TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Sandbagger: Who Gave President Trump’s Golf Schedule to Assassin?
Episode Date: September 16, 2024Former President Donald Trump survived a second attempted assassination on Sunday in Florida. There is only one question that must be answered immediately: Who gave Mr. Trump’s golf game schedule to... the assassin?Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 09/16/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves! It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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special anniversary deal today. American owned. American made. American Reserves. Former President Donald Trump survived a second attempted assassination on Sunday in Florida. Only one question must be answered immediately.
Who gave Mr. Trump's golf game schedule to the assassin? I'm Rick Wiles. This is True News from
Monday, September 16, 2024. Let's begin our analysis and commentary of today's news with
this headline from West Palm Beach TV station WPTV.
This is what Doc and I were watching yesterday here in Florida,
watching the local television news reporting.
I-95 was shut down.
In fact, the arrest of the shooter, Doc, was there at Palm City.
Yes. So about, what, 15, 20, was there at Palm City.
So about, what, 15, 20 minutes from your house?
About 20 minutes.
About 20 minutes south of my home and very close to where my son lives.
That's what I thought, obviously. And they had I-95 shut down all day in the afternoon. WPTV has got an update on this article that Ryan Routh
has so far been charged with possession of a firearm while a convicted felon possession of
a firearm with an obliterated serial number. Right now, that's all the charges so far. There
will probably be additional charges, but that's the
charges that they have now that keep him in jail at the moment. Doc and I are not going to spend a
lot of time giving you the information you've already heard a thousand times since yesterday,
but we want to delve into some of the important questions that need to be asked.
Wall Street Journal, Trump safe after another apparent assassination attempt.
And in this article, the Wall Street Journal said the Secret Service has long viewed golf as a vulnerability with courses offering a precarious combination of open ground and the predictability
of a protectee moving from hole to hole. That risk has been especially pronounced with Trump,
current and former agents said, because of the frequency of his trips and his habit of golfing
at courses he owns. The Wall Street Journal went on to say agents walk ahead of and behind the former president when
he is golfing to scope out threats. On Sunday, Trump was walking between the fifth and sixth
holes when an agent ahead of him spotted a rifle barrel sticking out of a fence near the golf club's
property line. Secret Service personnel fired at least four shots, said Rafael Barros,
special agent in charge of the agency's Miami field office.
Any comments, Doc?
Well, as you mentioned, Rick, we were watching this live as it was unfolding yesterday afternoon,
and a lot of this information has already been put out for public consumption and everything.
Donald Trump plays golf quite a bit.
Do you think that they would have protected golf courses a lot earlier than now?
And I understand the thinking there.
You know, you've got 18 holes of golf.
It's hard to protect that.
But still, and the biggest question is.
There is no surveillance of the perimeter.
You've got a chain link fence with some shrubbery around it.
But I would go farther.
Why is he even playing golf?
I know he loves the game game but you just were shot
a month ago yes why would you go out on a golf course because you're donald trump that's why
so um his family is at risk his wife his sons his daughters-in-law, his grandchildren, his son Barron, they're all at risk.
The Trump brothers, the sons, Eric and Don Jr., are well known in the West Palm Beach area.
They live in Jupiter.
They're frequently spotted at local restaurants and nightclubs and so forth. At least Don Jr., who's just photographed Saturday sitting in a restaurant, you know, casually.
They're walking around like there's nobody trying to kill them.
They need to understand that there is a very serious plan
to kill Donald Trump. And if they're having trouble killing him, they're going to go after
one of the children or grandchildren. Well, that's true. And I think, and I'm saying this,
I hope President Trump suddenly realizes the level of danger his entire family is in.
They shouldn't stick their heads outside anywhere without maximum protection.
If you were advising Donald Trump, and you're not, but if you were,
would you say don't play golf, don't do rallies?
Don't play golf for the next four and a half years until you end your second term.
Absolutely, Doc.
They're not going to stop after he wins re-election, after he wins his second term.
They're not going to stop.
We're going to be reporting this kind of stuff in 2025, 26, 27.
It's not going to stop.
Because they're going to kill him.
They're determined to.
I believe the good Lord is protecting him.
But there are some people who are determined to kill him.
And I hope he stops playing golf for the time being.
And I hope he tells his family, you've got to radically change your behavior. You cannot go casually walking
around in Florida just like you're any other resident in shorts and sandals. You just can't
do it anymore. But that being the case, and I'm not saying that's not a bad thing to do,
the fact of the matter is very few people knew Donald Trump was going to be playing golf yesterday.
That's right.
Only a very small number of people knew.
That's right.
And that's a topic I want to get into later in this because this is the question I've been asking myself since yesterday.
Let's go on New York Post alleged would-be Trump assassin Ryan Ruth, 58 of Hawaii, echoed Harris' and Biden's anti-Trump rhetoric as he backed Dem candidates.
So, you know, what he was posting online, Doc, he was parroting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, sometimes on the same days.
You know, a threat that Trump is a threat to democracy, you know, and so forth.
And he would post the same things.
That's right.
So, well, the alleged gunman who authorities targeted former President Trump while he golfed
in Florida Sunday afternoon previously declared on social media that democracy is on the ballot
this year and we cannot lose, echoing the anti-Trump rhetoric
used by Vice President Kamala Harris and President Biden. The New York Post article went on to say
he also bashed Trump in an April 22 post on X in which he declared democracy is on the ballot and
we cannot lose. He wrote a similar slogan commonly used by President Biden and Vice President Kamala
Harris. We cannot afford to fail, Roeth continued.
The world is counting on us to show the way.
Now, this is similar to the language that Kamala Harris continues to use on the campaign trail.
On August 29th, she said at a rally in Savannah, Georgia, we are fighting for our democracy.
On July 31st, she said at an event in Houston that our fundamental freedoms are on the
ballot and so is our democracy after using identical wording at a sorority event the same day.
So we have here several instances. I saw an image from Google Street Maps that supposedly it's
Roe's house in Hawaii and his truck has big biden harris bumper sticker on
it i don't know if that's legit or not but i wouldn't be shocked to see one so what we've
seen doc is that immediately after the first shooting the democrats went right back to the
same rhetoric they they may have cooled it for a day or two, but they went back into the same tone of saying that
Donald Trump is a threat to democracy, that he's a Hitler, he's a dictator, that he must
be stopped.
When you say somebody must be stopped, that somebody is a threat to your country, what
does that say?
That there's a danger, that somebody needs to take that guy out.
That's the message that they're sending.
So let's remind you of what the New Republic, the leftist magazine, published last month.
Donald Trump as Adolf Hitler.
And if he's Hitler, Rick, Hitler must be stopped.
We must do everything in our power to stop Hitler, right?
And I saw a video.
I didn't bring it here because I didn't want to give this freak any notoriety.
But it was some leftist Marxist freak on Twitter saying that, like Hitler, Trump has survived another attempted assassination.
That was the exact phrase.
Just like Hitler, Trump has survived another attempted assassination.
How many more attempts until he's brought down?
Because once you equate somebody with Hitler, you have a moral responsibility to stop that person right if that person is hitler
then millions of people are going to be put to death so you have a moral responsibility to stop
the mass killing before he takes power that's the message the democrats are sending out to these
these wackos who are listening to this rhetoric and believing it.
Now, the next one is Time Magazine, which came out last week, In Trouble.
Now, does Time Magazine have an inside scoop with The Simpsons?
Or is that just, I know you don't believe in coincidences, Doc.
I don't believe in coincidences. Doc. I don't believe in coincidences.
So I believe most things are planned.
But look at this cover of Time.
This came out Thursday, Friday of last week.
Shows Trump in trouble on a golf course.
And then just a couple days later, Donald Trump is in trouble on a golf course.
Like I said, I don't believe in coincidences.
Maybe somebody leaked a story or said, hey, be watching out for Donald Trump.
And, you know, I don't know.
But it's weird.
Do you remember the Iranian General Soleimani?
Yes. And days before he was killed by the U.S., the New York Times actually published
that he was going to die and basically how it was going to happen. Right. Just days before it
happened. And it did. It's like the New York Times had an inside scoop that he was going to be taken
out soon. Wall Street Journal suspected gunman in apparent Trump assassination attempt said he was going to be taken out soon. Wall Street Journal suspected gunman in apparent Trump assassination attempts
said he was willing to fight and die in Ukraine.
Now, Doc, we got a lot in here, and I think it might be good just kind of maybe to scan it
because we could end up spending 30 minutes just on what the Wall Street Journal is saying. But this is what they reported, that before his arrest,
Ruth had been seeking to recruit volunteers to fight in Ukraine,
posting on social media about his willingness to fight Russia's invasion
and even traveling to Kiev two years ago.
