TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Sam Altman: AI Superintelligence Could Surpass Humanity in a Few Thousand Days
Episode Date: September 24, 2024Today, we will dive into a bold prediction by Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, who believes that artificial 'superintelligence'—a machine far smarter than humans—could be with us in just a few thousand ...days. Recently, Altman reflected on the transformative power of AI, claiming that its development will usher in an era of 'massive prosperity.' He envisions a future where AI not only solves climate change and helps establish space colonies but even unlocks the mysteries of all physics. What seemed like magic to past generations might soon become reality. Doc Burkhart, Paul Benson, Erick Rodriguez Airdate 09/24/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!       It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw.
I'm a blacksmith, and I like to work with my hands.
I watch True News, and it's apparent to me that we are in World War III,
and the U.S. is very unstable.
I have faith in God, but He expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for troubled times.
There are two things we need, food and water. That's
why I buy my supplies from American Reserves offers easy to prepare chicken
and beef meals, pastas, soups and vegetables that only need boiling water. You can purchase
the world famous British Burkefield gravity fed water filters equipped with Dalton ceramic
candles and other emergency supplies at American reserves
dot com my family security is critical
to me something big is coming
procrastination could be costly act
today before crisis suddenly appears be
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dot com Welcome to True News. I'm Doc Burkhart sitting in for True News host and founder Rick Wiles.
Today is September 24, 2024. Today we'll be diving into a bold prediction by Sam Altman,
CEO of OpenAI, who believes that artificial superintelligence, a machine far smarter than
humans, could be with us in just a few thousand days. Recently, Altman reflected on the transformative
power of artificial intelligence, claiming that its development will usher in an
era of massive prosperity. He envisions a future where artificial intelligence not only solves
climate change and helps establish space colonies, but even unlocks the mysteries of all physics.
What seemed like magic to past generations might soon become reality, according to Altman.
Paul Benson and Eric Rodriguez will join me later for this compelling Next Tech News update.
First, let's look at the latest developments in World War III and its various fronts
by looking at the latest from the Middle East with this report from The Washington Post.
And you see the headline there.
Thousands flee homes in Lebanon as toll from Israel strikes rises to 564, officials say.
Israel struck 1,500 targets throughout Lebanon over the past 24 hours,
hitting what its forces said were militant sites linked to Hezbollah
in the country's south and east and in the capital of Beirut.
Thousands of Lebanese people are seeking to flee to safer areas.
Since Monday, Israeli strikes have killed over 558 people.
We saw the latest number, 564, a moment ago, including 50 children, according to an updated
toll from Lebanon's health ministry.
At least 1,835 were wounded.
Hezbollah fired more rockets Tuesday as world leaders scrambled to cool tensions and avoid a wider war.
Now, I have a map here that shows the strikes, the various strikes that Israel hit in Lebanon over the past 24 hours here.
And you see that this is an extensive assault by the IDF forces into Lebanon. The reasoning is that the latest propaganda that we're being told is that Lebanese people
are hiding rocket launchers in their garages and in their attics and everything throughout
And so the latest spiel that's coming out of Israel right now,
that it's okay to strike civilian targets in Lebanon
because they're hiding rocket launchers in the attics of people's homes
without providing any proof of that.
And the propaganda has been stirring over the past 48 hours regarding that.
Keep in mind, everybody, that this struggle between Israel and Hezbollah
has some benefits for Israel, as we would see from this story coming out of Harod today. Look at this.
Israeli minister claims Lebanon cannot be defined as a state, that the IDF should establish a buffer
zone inside its territory. Now, that sounds pretty safe in there, right?
But until you dig down into the article, and that's what we're about to do right now,
Israel's Diaspora Affairs Minister, Amikai Chikli,
accused Lebanon of not fulfilling the definition of a state.
In other words, it's saying Lebanon's not a real country,
and argued that the Israeli military should establish buffer zones inside of Lebanon in order to protect Israeli citizens living in the country's north.
The far-right minister made the argument that in light of the Lebanese government's failure to exercise its sovereignty over Hezbollah-controlled southern Lebanon, that the Israeli Defense Forces had the right and responsibility.
Now, this is coming out of Haratz, ladies and gentlemen,
that they had the right and responsibility to take over any area
from which missiles have been or could be fired into Israel.
Not just have been or possibly could be fired into Israel.
Lebanon, even though it has a flag and even though it has political institutions,
does not meet the definition of a state, Chickley began the first of three consecutive messages
posted on social media.
To bolster his claim, Chickley pointed to the fact that the country's southern region,
which shares its border with Israel, is not under Lebanese sovereignty.
It is mostly inhabited by a hostile Shiite population
and is effectively controlled by Hezbollah,
which on October 8th started a war against the state of Israel, Chickley wrote.
I'd like to remind our audience that Zionists have a goal for the future,
and that is greater Israel.
As you can see here, if you look up at the top left of the map there,
there's a country called Lebanon there.
And right now, Israel is moving against Lebanon
and has declared Lebanon not a state, not a real country.
And therefore, it's okay to blow up things and blow up kids in Lebanon.
But for greater Israel to take place, a lot more has to happen.
You see Jordans in the bullseye there, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Turkey, Syria.
This is the goal for Zionists in Israel, and that's greater Israel.
So this is part of an ongoing effort to establish an even greater state.
How fast are things escalating in the Middle East?
Well, we have this report from the South China Morning Post.
China is warning its citizens to leave Israel and Lebanon as border situation is becoming extremely tense. China has urged its citizens living in Israel and Lebanon to evacuate immediately,
citing a serious complex and volatile security situation.
The Chinese embassy in Tel Aviv sent out an alert on Sunday
as the intense fighting cross-border conflict between Israel and Lebanese armed forces group Hezbollah
deepened fears of an all-out war.
They had this word from the embassy. Forces Group Hezbollah deepened fears of an all-out war.
They had this word from the embassy.
It said the situation along the Israeli-Lebanese border is extremely tense, characterized by frequent military confrontations.
The Chinese embassy is urging its citizens in Israel to return as soon as possible, or at least to relocate to safer areas. They were also advised to prepare against missiles, rockets, drones,
and other types of attacks and stay away from northern Israel, which borders Lebanon. The Chinese mission in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, also issued a similar warning Monday,
urging Chinese nationals to leave as soon as possible and avoid the southern regions near Israel.
What's happening here in the U.S. right
now is the U.N. General Assembly is in session. Joe Biden has spoken and several others are
scheduled, but President of Turkey Erdogan spoke earlier today and had this to say about the
ongoing conflict in the Middle East. Turkish President Erdogan told the U.N. General Assembly
that he hopes the Palestinian delegation
present for the first time will be the final turning point on the road leading to Palestine's
membership in the United Nations.
So Palestine is being represented now as a member country in the UN.
But it went on to say there in that particular article, in the last few years, the United
Nations has failed to fulfill its founding mission and has gradually become a dysfunctional structure,
he said, decrying the UN Security Council's failure to curb the Gaza war. To the UN Security
Council, what are you waiting for to prevent genocide in Gaza, to put a stop to this cruelty
and barbarism? What are you waiting for to stop Netanyahu and
his network, who is endangering the lives of the Palestinian people, part of a mass murder network?
What are you still waiting for to stop them putting to danger their own people and the entire
region for their political gain? And so President Erdogan not holding back his thoughts at all regarding Israel's attack on Gaza and now on Lebanon itself.
Continuing on our World War III coverage, let's look at what's happening with Russia right now.
We have this story coming out of London Guardian.
Japanese fighter jets fire flares at Russian aircraft for the first time in airspace violation.
This shows how this World War III is starting to expand even further now, ladies and gentlemen.
Japan said its fighter jets used flares for the first time to warn a Russian reconnaissance
aircraft to leave its airspace, the defense ministry in Tokyo said as tensions rise over increasing Russian and Chinese military cooperation in the region,
an undisclosed number of F-15 and F-35s were scrambled and fired flares on Monday after the Russian 238 maritime patrol aircraft apparently ignored the radio warnings.
And so we're going to continue to follow this story here over the next few days and see how this develops.
Ongoing drills with Russia and China continue to take place in the waters of the Pacific as we continue our news coverage.
Interesting story I came across two days ago.
Didn't have the opportunity to bring it out to you.
I saw this article on Newsweek, and I thought it was interesting to bring out. Look at this headline title. This is from Newsweek.
I had to do a double take on it. Russian State TV discusses options for seizing Alaska. Yes,
you read that right. Russian State TV recently broadcast a segment of TalkShare during which the host discussed the potential of Alaska joining Russia.
In the show, the host makes a joke saying, do you know what they call Alaska?
Ice Crimea.
He then adds that Alaska will one day return to its native shores.
Now, the host are referencing the fact that Alaska once belonged to Russia before being sold to the U.S. in 1866.
