them to use them for guidance systems. You can pinpoint your attack. You can do more than a roof knock. You can do a window knock. Well, for this, they are actually facing pushback.
Starting point is 00:44:52 I mean, you'd think you'd see the day. It actually might happen now. But we've always wondered when would be the time that America would stop giving money to both Israel and also here we're learning to the Hamas terrorist organization that is also suppressing the Palestinians. Well, it could be this year. There is a coalition of the squad, I guess as the right has called them. Ocasio-Cortez, Alexander Ocasio-Cortez of New York is leading it.
Starting point is 00:45:20 This is from the Hill. They have introduced a resolution and they're looking into a bill to block arms sales to Israel. Let me repeat that. Ocasio-Cortez is leading an effort to block arms sales to the state of Israel. Well, and I don't agree with her liberal policies at all. I do agree with the desire to block arms sales to Israel. But, Edward, the fact of the matter is I don't see any stopping of those arms sales to Israel because Joe Biden is a Zionist. He has said that. I also wonder what his handlers are, though.
Starting point is 00:46:03 I don't know if Control was able to cue up the video I sent over here. In case you're wondering where Joe Biden falls on the spectrum of support for Israel, he has made it very, very clear where he stands. I think anyone paying attention knows where he falls on the spectrum. I think that Joe Biden, his position is the position of his cabinet. You're right that his cabinet has been pro-Israel. I do wonder, however, if the much more popular populist communist base, that's what Alexander Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders and others represent. I wonder if they will actually have enough sway
Starting point is 00:46:39 because they've been in the streets. I really don't. In my opinion, I don't think so. Here's that video of Joe Biden, in case you forgot this. Culture, religion, ethnicity, that, so strong with Jews worldwide. There is a, I mean, you know, I used to say early on when I was a kid, I'd say when I was a young senator, I'd say, if I were a Jew, I'd be a Zionist. I am a Zionist. You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist. You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist. There, you don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist, and he's right. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:33 The thing with Zionism, Joe Biden obviously is politically savvy enough to know the meaning of it. It's not just simply you believe Israel has a right to exist. It's much more than that. It's that Israel has a God-given calling to treat others lesser than them, to take land like they did in 1948, and to rule over those who were not Jewish. Dare you say a trope like that? It's their belief. Zionists, and in action and in practice with what you've shown here today, they will kill those who disagree with them.
Starting point is 00:48:01 They will take their land by force, and they will force their opinion on not just the the people in Israel and the Gaza Strip or West Bank, but in other countries. But the thing I've noticed is there actually is a protest movement now against them. It could be fake. I think it's good for you to bring that up. You're not going to see this on the major news outlets. No, there are actually people in the streets that are calling for action against Israel, something you think would never actually take place, especially not in America. This is Detroit. You've got Dearborn, obviously, in Detroit. A lot of Arab-speaking individuals, a lot of Arab-Americans live in the vicinity of
Starting point is 00:48:37 Detroit. And they were marching the streets. This is an example of that march. We'll show just a little bit before we cut out and go to show you what's happening in New York. Now, here's video of the march in Detroit. And this show, this will show you just the immense numbers of people that were coming out. Let's watch this. I I happen to know that road. That's 8 Mile Highway up in Detroit. That's 8 Mile.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Yeah, and so that highway, I worked in Detroit for a while, and so that particular road there, what you saw there, tens of thousands of people marching in support of the Palestinian people asking, hey, please don't kill any more of them, okay? And I guess there were some estimates of 250,000 people. I saw that. I saw there were estimates of a couple thousand. Clearly, it was enough to shut down traffic on a major avenue going into Detroit, no small amount. This was also seen in New York. This is the New York Post. There was actually protests to the point where major cities
Starting point is 00:50:13 themselves had to shut down, bring out police, had to, you know, kind of shut down traffic and have court arms. This is actually the embassy, the Israeli embassy in New York. Traffic has been shut down outside because of protests. Now, the protesters, we Israeli embassy in New York. Traffic has been shut down outside because of protests. Now, the protesters, we don't agree with everything, everybody in the street, for whatever group they're from is saying. But a couple of the things that these protesters are saying, simply stop the killing of unarmed Arabs and Zionism kills. Hey, those are statements from true news. OK, these are statements from activists who've been fighting for peace in Palestine for quite some time.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Another thing I've noticed, it's not just America, it's London. This is the BBC over the weekend. Hundreds of thousands were in the streets in London. And it is also in media. See, the thing, Doc, is there was this position in media. You can't touch Israel. That's why you're not going to have... It's called the third rail.
