TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Ron Paul: DOD Directive Permits Military to Use Lethal Force on American Citizens
Episode Date: October 16, 2024Some news media outlets are mocking President Donald Trump’s town hall meeting in South Dakota by implying that the former president is losing his mind. A closer look, however, indicates that perhap...s something else was happening that the public did not know.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 10/16/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!       It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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Secure clean water for you and your family today. Former Texas Congressman Ron Paul is alleging that the U.S. Department of Defense
recently published a revised Pentagon directive that legalizes the use of lethal force against American citizens on U.S. soil.
We will show you the video in several minutes.
I'm Rick Wiles. This is True News for Wednesday, October 16, 2024. Let's begin our analysis and commentary of today's world news by examining this article published by Yonhap News Agency in Seoul, South Korea.
Korea, South Korea, closely monitoring possibility that North Korea is entering the Ukraine war.
Let's take a look at what Yonhap says, and then we'll talk about it.
Right. So South Korea's defense ministry reported on Wednesday that it is closely monitoring for signs of North Korea possibly sending troops
to support Russia in its war against Ukraine and that follows media reports of Russia forming a
battalion of North Koreans Ukrainian media outlets earlier reported this week that Russia is
organizing a special battalion that is expected to include up to 3 000 North Koreans due to manpower
shortages amid concerns over deepening military
cooperation between the two countries.
The article from Yonhap goes on to say, as there is a possibility of North Korea providing
troops or civilian personnel, this is being closely monitored, a ministry official said
when asked about the reports.
The National Intelligence Service also said it is working to verify the reports while
keeping in mind that the reports may be true.
We are also cooperating with Ukraine to confirm those reports, the spy agency said.
Just last week, Defense Minister Kim Jong-un told lawmakers that the North is likely to deploy troops to Ukraine in support of Russia
after Ukrainian media reported that six North Koreans were killed in a
Ukrainian missile strike on Russia occupied territory earlier this month doc if the reports
are true uh 3 000 North Korean troops is no small matter right that's a lot of soldiers and that
would be the first the first uh deployment major deployment and any country that sends 3 000
soldiers at one time is gearing up to send 30 000 right uh so this war in ukraine could suddenly
take a totally different turn in coming weeks right Right. Especially since South Korea and Ukraine have a memorandum of understanding about supplying weapons and armament to Ukraine from South Korea.
And so they're joined at the hip.
What happens if South – what happens if Ukraine uses South Korean weapons to kill North Korean soldiers in Ukraine?
Oh, well.
What happens?
There's going to be a fight.
Because does that mean North Korea then attacks South Korea?
They would be just, in their mind, they would be justified by that.
I'm just asking these questions because I want our audience to contemplate how quickly things can spiral out of control.
It's an interesting story.
I don't know if I saw this one coming.
North Korea entering the Ukraine war.
This thing's not close to being winding down.
Not at all.
It's not winding down. Not at all. It's not winding down.
And, you know, we pointed out weeks ago that the U.K. defense ministers,
he said, oh, things are going to be really bad in late 2025 and early 26.
Well, what's happening now?
I mean, things are ramping up pretty quickly right now.
Well, this is what I'm saying.
What do the nato guys
know that's happening and what do they plan to do that they're forecasting things are going to get
really bad in the in the end of 2025 right and you couple that with zielinski yesterday speaking to
their form of ukrainian parliament we are at war with russia, North Korea, and Iran. He named those three countries in his address to...
Zelensky did.
Yeah, Zelensky did. So he's saying, as the head of state, we are at war with Russia.
Well, that was the obvious one. Iran, all right, helping out Russia, but now North Korea.
But he named those three countries, Rick.
So he's trying to force NATO and the United States to go to war...
Absolutely....against Iran and North Korea.
And if they do, you have a world war.
I'm going to go back to what I've been saying for weeks since I came back from my week of prayer in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and I am thoroughly, absolutely confident that the Lord told me that the
world war that I had been expecting,
I'll put it like this, the mega war, whatever this
war is, that's going to
bring great carnage to the United States of America on
American soil.
Because it could be a civil war.
Yes. That this war will erupt in the early 2030s.
That's my position right now.
It has altered my thinking, my plans, my attitude, everything.
I can't tell you the decisions i'm making in the past week
it's like i've got crystal clear thinking now on certain things and it's like yes no because i i
know when i put it in in the perspective of how does that fit into the knowledge that we're going
to have a mega war on the soil of the USA in the early 2030s.
How does that fit in our plans as a ministry, as an organization?
So this has changed my thinking.
And I don't know if I mentioned this, but last week I walked into my office and on my desk was a copy of Neil Howe's new book, The Fourth Turning Is Here.
I didn't know where it came from.
I'm like looking at this going, what is this?
The Fourth Turning Is Here.
It's a brand new book.
Now, for our audience out there who may not know about Neil Howe. Right. So he's a brand new book now for our audience out there may not know about neil howe
right so he's a sociologist i interviewed him how long ago doc 2010 multiple times i mean yeah but
was it the first time around 2010 2008 somewhere a long time ago and you were talking specifically
about his book the fourth turning for american. Yes. Okay. Which had already been out about 12, 13 years by that time.
He published it in the mid-90s.
And the gist of The Fourth Turning is that there's an 80-year saculum.
Saculum is an old Roman term. And that within that 80 year saculum, there
are four individual turnings of about
20 years each. And where
you are born in each turning
leaves an imprint on you and your generation
the uncanny thing that's so amazing to study
and to see the precision accuracy in it
is that as you go back 80 years,
the same generation is there.
Same traits, same behavior, same attitudes.
All right, so I'm a baby boomer.
What are baby boomers?
Baby boomers are babies that were born right after World War II.
What was World War II?
It was the crisis in the fourth turning.
So you have a first turning, a second turning, a third turning, and the fourth turning.
The first turning is a high.
The second turning is an awakening.
The third turning is an unraveling. The fourth turning is a high the second turning is a an awakening the third turning is an
unraveling the fourth turning is a crisis right so i was as a baby boomer i was born in a first
turning in a high all right so what does that mean in a high uh the society has come
out of the crisis of the fourth turning and it's now high it's it's hey
the war is over the crisis is over everything's wonderful that's where the baby boomers were
were born so um you know what what do men do after they have achieve a victory in a war. They go home and they get their women pregnant.
They have babies. They build houses. They start careers.
That was the 1950s.
See, that was a first turning. That was a high. And the baby boomers
were the children produced during that high. So you have
these cycles. So guess what? When you get to the fourth turning,
there's a crisis at the end of the fourth turning.
And in his first book, well, it wasn't his first book.
It was his book in 1995, The Fourth Turning.
Mr. Howe and his co-author who passed away said, the next fourth turning will start in America sometime around 2008.
Well, that was the financial crisis.
He was absolutely right.
It was the financial crisis.
That was the starting gun.
That's the way to see it, the starting gun.
The banking crisis of 2008, that was the firing of the starting gun.
The fourth turning is on.
And so we're running out the fourth turning.
We're in it right now.
We've been in it.
At the end of the fourth turning is a mega crisis.
Almost always it's a war.
So if you go back 80 years,
it's World War II.
Go back 80 years
before World War II, Civil War. Go back 80 years before Civil War, Revolutionary War.
Go back 80 years prior to that, you had the Indian Wars.
You had major Indian Wars with the colonists.
And Civil War in the UK. Yes. So there's a he studied 600 years of history in America and Great Britain. And the pattern is there. Okay. It's really kind of spooky. Okay. And so if you look, there was a baby boomers, I was born just several years after the end of World War II.
I was born in 53.
The war had been over for eight years.
You go back 80 years.
All right.
So if what would my generation be?
I take.
All right.
If the war.
I hope you understand what I'm saying.
If the coming war is in 2033, all right, I can't even believe I'm going to say this.
I'll be 80 years old.
That's just plain weird.
That's just weird, okay?
Just 80.
Just 80 is weird, okay, that I'm even saying it.
But in 2033, I'll be 80 years old.
So if I go back 80 years previously, okay, that's just the end of World War II. So I'll go back 80 years from 1953.
Guess what?
I'm back to just after the Civil War.
Yes. what i'm back to just after the civil war yes so there was a baby boomer generation born at the end
of world war at the civil war right you go back again and there were there was a baby boomer
generation born in the years immediately after the revolutionary war those baby boomer, they didn't call them baby boomers.
They had the same traits, same behavior, same attitudes.
And then you're Generation X.
All right.
So there's a Generation X every 88 years.
And the previous Generation X was called the Lost Generation.
X, Lost.
Isn't that amazing?