And so we're going to watch this clip.
I'll read the captions as we go along here.
This is provided by Russia Media Monitor.
Do you know what they call Alaska?
Ice Crimea.
Someday it will return to its native shores.
The U.S. got very scared.
They deployed a whole division with HIMARS systems to the Aleutian Islands.
What if we leave them in the Aleutian Islands, enter Alaska, and they get surrounded?
That's a good idea.
The fact that they're even joking about this should send chills up your spine
because when World War III really breaks out into the shooting war,
boundary lines are bound to change very, very quickly.
In other World War III news related to Europe, Russia Today is reporting this.
Warsaw reminds Kiev of its Nazi past.
Ukraine has problems with its history.
This is coming from Polish President Andrzej Duda,
highlighting Kiev's collaboration with the Nazi journey and its involvement in the Holocaust during World War II
and has basically called Ukraine Nazis here.
This rhetoric is starting to heat up here against Ukraine. Another story out of RT
here. One component that some pundits are concerned about as far as Ukraine's future is concerned.
Look at this title. General Winter is about to unleash his wrath on Ukraine. Ukraine could be
on the verge of the point of no return. Various estimates
suggest that the country has lost anywhere from 50 to 80 percent of its electricity generation
capacity, meaning it faces major challenges to adequately prepare for the upcoming winter.
And just one quote I want to do. This is 11C for control.
The country's domestic energy production in 2022 amounted to 55 gigawatts among the largest in
Europe. However, by the start of this war, it had dropped below 20 gigawatts and by July
to a mere nine gigawatts. Currently, Ukraine is struggling to even partially survive these issues. Even if
it's a mild winter, as it's being predicted right now, Ukraine is going to be struggling to keep up
electricity demands to heat homes and to keep things running as winter approaches. Does Russia
only have to wait out this war at this point? A couple of weird stories
I wanted to throw out your way here before we start talking about weirder stuff and artificial
superintelligence. This is out of the Daily Mail here. Folks, suicide pods are a real thing now.
A Sarko suicide pod is used for the first time as a U.S. woman uses the capsule to die in Swiss woodland,
prompting police to swoop in and detain staff.
There's not much to say about this except that this is going to become a commonplace here in the near future.
You're going to see SuicidePods everywhere.
They're going to be selling them online.
They're going to be renting them out.
And we've joked about this in the past.
Cartoons and sci-fi movies make fun of these ideas.
But here we are today on the verge of launching suicide pods for the general population.
Well, if that's not enough to concern you, look at this next story.
This is from Time.
Earth is temporarily getting a second moon.
That's right.
You read that correctly.
Starting next week, the moon, Earth's closest celestial body, will be joined by a new neighbor, a second moon.
From September 29 to November 25, astronomers calculate that 2024 PT5, which is what scientists think is an asteroid,
but they have dubbed it a mini-moon,
will be looping around Earth.
It will eventually break free, let's hope, of the Earth's gravitational pull.
Sadly, at just about 10 meters, the mini-moon will be extremely hard to see from Earth,
but its presence will be there nonetheless for almost two months.
The asteroid, which was discovered back in August by NASA,
originated from the Arjuna asteroid belt, where it will likely return once it leaves Earth's orbit.
Well, one more story here before we make our transition to our roundtable today.
Have the story out of the New York Post here. Telegram CEO Pavel Durov capitulates and says his app, the Telegram app, will hand over user data to governments to stop criminals.
Battle Telegram CEO Pavel Durov reportedly agreed to hand over the IP addresses and phone numbers of those who used his encrypted messaging app to government authorities that make valid legal request.
Said using laws from the pre-smartphone era to charge a CEO with crimes committed by third parties on the platform he manages is a misguided approach.
Building technology is hard enough as it is.
No innovator will ever build new tools if they know they can be personally held responsible
for potential abuse of those new tools.
We'll be taking a very deep dive into this story and other stories related to artificial intelligence here in just a few moments.
I want to encourage you, if you haven't done so, to check out the latest products and the latest offers on American Reserves.
And I really want to emphasize to you, as you will see in this upcoming ad, preparation is key because the world, wow, what a wild card of news that we had just today where you never know what's going to be happening next. Right here in Florida, we have the potential of a hurricane landing in the state of Florida.
But it doesn't matter if it's a tornado, blizzard, an EMP, or if the government just decides to shut your switch off.
You need to be prepared with food and especially water.
So I encourage you to be prepared.
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We'll be back in a few moments right after this.
I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw. I'm a blacksmith and I like to work with my hands.
I watch and trust true news. Two things are clear to me. World War III has started, and the USA is very unstable.
I have faith in God, but he expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for trouble.
There are two things we need, food and water.
That's why I buy supplies from
American Reserves offers easy-to-prepare chicken and beef meals, pastas,
soups, and vegetables that only need
boiling water. You can purchase the
world-famous British Burkefield gravity-fed
water filters equipped with Dalton ceramic
handles and other emergency supplies
My family's security
is critical to me. Something
big is coming. Procrastination
could be costly. Act today
before a crisis suddenly appears. Be ready. Be wise. Go to
Welcome back to True News. Glad to have you here with us here on a Tuesday edition of the Godcast.
I want to remind you that American Reserves right now is
providing you the information that you need to be prepared for whatever might be happening as far as
the world is concerned. Here in Florida right now, we're looking at an impending tropical storm and
hurricane. And so there are people all across the state that are preparing for a possible landfall of a hurricane here in Florida.
But whether it's a hurricane or tornado, an EMP, or who knows what might happen in the
future, you need to be prepared.
American Reserves has the products that you need in order to help you prepare for whatever
might happen in the future.
I want you to make a priority right now, though, with the word water.
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Reserves that can get you prepared because you can have all the food in the world.
But if you don't have good, clean water, it's not worth anything.
And so I encourage you, go to and look at the various water filtration products that we have available there.
Do it today, Well, as we ended the newscast here, we were talking about
Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, and how it seems like he's under pressure to
capitulate a little bit since his arrest in France. And so we're going to be talking a little bit more about that here. I'm going to bring in Paul Benson and Eric Rodriguez here. This Telegram story, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, I guess he gave in, didn't he?
Yeah, it looks like it.
Telegram has been an incredible addition to the apps available for smartphones.
And if you use Telegram, it's been
really an amazing source for real time news and conversations with people all over the world.
But yeah, now if there's any government that has a real legal reason to pull your information,
they can pull IP addresses and phone numbers.
I think a lot of people got uncomfortable in the last couple of days because there's been a lot of illegal activity on Telegram that it just kind of became like the dark web, sort of. People were
treating it like that because it was so secure. And because the CEO and in their terms of service, you know, they were very unique
in the way that they really provided real privacy, which was great. And they still do. But
yeah, the whole Telegram universe changed this week, for sure.
So what was the reasoning there, Paul, behind basically
this pressure put on Durov to make these changes? What was the argument that was being made?
Well, what I do know is there's a couple of quotes I want to read. So, you know,
Pavel Durov was kind of in the middle of what he was talking about with pre-smartphone era laws.
And they're using those laws to charge a CEO with crimes committed by third parties on a platform that he manages.
And he explained it as a misguided approach.
He also said building technology is hard enough as it is. No innovator will ever build
new tools if they know they can be personally held responsible for potential abuse of those tools.
He insisted that Telegram is not some kind of anarchic paradise. And he said that due to
surging numbers of Telegram users, it's caused growing pains that made it
easier for criminals to abuse our platform. So something happened in France, and I feel like
the pressure just kind of mounted, and I wonder what the actual event is. It seems like it's still
a sort of a mystery. But apparently, Durov did the calculus and said if he wanted to remain in business, he had to give in to the French authorities on this, correct?
And that's the thing with technology and anything like this. and all this, but it just really takes that one nerve, that pressure point, and someone comes in,
and all of a sudden, everyone that trusted a social media platform,
things can just change overnight. Right. Well, Daryl makes a great argument there that
anybody that wants to create a new tool or a new platform or anything like that,
their hands are kind of tied
down because at some point in the future, they may be prosecuted for something they had no control
over. You know, it's like trying to blame Henry Ford for every car accident victim that's happened
since the 1920s. I mean, is that a just case to hold the CEO of a company of a new technology or a new
product responsible for how its users use that technology? In 2024, it is. And that's a challenge
that, you know, that quote really stood out to me when I read this article, building technology is
hard enough as it is.
No innovator will ever build new tools if they know they can be personally held responsible for potential abuse of those tools.
So innovators today, you know, whether we're even us, you know, here, we're trying to build new platforms or software or trying to get into some kind of space.
It's almost now you're being forced to think of all of the what ifs and should have and could have. And that's just unrealistic. Right. And I think,
you know, you made a good example earlier before we hit record here was, you know,
the highway system and, you know, drugs are being trafficked all the time using the highway system,
waterways. And, you know, are we going to have to shut those things down?
