TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Russian FM condemns West for homosexual blasphemy against Jesus Christ

Episode Date: June 28, 2021

Today on TruNews, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov excoriates the West in their blasphemy of Jesus and their accusation of the Son of God as a homosexual. Meanwhile, NATO and the US are plan...ning to continue ramping up their aggression with Crimea and the Sea of Azov. Nevada Sheriffs are getting fed up with the NSA, and Rick recalls Alaska Senator Mike Gravel, a radically different kind of Democrat who passed away over the weekend. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (6/28/21) Episode 5

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit www, 2021. I'm Edward Sall. Russia's stoic statesman, Sergei Lavrov, has condemned the West for teaching kids homosexual blasphemy about Jesus. According to Moscow's top diplomat, the gay propaganda promoted in America, the UK and the EU is a literal attack on the genetic code of the human species. More on this important story later in the Godcast. We'll also discuss the predatory campaign underway to force COVID needles into the arms of our children, including the perjured professors. We have audio to share of one of the Soviet-style firings of a surgeon in Canada who committed the grave sin of speaking out against the dangers of experimental mRNA vaccines.
Starting point is 00:01:23 All this and more on True News. But first, here is Kerry Kinsey with today's headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. CNBC and other media outlets reporting that New York prosecutors have told lawyers for former President Trump that they must respond by Monday with any last arguments as to why criminal charges should not be filed against his family business. The Washington Post reported this on Sunday. According to sources quoted in the Post, the deadline is a strong indication that the Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance and New York Attorney General Letitia James are considering criminal charges against Mr. Trump's family business. This comes after it was reported on
Starting point is 00:02:12 Friday that Vance could announce charges against the Trump Organization and Allen Weisselberg, its chief financial officer, within a week. For information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's called Two 2016 depositions of Ghislaine Maxwell in a civil case in which she was questioned about the sexual activities of Jeffrey Epstein can be used at her criminal trial. That according to the Times of Israel, a U.S. district judge rejected the request that she block prosecutors from using the interviews of Maxwell at her sex trafficking trial in November. Maxwell's lawyers argue that she only participated in the depositions because she was promised they would be kept secret. NBC News says the Supreme Court declined to take up the issue of whether schools in this country
Starting point is 00:03:09 must allow students to use the bathroom that matches their gender identities. The court declined without comment to hear the case of Gavin Grimm. Well, it's the end of a long legal road for Gavin Grimm. He originally went to court in 2015 after his freshman year in high school. He announced that he was transgender, that he wanted to use the boys bathroom. And at first the school said fine. But then the school board, after holding a public hearing, decided, no, that he would have to use a separate single stall bathroom, which he found stigmatizing. So he sued one of the lower courts. It went to the Supreme Court. But then the Trump administration
Starting point is 00:03:51 changed an education department policy that the lower courts had relied on and said it was not a violation of federal law for schools to do this. So the Supreme Court decided not to take his case. He refiled it and went back through the appeals court again. And he won. And then the school board appealed again. Now, Monday's order means Grimm's victory in the appeals court stays intact. The ACLU celebrated the action. Justice Thomas's and Alito's said the Supreme Court should have taken the case.
Starting point is 00:04:24 That's a look at True News headlines. Now let's get back to the Godcast. Here's Rick, Edward, and Doc. Thank you, Kerry. Welcome to the program, Rick, Doc. Good to see you, Edward. Hey, Edward. I'm having a good day.
Starting point is 00:04:41 That's good to hear. Had a good weekend, too? Yeah, I did. I had a great weekend, but I've had a good day. That's good to hear. Had a good weekend too? Yeah, I did. I had a great weekend, but I've had a great Monday. The blessings of the Lord started coming on this ministry in a new way, a special way last week. Every day, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. It was like I couldn't wait to get here to find out what was going to happen.
Starting point is 00:05:00 And there was more stuff today. More blessings. And so today, Monday, started out with a double blessing. The first one was my surprise discovery that our most fierce critic, Right Wing Watch, which is not a real organization. It's just a DBA of People for the American Way. But this is the organization that has relentlessly smeared us. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Done their best to destroy my reputation online, paint us as the most whacked-out crazy people on Internet video. I mean, they were backed by George Soros and several other leftist billionaires. Well, guess what happened? YouTube permanently banned right-wing watch. Yes, they did. I almost thought this is an early April Fool's Day joke. Or something from Babylon Bee or something like that.
Starting point is 00:06:15 This isn't real. But YouTube, in fact, did ban right-wing watch, took down all their videos. They're not coming back. They lost their appeal and they're gone. And so all the people, the critics, the haters, the people who smeared me and you and True News in general, they relied on Right Wing Watch to produce the propaganda videos where they would slice and dice our videos and make them appear that we said things that maybe we really didn't say, but always put a spin on it. We're dangerous, dangerous people. All their videos are gone. Right. Off YouTube.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Right. That was their main platform. They don't have another platform. Look, this is an organization that worked hard to get True News
Starting point is 00:07:11 deplatformed. They worked so hard to deplatform us, they never built their own platform. And they generated left-wing hatred towards me.
Starting point is 00:07:20 We always knew when they put out an attack because we'd get a spike in death threats against me. Right. Phone calls, emails, letters. One would say that the two being connected, you have to look at it. Were they inciting violence against us by spreading these lies? Well, I always believed that they were. They clearly knew that, and we said on the program,
Starting point is 00:07:41 right-wing watch attacks are generating death threats against us. And so much so that we had to open up a line of communication with local law enforcement to give them the death threats that were coming in and showing them the connection to a right-wing watch. Well, they're gone. They don't exist. They've been deplatformed. And it's just an amazing thing to watch this. How has Right Wing Watch responded to their demise? Well, they've complained that the decision by YouTube, and again, it's final, according to an email sent to them by a YouTube representative on appeal. They look at this as an injustice. They've tried to rile their remaining supporters on Twitter up to try to get Google to reverse the decision. But as I noted
Starting point is 00:08:32 here, this is an email from Google, really YouTube, to the representative at Right-Wing Watch. States, thank you for your account suspension appeal. We have decided to keep your account suspended based on our community guidelines and terms of service. Now, they've previously stated that their posting of videos of other organizations and ours have led to strikes. Well, three strikes and they are out. They've violated the same community standards that they lobbied YouTube and Google as a whole to enforce against us and others, and they now have lost access. I would be curious to know which videos got them flagged, because they said it was two videos in April that got them flagged, and then this third one, they said, from eight years ago that popped up, and that was the one that got them
Starting point is 00:09:24 out. But I'd be really curious to know which ones of the ones in April they got flagged on. Did you submit anything in April? Oh, well, we were talking in April, so we don't have to do anything to get submitted by Right Wing Watch. But it's entirely possible that it was a true news video that ended up getting them flagged. We know what videos got the most views. Certainly the true news videos. Yes. Well, I suspect that there will be layoffs very soon inside the organization because there's no platform for them to spew their lies and propaganda. So their writers, their editors,
Starting point is 00:10:07 all the people that they had working to smear us and other ministries, what are they going to do? I suspect they're going to lose their jobs this week. You know, if they get saved and come to know Jesus Christ and feel the Holy Spirit, we're hiring. But they got to be saved. They have to love Jesus Christ. They have to want to see the gospel expanded. I don't want to see them out of work. But I tell you, the first thing that came to my mind today, you know, the Bible tells us not to gloat over the demise of our enemies.