Why do they call it X?
Why do they call it X? Why do they call it lost?
Because they don't have any specific direction.
They don't have any specific inclination.
But there are also outliers in that, too.
And they miss out on cycles of prosperity.
So they would look at the boomers.
The boomers are prosperous.
Generation X, we're the latchkey kids.
We're the ones that they left at home after school watching TV.
And then the millennials came along and everybody fawns over them.
And the millennials were the babies of the boomers.
So they were babied.
So one of the traits about Generation X is they're good managers.
And so the Generation Xers in a fourth turning war, they manage the war.
And when the war is over, they manage the rebuilding from the war.
So Dwight Eisenhower was a Gen Xer.
If you go back to the Civil War, Ulysses S. Grant was a Gen Xer.
He led the war.
And then he became president after the war.
A builder.
A manager.
You just keep going back and the cycles are the same.
I'm telling you this because and i'd really
encourage you to buy the book i'm not you know i don't get anything out of promoting mr howell's
book i i strongly recommend you buy the book it's about 500 pages i read it during the hurricanes
that we just had you know the tornado and hurt that's what I was doing. I was hiding in a closet. I was reading
Fourth Turning is Here. Oh, yeah.
Now, think about that.
I've got tornadoes all around me, and I'm reading
about Fourth Turning.
But I got through the book. I'd
recommend that you get the book.
And you'll understand what's coming, because
in the book, Mr. Howe
said the Fourth Turning
War is going to be somewhere between 2032 and 2034.
And I went, oh, there it is.
That's what I was hearing in Myrtle Beach.
The Lord saying, get your work done by 2030.
The war will happen in the early 2030s.
And that war, will it be a global conflict?
Will it be a civil war or a combination of the two?
And maybe a financial crisis, which then sets off a civil war, which then sets off a global war.
Because if America was in a civil war, America's enemies are going to look at this and go, this is the time.
This is when you take them down. And just like in the late 30s, you saw conflicts busting out all over Europe and all sorts of different things happening prior to the big war starting.
It doesn't preclude the possibility that there are things that will take place between now and the big event.
Oh, yes.
It's not going to be stable.
There are going to be things that are going to happen between now and the early 2030s that we're going to think this is it we're not going to make it to the 2030s this is it but
it will stay uh restrained because the cycle the cycles if you follow the historical pattern they
have to happen in fact mr howe said the earliest the war could happen and stay within
the historical cycles in the pattern the earliest would be 2029 the latest 2038 those are the
extremes right he says highly unlikely but possible not completely out of the realm of possibility
possible as early as 2029 as late as 2038 but he believes realistically based on his study and i
would take this man his analysis he's extremely um accurate and his understanding of history
and the turnings of generations he's saying the war will be between 2032 and 2034.
Now, Rick, you and I, we've read up on this. I've read Neil Howe's Generations and, you know,
The Fourth Turning, the first book, and now I'm starting on this one, too. If we know these
things, if you and I can see these patterns and understand them and see them being, you know,
rolled out throughout history, especially
Western civilization.
The question begs itself, do politicians and leaders in the world already know the answer
to this?
Are they aware of these cycles and turnings and are they manipulating events in response
to that understanding?
I don't know if the politicians are, but the CIA is aware.
The Pentagon is aware.
The war planners are aware.
MI6 is aware.
The British Ministry of Defense is aware.
Same way in France and Germany, but also in Moscow and Berlin.
So if you had an understanding of these turnings and you were saying to yourself,
listen, every 80 years we can expect a civil war.
Or a world war.
Or a combination of the two.
What things would you be doing to prepare for that?
You'd go to a war economy and ramp up production of war.
Isn't that what we're watching right now?
See, now this all makes sense
all these countries are going into a war economy to produce as much uh ammo rockets artillery
tanks everything because they know they've got so many years until the outbreak of hostilities now that makes sense so i'll tell you who else knows
about it very wealthy families the families that have generational wealth right why do they have
generational wealth because they know the generational cycles yes and they're forecasting
ahead for future generations of their family their great-grand. For their great-grandchildren. For their great-grandchildren.
They're making forecasts 80 years in advance.
Why do you think wealthy people right now are plowing money, investment, into defense
You're not going to have a better time for another
80 years. This is it.
You know what
you do after the war? In the first
turning, hey, you sell art supplies.
It's a high.
Everybody wants to paint. Everybody wants
to draw. Everybody wants to be creative.
I'm not kidding you folks.
This is the way generations operate.
Doesn't this in some aspects explain this current bloodlust in the world?
There's a bloodlust.
You can't escape it because it's part of the cycle.
There's a bloodlust.
They have to vent this lust.
They have to do it.
So the first turning is a high.
The second turning is an awakening.
An awakening is a spiritual quest for meaning of life.
It can be a Christian awakening, but it could be New Age. It could be an AI God.
It could be anything.
Every 80 years, there's some type of spiritual awakening.
Then the third one is the unraveling.
Things start to fall apart in society.
Well, what did we just go through for decades?
Starting with the Reagan years, the culture wars.
Pro-life, pro-abortion, pro-pornography, anti-pornography, pro-homosexuality, anti-homosexuality.
Everything fell apart.
The society broke up.
And when the society breaks up, it leads you to the next stage, the crisis.
The fourth turning, the crisis.
And the crisis wipes out all this dysfunction.
And then the society has to coalesce in the first turning to rebuild.
Does this make sense to you now?
Do you know where you're at in time?
Find out where you were born, what cycle you were born.
You can figure out where you're headed, where your generation is headed. You don't have to follow the herd that you're headed where your generation is headed you don't have to follow
the herd that you're in just understand the behavior of your herd and don't don't do what
they do if it's not profitable but know that the kind of herd that you're in i mean if you're born
into a herd of charlotte cattle you're you're stuck well but you don't have to act like one
you just recognize that's what i am okay you can you can change your direction but you don't have
to follow the herd correct okay so there's a herd mentality in the world right now in this country
you don't have to be in the herd just understand that there's a herd and it's going a particular direction.
And for me, this helps me become more at peace with because I would constantly get frustrated.
Why don't people see that we're going to war?
No one's talking about peace.
It's war, war, war all the time.
And now it's like, I understand it now.
This is it.
This is the turning, the fourth turning.
They're not going to see it.
Yeah, you're right.
They didn't see World War II coming.
They didn't see the Civil War coming.
They didn't see the Revolutionary War coming.
The general public.
They didn't see it.
The general public.
Catches them by surprise.
That's just the way it is.
Now, i want to
move on uh i watched this video last night folks i've not had any time to do any research on it i
tried last night i could not find the documents myself i wanted to verify it you know by saying
hey i went to the department of defense website and i actually saw the documents. I personally couldn't find them, but I ran out of time and just got tired and went to bed.
I do have to sleep sometime.
And I just gave up on trying to find it. But in the video, you'll see
that the presenter who is with Ron Paul is
presenting the documents. So I'm going to give him
the benefit of the doubt
that these are legitimate.
What they are claiming is that the Department of Defense
recently revised, updated a Pentagon directive
that now allows the U.S. military to use lethal force
on American citizens on American soil.
Let's watch, and we'll stay on the story and see what else we find.
But we want to start off with a headline from Zero Edge.
It's a pretty hot headline.
U.S. military now is authorized to kill Americans on U.S. soil.
That can't be possible.
This would open up the door for the careless use and more frequent and legal.
It'll be legal now.
So nobody will have to worry about that.
Send in the troops.
We need you to shoot a couple of these people.
They're opposing our policies.
They're demonstrating against COVID rules or something they'll come up with.
So I think it's very, very dangerous. So here it is.
Now, Zero Hedge picked it up from Armageddon Pros, which is a which is a substack which they often run.
It says U.S. military now authorized to kill Americans on U.S. soil? Just ahead, intriguingly, of November elections, and that was my second thought,
the military has granted itself permission to unleash lethal force on the civilian population.
Again, I thought this has got to be an exaggeration.
So I went and looked, and actually go to the next one because this explains what it is.
Now, it's not a law.
It's a DOD directive.
So this is, know the whole the
administrative state where they take over they don't pass laws they are laws unto themselves
go to the next one if you can because this is what they're talking about and i went and i read this
secondly and it talks about a reissued dod directive that was reissued just on september
27th, 2024.
It governs the Department of Defense intelligence activities and now includes provisions authorizing lethal force
in certain circumstances.
And it supplants the 2016 version,
which did not mention that.
So I read all of this too,
which is someone else's analysis.
I said, okay, this sounds even more troubling.