Are we going to have to go back to the source of who created these things?
It's an unrealistic expectation.
And I think in this case, too, with him, I feel like there was some made up charges to
go after him because he is, if I remember correctly, and we're kind of shifting over
but back over to some news news here,
and that was, it seems like there was some information
being shared regarding the Israel-Palestine war stuff
going on and his platform was being used
to communicate that information
and the powers that be didn't like that.
And so all of a sudden he's arrested. So, you know, you can kind of wander down that little road there.
But, you know, it seems like there were some charges that were just made up on the spot to get him to submit.
And he also, they mentioned drug trafficking and sex trafficking, things like that.
And that's something they throw out at anybody that they want to take down.
And so, well, we're going to continue to keep an eye on the story, see how it develops.
But ladies and gentlemen, we're running out of places where you can freely express your thoughts and your opinions without Big Brother moving in and trying to stifle that or even trying to eradicate not just your speech but your thoughts as well.
Paul, you came across a story here regarding the latest developments that Apple has in their Apple intelligence platform that they're incorporating with their phones.
What caught your eye on this particular story?
Yeah, absolutely.
So if you didn't hear the news, Apple's coming out with new iPhones
and a major update to their operating system. And this is where they're merging with AI. So
a lot of you may be listening to Next Tech News or True News when we cover these topics.
You may wonder, why are we talking so much about AI? Or these
guys must love AI and all this. What's the hype? Well, we're trying to give you a glimpse into what
we think is coming in the future because it changes things slowly and steadily to the point
of you just doing an iPhone update on your phone. And then all of a sudden, you're now using AI more than you were the day before.
So if your stance, if your posture is, you know, I'm not going to use AI.
I'm going to stay away.
This is not for me.
Well, if you like iPhones, it's now – you may be able to change some settings to kind of stay out of the AI universe
there. But Apple intelligence is definitely coming in the next few months. I think major
updates will be happening in January of next year. You know, aside from some of the security concerns, a lot of what it's doing, especially
with the newer devices, um, a lot of the AI processes are all happening with, you know,
on the device.
So it's not taking your private information and, um, you know, sending it up to a cloud,
but, um, you know, it's things like anything that you type now,
you can rewrite it. It's being analyzed in your device, and then it'll tell you a better way to
send an email or a text message. Siri is going to be much more intelligent. You can ask it to perform more deeper, complicated tasks.
So some of it is, you know, it's going to be very handy for people that use these devices for
business. But it does kind of just bring this chill and where we're slowly merging with AI and before we know it, we're just
going to be very normalized that AI is going to be a part of our everyday lives. For those that
have security concerns about this particular upgrade to Apple intelligence, and it's coming
whether you like it or not, and these latest AI updates on Siri and other devices,
for those that are concerned about the security issues involved,
about their data being offloaded and everything,
I understand that this is a device-based upgrade,
a device-based AI intelligence that's being adapted to it. But how do we really know that information isn't being transferred off the device and
gathered? We get told sometimes months or even years after new developments about these types
of things. How can we have confidence in that, or can we? I mean, you know, researching these
types of things, thankfully there's a lot of articles online if you are interested in it.
You know, a lot of this stuff actually is disclosed and how they perform these tasks. And when it comes to sensitive information, what remains on your device, what remains in the cloud,
you know, and with anything like this, though, it really depends on how much you trust these companies to hold your data, your private data, and how you trust yourself to not let that information be hacked.
So, you know, a lot of iPhone users, all their data is tied to their iCloud account.
And people still aren't very good with their passwords.
You know, you're saying my password one doesn't, that's not a good password to use.
Not the best.
Now we know yours, Eric.
Okay. So, I mean, this kind of stuff can happen to anyone. My parents one day were,
left their computer and came back and the mouse was moving all
around and someone was buying Home Depot gift cards.
And I mean, it can happen just like that.
So it's just a reminder for everyone to be vigilant.
Keep your passwords updated and use two-factor authentication.
If you don't know what that is, Google it.
Well, this is part of it.
Yeah, go ahead, Eric.
Real quick, something to consider
with this new Apple intelligence
that's going to be launching here
in phases starting next month.
Apple prides themselves on privacy,
you know, because can something get leaked?
Can something be released?
But something to make note of when it comes to this new Apple intelligence, all the AI is meant to be driven from the device.
But they will have an integration directly with ChatGPT.
And so if you want to incorporate your paid ChatGPT account into Apple Intelligence and Siri, you can do so. And
I think it's at that level. And Paul, you correct me if I'm wrong here. I think it's at that level
of integration is then now when your requests are then now exiting into the interwebs, basically.
And you're giving that information over to OpenAI.
So anything prior to connection
that is supposed to be on-device driven,
once you make that connection with your account,
then you are now, you're giving your prompts,
your commands, any of your information
that's being driven into ChatGPT
will now be public in a way or public via through OpenAI.
Right. Yeah. One more example of one of the things that you'll be able to do
with this update that stood out to me is, let's say you're trying to think of,
you've had that moment where you're like, oh, what was that thing that I did two years ago?
I was in that place. So you'll be able to ask Siri, Hey, can you find that picture
of, um, you know, my son when he was wearing that yellow raincoat and it'll pull it up. So
what's interesting is that your devices will actually know you and your history and the
things that you've done better than others may
know you. That part was interesting to me. And even as your memory fades of certain things,
it'll help you remember and recall certain items. So this just, again, kind of shows this merging
with AI technology and humanity, because a lot of
people got iPhones in their pockets. And, you know, this is coming very soon.
Yes, we're on the verge of seeing artificial intelligence becoming ubiquitous in every
aspect of life from our phones to the way we interact. Yesterday we talked about how artificial intelligence was providing a platform for creating cyber employees, if you will, or AI employees.
And I came across this story or this video yesterday.
And I don't know if you want to talk about it here, Paul, but look at this
ticket window here. So kids are coming up and buying tickets at this ticket window. So we'll
watch this and everything. And you see the lady in the ticket window. This is, it looks like
somewhere in Eastern Europe, maybe. And someone's accessing, you's accessing tickets to ride either the train or the subway line.
And so it just looks like an ordinary person working and hands a receipt, and they grab
the receipt.
But here's the story on this.
That person in the ticket window was not real. Right,
Paul? That's right. This is an interesting example. We're seeing this kind of like a,
what is it, Taco Bell that currently has these AI, like when you pull up through drive-through,
I've seen the videos of, you know, you're ordering. And as long as you make a basic order, you can have your
initial order with this AI bot that's essentially recording your order. And then if you say
something crazy, you'll be connected to a human. So this is like an example of just a day-to-day
task that you normally would have a, you know, nine to five worker. Um, you know,
I'm sure there's a higher level of tech support, but this is definitely going to be what's normal
because, uh, companies do this because they see the cost of savings, um, where they could, uh,
have some kind of an AI chat GPT, uh, um, screen like this, uh, that's just handing out tickets and dealing with tech support problems.
And as ChatGPT gets smarter and smarter, it's going to be able to solve more and more complex issues and replace a lot of these types of jobs. So that's another example of how this is changing
the landscape of the job market. Well, as you see the AI ticket lady there, you realize she never has to take a restroom break.
She never takes a day off.
She can work 24-7.
She'll never complain.
She'll never go on strike.
She'll just be there all the time handing out tickets and a nice friendly face and you don't have to worry
anything about it do you that's right and another thing that comes to mind is they're calling this
you know this year it's kind of like the gold rush to come in and plant your your flag and
whatever you want to be if you are interested in creating a tech platform or something involved
with AI, you know, we're kind of at the boom, the dot-com era of AI. So if you see something like
this and you have an idea like, oh my gosh, I could do this in a local, you know, market,
it's probably not, it probably doesn't exist yet. And there are lots of little companies that are being started
just based on a thought like, oh, I could actually do this with AI. There's the whole evil robots
taking over side of it. And then there's this whole radical shift in the economy where in the
next five years, ideas like this, if you build upon them, could be very profitable.
One other aspect of the merger of artificial intelligence and robotics and everything we touched on briefly on Monday
was the military applications that are on the horizon.
And we have a couple stories related to that.
Eric, you want to help us out with that yeah we uh i forget which one which one of you guys found this uh video here but we found this
video of this robot uh that was designed and created after the dinosaur basically and we can
see here where this this uh this robot is being tested on a treadmill.
And just imagine this in military, a military use even in some, in some cases, you see like, police, a police
use case here where they're using these type of robots to corral people.
This is, this is coming.
This is being built.
I forget where the source was.
But yeah, Paul, like, what, what are your thoughts when you first saw this, when you first saw this robot being trained and performing these tasks on this treadmill?
I couldn't believe how fast it was going.
So it said it reaches a top speed of 28 miles per hour.