Starting point is 00:51:06 The third rail. You're not going to be able to talk about the subject, not be able to take it a certain direction. A lot of people wonder if the impeachment or the Mueller probe was shut down because it finally got to that third rail. You're not going to be able to report on this anymore, so we might as well drop the subject. One thing I noticed was that a centrist, he definitely is not someone politically aligned with us. Even the central left media, even going to left-wing media, has begun to break through that malaise. They are calling out Israel. They are calling out the genocide. They're saying a lot of things that we said three years ago, things which led to us being banned across every social media platform.
Starting point is 00:51:43 A man named Philip DeFranco, he's got six million subscribers on YouTube. He still has a channel on YouTube. He's allowed to say this. We weren't allowed to say it. They deplatformed us. But listen what he's saying. This is breaking through. Here's the soundbite. Actually where I'm going to end this story is with a different kind of fighting around this situation. That is the fight around public perception and public opinion of what is happening.
Starting point is 00:52:13 You're seeing Israel's social media teams kind of just going full steam ahead. I was watching TikTok yesterday. I thought I was watching something that was like a Nike ad. It was like 15 seconds to text someone back, 15 seconds to fold a shirt, 15 seconds to run away from Hamas's Rockets as well as posting videos with captions like what's really going on in Israel even noting in that video that social media has been
Starting point is 00:52:31 inundated with regular people and celebs promoting the plight of the Palestinian people actually they've gone even further they're specifically pointing to Individual celebrities. Bella Hadid for example has gotten a lot of attention both positive and extremely negative She posted about and joined a pro-Palestinian march in New York, Bella's father is Palestinian, and over the past couple of days, she's been posting about her Palestinian family, sharing photos and writing that they were taken out of their homes in 1948 and had to become refugees.
Starting point is 00:52:56 And when sharing photos of the march she attended over the weekend, she had the caption, "'The way my heart feels to be around this many beautiful, "'smart, respectful, loving, kind, and generous Palestinians "'all in one place. "'It feels whole, we are a rare breed. "'It's free Palestine till Palestine is free.'" It feels to be around this many beautiful, smart, respectful, loving, kind, and generous Palestinians all in one place. It feels whole, we are a rare breed. It's free Palestine till Palestine is free.
Starting point is 00:53:09 At one point, even live streaming the march, and actually this got the attention of the state of Israel's official Twitter account. With them taking aim at Bella and shooting out the tweet, "'When celebrities like Bella Hadid "'advocate for throwing Jews into the sea, "'they are advocating for the elimination "'of the Jewish state.
Starting point is 00:53:22 "'This shouldn't be an Israeli-Palestinian issue. "'This should be a human issue. Shame on you." With them further arguing that they're saying this because she joined in on a chant that says, From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. Arguing that that phrase is used by people calling for the elimination of Israel. However, Palestinian activists have argued against some of the criticisms of this phrase, including that some call it anti-Semitic, saying that it refers to the political and geographic landscape of Palestine and Israel, not the religious landscape.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Noting that Palestinian activists use it to call for the rights of Palestinians in those borders. Gigi Hadid has also been on the receiving end of a lot of harassment, people accusing her of being anti-Semitic, advocating for the killing of people in Israel. And to this, she ended up responding, "'I condemn anti-Semitism.
Starting point is 00:54:00 "'I am not trying to kill you, nor would I ever want that. "'I do not wish any more deaths upon Israelis just as I feel about Palestinians. What I do want is equal rights for Palestinians. There are also Jewish Palestinians and Christian Palestinians as there was coexisting with my father's Muslim Palestinian family when he was born in Palestine in 1948.
