TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Table Talk: Roger Stone Dines with Rick Wiles at Cafe Martorano

Episode Date: June 27, 2024

Roger Stone is one of America's most well-known political strategists and campaign advisors. He advised President Richard Nixon and President Ronald Reagan. He is a close advisor and friend of Preside...nt Donald Trump. Rick Wiles had the honor and pleasure of dining with Mr. Roger Stone last week. They met at Cafe Martorano in Fort Lauderdale. Roger opened to Rick about the day federal agents surrounded his home, and how the DOJ agents pressured him to lie against President Trump. They talked about Mr. Trump's upcoming sentencing hearing and the Republican National Convention. Most importantly, Roger talked to Rick about his relationship with Jesus Christ.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 06/27/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!https://www.AmericanReserves.comIt’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw. I'm a blacksmith, and I like to work with my hands. I watch True News, and it's apparent to me that we are in World War III, and the U.S. is very unstable. I have faith in God, but He expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for troubled times. There are two things we need, food and water. That's why I buy my supplies from
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Starting point is 00:00:56 Be ready. Be wise. Go to Roger Stone is one of America's most well-known political strategists and campaign advisors. He advised President Richard Nixon and President Ronald Reagan. He's also a close advisor and friend of President Donald Trump. I had the honor and pleasure of dining with Mr. Roger Stone last week. We met at Cafe Materano in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Chef Steve and his staff treated us like royalty. It was one of the best Italian dinners I have ever enjoyed, and I've had a lot. I learned very quickly not to refer to the spaghetti sauce. Chef Steve is from Philadelphia, and they call it gravy. Sauce, gravy, it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:02:06 It was delicious. Cafe Moderato is on East Oakland Park Boulevard and A1A in Fort Lauderdale. Roger Stone is Sicilian. And when the evening was finished, I understood why Roger said I could not have chosen a better Italian restaurant anywhere in South Florida. Well, Roger opened up to me about the day federal agents surrounded his home and how the DOJ agents pressured him to lie against President Trump. We talked about Mr. Trump's upcoming sentencing hearing and the Republican National Convention. Most importantly, Roger talked to me about his relationship with Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Here is my interview with Roger Stone. I'm Rick Wells and I'm here at the famous Cafe Marano in beautiful Fort Lauderdale, and I'm with the one and only Roger Stone. Good to see you, my friend. Great to be with you. Yes, sir. What do you think of our choice of dining?
Starting point is 00:03:18 Cafe Marano is Philadelphia-style Italian food. In my opinion, could be the best Italian restaurant in all of Florida. And I feel like I'm back in South Philly. All right. The food here is outstanding. Stevie Matarano is one of the great chefs of all time. So I'm delighted to be here because normally a guy like me, I couldn't even get in a place
Starting point is 00:03:39 like this. Oh yeah, sure, right. You know, this is very... Is it that tough to get in? It's what they call a tough door. Is it really? It's totally booked up. This is very... Is it that tough to get in? It's what they call a tough door. Is it really? It's totally booked up. This is the place to eat.
Starting point is 00:03:48 When we told them that we were bringing you here, they opened up the restaurant to us. I'm glad to hear that. All right? So, hey, glad to have you here. For the next hour, I want to talk about basically two different areas. We'll start with some politics.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Then I want to talk to you about very serious things, things of life, eternal value. Okay. So let's start with the things that are not of eternal value politics. The thing that's coming up very soon, Roger, is the July 11 sentencing hearing for President Trump. Yes. What are you anticipating is going to happen on July 11? It's very interesting. I talk, I'm not a lawyer, but I talk to a lot of lawyers, even lawyers I respect.
Starting point is 00:04:38 And they say things like, well, he has no prior criminal record, given the nonviolent nature of the offense, surely while the judge may sentence him to prison, the judge will stay that sentence pending appeal. Those people are dreaming. Anybody who says that the judge is going to give him a break is wrong. If this case is about election interference and it is what better way to interfere with this campaign than to incarcerate him two days before the republican national convention that's exactly my view and that's what they that's what they will do
Starting point is 00:05:17 now judge uh judge merchant is particularly corrupt He gave a campaign contribution to Joe Biden, a violation of the New York State canon of ethics. That alone should have been grounds to remove him from the case. Also, his daughter, an adult, is a Democratic fundraising consultant, and she has used this trial that her father is presiding over as the focal point for her fundraising millions of dollars Among others for Letitia James the Attorney General of New York State who of course would have oversight Since this is a state case. So this judge has an opportunity to be a liberal icon He could be as big as Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Starting point is 00:06:07 And you know they're dangling the federal judgeship in front of him, without question. So I say, I'm praying for the best, but I'm expecting the worst. Now, if they are stupid enough to say send him to Rikers Island, which is a hellhole. I think that will be such an overreach that people would react so negatively to that. I think it would backfire badly. I suspect, and this is a guess, home confinement with an ankle bracelet. That would achieve their goal of getting him off the campaign trail, lacking his name. Now, you know Trump. He'll be selling Donald Trump ankle bracelets the next day and raking in huge campaign money.
Starting point is 00:06:54 So as you saw the way he turned the mugshot in Georgia into a massive plus for him, resonated in the black community where traditionally African-American voters feel that they've not been treated well by the man. They have been disproportionately penalized, ironically, by the drug laws written by Joe Biden and signed into law by Bill Clinton. So the 1994 crime bill, which is what requires the harsh mandatory penalties for the first time nonviolent crime of possession of small amounts of drugs, which is responsible for the mass incarceration of tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of young black men, people who belong in drug treatment programs, because they're not a danger to anyone. I'm not talking about hardened offenders. I'm talking about a first-time offense. That was written by Joe Biden and signed by Bill Clinton, so Bill Clinton could look tough on law and order for his re-election. That's how black people have been treated. They know it. Now they see Donald
Starting point is 00:08:02 Trump being unfairly treated in the same manner. I think it resonates with a number of those voters. I've been telling my audience, the Democrats have been tracking a grizzly bear for years. They finally have him in a trap. The grizzly bear is in the trap. They've got two options to deal with a grizzly bear. In real life, you either put it down or you take it to the zoo and put it in a cage. That's what you do with a bear once you trap it. They have been up to this plot for years. I told people, I told our audience in March of 2017, the race is on to see who goes to prison first. That's what this is all about.
Starting point is 00:08:51 2017. So where I'm going with this, Roger, is the mindset of the Democratic leaders is they have intended all along to put Donald Trump behind bars. One way to get him off the campaign trail. Are they going to be satisfied with him having home detention? Is that enough for them? Satisfy them? Or are they afraid the grizzly bear is going to get loose and chase him? Well, let's go back to your other option.
Starting point is 00:09:20 You had two options. One was to put the bear down. My first book, The Man Who Killed Kennedy, The Case Against LBJ, New York Times bestseller, which I examined the assassination of John Kennedy, I came to the conclusion that there were many actors involved.
Starting point is 00:09:36 The Central Intelligence Agency, Secret Service, the FBI certainly in the cover-up, organized crime, Big Texas oil. And of course, Lyndon Johnson, I make a pretty compelling case. The guy with the most to gain. And also a guy facing two major corruption scandals that threatened to throw him in jail.
Starting point is 00:09:57 He also had the most to lose. So if the state killed one president, why would they not kill an ex-president? So every day at night when I say the rosary, which is a practice that I picked up when I myself was in trouble, and I turned my life around, I was redeemed in the blood of the cross. I was baptized as a Catholic, but I wandered pretty far from the Lord in my wild days. But I came home, changed my life.
Starting point is 00:10:34 The Lord did deliver me from my persecutors because I was basically framed in a Soviet-style show trial in New York, much like Donald Trump. The parallels between my case and Trump's case are amazing. I think my case was the dry run for his. It was the prototype, if you will. It was the template. We were both gagged unconstitutionally. We were both denied a change of venue based on the makeup of the jury, all left-wing Democrat jury in Manhattan, in D.C. We were both denied aspects of our defense. In Trump's case, in order for him to be guilty and to elevate these bookkeeping matters, which normally would be a business records misdemeanor to a felony,
Starting point is 00:11:25 they had to show that those actions covered some underlying larger crime, which they never did. In my case, to prove that I lied to Congress, they had to prove they had a motive to lie. I had to be lying to cover up Russian collusion or WikiLeaks collaboration. And the government, after misleading two judges, telling that they had probable cause to charge me with treason, a conspiracy against the United States, illegal access to a government computer, mail fraud, wire fraud, counterfeiting, money laundering. Wow.
Starting point is 00:12:04 You were busy. The murder of Abraham Lincoln. You were busy. The murder of Abraham Lincoln. You were busy. And of course, once they got access to my emails and my text messages and my phone calls, they found no evidence of any of those crimes at all. So they had to cook up, like they did with Trump, they had to cook up a process crime. Oh, you lied before Congress in your voluntary testimony. I didn't even have to go.
Starting point is 00:12:26 So the cases were the same. They showed no underlying crime for Trump. They never came up with an underlying crime for me. Yet we were both convicted. Roger, I remember the morning your home was surrounded by the SUVs and the shock that went through millions of Americans. Because we're looking at this on tv going dear god this is roger stone they're treating him like they're treating him worse than a a drug cartel
Starting point is 00:12:56 look they said they sent more armed agents after me than they did osama bin Laden. On January 25th, 2019, at 6 a.m. in the morning, 29 fully SWAT-clad FBI agents. 29. Brandishing fully automatic assault weapons surrounded my home. They arrived in 17 armored vehicles. There was a government helicopter above. There were two amphibious units, said FBI on the side. Pulled up the dock behind my house. Frogmen, there were frogmen. They had frogmen.