And they even threw like this foam square in front of it and it dodges it perfectly.
And the comments are really funny on this.
Someone recently reposted this and the top comment was, how are you going to outrun a robot chasing you? And he said, the only answer is by riding a faster robot. That's right. Yeah. That was like
a doc comment there. And then someone else said, oh, great, a robot raptor with a spinning blade of death.
Okay, so I was mind-blown because I've never seen this video.
This video is 10 years old, you guys.
10 years old.
So the average human speed is 8 miles per hour, right?
Well, someone that can run really fast um eight or nine miles per hour so this one
you know 10 years ago they're they're making robots that can run 28 miles per hour so would
we think this thing is exists is it you think it's actually being you think a military contract's
been put in place and there's already these little dinosaur robots running around just waiting to be let loose somewhere?
I don't know, man.
I mean, it's possible.
You know, I was thinking about even the conversation.
Did you see the police robot that arrested a guy in a hotel last week in Arizona?
And broke the window, grabbed the guy, drug him out the window?
Yeah. And so it did this on its own.
It did that.
It wasn't –
And wasn't the guy trying to shoot at the robot?
Yeah, and tried to cover it with a blanket, you know, tried to –
and it figured out how to get the blanket off and how to grab the guy.
And so this is – you know, we're on the edge where everything has the potential to be replaced.
The ticket lady in the window, a soldier on the field, police officers, they can all be replaced.
And so, in fact, it's getting harder and harder with AI now to distinguish what's real and what's been created by our artificial intelligence.
The ticket lady is an example there.
But this is one that, you know, really, I got really thinking about this.
I'll read the title here.
This is from TechRadar.
I tried Google's new one-click AI podcast creator, and now I don't know what's real anymore.
And so now you have the ability through artificial intelligence to set artificial intelligence free and to create a podcast on its own.
What does that mean for the future?
Have either of you guys heard this podcast yet that was AI created?
I haven't yet.
I want production to go ahead
and run this i want to get your guys's first reaction as this is simply text to ai and then
ai creates this go ahead and hit enroll it production specifically we're looking at this
piece from a tai chi notebook interesting and it's kind of cool because they actually tie it
back to brazilian jiu-jitsu okay So they're looking at finding a more accessible way to think about grappling, even if you're not a hardcore wrestler.
Exactly, because not all of us are going to be super hardcore wrestlers.
But we can still benefit from some of those ideas.
And this article does a really cool job, I think, of kind of breaking down takedowns and throws into what they call like a five point model.
OK, break it down for me. All right. All right. Doc, Paul, first reaction.
Those aren't two real people it sound like that was real people
doing a real podcast, but it was 100% AI-generated.
So it wasn't AI voices reading a script,
but you started out with some text and information
that you gave artificial intelligence
and the instructions related to it,
and it created this interaction, this podcast.
Is that what you're telling me?
So this is like a huge marketing opportunity because podcasting, you know, it takes money
to generate podcasts, but it's a way to promote different things.
So the fact that you can do this and
listen to a podcast, now when you click play on a podcast, you don't know whether it's real people
or it's AI generated. That's the reality that we're living in now. And the biggest cost in
producing a podcast is the talent that's involved. And they've just dropped this down to zero, didn't they?
Right. That's incredible. We might need to go find a new profession, Doc.
Well, I mean, for me, though, on the other hand, I could see this as being an opportunity
to have an AI co-host, let's say, or something along that line, that would extend our ability to be
able to do more. But then the scary part is you don't know what's real anymore. In fact, now,
when I listen to radio, when I watch television, I'm going to be asking the question,
am I watching a real person or listening to a real person, or is this AI generated? Exactly. And, you know, I would predict that probably one of the more popular podcasts in the future
will probably be one of the first ones that is able to incorporate a real-life AI, you know, as an actual co-host.
I think that'll become – a couple people will do it really well in the beginning. It'll
get better and better and then it'll become normal and you'll just have AI co-hosts. It'll
be a normal thing. Maybe even correcting the host or think if I could ask a question, is that right?
I don't have to ask the producer about the statistic. I can just ask my AI co-host and it'll access more intelligent
sources than I have and give me the answer.
This is just incredible.
I know that we're on the verge of seeing AI radio stations being launched and just recently
saw that article earlier today. And so there's so many things that are about to – every industry, every single industry
is going to be touched by artificial intelligence.
There's no way around it.
It doesn't matter if you're in the ministry.
It doesn't matter if you're in broadcasting.
It doesn't matter if you're the sous chef at your local restaurant.
Whatever it is, everything is going to be impacted by
artificial intelligence. And I think what's interesting is we're only at the basic level
of artificial intelligence. We have no way to comprehend really, really what's coming down
the pike, do we, gentlemen? No, we are at the very beginning. And it's been
this experiment. I've heard top-level workers that are actually helping engineer this, and
some of them still don't even know how certain parts of it are working.
That's scary. Yeah. And this might be a good time to transition to Sam Altman's latest blog post,
which I'm still digging through it.
It was just announced today or very recently.
And he's saying that we may have AI super intelligence in a few thousand days. So Sam Altman, Elon Musk, these are two
guys that when they make predictions, and there's a lot of hype you have to kind of
get through. But Elon Musk said a lot of crazy things and then he delivered on them.
Sam Altman has done the same thing. And they are building a
team that's actually doing these things. And they can run their own perspective numbers to find out
how much time is, if we keep operating like this, when are we going to reach this and that and be closer to AGI or this super intelligence that's going to exceed human intelligence?
So they're saying that it's coming within a couple years, potentially.
This is not, you know, 15, 30 years down the road.
This is happening very, very soon in our lifetimes. And once this technology
is available, you're going to see it really permeate basically everything in the economy,
for sure. And Paul, I don't know if you saw this or not too, but just to add to that,
AI is not going anywhere. We know that. And another example of that, of there's
still fuel that is still being poured onto this flaming fire of AI, and that is OpenAI
had to turn down billions and billions and billions of dollars of funding recently.
People are throwing billions of dollars at OpenAI right now because they want to be a part
of what Sam Altman and his team are doing. And I got this pulled up here real quick. OpenAI is
expected to raise around $6.5 billion at $150 billion pre-money valuation. And they had to
turn down other billions of dollars with this as well.
So people are just wanting to open up their checkbooks, their wallets, and they're wanting to pour money into this.
And this is what Sam is hoping to achieve because we keep hearing about infrastructure being a roadblock when it comes to expanding artificial intelligence.
We're hearing, you know,
yesterday we heard about, you know, a nuclear plant being revitalized. We're hearing about
how much it's costing to send one email prompt in chat GPT and how many liters of water are being
used to produce that one email because of how much technology is being used. So these guys,
once they get this infrastructure thing figured out, we're going to see the super intelligence,
we're going to see the AGI, we're going to see it rapidly deploy much quicker than what we probably
actually think. Right. And this morning, we're pulling up articles on this blog post, and I'm seeing articles today titled,
They Think That They're Building God.
That really stood out to me.
In this essay, which you can find, it's
They're talking about, in this essay, that AI will lead to things that seemed like magic to our grandparents.
He said that the fact that deep learning worked is maybe the most consequential fact about all
of history, leading to an age of massive prosperity, fixing the climate, establishing
space colonies, and the discovery of all of physics. So we are entering this super intelligence age
and we got to figure out how to navigate it. But this article stood out to me.
Don't like reading those kind of articles when I wake up. And how this relates to the end times, Doc, I'm curious to get your view on all of this.
Because as everything's speeding up, I'm sure these verses in Revelation just kind of come to mind.
It's like, wow, we're really at the end of days.
Well, there's no argument there that we are approaching the final day and that we're, it seems like we're on a fire-filled train
heading that way each and every day. But Satan's goal is to control the thoughts and the actions
of every single human being on the planet. And if he could, he'd eliminate every single human being.
But if he can't eliminate them, he certainly wants to control them. And as much
promise as AI superintelligence puts out there, it's going to radically change and it's going to
change the way that we live and work. There's also the question of control. How much control are human beings going to give up to AI super
intelligence to guide their lives, to make decisions on their behalf? You know, that
particular blog post by Sam Altman, he said, you know, imagine you're going to have a whole team
of AI experts at your disposal. They'll be your team.
You could have a marketing AI guy.
You could have a sales AI guy.
You could have a personal valet AI.
You'd have an entire team of artificial intelligence.
But then who is in charge?
Are you or are you being guided by various forms of AI in your life?
These are real ethical questions that have to be answered.
And it's going to be difficult at certain stages here for us to opt out of this.
I mean, it really is.
I mean, it's so integrated in our lives. It's hard to imagine at some point where people will actually just
give up control and allow artificial superintelligence to guide their lives.
Right. And I think this change in our thinking in business is already happening where
before using critical thinking, it's almost like the first step is to go, it used to be to go Google something.
