TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Senator's Niece Says Joe Biden Pinched Her Nipple

Episode Date: August 4, 2021

Today on TruNews, President Joe Biden calls for the prosecution of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, while persistent rumors and condemning videos question the Commander-in-Chief in his sniffing and pin...ching habits. With the apparent exit of the Empire State’s top politician, speculation swirls on who will fill the seat. Will this be an opportunity for Hillary Clinton? A leading scientific journal says that any criticism of Dr. Tony Fauci should be considered a hate crime. In the final segment, how should Christians respond to the pressure to receive the jab? Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Raymond Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (8/04/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit Welcome to True News, I'm Edward Zoll. As the Democrats weather yet another sex scandal involving their top leadership, I'm talking about both the governor of New York and the sitting president. The country is again watching the potential of a mandatory vaccination drive. We have this coverage today and much more. But first, here is Kerry Kinsey with today's True News Headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The New York Times reporting that the FDA is
Starting point is 00:00:58 looking at granting full approval of the Pfizer vaccine by Labor Day or sooner. The Times says the agency is speeding up its approval process, and that could mean more people might be mandated to get the jab. The Marine Corps Times says the top enlisted leaders in the Corps and the Navy say mandatory shots are necessary for the force going forward. Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Russell Smith says you have to get everyone. For information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's CNN News 18 says the WHO wants to put a halt on COVID-19 booster shots until at least the end of September.
Starting point is 00:01:46 The organization wants a reversal from the majority of vaccines going to higher income countries. The Atlantic suggesting that people who aren't vaccinated should not be allowed to fly. It's worth noting, though, that the author of the piece, Juliette K.M., is a former assistant secretary for Homeland Security under President Barack Obama. NPR and other outlets reporting on that Frontier Airlines passenger who had to be taped to his seat after police say he groped and assaulted the crew. It happened on a weekend flight from Philadelphia to Miami. ABC 7 in New York has more. Now at 11 o'clock, new details on this wild video that we brought you last night on Eyewitness News.
Starting point is 00:02:43 An unruly passenger throwing punches at a Frontier Airlines flight from Philadelphia to Miami over the weekend. Flight attendants eventually used tape to restrain him in his seat and after the video went public the airline initially suspended the flight attendants but investigators say the passenger groped two flight attendants and assaulted another and after an outcry from the public and the union representing the flight attendants, Frontier now says it supports the crew members and will work with police to prosecute the passenger involved. Police say 22-year-old Maxwell Berry had two drinks, spilled a third on himself,
Starting point is 00:03:18 and was wandering the cabin shirtless and groped the breasts of two female flight attendants. That's a look at True News headlines. Thank you for watching. A lot of exciting projects are underway here at Flowing Streams. Most of you know us through True News, the most watched Christian news and analysis program in the world, and always from a conservative, traditional, biblical worldview. Over two decades of continuous broadcasting and streaming have not been easy, but they have been productive and rewarding.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Only God in heaven knows how many lost souls have come to Jesus Christ through this news program. In addition to True News, thousands of people around the world each week join us for our digital New Zion Assembly Church service. And tens of thousands of people are blessed by Prazer, our digital music streaming service. And I'll let you in on a secret. Prazer will take a big leap forward this fall. Watch for the all-new Prazer coming soon to your phone. Moreover, thousands of people watch Sacrificing Liberty, our first film. Likewise, my book Final Day has been read by thousands of people, and it has changed the way they think about the second coming of Jesus Christ. Now, we are ready to launch our biggest project ever. It's called God Tribe. It is an exciting new digital platform for young Christian
Starting point is 00:05:00 men to encourage each other in the Christian faith and grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus Christ. And I'll tell you more about God Tribe in the weeks ahead. Welcome back to True News. I think there's no greater time than now that our country needs God Tribe, Rick. This thing is moving quickly. It is going to impact this country and nations around the world. I believe we're going to see a global movement of young men coming together to be mighty warriors for Jesus Christ,
Starting point is 00:05:38 and it's going to scare the devil. And I believe we're going to see a global movement of young men coming together to be mighty warriors for Jesus Christ. nations around the world. I believe we're going to see a global movement of young men coming together to be mighty warriors for Jesus Christ. And it's going to scare the devil so bad. He's already scared. Have you seen the hit pieces? They're already writing hit pieces against us and we haven't even launched yet. So we're excited. Anyhow, watch True News tomorrow. I'll tell you the exciting announcement. And then as you saw in Kerry's headlines there, you're a young man all around the country that need guidance, that need shepherding. One young
Starting point is 00:06:12 man, that 22-year-old on that flight, the actions that he was taking prior to being taped to the seat, can't defend it, abhorrent behavior, shirtless, drunk, acting crazy. But something caught my eye, Rick. Will what happened to this young man become the norm of the response to those that people say are being unruly about not wearing their masks, are not following instructions in the cabin for, let's say, keeping them in the back of the plane, segregated away from those who are vaccinated? I hope we're not at that place yet because I don't even want to fly.
Starting point is 00:06:52 All the fun in flying is gone, and I really have no excitement about flying anywhere right now, and that's quite a statement for me. I mean, I like flying. You love it. I love flying so much. I get cravings for airline food. Really?
Starting point is 00:07:11 No. I go out to the airport just to sniff jet fuel. I love flying. But I'm not interested in flying right now. And for two reasons. The Draconian mass requirements inside. I've heard people here on our staff, those who have flown, about how nasty the flight attendants have become. You're talked down to. You're harassed. You know, I've seen videos of people, passengers being harassed.
Starting point is 00:07:46 But the other reason is the passengers are going crazy. Yes. And in this case, Edward, what were these flight attendants supposed to do? You've got a guy that's acting like a total idiot on a flying aluminum can with pass hundreds of passengers and he's he's marching up and down the aisle shirtless and grabbing flight attendants what you supposed to do with the guy this is the behavior is it's a jungle what's happening to the public what's happening to the public? What's happening to the people? It's like a spirit of insanity is coming on people. You can't even sit in an airliner and enjoy the flight without worrying
Starting point is 00:08:35 that something crazy is going to happen. I remember, this was a couple of years ago, and I forget what the incident was, but there was a YouTube video that went viral of a flight attendant in a scuffle with a passenger. And the next day I happened to be on a flight. And I remember as I boarded the flight, I looked at the flight attendants and I said, look, I just want you to know my goal here is that we both avoid being on a YouTube video. And they laughed, you know, and I was joking about it. But I was, you know, partially serious. I just want to get to my destination without a scene, without a ruckus, without this flight being on YouTube. You don't know anymore.
Starting point is 00:09:24 And the passengers are becoming, where do you go when a passenger is acting crazy? Well, you're stuck, both with the passengers, the one being restrained and the passengers who are egging it on as if it's like the Lord of the Flies. There were two things wrong I saw in the video. By the way, the Frontier crew that restrained the man, and you're right, they didn't have many options, but I didn't know they had tape capable of restraining a man to the tape. They had it available.
Starting point is 00:09:48 I mean, it's new. I mean, it's innovative. But they've been suspended. They were suspended for taking an action. But Frontier is backtracking now. Yes, they're backtracking because of some of the backlash to this. From the union that represents the flight attendants. Yes. The issue I had with this was more of how the other passengers were treating that one man, the drunk, the idiot, the man who was screaming that his parents have $2 million so he can act this way and be ridiculous, act like a child on a plane. It was the aftermath.
Starting point is 00:10:19 It almost felt as if the passengers, the part we haven't seen, we haven't seen what led up to this man being triggered, setting off. I do suspect it might have been something related to... The liquor for sure. They'll have to stop selling liquor. Just stop selling liquor on flights. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:36 And in the airport, because I doubt if it was two drinks that put him over. He was drunk when he got on the plane. Right. Have you ever sat beside a drunk on a flight? Yes, I have. And it's a long flight. It's a long flight.
Starting point is 00:10:48 I've had it before. You see these guys stagger in. They're drunk when they get on the plane. Cut out the liquor in the airports and on the flights. Right. And the primary job of a flight attendant is not to make sure everybody gets a snack and a half cup of soda pop. Okay. Their primary function is safety. attendant is not to make sure everybody gets a snack and a half cup of soda pop. Their primary function is safety, the safety of the passengers that are on the flight to make sure they arrive in one piece at their final destination.
Starting point is 00:11:17 And so I don't discount what the flight attendants did as far as being able to strain the guy. What else are you going to do? I mean, they're going to have to carry tasers you're going to have to mace what do you do with these we either do that or we start putting uh officers on every single flight do you want that is that what you want do you want to have a police officer I know we have marshals that fly on planes and stuff but they're not overt are we going to have to start having overt officers on planes but you guys mentioned something earlier about well, they're just, I could see the justification in restraining this guy. But what about, as you mentioned earlier, the mask mandates?
Starting point is 00:11:55 Okay. So let's say that an individual gets on a flight and says, I'm not wearing a mask. Will they restrain that individual and force them to wear a mask? I mean, is that where we're at? Well, no, I'll tell you where we're at. You have influential people now in the media saying the unvaccinated should not even be allowed on the flight. They placed them on a no-fly list as if they were terrorists coming out of Gitmo. You think about this. That notion is not, it didn't come out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:12:40 There was a poll done this week, and it stated that 41% of those who haven't been vaccinated could be compelled to get vaccinated if there was a no-fly list. And so people are looking at this and saying, well, okay, maybe this is the next step. This article by The Atlantic laid out that flying is not a right. And the case for restricting it to vaccinated people is straightforward. They said restricting certain privileges to vaccinated people, meaning that those who are vaccinated get to live at a higher tier of freedom and have different rights. But they noted to still have a choice to go unvaccinated, but that means giving up on certain societal benefits. We talked about this yesterday, about the change in society, how there's going to be a segregation. There's going to be a schism. There's going to be those who are placed on the back of the bus, some who are not even allowed
Starting point is 00:13:19 to ride the bus in this new America, new world? If they get their way. What I see is the stage is being set for the mark of the beast. I don't believe the vaccine is the mark of the beast, but we're getting close. Yeah, it's a precursor to it. It's paving the way for when the mark of the beast comes, because that's what comes next. Because you've get two things. You get the pressure to receive something into your body and the pressure that if you resist, you can't do business in society. Those are the attributes of the mark of the beast.
Starting point is 00:13:59 And so the public is being prepared, being primed for the mark of the beast. And now it is so easy to see how many millions of people will run to be marked, how they'll be eager to be marked. And you can also see how the reluctant, many of them will cave in. The pressure will be too great. Yes. When you're a parent and you have little children at home and you cannot work, you can't buy, you can't purchase food, what are you going to do? How many people are so committed to Jesus Christ and they know that they know that they know that if you receive the mark of the beast, you shall burn in the lake of fire. How many of them truly know that, that they would be able to withstand even unto death the pressure that's going to come on them? That's what's coming to this world someday.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Yes, it's guaranteed. It is guaranteed because it's in the Holy Bible. And we're extremely close because we're now seeing the mechanism being put in place. We're seeing the propaganda and we're seeing the pressure being applied. And so, look, I don't know when it's going to happen, but I know we are so, in one year, a year and a half since this all started,
Starting point is 00:15:33 we're so far away from where the world was at in 2019. It's like another world. It really is. How fast could we go into a Mark the Beast system? Really fast. 2023? 2022. Very easily, Doc.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Yes. This is happening fast. And a lot of people spiritually are not prepared for it. Are you prepared to suffer and die because of your commitment, your faith to Jesus Christ, knowing that if you give in to this demand, it will cost you your soul? Will you give up your life or you'll give up your soul? Which one?