Starting point is 00:54:17 I wish you peace. Also with this, we've actually seen a large number of Jewish Americans speaking out against the Israeli government. Even seeing the likes of YouTube's own Ethan Klein tweeting, "'The Israeli government is making me sick. "'Even if Hamas is operating out of a civilian building, "'it doesn't justify the total destruction
Starting point is 00:54:31 "'of that building. "'It's inhumane. "'Netanyahu is a piece of warmonger and needs to go. "'As a dual citizen, I love Israel and the Israeli people. "'They deserve a government that actually believes in peace "'and not force and violence.'" Personally, I will say whether it be an Ethan Klein or really any other Jewish American,
Starting point is 00:54:45 I think it is helpful when they speak out because it illustrates this incredibly important point that what the Israeli government is doing in the name of the Jewish people is separate from the will of many of those people. And that criticisms of violence perpetrated by that government is not antisemitic in and of itself. And it's like, no, those are two different things.
Starting point is 00:55:03 I think it's really important we get that common ground because there are a lot of legitimate reasons to be disgusted by and criticize the Israeli government. Because while I think there are certain avenues here, I mean, people like John Oliver had said there's certain areas that you can kind of both sides this thing. You can't do that with the whole situation.
Starting point is 00:55:18 One side has killed significantly more civilians and children. One side specifically targeted a building that housed news organizations, Al Jazeera, the Associated Press, and has not provided proof as to the reason why they were destroyed. One side has been kicking people out of their family homes that they've had for decades.
Starting point is 00:55:33 And one side is memeing the absolute devastation and destruction and death that it's been bringing. And understand when I criticize the Israeli government, this isn't me talking about all Jewish people. To me, just like Hamas does not represent every Palestinian, the Israeli government does not represent every Jewish person. And the unfortunate truth is that America, or at least the American government, is somewhat complicit. Somewhat complicit? We're fully complicit. Well, give them time, because the fact that he even said half of that, those are all, I would say, talking points. Those are things we said.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Those things led to us being deplatformed. They're saying that anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism. That is the chant of millions around the world. I'd say 100 million people have spoken about it, screamed that, and are pressuring their governments to change rules based around it. We'll see if action comes. Something that got my attention is even Google is having an issue with this. There are Jewish workers inside Google. They call themselves jooglers.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Jooglers. Jooglers. That's their phrase. Okay. All right. They have put out a statement to their CEO demanding that Google stop deplatforming, stop removing, stop censoring anybody who is speaking out about the crimes against the Palestinians. What they've said is, this is a letter to the CEO. The Verge here was the first to report this. The letter states that anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Now, this is the group itself, the Jewish diaspora in tech. They've actually organized quite a few different social media tech giants, their own workers into this group. These are Jewish individuals who are actually using their belief, their own belief set and values and not wanting to be remembered as the people who ethnically cleansed the country
Starting point is 00:57:25 they're being told that they need to return to through Aliyah, they're saying we don't want our companies in America to support the apartheid, to support the cleansing. Now, the letter has been signed by a couple hundred of Google's key workers. These aren't just low-level workers. Jewish workers. And what they're saying is we need to unban those who are speaking out on this topic. Now, what has been Google's apparent policy up to this time regarding speaking out against Zionism? Well, it's a strike policy. You'll get a strike if a Zionist reports you.
Starting point is 00:58:02 And all it has to be is you say something that sounds disparaging, something that sounds like a trope. Actually, specifically, they've been working with the ADL. They're working with the Southern Policy Law Center. They've been working with groups that pre-identify, you know, through algorithms or even with snitches,
Starting point is 00:58:17 people that watch your show to try to catch you in a statement. They'll use that. They'll make a clip of it, like the right-wing watch, the style that they've employed, and then they'll get a strike on your channel. A strike, you get three strikes, you're out. Then your channel is erased. Our channel, they want them. YouTube, yes. And that's exactly what happened to True News and their YouTube channel. But if
Starting point is 00:58:40 you're Jewish, you are allowed to speak out on it. And because it explodes their brain, they don't know how to process, how can you be Jewish and against Zionism? Does that compute? Does not compute. Does not compute. And so it causes, you know, brain freeze on them. But Google's not the only outlet right now that's trying to figure out how to manage this conflict that's going on, this Israel-Gaza
Starting point is 00:59:06 conflict and the themes of Zionism that are becoming apparent to a lot more people now. Facebook is also dealing with this too, right? Yes, and it'll be interesting to see where Facebook falls on this. According to The Hill, Facebook has set up a special operations center, that sounds very militaristic, that will monitor content in Gaza. Now, they've hired both Hebrew and Arabic speakers. They're going to be looking through the videos, the posts that are coming out of the Gaza Strip, a place that has barely 3G.
