TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Russians Plot Revenge for Gen. Kirillov’s Assassination
Episode Date: December 18, 2024Yesterday, the West assassinated Russia’s top general who would oversee the launching of ICBMs, missiles, torpedoes, and bombs armed with nuclear warheads. Only a fool would brush it off as meaning ...nothing to people living in Western nations. You can be sure the Russians are plotting revenge, perhaps all-out war. We may be entering the most dangerous two weeks since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis when the Soviet Union and the United States faced off and called each other’s bluff over the threat to use nuclear weapons first. As I surveyed major Western news sources for comments, online newspapers and TV news channels mostly said that Gen. Kirillov was the source of conspiracy theories in America such as a Biden family connection to biolabs in Ukraine, or that he was an evil man who got what he deserved.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 12/18/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comCelebrate Christmas with TruNews! Donate $200 or more to TruNews and receive 8 gifts: 2 Final Day books, 2 Sacrificing Liberty DVD sets, 2 The Greatest Reset DVDs, and 2 talking Fauci Elves. Donate at, call 800.576.2116, or mail to PO Box 399, Vero Beach, FL 32961. Request your gift bag today!Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves! It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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Eight Christmas gifts from True News.
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Make sure you request the Christmas gift bag when you donate $200 or more. i don't know about you but i can feel war fever rising in the world and i don't like what i'm feeling yesterday the west assassinated
russia's top general who would oversee the launching of icbms missiles torpedoes and
bombs armed with nuclear warheads only a fool would brush it off as meaning nothing
to people living in Western nations,
you can be sure the Russians are plotting right now how they will bring about revenge,
perhaps all-out war.
We may be entering the most dangerous two weeks
since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis,
when the former Soviet Union and the United States
faced off and called each other's bluff
over the threat to use nuclear weapons first.
As I surveyed major Western news sources
for comments about the general's assassination,
looking at online newspapers and TV news channels.
Mostly, they said that General Kirillov was the source of conspiracy theories in America,
such as a Biden family connection to biolabs in Ukraine, or that he was an evil man who got what he deserved.
Let's begin today's analysis and commentary by looking at this headline published today by Newsweek.
Igor Kirillov's death rekindles baseless conspiracies that he's spread.
So, Doc.
No propaganda in that headline at all, is there? Look, when you read these articles, when you listen to the newscast talking about the assassination, you know why he was assassinated.
He hit a nerve.
Yes. And the Biden family connection and the pharmaceutical industry's connection to the biolabs in Ukraine.
He hit a raw nerve that had to be dealt with.
And the West did it yesterday.
They killed the highest ranking general in Russia in charge of nuclear biological chemical warfare.
And it will not go unanswered.
I mean, again, you have to be a total fool to think that the Russians are not going to
respond to an assassination at this level.
You know, the U.S. took out General Soleimani in Iran.
But Iran is not Russia.
And Russia is a nuclear-armed major power.
And when you start assassinating their highest-level military commanders,
you are begging to be punched in the
mouth. And that's what I am very concerned is going to happen. I noticed Gordon Chang,
who is an expert on Chinese affairs, he posted a tweet today. I don't have it here, but it's just
basically a one sentence tweet on X that just said, Russia and China will strike America.
And he's not talking about in the far distant future.
I believe he's very concerned.
I believe he thinks it's imminent.
I really do.
He didn't use the word imminent in the tweet, but that's the way I took it.
Like he was sending out his warning.
We are about to get hit. so let's take a look this is what newsweek said um again rekindles baseless conspiracies that
he spread uh doc driving home last night i turned on uh fox news on uh Sirius XM radio.
And the very first thing I heard was,
Kirillov was the source of ridiculous conspiracy theories accusing the United States of building biolabs in Ukraine.
And whoever the person was on Fox News
was going deep into this, you know, deep state propaganda that this guy was.
I mean, they didn't use the words he deserved what he got, but the inference was there.
Like anybody who spreads, quote, conspiracy theories is a candidate to be shot or blown up.'s really what they're saying that would mean anybody
rick doc that's that's where i'm going with this so this is what it said the death of russian
lieutenant general karilov the head of the country's nuclear and chemical defense forces
has led to retellings of anti-ukrainian and anti-United States falsehoods that he helped spread from his seat of power.
An official of Ukraine's security service, the SBU, said the agency was behind the attack.
The individual, who spoke on condition of anonymity, described General Kirillov as a war criminal and an entirely legitimate target according to newsweek over the
past six years karilov helped to spread baseless conspiracies including that the u.s developed
covet 19 that ukraine and the united states were developing bioweapon facilities in ukraine
and that joe biden's son hunter biden was linked to the
bioweapons development it sounds like he could co-host true news rick because we've talked about
every single one of those well based on based on what happened yesterday doc if you say these things
you are a candidate to be killed this is what i want people to understand this
is where we're at now this is where we're this is where we are at now in the united states of
america in the western nations you confront our lives you confront our corruption you die right
that's it you tell people what we're doing you die okay you got to take this very seriously
these people are corrupt they're evil they're wicked they're satanists here's the telegraph
in london putin's chemical weapons henchman karilov was a truly evil man he deserved to die
this is coming from the london telegraph yes he deserved to die he was
an evil man they're not just reporting the news no no no he deserved to die that's the headline
uh this was written by uh hamish de breton gordon a former british army officer served as commanding officer of the uk uh cbrn unit and nato's rapid reaction cbrn battalion
cbrn meaning chemical biological radiological nuclear so he's saying look um don't feel sorry
for karilov don't don't worry about it don't lose any sleep over it. The man was evil.
He deserved to die.
Why doesn't the United States and Great Britain and NATO just come out and say,
hey, we did it?
They're so close to doing it now.
Be proud of it.
Yeah, be proud of it.
Put a gold star up there. And really, from the Russian perspective, if we're going to use Western logic now, Mr. Brett Gordon could be a legitimate target for the Russians, right?
He was commanding officer of the UK nuclear stuff and NATO's too at one time.
I'm glad you pointed it out because Mr. Medvedev hinted to it.