I want to go look at the document itself and so go to the next one i actually went and looked at the dod directive
it's dod directive 52 40.01 now go to the next one i'm just going to get to this really quick so i
can just show people this is on their own website now this is section three of that directive
assistance to law enforcement agencies and other civil authorities.
Now go to the next one.
Now this is levels of authority.
This is Section 3.3.
Defense intelligence components may provide personnel to assist a federal department or agency,
including a federal law enforcement agency or a state or local law enforcement agency,
when lives are in danger in response to such a request for such assistance in accordance with the following approval authorities.
Now, here are the authorities. I'm sorry to get so far into the woods here, but go to the next one.
Responding with assets with potential for lethality.
And I underline this, I highlighted it,
or any situation where it is reasonably foreseeable
that providing the requested assistance
may involve the use of force
that is likely to result in lethal force,
including death or serious bodily injury.
I'm sorry to bog the discussion down with that, Dr. Ball,
but I really wanted to hone in on this is their actual document.
It's not just someone's analysis.
Well, Doc, I think you just said you found the document.
Well, I remember our team did here.
And that is the actual documents, DOD Directive 5241.01.
And everything that on the Ron Paul report that you just saw is right there in that document.
See, I found the one that was dated 2016.
I couldn't find the 2024. Right this was just uh end of september so this is just a few weeks ago
and so uh this is you know so ron paul and his team are on top of this and uh as you get deeper
into it and everything you see the passages in the document that call for lethal force. All right, so let's go back to the fourth turning.
The Pentagon is preparing for the fourth turning.
Right, in this case, Civil War.
Do you get it? Do you understand?
They're just doing what the cycles are telling them to do right there's probably
going to be a civil war here civil war if donald trump wins a civil war of kamala harris wins
but it's coming it's coming there's a breakup of the society. And there will be a crisis.
And the civil war may, I mean, I said earlier, there could first be a financial crisis in the country.
Followed by mass civil unrest.
Which is then followed up by World War.
And those financial crises aren't necessarily next door to the big event.
They could be 10, 15 years out.
That still has an impact later on.
Yes, but I'm saying that in a short period of time, between now and the early 2030s right you could have a yes a one two three yes a financial crisis then civil unrest and then um china is looking at this saying we'll never get a better chance
to take them down but most financial crises are the result of corrections from the previous
financial crisis and so if our current cycle here started in 2008 with the financial crisis,
we can expect another one later on as well.
And so, ladies and gentlemen, I encourage you.
Be like sons of Issachar.
Know the times.
Know the times.
And what Israel should do.
Those are the two things that the sons of Issachar knew.
They discerned the times. Yes. And then they knew what Israel should do. Yes. Those are the two things that the sons of Issachar knew. They discerned the times.
And then they knew what Israel should do.
Israel meaning the people of God.
Not the political state.
No, the people of God.
Israel is in the Bible the people of God.
And so the sons of Issachar discerned the times.
That's basically all they got in the Bible.
They got mentioned. That's mentioned. Not even their names.
That's the sons of Issachar. Just their dad's name, not their name.
The boys were smart. They discerned
the times and they discerned what God's people
should do at that time. This is what I am seeking
in this ministry is that we discern the times
and that we offer to the people of God sound biblical advice about what you should do.
And what I'm telling you is I came back from a week of intense prayer. I'm telling you that with all of my heart, all of my being, I believe
the Lord told me personally, Rick, you've got six
years to finish the work I gave you years ago.
This much time has gone by. 2007 to
It went by so fast.
It was in 2010 that he told me to have it finished.
But he gave me the work in 2007.
It was in 2010.
I was in Bermuda attending a business meeting. And it was in 2010, the Holy Spirit said,
finish this work by 2030.
And I've been feverishly working,
but I don't know how productive I've been,
how much I've gotten done, because so many disruptions and battles
that come your way and opponents and diversions.
And so what happened in Myrtle Beach is he's saying,
Rick, you're down to six years.
You better jettison everything and everybody that's getting in your way.
You better put the pedal to the metal and do a beeline to 2030.
Folks, you don't want to get in my way right now.
I'm just telling you, don't get in my way.
I'm not going to have, I won't be mean,
but I'm not going to have any patience
for people getting in my way.
I've got six years to get things done.
That's not only for this ministry,
that's for my own life.
Because after 2030,
what I believe the Lord was saying to me is you're you're in really shaky ground
at that point you know 2030 ends in december of 2030. right a war could start in january of 2031.
you could be at christmas time in, well, yeah, it's 2030.
We made it.
We made it.
And two weeks later, there could be war.
I just know, he said, get it done by 2030.
I'm asking for people to be partners in this ministry.
Let's do things together. And the Lord will work in your life as he's working in my life in this ministry.
He'll work in your life and we'll work together.
Not always on the same project, but the Spirit of the Lord will guide us.
He'll guide us if we're each individually
seeking Him to do our own part of His plan.
You know, the things I can tell you to do right now,
financially, gold gold gold and silver
all right i i really believe there's going to be a major financial crisis you know i i thought about
the other day i don't know who the man was don't remember his name i just remember that we talked
about it for a moment a couple months ago some some gentleman had a dream.
This was on the Internet, on social media.
He had a very powerful dream about President Trump was in the White House.
He had won the election.
And immediately into the first term, there was a major financial crisis.
And he was surrounded by preachers who were praying for him and President Trump was weeping
at his desk because of the state of the country.
That could easily happen.
How could it happen right now?
Netanyahu could plunge the Middle East into war,
drag the United States into war, and Iran could bomb American military bases throughout the Middle East, shut down the Strait of Hormuz, bomb the oil refineries and the ports along the Red Sea,
the Strait of Hormuz,
all the places where the oil is
flowing to the rest of the world.
Iran could just go
bonkers and just take it out
and say to the world,
okay, you attacked us, this is what you get.
What happens now?
Oil goes to $300, $400 a barrel.
The economy shuts down.
The next president is taking office.
It doesn't matter if it's Kamala Harris or Donald Trump.
The next president is walking into the White House with a crisis.
That's how fast this can happen. My recommendation to you is have at least a portion of your
assets in precious metals. And so we're
recommending the company GoldCo. And we've
met with them, very impressed. They came to us
and we were persuaded that this is a company
that we should recommend.
They've given us the website True News for Gold,
And the phone number is 844-960-GOLD.
There's a QR code on the screen.
You can take a pic of that with your phone, and that will take you directly to
True News 4, the number 4.
True News, numeral 4.
Phone number 844-960-GOLD.
Contact them.
Ask for their 2025 gold and
silver kit. It's free. They'll send it
to you and talk to them
about how they can help you build a
portfolio in gold and silver.
Things are going to get very dicey, folks.
It's going to get very dicey. We are in
a fourth turning. I can tell you this with confidence.
Is it
100% certain it's going to
No. There can be an anomaly.
It's happened every 600,
I mean, it's happened every 80 years
for the past 600 years.
There could be an anomaly.
Something happened to the cycle.
And it'll take social scientists decades, a century, to figure out, well, what went wrong back there in 20 or 2030?
But the odds are, the overwhelming odds are, it's going to happen.
I'm not going to take the chance to say, well, I'm just going to have a positive attitude and say, we're going to pray it away and it's not going to happen.
No, I'm looking at cycles and saying, we're on track.
We are rolling down the track on the crazy train and generations have done it every 80 years you know why
because people just keep doing the same dumb things yes there's nothing there's nothing else
to say they just humans just keep doing the same dumb things right there's a scripture i can't
recall the exact reference but there was a generation that knew not the works of Moses.
They forget.
We forget history.
Well, you know, of course, the famous Mark Twain quote, you know,
history may not rhyme, but, you know, it may not repeat itself,
but it certainly does rhyme.
That's right.
That's right.
So he noticed it too.
So it knows the same thing.
It's a biblical concept. And you can go
back thousands of years into Arabic
culture, into ancient Rome, and
there were people who knew about cycles.
Solomon knew about cycles.
To everything, there is
a season. A season. Turn.
And it turns. And it turns.
There's a turning. A time
for war, a time for peace.
A time to speak, a time to be silent.
Donald Trump was on Glenn Beck's radio show, and he said that there's a small group of people running the White House.
Let's watch and listen to Donald Trump talking to Glenn Beck.
Who's actually the president, Mr. President?
Well, I think it's a committee of people, and they might not even know who the committee is.
They may not even know themselves. Does that make sense? It's a group of people
that are in different levels of D.C., and they surround a man that was not the most capable person, by the way, never was,
but certainly not anymore.
She's worse than he is.
She's worse than he is.
And the difference is she was a believer, you know, she was a believer for a long time.