He had lived through years of apparent turmoil,
brushes with the law, and failed attempts to link himself to some larger purpose,
according to public records, social media posts, and interviews with people who knew him.
When Russia executed a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022,
Routh appeared to find his cause on the day of the invasion.
He dispatched a series of tweets soliciting media coverage for his effort to encourage
non-Ukrainians to travel to the country to take up arms, saying that he himself was ready
to fight and die on behalf of Kiev.
That's on the first day.
The very first day of the war.
This guy is already, I mean, in the United States, he's an American citizen.
On the first day, he says, I'm willing to go to Ukraine and fight the Russians and die.
Seemed like super committed on the very first day.
On day one.
He said, we need to burn the Kremlin to the ground and put it into Putin and Russia. I guess it'd be hard to blame Putin for
shooting at Trump since this guy wanted to kill Putin. Ralph arrived in Kiev in April 2022.
The city was deserted. He saw connections with other Westerners. He stood out wearing an American
flag t-shirt or bandana. That April, he tweeted at the official account of Zelensky saying that he was in Kiev and planned to erect a tent city in the capital to attract foreign fighters so we can raise great support and equipment.
Doc, this guy went to Kiev.
By the way, I checked out the airfare prices on traveling from
Honolulu to Kiev.
How much is it? 3,000 round trip.
That's economy. That's economy?
Yes. It's not easy to get
to Kiev. You have to fly to Poland,
take a train to Kiev.
And then he was living there. Yes.
How was he supporting himself?
You're asking the right questions, Rick.
You really are.
I mean, he owned a small business building, outdoor sheds.
For homeless people.
For homeless people.
Is that what it was, for homeless?
He was building tiny homes.
Oh, okay.
For homeless people.
In Hawaii.
But homeless people don't have money to pay for them.
So where is Ralph getting the money? To travel? To do all this? For homeless people. In Hawaii. But homeless people don't have money to pay for them. Right.
So where is Routh getting the money?
To travel?
To do all this?
Somehow he winds up in Florida.
So Routh tweeted a photo of himself in Kiev's Independence Square in front of a banner soliciting foreign volunteers and fighters.
In Ukraine, he was rejected from military service.
He tried to join the Ukrainian army.
Now, see, if he had taken Congressman Brian Mass with him, Mass could have got him in.
Because Mass went to Israel and joined the Israeli army and got a uniform.
This guy went to Ukraine and couldn't even get in the army.
Now think about that because they're picking up kids off the street to fight.
But they wouldn't take this guy.
They wouldn't take this guy.
He got rejected by the one country that's looking for fighters.
So Ralph then put his efforts into recruiting people to join Ukraine's International Legion.
Chris Lutz, a German humanitarian volunteer who knew Ralph,
said that was his main task that he assigned to himself. He wasn't officially assigned by the armed forces of Ukraine.
It was just kind of his personal mission to do so.
Then he clashed with Ukraine's International Legion.
Their officials believed he was claiming an affiliation with the group.
The Legion didn't immediately respond to a question about Routh's involvement.
Frustrated, Routh redirected his efforts to defense production.
He now became an arms trader.
This is a great story.
He tried to make deals for drone production in Ukraine and made trips to neighboring countries.
Again, who's financing all this?
That's right.
Seeking to involve himself in discussions about arms exports, according to Johnny Rogers,
that's not Jolly Rogers, that's Johnny Rogers,
an American who worked for a medical NGO in Ukraine.
Mr. Rogers said, quote, he went from wearing the American flag all the time with crazy hair to a suit.
When he was in the suit mode, he was actively trying to get defense deals.
He was trying every single angle he could do military stuff.
He wanted to be a player.
Who goes to a war zone, first tries to become a recruiter for—
First tries to join.
Yes, tries to join the Army, then tries to become a mercenary, a recruiter for mercenaries,
then becomes a defense contractor or a broker.
You know, he wants to be a broker for defense contractors.
Now, this next one is a video.
Folks, this is for real.
Ryan Wesley Ruth appeared in a video in 2022 promoting the Azov Brigade.
That's the Nazi Brigade.
These are the Nazis that Putin said he is out to kill. When Putin says we're going to denazify Ukraine, he's talking about the Azov Brigade.
But these are the people the U.Sv brigade but these are the people the u.s supports these are
the people canada supports these are the people the eu supports genuine bona fide true nazis and
this is ryan wesley ruth in a video a propaganda video for the Nazi Azov Brigade 2022.
Post of
the action
is to appeal to
what leaders,
what organization.
He did something briefly
there. Yeah, but he's there. Yes.
Here's what's weird.
And I mean, this is weird. Do you
remember Thomas Crooks, the guy who shot President Trump's ear?
Well, it turned out that he appeared in a commercial for BlackRock.
Let's watch it.
My name is Brian DeLallo.
I teach AP and honors economics in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Financial well-being to me is knowing that I can be free to do the things that I love to do. I teach AP and honors economics in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Financial well-being to me is knowing that I can be free to do the things that I love to do.
I hope when I retire someday they say, you know, that guy made this place a special place to come to school
and gave as much as he could to help the community.
How do two attempted assassins
of President Trump end up
in videos?
One for BlackRock and
the other one for the Nazi
Azov Brigade. How does that happen, Doc?
I guess just chance, Rick.
Just coincidence.
Just random things happening. off Brigade. How does that happen, Doc? I guess just chance, Rick. Just coincidence.
Just random things happening. Don't go conspiratorial
on me, Doc. Because
if you start thinking about it too much...
It'll make your brain hurt?
No, you'll start coming up with conspiracy
theories. Because this is how...
This is why people start
everything the media and the government says, because your mind knows that what they're saying is not true and cannot be true.
But the propaganda says, if you continue thinking that way, we're going to call you a conspiracy theorist.
And then you're afraid to even say what your mind knows is true.
Well, let's see what someone else might say about this latest assassination.
Oh, Medvedev, Dmitry Medvedev, he had something.
He posted this on X and Telegram today.
I wonder what would happen if it turned out that the failed new Trump shooter,
Ralph, who recruited mercenaries
for the Ukrainian army, was himself hired by the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev for this assassination
That's just crazy, Rick.
Medvedev is implying, suggesting, that Zelensky and the Azov Brigade hired this guy to kill
Donald Trump, who wants to end the war.
Well, you've got motive, method, and opportunity here.
Well, Zelensky was quick today, Doc, to put out a tweet saying that he was so glad to know that President Trump was safe.
He knows he's got a PR problem here.
Because Ralph has now been linked to the Asphalt Brigade.
That's right.
And he can't deny it.
He's in their video.
So what else is going to show up?
What other videos are out there?
What else are we going to learn about him and Ukraine?
Yeah, this is less than 24 hours, and this is what we've learned so far.
This next one is from CNN.
This is a reporter, Mark Caputo.
Caputo, yes.
Caputo, I'm sorry.
And he said on CNN, I was surprised this went out on CNN,
because he said the same thing I was thinking yesterday.
There's something weird going on
here because
it appears that somebody
information to the shooter
about where
President Trump was going to be at what time.
Right. A guy
who lived thousands of miles away.
Whether you want to say he was in Hawaii or North Carolina, either way, he had to travel a long way.
And he had to arrive at the precise time and know exactly when President Trump was going to be on the golf course on a Sunday afternoon, when the president's schedule was not published.
Nobody knows where he's at.
Yeah. And the president's schedule is not published? Yes. Nobody knows where he's at. Yeah, and for those of you who don't know, a lot of roads around Mar-a-Lago now are shut down.
Yes, you just can't. So it's not easy to just get up to Mar-a-Lago or Trump International Golf Course.
You have to know where you're going.
I mean, I drove around it.
Let's see, Doc.
Let's see.
Well, the month before the assassination attempt, I drove around Mar-a-Lago.
I was downtown in Palm Beach.
I walked around on the streets, drove around Mar-a-Lago.
No security issues, just normal traffic.
But you can't do it now.
So anyhow, let's watch this CNN clip.
All right.
Mark Caputo is with me now for our breaking news coverage.
He is a national political reporter for The Bulwark, obviously with incredible sourcing
inside the Trump campaign and Trump inner circle.
So, Mark, what are you hearing on the back of this?
You know, honestly, he's on a golf course. He's on his golf
course. He's on a Sunday afternoon. He's in what he would continue to consider to be as much of a
safe place as he could be. And this happened. So what are you hearing of their reaction, his reaction?