Now it's, we'll throw that in the chat GPT and see what we get.
Imagine what the next generation of children growing up with this, having AI tutoring them as they're learning.
Critical thinking isn't the first step that happens.
Yeah, this is going to empower you to do many, many incredible things, but at what cost?
It's just, I think about, you know, how this is going to affect young minds as they grow up, having this amazing, you know, tool at their disposal.
But, you know, I hope, my hope is that the critical thinking piece won't be something
that's put to the side. And, but it's, it's definitely a concern. You know, you have so
many distractions in this world from video games to social media, and now AI does all your thinking
for you. Scary times we're living in, and it's exciting at the same time. I'm kind of
right in the middle of both of these, wondering what to do next, but we're going to keep coming
back and we're going to keep bringing this to you because we feel like it's important for you to
know what's ahead. Not everyone's talking about this, especially from a Christian worldview.
That's right.
And we hope you appreciate it.
Yes, and whether you want to opt into this or not, it's still going to impact your life
and your future and your Christian walk.
It's going to impact you.
And so that's why we bring these stories to you, and that's why we put a spotlight on
artificial intelligence and all the advancements
that are going on. And so we hope that you're learning some things from this that you can apply
in your own life and at least give you a heads up about what's coming in the future. There is coming
an artificial superintelligence that will control every aspect of our lives. Who controls that?
That's the big question.
Well, thank you, Paul, and thank you, Eric,
for being here with us
as we talk about this very important topic.
We invite you to stay with us here.
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Welcome to Morning Man.
I'm Doc Burkhardt here, and I'm sitting in in for Rick Wiles who is out of town all this week.
And so he asked me to go ahead and lead the Bible study here today and the rest of this week.
It's a privilege to do that. Glad to have you here with us.
We are continuing in Matthew chapter 23.
And so we are going to be picking back up today at verse 34,
and we'll be reading the scripture here in just a few moments, but before we get started today,
I want to open up with a word of prayer, and let's invite the Holy Spirit here today
to guide us and direct us into all truth. Amen? Heavenly Father, in Jesus' name, thank you for the glorious opportunity to study your word.
And we ask, God, that you would send your Holy Spirit to us today to reveal truth to us,
to guide us into the deep secrets of the word of God, to open up our hearts to receive from you.
Lord, we know that the Holy Spirit will bless us with his presence if we invite him.
And so we graciously open the door, roll out the red carpet, set a place at the table for the Holy Spirit today to fellowship with us.
In Jesus' name, amen and amen. Well, as I mentioned when we first opened, we are continuing on in Matthew chapter 23.
And I hope that the past several weeks, as we've been in chapters 21 through 23,
that you've been paying very close attention to some of the details and the parables
and some of the comments that Jesus makes here along the way in preparation
for the Olivet Discourse, which we're going to kind of touch on today just a little bit.
Maybe. It depends on how far we get in our study today, but that's kind of the plan to kind of talk
a little bit about it and talk about what happens in Matthew 24ew 24 and 25 but chapters 21 through 23 in matthew are a preparation
for the olivet discourse it's unfortunate that most of the focus in the book of matthew
is on chapter 24 and i say unfortunate because obviously matthew is a rich gold mine full of
nuggets i mean just incredible information incredible teaching incredible doctrine
and we're truly truly missing an opportunity to get a full a fuller revelation what the lord is
doing by neglecting or even at times ignoring the rest of the book of Matthew.
And so today we are going to continue in that study in preparation for the Olivet Discourse
where the focus is on what some would say is the end times, but we might have a little bit
different perspective on it. So I'm reading today from the king james matthew
chapter 23 i'm going to read it from verse 34 to 39 now we might not actually get through all these
verses today and that's okay um because we kind of need some time to kind of build up for where
we're headed here in just a few days in matthew 24 so i'm
reading from matthew chapter 23 starting at verse 34 through the end of the chapter wherefore behold
i send unto you prophets and wise men and scribes and some of them you shall kill and crucify
and some of them you shall scourge in your synagogues and persecute them from city to city.
Verse 35, that upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth from the blood of
righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, son of Barakias, whom you slew between the
temple and the altar.
Verily I say unto you you all these things shall come upon
this generation o jerusalem jerusalem thou that killest the prophets and stonest them that are
sent unto thee how often would i have gathered thy children together even as a hen gathers her
children under her wings and you would not
behold your house is left unto you desolate for i say unto you shall not see me henceforth to
ye shall say blessed is he that cometh in the name of the lord god bless the reading of his word today and the great part about us having a live Bible study with several hundred
people joining us every weekday morning is there's the live interaction that
goes on in the chat behind the scenes that folks that are just watching on
various social media platforms or listening on shortwave they don't get
the opportunity to see
the interaction that goes on between about 300 chat members that are with us live each and every
day and they ask questions and they have comments and everything and one question that debbie is
asking this morning is wasn't the gospel of matthew directed primarily to a Jewish audience?
Yes, that is true, Debbie, it was.
In fact, the Greek that Matthew is written in is what I call a synagogue Greek.
It's a higher level of Greek than just common Greek language that's used in commerce or correspondence or things like that
this was a higher level of greek and there are several uh several commentators out there that also say that they're uh that there are copies of matthew that are in hebrew now i'm of the
conviction that matthew was originally written in synagogue Greek
and later translated into not the Hebrew we know today, but kind of the Aramaic of that day.
So not to get the cart before the horse, it wasn't originally written in Aramaic or anything like that. It was originally written, and most commentators agree on this,
that the Gospel of Matthew was written to address concerns or to give information to leaders of synagogues throughout the Jewish world of that day. The reason why i say that is there's a focus on the kingship of christ
in it that's one factor again the language style the grammar and everything in the book of matthew
and so when you think about the book of matthew here think of it as a letter uh that is not only
going out to disciples who are growing in christ but it's also kind of an introduction
if you will to synagogues all across the roman empire of course all the synagogues uh had a copy
of the greek septuagint uh usually had a scroll there in the synagogue uh when they taught they
taught generally in uh the lingua franca of the day which was greek but as
far as scholarly information is concerned as far as teachers are concerned there was a higher level
of greek if you will same thing happens today in our world we uh you know you and, we converse in English, of course, or we'll type up a letter or send an email in common English.
But if I'm writing, let's say, a theological paper, I'm going to have a – it's still English.
You can still read it.
You can still understand it, but it's a higher level of English.
It's a scholarly level of English it's a scholarly level
of English if you will and so when we are looking at the book of Matthew keep in mind that Matthew
was primarily directed toward a not just a Jewish audience but uh uh audience of Jewish leaders leaders who had not had the water poisoned by the Judaizers in Jerusalem
and so it was a meant as a an apologetic if you will as a defense against
Judaizers that were seeking to make Gentiles Jews and so what Matthew focuses on
the Gospel of Matthew
is speaking to the leaders
of synagogues and
explaining to them
the Jewish Jesus
who the Jewish leaders
had condemned and denied
and also as a defense
of the apostles and the apostle Paul and
so these are things to keep in mind here as we continue to read in the Gospel of Matthew and
as we proceed into the Olivet Discourse that really the Olivet Discourse as we get into it
here over the next few days was a message directed to jewish leaders and jewish believers
doesn't mean that there's not some valuable information for us today it's just that it gives
us a fuller understanding of the gospel of matthew if we understand who the primary audience was. It's like finding a love letter in the attic, if you will, that your
grandpa wrote to your grandma when he was off fighting the war. And you have to understand
the audience that grandpa was writing to. He wasn't writing to his other buddies in the foxhole
in the war. He was writing to the love of of his life and so he had a certain style of language
and certain message that he wanted to convey that would be different than if he was writing to uh
you know his uh uh car dealer back in poughkeepsie and he's saying hey uh please continue my payments
until i get back from the war so there was a different style of language in the Gospel of Matthew
than you would find in the other Gospels.
Luke has his own unique style as well.
We won't get into that today, but he brings in,
his is more of a professional and business style of Greek.
And that would make sense because likely Luke was classically trained,
professionally trained.
He was trained in a different, if you will, path of learning
than a primary Jewish audience.
Of course, Luke was a Gentile.
And so his telling of the gospel is going to be a little bit different than Matthew.
So this gives you a little bit of background here on the gospel of Matthew.
Picking up here in verse 34 now, where we left off yesterday is we were talking about how the Jews of Jesus' day said,
well, you know,
if we'd been around when the prophets were around,
we would not have killed the prophets.
And we went into great detail yesterday in talking about how Jesus basically told them,
you're just the same as your fathers.
There's no difference between you
and those that killed Isaiah and Jeremiah
and did all those things to the various prophets in the Old Testament.
And Jesus, by saying that, was actually foretelling his own crucifixion and murder.
And that's what it was. It was murder.
And so he was saying, you're just like them.
You're just like your fathers.
