TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Russia threatens to sink NATO ships in Black Sea if provoked

Episode Date: July 6, 2021

Today on TruNews, host Edward Szall and the team discuss the continued ramp up to war as Russia responds to threats from the West, particularly the United States. Russian diplomat Sergei Lavrov says ...that a ‘harsh response’ can be expected. Russian has parachuting dogs ready for battle, while the US is having drag queen events on military bases. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (7/6/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help,, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. The UK has promised to continue deploying warships into the Black Sea, and Russia has promised to sink them. Japan's top officials are preparing to repel a Chinese invasion of Taiwan with America's help. And General Marxist Milley has ordered millions of soldiers to prepare for mass vaccination in September, while Bagram Air Force Base is overrun with Afghan looters. And today is True News co-host Lauren Witsky's first official day on the job.
Starting point is 00:01:10 She, Rick, and Doc will be here with me in just a moment. But first, here is Kerry Kinsey, today's True News Headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The Chicago Sun-Times says this past weekend was the deadliest and most violent weekend this year in the city. More than 100 people shot, 19 of them killed, 13 kids were among the wounded. More than 2,000 people have been shot in Chicago this year. That's a 13% increase compared to the year before. The Daily Caller reporting that Senator Tom Cotton says overturning Roe v. Wade may be the best way for Americans to handle the
Starting point is 00:01:52 issue of abortion. The Arkansas Republican weighed in on a major abortion case that the Supreme Court will take up in October, one that he says could directly challenge Roe v. Wade. States like Mississippi, states like mine, have the power under our constitutional system to adopt reasonable regulations on a practice like abortion to protect the unborn life of the baby, to protect the health of the mother as well. For far too long, the Supreme Court has had its own special abortion jurisprudence that really doesn't apply in any other field of law, treating this one practice as somehow constitutionally sacrosanct, when in fact Roe v. Wade, Planned Parenthood v. Casey didn't just get it wrong in its own terms, they've been proven wrong as time has progressed and
Starting point is 00:02:39 we've pushed the frontiers of medical science back. So young babies born at 26, 25, 24, 23 weeks can survive outside the mother's womb. So it's high time for the Supreme Court to revisit this issue. For information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's called Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers had an interesting tweet on Monday. It read, audit all counties that use the machines, even in red states. She continued, so important to demand election integrity, integrity that is, just don't do it in swing states, she said. Here's a great response to her tweet from at real Robert C. Bird. You want fairness? Have legal voters show up on election day, dip their fingers in purple ink and cast a vote. The military should be in charge of the process. Without fair elections,
Starting point is 00:03:38 we are no better than a banana republic. UK Daily Mail says NPR's annual July 4th reading of the historic document came out with a warning this year. Yes, the broadcaster noted the famous promise of equality did not apply to women, enslaved people, and Native Americans living in the country. It also noted a reference to Native Americans as merciless Indian savages. Social media slammed the broadcaster for being tone deaf.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Some started using the hashtag defund NPR. True News viewers and listeners in the states, are you proud to be an American? Issues and Insights got together with Tip tip insights and conducted a poll they found that just 36 percent of young people are proud to be an american but 68 percent of adults say they are very or extremely proud to be an american with another 15 moderately proud whatever that means that's a look at true news. Now let's get back to the Godcast. Here's Rick, Edward, and Doc. And we warmly welcome back Lauren Witzke. Thank you, Carrie. And Carrie's right. It's Lauren Witzke's first day.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Hey, Lauren. Thank you so much for having me. It's good to be back. Yes. Yeah, we're so excited that Lauren accepted our offer to join the True News team full time. She's not substituting, not filling in, but she will be here every day. Right. A great addition to the team. Yes. Right-wing watch is going to be very busy. Very busy. And you're here by by popular demand i can tell you that our audience uh you you received overwhelming positive response people asked for you to be back you know just comment it in such a positive way during the what three weeks that you were here filling in for me during the covet bomb the covet madness um but we yeah we're very very glad and um so um true news continues to grow and i hope we continue to expand our staff our our new studio
Starting point is 00:05:58 is ready and i've set a date for our production team today and said, we are, we're going to be in that new studio. It's not too far away. Very close. We got a couple of technical things to work out and, and then we're going to be in a studio. We've been, this is a temporary studio. This is our church. Right. Okay. So we're, we've been, we've been in here for many, many months and it's just time to get over to the new studio. It's 99% finished. There's a couple of technical bugs. Right. We got to sit in it today. We all fit. We all look very good. It's very futuristic in the sense of the technology that's gone into this. We're right there with the biggest TV studios in the world, biggest brand name for news and entertainment, because the virtual reality technology is cutting edge.
Starting point is 00:06:53 You know, I don't want to take away from the news, but I've been surprised in the past years people inside the television industry or video streaming industry, which, you know, it doesn't matter which side, it's the same industry to me, as when they visited our facility, they have said, this is probably the most or in the top three most advanced video studios in the state of Florida. And it just never occurred to me that that's what the Lord had built here. But I get the same reaction. Every time somebody comes in for a visit, it could be a vendor or a television show producer or somebody, and they're like, wow, didn't expect to see this in here.
Starting point is 00:07:46 So it's time for us to put to use the technology that the Lord has given us through the generosity of our partners. And we have over time made a substantial investment in the latest technology. We're kind of like a turtle ministry, Doc, because we go slowly. And the reason is we pay as we go. We don't borrow. We don't get ourselves in debt. We don't overextend ourselves. And so we gather, we buy, and we build. We gather, we buy, we build. As we have the money to buy the technology, we put it together. Now, it would go a lot faster if I went and got a bank
Starting point is 00:08:44 loan and said, hey, we're going to get this built right away. We'll pay off the debt. But that's not the way the Lord wants me to do things. And I've just stayed away from things like that. And so we do it the turtle way. You know, a couple inches per hour. All right. And the turtle beats the rabbit.
Starting point is 00:09:03 It does. And we're debt free. Other than a small. It does, and we're debt-free. Other than a small mortgage on the building, we're debt-free. I don't have anyone coming after me looking for money. We pay our bills on time, and our equipment, everything in this building is paid for with cash.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Yes. And so you're about to see something new in a couple weeks. I'm looking forward to it. And that's why Lawrence here, we're expanding. And I believe the next six months of 2021, you're going to see more people joining our staff. I'm glad you brought that up, Rick, because we need people to join our staff. We need workers for the harvest field. And so with experience in video production and video streaming and editing, we're not just taking anybody walks in and says, I want to work here. You have to have a skill that fits what we're doing. Right. We're not welding anything right now. We're not physically building anything,
Starting point is 00:10:00 but we are looking for people with broadcast experience specifically in TV streaming and if you have experience at video editing is a critical need for us if that's you you need to visit our website true and click on the careers page there's a list of a number of opportunities for people that are qualified to join our team. We need workers for the harvest field. The Lord, he's the Lord of the harvest. He's our HR director. And so we rely on him to send the right people to us, but we need people. And even if there's not a position on the website that fits you, but you have video experience, professional video experience, just go ahead and submit the resume.
Starting point is 00:10:48 There's a place here for you to submit the resume. Don't mail a resume. Don't call. Don't knock on the door. All the instructions. First instruction is apply online through the proper method, which is our website. But right now, we have an immediate position for a television control room operator slash technician. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:13 And so that is an immediate position that we have. And so if you have that kind of background and you're interested in working for us. Get us a resume right away. Yes. Well, true news is expanding, but so is the British Navy's presence in the Black Sea. Rick, today the British Navy has deployed a new aircraft carrier to join the fleet that's pressuring the Russians. This is the Prince of Wales, the aircraft carrier from the Royal Navy. And this is the Mediterranean, not the Black Sea. Yes, it's stopped at Gibraltar, but it's heading towards the rest of the fleet. We all know where it's going. All right. Yes, so this ship is going to be armed with an assortment of aircraft,
Starting point is 00:11:58 but also will be accompanied by a nuclear submarine, the Artful. This is according to Interfax, as you see on the screen. Rick, the interesting thing about this, the Russians are making note that this aircraft carrier is heading toward that fleet, the fleet that had the HMS Defender, for example, the one, the ship the Russians buzzed with aircraft and dropped bombs in front of last week as a warning. This is happening as the Queen Elizabeth, their other aircraft carrier, is now heading toward China. So obviously the British are not giving up on this and they've actually said this.
Starting point is 00:12:31 And they're sending the Prince of Wales. The Prince of Wales. The next one will be the Camilla. I don't know what that is. Definitely a destroyer. But in addition to this the government in London has decided to meet and they've said that there will not be an end to these what has been called provocations. The British will continue to send ships. This is according to Zvezda in Russia. The British will continue to send ships into the Black Sea to test what they said, the freedom of navigation in Ukraine's territorial waters. Now, the British, their view is that the Black Sea is Ukraine's,
Starting point is 00:13:09 despite what the Russians have laid out, both in treaty and in statement, especially from Vladimir Putin. The Russians said, I don't think we're going to take this statement laying down. And this vow was made today in the parliament by the foreign minister of Great Britain, Dominic, is it Ryab? Ryab, yes. Ryab. And so he said, the destroyer defender followed the shortest direct internationally recognized route.