Starting point is 00:10:50 But Romans 12, 19 sums it up very well. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, vengeance is mine, I will repay repay says the Lord and this is a prime example in real time where we didn't fight back against right wing watch I did what the Lord said
Starting point is 00:11:18 to do bless them I mean I never prayed God burn their building down I just you know, Lord, bless them. Bless my enemies. I didn't fight. I didn't hire lawyers. I didn't sue.
Starting point is 00:11:32 I turned it over to the Lord and said, you deal with my enemies in the way you see fit. He shut down right wing watch today. Let me make this very clear today. Jesus Christ shut down right wing watch today. Let me make this very clear today. Jesus Christ shut down right wing watch. Amen. Amen. Not YouTube. Not YouTube.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Jesus Christ shut down right wing watch today. This is an example of God working through unsaved people at YouTube to carry out his vengeance against those who attack and smear his servants. And so I didn't have to lift a finger against right wing watch. I think they'll disappear in the coming weeks and months. There's no purpose for them now. And the same way they appeared. And we'll still be here. We will be here. We were here before they appeared. We will be here long after they disappear. Yes. So those are good things.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Some other things that happened today is a large Christian ministry that became at odds with us several years ago over Israel made peace with us today. Yes. God's doing good things today. And a lot of doors have been opening to us, so many that I'm almost like, I don't even know how we're walking through all these doors. Just for the new television network that we're launching in a few months and it's just been an amazing time so I'm giving God
Starting point is 00:13:14 all the glory I'm my heavenly father I'm worshiping him I'm exalting the name of Jesus Christ, he's blessing us. The people who wanted to see us collapse, disappear, fail, including people in the church who were just hoping a year or two ago that we would collapse. And just fade away. And we're bigger and stronger than we've ever been. And the Lord himself is removing our enemies. He's giving us favor. He's expanding our reach. Our distribution for this new television network
Starting point is 00:13:55 is going to be awesome. I mean, we are going to be in millions of homes this year. Can't censor it. Yeah, you can't censor it. And it's just a new day. Yes. The way I've been feeling all day today is the wind has turned. It's in a whole different direction.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Well, we wanted to update you on some other news items. President Trump had his first, I guess, rally in support of a candidate up in Ohio. Did you see how many people watched it online? No, I didn't hear that number. 2.2 million right-side broadcasting and 1.9 million viewers on their YouTube channel. Plus, I don't know, I mean, there were other C-SPAN, other organizations were also covering it, but just C-SPAN, you know, other organizations were also covering it.
Starting point is 00:14:45 But just right side broadcasting, they had 1.9 million. And there were some other outlets that had a couple hundred thousand. It's amazing. It's his very first appearance. And this was in support of a candidate up in Ohio? Oh, partly. It's supported by the Save the America PAC. It's this political PAC that President Trump started.
Starting point is 00:15:08 He actually wanted to announce that he was primarying the governor, Governor DeWine of Ohio. He wanted to say, hey, I'm going to be putting up a candidate against you. The funniest part about this was that Governor DeWine was President Trump's candidate in 2018. But the speech, I think, was more of an announcement that he's still alive, he's still got power also, that he's still moving ahead with maybe his own social media platform. He announced right before the rally that he was on Rumble.
Starting point is 00:15:35 It's an alternative to YouTube. The interesting thing about that, Rick, is that Rumble changed their terms of service right as President Trump was given a verified account. This is before Saturday. Meaning what? They now are going to police their platform for hate speech and anti-Semitism. So let me see. Rumble is one of their major investors is Peter Thiel, a homosexual activist, billionaire.
Starting point is 00:16:05 And so he's a major player in Rumble. So you're saying that just before President Trump officially became involved with Rumble as having a presence there, Rumble started, they amended their rules of conduct, their rules, terms of service, and they're banning criticism of Israel and Zionism. Yes. Yes. It's almost as if it was a clause in a contract. But that sounds like what Andrew Torba told us about how Jared Kushner pressured Gab. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:47 If you want Donald Trump on Gab, you have to ban criticism of Zionism in Israel. Yeah, literally censor Christians off the platform. So are you saying that Donald Trump actually supports censorship? Yes. Yes, I think that the president and his team are happy to see any criticism of Zionism, criticism of the shooting of kids beneath their waistline and their knees and their head. I think that the president is happy to censor that speech, any criticism of murder, but he supports the free speech when it comes to his campaign. So behind the scenes, his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is pressuring so-called conservative alternative platforms to ban criticism of Israel and Zionism. Right?
Starting point is 00:17:39 Yes. Isn't that what's happening? That's the story. And Gab said, no, we believe in free speech. And by the way, I don't personally, I don't believe that right-wing watch should be censored. I don't think so either. I'm for free speech. I want them to talk.
Starting point is 00:17:56 I'm for free speech, okay. But I want us to be able to talk too. Because in the free marketplace of ideas, our ideas will win. They wanted me banned. And because they worked behind the scenes to ban me, God banned them. Yes. Okay, that's between the Lord. All right, that's his decision.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Do you think it's possible YouTube canceled out right-wing watch as kind of a sacrifice or kind of a give me to say, yeah, we're fair on both sides. We'll ban somebody. That's interesting because, I mean, they're being accused of being extremely left-wing and that they don't ban leftists, and they just did. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:36 So of all sacrificial lambs, they chose right-wing watch. But on the right side of the fence, there are just as many people who are in favor of censorship when it comes to certain topics as others. And we've experienced this ourselves. And we've got to say on the left, right wing watch was the most vicious. Yes. The most vicious in the way that they used YouTube to smear conservatives. They were vicious. They really were very deceptive in the way they did things. And maybe that's what swayed YouTube to say, we're not going to allow this. But it's a warning to other leftist organizations. Be careful. Be careful what you're doing. You may get bit also. But going back to Donald Trump, so we're seeing
Starting point is 00:19:26 now a pattern where Jared Kushner is the power player. He's the man behind Donald Trump. Yes, he's got a book deal coming out next year, too, to describe how he manufactured the Trump presidency, how he played the calligraphy, you know, the Manchurian candidate behind President Trump. That's interesting. Did President Trump say anything new at the rally? Well, it was kind of a rehash of a lot of the same topics from before and everything. But there was an interesting segment of his speech where he repeated a story that he had done. I guess we've covered this in 2017, 2018, 15 and 16. So I didn't know if it was that far back. Oh yeah. He started that story in
Starting point is 00:20:15 2015. And it's an unusual story. We covered it. It's famously known as the snake story. He brought it back up and he brought it back up. And when we covered this before, we asked the question, who's he talking about, about being the snake? Well, you know, Doc, originally in 2015 and 16 during the campaign
Starting point is 00:20:36 against Hillary Clinton, I think all of us assumed that he was referring to the snake. He was referring to allowing criminal illegal aliens. I'm talking about illegal immigrants who commit violent crimes. Cartel members. Yes. I think that's the way most of us were interpreting it. You knew what I was when you allowed me to come across the border, but you did it anyhow. That's the way people interpret it. But then later, I think people started to say, wait a minute, was there a hidden message in that snake story?