Starting point is 00:59:38 OK, they're going to be checking to see if any of the posts violate the specific standards, you know, the same community rules that communists love to fall in their own communes. Facebook has a set of rules. And if they decide your content, like a child being blown up and you trying to raise awareness about a child being murdered in Gaza, well, Facebook might ban you. Or Facebook might go the other route. Facebook might actually censor the Zionists. I guess we'll see which direction this goes. I'll believe that when I see it because I haven't seen it yet. And I doubt if I will see it, to be honest with you,
Starting point is 01:00:13 because it appears to me that the fix is in. It's all about telling the truth. And we've talked about telling the truth here lately. That's what True News tries to be anyway. Well, certainly. And then the Bible study we've been doing in-house. You know, we start our day today, we're reading from the book of Ephesians. And, you know, Paul said, don't lie.
Starting point is 01:00:35 This is specifically a message to Christians. Yes. Live a life where you don't lie. Yes. He also said that you've got to stop using corrupt communication. Right. No corrupt communication. Right. No corrupt communication must proceed out of your mouth. That's Ephesians chapter 4, verse 29.
Starting point is 01:00:52 I think about that. Often when we try to address these topics, I'm not just talking about us here at True News, but the body of Christ. I'm sure the topic has come up. Not just Israel, any of these topics. How do we address these as Christians? I mean, it's something that we strive to do. We strive to do it well. I looked at this topic, specifically the Palestine-Israel case. It's like, what are my beliefs on this? I don't like
Starting point is 01:01:15 killing. I don't want children murdered. Doc, how should we be looking at this? I mean, you're a doctor now. You've got a doctorate in theology. I have a doctorate. How should Christians respond to this if this comes up at church on Sunday? Well, it's very simple because Paul talks about this in Ephesians 4 as well. And that is, as believers, as followers of Christ, confessing in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, baptized believers, we are being instructed by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians chapter 4 to speak the truth in love. Now, there's a lot of people that like to speak truth, but they have it with
Starting point is 01:01:52 a dagger in their hand. And then there are some who only want to speak love, but they shade it with a lie. Well, true love isn't a lie. The problem that we have encountered in the modern day church, evangelical movement in particular, Pentecostals, Charismatics in particular, is that we have been sold a lie, a bill of goods that says that the entity that we call Israel, that has labeled itself Israel, is a fulfillment of prophecy somehow. And without, you know, up till 1948, there was no fulfillment of that. And so but when that happened, when and they didn't even decide on the name Israel until a vote, they were doing three other different names and then they decided on Israel. The entity that exists
Starting point is 01:02:46 in Israel is completely, in the land of Israel, is the lie. Now, the fact of the matter is, it is a nation, and it's recognized by other nations. It's a real nation. There's no doubt about it, but it started in a lie, just like America started. A lot of its roots are in Freemasonry. As believers, we have to deal with that. How do we deal with it? We speak the truth in love. Speaking the truth in love means standing up for the rights of fellow believers, such as Palestinian believers, especially believers, because they're part of our global community who are being persecuted, who are being run out of their homes, who are being killed,
Starting point is 01:03:35 simply because they are a certain race or they exist on one side of a line. We speak the truth in love. We don't say, well, you're wrong and you're going to hell and everything else, but we speak the truth. And the truth is that God loves the Palestinians. Yes. God loves those that are living in the so-called state of Israel. He loves them. And you know what he wants? God wants the gospel preached in the West Bank. God wants the gospel preached in Gaza. God wants the gospel preached in the land of Israel. One of the hindrances that Satan has created to prevent that from happening
Starting point is 01:04:10 is Zionism and its deceptive ways. Zionism, which funds its own enemies like Hamas to create a conflict. And so what we have to do is we have to speak truth, which speaks against deception, but we speak the truth in love. And what's pure love, Edward? Pure love is the desire to see people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Love isn't just a big old sloppy hug. Love means sharing the gospel of Jesus. And people in Israel, people in Gaza, people in the West Bank, they need to hear the gospel. So when you hear your favorite Zionist preacher out
Starting point is 01:04:46 there say, pray for the peace of Jerusalem, I'm all for that. I want peace in Jerusalem. I want peace in Jerusalem and Israel and Gaza and the West Bank. I pray for that. The ultimate peace is when the Prince of Peace appears in the hearts and lives of individuals. That's when true peace comes. And so when we talk about in Ephesians 4, speaking the truth in love, we speak truth. We speak it with love. And that ultimate love is people need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. That's the ultimate form of love, Edward. Amen. Don't get me started. I'll start preaching. Because I'm a doctor now. I'm not half a doctor anymore. I want to get you started because we'll start preaching. Because I'm a doctor now. I'm not half a doctor anymore. I want to get you started because we're going to have to have a discussion with our friends and family.