Starting point is 00:13:44 We had every right to carry out such a peaceful passage through the territorial waters of Ukraine in accordance with international laws. We will continue to act in the same way. You can expect the Russians. What he's telling the Russians is you can expect one ship after another. To sail into the Black Sea and. Intimidate you, act like we're going to run the Kerch Strait, maybe carry out an invasion of Crimea. But that's clearly what they said is that we didn't learn anything. We didn't learn anything last month when you dropped bombs in front of our ship. We're coming back to do it again. And we'll do it again. We'll keep, he didn't say it, but look, this is where it's going.
Starting point is 00:14:36 We'll keep sending ships until you finally. Hit one. Hit one and are ready for World War III. Remember their excuse that the British basically said, hey, the reason why the defender, you know, crossed into Russian territorial waters was we were hacked. Yes. Remember that? You know, they've been very careful not to repeat that. Isn't that interesting?
Starting point is 00:14:58 But now it was intentional. That's right. Which one is it? I guess we need to take every claim of hacking with a grain of salt. Well, so this obviously the British government today threw down the gauntlet to Moscow and said, we're not backing down. We're sending more ships. And hey, if you take a look, the Prince of Wales is in the Mediterranean and a nuclear powered submarine with Tomahawk or cruise missiles is also there.
Starting point is 00:15:30 And the U.S. 6th Fleet is sitting in the Mediterranean too. Yes, with the aircraft carrier, the Dwight Eisenhower. So the Russians have made their position clear but they made it actually maybe a little clearer today. Sergei Lavrov, the foreign minister for Russia said that his country will respond harshly to unfriendly U.S. steps. Now, this is in response to promise of sanctions by the Biden take if the United Kingdom, the U.K., or any other NATO nation continues to ignore Russian sovereignty in the Black Sea. Now, Edward, does senior diplomat Lavrov, does he spell out what those harsh actions will be?
Starting point is 00:16:19 Or does he go into any kind of detail at all? I would say he keeps it very vague, and not vague in the sense that he doesn't know what Russia is going to do. But as a stoic diplomat, he's not going to lay out specifically the manner of which that they're going to make in England or the United States pay. But there are foreign ministry officials who are. I was going to add here that when President Biden met with President Putin last month, some sectors of the U.S. media, particularly Fox News, bashed President Biden, said he was weak. Remember all the things that they said? The same things that they said about President Trump. At the Helsinki summit. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:07 In other words, if you're not ready to start a war with the Russians, we're going to condemn you and we're going to call you weak. I want you to listen to what Sergey Lavrov said. Russian leader referring to Vladimir Putin clearly stated, including in public, that the result in all directions is possible only through finding a mutually acceptable balance of interest strictly on a parity basis. No, here it is, no objection sounded at the talks with U.S. President Joe Biden in Geneva. However, almost immediately after they were over, let me say it again, almost immediately after they were over, U.S. officials, including participants of the Geneva meeting, with redoubled force, started their previous lectures. Well, we told Moscow we clearly warned and outlined demands.
Starting point is 00:18:13 By the way, all these warnings come along with threats. If Russia within several months fails to accept the rules of the game outlined in Geneva, it will be subject to new pressure, said Lavrov. So basically, Mr. Lavrov is saying that at the summit- You guys didn't talk like that. You didn't bring your game up there when you were face-to-face with Vladimir Putin. So you do big talk when you're outside the field, but when it comes to playing the game, you're outside the field, but when it comes to playing the game, you're all talked.
Starting point is 00:18:45 I think we're seeing the same thing done to President Biden that was done to President Trump. I think both men went there and conducted themselves as statesman meeting with another another head of state of a powerful nation. But the deep state warmongers in America were not happy with either one of them, President Trump or President Biden. And so. At the meeting, according to Mr. Lavrov, there was nobody beating their chest on the U.S. side. There was nobody threatening Vladimir Putin. There was no, you know, tough man talk at that meeting. And Vladimir Putin wasn't threatening President Biden. They discussed issues like statesmen. But when Joe Biden returned, immediately the deep state went into action and started threatening Russia. And now they're talking about doing more sanctions on Russia. So is Joe Biden
Starting point is 00:19:49 really in control of the White House? No more than Donald Trump was in control of the White House. You know why they hate Russia so much and they hate Putin? It's because he's a nationalist, he loves his country, he takes good care of his country. And that kind of leadership is something that they're trying to break as evil and all that. But like I mean he, we aren't Americans are not Russia you know what I'm saying so of course like you know we're his opponents we're gonna be attacking him however but overall he takes care of his people he looks after his people he establishes his nation's borders you know that kind of thing
Starting point is 00:20:18 that's everything that the deep state globalists hate you know so if you're not picking a fight with the nationalists in Russia you know you're you're enemy. So that's what they're trying to push towards us, in my belief. That's my opinion. He's Russia first. He's Russia first, is what he is. And he's been a good leader for his country. And that is why the globalist deep state, which partially runs America right now, whoever's pulling the strings behind Biden, they're the ones calling the shots. They do not like Putin. They didn't want Trump and Putin working together. They don't want Biden and Putin working together. They want it to be full on attack.
Starting point is 00:20:51 So Rick, at what point are they going to start accusing President Biden of colluding with the Russians? Never. If he doesn't start the war. You're right. I've been watching this for a long time. I'm getting tired of this movie. Yeah, it's like they
Starting point is 00:21:09 keep pressing whatever president is in the White House to start a war with Russia. They want Russia taken out. So I don't know what, I don't know if Joe Biden is going to take the bait from these guys or whether they're just going to push him aside.
Starting point is 00:21:30 You know, would Kamala Harris do it? I don't know. Yes, she'd do it. You think so? Yeah, absolutely. They're just buying their time. You know, I don't think Joe Biden's going to last. You know, he's definitely not going to last the full presidency. But once Kamala gets in, I mean, she's she got one percent of the support. There's no reason that they nominated her as vice president unless they knew she was going to read the script that they gave her if they have full control. So they were like, all right, we'll put you up. I mean, she was in a deep blue state. It made no sense to put her up. But Kamala Harris will do what the deep state says. She is their absolute puppet. And they're just buying their time with Biden until it's time they can't hide it anymore that he can't handle the presidency.
Starting point is 00:22:09 And she viciously attacked Joe Biden in the primaries, in the Democratic primaries. You're supposed to forget that. And from what we know, Joe Biden didn't want her as vice president. But for some reason, he was told she's the best choice. But anyhow, I want to get back to Russia because this is where we're going with this, Lauren. This is, this gets much more serious. So what we just heard is a statement from Sergei Lavrov, the Foreign Minister, Secretary of State.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Listen to his next statement. The attempts, I think we have this one. No, that's from Rabikoff. Okay, never mind. The attempts to hold dialogue with us from the position of force are initially doomed to failure. We will respond harshly and resolutely to unfriendly steps. There is the need for fair cooperation if Washington really wants stable and predicted relations as it says. So the Secretary of State, the Foreign Minister of Russia today said, if the United States
Starting point is 00:23:15 continues to use force against Russia, we will respond harshly. Right. That's the harshest thing I've heard Sergey Lavrov say in 22 years, in terms of the United States. Sure. He's no longer restraining his words. He's taking his, I should say he's putting his boxing gloves on, you know. He's ready to duke it out with the United States you can tell he's he's exasperated like okay nothing has worked you got you people still want to fight but you can always count on uh Mr Lavrov to always hold a coherent class dialogue he doesn't get down the
Starting point is 00:24:03 gutter and and do the fighting and everything he keeps it that this is our response to it now there are people within his State Department that are ready to start naming some actions that they're likely to take and so this is you mean like his deputy yes Ryabkov is his name. According to the deputy foreign minister, the United States and Britain tried to open the Russian coastal defense system. Provocateurs who will continue to stage games in the Black Sea will be hitting the nose. They're going to get it on the nose.
Starting point is 00:24:39 And so he's right. And this is Sergei Lavrov's deputy. And so I wonder if they had a conversation. said, okay, I'm going to go out. Good cop, bad cop? Right. And so Mr. Lavrov comes out and says, I'm going to go out and make the case, and you go out there and tell them we're going to pop them in the nose. Tell them what the harsh response will be.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Right. So Lavrov said there's going to be a harsh response. Ryabkov said your nose is going to bleed. To give you an idea of what it's going to be a harsh response. Ryabkov said, your nose is going to bleed. To give you an idea of what it's going to be. And they've detailed what that nosebleed will be. This actually came from the Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov. He's quoted by TASS as saying that bloody nose is the sinking of a ship. This is part of a statement where he was blaming the United States for the provocation. He used the word provocation regarding the HMS Defender, a British destroyer. According to the Kremlin spokesman speaking on behalf of the president,
Starting point is 00:25:38 he is saying the United States was the power that pushed Britain to risk, again, the loss of a destroyer and the hundreds of crew members that have gone down with it. But his specific response is the bloody nose is the sinking of warships. Yeah, you have to remember his position. He is the press secretary, the official spokesman of the Kremlin. He only speaks what Vladimir Putin has authorized him to say. Mr. Preskov didn't go out there and say, you know what, I think I'm going to go out there and threaten to sink a ship.