I'm not hearing what his reaction is specifically to this right now. But what I'm hearing from
people who know him is that
there is a tremendous amount of anger in Trump's inner circle, outer circle on social media.
And there was already considerable amount of paranoia. And that's only going to increase
the second assassination attempt. I don't think we've ever seen this before. And there are loads
and loads of questions on how this happened, why he didn't have greater security from social,
from pardon me, from Secret Service. And you're going to hear a lot more about that,
who knows, in the coming minutes or the coming days. Are you hearing anything about their sense of, you know, who knew where he was going to be? Because we're sort of in this
situation now, Mark, where either this guy went there randomly lots of times and maybe Trump came
along one day. That's one scenario. The other scenario is that this guy somehow knew that Trump
was going to be playing golf on this Sunday afternoon and that he's obviously not as a
president. He doesn't put out a schedule. So there was no schedule. And in fact, he often is not
there. And so, you know, it might have
implied some sort of knowledge. Are you hearing anything about that? You know, I don't know when
the president decided he was going to be here or anything about that. Two schools of thought. Number
one, that falls into the paranoiac basket. Right. How did he know? And in talking to local law
enforcement, there are questions about
how this man knew that. Now, it is true that Donald Trump is somewhat of a creature of habit.
He does have a tendency to play golf on Sundays when he's in town. And the question that no one's
able to answer yet, and hopefully will be answered, is this person, the alleged assassin,
appeared to have been from out of state. How did he drive down there? How did he
case the joint? How did he know when the former president would be there and come within his
potential line of sight? Just a whole load of questions, and local law enforcement that I've
talked to have asked the same questions, and no one really knows. But leading up to this,
the former president had been subject to some critical coverage in the news media for stoking some conspiracy theories about the first assassination attempt.
And now that the second one came along, it's going to be hard to persuade him otherwise that there is not some deeper, darker force at work.
I'm not saying that there is, but this is just his belief system.
And it's only going to be strengthened by the situation.
Some great questions.
Yeah, there's some pretty good questions.
Who tipped off?
Who was the sandbagger?
Who ruined the golf game?
Who cheated on the golf course?
That's what a sandbagger is.
A sandbagger is a cheater.
So, who cheated on the golf course?
Who knew his schedule and provided it to somebody who then gave it to Ralph?
It's sort of like going back to the first assassination, Tim.
How did crooks know where to be and at what time?
And there were cops.
There were law enforcement officers in the building on which he stood.
So either these two people are the luckiest people that ever lived.
I mean, they should play the lottery.
They got a lot of help.
Or they had help.
I'm going to go with they had help.
But you know what?
This second assassination attempt, you know what you're not talking about anymore?
The first assassination attempt.
That's right.
And then we'll be talking about the third one in a couple weeks, and we won't be talking about the first and second.
That's right.
Is this the new norm in America?
If you challenge the deep state, you're going to be shot.
Is that the new norm?
Well, I have to be honest with you. My first impression yesterday evening when I was watching all the coverage is that if I was a cynical person, I would say, wow, the Secret Service just pulled off the greatest three-card Monty that you've ever seen.
You're not focused on the first assassination attempt anymore.
Now you're focused on the second one,
where we rescued Donald Trump. We were able to see a five-inch barrel sticking out of a wire
fence with a bunch of brush. Are you saying staged? I'm just saying a cynical person might
think that. Well, I know there are a lot of people. I'm getting messages from people who,
you know, they believe the first one was staged.
Well, I see that, too.
And so, but one thing's for certain here.
We are not talking about the first assassination. So do we have to wait until he's actually dead to say, oh, it wasn't staged?
I mean, we're in dangerous territory.
Sure, we are.
When there are attempted assassinations and people are saying, I think it's staged. I mean, on Friday, you had Democratic
congressmen, Democrats, saying the stuff we're finding out about the Secret Service is going to
blow your cotton-picking mind. And then this happens over the weekend. Yeah. I mean, liberal
Senator Blumenthal. I mean, he's coming out and saying, when the American people find out what
the Secret Service has been up to, it's going to rock their world.
And then two days later, we have this again.
I'm just dumbfounded.
Doc, the deep state, whatever you want to call this monster, the warmongers,
they've got hundreds of billions of dollars at stake with this war.
Donald Trump's going to shut down the Ukraine war.
He's not going to go to war with Russia.
He's not going to sign off on NATO invading Russia.
He doesn't want war with China.
Donald Trump is not a pro-war person.
Probably the only war he would sign off on would be Israel killing Palestinians.
I've got a problem with him on that one.
But he doesn't want to go to war with Russia or China or Iran.
He doesn't want to be pushed in there. The war industry has trillions of dollars at stake, not just hundreds of billions.
Over the next 10 years, they have trillions of dollars at stake.
Yes, they've got a whole pipeline built out already for a decade at least.
And the pharmaceutical companies are at risk.
If he puts Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in charge of the FDA, can you imagine what that's going to look like or makes bobby kennedy
the attorney general of the united states wow that would be that would just be awesome but
you know a an honest attorney general would be frightening to the deep state be terrifying
because one of the first things uh an attorney general ro Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would do is unseal the documents on the death of his father and his uncle.
Which would then implicate the ruling class in this country.
So everything that they've been doing for decades is at risk of being exposed.
Doc, they've just reached the point in 2020
that they have the country locked down.
They've got it locked down.
And now there's this risk that Houdini,
Donald Trump, Houdini,
is going to get out of the handcuffs
and the bag and the chains
and the water tank and survive.
And I do believe these attempts are real.
Well, I believe the attempts are real.
I believe they're very real.
I'm just wondering who's coordinating them.
Well, I know that.
That's the issue.
And if I could add a...
The Secret Service is involved.
You can't come to any other conclusion.
I'm not talking about the agents out there on the golf course. I'm talking about the superiors sitting in Washington.
Somebody is involved.
Somebody knew Donald Trump's schedule.
And they had to have known it days earlier to get that guy in place.
And I have additional questions on this too, Rick, is that, all right, are you telling
me that a guy carrying a rifle, we still don't know what kind of rifle yet.
There have been various reports.
Yes, that's right.
I forgot.
So a guy carrying a rifle and two field backpacks, one loaded with ceramic tiles, mind you, and
a GoPro, somehow is able to sneak onto Trump International Golf Course, or the outskirts of it,
set up a shooting point, and is, when he's spotted, he runs away, leaving the rifle, the bags, the GoPro,
everything behind, runs away, and then he's spotted by a witness, a witness that has yet to be publicly identified yet,
who just happens to capture the license plate on the shooter's vehicle.
And they follow the vehicle through red light cameras all through West Palm and out to 95.
This was an hour and a half drive.
It's license plate readers.
They were following him.
Sheriff Snyder, Martin County said we nabbed him through our license plate readers on the highway.
We knew he was coming.
But, Doc, there are homes around Mar-a-Lago.
I mean, this is not inconceivable to me.
There are homes that border Mar-a-Lago.
If you drive around in the back, it's not a secure area.
It really isn't.
Remember the Iranian video a year or two ago?
They were going to send a drone into the golf course and kill him while he was playing golf?
We had to find that video and release it. That was the Iranian video from maybe two years ago, where they had a drone that
was on the sidewalk going into the golf course. Or was it Hezbollah? I don't remember. Is it Iran
or Hezbollah? Put that video out. The golf course and all of Mar-a-Lago is not a heavily secured
property. In fact, I've been amazed at how casual it is when you go there.
I've been on the property twice.
And, you know, I was standing maybe 10 feet from President Trump.
Now, I had to go through metal detectors and all that kind of stuff.
No, I didn't.
Yes, I did.
I went through metal detectors and all that kind of stuff. No, I didn't. Yes, I did. I went through metal detectors
at the front.
the guests are able
to get up very close to
President Trump.
The whole perimeter, to me,
looked like a relaxed,
casual resort.
that was only two years ago so i i don't think that
they have i don't think that they've they're taking security at marlago very seriously i
really i really don't talk i apparently you can get right up to the fence line and not be spotted, which is scary.
I'm telling you, that video of President Biden,
if that was really President Biden sitting in a lawn chair,
because you only see him from the back,
if that was really him in Delaware at the Atlantic Ocean,
then something was very amiss because other vacationers were walking past him.
It's like, for real?
The president is sitting here
with his sunglasses on
and he's just taking a nap?
And people are walking past the president?
Like, either that's not him
or security is so lax that they're not even protecting President Biden, which all this is very troubling.
But the sheriff said something yesterday, too, that was kind of troubling in that President Trump does not receive the highest level of security.
Now, that was the sheriff of Palm Beach County.
And, yes, he said, look, my sheriff's department, you know, there's not much that we can do here.