And we'll get to that here in just a moment.
This next one is what provoked Dmitry Medvedev toed to it. And we'll get to that here in just a moment. This next one is what provoked Dmitry Medvedev to say something today.
This is the Times of London, owned by Rupert Murdoch, the owner of Fox News, owner of the
Wall Street Journal, owner of the New York Post, owner of a lot of newspapers in Australia.
In other words, an extremely influential media man
right okay his newspaper in london today said the times view on assassination of the general
ukraine's fight now the one line i wanted you to see in this because this was a long
editorial the targeted killing is a legitimate act of defense by a threatened nation amid political
flux western governments must step up support for kiev which means kill more russian leaders
although they said it in a softer way here yes but that's exactly what they're saying. The targeted killing, you mean the murder?
Assassination is a legitimate act.
According to Rupert Murdoch's editorial board, the killing of another nation's leaders is a legitimate act.
And Western governments must step up support for ukraine in other words kill more russian leaders
can is there any other way to interpret it no there's no other way then okay well
let's see how let's see how dimitri medvedev um responded this is uh
oh no this is another london times this takes it just a step further here yes so This is another London Times.
This takes it just a step further here.
Yes, this is another London Times. Russia accuses
Ukraine of terror attack.
Okay, so Russia has accused Ukraine
of committing what's being called a terrorist attack
by killing a high-ranking
Russian general in Moscow. An alleged
Ukrainian agent was detained
as a suspect.
Quoting from the London Times, in the first comments from the Kremlin since Kirillov's death,
President Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters Wednesday,
it's now obvious who ordered this terrorist attack.
It is once again confirmed that the Kiev regime does not shy away from terrorist methods.
Dmitry Medvedev, the former prime minister and president, who's now a
senior Russian national security official, vowed inevitable retribution. The United States warned
on Wednesday that Russia could be preparing to target Ukraine again with the Russian ballistic
missiles. One of the hypersonic missiles slammed into a defense plant in Dnipro, a city in central
Ukraine, last month. But the article here in the London Times mentioned Dmitry
Medvedev. RT expanded on this story.
Medvedev warns the Times, the Times, the London Times. He warned
Rupert Murdoch's newspaper. Yes, over response to the Russian
general's murder. Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev
slammed the British daily London Times for
justifying the assassination of Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, who headed Russia's
radiological, chemical, and biological defense forces. Mr. Medvedev criticized the editors as
lousy jackals who are part of a hybrid war against Russia. Now, he posted to Telegram, as he often does,
it is impossible to ignore the publication of the Times.
They called the terrorist attack against Kurylov and his assistant
a legitimate act of defense in their editorial.
Well, according to this logic then,
all officials of NATO countries who made the decision on military aid to Bandera's Ukraine are
participating in a hybrid or conventional war against Russia. Their name
is Legion. I will not list them. It is a pity to take up space.
And all these people can and should be considered legitimate
military targets for the Russian state and simply for all
patriots of Russia.
Can I just stop right there, sir?
Look at what Medvedev is saying.
He's saying everybody in the West that is supporting Ukraine is now a target to be murdered.
If we're using NATO's logic.
And he's saying we're going to use nato's logic
that's what he's saying we're going to use nato's logic we're going to give you a dose of your own
medicine and he said and all these people can and should be considered as a legitimate military
target for the russian state and for all patriots of Russia. He just authorized every Russian citizen
to murder American officials.
Right. Now he goes on in his telegram post in a second point
the people who committed the crimes against Russia named in paragraph
one always have accomplices and they are also now
a legitimate military target. they can also include the lousy
jackals from the times who cowardly hid behind the editorial so this is the entire management
of the publication logical quite and therefore be careful after all a lot happens in london
let's go back to the previous still he says all the accomplices are now legitimate
military targets everybody in power that is supporting ukraine everybody that is across
the board doc across the board defense contractors politicians yes politicians, people like Lindsey Graham, those who are pushing for the war, editorial writers, lobbyists.
Mark Rutte of NATO?
They're all targets.
That's what he's saying.
But then he specifically said the London Times, the entire management of the newspaper he just told every
manager doc the entire management of the london times did he also just threaten rupert murdoch
yes and his sons that's what that's what just happened here they just sent notice we're
going to pick off all you guys you won't know who we're going to strike and when
you're going to come out of your house in the morning to go to work to the times and your
car's going to blow up that's what they're telling you see the west just keeps pushing this deeper and deeper and deeper and what's happening
with the russians doc is they are now they have now developed a hatred for the west it's a hatred
it's like two families fighting it's like a couple that's fighting going into divorce it turns into hatred
right and and no amount of reasoning nothing works at this point it's hatred it's just raw
hatred the russians are now at the point they have developed hatred for us because of what
we've done to them and and i can remember back in early 2022 where, you know, Medvedev and Lavrov were even calling our friends in the West.
Still were calling us their partners, their friends.
Partners and friends in the West.
Now we can work this out.
Now, you're targets.
You're targets and we're going to kill you.
Because you're killing us.
And what is this all over?
What is this about?
We're all going to burn up.
It's not about freedom and democracy.
Where's the democracy in Ukraine right now?
They've got a dictator.
Yes, his term ran out last spring.
And he said today that he's going to go back to being a comedian.
Oh, he never stopped.
He's still playing his role.
BBC, Russia detains a man over generals killing in Moscow.
So they got a 29-year-old guy uh uzbekistan that they said is the one
who carried out the killing right the russian security service said that the unnamed suspect
was recruited by ukrainian intelligence according to state media agencies ukraine security service
had already claimed it was behind the killing if you recall yesterday yesterday. The Ukrainian source said Kirillov, who was Russia's chemical
weapons chief, was a legitimate target and alleged he had carried out war crimes.