Starting point is 00:26:22 No, he cleared that with Vladimir Putin. I should say Vladimir Putin gave him an instruction and said, tell them today in a press conference, we're going to sink American and British ships. So the Russian military and political leadership has now crossed the line where they're openly saying there's going to be a harsh response, you're going to get a bloody nose, and that bloody nose is one of your
Starting point is 00:26:53 warships sitting at the bottom of the Black Sea with its crew. I don't know how much clearer the Russians can make it. They're telling us exactly what they're going to do. I'll tell you, that warship that's going to go down, Rick, is much more expensive than a 16-cent hot dog. Yes. And he said, I think our intelligence certainly knows who made a decision there in the situation with the British destroyer.
Starting point is 00:27:24 But certainly I think such operations are basically planned by senior partners from overseas. According to him, in this case, the destroyer was just a tool of provocation. And then he goes on to make the so this is indeed so was very harsh and it is clear that no provocation should be repeated. The response will be in accordance with the charter that says to sink. Talking about a charter for the governance of the sea.
Starting point is 00:27:55 And so what he's saying is Russia will act according to a legal document we have with other nations that if somebody does this, we are entitled to sink their ships. And that's what a strong country does. They respond, you know, with strength. They don't, you know, make a diversity commercial about how inclusive they're not being. They actually show strength, you know, and they warned us, you know, this is going to happen if you mess with us. And they're saying we're going to do it within the confines of a written, signed legal document that includes other nations. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:34 They're not just acting like a gunslinger. Yeah. All right. So, Lauren, how many people do you think, just from the people you know, from your family, your friends, your associates, how many Americans do you think have any awareness that the Russians are saying this and that we could be hours, days, a week away from basically something far worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis where the whole world stops and says will Russia and the United States nuke each other? How many people do you know
Starting point is 00:29:12 are aware that this is happening? Well you can't find this in American media. The story isn't in American media. We had to go to Russian media in order to actually read the truth. And translate it from Russian into English. Exactly and translate it because here in America they don't want us to know the truth. So we get a decorated word salad every day of anything that the globalist establishment wants us to believe today. You know, so we had to go outside of that. So I would say absolutely zero to none. You know, America, no, I didn't know about it until you told me about it. And, you know, researching it like that, it's all right here.
Starting point is 00:29:45 The Kremlin spokesperson literally said this from direct orders from President Putin that they're going to start sinking American ships. They're going to start killing American soldiers if they do not, you know, back down on these sanctions or whatever. You know, and it's a warning right there. But America is not going to talk about that because, you know, it bucks their narrative. You know, it isn't exactly what the globalist establishment has planned on the agenda for us to know today. Our news here in America is more controlled than the news was controlled in the days of the Soviet Union. It's Pravda Plus. Yeah. Yeah. And people think that they're informed,
Starting point is 00:30:29 but they're informed with disinformation. That was the wake-up I had 22 years ago, 23 years ago before it started. I was very informed. I always was, somebody read newspapers, you know, magazines. I was always reading. I read newspapers, magazines. I was always reading. I wanted to always be informed.
Starting point is 00:30:49 But then the Lord showed me I was highly informed with disinformation. You were disinformed. Yes. Disinformed, yes. And then I had to go through the process of being deprogrammed and figuring out, what was I told in the past that was a lie?
Starting point is 00:31:10 It didn't happen that way, or that person really didn't say those things. And you had to start going through the process. And it's painful, and it's kind of scary, because you start wondering, what else is fake? What else is a lie? What else am I going to discover is not true? And you can either increase your appetite for truth and reality and toughen up and go for it, or you can become very cynical, very hardened, or depressed,
Starting point is 00:31:47 or so negative that you just doubt everything and believe everything. What does that mean? You're easily deceived. You can doubt everything that's in the news and believe QAnon. Right. That's exactly what I mean. You're so open-minded, your brain fell out. Rick, how would you respond? How would you respond to somebody that says,
Starting point is 00:32:09 when we're doing this particular story about Russia, that we're praising Russia? We're not praising Russia. I mean, what we're saying is Russia is taking a legal response, a political response, to a very dangerous situation.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Once again, what are we doing over there in their territory with warships? Right. What benefit is it to the American people that we have destroyers and warships and tagging eyes in Russia? What's the benefit to us? Are we delivering freedom? It doesn't look like freedom, does it? Are we trying to liberate Crimea? Is that the plan? What's the benefit to me, Joe American, for the possibility of a destroyer getting sent to the bottom of the Black Sea? What has Russia done to us in the past 20 years that justifies a nuclear war and a billion people die and a nuclear winter that lasts for a thousand years? Just tell me what it is.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Because that's what these warmongers are doing right now. They are putting us all in danger of a nightmare. Does anybody really want to live in a world the day after a nuclear war? Nope. What are they doing? The people don't know about it. Nobody here knows about it.
Starting point is 00:33:42 What is the point of it? What are they trying to do i personally think it's spiritual i don't think it's national i and you got it but it's very good point i think it's spiritual i think the The anti-Christ oligarchs in America are in league with the anti-Christ oligarchs in Russia, and they want to bring down Vladimir Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church. That's what I think it's all about. Because they bucked the Bolsheviks. Because they bucked the Bolsheviks. Yes, they defeated the Bolsheviks.
Starting point is 00:34:27 After 70 years, they overthrew the Bolsheviks. And how did the Russians do it? They kept their faith in Jesus Christ even through 70 years of Bolshevik communist persecution. A glorious underground church. They could not break the faith of the Russian people. And now the Russians are returning back to Christ. Crimea is their Jerusalem. It's their holy land.
Starting point is 00:34:58 And the reason is that Vladimir the Great came out of Crimea and brought Christianity to Russia. And so they look at Crimea as a sacred, holy place. Why are the American oligarchs, why do they get their panties all bunched up over Crimea? What is it? Because they serve the devil. And the Russians detrain the devil. Because it's spiritual. It's spiritual.
Starting point is 00:35:26 It's a satanic globalist regime. And they're a Christian nationalist country. Their demographics are overwhelmingly Christian. They are. The people who are in the United States aren't really into globalism. They're into empirism. True.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Imperialism. It's empirism. True. Imperialism. It's empireism. The old-style globalism is, hey, we're going to get the United Nations is going to become the global parliament. That's not what this gang wants. This gang in America wants an empire. They want a world system controlled by them. Even if they have to destroy America to do it.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Yes. Because they have no loyalty to America. Right. If you're dominating the world, you can move your house, your family, your operations to other parts of the world. They have no loyalty to this country. Yeah, they despise the average person. But it's a spiritual thing,
Starting point is 00:36:27 and I can't figure out any other reason for it. The other thing I think what we had to show is, have you ever heard of war dogs? I've never seen canine paratroopers, but the Russians are training dogs to parachute into war zones. Yes, that's right. And so this is an article from The Sun. And I don't know if you caught this or not.
Starting point is 00:36:57 We're going to present it to you. They're called the Parapooch Jump. And we're going to show a video clip here in just a moment that shows what know what the Russians are doing their dogs are jumping out of airplanes to defend a mother Russia what are we doing what's our we're having we're having drag drag queen contest on military bases we're having some we're forcing US soldiers to march in in gay pride parades yeah we'll have more about that here in a little bit too let's watch what's happening in russia where their dogs are ready to go to war I'm going to make a new one. Rick, that thing, that dog rather right there is a snowflake killer. Do you think Gator would jump out of a plane with you? If I went first, Gator's right behind me.
