Episode Date: June 11, 2021Today on TruNews, Doc Burkhart starts the program with a video on the COVID vaccine and the case of the disappearing needle. Lauren Witzke does a deep dive on how the state comes after your kids if yo...u resist the machinations of LGBT Alphabet Mafia. Milo Yiannopoulos explores the radical concept of gay reparations. The team discusses the welcome return of serial self-abuser Jeffrey Toobin back to CNN as a ‘legal analyst’. Meghan Markle is dumping her failed children’s book on poor underprivileged kids. In our final segment, Milo discusses how he is making up for lost time by being there for the child of a Proud Boy deadbeat dad. Milo Yiannopoulos, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 06/11/21.
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I'm Doc Burkhart.
Welcome to the Godcast.
Over the past several days, we've had updates on the CCP COVID attack on this ministry. On Wednesday, Rick Wiles was able to join us here on set and share his experience. And yesterday, 3 News host Edwards Hall called in and gave his tremendous testimony of what the weeks has been working on a new project and assignment here at the ministry when he also fell to the
symptoms of the China flu. Now even in the midst of all this Kerry is always
keeping a smile on even in the hospital. Now this picture is from late last week
when Kerry had to go to the hospital to help with breathing issues that he was
experiencing. Fortunately he did not require long-term care and was able to go
home to continue his recovery. Carrie's smile is always there, even in the hospital. Carrie's wife,
Angela, says that Carrie is 10 pounds lighter and coming back stronger every day because of Jesus
and his amazing grace. Here's a picture of lightly skinnier Carrie Kinsey and his wife at home as he
continues to work through his recuperation.
Angela says he has his appetite back, so that's a good sign. They thank the excellent care of
doctors and nurses who were used by the Lord to provide medical treatment. Kerry is getting
personal care at home, his wife being a nurse herself. They're also grateful to the True News
audience for always praying for him. So keep it up, partners and friends. True News guest hosts
Milo Yiannopoulos and Lorne Witzke are here. We'll join us in a few moments, but I want to share We're always praying for him. So keep it up, partners and friends. True News guest hosts,
Milo Yiannopoulos and Lorne Witzke are here.
We'll join us in a few moments,
but I want to share something with the audience today that I came across and it prompted a response from me
about why I don't trust all this vaccine propaganda
that's going on right now.
As I've expressed on the program in the past,
I don't believe the vaccine is a real vaccine anyway.
It's a symptom suppressant.
The only thing that's close to a vaccine out of all the ones that are available out there is the Johnson & Johnson one.
And even that doesn't fully qualify to what we consider the traditional Jonas Salk type vaccine that people traditionally think about.
So all of these are suppressants. But
the biggest thing for me, ethically and morally, is the way that these vaccines were developed.
They were fast-tracked in such a way that normal, you know, quote, vaccines take years and years of
development. But the biggest issue for me, of course, is the idea that they
used fetal cell lines in order to develop or to test every single one of these major vaccines
that are out there. Do the research yourself. I did the research myself on each one of these.
I cannot, in my mind, justify the use of someone else's life to make my life easier. And I've had other people that
have written me, challenged me on that statement. So, well, Jesus died for you so you could live.
I said, yes, but Jesus willingly died for me. The Bible says he laid down his life for me.
I cannot justify in my most wicked imagination at all taking the life of a
little child in order so I will cough less. Okay. That's where I'm at on it. But the other factor
in all this regarding the so-called vaccines that are going on is the immense propaganda campaign that's been going on. And it's like a tidal wave of propaganda.
And it's apparent what's going on, but so many people refuse to see what's happening to them,
that they're being gaslighted, that they're being brainwashed throughout all this experience
on the so-called vaccines. Now, as I do on a normal day, when I start my day, I like to
check the weather here in Florida, okay? I really don't need to because the weather is the same just
about every day here in Florida. We have sunshine most of the day with occasional showers. The only
time we really ever watch the weather here in Florida is when there's a hurricane coming. That's
when we start watching the weather. But I'm a creature of habit, and so every morning I go to the weather website,,
and just see, hey, is Florida still as great as it was yesterday? And it usually is.
But today, as I went to, right in the middle of the homepage was a, I guess, a news story about vaccines.
Okay, now, mind you, this is on a weather website.
Now, I don't know when the Weather Channel and and all these other weather outlets
started doing stories on vaccines, okay?
But today, they did.
Now, I want to share with you what I watched this morning, okay?
It's a very short video clip, and it's pure propaganda,
but it's even deeper propaganda than you really realize.
Now, I want you to watch this video clip carefully
and see if anything stands out to you. Watch this.
The coronavirus variant first identified in India is on the rise in the U.S. and doctors say it may
be more dangerous than earlier strains. People are reporting hearing loss, stomach pain and
blood clots leading to gangrene from the highly contagious Delta variant.
It now accounts for more than 6 percent of all infections in the U.S.
So how effective are the vaccines against it?
Well, experts say the Pfizer vaccine is 88 percent effective after two doses, but provided
only 33 percent protection after one dose.
Dr. Anthony Fauci said in an interview he thought
Moderna would be similarly effective since it's also an mRNA vaccine. Data shows AstraZeneca had
a 60 percent efficacy rate. Health officials are urging everyone to get vaccinated to keep
the Delta variant from spreading. Okay, so I watched that and my brain caught something. Now,
I have an older brain nowadays, but it does occasionally get things right once in
a while.
I saw something in the first, well, they actually had three different times where they were
giving people shots, I think four times.
But in the last two times toward the end of this clip, something stood out to me.
And I mean, it jumped out at me on the first one and I'll show
you the second one as well. What I've asked my control room staff to do is to take one of these
injections that are going on and we're going to run it in slow motion and I want you to see if
you notice what I notice. Let's do the first one.
Okay, so the injection is going on, correct?
And they pulled out.
Notice anything right there?
What happened to the needle?
Where is the needle? This is the case of the disappearing needle.
Somebody call Columbo or Sherlock Holmes. Where did the needle go? Is the needle still in the arm?
Did they remove the needle? Where is the needle? And if I know some of you may say, well, that is
a retractable syringe. In a retractable syringe, you can see the needle go back up into
the syringe. You cannot see the needle in this syringe. Okay. So I happened to notice this on
this one and I was wondering, did it occur again? So we're going to run another little portion of
this particular clip. This is like right at the very end where you actually see what appears the needle going into the arm let's watch it okay so you actually see a needle you see
something happening here and once again okay and we're gonna slow-mo this again
look before and after in this picture.
The before picture, you obviously see a needle.
You see something happening on the arm.
But immediately after, look, there is no obvious puncture mark on the arm, and there is no needle.
What's going on here?
What's the game that they're playing? So if you ask me,
Doc Burkhart, what's happening here? We're being totally gaslighted. We're being totally bamboozled
by all this. I'm not saying that people aren't being injected with something. Obviously people
are. I know people who've received injections of some kind. But this game that they're playing, where they're pretending to
inject people, and then suddenly, hey, there's no needle. Once again, we're being told, don't
believe your lying eyes, as Rick would say, right? We need to ask questions like this. What's
happening here? Why are they doing this to us? And this bothered me throughout the day. I've
gone through my whole staff showing them this, and now you have it too. So question it, question the vaccine,
question the so-called vaccine, question the delivery of it, question every aspect of it,
because what they're doing is something so diabolical that we cannot even imagine yet
what the ends are going to be. So, well, I didn't mean to take up a whole lot of time on that, but that was just bugging me today. True News host Milo Yiannopoulos are now with me and also
Lauren Witsky. Lauren Witsky has something to say as well about yesterday's program too.
Yes. Thanks, Doc. You're welcome.
Let me start by thanking the extraordinary numbers of viewers who wrote in yesterday
with offers of marriage after seeing me work with a microwave
just for a few minutes too listen i'm flattered of course but i also worry slightly about how far
the standards have slipped among eligible american bachelors when i'm mopping the floor behind the
co-hosts wearing my repeal the 19th apron that's when you should start sending in your proposals.
No, thank you, guys.
It was very flattering.
I told Doc to please forward the other ones to me
if they happen to come in today.
I'll have a look at them, you know.
Oh, that was blatant.
It was shameless.
Shameless and blatant.
Just put them aside now.
I didn't feel the...
I didn't see...
Look, you are a glutton for compliments.
No, it's not that.
I am merely a glutton, which is why I'm extremely upset that yesterday I forgot to mention,
when we enjoyed those cookies, if you own a bakery or some other confectioner or producer of delicious treats,
we'll put the address up on the screen here.
Do feel free. I mean, I can't guarantee everything is going to make it onto screen, but I can guarantee that everything
will be gratefully eaten. So feel free to send us goodies. I mean, you'll see the address at
some point in this program. That was shameless. I'd like to disqualify from consideration any
marriage proposals that come in today after she solicited them. I'm 33. I don't have much time
left. The clock is ticking, right? The clock is ticking. Well, yes. No eggs I'm 33. I don't have much time left. The clock is ticking, right?
The clock is ticking.
Well, yes.
No eggs, no eggs.
You don't have any eggs.
That's the song on the internet, isn't it?
You're still good, my darling.
All right.
You're still good.
You're still good.
I'm just hoping one day I wake up fully healed and ready to go out and stop by Tiffany and
swing by and see her.
Hey, that's coming.
That's coming, too.
But I'm not done.
I'm just saying.
I have to say, dog, that thing that you just showed is completely bonkers.
It's bonkers.
And it's right there in front of our faces.
They know that people notice.
They know.
They know that.
They know that people will notice.
We're either being played.
We're being gaslighted.
So much about it.
And so what's the end game?
What are they trying to do?
They're trying to control us, trying to manipulate us, trying to brainwash us.
And we've bought it.
I mean, basically 99% of the population has pretty much bought it.
And they're not satisfied with just gaslighting us, brainwashing us.
They want to take everything away from us, too.