You're no different.
And placed a curse or woe upon scribes and Pharisees who felt like they were justified.
He had said, we wouldn't do what our fathers did.
Rather, Jesus points out to them, you're just like them.
And then we ended yesterday on verse 32 and 32 and 33 fill you up in the measure
of your fathers fill you up then the measure of your father's these serpents you generations of
vipers how can you escape the damnation of hell and so jesus said just go ahead and fill up on
evil just go ahead because what you're doing now today
is no different than what your fathers did.
You just look prettier doing it.
So we're picking it back up in verse 34,
and Jesus here in this particular verse
is now forth telling.
Not all prophetic words are forth telling,
but this one is.
What do I mean by forth telling?
Normally when people think of prophecy or a prophetic word,
and this is really the fault of Christian Zionists and dispensationalists
because what's happened is any word of the Lord that they find in the scripture,
they cast out into the future sometime to be fulfilled,
unless it's convenient for them to say it was fulfilled in the past.
But not all prophecy is forth-telling in nature.
What do I mean by forth-telling?
Forth-telling means telling what's to come.
In fact, the majority of prophetic words that are issued, at least in the Old Testament,
and we see when Jesus does this in the New Testament, is really a word to this generation
today. Now, when I say this generation, I'm not talking about the year 2024. I'm talking about you know uh in the third decade of the that early millennium there
that it was a word from the lord given for that day now does that not mean that it doesn't have
any impact for us does that mean that it's not a word for us as well well that's the wonderful power of the word of god because
not only can the word of god speak to the audience that it was originally
uh meant for but it can speak again to generations that are yet to come
and i gave the example of grandpa writing grandma a love letter when he was off to the war.
Well, Grandma was the obvious audience there,
but we can benefit from reading Grandpa's love letter by learning from how he loved Grandma,
how Grandma responded.
We can even pick up historical significance from what grandpa is
saying to grandma hey i uh we landed on normandy here a week ago i this is the first time i've had
a chance to write a letter to you and so we can learn from what's written in the past and this is the same thing here as we pick up in verse 34 today in that
jesus now is taking uh the concept all right you have killed the prophets in the past if you had
the chance to do it again you would as a matter of fact now jesus is saying in verse 34 wherefore
behold now when you say when you see j saying the hold you should sit up and pay
attention and the word wherefore there is signifying the end of an argument so when you
see the words wherefore or therefore especially in in the New Testament, your question, your next
question should be, what is it therefore? Now, I make a joke about that, but it's a fun thing to
keep in mind that anytime in the New Testament that you see the word wherefore or therefore,
ask yourself what it's there for, because usually that means it's the conclusion of an
argument that's just been made and so what is the conclusion of this argument jesus is saying to the
pharisees and scribes that he's cast the woe upon he's saying to them not only are you like your fathers
and you would do the same thing your fathers
would do in fact you're
going to do it to me even though Jesus
doesn't articulate that
at this particular time
but he says you're going to
do that to those who
follow me later on
you're going to do that to those who follow me later on. You're going to do that to those who follow me later on.
It says, verse 34.
Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets.
Let's stop there for just a moment.
Jesus is foretelling a sending here.
And not just any sending, but a sending that he is sending.
That he, the Lord himself, says, behold, you better listen up.
I send unto you prophets.
And it's interesting that he uses the word send
in that particular case
because he doesn't say I will send.
He says I send.
And the way that that's translated
in the original Greek
is that it's a,
English has some limitations
in tenses and everything as
far as grammar is concerned Greek is robust in tenses and sometimes we if we
know what tense a particular verb is and the Greek it can open up a lot of information for us and so jesus says therefore i sinned which implies i
sin now and will continue to sin for a period of time
so it's going to be jesus himself who's doing the sending and later on in the gospel we read matthew chapter 28 verse 19 20 go ye therefore in all the world
and preach the gospel to every creature baptizing them in the name of the father the son the holy
spirit and so he is the sender he is the sender jesus is the sender we're not the senders
the church isn't the sender jesus is the sender we're not the senders the church isn't the sender
but jesus himself is the sender and he's telling these scribes and pharisees
you know what you think i'm trouble now
wait till i do the sending now in and continuing into the future because what jesus is implying
here is that there's a sending that's taking place even as i preach the word of god even as
i share the word of god there is a sending that is that takes place my, let me tell you something about the Word of God.
The Word of God has such a nature about it. It's powerful,
dividing the heart,
and it's the Word of
God that
in so many ways
does the sending.
Jesus Himself is the word.
He's the word made manifest.
He's the word that became flesh.
The word itself is living, vibrant,
and it does the sending.
You cannot help but read the scriptures.
And if you read the scriptures with an open heart,
asking the Lord for wisdom in your study
and in the direction of your reading the word of God,
you are left with one conclusion.
If you study the word of God for any length of time,
and that conclusion is, I must go.
I must go I must go go where everywhere I must go I must go to my family I must go to my
friends I must go to the world the Word of God itself compels and sins sins actively now and acted and actively in the future
the word itself is a transformative power not only in the lives of those who hear it but in
those of us who deliver the word as well in the cinders it's as if the message
and the cinder become one and the same. And so I say all that to say
to you, don't neglect the study of the Word of God in your life. Because it's not just,
you know, you're not just trying to build up a database of trivia. You're not just trying to win a game of trivial pursuit or answer
Bible questions on jeopardy just to have information bantied about know the Word
of God transforms and what does it transform the believer into well exposure to the word of god transforms us into the scent
we cannot be static in our relationship with jesus christ jesus christ isn't looking for lazy people
he isn't looking for uh uh folks sitting out on the front porch chewing tobacco and spitting it out and
enjoying the just the day and watching the passerby go by no the Word of God is
active the Word of God puts a fire under your seat the Word of God puts puts a
shout in your voice if you're serious about the Word of God.
You can't remain static
when you start rubbing shoulders
with the Word of God.
And Jesus himself makes the promise
to the scribes and Pharisees,
you have killed the prophets in the past.
You may kill this prophet, Jesus,
in the very near future. But
you're not going to stop the sending. Because I send now, and I'm going to send in the future
these things. And so it goes on in verse 34 there to say, wherefore behold I send unto you. so who are the sent for well jesus makes clear you're not off the hook scribes and pharisees
because i'm sending to you this group of people that we're going to talk about here in just a moment. I'm sending unto you. In other words, Jesus is saying,
this confrontation that you're having with the gospel message that I'm preaching right now
is not one that is going to die with me. No, indeed, it will not die with me, because I send unto you, scribes and Pharisees, you better listen up.
I send unto you, scribes and Pharisees, messengers.
And we're going to break down those messengers here in just a moment, because this is interesting.
The words that Jesus uses here in Matthew chapter 34.
So, the sending is done by Jesus. He is the sender.
The word of God itself sends. Who's he sending to? Scribes and Pharisees. Not just in the current
situation, but in the future as well. In other words, this confrontation between the gospel and really proto-zionism of the day is
going to be one that will last until the end of time this is something I realized here a couple years back, that there was a kind of a hope in my heart, and it's not completely snuffed out, but there was kind of a hope in my heart that maybe we could win over Christian Zionists or even some Jewish Zionists by just
simply sharing what we know about the Word of God and let the Word of God do the work.
But when we were studying this passage before, and this was several years ago now,
I came to the conclusion that Jesus was telling us here in verse 34 that this conflict
is going to continue all the way up until his return and why do I say that because chapter 24
is talking about his return so he's getting ready to talk all about this but that this conflict of world views
will continue all the way until he returns on the final day so
it's implied there that this controversy this conflict will it doesn't end with the crucifixion of jesus rather begins there
and of course really the whole book of acts and uh you know and throughout the new testament we
see evidence of this especially the book of acts you see a a genuine battle going on in the spiritual realm between the followers of Christ
and the scribes and Pharisees of the day.
So who does Jesus send
unto you,
the scribes and Pharisees?
Who does he send?
Prophets, wise men, and scribes. Prophets, wise wise men and scribes prophets wise men and scribes
now it's interesting that this word is used here
why does he not say apostles or disciples or things like that
well let's look at the parallel passage over in Matthew excuse me Luke chapter 11 let me
pull that up here and my Bible and beginning at verse let's start at verse 45 and this is in Luke 11 it says one of the experts in the law told him teacher when you
say these things you insult us as well and then Jesus replies him willing to you as well experts
in the law you weigh men down with heavy burdens but you yourselves will not lift a finger delight
in the load.
Woe to you, you build tombs for the prophets,
but it was your fathers who killed them,
so you are witnesses consenting to the deeds of your fathers.
They killed the prophets, and you build their tombs.