Starting point is 00:38:49 I can guarantee you that. What would you think if you saw German shepherds jumping out of the sky and landing in America? I would think it's going to be raining cats and dogs. Why would the Russians want to airdrop dogs into a battle zone? Well, the dogs are a great asset to a unit, both for fighting explosives, but also as reconnaissance. And I think the use of very large animals like that in the past has been intimidation. You can use them for prisoners and use them to keep prisoners at bay and whatnot. But I think that the Russians are thinking more
Starting point is 00:39:28 in the sense that the average American soldier is not even training on his rifle anymore. They're barely training in physical fitness. We have a brand new ridiculous physical fitness regime thanks to General Milley. He's done a lot of things to our military. But I think the Russians are training any animal they can in addition to their own soldiers because they're preparing for a war. And it's a defensive war. I know people don't want to look at it in this manner, but what would
Starting point is 00:39:54 you say if Russia and China and Cuba, Venezuela, everyone was running drills off the coast of Florida. Drills to invade Florida, to invade Washington, D.C., to invade San Francisco. You'd say, wow, the United States, we better start doing defensive drills, preparing our coastline. Well, the Russians, as part of their many war drills for defense, they're also preparing their war dogs for it.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Yes. And the Russians have painful memories about Nazi invasion of the motherland in World War II. Tens of millions of people died. Thirty million Russians died. Yes, and they're not going to let that happen again. Another story we found today in Novasti News Service is a Chinese newspaper praising a new Russian weapon as a breakthrough that will give Russia superiority, change the rules of the game. And they're talking about a missile that we mentioned last week. Remember when Vladimir Putin gave his talk and he named off the weapons that they were activating,
Starting point is 00:41:13 they were putting on combat alert. So one of them was the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile. And this Russian, well, we have it there in Russian. That reads in Russian, China is named the Russian weapon capable of changing the rules of the game. Rick, that Sarmat missile, they don't really use this word anymore in the American articles about the missile. Maybe because we now serve as a country, the name they gave it, which is Satan. They called it the Satan Missile. It was a propaganda name that was given to it.
Starting point is 00:41:47 The CIA named us. They gave the name Satan to a missile 20 years ago. Because when I started. When I started. The Satan Bomb. True News. I used to read these stories before I was. Like, wow, Russia has a Satan Missile.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Yeah, before I was really on the propaganda. I'd read these stories. Russia has a Satan missile. Hey, folks, you better wake up out there. The Russians, they're working with Satan. They're so proud of what they're doing. They've got a missile named Satan to blow us up. And then I found out, oh, they didn't call it Satan. The CIA called it Satan. You know, they were just doing their own rebranding, you know, to cause a public relations problem for the Russians, which makes you wonder what, in Russia, what do they say about things that we're doing? You know, what name have they put on things? It went on in that article to also talk about the zircon
Starting point is 00:42:45 hypersonic missile how it flies below radar in order to achieve its target but there was a something that it noted about the s500 missile defense system we've talked about that before you know russia has been rolling that out over the past several years through uh different theaters of operation what i didn't know until today, Rick, was that the S-500 is capable not only of taking out aircraft and drones just flying out, it is actually able to take out low-Earth orbiting satellites. I didn't know that until today. So that's a step, you know, an advancement for just a ground-based missile defense system to be able to take down a low-Earth orbiting satellite.
Starting point is 00:43:28 And why that's important is that the United States and many of the NATO nations, they rely heavily on GPS, geolocating, positioning satellites, and the technology for both land navigation and figuring out where you're on the battlefield, but also for weapon guidance systems, hitting other countries' tanks, troops, and positions. Our soldiers aren't trained in how to do it manually anymore. The Russians have concentrated over the last 20 years on taking away our biggest advantage, which has been the technology, the satellites. Without the satellites, in a lot of ways, it's like an EMP. Our soldiers will be forced to rely and be really put on an even and below an even battlefield against Russians, Chinese, or any enemy, because we just don't know how to fight a war like they had to fight in World War II. You mean they actually have to read a map like we were trained to when we were in the military, Edward? And speaking of maps, yesterday I cleaned out a barn on our property, and I came across a paper map.
Starting point is 00:44:34 And my grandson, Blake, was there helping me. Blake's, what, 20, 22 years old? And I opened up the map, and I said, Blake, have you ever seen anything like this? He had never seen a paper map. What? No. He had never seen a paper map. He didn't even know what it was. He had no idea. I said, I've opened it up. I said, could you find, if you were driving
Starting point is 00:44:56 a car, could you find your way from this city to that city using this map? He's like, what? They say, Pop, that looks like Google Maps. But he's, you know, he's 22. He's his generation. They They say, Pop, that looks like Google Maps. But he's 22. He's his generation. They've never seen a paper map. If you had an EMP attack, if GPS went out, people couldn't even get out of the driveway if there was no GPS.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Right. They wouldn't know what to do. I still remember the old Rand McNally roadmap books. Remember, it had all 50 states in it and everything. And it had all the different, you know, in the corner, it had the amount of mileage between any two cities on that particular map. And really, that wasn't that long ago. I mean, it really was not.
Starting point is 00:45:41 And so that just shows you how reliant we are on the technology now. We have a whole generation now that couldn't operate without that technology. That map, I bought it. It was only about 12 years old. So 2009. In that area. That's what I was thinking. So what I was thinking of was, Doc, if you listen, I know you've listened to a lot of the old true news programs in the early days. And I was trying to recall, the Lord gave me a vision in 1998 of a war.
Starting point is 00:46:47 You're setting yourself up to fall. And so that's been the message. But I was trying to, just a few minutes ago, I was trying to recall some of the things in that first year before I was on the radio, the things that I felt like the Holy Spirit was revealing to me. And I wrote them down. And, you know, some of it is vague. You know, even then of it is vague. Even then, it was
Starting point is 00:47:06 somewhat vague. But one of the things that I remember speaking about in the early years is just before this war starts, all of our satellites are going to go out. Really? Yes. I remember that. Wow. Yes, you did talk about that. This is a weapon that can accomplish that. And it's a country that we are actively trying to remember that. Wow. Yes, he did talk about that.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Well, this is a weapon that can accomplish that. And it's a country that we are actively trying to start that war with. And they don't have to launch a rocket, a rocket ship in order to do this. They can do it from a ground-based missile system. Yes. Then Henry Groover, who passed away last year, and I knew Henry. And so the first time I met him, you know, and I was fairly young, and I was, you know, young in terms of I was in my 40s,
Starting point is 00:47:59 but I was young in terms of being a watchman. Henry had been out there for many years, speaking a warning to America. And so I shared this with Henry. I said, Henry, I believe the Lord showed me that America's satellites are gonna go out just before the war starts. And then he told me about a vision that he had.
Starting point is 00:48:20 And I don't have time to tell the whole vision, but the one thing that I remember, he said what he saw was the attack was, the missiles were coming in towards America. Right. And America's military commanders were in their fortified bunkers like Cheyenne Mountain and stuff, and they were pushing buttons to launch missiles and nothing was happening no I remember nothing happened yes everything was dead okay when the Chinese say the Russians have weapons that are going to change the rules of the game that's what comes to my mind.
Starting point is 00:49:08 They haven't told us everything yet. Oh, no. No. They've only told us enough that they thought would be enough to warn us against taking this course of action. That's right. I mean, some people think that when Vladimir Putin several years ago talked about the tsunami bomb, you know, the torpedo that could create a tsunami over the
Starting point is 00:49:27 East Coast or the West Coast. They have 1,500 feet. Some people said, oh, he's blowing smoke. They're just bluffing. They're trying to scare the American people. Maybe. But what if he was telling the truth? What if he was saying, look, you people have no idea what we're capable of doing to you.
Starting point is 00:49:45 You keep taunting us. You continue to poke this bear. And we have weapons that you don't know anything about. And I think they have an anti-satellite weapon. I mean, the Chinese were developing, back back in i was in texas how many years that been i left texas in 2005 2005 we were talking about it when i was in texas the chinese were developing anti-satellite weapons then to shoot from space. They would have weapons in space to use laser weapons on our satellites.
Starting point is 00:50:33 We don't know right now what Russia and China have. But the U.S. and Britain and NATO seem to be determined to find out. Well, just speaking of what we said in this program, what the Russians have revealed, that missile you just spoke about, the one that's unmanned, can be propelled toward a coastline and exploded, cause an explosion like a nuclear bomb. What if it didn't have a nuke on it? What if its goal wasn't to explode, but rather to have one of these S-500 systems right next to our coastline and jam a silo, jam communication
Starting point is 00:51:06 at the Pentagon. We have no idea the extent of this. What if the Russians set one of those up in DC? I mean, you look at this. We have National Guard soldiers being deployed for half a year to find an invisible enemy. We're not even discussing addressing a real foe, a real country that could destroy us. Because again, our elite are bloodthirsty. And to address what you said earlier, Rick, I think that the elite, they have gone this path because the easiest way to send someone to hell is to kill them in a war. Of course, this can go two ways. The U.S. may have weapons. Sure.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Right. That's true. And the Russians are saying, what if they have something that we don't know about? Like the UFOs we keep looking at. What if those are experimental U.S. aircraft? They want this war. Maybe they want the war because they have weapons that they want to use that we don't know anything about. We don't have any defense.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Really good point because it seems like everything that America is projecting is weakness. You know, like if you look at our military commercials, everything we're projecting is weakness. So why are they behind the scenes trying to provoke other countries to fight us because we are portraying nothing but weakness. So it's just really interesting. I'm not really sure what the point is or what they're doing or why they're doing this. Well, what comes to my mind is Muhammad Ali and his rope-a-dope technique.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Keep the hands down? Well, he'd lay into the ropes and act like he was hurting, and his opponent would come over and then he'd punch him out. So maybe that's the technique that the U.S. is using, projecting weakness, you know, divisions, all this kind of stuff. But then there's also the possibility the empire is collapsing.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Right. And the empire is panicking. The rulers of the empire don't want to give up their elite position, their power, their money. And Rick, one other factor to keep in mind here, all other things being equal, in a war between the United States and Russia, whose side will God be on?
