TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Russia Vows to Strike Ukraine’s Donated F-16s Based in Other Countries
Episode Date: June 10, 2024As Western NATO nations prepare to delivery F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, Russian leaders are vowing to wipe them out no matter where the warplanes are stored. The threat came on Monday after a Ukrain...ian brigadier general said some of the warplanes would be stored in airbases in other countries.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 06/10/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Now is the time to protect your assets with physical gold & silver. Contact Genesis Gold Today! https://www.TruNewsGold.comGet high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!https://www.AmericanReserves.comIt’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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As Western NATO nations prepare to deliver F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine,
Russian leaders are vowing to wipe them out no matter where the warplanes are stored.
The threat came on Monday after a Ukrainian brigadier general said some of the warplanes would be stored in nearby air bases in other countries. I'm Rick Wiles. This is True News for Monday, June 10,
2024. Let's begin our analysis and commentary by looking at this report published by Radio Free Europe, Ukrainian Air Force General says some F-16s will be stored outside Ukraine.
Doc, let's see what the general said.
Well, the chief of aviation in Ukraine's Air Force says some of the dozens of advanced F-16 aircraft pledged to Kiev by Western allies
are going to be stored abroad to avoid them being hit in russian attacks in ukraine
at least that's his reasoning brigadier general sergey halubstov told donbass realities of our
radio free europe's ukrainian service in an extended interview that such warplanes abroad
will help maintain an operational fleet corresponding to the country's western
train pilot corps there are a certain number of aircraft that will be stored at secure
air bases outside of ukraine so that they are not targeted there hobstov said and this will be our
reserve in case of need for replacement of faulty planes during routine maintenance such as being
blown out of the sky so so apparently the the ukrainian military leaders don't think, and I guess NATO commanders don't think that Putin would dare follow the F-16s back over the border.
You know, they're going to come over the border, bomb Russia. They don't think that Putin would order the Russian Air Force to locate those planes and follow them and find out where they landed and take them out.
I mean, whose planes are they?
Are they Ukraine's planes or not?
If they're Ukraine's planes, then Russia has a right to blow them up wherever they come from, right?
That's right.
And the Russians aren't going to use Russian warplanes.
Obviously, they're going to use missiles. Of course let's let's take a look at how russia
is responding today this is rt russia ready to strike nato airfields hosting ukrainian jets any
ambiguity there and what russia is willing to do? Strike NATO airfields, as in Poland and other nations. Any nation giving
cover to Ukraine will become a target. And the moment a NATO nation is attacked, then Article
5 is activated. And guess what? The fight is on. and it's all out war at that point this is the
the lunacy of what the west is doing day after day after day driving us closer to the cliff
an abyss where the world falls into an abyss where there is no way out after nuclear weapons are used
uh let's take a look at what the r are saying today. Two significant things out of this to be watching for. F-16 jets and any airfields that are based
at will be legitimate targets for the Russian military if they participate in combat missions
against Moscow's forces. That's coming from the chairman of the Russian State Duma Defense
Committee, Andrei Kartapalov. In a statement to RIA Novosti on Monday,
Kartapalov clarified that if the F-16s are not used for their intended purpose
or simply held in storage at foreign air bases with the intent to transfer them to the Ukraine,
where they'll be equipped, maintained, and flown from Ukrainian airfields,
then Russia would have no claims against its former partners and would not target them.
However, if the jets take off from foreign bases and carry out sorties and strikes against Russian forces, both the fighter planes and the airfields they are stationed at will be legitimate targets, he said.
As for our ability to shoot them down, we can shoot down anyone, anywhere, the MP insisted.
Here's the second thing to be listening for here. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has also warned that Moscow would perceive the deliveries of those F-16
fighters to Ukraine as a nuclear threat, given that the jets have been long used as part of the
U.S.-led bloc's joint nuclear missions. And so you got two things that the Russians are watching out for there.
But he made it clear, as long as you don't use these planes for strikes against the Ukraine,
okay, we don't care what you do.
But the moment you cross that line, we're going to target not only the planes, we're
going to target the bases where the planes came from.
That's right.
And if they're perceived to be a nuclear threat, what's to keep Russia from responding
with a nuclear response? Well, the Russians have to look at it
as a nuclear threat because the F-16s could deliver
nuclear-armed missiles. And they won't know until it's too late
if they waited. It's too late at that point. So they have to look at these
warplanes as potential carriers of nuclear warheads.
This next story is interesting.
West wants to defeat Russia militarily to get access to its wealth.