It's not our responsibility to protect the perimeter of the – that's literally what he was saying.
You know, this is up to the
to the secret service yes um so but he was telling the truth you know his department is not tasked
with that assignment of protecting the property uh but that's the white i mean that's the secret
services job and now where where is the – has there been a press conference today by the Secret Service director, acting director?
How about the Homeland Security secretary?
Any press conference?
I mean, you got two –
How about the FBI?
You got two failures on your hands in one month and no press conference?
You're not answering any questions?
Is it that these guys in washington
they don't think this is a big deal or are there or are they guilty are they afraid to answer
questions i'm going to go with the second one because i believe these are active attempts to
eliminate donald trump before the election.
By the way, we did find that Iran drone video.
This is from 2021.
This is an animated video that Iran made where it proposed an attack of Donald Trump by drone on the golf course.
Iran released an animated video of former President Donald Trump being targeted by a drone on a golf course. Iran released an animated video of former President Donald Trump being targeted by a
drone on a golf course and different things being played out.
The video was showcased on Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini's official website.
And this was in response for the Soleimani strike that President Trump authorized.
And so you see different texts are being exchanged here.
A laser targeting drone.
And then a referral to General Soleimani.
And apparently that's Donald Trump there on the golf course. Remember this animated video.
President Rossi vowed to take revenge against Trump over Soleimani's killing.
And you see this drone getting in place.
Raisi had said that hand of revenge will come out of the sleeves of OMA, referring to Donald Trump.
Okay, so, Doc, my question is that that video was released by Iran in 2021.
Yes, sir. And there has been no security precautions? I mean, you had a foreign army tell you, this is the way we're going to kill Donald Trump. Right. And there were no precautions, no increased security.
Are they not watching for drones to come in? Mr. Trump goes out and plays golf. Did he forget
about the drone video? And this wasn't what happened yesterday. It wasn't a drone. It was
old fashioned rifle sticking through a fence, the old way of an assassin killing somebody and yet the
the iranians said no we're going to send a drone onto your golf course and take you out
somebody's not taking these things seriously
but the iranians did but the iranians did so what what do you think the Iranians are thinking right now?
I mean, we should have taken our chance.
No, they're thinking this is going to be easy.
This is going to be extremely easy.
They're probably thinking the biggest obstacle would be somebody picking up their drone thinking it's a toy
not thinking this is a this is a weapon coming onto the property somebody's probably going to
look at and go oh look somebody's got a remote control car that's weird yeah that's really weird
it's like back in 2020 when President Trump was
infected with
And I suggested that a
insect-sized drone
with an aerial sprayer
was sent into the White House
Rose Garden. And I was laughed at,
mocked. And it turns out, that's exactly where it came from.
Well, we don't know.
That was never verified.
I don't think that was ever verified.
But the point is that people in this country in high-level positions thought it was funny.
But the Secret Service didn't at that time, Doc, because they refused to comment on my theory, which means either they were thinking it or they thought about it after I said it andhow, hey, I want to just mention American
Reserves. We have a special going on. We've only had this one time, and that was last year,
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You've got two days.
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When I say 50% off, it means when you buy one, you get the other one free.
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It ends on September 18.
So you've got two more days.
Lester Holt of NBC News, he suggested that Donald Trump was at fault for this second attempted assassination.
And specifically for criticizing violent, illegal immigrants in America.
This is what Lester Holt said yesterday.
An attempt comes amid increasingly fierce rhetoric on the campaign trail itself.
Mr. Trump, his running mate J.D. Vance continue to make baseless claims about Haitian immigrants in Ohio.
Notice that transition there?
And then ABC, I was watching Lindsay Davis, and they did about like 30 seconds on the assassination attempt
and then went right into the Springfield, Ohio stuff,
jumped right into it, didn't even stop to take a breath.
That's all the attention they gave to an attempted assassination?
At the front end.
At the front end.
They came back to the story later, but they had to bring in,
well, Donald Trump said they're eating dogs.
Well, Doc, they at least did better than they did on the first assassination.
Because that, they went hours before they would even say attempted assassination.
I mean, I remember there were headlines like Trump fell down on stage.
Loud noises heard.
Popping noises heard. Popping noises heard.
Popping noises heard at Trump rally.
And all the networks, including
Fox News, would not
say assassination. It was weird.
It was bizarre.
So they have a different strategy
now. We'll say it's an attempt at assassination,
but he caused it. It's his fault. It's his
fault. He had it coming.
Listen to what Lester Holt said. Baseless
claims about illegal
Well, most of you have heard
what's going on in Colorado.
There is a Venezuelan gang
extremely violent,
ruthless gang,
and these
videos of them beating down doors in apartment buildings
committing home invasions of american families look at this doc this is terrifying yes can you
imagine can you imagine a an elderly woman in that room, in that apartment, and somebody just opens the door and walks in, a gang with weapons,
just opens up the door and comes into your apartment.
This is what's happening, and it's happening because of the Biden-Harris-Obama strategy,
which is tearing this country apart.
It's deliberate. It's not apart. It's deliberate.
It's not accidental.
It's not a crisis.
It's a policy.
And they are ripping this country apart,
and they are invading this country with violent, dangerous criminals.
So that was Colorado there.
That was Colorado.
So guess what's happening? A friend of mine called me today from texas and he said rick are you aware of what's going on in el paso
i go no he goes you know that gang that's in colorado they've taken over a hotel the gateway hotel in el paso texas yes and and so here is uh here's an article showing uh what's taking place
in the hotel uh they just turned it into a drug center they literally seized an entire hotel
and took it over and nothing's being done about it, Doc.
Oh, something's being done.
Local authorities are blaming the owners.
Oh, the owners are at fault.
For not driving these people out.
Oh, and if they had done it, the owners would have been arrested.
That's right.
For using violence against poor little defenseless illegal immigrants.
So Lester Holt can say whatever he wants to say,
but we know what's going on.
And again, Donald Trump is the obstacle.
Doc, he's the doorstop to this plan.
See, when the Lord showed me in 2016,
Donald Trump is the doorstop,
I thought it was meaning judgment on the country.
But it's taken me
years to understand that the Lord was saying,
no, he's the doorstop
to the completion of the plan to
destroy your country.
Now, Rick, it's been just about a week
since the debate.
When we watch the debate, I watched it all the way through.
You gave up halfway through, I think you said.
But the conclusion was that it was a tie at best and maybe even Harris won, okay?
A week later, a week later, do you still feel that way?
Neither do I.
I feel like Donald Trump won the debate.
He won the debate in the aftermath.
Not in the debate.
Because no one's talking about the debate at all, are they?
Nothing came out of the debate except one thing.
In fact, Doc, most of the polls I saw,
particularly among undecided voters, independent voters, not among the hardcore Trump supporters or the hardcore Trump haters, but that group in the middle.
Most of the polls I saw, they said they – those voters said they decided to vote for Trump.
Right. And those voters said they decided to vote for Trump. And they said he really didn't win the debate.
And Kamala Harris was stronger and better than they expected.
But they concluded that Trump was the man who should be president.
Yes. Why? Because he brought up immigration as an issue.
Right. So I want to go back to this thing of what's going on in El Paso.
Here's KFYO radio news.
Dangerous Venezuelan gang tightens grip on Texas with takeover of El Paso Hotel.
What are we, what headlines are we reading now?
A hotel in El Paso, Texas has been seized by a violent drug gang.
Where is the National Guard?
Where's Governor Abbott?
How come Governor Abbott has not sent the Texas Rangers and the Texas National Guard to El Paso to reclaim that home.
I'm glad that wasn't the Branch Davidians.
They would have burned it down. No, they barbecued them.
The Branch Davidians, they were weird, but they weren't violent.
Well, a vicious Venezuelan gang known as Trin de Ragua has reportedly taken over a hotel in El Paso, forcing officials to take legal action to wrest back control of the business.
The Gateway Hotel in El Paso has reportedly been shut down temporarily after the owner of the hotel was accused by the El Paso County Attorney's Office of illegally operating the hotel and allowing criminal activity, according to the El Paso Times. The article from KFYO says,
the New York Post reported earlier this week that the Trinidad and Arragua gang from Venezuela
had turned the hotel into a place of crime, including fighting, hard partying, and even gunfire.
In surveillance footage, one man is shown carrying a hatchet.
Others were armed with knives, and at least one man was pictured firing a gun inside the gateway.
Fights also broke out in the hallways.
All of this while children were also present.
So here's what came to my mind when I saw this today.