Starting point is 01:05:30 There's no way you can live around Zionist people that would be for the killing of children without having a discussion about it because that would reflect in other aspects of their lives. I would be very worried if I had someone in my life who would be willing to murder a child and not feel any guilt over it. We can have an open conversation about that. But we're believers. Some things I've seen online, I mean, denying the Palestinian exists. You talk about denying Israel exists. You don't want Israel. There's people that actually think Palestine is a fiction. It's a fabrication of the mind of people. How about if we show you in the Bible?
Starting point is 01:06:05 Here's a verse. This mind of people. How about we show you in the Bible, okay? Here's a verse. This is out of Joel 3, verse 4, okay? Probably is marked out of some of your Bibles here. Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre and Zidon, and all the coast of where? Palestine. Palestine. Will you render me a recompense?
Starting point is 01:06:20 And if ye recompense me swiftly and speedily, will I return your recompense upon your head? Actually, this is talking about the judgment that God is going to send upon different cities because of their rebellion against God. And so the Bible speaks about Palestine. The last week when Rick was on set here with us, he brought out his 1905 uh a big desk reference bible and uh apparently edward him showing the map the 1905 map of palestine apparently there are a lot of people in the middle east that are are taking this particular uh uh tweet uh on twitter because uh and sharing it. And it's gone somewhat viral.
Starting point is 01:07:06 So this is an example of what you see here. So they're taking screenshots of true news and then sharing. There's Palestine evidence from the Holy Bible, 1905, and eye-opening facts from the history. Every Jew, Christian, Muslim needs to watch this video. But this is just one example. There's a lot of them out there doing this. We'll make it easier for you because I know you're going to see your friends and other Christians posting a map that doesn't
Starting point is 01:07:29 have Palestine on it. So we'll make it easy for you. We'll make it easy for you. So if you're online right now and you want to take a screenshot or take a picture with your phone or on your desktop, you can screenshot this right now. So this is a map. This is just one example. We could go through Rick's library of his older Bibles and show you dozens of maps, but this is a pretty good one.
Starting point is 01:07:53 It's pretty clear here that when somebody says Palestine never even existed. All right. Well, here's the mythological land of Palestine, right? It's on a map. And I'll have people come back and say, well, you know, that's a region, actually, or it's a province of Syria. Well, you have some truth to that. But Palestine has existed in the past as Palestine. There's just one example here. We could show you other examples of other maps down through history. Who lives in Palestine, Edward, as Rick asked me last week?
Starting point is 01:08:32 Who lives in Palestine? Palestinians. Palestinians. Okay. Christians, Jews, Muslims. Christians, Jews, Muslims. People are getting blown up today. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:42 And so I hope you'll share that map to anyone that says to you, well, Palestine never existed. That is a Zionist lie. Not just a lie, but as the King of Siam said and the King and I, it's a false lie.
Starting point is 01:08:55 And so, it is a lying lie. And so, by the way, if you want a fully detailed understanding of what's happening in the Middle East and kind of sort all this out, we can't do it in an hour and 15 minutes, which is no way to unpack all this. Our boss, Rick Wiles, has written an extensive commentary on this.
