TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Russian cities prep for possible mass burials of war dead
Episode Date: April 13, 2021Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall lays out the prospects for war between NATO and Russia as the conflict ramps over the Ukraine and Crimea. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (04/12/21...)
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The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you.
To find out how you can help, visit www, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll.
The standoff between Russia and Ukraine has gone nuclear.
This weekend, Vladimir Putin deployed ballistic nuclear missile systems and at least 80,000 combat-ready troops to Crimea and Transnistria to the south.
Ukraine and its NATO guardians have followed suit and placed all able-bodied men on the front lines.
Russian cities have even begun preparing for mass burials.
With the Russian city of Cherepovets,
north of Moscow,
putting out an urgent notice that body bags filled with the corpses of soldiers
killed during wartime may be arriving soon.
Joining me to discuss this story and more,
our True News founder, Rick Ross,
and Doc Burkhart.
Hey, Edward.
Things have heated up since we were here Friday.
Each day, the headlines just become more sober.
Iskander nuclear missiles were deployed.
Most of the, here in the United States,
most of the American news media is oblivious
to what's taking place in Eastern Europe at the Ukrainian-Russian border.
You barely hear any mention of it.
They're certainly not preparing the American people for the possibility that the United States could be in a war with Russia,
that there could be a nuclear confrontation at any moment.
It is extremely tense.
And one careless move by either side
could start a war.
And so, true news,
we've been telling our audience for weeks
that this is building.
And we're trying to give you our best reports True news, we've been telling our audience for weeks that this is building,
and we're trying to give you our best reporting on what is taking place.
So the three big things that you just mentioned, Edward,
the Russians moved 80,000 troops to the border.
Plus the capability of nuclear armament. The Iskander short-range missile launchers,
which can fire conventional or nuclear warheads.
So we don't know what the Russians have equipped, how they've armed these missile launchers.
But the third thing is the body bags.
BILL MOYERS Yes, that's something we learned about today.
And this is in a city that's even near Crimea, where the standoff is. It's north of Moscow.
But there was a clear notice placed on the website for the city of Cherepovets. And here's
the post that we came across. It was titled, Resolution of the Mayor's Office of the City of Cherubovitz, dated the 5th
of April 2021, on the Organization of Urgent Burial of Corpses in Wartime.
Didn't leave much there for the imagination. In fact, quoting from the mayor's release,
it says, the creation and accumulation of material and technical means for the urgent burial of
corpses and means of disinfection shall be carried out as part of stocks for the needs of civil defense
based on the projected volumes of work on the urgent burial of corpses.
Now, this was actually a week ago, Rick, that this was sent out not just to Cherepovets,
but also for other Russian cities.
It's just now floating up to sites where we're accessing them,
where we're being made aware of it.
But if you take that into account with the developments over the weekend,
it makes for a chilling forecast here over the next few days and weeks.
What reporting we do see in the United States is heavily biased against Russia.
You'll see headlines about NATO warns against Russian aggression
or some senator denouncing Russia
for its aggressive actions towards Ukraine.
When the truth is,
not one Russian soldier has crossed the Russian border.
They're in Russia.
Russian troops are in Russia where they belong.
But American troops are not in America where they belong.
Because America sticks its nose in everybody's business.
And some countries, like Russia, are getting fed up with it.
And they're not looking for a fight, but they're not running from a fight.
Doc, as long as I have been doing this program,
that's 22 years now,
Vladimir Putin, look, he came to power
on New Year's Eve, 1999, Y2K.
So this news program started on May 24th, 1999.
Putin came to power in December of that year.
Seven months later, yes.
So I have been following Vladimir Putin for 22 years.
He has repeatedly warned NATO and the United States, do not come near our border.
How would you respond to those people, though, that say, well, he says that all the time?
I would say he's been extremely patient for 22 years.
He has warned and warned and warned.
We have a red line.
Do not put troops on our border.
Do not put rocket launchers on our borders. Do not put tanks on our borders.
And the United States and NATO has pushed the envelope and pushed the envelope and pushed the envelope.
So where are we right now? We're doing war, war games right now on his border.
Yes, Defender Europe. And we're discussing, openly discussing, bringing Ukraine into NATO,
which means they would inherit Article V protections.
Thus, if Ukraine said, all they have to do is say they've been attacked by Russia
in the Russian-controlled territory, then the whole of Europe and the United States
are pulled into a war.