Starting point is 00:13:31 They had frogmen carrying assault weapons. I guess they thought I was going to swim away, I guess. And the irony of this, Rick, is I didn't even have a passport. Their argument that they had to arrest me in this way because I was a flight risk is absurd. First of all, thanks to them, I'm pretty identifiable. Very hard for me to be anonymous. Secondarily, I can't swim. And thirdly, I would never have run. It's absurdity. And then four hours later when I was arraigned, they didn't ask for any cash bond. I was released on my signature, which means they never really thought I was a flight risk.
Starting point is 00:14:11 They arrested me this way to create a show for CNN. That's all it was. And they were there. Well, and it's very interesting. Now, CNN got an award for their shrewd investigative journalism, because they said they were there on a hunch. At 6.06, I was arrested. At 6.11, a producer at CNN texted my lawyer to tell him that I had been arrested.
Starting point is 00:14:38 He didn't know that yet. He said, arrested? Arrested for what? CNN sent him a copy of my indictment. Rick, my indictment was sealed until 11 o'clock that morning. How could CNN have had a copy of it? And then when you looked at the metadata tags on the indictment, you had the initials of Andrew Weissman, the prosecutor who wrote it, and therefore the prosecutor who leaked it, which is a felony. But of course the judge didn't care about that. But there's
Starting point is 00:15:03 the proof that they tipped off CNN. I had a feeling they were coming. That same producer called me the day before my arrest at about 4 o'clock. And she said, I need to mail you something. I need your home address. I thought that was odd. I said, well, you can find my home address on the Internet. It's not that hard.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Well, she said, there's a couple of addresses listed for you, but I'm not sure which one was right. And I had rented a different property previously, and I knew this was a fraud, but she's going to get it anyway. I gave her the address. I said to my wife, they're coming tomorrow morning to arrest me. She said, you've been saying that for months. And I said, well, it She said you've been saying that for months. And I said well that's because they've been saying it for months. Every weekend we have a noose tightens on Roger Stone headline or Mueller focus turns to a imminent arrest of Roger Stone. It was part of the terror tactic. So I never went to the grand jury. I was never asked to test hard at the grand jury. So they investigated me in secret.
Starting point is 00:16:06 It's a terror. And then they leaked it. You know, four more Stone associates go to grand jury. It's meant to pressure you. And then, of course, when I was pardoned, the prosecutor said, Stone needs to be put in front of the grand jury. Well, he had three years to put me in front of the grand jury. And he never did. We go back to mr trump what do you think what's going to be the reaction we know what the reaction
Starting point is 00:16:30 of the democrats would be what will be the reaction of the trump base the maga supporters if he is in prison i think they'll be furious uh He'll raise. I mean, he had a finance problem until he was convicted. We were having trouble raising the kind of money that Joe Biden as an incumbent can raise. Fundraising was good, but it wasn't good enough. That problem has been erased. Trump's fundraising has set all records. Having known him for 45 years and having been through really one exploratory effort and two campaigns with him, his donors are not wealthy, they're not Wall Street, they're not the affluent. Yes, there's a few guys like him, self-made men and women who are wildcatters. But by and large, his political efforts are funded by small and medium-sized contributions.
Starting point is 00:17:30 He's going to set all fundraising records if they incarcerate him, which will give him more resources and might even make him even with Biden and the Democrats. But if he's in prison, what's the impact of seeing Donald Trump, a bailiff, put handcuffs on Donald Trump on July 11th and take him out the court door and put him in a paddy wagon? I don't think he's going to like it if they put their hand on his head. Yeah, you know he's not. I know that. But take him to a prison. What is going to be the reaction of the Trump supporters?
Starting point is 00:18:07 Are they going to tolerate it? You know, look, I think that they're going to be very angry. But that's not, I think the more important question is, what is the impact on the people in the middle? The people who maybe voted for Biden last time, now realize they didn't get what they thought they were getting. They thought Biden was going to return civility and bipartisanship. And that hasn't happened at all.
Starting point is 00:18:31 And then, of course, we have the Biden economy. They can dress these numbers up all they want. The unemployment number is rigged. The inflation number is rigged. I had a great interview with Barry Habib. He's one of the country's leading experts on housings and mortgage and a very, very shrewd economic analyst. And he showed me
Starting point is 00:18:50 how they were fixing the numbers. And I think the numbers don't matter. It's how people feel. There's a group in the middle and they're still up for grabs. They voted for Biden last time. They may be leaning to Trump.
Starting point is 00:19:06 This could actually push them to Trump because I think people can see through it and they see the overreach. They see particularly, why did they wait till the fourth year of the Biden presidency? If Trump committed all these crimes, why didn't they charge him in the first year?
Starting point is 00:19:24 The answer is, they thought Trump was not going to get re-nominated. They thought that Nikki Haley or Governor DeSantis, somebody more to their liking, more of an establishment figure, was going to be nominated. They're shocked that his comeback was as strong as it was. I mean, you realize, he won the Iowa caucuses. The previous record holder in Iowa was my old boss, Senator Bob Dole. He won the Iowa caucuses by 18. Triple that for Donald Trump. Trump won by three times as much as Dole. Dole would have been a
Starting point is 00:19:59 great president, by the way. So I think it's the impact on the undecideds. It's the impact on the people in the middle. But with the convention opening on the 15th, four days after the possible imprisonment of the president, is the Republican Party going to nominate him? Are they going to go into shock? No, there's no chance that he's not nominated. If he's breathing, he'll be the nominee. And he's going to be breathing. Even if he's behind bars?
Starting point is 00:20:33 Even if he's behind bars. Now, I will say this. I do think, because the president's been pretty magnanimous, there's probably, I don't know, 20% of the delegates who are technically Trump delegates, but they're really party regulars. So I think there's some potential for mischief, but there's no chance that he'll be denied the nomination. And also, I don't need to tell you this, he's a showman. So if he has to appear, you know, virtually to accept the nomination,
Starting point is 00:21:09 he will make the absolute most of that. And it will just be seen by the voters as another example of the weaponization of the judiciary and the implications of it. Well, he'll be able to accept the nomination if he's confined to his home. But if he's at Rikers, they're not going to give him, they're not going to give him, they're not going to let him stream from Rikers.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Well, you're right. So who knows? Maybe Melania will read a statement from him. Yeah. Or maybe Donald Trump Jr. will read a statement from him. I mean, the last time we had a president who didn't, well, I mean, count Joe Biden, was William Harding.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Campaigned from his porch. Wasn't that Harding? No, it was actually McKinley. Was it McKinley? It was McKinley. McKinley, okay. In fact, it's interesting. Up until that, that was one of the last campaigns.
Starting point is 00:22:01 It was considered unseemly to campaign. I mean, actually what would happen is the convention would nominate you. They would then send a messenger to your home to tell you you had been nominated. You would write a letter accepting the nomination. He would bring it back to the convention. The nominee never even went to the convention. And then going out and campaigning,
Starting point is 00:22:19 that was unseemly. So McKinley would come out on his porch and everybody from Indiana would come in on Tuesday, and then the people from New Jersey on Wednesday, and then the people from California on Thursday. So people came to the candidate, he'd come out on his porch to these huge rallies and make speeches. That's actually the way it worked.
Starting point is 00:22:40 In 1944, Franklin Roosevelt never appeared at any of the conventions in which he was nominated. It just wasn't done. You send a message to the convention accepting their nomination. Wow. Things have changed. All right. Let's talk about you. All right, where you're at. You've been through some trials and tribulations, okay? And you've got a fan base across the country that has hurt with you. You know, there are a lot of people that care about you, that have not wanted to see you go through the things that you've gone through.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I mean, right now, Peter Navarro's in prison. Steve Bannon is on his way to prison. Both being treated unfairly, in my opinion. Okay. How has this affected you personally? You know, you're gonna find this very hard to believe. Somebody asked me in Detroit this weekend, is this the worst thing that ever happened to you?
Starting point is 00:23:42 And I said, you know, in a weird way, it's the best thing that ever happened to me. And I said, you know, in a weird way, it's the best thing that ever happened to me. I mean, yes, my wife and I lost everything. Our home, our savings, my car. It had that kind of an impact on you? I had to sell all of it to the lawyers. So, I mean, we technically, for a while there, we were technically indigent.
Starting point is 00:24:02 I had no income because the judge gagged me. Well, that means no writing, no speaking. So that's how I was making a living. From my podcast, from my radio show, which then was syndicated, and paid speech. That's how I made a living. All of those things were barred. So I ran out, I essentially just ran out of money.
Starting point is 00:24:21 I also had a tax debt from 2006. And I made monthly payments for eight years, $20,000 a month, every month without ever being late until they bankrupted me. And then I just informed the IRS, I'm just no longer able to pay. And then because the tax debt was about to expire, they sued me in a civil suit. And they made allegations in the civil suit that simply weren't true. I didn't hide any income. I reported every penny. I didn't under-report my assets. It was pristine. Mrs. Stone is a meticulous bookkeeper. So when the IRS said, Stone, you had a ham sandwich in 2008. Where's the receipt? She had the receipt.