So if you don't mind me just asking, your supposition, if I understand you correctly,
which would be mine, too, is that while
vaccines are real, whoever they're using to demonstrate it on isn't actually getting anything
on screen when they're, and by the way, why is the weather channel, the weather, why is the weather
channel publishing things? And you make a good point there. So, all right, let's take that line
of reasoning. So let's say they're just demonstrating it.
Well, what's wrong with showing people actually getting the vaccine?
I'll tell you what's the reason, because people have had severe reactions to the vaccine.
Instant reactions.
They can't take the chance of somebody getting a plug in the arm.
Having a heart attack.
Having a seizure.
Having an aneurysm, a heart attack or something like that.
They can't have that.
And so they control the imagery so that you can't, you know, see it.
The last one is one that really shocked me because it was so obvious at that point.
It's bonkers.
Because you couldn't even see an injection site.
You couldn't see anything.
And so, yeah, so I understand.
And I also understand, too, that
there are retractable syringes. Neither of these syringes that you saw were retractable syringes.
They have a certain shape and certain size. These were not it. So I have to also compliment you,
by the way. What's that? You know, when you when you really enjoy someone's company, you tend to
exchange words and body language. You know, you start
to kind of mimic one another. It's quite a well-understood phenomenon. I didn't miss
that little bamboozle. That was from me. That was. I love it. That's a nice compliment.
That means he likes us much more than he lets on. There we go. I got you with the bamboozle.
You're smart, but you're not that smart. You can't fool me.
I think you love us.
I do.
I actually do enjoy that.
I think you love us.
I think you and Cree are so fond of us, you can't even find the words.
There are so many people out there that think I'm being held hostage here.
I'm really not.
Blink three times if you need me to say anything.
He's blinking the worst thing you can see.
You see, I've written help me on my eyelids.
We've got a lot of information that we wanna cover today, guys.
So what are we starting off with here?
Yeah, so today, so speaking of corrupt pharmaceuticals,
corrupt hospital organizations,
I have a story that I wanted to share with everyone
that it just floored me that this is happening
in the United States of America.
Earlier this week, we covered the fact
that they are doing diversity trainings, prioritizing people of color over white people
in hospitals.
Well, now they are prioritizing care for people who are pro-trans and as opposed to pro-family.
So recently, there was a father, he was a Muslim father, actually.
He took his son to the hospital.
His son, he was A-plus student, had some social issues because he was very autistic.
But he was a very high IQ young man.
And after COVID happened, he was doing lockdowns.
He was playing video games in his room all night.
And he started suffering from insomnia and delusion or like hallucinations.
So his parents couldn't figure out what's wrong with him.
So they took him to the hospital.
Now, this boy, this little boy was separated from his father.
The father was not allowed to go in and talk to him.
But they sent in social workers and hospital staff to go in and diagnose this child with gender issues.
So basically, this young boy, a minor, was told that, oh it's
not lack of sleep or autism, what your issue is is that you were born a boy, you
were told a boy, but you're actually a girl. Now this father was given the
report from the hospital and he immediately reached out to a
psychiatrist and a lawyer like any good father would do. He was like, what do I do?
And they warned him, they told him,
I'm sharing this with you because it's a warning.
It's here happening in the United States of America.
It's happening today.
So what he, they warned him that, hey, listen,
you cannot let these people know
that you are anti-trans in any way,
or they will call Child Protective Services on you
and take your son.
So he was, he took their advice. I mean, he did what
any good father would do and do everything he could to get his child out of the hospital because
they were holding him hostage. What they're doing is they're creating patients to send to gender
clinics, which is an alternative organization. It's kind of activism, completely unnecessary.
It should be violently illegal. But what they're doing is they're funneling children through these social workers,
children that are vulnerable, who are mad at their parents for taking them to these hospitals,
or maybe they're just suffering from lack of sleep or social issues or COVID depression,
and they're diagnosing them with the issue of gender, them being, yeah, given the wrong gender.
But the problem is, is the parental rights behind this.
This is what is so terrifying, and this is what I wanted to warn viewers about, because it is happening.
His psychiatrist, his lawyer specifically told them, when you go in there, do not give that social worker any incentive that you are anti-trans in any way,
or they will call Child Protective Services on you, and they will take your son.
So he went in there.
He told them, okay.
He took all the information for the gender clinic that they prescribed for their son.
He was like, all right, we'll take him.
He lied.
He did.
But he had to do what he had to do to protect his son.
Got his son out of the hospital, and he immediately quit his job and moved away from Seattle,
Washington, which is where this happened.
There are reports of this also happening in Oregon as well as California.
So parents, be warned.
The state is coming for your kids.
The whole thing is to
break down and take down parental
rights. It doesn't matter. And you know,
I found it very interesting that he was a Muslim. Diversity,
you know, the whole call for diversity, it doesn't
matter. There's always a hierarchy, right?
Yes. There's always a hierarchy, and
even Muslims are now
subservient to the trans agenda.
There's so many interesting things going on here.
First of all is that minority wars, right? Who trumps who? And obviously trans is the thing now.
After that mafia wins.
Right. But there's also the question, because the real attack has got to be on Christianity
and the family, which is why the LGBT stuff is always number one. But there's other stuff going
on here too. Scapegoats and moral panics are very intimately related, right?
These sort of catch-all explanations for everything that's wrong, right?
We've seen moral panics before, whether it's child abuse scandals, acid rain, climate change.
These are mythologies that affect elite, educated elites more than they affect the rest of us.
Because these people, doctors, lawyers, nurses, journalists, academics, entertainment industry professionals, they all only talk to each other.
So moral panics like climate change and acid rain, interestingly, affect the educated elites more than the rest of us.
Because they're an of us because they're
Because they're an insular there. They're a bubble
Exactly exactly right so trans is the current
Moral panic right and it's I guess in this case and in many others now being used aggressively as an explanation for just about everything In just the same and this is a this is evidence obviously of sloppy thinking
on the part of well-meaning but misguided people, but more likely than that it's on purpose.
And the way that I think about it…
It's far more sinister than that.
The way that feminists believe that the patriarchy is this sinister superstructure
that exists that explains everything that's wrong with their lives.
Every problem. Every problem they have in some, relates to exactly the same things going on
also with white supremacy. It explains all the structural problems in the country and all the
rest of it. Now, it seems, because of the money and attention and, in particular, the credulousness
of our dumb-as-ditch-water elites, Now it's trans and everybody who's got a problem,
oh no, you're not schizophrenic, you must be a trans. Oh no,
you're not bipolar, you must be trans. Oh no, you don't have seasonal
affective disorder, you must be trans. Oh no, you don't have histrionic personality disorder, you must
be trans. So now anybody who would have previously been diagnosed with something
more granular, specific, accurate and, and gotten the treatment they need, is now
thrown into the trans bucket and encouraged, and since they're vulnerable people who know
they have a problem and who believe medical professionals when they're told, you know,
this is what's wrong with you. I mean, I've never even considered that, but okay, Doc,
I guess you must be right. They get thrown into this bucket.
Right. Well, the little boy in this particular case he had just suffered from lack of sleep because he
had they found out the parents found out that he had been staying up all week uh getting one hour
of sleep every night playing video games that's what they found out exactly you have hallucinations
i've done it so they took him to the hospital because he was having hallucinations and they
were like okay you know maybe you just need to they couldn't figure it out because they didn't
know he was staying up all night and they were
literally trying to diagnose him as trans and he was born the wrong i mean you could say he needs
an ambien but you but but surely he doesn't need to have his his business removed and and and you
know they already started he needs to have his video games taken away from him yeah exactly
maybe you'd give him a brandy or something, you know,
if you don't want to give him pharmaceuticals to help him get off of it.
We don't give children liquor.
This is America, Milo.
Well, in Europe.
I don't know what they do.
In Europe, we take a much more realistic and sensible approach to these things.
I mean, look, you laugh at me, but I'm sorry,
what is it, a third of young American boys are on Adderall or Ritalin?
That's true.
Whereas in Britain, the parents let them have a glass of wine with dinner and be done with it.
The reason there are very few alcoholics in France is that kids are given watered-down wine with supper from a very early age.
Not very much alcohol in it.
Just to get them used to the taste so they don't, when they hit 18 or 21, go binge on booze.
So it's a different way of saying it.
When I was a kid, my dad would make whiskey toddies for us kids when we had the flu.
Maybe have two fingers of beer or something.
I'm not endorsing that.
But I mean, yeah.
But there are other solutions.
The kid needed sleep.
I'm just saying, in real life, in real parenting, in the real world, sometimes people do with
their own kids in a safe environment, responsible parents will sometimes say, look, you know, in the real world, like sometimes, you know, people do with their own kids in a safe environment.
Responsible parents will sometimes say, look, I mean, you know, maybe you could have a little finger of champagne at Christmas and stuff.
This stuff does happen, right?
And wouldn't it have been better rather than pumping full of pharmaceuticals?
And most of these kids don't need this.
It would have been better if the parents had said to monitoring their children, you know, no more video games.
We're shutting off the light. Go to sleep, you know, no more video games. We're shutting off the light.
Go to sleep.
You know, instead of him experiencing that.
But the bigger problem is out of the question, given that it's a Muslim family.
We'll go with yours.
We'll go with yours.
But for medical professionals to try to put the template of trans on children, which is the agenda right now.
Not everybody is suffering from gender dysphoria out there.
You would think that everybody is wondering,
am I a boy or a girl?
I don't know.
Look in the mirror, you can figure it out
really, really quick, okay?
You don't even need a mirror, you just, you know.
Well, they're separating the parents from the children,
getting the children in with these hospital staff and these social workers who are telling them,
oh, the issue, your parents don't understand you.
Your parents don't understand what's going on.
Here's what's really going on with you.
And these kids in these vulnerable states are believing them.
So when the parent comes in to take them or take them home, they're like, oh, no, you're the bad guy.
You're out to get me.
But I wanted to share this as a warning because it's the reality of what's
happening. It is happening here in America. This is a story of what happened to a father
here in America. So parents need to keep a close eye on their children, but also be aware that the
whole goal of this is to create patience for these gender clinics. And if they're doing it to their
favorite pet Muslims, you best believe they're going do many Republican Christian children as they can possibly lay their cloven hooves and talons on the bit of
this that the other sort of the third element of this that occurred to me as
you were as you were explaining the story is the state usurping the role of
the family yes the father of the ultimate Heavenly Father but but but
trying to inject itself
in between these healthy, normal relationships.