Because of this, the wisdom of God says, I will send them prophets and apostles,
and some of them they will kill and others they will persecute now it's interesting that Luke uses the phrase
because of this the wisdom of God sets and some scholars try to make hay about
this conflict between Luke 11 49 in Matthew 23 34 I see no conflict at all with
this because not only did Jesus sin but the Holy Spirit says both can be true they're not
contradictory in fact they're complementary now why did Matthew choose one way to express this and Luke choose another?
Well, once again, we go back to the beginning of our conversation today.
You must always determine the audience.
And in this particular case, in Matthew,
Jesus is making it clear not only that he's sending them but that he is the king who
is sending whereas the gospel of luke emphasizes the humanity of jesus christ and the reliance upon the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit.
And so it's good to know your audience.
It's good to know your audience and how to deliver a message to them.
You know, in our modern day world,
we love him or hate him donald trump has the ability to adapt to his audience it may sound like he's delivering the same message over and over and over again
but i've had the opportunity over the past eight years to observe through press conferences, both in person and online, and rallies and things like that,
that Donald Trump has a unique ability to adapt his message to his particular audience. Now,
love him or hate him, love or hate his message, you have to respect the man's ability to adapt
to a particular audience. And so so it's good to understand your
audience and that's really at the one of the things that's at the heart of the popularity
of donald trump today is he has the ability to speak to different audiences and they connect with
him and so as i said love him or hate him'm just using it as an example in that you need to understand your audience.
The same audience that Matthew is delivering a message to
is not the same audience that Luke's audience would respond to.
So let's keep that in mind.
So the words prophets, wise men, and scribes are used in this particular thing in this particular passage here
now who is he talking about here is he talking about old testament uh prophets is he
uh talking about you know some other group of people that we don't know about. Jesus is making the connection that
those that will be following him,
that will be declaring his message and his word,
occupy the same status
and the same authority as the prophets of old.
He's equating them to the prophets of old and but it's not limited to just
prophets but wise men that he would raise up and to scribes and it's the
same word scribes that are that's in the same passage there when it talks about scribes and Pharisees.
So, the word prophets, that's exactly what it means, prophets.
Now, we don't necessarily mean a forth-telling prophet.
Don't get caught in that trap of always thinking prophecy is future.
Prophecy is more often than not present.
And the apostles functioned in that role by delivering a present-day message
to the Jews and to the Romans and to the world that day.
A word from the Lord.
What does a prophet deliver?
A word from the Lord. What does a prophet deliver? A word from the Lord.
Jesus also mentions wise men
here in verse 34.
And who is a wise
man? Not a wise
guy, okay?
But a wise man.
Now, generally
when you think about a wise man. Now, generally, when you think about a wise man
in the scripture,
you're talking about someone that has been trained
in the law.
Trained with an understanding of the law.
So there are those that are going to function
in the role of prophets.
These are the apostles.
But then there's also going to be those they're going to function the role of teachers experts in
the Word of God and this word wise is used about 21 times in the New Testament
and primarily throughout the epistles and so the emphasis though is on those that have letters
of learning if you will that's the emphasis there was a movement that I encountered in my younger days. When I say younger days, I'm talking when I was a tadpole
swimming in the pond.
That there was a group of them,
particularly Pentecostal believers,
that kind of put,
I'm trying to think of the right word here to use,
that push back against education.
That said you didn't need to go to college to learn the word of God.
You didn't need to go to seminary.
All you needed was God, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and you. That's all you needed was god the holy spirit the bible in you that's all you really needed
and so there was a movement and that movement was around for decades i caught the tail end of it
back in the 70s and early 80s in that they rejected any kind of really formal education as it relates to studying the scriptures, studying the Word of God.
And I can imagine that was probably a reaction at some point,
maybe decades earlier, where someone said,
well, all these guys that go off to seminary, I make the same joke too,
they end up going there and they end up the
gospel getting killed in their Bible College and in their seminaries and
there is some truth to that denominations tend to decay to the left
as it moves forward in the future and so we have to always be wary of those institutions
and those places of learning that they are not drifting off into error into deceit however that
doesn't mean that we should neglect or ignore formal education or formal learning out of hand
and the reason why i say that it re most of the new testament
was written by men who were educated
matthew was obviously an educated man.
If he's the same Matthew described in the Gospel of Matthew,
he was a tax collector, which meant that he had formal education.
The fact that he wrote the Gospel of Matthew in synagogue Greek automatically tells us that he probably had some synagogue training as well.
Luke is another example here's an educated man who was inspired to write
by inspiration of the Holy Spirit the Gospel of Luke and the uh the book of Acts and then most
of the epistles in the new testament were written by paul
and paul had the equivalent of a harvard education of his day
there is no doubt about that he was the elite of the elite he was probably a magna cum laude
in his course work at their harvard other day he studied at the feet of gamma lao
and so i say all of this in that there's a tendency sometimes and i do it too i joke around about it sometimes to put down formal education because it seems to do its hardest to try to kill Jesus again
but looking back I I'm grateful for the education that I personally received
I've learned more since then and a good education a good formal education should
be the beginning not the end of your education uh paul was a pharisee a pharisee
of the pharisees and but to but he studied at the feet of gamaleo one of the best teachers of his
day so he was no uh you know he wasn't just smoke he wasn't uh he was more cattle in hat as we would say
so paul had a formal education matthew had a formal education luke had a formal education
uh mark uh just from reading the gospel of mark we knew we know that he may not have had a formal education like Matthew or Luke, but that he was
adept at using the Greek language. John's language is completely different.
And it's likely that John had somebody help him write the Gospel of John.
It doesn't mean that he didn't dictate it or that wasn't inspired by him, but that there's nothing to indicate that John had any kind of formal education at all.
Now, that doesn't mean he couldn't have later or that the Holy Spirit couldn't have inspired him. to go away from that theory because that's what some of the non education Pentecostals believe
that Paul John wrote that and wrote that under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as an educated man
so so what I'm saying is that there's a place for prophets there's a place for people to deliver a sound word today. There's a place for prophets
that's not limited to forth telling, that's not limited to something that happens in the future,
but it's right now. It's a word from God now, but that there's also a place for wise men. And so I would encourage you
not only to
consider that God can use
the educational
process in order to
glean more from the Word of God and
glean more from the doctrines of God,
but that you can also
walk in that as well.
And that I
encourage all of you, continue to expand your learning of the scriptures.
Don't stop learning the scriptures.
Get books.
I would say get and read books not in the 20th century or the 21st century.
Go back to the 1800s, 1700s.
Books written back then
these guys they had to learn five or six languages to write a book back when they had to manually
typeset books and these guys would re write volumes of books these are wise men
that we can learn from. That we too may become wise.
Don't neglect
the opportunity to become wise
prophets are a good thing to have.
They're a wonderful thing to have.
We need prophets. We need those
folks. We need that prophetic word.
But we also need someone who
can dive deep
into the word, into the languages
of the word and the history of the word.
So don't
neglect that.
Now there's another word that's
used here. It says prophets.
He says
wise men
and scribes and what's a scribe and we've used that word scribe
actually quite a bit in in this particular chapter here scribes
throughout Matthew chapter 23 impairing them with. Now, who were scribes in those days?
Before we get into what Jesus is talking about,
a scribe was probably the best way to describe it.
It was an interpreter of the law, a teacher of the law.
Normally, when we think of scribes,
we think of something like writing something down,
but it was more than that for scribes.
They were more teachers.
We'll distinguish this from the wise men.
So basically a scribe in Jesus' day was well acquainted with the Mosaic Law and in the sacred writings.
They were looked upon as an interpreter or a teacher.
Scribes looked at the more difficult
and subtle questions of the law.
Now, in Jesus' day,
and actually after the Babylonian exile,
the position of scribes was elevated.
They looked at the Mosaic Law.
They added to the Mosaic Law decisions of various kinds of thought to elucidate its meaning and scope.
In other words, the scribes that Jesus has been talking about through much of Matthew 23 here are those individuals who gathered the commentaries,
gathered the sayings of leading rabbis from the time of the exile up until Jesus' day.
The scribes were really, in many ways, the author and the producers of what we call today the Talmud.
All right?
They were the ones that gathered all these different opinions and these sayings that these, you know,
these different rabbis, many times contradicting one another,
and wrote them down and gathered that information into the Talmud.
Now, we're going to get into who Jesus is talking about as far as scribes here in just a moment.
But I want you to understand that they're the ones that really in many ways
provided the Pharisees the ammunition that they
needed in order to control the population with religion because the
scribes provided the interpretation that the law was needed in trying to sort out difficult
questions that came up as far as the faith of Judaism is concerned, they were enrolled
in the Sanhedrin.
And they're mentioned in connection with the priests and elders of the people so these were
religious teachers they instructed people from their learning but the important thing I want
to get across to you right now is when we were talking about the scribes We're talking about those that constructed the Talmud of the day.
Jesus had to provide a,
if you will,
a counter offensive to the Talmud.