Starting point is 00:16:11 And the vaccine or the so-called vaccine, I call it gene therapy, the so-called vaccine, it's a perfect example of how easy it will be for populations to be transitioned into accepting the mark. Because, for instance, in the story from The Atlantic, all right, it says, all right, we need to put the unvaccinated on a no-fly list, okay? So that means we have to mark the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.
Starting point is 00:16:37 We have to be able to identify them. I need to be able to look at that guy and say, he's vaccinated. I need to be able to look at that woman and say, she's not vaccinated. She can't get it. I'm not even going to let her go through security. I can't even allow that. And so there's going to have to be a way that they identify people. In the past, it would have been show, you know, papers or an ID card or something, but they're going to make it simple to say, he's one of us. She's not one of us. And so that's how easy it is. And like we kind of stressed yesterday and brought over to say, he's one of us, she's not one of us. And so that's how easy it is. And like we kind of stressed yesterday
Starting point is 00:17:08 and brought over to today, when the pressure is really on, when we can't buy food, when we can't pay our electric bill, when we can't get on a train or a bus or a plane because of our commitment to Christ and the principles of Christ, will that change a lot of people's opinion on what they will or will not do?
Starting point is 00:17:29 And so the jab is a perfect example of how easy it will be. Remember, Rick, how in the past in church we talk, oh, when this comes, when the mark of the beast comes, I'm going to resist it, I'm going to fight it. But look how many churches capitulated. Now, later on in the God cast today, we'll be talking about a pastor that's capitulated. It's so easy, Rick, just so easy because they haven't had any faith. And the mark of the beast will include a lot of information, your DNA, your work history, everything, your social media score.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Everything will be on that mark of the beast, but also your vaccination record. Yes. All the vaccines you've ever received. And that will also be in that mark of the beast. One scan, they know everything about you. I think often to what you preached on this subject, we're required to be salty. We're not supposed to be in a manner where we're lukewarm. We're not supposed to be without taste. Salty Christians are going to endure. It's not going to be easy, but we're going to endure.
Starting point is 00:18:39 But I think about that. What does salt do? It preserves. In this sense, we're going to need a lot of perseverance. We're going to both need to preserve and still be evangelists of the gospel, but we're going to have to have perseverance during these times. Because it's perilous times in this sense. You have to pick between the things that give you comfort and the things which will give you eternal damnation. That's right. Jesus said, he who endures to the end shall be saved. Not he who gets raptured out and escapes shall be saved. But he who endures to the end. The great challenge is going to be that last stretch. And I believe we're in that last stretch.
Starting point is 00:19:21 I don't know how long it lasts, but we're in the last stretch. You can feel the spiritual pressure. You can feel the change in the spiritual atmosphere that some people who call themselves Christians are going to fall by the wayside. Others who are by the wayside right now are going to stand up straight and say, I know what's going on, and I'm going to make that commitment, and I'm going home with Christ. So you're going to see both groups changing. Some in church right now are going to drop out. Some that are dropouts out on the street are going to turn out to be more Christian than the people in the church. That's who God Tribe's going after. We're going out to where the bikers are at. We're going
Starting point is 00:20:11 out to where the guys are hanging out, and we're going to preach the gospel. We're going to give them the real gospel and tell them, if you're a real man, come to Christ. And I know in my heart there's going to be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, unlike anything we've ever seen. We're in the homestretch. If you're excited about what we're doing, please get behind us, support us, back us. Look, there'll be a day where none of us can do anything to win another soul. It'll just be over. It's done. And time's out for the whole human race. Use every resource that you have right now to help lead souls to Christ. In a lot of ways, we're trying to build people toward an arc. There could be a day where we're no longer able to do the God cast because like with vaccine and
Starting point is 00:21:05 we're quote unquote misinformation, the deplatforming people, just reporting on political scandals, it will become illegal. It will become something you will instantly be deplatformed over. I mean, and the two things in the end times we talk, you can't take the mark. We also can't let ourselves fall into deception. I mean, the Lord told us that even the elect can be deceived near the end. That's how bad the deception is going to be. What greater example of deception and gaslighting than this current Democrat sex scandal with the governor of New York? Mr. Cuomo, I would not be surprised he has resigned by the time we finish this
Starting point is 00:21:43 this Godcast today. His political career is over. And it's interesting that the Democrats have turned on him. He was their darling boy. Yeah. They loved him. He was leading the charge. Didn't he win an Emmy? They gave him an Emmy. Yeah, they gave the guy an Emmy for his COVID. COVID briefings. Yeah, but really in turn he ended up murdering thousands of senior citizens. Yeah. But that's not what they're, they're not going after him for the thousands of, of nursing home residents that died. They're going after him, uh, for, uh, sexually, uh,
Starting point is 00:22:22 violating young women. Isn't it interesting? I mean, both of them are bad, but people died, and they're not bothered about that. No. Not at all. Not bothered at all. But on this, they're going after him, and today the mayor of New York City, de Blasio,
Starting point is 00:22:42 said that Governor Cuomo should be charged criminally. Now, de Blasio and Cuomo have had a long running political feud that they're not friends. So de Blasio is using an opportunity to get a knife into into Cuomo's political career. But Joe Biden said he should resign and that he could be prosecuted. Nancy Pelosi has called for him to resign. Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer has called for him to resign,
Starting point is 00:23:15 who's also from New York State. It's it. It's over. It's over. The election for the next New York governor is in 2022. They don't want Cuomo running. Apparently, the Republican candidate, Stefanik, must have a decent, realistic possibility of defeating Cuomo. I can't imagine why they're so eager to get him out of there if they're not fearing a Republican winning the governorship. My understanding is Lisa Stefanik, she's a New York Republican. You mean like Trump? Just like Trump.
Starting point is 00:23:57 So she's not someone that we would consider to be a hardcore conservative. I could see a liberal Republican maybe having a shot. It's a good point, Rick, that this wouldn't be happening. They wouldn't be putting a candidate up like that if there wasn't turmoil. I mean, we've speculated that the Attorney General for New York, Letitia James, might be one to replace. But today, the issue that Democrats have is that their sitting governor, the man that they thought was going to carry them through the next political cycle,
Starting point is 00:24:25 this was going to be a success story of the pandemic. Someone who saved one of the biggest cities in the country, that he is now a villain. He's evil. We're wondering, what did Cuomo do to go from sweetheart to devil in the eyes of many of the Democrats? Well, I can tell you this. The Democrats didn't suddenly get a burst of morality. No, no, not at all. They didn't have that.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Don't be don't be fooled by their their crocodile tears. They're not really broken about about the allegations. Cuomo did something to the Democratic Party chieftains that none of us know about. He betrayed them. He double-crossed them. He did something that they said, you're done. We're taking you out. I think he killed somebody's grandma. I think that's what — I'm serious. I'm serious that they can't go after him for that because — In the nursing home. In the nursing home, yes. But they can't go after him for that publicly because then they'd have to go after Gretchen Whitmer because she did the same thing. No, no, I don't think so. You don't think he killed somebody?
Starting point is 00:25:33 No, they wouldn't. It wouldn't affect Biden and Schumer and and all of it. I think that there's something. He violated a rule. An unwritten rule. In the mob, in the crime syndicate. He violated a rule. It's possible we might have a clue. And remember the stories back in February where he was, where Governor Cuomo was accused of strong arming state assembly people as far as it relates to the investigation on the COVID and the nursing home things. I think an Asian American representative, last name of Kim, came out and came out. And I
Starting point is 00:26:15 think this is number 10 for control, if you want to bring it up. New York Times had reported that Cuomo attacked a fellow Democrat over nursing home criticism. And several Democrats went back at Cuomo over this, including the Speaker of the House, Speaker of the Assembly in the state of New York. And so that may be one of the unwritten rules that he broke in that, yeah, it's OK to criticize Republicans. It's okay to go after them and their actions. It's not okay to publicly go after another Democrat. Just a thought. Doc, I think it's got to be something far, far more serious.
Starting point is 00:26:55 I'm talking about a crime syndicate. Could it have been the persecution of a certain religious community? Remember the stories last year, the crackdown on the... But that was de Blasio. That was de Blasio. That was de Blasio. De Cuomo got a little... De Blasio was the one who went after the Orthodox Jews, and he survived.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Now, there's something, and I would say it has to do most likely with money. Maybe he cut out some people. Maybe he double-crossed some people. But he did something that has made a lot of powerful Democrats angry. The only other thing I could think, Doc, what you were saying there is the nursing home death scandal. that they're thinking if we don't get him out of the governor's mansion, that scandal is still bubbling and brewing, and we've got to get him out and just take the heat off of it that if he's out of the governor's house,
Starting point is 00:27:58 they'll drop the investigation into the depths, possibly. Yeah, because there was other Democrat governors who've been accused of doing the same thing. Whitmer, Pritzker. But they have to dispose of him in order to just be like, okay, we'll get rid of him because he was the highest profile case of that. So it could be that, and we're just like,
Starting point is 00:28:16 this is so bad, we cannot continue with him. We have to get rid of him. So they dispose of these people. They use them to a certain point, and then they're easily disposable. Well, his brother, Chris Cuomo at CNN, is CNN going to fire Chris Cuomo? I mean, it's been documented in the report that Chris Cuomo used his position at CNN to help his help his governor brother escape from accountability for what he did to these women. Yeah, strategize about how to respond to the sexual scandal.
Starting point is 00:28:49 And then use CNN for the propaganda. Yes. So will CNN fire Chris Cuomo? They're going to have to fire their entire evening lineup, Rick, because last night on CNN, this story, arguably the biggest political story in the entire country, was absent from the shows on that network. Well, that's coming from the top because they know they have to deal with this Chris Cuomo scandal. So they're just
Starting point is 00:29:16 saying, nobody say anything until we figure out what to say. Hypocrites, hypocrites, hypocrites. What do we expect, though? I say part of me is shocked. Other parts, this is what do you expect from CNN, an outlet that lied about more than just the impeachment of President Trump, but going back to their coverage of hurricanes and floods. Remember Anderson Cooper standing in the puddle while he's covering a flood? But Lauren brought up the Emmy. So will his Emmy be rescinded?