Starting point is 00:21:19 Did we just get something that we didn't plan on? I mean, we did get the vaccines. Operation Warp Speed. We got the most radical Zionism in the White House the country's ever had. Right. So we have a soundbite? Yes. Yes, we do. We have the segment.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Again, this is partially taken from Al Wilson's 1968 song. I was looking it up today. That's where he originated the snake poem from. But here's President Trump using his first opportunity back at a big rally platform to share the snake story. And, you know, when I came up today, I had so many people. They said, could you do us a favor? What? Could you talk the snake?
Starting point is 00:22:02 You remember the snake? I used to use it on occasion. Not often. Does anybody want to hear the snake? You remember the snake? I used to use it on occasion, not often. Does anybody want to hear the snake? You want to hear it? The snake. The snake. The snake. And this has to do with our border.
Starting point is 00:22:24 It wasn't meant to be for the border. It was meant to be for other reasons. But this has to be really what's happening to our border. And so many people said, please, please, you're going to Ohio. I don't know the fact that I'm going to Ohio why they want to talk about the snake. But it's because of immigration, and it's because of the borders, and because Ohio sees it far better than most, don't you, huh?
Starting point is 00:22:51 You understand what's happening? The snake. On her way to work one morning, down the path along the lake, a tenderhearted woman saw a poor, half-frozen snake. His pretty-colored skin had been all frosted with the dew. Poor thing, she cried. I'll take you in, and I'll take care of you, to the snake. Take me in, oh tender woman, take me in for heaven's sake. Take me in, oh tender woman, sighed the vicious snake. She wrapped him up all cozy in a comforter of silk and laid him by her fireside with
Starting point is 00:23:35 some honey and some milk. She hurried home from work that night and as soon as she arrived, she found that pretty snake she'd taken in had been fully, fully revived. Take me in, oh tender woman, take me in for heaven's sake. Take me in, oh tender woman, sighed that vicious snake. She clutched him to her bosom. You're so beautiful, she cried, but if I hadn't brought you in by now, you truly would have died. She stroked his pretty skin again and kissed him and held him tight. But instead of saying thank you, the snake gave her a vicious bite. Take me in, oh tender woman, take me in for heaven's sake.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Take me in, oh tender woman, sighed the vicious snake. I saved you, cried the woman, and you've bitten me, but why? You know your bite is poisonous, and now I'm going to die. Shut up, silly woman, said the reptile with a grin. You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in. So while President Trump was speaking in Ohio, there was another interesting development in the United Kingdom. Rick, did you know the best place to find classified documents is in a puddle behind the bus stop? Yes, this has happened several times in Great Britain in recent years where top secret classified documents have been found on sidewalks or unusual places. You know, the inference is always, you know, a spy in a hurry to get to a meeting.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Right. Accidentally dropped the file folder or left the briefcase in the taxi or something like that. It's always, you know, that's the explanation. I suspect it's somebody in a British agency wanted this document out. Well, it had to do, the documents had to do with the HMS Defender. Yes. That's what everyone ran with. But I think I have an explanation for this.
Starting point is 00:26:07 There's also another major part of the story that was not in the headlines. Wait a minute. Since it's our audience, I understand. So the Defender is what? Is the ship that threatened to run basically the Russian gauntlet at Crimea. Yes. So the Russian aircraft dropped bombs in front of it last week. So you think there's another angle?
Starting point is 00:26:31 Yes. In the documents, there is mention of keeping U.S. special forces and U.K. special forces in Afghanistan after the pullout. Now, why I think this might be why this was left at a bus stop, so it would get out into the press. No, actually, the plan is for Great Britain to be in Afghanistan after the U.S. leaves. Yes. But the U.S. has also said they're going to leave about 650 personnel. Right. And this is at a time that the Afghan army is in full retreat. The cities are being encircled. By releasing these documents, you at least now have a headline for the Afghans
Starting point is 00:27:12 and even maybe defense contractors, people who have a vested interest in Afghanistan, to know that there will be a continued presence. It's a subtle kind of mention you now have in the stories internationally that you didn't have before? Because it looked like they were basically being abandoned. I was going to say, didn't the UK learn their first lesson in Afghanistan the last time that they were in charge there? I don't think Afghanistan is the main thing of the story. This story is about Britain's military and political leadership had extensive discussions about what will happen if our ship gets too close to Crimea. Will the Russians respond?
Starting point is 00:27:54 So you think someone within the intelligence community left these documents out to be found? Yes. In order to sway public opinion? World War III, because we've got a major naval exercise underway right now and maybe they're getting ready to do it again in the next few days. So this shows the world that there was a well thought out plan with different scenarios of how close can the British warship get to Crimea without provoking the Russians? And they refer to if the Russians act in an aggressive, unprofessional manner, like
Starting point is 00:28:40 dropping bombs in front of the ship. All right. But I really think this is, I think somebody in the British military or some intelligence agency deliberately released, dropped this on the street, on the sidewalk. And then it was taken, you know, an innocent bystander found it and took it immediately to the BBC. Right. To the BBC, not to the government. Not MI6. I read classified, not from my eyes. Yes. I thought you guys might know what to do with it.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Right. Oh, yeah, we know. And then the BBC published it, and now people all over the world are reading it, but it destroys the narrative that Britain, that the British ship was there to defend British values and all this stuff. No, right here is the discussion. They're discussing provoking Russia. Yes, that's what this is about. How far can we go in provoking Russia?
Starting point is 00:29:40 And what if we get a negative reaction out of them? And so I think somebody in one of these agencies knows there's another there's another plan to do this again. And they're prepared to provoke World War Three. I mean, this naval NATO exercise is underway right now. Yes. Involving. Remember last Friday, the Russians said, don't tempt fate. Yes. In other words, you did it once, and all we did was drop bombs in front of your ship. But they said the next time your ship is, and they used the words, a big fat target.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Yes. So the Russians said last Friday, we're prepared to sink your warships. I think somebody in this British intel agency said, I got to get this out because they're going to do it again. And we're going to be in World War III because of the stupidity. Well, it looks like we have another showdown brewing because there's about 30 warships now heading to the Black Sea. They're staying outside of the Sea of Azov and outside the territorial waters of the Crimean Peninsula, which has been the Russian Red Line. But about 30 warships and 40 aircraft from the U.S. and NATO
Starting point is 00:30:59 allies are participating in what's being called Sea Breeze 2021. Now, this is going to go on for the next two weeks, this drill. It's a drill both to show the weaponry, the missiles, and the capabilities of these ships, but also something to watch here will be the aircraft participation, because it won't just be reconnaissance aircraft. What the HMS Defender experienced from the British, the British official position was they got hacked. Remember that part?