Yes, if Ukraine joins NATO, obviously there will be NATO military bases in Ukraine.
You know, a mile from the Russian border.
Right now there's just trenches.
How do you think Putin's going to respond to it?
Well, he put the message out very clearly.
You don't move Iskander ballistic missiles
to the region as a fun game
for a carnival. That
was the message. He moved those
there because he said, I will use
these if you want to push the line. Yeah. I repeatedly use the same
analogy to help our audience, to help Americans think through what's taking place, not to buy
into the CFR, Bilderberg, NATO propaganda, Russians are bad, the Russians are evil,
they're coming to get us. No, they're not. No, they're not. The Russians are not looking for a
war. There's nothing for them to be gained in going to war with the United States.
There's plenty to lose.
Yes, they could lose everything.
They're not looking for, but I'll tell you who's looking for war.
The United States, the ruling elite of the United States,
not the American people, but the ruling elite of the United States
wants a war with Russia.
They want it bad.
Yeah, and also they're partners with NATO.
We're not partners, we run NATO.
Well, that's true.
We run NATO. They're the junior partners.
Yeah, it's a Bilderberg operation.
The Ukraine foreign minister is supposed to have an emergency meeting with NATO tomorrow.
And so he's making a trip to NATO headquarters tomorrow to meet with Jen Stoltenberg and
the rest of the executives there at NATO headquarters in Brussels.
And so that's happening tomorrow.
So this is starting to escalate and ramp up.
The analogy which I've used before, just imagine tens of thousands of Russian, Chinese, and Chinese and Iranian troops and tanks and bombers and artillery on the Mexico border,
right on the border with Texas, that you could stand on the American side of the Rio Grande
and wave at Russian and Chinese troops. Imagine that scenario. Now, you tell me
how the U.S US Pentagon is going to respond
Would we mobilize 80,000 troops to Texas? I mean it mobilize a million why because we'd say we're about to be in they're gonna be invaded
well, that's what the Russians are thinking and
They have every reason to expect an invasion what they're concerned about is that this NATO drill that's underway
That will go until what, June? June.
They're concerned that it's going to go hot. It's going to go live. And it's really
not a drill. It's actually a preplanned invasion of Russia.
Well, let's catch our audience up on what's happened over the weekend here. Where
do we stand now?
Over the weekend, there's been more drills. The Russians have actually been moving many of their forces into the Black Sea,
which is the body of water, which really partners Sevastopol and Crimea. The Russians
are saying that they will control this area, will shoot down any enemy aircraft and drones that
attempt to intersect in this area. The United States has actually already promised to put
destroyers here, but they have already been running drills. They've also been sending gunboats.
The gunboats are important because this will be the means to stop supply convoys, to stop any
smaller vessels, and even maybe to fire off mines on NATO submarines who decide to come into the
Black Sea. And I saw reports over the weekend that the goal of this is to cut Ukraine off completely
in the Black Sea.
It's a strategy very similar to what Iran has been doing with their gunboat Armada.
Sergey Lavrov, the foreign minister for Russia, he's actually spent this past week in Egypt.
He's gone to Egypt to actually try to negotiate what this new order in the Middle East and in the Caucasus will
look like. Because it's not just Russia and Ukraine, and obviously NATO that's been brought
into this. Turkey this weekend even decided to pick a side. They said that they will side with
Ukraine and their bid for NATO membership, which is a pretty hard line in the sand. It also means that Russia might lose their access to the Mediterranean Sea.
But all while this is going on, the president of Ukraine has been very busy creating his own version of political theater.
As you notice, the Americans are not paying attention to much.
But what they have seen, Rick, is what I can only really describe as the latest version of Anderson Cooper propaganda.
So CNN has gotten embedded with the president of Ukraine.
And he took them to the frontline trenches where they could run around in fields and pretend they're about to get shot by snipers.
Honestly, I don't know that this wasn't recorded in the fields of Germany.
It's the most ridiculous piece of propaganda you're going to see.
But this is what Americans are talking about as the Russians are repairing mass grave sites.
Lines in eastern Ukraine.
The simmering conflict with Russian-backed rebels.
Once again, the focus of U concern. As tensions with Russia ratchet higher, CNN has gained this unprecedented access to the
Ukrainian president on a carefully planned troop visit, flying with him, fast and low,
to avoid ground fire.
