TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - South Korea May Send Troops to Ukraine as WW3 Enlarges

Episode Date: October 22, 2024

Former President Donald Trump claims he threatened Valdimir Putin that he would destroy Moscow if Russia invaded Ukraine.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 10/22/2024Join the leading community for Cons...ervative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!             It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw. I'm a blacksmith and I like to work with my hands. I watch and trust true news. Two things are clear to me. World War III has started and the USA is very unstable. I have faith in God, but He expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for trouble. There are two things we need. Food and water.
Starting point is 00:00:24 That's why I buy supplies from American Reserves offers easy-to-prepare chicken and beef meals, pastas, soups, and vegetables that only need boiling water. You can purchase the world-famous British Birkfield gravity-fed water filters equipped with Dalton ceramic handles and other emergency supplies at My family's security is critical to me. Something big is coming. Procrastination could be costly. Act today before a crisis suddenly appears. Be ready.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Be wise. Go to world war three continues to enlarge south korea may send military and intelligence personnel to Ukraine in addition to more weapons. I'm Rick Wiles. This is True News for Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024. Let's begin our analysis and commentary of today's news by starting with the possible identification of the person who leaked Israel's military plans to attack Iran. We'll begin with this story out of the Jerusalem Post regarding President Trump. He posted a tweet on Truth Social. The headline in Jerusalem Post says, Trump says classified Israeli strike plan leaks
Starting point is 00:02:01 are real, might come from Department of Defense. And he was so right. I don't know what he knew before he posted it, but he was so right. This is what President Trump said. Former U.S. President Donald Trump claimed that a leak of highly confidential Israeli documents, potentially from the U.S. Defense Department, severely compromised Israel's wartime strategy in a Tuesday Truth Social post. In the post, Trump warned that Israel may no longer want to share sensitive information
Starting point is 00:02:36 with the United States, and he demanded that the leaker be found. This is a quote from his post. Quote, Israel has been seriously damaged and compromised by this. Wartime strategy and data probably came from Defense Department. Must find the leaker. Israel no longer wants to share documents with U.S. and who can blame them. Hmm. Interesting. Now, what just came out within, I think, in the past hour, this is Ynet News, and they are basing this on a Sky News Arabic television network. Senior Pentagon staffer leaked Israel's Iran strike plans.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Ynet reporting, a senior staffer in the office of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was identified as the leaker of the classified documents dealing with the Israeli preparations for an attack on Iran, Sky News Arabic reported the suspected staffer is an Iranian-American who works as the bureau chief to Secretary Austin's aid for special operations and was authorized to have access to very secret information. Now, Doc, there's a post on Twitter that just appeared. And this is from Carolyn Glick, and so she's not prone to giving out false news stories, but she says that Ariane Tabatabai is the chief of staff to the assistant secretary of defense for special operations. She's also an officer in U.S. naval intelligence, and she has access to all naval movements and all special forces operations in the world, specifically in the Middle East.
Starting point is 00:04:30 And this is a retweet from Al-Jadeh Nader. When invited to Saudi Arabia, Arianne Tabatabai emailed and asked Revolutionary Guard Officer Mustafa Zarani, I would like to know your opinion. Would you be interested in this? And so this is supposedly the leaker of the – Fairly high-level person inside Secretary Austin's office. She's in trouble. And I saw some other stories on her too that back in 2023, there are some questionable transfers of documents as well. And so this story is just developing over the past hour, hour and a half or so. So we'll keep you updated as we can here.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Well, obviously, President Trump was either, and I want to say very lucky, or he had some information. Maybe somebody passed on to him, said, hey, they've already found the leaker. We know who it is. Maybe the Israelis found the leaker on behalf of the Pentagon, found the leaker for the Pentagon. But it's embarrassing for Secretary Austin. Israel's getting ready, was getting ready. I think the attack was going to happen. Days ago, at least.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Yes, days or maybe a week or two ago. And has been disrupted because it got published on the Internet. And so this is extremely embarrassing for Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and the Biden administration. So there's something I want to say, but I'm not going to say it because I just don't want to end up in a social media post. Some things are just so obvious. It's just common sense. But you can't say it anymore. Well, who's stopping you? It's just common sense, but you can't say it anymore. Well, who's stopping you? Well, we here in the United States, we put people in highly sensitive positions who are from other countries, whether they're Iranian or Israeli or Chinese.
Starting point is 00:06:45 And then we act shocked. Oh, my. They were spying for their home country. We just act like we're shocked by it. I mean, how many times does this happen? Chinese-American scientists caught giving, you know, scientific technological secrets to China. Israeli-American, you know, passing on information to Israel.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Iranian-American, passing on information to Iran. I mean, how many times does this happen? And we can't figure it out? Yeah, it's a mystery. It's a puzzle. No, it's just common sense. But if you say it, you're a bigot.
Starting point is 00:07:36 It's not being a bigot. It just says the only people who should be in these highly sensitive positions should be people born in this country. Period. That's it. Born here. Right? How many other countries put people in highly sensitive positions who are not from their country? Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Oh, Ukraine, yes. That's true. All right, so let's go to South Korea because some really amazing things have happened since we last were here. So we'll start with Yonhap. South Korea vows to take phased measures in response to North Korean-Russian military cooperation. So Yonhap reporting, South Korea vowed Tuesday to take phased measures against North Korea and Russia over their deepening military operations and urged North Korea to immediately withdraw its troops from Russia. I'll let you take it from there, Doc.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Yes. So the government calls for immediate withdrawal of North Korean troops. That's coming from Principal Deputy National Security Advisor Kim Tae-ho, speaking in a briefing. If the illegal military cooperation between North Korea and Russia continues, South Korea will not stand by, but they will respond firmly in collaboration with the international community, warning of phased measures in response to the level of their military ties. Now, among the possible scenarios include sending defensive and offensive weapons, a senior presidential official told reporters. On Monday, President Yoon said he will promptly dispatch a delegation to NATO to share information on North Korea's troop deployment as he shared concerns with NATO Secretary General Rudy during their phone conversation over the deepening Pyongyang-Moscow military alliance.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Now, a presidential official said a team of intelligence agents and defense ministry officials will be sent to the NATO headquarters in Brussels to share their assessment and to discuss cooperation. You see what's happening, Rick. The deployment of such a large contingent of North Korean troops, including its most elite military units, signals a major development in its military ties with Russia. Security experts in Seoul have expressed concerns that North Korea could receive advanced Russian technologies to further develop its missile, nuclear, and satellite capabilities in return for troop deployment, posing a serious threat to South Korea. Analysts also suggest that
Starting point is 00:10:18 North Korea could gain valuable battlefield experience by providing weapons and troops. That's the key thing right there. Having North Korea actually gaining battleground experience that South Korea doesn't have the opportunity to do right now gives them an advantage over South Korea. Yes, it does. So, Doc, what we're being told here is that South Korea is going to send South Korean military and intelligence officials to the NATO headquarters. I mean, this is going up the ladder pretty fast. So we're now bringing NATO into the Ukraine situation. I mean, NATO is already involved, but NATO now is going to be involved in this issue of North Korea participating in the war, which is putting North Korea in the bullseye for a NATO attack. This is worsening by the week.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Another story. This is the ON by the week. Another story. This is the OnHap News. South Korea considering sending personnel to Ukraine to monitor North Korean troops. Now, this goes to another level. Right. The first story says South Korea is sending officials, military and intelligence officials, to NATO headquarters. Right. To talk about it.
Starting point is 00:11:44 This one says they may send those people to ukraine yes so uh again this is uh yonhap south korea is considering sending a team of personnel to ukraine to monitor north korean troops being deployed to support russia quote there's a possibility that personnel will be sent to Ukraine to monitor the tactics and combat capabilities of North Korean special forces dispatched in support of Russia, the source told Yonhap. If deployed, the team is expected to be composed of military personnel from intelligence units who could analyze North Korean battlefield tactics or take part in interrogations of captured North Koreans.
Starting point is 00:12:33 A couple things I see here. First of all, they are now identifying that the North Korean troops in Ukraine are special forces. Yes. So this is an entirely different level of soldiers. That's why South Korea is concerned. And then the second thing is, South Korea would like to interrogate North Korean troops captured in Ukraine. I can only see bad things coming from that, Rick.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Like what? You're having a direct interaction between South Korean and North Korean troops. You're just a whisper from war in that. A whisper from war where? In Korea. In Korea. Okay. Newsweek, South Korea plans offensive weapons for Ukraine after North sends weapons.
Starting point is 00:13:29 South Korea is considering supplying offensive weapons. Are there any weapons that are not offensive? Well, South Korea has been supplying defensive weapons up to this point. So what's the difference between a defensive weapon and an offensive weapon? I guess what end of the gun you're on. You got it. So South Korea is considering supplying offensive weapons to Ukraine in response to the strengthening of military ties between North Korea and Russia.
