TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Russia Tests Radioactive Tsunami Torpedoes For War

Episode Date: April 7, 2021

Today on TRUNEWS, the team discusses news that Russia is developing several new technology weapons meant to cause massive destruction in response to NATO’s continued aggression on the Russian border... in Ukraine and Crimea. We expose the fake 60 Minutes hit on Gov Ron DeSantis of Florida, and then, have we seen a return of Mad Cow disease? Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (04/06/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit But what is the greatest reset? Well, we'll give you an example. This is from Axios today. Janet Yellen to call for global minimum tax rate. The Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, former Fed chairwoman, is calling for a global income tax on corporations.
Starting point is 00:00:37 These psychopaths are determined to get their global government. And whose Treasury Secretary is she? I thought she's the United States Treasury Secretary. No, she answers to the Rothschilds. Well, who's going to collect this tax? Who's going to impose this tax? Well, she wants it nation by nation.
Starting point is 00:00:56 The way they do all this stuff, the way they... Look, we're deep into global governments already. This has been going on for decades. They call it soft law. It comes down from the top. And every nation that signed on to the agenda is told, this is what you are to implement in your Congress, in your parliament. So what Yellen is saying is all the nations need to pass the same tax law.
Starting point is 00:01:30 It's soft law. Then it spreads out across the world. You know, the issues of competitiveness, you know, you have to deal with capitalism even. Everyone is going to sit to the same tax rate and it actually makes it easier now to set aside a percentage for carbon emissions taxing. That's exactly what they're doing. They're setting the framework for global taxation. So
Starting point is 00:01:50 they're making it difficult for a corporation to move its operation to a tax haven. Right. I was just going to ask that this would eliminate tax havens. But what they're saying is that sovereign countries do not have the right to set their tax rate. And they're going to punish small countries that lower their taxes to attract investment to build factories, to build manufacturing plants, offices, to spur economic growth inside their country.
Starting point is 00:02:26 What they're saying is that we're going to make it impossible for you to do that. You just won't trade with anybody at that point, right? Wow, that's just dirty. That's business. That's global business. It's a reset. They are attempting to reset the world to bring in the global government that they want. Look, they're competing factions for global governments.
Starting point is 00:02:53 The West, the United States, NATO, the Europeans, Australia, New Zealand, the Five Eyes, Great Britain. And then you have China. And Russia really isn't a major player for global government. It doesn't have the muscle to do it. But they know that if they stay there by themselves, they're going to get clobbered. We're pushing Russia to become a military alliance. We're pushing Russia to go into a military alliance with China for survival.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Yes, that's exactly what we're doing right now. It's insane what we're doing. But China wants global governance, but they want to be at the top of it. They want communism. They want communistic capitalism, and the West wants capitalistic communism. All right. So you've got two similar systems
Starting point is 00:03:51 that are fighting it out for domination, for control. And that's why we're back to talking about World War III. But hey, you mentioned that True News was banned over the weekend by Facebook. That's what you find.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Hey, well, do you think it was something I said? What could have provoked them? They didn't just, you know, restrict us for three days or something like that. They completely removed True News from Facebook. It's gone. We never existed. Yes. There's nothing for us even to log into. Now, do my eyes look red like I've been crying all day? Not at all. No. They were the free loafers. Basically, they were using our content. Yes. Using us to fill up their platform. To bring people to their platform.
Starting point is 00:04:47 And I said, we're going to stop it. So we finally came to a mutual agreement. They just agreed first. Yes. But I wanted to do it along. If I had my way, I never would have been on Facebook. But I'm not bothered by it. I got to use their bandwidth.
Starting point is 00:05:06 We took advantage of it. But what provoked them? Well, maybe it shows like we did last week, perhaps. Maybe the show about treasonous Jonathan Pollard. We talked about Pollard. We quoted Pollard, what Pollard said in Israel, that all American Jews are obligated to betray the United States of America. That angered Facebook. And then we linked the Matt Gaetz sex scandal to Mossad.
Starting point is 00:05:38 And those were three shows. We had two on Matt Gaetz, one on Pollard. Three programs last week on True News that hit Israel pretty hard. And so at the end of the week, guess what? The ADL went into action on behalf of Mossad. And Zuckerberg's people at Facebook got the call. It's time to take down true news. So this isn't a 30-day ban.
Starting point is 00:06:07 This isn't like a 72-hour ban or anything. The page is gone. We are not on Facebook as true news. It's not there. I don't care. We have a website, tru, We also have NewsCoup, And so if you're watching us at a later time, we will still be doing a live Godcast each and every day.
Starting point is 00:06:31 That live Godcast will be on That's We've always been there. We've been there for quite a while. And if you're there live, you can join us to watch the show live, interact live, and be with us live. I want to emphasize, I don't make a big deal. You know this. I don't make a big deal about financial support. Once in a while, we remind our audience that the viewers are our only source of funds. Now, we've been banned by YouTube.