Starting point is 00:29:45 Oh, it better be. You know, people need to demand that. You know, I'm sitting here thinking about this. And I really think he must have done something to offend a big Democrat donor, somebody who donates to everybody. Because New York is known to have people that contribute to the Democrat PACs. So he could have offended and they could have said, you get rid of him or no more money, you know, that kind of thing. So that could be it, too, because like you said, they don't care about sexual allegations. They
Starting point is 00:30:12 don't care about really dead people. They don't care or else they would have closed the southern border. Yeah, they don't care. So it always comes down to money. So follow the money. I guarantee you can figure out what it was that Cuomo did that they allowed him to be disposed of and thrown to the dogs. Too cocky, too brazen. And he upset somebody with an enormous amount of power. But Andrew Cuomo's political career is over. And if he doesn't step down today, impeachment proceedings could begin. That's what the mayor of New York said. Well, the assembly leader.
Starting point is 00:30:50 The assembly leader said the same thing. He's a Democrat, said they're going to begin immediately with impeachment proceedings if the governor doesn't resign today. And there's now an active investigation out of Albany County. So I think Lieutenant Governor Holchul, she would assume the office of governor if he resigned, if he stepped away. But that really puts the race wide open in 2022. And I mean, you could see names. DeBlasio could run for governor.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Senator Gillibrand could run. Hillary Clinton could run for governor of New York. Yes. And so that would be a very powerful position. Oh, well, wait a minute. Is Hillary Clinton involved in this? Well, that's where I was going with it, Rick. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:31:37 So think about it. Oh, no. Is this the comeback? Are they clearing the way? I mean, that's what's been bothering me all afternoon. Who in the state of New York has the power to take out Andrew Cuomo? I remember when
Starting point is 00:31:51 John F. Kennedy Jr. was rumored that he was going to run for senator of New York State. Right, and then he died. And he died. In a plane crash. And Hillary then moved to New York State. So he wasn't a New Yorker. He was from Arkansas.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Right. So it wouldn't be the first time, would it, Rick? But that's something that's bothered me all day today. Cuomo should be grateful he's still living, he's still breathing. You know, Hillary wants his position. Yeah, but he's been digitally executed. That's the new execution now. Right. Yeah, but he's been digitally executed. That's the new execution now. You do it by digital assassination of a person's character.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Well, someone who actually seemingly predicted this prosecution and even predicted the guilt that would come from the investigation was the sitting president, Joe Biden. And just like Andrew Cuomo, he's got his own scandal brewing, I'd say, on many fronts. We have something very interesting we're going to share with you after the break. But on Cuomo and on Biden and on Weinstein, Epstein, even the Clintons, this has become a hallmark of the Democratic Party. Republicans have their sins too, but when you dedicate your party to death, these are the fruits. We'll be back in just a moment. Prazer. Christian music
Starting point is 00:33:13 streaming anywhere, anytime on demand. The Prazer audience requests for new features has been well received. The all new Prazer on demand app will be available soon. The new Prazer app includes an interactive dashboard, hand curated categories, offline listening, search for music, create custom playlists and much more. Pre-register today at and get the first month free. The new
Starting point is 00:33:36 interactive Prazer app will be available soon. Pre-register today at I have a big announcement for you. Very soon, we will launch our biggest project ever. It is God Tribe. God Tribe is an exciting new digital online platform for young men to learn more about Jesus Christ and his kingdom. The first phase of God Tribe will launch in early fall 2021, and it will include social media and audio chat rooms. Our chat feature is called Campfires. Any member of God Tribe will be able to start and conduct a campfire conversation any time of the day. And I personally plan to have a campfire conversation every weeknight from the comfort of my home. I am confident that you will love holding your own campfire chats along with your friends.
Starting point is 00:34:34 But there's more. God Tribe will also have its own 24-hour television network. God Tribe TV is the first Christian television network for men. The programming will include hunting and fishing and outdoor shows, do-it-yourself shows, sports, news, and inspirational programs. Our in-house development team has been quietly working since January with developers around the world to build the God Tribe platform. And it's not been cheap. We have invested several hundred thousands of dollars into God Tribe. The souls of young men are more than worth the money we have invested. All of these exciting projects are for the glory
Starting point is 00:35:22 of Jesus Christ and the expansion of his kingdom on earth. They are made possible because generous people just like you contribute money each month to underwrite the growing expenses of flowing streams. I'm asking you to join me as a monthly partner of Flowing Streams. This is fertile soil that is producing a rich harvest of souls for God's kingdom. The Lord himself will richly reward your generosity and faithfulness. Welcome back to True News. I said before the break that we had something very interesting to share on Joe Biden. Now, before we were discussing the end of Cuomo could be a comeback for Hillary Clinton. But what's important is that Joe Biden has come out. He's decried this. He's condemned what has been said about Mr. Cuomo, but specifically in the past he said that he believes anybody that has
Starting point is 00:36:27 been accused of abusing a woman, doing something against her will, doing something untoward sexually, that they should resign, that they should leave office, that they should be prosecuted. Now, the problem with that is that this statement, like many Joe Biden has made during his presidency, that might come back to bite him. There has been a very odd post on TikTok that came to our attention. And what am I talking about TikTok, this social media platform that the Chinese seem to run? We're talking about this because there was a niece of a sitting senator, the senator out of Montana, Stephen Daines. It turns out that his niece has posted that Joe Biden pinched her nipple.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Now, this happened back in 2015, according to the young woman. This young woman is the niece, again, of a sitting senator. So the senator, Senator Daines, Stephen Daines, Republican senator from Montana, elected in 2014. His daughter. Niece. A niece. I'm sorry, his niece. How old was she when this alleged touching from Joe Biden occurred? She would have been eight years old. Eight.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Eight years old. A child. Yes. The incident, January 3rd, 2015, during the swearing-in event, which then Vice President Joe Biden was overseeing. Of her uncle. Yes. The young woman, she has a TikTok account, and her name is Maria Pichessi.
Starting point is 00:38:06 And as you saw on the screen, that was the screenshot of the TikTok post. It has been deleted that once this was caught, she quickly deleted this, maybe an advisory from her parents or even her uncle. Well, she can't be more than 14 now. Yes. She's still underage. She's a teen. This is, again, only six years ago. But someone asked her, did Joe Biden pinch you? To which she said, yes. The incident which she was being questioned about was the incident when she was a kid. We have the footage. Thank you to C-SPAN and the archive of this. Many have seen footage of Joe Biden sniffing hair, grabbing at children, having his hand smacked away by former Senator Jeff Sessions. This is the footage. This is the moment where that pinching would have taken place. You and I can't get away with that.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Hi again. Good to see you. I love the picture. Thank you. Thank you so much. Good to see you. You get right in the middle here with us. Come on. Okay, here we go. You ready?
Starting point is 00:39:19 What a beautiful scene. Alright, here we go. Alright we got up top here. Look up there. Great. That was great. We got some more family coming in. Can we get some of you? Sure. Someone go behind there. Go behind.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Say that to keep the guys away. Hey Charlie. Hey man, what's your name? Hey Charlie, how are you? Call the folks in the back. Hi Maggie. Hi, man, how are you? What's your name? Hi, Maggie. How are you?
Starting point is 00:40:08 Hi, Grammy. How are you? Good to see you. Hey, man. How are you? Good to see you, man. Okay. Wow, what a great family. Come on. I like kids. I like kids. It's in the middle of that, right after Joe Biden said, look up.
Starting point is 00:40:39 You saw his right hand come sliding down on that young girl, which was the eight year old, moving over her breast. This is the moment that she's talking about on TikTok. Are you suggesting that when President Biden told the audience, look up, that he was diverting their attention so he could move his hand onto that child's breast? I'm trying to find an explanation of how a father and an uncle and the rest of the adults in the room missed Joe Biden's hand moving down and inappropriately touching a young girl. Yes, I think that when he pointed it up, look at everybody. Everyone's looking up. Joe Biden's hand is going down. That's the girl right there in front of him. And right there.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Watch her move. And she starts to move away from him. She began to move away from him. Yep. And she was asked, did Joe Biden pinch you? And she said, yes. Deleted the comment and even made the comment afterwards. They're like, why did you delete your comment? And she said, well, because if I tell anybody, they're not going to, my friends, I'm not going to have my friends anymore. I'm not going to be
Starting point is 00:41:35 able to talk to my friends anymore. And who would her friends be? Exactly. Who? Democrats, high level Democrats. Exactly. And she's just a little girl. Yeah. You know, and it's a shame. Like there was multiple senators there that allowed Joe Biden to grope all over their daughters. You know, it was it was an award ceremony, an inauguration ceremony that they were there. They were celebrating the people that had just won their campaigns. And it was like offering up your children to Joe Biden is what the whole ceremony became.
Starting point is 00:42:07 This is disgusting. Biden can't keep his fingers off of little girls. Or his nose. You see so many of the videos where he's sniffing girls' hair, women's hair. That alone would creep me out. But this video is really quite chilling especially when you when you pair it with the child saying online yes he pinched me and then we see the video all right so this is happening at the same time that Joe Biden is calling for the resignation and the prosecution of Governor Cuomo. Yep.
Starting point is 00:42:50 What about investigating and prosecuting a child molester? Well, we have to hope there's some white hat prosecutors left in the FBI, people that were willing to actually prosecute what in this case would be a child sex crime. If that was clearly he wasn't given permission to put his hand on that child's breast. And again, there was nothing reported at the time about him inappropriately touching. I say a pinch. That would be assault. You know, if you could get Cuomo to resign and Biden to resign, Hillary Clinton would then have two options. She'd have to choose. Does she want to be the governor of New York or the vice president of the United States? Don't get her hopes up, Rick. Don't get her hopes up.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Which one would she choose? She's circling around like a vulture. She's got her hopes up already. She's thought way ahead of us. I would say she would choose the governorship of New York. If she chose the vice presidency, she would be subordinate to Kamala Harris and had to run for vice president at 24. Now, if she runs,
Starting point is 00:43:53 if she's the governor of New York, she can push Kamala Harris off the stage and Hillary will dominate. But let's get back to Joe Biden. As a young woman, when you saw that video of Joe Biden and that little girl. From a female perspective, what do you think happened? Well, well, I think what the little girl said, you know, happened, you know, and also that she's getting pressured from the Democrat Party or her friends.
Starting point is 00:44:26 I mean, her uncle's a Republican. Yeah, but she's just a political class. Yeah, she would be running around with. It could be, though. But also the Democrat Party also influences. I mean, I guarantee that that senator got a phone call. Hey, you need to get your niece in line because she's slipping up and saying things. So that's the kind of thing like they're all in it together. They all cover it up together.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Just watching Biden's motions as a female, if you were that little girl, what do you think he did? I mean, do you think it was an innocent, he just didn't realize his hand moved to her chest. Or do you think he deliberately moved his hand there while he got everybody else to look up at the ceiling? Absolutely not. I think that I mean, this is a common occurrence. This isn't just an isolated incident. You know, we have the accusations from Tara Reeve. We have accusations from Christina Donald's niece, another Senate candidate ran, that he told her that she was well endowed. You know, like there's so many instances of this happening to young girls around Joe Biden. You can't deny it.