And on Monday, the day before the killing, Ukraine charged Kirillov
in absentia, saying he was responsible for the mass use
of banned chemical weapons. Russia denies the allegation. So,
Rick, a lot of people didn't know
this happened back on monday that basically they held a court and declared krillov guilty of war
crimes and then the next day he's dead he's dead they carried out the execution uh this next one
is from uh sputnik this is uh regarding larry johnson i don't recall ever i don't think i
ever interviewed mr johnson he's a former cia i guess officer department he was at the state
department's office of counterterrorism he's in 1993 he left government work to join uh the private sector uh he's a blogger um
again a former analyst at the cia so and he's been you know he's appeared on a number of major
news programs um in in 19 in 2017 andrew napolit Judge Napolitano, when he was still on Fox News before they fired him.
He said on Fox and Friends that Britain's GCHQ spy agency, the Signal Intelligence Service, had wiretapped Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaigns on orders from Barack Obama.
Why would Obama tell Britain to spy?
Because it's illegal for American intelligence agencies to spy on Americans.
So they outsource it to another country and then say, tell us what you find.
Right. Pretty convenient.
So Andrew Napolitano said this
in march 2017 this is only months after donald trump entered the white house right and um
so um fox news disavowed the statement by judge napolitano it's part of the reason he
was shown the door and let out of fox News eventually. So I'm just setting up the
background here of who Larry Johnson is. He's not just
a bag of wind doing a podcast
like you and me just talking. CIA guy.
So he was on Sputnik's Geopolitics Live.
And he had this to say about Ukraine and how Ukraine could not pull off this assassination of Kirillov alone.
Let's watch this.
Well, Ukraine was definitely talking about doing it.
I mean, I have no doubt that they were absolutely behind this. Well, exposing the West's role in these
bio labs throughout Ukraine, there's a lot of money involved with that.
Whenever you get a lot of money like that involved, you can guarantee that
there's going to be organized criminal activity.
I think he hurt some major
financial interests, and this may have well been part of payback.
But it's another incident in this war.
I think they absolutely did consult with Western intelligence agencies and others.
You know, this was the Ukrainians didn't just do they just didn't infiltrate some guy or a couple of guys
into Moscow and had them wander around trying
to find the general
and then, you know, build the device on their own and then
deploy it. You know, this was a sophisticated
And it had a level of support.
The guy that they arrested, the guy that the Russians arrested,
he's not the guy that organized it and carried it off.
He's just the guy that the Ukrainians paid him a little bit of money.
Hey, you go there and you be in the background
and just enough to be caught on the security cameras.
When the bomb goes off and you'll take the fall for it.
But you'll be a patriot for Ukraine.
That's right.
But Mr. Johnson's absolutely right.
That assassination was not carried out without high level support from Western intelligence agencies. And everybody knows that. I mean, even
a blind man can see this. It's just so obvious.
But they're all acting like, well,
look what Ukraine was able to pull off. And I saw a clip
with Keir Starmer. They asked him directly about the
assassination of Kirouralov and he said
well we support the efforts of ukraine and just left it at that and just moved on very very quickly
you know he had nato or western intelligence support of some kind of course you did and the
guy that they're they've they've gotten custody is probably not the guy that pulled it off.
He's the patsy.
He's the patsy.
He's the Lee Harvey Oswald of this operation.
I'll never forget Hillary Clinton's remarks, the little quip that she made after Muammar Gaddafi was brutally murdered in Libya.
And she just laughed and she said, we came and he died.
Yeah, he not just died.
They butchered him.
He was publicly sodomized, everything.
With a butcher knife.
I don't know if you understand that.
They sodomized Gaddafi with a butcher knife while he was alive yes okay that's
how sick these people are and we support those are our partners in freedom and democracy that's
right just like we just put them in power in syria yes okay we find our country finds the bloodiest
most debased humans on the planet pays them and sends them out to kill.
Then we put them in a nice suit, nice tailored jacket and everything.
And then when we're done with them, we kill them too.
That's right.
Finland's president, Stubb, warns against getting ahead of the curve.
See, he's a little nervous now.
He got Finland admitted into NATOo and he's going you know
wait a minute here give me wits and troops are we actually going to war with russia we thought
we'd have at least a few years yeah he's getting nervous he's saying we're getting ahead of the
curve we need to um we need to slow down on talking about sending NATO troops to Ukraine because his country is now a member of NATO.
And his country actually touches Russia.
So President Alexander Stubb warns against getting ahead of the curve, as he says, as European leaders discuss possible peacekeeping in Ukraine once peace has been achieved.
Stubb is representing Finland in Tallinn, Estonia this week as the JEF countries meeting,
where the matter is being discussed today.
Now, President Stubb does not take a direct stance on the operation itself.
According to President Stubb, the operation would require UN authorization.
There is also no peace for now, and he believes that Ukraine needs weapons above all.
Well, they're going to need bodies sooner or later, President Stubb.
And guess where they're going to be looking?
They're going to be looking north.
And there's lots of bodies in Finland they can send to Ukraine.
That's right.
Let's switch one more from Ukraine.
I found this in the kiev post ukraine unveils trident laser weapon like they did they have a rd operation doc
the greatest scientists in the world live in ukraine and they're developing lasers
you should invest in the Ukrainian defense industry.
You'll make a killing, literally.
Well, the commander of Ukraine's Unmanned Systems Forces,
Colonel Vadim Sukhoresky,
revealed that Ukraine has developed a laser weapon called Trident,
capable of downing aircraft at distances exceeding two kilometers.
That's according to a report by Interfax in Ukraine.
We can state today Ukraine is, if I'm not mistaken, the fifth country that can say it has a laser weapon.
We are already able to shoot down planes at an altitude of more than two kilometers with this laser.
He added that efforts are currently focused on scaling up and further strengthening
the capabilities of the laser. It really works. It really exists, he said. Additionally, he
highlighted Ukraine's progress in developing a queen drone program, large carrier drones capable
of deploying smaller strike drones. Today, we are using so-called queen drones, which act as carriers
for the first-person view drones and can operate at depths of over 70 kilometers, he said.
Interesting that they revealed this information at the same time that we're talking about drones here in the U.S.
Queen drones will open up and give birth to little baby drones.
Baby drones.
While they're in air.
It's going to be drones. While they're in air. Killebee drones.
We'll continue our story on
a conversation of drones here.
This is from the New York Post.