You've probably seen quite a lot of this happen,
watching this stuff closely
from a faith, a religious perspective.
What's, I suppose we should do practical advice
because it's all very well pontificating,
but what people really want at home
is advice on how to stop it. What should a Christian family do to protect themselves against this aggressive
encroachment by the state, this injection, this interference in the ordinary order of things?
Well, I could give some very practical advice. Be in fellowship with other Christian believers who believe in solid, basic doctrine of the gospel of Christ.
You don't live alone in the sense that we, as believers, we are designed to be in fellowship in a family of believers.
And so that would be the first thing.
The reason why they're closing all the churches is to disengage that fellowship and to keep people from being connected.
The other thing, too, is parents, you need to ask yourself, do I really need all these electronic devices in my home?
We're so embedded with everything.
And, you know, we really if we have children in the home, we need to ask ourselves, really, do
we need all these devices?
Why does a kid, five, six, seven years old, need a phone?
It baffles me.
I don't get it.
I don't understand it.
Why do little kids have to be weaned on an iPad?
You see them at the restaurants and everywhere else, they've got the little rubbered on an iPad. You see them at the restaurants and everywhere else. They've got the
little rubber handles on an iPad. They're playing at the table and everything. And I'm just seeing
they're just constantly being programmed. And so parents have to take an active role in the
raising of their children. You know, we have really stepped away from actively being involved in our children's lives. And because men and women have both been,
because of the nature of our economy here, have both been forced to work outside the home.
You don't have to do that. You know, you could live with less. You could, you know, you don't
have to drive the latest Lexus in order to sacrifice your kid, okay?
So you need to start asking questions like, should mom be at home?
Yeah, she should be at home.
She should be at home raising her kids.
And the sense that somehow being a mother is an unfulfilling choice for a family, for a mother to be, or birthing person as now
they're calling, most ridiculous nonsense.
We need moms.
We need dads.
Just look at these.
We need the nuclear family.
Nuclear family union.
So that's what they went after first. Since 1965 we literally incentivized the breakdown of the nuclear family. Yes. Nuclear family union. So that's what they went after first.
Since 1965, we literally incentivized the breakdown of the nuclear family.
Right now, parents or mothers will lose their benefits should they choose to get married.
They'll lose their Medicaid.
They'll lose their housing.
Isn't that insane?
Working class single mothers who ought to be incentivized by the state to find someone to father their kids, even if it's not the biological father,
risk not just losing their benefits,
but being thrown out of their assisted living
or Section 8 or whatever.
They get thrown out if they enter into a relationship
with a man.
Isn't that obscene?
And people do indeed respond to incentives.
Of course.
In Hungary, they did the same.
Like, they did reverse welfare in their country,
as opposed to here where they, yeah, they incentivize people to get married and have
children. They helped them buy a car. They helped them buy land, helped them buy a home if they got
married and had three children. And their marriage rates went up in two years, 100%.
Birth rates went up 9%. Here, we just replace Americans with mass migration, and then we break down our own families.
You know, our inner cities are crumbling from fatherlessness.
And then we further break down the family by causing identity issues with the children.
Am I a boy?
Am I a girl?
I don't know.
I was a boy yesterday.
Am I a girl today? And then these moms and these weak fathers saying, well, Jimmy, maybe you are a girl.
Here, wear this dress.
I mean, where is the thinking of normal people anymore?
You think you wake up, you think you're the mirror universe on Star Trek where everything is turned upside down and reversed and everything.
And so this is how frustrating it can be to somebody that you want to see the right thing
done. I actually think mothers kind of crave the trans explanation when their kids end up skewiff
because as we know, homosexuality is a product of childhood trauma. There is something that happens in parents heads
It's natural and it's correct
When your kid looks like he might be a little off like maybe he wants to wear too many dresses or is paying attention to
Whatever the first the first thought that goes through a parent's head is what did I do wrong?
What did I do wrong?
And most people admit that that's their first thought, but it is.
And you're right to think that, because you did do something wrong.
Mostly, it's a product of bad parenting.
You weren't looking after your kid, and maybe somebody got to him.
Or you're living with somebody who got to him.
Most of the time, it is your fault.
I speak from personal experience.
It was my mother's fault.
She didn't do it, but she allowed it to happen.
And the blame is at her doorstep. And she started,
when I started to get confused in that way, her first instinct was to lash out at somebody. She
blamed my grandmother because my grandmother was, you know, introducing me to classical music,
which she said was, you know, this, that, and the other. She said, you have turned my son
homosexual. Lashed out because she felt guilty, correctly intuited that she had done something,
or through her omission allowed something to be
done that ruined my life.
I think these
mums love the trans explanation because I think
it gets them off the hook. I think
when their kids turn out to be a little
skewiff, have a little sugar in the
tank as they say, lighten the loafers I think
they say down south, instead
of it being gay because the mum
allowed something to happen to
this kid, if instead it has a disease, if the kid is ill, sick, has a syndrome, is transgender,
well, mom's off the hook, isn't she? It wasn't my fault. My kid was just born in the wrong body.
I think moms love this trans stuff. Because it lets them off the hook.
It lets them off the hook because they know they're responsible. They know they did it. If your kid turns out gay and you are a mother, it is probably mostly your fault.
And if fathers have to take responsibility for being absent, absolutely.
And those communities in which fathers are absent, like the black community, have higher
rates of LGBT.
And it's not a coincidence.
There's nothing about black social attitudes that would suggest to you that more blacks would self-report as homosexual. But they do. Why? Because they don't
have dads, and it makes more gays. But when you do have, you know, a woman in the home who allows
this situation to emerge, mainly, mostly, really, the mistake is made before birth, because they
have kids out of wedlock, don't even know who the father is in some cases.
The kid grows up with no male role models and overbearing mothers who inject their misandry into the child.
This is what happens.
They love this trans stuff.
They are so happy when a doctor says, I think your kid might be transgender.
Like, yes, brilliant.
It wasn't me.
The kid was just born wrong.
And then, of course, it becomes that awful thing that so many mothers do,
the Munchausen's by proxy thing.
There's all these weird, crackpot, crazy things that some of these moms do.
And, of course, when your kid has one of these things,
there's a wonderful way of playing the victim,
which is, of course, what guilty people love to do.
When you've done something wrong, what are the two things you do?
Lash out and play the victim.
Those are the natural responses to guilt, the two key responses of guilt.
So these mothers who correctly intuit they did something to their kid to turn him gay,
I get to, first of all, get myself off the hook.
And then I get to play the victim.
Oh, no, my son's trans.
Well, kudos to this dad because what he did was immediately, as soon as they tried to
give him that report, he said, that's it.
And guess what?
Quit his job, took his son, moved out of state, and stayed home with his son.
And if you aren't a father.
And that is what a father does.
And I have so much respect for someone like that.
And if you are one of these Americans who is constantly, reflexively being beastly or
ghastly about Muslims out of reflexive whatever, I get it.
9-11 happened.
Well, guess what?
You didn't learn your lesson.
You didn't do anything about it, Americans.
It is shameful that it is only really Muslim dads and Christian dads and not, you know, most of the Americans who are
disrespectful about religious communities, let's say, and they might be disrespectful about Muslims,
about Christians, whatever. There are at least some dads still in faith communities who are
prepared to stand. They're very family oriented people. And also to the alphabet mafia, it doesn't matter what color you are what religion you are as long as you oppose me you're my enemy
mafia i like alphabet mafia it's as good as i just say one more thing on this regarding this
gender dysphoria nonsense when it is nonsense not only is a rejection of what we consider
traditional family ultimately it's a rejection of God, okay?
Because the Bible teaches back in Genesis 5, 2,
it says God, male and female,
He created them and He blessed them in that.
And then Jesus in His ministry in the gospels
reaffirmed that very scripture Himself.
And so for us to go around and say,
well, you're not a man, you're a woman, or
you're not a woman, you're a man, when God created and blessed us in our specific roles,
really is the ultimate rejection of God and what He did, and God's creation. And so that's really
what this is about. At the root of it, it's the rebellion against our creator God.
We refuse to acknowledge God.
What happens when we refuse to acknowledge God?
Romans chapter 1 tells us God gives them up to a depraved mind, gives them up to a reprobate mind.
And I would hate to hear God say to me, I'm giving up on you.
But that is exactly what he has done with some of these folks is that I'm giving up.
I've tried.
But you are so depraved, you've gone away from me.
I'm giving up on you.
And so ultimately, this gender dysphoria nonsense is a rejection of the creator God himself.
And so, yeah, God doesn't make mistakes.
That's right.
He didn't make a single mistake when He created us.
You know, this whole worldly view,
that's what the enemy does.
He takes, he creates, like God creates something
and then the enemy perverts it
because he cannot create anything.
He can only pervert what God has already created.
So that's what this whole transgender,
alphabet mafia agenda is.
But I wanted to especially share this with the parents, like the good, righteous parents So that's what this whole transgender alphabet mafia agenda is.
But I wanted to especially share this with the parents, like the good, righteous parents who are trying to raise their children correctly,
who are trying to raise their children in the ways of the Lord, because it could be an innocent trip to the hospital.
And there you are. They're calling CPS on you.
So please be aware that they are doing this. If they start trying to say, oh, well, your child struggles with transgenderism or your child was just born in the wrong body,
we need to send them to this gender clinic.
Heed my warning is that they will call the state on you
because that is the ultimate goal
is to have the state raise your children.
That's right.
And the other thing, of course,
is move out of those places.
Get out of Washington State.
Get out of Oregon.
Get out of California.
Get out. Get to a center. Get out of California. Get out.
Get to a center.
I mean, I think Florida's the last stand, isn't it?
Oh, we will.
I mean, there's a couple of states, but Florida's probably the only one you really.
Texas is, I mean, their governor was literally taking money.