Starting point is 00:53:13 All other things being equal. Look, I can't see the Lord holding up the United States of America so that the USA can continue to abort babies. Watch pornography. Produce and consume pornography at massive amounts to promote sexual deviancy, same-sex marriage. Chemical castration of children. And demand that it be accepted around the world. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:51 I just don't see the Lord allowing that to happen. Now, how close are we to the final day? I don't know. If we're really, really close, guys, and it's possible. The Lord just lets America just run the course, just run out. We just become more wicked and wicked and wicked, and there's no end to it until there's an end.
Starting point is 00:54:18 But it's the end of the cosmos. I mean, it's hard for me to imagine a society becoming more warped and twisted than we are right now. But if this continues at the present rate of decline and the Lord allows this country to continue, what does American society look like in 2030? Cannibals. The curse word was a terrible thing you never would hear on network TV only 10 years ago. But now we have same-sex marriage. We have the normalization of transsexuality. We've got men dressed as women serving in government, trying to run for governor in
Starting point is 00:54:58 California. I read yesterday Martha Stewart has a new TV show coming on, produced by Discovery. And the episode that they were promoting was how vulgar and foul-mouthed she is in the show. Martha Stewart. Martha Stewart. They've convinced her, your way back to the top is to go to the bottom. She was talking about male sexual organs in a very graphic way. This is in her lifestyle TV show that's going to be released soon on Discovery.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Wow. Foul mouth. Vulgar. This is where we're at as a society that Martha Stewart has been reduced to being a slut on television? Who makes these decisions if they're not people serving Satan? I mean, the society has been debased, defiled. And, you know, over the weekend, you have Fourth of July events all over the world, all over the nation, and people saying, God bless America.
Starting point is 00:56:17 How has God blessed this? He can. How does he bless it? How about America bless God? How does America bless it? How about America bless God? How does America bless God? Repent. Repent and turn from your wicked ways. That's how you'll bless him.
Starting point is 00:56:33 But to live like the devil and then say, God bless my lifestyle is blasphemy. How long does he allow this to go on? One of two things is going to happen. Either he's going to cut this thing down and bring us to our knees, or this thing runs out until Christ returns. I don't know which one it is. Either way, it burns. Right.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Okay? And Rick, you being a student of history, you know no nation lasts forever. No. None. There are empires that have gone the way of dust. No one, it's not even a historical record of them anymore. There's no remembrance of them written down at all. And yet these empires have risen
Starting point is 00:57:25 and they've fallen. We get in our echo chamber mindset that America is the best. It's the greatest. Well, it used to be good. America used to be good, but now we're not good. We are not good. And I would be very hesitant for our nation to enter into any war anywhere in the world for any reason right now because we are not good. We no longer have a righteous cause. We no longer are defenders of the innocent. Who are we defending in the Black Sea? What righteous cause are we advancing in the Black Sea? What is it? Russia can say we are protecting our homeland. We're protecting innocent Crimeans who voted to join the Russian Federation in a free democracy
Starting point is 00:58:19 at more than 90% of the population agreeing to it. And what evil is being done by the Russians, that the world must unite and say, We've got to kill them. We've got to kill them. We've got to destroy them. They're not doing anything. I mean, they're just trying to run their country like anybody else would want to have their country. But, I mean, in the morning, I listened to Fox Business News and I, what have I, you know, I'm driving in and I, I'm listening to the anti-Russian propaganda today. Maria
Starting point is 00:58:53 Barbaro-Roma. I love her. She's great on everything. But man, she reads her script when they give it to her from Fox News. And where does Fox get it? Who gives the script to Fox News? Who gives the script to CNN? Where do they get these? From the same place. It all comes from the same place. It all comes from the same place. How many intelligence agents work at these news networks
Starting point is 00:59:16 and in the newspapers? How many of them are on the payroll of the CIA? So I listen to the propaganda and I go, here we go again. She had some congressmen on this morning. What are we going to do about the Russians? Is Biden going to stand up to the Russians? The whole anti-Russian thing again.
Starting point is 00:59:36 And I'm thinking, you don't even know what you're talking about. Maria Bartiromo doesn't even know that these things are taking place that we've sat here and talked about today. She's just reading her script. That's what these news people do. They're not reporters because they don't investigate.
Starting point is 00:59:56 They are propaganda presenters. Yes. And they're paid $10 to $20 million a year. To mislead. To mislead. To mislead you. How does somebody justify a salary of $10, $15, $20 million a year to be on TV news? Because you're so good at delivering the propaganda. A dollar per person you lied to.
Starting point is 01:00:23 That they'll pay you $20 million so you never stop it. That's why. It's 30 pieces of silver worth inflation. Yeah. So, you know, here's another war story. The finance minister, no, the deputy prime minister of Japan said Japan must be prepared to defend Taiwan with the United States if the island is invaded by China. This was reported by Kyoto News Agency late yesterday.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Now, Rick, correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember the United States whipped Japan in World War II, and one of the conditions of their surrender was they could never have an offensive army. Yes. That's before we rearmed them. But over the last 10 years, Japan has been eliminating those restraints. I mean, we wrote it. I mean, look, the United States wrote the Constitution for Japan. Right. Probably General MacArthur himself. I mean, they put that in there, too.
Starting point is 01:01:31 You can't have an army. OK, so they've always been a officially pacifist country since World War Two. But in the past 10 years, the United States has been encouraging Japan to build up its military defense system. And they've been able to do it within the restrictions of their constitution by making it kind of National Guard. It's only to defend the island. It's only for protection. But for the deputy prime minister to say Japan should be prepared to enter a war with China. Do you know what the Chinese remember about Japan, they remember the secret unit that did live dissections on Chinese people. The Japanese were doing their own Nazi-like experiments. 300,000 Chinese died at the hands of the Japanese in World War II. Yeah. Yeah. So you know, Doc, you've spent a lot of time in Asia.
Starting point is 01:02:50 What's the love relationship between Chinese people and Japanese people? There is no love relationship, Rick. It is a hate relationship. I mean, it's subdued. It's, you know, tampered down. But there is no love lost between China and Japan because China has a long memory of what the Japanese did to them. In fact, I would go so far to say one of the reasons why China turned to communism was the result of the harsh atrocities that the Japanese
Starting point is 01:03:19 imposed upon the Chinese people when Japan ruled China. And when they did rise up in response to the Japanese, they went so far to the extreme, they embraced communism. And there were willing players ready in the wings, ready to roll out communism in response to Japan. And you're saying that presently, between the Chinese people and the Japanese people, the hard feelings are suppressed, kept. Right. They're polite to one another.
Starting point is 01:03:51 Yes. But those hard feelings are related to war. Yes. So if you had another war between China and Japan, you'd unleash a lot of deep-rooted hatred and anger and animosity. You're basically reigniting the passions of World War II. Yeah, they'll be out for revenge. And the balance of power has significantly shifted since those days. China is more well-armed.
Starting point is 01:04:20 They're a nuclear power. Some suspect that Japan might be a nuclear power, too. They are a de facto nuclear power with US missiles there. And so- I don't know if you guys read this entire Kyoto news story, but what he said, this is his tarot, Aso, or Aso. If a major problem took place in Taiwan, it would not be too much to say that it could relate to a survival-threatening situation for Japan.
Starting point is 01:04:53 And that's in their constitution. That's the way they're expanding this and justifying a declaration of war based on invasion of Taiwan. Listen to the next line. We need to think hard that Okinawa could be next. So you had, what you have here is the deputy prime minister of Japan today saying, if the Chinese invade Taiwan, we have to be prepared that the next island is Okinawa.
Starting point is 01:05:28 Yes. They should be prepared for that because China will do exactly that. China has plans to occupy the entire Pacific region, Rick. It has plans to occupy all the Korean Peninsula, Japan, South China Sea, the Philippines, as far down to Australia. They plan to occupy that. That's their long-range plan. And they're weakening those nations with COVID. Yes. And they will have another biological attack in the future to further weaken those nations. The civilized world needs to wake up really fast to the threat of the
Starting point is 01:06:10 China Communist Party, that they are rising, that they now are becoming militant. Xi Jinping said We're prepared to crack skulls, shed some blood. You know, he's acting like a reincarnation of Mao Zedong. And you've got the Japanese, what was the officer, the Japanese government official who said? The deputy defense minister. The deputy defense minister said, hey, the United States, we're telling you, we think that Chinese are going to attack Pearl Harbor. They're going to attack Hawaii. Now you have the deputy prime minister saying, we're going to end up in a war with China over Taiwan because if they get Taiwan, they're going to take Okinawa. Right. I mean, this is a world war that's brewing right now. I mean, I think it's already
Starting point is 01:07:06 underway with COVID. I think that was the first shot, a biological attack on nations that would oppose China. But these are stunning news stories. But if you want to waste time tonight, watch an hour of Fox News, watch an hour of MSNBC News, watch an hour of CNN News, and see if they tell you these things. It's the political version of Clueless. And each of those news networks have an operational budget of about a billion dollars each. Right. A billion dollars. Unlimited resources.