Spy drones
from China are a likely
cause of unexplained aircraft
wreaking havoc over U.S.
House Foreign Affairs Chair says
in bombshell claim.
This is Michael McCall. The chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Chair says in bombshell claim. That's coming from Mike McCaul.
The chairman
of the House Foreign Affairs Committee,
right now the outgoing chairman, because
Brian Mass,
who is an agent for Israel, is going
to take over the chairmanship.
In fact, he was questioned yesterday by
an American
military officer
in uniform who asked him in the the floor on in the hallway of congress
are you an agent for israel yeah um it's so obvious it's just so obvious people see it
but anyhow congressman mccall said he believes that some of the unidentified drones over New Jersey and New York are spy drones from China.
He said, we want answers.
But the response I'm getting is we don't know whose drones these are.
McCaul's total reporters.
The chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee doesn't know.
Let's just say that he's telling the truth.
Isn't that scary?
That should be frightening.
He's saying, I'm the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and those are Chinese military drones flying around our military bases.
And nobody's doing anything about it.
No one's concerned. one's no red alerts
nothing right could it be because biden the biden family is owned by china could it be that most of
the democratic party leadership is bought off by china i mean we haven't even touched a chinese
spy scandal in great britain yes i keep every day i'm'm gonna do it but it's so complicated I got so much other stuff to talk about but that is involved the
Rothschilds and Prince of Rothschilds is in it yeah it's all been caught in it
all right and you know it's a big big story in Great Britain right now how the
Chinese have have infiltrated at the highest levels of the British government
I mean they got inside Rothschild's mansion.
And buddies with Prince Andrew.
So here we are.
We got the congressman saying, I'm trying to get answers and nobody will tell me who they are.
I think they're Chinese.
Listen, we've got some video here of Congressman McCaul talking to reporters yesterday about what he thinks is going on with these drones.
I was just, I know you were just talking about Afghanistan, but on the drone side, I did ask you, you know, do you have any idea what line of questioning you all are going with the public and lawmakers?
Obviously, we all have a lot of questions about what those are.
Yeah, we want answers.
The response that I'm getting is that we don't know whose drones these are.
I was with the NASA administrator, Bill Nelson.
He said that these drones have been reported over military sites, military bases.
I would not think those are friendly.
I would think those are adversarial.
And in fact, NASA seems to be picking up more than our military is with respect to the drones.
So I think Congress is going to pursue this.
I know the House Intelligence Committee is having a hearing on this.
We need to identify who is behind these drones.
My judgment, based on my experience, is that those that are over our military sites are adversarial
and most likely are coming from the People's Republic of China.
Do you think you'll be satisfied with what you hear today?
Probably not.
I think they're going to say they don't know.
And that's a concern in and of itself,
that if we have drones flying around military bases
and we can't identify where they came from or who's responsible for them.
I know there are a lot of commercial
drones out there and Secretary Mayorkas has talked about this. That's fine. But the ones
flying over our military bases, by definition, I would say are adversarial. We need to know who is behind that because it I believe they're spy drones and the PRC Chinese commies
China is very good at this stuff and we know they bought land around military bases this would be
very consistent with their policy over the last couple of years anything else you could tell me on the- I don't know, you know, to get into UFOs
and all that.
We're not getting answers.
And I think it's because our government does not know who is behind them.
And that in and of itself is very disturbing to me.
Okay, let me think this through.
Based on his experience,
Congressman McCall said, based on his experience,
that when there are mysterious aircraft flying over U.S. military bases, they usually are adversarial.
I think we can agree with that.
We could agree on that, couldn't we?
What are we having a discussion about?
And whether they're Chinese-made or made in Trenton, New Jersey, no matter where they're made, they should be flying over military bases, right?
Either way, they're adversarial.
That's a given.
You fly over a military base, you get shot down.
Fly a drone over the U.S. Congress building, over the Capitol building.
Just do that tomorrow.
They're in session.
Fly a drone over the Capitol building tomorrow.
And see how long they say, we don't know who's doing that.
See how long that drone stays up in the air.
It'll be brought down in seconds
and you will be in prison.
And in a pretty deep hole in prison.
A very deep hole, okay?
So this is all BS.
They know who it is.
But who knows?
Do you really believe that all these members of Congress don't know, too?
No, I don't.
Well, I think a lot of them are so—I hate using the word dumb, stupid.
A lot of them are, Doc.
I mean, the intelligence level of the congress is not very
high but what they should do is impeach the entire biden administration the entire cabinet impeach
biden kamala harris lloyd austin mayorkas okay good down the list impeach all of them dereliction of duty you're not defending the united states of america this is treasonous
behavior there's an aerial invasion over military bases and you're doing nothing they ought to be
impeached now i know there's only six weeks or so left okay but let the history books show that
you impeached him. Take some action.
You know, they've tried to hint around and say, well, you know, they're probably commercial.
They're just probably, you know, American commercial.
Then the owners of those, I don't buy that, but Doc.
Let's follow their they follow their logic the owners of those commercially owned drones would be on the phone calling the pentagon the fbi hey it's us we're americans
we're just taking we're taking tourist video of new york city or we're delivering packages
we didn't know this was going to create such
a man this is us man don't be worried about it okay see that this story doesn't buy it just does
and i mentioned earlier this week every drone and every aircraft has a must have a registration
number posted that it's visible end of discussion that's a law you can't fly anything without a registration number
on it I mean you will be arrested just try it just try flying an airplane without a registration
number on it see how long you keep your license. But try flying something over the Pentagon, over the White House, over the Capitol building.
Just do it.
Stand out on the Mall of Washington with your remote control and fly that thing.
Over the Capitol.
See how long until they come and put you in the squad car.
They'll say, we know who's doing it.
It's Doc Burkhardt.
And he's going to prison. He's going to face 20 years
in prison. You'll be
shut down immediately. But you can have
these big honking drones
flying over military bases and reservoirs
and stuff that's been going on for now over a
month. I don't buy this. I don't
know what they're up to. It scares
me, Doc. It really scares me
that the Biden administration knows that they't know what they're up to. It scares me, Doc. It really scares me that the Biden
administration knows that they're Chinese and they're in on it. I've always told you,
the greatest shock is going to come when the war starts, when you find out how many of your leaders
had sold out to the other side.