Starting point is 00:14:03 The move marks the strongest indication yet that South Korean troops and North Korean troops could potentially find themselves in direct conflict on Ukrainian soil. Do you understand what we just read? red. We are now looking at the possibility of a war between North Korea and South Korea fought in Ukraine. That's how fast this thing has changed in a week. That sounds like a plan only Brussels could come up with. This is amazing. A senior official from South Korea, President Yoon's office, said South Korea is preparing for the possibility of supplying lethal weapons to Ukraine. Quote, we are considering supplying defensive weapons as part of a phased approach, and if necessary, we may also consider offensive measures south korea's
Starting point is 00:15:07 national security council said in a statement our government called for the immediate withdrawal of north korean troops and if the current military collusion between north korea and russia continues we will not sit idle and we will respond sternly with the international community. Doc, we're going to have a war with North Korea. NATO. We've been waiting for this. NATO is going to attack North Korea. I'm telling you, there's got to be people that are skipping and jumping in Brussels right now.
Starting point is 00:15:42 They're saying, we're going to have war all over the place here. Oh, this is moving really fast. So South Korea is demanding North Korea withdraw the troops. And if they don't withdraw the troops, there's going to be action. Right. And South Korea has sent a delegation to the NATO headquarters to plan for that action. Right. And meanwhile, Russia and North Korea have already signed a mutual defensive pact. They've signed it already. That's right. So if South Korea makes any moves on North Korean troops, guess who gets involved? Russia gets involved. That's right. Against South Korea. Russia would be obligated to defend North Korea. And if South Korea and NATO are attacking North Korea, Russia is obligated to attack the United States and NATO.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Now, this is shades of World War I. With all the different agreements and treaties and everything that are in place, just one event kicked off World War I. Doc, you know, I've been saying since I came back from Myrtle Beach that I am persuaded that the Holy Spirit showed me that this mega war that's coming will be restrained until the early 2030s. And yet for me and my natural mind, it's hard for me to fathom how it's constrained when this kind of stuff is happening. The slightest spark. Right. One North Korean troop getting killed by a South Korean troop. That's it. That's the spark that could blow everything up. So what it may mean is that we have
Starting point is 00:17:32 very heated explosions on our way to the 2030s. That you could have a limited war in Korea, a limited war in another area of the world. And the world leaders contain it because none of them are ready for the mega war. In other words, the fighting breaks out, but then they contain it because neither side is ready for the all-out war. And that all-out war is in the 2030s. That's the only way I can explain it because this is extremely alarming. Newsweek, untested North Korean pilots could fly Russian warplanes in Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:18:28 So this is news reporting this. North Korea, which has reportedly dispatched ground troops to join Russia's war against Ukraine, has also sent fighter pilots who could fly Russian warplanes, according to a report on Monday. A government official in South Korea claimed that North Korea last month dispatched fighter pilots to Vladivostok, a city in the Russian Far East, ahead of the first deployment of its ground troops on October 8th. It went on to say that this could relate to training on Russian combat aircraft supplied to North Korea, the report said. But it could not rule out that Russia, which has suffered from a shortage of pilots during the Russia-Ukraine war, had requested assistance from the North.
Starting point is 00:19:12 So now we're going to see active deployment of North Korean fighter pilots in the Ukraine war theater. If Ukraine shoots down a Russian war plane with a North Korean pilot in it. Things just got really complicated really quick, didn't they? Yes. Can Putin restrain Kim Jong-un and his sister? His sister may be more difficult to restrain than him. And the response wouldn't be against Ukraine. It'll be against South Korea for supplying weapons, defensive and offensive, to Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:19:51 So what if a South Korean weapon is used to shoot down a Russian plane with a North Korean pilot? What do you have there? You have a fire. That's what you have. Yonhap Russian and North Korean flags displayed together on Ukrainian battlefield. You're looking at World War III, folks. If you live through it, you'll be able to tell your grandchildren, oh yeah, I remember. I remember the day I saw a North Korean flag right beside a Russian flag, and it was in Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Yes. I remember that day. It was back in October of the year 2024. Before the Great War. Before the Great War. And there were these two guys on the Internet, and they were telling people, this is going to get bad. I remember that. They turned out to be right.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Most people didn't believe them. But they turned out to be right. It was a really bad war. If you survive it, if you get through it, if any of us get through it. So this is evidence now of the cooperation between North Korea and Russia in the Ukraine war. BBC, China holds live fire drills on island closest to Taiwan. Same sequence of events sorry the island um uh being surrounded by uh chinese uh military assets uh quickly i wanna i wanna go through some other stories because uh there's some other big things that are happening right now right uh this is um the the the bricks summit started today
Starting point is 00:21:47 in russia and here's some uh yes so you got a number of world leaders that have appeared you have uh chinese president xi jinping you have uh prime minister modi of india. You notice how they're happy, they're pleased to be there at this particular event. But you need to know, ladies and gentlemen, this is going to be a significant meeting that's taking place this week with these world leaders, because this is probably going to be the event that is going to kick off de-dollarization. So is India a U.S. ally or a Russian ally? Well, that's the question there. Looks like they're treating him right there. India is a major part of BRICS.
Starting point is 00:22:40 I mean, the I in BRICS is India. India, yes. They helped start it. And what is it for? They're creating a new financial architecture. Yes. To liberate the world from the Rothschild banking system. Nikkei News in Japan.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Russia and China gear up for bigger BRICS summit in push for a new order. Yes. As in for a new order. Yes. As in a new world order. They're seeking to break and to end the post-World War II order and bring in a new world order. Now, I've said this many times. There are competing new world orders. You've been living in a New World Order. The Western version. Yes, you've been in a New World Order since the end of World War II.
Starting point is 00:23:33 That was the New World Order. Now there is a new New World Order coming. A newer version, another version, but there are competing versions this time. The last time there were not competing versions in the aftermath of the war. There was during the war. That's why they had a war. Japan and Germany had their plans for world order.
Starting point is 00:23:58 And so the Western Alliance won, and they established their version of the new world order. and that's where you got the united nations the international monetary fund the world bank uh the the u.s dollar as the reserve currency and so forth and so we've been living in the western new world order since world war ii what do you need you need a what do you need to get a new world order? You need a war. Yes. I got up this morning, Doc. It wasn't the first thing I thought when I got up,
Starting point is 00:24:34 but in my early morning hours, I thought about a conversation I had with a very wealthy man in another country, billionaire. And he told me in that conversation, I asked him about World War III. And he said, oh, yeah, Rick. He goes, we need it. We need it. I go, we need it? He goes, yes, we need it. I go, why do we need it?
Starting point is 00:25:01 He goes, it's the only thing that's going to make the New World Order possible. Now, he was talking about a new world order like hey this is as good as in a cupcake okay right in his mind i remember that conversation you were there yes okay so in his mind a another new world order was a wonderful thing right and um and and so he what he was saying was that there are there's opposition roadblocks to bringing forth that new world order and he said among his peers and i remind you he was he's a billionaire among his peers there was common agreement that a world war was necessary in order to usher in the new world order. Okay? So there's a lot of very powerful people in the world who are waiting on this war.
Starting point is 00:26:01 It wasn't like they want it, like we want to see death and destruction, but their mindset is we can't move on to the things we want to do until we blow up this old world order. The only thing that's going to do it is a war, so let's just get it over with and get moving. That's the mindset. Right. And one of the things that's driving the current new world order is the U.S. dollar.
Starting point is 00:26:26 And that's what this BRICS summit is really all about. They are gearing up now to generate a new currency, a new form of trade in opposition to the U.S. dollar. You're not going to get rid of the U.S. dollar completely. I would say, Doc, it's driven in opposition to the weaponization of the U.S. dollar. Okay. Yeah, I can go with that. It's the weaponization of the dollar that has driven these nations to create BRICS. Yes. They're saying, we want out of the slavery.
Starting point is 00:26:56 If we don't agree with the United States and the Europeans, we get hammered. They put sanctions on us. They go to war. We're tired of living like this. And these other nations represent a majority of the Earth's population. You put China and India together and Russia, the populations, what does that represent? And then they're saying, we're being ordered by these other nations that have a minority of the world's population. They're ordering us, telling us what to do. That's what's driving this.
Starting point is 00:27:29 It's the weaponization. It's the arrogance, the pride, the haughtiness of Western leaders of saying we've got so much power. And if you don't do what we tell you to do, we'll destroy your economy. And if we have to, we'll destroy your country. And we have to. We'll destroy your country. And we have unlimited dollars, too. Yes. We can just keep printing them. Well, that may not last so long.
Starting point is 00:27:59 We could probably skip 11 if you want to go to 12. Yeah, let's do that. Bloomberg, Turkey makes a bid to join BRICS. So here is a NATO nation. There you go. A NATO military alliance nation saying, we're going to go join BRICS. So what is President Erdogan doing? He's playing both sides.