Starting point is 01:07:48 How do you spend a billion dollars a year on news? How? Glossy propaganda. But how do you spend it? Is it money laundering? Seriously, I know something here about running an operation, and I don't have a billion. They have to pay off their propagandists.
Starting point is 01:08:08 But it doesn't cost. I know what it costs to run these things. It doesn't cost a billion dollars a year. Look, they were all shut down last year doing the news from their homes. But taking loans from the government. In 2020, how did they spend a billion dollars? Right. And even before COVID, what you saw on tv let's take fox for instance um you saw the different hosts and their different programs and everything you think oh big fancy a huge studio no nope not at all they're very small about size of a large
Starting point is 01:08:40 broom closet a lot of them were doing it from their basements yes and were those news hosts those talk show hosts were they going out in the field and taking a massive crew with them? How do you burn up a billion dollars a year per network? I don't know what they do with the money, but maybe it is money laundering. You know, there's a lot of money that the elite have that they got to move through. Cleaning factories. Yes, they got to move through... Cleaning factors. Yes, they've got to take it through the dry cleaners to clean up the origin of it. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:12 So they spent a billion dollars last year? Is that what... That's the average budget of CNN and Fox News. About a billion dollars? Well, you have to remember, they were the... These big ones, like Fox News, for example, was the first one to call the election. They have to be making some kind of deal with these people. You know what I'm saying? Like, I don't know, because they were the first one to call elections long before it was their place to, you know, they
Starting point is 01:09:32 called Arizona for, you know, so there's something certainly like, I mean, it's all connected to the same people, you know, they just get different, we get different spun versions. So CNN, they get their version of it and they give it it to people how they choose to. And the same with Fox News. To spend $100 million is a lot of money. Yeah. So what are they spending a billion dollars on? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:56 The cafeteria must be really nice. But it's not investigating the news. It's not reporting the real news. We do more with our tiny little budget that we have. We do more than all these networks combined. Because the people that are watching true news are hearing information and analysis that is not available anywhere else. There's no place that you're going to that you're gonna hear what you hear here. And we do it with a minuscule budget.
Starting point is 01:10:36 I always joke, well, maybe CNN doesn't have internet access. Maybe they can't go to the Russian websites like we do. Maybe they don't know about Google Translate. They don't know how, what's in Russian? What are we gonna do? We don't know, nobody here speaks Russian, right? It's not that hard to do this stuff. The reason they don't report these things is they don't want you to know.
Starting point is 01:10:55 That's right. Because they're masters that control them. It's not a lack of resource, it's a lack of will. Because the masters at the top do not want the public to know. They want the public arguing about ridiculous topics. If you watch the news networks, you're going to become dumb. Right.
Starting point is 01:11:18 I mean, really the purpose is to dumb you down, right, to the point that you're talking like them. But there's a lot happening. And I got one more story. When I scan international news stories, sometimes I see something and I go, okay, is there something on the surface? Maybe it's not anything serious, but under the surface, below the surface, is there something else happening that explains this news story that I'm seeing?
Starting point is 01:11:52 And I found a story today from Yonhap News Agency in Seoul, South Korea. And the headline says, Russians leave North Korea in mass amid global pandemic. All right. Well, when I read that there's a group of people leaving in mass, what image comes to your mind? People like, I think of like migrants, kind of what we see, like caravans on the southern border. Fleeing, like a lot of people getting to the airports, getting to the train stations, everybody packing up and getting out of town now.
Starting point is 01:12:38 And this is what this article is saying, is that suddenly Russians living and working in North Korea are packing up and leaving and returning home. But they're saying it's because of the global pandemic, Rick. Well, the global pandemic's been going on for a year and a half. That's right. So what's really going on here, Rick? What's your thoughts? Well, my first thought was war. And the word came down from the Kremlin, get all of our people out of war zones.
Starting point is 01:13:16 Stanislav Lunov, who I met many years ago in the beginning days. Highest ranking Soviet defector from the KGB. Military, GRU. Highest ranking Russian militaryor from the KGB. Military, GRU. Highest ranking Russian military defector from GRU. You know, and I was totally green in understanding these things. And I asked him about nuclear war. And he said, Rick, look, the Russians aren't going to get up one day and just say, let's nuke the United States. He said, you're going to see unusual signs. Start paying attention to unusual things. And he gave me a list.
Starting point is 01:13:53 I wish I had written them down because he gave me a list of things. But I always kept that in my mind. Watch for unusual signs. So when I see Russians fleeing, basically fleeing North Korea en masse, getting out as fast as they can, they're going back to Russia, I have to think some warning has gone out to all the Russian employees, you know, whoever's just living in North Korea, get out of there now. And it's not coal miners. The article in Yonhap noted that it's white-collar workers, doctors, teachers, administrators.
Starting point is 01:14:33 They noted in there that one of the signs of this exodus was a kindergarten in the center of Pyongyang being shut down. What that tells me is families left. Enough families for that kindergarten not to be able to function anymore. Families with kids said we have to get away from here and back to somewhere safe with our child, with our children. That safe, that home is Russia. And Russia did this. And the people agreed to it. It's one thing for Russia to order it or even to warn it.
Starting point is 01:15:02 It's another thing for the workers and smart workers at that doctor's to say, I'm listening to this warning, and I'm getting on a plane right now and getting out of town. And let's face it, North Korea isn't prime living for any place in the world. So if you're living there, you've made some tough choices probably just to be there in the first place. So it takes something to drive you out. Yes. And most likely you're there on assignment from your country's government, meaning Russia. Or you're a missionary. Secret in the sense that I wonder how many doctors or Christians went to Pyongyang as a doctor.
Starting point is 01:15:37 Yes. Yes. But they're there. They have to be to get in North Korea. You have to be there by the invitation of the North Korean government. Yes. I was going to say, I didn't even Korea, you have to be there by the invitation of the North Korean government. Yeah, that's what I was going to say. I didn't even know there was that many Russians over there. I didn't know it was a desirable place to go.
Starting point is 01:15:52 But they're clearing out right now. To me, it's unusual, and it's a sign that war is near. And if you start seeing students leaving and going back to their home country, if you start seeing that kind of clearing out of foreign populations, you've got to wonder, what message are they getting? What warning are they getting? Get yourself back to the home country as soon as possible. Well, and that's the news you're going to hear on True News today. On Fox, you're going to hear about the price of hot dogs. So they did continue to talk all weekend long about they were fascinated with the price of hot dogs.
Starting point is 01:16:31 I got something. Well, go ahead, Rick. Well, I was going to say that's clearly it was the Republican National Committee's talking point to blame Joe Biden for the increase in the price of hot dogs. And so Fox News actually continued with that stupid, ridiculous talking point. It's an endless loop every day of useless information to keep you dormant, to keep you complacent, to keep you from actually researching the truth. So that's controlled opposition. Well, I got something that's not worthless and worth much more than a 16-cent hot dog. Nice. Let's hear it. And it's Kerry Kinsey's second round
Starting point is 01:17:09 of headlines. Here's we'll be back in just a moment. More discussion. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The Army Times says the U.S. Army has directed commands to prepare to administer mandatory COVID vaccines as early as September 1st. The Times says the directive came from an executive order sent by the force by the Department of Army headquarters. It's not clear whether the vaccines would even be approved in time for a mandatory rollout. Then about 70 percent of the U.S. Army has taken the jab. And that push to mandatory vaccinations is being felt around the world. Yeah, reporting that more countries are saying this shot is either unavoidable or soon will be. Countries mentioned
Starting point is 01:18:01 in the article include Italy, Britain, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. And then there's France,, reporting the French Senate is considering mandatory COVID vaccines for adults 24 to 59 years of age. The article says it's an effort to curb a potential fourth wave. The government is also thinking about sending doctors lists of unvaccinated people in order to encourage them to get the jabs. For information on this story and more, please visit our website, our companion website. It's called We're hearing more stories of teens dying after getting the experimental jab. Here's Fox 32 in Chicago.
Starting point is 01:18:50 The CDC right now investigating after a 13-year-old boy in Michigan died following his second dose of the COVID vaccine. Health officials described Jacob Klinick as a healthy boy. He had the usual symptoms after that second shot. He felt tired and had a fever, had a bit of a stomach ache as well, but it didn't seem too serious. According to health officials, Jacob died in his sleep. The Detroit Free Press reporting that the investigation into Jacob's death is now at the federal level with the CDC. And the boy had just completed eighth grade when he got his second dose of the Pfizer
Starting point is 01:19:26 vaccine June 13th at a Walgreens store. The family was told that preliminary autopsy findings show that Jacob's heart was enlarged and he had fluid around his heart. says the guy who invented the mRNA vaccine had his LinkedIn page shut down without warning. Robert Malone says he got the ax after sharing his LinkedIn post of Health Canada's response to concerns raised by him and others about the spike protein or COVID-19 MRNA vaccines. That's a look at True News headlines. Now, let's get back to the Godcast. Here's Rick, Edward, Doc, and Lauren.