He was literally caught taking money from the chemical castration clinic.
So it's like, where do we go?
I hate to say it.
I'm sorry.
I know this is going to offend people, but Texas is gone.
It's gone.
If the Republican governor of Texas is taking money from the trans lobby, and look how close
Beto O'Rourke came to beating Ted Cruz, right?
It's true.
It's done.
It's done.
So, yep, there's a couple of good states in the Deep South.
There's a couple of good states in Appalachia.
I think Florida's the last stand, personally.
And Handel, around to central Florida, where we are right now, I think it's the last stand
of America.
Yeah, I have to agree.
But, you know, we can, you know, for Americans and activists and people that are listening,
you can take a stand.
This is occurring in states that have a law where you can start gender transitioning children without parental consent.
So if you are in a state that this is completely illegal,
make sure it stays illegal.
But also in those states,
you can contact your state legislators
and tell them, demand that this becomes illegal.
So you can still fight back.
Our governments, where they're not actively promoting
the diabolical, are simply
hopelessly and appallingly incompetent. Data from the Australian national government,
Australian national government data out this week shows that in the last couple of months,
there has been one death from COVID-19, one death from coronavirus, 200 deaths from the vaccine,
and 22,000 incidents, which means people having heart attacks,
respiratory arrest, seizures, some other kind of thing that happened to them thanks to taking the
vaccine. One death from the disease, 200 deaths from the vaccine, 22,000 incidents from taking
the vaccine. Even where the governments are not outright
diabolical, they're just incompetent. So don't trust them with your kids. And if you live in
one of those places, leave, move, get out. But some people can't get out.
Some people have to. You have to. Move into your car and get out. This is like we are not in a
time now where you can cling to your possessions and say, oh, but I can't.
I've got a job.
I've got a mortgage.
This is your child's immortal soul you're talking about.
How dare you?
Like, you're talking about physical possessions.
Come on.
Sorry, I don't mean to come at you.
But, I mean, come on.
This is your child's immortal soul you're talking about.
You are imperiling theirs and yours.
And you're going to stay in Oregon because you built a nice house or you have a nice car and you're worried.
Get out.
Well, and really, I think Milo has a great point there, Lauren, in that if your child had a life-threatening disease, let's say, and there was only one place in the country where you could go and receive treatment.
Nothing would stop you.
You would do everything you could.
You couldn't say, well, I've got a house that are here in Ohio
and the treatment center's in Florida.
I mean, BlackRock's buying them all for 200% market value.
What have you got to lose?
Make BlackRock finance your exodus out of where it is.
Sorry, I didn't mean to come for you then.
No, no, no.
I just felt very strongly about it.
I understand that.
I know people have roots.
If you're trying to raise a child in California, that's a very bad idea. I do understand people have roots. If you're trying to raise a child in California, that's a very bad idea.
I do understand people have rooms.
If you're trying to raise a child, it just makes sense.
You're right.
Maybe a better way to put it that can encompass all of our points of view is when you're planning your family,
when you're thinking about getting married and you're getting ready to embark on a physical relationship with your wife,
with your husband, when you know that children are on the horizon, move somewhere
where they're not going to be snatched,
mutilated, and
damned. How about that? Yes.
Alright, good. I can agree with that.
We got to an agreement at the end.
Perfect, good, good, good.
Okay, speaking of it,
I wish Gay Reparations
is now a thing. Oh, no!
I just got through that. Recently,
you've been hearing about it circling around. You know, reparations has now in the... Oh, no. No, I just got through that. Recently, you've been hearing about it circling around.
You know, reparations has been a hot topic lately.
However, now we apparently owe LGBTQ community some reparations.
So, Milo. Hold on a second here.
Now, I understand the concept of reparations in the sense of, you know, African-Americans that may make the case.
Living with the legacy.
That they're living the legacy, like you said.
Even American Indians could make that case about reparations.
I don't necessarily agree with that.
I don't understand how something that happened 400 years ago should be on me.
But I understand the arguments on it.
But what is this gay reparations?
Well, you have to understand LGBT reparations.
You have to understand how gay people reproduce.
It's sort of like vampires, right?
It may not be a sort of direct reproductive lineage, but they reproduce, you know, through pederasty and child abuse and all the rest of it.
So they very much see themselves in a sort of dynastic town. They have to steal straight people's kids.
Stealing souls, right?
It's very vampiric in that sense.
So there are all these, I mean, my respectable career got ended because I dared to reveal
that very often in gay relationships there are big age disparities.
So that's how people get on this train in the first place.
And the idea that, but even so, the idea that you deserve some form of reparations for something
that was allegedly done to somebody else who just happened to be gay several generations
ago is completely barking mad.
Well, I agree with you.
But they're now asking for it.
I'm going to read you two.
Even currently, every institution supports trans rights, supports black trans women,
you know, every American academia, corporations.
Like, it's not like, I think, like, it's like they're making it up.
I actually support reparations for slavery.
People know that about me.
You probably need to spell that out for our audience.
We've got a lot of folks
that don't know where you stand on this particular issue.
Well, those slave owners had their property
snatched from them with no compensation
I think they deserve... I'm just kidding.
I'm slightly joking. Although I will say
that... So you're
in favor of reparations for the slave owners?
Well, let me explain.
Yeah, walk our audience through this.
The British Empire had the good sense, when it ended slavery before America, to
compensate slave owners so that the issue was settled for good.
So there was not some sort of brewing, festering, whatever.
America took the very bad decision to go to war over it.
What did this guarantee?
That in perpetuity, there would be resentment and bad blood between the Yankees, between the Northerners and the Southerners,
who felt that they not only had had their property wrenched from them,
but also they'd been humiliated in a war that left their families
and everything devastated. This opened up a
rift in America that has been exploited by race hustlers for hundreds of years.
This is the reason whites and blacks are so easy to pit against one another.
You could argue that this smart, the British Empire said this is a disgusting, inhumane, unchristian,
horrendous practice that has to come to an end.
The way to do it is say,
we're going to give you a bunch of money
and you're going to like it
and that's the end of the issue forever.
And it worked.
It was great.
For them.
For the British, yes.
The Brits always have these common sense solutions.
They mess themselves up in other ways, right?
They did this thing with gay marriage
where they just came up with a state-only,
non-religious institution called,
what was it called?
It was called Civil Partnership,
which had nothing to do with the churches.
And everyone was perfectly happy with that setup
because the churches said,
well, if you want to go and do that to your lives,
that's okay, but you're not requiring of me
that I violate my religious conscience, right?
So it was a great common sense compromise until, you know, inevitably it wasn't enough and they you know
They but but but in America what happened instead is you guys went to war over it
Which is far worse because that opened a rift that race hustlers have used forever to drive the races apart
So, I mean I'm joking but I'm not joking but the I want to read to you about
This gay reparations thing, which is just remarkable.
They don't quite have the gall, the front, to demand money.
But what they do want instead is what we've always seen from the left, endless cultural genuf. Yeah before the before the altar of LGBT. So they want
memorials and make this this article in the conversation which we had up a moment ago, which is a
Now become a big online publication that memorializing the victims. They of course throw in a gratuitous
Comparisons of theust when they do that posthumous pardons to gays and
lesbians who committed offenses in the past find occasionally gay reparations can involve financial
compensation as well for wages or pensions lost due to time spent in prison or a mental institution
because of a homosexual offense compensation of that kind i didn't even know this until i just
read this now because I guess I was
Spitting tacks at this earlier. I didn't get as far in the article
Gay reparations have been available in Spain since 2009 and in Germany since
2016 yes, if you could I didn't even know that right I didn't even know so you could so you can apply to the German
Government and say my dad was in prison for ten years for being a homo, so I want 20 grand.
I take it back about Europe being common sense.
Oh, my goodness.
Anyway, madness.
So how far back do you go?
How far do you go back to?
I don't think it matters because it's never going to be good enough.
Do you go back to World War II?
Do you go back to the 1700s? Do you go back to the 12th century? How far
do you go back? And what is the value?
DAVID ROCKEFELLER JR.: There's no answer to this, but you just asked what's the value,
which I find the more interesting question. This is based on a sort of obscenity. And
it's an obscenity that obtains in widespread fashion in the United States, which is that there's some kind of monetary amount that can compensate for a human life.
That there's some kind of figure that you can award somebody that will make up for the death of their child or their father or make up for some kind of suffering or injustice.
The idea that you can stick a dollar sign in front of suffering, I've always found mystifying and obscene.
I can't understand how it exists in civilized societies because it's so vulnerable to corruption
and to politicization.
I mean, look at George Floyd's family.
Got $36 million in the city of Minneapolis.
This has nothing to do with their suffering, nothing whatsoever.
And taxpayers paid it.
How did this happen?
And I have to say, I think it's America leading the way on this with these big jury awards for injuries and for deaths, this litigiousness that you have here.
How did it happen that we got to this point where people are putting dollar signs on the value of human
life? Well, that's, like he says, the tedious side of it we have here. And so it's not just in
a monetary sense either. It's this cultural sense too, this cultural reparation. That's why all the
embassies are flying the pride flag, okay? That's that cultural reparation, if you will, that our government.
That's why Joe Biden right now has the big pride flag on his Twitter profile right now.
It's that cultural reparation that they're paying.
But it's also a way to humiliate and demoralize people who don't exactly believe the same way that they want them to.
You know, so also that's how, that's the way they do things. You know, that whole $37 million to
George Floyd publicly during the trial, I mean, that was something that was done intentionally.
From taxpayers.
From taxpayers.
People who had no choice.
No option. They had paid taxes at the barrel of a gun to the state authorities,
with the threat of imprisonment if they don't.
And the government, this is why you have to move out of these places.
Just leave.
Get out.
You can't, in good conscience, live in a state, in a place that does this.
You can't.
Yeah, it's true. Speaking of public humiliation. You can't. Yeah, it's true.
Speaking of public humiliation. You're right.
Speaking of public humiliation.
Jeffrey Toobin is
Alright, so here's Jeffrey
You should
take this one.