Starting point is 00:45:34 It's right there. We have footage. What happened to believing the women? Remember that? That's only if the accusation is leveled against a Republican. Then you can believe the woman. Then you believe the woman. If it's Kavanaugh or something like that, we believe the woman.
Starting point is 00:45:52 But if the perpetrator is a Democrat, you attack the woman. Well, that was Joe Biden's first response. He said about Cuomo yesterday, he said he has to be charged. We believe all women. That's what he said. That was his response. I believe these young women. The little girl, you clearly see her move away from him.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Because he did something. He did something that she knew was wrong. Yes. She tried to get away from then the vice president of the United States. And Lauren mentioned this is an isolated incident. I think judging by the comment here, we've always wondered, when will a child come forward? A child at this event specifically, there's several. This is the same event that Senator Coons, his daughter, a red-headed daughter, was, let's say, uncomfortably sniffed by then-Vice President Joe Biden. We wondered, when will one of these girls talk? Well, it appears we've gotten the first. I hope there's many more. But if you are in some kind of delusion that you don't know about the other incidents,
Starting point is 00:47:07 not just at this event, but the wives of cabinet-level officials, the former defense secretary, for example, Ash Carter, we have put together a montage of these incidents. Spread your legs, you're going to be frisked. Drop your hands. You say that to somebody in North Dakota, they think it's a frisk. Drop your hands to the side, you know. Today is a really special day. Thanks to Give Out here. First and foremost to my perfect wife, Stephanie,
Starting point is 00:47:37 my wonderful son, Will, and my daughter, Ava, already mentioned. I was taking a selfie with White Tiger in New York. It was nice. Hey, look at your reputation. I'm hungry. I've got a job. Fifteen. Fifteen.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Remember, no serious guys until you're thirty. What I like most is getting to see their children and their parents, particularly their moms and dads, when I reenact the swearing in in the old Senate chamber where their whole families are able to be there and stand with them as I reenact the swearing in. It's a moment of real joy. It has nothing to do with Republican and Democrat. It has to do with having the opportunity to actually join the single most important legislative body in the world. And it is an enormous honor. I served there for a long time, and I consider myself a Senate man.
Starting point is 00:48:53 So it's good to be going back, and it's good to be able to perform this function. I am not doing this. Yes, you are. It's part of the job. Constitutionally, you are. Yeah. What was that, Doc? I thought, was he going to sniff Lindsey, too? All- that, Doc? I thought it was going to sniff Lindsay, too.
Starting point is 00:49:08 And so our stars go. That's our president. Yeah. And if you saw the Jeff Sessions actually swatted Joe Biden off of his granddaughter. And then you see Chris Coons, his wife, actually. Chris Coons was my opponent, actually. I ran against him last year. He stood there and smiled, looked over, saw Joe Biden groping his daughter and still went back and kept smiling. His wife had to intervene to get Joe off of Chris Coons's daughter. You know, it's just and they just sit and watch. You know, it's like he just allowed it to happen. It gets a little bit sicker because when last year during the campaign and you had the Hunter Biden laptop schedule scandal that the news media did such an excellent job making sure most Americans didn't know about it. Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:02 There was another story that came out about the diary of one of the Biden daughters. Yes. Ashley Blazer Biden. This is from National File. This was a story we saw and we weren't quite sure what to make of it at the time. It's October 2020, right before the election. We weren't sure if this was a real diary. It kind of looked like, you know, maybe something had been fabricated. But what was interesting is, Laurie, you're aware of the actual, the person who found this diary. And correct my understanding, this was found after it was left at a rehab facility. And what was in this diary is incredibly shocking. If you look at the diary entries, the whole thing is her keeping track of what she's studying, what she's going through, things she's working through. This is Biden's daughter. Yes. While she's going, she went,
Starting point is 00:50:50 she struggled with addiction. She struggled with sex addiction. She had multiple issues that she struggled with and she was trying to get help for them. So this diary kind of documents everything that she was walking through, her thoughts, her feelings. And, you know, it was very honest. And somebody got a hold of it and turned it in to the media. You know, they left, she left, either she left it there or she wanted somebody to find it. However, it was given out to be handed to the media. And doesn't the diary indicate that the Biden, Joe Biden has a history of inappropriate sexual behavior even inside his family. Yes. So she documents trauma, feeling trauma.
Starting point is 00:51:34 She says in her diary entry, she's like, was I molested? I think so. But she also, interestingly enough, talks about the inappropriate showers that she was taking with her dad being Joe Biden. Okay, so that's what I remember when this story came out. Yes, yes. She was taking inappropriate, she said, probably not appropriate showers with my dad at a young age. So think about this, Lauren.
Starting point is 00:52:00 She said right there, being turned on when I wasn't supposed to be, right after showers with my dad. Being turned on? When I wasn't supposed to be. My goodness. So you had Trump who fantasized about having sex with his daughter. And you have Biden who took showers with his daughter. And this is the choice that we're given? Choose one. Which one do you want?
Starting point is 00:52:26 Trump, who just thinks about having sex with his daughter, or Biden, who takes showers with his daughter? How about they're both perverts? Both of them are perverts. Both of them need Christ in their life. Yes. Both of them need to be delivered from sexual bondage. Their whole families need to be healed by the Holy Spirit. But this is what America has as leaders? This is it? Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:00 That's our judgment. That's our judgment, Rick. we get the leaders we deserve. That's our judgment because of our own sin. And what we what did we do when I say we got the right, the conservatives, including the evangelical right. a scandal came out about Donald Trump, we just winced and said, we're just not going to act like we even know about it, and we're just going to help him get through the election. Yes. Because the alternative is way worse. Because the alternative was even worse, because over there, they were doing spirit cooking. Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Blood rituals. Yes. Sacrifices. So once again, our choice was what? Donald Trump, whose friend is Jeffrey Epstein. Right. Mentor is Roy Cohn. Or Hillary Clinton, whose husband hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. Either way, you get a sex pervert.
Starting point is 00:54:02 There's something very sick dwelling among our government system. It really is. It's in our society. It's our society that we're that this is what we're accepting as leadership. It's rotten. It's rotten from the inside out. Again, both parties hold ownership because this isn't something new to the Daines family. I don't think that for a second in the sense of, I don't believe she first raised it on TikTok. I'm talking about the niece. Before she decided to go public on that public social media platform to raise this issue, the Daines family, I'm talking about the father of her and then also the uncle, they were there that day. They've likely had conversations there since.
Starting point is 00:54:46 She probably did say, hey, dad, I wasn't comfortable with this. But who was the person who questioned her on TikTok? Somebody said, did Biden touch you? Did he pinch you? It was a citizen journalist. OK, well, how did he know? You just don't reach out to a child who's 14, 15 years old and say, hey, did the president of the United States pinch you? How did he know about the incident?
Starting point is 00:55:14 Watching the video we just watched. But how did he see the video? I've seen that video before, and it never occurred to me about his hand until today. Okay, so you're saying that that video was on C-SPAN and it's been, somebody noticed it and has, this is the first time I've heard of it. What I've seen online is that every single second of that video, it's about two hours long, of the swearing in ceremony has been dissected. And every incident looked weird. Someone has reached out to the kid or the family. They've been barraged with it.
Starting point is 00:55:51 Again, I don't think for a second anybody, from Senator Daines to even Senator Sessions, is not aware of the appearance. Even Senator Coons. Senator Coons responded about this. That's how obvious this got. That's just Uncle Joe. That's just obvious this got. He had to address this. That's just Uncle Joe.
Starting point is 00:56:07 He's totally normal being like that. He's like that all the time. The kids love him. That's what they essentially said. And this occurred while you were running against Coons? Oh, no. This happened before I ran against Chris Coons. But did this come up in your campaign?
Starting point is 00:56:19 Yeah, I asked. You know, I was like, why would you allow your daughter to be groped on live television in front of the United States of America and see it happening? And as a father, do nothing. You know, like if you aren't able to protect your daughter, how can you? I can you know, their job is to protect us. Right. Legislation that protects the American people. But if he can't even take care or look after his own daughter is willing to overlook that to his buddy Joe. If you're willing to defend your own child, how would you defend the people of your state, of the country? Right.
Starting point is 00:56:53 So Senator Daines certainly knew from his daughter what happened. At some point, she told her father and mother. Who then told Senator Daines. And so that was that. Yes, I keep thinking it's, you know, so. Well, it's because we think when we look at a young girl like that, we think of our daughters. We think of young girls we know in the sense of our own family. I don't have kids, but I look at that and I'm just appalled.
Starting point is 00:57:20 I want to stop him from touching that kid. So I'm going to go back. So if she told her parents and said, hey, you know, at at my uncle's swearing in, the vice president touched me the wrong way. Certainly, Senator Daines knew about what happened to his niece. But to our knowledge, he's never brought it up publicly, never confronted Biden. It just reminds me of what Sidney McCain said. Sidney McCain, the wife of the late John McCain, she knew about the Epstein scandal well before he's even first arrested. She said everybody was afraid. Afraid of whom? Well, who did Epstein work for?
Starting point is 00:58:04 Many agencies, but one specifically. But Biden has a long, long history of doing this. And he's never been publicly challenged on it. And yet right now we have the Democratic Party, including Biden, challenging Cuomo to resign. And yet they haven't turned it around. What if Cuomo turns this thing around on, hey, governor, if you're watching, you might want to ask President Biden,
Starting point is 00:58:34 is he going to resign? And he will truly earn an Emmy. This is an appalling scandal. We're probably going to see many more of them as time progresses in this country. We deserve to be judged. This is a sexually depraved society. After the break we're going to discuss
Starting point is 00:58:52 how that sexually depraved society is trying to inject things into your arm. More so, the change in society. Specifically the Great Reset and what to expect after it. We'll be back here in just a moment. Here's Kerry with a second True News Headlines.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Something new and exciting is coming this fall. It's a digital platform for young Christian men. The name is God Tribe. God Tribe is diverse. One tribe, many colors. A safe place online for Christian men to be real men. Social media features to connect with other men who love Jesus Christ. Digital campfire conversations. Uplifting and inspiring Bible study courses.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Register at for more information. God Tribe. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The Jerusalem Post says the head of the UAV command for Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was behind the attack on the Israeli-linked Mercer Street ship. Israel's foreign minister and defense minister pointing fingers at Saeed al-Jani. Iran will be able to break out to a nuclear weapon within 10 weeks. The Jerusalem Post quoting Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz. He tells diplomats from the U.N. Security Council member states that Iran has violated all of the guidelines set in the nuclear agreement. He's asking for economic sanctions against the country. For information on this story and more, please visit our companion website.