Starting point is 00:31:26 They're claiming the HMS Defender was hacked by an unknown foreign actor, and it took over the GPS system of the ship. I believe these aircraft are going to be basically participating in defensive and offensive drills, maybe even participating in bombing runs in sort, if they had to invade Sevastopol, Koldupon. Well, remember, the Defender, that was just one ship. Now we're talking 30 ships. Yes. 40 planes. So, you know, are they going to use the excuse next week, too? Well, they hacked our GPS again. And so. Or are they going to have multiple ships making a run towards Crimea?
Starting point is 00:32:12 That is very real possibility can Russia defend against multiple, you know sources coming at you know The Sea of Azov and so it's gonna be asking watch I came across a video yesterday It's actually about a week and a half old it happened around the 17th of June. Crimea has some heavy rains. Right. In the middle of the month. And a lot of flooding. And I found this on the Moscow Times.
Starting point is 00:32:35 The governor of Crimea, Sergei Askenov, went to the flood zone and toured the flooded city in a boat right so here's a picture of the back row governor of Crimea in a boat there but back over his shoulder there you see those black objects those aren't logs those are men swimming behind the boat. And according to the Moscow Times, nobody, including the governor, knew the identity of these men.
Starting point is 00:33:15 And we're going to show you a video and you'll actually see the governor there on the left. He kind of nervously turns and looks back like, are these frogmen? Are these, you know, whose side are they on? Are these Russian, you know, Russian commandos? Are these U.S. Navy SEALs? Who's behind me right now? Right. Are they getting ready to capture me? I mean, you wonder what's going through his head. Am I going to be captured and held as a prisoner of war, you know, for being the governor of Crimea? Let's watch the video. Rick, if those are bodyguards, let's just go with the first thing. Those are bodyguards for the governor. Shouldn't they have a boat?
Starting point is 00:34:22 I mean, it's kind of weird. I mean, you're not protecting the governor from swimming by his boat. Or Jinsky or something. Why are they swimming? The governor, after this video went viral, people referred to him as dolphins and these other things, you know. The governor confirmed that they were officers in the security service, the emergency situations ministry.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Of what? It would be the Russians, I suppose, on this. They don't have a boat. Where's their boat? And the boat that the governor's in, it seems pretty full. So it's another one of those mysteries. I don't know. It was weird.
Starting point is 00:34:58 I saw it yesterday. I thought, OK, it's strange. I got to show it. I don't know what to make of it. But just keep in mind that Crimea is in the center of NATO's sights this week. It's all about Crimea. And Crimea is Russia's holy land. They said they will never part with Crimea. Crimea is where Christianity originated in Russia and spread across the country.
Starting point is 00:35:27 And they're not going to leave. They're not going to lose Crimea. But the West wants Crimea separated from Russia. Is this not a spiritual battle? For Russia especially, it is. But it is for the United States, too, because the United States is driven with an anti-Christ spirit. Yes. NATO is driven with an anti-Christ spirit. Yes. NATO is driven with an anti-Christ spirit.
Starting point is 00:35:48 This is why they're attacking Russia over Crimea. It's about Christ. It's about Jesus Christ. It's not about land and territory and politics in Ukraine. It's about Jesus Christ. What is the spirit driving the ruling class of america it's anti-christ in fact um well we'll say i know you mentioned it at the beginning um of the uh of the statement by sergey lavrov Should we? Yeah. Why not just go there? Okay, we'll just go there down to 14.
Starting point is 00:36:26 And this is in the Times of London today. Sergei Lavrov, the foreign minister, said children in the West are taught that Jesus was bisexual. In 22 years of doing True News, I have followed Sergei Lavrov for years. This guy is the most, I mean, it comes to world diplomats. He is tight-lipped, guarded, very cautious in the words that he uses. I've often wondered, why don't you just say what you think, you know, Sergei? But he has that diplomatic training. For him to say this, I've never seen Sergei Lavrov even refer to his personal religious
Starting point is 00:37:18 beliefs. But he's pushed to the point, to the breaking point, where the foreign ministers, the Secretary of State of Russia, said, look, in the United States, in Europe, in Australia, in Great Britain, children are being taught that Jesus Christ was a homosexual, bisexual. and he's trying to tell the world Russia is standing for traditional Christian values. Again, this goes back to Crimea. We're not going to lose Crimea. This is where we got Christianity. Yes, and they give us a hint of it, that it is about Jesus Christ and the battle here, when they say that Britain says we're doing these provocations because of our values. The United States is the same.
Starting point is 00:38:05 We're protecting our values. Well, you're seeing here what our values are. The Russians have identified that the United States is engaged in basically a plague of blasphemy. We have crossdressers serving in senior positions of our government. Homosexuality is rampant. And they're going after the children with Drag Queen Story Hour. We've got a quote from the Times of London. Again, this is the Times of London today, with this on the front page.
Starting point is 00:38:36 It says, school children in some Western countries are taught that Jesus Christ was bisexual. Russia's foreign minister has claimed Sergey Lavrov made the assertion in an article condemning what he said were efforts by the West to impose liberal values on Russia and the rest of the world. He's quoted as saying attempts by reasonable
Starting point is 00:38:56 Western politicians to shield the younger generation from aggressive LGBT propaganda are met with bellicose protests from the enlightened Europe. Lavrov wrote in Kommersant, the interview was in the Kommersant newspaper in Russia. He's also quoted as saying, all world religions, the genetic code of the planet's key civilizations, are under attack.
Starting point is 00:39:21 In a number of Western countries, children are being persuaded as part of the school curriculum that Jesus Christ was bisexual. Of course, the Jesus-hating news media here in the United States and in Europe has attacked him and said there's no, he has no evidence. He, in fact, the Times of London said he provided no examples, no evidence. Doc, did you find any examples? As a matter of fact, Rick, I did. And there's probably other examples out there, but this is the one I found pretty quick.
Starting point is 00:39:54 There's an established organization, Christian organization in Australia called Christian Concern. And on their Facebook page, they had a video of a mother picking up her kids from school and they're having a conversation about Jesus. And so this is from Christian Concern Australia and let's hear what at least in Australia they're teaching their kids about Jesus. I need to know a bit about God. So everyone in the world loves him, but not me. I don't know about him.