Starting point is 00:25:09 She had it all. So they alleged, weirdly, that my wife and I had set up an LLC that we were using as a funnel to pay ourselves. And they said in their civil suit against us that we only used it to funnel money to ourselves and family members. Rick, it was the same company I've used to do all my business for 25 years. They paid all my expenses out of it. So the government had no case. What they wanted me to do was to agree to go back on a payment plan, which I had to do. So here's the point. I owe $2 million. $500,000 of that is tax debt. 75% of it is interest in penalties. And if my name was not Roger Stone, I could negotiate
Starting point is 00:25:59 some decrease in that, but they refused to budge. Wow. On a personal level, I mean, the whole experience is extraordinarily stressful. You know, I was naive enough in the beginning to believe that I was going to get a fair trial. Because I knew there was no Russian collusion. The only Russian I
Starting point is 00:26:20 met was a guy who called himself Hank Greenberg. I met with him in Surfside, Florida. He turned out to be an FBI informant. He was reporting to the FBI. It was a setup. And I proved it. He had a conviction for a violent crime in Russia. The head of the FBI branch in Miami signed off on his being in the country so he could come meet with me. And he wanted to sell me information on Hillary Clinton.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Rick, it was the shortest meeting in American history. Guy said to me, I have this devastating material on Hillary Clinton. And I think it could be very helpful to Donald Trump. By the way, he didn't tell me he was Russian. Hank Greenberg's not a Russian name. That's not his real name. And I said, well, I'd have to see it to see if it has any value.
Starting point is 00:27:10 He said, well, that's going to cost you two million bucks. I said, well, let me give you a hint. A, I don't have two million bucks. And B, if I did have two million bucks, I wouldn't give it to you for opposition research. He said, here's the giveaway. It's not your money I want. It's Trump's money. I said, well, you really don't get it. Donald Trump's not spending $2 million on opposition research. I have no interest. Have a nice day. And I left.
Starting point is 00:27:34 It was only later I figured out he was an FBI informant. I actually, the meeting was so inconsequential, I didn't remember it. So I did say in front of the House Intelligence Committee that I couldn't recall any meetings with Russians. And Adam Schiff and these guys went crazy when this meeting became public, but then suddenly they dropped the subject completely. It didn't even end up in the final report because the Russian in case was an FBI informant, was this setup. But I have to admit to you that I got to a point where I was very depressed. I was very angry. I had a huge amount of anxiety. I wasn't afraid except for my wife, because I didn't know how she was going to support herself. I mean, yeah, I have grown children, but they have their own families.
Starting point is 00:28:25 They're having trouble struggling financially. So I was concerned for her. I really hit rock bottom. I was drinking too much. And then a friend of mine, who's a young pastor in North Florida then, Randy Coggins, very dynamic young guy, in his 20s at that time, told me that his family had a connection to Franklin Graham, the son of the great Billy Graham.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Now, ironically, I'd met Billy Graham when I was working for Richard Nixon. I still have a signed Bible he signed for me when I was 19 years old. So he said, Franklin Graham is coming to Boca Raton, near where I live. Would you like to meet him? I said, I would love to meet him. So he set up a meeting. And Reverend Graham was very gracious with his time. And I just, I told him what I was afraid of.
Starting point is 00:29:13 I said, look, I think I'm going to, they're gagging me. Now they want to lynch me. You know, I can't talk to the president. My lawyers won't allow it. The president's lawyers won't let him talk to me. But I know you talk to him all the time. Maybe you could put in a good word for me. Maybe the answer here is executive clemency,
Starting point is 00:29:32 because I didn't do anything wrong. And he said, well, I'll see what I can do. Let me give you a better piece of advice. He said, are you a Christian? I said, I'm actually a Catholic. He said, well, I wish you were a Baptist, but okay. He said, turn your life over to Christ. Unburdened, turn this load over to the Lord.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Confess your sins. Agree to walk in his way. Change your life. You know what? I guarantee you, I've known men in your situation. He will lift you up. He'll deliver you from the persecutors. And I was skeptical. And then we went out in this
Starting point is 00:30:07 field in boca raton there may be 500 people there it's like an outdoor amphitheater people brought their own lawn chairs and their blankets i'm pretty recognizable a lot of people wanted to pray with me people wanted to touch me and pray with me there There were a lot of MAGA hats. And he came to the part of his oration where he said, I don't care what your problem is, whether it's gambling addiction or drug addiction or alcoholism, family problems or financial problems
Starting point is 00:30:37 or health problems, turn your burden over to the Lord. The Lord will lift you up. The Lord will save you. So anybody who wants to live with our Heavenly Father, stand up with me now, confess your sins, and pledge to sin no more, and I guarantee your life will be changed. And at that moment, I was moved. I wasn't embarrassed. I had no hesitation. I stood up with 300 other people. I confessed my sins. It was on a Saturday.
Starting point is 00:31:07 The following Monday we found out that the jury forewoman in my case was corrupt and that she had lied during the jury selection and the trial about her knowledge of my case. She told the judge in jury selection, no, I don't know who Roger Stone is, I don't know anything about this case. Turns out on Facebook and Twitter, she had been attacking me by name about this case and attacking Donald Trump, but she had it all in a private setting. So the Lord moved quickly and powerfully, and it really has changed my life in every way. The other thing I should tell you is
Starting point is 00:31:45 that almost, and there was a lot of anxiety because contrary to what Hillary Clinton says, contrary to what Adam Schiff says, or Jerry Adler, I had no deal. There were no guarantees. This idea that I, you cover for me and I'll pardon you, there's nothing to cover for us. I had nothing on Donald Trump. They squeezed me very hard. So I was arrested in January. July, after they'd gone through all of my emails, my phone messages, my files, and they couldn't find anything, they then said, look, here's a list of 28 cell phone conversations or phone conversations between you and Donald Trump in 2015. All you've got to do is say that this was about coordinating with the Russians and WikiLeaks,
Starting point is 00:32:39 and you won't even have to testify that that was a lie. And we'll write a letter to the judge recommending that you serve no deal so they wanted me to lie i'd already taken two polygraph tests that proved i was telling the truth i had no inside knowledge about wikileaks i knew what was in the internet but they told you if you i mean they didn't say lie but they said testify this... They said you have to re-remember. Re-remember. Re-remember, that was their phrase. Oh, re-remember something that didn't happen. So they wanted to...
Starting point is 00:33:09 You could walk free. They wanted to compose testimony, and if I would agree to do it, they claimed that I wouldn't go to jail. Now, they made a deal like this with Michael Cohen. You know what happened. They double-crossed him and he went to jail. So he said what they wanted him to say, and they sent him to jail anyway. I refused to do this. I mean, there was not even a possibility.
Starting point is 00:33:30 My lawyer, one of my lawyers, had gone down to Washington. They called him. We knew what it was about. They took him to this sealed room. They took away his cell phone, and they said, your client's going to die in prison. We're going to give him one chance. He can cooperate, and he can re-remember the content of these phone calls. And if he doesn't do it, we're going to file superseding charges. He'll
Starting point is 00:33:57 die in prison. And he said, look, I'm not sure you know Roger Stone, but I don't think he's going to be inclined to do this. They said, well, you better talk him into it. This is his last chance. You better call him right now. He said, I can't call him. He took my cell phone away from me. He gave me his cell phone. He went out in the hallway, called me, and he said, here's what they want. And I said, yeah, I figured that. He said, do you want me to convene a conference call of all lawyers so we can discuss it? I said, no, there's nothing to discuss. He said, well, you know, they're serious here. I said, I'm serious too. I'm not doing it.
Starting point is 00:34:30 There's no chance I'm doing it. So go back in there, look Aaron Zielinski, the chief prosecutor in my case in the eye, and tell him, Roger Stone said, go to hell. So I was a man staring into the abyss. I thought that Trump would see all this, and he did. And he would tweet in those days encouraging things. Roger Stone has guts. He won't be squeezed into lying. He said Roger Stone can sleep well at night because there will be justice in his case, despite their corruption. So i had a good feeling but rick until the moment he called to commute my sentence 48 hours before i had to
Starting point is 00:35:12 report to a dank georgia prison now they're supposed to send you to prison close to your home but to put a hardship on us they wanted to send me to prison in Georgia. They claimed that there were no COVID cases there. The African-American woman who was the head of the prison guards union read that in the newspaper. Somehow she tracked down one of my lawyers and said, that's a lie. There's 200 cases here. There's no segregation. There's no distancing. There's no masks.
Starting point is 00:35:42 There's no gloves. It's a very dangerous place. So I think the idea was for me to go there and die. I think that was the plan. 68 years old with a history of asthma would not have been good. 48 hours before I had to report to Georgia, Trump called me and he commuted my sentence. And then that, just before that Christmas, he gave me a full and unconditional presidential pardon. Now, Rick, go online and try to find that pardon or even a reference to it.