That's going to be the greatest shock, Doc.
When you find out our political leaders, our military leaders,
our intelligence leaders were in on the takeover.
That's a scary thought.
So what are these things?
We've been following the story since that very first story about the unidentified aircraft over Langley and then the military bases in the UK.
And then we had this swarm of drones now.
We were ahead of it a couple of weeks before everybody else.
Because we were saying, look what's happening.
And we were asking the same questions then that we're asking now.
How can you fly drones over U.S. naval ships or British naval ships?
And in Great Britain, they were flying over bases that had barracks for American servicemen.
South China Morning Post in Hong Kong.
China's ban on critical minerals to be felt
across all branches of the u.s military
so south china morning post is reporting that china's export ban on critical minerals to the
u.s could disrupt more than a thousand u.s weapons production systems that's according to a defense
intelligence company report The analysis published
on December 3rd by Govini found that more than 20,000 individual parts used by the Pentagon
and the U.S. Coast Guard are captured under the ban announced earlier this month by the Chinese
Commerce Industry. The impact of the ban on the critical minerals and tinamony, gallium, and germanium used in everything from bullets
and cables to nuclear weapons, night vision goggles, and even EV batteries
will be felt across all branches of the military, the report said.
And so our military itself is at the mercy
of the Chinese. And how many years
have we known this? I've talked about this.
I don't know, Doc, 10, 15 years?
I was listening to some classic episodes
of True News just the other day
and you were talking about
the Chinese and rare earth minerals.
We're talking about the early 2000s.
So this caught us by surprise?
Our leaders are in on it. Our leaders are in on it.
Our leaders are in on it.
Now, the leaders who are not in on it, they have a solution.
Ukraine has trillions of dollars of rare earth minerals.
And Lindsey Graham said, you know, that's why we're there.
Not freedom, not democracy. Rare earth minerals. Rare earth minerals and lindsey graham said you know that's why we're there he not not freedom
not democracy rare earth minerals rare earth minerals and a lot of people are going to have
to die for us to get those minerals just like we tried to do it in afghanistan afghanistan has
trillions of dollars of rare earth minerals the russians tried to get it and the united states stopped them we formed al-qaeda
back then it was called the mudha musha hadin okay oh we we had names that they change every
decade yeah they rebrand every rebrand okay and who did we train and finance some guy named osama
bin laden yes and then when we needed him to play in a different role, we gave him al-Qaeda.
So we blocked, the West blocked the Russians from taking Afghanistan to get those rare earth minerals.
Then we got blocked.
We spent 20 years there and couldn't get control of the country.
So where are we at now?
Ukraine's got trillions of dollars of rare earth minerals.
Let's go start a war there.
But now the Russians are saying not so fast.
And then you have Western politicians say,
yeah, but Russia has trillions of dollars too
of rare earth minerals.
We could just go across the border into Russia
and take that whole country.
What's going on?
They're tribes. Folks, that's
all this is. It's tribal
It's just tribes.
Nation against nation.
Jesus said nation against
nation. And when you read it
in the Greek
it's tribe against tribe
that's what we're dealing with
tribal warfare
you got something we don't have
you got something we want
we're going to kill you
that's the history of mankind
but in our modern age we have we we dress it up
we we we say we're fighting for democracy we're we're fighting for freedom and liberty and
and diversity see diversity is the new american value we're fighting for diversity yes
and so these uh killers that took over sy, they're talking about they're going to bring diversity to Syria.
Do you really believe they're going to fly? No, of course not. Gay pride flags.
No, but it looks good in the London Times and the New York Times. People buy it. They believe it. Wall Street Journal, Rupert Murdoch's publication,
U.S. Ways Ban on Chinese-Made Router.
That's in millions of American homes.
This is in today's Wall Street Journal.
And these are routers you can buy down here at Best Buy, just down the road.
Guess what?
I've got to go home and look, Doc, and see what kind of router I have in my house.
Well, U.S. authorities are investigating whether a Chinese company whose popular home Internet routers have been linked to cyber attacks pose a national security risk and are considering actually banning the devices.
The router manufacturer TP-Link, established in China, has roughly, look at this number, 65% of the U.S. market
for routers for homes and small businesses.
So there's 65% chance I have a Chinese router in my house.
There's a 65% chance, yes.
It's also the top choice on Amazon
and powers internet communications
for the Defense Department
and other federal government agencies.
Now, investigators at the... investigators at the Pentagon said,
we can get a great buy on Chinese routers.
Who did that?
Somebody that made some money off the Chinese deal or in bed with the Chinese.
In bed with the Chinese.
Or both, Doc.
That's how they're paid.
So investigators at Commerce, Defense, and Justice Departments have opened their own probes into the company,
and authorities could ban the sale of TP-Link routers in the U.S. next year, according to people familiar with the matter.
An office of the Commerce Department has subpoenaed TP-Link, some of the people have said.
An analysis from Microsoft published in October found that a Chinese hacking entity maintains a large network of compromised network
devices mostly comprising of thousands of tp link routers now the network has been used by numerous
chinese actors to launch cyber attacks and these actors have gone after western targets including
think tanks government organizations non-government organizations, and defense department suppliers.
Now, these TP-Link routers are routinely shipped to customers with security flaws,
which the company often fails to address.
Imagine that, according to people familiar with the matter. While routers often have bugs, regardless of their manufacturer,
TP-Link doesn't engage with security researchers concerned about
them the people said why should they they they want the security flaws in there
what can i tell you today that would convince you that the world is extremely unstable
that we haven't already talked about this is what i mean is there anything else that i could tell
you today that would just push you over the line where you go, you know what, Rick, you're right.
The world is unstable.
This is the most unstable state of the world I've ever seen in my lifetime.
I don't know what's holding it together other than the grace of God.
That may be the only thing that is holding it together.