She was a Marxist for a long time.
She's further left than Bernie.
You've heard that many times.
You can talk about it, but she's further left than Pocahontas.
Pocahontas is probably further left than Bernie, I think. I don't know
how you rate him. I'd have to go by your scale. I believe in your scale
maybe more than mine. But if you think about it,
we have some people. And she is considered the most left
in the entire Senate and not the smartest.
If that's the case, Rick, that means that the current federal government is deeply embedded with the deep state.
And if Donald Trump holds the government, he has to go to war with the deep state.
Yes, there's going to go to war with the deep state. Yes. There's going to be a civil war.
They're not going – if he wins, they're not going to allow him to govern.
These folks that are embedded in the government, you call them deep state, you call them the blob, you call them whatever.
They don't care about the Constitution.
They don't care about rule of law.
They don't even care who's at the top of the ticket.
They just need to know that they're in control.
And they're in control no matter who's at the top of the ticket.
That's right.
You said something to me privately the other day.
You said the left is making Donald Trump become a dictator.
They are.
They're forcing him to go so far to the right.
To get anything done.
Right. And that's exactly where we're going here with this.
And so when he goes into the White House, if he wins in three weeks and he goes into the White House in January, well, they're going to start the attack the day after the election.
It'll be what they did the previous four years it'll be that on steroids
all right they've already got their battle plans they've already got their scenarios of what they're
going to do they've got their impeachment articles they're going to impeach him before he's even
sworn in you know right uh the attack will begin right away mr trump look and hear me out i i know many of you are are are supporters of mr trump
so what i'm saying is not is not meant to be critical i'm not saying this to be critical he
this time he goes in the white house his attitude is going to be, over my dead body, are you people going to stop me?
Talking about his enemies.
And they've actually tried to say, well, you want to have a dead body?
We'll do that for you.
They've tried twice.
I don't believe the third one that they're claiming.
But I believe his attitude is going to be, I will not allow you to stop me this time. And he's going to start rounding up the violent criminal illegals that are in the country by the millions of them.
There are millions.
He's going to start rounding them up.
He's going to mobilize law enforcement at federal, state, and local level. in to communities and physically apprehend violent gang members that have crossed the border,
thieves, murderers. They're going to round them up.
There will be shootouts in cities, gunfights in cities between law enforcement and gangs.
That's coming. The left is going to say donald trump is a dictator he's
hitler the other half of the country is going to say he's got to do it somebody's got to do it
we have to clean up the mess we're just going to look the other way we don't want to see the blood
we don't want to hear the gunshots but it just has to be done somebody's got to get in there and
get these criminals out of this country and ship them back where they came from.
I mean, you know, this has happened in American history before.
I mean, it's happened at least twice.
You could go back to FDR.
He rounded up the Japanese.
Put them in internment camp on U.S. soil.
And Donald Trump actually brought this up the other day and said he was going to use the same laws.
He also said he was going to use the 1798 Sedition Act.
That's right.
Which gives the government the authority to arrest people who say bad things about the government.
Where am I going with it?
I'm trying to show you as the left and the deep state attack President Trump in his second term.
And as he tries to implement his plan to round up the violent criminals that came into this country illegally.
And let's say maybe 100,000 fighting age Chinese men.
In their 20s and 30s that came over the border,
there could be 100,000 here.
We might be shocked to find out
there's three or 400,000 for all we know.
I mean, one time earlier this year,
we were told one of the media outlets
said 10,000 a month of Chinese men coming across the border.
And we're doing nothing about them.
Well, in a year, that's 120,000.
You've got an army.
Yeah, that's a division.
So if Donald Trump as commander in chief says, we have Chinese troops in this country.
We've got hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops in this country already.
And I'm going to find every single one of them.
I am going to declare a national emergency.
I'm calling out the U.S. Army.
And we're going to go after them.
And now you're going to have army fights inside the country.
You're going to have American soldiers in cities shooting these Chinese illegals that came into the country.
You're going to have tremendous social unrest in this country.
And I believe what will happen if this continues down this path,
I believe Mr. Trump will be compelled to implement all of the emergency presidential directives,
all the emergency powers that various presidential directives since,
go back to the days of probably Harry Truman, Eisenhower, Nixon, Kennedy, Johnson.
All these presidents have signed directives giving the president superpowers during an emergency right confiscate
food nationalize factories close highways seize property i i believe mr trump will activate these
things because the country will be falling apart in a fourth turning yes a mega crisis and the his opponents will be saying he's hitler he's
he's a dictator but they're making him become a dictator by the opposition so where does that
leave you and me we're going to be stuck in the middle of this stuff right okay and it's going
to be so polarized it's going to be are you with trump are you against him are you for the army shooting people in the streets are you against it
are you for the chinese invasion or against the chinese precisely
it's going to be extremely polarizing and and what is a civil war brother against brother
right that's when one neighbor shoots his other neighbor and says, you know, I can't live with you.
That's what happens in a civil war.
Brother against brother.
But this next civil war in the U.S. may not be defined by geographical lines.
No, it's not going to be geographical.
It's ideological lines in communities.
All over the country.
It's not north versus south. It's left versus communities. Yes. All over the country. It's not north versus south.
It's left versus right.
And you're going to have each group in each community.
And so the fighting is,
there's going to be an Antietam in every state.
Hadn't thought about that, but yes.
Get ready, folks.
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So I want to get back to World War III.
CNN reporting.
U.S. officials expect Israel's counterattack on Iran will come before the U.S. election day.
I asked you this question yesterday.
So is Netanyahu interfering in the U.S. election?
Is this election interference?
Is this a foreign power interfering in the election?
I would think it would be.
American officials were reporting from CNN.
American officials expect Israel will retaliate against Iran for its attack earlier this month before November 5th.
Sources tell CNN a timeline that would thrust the growing volatility in the Middle East squarely into public view within days of the American presidential election.
The timeline and the parameters of Israel's retaliation against Iran have been subject to intense debate inside Israel's government
and are not directly related to the timing of the U.S. election, sources said.
As the election nears, the administration has begun applying new pressure on Israel to improve humanitarian conditions inside Gaza.
In a stern letter revealed this week, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned Israel a failure to deliver more aid to the enclave could trigger a cutoff of military assistance. But in a sign of the fraught political dynamics,
look at this, Doc. The letter was not signed.
It wasn't signed by Joe Biden,
nor Vice President Kamala Harris, neither of whom has
publicly threatened to cut off the aid to Israel.
Joe Biden hasn't said he's going to cut off the aid to Israel. Joe Biden hasn't said he's going to cut off the aid.
It's just a headline.
And Netanyahu didn't say he promised not to attack oil and nuclear facilities.
It's just a headline.
It's in a stern letter, an unsigned stern letter.
An unsigned stern letter.
And it says the warning came the same week that advanced U.S. air defense systems arrived in Israel to help defend the country against Iranian attacks.
So somewhere down in the crates, in a crate with a THAAD missile system.
Hey, here's a note.
There's a stern letter in here.
It's unsigned.
Wow, we better.
This is making us scared, isn't it?
This is the last you're getting of missiles.
If you don't feed those Palestinian babies, we're going to cut off the missiles that are killing them.
All right.
So let's say that Iran attacks.
Excuse me.
Let's say that Israel attacks Iran in the next two weeks.
And Iran
retaliates immediately.
Iran says, we don't care about the American elections. Who cares?
And they retaliate immediately. They don't wait weeks. What if Iran attacks during the attack?
What if missiles are passing each other?
I mean, there's no guarantee.
Iran doesn't say
the moment the first missile hits us,
we're going to open up everything we've got
on you guys. And it won't just be Iran.
It'll be the
Houthis, the hezbollah whatever they
have left yes iran is not going to touch american military bases or arab oil unless
the united states gets in the war and takes out iranian facilities yes october 30th you know october 25th october 30th
november 1st second days before the election could we have an all-out war in the middle east
and iran has you know and and joe biden is or whoever the committee that's telling him what to do.
Look, if Iran is attacking Israel, Mr. Trump is going to be
demanding that Joe Biden attack Iran. Yes. The Republicans
are going to demand that he attack Iran. Lindsey Graham will
hyperventilate on Fox News. Sean Hannity will have to get smelling
salts out for Lindsey Graham. Lindseyventilate on Fox News. Sean Hannity will have to get smelling salts out for Lindsey Graham.
Lindsey will be laying there on the floor yelling, bomb him, bomb him, bomb him.
I mean, he'll just lose it.
You're going to have the Republican frenzy.
We have to attack now.
You'll have the evangelical leaders.
Oh, the preachers.