Starting point is 01:20:14 Thank you, Kerry. And as Kerry noted there, Rick, we're taking authoritarianism in the West to a whole new level. France is going to not only mandate for teens up until 54, but they're also going to hand out lists of unvaccinated people, those who chose not to get the mRNA experimental vaccine, and are going to hand them to doctors. So those doctors now, as
Starting point is 01:20:35 agents of the state, can hunt down those who haven't been vaccinated. I know. It's getting scary. We finally have reached the point. I thought we'd be here earlier than July of 2021. But we are now at this at the stage where nations are either implementing or talking about national mandatory vaccination regime. So they're running out of willing people. Like in America, about 50%, if you believe the numbers, about 50% of the population has been vaccinated. But the other 50%, which includes me, does not want the vaccine under any circumstance.
Starting point is 01:21:23 And so they're running out of the low-hanging fruit. They've already gone through it. Now they're starting to meet resistance. They tried bribing, too. They've done that. They tried the lottery to try to get the inner cities to do it. Three donuts. Yeah, three donuts. All these things. We'll give you money. They gave away free college tuition in the state of Delaware. In the Philippines, it's the opposite. It's you get the president attorney saying, shoot you in the butt. Yeah, well, you know, he says, you know, you're going to take the vaccine. And if I have to, I'll come over to your place and stick the needle in you.
Starting point is 01:21:58 I mean, so they're using different tactics in different countries, but that's where we're headed. And, you know, we don't have mandatory vaccination in the United States, but we are definitely headed in that direction. In fact, number 15, this is from the Army Times. Prepare for mandatory COVID vaccines in September. So if you are in the U.S. Army, according to this report, you will be compelled to be vaccinated. Yes, and this is from a leaked memo from the Army Command, the headquarters for the U.S. Army. Rick, they're saying as early as September,
Starting point is 01:22:39 if they can get FDA approval, according to the memo, that's the green light for this mandatory vaccination. If one of the Army just spent about $200 million trying to get Moderna shots in, I think anyone in the military is about to become, as part at least, the ground zero generation of vaccine injured. And there's obviously enough members of the military that are pushing back on this, where the Pentagon's having to say it's mandatory, but also now you have members of Congress speaking out on behalf of military members.
Starting point is 01:23:09 We have Representative Massey. He says, this is Tom Massey, he says, I've been contacted by members of our voluntary military who say they will quit if the COVID vaccine is mandated. And he says he introduced H.R. 3860, prohibit any mandatory requirement the member of the Armed Forces receive a vaccination against COVID-19 and
Starting point is 01:23:30 obviously has enough to get 24 sponsors you know there's always been a resistance Rick in the military at least in my experience about any form of vaccination my first recollection of responses to vaccination was back in the late 80s. I was in the National Guard. And as we were getting deployed in different places around the world, they were rolling out the anthrax vaccine to help. I still remember it now. It was supposed to suppress anthrax. That means it wasn't a vaccine then either.
Starting point is 01:24:11 And so there were soldiers that were having a reaction to it. Of course, you didn't see that in the news. You didn't hear about that in the news. And then after 9 11 you know part of the propaganda um operation at that time was we're going to be hit with a smallpox uh biological attack yes and so the administration of george w bush was preparing a smallpox vaccination program fact, they had a lot of vaccines already produced. Right, and taken by top-level officials. And they started finding large batches of it
Starting point is 01:24:56 that had been tampered with. Yes, I remember that. I specifically remember one particular company. I'm not going to say their name because I don't have the document in front of me, just to be absolutely sure. But its name has three separate names in it. All right. The first name rhymes with Blackso.
Starting point is 01:25:21 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. So they had, they had a massive amount of, of contaminated smallpox vaccine. And then it's just like, it just went away. The story went away. back in my mind and relive the shows on True News where we were preparing our audience, hey, President Bush is going to do a mandatory vaccination program on smallpox. And everybody was getting worked up and worried about it. And then it just, it just went away. Yes. It's gone. The story disappeared. So we haven't seen anything like this since those days. Now we're being told that members of the U.S. Army will be forced to be vaccinated. And this is in spite of the fact that the Department of Defense is confirming that soldiers
Starting point is 01:26:22 are having rare heart problems as a result of the vaccine. This is the ones that they're emitting with a link. It's 23 cases, the DOD has confirmed. And this is from those who voluntarily have gotten a COVID-19 vaccination. So healthy, physically fit soldiers. The most healthy. Think about this. The top 1% of the country serves, health-wise. And they're immediately developing
Starting point is 01:26:47 heart inflammation after being vaccinated. Look, if the COVID vaccines were safe and effective, I wouldn't have a problem with it. But they're not safe. How do I know? I can read. That's how I know. I read. I read stories like this every day.
Starting point is 01:27:11 You're going to read a lot more unless they censor them. How about the 13-year-old Michigan boy that died in his sleep after being... Oh, that happens all the time, doesn't it? Teenage boys die in their sleep all the time. The Russians didn't come in there and kill them. Right. See, they got vaccinated. I talked to, I was in a little local deli over the weekend.
Starting point is 01:27:33 And the owner, it's a family-run business. And the owner told me that she said, we're going to be closed next week. And okay, go on vacation. Yeah, yeah. Where are you going? Jamaica. we're going to be closed next week and okay go on vacation yeah yeah where are you going jamaica um right and then you know i asked well do they require vaccination to get in you know no but you have to prove that you you know you got to do your test and all that kind of stuff but she goes
Starting point is 01:27:54 it doesn't matter because i've been vaccinated no right so i'm staying there and i i didn't want to say anything and she said boy did I get sick on the first one. And then she went and got the second one, didn't she? And she got sick on the second one, too. Boy, it sure hurt when that horse kicked me in the head. I think I'll do it again. Rick, if I had bad food, I'm not going back to that restaurant. Look, I came to a place, I came to an awareness when I was in the hospital.
Starting point is 01:28:27 There's no point in trying to rationalize what there's no point in trying to talk people into not being vaccinated. Half the country has done it. The damage is done. The damage is done. To half the country, the damage is already done. And you can show people the evidence and they will go ahead and do it anyhow. So here's this woman, she got really sick after being vaccinated. Then she goes back to her doctor and gets a second one to get really sick again. Okay? When I was home recovering from COVID, Jeremy and Carissa had provided for a nurse to come visit us, okay? Now she was vaccinated, so in her mind, it was safe to come into our house
Starting point is 01:29:22 because she was vaccinated, okay? But I asked her, you know. Did you have a reaction? Oh. Did I have a reaction? Oh, I had a horrible fever. I had aches and pains. How many vaccinations did you get?
Starting point is 01:29:38 Two, two. I got sick on both of them. This is a nurse. I'm just sitting there saying, Rick, keep your mouth shut. She's here to take care of you. Just don't offend her. Bless her heart. She came in here knowing that Susan and I both have COVID. But these people are getting ill. They're having serious reactions. I mean, how about the people that their child dies? Yes. And then they say, but I'm pro-vaccine. I don't want my child's death to stop other
Starting point is 01:30:13 people from being vaccinated. Your kids should still get it. Your child should get vaccinated. Because this happens. Are you serious? Yeah. I mean, what's going on with the minds of the people? The only explanation for it is that there is some kind of spiritual fog that has come down on the nation that's making people who were normally intelligent and rational become irrational and unintelligent. What is it?
Starting point is 01:30:44 And it's more than the Florida out of the water. What is it? I mean, is it a delusion that God has sent onto the American people? The Bible says he would send a strong delusion on people that they should believe a lie. Well, they're believing it. A deadly lie.
Starting point is 01:31:01 And so we have this now. You have soldiers who are developing heart inflammation. We know that the vaccines are connected to heart inflammation, heart attacks. Blood clots. Blood clots. Magnet and magnetisms. Yeah, the phenomenon of magnetism. There's a whole plethora.
Starting point is 01:31:20 There was a time, you know, like pre-COVID, like a year and a half ago, that if a new vaccine, if a handful of people die, they shut it down immediately. Now what they do is they shut down anybody who tells the public that people are dying. They change the way it's counted. That's the way that they should. That's who gets shut down, not the vaccine, but the people reporting the deaths caused by the vaccine. It's like the only thing they want is jabs in the arms. That's all they care about. They don't care about how many babies, how many little children, how many soldiers are dying. The only thing they care about is getting that jab in your arm. And I'm curious as to why, because the shots are free.