I don't have the quote here.
This is Victor Orban.
And Mr. Orban made this very blunt,
stunning statement that the war is about money.
It's about wealth.
And remember, Hungary is a member of NATO.
This guy's on the inside of NATO.
And what he's saying to us today is the West is after the wealth in Ukraine.
And that's the reason for this long drawn out war with Russia to wear down Russia so that the West has control of Ukraine.
You might say, well, don't they have control now no they got it they have
to bring it to a place of complete destruction in in terms of it becoming a failed state right
and then it becomes a ward of the state where the west says well this country ukraine can't
it can't survive without us which is where they're at right now.
And then at some point, the West sets up its own government because right now, Zelensky is a usurper.
His presidential term expired last month.
He has no legitimate constitutional right to be in the presidency.
And one puppet is just as legitimate as another.
That's right. So you can expect another puppet to be placed in power in Kiev in the near future.
But for Mr. Orban, the prime minister of Hungary, just to come right out and say,
here it is. Western leaders who are on the war path
want to defeat Russia militarily.
Their plan is simple
because it is all about the money
which gives them clout and power, he said,
when asked why the West was determined
to have a military victory over Russia and Ukraine.
Did Mr. Orban say it's all about the Benjamins?
He sure did.
It's about the Benjamins.
It's about the money.
He made a reference that back in the 1990s, all these different Western companies and
everything, they were welcomed into Russia with open arms and everything until Russia
pushed them out. And Mr. Orban's making the claim that one of the reasons why that we're trying to take
Russia now is we missed those days of the 90s where we could just take Russia for all
the money that it had.
Good point.
Now, some people would say, well, Viktor Orban is a Putin stooge.
He's a pro-Russian leader inside a NATO country.
We can't put much credence into what he says because he's too friendly towards the Russians.
Do we have anybody in the United States saying anything close to what Victor Orban said, that this war is about money. It's about gaining the wealth and the power, the resources, the farmland, the natural resources of Ukraine.
Do we have anybody talking like that inside the United States?
I'm glad you asked.
Yes, we do.
And it's none other than Lindsey Graham. And Lindsey Graham was on Face the Nation yesterday, and he made a number of extreme, radical comments.
I mean, Lindsey Graham in his old age is really going all out.
I mean, he's not holding back.
He's just saying the most crazy, extreme things you can imagine.
And so he told CBS Face the Nation, it's about the money.
Ukraine's got wealth. That's what we're there for. Let's watch.
What did Trump do to get the weapons flowing? He created a loan system. They're sitting on
10 to 12 trillion dollars of critical minerals in Ukraine. They could be the richest country in all of Europe.
I don't want to give that money and those assets to Putin to share with China.
If we help Ukraine now, they can become the best business partner we ever dreamed of,
that $10 to $12 trillion of critical mineral assets could be used by Ukraine and the West,
not given to Putin and China.
This is a very big deal how Ukraine
ends. Let's help them win a war we can't afford to lose. Let's find a solution to this war. But
they're sitting on a gold mine to give Putin 10 or 12 trillion dollars of critical minerals
that he will share with china is ridiculous
they're sitting on a gold mine what was the uh what was the reason for afghanistan
at that time early 2000s we were told afghanistan had three to five trillion dollars in rare earth minerals right why was the United States in Afghanistan for 20 years?
Oh, we were chasing a seven-foot Arab with a dialysis machine through the desert.
No, it was about the rare earth minerals.
And eventually the U.S. gave up
and just said, this war is unwinnable.
Because they'd gotten everything they could of the wealth i don't know if they did doc i don't
know or they it was just going to cost too much to get it was just too much and so now we're seeing
i think what we're seeing now is why the politicians in in washington have been willing
to spend so much of your money because they're like we're going to get it back yes and a lot
more of course you and i aren't going to get it back. Yes. And a lot more.
Of course, you and I aren't going to get it back.
They're not going to refund us the taxes we've paid.
They'll get the gold mine.
We'll get the shaft.
You better believe it.
So they plan to literally rape Ukraine and suck all the wealth out of Ukraine,
and they're determined not to let Putin get it.
Putin was never going in there to get
ukraine to start with they have their own they have more natural resources than the united states
it was all about stopping nato from building and why was nato going to put bases in ukraine
now we're seeing why yes even more than going after Russia's wealth, they were going to take Ukraine's wealth.
First, yes.
That's what it's all about.
Lindsey said it.
They're sitting on a gold mine.
It came right out of his mouth.
$15 trillion of wealth.