Franklin Graham.
We have to defend Israel.
We have to do it now. Israel's have to defend we have to do it now
israel's under attack we have to do it now so you could have within days before the election
and i say the election it's the last day to vote the election's already started people are already
voting but in the last week of the election you could have the pressure to attack iran and when the
u.s attacks iran iran says okay we told you not to do it now we hit the american military bases
yes all throughout the middle east we hit the oil refineries of saudi arabia and uae and cutter
we take out all the oil.
We close the Strait of Hormuz.
We mine it.
We shut it down.
There's nothing flowing
and there's nothing even being pumped out
to flow.
There's nothing to be shipped
because we're going to blow up
the oil refineries.
We're going to blow up the ships
that would carry the oil.
And now that's the condition's the the condition the country
is in three weeks from now now now do you get it folks now here's the key you won the election
kamala harris here's the key mr trump you won the election go ahead and enter the white house
best wishes and the new president is coming into the White House with a colossal financial crisis that he or she had no part in other than whipping up the fury.
And if Kamala Harris doesn't call for bombing Iran, she'll be called a weakling.
See, you can't put that woman in there.
She's weak.
We told you.
We got to have a man like Trump to bomb another country.
Because why? Everybody has a war fever fever it's the fourth turning yes there's war fever in the fourth turning you've got to
have a war gotta have war gotta have war why we don't know just something in here yes that's right
it's just something we're all crazy at the same time yeah the whole generation's crazy at the
same time gotta have a war and who does who calls for the war? The baby boomers. Oh yeah,
we're on the way out. We're just going to give you a mega war before we fade into the
sunset. Right. The baby boomers are going to
ride off into sunset and look back at all the rubble. Hey, the best we could do.
Sorry, Gen Xers, you'll have to clean up the mess.
Thanks. Yeah. And make sure you'll have to clean up the mess. Thanks. Yeah.
And make sure you send a social security check to us.
Folks, this is the way it works.
This is the history of generations.
Times of Israel.
Iran says it will respond decisively if Israel attacks and asks the UN to intervene.
What is the UN going to do?
Pass a stern resolution?
And not sign it?
Go ahead, Doc.
I'll let you read this.
So Iran's foreign minister, Abbas Aghraji, warned UN chief Antonio Guterres that Tehran
is ready for a decisive and, he uses this word, regretful response if Israel attacks his country.
Defense Minister Yoav Galant said last week that Israel will soon respond to the missile attack,
vowing it will be precise and deadly.
Iran's Atomic Energy Agency spokesperson, Baruz Kamalvandi, said on Wednesday
that the probability of an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear sites was low, but any potential damage would be quickly compensated, according to Neuronews.
Iran, while making all-out efforts to protect the peace and security of the region, is fully prepared for a decisive and, there's that word, regretful response to any adventures by Israel.
That's coming from Iran's foreign minister during a phone call with the U with the UN Secretary General, according to a statement from his office on Wednesday. So during the call
on Tuesday evening, Ergachi also appealed to the United Nations to use its resources to stop the
crimes and aggressions of the Israeli regime and send humanitarian aid to Lebanon and Gaza. And
as Rick mentioned, what's the UN going to do?
Israel's at war with the UN right now, I mean, for all intents and purposes.
A UN force isn't going to stop Iran.
I mean, Israel. Israel ordered the UN to get out of Lebanon.
Israel's issuing the orders to the United Nations.
Those blue helmets make pretty clear targets.
Israel is shooting un
peacekeepers peacekeepers in the way of war the peacekeepers were sent there years ago to stop
war between lebanon and israel right and now israel saying all right either leave or we shoot you
and so so far they've been shooting right And the UN doesn't do anything about it.
This next article is very, to me, fascinating.
Because Emmanuel Macron of France reminded Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday that his country was created by the United Nations.
Oh, that hit a sore spot boy with bb the baby killer
he he went off on that one uh but macron's right and uh this is uh this is france 24 and we've got
a um this is uh israeli prime minister netanyahu should not forget his country was created as a
result of a resolution adopted by the United Nations.
French President Emmanuel Macron told the cabinet on Tuesday, urging Israel to abide
by UN decisions.
We've got a video clip put out by AFP, the French press agency, and this is from France
Let's watch. A lot has changed since Emmanuel Macron's meeting
with Benjamin Netanyahu last year. Tensions had been brewing for the past few weeks,
but on Tuesday, their relationship turned particularly sour after the French president
told his cabinet that the Israeli leader shouldn't forget his country was created
through a UN decision and that now was not the time to disregard UN decisions.
He's referring to the resolution adopted in 1947
on the plan to partition Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state.
Netanyahu was quick to hit back,
saying it wasn't a UN decision that established the state of Israel,
but the victory that was achieved in Israel's war of independence, also making a jab at France's anti-Semitic past.
Relations have been tense since Macron called for a halt to arms deliveries to Israel, saying
it was the only way to put an end to the wars in Gaza and Lebanon, prompting this response.
All civilized countries should be standing firmly by Israel's side. Yet President Macron and some other
Western leaders are now calling for an arms embargo against Israel. Shame on them. But what
prompted Macron's latest critique is the situation in Lebanon, more specifically Israeli fire against
UN peacekeepers who are stationed in the south. The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon,
or UNIFIL, counts 10,000 soldiers, including 700 from France.
It is totally unacceptable for UNIFIL troops to be deliberately targeted by Israeli-armed forces.
We condemn it. We do not and will not tolerate it happening again.
Forty countries have condemned the IDF's actions and Paris has summoned the Israeli ambassador
to France as a result. The UN says five peacekeepers have been wounded, but also that UN premises
had been struck on at least 20 occasions since Israel launched its ground invasion of Lebanon.
So there it is. Of the thousands of 10,000 or so UN peacekeepers in Lebanon, 700 are French soldiers. And Israel's
shooting at them. And now Emmanuel Macron is
upset, obviously. Now,
there's a common denominator in this story.
The common denominator is the Rothschild family.
Because the Rothschild family okay because the rothschild family was behind
the creation of the state of israel yes that is historical fact the the the rothschild family
brags of it yes they're very proud we created israel it's not a conspiracy theory it's a
historical fact yes so what's the common denominator of the Rothschilds with Emmanuel Macron?
He worked for the Rothschild Bank.
For years.
So this is what I have to ask.
Is Mr. Macron's criticism of Israel and Bibi Netanyahu, is it coming from the Rothschild family?
Are the Rothschilds getting fed up with Bibi Netanyahu?
I'm not saying that they're working against Zionism because they financed it.
But is it a flavor of Zionism that they don't want?
Are they embarrassed?
Are they saying, we can't even go to parties anymore without people talking
to us about burning babies okay people being burned in hospital tents and they're hooked up
to the IV like what happened Sunday night is that what's happening at the cocktail parties the
Rothschilds are are like we're just tired of explaining this so is the Rothschilds are like, we're just tired of explaining this. So is the Rothschild family sending the message down through Macron, speak up, remind Netanyahu, wink, wink.
It was the UN that authorized it, but it was the Rothschilds that authorized the UN.
Did they send a message to Netanyahu? We might just rescind the authorization
for your country. Can we see this happening?
The United Nations rescinds the 1947
resolution that established Israel. Could that happen?
What do you think? it's really far out there's something going on there that and you have to explain you know this division of uh you know
within global zionism here there's got to be an explanation there well look at this next one uh
i-24 news macron is a disgrace to france says gallant and because france banned
israeli defense contractors from a french defense expo right i mean there's all kinds of stuff that's
going on right now um i want to drop down the uh the the image of the young man uh that was um uh
burned to death sunday night uh do we know which one that is uh it's just a still image it's a
tweet i think um i wanted to show it because it gives his name it identifies him he's a 19 year old young man there he is right no no no no that's
that's no that's jackson um no i don't i don't know if i have it here so it identified him as
a 19 year old palestinian young man he survived a an attack a week ago doc where he was someplace
where the israelis bombed the building he was someplace where the Israelis bombed the building he was in. He survived, but he was injured.
And he was in the hospital. And
then the Israelis bombed the hospital he was in. He was in a tent
hooked up to an IV. He's the one that you see his arms
lifted up. He's in a hospital bed
in a tent connected to an IV and he's on fire.
I'm going to tell you, Doc, that image is going to go down in history with the photo of the Vietnamese girl, My Lai.
The one that was burned by napalm. Right. That photo of that young man is going to go down in history with that photo.
The Jews will never be able to live it down.
That will be seen over and over for decades.
People will say, you're the people that burned people alive in hospital tents connected to IVs.