Because Satan's trying
to blow it all up um do whatever you can to take advantage of the available time that we have
because the time could change quickly i mean we are honestly folks it's day after day we're on the edge of something catastrophic happening.
At some point, the Russians are going to take action, and it's going to be catastrophic.
There's no doubt in my mind.
They're going to react.
We're pushing them.
Putin said the other day, we're running out of patience.
You've crossed the red lines.
We're out of patience.
We killed his top general yesterday.
Just imagine what it's like inside their defense department today.
Their top general is gone.
The other generals are looking around going, who's next?
See, when that starts happening, the pressure is on Russia.
We better act soon or they're going to take us all out.
The Russians are watching what the Zionists and the Americans.
You can't separate Zionism and Americanism, according to Pete Hagseth. Pete Hagseth, the designate
nominee for the Defense Department. He said Americanism
and Zionism go hand in hand. They're running the world. He's absolutely
right. He said they're on the cutting edge of
civilization. So if you're
watching all this, you just watch it. hey, in the past year and a half,
they just took out Hamas. They took
out Hezbollah. They took out Assad in Syria.
They're on a march. They're killing people.
They're blowing people up. They're killing kids by the thousands.
They're getting away with war crimes.
Now they're killing our generals at their homes.
So if you were a Russian leader, what are you thinking?
We better act soon or none of us will be alive.
They have to be thinking that way, Doc.
If we don't act soon soon we give them another six months
half of us in this room are going to be dead
one by one they will i mean there'll be a day they'll pick off mavetta there'll be another day
they'll pick off you know putin they'll take them out one by one. And you're watching, just look at Netanyahu's model.
The man's a killing machine.
He's not embarrassed.
He is not embarrassed at all that he's dripping with blood.
He doesn't care at all.
He's just killing.
And he's taking land.
And he's taking resources. And he doesn't care just killing. And he's taking land. And he's taking resources.
And he doesn't care about killing.
The West doesn't care about killing.
And a lot of other people in the world are shocked by it.
They're like, who acts like this?
Who behaves this way?
Satan is loose in the world i'm just telling you that um the world is as is as
unstable as i've seen it in my lifetime and
you know spiritually i have to think every single day all right am i is everything right with rick me and the lord everything okay
heart check every day okay you gotta do that every single day make sure you're you're right
with the lord you can't you can't deal with everybody else just yourself you take care
yourself but then on the physical practical level um if it isn't, if the response isn't totally apocalyptic, if it's just really bad, I mean, like extremely bad, but not apocalyptic.
If, you know, it's not Armageddon.
Are you prepared for great turmoil, great disruption in your lifestyle?
How long can you go without access to grocery stores, without access to the basic things that you have in life?
How long can you go?
Don't assume abundance.
And what about your finances?
Okay, where do you have your finances do you have
anything invested in something that's physical tangible stuff that doesn't go away like gold
and silver see gold and silver is not going to go away it will be here after every big war gold and silver is still there
you know what they you know what they do every time they have a war
they steal the other country's gold yes they rob their banks and you know what they did in syria
they robbed the bank yes i already read it gold. I saw the pictures of people going out the front door with cash, but trucks going out the back door with gold.
And the people going out the front door with cash didn't really even know the value.
Syria no longer has any gold.
They took it.
Who's they?
They is us.
They is us.
The criminals, the banksters
that's what we that's what we the west that's what we're we've been doing for the past 20 years
stealing just killing and stealing you know that's satan but anyhow isn't it interesting they go for
the gold as soon as they take over a country they go in to the central bank and rob
the bank of its gold they did it in libya they did it in iraq every country they take over
they rob they did it in yugoslavia yes i was just getting ready to say yep and old milosevic
what made him so mad what made them so mad is that he shipped tons and tons of gold out of Yugoslavia before they got to him.
And when they arrested him, he wouldn't tell them where the gold was at.
So what did they do to him?
They put him in solitary confinement in the Hague and he died there.
They found the coldest cell in the Hague to put him in.
And he was naked when he died.
Because he wouldn't give up the gold.
Or maybe he did, and then they killed him.
But they want gold.
This is a pretty radical commercial for Gold Co., isn't it?
The folks at Gold Co.
You want gold, too.
The folks at Gold Co. are going, what?
What do they want?
Hey, wait a minute, Rick. wait a minute rick this is not our
this is not the way it might be the shtick that works but i'm telling you folks the point i'm
making is these criminals steal the gold why because gold value they know it's valuable they
know the world runs on gold. Okay? So be smart
and have some gold.
Have some gold and silver. There's the phone number.
Don't tell the gold code what I just told you.
Rick said.
The thieves
are robbing the banks around the world
taking the gold. But that is the truth.
It's what they do.
But all that does is it just solidifies in me how valuable gold is to them.
That their concept of ruling the world.
Includes gold.
They have a golden rule.
Get the gold.
He who has the gold rules.
That's their golden rule get the gold he who has the gold rules has their golden rule so 844-960-GOLD and ask about how you can become
you can have some security in your investments by moving some assets over into precious metals
uh assets over into precious metals uh another wall street journal report this was yesterday i know actually two days ago we have so much news we can't get to it and it just keeps building up
u.s fear is military buildup by turkey signals preparation for incursion that's not encouraging
you mean invasion yes turkey is getting ready to invade Syria.
And let's remind our audience, Turkey is a NATO member.
And who said none other than Donald J. Trump said it was Turkey that overthrew Assad?
Donald Trump said it, which means somebody in his inner circle of advisors
informed him, Mr. President, this
downfall of Assad was done
by Turkey. And so
first I want to tell you what the Wall Street Journal is saying. They're saying
senior U.S. officials say Turkey and allies are building up forces along the border with Syria,
raising alarm that Ankara is preparing for a large scale incursion into territory held by American backed Syrian Kurds.
Now, this gets so complicated and I am not the expert on it.
You get into these tribal conflicts, and, Doc, you got to put it on a board on the wall and try to figure out which tribe is aligned with another nation and you have you literally have the the u.s department of defense backing
tribes in syria that are fighting tribes backed by the cia yes okay so uh syria i mean turkey
is is at war with the Kurds.