I don't think it'll be funnier when he describes it.
I don't know if we're even allowed to
describe this in this program.
We did a whole program on Jeffrey Toobin.
And so Jeffrey Toobin formerly worked for the New York Times and was the legal analyst for CNN
until this past October when he was on a Zoom call and he got caught with his pants down.
In this case, literally on the Zoom call, thought he was on a Zoom call, and he got caught with his pants down, in this case, literally, on the Zoom call.
Thought he was on a break, and actually, he had his own personal break going on on the Zoom call.
And he was caught masturbating to coworkers and everyone there on the call.
So what's happening right now is, and I couldn't believe this happened yesterday
because that was the last thing I thought I would see yesterday. Jeffrey Toobin is back at CNN. It
turns out he was only on leave from CNN. He was fired from New York Times. That's for certain.
But this whole time, he's only been on leave from CNN. And they welcomed
him back yesterday. Yes, they did. With a very cringy interview. And this is about four minutes
long. So and the longer you watch it, the more cringeworthy it is. OK, before we roll it, by the
way, just in the interest of strict accuracy. And I'm so pleased because you're one of those people.
You know sometimes you're around somebody who's really smart and on top of everything
and you're just waiting for them to slip up.
It was, in fact, The New Yorker and not The New York Times.
I thought it was The Times.
No, it was The New Yorker.
The New Yorker.
We got him.
We got him.
It's all garbage.
It's all garbage.
They're all the same.
It's not that wrong.
They're completely interchangeable, so I get it.
I'm just pleased we got you at last.
Okay, good.
Right, anyway, sorry.
We'll never hear the end of this.
No, it's just, look, it's just, you know,
you said somebody who just seems to know everything.
It's nice when people are, anyway, whatever.
Let's play the video.
This is CNN.
This is CNN, the most trusted name in news.
Hi, Jeffrey.
Hello, Allison.
It's been a while.
It has been a while, indeed.
I feel like we should address what's happened in the months since we've seen you,
since some of our viewers may not know what has happened.
So I guess I'll recap. I'll do the honors.
Help yourself. Okay. In October, you were on a Zoom call with your colleagues from the New Yorker
magazine. Everyone took a break for several minutes, during which time you were caught
masturbating on camera. You were subsequently fired from that job after 27 years
of working there. And you since then have been on leave from CNN. Do I have all that right?
You got it all right. Sad to say. Okay. So let's start there. To quote Jay Leno,
what the hell were you thinking? Well, obviously I wasn't thinking very well or very much.
And it was something that was inexplicable to me.
I think one point I wouldn't exactly say in my defense because nothing is really in my defense.
I didn't think I was on the call.
I didn't think other people could see me.
You thought that you had turned off your camera?
I thought that I had turned off the Zoom? Correct. I thought that I had turned off
the Zoom call. Now, that's not a defense. This was deeply moronic and indefensible. But I mean,
that is part of the story. And, you know, I have spent the seven subsequent months,
miserable months in my life, I can certainly confess, trying to be a better
person. I mean, in therapy, trying to do some public service, working in a food bank, which I
certainly am going to continue to do, working on a new book about the Oklahoma City bombing. But I
am trying to become the kind of person that people can trust again. I'm sure you've replayed that embarrassing moment over and over
many times. Have you ever thought about what it must have been like to be on the receiving end
of that Zoom call? Well, I haven't just thought about it. I've spoken to several of my former
colleagues at The New Yorker about it, and they were shocked and appalled. I think they realized that this was not intended for them.
I think they realized that this was something that I would immediately regret, as I certainly did.
And it was then, it was that day, that I began apologizing.
And that is something that I have tried to continue to do both publicly and
privately. You know, we've covered a lot of political scandals and we've heard what I like
to think of as the politician apology, which is, you know, I'm sorry if you were offended,
which always sounds to me like I've said the words now get off my back.
That's exactly what I've tried not to do. I mean, I have tried and I'm trying now
to say how sorry I am sincerely in all seriousness. Above all, I am sorry to my wife and to my family,
but I'm also sorry to the people on the Zoom call. I'm sorry to my former colleagues at The New
Yorker. I'm sorry to my current, fortunately still, colleagues at CNN. And I'm sorry to my former colleagues at The New Yorker. I'm sorry to my current, fortunately still, colleagues at CNN.
And I'm sorry to the people who read my work and who watched me on CNN and who thought I was a better person than this.
And so, you know, I got a lot to rebuild, but I feel very privileged and very lucky that I'm going to be able to try to do that. I mean, one of the ironies of this whole incident is that for decades you
have covered the bad judgment and sexual proclivities of public figures and politicians
like Bill Clinton and Anthony Weiner and Eliot Spitzer and Donald Trump. And I could go on.
And so, you know, of course, it begs the question, why didn't you have better judgment?
Because I didn't have better judgment, because I'm a flawed human being who makes mistakes.
And I you know, there is no defense for my conduct.
The only issue is what should be the consequences.
And The New Yorker made one decision about the consequences.
CNN made made a different decision, fortunately, for which I'm very grateful.
But I am not going to come up here and split hairs and try to come up with justifications or explanations.
It was wrong, it was stupid, and I'm trying to be a better person.
This is CNN, the most trusted name in news.
So, CNN, the most trusted name in news.
What was that? They have reached a brand new low in news is what
they've done it's a cliche thing to say but it really is are you guys telling me that there are
no more legal analysts out there that cnn could hire no more no more legal analysts out there
with himself too did you see he's like so smug every so smug every Every time I watch Jeffrey Toobin on TV now, and even this clip, I have to ask myself, is he wearing pants?
I have to be honest.
I have to ask that question now.
You know, I say this a lot, but, you know, we do some of these things so that you at home don't have to.
So you can trust us to look into the gory details of this.
And I have to confess to you, and you know what my prior life was about.
I took no pleasure
in investigating this story whatsoever because it was not a pretty sight and the only positive
aspect about this was that it was on CNN so nobody was watching it so that was the other part of the
story but once again I mean some people will do anything to be on TV. Now, the...
I don't think that was going through his head.
Jeffrey Toobin, that is the biggest PR stunt that I've ever seen.
If he wasn't best buds with Jeffrey Zucker, CEO of CNN, if he wasn't, you know, they went to Harvard together.
They were best friends at Harvard.
And in 2002, Jeffrey Zucker even said, one of my favorite legal analysts in the whole world is who?
Jeffrey Toobin.
So he's got a friend in high places, if you will.
I don't think it's a coincidence that the only word that really covers that level of shamelessness is in Yiddish this is clearly secular a aka reform godless
liberal Jewish privilege isn't it I don't expect you to respond to that but
well come on I gotta ask a question how did Alison Camerota draw the shot short
straw on this are they have they got on her?
What have they got on her?
Are they still punishing her
because she used to work at Fox?
Is that what's going on?
Oh, give it to Alison.
Think about this.
Think really hard about this.
They had a woman do this interview.
They had a woman do this interview.
She was squirming.
She evidently...
I've got to ask this question of you,
you pervert.
You were masturbating on camera, right? Yeah, I was.
The guy obviously has a fetish
for public humiliation because
I don't have a single doubt that he didn't
do that on purpose. I know he left
that Zoom thing on purpose. Do you think? I think so.
I think so too. He was smug and he was
smiling. He just got caught with it.
He was enjoying every second of the fact that she was uncomfortable. I thought it was really funny what you said when you said he was smug and he was smiling. He just got caught with it. He was enjoying every second of the fact that she was uncomfortable.
I thought it was really funny what you said when you said he was working at the food bank.
I haven't done all this stuff in enough.
So, yeah, you're at the food bank.
You're picking up, you know, food for the family and everything.
And here's Jeffrey Toobin.
You're that guy.
You got your little boxes.
I just came for the taco salad.
I didn't come for this.
There's the airline, you know, like the airline little boxes, you know, the cardboard.
Oh, here's yours.
And you're looking at it.
You know what?
I don't think I'm hungry today.
Yeah, it's disgusting.
All right.
So I've got some basic questions for you guys.
All right. So I'm going to ask this. If for some reason, Jeffrey Toobin had shown up on a
Zoom call in blackface, what would have been the punishment for him? Well, for him, I guess he
would have just been off TV for 14 months instead of seven. I mean, would they have treated that sin
differently than they would this? Not necessarily because the same thing happened to Ralph Northman.
But if you're their guy, if you're their guy if you're their guide
They send in the establishment to swoop in and save you and cover for you and do whatever
Answer to this question actually and it's and it depends on the specific kind of secular
Orthodoxy the specific kind of taboo that he's broken and where in the secular orthodoxy it sits,
right? There is nobody working at CNN who believes that masturbation is a sin, not a single soul,
right? Even at Christian organizations, there are plenty of people who think, well, come on,
you know, there are plenty. It's a mixture, right? Let's be honest. But there's not a single person
at CNN who thinks it's a sin. They just think, oh, Jeffrey got caught.
So I don't think there was ever really any great punishment on the cards for him because he exists in that particular echelon of a protected class of commentator.
But you know what? He engaged in a non-consensual sexual act with co-workers. That's true. He actually engaged in, it would be, if he'd shown up on a street corner somewhere and
exposed himself, he would have been arrested, right?
I have to say, if they want to make this argument that silence, excuse me, that words are violence,
if they want to make this argument that you can damage and hurt people by saying things
to them, then surely the consistent position then would be
that you're right. This is a non-consensual sex act. This is no better or worse than Weinstein.
Now, some would say, well, we shouldn't be really saying bad things about Jeffrey Toobin. He
apologized and everything else. I don't buy the apology. I believe that there is forgiveness
in God. But let me tell you something about Jeffrey Toobin.
Back in 2009, he had an extramarital affair.
In fact, in that extramarital affair, he produced a love child.
He's paying support payments to that love child to this day.
Nobody bothered with dealing with Jeffrey Toobin then.
And a week tomorrow, probably, a week for sure, everybody would have forgotten about the whole Zoom thing.
Oh, that's funny, you know.
But that's not a offense either, is it?
In the catalog of secular sins, that doesn't rank either at all.