And if Ukraine's worth $15 trillion imagine how much russia is worth
is that where the war is taking us and they have they have their fair market value estimates already
now another thing that lindsey graham said he said he supports the u.s training military forces
inside ukraine well that would require u.S. troops being in Ukraine.
We know that there are U.S. military advisors and special forces already in Ukraine.
That would be naive to think that they're not there.
But Mr. Graham is saying, I like it.
I like it, and let's send more, and let's be open about it. I like it. And let's send more and let's be open about it.
Let's really build up the Ukrainian military and let's put U.S. soldiers there and defense contractors.
All right.
Let's get them inside Ukraine and let's build up the Ukrainian military because Putin has decimated the Ukrainian military.
This is Lindsey Graham on CBS Face the Nation yesterday.
Yes, I do support us training inside the country. You know, the delay in weapons because of House inaction, we did lose momentum. But from the very beginning, the Biden administration,
they did not impose pre-invasion sanctions to deter Putin.
They didn't give weapons to Ukraine early on to deter Putin. And now we've got a chance to reset
this war that they have the weapons. Here's what he wanted most of all, for us to go after the
Russian assets all over the world, take the money from the sovereign wealth funds of Russia and give it to Ukraine. There's $300 billion sitting in Europe from Russian sovereign wealth assets that we should
seize and give to Ukraine.
We have Russian money in America we should seize.
We should make Russia a state sponsor of terrorism under US law.
When I suggested that to President Zelensky, he lit up like a Christmas tree.
Making Russia a state sponsor of terrorism under U.S. law would be a very big blow to Russia.
Go seize Russia's wealth. Globally. Globally. Anywhere in the world, if Russia has money somewhere, seize it.
They can't conceal it anymore.
It's just out in the open,
what they're doing.
Because they're thieves.
They're murderers.
They're liars.
What's in it for Lindsey Graham?
He's a U.S. Senator from South Carolina.
I just believe he's demon-possessed.
Well, that's what I'm saying.
What's in it for him?
He could never be re-elected
Senator of South Carolina.
He can't.
The people despise him now.
If he sticks his head out in public
in South Carolina, he's booed.
What's in it for him, Doc?
He can't say the people of South Carolina are encouraging me to push for World War III.
The people of South Carolina want to get rid of Lindsey Graham.
What's in it for Lindsey Graham?
Why is he the mouthpiece for the warmongers in this country?
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What prompted Mr. Medvedev to make that inflammatory post on Telegram was the announcement by Vladimir Putin that he was going to share Russian weapons with America's enemies.
And he called them America's enemies and said, you know, we are now shipping weapons to countries that the United States considers its enemies.
And that obviously would include Cuba.
So we are moving back to the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Israeli leaders over many months that Benjamin Netanyahu was deliberately sabotaging negotiations to release the hostages.
So, Doc, those children paid with their lives to give Bibi Netanyahu an extra three or four months in power.
Because that's all it was.
Right. yahoo an extra three or four months in power because that's all it was right he he sabotaged
the negotiations to stay in power but when the pressure became so great you're not getting any
hostages released then he had to tell the idf just go in kill whoever you've got to kill and
come out with some people i need need a victory. President Trump,
scheduled to be interviewed by his probation officers.
Oh my God.
Well, having worked in prison ministry. What are we reading here?
What are we reading?
Well, having worked in prison ministry in the past
for a couple of years,
I have some advice for Mr. Trump.
Be sure when you arrive on time
and early for your probation
meeting, make sure to dress nice
and everything. Be honest. Answer the questions.
Say yes, sir. Yes, and be respectful
and everything. If they ask you questions
like, have you used any drugs in the
past week, say no.
Now, Mr. Trump will have a problem.
Have you gambled in the past week?
You have said, well, I own a casino.
Does that count?
But the president of the United States meeting with a probation officer.
Why aren't people's heads exploding over this?
This is part of the humiliation process to humiliate Donald Trump. that if he's not given prison time,
he may be sentenced to community service.
You mean like picking up trash alongside the road?
No, he says that in the article.
That he could be compelled to sweep streets in New York City and pick up litter wearing his vest.
These guys are so crazy.
Darrell Bock This is about humiliating Donald Trump.
Darrell Bock Would the Secret Service detail also have
to wear safety vests too?
Darrell Bock I guess so.
They'll all have to be, they'll be walking near him and surrounding him as he picks up
his litter.
But that's not going to happen.
This is about humiliating him.
Darrell Bock Right.
Darrell Bock That's all it is.
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