Starting point is 00:36:10 It's not there. It's like I was never pardoned. Why's that? Well, because the commutation got all the headlines, and then they buried the news of the pardon. That way they can continue to call you a convicted felon. See, that's their favorite assault. So the worst part about this was that almost immediately after my pardon, my wife was diagnosed with very aggressive stage four cancer,
Starting point is 00:36:41 which I think was triggered by all this stress. Because through the trial, she was my rock. You know, when I would get discouraged, when I was on the verge of suicide, and I thought about it. I admit it, I thought about it. But the Bible pulled me back from it. At that point, I had reconnected with God. When I learned that she had cancer,
Starting point is 00:37:04 that was more devastating than my indictment uh and the doctors were not optimistic rick i can tell you right now through the healing grace of jesus christ she's now in her fourth year almost three years and three plus years cancer free it's it's amazing that's awesome january 6th yeah i Yeah, I was in Washington. I gave a speech on the evening of the 5th at a legally permitted event. And nothing I said was inflammatory. It was all political. Yeah, I do think the election was stolen. I have a right to say that as an American. I wasn't at the Capitol. I had no clue what was going to happen at the Capitol. Any claim that I knew in advance about or condoned or participated
Starting point is 00:37:53 in any illegal activity, it's just false. You know why? I was going to go to the Ellipse to hear Trump's speech. And when I was in the shower, I heard someone in the bathroom say, don't go to the Capitol. And I swung open the shower door because I couldn't figure out who, there was no one in the bathroom, but I clearly heard a voice, hoping not to go.
Starting point is 00:38:15 So I didn't go. I watched the whole thing on TV from my hotel room. I never left the hotel grounds. Oh, they say, Stone had members of the Oath Keepers in his room. No, I didn't. I had one guy from the Oath Keepers carried my suitcase upstairs and dropped it off. So I had no knowledge or involvement. But again, I think it was a miracle. I think I was kept. Had I gone to the Capitol, they clearly would have blamed it on me. Now, here's the upshot. I'm watching Trump on TV.
Starting point is 00:38:45 He concludes his speech. The hotel room phone rings. I pick it up. There are two guys from the Secret Service in the lobby and they say they've been instructed to escort me to the Capitol. I said, well, that's funny. I have no plans to go to the Capitol. Secret Service. Secret Service. plans to go to the Capitol. Secret service. Secret service.
Starting point is 00:39:05 To escort you to the Capitol. Which I had no plan to go to. But you heard a voice tell you, don't go to the Capitol. Don't go to the Capitol. And the implication was that the president had said, it was a setup. I now know. You get two voices. I now know.
Starting point is 00:39:22 You get two voices. You get the voice of the holy spirit and the voice of satan it was a setup i now know that at the exact same time uh the secret service approached alex jones who is who is right outside the ellipse uh to escort him to the capitol and the good news for jones is he had to stop to use the bathroom. He spent so much time in the bathroom, by the time he got to the Capitol, they had already broken in. He jumped up on a folding chair with a megaphone and said, no, pull back, do not enter the Capitol, this is a peaceful demonstration.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Probably saved his ass. Had I been there when they broke in, which was the timing would have been perfect, I'd be sitting in a jail cell right now. I have never heard this story. No, it's because I haven't told it. Wow. There's a New York police officer, Salvatore Greco, a good man. They fired him from the NYPD simply because he's a friend of mine. He didn't go to the Capitol either. He was with me there on the 5th. He has a right to be there. He was off duty. But I sent him down to the lobby. I said, make sure these guys are real. Ask to see their badges and their credentials. And then after you've seen them, tell them I'm not going.
Starting point is 00:40:36 So he went down, came back up, and he said, well, they're definitely real. In fact, he said, I took a photo of their ID. I said, what did a photo of their ID. I said, what did they say when you told them I wasn't going? He said, they were very angry. I said, how about that? See, the insinuation was that Trump had sent them. Trump didn't send them.
Starting point is 00:40:58 So it was a setup. I believe once again that voice, the voice of the Holy Spirit, saved me. Election day, 2022. i'm in memphis i'm going to a tv studio that mike lindell is using to do election analysis my car i'm riding with two security guys in an suv the car is t-boned by some guy doing 55 miles an hour the car is completely total the both the security guys have substantial injuries I walked away without a scratch it's a miracle so I feel blessed I feel that my life has been preserved this time for a purpose God saved me for a purpose. My children, my grandchildren, after the pardon, they all came to me and said, you know, maybe
Starting point is 00:41:51 it's time for you to hang it up. Write some historical books. I've written five books. Wrote the book about the Kennedy assassination we spoke of. Wrote two books on Watergate, a book on the bush crime family a bush on the a book on the clintons book on donald trump maybe you should just go to the beach and stay out of the limelight write books i can't do that this is i really do believe that i've got the same kind of advice this this election we always say this but it was always rhetoric before this is
Starting point is 00:42:26 the most important election in our lifetime and if we are not successful it will be the last election we have roger there's always been corruption in elections that's that's a given okay but what's taking place in america today and, actually since the election of Donald Trump? Because immediately there was a concerted effort to remove him, to destabilize him. Yes. And it was run with the efficiency of an intelligence agency operation. What you have in the Russian collusion hoax is the greatest single dirty trick in American politics. It's nothing less than using the full authority of the U.S. government and the amazing capabilities of the intelligence agencies, utilizing what they knew was falsified
Starting point is 00:43:16 evidence, the Steele dossier and the false claim that the Russians hacked the DNC, which is not true. There's no, all the forensic evidence is to the contrary. The files that ended up with WikiLeaks were downloaded to a portable disk. You can tell us by the download times. Bill Binney, who was the CIA's top cybersecurity guy, told me this. They wouldn't let him testify at my trial, by the way. The underlying premise of my trial was the Russians hacked the DNC and Stone had knowledge of the contents of those hacks well I could approve that there never was a hack the judge would not allow it but the FBI to
Starting point is 00:43:54 my knowledge never never examined the DNC server they only admitted that in my case they said yours case admitted my that formally in my case. They admitted that formally in my case. That's when I was, right after that I was gagged because I yelled that from the from the rooftops. Sean Henry... Do you think the DNC servers were at that time in the United States or were they in a foreign country? No, I think they were in the United States but Sean Henry who just happened, who was the head of CrowdStrikes, the company that was hired by the DNC, who just happened to be a former deputy, Robert Mueller, at the FBI. Right. He testified under oath for the House Intelligence Committee.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Well, our report really did not have proof that the Russians hacked the DNC. By the way, the judge denied us the report, would not give it to my defense attorneys. So where are we as a nation right now? We've never seen corruption at this level. We're in desperate trouble. Sadly, look, I have great reverence and sentimental attachment to the Republican Party. I was chairman of the Republican National Federation, 1977 to 79. I worked for Richard Nixon, who was my mentor.
Starting point is 00:45:07 I worked three campaigns for Governor Ronald Reagan, 76 when we challenged Gerald Ford, 1980 when he won, 1984 in his reelection. I worked for Senator Bob Dole as his assistant in the Senate for two years. He would have been a great president. He was a great American. He was in his 90s campaigning for Donald Trump across the Midwest. The guy was in a wheelchair. I got to meet him one time. He was a great American. He was in his 90s campaigning for Donald Trump across the Midwest. The guy was in a wheelchair. I got to meet him one time.
Starting point is 00:45:27 He was a great man. He demanded to be taken around campaigning, giving speeches. He couldn't even stand up. But he was a party man. He was a patriot. When the Bushes abandoned Trump, he doubled down and campaigned for Trump. But the Republican-Democr Democrat thing, it's a facade. Yes, there are some good Republicans. I'm not saying there aren't. But really, in Washington, there's only one party.
Starting point is 00:45:56 It's the party of incumbents. It's the uniparty. They're interested in power and money and prolonging their power and their money. And they dominate the leadership of both parties. So that was not always the case. The other thing that's changed radically is the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party of Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy, both of whom were hardcore anti-communists, that Democratic Party is dead. It no longer exists.
Starting point is 00:46:28 There are no moderates in the Democratic Party. There are certainly no conservative Democrats anymore. There are no moderates. That party has been hijacked by a group of progressive Marxists who hate the Constitution and, as Obama said, want to radically transform the country. So we really have one party, and that party knows how to use power Look I was a political consultant in Washington in the 80s
Starting point is 00:46:54 I had many friends who were Democrats in the same business I was Sometimes we beat them sometimes they beat us. We used to go out to dinner together. We used to tease each other. All right, I'll get you next time. You guys won this time, but we'll get you next time. Now they want to send you to prison. They want to destroy you. They want to destroy your family. They want to take every penny you have. It's changed. When I was a young, I was a bit involved in politics since, I guess, age 15.
Starting point is 00:47:25 I was a Democrat. I grew up in a Democrat family in Western Maryland. But, Roger, you know, in the 60s and 70s and the 80s, I'm talking about on the local level. Democrats and Republicans were friends. They were neighbors. Right. Of course. You fought it out in the election.
Starting point is 00:47:42 And then after the election was over, you went back to being friends and neighbors but parties were more similar than they were different here's the difference both parties were pro-capitalist both parties were anti-communist both parties loved America both parties were patriotic the Democrats wanted to spend more and they wanted to tax more and they wanted to regulate more. We wanted to spend less and tax less and regulate less, to some extent. But we had things in common. We were all Americans.
Starting point is 00:48:12 We don't have that anymore. We have nothing in common. There's nothing in common between the two parties. The Democrats really have become the American Communist Party. Yes. They are radical Marxists, and they don't hide it. And I think that this kind of prosecution, persecution, that's what this is. Prosecution, persecution.