But the CIA and the U.S. government has promised the Kurds they would get their own country someday.
You play ball with us.
Someday we're going to take down Assad.
We're going to give you part of Turkey.
You'll have your own country.
And that's in cooperation with—
I mean, we take down Syria, and we'll give you part of Syria. You'll have your own Kurdistan,'s in cooperation we take down syria and we'll we'll give you part
of syria you have your own kurdistan whatever is going to be and and over there in turkey
they're saying and that ain't going to happen there's not going to be a country of kurds oh
there will there will be that's why that's why turkey's getting ready to invade syria and i'll
tell you why there's going to be, because Israel wants a Kurdistan.
Because they're cousins.
They're cousins.
That's right.
You remember that when we found that out?
Yes, sir.
They're cousins to the Kurds.
They're Jewish.
The Kurds are Jewish cousins.
The Jews said that.
The Jews said that.
That's where we got the information.
Netanyahu himself said that.
They're cousins going way, way, way back.
So here's the bottom line there's about
to be another war right any day according to the wall street journal any day any hour they're
getting ready to invade syria everybody's gonna get them some syria yes okay israel's getting
some syria did you see netanyahuahu in Syria oh yes he's over in Syria
he's walking around in Syria
oh yeah I like that
I'll take that
I read one report today
it was just a
you know
just a breaking news line
and it said that
Israel was in control of an
entire province in syria okay
they're not going to give it up no turkey's going to take some miller said it was temporary
i laughed turkey is going to conquer some syria of the united states is holding the kurds are
going to get some syria we have bases there right okay We're there pumping oil. Everybody's
going to get some Syria.
Syria is being
divvied up. It's gone. It's history.
What these reports are saying is
that President
Erdogan was the force behind
moving in.
He's NATO.
He's the same group of people but the united states is concerned because he is not
going with the plan the plan was not for turkey to invade but old erdogan's going well try to stop
me now try to stop me all right so he's to go in. He's going to send his troops in.
Now, this says this quotes Iham Ahmed, an official in the Syrian Kurds civilian administration.
He told Donald Trump that aish military operation appeared likely he urged mr trump to pressure erdogan
not to do it he said turkey's goal is to establish a de facto control over our land before you take
office forcing you to engage with them as rulers of our territory. If Turkey proceeds with this invasion,
the consequences will be catastrophic.
And when he says our territory,
he's not talking about Syria as a whole,
but the Kurdish part of Syria.
The part of Syria that the Kurds control.
He told President Trump,
from across the border,
we can already see Turkish forces amassing and our civilians live under the constant fear of imminent death and destruction.
Now, I've got a video of President Trump stating that it was Turkey that arranged the invasion of Syria.
And specifically named President Erdogan.
Yes. Let's watch.
One of the sides has been essentially wiped out,
but nobody knows who the other side is.
But I do. You know who it is? Turkey.
Okay? Turkey's the one behind it.
He's a very smart guy.
They've wanted it for thousands of years.
And he got it.
And those people that went in are controlled
by Turkey and that's okay. It's another way to fight. But no, I don't think that I want
to have our soldiers killed, but I don't think that will happen now anyway, because the one
side has been decimated. Well, nobody knows what the final outcome is going to be in the
region. You know, nobody knows who really final outcome is going to be in the region.
You know, nobody knows who really the final.
I believe it's Turkey.
And I think Turkey is very smart.
He's a very smart guy and he's very tough.
But Turkey did an unfriendly takeover without a lot of lives being lost.
I can say that Assad was a butcher here, what he did to children.
So now we're worried about children now is that yeah so so mr trump believes the cia propaganda that this uh this eye doctor
in in damascus was killing children every day cutting their eyes out and whatever um he bought
into it but if you heard mr trump he goes yeah erdogan uh he took over the
country you know he found another way to do it that's okay meaning he hired al-qaeda yes and
mr trump said that's okay that's okay he did he got another way to fight he he did it without a lot of people being killed, you know. So Turkey has taken over.
But see, I have Arabs who tell me, Rick, you're over in America and you don't understand this, but Erdogan is a secret friend of Netanyahu.
I believe that.
I do not believe that those two fight with each other. No.
It's sort of like, remember the story you were telling me about Jack Benny and who was it,
the other comedian that had the TV show? Allen. Fred Allen. Fred Allen. That they were at each
other's... For 20 years. For 20 years, they were enemies. But really, that was all a show. Yes.
I think the same thing is going on with Erdogan and Netanyahu. The very same thing.
They thrive on the conflict because it keeps everybody else engaged.
But they're really on the same side.
Doc, the Arab world has collapsed. It is. Yeah, it has.
Netanyahu has taken down the Arab world. He took them down.
Because the other Arab leaders are so terrified.
They're powerless.
They're wetting their pants.
And I tell you who I feel sorry for right now, and that's King Abdullah of Jordan.
Oh, they're going after him.
You can be sure.
You can be sure they're going to have a revolution in Jordan.
I agree for it.
I love Jordan's wonderful people. agree for it. I love Jordan.
Wonderful people.
But I really think he's next.
And he knows it.
He knows it.
It doesn't matter how good of a friend he is to the U.S.
He'll be betrayed.
If the CIA wants to take him out.
All right.
Really quick, because we're over the time limit here.
I just want to show you where we're headed here.
Iran accused of growing stockpile of enriched uranium to unprecedented levels.
What does that mean?
We have to destroy Iran really soon.
Like within weeks.
They're setting the stage.
The story is saying Iran is processing uranium like there's no tomorrow.
Who is worried about it?
The Brits, France, Germany.
They're all worried.
Of course, Israel the most.
So get ready.
Not going to happen under Biden.
It's going to happen under Mr. Trump.
One of the first things that he's going to do is bomb Iran because Israel is going to pressure him into it.
Do you think that's what he means when he says if the hostages aren't released by January 20th, there's going to be hell to pay?
That's Gaza. He's going to be hell to pay? Nope. That's Gaza.
He's going to destroy what's left of Gaza.
No, he's going to kill everybody else in Gaza.