Starting point is 00:28:20 He's saying, I'm going to walk in both camps until I figure out who's winning. Yes. That's the way he's played the game so far, isn't it? He's saying, I'm going to walk in both camps until I figure out who's winning. Yes, that's the way he's played the game so far, isn't it? And he's been pretty shrewd at it. Dmitry Medvedev made a statement. As always, every week he puts out a statement. And this one's interesting, Doc. I'll let you read it. Yeah, he issued this on Monday and in a way to welcome people to the
Starting point is 00:28:46 BRICS summit, he said, remember, there can be no alliance between Russia and the West, either for the sake of interest or for the sake of principles, that there is not a single interest in the West, not a single aspiration that would not plot against Russia, especially against its future, and that would not try to harm it. And that is why Russia's only policy towards the Western powers is not an alliance with one or another of these powers, but their disunity and their division. For they, only when disunited from each other, cease to be hostile to us, out of impotence, of course, never out of conviction. It's quoting Fyodor Ivanovich Tuchev from 1864. Just think about that, Doc.
Starting point is 00:29:28 That's a quote from 1864, and that's how the Russians were viewing the West. Back then. What is it about the Western ruling class that hates Russia? I don't think it's hating Russia. It's they're jealous of Russia and its resources and history. I think that's the biggest part of it. The jealousy? Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:50 So it's coveting? Yeah. Coveting and pride is at the heart of it. But Dmitry Medvedev, and he knows his history. He said, unfortunately, nothing has changed over the past 160 years. Two cycles there, Rick. And the task remained the same, the maximum weakening and humiliation of the West, including Europe. The U.S. itself helps us in this.
Starting point is 00:30:16 After all, their goal is domination over the old world as well as the rest of the world. And then there can only be one goal, the collapse of the U.S. itself. Listen to what he's saying here. Or, at the minimum, the creation of a full-fledged counterweight to America, as was the case during the existence of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact. And here the prospects for a new balance are already visible. The SCO, Shanghai Alliance, BRICS, and other regional unions, the comprehensive development of relations with the countries of the global south. After all, the alternative to such a balance of power is a total war until the complete extermination of humanity.
Starting point is 00:30:58 A world without balance in today's conditions will not last even a decade. If the West does not realize this simple truth, it is the end for everyone. And this is not a situation where the death of some will mean the victory of others. And this was Demetrius Medvedev's message preceding the latest BRICS summit. That it's necessary. BRICS is necessary as a counterweight to the west to stop to prevent the destruction of all of humanity of humanity let's go back uh the paragraph above and there can only be one goal this is he's saying then there can only be one goal on
Starting point is 00:31:40 thinking as a russian the collapse of the United States itself. Right. The Russian leaders are saying, our mission must be the collapse of the United States or we are going to collapse. Right. Because they have weaponized everything and one of us is going to collapse. So see, we have driven the Russians to this extreme position where they're saying the only way for us to survive is to bring about the collapse of the United States.
Starting point is 00:32:14 But we're already at that position against Russia. We want the collapse of Russia. Precisely. That's what I'm saying. We're driving the Russians to think like the Americans are thinking. Right. We're not giving them an option. Or, at a minimum, the creation of a full-fledged counterweight to America.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Meaning, he's referring to the BRICS alliance. Right. A new world order where America is not in in control that's what he's saying we've got to we've got to set up a system where america is not running the world now there's something i want you to see in the next paragraph after all the alternatives to such a balance of power is total war until the complete extermination of mankind. That's the alternative if there is not a balance to Western power. Now, there's something I want you to see in this. A world without balance in today's conditions will not last even a decade.
Starting point is 00:33:28 How long is a decade? 10 years. 10 years from 2024 is when? 2034. And what have I been telling you for weeks? 2030s. And most likely 2032 to 2034, that period in there. There it is. He says, if we don't do this, the world is not going to last another decade. So we either need. So you see the date showing up again? Yes. There's the date again. The date for a war that could mean the complete extermination of mankind.
Starting point is 00:34:10 It's the mother of all wars coming in the 2030s. And if you have a flippant attitude about it, like, oh, we'll get through it. You have no idea what's coming. Just no idea at all. Okay. It's beyond our comprehension.. It's beyond our comprehension. It is absolutely beyond our comprehension. And it is on track.
Starting point is 00:34:35 We may have six to eight to ten years. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. All these guys know it's not going to last a decade. That's what he's saying. This thing's not going to last a decade. That's what he's saying. This thing's not going to last a decade. I'm reading that as, hey,
Starting point is 00:34:52 this war's not coming 12 years from now. It's not going to be 2036. It's not going to be 2038. It's going to happen by 2034. That's what Medvedev's saying. It's not going to last a decade. He's giving you a clue decade he's giving you a clue he's giving you
Starting point is 00:35:06 a hint into the thinking we can't stretch this out another 10 years that's it there's going to be a war
Starting point is 00:35:12 that's going to could end up in the elimination of mankind wow okay so now let's talk about really important
Starting point is 00:35:22 things the U.S. election speaking of the collapse of America yes Okay, so now let's talk about really important things. The U.S. election. Speaking of the collapse of America. Yes. It doesn't matter who wins. You probably have noticed that in this presidential campaign, I've not been very animated like I have been in other elections. I am resigned to the fact that it doesn't matter who wins.
Starting point is 00:36:02 This country is on a fast track towards world war. It doesn't matter if Donald Trump wins or Kamala Harris wins? We're moving towards war. If Mr. Trump wins, he will not – if the war is delayed until the 2030s, he won't be in the White House. He'll leave the White House in January 29. He won't be there. There will be another president if kamala harris wins and she wins the second term she'll be there to 2033 january of 2033 now that's she could be president during that war right the realm of possibility with her
Starting point is 00:36:39 uh if she doesn't win and if she doesn't win re-election in 2028 I don't think J.D. Vance would win simply because he's a millennial I think I don't think the millennials win yet
Starting point is 00:37:00 the baby boomers we're we're on our exit okay we're fading away we're we're we're on our way out donald trump will be the last baby boomer president there'll be a gen xer that's coming up doc generation. And there will be... Technically, Kamala Harris is a Gen Xer. Yes, yes. But most likely, okay, yes, she could be there for the war. But after the war, if anybody survives, the historical trend would be that a Gen Xer who would be a military hero in World War III lead the country through the war, will then be elected president after the war. And try to reassemble the nation after that.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Okay. So we've given this example before. World War II was a fourth turning war. And Dwight Eisenhower was a Gen Xer. That was the lost generation. They called it the lost generation. He was the hero in the war and then was elected president. You go back to the preceding one, that was the Civil War.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Ulysses S. Grant was a Gen Xer. He led the Union troops through the war and then was elected president afterwards. And both generals were planners and fixers. Right. That was their forte. I mean, Grant, of course, known for his strategies and for planning. Eisenhower, the same thing. That's right.
Starting point is 00:38:39 World War II, he applied those same principles as president. They plan and they fix. Yes. All right. The baby boomers are the visionaries. Yes. But the baby boomers get you into wars. And then they're too old to fight them.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Okay. Isn't that what's happening? Isn't that what's happening right now? You got Lindsey Graham. You got these baby boomers saying, let's have a big war. Yes. You're too old to go fight it. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Just shut up. If you're not going to too old to go fight it. Shut up. Just shut up. If you're not going to go out there and fight it, shut up. But that's the way these, that's the trend, the historical trend. That older generation moves them into the war. So,
Starting point is 00:39:19 what I'm saying is, it doesn't matter who wins. We're going to war. We're going to war. We're going to war. Eventually, by the 2030s, we're going to be in a war. Now, let's just go through. I got 13 minutes.
Starting point is 00:39:36 I'll talk some politics here. James Carville is doubling down. He said he's absolutely certain Kamala Harris will win the election. Is he still around? Is he still relevant? He is, but, Doc, he's a crusty old Cajun. Look, he can smell politics. He smells it, okay?
Starting point is 00:40:03 I agree with that. He can smell. He can smell elections. He can smell which way elections are going. I wouldn't discount anything that man says. Remember, he was the man who managed Bill Clinton's campaign. Yes. Okay? He took an unknown Arkansas governor and put him in the White House. He's saying absolutely Kamala Harris is going to win. No, you could say, well, he's a Democrat.
Starting point is 00:40:29 That's what he's going to say. But he's really staking his reputation on it. Well, he was questioning it a few weeks back, but now he's all in. Right. He said, I think Harris is going to win. He said this on MSNBC. He said, let me just say that out front. I'm doubling down on that.