Starting point is 01:00:31 It's Hararetz with an op-ed about the alleged raid by Israeli soldiers on a children's rights group in the West Bank just a day after a 12-year-old Palestinian boy was killed by gunfire. According to Defense for Children's International Palestine, more than a dozen Israeli soldiers forced their way into the West Bank offices of DCIP. They confiscated computers, laptops, hard drives, and files of Palestinian children detainees. In the area circled on July 28th, that is,
Starting point is 01:01:15 Haaretz says Mohammed Al-Alami was shot in the chest while sitting in a vehicle. He later died at the hospital. The Washington Post reporting that Florida won't put any state money into the parent company of Ben and Jerry's unless it reverses a decision to stop selling ice cream in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. That according to Governor Ron DeSantis, Unilever has 90 days to cease and desist or face Florida's snubbing of its more than 400 brands, including Lipton Tea, Hellman's, Hellman's that is, and Dove Soap. That's a look at True News
Starting point is 01:01:57 headlines. Thank you for watching. Welcome back to True News. As Kerry laid out, there is, just like in the United States, the persecution of the Palestinians continuing, the war there never ended. The latest iteration of this is in the war-torn and politically unstable country of Lebanon. They right now are a recipient of artillery fire. There were reportedly missiles fired from Lebanon early today. country of Lebanon, they right now are a recipient of artillery fire. There were reportedly missiles fired from Lebanon early today. These missiles came in to the Golan Heights and just so happened during a drill that the Israelis were running, again we remind you of this, before the talk about going to war with Iran even began, Israel had planned a drill to use the lessons learned from the
Starting point is 01:02:44 war with Hamas. Well, because that drill was going, they were ready and able to direct artillery fire back into the country. Mind you, Israel criticized Hamas for firing missiles indiscriminately into neighborhoods in southern Israel. But will anyone criticize Israel for indiscriminately firing artillery fire into Lebanon? Well, I mean, they couldn't make the defense. They were simply, you know, defending themselves. They're responding in kind, eye for an eye in that manner. But of course, the emphasis is going to be on the rockets coming from Lebanon and not the rockets going into Lebanon. So, you know, also Kerry did a story of, you know, once again, the IDF arresting, you know, these brave IDF soldiers arresting 12-year-old kids, I mean, and going through all that. So we see this, you know, ramp up once again.
Starting point is 01:03:41 That cooling off period that we had after Benjamin Netanyahu and the introduction of Mr. Bennett as Prime Minister, well obviously the honeymoon is over. Things are ramping back up again. It's time to kill some more Palestinians and some more members of Hamas and everything. So it's hunting season again. Well certainly, while Israel is facing war crimes for the various actions against the Palestinians and others, they themselves are dealing with much of what the world is dealing with right now. A mysterious Delta variant which has crippled many countries'
Starting point is 01:04:16 ability to think straight, and most countries now are entertaining the notion of what it would look like to have not just a vaccine passport, not just severe lockdowns, apps that track. No, they're looking at mandatory vaccination. As you heard in the beginning of the program, the FDA, according to The New York Times, is looking at an approval, a full authorization of the Pfizer shot by September. That's a big deal. That's next month. That would mean the Department of Defense. That would mean certain companies, the city of San
Starting point is 01:04:52 Francisco, for their employees, that they'll be able finally, in their mind, to legally mandate. To give full authorization means that the FDA has said that there's nothing wrong with this vaccine, with this mRNA drug cocktail. And you will now see it mass deployed on the public. I also wonder if you now see a larger increase of the side effects and the deaths. Because we're not talking about the hundred some million that have taken at least one of the shots. You're now talking about going after our defense. You're going after the fittest we have. This has really boggled me, Doc, because it's paired with the propaganda.
Starting point is 01:05:35 The propaganda is we're all dying. Every state, specifically Florida, they're saying that we're the epicenter of death right now, the epicenter of infection. And this isn't just in Florida. Of course, this is worldwide. Australia, Doc, they're saying that you can't go anywhere near your grandkids. Yes. And that's coming from their health officer, the head out of Queensland, a province in Australia. Just not Dr. Fauci. His latest fear mongering is that the U.S. is on the same trajectory as England, as the United Kingdom, the same country that, as we pointed out yesterday, their data is showing that there's a significant, say, 87% of deaths are among those who are fully
Starting point is 01:06:21 vaccinated. How could that even be possible, Doc, if they're vaccinated? Well, then you have to conclude that the vaccination and the increase in cases are somehow related. I mean, the logic tells you that. You don't have to be a scientist. You don't have to be a viral scientist to figure that out. You're seeing more cases of COVID and there are more vaccinations. So how is that possible if the two aren't related, if they're not in tandem with one another? So obviously there's a connection of some kind. They don't say that. They don't tell you that.
Starting point is 01:06:53 But common sense tells you that. Well, soon common sense might be illegal. I was looking at the reporting on Florida. I got a call with a friend, and the first thing he said on the phone this weekend was, oh, you guys are in trouble down there, aren't you? I'm like, what do you mean? You think there's a storm coming? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:12 He's like, no, no, the COVID infections. Yeah. The surges. There are certainly people that have gotten sick. Right. And severely sick at that. But it's such a minimal percentage of the population. But you wouldn't know that watching the news.
Starting point is 01:07:25 And it's so bad that the New York Times is even quoting a professor in Florida. They've gotten important to say that it's too late to even vaccinate, that we must now immediately go into a lockdown, get masks on people, socially distance. First of all, there isn't even a test for the Delta variant. That's right. Amen. There isn't a test. There isn't a test. If you don't believe us, yeah, call Walgreens or CVS or any place that does testing and ask,
Starting point is 01:07:50 hey, can I get that Delta test I've been hearing about and see what they say to you? Yeah, exactly. You know, and also us living here on the ground, we're not seeing, we're not sitting there on Twitter watching the blue check marks, pushing all this outrage, freaking people out, calling him Death Santus, you know, instead of DeSantis, you know, all this stuff. It's like propagandizing people. They literally have bots that try to stir chaos.
Starting point is 01:08:15 They launch onto Twitter. They kind of direct the narrative. And it's to be fearful and afraid. I have this theory about the FDA approval. May I share it? Of course. So I'm thinking that there is no way that the FDA is going to approve it, the COVID vaccine, with all the VAERS data, even if it's remotely the same, because then the FDA
Starting point is 01:08:32 will become liable. Right now, nobody's being held liable. If they approve it, then people can start suing the FDA for all these deaths, all these injuries. Now, I think that maybe they're propagandizing people into like these vaccine mandates because they know it's probably not going to be FDA approved right away. They're going to try and push it back, I think. But I think the new Delta variant, I think that the chaos, the propaganda, the vaccine mandates, it's all to kind of push
Starting point is 01:09:01 people to get vaccinated because maybe, just maybe, it may not be getting approved. And that's interesting, Lauren. Again, the New York Times, we have to remember that's the same outlet that has quoted anonymous sources and told us lies before. Right. So this wasn't from the government. The New York slimes. There you go, Doc. The New York slimes. maybe they're doing what Citizen Kane told us they would do with a platform
Starting point is 01:09:26 of that manner, that they would lie to the public and do it for political gain. We don't know when the mandates come. We don't know when Jesus Christ is coming back. We don't know when they're going to actually give authorizations. It was just a theory. I know. I know when he's coming back. You do, Don? Soon. Soon. Amen. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:42 And that is what keeps us going. But I bring this up to note that, let's say it is soon. What they're doing, at least, to prepare the ground is, as you noted, that they may be, they don't have a test. But Lauren, they have a Barbie. There's been a lionization of all the figures from Dr. Fauci to even the head of the vaccine research at Oxford, the one that came up with their vaccine, AstraZeneca, Professor Dom Sarah Gilbert. She's knighted, and she now has a Barbie from Mattel.
Starting point is 01:10:15 All right, why I'm bringing this up, what we just did here for the first couple minutes of this segment is we critically analyzed the top medical officials in the world on the subject of COVID. Well, the problem with that is, is that soon that might be considered to be a hate crime. Right. There is a scientific paper. I don't know how they're able to call this a scientific paper. What is he even doing in a scientific journal, but it's there. There is a new scientific paper that has come out that is noting that to criticize people like Dr. Fauci or Sarah Gilbert, who has a Barbie after her,
Starting point is 01:10:56 if you do this, you're engaged in a hate crime akin to a lynching. You're engaged in a hate crime, like an attack on an African-American or another Marty or maybe even of a Chinese person. To criticize these officials, you are a terrorist. This position is not only ludicrous, but it leaves no room for analysis or even feedback or, dare I say, common sense, as Doc suggested suggested the author of this was professor Peter Hottis Okay, so he does have he does have some skin in the game. He's paid by dr. Fauci's
Starting point is 01:11:34 NIH and paid since 93. That's where he gets his money. That's how he goes home and Pays for dinner every night. He is on the payroll He decided to author this study which was published in the and pays for dinner every night. He is on the payroll. He decided to author this study, which was published in the, what I'm told today was a pretty prestigious medical journal, the Public Library of Science, PLOS. It's the biology journal of choice for many. This article laid out that because COVID has been weaponized, has been such a politicization,
Starting point is 01:12:13 right-wing extremists, politicians, activists, journalists have unfairly treated people like Dr. Fauci, Peter Daszak of EcoHealth, pretty much anybody who's come out in support of gain of health have been so unfairly treated that we have to criminalize the criticism of them because it could lead to them to get hurt. How about the people that have been hurt from the vaccine or many of the other procedures, those who've been hurt because of lockdowns? Those lives don't matter. According to this man, Professor Otez, it is the lives of the scientific elite of this new religion that matter. It's become a religion for them.
Starting point is 01:12:49 You know, COVID is their religion. Vaccine, forcing vaccines on people is their form of worship. And Fauci is their high priest. And you don't want to criticize their high priest or else they'll throw you in jail for a hate crime. At least they wish they could. They can't yet. Yesterday, I recall the story where now doctors and nurses could lose their jobs, could lose their licenses to practice the profession that they love if they speak out against the gene therapies that are being sold as vaccines out there.
Starting point is 01:13:26 Well, think about it. It's not even good enough just to take the vaccine, because a lot of these doctors who are speaking out against it, they are vaccinated. Robert Malone, for example, the founder of the mRNA technology, he's been fully vaccinated. But he still feels that he needs to speak out against the safety of this technology, especially deployed during a pandemic. He would lose his license under this system. It's not just enough to take the vaccine, which would be a submission, right, Doc? That's right. You look at this, what's the one vaccine they're going for
Starting point is 01:13:54 right now for full authorization, if that story's correct? Pfizer. It's Pfizer. All right. And the Pfizer shot is very important. I saw a post on Zero Hedge over the weekend. It was discussing how to short and put in a short order on Pfizer specifically because it was the one they're betting on. They think this will be the one the government picks for mass deployment. It'll be the one that not just America, but governments around the world will choose the one that has the least bad press about it. And the reason why they're shorting it is because the government's about ready to pour billions more into Pfizer. Yep, that's correct, Doc. But did you know that when
Starting point is 01:14:32 the vaccine was being prepared to be released back in December of 2020, the CEO of Pfizer wasn't even committed to taking it? There's something very odd about this story, because you'd think if the vaccine is everything that the medical and political establishment say it is, you'd think the CEO of the company developing it would be jumping at the bit to get that needle in his arm. Well, he wasn't.