Cheating on your wife and having a child out of wedlock.
I mean, most people at CNN would laugh that anybody would consider that to be morally abhorrent.
Other than the fact that your wife is embarrassed.
And if she gets over it, I guess we're okay.
And he's still married to his wife.
I mean, come on.
This is the party of the Clintons, for heaven's sake.
Quite clearly, they don't care about this stuff.
And I don't know if you heard in his response or not.
Of course, he is working at a food bank.
That's scary in itself.
He's trying to make himself a better person. And he's writing a book on the Oklahoma City bombing. And so.
Oh, oh, oh. So congratulations. I'd love to read that.
Congratulations for crowbarring in a crowbarring in a promo for your book.
And yes, that's exactly what this was. His book is coming out. Okay? And he's under a seven-book deal with his publisher.
So he has to produce a book.
And this is the only way to promote it.
Now, I believe in forgiveness.
I believe in forgiveness of sins for those who are truly repentant.
Masturbation is wrong.
I'm going to call it a sin.
It's sexual lust.
It's uncontrolled sexual lust.
What Jeffrey Toobin did on that Zoom call was basically video rape.
He was fantasizing about other people on that call.
No one else is going to say that.
I'm saying it.
That's exactly what it was.
I haven't thought about that.
He needs to ask God for forgiveness.
But first of all, he needs to ask God for forgiveness.
But first of all, he needs to recognize that there is a God, a real God, in which he doesn't.
He claims to be Jewish but isn't a practicing Jew.
And even if he was a practicing Jew, he'd be anti-Christ, because unless you believe
in Jesus Christ, that is the only place for forgiveness, the only place at all.
And so I would say to Jeffrey Toobin, you need Jesus.
You need it now. You need to cry out to him, and he'll break that sexual addiction in your life.
My friend, you are sexually addicted. You are addicted to sex, and you need freedom.
And the only freedom you're ever going to find is in Jesus Christ. That's it.
I hadn't even thought about that. But obviously he was doing that with female colleagues on
the screen, wasn't he?
It wasn't another tab that he'd opened, probably, most likely, off on some gruesome
website. It was probably one of his colleagues.
Yes. And no one's bringing that up.
You know what? This is why the true anchor of this show, although he has not yet been in the hot seat,
the true anchor of this trio is Mr. Burkhart here, because that didn't even occur to me.
Dr. Burkhart.
But, you see, we are so sexually immersed in this culture.
It didn't even occur to me, but it was one of his colleagues.
We don't, you know, sex isn't that big of a deal or anything.
To God, it's a very big deal.
We have allowed pornography to run rampant.
We have allowed our sexual morals to just run rampant without any limits at all.
They're celebrating pedestry now within the LGBTQLMNOP community.
And this is where we've come as a nation,
where we have a man like Jeffrey Toobin,
who committed a non-consensual sexual act on coworkers,
live, on screen.
And he gets a pass because it's funny, it's cute, it's a mistake.
God will judge this nation.
And, you know, I pray, I pray,
Jeffrey Toobin, you need to know the Lord.
You really, really do.
But there's a lot of other people out there
who are joking about this, think it's funny.
God is calling out to you right now.
Repent, turn from your ways, come back to him.
In Jesus' name.
All right, that's my sermon today.
I have another sermon on
Sunday I'll tell you about later on. So anyway. I never even thought, what a horrible, oh goodness.
All right. Should we move on? We should move on because I'm really excited about this next part
because I love hearing you talk about our favorite. It's her. Yes. It's her. Shall I just go for it? You should just go for it.
I call her the Tarantula.
Speaking, of course, about the former member of the British royal family,
the succubus, the tarantula, the enchantress, the witch, Meghan Markle.
What a ghastly human being, dreadful.
Now, far be it for me to intrude on private grief,
but of course the Sussexes being as they are,
their grief is all public by their own design.
And Meghan Markle, I'm sorry to,
I know you're going to be distressed by this news, Doc, and I want you to steel yourself
for what I'm about to tell you.
Because it's going to upset you.
Because I keep myself awake at night
thinking about the royals.
Flashbacks to the Toobin segment.
I have to get this man out of my,
I don't, I have to get this,
stop thinking about Geoffrey Toobin.
It is so horrible to contemplate.
Meghan Markle's book is a catastrophe.
She's written a kid's book, and it's really
just a sort of gruesome, badly written entreaty
to her husband.
They've obviously got problems already, because let's face it.
Harry is a classic case of what happens when somebody grows up unmoored, untethered
from family.
His mother dies at an early age.
His father he's got this crisis with because rumors of his paternity have dogged Harry
since he was born.
Came out ginger.
People are, oh, is it Hewitt's?
Now people in the know who are well embedded with minor members of the royal family, acquaintances
of mine who have friends in common with whatever, tell me that the timeline doesn't really work.
And Diana wasn't in touch with and having her affair with Hewitt at the time that Harry
was conceived.
So unfortunately, it's probably not true.
But it dogged him his whole life anyway, right?
The rumor that he was the question was there rumor that he wasn't Charles's, right?
So he's essentially, in some sense, an orphan.
And in swoops, and we won't play them again,
but you remember when I first came to talk to Rick
and we had the guys in control
manage to find what I was talking about.
All of the times that Meghan Markle
had consciously
imitated Diana's outfits.
jewelry. Down to
tiny details. Down, and look,
I've spent hours looking at this stuff because
I am completely obsessive on this subject.
I've spent hours looking at this stuff.
Down to the precise
angle of the fascinator
on her head.
Like the hat is in the same place, tilted the same.
Exact copies, facsimiles of Diana's most iconic outfits.
This is witchcraft.
It's witchcraft by any way you slice it.
So look, he's been forced by this enchantress to cut ties with his family, which in any case, perhaps
he didn't feel that close to because he was, at least in some metaphorical spiritual sense,
orphaned from an early age.
Cut ties with his family.
Cut ties with the only thing he was ever good at, which is the armed forces, because he
flew helicopters.
And the armed forces turned around and said, excuse me, you give up on your duties as a member of the royal family.
You don't get to keep your, I mean, you get to keep your rank, but you don't get to be
the titular head of the Marines or anything.
You know, like, no, because, you know, the British military, like all good militaries,
is about service, noblesse oblige, obligation, duty, you know, queen of country.
So he comes over here.
Their life has been a catastrophe.
Sussex's life together has been a catastrophe to the point where Harry is caught on the
red carpet begging for money from oligarchs, from studio heads, from whatever.
Oh, the wife's looking for some work.
What a grotesque, humiliating come down
for a senior member of the royal family.
Now, desperate for cash because they're broke.
The Sussexes have been doing whatever it takes
to bring in the dough.
And the entrantress herself, the tarantula,
she's written a kid's book. And it's so bad that it's even getting terrible reviews
from the left-wing press in Britain that there's a new statesman headline
we'll put up actually before the Fox, if you don't mind.
It's even getting terrible reviews from the left-wing press in Britain,
which was absolutely bought, sold, paid, signed up to the narrative that any criticism of her whatsoever was driven wholly and solely by racism.
Right. Absolutely dedicated to the narrative that anybody who doesn't think that she's the most amazing thing since Elizabeth I
must surely and only and could only have been driven by some virulent, disgusting bigotry.
No, she's just an absolutely terrible person
and everyone can see it.
And a bad writer.
And a bad writer, a bad wife,
probably a bad mother, who knows?
Let's see how the kids turn out.
I think we all know, don't we?
Yeah, probably trans.
Oh, the first royal trans kid.
Yeah, it's gonna happen.
If it's gonna happen, it's gonna be her kid.
Do you know the worst thing about it?
It's not even unlikely.
I know.
It's not even unlikely.
Anyway, so kid's book, it's terrible.
I just want to read you a little bit from the review.
The New Statesman is a really left-wing, these days anyway,
a really left-wing magazine in Britain.
And for them to come out and rip her book like this is a remarkable thing.
It just goes to show how
bad it is. Let me just read you this. It is mind boggling, really, how bad the book is. There's no
story, just a series of platitudes about paternal love that at best might appeal to a highly
emotional father. Insecure in his new role. It fits into a genre of children's literature
that the children's author Julia Donaldson
has described dismissively as books as medicine,
delivering a moral message that might be summed up as
love is nice.
And doesn't that remind you
of the thin superficiality of gay pride?
Love is nice,
with the sugary efficiency of a syringe full of cowpoll. That's a throat medicine
You give kids in England. It's just a sugary syrup to stop them coughing
And how many editors did it take to finally settle on the following rhyme?
This is it. Okay, so I'm now going to get to read to you. You you've heard me read the most beautiful things ever written
Scripture now, I will read to you Meghan Markle's doggerel.
He'll learn to ride a bike
as you watch on with pride.
He'll run and he'll fall
and he'll take it in stride.
That's it.
It doesn't even scan.
I don't get it.
No, I mean, who knows?
Perhaps, the review goes on,
Meghan has fallen into the same trap as many new parents
who are puffed up at their own confidence,
at their own ability to invent stories for their children
and begin to wonder how hard could it be to write a children's book?
It could be less than 100 words.
It doesn't even have to rhyme.
Surely anyone can do it.
I imagine Prince Harry was touched by his wife's heartfelt
reflections on the father he will be to his son and newborn daughter. And it does make a beautiful
gift for Harry. Just not for anyone else. But that is a full bore savaging from the press that
relentlessly defended her and brutalized her critics as virulent racists. So how are they responding to this PR nightmare for them?
Well, the worst thing that can happen to any author is having your books pulped.
Now, what that means is that the publisher was overconfident about the number they could
So they printed, let's say, 100,000.
You sold 16,000.
And the publisher is just going to take the hit and get the warehouse space back.
Now, I, I of course as a
Phenomenally successful author despite never having a book reviewed in any major publication. I've sold 250,000 copies of my various books
Have never had a book pulped obviously a Meghan Markle's come up with a
Innovative new way of avoiding getting her book pulped because it's so bad that would otherwise, of course, be the fate of it. She's instead going to give it away. Here's the Fox News headline
about this. She's going to, and the numbers are, of course, are downplaying it. I like this title.