Back during the Obama years, and I said in 2008 barack obama was a communist
revolutionary he was going to begin a communist takeover of america i still stand by that we are
deep into this takeover now we've been marxized as a nation uh half the country is willing to
accept communism half the country's content with the president being shot, the former president being shot.
They're not bothered about it.
You've got people actually cheering for it, hoping it happens.
This is a communist revolution.
I said back during the Obama years, there was a scandal called Fast and Furious.
The attorney general was Eric Holder, another communist.
And he was running guns through the ATF to Mexico.
Now, the official story, Doc, was, oh, this was a, this is an attempt.
We're putting these guns out here to see, to follow the trail, to see where they end up.
And then we're going to catch the bad guys.
We want to prove that these American guns are going to Mexico.
No, Obama and Eric Holder shipped the guns to Mexico.
And they armed the cartels.
It was so bad, so obvious, so shocking that none other than the Rolling Stone magazine
published this article, How the United States Arms the Mexican Cartels.
It wasn't 24, Doc. I would say
that was, I don't know what year.
Because it was during the
Obama years. Okay.
How the United States arms the
Mexican cartels.
Well, actually, this article is from earlier this year.
Oh, was it? Okay.
That one was. Okay. This one.
The next one. The next one, L.A. Times.
March 19, 2014.
Fast and furious weapons were found in Mexico cartel enforcers' home.
And the New York Times, I mean, excuse me, the Los Angeles Times said hundreds of weapons from the United States, from the ATF.
These are ATF-purchased weapons.
Had the serial numbers on them and everything.
Ended up in the home of a cartel enforcer.
And I said back in 2014 that Obama and Eric Holder were deliberately arming Mexican drug cartels for a bloody invasion and revolution in America.
And I stand by it today. And you can see
it in Colorado and El Paso with violent gangs seizing buildings in America. Now we're seeing
the fruit of the Obama years. The revolution is on. It's no longer under the table.
It is out in the open, and these people are armed to the teeth,
and they're here to kill the American people.
And we have an administration of Biden and Harris who are communists.
Biden is paid for by the Chinese Communist Party.
Harris is a Marxist.
And if she gets into the White House,
we're going to have four to eight years of extreme Marxism.
That's why they're killing. That's why they're attempting to kill Donald Trump.
Our very survival is at stake doc i look donald trump is a a he's an
imperfect man he's a flawed man but the fact that they want to kill him yes makes me say we have to
get this guy in because they're so determined to get rid of him.
Obviously, they see him as an impediment to whatever they want to do.
The final takeover of the country.
This is it.
We're down to the last gasp of air of this country as we have known it.
And if she gets in, we're looking at full-scale Marxism in this country.
Remember where she said one of the first things she's going to do is confiscate guns?
Now, she's tried to walk that back.
She said, I'm a gun owner myself.
Yeah, you are.
Well, what type of gun do you have?
And aren't you a Californian?
Is it registered?
Have you ever taken a gun safety course?
And if you have the gun in Washington, D.C., isn't that an illegal place to have a gun?
Do you carry it on Air Force Two?
Does she carry it in the Senate?
I'd like to know.
These are good questions.
And Governor Walz also.
Right. What weapons doz also. Right.
What weapons do you own?
But I seriously doubt that she has a weapon.
Okay, I got five minutes.
I got to get through some more things. Number 20.
While we're talking about assassinations, Washington Post.
Venezuela detained U.S. sailor.
Now, this happened uh september 5th
of venezuelan law enforcement authorities detained a u.s sailor and former navy seal who was on personal travel john kirby said i can confirm that a u.s service member was in fact
detained in Venezuela.
My understanding was that this individual was on some sort of personal travel and not official government business.
The sailor is assigned to a Navy special warfare unit, a U.S. official said,
and once served as a SEAL but no longer authorized to wear the coveted trident badge awarded to qualified commandos.
Stripping a seal of that distinction is somewhat rare and typically the result of disciplinary action
or a seal falling short of professional standards within the unit.
It's unclear what led to this specific instance.
It's also unclear why the service member went to Venezuela.
Maybe to get the patch back maybe to get the patch back
to get the badge back maybe he had to earn his right to have that badge again maybe somebody
said hey we got an assignment for you you carry it out you get your badge back
so the express tribune three u.sS. citizens, including Navy SEAL, arrested in Venezuela over Maduro assassination plot.
Now it's three U.S. citizens.
So is this a conspiracy theory?
Is Maduro spinning a conspiracy theory?
We just had somebody try to shoot President Trump.
Maduro said, hey, I got three Americans here.
One of them is a Navy SEAL.
They were planning to kill me.
Is that a conspiracy theory? three Americans here. One of them is a Navy SEAL. They were planning to kill me.
Is that a conspiracy theory?
Because if that is, then the Trump assassination is a conspiracy theory.
So, I got three minutes. Venezuelan authorities have announced the arrest of six foreign nationals, including a U.S. Navy
SEAL. Three were Americans. In connection with an
alleged CIA orchestrated plot
to assassinate President Nicolas Maduro,
the arrests were announced by Interior Minister Cabello,
who gave details of the alleged operation
aimed to destabilize Venezuela's government.
And what was it about?
An ongoing political turmoil over disputed presidential elections in July.
Because the U.S. government is an election denier.
They're denying that Maduro won the election.
The U.S. government, the State Department, is an election denier.
And you know one of the allegations?
That they manipulated the voting machines.
That Maduro, but isn't that something that Mike Lindell and others said in 2020?
That Maduro was using voting machines that were being hacked electronically?
What goes on, it gives the names of the individuals.
Cabello, this is the Venezuelan cabinet minister said now this is his quote the cia is at the forefront of this operation uh he claimed the
plot targeted not only maduro but other high-ranking officials including cabello himself
and venezuela state uh vice president's uS. State Department denies the allegation.
And, of course, in the Times of London,
the U.S. denies involvement in plot to assassinate President Maduro.
And it goes into the statements from the U.S. State Department.
Now, Rick, that Navy SEAL was active duty.
Yes, that's what I'm saying. He's active duty.
And they just can't figure out. But he's no that Navy SEAL was active duty. Yes, that's what I'm saying. He's active duty. And they just can't figure out.
But he's no longer a SEAL.
He went on vacation to Venezuela to overthrow our country.
I mean, isn't that like the story we heard a few months back about Haiti?
That they arrested a bunch of guys and an American in there to do an assassination there.
But we're not involved in the
assassination business. Would the
U.S. government attempt to assassinate
the president of a foreign nation?
Yes or no?
We have. Would the U.S.
government attempt to assassinate
the former president of the United States
of America? Yes.
That's my opinion. Yes. That's my opinion.
That's the state that we're living in right now today.
That there is a death squad in America,
a killing team in America
that will kill on orders of people in high places in this country.
Or maybe I should say low places.
It's a very dangerous time that we're in.
And God have mercy on all of us.
We need to pray.
Pray that this wickedness is exposed, that it is overthrown,
that it is rooted out and defeated in this country.
This is not a matter of, well, we have differences of opinion.
No, this is corruption to the bone, and it cannot be tolerated.
Got to go.
Thank you for watching.
Morning Manna coming up, and you will be blessed. You're listening to WWCR International Shortwave Radio.
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Good morning. Welcome to Morning Manna.
We appreciate you taking your time to be with us for one hour,
five days a week to study the Word of God.
If this is your very first time, then we give you a warm greeting
and hope you come back every day. We meet as a class Monday through Friday at
8 a.m. Eastern Time, and our class location is We have been spending almost
the entire year, I think we started in February, in the book of Matthew. And we are now closing up the 22nd chapter.
Tomorrow we will begin chapter 23.
But today we're looking at verses 41 through 46.
As always, let's pray and invite the precious Holy Spirit to enter into this class and take charge of it.
Lead us.
We all need to be taught by him.
thank you for this new day.
Thank you for life.
And father,
we have gathered together brothers and sisters in Christ in many nations.
We have gathered to be taught by your Holy Spirit about our Savior Jesus and his wonderful kingdom.
Make us strong disciples so that we would do great exploits in his name in the last days.
In the name of Jesus, amen.
So, Rick, I assume that we want to do verses 41 through 46 this morning?
Yes, sir.
All right.
So if you've got your Bibles, let's turn them to Matthew chapter 22
as we continue our journey through the gospel of Matthew.
And as Rick said, over the next few weeks,
we're going to be closing up the gospel of Matthew here.
But just a reminder, chapters 21, 22, and 23 are preparing us for
chapter 24, which is probably the most talked about, most studied chapter in Matthew, and so
we're leading up to that. Today we're looking at verses 41 through 46 of chapter 22, so if you read
along with me, please. While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, saying, What think ye of Christ? Whose son is he?