There is a, you put up a Jackson Hinkle, Lee, let's put this up.
This is Jackson Hinkle.
I don't know the man.
I know who he is.
He is an extremely vocal critic of Israel.
I mean, an extreme critic of israel but i saw this tweet last night from an an israel connected you know account on on twitter on x and it just had one word eliminated right what does that mean
jackson hinkle to my knowledge hasn't died but did someone just tell him, you're going to die?
Your pager's going to blow up.
Your phone's going to blow up.
Folks, we're in a really dangerous time.
Extremely dangerous.
Ecclesiastes says there's a time to speak and a time to be silent.
Time for war, time for peace
there's cycles
alright we gotta go, Morning Man is coming up
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So we invite you to
We're in the 24th chapter of the Gospel according to St. Matthew.
And today, well, we started yesterday at verse 36.
And so I'm going to have Doc once again read verses 36
to 44 but we will pick up where we left off yesterday so let's pray and invite
our wonderful guide and comforter and teacher the Holy Spirit to take charge
father we come to you in the name of Jesus, and we are full of praise and
thanksgiving. We are grateful to be alive and to be saved. Father, we're here. We've gathered to
be fed by your Holy Spirit, and so we formally and sincerely invite the Holy Spirit to take
his seat at the head of the table and direct this Bible study and teach all of us the wonders of your word.
In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
And as Rick mentioned, we are in Matthew chapter 24, continuing our study here.
And we're picking back up verse 36 through 44.
I'm reading from the King James this morning.
But of that day and hour knoweth no man,
no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
But as the days of Noah were,
so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.
For as in the days that were before the flood
they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage
until the day that Noah entered the ark,
and knew not until the flood came and took them all away.
So shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.
Verse 40,
Then shall two be in the field, the one shall be taken, the other left.
Two women shall be grinding at the mill,
one shall be taken, and the other left.
Watch therefore therefore for you
know not what hour your lord doth come but know this that if the good men of the house had known
in what watch the thief would come he would have watched and would have not had would not have
suffered his house to be broken up therefore be you also ready for in such an hour as you think not the Son of Man
cometh so Doug I'm gonna have you turn to Luke 17 okay regarding verses 36
through 39 I have several comments that I want to add to yesterday's lesson. When you read Jesus' message in the Gospel according to St. Luke,
additional warnings are added about the urgency of the situation.
For example, in Luke's account, Jesus also mentioned Lot's wife
not going back to your house to retrieve belongings, and the danger of seeking
to save your earthly life. So, Doc, if you could read Luke 17, verses 26 through 37.
Notice when you get to verses 31 through 34 that Luke has added additional words that Jesus spoke.
So I'm in Luke chapter 17 beginning at verse 26.
As it was in the days of Noah,
so shall it also be in the days of the Son of Man.
They did eat, they drank, they married wives,
they were given in marriage
until the day that Noah entered into the ark
and the flood came and destroyed them all.
Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot. They did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold,
they planted, they built. But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone
from heaven and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.
In that day,
he which shall be upon the housetop
and his stuff in the house,
let him not come down to take it away.
And he that is in the field,
let him likewise not return back.
Remember Lot's wife.
Whosoever shall seek to save his life
shall lose it,
and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve
it and i tell you in that night there shall be two men in one bed and the one shall be taken
and the other shall be left two women shall be grinding together the one shall be taken and the
other left two men shall be in the field the one shall be taken and the other left. All right, thank you.
So the mention of Lot and his wife being separated underscores the need for each individual to to prioritize his or her own spiritual journey without being hindered by earthly emotional ties.
And these warnings are urging us as believers
to focus on the heavenly calling,
to persevere in faith without looking back
to the comforts of the world.
So the things that Luke added, calling to persevere in faith without looking back to the comforts of the world.
So the things that Luke added, Jesus said these words, but Luke added it to his account,
was in that day there shall be people in the housetop, and his stuff in the house, let him not come down to take it away.
He that's in the field, don't go back.
Don't return back.
Remember Lot's wife.
And whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it.
But whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.
Now we get to verses 40 through 42 in Matthew 24.
Then there shall be two in the field.
The one shall be taken and the other left.
Two women shall be grinding at the mill.
The one shall be taken and the other left. Watch therefore, for ye know not what hour your
Lord does come. So these verses describe a scenario where two individuals, regardless of gender,
are affected by calamities. And the inference is that the calamity will be so widespread and severe
that no two people regardless of their circumstances will both be able to escape the imagery of two men working in the field and two women grinding at the mill
i knew this is a this is over 2 000 years ago these are scenes of everyday life
today we you know what we still could say two men working in the field as farmers, two women working in a school, working in a hospital, onset of a global disaster.
And it also illustrates the coexistence of the righteous and the wicked,
the wheat and the tares, until the very end of time.
This is another example
the wicked and the righteous
shall live side by side
until the
very end.
There will be
no awareness of the impending
And normal human pursuits will continue
uninterrupted until the moment of judgment arrives yes so the phrase one
shall be taken and the other left. Obviously, this implies a selective process where some are taken
and others are left behind, spared, depending on your interpretation.
Now, the Christian Zionists cite these verses as proof of the secret rapture.
In fact, the verses were the foundation of Tim LaHaye's book and film series, Left Behind.
So the premise of the secret rapture argument is that you don't want to be left behind after the secret rapture.
The Greek word paro ambano is translated into English as taken. It means to take from, receive from, take to, take with me and then the greek word afi ami is translated into english as left
it means to leave alone permit let go send away release permit to depart remit forgive so the verse depicts the scene where two individuals are present and a calamity occurs suddenly catching both people off guard
one person is taken with the present tense implying a certainty of the action.
The other is left, suggesting they're left behind or spared from being taken.
So there's ambiguity regarding the fate of the one who is taken and the one who is left behind. Is this person being taken into fellowship with Christ
or being taken away in judgment?
And I have to be honest with you.
Doc, for me, it's...
It's too vague for me to make a hard definitive statement.
Who is taken and who is left behind?
I know the raptured people go, Rick, it's so obvious.
But it isn't obvious.
Okay? it's so obvious but it isn't obvious okay um
one of the the individual who's taken could either be rescued from danger
similar to how lot was rescued from sodom or that person could be taken away to his or her death.
Now what adds some questions to the interpretation is that the Greek word for taken is also used in other passages
to denote being received into fellowship.
Yes. passages to denote being received into fellowship yes now but on the other side
there's a parable in mat that the person who is taken is
the wicked and the one left behind is the righteous.
So Matthew 13,
verses 24 through 30.
Alright, and picking up in verse 24 of Matthew chapter 13,
another parable put he forth unto
them, saying, The kingdom of
heaven is likened unto a man which sowed
good seed in his field.
While men slept, his enemy
came and sowed tares among the weed and went
his way. When the blade was sprung
up and brought forth fruit, then appeared
the tares also. So the
servants of the householder came and said
unto him, Sir, didst not
thou sow good seed in thy
field? From whence then
hath it tares?
He said unto them, An enemy hath
done this. The servants said unto him, An enemy hath done this. The servant
said unto him, Wilt thou then that we
go and gather them up?
They said, Nay, lest while you gather
up the tares, you root up also the wheat
with them. Let them both
grow together
until the harvest.
And in the time of the harvest, I will say to the
reapers, Gather ye together first
the tares, bind them in bundles to burn them,
but gather the wheat into my barn.
Okay, so in this parable, whom did the reapers gather first, the wheat or the tares?
The tares.
And the angels gathered the tares first and bundled them to be burned.
And the wheat was gathered afterwards and placed in the barn.
So, if you go by this parable, the wicked are gathered first,
and the righteous are left behind.
Do you have any comments, Doc?
I'm going to stand back and let you take a crack at it.
Well, the only thing I have that helps me out in my understanding of it is the context of 24 there.
He's talking about the return of the son of
man he's comparing it to the days of noah that there were some that were rescued as a result
of the flood but the vast majority of people were destroyed in the flood and then he goes right into
talking about two will be uh you know, working a field, one taken.
Then two will be grinding, one will be taken.
To me, the context leans toward that this, you know, the tares, if you will, the wicked are removed first.
And that goes along with other passages, too, that talks about the reaper angels uh and
gathering those the wicked first to be judged i lean toward that this is the wicked i'm and i
could be wrong too and so but uh just based on the context both here and over in luke i lean much
more toward the uh judgment on the wicked first.
I do too, Doc. That's my own view on it. I'm trying to be fair to others,
because some argue that the taken are the wicked, and they point to the parable of the weed and the tares
um but others say that the righteous are taken because um the angels gather them for protection
right and yeah if you go back to the commentators over the you and everything, they go back and forth on this. And so even the
most, you know, the most renowned Bible commentators disagree on which is which.