It's been a long time now.
It's been seven years, this war.
Yes, during seven years.
How are the soldiers?
Are they holding up or are they tired of this war? They, during seven years. And how are the soldiers? Are they holding up or are they
tired of this war? They are tired, of course. Like, hey man, you know, during seven years it's longer than
than the Second World War. Yes, you see that and it's terrible.
Longer than the second, but with its complex network of dank, muddy trenches,
this so-called line of contact, in some places just a few dozen yards from the enemy,
looks more like the First World War.
Is there a chance that the Russians could be planning an invasion?
Of course, of course, we know it.
Beginning from 2014, we know that it can be, it can be anyway, each day, it can be.
So they are ready, but we are also ready because we are on our land, on our territory.
This is why Ukraine, the US and the Western allies are so alarmed.
Amid growing tensions, a dramatic build-up of Russian forces near the Ukrainian border and in Crimea.
Cell phone footage has emerged of armoured columns like this one
and of military hardware being transported by rail towards the border. Ukrainian military officials
tell CNN they estimate more than 50,000 Russian troops are now massing. Moscow says it's just an
exercise, not a threat. And out here, even the president runs the gauntlet.
We've got to run for it, right? Yes, run.
OK. All right. Come on, let's go.
So we're very close now, aren't we, to the separatists? Yeah.
That is all concerned.
There we go.
That was amazing.
So we've come so close now to the front line between Ukrainian forces and the Russian backed separatists
that President Zelensky and I just had to run through the open ground to get to this cover because the situation is so volatile, so potentially dangerous here.
Ukraine needs more than words.
Can I just ask a follow-up on that?
You understand, don't you, that if Ukraine were to be given NATO membership,
that might make the
conflict in this country even worse. It would infuriate Moscow. I can tell you, I can answer
you. Maybe you are right, but what now is going on? What we do here, what our people do here. They fight.
I have not seen wartime video footage
that inspiring
since Michael Dukakis
rode on a tank.
Well, Brick,
at least they have their masks on, right?
Younger folks don't remember that.
And let's not forget
that President Zelensky
was a stand-up comedian before he was elected president. Oh, that was common. And let's not forget that President Zelensky was a stand-up comedian before he was
elected president. Oh, that was common. And an actor. And so, and that was that. Aren't they
all actors? They are. Isn't that really what we've got now? Yes. The only thing real, I think,
in that report was the Russian tanks being moved to the border to protect Russia's border. But now
this isn't the only theater that's heated up over the weekend.
In China, they're also very serious about their own conflict region,
specifically with Taiwan.
Rick, over the weekend, actually today
was the latest incursion on airspace.
The Chinese launched nuclear bombers today.
This is a report from Reuters.
I caught this today, just a couple hours ago.
They sent 25 Air Force aircraft and included nuclear bombers in this conflict that went over
the Taiwanese Straits. This is important because the Chinese are making it very clear
that Taiwan has nowhere to run. Something I pointed out weeks ago,
these Chinese flyovers of Taiwan,
they are progressively more intimidating.
The number of jets, the number of warplanes,
and their capability.
So now we're talking about nuclear armed aircraft flying over Taiwan.
Right. And also the frequency has increased too, because Taiwan News is reporting that the Chinese
military aircraft are entering the Taiwan air zone the ninth day in a row. So this is continuing to
escalate in not only in volume, but also in
frequency as well. The thing I find troubling here, Rick, is that for the Chinese, they know
the United States is not prepared to actually defend Taiwan. We can barely defend our own cities.
And thus they can increase the frequency or even begin doing outright drills for invasion.
And the Taiwanese themselves, they have to start thinking,
we're on our own against the other huge nuclear arms superpower in the world.
Except they're not quite on their own, are they? We already have U.S. personnel
working in Taiwan, Rick. This is the only fun Taiwan news today. We've sent tank maintenance
crew. We're promising to send them Abrams tanks. This won't be until 2023, but there are U.S. soldiers, U.S. government personnel in Taiwan right now. If the invasion
were to happen today, these, among other diplomats, would be caught in the country.
I don't know if that's ever happened openly. I'm sure there have been troops.
They're advisors, Rick. You remember how advisors show up just before a war?
You know, the comforting thing is if we go into a war with Russia and China simultaneously, we're being led by Joe Biden.