Starting point is 01:15:00 And not only that, he said some very odd things in that interview in December. Again, this is right before the vaccine started becoming available, before the mass deployment to those they were going specifically after. An elderly bracket at first made it available to most by February and March. The CEO, Albert Bourla, he said something very interesting in the interview with CNBC back in December. Right.
Starting point is 01:15:28 He not only said that he didn't want to cut in line, but he said that he doesn't think he needs it right away. He's healthy. He's actually in the target bracket that was first targeted with this vaccine that should have been the first up to get it. He said he doesn't have to worry about it, right? I don't need to worry about it. On top of that, too, he had already begun the fear-mongering. He said, most people, they better not think twice about getting this. They need to.
Starting point is 01:15:53 We're in an emergency. The exact same rhetoric you're seeing today is the exact same rhetoric, actually, that Bild newspaper in Germany has apologized over. Their editor has said that he is sorry for fear-mongering. But the Pfizer CEO was using this. He was using the notion of the fear of the epidemic. We didn't know about Delta back then. We definitely knew about the gaslighting variant. But the thing that he said in this interview was so interesting. He said that they did an internal poll and they found that the single greatest factor to getting trust
Starting point is 01:16:26 in the vaccine wasn't to get Joe Biden to go out and do a PSA. It wasn't to have children be paid to dance on TikTok about getting the jab. No, no. It was the CEO of the vaccine company itself getting the shot. It wasn't just for employees, but in most of the country they said, people are going to trust this if we see our head leader, the leader of our company and the executive board get it first. Be an example. Be a Tiffany Dover. Remember the woman, the nurse that collapsed? Wasn't that why they were doing those events that they stopped doing after they started going awry? Yes. Pay attention to this interview again. And this was December of 2020.
Starting point is 01:17:09 This is the CEO of Pfizer. Even folks who get most of their vaccines normally might be hesitant about these vaccines because they were developed so quickly. What do you tell those folks who might be saying, well, I'm going to wait a few months before I get this one. I would tell them I wish that the situation was not so critical so that they can have the luxury to think about it. But the situation is as deadly as it could be right now with the amounts of deaths or new cases that we are facing. So they need to think it twice. I repeat once more, the decision not to vaccinate will not affect only your health or your life. Unfortunately, it will affect the lives of others and likely the lives of the people you love the most, which are the people that usually you are in contact with. So I think trust science.
Starting point is 01:18:07 Well, and a question for you. I've heard you have not yet had your shot. When do you plan to get it? Sooner I can, I will. The only sensitivity here, Meg, is that I don't want to have an example that I'm cutting the line, that I am 59 years old in good health. I'm not working in the front line.
Starting point is 01:18:32 So my type is not recommended to get vaccination now. So that's one consideration. On the other hand, our company ran a lot of polls to see what will take people to believe it. And one of the highest ranking, even higher than if Joe Biden takes it, even higher than if the other presidents take it, it is if the CEO of the company takes it. So with that in mind, I'm trying to find a way that I will get vaccinated, despite if it is not my time, just to demonstrate the confidence of the company. But we have made the decision that if we have to do that, we will not do it with our executives. So none of the executives or board members will cut the line.
Starting point is 01:19:16 They will take it as their age and the occupation type is a time for them to take. He's going to try to find a time to get it. They're running an experiment and they want to see how it turns out before they go ahead and get the job. That's exactly what he was saying in nice terms. I think this was December of last year, right? December. December 14th of 2020.
Starting point is 01:19:40 He said, look, I recognize that I should probably be one of the first to get this experimental shot, the experimental shot that we're going to be providing to the people of the United States. And the government is going to be recommending I probably should be the first. People might trust this if I do that. And he said he was thinking about not just for himself, but his executive team. They're trying to find the right time because he didn't want to be you don't want to cut in line. Did you hear that? He said, I don't want it to look like we're taking advantage of our position and going ahead of others who might need it. Well, he said, I'm looking at this. I'm going to try to find the right time. The issue with this was, a couple months passed. I had Christmas
Starting point is 01:20:20 or I would say Hanukkah, and he went into the new year. And by the way, he was at the Israeli embassy for Hanukkah this past December doing the official lighting at the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C. Well, see, of course, he was very busy, very busy up until January. He got the shot in January, right? No. I don't believe so because in March he had to cancel his trip to Israel because he wasn't vaccinated. Well, he wasn't fully vaccinated. He'd received
Starting point is 01:20:55 one of the jabs, but not the second one. And at the time, Israel was putting some severe restrictions on people traveling to Israel who had not been fully vaccinated. And so they said no to the guy who was leading the primary frontal attack on the virus, right? And he's Jewish, by the way, so he wasn't allowed into Israel. I figure they wouldn't let him do the lighting if that wasn't the case, Doc. But the point here is that he wasn't vaccinated enough with his own vaccine to go to Israel. All right.
Starting point is 01:21:36 He knows in order for him to visit Israel in March, he would have had to have gotten the shot in January or maybe at least in February. The point is, is almost four months after saying it would probably help the public trust the vaccine, I'm going, if I went and got it, you know, it'd probably help. The question right now is, why is there, quote, vaccine hesitancy? That's the term they're using, right? Vaccine hesitancy. Those are hesitant to get the shot because of, quote, conspiracy theories about side effects, deaths, magnetism. Or it could be the viral videos of people having tremors and neurological issues. Or the reports of people having heart attacks and kids' hearts swelling and getting blood clots. It could be all that.
Starting point is 01:22:25 That could be causing the vaccine hesitancy. Just a suggestion. I was being a little facetious in the sense that there's plenty of reason to be questioning the safety of this. We should be questioning it because it's not even fully authorized yet, fully endorsed, shall I say, by the FDA. Yet the CEO of the company that the vaccine we may see mandated to our boys in uniform, our soldiers, those that were very quick to send off to war, and in this case, use as a test subject, he was hesitant. Is it fair to say that? Is the CEO of Pfizer waiting at least four months?
Starting point is 01:23:10 Because they claim he finally got fully vaccinated after not being able to go to Israel. Is it fair to say that he was vaccine hesitant? And the only reason why they reported that was because there were stories that were coming out that he wasn't fully vaccinated. So they had to respond to it. And there were articles coming out in late March. USA Today is an example saying, listen, he received the COVID-19 vaccine. If you have to dig down the story, yes, he did.
Starting point is 01:23:36 But he was not fully vaccinated. Even as of this date of this article, he was not fully vaccinated. So let me ask the two of you a very basic question. What's the purpose of Pfizer? To make money. Ah, there you go. That's the purpose of Pfizer. It's not to find some life-saving drugs. Is that a not-for-profit? Yeah, I was going to say, they're not there to help people? No, it's not there to make people healthy. In fact, they make money if people are sick, not if they're healthy.
Starting point is 01:24:07 Think about that a little bit. They make money if people are sick. Hear it again. They make money if people are sick. They need to continue to have this product constantly pumped out. That's why even the CEO of Pfizer himself said, you know what? Guess what? The vaccine, the gene therapy, the whatever you want to call it, it wears out after a few months. You're going to need more. That's why they're giving people three shots in
Starting point is 01:24:38 the UK. And that's why everybody's going to line up here. They're going to get three, four, five. You're going to get your monthly dose, your monthly jab soon. Why? Because they figured out that you will line up for it, that you'll keep getting pumped out with all this gene therapy until you start growing tails and horns. That's how far they'll take this. Doug, I think you hit it on the head. One of the primary motivations for both the pharmaceutical industry and those that benefit from the pharmaceutical industry's profits and experiments. Their primary thing here is that
Starting point is 01:25:12 they will have a 30-year guaranteed income. That's right. I mean, think about this for a second. They were able to convince, really, in the sense of President Trump, that he holds responsibility for being convinced, at least by his officials, at the HHS, Secretary Azar, and at the FDA with Secretary Guttler. The issue here is that he was convinced to go and try it. I have to wonder how that pitch went. Sir, we have something that's available that has never been tried before on a mass scale. It's available. The technology has been tested. Don't worry. We think we can convince Christians to take it if you back it. And sir, we want to do it and we want to provide this to save America. I'm sure the president thought that sounded great. But
Starting point is 01:25:56 the problem with this is that we've now been placed into a never-ending cycle. We talk about endless lockdowns. This Operation Warp Speed, this mandatory vaccination concept, because again, it goes back to the Nazis. Informed consent disappearing allowed the Nazis to do tests. Mandatory vaccination is just an extension of that. But all of this comes toward a power grab. Because in addition to making money, Doc, if you're the primary corporation that provides, in this case, Pfizer, you're the primary corporation. You're the winner. You're not only the winner, you've got strategic importance now.
Starting point is 01:26:34 You can't fail. Think about the banks, for example. The banks, Wall Street, too big to fail? What do you think the pharmaceutical companies are now? Too big to fail. It doesn't matter if, to them, it doesn't matter if But what do you think the pharmaceutical companies are now? Too big to fail. They're too big to fail. Okay? It doesn't matter if, to them, it doesn't matter if they cause mass injury or mass death through this product. With full authorization, if they get this, they've given full immunity.
Starting point is 01:26:57 It won't be their fault. No. And to them, they just have to count the orders. They have to fulfill the orders. They have to continue to provide updated booster shots for whatever variant they come up with. Again, I suspect, what, six months from now we might have, might be up to the gamma variant. Yeah. We're not in the days of Jonas Salk, you know, where they said, you know what, we've got a really bad disease out here. Let's conquer the disease, right? No.
Starting point is 01:27:24 What they do now is they think in terms of the business model all right if if we cure this disease we lose our customers think about it if we cure this we lose our customers so why what what motivation would a pharmaceutical company have in curing a disease? None. They have no motivation to cure a disease. You think they have a moral backbone? Of course not. They have a board of directors that they answer to.
Starting point is 01:27:58 They have a stock profile that they answer to. The purpose of Pfizer, the purpose of Moderna, the purpose of Johnson & Johnson, they exist for one reason, not for the good of humanity, not to employ people, but to make money. Yes. And now they're addicted to the federal funding that they've gotten. That's exactly right. They are not going to let that go. They've had a little taste of what that looks like, taking money from the taxpayer, just reaping into that giant pile of money, and they are not going to give us our rights back. They accuse us and our voices of being fascists when they're the true definition of fascists by melding corporate capitalism and
Starting point is 01:28:38 the federal government together, mixing those two. It doesn't matter whether it's the pharmaceuticals in the federal government, big tech in the federal government, the war machine in the federal government. It's all the same. It's fascism in its truest sense. When someone throws out that word, you're a fascist, they don't even know what they're talking about because they don't even know what the word fascism even means. But we truly live in a fascist state. These are the fascist states of America, not the United States of America, the fascist states of America. Well, Doug, I always laugh when I see the other side and those who are possessed by the devil accuse us of fascism. I mean, I'm talking about the political right, those who are into entrepreneurship, and they accuse even President Trump of degrees of fascism.