Okay. It's not a salvation issue by any stretch of the imagination. Both can be applied and we
can come to an understanding of the spiritual principle no matter which way you fall.
But there's the tendency of those who, if you've been brought up in a rapture mindset,
you're going to see the left behind story in there.
If you've been raised more reformed or traditional classical Christian theology,
you're going to see the judgment of the tares first.
So, you know, there's, and like I said,
good people can actually disagree on this one, right?
One thing's for sure, the rapture is not mentioned here.
That's for sure.
You can't read the rapture into this.
And so you can't imagine a rapture to
justify this passage.
No, you have to just read the passage as it is
and let the passage speak for
itself, both this one and the one in Luke.
Right. So
regardless of whether the
one who is taken
is the righteous or the wicked
there's still no secret rapture right you know doc i mean obviously you know that
one of my favorite uh pastors of the past was g campbell morgan and in his commentary on the book of Matthew,
chapter 24 is probably the shortest chapter in his book.
Pastor Campbell just apparently didn't want to touch it.
He kind of glossed over it.
And you got to think about it, at the time of his ministry,
you know, this was in the years
right after Cyrus Schofield. And so maybe G. Campbell Morgan was, maybe he was intimidated
by the popularity of Schofield. And I don't know, I'm just, of trying to figure out why he avoided talking about Matthew 24.
But Philip Morrow didn't avoid it.
Philip Morrow, who was formerly a dispensationalist, says about this passage that it's the wicked that are judged first.
That's right.
He abandons this whole concept of a secret rapture and everything, even though he'd been steeped in it prior to that. That's right he abandons this whole concept of a secret uh rapture and everything even though
he'd been steeped in it prior to that's right it's absolutely right so uh but what we're saying
here is that even the who is taken and left
the verse is teaching us the inevitability of a day of judgment
yes that's the key where individuals will be separated
i i mentioned in in final day this uh this great separation of souls.
There are various parables, teachings by Jesus that tell us that there's going to be a separation of souls.
The sheep from the goats, the good fish from the bad fish, the tares from the wheat.
When he comes back, souls are separated.
And the angels know the moment they arrive, who is in which group.
They're not confused.
They've been marked.
Every human will be marked before Christ returns see the marking is going
on now yes we receive a mark to that that's what a lot of people miss in the
scripture believers are marked yes go ahead Teach that. There's a mark from God that believers receive.
That's right.
And so this also talks about in the Old Testament, too.
And so this is something that's a theme.
But, Rick, have you ever in all your prophecy experience, you know, with various prophecy teachers,
have you ever heard of anyone, anyone ever talk about
the mark on the believers? No, always the mark of the beast. Yes, not the mark of the son of man.
So the angels are just going to be looking for marks. That's right. Oh, that goes here. Oh,
that one goes over here. He's marked. That's right. Don't touch that one. over here he's marked that's right don't touch that one he's marked uh you
see it in ezekiel uh where god told the angels hey don't don't touch those who are marked yes
this has to do with the the pollution of the temple and god wiped out all the jewish priests and everything and he told the angels hey don't don't touch the ones who are marked
So marking markings been going on for a long time yes
The other thing that we see here
We see the inevitability that there's a judgment day coming in the separation of souls another thing that we see is
the continuation of souls another thing that we see is the continuation
of normal daily activities people going to work doing their everyday activities
as though nothing is wrong and they will continue to live that way way until there is an unexpected interruption in mankind's affairs that's jesus bursting into our
dimension everything holds one hour a moment a moment me, every person on earth will know who it is and what it means.
So, there's going to be a significant and real separation of souls when Jesus Christ comes back. And that this judgment will come suddenly.
And will catch people off guard.
It will occur.
On a single day.
In a single hour.
In a single second.
Remember time stops to.
Time ceases to exist when
Christ returns how do I know that he turns off the Sun the moon and the stars
how do we measure time Sun Moon stars that's right so he just turns it off and
says hey you don't have any way to
measure time anymore i just i just eliminated time yes because he's the time maker he's the time
keeper and time will cease so people go wow rick how can all this stuff happen in a single day
because there's not going to be a day.
What are you talking about a day?
When Christ comes back, there are no more days.
That's right.
And there's not a thousand years.
It's just Jesus.
I mean, there's no other way to explain it. It's just Jesus. I mean, there's no other way to explain it.
It's just Jesus.
There's not a temple in Jerusalem.
There's not a Jewish government in Israel.
It's Jesus.
He's everything, the center of everything.
So these verses are underscoring the suddenness,
the inevitability of a calamity that is coming and emphasizing the need for saints to be prepared
and vigilant and alert and on guard all the time.
As we get to verse 42 watch therefore for
you don't know in what hour your Lord comes the core message that Jesus
conveys is the absolute need for vigilant watchfulness. Notice he refers to himself as your Lord.
He's affirming his divine authority and lordship over his disciples.
He doesn't say, watch therefore therefore for you don't know in what
hour I come back no he said for you don't know in what hour your Lord your
master your God your King yes will return
says you don't know the day you don't know the day, you don't know the hour. What does that mean for us?
It means we must be in a state of perpetual readiness.
It means that people will be doing their daily routines on the day he returns.
You may be driving to work.
You may be putting a load of clothes in the washer.
You may be mowing the grass you may be on the phone you may be you may be looking at videos on the internet
you're just going to be doing what you do
when he arrives everybody will be doing what they normally do
you better hope that what you're doing is righteous.
Can you imagine Christ...
Doc, I don't even want to answer this question.
What happens to a professing Christian
who goes to church, claims to be a Christian,
but is in the act of adultery or fornication or watching pornography in the very minute Christ returns?
I'll give
you the theological answer. You ready?
Okay. I don't know.
But I don't want to find out either.
Jesus said, be watchful.
What does that mean? Well, if a soldier's on
guard duty, the only
instruction that
he has to follow is watch. That's it. If someone approaches,
what's the password? You know, that's it. Those are the only two instructions that a soldier is
given when he's on watch duty or guard duty. If he's online or if he's goofing off or he's taking
a nap or anything like that what happens when the
enemy comes he destroys the guard that's the first one that gets killed the one that's sleeping or
the one that's distracted or you could be court-martialed right if you survive for the
dereliction of duty yes but is there forgiveness of a gross sin if you're in the act of that sin the very moment Christ returns?
I don't know.
Well, I'm asking this question because people need to get serious about life.
You don't know which day he's going to return
you better think about that when
when if you're involved in in sinful behavior
you might you might want to ask yourself the question what if
what if i don't want to know that answer I don't I don't
want to even go there it's like this it's best hey how about just live right
yes that that's at the heart of it right there yeah just live right for the Lord
you don't have to you don't have to worry about that question you're not
pushing the envelope you're not putting your toe up to the line to see how far you can go.
And the argument could also be made, too,
if you are involved in these activities when the Lord returns,
did you know the Lord in the first place?
Were you saved?
So Jesus warns us against being overburdened with worldly pursuits, the cares of this world,
things that can dull our mind, hinder our spiritual growth.
We live in an age of unparalleled digital communication.
Nothing like this has ever existed in the thousands of years of human history.
No generation has ever had so much
sensory communications coming towards their mind.
I mean,
the internet just started to become popular to the public back in,
I guess, what was it, Doc?
The early 90s and mid 90s?
I mean, before that, were remember we we were using
pagers yes we had flip flip phones you could it wasn't a computer it was just a
phone before cable television there was only three or four channels on TV.
Before TV, there was only radio.
Before radio, there was only books.
Now the world is flooded with communications.
And this can dull your mind.
It can distract you.
We're all vulnerable to it all of us we're
vulnerable to it you get a ping on your phone the first thing you do your eyes look at your phone
try not looking just try we've been trained like Pavlov's dog.
And we've got to guard our hearts and our minds so that we're not,
we don't become spiritually dull.
You know, when Jesus said,
watch therefore,
and he said it to his disciples,
watch therefore,
You, my men, be vigilant here here as if there could be a time where they weren't
digitally just diligent and sorry diligent uh you know so watch if he's saying that to his disciples
if he's saying that to the apostles watch how much more should we being 2 000 years removed from that instruction be watching
because we're closer to the lord's return now than the apostles ever were well doc he lived
with those guys for three and a half years he knew them they weren't always casting out devils and healing people.
They weren't always on the road going to the next mission.
You know, there's no doubt in my mind that the Lord knew
that his team needed time to just be themselves.
You know, that Peter needed to cast a line in the water.