Starting point is 00:48:38 It's at the federal level now. It's going to move down to the state, then the county, down to, you know, the most smallest districts of communities, the local school board. Roger, another five to 10 years of this, there won't be anybody that can run for anything. I don't think the country will, I don't think the country will survive 10 years without, without Donald Trump. See, I think this has a lot to do with Trump himself. You know the extent to which this is an inside game. Everybody knew it was gonna be Jeb Bush versus Hillary Clinton.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Heads I win, tails you lose. Everybody gets rich. The two families got together and stole all that Haiti relief money. It just disappeared. The Bush-Clinton Haiti relief fund, $65 million disappeared like that. We don't know where it went.
Starting point is 00:49:27 And everybody got along. And along comes this guy from New York. And they treat him like he's a cartoon character, like he's a caricature. He's brash. And he's not a wonk. And he talks to people, you know. He's not eloquent.
Starting point is 00:49:45 He's articulate. You always know exactly where he stands know, he's not eloquent. He's articulate. You always know exactly where he stands, but he's not fancy. He's every man. He's like an average guy. And by the way, he's more comfortable with average people. He likes people. Unlike Hillary Clinton, who hates people, he gets his strength from people. They never saw him coming.
Starting point is 00:50:02 They did not understand that the American people, they were tired of both parties. They were tired of government. But for the first time, they were really tired of the media. They didn't believe them anymore. So Trump was, in my opinion, the right guy at the right time with the right message. And the America First message just resonated because people realized that we were no longer the great country we had been. So I think he so completely shocked them. They've never gotten over it. They had to invent the Russian collusion hoax
Starting point is 00:50:36 because they needed some explanation about how this boob from New York, who they disrespected, could possibly have beat these more skilled politicians, Bill and Hillary Clinton. They didn't understand that Trump is a communications genius. That Trump understands that politics is entertainment. And Trump understood that he could get people excited while you entertain them. Because if you can't entertain them, you can't pull them in and get them to listen to what you had to say.
Starting point is 00:51:12 Roger, we've got one minute left. What is it that you want to say to the American people? If this was your last opportunity to say something, what would it be? Do not be overconfident about this upcoming election. Yes, Trump has a lead in the polls and he can win, but it's going to be every it's going to be exceedingly close. And every American needs to figure out 10 people they know who would otherwise not vote. 10 people they know, friends, relatives, acquaintances who would not vote.
Starting point is 00:51:44 If that happens, then he cannot be stopped. they know friends relatives acquaintances who would not vote if that happens and he cannot be stopped if every Trump supporter goes out and gets ten other Americans to vote we will win so we can get more real votes than they can produce fake votes I think a big piece of this is making it too big to rig or to beat the cheat I mean there are some other things that need to be done but when I spoke about them in a video where everything I proposed was legal, this gets distorted. A secret video shows Stone playing to steal the election. What I said was we need to use every legal and technical asset we have to make sure that we win.
Starting point is 00:52:25 Thank you so much. All right. This has been a wonderful conversation. Thank you. Appreciate it. I wish we could go on another hour. That would be good. Cafe Moderato is opening up.
Starting point is 00:52:33 It's time for them. And they're probably going to need this table, you know, so we're going to give it up to them. Great. Many thanks. Yeah. Thank you. Doc, it was a memorable evening with Roger Stone.
Starting point is 00:52:49 I will never forget it. He's a very gracious man. He's very friendly to talk to. And, you know, for me, the most important thing that he said that evening was that he talked about his relationship with the Lord. And I want to tell you something, Doc. I don't want to hear anybody criticize him or doubt his salvation. I'm going to tell you, that man is saved. That's good to know.
Starting point is 00:53:20 I mean, that's good news, Rick. Roger Stone has a real personal relationship with the Lord. He's been through hell, and he's walking with the Lord. And that was the most gratifying thing that I heard all night. And we got to talk about a lot of things after dinner, things that you don't record. Right. The best part of the evening, you know the things when when the cameras are off and the microphones are off and then he opens up and really starts to talk what was the biggest thing
Starting point is 00:53:50 politically though that you came away with from that conversation um well one thing that i he told me after dinner that i can't talk about okay so i i hate to do that to you. But he's spoken in confidentiality. I would never break it. For me, the one thing I was surprised, he agrees with me that Judge Marchand is not going to go easy on President Trump on July 11. We'll know. We'll find out here in a few days. But he is expecting a tough sentencing. But he also expects the president to be re-nominated at the convention and win the election. In spite of the election. In spite of the sentencing. But look, the guy's been around a long time.
Starting point is 00:54:41 He's about my age. I remember Roger Stone when I was in my, wow, I'm trying to think, would have been my late teens, early 20s, when Roger Stone was working for Richard Nixon. He was famous then. He was in the news then. And he's been around for a long, long time, a trusted advisor to several presidents. And it was just an honor to sit and talk to him. He also talked to me about his belief that Lyndon B. Johnson was involved in the assassination of President Kennedy. That's another discussion I wish – I've got to get him to come back. That one I would like to sit down with him for an hour and just do an entire interview about JFK's assassination. Because, you know, Roger wrote a book about it. Right.
Starting point is 00:55:35 And he's a very knowledgeable man. I enjoyed it. I hope this has been an enlightening program with you. And I encourage you to share this interview with your friends. If this is your first time to watch True News, come back. We produce a program five days a week, Monday through Friday, You can also check us out at You're listening to WWwcr international shortwave radio you can find true news on frequency 12.160
Starting point is 00:56:09 from 12 p.m to 4 p.m eastern and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m to 2 p.m eastern connect with us on rumble facebook x and getter i'm jake but my friends call me Moose Jaw. I'm a blacksmith, and I like to work with my hands. I watch and trust true news. Two things are clear to me. World War III has started, and the USA is very unstable. I have faith in God, but he expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for trouble. There are two things we need, food and water.
Starting point is 00:56:47 That's why I buy supplies from American Reserves offers easy to prepare chicken and beef meals, pastas, soups and vegetables that only need boiling water. You can purchase the world famous British Birkfield gravity fed water filters equipped with Dalton ceramic handles and other emergency supplies at My family's security is critical to me. Something big is coming. Procrastination could be costly. Act today before a crisis suddenly appears. Be ready. Be wise. Go to Good morning. Welcome to Morning Manna. This is the weekday Bible study sponsored by Faith and Values Fellowship in Vero Beach, Florida.
Starting point is 00:57:33 And your Bible teachers are Doc Burkhart and myself, Rick Wiles. If this is your very first time, we give you a big welcome. Hope you come back. And we want you to know that we meet in real time at 8 a.m. Eastern Time, 8 to 9 Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, at That's our home. later in the day on another platform, but there is a very large class of people from many nations gathered together at 8 a.m. Eastern Time, and you can make friends and connect with Christians in many nations. So please check out the platform, and we hope you become a member. We are in the 13th chapter of the gospel according to St. Matthew. Yesterday we began studying the parable of the tares. We're going to continue today, and we're going to read verses 24 through 30, and then Jesus's interpretation of the parable of the tares, which is found in verses 36 through 43.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Let's invite our wonderful friend and teacher and comforter of the Holy Spirit. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this beautiful day. Father, your children are hungry to be fed and we are gathered at your table and we ask you to feed us please anoint us by your holy spirit to understand discern and receive your word in jesus name amen amen and let's get right into the word this morning. Chapter 13 and starting at verse 24. Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field. But while men slept, the enemy came and sowed tares among
Starting point is 00:59:38 the wheat and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him sir didst not thou so good seed in thy field from whence then hath it tares he said unto them an enemy hath done this the servants said unto him wilt thou then that we go and gather them up but he said nay lest while you gather up the tares you root up also the wheat with them let both grow together until the harvest But he said, beginning at verse 36 then jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house and his disciples came unto him saying declare unto us the parable of the terrors of the field and he answered and said unto them he that soweth the good seed is the son of man the field is the world the good seed are the children of the kingdom but the terrors are the children of the
Starting point is 01:00:42 wicked one the enemy that sowed them is the devil harvest is the end of the wicked one. The enemy that sowed them is the devil. Harvest is the end of the world, and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of Man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity. And shall cast them into a furnace of fire there
Starting point is 01:01:07 shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth then shall the righteous shine forth as the son in the kingdom of their father who hath ears to hear let him hear god bless the reading today okay so ordinarily those of you who have been with the class you you know that I typically teach precept by precept, verse by verse. But in this case of the parable of the tares, Jesus himself explains the parable. and so there's there's not really um a point in going through line by line to tell you what it means when if we just skip down a few verses jesus tells us what it means so what we're doing yesterday and today is uh we're just commenting on what jesus told us is the meaning of the parable of the tares so the parable of the tares is a representation of the kingdom of heaven on earth it it's teaching us its principles its operation its growth the kingdom of heaven the phrase
Starting point is 01:02:25 it refers to God's method of managing the affairs of the world and the concerns of his church particularly in the context of the spreading of the gospel and the growth of his
Starting point is 01:02:42 kingdom on earth and so he gives us this concept of of seeds um there's a good seed and a and a bad seed in this parable so we're going to focus today on verses 28 through 30 and then 40 through 43. But first, I want to look at the first part of verse 24, the beginning of this parable. Another parable put he forth unto them. That phrase, put he forth unto them, it implies that Jesus presented this parable to his disciples
Starting point is 01:03:29 as one would set food on a table before his invited guests to offer them a nourishing meal. He put forth unto them. He presented it. this was a deliberate act by the lord and he was giving them something he wanted them to digest um as we mentioned yesterday he mentioned a field it's not any field it is his field it is the king's domain that's what a kingdom is kingdom is king's domain right so the field is the king's domain in which jesus himself operates it's his spear of influence and activity on earth. And this parable teaches us his ownership and his sovereignty over his kingdom, over his domain. And that's why he uses the phrase his field. As we mentioned yesterday, Satan is a trespasser.