Starting point is 00:07:09 I don't know. I've lost track of people. You know, some of us like Twitter banned us many times. Yeah. But then we left. And so it doesn't matter. Every time we've been banned somewhere, we just grew, got bigger. All right.
Starting point is 00:07:24 So I'm not worried about it know I'm not worried about it I'm not worried about it. This is what I want you to understand we were telling our audience years ago the age of censorship is coming to America and Years ago I was saying to our audience help us Donate the funds to us to build the digital platforms that are needed. A digital arc. Yes, that's what I called it, a digital arc. And some of our viewers heard it spiritually.
Starting point is 00:07:57 They heard it and they gave, and others just didn't get it. They just didn't understand what we were saying. Do you see it now? Censorship is here. And thank goodness we didn't wait until the president of the United States was banned. I think a lot of people, they started to realize, oh, censorship's actually here. The president's been banned. No, it's been building for a decade, if not longer. Look, true news was banned over the weekend. Resurrection weekend. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. We will rise again in the name of Jesus.
Starting point is 00:08:32 We will rise again in the name of Jesus. But last week, Facebook declared that the voice of Donald J. Trump is not permitted on Facebook. You can't even talk to the man. The voice of the president of the United States is not permitted to be anywhere on Facebook. You can't even talk to the man. The voice of the president of the United States is not permitted to be anywhere on Facebook. It's too dangerous. But according to Facebook shows, I'm pretty sure the Jerusalem Post draws their Facebook posts. This could be up there. They're allowed to have this on their platform. See, it's okay when the Jerusalem Post says things like this, but when others try to quote them, read it, you lose your account.
Starting point is 00:09:08 You lose your access. So how do you know who controls your country when who is it that you cannot criticize? Yes. Can I criticize the Republican and Democratic Party? Yes. Can I criticize the Republican and Democratic Party? Yes. Can I criticize the CIA? Yes. Can I criticize the FBI?
Starting point is 00:09:30 Yes, they'll let you. Can I criticize the Vatican? They'll let you do that. Can I criticize Islam? Yes. Can I criticize Jews? That's where you're crossing the line, in their minds. If you criticize Zionism, they come after you.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Who controls America? You said it. Who controls America? The Zionists control America. And they have for a while, folks. A long, long time. And they're now tightening the screws on this country. They're now showing their face. They're baring their teeth
Starting point is 00:10:07 and the whole world is going to become Palestine. They're going to take the occupation of Palestine globally and they're going to enforce the occupation through technology. And it appears one form of that digital colonization is franchising the same operation that Jeffrey Epstein ran. We've learned a little extra piece of information now about the Matt Gaetz scandal. We covered this extensively last week. The congressman is accused of having sexual relations with a 17-year-old girl involved in a sex trafficking.
Starting point is 00:10:41 What we learned over the weekend, Rick, and we learned this because some text messages leaked. From where? The Israeli consulate in New York City. The Israeli consulate, one of their employees was texting about Israel's connection to Matt Gaetz. Yes, the employee, Jake Novak. He's the media director of the Israeli consulate
Starting point is 00:11:02 in New York City. He was texting with a well-known conservative figure named Scott Adams. Now Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, he got to meet Ivanka Trump in person, all these other things with Scott Adams. Very popular online. Scott Adams has a great following out there. So these are purportedly text messages from the Signal app. And it appears we're getting the Scott Adams end of it.
Starting point is 00:11:31 As in the blue is the text from Scott Adams. The white is the text from Jake Novak, the media director of the Israeli consulate in New York City. Now, what Jake Novak said to Scott Adams says, scoop. I can't report. Representative Gates is the subject of a secret grand jury probe of sex with minors and possibly murder conspiracy. I trust the source. Yes, this is Jake Novak from the Israeli consulate in New York City. I trust the source. Charges, accusations, apparently very credible. And he linked to the New York Times article about Matt Gaetz's scandal. To this, Scott Adams replied, Jake replied, To this, Scott Adams said,
Starting point is 00:12:21 To this, Jake said, I'm betting against it, but extortion counterclaim sounds credible. Has witnesses, apparently. To this, Jake said, the backstory is this is messing up my efforts to free Bob Levinson. My efforts. That's Novak's efforts. He's a representative of the Israeli government. So the Israeli government consulate employee said it's his efforts to free Bob Levinson, which means
Starting point is 00:12:48 the Israeli government was behind the shakedown of Matt Gates' father. They go in to say this. Gates' dad was secretly funding us. Us. As in the Israeli consulate, the Israeli government. I'm very much wanting this
Starting point is 00:13:04 to be untrue. I've got a commando team leader friend of mine nervously waiting for wire transfers to clear. And on last week, last Friday, we talked about Bob Kent. Yes, the retired Air Force intelligence, U.S. Air Force intelligence officer. And then in these messages here, whose name pops up? Bob Kent. Bob Kent is my lifelong friend. Real quick, before we go into that, that's very important what we just read. The Israeli government not only has a commando team leader involved in the wire transfer. This is the wire transfer to Don Gates, Matt Gates' father. They're also involved in the operation
Starting point is 00:13:40 to free Bob Levinson. So they're involved in the funding, the actual military arm of this. You have to wonder, is that Mossad? Is that the IDF? And they're involved in an operation which Matt Gaetz characterized as extortion. We don't know if it's extortion, but it would be Israel extorting Matt Gaetz. That's what this text message means.