You know how difficult
it is to deal with those
that are enraptured with the Talmud
today. It was no different in
the first century.
You know, the people that get caught up into the Talmud
and hypnotized by the Talmud,
by these Jewish rabbis dangling secret knowledge
in front of evangelical Christians,
and they do that to this day.
The teachings of the Talmud are divergent away from the gospel of christ
and i i'm not saying don't study the talmud but don't study the talmud for insight into
your christian faith you have leading evangelical preachers paula white kane is one of them that go to israel on a regular lance wall now is another
one that go to israel on a regular basis to be taught by jewish rabbis what the talmud says
and my friend let me tell you and yes this is something to think about um i am not against studying the talmud for the purpose
of understanding the jewish thought but i am opposed i mean i would have to say strongly
opposed to any preacher evangelist christian leader studying the talmud in order to gain
insight to the to the gospel when they're in opposition to each other
i'll say it again the talmud and the gospel are in direct opposition to one another
and so when you see these preachers modern day preachers quoting the Talmud
or my Jewish Rabbi told me this, then that's probably a red flag. Not probably a red flag, that is a red flag.
And I would recommend to anyone that if your preacher or your teacher or your evangelist
or your so-called prophet is bringing the Talmud into the gospel? You've just killed the gospel.
You just killed the gospel.
So who are the scribes that Jesus is talking about here?
Well, the fact of the matter is
the Talmud was a real thing
and it was powerful in that
it was written down.
It was accumulated knowledge of the wisdom of these rabbis over the past several centuries.
Listen, let's not mince words about it.
The Talmud was a very, very powerful influencer.
Because it was the cumulative wisdom of rabbis over
six or seven hundred years at this point well maybe four or five hundred years at this point
and it was information that could be uh transferred from synagogue to synagogue to synagogue
in other words there were these scribes they they would write down fresh versions of the Talmud, and it would be sent to the synagogue out in Poughkeepsie, let's say.
Now, there wasn't Poughkeepsie there, but I'm just using the city of Poughkeepsie. synagogue of any decent size, had a copy of the Torah,
that's the five books of Moses,
in a scroll,
and they had it in a special cabinet at the front,
and basically they worshipped this scroll.
Much like the Catholics worship the host
that's in the altar
at the front of the church.
And, but they not only had a copy of the Torah they had a copy of the Talmud as well to see what other teachers taught and this was in every single synagogue throughout
the Empire throughout the Roman Empire and so Jesus here, in verse 34,
and I'm just shocked that this hour has gone by so quickly here,
just with this one verse.
So Jesus is talking about prophets.
These are guys with a, thus saith the Lord.
He's talking about wise men.
These are people that have studied to divide the word of truth.
And then you have those, the tellers, the scribes, those who take the message and bring it out to a much wider audience.
The scribes under the Pharisees did this because what they did is they took the Talmud
and they brought it to a much
wider audience of all
the different synagogues throughout the empire.
And so the
written, the Jews of that day
understood the power of the written
word. You have to give them credit
for that.
You have to give them credit
that they elevated the Torah and they
elevated an interpretation of the Torah I'm not saying I endorse what they said
but I do endorse their technique so when Jesus is talking about scribes here in verse 34, who's he referring to?
He's referring to those future individuals, those messengers of the gospel,
who will take the teachings of Jesus and take the teachings of the apostles
and put them in written form that was meant to counter the teachings of the Talmud.
And so, my friend, this fascination with evangelical Christians with the Talmud,
mixing the Talmud with the New Testament, if they add the new testament at all
because a lot of times what happens is when people become enraptured with the talmud
is they begin to neglect the new testament
they'll neglect the new testament because they'll think that the Old Testament's at this level,
the Talmud is somewhere in between,
and then you've got the New Testament.
Now, they're not going to come right out and say that,
but by their actions, they prove it.
And so when Jesus is talking about scribes here in verse 34,
he's talking about those scribes
produced the
New Testament.
was a scribe.
Mark was a scribe.
Luke was
a scribe.
So those are three examples there of scribes, if you will.
They're relaying information that of Matthew was to provide to the
leaders of synagogues around the empire a telling of the gospel.
And so, the gospel of Matthew itself was an antidote to the error of the town talmud of the day likewise the gospel of mark in its unique way
i believe mark was the gospel as was relayed by peter that's my opinion on that luke of course
was a gentile but in many ways he was a scribe.
And so, they might not,
Matthew might not have been a,
what we would think of as a pastor,
or an apostle, or something like that,
in a church, or a gathering. Mark
may not have been, he may
not have had a formal title
as an apostle, or anything like that.
Same way with luke
even though he traveled with paul uh he was not a prophet he was not uh he may have been wise but he was wise as relates to medicine uh in other words he wasn't a theologian but he was a scribe
he was a teller if you will who told the story of the gospel in a unique way.
And so when Jesus is talking about prophets, wise men, and scribes,
he's talking, of course, we'll do this again here.
Prophets were those who have a thus saith the Lord that God would raise up.
But it's not limited to prophets.
He would also raise up wise men.
And Paul is a great example of that.
Paul was wise.
Wise in the law, wise in understanding of the Mosaic law, wise in the gospel.
And then there were the scribes.
Those who wrote down the things that Jesus
said the things that the Apostle said aren't you glad praise God aren't you
glad they wrote it down aren't you glad they wrote it down so when we read that passage and this is often used as a hammer by Christian Zionists saying
the gospel comes from the Jews.
Well, the Jews provided the, if you will,
the road for the gospel to be preached.
In other words, their methodology,
the fact that God raised up synagogues
all through the empire,
the fact that God had a copy
of the Old Testament in every synagogue through the empire. The fact that God had a copy of the Old Testament in every
synagogue around the empire, and that you had centuries of people desiring more from God,
that was a road no different than the Roman roads in which the apostles traveled on. on so I don't I don't dispute the power of the methodology of Judaism that allowed the gospel
message to be preached in that sense salvation is from the Jews that if it hadn't been for the
network of the synagogue spread all across the Empire the gospel might well have died out very quickly.
It might have only been some sort of aberration that we only saw in Jerusalem.
But thank God, God had raised up a vast network of synagogues
that allowed for apostles like Paul and others
to get their foot in the door
and teach a willing and receptive group
of people that the Messiah had come and so Jesus raised up prophets he raised up
wise men and he raised up scribes Sorry, I'm talking a lot today, and my throat's caught up with me here.
But Jesus goes on in verse 34, and it looks like we're only going to get through verse 34 here today.
Jesus says of these prophets, wise men, and scribes,
Some of them ye shall kill and crucify.
Some of them ye shall scourge in your synagogues
and persecute them from city to city.
Now, we have direct evidence of that scourging
and persecution and everything.
The entire book of Acts is telling that story.
Some of them you shall kill and crucify.
Now, some scholars have a dispute with this,
with this particular passage,
about killing and crucifying.
Because scholars,
and sometimes you get your head so far in a book
that you forget there's daylight out there.
They will say, well, there's no evidence.
There's no direct evidence that any of the apostles were crucified.
Now, I suppose that the first response to you to that would be,
well, what about Peter? wasn't he crucified upside down
there's no hard once again there's no hard archaeological or written evidence that that
actually occurred okay that has been passed down i'm not saying it didn't happen i'm saying there's
no hard archaeological or written evidence
from that time period that that actually happened.
There is no, by the way, there's no evidence that Paul was killed in Rome.
In fact, some scholars believe that Paul ended up leaving the prison in Rome
and going as far as Spain later in life.
And there are churches in Spain to this day that say exactly that.
But suffice it to say, their argument is, well, there weren't people who were killed
and crucified.
I believe that there were.
Evidently, Matthew himself suffered a similar fate.
And we know that later on,
that when Nero used the fire of Rome as a way to grab a bunch of real estate
and blamed it on the Christians,
many of them were crucified.
Some were made into lampposts and set on fire.
So we have historical evidence of that.
We know that happened.
We know these were crucified.
And so whether the scholars want to scholars will negate anything
in the Bible they'll say that's not true that's our first response well that's not true I've heard
it all my life the Bible is true folks the Bible is true praise God well folks I see that we're up on our one
hour mark here and I want to thank you for joining us today Rick is out all
this week taking a little bit of time off and getting his batteries recharged
and so be praying for Rick we praying for Susan for traveling mercies and be
praying for us here in Florida there There's a tropical storm slash hurricane.
That's forming in the Caribbean.
And moving up in the Gulf.
And so a lot of uncertainty.
As we move into later in the week.
But no uncertainty.
As it relates to the word of God.
And so we invite you to join us again.
On the Wednesday edition of Morning Manor.
In the meantime.
God bless you. We love you. And we'll on the Wednesday edition of Morning Manor. In the meantime, God bless you.
We love you.
And we'll see you then.
Bye-bye for now.
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