What else does he mean?
Maybe that Hezbollah is acting as Iran's proxy.
Don't think Mr. Trump wouldn't blow up what remains of Gaza.
No, I'd go along with that. No, he'd do it.
I'd go along with that, too.
He'd do it.
But the pressure is going to be on to go for Iran.
And the stage is being set.
Ynet News, 2015 nuclear deal no longer relevant, says the International Atomic Energy Agency chief.
I'm going to drop down to down number 19 Times of Israel ben Gavir that's the Homeland
Security cabinet member in the Israeli government instructs Israeli police to stop Mosque from using
speakers to for call to prayer he he said that the uh daily call to prayer which is what how many times
five times a day five times a day he said it's uh noise and um he said it needs to be dealt with
and they need to uh just stop stop the mosque from because he would you know you have the speakers right and if you're if you're in a country that has a lot of muslim because you have the speakers.
And if you're in a country that has a lot of Muslims, they have the speakers.
Iman is five times a day is calling people to, it's time to stop and pray.
So Ben-Gavir is saying, we're going to stop it.
So you get a couple million Palestinians.
Most of them are Muslims. And you're going to stop them from praying? Yes. What's he doing? He's setting the
stage for a riot so he can kill them. Yes.
Kill them and force them out, whoever remains.
And then, oh yeah,
this is a video from RT regarding this call to ban prayer.
Let's watch.
Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, the head of the ultra-nationalist Jewish Power Party,
has instructed police to ban mosques from broadcasting the Adan, citing what he calls unreasonable noise.
To the Muslim community, the Adan is far more than just a sound.
It's a symbol of identity and heritage.
And many are asking, is this truly about noise,
or is it something much deeper?
Ben Gvir's sole aim is to eliminate anything Arab or Muslim in this land.
If Ben Gvir could wake up tomorrow and not see a single Arab in this land,
he would be very happy.
That is his ultimate goal.
The Adan, call to prayer,
is just one stage.
Demolishing homes in the Negev
is another stage.
Attacking Al-Aqsa Mosque is yet another stage.
But his ultimate goal
is to ensure that no Arabs or Muslims
remain in this land,
to forcibly displace them under the pretext that this is a state for Jews and Jews alone.
I want to share one more story.
Times of Israel, settler leaders, these are Jewish settlers, land thieves,
call for moving Palestinian population in West Bank.
Moving, removing every Palestinian in the West Bank
and what's the they're raising Rick we got to fight terrorism okay they're going to kill off
every Palestinian this is no different than what the American settlers did to the Cherokees and the other Native American tribes.
They called them savages.
We got to move them out.
And when they would move, they killed them.
And they took their land.
I know people don't like to hear that,
but it's the truth.
It's tribe against tribe.
And you can dress it up any way you want,
but God still looks at it and sees men killing men.
Mankind killing mankind.
God doesn't say, well, that's a good killing over here.
That's bad killing over there.
Where does he say?
Why do people think that?
Well, God says.
It's people thinking.
Yes, people thinking.
So they're coming up with a plan.
They're now going to eliminate all of the palestinians you you they're not even denying
it they're not denying it folks we're going into another year or two of mass genocide
beyond anything we've ever seen on this planet they're going to they're going to decimate the Palestinian population. Okay? When they get them,
when they kill them off,
they will then be able
to demolish the Al-Asqa Mosque
and then they can build
their third temple.
Their temple to
Something very demonic is underway,
Doc. Right. They can't directly
attack the Alahuasca mosque
not until they get rid of them get rid of the worshipers okay so which which arab muslim
is in charge of the mosque at the highest level king king abdullah so you they're going to kill
him yes they're going to kill him their plan is i hope they don't but their plan is to kill him. Their plan is, I hope they don't, but their plan is to kill him. He is the direct descendant of Muhammad.
Do you know that?
King Abdullah of Jordan
is the direct descendant of Muhammad,
Prophet Muhammad.
He is in charge of the mosque in,
the temple mosque in Jerusalem.
It's his responsibility to guard it.
Well, what they're going to do, they're going to kill him.
Then it doesn't have a guard, does it?
That's right.
And there are no Arab leaders with a backbone to defend the Palestinians
because they're all afraid.
They're afraid of the Jews.
They're afraid of them, Doc.
They're terrified of them because they see the bloodlust and that there's nobody
to stop the jews from killing the arabs we're in a very wicked time extremely wicked
extremely wicked jesus please come back jesus please come back jesus he will but unfortunately things are going to have to be horrible on earth
until he comes back how do i know that he said there will be great tribulation right he said
if the father would not shorten the days no flesh would survive things are going to be so dire that God in heaven is going to look at it and look down
at earth and go, I've had enough. I've had enough. Son, go down there and get your church. I'm going
to burn that planet. I'm going to burn it. That's what's coming, folks. You better be ready. You
better be ready. And how do you get ready
you repent of your sins you believe in the name of jesus christ you're baptized in water
and you keep his commandments which commandments the sermon on the mount
you keep this commandments the sermon on the mount those are the commandments jesus gave us
believe on the name of Jesus Christ,
be baptized in water,
and keep the commandments.
And that's all God is asking you to do.
Love you very much.
Never really knew what the last,
of the last days was going to look like, Doc.
How was this going to play out?
Here we are.
We here at this ministry, we're a small ministry.
We are doing our very best before the eyes of God to be true to him
and not to be caught up in the political hoopla of this world,
not to be pulled aside by heresy, apostasy.
And there's plenty of that today, too.
It's everywhere in the churches.
We could talk all day just about that.
Yes, so the churches, the evangelical churches are apostate.
They're heretical.
They're backslidden.
I guess Santa Claus in major churches, elves, no Jesus, no manger, no Bethlehem.
We are ripe for judgment, absolutely ripe for judgment.
And I just want to make sure this ministry is pure
and that our message is right on the mark.
And what is that mark?
You need to be born again.
That's the message.
You need to be born again.
You must be born again.
You must be born again.
If you're not, then get it done today.
We'll see you tomorrow.
God bless.
God bless you.
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