Meghan Markle aims to nourish community through reading. With free donations of her book,
The Bench. The Bench. Brutal. I mean, if you just,
she's basically, she's giving it away. Just to say, before we move on, and I could talk about
her for hours, and I'm sure over the coming days, weeks, whatever, I will. But just to say,
kids' books, they tend, even in the titles, to conjure up mystery and magic, a sense of wonder, fills.
Even just the titles and the covers.
If you saw on the cover, and you're browsing the bookstore, let's say you actually went to a real bookstore.
You're browsing the bookstore and you come across a story for your youngin.
And the title of the book is The Bench.
It's not even like The Flying Bench.
The Bench.
The Bench.
Before you've even got to the title of the author.
So you're thinking, is this a John Grisham novel?
The Firm.
The Bench. The firm. The bench. Some sort of, you know, some of those new weird sadomasochistic novellas that they're putting out now.
Do you think it was a database error?
Like, a line got transposed and they're there at HarperCollins and they're like,
Mark and Markle, the bench.
Oh, no, it's too late.
It's too late.
Well, we're going to stick with it now.
And nourish the communities with it.
It's too late. We've got to stick with it now. And nourish the communities with it. It's too late.
We've got to nourish the community.
So they're so desperate now to move these books
that they're going to force poor, underprivileged kids
and low-income communities.
Haven't they suffered enough?
Have they suffered enough?
Why expose them to Meghan Markle's books?
On that subject, by the way, we don't have a picture of this,
but now that Kamala Harris has finally made...
Kamala? Is it Kamala today?
Now that Kamala Harris has finally...
One more time.
I can't do it how he does it.
I mean, I have grown to loathe Trump's betrayals of his own people,
but there are things he does that make me fall in love with him all over again,
and one of them is Kamala.
She is now making plans to visit the border,
and in her infinite self-regard and conceit,
do you know what she's taking with her as a gift?
By the way, the American taxpayer already paid for her children's book to be distributed at all of the refugee kids centers.
Do you know what she's taking down when she goes down? No, what? Cookies of her face.
Kamala cookies? Kamala cookies. Does that sound appetizing to you?
That sounds scary to me. Once again, this is a common tactic from those that try to influence others.
This is tokenization. You do an imprint of something that is familiar so that whenever
they see that, they associate it with something good, something sweet, and then that is tokenization.
This is classic. It's bitter. It's bitter. You don't want one of those cookies in your mouth.
Haven't those kids been through enough?
Oh, we've changed the name of this episode to Haven't They Suffered Enough.
Haven't They Suffered Enough.
Well, those cookies, I'm sure, will be coming out even faster than they went in down there on the border.
And by the way, the last place she wants to go is the border.
And I don't know if you saw the interview she had with Lester Holt the other day.
Lester Holt, you know, at least asked a couple questions.
Imagine a reporter asking a real question.
Are you going to the border?
Well, the border is important.
Are you going to the border?
Well, the border is all right.
She avoided it.
Why don't you say yes?
Why don't you just go?
You're the vice president.
Yeah, we're going.
Your job is nothing. They were like, you haven't been to the southern border yet. And she was like, well, I don't you just go? You're the vice president. Yeah, we're going. Your job is nothing.
They were like,
you haven't been to the southern border yet.
And she was like,
well, I haven't been to Europe either.
And it's like...
And she didn't go to Europe this week either.
You're the vice president of the United States.
Think about that.
She didn't go to Europe this week either
for the G7.
The good Lord intervened.
Because, think about this.
Jill and Joe went to Europe this week.
Kamala Harris didn't.
You know what they did to her?
They sent her to Guatemala.
They said, we don't want her in Europe.
Or Jill Biden said, I don't want her in Europe.
Because everybody doesn't.
She's the most dislikable person in the globe.
You know, specifically.
She's the most disliked person in the globe.
I have a challenge for you, Lauren.
She's not the tarantula.
She's not Michelle Obama. but she's a close third.
She's a close third.
I have a challenge for you.
Watch the next time the interaction between Kamala Harris, or Kabbalah Harris as I like to call her, Kamala Harris and Jill Biden.
Watch their interactions.
There is a great deal of tension between the two of them.
And I think Jill Biden, she sent Kamala Harris to Guatemala to get her as far away from the G7 as possible.
Because she knew that she...
Well, Kamala's trying to muscle it on Jill's husband's job, right?
She's around there.
She's the one sneaking into
the Oval Office to sprinkle
things in his mugs,
Joe Biden, I don't believe,
is going to make it to the end of the year. It was always
about instilling Kamala Harris in the White
House. So there's a woman
thing going on there because Joe Biden loves
being the First Lady. Loves it. You know going on there because Jill Biden loves being the first lady.
Loves it.
Do you know what?
I've always kind of liked her, though.
I know this is heresy, but I've always sort of not totally hated her.
Anyway, look.
You should hear the rumors about her in Delaware.
I'm from Delaware, so I would know.
Okay, fine.
You can tell me off air.
And if they're palatable for the airwaves, we might return to this subject.
We should.
All right.
All right.
Let's get to our last two things. So. We should. All right. All right.
Let's get to our last two things.
So terrible books should be on fire.
Speaking of which.
Yes, this is the news, ladies and gentlemen, that the tarantula is tanking.
Wonderful, wonderful, isn't it?
Yes, I'd love to see it.
Yeah, you'd love to see it.
You'd love to see it.
Now, while we try to stay Christian on this program and not revel in the misery of others,
this is Meghan Markle we're talking about.
So I think she's dished out enough.
It's time she took it a little bit, isn't it?
All right. All the lies she told about the British royal family, saying they were racist.
That Oprah interview.
Lie after lie after shameless, shameless, shameless lie.
The tarantula.
All right.
It's now time, of course,
for our...
That's my favorite segment.
It's your favorite segment.
You know what I'm going to say,
don't you, ladies and gentlemen?
Why isn't it on fire?
Poor Elmo.
Don't you love it?
It's not real Elmo.
It's not real Elmo.
It's just a characterization of Elmo.
Can you ever forgive me for what I've done to this country?
For what I've created in this country?
You know, I'm working through it.
You know, because just because you led the way on it doesn't mean that you,
I mean, it just has to be you that tears it down.
You did it in your ignorance.
You built this horrible, evil dynasty of gay conservatism
and that you can still be pro-traditionalist, pro-Christian family values and gay.
That kind of thing.
You kind of did that, so it's up to you to destroy it, just like you did with feminism.
Oh, isn't she sweet?
You can, though.
You destroyed a lot of things, and we're expecting you to do this.
You are responsible for that.
So, I wish there was a nicer way to say it, but you were responsible for that, because before you came along, before you came along, they thought of a gay conservative out there.
It was as stupid as it now is again.
But now, hey, everybody's gay.
No, they're not.
No one is gay.
That's right, I agree with that.
No one's gay.
You got diddled with, your mom didn't stop it.
She became overbearing.
She became your best friend.
You went shopping together.
You did each other's hair,
and you ended up a little bit too close to your mom
and a little bit too far away from men
and you wanted to visit your misery, contempt,
and hatred and resentment out on your father
and you did it by going off
and doing despicable things with men.
And I get it.
I understand.
I was there as well.
But here's what not to do.
Please roll the clip.
There's one thing you can expect from me and that's the unexpected.
Cause I'm an international super spy.
Super spy!
Does that look like a typical Trump support to you?
Um, in today's age, yes.
Unfortunately in 2021, yes it is.
I actually didn't realize that was a guy.
When I saw that video,
I thought it was a girl the whole time.
This is about the only group in America
still stupid enough to be pro-Trump.
It's the homosexuals.
They are the, I have to say,
they are the dumbest minority.
They are the most credulous,
the most impressionable, the most stupid minority, the gays.
They are so dumb.
But they didn't even show up to vote for him last.
I mean, there's like maybe 900,000 of them that showed up to vote for him last year.
So it's not really like...
I wish they hadn't.
I don't know why they're getting on board now.
America, I'm sorry.
I remain sorry.
I will continue to be sorry until the day I die.
I will be a penitent for this for the rest of my life.
But, you know, saying I know I blamed you for all of that.
But in reality.
It is his fault.
It is his fault.
You correctly located the blame.
But listen, I also know, too, that god's doing something different in your life now and
that sometimes the actions that we take in the past impact others when we're left with the idea
that we've you know there are things i've done in my life that have impacted family members and
friends and and people that i cared about that i've had to go back through. And the devil brings it up every once in a while
and says, look, look at the damage you did.
Look at the fires you caused.
Look at the pain you created.
Thank God, Milo, there's a place we can go to
where we can cast that shame.
The Bible says that he will carry our sorrows
and that he will also carry our shame.
And so the next time that Satan tries to throw that blame at you on this, or if I do.
Or me.
You just, hey, really, I want you to do this.
I want you to lay it at the feet of Jesus and just say, yeah, I, you know, I was involved.
But at the same time, God correct you know what there's a verse in joel
chapter 2 that has always encouraged me milo and says that god will restore to us the years that
the locusts and the canker worm has eaten now and i did a study of that verse one time and
uh where it talks about the locusts you know when, when the locusts come, there's nothing you can do about it.
OK, there's no way you can control the locusts when they come.
I mean, there's so many of them you can't control.
Ground planes.
I mean, everything.
I mean, you know, cicadas knocked down, you know, kept Joe Biden on the ground the other day.
That's how powerful they are.
Locusts are powerful.
Air Force One is nothing compared to the carbon.
You know, but God can restore the years that the locusts have taken away, the things that we can't imagine, things we can't control.
But the canker worm, that's an interesting one.
The canker worm comes about as a result of bad hygiene or bad choices.
The canker worm gets in places where things weren't clean.
Those are things that could have been controlled.
But the encouragement in Joel 2 is where the Lord gives a promise,
he will give back the years that both the locusts and the canker worm have eaten.
We don't have to remain in the past, Milo.