Starting point is 01:09:20 And we, for the sake of our viewers and listeners, we have reposted this today on our website. So if you'll go to, you'll see Rick's article. This is from back in 2018 about Christian Zionism, sin of displacement theology. And Rick has a great piece here where he lays out the entire idea. You see, Edward, if you happen to believe in that the that believers today are part of Israel, OK, that we are Israel right now, you're called replacement theology. OK, which they try to use that as a slur or something like that. They're the ones who rejected. Right. And so Rick here uses that phrase and kind of spins it on its head and talks about displacement theology, where modern day Israel has displaced the church in God's program. Rick goes through a great
Starting point is 01:10:21 sequence of thought on this. You need to read it. If you've never read it before, it's on the website right now, right at the top of the page, right near all of our programs and everything. And it's something you should have, maybe even print off, share with a friend,
Starting point is 01:10:39 share the link with someone. And so- It's helped me quite a bit to understand what's happening. And this was produced in 2018 after we came back from Bethlehem. Right. And it's even more true today. I mean, as part of this, Rick even laid out a peace plan. Yes. While the Trump administration was trying to negotiate a plan behind the scenes and obviously in a manner which was not favorable to the Palestinians,
Starting point is 01:11:01 not even a one state, not even a two state, a zero state in Palestine. It's what's created the instance now. It's a zero state solution, yes. Rick had a peace plan. And again, I hope people would listen to this because the peace plan itself is very simple. Christian, the believers who are listening to this program, you can come up with a plan for peace in stopping a dispute between your children or a dispute in a park that you see. We can provide a solution here.
Starting point is 01:11:29 It's to be ambassadors of peace. That's right. A peace plan about peace. Imagine that. It's incredible. Hey, let's take a trip back through the True News Time machine to 2018. We all look so much younger then in 2018. But here's Rick laying out his peace plan for the Middle East. Watch this.
Starting point is 01:11:49 There are 10 things American Christians should do on behalf of our persecuted Palestinian Christian brethren. Number one, this is what I want the Christian Zionists to do. Stop weaponizing the Bible. Stop using the word of God as a weapon. Tell the truth about 1948, not Zionist propaganda. Number two, send humanitarian assistance to persecuted Palestinian Christians. Well, all I can say is best wishes. Getting it past Israel's military embargo of humanitarian aid to Palestinians. You may be shot or arrested trying to get humanitarian aid to the Palestinians.
Starting point is 01:12:34 Publicize the plight of Palestinian Christians in churches. Stand up and defend your Christian brethren. Number four, oppose the stranglehold of the Israeli lobby in Washington, D.C. Number five, demand that the Trump administration and the U.S. Congress support the establishment of a Palestinian state and a fair settlement between the Palestinians and Israelis. Number six, demand that Israel withdraw to its pre-1967 borders as established by the United Nations in 1948. Number seven, demand the removal of all Israeli settlements in the West Bank and the Golan Heights and the repatriation of land to the Palestinians. Number eight, demand the right of return of Palestinian refugees. Number nine,
Starting point is 01:13:26 oppose U.S. deep state Israeli plots for perpetual wars in the Middle East and the acquisition of more Arab land by Israel in order to regain the ancient boundaries of greater Israel. Be a peacemaker, not a warmonger. Number 10, stop giving money to American religious ministries promoting Zionism. Give money to churches and ministries that are truly evangelizing Jews and Muslims for Jesus Christ. Now, for the record, I am not proposing the delegitimization of the state of Israel, nor am I endorsing any boycotts of Israel. Furthermore, I reject all expressions of violence to protest Israel's occupation of Palestine. I reject Christian Zionism's twisted narrative about Israel's formation in 1948.