Starting point is 01:04:47 He has no legal right to be here. And you should not treat him as though he has a legal right. He has no rights in your life at all. None. Zero. No rights in your life. Don't give him any place. So let's pick up our lesson where we dropped off yesterday in verses 28 and 30 and then the interpretation in verse 40 and 43.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Verses 28 and 30, he said unto them, an enemy hath done this. The servant said unto him, wilt thou then that we go and gather them up but he said nay lest while ye gather up the tares ye root up also the wheat with them let both grow together until the harvest and in the time of harvest i will say to the reapers gather ye together first the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn. In verses 40 to 43, Jesus explained those verses to his disciples, and this is what he said. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the barn, so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of Man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend and which do iniquity, and shall cast them into a furnace of fire.
Starting point is 01:06:27 There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their father, who hath ears to hear, let him hear. Notice that he gathers out of his kingdom all things that offend. There are things in his kingdom right now that offend him. Yes. His domain is his kingdom. The earth is his kingdom.
Starting point is 01:07:00 This is where he has been given authority by the Father. The kingdom of heaven is the kingdom of God manifested on earth. Yes. And there are things in his kingdom this very moment that offend him. Things that do iniquity. And he's tolerating it but there's a there's a day coming when his toleration will cease and he will order his reaper angels to remove from his kingdom in this world everything that offends him so as I mentioned yesterday God has a twofold
Starting point is 01:07:52 purpose in allowing the wheat to grow side by side with tares as we talked about yesterday tears tears I believe is an actual plant called darnel. Darnel is a look-alike plant. It is identical to wheat, but it's a useless weed. But it could win first prize in an imitation contest. Right. And farmers know that you usually don't know that it's Darnell until harvest time. Right.
Starting point is 01:08:40 So God has a two-fold purpose in allowing the wheat to grow side by side with the tears number one to protect the wheat ripping up the tears would damage the wheat yes many times the tears wrap themselves around the wheat though you know it's like a weed we call a sucker. It just gets wrapped around a good plant. And so if you rip out the tares, you're probably going to damage the wheat. You may rip out the wheat or at least cut it, damage it um the second reason is he wants the wheat and the tares to reach full maturity because their true nature will be visible on judgment day right and there won't be any doubt or dispute about the verdict that they receive. Because the evidence will be amply clear.
Starting point is 01:09:46 Right. You can't separate them while they're in the ground. But at harvest time, there's such a difference between the two. They're easily separated. That's right. But if you took them out early, Doc, there would be people and angels and demons that would say, hey, you got the wrong ones. Leave them alone. But if you wait until harvest, nobody can say a word.
Starting point is 01:10:17 It's so obvious on Judgment Day. That's wheat, that's Darnell nobody can nobody can question God's sovereign judgment on that day because the evidence is so stark so so obvious to everyone that nobody would dare say you made a wrong decision. Now, take a look at verse 39. This is in Jesus' explanation. The harvest is the end of the world, and the reapers are the angels. The harvest is the end of the world who said the harvest is the end of the world and the Reapers are the Angels Jesus clearly Jesus said it and you want to know something he He is the highest
Starting point is 01:11:25 authority on the topic of the end of the world. There's no need to consult another person. He is the highest authority. It's amazing how many
Starting point is 01:11:42 eschatology teachers, Bible prophecy teachers, don't quote Jesus. Yeah. Have you noticed that, Doc? Yeah, you're right. They have their interpretation, but not the Jesus interpretation. They don't quote Jesus. They skirt around Jesus. They talk about him, but they don't quote him.
Starting point is 01:12:08 So what will happen to the tares, the lookalike wheat, the darnel, on the day of judgment, harvest time? Verses 40 to 42, As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of Man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity, and shall cast them into a furnace of fire.
Starting point is 01:12:52 There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. What will happen to the wheat on that day? Verse 43, then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their father. Who has ears to hear, let him hear. Jesus said it. Not John Nelson Darby. Not Cyrus Schofield. Not John Hagee.
Starting point is 01:13:23 Not Franklin Graham. Not David Jeremiah. Jesus said it, the Son of God said the angels will gather the tares and burn them in the fire on the day of judgment, the harvest day. Jesus also said the righteous, represented as wheat, shall shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their father. And then Jesus concluded his interpretation of his parable by saying, who has ears to hear? Let him hear.
Starting point is 01:14:03 When will the tares and wheat be separated and sent to different locations the end of the world the harvest that's it's really i mean there's there's nothing to debate when will the tares be burned and the wheat shall shine? At the harvest, at the end of the world. So shall it be in the end of this world. Which world? This world. So shall it be in the end of this world.
Starting point is 01:14:50 If you accept the rapture doctrine, the secret rapture doctrine, they teach that this separation process must happen 1,007 years after the rapture. Yes. I'm about to pull some dog hairs out of your brain. Because once you dig down deep into what the rapturers teach, you see that it totally contradicts what Jesus said.
Starting point is 01:15:29 You cannot mix the two. Either Jesus didn't know what he was talking about, or the raptures are deceivers. So they, the raptures, teach that a secret rapture of the church happens first followed by seven years of tribulation by the way jesus never said tribulation would last seven years they said it then they teach that the holy Spirit will be removed from the earth. With no special basis for that. Nothing.
Starting point is 01:16:19 They say it, but you try to look that up and figure out what it is and where they get that from. They pulled that out of their hat. Yes, like a magician like a magician because that's where they've gotten their their doctrine from magic so then they teach the holy spirit to remove from the earth and during the seven years of this tribulation and again jesus didn't put seven years on it. He just said there would be a time of great tribulation. But during these so-called seven years of tribulation, they teach that 144,000 Jewish men will go through the world preaching some message to the world.
Starting point is 01:17:00 Now, the raptures never defined the message. Right. Is it the gospel well if it's the gospel how will people be able to believe it and be saved that the holy spirit has been removed from the world and using their logic rick that seven year period of time which it's their math, not Jesus' math, that seven-year period of time is left over from Daniel's 70 weeks. So really, and really, so if you want to take it to the end of their logic, then what these Jewish evangelists will be preaching would be the Old Testament, would be the laws.
Starting point is 01:17:43 Because the Holy Spirit's been removed, removed right that's the end of the christian age so the uh the so-called daniel daniel's 70th week concept is uh that 69 weeks were fulfilled and then god called a time out on the prophecy and the 70th week has just been floating out there somewhere in purgatory waiting on the rapture. They teach that the rapture, the seven years of tribulation is the beginning of the 70th week right it's all convoluted it completely i mean you you just have to think somebody had to have been smoking crack to come up with this story or in a seance so if the holy spirit is removed you can't be saved you cannot be saved without the holy spirit end of discussion
Starting point is 01:18:51 how can anybody be saved during these seven years if the holy spirit is gone and if people are saved who baptizes them into the church of christ and how can they be brought into the church of christ if the church of christ was removed right it's it's a pile of stinking horse hooey why are we talking about it i thought we were talking about the parables, because the parable of the tares obliterates the rapture doctrine. Right. So if you follow this rapture doctrine as taught by John Hagee and David Jeremiah, at the conclusion of the tribulation period, Jesus returns a second time, which means a second, second coming.
Starting point is 01:19:48 And he smites the enemies of the state of Israel. Not the enemies of God, but the enemies of the state of Israel. But they teach that the earth is not destroyed. Right. Now follow, because this is, it's so convoluted, it's difficult to keep up with what they teach. They teach that those people alive at his second, at his second second coming are not, who are not saved, that those people will not be bundled and burned apparently they will be put in storage somewhere for a thousand years doc think it through no no you're right according to david jeremiah's doctrine john hagie is doctrine, John Hagee, when Christ comes back a second time, seven years after the so-called secret rapture, there are going to be people on the earth who are not saved.
Starting point is 01:21:02 Does God kill all of them when he comes back? And if he does, where do their souls go? Right. Jesus said they will be bundled and burned. But John Hagee, even though he doesn't say these words, he implies that their souls will be put in storage for a thousand years. Likewise, according to the rapturers, the wicked dead do not come out of their graves when Jesus returns. But Jesus said every grave will open. Yes. So do they stay in the ground for a thousand
Starting point is 01:21:45 years? Or do they come out of their graves and they're put in storage too? I mean, does God, is he going to have some kind of big storage unit for unsaved souls?
Starting point is 01:22:03 He's going to put them there for a thousand years like okay they just came out of the graves what are we going to do with them now i'll just gather them up and put them in a storage bin and rick what about those people who are alive during the thousand years well they according to the rapturists they are the people who believe the 144,000 Jews. Now, we don't know what they believed, but they don't get a glorified body according to John Hagee. They don't get their glorified body until a thousand years later. Right. Even though some people have already received their glorified bodies.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Well, those are the ones who got raptured, they teach. Right. So none of this doctrine of the rapture makes sense. Because it's composed of a string of ludicrous events stretched over 1,007 years. So according to the rapturers, neither the wheat or tares will be judged until 1,000 years has passed after the second second coming. You got it.