Starting point is 01:32:03 So who is benefiting here? Why is that such the end goal is to make the American people so sick or carriers of the protein shedding to share with other people? You know, what is it that makes them want to stick me with a needle so bad? And why are doctors and nurses required to ask patients if they've been vaccinated. Who makes that requirement? Who has the authority to tell a doctor or a nurse, you must do this? Because every time I had a doctor or nurse talk to me,
Starting point is 01:32:36 the first thing they said was, have you been vaccinated? Would you like to be vaccinated? While you're sick? Yes, and I had to make it very clear. I do not want the vaccine. You know, something else I noticed during my time in the hospital, and I had pneumonia, I had bacterial pneumonia on top of the COVID. The hospital treated me for pneumonia, but they never treated me for COVID. I was given nothing for COVID. I was treated for pneumonia.
Starting point is 01:33:05 Yeah, what are they going to give you? Well, I don't know. At this point, they don't know what to do. They don't know what to do at this point, a year and a half into it. They don't know what to do. They've been focusing on the vaccine, Rick. They've been focusing on the post-pandemic. The post-pandemic society, too.
Starting point is 01:33:20 I've been told by others, doctors have been instructed not to treat COVID patients, not to treat them for the COVID. I was treated for pneumonia, not COVID. Well, they banned all the options that you had. I'm sick and I'm in the hospital and I can't breathe. Could you treat me for something? All right. But they don't. You know, I thought maybe it's just my case, but I was told by others, no, doctors are not treating COVID patients. They're just letting them go. But they're very insistent about the vaccine.
Starting point is 01:34:05 But we still want to get that jab in the arm. I know you have it right now. You can't catch it again after you have it, but we still need to vaccinate you while you're on your diet. So I had to go to the hospital with a written document that said, do not put me on a ventilator. No, thank goodness. Believe me, I had that with me. I had to consistently remind people, I do not want to be vaccinated. Do not come in here in the middle of the night and vaccinate me. But no one treated me for the COVID that I had. I don't know why this is going on in the country.
Starting point is 01:34:41 But again, going back to the military, if this story is right, the U.S. Army is going to implement mandatory vaccination in September. Is September the right time right now? We're gearing up for war with Russia and China. Do we really want to sicken a lot of soldiers? And do we want a lot of soldiers to quit? You do if you're working for China. Well, they're already purging. Thank you very much, Edward. Right?
Starting point is 01:35:14 If you're working for China, you want to do something to sicken your enemy's military and force their best to quit. I don't know what else to think about it. That's a good point. But they're already purging right-wing thought leaders from the military or anybody relatively right-wing. So also, you know, it's a way for them to continue that purge as well, which also weakens us, which also helps our opposition.
Starting point is 01:35:45 But what is our military doing under General Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Secretary of Defense Austin? Let's go up to number 13. mandatory LGBT diversity hike. Forced to march waving the gay flag. That's the U.S. Navy right there. Where's the American flag? Where is it? It's the gay version. Okay.
Starting point is 01:36:23 I understand it's mandatory, but are there any patriots there who simply said, court-martial me. I won't do it. You know what's so crazy about this, Rick? Where are they? It took a wife of a soldier, a wife who was patriotic enough to know this wasn't right. Her husband, he marched.
Starting point is 01:36:41 He marched with the pink flag and the transsexual cadences. But he knew it was wrong. He knew it was wrong. Yes. But he was a man enough to say, I will suffer the consequences. I will not lower myself to do such a thing. Where is it? Where are the men in the military? They're being turned into a bunch of gay sissies. Yep.
Starting point is 01:37:08 Just before war. Yes, they are. And if you notice on the flyer, the advertisement for it, they wanted to make sure that it said it's kid friendly. So we're going to have this degenerate diversity hike, but make sure you bring your kids. That is a sign of a degenerate reprobate nation. It's an endorsement at Satan. Look at, again, the rainbow flag. They call it the rainbow flag.
Starting point is 01:37:30 It's not the rainbow flag. It's not the rainbow God gave us as a promise. And on that first image in that set, you had two flags on there. You had what's considered the gay pride flag, but you also had the modified gay pride flag with the pedophile features on it. And so both of you served in the military. Were you allowed to carry the flag of another state? Only if you're like, if I was from Missouri, you could. No, no. I'm talking about another country.
Starting point is 01:38:06 Or another entity, another organization. Of course not. And what would happen to you? They'd drum you out of the military. But now you get chased out if you refuse to carry it. It's a new army, a new military. And under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, homosexuality is still a crime.
Starting point is 01:38:23 Yes. It is. It's enforceable. But not now. Why are Christian men and women, why are they still in the military, and why are they still signing up? Why? If the U.S. military has become totally obnoxious and repulsive to a Christian, let's say to God, Almighty God, if it has become repulsive, why are Christians still in the military? How many of those men that marched
Starting point is 01:39:08 in that homosexual parade in the U.S. Navy, how many of them considered themselves Christians and said, I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do. I'm following the order. How many of them are Christians? When are they going to take a stand for Christ and his kingdom? When? It's time to do it. Yeah, you're a soldier for Christ first. So, the Patriots, I mean, the apostles were not, they never tried to save the Roman Empire. No, they didn't join the Roman army and try to recruit people and try to make the Roman army better.
Starting point is 01:39:46 No, they had Roman centurions joining the church. Yes, that's right. And leaving the army. Yes, because in the early church, you couldn't be part of the larger community of believers if you were a soldier. Still an active duty soldier. Right. So you had to make a choice. Because you can't serve two masters. Right. So you had to make a choice. Because you can't serve two masters.
Starting point is 01:40:05 Right. So when are American Christians going to make that decision? And you can't just blame the Democrats. There are a lot of high-ranking Republicans who find nothing wrong with the change. Richard Grinnell. Yeah, absolutely. He probably was probably his idea. nothing wrong with with richard grinnell i mean change richard grinnell yeah absolutely he probably was probably his idea he probably printed off those flyers at his house and put them out everywhere it was definitely his idea you know and that's the style and it's a we've compromised we've allowed it to get this far to the point now that we're boosting up a transgender we're the
Starting point is 01:40:39 party of traditional marriage supposedly but not anymore So the Air Force, they're having drag queen shows on military bases. The military Air Force bases. The Navy, they're having Pride diversity marches, whatever that thing is. The Army, they do the red high heel thing. Gay parent commercial, that was the real thing? Yes, and so, and when they say be all you can be,
Starting point is 01:41:04 they mean you can be a woman too if you want to and they'll pay for it and they'll pay for the army will pay for the veterans hospital will now pay veterans administration will now pay for a veteran to become a transvestite so your tax money will cover the medical bill and that's just a cosmetic surgery that's now it's a cosmetic surgery. What kind of country is this? It's a cosmetic surgery. It's not, you can't not change from being a man to a woman. It's not a biology style surgical solution.
Starting point is 01:41:37 And how frightened do you think the Russians and Chinese are going to be when the transvestite division rolls in with the multicolored flag painted on their tanks? In their dresses. A big target. Well, the solution is Jesus Christ. It's always been. The solution is, first of all, the church, the people who call themselves by his name. We need to start acting like it, and we need to start speaking up for righteousness,
Starting point is 01:42:05 and we need to declare his name. What was the one thing in the early church that the Jews didn't want the church to say? The name of Jesus Christ. The name of Jesus Christ. Do not say his name. Do not preach in his name. That's why the early church was persecuted,
Starting point is 01:42:22 because they were defying the orders not to say his name. First thing that we need to do in this country as Christians is start saying his name again, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is Lord. And we need to start being the light and being the salt and letting the light of Christ shine in this country. The salt brings irritation to the wicked, and we are to be the salt. But it can also bring healing to the wounded, too. So it works both ways.
Starting point is 01:42:59 Yes. And so we are to be the salt and the light. That's the first thing. The church members, we all need to clean up every area of our personal life that is out of order with Almighty God. And the nation as a whole is running out of time to get its act together. And most of them don't even know what they're supposed. is running out of time to get its act together. And most of them don't even know what they're supposed. They have no idea.
Starting point is 01:43:35 The younger you are as an adult in this country, you don't even know. You don't even know that there was a country a few decades ago that was God-fearing. You don't even know it. That's the scary thing. They don't even know it existed. They think a porn-saturated, filthy, vulgar society is normal. They think you grew up with it. I grew up with it. They have no idea that anything ever existed before. That's the frightening thing.
Starting point is 01:44:09 And why don't they know? Because the church is silent about the name of Jesus Christ and his kingdom and his commandments. There's very little preaching of sin, of hell, of damnation for those who rebel against God's kingdom. Yeah, the churches are more concentrated on getting attendance up, not talking about Jesus Christ's repentance. And by doing so, they're making sure the attendance and the occupying population of hell is going up. Yeah, yeah. So it all comes down to the church, all right? And the church in America right now is at fault for allowing this to happen. And only the church can change it. There's nobody else that's going to do it.
Starting point is 01:44:57 You're not going to vote it in. There's nothing else you can do. I think we should go home at this point. Yes. Those are some wise words, Rick. Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. There are people that wake up every day, and their main mission is to serve Satan and start a war.
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Starting point is 01:46:05 and report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you and God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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