Starting point is 01:29:26 Some of it was true. I'll give them that. But what I'll say is it takes one to know one. You're screaming these words, these isms, because you've set up the greatest ism. You have a neo-Nazism in this censorship model, this matrix they've formed. Because anything we just discussed here in this segment, there'll come a time where that won't be able to be found anymore on the internet. Just finding doctors and the responses about the vaccine safety warnings, it's very hard to find it on the social media outlets that benefited from government backing
Starting point is 01:30:01 in the sense that they were given Section 230 immunity from publishing requirements. They grew and prospered because the government protected them, protected their intellectual property. They're now using those platforms and in this unholy alliance with both big pharma and big tech and big government to censor and destroy criticism. And the ultimate goal is depopulation. I really believe that. It's not de-platform, it's depopulation. It's depopulation.
Starting point is 01:30:32 It's just like if you've got a whole bunch of cattle, you can only use the cattle for so long. You can only milk that cow for so long. You can only make so much hamburger meat for so long. And then finally the cow gives out. But you milk it and you grind it and you take as much as you can until you are completely done with them and then you move on. That is where they're headed.
Starting point is 01:30:52 They're going to make as much money as they can on the cattle that they have and move on till they don't need it anymore. And that's what the Greatest Reset is about. And see our response to it after the break, we're going to discuss what the elite have planned after their great reset. We're going to discuss the greatest reset. Be back in just a moment. I was a rageaholic. I was an alcoholic.
Starting point is 01:31:16 And I was a sex addict. You have to understand the addictive dynamics that you're fighting. You will renew the structure of your mind. The Conquer series is the most successful small group series ever made. And we're just getting started. We've spent the past seven years working on something that will totally transform the church. Wounded and broken people are flooding our pews, enslaved to addictions.
Starting point is 01:31:49 Marriages, families, lives are falling apart. So we decided to come alongside the church and do something about it. It's called Soul Refiner. We're putting something big in small groups. Hey! You have been prisoners long enough. How much longer are you going to let those chains bind you?
Starting point is 01:32:17 This is a turnkey ministry for your church, a powerful tool to help people deal with life's deepest struggles. is a website where you or your church can stream cinematic small group videos that focus on lifelong healing and freedom. We're not going for short-term band-aid stuff. We're going for permanent leadership. We've gathered the top Christian teachers and experts and created original content to provide answers and solutions to the tough and messy issues of life.
Starting point is 01:32:47 Sometimes we bring some things into our families that maybe shouldn't be there. I had to face it. I had to do the hard stuff today. I can teach you all kinds of parenting techniques, but the key is you need to be a healthy person. Let's make church the place where you heal from whatever life throws at you. No fluff, no cheese. Jesus didn't die on the cross to give us the ability to cope.
Starting point is 01:33:13 He died on the cross to give us the ability to conquer. Grace covers our sins, but it doesn't take away our problems. is more than a website where you can stream cinematic small group series on inner healing. It's a platform for you to safely and easily create, manage, and lead groups. Learn together.
Starting point is 01:33:31 Hold each other accountable. Track progress and experience true discipleship anywhere, anytime, on any device. The essence of Soul Refinery is sanctification. It's to disciple men, women, and children to become conquerors, overcomers, and leaders in Christ. Transformation happens by the renewing of the mind. If you want God to do something new, you have to have a different approach. We hope you'll join us. Let's bring healing to the broken and freedom to the captives.
Starting point is 01:34:00 Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Sign up at where true transformation begins in the refiner's fire. Welcome back to True News. Solar Refiner, wonderful platform. We use it here on Fridays. We've been going through the Warpath series. I tell you, Doc, it has helped me a ton. This age we're in is just terrible in the sense that around every quarter there's temptation. The devil has set landmines for us.
Starting point is 01:34:56 I don't think many Christians, Doc, believe that he is a roaring lion or like a roaring lion. We treat him as if he's a kitten. That sucker is not a kitten. He wants to kill, steal, and destroy, and to make sure we don't inherit the kingdom. Right. As you mentioned, Soul Refiner, we use it on a regular basis here within our own ministry. I encourage you to do so as well. No matter where you are, check it out, Lots of great content that Jeremy and the team with Kingdom Works has been working on the past several years and some exciting
Starting point is 01:35:26 new ones that are coming out very, very soon. We're excited about everything that they do and we have a very close working relationship with their ministry. Well, in this segment we're going to try to give you some manner, some ways to respond to this. You've been pretty well informed at this point, but our goal is also to inspire you. We've revealed quite a lot. We spoke at the beginning of this program about immense debauchery. We know that there is a changing of the guard taking place in society. Society itself has dramatically morphed from what it was just a year ago, 2019, 2020. None of us were, of course,
Starting point is 01:36:08 wearing masks. But our mindset, I believe, was different. Coronavirus and the medical tyranny that's come with that has come to dominate our lives, our thoughts. It has many afraid. The globalists have a plan. And what they've laid out is that they're accomplishing this through the Great Reset. We've discussed this on the program. In short, the Great Reset is the reimagining of society, utilizing the tools of the fourth Industrial Revolution. There's been previous Industrial Revolutions.
Starting point is 01:36:43 This revolution has artificial intelligence, robotics. And according to a new promotion video from the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, the head of this organization, being the propactor, the inventor of this great reset phrase, the age of human robots is ending. The age of human robots is ending. The age of human robots is ending. And what we're going to have instead of this is basically just an age of robots. Or in this sense, controlled robots. What's a human robot and what's a robot, you know?
Starting point is 01:37:15 The way these futurists describe it, Lauren, the cell phone I have on my end here, my iPad, your laptop you have right in front of you, these were all mechanisms which helped humans be more robotic, to be connected. The age of cyborgs is over. Yes. So a cyborg is a combination of machine and man and so I wear a digital watch because I calculate how many steps I walk a day and everything and tells me my heart rate and all that kind of good stuff.
Starting point is 01:37:47 That's why I'm, hey, I lost 100 pounds walking every day. So I like to keep track of my steps and stuff. So it's a tool that I use. But, you know, think about this, Lauren. Think of how often you use your phone and how your phone has now become an extension of your acquisition of knowledge, your ability to present yourself, your ability to communicate with the world. In many ways, you and the machine have become one entity.
Starting point is 01:38:15 There's a digital Lauren Witsky that exists as an extension of everything that you've said, the things that you've posted, the sites that you visit, things like that, that exist there. And there's the physical Lauren Witzke. But basically what Klaus Schwab is saying, there's coming a time here very soon where we're even going to move beyond that, and we're going to move into a brand-new age where we just eliminate all that completely. One of the futurists that's quoted in this video, her name is Professor Amy Webb. She's of New York University's quoted in this video. Her name is Professor Amy Webb. She's of New York University,
Starting point is 01:38:45 Stern School of Business. Now, what she said, I think it was the most shocking part of this video, she said that this pandemic we've gone through and the response to it being the mRNA vaccine, that that is the example of how humans have written a new code for life. They've redesigned organisms for beneficial purposes. He says that in the future, we're going to re-engineer the code, the form, the messengers. We're going to have not just booster shots, but mRNA vaccines for everything from the flu, malaria, anything you can think of that might kill a human being. But most important, Webb said, we're going to have diminished reality glasses. Now, what this is, you're going to be wearing something much like a mask. Maybe it'll be
Starting point is 01:39:39 mandated. It will take things out of your reality. You simply won't be able to see me or Doc. We won't be next to you. You won't be able to hear our screams for help or even our nudging for inference. We'll be invisible to you in this new reality coming out of the pandemic. How's that sound, Doc? That sounds pretty creepy to me,
Starting point is 01:40:02 but that they can actually, you know, saw something online here either yesterday or today that said, you know, the federal government is now going to issue blindfolds in addition to masks as well. So you can't see the truth either. Okay, I was about to ask about Babylon Beach. They're doing a pretty good job there, aren't they? But that's just another blindfold. There are some things that they're But that's just another blindfold. There are some things that they're going to obstruct from your view. They're going to take away from your view.
Starting point is 01:40:31 So you don't see all of reality. They don't want you to see reality because reality reveals their evil. Reality reveals their evil. They don't want to admit that they're evil. They want to hide want they want to hide with a layer of good a gloss of good if you will but in in essence they're evil and all this whole ramp up toward the great reset it's nothing new i mean it's happened since the beginning of time that there's always been this desire to either manipulate humanity in one way or another through genetics or whatever and also through technology okay so those two and combined but what makes it even more frightening in this day and age is now the two have come together so when Edward just
Starting point is 01:41:19 quoted here about the manipulation of our genetic code itself. That's the step beyond robotics, where we become the programmable software. We are itself. So we have to ask ourselves, you know, if you were given a shot or a vaccine that would make you live 50 years longer, would you take it? For a lot of people, they might say yes, okay?
Starting point is 01:41:51 Because there very well could be a point in time where they have the technology, maybe even closer than we think, that they could extend your life. Because the reason why we age is all, it's because the telomeres in our DNA break apart and our DNA starts unwinding. Isn't it true the reason why we age, we don't live as long as some figures lived in the Old Testament, is really, take it back to it, it's due to sin.
Starting point is 01:42:13 Yes. Sin is the real reason we're not living to 150, 200 years old. You know, we're limited in our life. And thankfully, I say thankfully, because every day that we're alive in this modern era, we're exposed to the sin and the destruction that was brought out of the mistake that Eve made in the garden. Adam and Eve, of course. Doc, often we focus on the great reset, The devil's reset. I think that the entity, the being, the almighty, that really produces the greatest resets in the world is our Lord and Savior. Think about the flood.
Starting point is 01:42:56 The flood. The crashing of the Tower of Babel. The actions by our Lord and Savior, by God Almighty, to reset the world. It puts the devil's work to shame. The devil is an imitator, but he has no comparison to what God can do with his resets. I got a great reset in the middle of my life when I was in the darkest time, and he reset, you know, and sometimes it's a transition. You know, it is, but he's capable.
Starting point is 01:43:25 He is more than capable. And he is able. Well, the enemy is trying to characterize us as the evil ones. Yeah. Lauren, you found a pastor today that said that being against the vaccination, the vaccination we just laid out to you that the very CEO of Pfizer is hesitant about taking, to have that spirit, to have that belief is of the Antichrist. Yes.
Starting point is 01:43:50 We have a woke pastor here. Doc, I really would like to introduce you to John Pavlowitz. He is a writer, a quote-unquote Christian activist, and a pastor. And he says being anti-vaccine is being against healing. Jesus was a healer. Anti-vaccine Christians are anti-Christ. Well, he's wrong. How about that? All right. Give us the word, Doc. Preach.
Starting point is 01:44:22 All right. The reason, let me put it this way. Let's say that the vaccine so-called that first of all, it's not vaccine. I keep I've got to get that nasty word out of my mouth. This is gene manipulation that they're putting out on people. It doesn't matter if it's the Pfizer vaccine, Moderna vaccine, the J&J vaccine. This is gene manipulation. It's the first step into this, and they're doing this on a global scale now. It's not curing anything.