Starting point is 00:40:47 I could be wrong, but he says I'm doubling down. Newsweek said abortion is the second most important issue in this election and that it is now more important than immigration, according to the polls. Doc, I don't discount it. Okay. I don't discount it. If this is true, Kamala Harris will win. If this is true. Because immigration is the issue that Donald Trump needs.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Abortion is the issue that Kamala Harris needs. If more people are voting based on their views about abortion, being pro-abortion, then Harris will win the election. If these polls are correct, again, this is Newsweek. We have no way of verifying it. It's based on a series of polls conducted by Redfield and Wilton Strategies, showing, of course, the economy, the number one issue. So it's the economy, then abortion, and then immigration. New York Times, with Election Day two weeks away away 17 million voters have already cast a ballot
Starting point is 00:42:07 that's by mail and early voting just to be clear the election is going on right now it's already started the election is not coming up in november that's the end of the election you have to change the way you think about elections now the The election started weeks ago. It started back in, actually, in some states, I think, they started late September. I think there was one or two states that started in late September. So the election has already been underway. It just comes to an end in November. Just a sampling to give you an idea of what's going on. Orange County, Florida, that's Orlando, sees record turnout on first day of early voting.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Which was yesterday. Yesterday here in Florida. Long lines in the state. Again, a record turnout. In mail-in ballots, more Democrats have voted in Florida than Republicans. In early voting, meaning where you go to a polling place, more Republicans have voted. Yesterday, there were far more Republicans who voted yesterday than Democrats. But when you go back and look at how many mail-in ballots have come in, far more Democrats have voted in Florida than Republicans. And what's the number one issue in Florida? Abortion. There is an abortion amendment on the ballot that will eliminate all regulations in the state of Florida if this thing passes.
Starting point is 00:43:48 You will not be able to regulate abortion. The Democrats are excited. The pro-abortion people are excited. They love death. They just love the idea of death, of killing babies. They're very motivated by this idea of killing babies. And they're going to come out and vote. And they are voting.
Starting point is 00:44:07 I said, well, I'm not ruling out a Harris victory. Remember, Doc, November 2018, you and I were, we did true news from outside of JFK Airport in front of the airplane that Howard Hughes' aircraft was sitting there. I don't remember where we were going in November of 2020. I don't remember. Okay. I'm trying to remember, too.
Starting point is 00:44:40 I don't remember. But we did that program before the polls closed, and we were anticipating a massive Republican victory in House and Senate races, and it turned out to be a dud. Yes, because apparently MAGA supporters didn't turn up to the polls. But the Democrats did. Yes. In massive numbers. Okay. So, be prepared.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Texas. Texas early voting kicks off with long lines. Also, North, this is NBC, Dallas-Fort Worth, North Texas sees record turnout. Fox in South Carolina. South Carolina breaks record in voter turnout on first day of early voting. So the story is, it remains the same everywhere. Here's the Early voting could signal serious danger for Harris in Nevada.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Now, in Nevada, she's in trouble. Because it's Republicans who are showing up in big numbers in Nevada. Now, in Nevada, she's in trouble because it's Republicans who are showing up in big numbers in Nevada. Yeah, of course, Nevada has been contentious really for the past four years. Right. I mean, it's been wild out there. But these are the early days, and so you've got two more weeks of voting. Two weeks. Yes. Two weeks from today. Voting. All right. This is constant voting that's taking place. Elon Musk claims magazine cover is part of a secret and deadly plot.
Starting point is 00:46:14 What's he talking about? Germany's Der Spiegel named him as public enemy number two. Guess who's number one? Donald Trump. And you see the image there. It's Elon Musk. But really, who's the puppet? Donald Trump. And you see the image there. It's Elon Musk, but really, who's the puppet master behind Elon Musk? It's Donald Trump. Well, Elon Musk has said he has to help Donald Trump win because if he doesn't win, he's toast, meaning Musk. Meaning if the Democrats get in, they're going to destroy his business because he purchased Twitter and ended the censorship of conservatives.
Starting point is 00:46:51 And so he knows that if the Democrats win, Twitter is going down. Yeah. They don't mind him shooting rockets into space or digging holes in the ground. Just don't interfere with politics. That's right. just don't interfere with politics. Now, on that steal that we had from Der Spiegel, Musk had a comment on that. He said, With their relentless hit pieces,
Starting point is 00:47:13 legacy mainstream media are actively encouraging the assassination of real Donald Trump, Donald Trump, and now me. Yes. He said he's up to his security because he's afraid of being assassinated. Hey, I've only got a few minutes here. I want to jump down to number 27.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Billionaire Paul Tudor Jones told CNBC that the day of reckoning is coming after this election. We are going to be broke. Pay attention. This man's worth about $8 billion. He owns a hedge fund. And I watched this interview. I want to show several minutes of it to you because you need to listen closely to what he's saying and understand what is coming after the election. Regardless of whether the president is Donald Trump or Kamala Harris. Listen to what he said.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Talk about taxes, though, because that's how the money is going to get raised, one way or the other. Correct. I think we have a screen, if we could, that puts up a little bit of a menu here of, I don't know if it's options. Actually, they may not be options at all. No, no, there are plenty of options. There are plenty of options.
Starting point is 00:48:21 There's not many ways to get where you need to go unless you start to do some of these things. Correct. So the question is of the, of what's on the screen, you can, you can let the tax cuts expire. Can I just say this? You have to let the tax cuts expire. You have to, you have to let those expire. That's 390 billion. We're going to have, again, we're going to be broke really quickly unless we get serious about dealing with our spending issues. And unless we, we can either, I don't know if we'll be able to cut spending that much. 60% of our spending are transfer payments. But if you think we're going broke and you think Trump is going to be the president, he's not going to let those tax cuts expire if he can avoid it. He does not want the corporate tax rate to go to 25 percent, as you're suggesting it'll have to. He's suggesting it should go to 15 percent. I'm saying that just to get us to the point where we
Starting point is 00:49:23 stabilize debt to GDP at where it is right now, here's what you need to do. You need to let the Trump tax cuts expire. That's $390 billion. You need to raise the payroll tax on every single working person, 1%. That's another big slug. You need to— What do you think that does to jobs?
Starting point is 00:49:40 We're clearly going to have a period of contraction, which hopefully, that's why I was going to say, it's going to be really important for the Fed to be able to offset the fiscal contraction area that's going to come. Then you want to increase the individual tax rate all the way to the top rate of close to 50%. Now, hold it. I don't want to do any of this stuff. What I'm telling you is, is that we've got to be serious about where we are fiscally. And so I'm giving you, there's a whole set of options, right? We could go in and cut 25% of the federal workforce. Some people may do that.
Starting point is 00:50:20 There's a website where you can go look and play with all the options. You can raise the capital gains rate from 21% to 28%. That only gets you $10 billion a year. It actually doesn't get you what you need. So I'm simply showing some of the things that you can do. Yes, you'd have to raise the tax rate on the top, I think, probably everyone over 200 grand. Probably have to raise that to 49.5%. If you do all these things, all these things, raise the Social Security from 65 to 70. If you do all these things, means test, Medicare, if you do all these things, all you do is you get to a primary balance.
Starting point is 00:50:59 What that means is you stabilize debt to GDP. You're still actually increasing your debt. Right. You're still actually increasing it because it excludes the interest costs, which, oh, by the way, the interest bill this year is larger than every single line item except Social Security. It's larger than defense spending, larger than Medicare. I want to talk about why you're here, which is Robin Hood and this conference. But before I do that, is this given all of the things you're saying, are you off buying gold and Bitcoin?
Starting point is 00:51:28 And I think all roads lead to inflation. We're going to end up if you so. But does all roads lead to inflation? Therefore, gold is a good investment. Is Bitcoin a good investment to you? I'm long gold. I'm long Bitcoin. I think commodities are so ridiculously under-owned. So I'm long commodities. I think commodities are so ridiculously under-owned. So I'm long commodities. I think most young people find their inflation hedges via the NASDAQ. That's also been great. It's probably some combination. I probably have some basket of gold, Bitcoin, commodities, NASDAQ, something like that.
Starting point is 00:51:58 And I don't have zero fixed income. If I had my cash, it would be very short term. You just heard a billionaire. He personally is worth $8 billion. He manages gazillions of dollars for other people. You just heard him tell you what's coming. And what did he say he's buying? Bitcoin, gold, commodities, and the NASDAQ.
Starting point is 00:52:23 All right. So here's a phone number. If you were smart, you'd call this number. This is 844-960-GOLD. That's the phone number to GoldCo. 844-960-GOLD. There's a QR code. That will take you to the website, and the website is
Starting point is 00:52:46 Folks, what he described is a season of stagflation. I'm talking 10 to 15 years. Forget the war, okay? Stagflation. Get ready, buy gold, and give to the Lord. You'll get through it. You're listening to WWCR International Shortwave Radio. You can find True News on frequency 12.160 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern
Starting point is 00:53:13 and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern. Connect with us on Rumble, Facebook, X, and Getter. I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw. I'm a blacksmith, and I like to work with my hands. I watch True News, and it's apparent to me that we are in World War III, and the U.S. is very unstable. I have faith in God, but he expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for trouble times. There are two things we need, food and water.