Starting point is 00:40:31 So, that's number one. Yes, that's number one. So Violet, guess what? He's not buying me. I know that. But that's true. Did they teach you that at school? Yes. Oh they that. But that's true. Do they teach you that at school? Yes. That is not true. They do not teach you that at school. Why would you think Jesus is bi? Because he loves everyone in the world.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Okay. And why is he non-binary? Because he wears a dress and he's a man. Okay. Any other fun facts about Jesus? It's not funny and it's not a video you upload onto TikTok. You're sending a child to this school. Edward, this is happening to parents all over the West.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Yeah, they're capitulating. They're submitting. Their children are coming home, telling them these outrageous things, and the parents are stunned. They don't know what to do about it. If they go to the school and protest, they're labeled bigots. Right. Right? They take a chance.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Some of these countries, or even in the United States, in California, you take the chance. You will be arrested as a parent. You may have social services, child protective services come and take your child from you. All right. So this is Australia. We see it happening in Canada. We know it's happening here in the U.S. as well. Now, Doc, there's another battle going on right now in Eastern Europe, Hungary. Yes. Hungary, their legislature, their parliament passed a law recently signed into law by Victor Orban, the prime minister, and it bans the promotion of pro-homosexual propaganda to children in the country of Hungary. It does not ban homosexual behavior, relationships, or anything like that. It simply says you cannot give pro-homosexual literature, videos, or any type of instruction to underage children. What's wrong with that? There's nothing.
Starting point is 00:42:48 There used to be a day and age you wouldn't need a law. Yeah, you wouldn't need a law. People didn't know that this was wrong. You just have dads. Yeah, just dads. Dads would take care of that. So they passed a law. What happened in the European Union?
Starting point is 00:42:59 Well, we'll go up to number 13b. European leaders confront Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orban over discriminatory LGBT law banning promotion of homosexuality. So you have European leaders this week saying Hungary must repeal the law immediately or leave the European Union. That's how far they're willing to take this. No compromise. No room for different views. Repeal the law or leave the European Union.
Starting point is 00:43:36 And I hope the people of Hungary say, good riddance. This was a mistake to get in the European Union. I hope they call their bluff and pull out of the European Union. So who's leading the charge on this in the EU, Rick? Is it the Dutch prime minister? Mark Rutte. Who is a homosexual? Yes. And also Emmanuel Macron. Oh, yes. Emmanuel Macron of France has clearly said that Hungary's going to have to be taught a lesson.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Yet Emmanuel Macron doesn't seem to have an issue with selling French weapons to Muslim countries that are hanging homosexuals from cranes. No. One of them being Saudi Arabia. And Ursula von Leyen, the former defense minister of Germany, she's now the commissioner, the head of the EU. She's threatened to teach Hungary a lesson. There's talk of kicking them out, as you've noted, but also there's discussion of keeping them inside, not allowing them to leave. It's tough to kick someone out, apparently, unless you go through a Brexit and a formal process. Everyone saw how tough that was for the United Kingdom.
Starting point is 00:44:50 But there's talk of punishing them inside the European Union with sanctions and with trade punishment. I mean, seriously, this is like they're talking about enslaving or treating Hungary like a bunch of slaves that are subservient to Brussels. Well, these ideas are infectious, Rick, because it sounds like that Poland might head in this direction, too. Well, there's a religious revival that's been underway in Poland for years. Right. Poland is rediscovering its Christian heritage. And they have taken some very strong stands in favor of Jesus Christ and the Christian faith. And they have been attacked. Their number one enemy right now is Israel.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Israel is demanding reparations from Poland over World War II. It's like, I don't even go down the Israel path right now, but it's like, why is Israel attacking Poland? Why are they digging up the Nazi path? I mean, Poland said, look, we didn't do it. We got taken over by the Nazis. We didn't do it. Go away.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Leave us alone. I'll tell you why they're attacking. Spirit of Antichrist attacking the Spirit of Christ. Yes. It's just that simple. Jesus Christ is being lifted up in Poland. Jesus Christ being lifted up in Hungary. The Spirit of Antichrist is attacking.
Starting point is 00:46:08 The United States and the European Union are at the forefront of advancing the spirit of Antichrist. Well, Rick, aren't the EU leaders really not aware of the huge mistake they're making? Because all they're going to end up doing is pushing Hungary and Poland towards Russia. Russia shares the values of Hungary and Poland. They're so arrogant. Look what happened with Brexit. They fought the British people for years over Brexit. They're still fighting them. They're so arrogant. They don't believe anybody would dare leave their utopian European Union. But people are fed up with it. And eventually, I believe it's going to collapse. The more they act this way, the more nations that will just
Starting point is 00:46:58 say, I'm out. But, Doc, there is the possibility in the future you could see Russia offering an Eastern European Union of Christian nations. Crimea being part of Russia, but Russia, Hungary, Poland, you know, maybe some of the other. I don't know, Montenegro. Romania, maybe. You know. Georgia. But those countries are deeply Christian countries. If they see, hey, if we stay in the European Union, this is what happens to us.
Starting point is 00:47:37 They're going to make us become anti-Christian. We're not going to go there. Right. What happens? Look, they were brought in for the purpose of NATO. The main reason that these countries were brought in to the European Union is so NATO could have their troops and bases there to attack Christian Russia. And the sale to them was Russia is a threat. Russia could take over your civilization, your cities. But think about how they're addressing
Starting point is 00:48:03 it now. They might have come to the understanding that Russia is no threat to their cities, their culture, their society. But the West's homosexual propaganda and specifically their focus on going after children is a threat. It's a direct threat to their society. This kind of thing, as Sergey Lavrov addressed, it destroys
Starting point is 00:48:26 civilizations. It's a threat against the entire world. It is. And there's pushback against it. If we can go back to where we were at earlier, we're talking about NATO tempting fate this week, next week. This war exercise goes for, what, 22 days? Yes, two weeks, and this will be going up until July, mid-July. Okay, so they've got plenty of time to push the envelope. Right. It's not necessarily that they're going to do it this week. They could do it two weeks from now.
Starting point is 00:49:12 But Vladimir Putin today made a statement that was obviously directed at NATO. And he just said, look, I'm activating new military weapons. So this is tasked Russia to place new unique weapons systems on combat alert to If a new weapon system is on combat alert. What does that indicate? They're ready to shoot it. I think the weapons have been tested, and they're ready to use them. And there's a quote from the article here. Let's look at this. Hypersonic weapons, the Avangard and Consol systems, have already gone on combat duty.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Combat duty. Read those words. Combat duty. Coming next are other unique armaments. There's more. That include the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile, the Zircon shipborne hypersonic missile, the S-500 Prometai surface-to-air missile systems, and others, the Russian leader said. We've got some images of some of those. Here's the Russian Sarmat ICBM.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Looks pretty threatening there. Here's a... There's a missile inside a tube. And what's unique about the Russian system is they're portable. They're not stuck in a silo in the ground. They can move these things around all over Russia. And it has cluster warheads inside it. 22 warheads up in some of these missiles. That missile in that tube has 22 nuclear warheads. Yes, making it nearly impossible to knock out based on the weapon we have currently available.