Starting point is 01:23:23 In their fantasy world the christians who were raptured before the tribulation will live in new jerusalem which will hover in the sky above old jerusalem for 1 000 years please show me this scripture in the bible but this is the trash they teach meanwhile the people who believed whatever message the 144,000 jewish men preached will live in old jerusalem but the kingdom will be run by the jews right who didn't have to believe Jesus at all. And Jesus will be some type of figurehead king. They'll bring him out for holidays. He'll cut ribbons.
Starting point is 01:24:21 I've never heard it put quite that way before, but that's exactly what they believe, isn't it? It is. Jesus is here. He's the grand marshal of the parade this week. Yeah, he gets to lead the parade, you know. And then after a thousand years, according to John Hagee, God will finally take his seat on the great white throne and judge everybody.
Starting point is 01:24:46 And according to them, that's when the wicked will be bundled and burned in the lake of fire. Now, one more thing about their doctrine. The rapturers do not believe God will destroy the earth at the end of the thousand years. Right. They say he will refurbish it and call it a new earth. Yes. Slap a new coat of paint on it. Put some new carpet down.
Starting point is 01:25:14 It's a fixer upper. Yeah. Well, what did Jesus say? Remember, he's the only one qualified to talk about. He's the highest authority on the subject of the end of the world Jesus said as therefore the tears are gathered and
Starting point is 01:25:33 burned it in the fire so shall it be in the end of this world there's an end to it. This world. This world has an end. Which world? This world. Is there another world out there? This world. The one you're on right now. This world. Speaking of the coming Messiah, John the Baptist said,
Starting point is 01:26:01 whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor and gather his wheat into the garner, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. Rick, I came across something here regarding purging the floor. i had never really thought about that before and had was caring kind of curious what did they mean by purging the floor and what i found found out is that they would do their best to uh clean the threshing floor right but they couldn't get all of it out and they had to get all this wheat dust and everything out. You know what they would do? They'd set fire to it. Really?
Starting point is 01:26:50 That's what it means to purge the floor. You're burning off any remnant of what was there before. The wheat dust, I mean, just burns up so quickly in that dry environment, and it purges the floor. It burns out the floor. So you start off, there's nothing left but ash when you're done and then you clean up and you clean up the ash and the ash actually works as a antibacterial agent so the other wheat that you bring in there in the future doesn't get mold and you know all the other stuff that attack plants and stuff so when
Starting point is 01:27:26 they purge when he says purges the floor they're burning it off and i thought man it's right in the last remaining particles of of the uh chaff away from them not even dust remains rick not even dust remains, Rick. Not even dust. That dust is the stuff that comes off the shaft. It gets knocked off the shaft. And it ignites just like that. When I found that out last night, I was like, wow, I've never heard that one before. I have an eye to the dark. That's new to me. So John the Baptist described the wicked as chaff.
Starting point is 01:28:04 Jesus described them as tares. Now, chaff and tares are two different things. A tare is an actual full plant. The chaff is the haul off of the wheat. Right. The useless part. It's useless. But they both mean the same.
Starting point is 01:28:23 Although they're not the same items, they mean the same. It's something that's useless but they both mean the same although they're not the same items they mean the same it's something that's useless right and both the chaff and the tares are burned up in the fire uh matthew 7 verse 19 jesus talking about the end of this world he said every tree that brings not forth good fruit is cut down and cast into the fire matthew 25 we're talking about the end of the world uh this is jesus's long answer in matthew 24 and 25 he the disciples ask him three questions. What is the sign of the coming of your coming? What's the sign of the end of the age? And when's this going to happen to the temple? And over Matthew 24 and 25, he talks about the answers to those questions. So Matthew 25,
Starting point is 01:29:21 verses 40 and 41, he said, and the king shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Then shall he say unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. Luke 17. Now, when Jesus said that, it's an answer to the question,
Starting point is 01:30:00 what is the sign of the end of the age? Of which age? This age. Luke 17, 28 and 29 Jesus said likewise also as it was in the days of lot they did eat they drank they bought they sold they planted they build it but the same day that lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. When did it rain fire and brimstone from heaven on Sodom? When Lot was removed. It didn't wait seven years, did it? No, the same day. The same day Lot went out of Sodom. It didn't happen seven years later, but on the very same day. Lot left, fire came down.
Starting point is 01:30:54 Church will leave, fire comes down. No seven-year gap. according to the raptures god doesn't unleash his fury on this world until the end of the tribulation which they say will last seven years following the secret rapture of the church but even then he doesn't destroy the world he just he just i, beats it up. Right. Because, Doc, they live on it for a thousand years. Right. So, according to their doctrine, God does not destroy the world when Jesus comes back at the second coming.
Starting point is 01:31:42 He restrains himself second Peter verse 3 verse chapter 3 verse 12 Peter said looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat. Doesn't sound like a remodel project to me. The heavens shall be on fire. That's right. The atmosphere, the cosmos cosmos outer space
Starting point is 01:32:27 everything will be on fire the elements shall melt what are the elements the elements basic science the elements of of the earth the minerals the fire itself will burn up fire is one of the elements yeah in in in their mind in that day in Greek thing thought you had the elements you had fire you had water yet earth and air those were considered the basic elements don't don't think of elements in the terms of what we think of as elements, like the periodic table and stuff like that today, but think in terms of the elements as they understood it in the first century, and the four basic ones were fire, water, earth, air,
Starting point is 01:33:17 and so what Peter is saying, they're all these things, the basic elements elements the building blocks of all creation will burn this all these will burn right down to the basic level of the elements themselves i like what rick says even Burns up fire. Divine fire. When will the heavens be on fire and be dissolved? When will the elements of the earth melt with fervent heat? Jesus said, not David Jeremiah, not John Hagar Jesus said the coming of the day of God when is the day of God it is the day Jesus returns to gather the wheat and burn the tares. The raptures say it's a thousand and seven years after the secret rapture. Yes. And for Jesus to set up his millennial kingdom, he has to come back, right?
Starting point is 01:34:42 Yes. And he has to save the planet, so he has something something to rule over although he's not ruling according to them he's just delegating it to the Jews to run things you see how convoluted this is folks the rapture doctrine is
Starting point is 01:35:01 a Jewish fable it's a Rube Goldberg contraption is what it is. It really is. Verse 40 of the parable of the tares. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so shall it be in the end of this world. Pretty straightforward. What's that pretty straightforward there very straightforward the king james uses the word world the greek word for world means age
Starting point is 01:35:42 so shall it be in the end of this age so it's it's a present age compared to a future age it's this age it should say so shall it be in the end of this age the age of mankind everything that has existed since creation all of it will end in a fire sent by god that will burn up the entire cosmos the age the age
Starting point is 01:36:20 since adam and eve adam and eve this age of mankind will be burned up. So shall it be at the end of this age. Again, the raptures teach that this age will continue for 1,007 years after the so-called secret rapture, which is followed seven years later by the second coming of Jesus Christ. Well, that's what they have to say, but they really are kind of convoluted on how they explain that. I'm looking at my dispensational handbook here this morning,
Starting point is 01:37:02 and I'm looking here at what they're saying about the harvest there. It says, Fourth, the harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels. The end of the age, and this is the guy who is, this is like the Bible of dispensationalism. The end of the age represents the conclusion of the present age before Christ establishes his messianic kingdom. In other words, what he's saying is the age ends before the millennium. Now, let me go on and read here. Thus, the parables in Matthew 13 cover the period of time from Christ's work on earth to the time of the judgment of his return. But you can't have it both ways there. At his second coming, the angels will gather the wicked
Starting point is 01:37:51 and throw them into judgment. But at the same time, they would say that the judgment is occurring, according to Wolvard here, before the messianic age, before the millennial kingdom. But they teach that it doesn't happen until the end of the thousand years. That's right. And so you can't have it both ways. They make it so complicated. And praise God, the Word of God clears it up. It's so, understanding the end of the world is so easy
Starting point is 01:38:23 when you just stick with what jesus said yes see we're spending time today removing dog hairs and we have to do it because many of the people in this class have dog hairs in their brain now thank god for the christians that have never been exposed have dog hairs in their brain. Now thank God for the Christians that have never been exposed to dog hairs because from time to time I meet Christians especially when I travel internationally you get outside of America they few Christians have heard this stuff they have no idea what you're
Starting point is 01:39:03 talking about and like well why would I even talk to you heard this stuff they have no idea what you're talking about and like well why would i even talk to you about this stuff you don't even know what it is why why pollute your brain with it but even here in america i talk to christians who belong to churches that have never taught it and i and i'm thinking right now of a very famous minister that I personally know who is in a denomination that does not teach the rapture doctrine. And when I've had conversations with him about it, he just looked puzzled at me and says, now he's an American. And he goes, Rick,
Starting point is 01:39:45 I don't have any idea. I've heard some of this stuff before, but I've never studied it. My church has never taught it. I really can't talk about it because I don't know that much about it. See, and I realized he doesn't have any dog hairs in his brain so why why bother putting them there but you and i many of us we have these rapture dog hairs we got to get them out once you sweep out a person's brain and get all that dust and hair out of their brain they can see clearly what Jesus said. So Jesus compares the fate of the tares being gathered and burned with fire. He says this is a future event. It is serious and it is inevitable.