They say unto him, The son of David.
He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord?
Saying, The Lord said unto my Lord,
Sit thou on my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool.
Verse 45.
Okay, let's start with verses 41 and 42.
Now, while the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them a question saying,
What do you think of the Christ? Whose son is he?
They said of him, of David.
So this next dialogue between the Pharisees and Jesus occurred immediately after he confounded the lawyer who asked, Master, which is the greatest commandment in the law? The Pharisees did not immediately
depart, but they lingered. They remained gathered around Jesus, perhaps discussing his reply or pondering their next move evaluating how
the multitude received him but they were still there and but Jesus wasn't done
with them he had already provided a satisfactory answer to their latest question,
but now he addressed the entire group of Pharisees with a question of his own.
So this passage we're studying today marks a shift in the dynamics of the conversation with jesus no longer passively responding
to the pharisees questions but becoming the one who poses the inquiries that's right the pharisees
were exhausted they had run out of questions and now they're facing Jesus as their interrogator he has
reversed the roles he took the war into their territory he had previously
confounded the Pharisees and the Sadducees during each attempt to entrap him.
Yes. He answered all the questions put to him about paying taxes,
the resurrection, life after death, the greatest commandment.
However, Jesus had a deeper question for them.
What do you think of christ isn't that the the question the holy spirit asks every man and woman on earth
amen what do you think of jesus christ it is the central question of life there's no greater question to be asked.
What do you think of Jesus Christ?
The question, what think ye of Christ?
Christ meaning the anointed one.
They knew who Christ was.
They knew biblically in the scriptures,
Christ was the anointed
one, meaning the Messiah.
This question,
what do you think of Christ,
directs the attention
of the Pharisees' beliefs
about the Messiah's
nature, and purpose.
His question was strategic. It was designed to challenge the
Pharisees, to challenge their understanding of scripture and their beliefs about the Messiah.
And by asking this question, Jesus redirected the focus of the conversation away from their legalistic interpretations of the law toward the central theme of salvation through the Messiah.
So Jesus' question prompted the Pharisees to reconsider their reliance on legalism and to recognize the significance
of the promised Messiah in fulfilling God's plan for salvation of mankind.
He asked a question to teach the Pharisees that faith in the...
Let me say this again he asked a question to teach
the Pharisees that faith in the Messiah takes priority over adherent to the law
that was a radical concept yes for Pharisees, there was nothing greater than obedience to the law.
And what Jesus is now leading them to this realization is that faith in the Messiah is greater than obedience to the law.
They couldn't comprehend that the messiah would fulfill the law the pharisees were looking for
a messiah who would keep the law not fulfill it enforce it yes they wanted a messiah who was more
legalistic than themselves yeah you got it they wanted super Pharisee that's what they were expecting
doc yes the super Pharisee he would be the ultimate Pharisee more legalistic
than anybody it would even make the Pharisees struggle to obey the law at his level.
They didn't expect the Messiah to fulfill the law.
They didn't even have a concept of such a thing.
How could the law be fulfilled?
So the scribes had they had this erroneous belief
that the Messiah would be merely
a human descendant
of David
lacking divine nature.
Now modern day Zionism
teaches that the state
itself is the Messiah
yes the Zionist movement
yes the Zionist movement believes
that the state of Israel
the governing authority
whatever you want to call it that exists
today that sits in
the seat of the Messiah today
they're not looking for
Theodore Herzl
the founder of the modern
state of Israel, the father of Zionism, basically said, we're tired of waiting on the messiah.
We will set up the state, and the state will be the messiah. That's right. So it's still a
man-made construction, whether it's an expected Messiah in Jesus' day
from the Pharisees, you know,
a human being that appears.
And the same thing today.
It's still a man-made
construction. They are not looking for the divine.
That's for sure.
They're looking for something,
if it's man-made, it can be
So the Pharisees didn't understand that satan had planted
this thought in their heads satan's tactic was to promote a false christ a false messiah who
though acknowledged as a true man and and the rightful son of David,
possessed no divinity.
That was the Messiah Satan painted for the Pharisees.
And they bought into it and they accepted it.
But that erroneous belief undermined the hope of future and eternal life.
And salvation, forgiveness of sins.
Again, they had no interest in it. They're strictly thinking in terms of a reincarnated Davidic empire.
So Jesus questioned the Pharisees
about their understanding of the Messiah.
He challenged them to articulate their beliefs
concerning the identity and the nature of the Messiah.
What do you think of the Christ?
Tell me.
I'd like to hear your opinion.
He used the title Christ to to refer to the promised deliverer of Israel specifically Jesus asked about
Messiah's lineage and that prompted theisees to quickly affirm that he is the son of david right
however jesus proceeded to quit to challenge their understanding
by referencing a prophetic statement from psalm 110 verse 1
where david referred to the Messiah as his Lord.
That Psalm, that verse, verse 1 of Psalm 110,
says that the Messiah is not only David's descendant,
but he's also David's Lord.
How can such a relationship be real?
How can your child be your Lord?
Your master, your king. So Jesus, what he's doing here, he's provoking the Pharisees to consider deeper implications of Messianic prophecies.
And the dual nature of the Messiah as both human and divine.
The Pharisees had no problem with the first part that the messiah is the son of david
right because if he's a man a man can die right and that's right i mean if you go back to the
parable about uh you know about the husbandman that if they kill the messiah or they kill the Messiah or they kill the heir, they get the inheritance, right?
Well, as long as the Messiah is the son of David only,
then they have the opportunity to take the inheritance.
That's right.
Because they only saw that they were killing a human being.
Now, they weren't incorrect in their response he he you know uh he is the son of david but he's more than the son of david
much more and that's what jesus is driving at here so the failure of the pharisees to recognize
jesus as the messiah and i and I believe they knew he was the Messiah.
I don't accept the view.
I used to.
I used to be taught that, well, the Jews just didn't recognize him.
They didn't see that he was the Messiah.
I don't believe that anymore.
They knew he was the Messiah.
And they had made a decision.
Hey, this is the king's son and this is God's son and we've got to get rid of him.
But anyhow, Jesus had this encounter with them.
And he goes on in verses 43 and 44, that he said to them,
how then does David in the spirit call him Lord,
saying the Lord said to my Lord,
sit on my right hand
until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.
Prophet Nathan made a promise to young David it's found in second Samuels chapter 7 verse 12
and when thy days be fulfilled and thou shall sleep with thy fathers I will set up thy seed
after thee which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom.
The promise made by Nathan to David finds its ultimate fulfillment in the Messiah, who
is Jesus Christ. Christ Jesus said he said to them how then does David in the spirit call him
Lord saying the Lord said unto my lord
first of all this indicates a conversation within the Godhead Jehovah of a father yahweh a father speaking to the messiah jesus christ who is david's lord both
by right of creation and redemption amen he's hearing this conversation david heard it
david heard the conversation how then does David
in the spirit call him Lord
David learned from
and by the Holy Spirit
what the father said to his son
David was supernaturally
brought into knowledge of the Trinity.
David, as a member of the ancient church,
included himself in the proclamation of Christ's lordship.
And that demonstrated that even the king of Israel recognized the Christ's supremacy.
And by acknowledging Christ as supreme and sole king,
David placed himself and all believers under the authority of Christ.
Amen. You got it, Rick.
Which speaks of the preeminence of Christ in the church.
Jesus is teaching us here that one raised to the rank of supreme head of the church is not merely a man but possesses the majesty of god
the exalted position of jesus christ above david and all other holy kings of earth
tells us that he of his divine nature
and that's spoken of by Apostle Paul in his testimony.
That Christ is above all creatures.
Recognizing and acknowledging Jesus Christ as God in human flesh is essential, necessary for salvation.
And anybody who refuses to acknowledge that Christ came in human flesh is Antichrist.
That is the meaning of Antichrist Antichrist is anybody anything that denies that Jesus Christ came to earth in human flesh as as God as God in human flesh that is
Antichrist so all other religions on earth are Antichrist, including Judaism.
That's why there can't be any such thing as Judeo-Christian anything.
There can't be.
They're contradictory.
Right, because Judaism is in opposition to Jesus Christ.
No matter how you cut that butter, it's the same one. So let's talk about what the Holy Spirit enabled King David to hear the father say to his son.
What did the two of them say?
The father said to the son,
mind you, David is hearing a supernatural conversation between God the Father and God the Son.
And Jesus confirms that David is hearing this in the Spirit, by the Holy Spirit.
And as you mentioned before, this is going to outline all three members of the Godhead here.
That's right.