Starting point is 00:53:52 That's why I buy my supplies from American Reserves offers easy-to-prepare chicken and beef meals, pastas, soups, and vegetables that only need boiling water. You can purchase the world-famous British Birkfield gravity-fed water filters equipped with Dalton ceramic candles and other emergency supplies at My family's security is critical to me. Something big is coming. Procrastination could be costly. Act today before a crisis suddenly appears. Be ready, be wise, go to Good morning, everybody. Welcome to Morning Manna. We are honored to have you with us. We gather, we, a group of brothers and sisters spread out over many nations,
Starting point is 00:54:41 gather together every morning at 8 a.m. Eastern, and we study the Word of God. For some people, it's 8 p.m. People are in different time zones, and they make it a point to log in and be with us in this Bible study, regardless of what nation or time zone that they're in. And for many of you, you are listening to us on a platform later in the day, and we're glad to have you with us. We would invite you to join us at and become part of the live interactive class because there's a chat feature and many people are talking and meeting each other and sharing ideas. So we are studying the parable of the talents. And this is in the 25th chapter of the gospel according to St. Matthew.
Starting point is 00:55:37 And today we're probably going to get through three or four verses, 15 through 18. And I'm going to pray, invite the Holy Spirit. Doc's going to read the word and and i'm going to pray invite the holy spirit doc's going to read the word and then we're going to begin our lesson dear gracious dear gracious heavenly father father we thank you for this beautiful day we are blessed we are more than blessed father to have you as our father what else could we ask for than to have you as our father that means we are complete in everything and we have no fear no want we are we are complete in christ and so father we give you thanksgiving and praise and glory and honor. Father, your sons and daughters have come to you at this breakfast table to be served manna from heaven.
Starting point is 00:56:39 And we ask that you spoon feed us. Father, as a loving father, feed your children and make us strong in Christ. In Jesus' name, amen. Amen. If you have your Bibles this morning, please turn to Matthew chapter 25 as we continue our study today throughout the Gospel of Matthew. Today we are continuing in our discussion on the parable of the talents. And I'll be reading verses 15 through 18 18 so if you'd like to follow along and I'm reading from the King James this morning
Starting point is 00:57:10 verse 15 and unto one he gave five talents to another two and to another one to every man according to his several abilities and straightway took his journey then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same and made them other five talents. Likewise, he that had received two, he also gained other two. Verse 18,
Starting point is 00:57:35 But he that had received one went and digged in the earth. Just can't get over that. Digged in the earth and hid his Lord's money. In Jesus' name. Bless God. Verse 15.
Starting point is 00:57:50 And unto one he gave five talents, and to another two, and to another one, to every man according to his several ability, and straightway took his journey so yesterday we you know we we established that Jesus Christ is the one who took the journey the talents are the abilities not the abilities did big gifts from God and it's both tangible material gifts and spiritual intangible gifts these are the the talents that God gives to each of us and he doesn't give each person the same talents and the same amounts it's it's the the distribution of the talents is based on God's sovereign wisdom and will but however what he doesn't give anybody more than they can handle nor less than they can handle and so he's fair. Humans would say, well, this isn't fair. One person got five talents and
Starting point is 00:59:09 another got one. That's not fair. In God's eyes, yes, it was fair because the one who received five talents was capable of handling five talents. It would have been unjust and unfair to give five talents to the one who couldn't handle five talents. And so he's a loving father. And he says, I give to you what I know you can handle and what I desire you to have. The type of talents, the type of gifts, and the amount of those talents and gifts. So he doesn't impose unreasonable burdens on any of us. So the talent is, you know, in this parable, it represents a significant sum of money, gold or silver.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Now, in practicality, it's not just money but in this in this parable it's it's money it's gold or silver it's something of of great value that the master entrusted to three of his servants um as i said you know it's these are gifts opportunities that he gives to us possessions responsibilities positions it's these are all blessings from God in our life and he increases helps us to, when he sees us increasing them, he will put some extra effort in there and help us increase. Yes. Rick, you know, a question that we got a lot yesterday, and we're getting a little bit today in our live chat, is how can the believer today discern what those talents are that the Lord has invested in us? I think that's, for some, that's the biggest challenge for a lot of people out there.
Starting point is 01:01:13 They don't want to waste their talent, but they don't know what God has invested in them. What's it easy for you to do? What comes easy? What comes naturally for you now don't say sin because God didn't give you the gift of sin but what skills what talents what abilities do you have that just come easy come naturally to you that's your first clue you know you you wouldn't want me to build a house with his eyes closed because it just comes easy. Right.
Starting point is 01:02:13 You wouldn't want me to fix your automobile's engine. I lost the ability to do that somewhere in the 1980s when engines started changing. I wasn't able to keep up with the changes in technology. Doc, when I was young, I worked very young. I worked for my dad. He had a restaurant furniture manufacturing company. He built restaurant tables and booths and bars and things for big restaurants and nightclubs and stuff. I spent a couple years working for him in, you know, in my teens. I could do it.
Starting point is 01:03:06 I could do the basic stuff, but I hated it. I wasn't good at it. Right. In fact, when we got married, almost all the furniture in our house, I built myself. As soon as I got married, because we didn't have the money to buy furniture, I built it. Wow. to buy furniture i built it but wow i but i tell everybody our home looked like it was furnished with furniture from holiday inn because that's what i knew how to build because my dad my my dad built furniture for hotels and it had the holiday inn look so it's the only Inn look. So it's the only thing.
Starting point is 01:03:46 What's your pattern? Oh, it's the Baltimore Holiday Inn. Right. 1969, okay. A lot of oranges and browns. Yes, yes. You got it, Doc. Yes.
Starting point is 01:04:02 So I could do it, but it wasn't fun. I had to push myself to be able to do it, especially on fitting drawers and dressers. Oh, I'd rather slice my wrist than have to fit a drawer in a dresser. You know, now it's done by machinery you don't have to do it manually like we did then the point of making is I could do it but it wasn't easy what comes easy to you right what's just natural that's the first clue to your gift and I think another one Rick is what moves you what what generates a passion or desire in you and an example in my life when I when I moved from Korea to the
Starting point is 01:05:01 Philippines you know I was just expecting to be involved in church ministry and stuff in the Philippines. But one day, we were driving across town. We went through this section of Manila called Floodway. And that's exactly what it says, Floodway. Whenever it floods, that's the way it goes. But there was a dump there. And I saw little kids out on the dump and i thought they were playing and so i asked my brother-in-law i said uh look at those kids playing out on the dump there he said oh they're not playing they're they're looking for
Starting point is 01:05:40 food and i was like looking for food and he says yeah this is where the restaurants come and they drop their they dump their food and i mean i was just overwhelmed by that i i just said i'm not going to let that happen and uh so and once a week we set up a feeding program there in floodway at least one day a week those kids were up a feeding program there in Floodway. At least one day a week, those kids were not going to eat in the dump. One day a week. I couldn't do it every day, but at least one day a week, those kids were not going to be picking food out of the dump. I'm talking they would pick chicken bones out of the dump
Starting point is 01:06:21 and get the meat off of it and everything. It was, Rick Rick I couldn't handle it I said I'm gonna provide a solution to that at least one day a week so doc a clue to your following a clue to your gifting is what makes you angry yes now people go what what do you mean? What makes me angry? See children searching in garbage for food made Doc angry. It was righteous anger. What is it that you want to correct? What problem do you see that you're like, I got to fix it. Your pay, your salary, your hourly wages are determined
Starting point is 01:07:12 by the problems they solve are different. If you want to increase your income, learn to solve bigger problems yes you have a talent you have a talent in you maybe it's maybe it's undeveloped you have the ability to solve problems so your income in this world is based on your ability to solve problems somebody has a problem that you know how to fix right you know last week doc yeah we had a lot of limbs down a lot of a couple big trees were down in my yard nothing major but a lot of palm branches you know a lot of just my yard was just littered okay so I had a problem
Starting point is 01:08:27 if somebody would have showed up to my house and said Rick for X many dollars I'll clean up all this for you you know what I would have taken them up on that offer. Because I had a problem that needed to be fixed. And I told a young man last week, I said, you know, if you had a truck, a pickup truck, and some tools, some yard tools, you'd make $10,000 this week.
Starting point is 01:09:00 Because everybody here in Florida has debris. Yes, everybody. If you would just work day and night, you'll make $10,000 in one week. It went over his head. I actually said, look, I got a pickup truck here. I'll loan it to you.
Starting point is 01:09:25 Gosh, you even gave him the tools to operate. operate all right do you see what I'm talking about this is the example of the of the servant that doesn't take advantage of the opportunity so what is it that motivates you what excites you all right for me it's teaching and writing it's teaching and writing I had a third one it would be to to broadcast and stream music I love music and I believe music can bless people, make people happy, inspire people. I would do that. If I had ways to send out music to the whole world, that's what I
Starting point is 01:10:12 want to do. These are the things that I like doing. I didn't know that I could be a newscaster. I didn't know that. I guess there was a skill hidden in me that I was unaware of. I remember the day, Doc, that my daughter said to me, Carissa, this is way back before I started the radio show.