Starting point is 01:44:54 They admit it, that people who have taken the shots can somehow still, you know, give other people the disease. Suddenly vaccines aren't vaccines anymore, right? So I make this thought proposal to you. Let's say that it was truly a vaccine, okay? Just for the sake of argument, let's say it was. And that it totally, totally eliminated not only COVID, let's say it eliminated cancer too. Okay. Let's throw that in there as well. Let's say if you took the shot and you were absolutely guaranteed you will never get the flu again. You'll never have COVID.
Starting point is 01:45:39 You won't even get cancer again. I would still be against it. Why is that, Doc? Because of how it was developed. I'm not against the vaccine. I've seen all the arguments of, you know, the magnets and everything that it does, how people, heart inflammation, those are all bad things, right? But that's not why I am personally against the vaccine, the so-called vaccine, the gene manipulation that's going on. Even if it was a genuine vaccine, even if it was, and it was the miracle drug of all time, the way it was developed using fetal stem cells,
Starting point is 01:46:20 or let's just don't even use the word fetal it was used using unborn children they were harvested for the purpose of developing some sort of concoction that manipulates our dna that's what it was developed for even if it was the cure for all ills, even if it made me more handsome, made me a foot taller, gave me superpowers, I would still be against it because of how it was developed. Every one of the modern vaccines so-called that are out there, Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, and now Novavax, you're going to hear that coming out a lot here over the next few months. All of them have either been derived from unborn children's stem cell lines or they were tested on those. Or those unborn children were manipulated and they were hybridized with other species. Think about that.
Starting point is 01:47:22 Mixed with other animals. That sounds like something out of the Bible, right? I would still be against it. I'm against the vaccine for ethical and moral reasons. All the other reasons, all right, that just builds the case for me. But I'm against it because of how it was derived, how it was manufactured. Let me ask you something. Lauren, how would you feel to save your life, okay, you had to kill Edward to do it? Wow, I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 01:47:58 Wow. Okay, okay. I would never. I'm just kidding. No, no. Let's say you needed a kidney. No, I'm just totally kidding. Let's say you needed a kidney. You would not survive unless you had a kidney.
Starting point is 01:48:08 And the only match, the only match out there in the whole wide world was Edward, and he had one kidney. Would you want to take his life to save yours? Of course, my selfish instinct would be yes. You know, like, but am I going to sacrifice somebody else's life for my own selfish interest is what it comes down to. Right. You know, am I going to sacrifice Edward so I can live or am I going to, you know, take my sentence for what it is? And that's the real question at hand here. The some people have asked me, Doc, why don't you take the vaccine?
Starting point is 01:48:48 Aren't you afraid of what might happen? Well, you know, I'll be honest with you. Let's say that, you know, something does happen. It's in the Lord's hands for me. I mean, it really is. It's in God's hands where God knows my appointment day with him, there's no way I'm going to change it, manipulate it, or do anything else like that. I have to live righteously right now, live faithfully right now. And by my conscience, I cannot accept the vaccine. I get emails and we get emails here at the office. What can we do to stand up against it? Stand.
Starting point is 01:49:26 That's what you can do. Stand. Say no. You can say no to family members. You can say no to your employer. Well, I might lose my job. Yes, you might lose your job. Well, my family will hate me.
Starting point is 01:49:40 Yes, they might. I'm telling you this right now. All the major gene therapies that are being touted out there as vaccines are derived from unborn children. You that are watching right now, you that are listening right now have a moral choice to make. You have no excuse now. None. You have to choose when you when you walk in and you receive the vaccine. You have now made a choice to say, I am willing to sacrifice an innocent life so I can live just a few minutes longer. You have made that choice. You have made that choice moving forward. You have no excuse anymore.
Starting point is 01:50:18 All right. I, in good conscience, cannot walk down that pathway knowing that someone was sacrificed for me so I could live a little bit longer. Now, someone will say, well, Jesus was sacrificed for you. Okay, might make that excuse. Yes, but the Word of God declares that he gave himself up for that. He willingly went to the cross to die for me. These unborn children that were sacrificed, it's no different than if they were burned in the fires of Moloch. I mean, it's no different because, you know, guys,
Starting point is 01:50:54 in the Old Testament, we read these stories of child sacrifice. You know why they were sacrificing children, right? So they could have better crops. So they could have a better life. So they could have rain. They were doing could have a better life, so they could have rain. They were doing it to try to get a blessing. Right. They were trying to get a blessing, to have a better life.
Starting point is 01:51:12 Doesn't that sound strangely familiar to our world today, that we are willing to sacrifice the innocent so that we can have a better life? What is that better life that we say we want? Well, I want a career. So a girl gives up her child to the abortion mill. Or a young couple decides we're not ready to start a family yet, so let's stop this life because we're not making enough money yet, or we don't have a life yet.
Starting point is 01:51:40 We don't have to start a family, but they're ready to murder together. Yes. And so we are no different in this day and age than they were in Old Testament times. We're no different. We are no different. You see, the heart of man never changes. There's nothing new. There's nothing new under the sun, the wise man said.
Starting point is 01:51:59 There's nothing new under the sun. And I know how difficult it is for those that are watching today and those that are listening to be able to stand in the midst of extreme pressure to the world around us. Let's face it, it is tough. It's a tough choice. You know, guys, today in our Bible study this morning, we were looking at Acts chapter 19, and Paul and his ministry team,
Starting point is 01:52:26 they were ministering in the city of Ephesus. And in many ways, Ephesus is a reflection of our world today. That's right. Okay. Ephesus was an evil city. It was dedicated to basically a couple things. It was dedicated to the temple of Diana or Artemis and going along mixed in with the temple worship was temple prostitution, sexual activity, male and female sexual activity, homosexual activity involved with that. But what a lot of people don't realize is that temple in Ephesus was also kind of a global bank. So you're also dealing not only with all the sexual activity, but also big world finance as well. Nothing has changed. Nothing has changed at all.
Starting point is 01:53:17 Yes. Different technology. So Paul preaching the gospel doesn't attack the banks, doesn't attack even the temple, just preaches Jesus. But even that alone causes a great upset, if you will, a reset in the lives of people within Ephesus and begins to transform people's lives. Things begin to change. But what is the reaction of the city leaders? These people are hurting our business. They're taking away our
Starting point is 01:53:45 money. We're not able to sell as many idols as we used to sell. Business is down. We've got to do something about these Christians. We've got to do something about them. We've got to get rid of them. But Paul and his team stood boldly up, even in the face of intense persecution there in the city of Ephesus. Paul was, through a set of miracles, they were able to survive an attack by the local Teamsters Union there in the town, which was running the idolatry manufacturing system there in Ephesus and running the bank. But through a set of miracles, they were able to move on. But years later, Paul wrote a letter back to the church in Ephesus. And if we can think of Ephesus as the world today,
Starting point is 01:54:35 then we can imagine that Paul writing a message to us today. So someone might say, hey, Paul, how can we stand in the midst of all this pressure? We've got big business that's trying to force a vaccine on us, trying to sell something to us, trying to sell their idol to us, or they're going to threaten to take our, you know, de-platform us or do all these things. What can we do? What's the response? Well, Paul had a response for that. It's in Ephesians chapter 6. It says, starting in verse 10, this is his message to Ephesus, and it's a message to you believers today to stand here. Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the strategies of the devil.
Starting point is 01:55:24 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, right? But against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. That's where our battleground is. Wherefore, take unto you the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all to stand. Stand therefore, stand therefore, stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
Starting point is 01:56:04 Take the helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying always with all prayer and supplication of the Spirit, watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints. We are in a spiritual battle. This isn't a battle about vaccines. It's not a battle even about control of this world. It's about the control of everything. We are in a spiritual battle.
Starting point is 01:56:29 Yes, Klaus Schwab and his cronies at the World Economic Forum, they want a great reset. Jesus is looking for a greater reset. There's a greater reset that's coming. The greatest. The greatest of resets of all time. We get a little taste of that, Lauren, when we make that confession of faith in Jesus Christ. that's coming. The greatest reset of all time. The greatest of resets of all time. We get a little taste of that, Lauren, when we make that confession of faith in Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:56:53 You experienced that greatest reset in your life. Edward, you experienced that greatest reset in your life as well. And there are people watching today, they're listening today, that have never experienced that great reset in their lives. There's a great reset coming to this world. We're on a rocket sled on rails to this great reset that the leaders of the world have in place, just like the leaders in Ephesus did.
Starting point is 01:57:16 They had a plan, and they cannot afford to have a whole bunch of Christians messing things up for them, and they're going to do everything that they can. But it's the gospel of Jesus Christ that transforms the world. We have a short time right now in order for the gospel of Jesus Christ to be preached and for lives to be changed. There are those of you watching today that have never experienced the soul-saving power of Jesus Christ. And I'm telling you right now, if you make that confession of faith in Jesus
Starting point is 01:57:45 Christ, declare that God the Father raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Follow up with the instruction of being baptized in water in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. It's not a work salvation. It's just the instruction that Jesus gave. Just follow the instructions, okay? You do it at Ikea, do it with Jesus, okay? Follow the instructions. So now I could preach for another hour, but I know we only have about two minutes left. So I'll wind it down here and just encourage people to... It was what we need to hear. Come in, come to the kingdom.
Starting point is 01:58:19 I defer to the doctor, the man with the doctor in the room. And more so, you had a doctorate the day that you decided that you were going to fulfill the Great Commission. I believe that. Those who are watching this doc, and again, I hope those that watch this, that you're not procrastinating about your future. If you do feel downtrodden, I don't know what you guys do, but I put on some gospel music. And I think on my ride to work, I've been using what I can as really as an opportunity to sing, to praise the Lord. Maybe that's what praise was put in the world before. You know, turn off the YouTube videos.
Starting point is 01:58:56 Turn off Fox or what I call faux news, F-A-U-X news. Turn it off. Get in the Word of God. You know, at night what I have to do, I have to deprogram myself from the news and everything we get exposed to throughout the day. I have to wash my feet of the dust of this world. I have to get into the Word at night and get myself cleansed again.
Starting point is 01:59:15 I encourage everyone to do that. Make that a habit in your life. Don't devote your time to the YouTube videos and everything else going on. Get clean with the Word of God. Good advice. And it's so easy. Salvation is so easy. Get clean with the Word of God. Good advice. And it's so easy. Salvation is so easy.
Starting point is 01:59:28 He's there and He wants you, you know, to call out to Him. He's waiting for you and He will never stop pursuing you. Praise God. And we'll be here. We'll be here to tell you this message day in and day out as the Lord gives us. Please, if you're not among the brethren, join us. It's the winning side. We beat darkness. The Holy Bible tells us so. Do not be downtrodden these times. You're among God's chosen to be alive
Starting point is 01:59:56 during the greatest of resets. We'll be back here tomorrow. Thank you. This has been True News.

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