And that makes me enormously confident that we're going forward and conquering the enemy.
Mm hmm.
But I just think about where we're at as a country.
Joe Biden.
Joe Biden is the commander-in-chief.
And we're going to fight Russia and China under Joe Biden.
Inspiring, isn't it?
No, it's quite troubling. And if Russia and China aren't the two places where we fight, it might be in the Middle East again.
The other major event of the weekend that happened was a nuclear plant in Iran was hit by an explosion caused by a cyber attack.
Eric, we know thanks to the leaks in the Israeli papers, it was due to Mossad.
It was an Israeli operation once again, just like the leaks in the Israeli papers, it was due to Mossad. It was an Israeli operation
once again, just like the tanker vessel last week. Mossad is behind this attack on Iran.
I've noticed in recent weeks these admissions of culpability by Mossad or the IDF. You know, typically... It takes a while.
Or they never confirm it.
Until they admit that they did it.
So it's either Israel is openly admitting they did it, or somebody is leaking the information
and forcing them to admit.
Well, the Israelis, and this is according to the Jerusalem Post, they believe
it's actually the U.S. counterparts that may be leaking it.
I'm talking about the Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, the Pentagon chief.
Really? The Israelis suspect the Americans of leaking this information?
They suspect the Americans because they've been giving the Americans a heads up each time.
Now, of course, it could be another slew of individuals.
We know that Israel is as disunited as ever going into their fifth election.
But the Jerusalem Post article quoting defense officials said they suspect the U.S. might be
behind it, the Biden administration. Did you say the fifth election? They just had one.
Yes, the most successful democracy in the Middle East, Rick.
They're going to hold another election. Fifth election. Okay, so there was an attack. Israel attacked Iran. This is the second attack in what,
less than two weeks? Yes. Because they attacked the ship. Yes, the ship, the Soviets. So Mr.
Netanyahu is a cornered rat. He's in deep trouble politically and legally facing a criminal investigation for corruption, desperately trying to cling to power.
He's got to stay in power in order to stay out of jail.
And he's committed Zionist and he doesn't want to give up any of the the Likud Nazi agenda. And so I think it's a very dangerous time because I think Netanyahu is quite capable
of starting a war for his own benefit. I saw him several times in Davos.
One time I was as close as you two guys, literally close. I remember you standing right beside me.
You stood right beside me.
And I turned my phone on.
I wasn't supposed to do that, but I did record the conversation.
I remember looking in his eyes, and they were dead.
They were just cold black eyes to me.
They were just lifeless eyes.
And I remember coming back from Davos and
saying something. And a lot of, a lot of true news fans who are Zionists got upset with me for
saying it. But this is what I remember at Davos thinking. That man, if his mother was standing in the way of his Zionist agenda and he was on a bulldozer, he would shift gears and gun the engine while eating a turkey sandwich and drive over his mother.
That's what I saw in his eyes.
Rise up and kill first mentality.
Rise up and kill first.
Nothing stands in the way of Zionism.
So is he capable of starting a war to pull the United States in?
Yes, absolutely.
And would he do it at a time that we're already committed, potentially,
to a war in Russia and a war in China?
Think about this. Imagine war breaks out in the Ukraine border with Russia.
War breaks out in Taiwan with China. War breaks out between Israel and Iran.
Does that qualify to be a world war?
Yes, it does.
That's the very definition of a world war.
And we're going to be led in the battle by Joe Biden.
You Democrats, you got it.
Sleep tight at night.
We got Uncle Joe to lead us into war.
The true general.
Well, thank you for watching part one of True News.
We'll be back in just a moment.
Well, there's no question.
It was a big cover up from the top on down.
What did we do wrong?
Why are we being labeled the bad guys?
We can't talk about it.
Why would they go ahead and tell me not to say nothing?
If you do, you're going to go to prison or worse.
They sent all of us in different directions.
That was to ensure that we didn't talk to each other and come up with a plan.
It was only the USS Liberty items that you were not permitted to put on your uniform.
Lies and deceit cover up the truth.
We want to uncover the lies and deceitfulness for the last 52 years.
It's a terrific combination of American money, French equipment and Israeli Air Force pilot.
What was he doing about all these of money to continue the Vietnam War.
This story has to be told.
I am not saying anything about the liberty, period.
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