Starting point is 01:14:26 I study the Holy Bible. I study church history and I study world history and I read the news and I believe Jesus Christ birth, crucifixion, burial, resurrection, and ascension to heaven fulfilled all of God's promises to Abraham and Israel. The Jews rejected their Messiah and his kingdom, and the kingdom was taken from them. That's what Jesus said and given to another people. And I find nothing in the New Testament Bible, the New Testament Bible,
Starting point is 01:14:59 prophesying that the Jews shall return to Israel, reclaim their land, build a third temple, and restart animal sacrifices. I also reject the legitimacy of the United Nations to function as an entity empowered to administer global governance. Therefore, I reject the notion that the UN had the authority in 1948 to authorize Zionist terrorists to seize land from Arabs to establish a Zionist political state. Christian Zionists must affirm the role of the UN in the formation of the state of Israel. Do Christian Zionists believe the UN has the authority to give Texas to Mexico? Do Christian Zionists believe the U.N. has the authority to give Texas to Mexico? Do Christian
Starting point is 01:15:45 Zionists believe the U.N. has the power to give Tennessee, Kentucky, and other U.S. southern states to the Cherokee Indian nation? Isn't it odd that conservative right-wing American Christian Zionists enthusiastically affirm the authority of the United Nations to take private property from Arabs and give it to Jews who have no connection to the land in the past 2,000 years. Although I reject Christian Zionism and the United Nations authority to take anybody's land, I do not support the abolition of the state of Israel. Look, it's a nuclear-armed nation. It's not going away anytime soon. Only God can remove the state of Israel or any other nation, and he has the power to do it. Read Jeremiah. Present-day Israelis,
Starting point is 01:16:40 however, should humbly remind themselves that God has removed the Jews from the land in previous ages for sinful behavior, including the oppression of strangers and sojourners. What I am endorsing, however, is this. The Israelis must treat Palestinians as human beings. The Palestinians must recognize that the Jews are not going to leave the land granted to them in 1948 by the United Nations. The animosity and fighting, which has lasted 70 years, must end. And it's time to end the warfare. The Palestinians and the Israelis must agree to live together peacefully.
Starting point is 01:17:30 The Palestinian leadership must make painful concessions to the Israelis. And likewise, the Israelis must make painful concessions to the Palestinians. American Christian Zionists must cease weaponizing the Holy Bible to justify the oppression of the weak. The worldwide church of God must pray and work to bring about reconciliation and peace among Jews and Arabs. We must teach both sides, Jews and Arabs, Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. Love your enemies. Bless them that curse you. Do good to them that hate you and pray for them that despitefully use you. Jesus never promised to bless warmongers.
Starting point is 01:18:12 Jesus said, blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. Amen. Amen. And those words are as good today as they were back in 2018, even without a beard. I mean, so, and if you want to read more about this, once again, Rick's article on displacement theology is up on the website right now. So I encourage you to go there. Doctor, do you have anything else you want to add before we close on out?
Starting point is 01:18:42 Well, just some thoughts here. Today's Zionists are guilty of the same sins as ancient Jews. That's a quote from Rick's op-ed. Yes, it is. They built Zion on blood. The prophet Micah lamented that he was sent by God to the Jews to declare their transgressions and sins. And it says this in Micah,
Starting point is 01:19:02 But truly I am full of power by the Spirit of the Lord and of judgment and of might And it says this in Micah, And Rick went on to say in that article, Micah warned the ancient Jews that shedding innocent blood in the quest of building Jerusalem would provoke God's judgment upon them. He said the Jews boasted that no evil can come upon them, but God will allow Jerusalem to be plowed as a field and become heaps of rubble. And I think that pretty much sums up what we're seeing within this conflict with Israel and Gaza. God's watching. He's weighing and He's waiting for the opportunity to respond.
Starting point is 01:19:56 He is a God of justice. Amen. Well, I think we can't say any more than we've already said. Those wise words are words that need to echo throughout eternity. I think for anybody watching this program, you need to be witnessing to the Muslims and the Jews, not calling for their death. And that is our call.
Starting point is 01:20:16 Our call is for them to be saved through Jesus Christ. Thank you for joining today's edition of True News. We'll never let you down. We're always going to be honest and seek the Lord for wisdom so we can report the truth to you every day. Stand with us and consider becoming a monthly partner with this ministry as you hear reports that I can assure you, you won't hear anywhere else. You can support True News by going to
Starting point is 01:20:40 That is T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. Just click on the heart on the left hand side or the red donate button on the right. You can also call our toll-free number at 1-800-576-2116. That is 1-800-576-2116. You can also donate to us by mail at Pillbox 69-0069, Vera Beach, Florida. Zip code 32969. We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, and precious metals.. Zip code 32969. We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, and precious metals.
Starting point is 01:21:08 And we're also looking for workers. The harvest is here. Come put your hand on the plow and join the mission to save souls and report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you and God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you.
Starting point is 01:21:48 To find out how you can help, visit

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