Starting point is 01:10:38 We started the radio show in 1999. And she and I were together in a car. This was in Dallas, Fort Worth Fort Worth Texas and we were talking about things in the news and she looked at me and she said dad what are you going to do with all this stuff you know about the news I said what do you mean what am I what am I going to do with it she goes you know too much about it what are you going to do with it i said well i don't know what i'm going to do with it and she goes well maybe you need to start a radio show maybe people need to hear what you know that idea was so crazy to me doc that was so far out of my mind me a radio show talking about the news nobody's gonna listen to
Starting point is 01:11:26 me talking about the news and yet she the Lord used her to plant the seed right and it wasn't much later that a radio station manager called me one day and asked me to come over I I had appeared on his radio station a couple times, and he asked me to meet with him, and he said, Rick, I'm going to put something out to you. We have one hour open every Monday through Friday in the morning. Why don't you do a program? that challenged me now i had to pay for it and back then it was um you know it was a huge amount of money for us it was uh i want to say 6 500 a month prepaid it's still a lot of money there's still a lot of money right um and i didn't And I didn't have the money. But a friend invited me to lunch.
Starting point is 01:12:30 And when I got there, it was at a barbecue place in Dallas-Fort Worth on Highway 180 by Bedford. And he had a friend that he had invited. Anyhow, we're sitting there talking, ate lunch. And my friend said, hey, tell my other friend here about the radio opportunity. And I said, oh, yeah. I said, some radio station guy wants me to do a program. And the guy said, well, what's keeping you from doing it? I said, I got to pay pay almost seven thousand dollars a month
Starting point is 01:13:07 and it's got to be cash up front i don't have it um the next day he called me and he said hey rick i want you to come over to my office in fort worth because i'm not going to be here today but just ask for my secretary. Okay. I went over. I had no idea, Doc, what this was about. Right. Found his secretary.
Starting point is 01:13:33 His secretary says, oh, Mr. Wells, yes, I have something for you. She handed me an envelope. I took the envelope, walked out in the parking lot, got in my car, opened up the envelope, and there was a check in it for $7, and a note that said start the radio show all right so god set me up all right here i am now 2024 and i'm still talking about the news okay i didn't know i had that ability. But I walked through the door when the door opened. Right. So what doors are opening in your life? Be observant. Be aware.
Starting point is 01:14:22 And don't let fear hold you back don't don't say I don't have the resources because God will give you the resources trust me he will give you the resources oh yes he'll do it So be expecting, be hopeful, look for these opportunities. You can't be out of work. God's people should never be out of work. He's given you ability. He's given you talent. Don't be unemployed.
Starting point is 01:15:00 I agree. Don't sit there. There's plenty of work out there, I'm telling you. sit there collecting unemployment benefits. I'm telling you, there's plenty of work. Because I see problems that need to be solved. So I know there's work. Don't sit home all day collecting unemployment benefits. That's not godly.
Starting point is 01:15:21 God gives you the ability to work, and he gives you talents. Get out there and find something to do. He will lead you to work. Right. And if you don't know what to do, do something good. Yeah. If you don't know what to do, just do something good. Bake a cake.
Starting point is 01:15:44 Do something. Do something good for somebody. something good. Bake a cake. Do something. Do something good for somebody. Just be in an action mode. Be moving. Doing something. Be active. God can't. Look, you can't steer a parked car.
Starting point is 01:15:56 And God can't steer you if you're sitting on your sofa watching TV. Right. Get up and move and he'll steer your life. He will give you a job so we get back to this parable God gives according to each person what that person can handle nobody is overburdened. Nobody is under-challenged. And although the quantity of the talents differ, the expectation of faithfulness is the same for all. That's the fairness. In heaven, God's distribution of gifts on earth is fair and equitable.
Starting point is 01:16:49 Yes. Because it aligns with each person's capacity. And that reveals God's divine wisdom. Yes. Because he loves you. Because he's a kind, loving father, he gives you what you can handle. And a kind, loving father will push his or her son or daughter to do more than he or she thinks they can do. But not more than we can bear.
Starting point is 01:17:32 Not more than you can bear, but I call it divine discontent. There are times in my life I had this feeling of divine discontent. I'm just discontented with where I'm at, and I know I can do more. And I'm frustrated because I know I can do more. I'm not discontented with what I have. I know how to be content with what I have. But at times I'm discontented in what I'm doing because I feel like I'm in a rut and I can do more. Right. And that's the Lord saying, okay, you've mastered that level. That's why you feel bored.
Starting point is 01:18:13 You've mastered it. Push on. Reach higher. There's something else you can do. See, if your work becomes boring, it means you've learned all you can learn about it you've done everything you can do about it or at least you've expended the effort to learn right but it could be that you've reached the you know your potential at that particular position so it could be god just disturbing you internally to you know what you need to
Starting point is 01:18:46 do more there's going to be a promotion you know ask the Lord for a promotion say hey I just I can't find anything else to learn about this job I I'd like to have a promotion I like to be challenged to do something new. So regardless of how much God gives us, the same level of fidelity and diligence is expected from each individual. And heaven's rewards are based on our faithfulness and our effort and that ensures god's fairness in in how he distributes the rewards so there's an accountability where each person is held responsible for how well they use their gifts doc is not responsible for how i use my gifts and I'm not responsible for how he uses his gifts but on Judgment Day we're each going to be judged on how we used our respective gifts yes I can
Starting point is 01:19:58 encourage him he can encourage me but I'm not responsible and I'm not to be criticizing he's not to be criticizing me okay only encourage always inspire so you know see if somebody says to me you know Rick I bet you could write another book all right that'll motivate me um Rick I bet you could write another book. I've got the whole office laughing in here, Rick. Well, yesterday when I went home, I wrote the outline for a new book. Praise God. Yes. So I've got the outline of a new book and yeah it won't take me years to
Starting point is 01:20:52 write it so but I do have to change my schedule I do have to change what I'm doing in order to to do that work see this is where it gets challenging. So, talents symbolize opportunities that are provided by God's providence. Yes. Have you ever missed an opportunity that you knew the Lord sent your way oh I I know I have I know I have and I can tell you that in my younger life I missed a string of opportunities and then they dried up and I went into an opportunity drought yeah yeah you go through it's I it's cyclical so yep and that drought lasted ten years well not
Starting point is 01:22:00 the whole drought but the whole season, missing the opportunities and the drought. It lasted 10 years. And believe me, I reached a point where I pledged to the Lord, if you send me one more opportunity, I promise I will seize that opportunity and nobody and no thing will stop me because I allowed people to stop me from taking those other opportunities I allowed people to talk me out of it I had opposition I had people getting in my way this stuff's not all rosy yeah Satan Satan does not want you to do God's will he doesn't want you to be fulfilled in your life he's doing everything he can to make you unfulfilled to make you miserable to make you unproductive so when you start moving in the direction of fulfilling the talents in your life
Starting point is 01:23:02 satan is going to get in your way guaranteed guaranteed he will so the day that i told the lord if you give me one more opportunity i promise i'll walk through the door that on that same day literally in the same hour the the opportunity to go to work for TBN came to me. Within the hour. So, I knew, I'm taking this opportunity. I don't care if King Kong gets in my way. He's going to lose some fur. You better sit down. He's over there.
Starting point is 01:23:55 You know, I'm taking this. Yeah, I made up my mind. I'm taking this job. You know, and when Paul Crouch's secretary called me and said, Dr. Crouch wants to see you in his office tomorrow at 2 p.m. in Santa Ana, California. Can you be there? This is the next day. And I was in Maryland.
Starting point is 01:24:18 And I didn't have money to buy a last minute plane ticket. And I said, yes, ma'am. You tell him I'll be there. Now you've spoken it. Now you've spoken it. Yes. And I because I made up my mind if I got to take myself down to FedEx and put myself in a box and ship myself overnight, I'll be there. So you had no money. You had an invitation to an interview with Paul Crouch tbn this would be what about what year 1980 no that would have been uh in the mid 90s oh mid 90s and so yeah i was a cbn and cbn in the 80s yeah so so how did you end up i i assume you went to that interview how did you get there um actually a friend provided me the money to buy
Starting point is 01:25:06 a plane ticket praise god yes and i got there that's a good friend yes and uh so you know the the day before on that day all right and i'll tell you this after the after the initial opportunity came a period of about two months went by before I actually got the interview okay and I was I was worried and I was like what's going on and then I found out that Paul Crouch had been traveling around the world and wasn't in the United States. And when he got back, he wanted to do the interview and he wanted to do it tomorrow. Right. Because decisive people decide. Right. And I learned that with Paul Crouch. He made decisions decisions and he made them and they were
Starting point is 01:26:07 firm and he got things done okay and so on that day I've never done this ever did at one time my entire life I had gone two months waiting on the interview and I I put my Bible on the floor and I stood on it. And I said, Father, I am standing on your word. You opened the door for me to get a job at TBN and I don't understand the delay, but I am standing on your word and I promise you I would take that opportunity. And I have not changed my mind in two months. And I don't know why there's been a delay, but I'm standing on your word.