The first thing he heard was, sit thou on my right hand
that phrase sit on my right hand symbolizes the exaltation the dignity the power the authority
that god the father bestowed upon his son the Messiah. It's the highest honor and favor.
It's not granted to angels or any human.
There's only one whom God has spoken those words.
Sit right here at my right side sitting at the right hand of a king symbolizes
the highest position of trust and power
it represents the highest rank and authority it says that Jesus Christ
holds the supreme government and power in the name of God.
The declaration signifies that God has entrusted his authority to his son, Jesus Christ, to govern his church.
When you're watching the news, when you see heads of state gathered in a meeting,
look at who is on the right and left of the president or the king or the prime minister.
The people seated at the right and left are the most powerful.
The same thing happens in large corporations and board of directors. Who is seated next to the chairman or the president's CEO.
You can learn a lot just by watching the seating.
So sitting at the right hand of God symbolizes the exaltation of the Messiah to the highest dignity in
heaven supreme honor authority second only to God the highest eminence in
authority the designation to my lord implies that the Messiah was recognized as David's Lord even before the command, sit thou on my right hand, was given.
Whoo, Doc.
David knew he was his Lord before he heard it.
Now, keep in mind, this is hundreds of before jesus himself was born the messiah was born
but i think closer to about 1100 years if i'm doing my math right yes
i mean to me that's it implies that david knew the messiah was his lord yes Yes.
Jesus Christ sitting at the right hand of God pertains to his human nature.
As in his divine nature, he could receive nothing.
While all power was given unto him in heaven and earth in his human nature.
He already was God.
This is God speaking to him in his human nature.
He's elevating the Savior of mankind
up to sit at his right hand.
Am I explaining this clearly enough?
Jesus Christ is all God
and he's all human.
As all God.
He didn't need his father to say,
sit here at my right hand,
because he was already a member of the Godhead.
This represents God recognizing him in his human nature.
God the Father is saying,
I'm going to raise up save
mankind through you saved humanity will sit at my right hand yes Matthew 28 18
and Jesus came and spake unto them saying now this is after the
resurrection all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth
when was it given to him
after the resurrection
he's the resurrected God man
and then Peter
yes and then Peter on the day of pentecost
confirmed that jesus was sitting on david's throne yes so it's it's not just you know
here in matthew 22 it's not just a throwaway idea no jesus is sitting on the right hand of God and that right hand of God throne is
David's throne yes this expression at my right hand it encompasses the entirety
of heaven and earth yes under the governance of Christ right now yes it emphasizes his present universal and sovereign rule not some future date not some
that's something that has to happen after a rapture or after a great tribulation or anything
like that he's sitting on a throne right now this very moment he's ruling from David's throne at this moment.
And that is not...
He's not waiting
for the rapture in order
to come to old Israel
and find the dusty old throne
to sit on. That's right. He's my king
right now. I'm not waiting for a king,
Rick. I've got a king.
I'm a citizen of the kingdom.
I got a king too, Doc.'ve got a king i'm a citizen of the kingdom amen whoo i got a king too doc
i got a king he's not a politician he's a king praise god
man people get so excited about politicians they'll follow them they'll they'll wear their t-shirts and their caps and put bumper stickers on their cars,
but they don't get excited about their king.
Why would they, Rick?
Because he's not their king.
That's why.
You celebrate who you honor.
And so they're making it clear.
They think in their minds they will wear his T-shirt after the rapture.
So Jesus Christ will continue to sit at the right hand of God
until all his enemies are subdued.
He is invincible.
His kingdom is enduring.
I'm going to point out the, oh, I don't know, seven or eight scriptures that speak of Jesus sitting at the right hand of Almighty God.
Once you hear this, you'll understand
how central this thought is in the Christian theology.
Mark 16, 19.
So then, after the Lord had spoken unto them,
he was received up into heaven
and sat on the right hand of God when
did he take his seat at the right hand of God when he ascended to heaven after
the resurrection after the Ascension his father had a seat waiting on him welcome welcome son, take your seat.
He wasn't taking his seat as the Messiah, the God.
He was taking his seat as the Messiah, the man.
He had undone the damage of the first Adam.
Acts 7, verse 55.
But he, meaning Stephen,
being full of the Holy Spirit,
looked up steadfastly into heaven and saw the glory of God
and Jesus standing on the right hand of God.
Now, in this case, Jesus was standing.
Because he was receiving Stephen.
He was receiving. He stood up.
He stood up in attention, marveling at the faith of Stephen,
marveling at the loyalty of Stephen.
He stood up in respect to Stephen, who was being pelted with rocks
by the Jews he stood up to receive his spirit Romans 8 34 who is he that
condemneth it is Christ that dieth yea yea, rather, that is risen again,
who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.
Jesus is at the right hand of God interceding for you this very moment.
He's praying for you.
He's saying to his Father, who is on his left, he turns to his father and says,
Father, have mercy on him.
Have mercy on her.
Help her today.
I've been there.
I've been in the human body.
I know what this is like.
Come to their assistance you have a king who is also your your priest
ephesians 1 verses 19 and 20 and what is the exceeding greatness of his power toward us
who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he
wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own
right hand in heavenly places Hebrews 1 3 who being the brightness of his glory
in the Express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power
how's the universe held together
how is the universe held together upholding all things by the word of his power
not by the power of his word
it doesn't say upholding all things by the power of his word. It doesn't say upholding all things by the power of his word.
Upholding all things by the word of his power.
When he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high.
When was he entitled to sit down at his father's right side when he had purged your sins
and my sins he was entitled to take that seat hebrews 8 1
now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum. We're going to wrap it up for you. Here it is
in one sentence. We have
such a high priest who
is set on the right hand of the throne
of the majesty in the heavens.
Hebrews 10, 12.
But this man,
after he had offered one
sacrifice for sins forever,
sat down on the right hand of God.
Praise God.
You don't have to have a mass every week.
You don't have to offer a sacrifice every week.
There's one sacrifice for sins, and it's lasting forever.
And then the other thing that David heard God the Father say to his son,
till I make your enemies your footstool.
That implies the Messiah's reign on earth
and in heaven until all his enemies are subdued and brought under his authority.
The battle's over once his enemies are his footstool.
But right now, they're still being brought to that position.
Jesus, as the exalted Messiah, is victorious over all spiritual foes and forces opposed to God's reign.
The use of the word until.
Indicates a temporal aspect of the Messiah's reign.
And it says it suggests a cessation of the war like kingdom after the enemies are conquered I make signifies the the ultimate victory over enemies with them being made prostrate see God said, I will make your enemies your footstool.
The Father will personally see to it.
He will make the enemies of Christ his son's footstool.
Think of your worst enemy and think of that person on their hands and knees and you're a chair propping your feet up on them like a like an Ottoman what does it
represent conquest and victory Joshua 10 verse 24 and it came to pass when they had brought out those kings unto Joshua
that Joshua called for all the men of Israel and said unto the captains of the men of war
which went with him come near put your feet upon the necks of these kings and they came near and put their feet upon the necks of them so putting your
feet on the neck of your enemy is an ancient way of saying I have conquered
you that's why the Israeli police and IDF soldiers put their knees on the necks of Palestinians.
You got it.
It's why American police officers were taken to Israel and trained how to put their
knees on the necks of suspects. And you get a George Floyd.
Psalm 1840.
Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies, that I might destroy them that hate me.
Hebrews 1.13.
But to which of the angels said he at any time, sit on my right hand until I make thy enemies thy footstool?
The phrase means complete subjection of all adversaries under the authority of Jesus Christ.
It implies complete subjugation, victory.
Psalm 2, verse 9.
Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron.
Thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.
Psalm 2, kiss the son lest he be angry and ye perish from the way when his wrath is kindled but a little blessed
are all they that put their trust in him Hebrews 1 13 which I've read earlier. But to which of the angels said he at any time,
sit on my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool.
Hebrews 10 verses 12 and 13.
But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever,
sat down on the right hand of God from henceforth, expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.
Look at what this says.
But this man, meaning Jesus. suffered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God,
and from henceforth expecting
till his enemies be made his footstool.
Doc, that says Jesus Christ,
this very moment,
is expecting, anticipating, and waiting on his enemies to be made his footstool.
Oh, and they're going to be too. Yes, they will be. And 1 Corinthians 15, one of the most
fascinating chapters in the New Testament for me, tells me that Jesus is going to make everything
his footstool. Even death.
That's the last enemy that will be put under his feet.
Which scripture are you referring to?
1 Corinthians chapter 15.
And it talks about the end of time.
It says, I'll start at verse 24.
Then come at the end, the final day,
when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God,
even the Father,
when he shall have put down all rule
and all authority and power,
for he must reign until
he has put all enemies under his feet.