Starting point is 00:14:02 What this did for me over the weekend when I read this is that it solidified in my mind my suspicion that the Israelis have franchised the Jeffrey Epstein sexual blackmail operation that they used successfully for about 30 years in America at the top of our political establishment. Congressmen, senators, presidents, scientists, you know, maybe Supreme Court justices. We don't know. But it worked so well, I believe that the Israelis said, let's take it down to the state level. The local level.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Then take it down to the county and then the city level. Let's have little Jeffrey Epstein wannabes in every county running underage girls in sexual blackmail operations. And we will corrupt the entire American society. We'll have the entire American political system, you know, in our clutches that we can blackmail them. Even, you know, county commissioners, mayors, city councilmen, we'll have them all. We'll Zionize America. We'll get anything that we want. And I believe that Greenberg, I think we're going to find out that Greenberg was a Jeffrey Epstein wannabe working in local politics in Florida.
Starting point is 00:15:34 And he was running girls to Matt Gaetz and other politicians. Right. But he was doing it on behalf of Israel. Yes. And somewhere along the line, Israel decided to dump Joel Greenberg. Maybe he got messy. Maybe he went too far. He got sloppy.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Yeah. But continue with that text real quick. And look, there's some telling information here. So this is Novak speaking again. Bob Kent is my lifelong friend and the best person and patriot. I also highly doubt McGee extorted or promised anything to Gates. This is important. Also, the $25 million number is total BS.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Now the Gates have burned Kent and Levinson. I can clear up that 50% of the story isn't true. Scott Adams responds, they have documents. And Novak is saying here, yeah, some numbers and facts have been altered. The real documents do not extort. And we only asked for $25 million as an estimate. Estimate at first. We came way down.
Starting point is 00:16:37 They were asking for more than $25 million. That was the bargain price. That was the coupon price, Rick. I would say Matt Gates has burned the Israelis. Yes. Matt Gates, I don't know what's going on
Starting point is 00:16:55 in that boy's mind, but he's been playing with fire with underage girls for a long time. Probably not aware that the teenage girls were being supplied to him by Israeli Mossad. Then he gets, he starts to find out how the game is being played when his father has to cough up tens of millions of dollars and he wants to get out of it. So he thinks he's so smart that he's going to go public with this. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:27 And he's going to burn these guys. You're trying to burn Mossad. Let me tell you who's going to get singed. Matt Gaetz. Yes. And his family, because they don't just go after the individual person or congressman. I mean, how many other congressmen have been hurt, families hurt?
Starting point is 00:17:44 Trafficking, congressman and how many other congressmen have been hurt, families hurt, traffic end, congressman tie for game. The only way Matt Gaetz will not go to prison is if the word comes down from the White House to the Department of Justice and the FBI and Homeland Security, this is a matter of national security, drop the investigation. Yes, but I still think that Matt Gaetz is going to be on the short end with Mossad at that point.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Oh, he better sleep with one eye open every night. He should not shower with a blow dryer. That's for sure. But I'm just saying, you know, I can't say for certain this guy is going to go to prison because if Israel decides we don't want to push this any farther, we just want to drop the whole issue, they'll pull some strings and it'll go away. And Matt Gaetz will be, you know, there'll be no prosecution or it'll be some light fine, something like that. He'll resign and go to work for Newsmax or something along that line. But it's also possible that Israel says, hey, he has burned us and, you know, we're going to destroy him at this point.