Starting point is 01:26:52 And later that day, I got the phone call. Paul Crouch wants to see you tomorrow in Santa Ana, California. And, Doc, I still remember being ushered into Paul Crouch's office, and I remember sitting in the chair by his desk, waiting on him to come in. And the thought was in my mind, yesterday I was standing on the word, and today I'm in his office. In 24 hours. In 24 hours. in 24 hours, God moved.
Starting point is 01:27:30 And Paul Krause came in, we did the interview, and he got up, walked out, shook my hand, said, thank you for being here, shook my hand and walked out,
Starting point is 01:27:42 walked out of his office. I was sitting there in his office alone like he left you know why he left he had other things to do right he'd done talking to you and his secretary came in mar Margie Tosello. I don't know if she's still alive. Margie Tosello came in, and I said, what's going on? What am I supposed to do? And she laughed.
Starting point is 01:28:16 She goes, well, Dr. Crouch hired you. We're going to put you on the payroll right now. Come follow me. I'll take you to HR, and we'll onboard you. That's how it happened. one day of favor yes well i i gotta take it back uh the last thing paul crouch said to me was he shook my and he said, I need you in Dallas on Monday. He didn't say, can you get to Dallas? Can you move from Maryland to Texas over the weekend? He shook my hand and said, I need you in Dallas on Monday. And he left.
Starting point is 01:29:10 See, a very decisive person. He didn't give me the opportunity to say, well, Dr. Krause, it's going to take me a month to move there. He would have said, well, I'll get somebody else. Yeah. No, he he said I need you in Dallas on Monday and guess what I was in Dallas on Monday so it went from standing on my Bible like on a Tuesday to ending up in Paul Crouch's office, I go on a Thursday, or Wednesday or Thursday, and being in Dallas in my office on Monday.
Starting point is 01:29:51 That's how fast God moved. Praise God. So I'm telling you this story because God will act in your life. When you say, I want to develop the gifts and talents that you've given me, please give me an opportunity. Right. And you have to respond immediately. I mean, you really can't wait.
Starting point is 01:30:16 In fact, if you look in the passage here that we're looking today, you know, in verse 16, it says, then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same. He didn't linger. He didn't sit around. He didn't, you know, do anything else. He went and traded. I mean, as soon as the master had given him the five talents, he knew exactly what to do with them. My master expects me to do something with this. He went, and the implication is it was immediate. That it was immediate. He didn't think about it.
Starting point is 01:30:52 He didn't chew about it. He didn't say, well, I don't know how I'm going to get from Maryland to Dallas. I don't know how I'm going to get there. No. You find the solution. And so you've got to have the attitude that if you're going to go whale hunting, take a jar of tartar sauce with you. You're in
Starting point is 01:31:09 expectation of the mission being completed and the attitude immediately that when the Lord provides it, you've got to jump. So, Doc, there are two things missing in this parable. Number one, the master did not tell his servants
Starting point is 01:31:29 he expected them to double their talents you're right and number two he didn't tell them how to do it right and yet the the moral of this parable is your responsibility to double your talents. Right. And later in the parable, we read that the minimum expectation that the master had was at least you could have earned interest on it. That was the minimum, you know,
Starting point is 01:31:58 and even the guy with one talent screwed that up. So, but the minimum expectation was at least interest on the money but the but these uh the five talent and two talent uh servants they had a different attitude this no my master deserves more than just interest he's entrusted me he's expecting not just a return of interest from the exchangers. No, he wants to see something happen with what he's invested in me. That's right. You know, in the financial world, there's a difference between putting
Starting point is 01:32:33 your money in the an investment advisor, and that advisor is investing it in stocks and mutual funds and various financial securities and producing a much higher return. Maybe you're getting 10%. Right, the exchanger yes so even in the business world you have these various degrees i need a drink of water okay but there there was an expectation that at least looking at verse 16 here that you know these know, these servants, the faithful servants, the good and faithful servants, their attitude was, listen, the master has an expectation of me. It's not
Starting point is 01:33:33 just interest. He's more interested in me creating a reward for him than he is the interest on the yes so let's get back to the journey the master's journey straightway he took his journey straightway means straightway means immediately so first of all the journey represents the ascension of jesus christ to heaven after commissioning his disciples. What did Jesus say to the disciples? What is the great commission? Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. That's it.
Starting point is 01:34:21 That's our mission statement. And he said all authority that's it. That's our mission statement. And he said all authority and power had been delegated to Jesus Christ. Yes. And then he delegates it to his disciples. And then he says, go. Go.
Starting point is 01:34:38 Go into all the world. Make disciples of all men. Name them female. Baptize them in the name of the Father, male and female, baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, lay hands on the sick, cast out devils.
Starting point is 01:34:55 Those are the instructions of the Master. How many Christians are fulfilling that commission? That commission applies to everybody. So the master's journey represents the ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven after commissioning his disciples to go into all the world and so the departure of the master signifies that almighty god trusts each of us to use our talents wisely and he gives us freedom to decide how we're going to do it. You know, I mentioned yesterday, looking back over my life talk, I see that I wasted so much time waiting on God to tell me his precise plan how to do something. Because I wanted to do it His way.
Starting point is 01:36:07 The motivation was right. Father, I want to do it Your way. I don't want to do it my way. I want to do it Your way. And time would go by. And I'm not getting an answer.
Starting point is 01:36:28 And then you get the realization the Lord is saying I just want you to do it it does Rick just do it yes I've given you the freedom you come up with a plan and I'll bless your plan. And see, we say, Lord, you give us your plan and I'll bless your plan. Right. He's not looking for robots. No. He's saying you develop your plan and I'll bless it. But I was, there was a spiritual imprint put in me in my early years as a Christian in the churches that I attended that says, you must wait and wait and wait and wait until God moves. And that got ingrained in me that it was unspiritual for me to take action. It's actually unspiritual for you not to take action. It's actually unspiritual
Starting point is 01:37:26 for you not to take action. Right. Because he wants to teach us to work with and rely on the Holy Spirit. Yes. It's not just, well, here's your instructions. And he does do that sometimes.
Starting point is 01:37:39 But most of the time, he just says, go. You know, that's it?. You know, that's it. Go. Yes, that's it. Go. As in, go. So, you know, after the ascension of Christ, the disciples, the apostles spread out through the world.
Starting point is 01:38:00 The Acts of the Apostles only tells us about several apostles yes what about the rest what about the rest of the Apostles what did they do they went you know we know that Thomas made it all the way to India he was martyred in india think about it thomas made it from jerusalem to india without a car without a plane and he wasn't with any of his apostle buddies he went alone He had his own team. They didn't go as a group. They went individually. They spread out and went different directions. Did they organize it?
Starting point is 01:38:53 Maybe. Maybe they said, hey, you go north, I go south. You go east, you go west. You know, who knows? Maybe Thomas said, hey, I've heard about a place called India. You know, we don't know. They just went different directions, but they went. Yes.
Starting point is 01:39:11 So God didn't say, now just wait and wait and wait and wait, and I'll give you the plans. The only time Jesus told them to wait was to wait for the Holy Spirit. Right. Wait until the Holy Spirit arrives well once you have the Holy Spirit what's stopping you what's stopping you because he the Holy Spirit is a go spirit like let's get up and move oh I like that. That'll preach. You know how bored the Holy Spirit must be residing in Christians who never move? So one of the things that's frustrated me over the years in ministries is, you know, supporters, you know, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:40:09 Let's just say people who watch me, listen to me, and complain, why are you doing this? Why are you building that? Why are you trying to do that? Because God said go. Why are you not doing something? That's my question. Why are you not doing something that's my question why are you not doing something i'm not coming over here asking you why are you not doing something
Starting point is 01:40:35 why are you sending me emails asking me why are you doing that why are you going why are you going to these foreign countries oh boy that gets it going because he said go into all the world and a foreign country is in all the world so you can't listen to negative naysayers when you get up to go the people who spend their lives in their recliners will complain and gripe and criticize you because you're moving. Your movement makes them feel uncomfortable because they're lazy. That's the truth. Lazy people don't like to be around industrious people, and industrious people don't like to be around lazy people. When I'm around lazy people, I break out in hives. I start itching. And what gets me is how people work so hard to be lazy.
Starting point is 01:41:38 I know. Seriously. And the one talent servant is a perfect example. He buried his talent. He worked hard at not doing what the Lord expected of him. It took energy to get the shovel and dig the hole and bury the talent. It took energy and effort and resources. He had to get a shovel. So the parable is teaching us God gives us freedom, and yet he sets spiritual laws under which we operate. There are parameters.