Starting point is 00:50:42 Here's the Russian Zircon hypersonic missile here. It's a carrier killer. And the S-500 Prometheus anti-missile defense system. And of course we've talked about the S-500s and their deployment in the Middle East and other places. So these three brand new weapon systems, Vladimir Putin said today... Combat duty. They're on combat duty right now. They're ready for war. And the Russian
Starting point is 00:51:05 president hinted at other systems. Okay. So those are the ones that you don't talk about in public. These are the public ones. I think I found another Russian news article. I think he mentioned the submarine torpedo that could cause a tsunami wave. Yes, the Poseidon. It was Poseidon. Is that what they called it? I think it's the Poseidon. Yeah, the weapon,
Starting point is 00:51:33 it's a torpedo nuclear warhead that can cause a tsunami wave. It was 1,500 feet high over the United States. A wave that would go over the Appalachian Mountains into the Ohio Valley. Wash out the country. So I think he mentioned that also. The Russians are serious, folks.
Starting point is 00:51:52 They're serious. They're not going to allow NATO to launch a surprise attack on them. They're not going to do it. And they're clearly telling you what they've got, and it's combat ready, and they're prepared to do it. And they're clearly telling you what they've got, and it's combat ready, and they're prepared to use it. Don't tempt fate. I mean, when somebody is, when you're picking a fight with somebody, and that guy waves a large weapon at you and says,
Starting point is 00:52:24 don't tempt fate. Fate might be a radioactive tsunami. But the West, we're drunk with bloodlust, Rick. We've given over to a reprobate mind. We think we can win. We really think we can win. Because Satan is in control of the minds of the Western leaders. They're in control.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Satan's in control because we've been given over to a reprobate mind. Why were we given over to a reprobate mind? Because we rejected God. Yes. Meanwhile, Russian soldiers are hearing stories in the U.S. that our soldiers are wearing dresses. Studying communism.
Starting point is 00:53:00 And defending transgenderism. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is studying Mao and Marx. Did he say he read the Bible? Did Milley say he read the Bible? No. He reads Marx and Mao. And hands it out to soldiers.
Starting point is 00:53:17 And that's the guy running the U.S. military. This is the guy that wants soldiers to be entertained with drag queen shows. Which is happening at Ellis Air Force Base. Marxist Milley running the U.S. military. This is why we're primed for defeat. The biggest military defeat in the world is going to be laid in the lap of General Milley. Yes. And the American people will own it.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Because, again, we have embraced this new society, this new normal. While Christians are calling it out, and there's few voices calling it out, we have an example of what's happening in L.A. They appear to have completely compromised with this. There is a spa in L.A. This video went viral this week, where a man, instead of getting involved in a situation
Starting point is 00:54:10 where another man had gone into a female changing room, gotten completely naked around young kids and their mothers, he confronts the woman, screaming about it at the counter, asking for her money back. He gets up in her face about it and says, don't you know?
Starting point is 00:54:24 That man is transgender. What are you, some kind of bigot? What is he talking about? He's a woman. He ain't no woman. Uh-uh. Yeah, give her her money back. There's no such thing as transgender.
Starting point is 00:54:39 He has a dick. Okay? He has a dick. He has a dick hanging out. Okay, no, I'm not one. Actually, I'm a woman who knows how to stand up and speak up for my right as a woman i have a right to feel comfortable without a man exposing himself okay no you go somewhere else okay so that's right no he's not a transgender. He has a piece of like you do. Are you? Are you? Are you? Are you? No. Yeah. OK. It's not OK. It's not OK. OK. That's traumatizing to see that. I'm a woman.
Starting point is 00:55:18 I think this is a place right here. I'm told only for women. So how dare you sit up here and tell me I don't have a right as a woman to defend. I'm telling you. We're a country that's turned over to a reprobate mind. And the Russians know it. A man goes into a woman's locker room and says, I'm a woman. And takes his clothes off. And there are other men defending that. That's where we are, Rick. It's crazy enough that the man went into a woman's dressing room and took his clothes off.
Starting point is 00:55:54 But beyond crazy is that men are defending him. Yes. That's beyond crazy. That's a true reprobate nation. Yes. You can't stop this now, folks. The only hope is for Jesus Christ to just do a purge of this country. I don't know what that looks like.
Starting point is 00:56:19 We're beyond. We're beyond help at this stage. I mean, this is scary that we've, as a nation, we've reached this point. And not only have we become reprobates, we're demanding that the rest of the world join us as reprobates. Yes. And we're willing to go to war if they will not become a reprobate. Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Is that not where we're at? Yeah, we're ready to blow them up if they don't change. Put economic sanctions on them. Arrest their leaders. I mean, it started with Obama, and then Trump carried the same policies and Pompeo, pressuring other nations to change their laws, to accept homosexuality, transgenderism and abortion.
Starting point is 00:57:08 Trump did it, too. Yes. Yes. To defend the doctrines of devil carried out Obama and Hillary Clinton's policies. Nothing changed. We America has become a wicked, evil nation in the eyes of God. We're a stench in his nostrils. And the only thing that can happen is America, the American people truly repent. We develop a great fear of God. And we cry out for mercy and forgiveness. And we stop our evil acts. It's just one thing to cry out for mercy and forgiveness. And we stop our evil acts.
Starting point is 00:57:48 It's just one thing to cry out. You have to stop your evil acts. And you have to separate it from it completely. You can't just stay with it. You've got to get away from it completely. If we don't stop our evil acts and beg for forgiveness, then we are at risk that Almighty God will stop our evil acts and beg for forgiveness, then we are at risk that almighty God will stop our evil acts. Yes. And the suffering will be beyond anything that we can comprehend.
Starting point is 00:58:17 And we brought it on ourselves. There will be nobody to blame except ourselves that we allowed this to go on. Did you have something you wanted to say? No, I thought you found something you wanted to show. So this is where we're at right now. And it's just, it is a scary time to be alive, to know that our leaders are without God, and that the wicked are in charge. They are in charge, Doc. They are.
Starting point is 00:58:56 I mean, let's be real. Yes. The wicked are in charge of the American society now. The wicked, the evil, the criminals, they're getting away with it. There is no justice being upheld. But more so, there is a new morality that's being forced on the population. Everyone knows it's a stench. Everyone knows it's wrong.
Starting point is 00:59:14 But as you're seeing here, people are still willing to support it as if it were the law. There was a rally in Nevada over the weekend, and a group of sheriffs spoke to hundreds of citizens. And Sheriff Mack organized this. I've not talked to him in years. Yes, I remember that. Remember Sheriff Mack? Well, he was the organizer of this event. And you don't know Sheriff Mack.