Starting point is 01:40:46 It is inevitable. It is inevitable. It is going to happen. And it's deadly serious. The fire is specifically the lake of fire. Mentioned in Revelation and again the using fire underscores the severity the intensity of the punishment awaiting the tears the the fate of the wicked, the tares, their doom is so intolerable, so overwhelming,
Starting point is 01:41:39 that Jesus Christ himself endured suffering on the cross and death and burial to deliver them from such a fate. He is the one who knows what's awaiting them. He knows it's so horrible, so intolerable, so unthinkable, that he was willing to be nailed to a cross so that they would never experience it. That's why the unpardonable sin is the rejection of God's grace. There's no greater insult to God than to say, I'm not interested in your son's sacrifice on the cross so ignoring or dismissing the warning of eternal fire is very foolish we we also we learn in this parable that the coexistence of believers and unbelievers will continue until the end of this age. Yes.
Starting point is 01:42:57 That's right. We have a certain segment of the evangelical church that we call them dominionists. And they're kind of, the best way of describing it is they're believing that the world's just going to get better and better and better until Jesus comes. The idea that the influence of the church is going to continue, it's usually tied to what's called seven mountain theology, that we're going to conquer each one of these mountains of culture and everything. There are several prominent,
Starting point is 01:43:32 you know, evangelicals out there. Lance Wallnau is one of them. Who's the one that wears the cape? I can't think of his name off the top of my head right now. The cape. Up in, took over PTL. I can't think of his name right now. The cave. Up in, took over PTL. I can't think of his name right now.
Starting point is 01:43:47 Okay, I know. Yeah, all right. Anyway, but there are several prominent evangelicals that believe that the influence of the church is going to impact the world until such a time that we've improved it so much that Jesus can't help but return.
Starting point is 01:44:03 That, I mean, really at the root of it, that's what they really believe, that it's just going to get better and better and better, and then one day Jesus is going to say, you know what? What they did down there is better than what I got up here. I'm moving. That's not going to happen. Right. But this parable knocks that out completely in that saying that the tares
Starting point is 01:44:24 and the wheat are going to continue to grow up side by side. The dominionists would say that saying that the tares and the wheat are going to continue to grow up side by side the dominionists would say we can remove the tares or or convert the tares or convert the tares so but jesus says no they're going to be believers and they're going to be unbelievers until the end of the age and there are going to be people who say they are believers but they're not and only my angels will know who's real and who's not real and so he he warns against a premature judgment and separation of the wheat and the tares, the righteous and the wicked, because we're not qualified and neither are we authorized to do it. God's angels are the trained specialists for the job.
Starting point is 01:45:20 You only want to call in a trained specialist for important jobs. Yes. And angels are trained specialists to detect the difference between wheat and tares. They will not make any mistakes on judgment day. So, but at the same time, even though we're not supposed to pull up the tears, we're not supposed to go on a heresy hunting expedition and see how many tears we can yank up out of the church and nail them on the wall. That's not what we're supposed to do.
Starting point is 01:46:01 At the same time, we are supposed to be discerning, to be aware of false teachings and influences that infiltrate the church and the world. We are responsible to not be deceived by physical appearances of people we're told to check their fruit but when you deter when you determine that somebody is a tear you're not authorized to attack them to pull them up out of the church right what you're authorized to do is to proclaim truth and produce fruit yes the word will take care of them but despite the presence of evil in the church and in the world because there is evil in the church what i mean there are unsaved people operating in churches as though they're saved.
Starting point is 01:47:08 Despite the presence of unsaved people, tares. I don't mean people going to church desiring to hear the gospel. I'm talking about people who are willfully deceiving, pretending to be Christians. Despite all this, God remains sovereign. And he is ultimately in control of the destiny of humanity. Yes. We're called to proclaim his gospel, regardless of opposition and regardless of the presence of tears. But there's always going to be tension between the purity of God's kingdom and the pollution caused by the presence of tears.
Starting point is 01:48:04 There's always going to be this tension. And the pollution caused by the presence of tares. There's always going to be this tension. I mean, there are a lot of churches that would never allow me to enter into that church and preach. Okay, what am I going to do about it? Just keep teaching the truth as I see it. Amen. Amen. I don't want to be the pastor of the first church of tares. Nor do I want a tear-pulling ministry. Yeah, I don't want to do that. I don't give a tear. But we are called to remain vigilant against false teachings and counterfeit faith.
Starting point is 01:48:50 It doesn't mean that we condemn people when they have a momentary failure, when they slip, when they do something wrong. That doesn't mean that they are a tear. You want to know how? When somebody messes up, somebody slips, somebody has a failure in their walk with God, do they repent? Do they quickly repent? If they do, they're not a tear. Right.
Starting point is 01:49:22 Yes. They're just a human so god is sovereign over all that this is what this parable is teaching us that god is sovereign and we are to be tears we we are to teach people what a tear looks like how to detect a tear but again we're not we're not called to rip up tears that's going to happen at the end of the age so god is sovereign he allows both the wheat and the tares to grow together until the time of harvest right and then god's angels are the ones who come and separate them and this all happens at one time when christ appears. Right. It's not broken up. It's not spread out over a thousand years or whatever. It's instant.
Starting point is 01:50:31 Do you understand time stops when Christ comes back? Time stops. These people that teach, well, Rick, it's got to go on for a thousand years, and this has got to happen. No, time stops. There's no more time when Christ comes back. He ends time. Yes. How do we measure time?
Starting point is 01:51:01 By the sun, the moon, the rotation of the planet the stars the stars the planet moving around the Sun we measure a day by the rotation of the planet is 24 hours we measure a year by the planet going around the sun. All of those things disappear. They burn up. God turns the lights off in the stars, in the moon, and the sun. It all goes black. There's no more time. Time ends when the time maker shows up.
Starting point is 01:51:44 That's right. And God himself becomes the sun. And if we use the sun as our record of light in this world, if God is the sun, then that's an eternal time, isn't it? Yes. And what do the wheat do? They shine. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their father.
Starting point is 01:52:17 He is the sun. Yes. We have no need of a sun. He is the brightness of our universe it's so easy to understand yes if you don't mix these polluted tear theology it's and that's what it is tear theology if you mix that stuff in it becomes very confusing if you just read what jesus said yes and the apostles about the end of the world it's very simple to understand and our responsibility as believers is to produce fruit. That's it. The parable of the sower is those who are sown on good ground are going to produce fruit, some 30 times, some 60 times, some 100 times.
Starting point is 01:53:26 But while that fruit is producing, while those good seeds are producing, alongside of them are going to be tares, which are also producing fruit too, fruit of their own. Some fruit. Yes. Well, no, they're not producing. Well, it says in verse 26, when the blade was sprung up and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.
Starting point is 01:53:50 Oh, yes. So even the tares are producing their own fruit. But at that point, when the fruit was being produced, the workers recognized, wait a minute, we got tares in here. What do we do? So at that point, they were obviously at that point they were obviously able to distinguish between the wheat and the tares uh because they offered to pull them up but jesus said nope don't do it uh you're gonna ruin everything by doing that so right uh so even though we are in good we are good seed in good soil in this world of the the field of the world there are also
Starting point is 01:54:28 tares growing up right beside us and some look just like us yes and um you know all we can do is pray for them and you know tares can be converted but it takes a miracle of god to do it right it does it it takes a miracle of god um and so uh you you can share the gospel with them you can love them um but you have to trust that the lord will work in their heart but it's not your job to pull them up and bring judgment on them and this the there had been tear hunters over centuries that have done great harm to the church of God. I mean, look at the Middle Ages. Look at the Catholic church was putting people to death. They were burning people at the stake
Starting point is 01:55:41 for not following the teachings of the Catholic church. They were saying, you're a tear and you're going to die. were burning people at the stake for not following the teachings of the Catholic Church. Yes. They were saying, you're a tear and you're going to die. That is so unbiblical. If the Catholic leaders had read this parable, they never would have put anybody, they never would have burned anybody at the stake. Because this parable would rebuke them right so yes people have done horrible things in the name of jesus over centuries but it wasn't jesus doing it they took matters into their own hand they They became a religious posse, a religious militia.
Starting point is 01:56:30 Vigilantes. Vigilantes. And they took ropes and they hung people, sometimes physically, sometimes just by destroying their reputation and their careers. You don't do that. You don't do it. You don't do it. You don't destroy anybody's life.
Starting point is 01:56:49 That's unbiblical. We see it happening today in the church world, especially with Christian Zionism. If you criticize them, if you criticize the doctrine, they will come after you. Yes. And so now you've got a case of tares ripping up the wheat.
Starting point is 01:57:10 Trying to. Trying to rip it up. So anyhow, hey, tomorrow we're going to move on to the next parable. And I think, Doc, it's the parable of the mustard seed yes so doc you have you'll have a lot of fun with this one tomorrow oh yes so all right folks well don't forget tomorrow is Friday and on Fridays we have the Lord's Supper so we invite you for that so I have bread and either grape juice or red wine tomorrow as we celebrate the Lord's Supper.
Starting point is 01:57:45 So join us for that live 8 a.m. Friday morning here on Faith and Values. We appreciate you being with us today. God bless you, and we'll see you on the next edition of Morning Madness. God bless you. you're listening to wwcr international shortwave radio you can find true news on frequency 12.160 from 12 p.m to 4 p.m eastern and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m to 2 p.m. Eastern. Connect with us on Rumble, Facebook, X, and Getter. I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw. I'm a blacksmith, and I like to work with my hands. I watch True News, and it's apparent to me that we are in World War III,
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