Starting point is 00:19:12 I don't know how it's going to work out, but I am convinced Matt Gaetz got entrapped in an Israeli sex blackmail operation. We're about to find out how deep and far reaching this blackmail operation goes, because it's not just Matt Gaetz or Joel Greenberg. They spent a lot of time with other Florida politicians. This is 2018. This would have been when our governor was still a representative. Representative Ron DeSantis is there pictured with indicted child sex trafficker Joel Greenberg and the now embattled Matt Gaetz. And I saw over the weekend that there are now 33 criminal counts against Greenberg? Yes, and reports that Joel Greenberg has flipped, as in he is now state's evidence and is, I believe the terminology was used by the Daily Mail, singing like a canary against Matt Gaetz and others. And look at where that photo was taken. Teens for America First fundraiser.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Teens. So there is Joel Greenberg, the Zionist operative for Israeli Mossad, at a teenage political meeting with Matt Gaetz, who's already been pulled into the sex entrapment scheme. The question is, were they successful in implicating Governor DeSantis into the scheme? I hope not. I hope Governor DeSantis did not fall for the trap. We're only showing you this photograph to show that Greenberg was well-connected and working his way through the Republican Party establishment of Florida. And there they are at a political meeting for teenagers. Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:52 And Joel Greenberg didn't stop there. He also brought Matt Gaetz to AIPAC. The same year we were there. Yes. This is 2018. There's Representative Matt Gaetz on the left and Joel Greenberg on the right. And what appears to be a teen or younger in the center. This is right from Joe Greenberg's Twitter feed.
Starting point is 00:21:14 You know, a bunch of perverts. Some of our audience is really upset at me. You know, how dare you criticize Matt Gaetz? Yeah, I did it. And we're going to continue. We were very respectful about it. Again, our loyalty is to Jesus Christ and the truth. Look, if he's innocent, then the truth will come out.
Starting point is 00:21:40 But if he's had sex with underage girls, then he needs to go to prison. I don't care what party he's in. And people can get as angry as they want to and write to me. You can say anything you want to, but I'm pursuing truth. Amen. That's my commitment. My commitment is to find the truth and to bring justice. Rick, you know, there's so much oppression and suppression of our ability to speak. We were banned from Facebook. I mean, police are cracking down on your ability to even have church now, especially folks up in Canada.
Starting point is 00:22:19 A story over the weekend, Edward, that you brought out was about this pastor up in Calgary. Yes. So it appears the Canadians are leading the way with actually fighting back against not just the Great Reset, but the attempt to shut down the body of Christ, worshiping. In this photo, you have the head pastor of Calgary's street church. This is Artur Pawlowski. He's a Polish Christian brother serving up in the frozen north. He has taken to it to actually completely expel and banish any police from his church who attempt to shut down his services. So what happened over the weekend? Over the weekend, police, actually the COVID cops in Alberta came to his church in Calgary. They had officers and a health official. And what they attempted to do is they attempted to inspect his congregation during a service. We're going to show you part of a video that was posted to the YouTube channel of this pastor.
Starting point is 00:23:18 He was very quick to kick them out of his church. Not just that. He called them Nazis and the Gestapo. Here's the video. Please get out. Get out of this property. Immediately get out. Get out of this property immediately. Out. I don't want to hear anything. Out of this property immediately. I don't want to hear a word. Out. Out. Out of this property immediately until you come back with a warrant out out out out out out of this property immediately out immediately go out and don't come back don't I don't want to talk to you. Not a word.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Out of this property. Out of this property. Immediately out. I don't care what you have to say. Out. Out. Out of this property, you Nazis. Out.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Out. Gestapo is not allowed here. Immediately, Gestapo is not allowed here. Immediately Gestapo is not allowed. Out! Do you understand English? Get out of this property. Go. So go. Go. And don't come back without a warrant. Out Nazi. Out! Out! You understand? Nazis are not welcome here out and don't come back without the warrant do not come back without the warrant you understand that you're not welcome here Nazis are not welcome here Gestapo is not welcomed Do not come back you Nazi psychopaths! Unbelievable, sick, evil people! Intimidating people in a church during the Passover! You Gestapo, Nazi, communist,
Starting point is 00:25:17 fascist! Don't you dare coming back here? Can you imagine those psychopaths? Passover the holiest Christian Festival in a year and they're coming to intimidate Christians during the holiest festival Unbelievable. What is wrong with those sick psychopaths? It's beyond me. Wow! Wow! How dare they? How dare they? Sick people! Sick people! Unbelievable, we're living in a takeover, a total takeover of the government with their thugs, goons, the brown shirts, the Gestapo wannabe dictators coming to the church with with armed with guns and tasers and handcuffs to intimidate during Passover celebration well I guess that's what it is they want to enslave us all like the
Starting point is 00:26:33 Egyptians did they want to be pharaohs of today that's what they're doing unbelievable people if you're not wake up stand up Wow I don't know what is going to happen tomorrow if Canadians will not wake up, stand up, wow, I don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. If Canadians will not rise up, look what is happening in Germany. Germany is taken over by fascism again. The wannabe Hitlers are already ruling. You cannot even leave from one city to another. It's a total lockdown. If you will not be vaccinated like a dog or a cat,
Starting point is 00:27:06 you will not be able to buy. Hey, congratulations to that brave pastor who stood up against the thugs that came into his church. Thank you for watching True News. We'll be back here tomorrow. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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