He needed to drop a net.
He just needed to fish.
So he was aware.
He couldn't keep his team
totally on edge 24-7.
But he's saying to them,
don't make that your priority.
Have a balanced life.
There are times to relax.
There's times to turn your mind off of all the things you're doing and just relax.
But don't make that the priority of your life.
See, in our society, entertainment is the highest priority it frustrates me to know in
to be advised how i have to make short videos for tick tock
really do you think jesus would make short videos for TikTok?
Do you think he'd water down the gospel to a 30-second video?
He'd say, if you're not willing to listen to me, you're're gonna end up in hell see we're under this pressure
today to conform to the world if Paul were here today how would he reach the
world would he submit to the demands of social media I don't think so I think he
would he would preach and teach just like he did back then
he'd use the tools but he wouldn't he wouldn't let the culture control him how he presented
the gospel right it would be here's the gospel here's the, and you either receive it or you reject it. But in today's
world with social media, if it's more than two minutes long, people aren't watching it.
See, the masters of the world have rewired the brains of the people to prevent them from thinking,
to prevent them from being able to listen to something more than three to four minutes long.
They've rewired the brains of hundreds of millions of people
so that people are incapable of digesting content yes you think of the the political
orators in america in years past before the age of communications
presidential candidates would give speeches that would last two to three hours
right in the middle of nowhere yes crowds people people would pack lunches yes to go listen to a
presidential or a senatorial candidate talk about his vision for the country yeah a lot of people
don't know that the lincoln
and douglas debates they weren't in cities and stuff they were they were out in the woods
yes because that was the only place they could accommodate the crowds for long periods of time
william jennings bryan who ran for president three times as a democrat godly man god-fearing man loved jesus christ uh he he would
give speeches that would last two to three hours and crowds stayed they wanted to hear every word
he said now pastors are are reducing their sermons sound bites everything's becoming a sound bite you got to hook
them if they don't listen if you don't if they don't get their interest in the first five seconds
they're not going to listen to the next two minutes okay they don't listen they don't listen
and they don't hear the gospel and they end up in hell it's not my fault you
know a lot of folks that are watching and listening don't don't realize that
we we try to get expert advice from the best people in the world in order to
know how to manage the ministry how to communicate effectively and everything
but I can't tell you that how many times over the past
four or five years where we've had consultant after consultant after consultant come in and say
rick you've you've got to do these sound bites you've got to do these little chunks people
won't sit around and listen to you for an hour people People won't do it. And yet somehow every day people
stick, you know what, we have a very unusual Godcast, True News, and we confound other
broadcasters out there because we're able to maintain an audience for an hour which is unheard of in social media today most programs they expect to
even your favorite christian program your uh your favorite christian zionist program if they're if
they're able to maintain your attention for seven minutes. That's considered astronomical. We've had the consultants sit in the tables
in our office and tell us exactly that. They don't understand how it is that people stick
around for an hour for true news. It confounds them.
The current method in social media content is a long-form interview.
When I say long-form, one to two hours of an interview.
And then the host, his team, chops it up into very small pieces.
And what the public watches is not the two-hour interview, but the pieces.
You can cherry pickpick you can go
down the list and go okay I want to see this part but the host will record the
entire two-hour interview and very few people watch the entire program they
just look for the pieces that interest them rather or the segment that somebody texts to them.
That's the new way of producing content.
You know, I can't spend my entire day coming up with short little videos all day long.
And Jesus Christ wouldn't do it, and Paul wouldn't do it, and Peter wouldn't do it.
People, well, they wouldn't get the gospel.
Well, you know what?
People would go to hell.
It's just that simple.
It's just that simple.
Listen and receive the gospel or reject it and perish so the the theme of these verses is watchfulness that Christ will come unexpectedly suddenly when you least expect him to show up yes he's going to
appear um you know doc one thing with the the the rapture people you know because you know they have
the church being taken out now they they teach the secret rapture is instant
unexpected when nobody expects jesus christ he he comes in and he grabs the church okay
and then there's seven years of tribulation and
you know at the then there's 144 000 jews who go around and they preach something i don't know
what they're preaching because they don't say that they're preaching christianity um you know
i'm going with uh with their doctrine but they they say that during those seven years is the
time of tribulation and all these horrible things are happening well if you were one of the people
left behind and you saw all these things happening wouldn wouldn't that tell you, hey, I better get my act together?
See, it doesn't line up with what Jesus is teaching here.
I think he would think the opposite, Rick.
I think, hey, I've got seven years where I don't have to do anything.
Yes, and there would be people who would do that too.
So the message of these verses is for the whole human race. You don't know when I'm coming back.
That's right. And when I come back, you're going to be shocked. You're going to be stunned.
But I'm going to quickly grab the wicked and the righteous we're going to separate them
it's going to happen so fast go make your head spin you have no idea how fast it's going to be
that's the message here be ready because as I said earlier the angels know who is who they're not going to come with a list and go are you john
are you are you sally oh you got to go over here no they're looking for the marks every
human will have a mark the mark of god or the mark of the beast and they will know who belongs in which group. And it's going to happen
suddenly, unexpectedly,
Again, time ceases.
I've had people say, well, Rick, how long
is all this going to take?
doesn't matter.
There's no time.
What else are you going to be doing?
It's going to be distracting your time.
What is it that's got your attention other than Christ at that moment?
People just don't think very hard, do they, Rick?
No, you just got to think it through, all right?
You know, the whole world's going to on Jesus time that's right it's going to be Jesus time and he can take
all the time he wants or as little time as he wants. Because there's no time.
A day with the Lord is a thousand years.
A thousand years is less than a day.
There is no day.
There's no years.
There's nothing. Right.
When he comes back, time ceases to exist. The message of these scriptures that we're studying is watchfulness now,
while there is time.
In this period that we're living, there is time.
And this is the time to be watchful, to be alert, to be on guard, to take heed.
And we're going to read these uh additional scriptures uh in matthew 24
all right because tomorrow's lesson is a parable
you know verse 43 but know this that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come he would have watched
and would not have suffered his house to be broken up
we've always been taught you know by the rapture people
jesus is going to come as a thief in the night. No, the day of the Lord comes
as a thief in the night.
Yes, and Rick, what's the difference?
The judgment,
the overarching, encompassing,
global, universal, cosmic judgment of God
comes to the whole cosmos
it comes suddenly unexpectedly and if you if that day catches you as a thief in the night
you're not prepared right you don't want Jesus or the day of the Lord to be a
thief in the night to you there's a be ready therefore be ready yes a thief in
a night means you weren't prepared for someone to break down your door and do a home invasion.
You were called off guard.
See, people will be so drunk with sin that the thief will run in and overtake them
and they'll be too drunk to respond.
Drunk with sin.
Because the day of judgment has come upon them so quickly so unexpectedly
they have no ability to respond they're frozen they're shocked look if you had if you had six gang members kick open your door tonight at 3 a.m.,
I don't care how many guns you got in your bedroom,
you're probably not going to get to one of them fast enough.
Because they're going to be in your bedroom.
I'm talking about the gang.
They're going to be in your bedroom I'm talking about the gang they're going to be in your bedroom before you can rub your eyes and try to
try to figure out what's going on this is the message of this parable if you
get caught as if judgment catches you as a thief in the night. You're toast.
We're going to be studying that tomorrow.
I'm starting to do a new lesson.
This is one particular.
I like teaching all the parables. All right.
I love teaching parables.
So this will be our lesson tomorrow.
Verses 43 through 51.
So be back tomorrow and bring your Bible, and we will teach the Word of God tomorrow.
All right.
Well, we appreciate you being here with us on a Wednesday morning.
Boy, this week is going by so fast.
And we invite you to be with us on the Thursday edition of Morning Manna.
Come with your Bibles ready
read ahead in the passage
ask the Holy Spirit
to reveal
the word to you prior to
the Bible study
the Holy Spirit can speak to you
before us
and so I encourage you read ahead
in the scripture and get your heart ready
ask the Lord to show you what the word is saying and so I encourage you, read ahead in the scripture and get your heart ready.
Ask the Lord to show you what the word is saying,
and so with that, we're going to bid you a fond farewell for this morning.
God bless you. Thank you so much for joining us for this past hour here on Morning Manna.
We invite you to be with us on the Thursday edition live,
8 a.m. on the East Coast on
Come and join us.
You will surely be blessed.
On behalf of Rick, I'm Dr. Burkhart. God bless you. Thanks for watching Morning Manor.
You're listening to WWCR International Shortwave Radio. You can find True News on frequency 12.160 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern
and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern.
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