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death,
for he that put all things under his feet.
But when he saith all things are put under him,
it is manifest that he is accepted,
which did put all things under him.
And when all things shall be subdued unto him,
then shall the Son also be subject unto him
that put all things under him.
In other words, Christ gives the kingdom to the Father.
Back to the Father.
When the last enemy is destroyed, the last enemy death, he gives the kingdom back to the Father.
So Paul said in verse 25, 1 Corinthians 15,
Apostle Paul said,
For he, meaning Jesus Christ, must reign till he hath put all enemies under his feet.
Well, then, Doc, that means he's reigning now.
I mean, to me, that's an open and shut case there, Rick.
You don't need Perry Mason or Columbo to figure this one out.
Right. All right. So all this doctrine of the Darbyites, the Scofieldites, and the rapture guys,
that Christ will reign after the rapture, he'll set up his throne in Israel,
that contradicts 1 Corinthians 15, verse 25.
For he must reign till he hath put all enemies under his feet the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death but when he saith all things are put under him it is manifest that he
is expected which did put all things under him. So it is a phrase,
put thy enemies, make thy enemies thy footstool.
Again, it implies total subjugation
of all rebellious Jews and Gentiles,
leading them to acknowledge
that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Every knee shall bow.
Every tongue shall confess that Christ is Lord.
That's when they become his footstool.
So, despite the raging opposition and attempts to overthrow the kingdom of Jesus Christ,
we as believers are reminded to trust in the unshakable decree of God,
which establishes and sustains the reign of his son.
Now, verse 45.
If then David calls him Lord,
how is he his son?
So he poses a question to the Pharisees,
again, based on Psalm 110, verse 1.
The Lord said unto my Lord,
Sit thou at my right hand
till I make thy enemies thy footstool
that verse
points unmistakably to the Messiah
as a conquering king
eternal priest
after the order of Mechizedek
so the question highlights the dual nature of the Messiah as David's
son and David's Lord and so go ahead doc I was just say but it requires the
Pharisees to go beyond what they currently accept yeah I mean it takes it
it takes a leap to go to the next level even though the word makes
it pretty clear the word makes it clear that david's throne was going to be an eternal throne
so you have to deal with that it's going to be a forever throne well if it's a forever throne
there's only one uh being in the universe that can sit on that throne
one who is eternal and so it's it's got to be god that sits on that throne. One who is eternal. And so it's got to be God
that sits on that throne.
And so the Pharisees have to
really come to grips with this.
This is beyond their understanding,
their idea,
because it requires moving forward
in faith on this.
Faith in saying that David
would have to be a man
and yet he's also God and that was so far out of their wheelhouse it's hard
for us to comprehend today we just accept it today that Jesus was both man
and God oh it was exploding their minds at that time. Right. But that's the only conclusion
you can come to
after you read Psalm 110.
That the
son of David was also going to be
So the Pharisees
were unable to reconcile
the human
and divine aspects of the
Messiah's dual identity
because they misunderstood the scriptures.
That's the problem.
They misunderstood the scriptures.
They put their own spin on the scriptures.
I've said before, Doc, regardless of eschatology about the return of Jesus Christ,
there's one thing that we're all going to say after he has returned.
No matter what we believe right now about how he returns and what happens in what sequence.
We're all going to say in unity, he did it exactly as he said.
We'll have a full understanding after it's done.
And so that's what was happening with the Pharisees. They simply could not, they couldn't comprehend that the Messiah could be David's son and his Lord.
And it's because they misunderstood the scriptures and they taught it the wrong way.
They were teaching the scriptures, but it was a misunderstanding. Now, you know, also the Bible portrays the Messiah as the root and the offspring of David.
So how can a part of a plant be both the root and the flower?
Well, if you're the root and the offspring, you're the root in the offspring you're the you're the root and the flower
yes but y'all they're both part of the same plant they're one plant so that's that's how
i reconcile that they're one plant but you have in many churches today, and it's a great creed to know. know the Apostles Creed the Nicene Creed and the Athanasian Creed those three
Creed's you should know the Athanasian Creed affirms the dual nature of Christ
as both perfect God and perfect man I'm just going to read just one section of the creed although he is god and human yet christ is not
two but one he is one however not by his divinity being turned into flesh but by god's taking
humanity to himself he is one certainly not by the blending of his essence but by the blending of his essence, but by the unity of his person.
For just as one human is both rational soul and flesh,
so too the one Christ is both God and human.
Then verse 46.
No one was able to answer him a word.
Neither did any man dare ask him any more questions from that day forward.
So this verse brings to a conclusion
a series of interactions between Jesus and various groups,
the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Herodians, the scribes.
This shut them down.
You know, we would say he shut their mouths.
That last one did it.
Because this last question that he asked them
posed a dilemma
for everyone who heard it
it forced them to either
acknowledge his deity
or admit their ignorance
or their refusal
to admit his deity.
It indicates their defeat in attempting to trap Jesus with questions.
They were unable to engage in further debate or challenge him openly.
No one was able to answer him a word.
A word.
That encompasses not just the specific question asked by Jesus,
but any and all attempts to engage him in debate.
Well, now here's my question for you, Rick.
Is the end of that questioning because Jesus shut him down
or because at this point in time,
the Pharisees, the Jewish leaders had pretty much decided,
you know what, this guy's calling himself God now.
All right?
And we're not even going to engage him anymore we're
going to take his life i think both though he shut them down and he revealed his divinity
and they were speechless they were speechless because they couldn't debate him and they were speechless they were speechless
because they couldn't debate him
and they were speechless
that he
revealed himself as the son of God
again they knew who he was
I absolutely
believe that
he had silenced
the Pharisees and Herodians
regarding the payment of tribute to Caesar.
He confounded the Sadducees with their question about marriage in the resurrection.
He nonplussed the lawyer, the scribe, with the inquiry about the greatest commandment.
And now the Jews were exhausted by their attempts to entrap Jesus.
And so there's now a shift in their tactics towards more malicious schemes.
Specifically, the plotting of murder.
And if that isn't enough, Jesus spends all of Matthew chapter 23 just putting the cherry on the top of this.
And saying, this is why you need to watch out for the scribes and Pharisees.
All of chapter 3 is devoted just to that.
Yes. At this point, the Jewish rulers knew there was only one option left to silence Jesus.
Kill him.
And I am thoroughly convinced they knew he was the son of God.
Absolutely convinced. And if you want to call it deicide
that's what they did
and they are guilty of it
and after
at the crucifixion they said
let his blood be upon us and our children
and it is
it is today it still is today
thank god individual jews can get out of the curse yes he took the curse upon himself that's right
that's right as a race it the curse is upon them collectively, but individually, any Jew can get out of from underneath that curse by submitting to Christ.
You don't have to continue to do the stupidity of your forefathers.
All right, Doc. Hey, that's about it for me.
You know, we can unless you have some things to add, we can end early today.
I'm sure we're going to have plenty to talk about today in news, and we can fill in the time gap.
I'll just remind everybody that's watching and listening, this is actually a very substantial passage that we covered today,
because not only does it give the perspective you know as as things are moving along
this timeline of the passion week and everything but there's a lot of deep doctrine in this passage
you get the teaching of the eternal existence of christ you get you get the uh the basis of the
idea of the the trinity of the godhead uh you identify trinity of the godhead you identify all members of the godhead
you identify the members of godhead as being active throughout all of of history uh
not only in the past but to that day and even to this day that david recognized his lord that the lord was existent in his day and yet he was also
his son so david only could only know that through the holy spirit of god there's just a lot in this
uh uh in these uh six verses here i mean it's uh you know remember the old coffee brand chock full of nuts well this is just chock full here
information I would encourage anyone
even after we're done here today
go back through and re-read this passage
look up the scripture references
and everything that are
along with it
you're going to find a lot more in this passage
than meets the eye
yes and tomorrow we start chapter you're going to find a lot more in this passage than meets the eye.
Yes, and tomorrow we start chapter 23 and this is the chapter of woes.
Because he now begins to speak,
I see eight woes upon the Jewish rulers.
That's right.
And every woe got heavier.
Yeah. As I said,
this is, if he hasn't
shut down the scribes and Pharisees by the end
of 22, just wait
until we get down to 23.
Oh, yes.
They were
furious by the end of that discussion.
Okay. Thank you so much
for being with us today.
We'll be back tomorrow with Morning Manna.
God bless you.
God bless you.
We'll see you tomorrow. You're listening to WWCR International Shortwave Radio. You can find True News on frequency 12.160 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern
and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern.
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