Starting point is 00:59:44 No, I don't. He has been an outspoken patriot for years as a sheriff. And he had a group of sheriffs with him, and they spoke to the citizens. And this is from the Elko Daily. It says, County Gathering Celebrates Local Law Enforcement. We've got a soundbite. I think it's, I think, is it the second sheriff from the left who's speaking? I believe it is.
Starting point is 01:00:17 Okay. Let's watch. Went viral on TikTok and facebook and hit it all but the sheriffs of the counties of the state of nevada and the united states don't answer to the president we don't answer the senate we don't answer the congress we don't answer a governor and by all means we only don't answer to a county commission except for the purse strings we We answer to you, the people, because we, the people, manage the government. The government doesn't manage us. It is red-blooded, battle-born Nevadans that are going to take back our state to take back this country. Let's get a hell yeah!
Starting point is 01:01:03 So Rick, clearly here, Sheriff Mack had something very interesting to say about the NSA. I think this is logical. We know the NSA is spying on everything we're doing. That's our society, right? After 9-11. Thus, they have the texts, they have the emails, they have the photos, they have all the communications of every pedophile, every fraudster, every criminal in this country, including the politicians engaged in these activities. What would happen if the NSA, patriots in the NSA at least, were to release those, expose those? Well, my question is,
Starting point is 01:01:39 why hasn't the NSA done what's right as patriots a long time ago. If they're recording the phone calls of pedophile politicians and traitors, what do we need the NSA for? For that very reason, so they can use it as blackmail against those. If you're at the NSA and you're listening to a politician commit acts of treason against your country and you don't do anything about it, what do we need you for? Right. And remember, Rick, it wasn't that long ago where the NSA was a myth. Remember? Right. In my lifetime, I remember that. When I started True News, it was no such agency.
Starting point is 01:02:16 If you said that there was an NSA, you were a conspiracy theorist. Oh, then Edward Stone came around. Rick, I know we're limited on time, but I want to explain to our audience a little bit. We had those sheriffs that were speaking out. How do sheriffs operate differently than other members of law enforcement? What rights do they have that others don't? A sheriff is a constitutional law enforcement officer. The sheriff's office is in the constitution of the state. And in most
Starting point is 01:02:47 states, the sheriff is the chief financial, I mean, the chief law enforcement officer in the county, cannot be overridden, has full jurisdiction over the county. And what happens in recent years is the FBI has come in and told the sheriff, local sheriff, take a hike, we're in charge. But really, if the sheriff would just stand his ground and say, no, I'm in charge of this investigation, right? And so a growing number of sheriffs are rediscovering their constitutional duty and their constitutional authority to stand for a law and order for justice.
Starting point is 01:03:30 And so it is a big, big threat to corrupt law enforcement like the Justice Department and the FBI. Hey, we need to tell our audience what happened while we've been sitting here. Yes. All right. So while we're sitting here and we started off the program talking about Right Wing Watch and their suspension from YouTube, well, what do you know? The powers that be said, hey, we're pleased to let you know this is to Right Wing Watch that we've recently reviewed your YouTube account. And after taking another look, we can confirm that it is not in violation of our terms of service. We never got an email like that.
Starting point is 01:04:12 But Right Wing Watch has from the YouTube overlords today. So some powerful Zionists called their Zionist friends at YouTube and said, you can't do this. Oh, there you go. Thanks, Control. So there's the message that they just got while we were live here this afternoon. And so basically it said, our bad. We didn't know who you really were. And so you're back up.
Starting point is 01:04:41 So there you go. That's how powerful they are, folks. Hey, I know we got Kerry's got some more headlines. Yes. Here is Kerry's second top headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The Texas Supreme Court ruled that Facebook can be held liable if sex traffickers use the platform to prey on children. But according to, the state court ruled that Facebook is not a lawless no-man's land and could be held accountable after three lawsuits in Texas that involved teenage sex traffic victims. The Houston Chronicle first reported this story. Now, the victims were reportedly preyed on through Facebook's messaging
Starting point is 01:05:32 system that prompted prosecutors to claim the site was negligent and not better blocking sex trafficking opportunities. Facebook contends that it is protected under an internet law that says online platforms are not responsible for third-party content posted on the service's site. The death toll has risen to 10 after that partial building collapsed near Miami, but a team of IDF search and rescue specialists from Israel say they believe survivors can still be found. They tell the Times of Israel that they're in Florida to bring hope. They claim after the earthquake in Haiti that they rescued someone 108 hours later. So they say there is still a chance. For information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's called
Starting point is 01:06:25 A Palestinian-American pediatric radiologist has been fired from her job after her social media post accused Israel of cannibalism. The Twitter account at Stop Anti-Semites shared a screenshot of a May 26 Facebook post by Dr. Fida Wisha, in which she wrote in part, We will uncover your thirst to kill our Palestinian children. A state based on atrocity, inhumanity, racism, and cannibalism never lasts long. She also wrote, Hey, hashtag Israel, your end is coming sooner than you think.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Then the message was retweeted hundreds of times. Two days later, Phoenix Children's Hospital replied to the tweet by saying that Wishaw had been fired. Fox Business News reporting that the CEO of Nike says the company is a brand of China for China. CEO John Donahoe made the comments during an earnings call defending the company's position in the country. This amid allegations of human rights abuses in China. He said in part, we've been in China for over 40 years, still invested significant time and energy in China in the early days, and today we're the largest sports brand there. The Moscow Times says the U.S., British, and Canadian embassies in Russia on Friday hung rainbow flags on their buildings. This,
Starting point is 01:07:59 in honor of LGBT Pride Month, celebrated worldwide. Last year, the Kremlin condemned the flag displays on embassy buildings as illegal under Russian law. Now, it's uncommon to show the rainbow flag in Russia, where homosexual propaganda towards minors was outlawed in 2013. That's a look at True News headlines. Let's get back to the God cast. Here's Rick, Edward and Doc. Thank you, Kerry. Hey, I'm at risk of getting myself in a lot of trouble. I don't know the the Palestinian doctor who was fired for her her social media message. And she accused the Israelis of cannibalism. And I don't know what she's referring to. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:08:51 But I will say this. God himself several times in the Old Testament accused the Israelites of eating the flesh of their own people. That's in the Old Testament Bible. Leviticus 26, chapter 26, verse 29. God said to the Jews, and ye shall eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat. That's in Leviticus 26. That's part of that curse. That's not the only
Starting point is 01:09:28 scripture where God told the Jews you're eating the flesh of your own children. In Jeremiah too. There's many mentions of that subject, but what can you do about it, right? It's God's word. So I guess you're going to have to de-platform God. Well, they're working on that too. Because he accused them of eating the flesh of their own people. Well, you know, Satan's been trying to de-platform God since before the world began, right? I will be like the most high.