Starting point is 01:42:23 There are boundaries. You can't do illegal things things you can't do immoral things you can't do unbiblical things to fulfill god's will but there's freedom inside yes remember the gospel the parable of the gospel net the net in the water that the angels will pull in that net on the day christ comes back and i said that net the the ocean represents humanity that net has been in the water for thousands of years it's huge it's worldwide it's a massive net And the fish are swimming around. Some of them know the net's there.
Starting point is 01:43:09 Some of them are unaware that there's a net. But there's freedom inside that net. The fish can move about within the parameters, within the boundaries of that net. On Judgment Day, God pulls the net in and separates the fish. So in this life, there's a covering over us, but there's freedom inside the covering. You have a degree of freedom to move about inside the covering of God. The covering of God is the kingdom of heaven. You have a degree of freedom to move about to do his will he's not going to tell you every single thing to do but he will
Starting point is 01:43:56 hold you accountable when he comes back for what you did or didn't do so our Heavenly Father expects us to use our talents to grow improve and contribute to the expansion of his kingdom right now in our kingdom his kingdom if you are building his kingdom I guarantee you he's going to build you a beautiful life. Right. You use the talents that he gives you to expand his kingdom. He will expand your life. How are you involved in the kingdom right now?
Starting point is 01:44:40 Are you sowing any gifts financially into ministries that are preaching the gospel? Are you volunteering? Are you sowing any gifts financially into ministries that are preaching the gospel? Are you volunteering? Are you helping? What are you doing? Get involved with a ministry or church that is preaching the gospel, and God will get involved in your life. Amen.
Starting point is 01:44:57 Amen. So each servant will be accountable for how they manage the gifts given to them because there's an expectation of productivity and stewardship stewardship is maintaining the the integrity of the gift and productivity is expanding, expanding the reach of the gift, the benefit of the gift to others. Let's look at verse, we've got about nine minutes. Let's, verses 16 and 17.
Starting point is 01:45:54 Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with the same and made them other five talents. And likewise, he that had received two, he also gained another two. So this verse obviously describes the actions of two servants. One received five talents, the other received two talents. The respective amount of talents represent significant gifts and resources bestowed upon them by their master notice that the servants promptly went into action and immediately engaged in trade with the talents they demonstrated initiative diligence industrious they proactively engaged in business you know there's a scripture where Jesus the told his disciples
Starting point is 01:46:58 engage in business until I come yes there are times when I I see an opportunity for the kingdom and I go and I'll pray a Lord what do you want me to do with this and I always hear engage in business until I come okay Lord I'm gonna go for it sometimes it works out it doesn't. But I was engaging in business. And when it doesn't work out, I go, Lord, teach me where I went wrong. Did I make mistakes? Was it the wrong timing? But my heart was right. I was engaging in business for you. I've never been scolded by the Lord for engaging in business for you. I've never been scolded by the Lord for engaging in business for him. Even when it doesn't work out right, he'll teach you, he'll show you
Starting point is 01:47:51 how to improve, how to increase your effectiveness. I try with my team to be as open and transparent as possible because I love them. And I want my team to learn from my mistakes and my successes. I said earlier the master did not order them to double their assignment talents. They instinctively knew it was the wise thing to do. How did they instinctively know it was the right thing to do? Because they observed the wise action of their master and they followed his example.
Starting point is 01:48:45 Right. They didn't have to be told, you should double these talents. If they were the servants of the master, they observed their master in action. Yes. Can you imagine being in business with Jesus Christ? Listen, I'm going away for a while. You guys, you're running the place. Here's some talents.
Starting point is 01:49:18 Okay. I'm coming back. But, Doc, this is the very heart of this parable he says to us yes I want to be in business with you yes yes I want to be in business with you today here here am I here are my talents. I'll give you some of them. I'll be back later. Let's work together. I'm excited to see what you'll have when I come back. That's happening right now. Right.
Starting point is 01:49:58 There are people listening to me right now. You will get a new job this week. There are others. You're going to make the decision, I'm going to start that business. There are others who are going to say, you know what, I'm going to change careers. Others listening to me right now are going to say, you know what, I've been feeling the call to be a missionary for the last ten years I'm doing it now I'm starting to wind down to be a missionary whatever it is you have the opportunity right now to make that decision because Christ wants
Starting point is 01:50:38 to be in business with you in the business of his kingdom. And that business does include businesses. Yes. Because he'll use your business on earth to build his kingdom on earth. He'll use your career. He'll use your skills to build his kingdom and he'll bless you he wants to be in business with you so this term trade it they trade it it signifies that the servants were actively involved in commerce and exchange. It implies that they acted with
Starting point is 01:51:30 strategic investments. They didn't just throw money around, toss toss it around and see what works no they thought about it they plan they made strategic decisions to invest they they exercise prudent or careless in managing the resources they were given they had strategies they use prudence they use wisdom he said all that requires us to be at our very best and not to be sloppy or slothful not to say my my masters loaded he'll give me more if I waste this he'll give me more no it won't he'll never he'll never chastise you for losing in an honest effort to gain. He won't chastise you for it. I've had many setbacks.
Starting point is 01:52:54 He doesn't chastise me. He's like, all right, Rick, I'll show you what went wrong. But let's try again. Let's do another one. It's when you have this sloppy, lazy, careless attitude that he will withdraw your resources. Or if you're dishonest. I've seen people in the kingdom trying to do things dishonestly. God's never going to bless dishonesty.
Starting point is 01:53:28 It's contrary to his nature. So, making them other five talents means that the servants doubled the resources entrusted to them, which means successful stewardship and fruitful labor and wise, responsible management and wise decision-making. All that comes together. Look, we live in an amazing age with the internet and now artificial intelligence there is so much information on the internet to help you do things wisely you have resources available to you that 30 years ago you would have had to go to the best ivy league school of management to get that kind of training yes and it's now available you could sit each night and watch shark tank and learn more about business than what people knew 50 years ago
Starting point is 01:54:42 there's so much information available but if you have to pursue it you have to apply yourself see this is what i get back to people right now are spending way too much time watching podcasts and videos on tick tock and social media platforms that are useless, nonproductive, have no value. You are not going to be any smarter or any better when you finish that video than when you started. You could have used the same time to learn how to do something better. And so I get very frustrated with social media because it's a massive waste of time. Most of the stuff that's on social media is just a horrendous waste of time. Cut it out.
Starting point is 01:55:42 Apply yourself to those things that will improve your performance for the kingdom you know yeah i was gonna say we're at our time but there was an online game a few years back called farmville i don't remember it or not no i missed that one uh but millions of people were playing farmville and what it was is you're managing a farm. You're growing crops, raising animals and everything. I got to thinking, man, if those people expended the same amount of energy in creating their own farm instead of an online farm, there'd be a lot more independence and a lot more people productive in the world. So that gives you an example.
Starting point is 01:56:25 It's easy to waste time on things that have absolutely no bearing on your productivity or your future. And so we have to be discerning in the things that are presented before us. Technology is a big plus for us. It's a tool, but that's all it is, is a tool. Don't you be a tool. It's a tool, but that's all it is, is a tool. Don't you be a tool being used by a tool. And so, anyway. I'll add one more thing.
Starting point is 01:56:58 Years ago, I was on the island of St. Kitts, and I was talking to a government official who's passed away, a lovely Christian man. He was a wonderful friend. Visited him every time I went there. And his name was Rudy. And one day we were standing at, like, the prime place on the island, you know, just the best of the best, okay? And I said, Rudy, how much was this land selling for uh in the 1980s and
Starting point is 01:57:31 in in many of the islands they sell land by the foot not by the not by the acre and he said oh uh 25 cents a foot this is prime oceanfront land on a Caribbean island. It's developed now. And you know what? The first thing that went through my mind was 1980s. Oh, yeah. I was a young guy with two little kids. And what was I doing?
Starting point is 01:58:00 I was throwing quarters in Pac-Man machines. See, that's what I i doing i was throwing quarters in pac-man machines see that's what i was doing i was putting quarters in pac-man machines entertaining myself with my kids i didn't have the information that just a few you know three hours away from me was a caribbean island that for every one of those quarters I was putting in a in a machine to be entertained I could have bought a foot of land along the ocean that was that was information I didn't have but it wasn't impossible to get it I just didn't seek it so what is out there today that you're not seeking what information is out there that if you just had it today it would change your life tomorrow think in
Starting point is 01:58:54 terms of possibilities and think long-range what can I do differently today that will make my tomorrow different alright I'm over time gotta go alright well folks appreciate you tuning in be sure to join us again Wednesday morning 8am here live on the east coast on for morning manna
Starting point is 01:59:18 we'd love to have you here with us live and we also have archives of all our morning mannas and you can always catch up as well god bless you and we'll see you on the wednesday edition of morning man you're listening to wwcr international shortwave. You can find True News on frequency 12.160 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern. Connect with us on Rumble, Facebook, X, and Getter.

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