Starting point is 01:09:55 How'd that work out for Satan? Well, anyhow, again, I don't know what the Palestinian doctor was referring to, but I do know what God was referring to. And it's in the Bible. And you know that every time you see that reference of the cannibalism in the Bible, Rick, it's in response to the people of God rejecting God and living in disobedience. Yes. That's one of the last phases of the total decline of a civilization is when you start eating and feasting and harvesting your own people. Yes.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Or God brings famine on the land and the only flesh to eat is your own children. Okay. That's the other, the curse of being so wicked. And so I could see this coming to America someday. You already see the West in severe drought now. A massive portion of the West is in severe drought. Eventually, people will begin leaving California and other Western states just to seek water. They're going to abandon their farms, their ranches,
Starting point is 01:11:05 their homelands where they've been for 150 years. They're going to have to leave just to get a drink of water. Well, I also look at abortion as a form of cannibalism. We're harvesting our children for our own pleasure. Yes. For our own needs. And so God's talking to us still today too. Absolutely. Yes. For our needs. And so God's talking to us still today, too. So absolutely. Hey, in closing, I want to I typically don't do this when people pass away.
Starting point is 01:11:36 But a former U.S. senator passed away over the weekend. And I just felt it's appropriate to mention him. Alaska Senator Mike Gravel. And some of you remember him. He was a Democrat. But he was one of the old time Democrats that I could support and say good things about. It was back before the Democratic Party went wacko, completely lost its mind. But Mike Revell was a U.S. Senator from Alaska, 1969 to 1981. Yes, he is known for reading the Pentagon Papers into the congressional record, this being the leak from the Pentagon about the Vietnam War and preparations for it. But what he is really known for is being completely against needless and blood-filled wars.
Starting point is 01:12:32 He was. The United States got involved in. And when he died this weekend, he was 91 years old. I have not heard about him for a number of years, but we've got a video clip of former Senator Mike Revell talking about the warmongers in America. Joe Biden is an American imperialist. He believes in American power, and that's what's wrong with the establishment in Washington today. They want to continue American imperialism, which sustains the military industrial complex, which is where all of our financial resources are going.
Starting point is 01:13:11 You say that if you elected Obama, it would be like electing Hamlet. Oh, that's true. Just listen. What does he say? A little bit of this, a little bit of that, you know, thoughtful. He doesn't have hope. Well, hope without definition means nothing. And look where his money's coming from. It's not coming from people who need hope. It's coming from Wall Street. It's coming from the hedge funds.
Starting point is 01:13:36 An interesting phenomenon. If Hillary Clinton, who's the frontrunner right now in all the polls, gets the Democratic presidential nomination, could you support her? I've stated, first thing, right at the Democratic winter meeting, that I do not feel, and I don't want to address the support or not support, I do not feel that a person who voted for the war, because that's the judgment call, is qualified to be president of the United States. Fifteen million Americans made an opposite decision. Fifty million Americans had better judgment than Hillary did.
Starting point is 01:14:11 We've sanctioned them for 26 years. We scared the bejesus out of them when the president says they're evil. Well, you know something? These things don't work. They don't work. We need to recognize them. And you know something? Who is the greatest violator of the non-proliferation treaty? The United States of America. We signed a pledge that we would begin to disarm, and we're not doing it.
Starting point is 01:14:35 We're expanding our nukes. Who the hell are we going to nuke? Senator... Tell me, Barack, who are you going to nuke? I'm not planning to nuke anybody right now, Mike. I promise you. Good, good. We're safe for a while. These people frighten me. They frighten me. When you have mainline candidates that turn around and say that there's nothing off the
Starting point is 01:14:54 table with respect to Iran, that's code for using nukes, nuclear devices. I've got to tell you, I'm president of the United States. There will be no preemptive wars with nuclear devices. In my mind, it's immoral, and it's been immoral for the last 50 years as part of American foreign policy. Let's use a little moderator discretion here. Senator Gravel, that's a weighty charge. Who on this stage exactly tonight worries you so much? Well, I would say the top-tier ones.
Starting point is 01:15:23 The top-tier ones. They've made statements. Oh, Joe, I'll include you, too. You have a certain arrogance. You want to tell the Iraqis how to run their country. I got to tell you, we should just play get out. Just play get out. It's their country. They're asking us to leave, and we insist on staying there. And why not get out? What harm is it going to do? Oh, you hear the statement, well, my God, these soldiers will have died in vain. The entire deaths of Vietnam died in vain. And they're dying in vain right this very second.
Starting point is 01:15:55 You know what's worse than a soldier dying in vain? It's more soldiers dying in vain. That's what's worse. So then what do you make of Obama's promise of change and all the rhetoric that's been going along with this campaign? It's foolish. Foolish. Dangerous. Dangerous. Because he doesn't even recognize that he can't deliver.
Starting point is 01:16:16 That's dangerous. I would rather Hillary, at least she knows what she's talking about. He doesn't. Edwards? Edwards, he probably knows better what he's talking about. He doesn't. Edwards? Edwards, he probably knows better what he's talking about than Obama. Obama of the three is the most dangerous. Make a speech and use the word change ten times. What's specifically going to change? You're going to change the healthcare system? Not really. You're going to change the military-industrial really he wants another hundred thousand more troops you're going to change anything about your
Starting point is 01:16:50 relationship with iran not really nukes are on the table you're going to change anything with respect to israel not really he's supported by aipac could change anything for education he's on the education committee he's supported by the nea where's supported by the NEA. Where's change? I don't see any change. But he doesn't say any of those things. He lets you figure out what the change is. So it's like an actor. What does an actor do? He gives you a scene and you read into it what the scene means to you. May God rest his soul. Yeah. Good man. Good man.
Starting point is 01:17:41 And it's appropriate that we listen to what he said years ago as this very moment, the warmongers are ramping up in the Black Sea as we speak to start a nuclear war. And it's madness. It's absolute, total madness. He spoke truth to power, and that was in the Democratic Party. The Ron Paul of the left. Absolutely. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:17:56 Rest in peace, Mike Revell. Amen. A peacemaker. Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. God is doing amazing things here in our ministry. The world is becoming a weird place, but God is using us to shine truth in the darkness and raise up a generation of spiritual warriors. Become a partner with us as we boldly proclaim Christ's majesty
Starting point is 01:18:17 and do the job day in and day out that others are too afraid to handle. You can support True News by going to That is T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. Just click on the heart on the left hand side or the red donate button on the right. You can also call our toll free number at 1-800-576-2116. That is 1-800-576-2116. If you prefer to donate to us by mail or have a prayer request or a nice message, our address is P.O. Box 690069, Vera Beach, Florida. Zip code 32969. We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, precious metals, and even southern banjos.
Starting point is 01:18:59 Whatever you want to bless us with, we will gladly receive. Put toward our mission here to save souls and report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you, and God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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