We can look to a future that God gives and be set on a path in the
future that leaves the past behind thank god once we're in christ he no longer looks at our past he
only looks at our future and i need that as much as anyone else so i want to encourage you in that
milo yeah that's so true that's so true like Like, I mean, I usually just kid with you about that stuff,
but people try to throw, like, my past, like, too.
Like, oh, well, you did this, this, and this.
But it's like, it's always a constant reminder of your past
and your history and everything.
But, you know, Milo's also at a disadvantage
because his entire life, like, his sin was on display,
like, on TV and everything.
And I leaned into it for political effect,
very powerful effect as it turned out.
So when I had to leave that,
it was like leaving my power behind too,
because it was this identity that I had wielded
as an immensely powerful political weapon.
And worked well.
Oh, it was devastating.
But it was of its time. And I can tell myself that I'm glad that I went through this and I see why God put me
through all this rest of it. But I, look, I'm somebody as the more intelligent viewers out
there will have spotted by now and on this program, that's most of them, because this is a
highbrow and high IQ this is a high-brow
and high IQ kind of show for high-brow
and high IQ kind of people.
It does haunt me.
It does haunt me that for a decade in the public eye,
I was telling people that this is okay
and that you can be like me, you can be fun and popular
and wealthy and sexy and be successful.
I am responsible for a lot of unhappiness.
And it does haunt me.
So am I.
I am too.
I'm just as guilty as you.
Yeah, but I was doing it on real time.
I mean, I'm so ashamed.
Yeah, but nobody had a camera on me.
We understand that.
And like I said, there are choices I've made in the past that
still Satan accuses me of. But the Bible says Satan is the accuser. It's not God that's
doing the accusing. Satan is the accuser. And so when the accuser comes, the Bible says we have an
advocate. In other words, we have an attorney. We have someone that is standing and says to Satan, all right, you've got an accusation, but look at this.
It's done.
It's paid for.
You can't accuse him anymore.
And so this is something that we work through as believers, Milo, because we retain these memories.
We retain these neural pathways that we've established over decades.
And some of those experiences that we've had have been so traumatic and so intense
that it's hard to wind yourself back from them.
But the Bible also says, too, Milo, that God bringeth healing to the brokenhearted,
and he restores
the mind of those who follow after Him.
He can heal the broken heart.
He can restore the mind.
The Bible says our minds are renewed by the Word of God.
So I don't even know why we went down this pathway now, other than I understand where
you're coming from in saying hey you
know I led the way on this but you're leading a new path now you're leading a
different way wouldn't be great Milo if the all these like Lady Maga and all
these other crazy outfits out there's entities out there wouldn't be great I
watched Milo and I decided to change my life.
I watched what Milo was saying and the change in his life,
and there's something about it.
There's something different.
And that would be the greatest reward.
And so that God takes our pain, takes even the pain that we caused,
and uses it as raw material to build something new.
Very much my determination and aspiration for the next 20 years of my life
is to undo some of the damage I did in the first 10 of my professional life.
But also, I want to try to reach and to speak to the people that I took that way and pull them five times more in the other direction.
And hopefully with the help of good men around me and one lady who I guess is okay.
Don't forget about me.
Who I guess is okay.
How could I?
How could I in that outfit?
Even right now, I'm watching comments online,
and there are people that are knocking Milo and everything and attacking him and saying this is all fake,
this is everything that's going on.
And I would just say to you,
we have all been where he is right now, every one of us.
If we're a believer, you have to honestly admit that we've all been where he is right now, every one of us. If we're a believer, you have to honestly admit
that we've all been there.
And we have to come to terms with the pain
that we've caused, the tragedy that we've caused in our life.
I know I had in my own life, the damage I caused
to my own family with the choices I've made.
And I've had to work through those in my own life.
And so, but the thing is, is everyone that's watching this today,
everyone that's listening today, you don't have to remain in the past.
God's created a future.
He desires a future.
He's got a plan for you, a plan to prosper you and to a great future, the Bible says.
Not a bad past, but a great future.
And all he's asking, Mylon, is that when we encounter these situations,
is that we come to him.
Well, I've certainly been doing that, and it hasn't escaped my notice that although a lot of people who are in my situation
find themselves better served by therapy than anything else.
I have found myself almost exclusively well served by prayer
and not very well served at all by therapy.
I want to finish.
You're too smart for them.
Well, you know what?
I am one of those problem patients who kind of runs rings around the therapist.
I can see that.
I could imagine.
He's a case for Jesus.
I even do it with my Latin teacher, and I think I'm so smart, like, distracting him with amusing anecdotes.
And he's like, you know, you've been babbling for 27 minutes, and you haven't told me what you did for homework yet.
So that's definitely my nature.
And I'm one of those people that deflects into humor, running a little bit scared of, sometimes, of real authentic confrontation with things and people.
And so it's been a new experience for me being here with people who are very used to real
authentic confrontation with people. Really, I mean communion, in fact. People who speak to each
other authentically as a default position, rather than from a critical or an ironic distance like I do,
you know, and getting to know you and all the rest of it has definitely helped.
We should wrap up soon. I do want to finish with one story that is even more relevant to what we've
been talking about than I was planning since we went down that little path, and I'll try to make
it brief. And it's a little parable, except it's true, of the state of American masculinity, really.
So you're familiar with the Proud Boys.
It's a very creditable organization with a very bad reputation,
thanks to the same people who call us names.
It's really a men's drinking club.
And although they've been involved in some altercations, let's say,
with Antifa on the streets, I think the way that the Proud Boys would accurately describe it is that they don't
start fights, but sometimes they do finish them. And I sort of think, well, fair enough. If you
come to somebody and start to throw punches and you happen to be weak and pathetic and
funded by George Soros with purple hair and all the rest of it, and you accidentally throw a punch at a
250 pound bodybuilding father waving stars and stripes, you get what you get. And that's pretty
much what the Proud Boys have been involved with. Where they have been involved in physical
altercations at all, they've been attacked first and they've finished it. And what the
left really hates about them is that they win the fights.
The former chairman of this organization, his name is Enrique Tarrio, and I've had a few run-ins with this guy. It's so sad. It's such a classic example of the failure in fatherhood that I was
a victim of, that so many people are a victim of and they don't all turn out gay
But they do all turn out with problems
I mean the entire generation of boys Gen Z that you and I love so much who have problems
I mean they have they have a group age group though. It's a problem in Millennials, too
Yes, yes, but I'm saying they have problems relating to women. They have problem. They have anger management issues for sure. Yeah
So anyway, this guy turns out to be a federal informant, which isn't a surprise because
the FBI aggressively seeks to take over those organizations that it doesn't itself start in
the first place. So all of these supposedly patriot organizations, they're all either honeypots or,
well, they're honeypots either because the FBI aggressively invaded and subverted them,
or they were started by the FBI in the first place. Now, this one,
of course, wasn't. But the guy who was elected chairman was probably, it looks like, placed there by the FBI. He's been an informant for a decade or more. He also tried to kill his baby.
And this is a men's fraternal organization. And I would say, I mean, it's far too libertarian for
my tastes in many ways. There's not enough God in it and a lot of alcohol
and even sometimes harder substances.
It can sometimes, as I say, be too libertine and libertarian
for my tastes these days, but it's full of good people
who are horrified by this kind of thing.
Now, this guy, I'll tell you how it happened.
You know, sometimes you have those, not quite feuds,
but sort of teasing relationships that take a nasty turn. And you suddenly find yourself in a
feud and you didn't even really know why it happened. And out of nowhere, a woman contacts me
from Texas. And she says, I am one of Enrique Tarrio's baby mamas, and he tried to bully and gaslight and manipulate me into aborting our child, into killing our baby.
So I've been talking to this woman over the last few months, and I've been checking her claims.
She's been sending me documentary evidence.
If you want to see it briefly, there's a paternity test that he forced her. She had to take him to court even for him to admit the child was his. His name is not on the
birth certificate because he didn't want to get stung for child support. She had to go through
the courts, force him to admit that he was the father. And since then, he's been sporadically sending $200 a month in child
support while he spends his legal fundraisers on brand new Teslas and skiing holidays.
He ran for Congress here in Miami, and that's why it's a newsworthy story,
and that's why it's worth us covering. Because perhaps not this time, but maybe one run or two runs time, he might have a shot
at it.
And that's why it's newsworthy and it's important for us to cover, because although he only
raised $8,000, whereas Laura Loomer, with a much more realistic chance, raised $2 million,
the reason he gave this woman, who is struggling to make ends meet, and who has given me permission to talk about this story.
The reason he gave this woman for killing their baby,
and they didn't, by the way.
The baby's seven or nine months old, I think, now.
She didn't do it, despite his aggressive insistence,
was that the scandal of having a baby outside of wedlock would have damaged his
congressional run. The most cynical and obscene and disgusting reason I have ever heard for murder
in my life. He forced her to endure this court process. She lives in Texas. She's struggling
to make ends meet. She doesn't have AC in her car, and the Texas summer is approaching.
And this month, again, the check hasn't arrived.
So I paid it. I paid his child support this month.
And I'm going to pay for the A.C. to get fixed in her car too.
He's somebody who was supposed to be an icon for male, a male model at the head of this organization this male fraternity right that was
supposed to represent what good patriots were supposed to look like and
instead he is himself a baby and
I'm sharing this story with her permission because this is how kids end up gay
with deadbeat dads. Dads who won't fulfill their
responsibilities. This is how kids end up damaged and depressed with issues. This is how kids end
up in the clutches of social services. So anyway, I'm growing quite attached to this little lad.
His name is Texas, funnily enough. It's in the state where he comes from. I'm growing quite attached to this little lad. His name is Texas, funnily enough. It's the same state where he comes from.
I'm getting quite attached to him,
and I'm going to do the best I can to take care of them.
Maybe I'll start a fundraiser for them as well,
because I've been unemployed for about six months,
so I'm not exactly sure how well I can do on the child support front,
but I'm going to do what I can.
I wanted to bring it up because this is sort of my ministry now, these vulnerable young children who are abandoned by their fathers
and who end up in a bad way. And I just want to say that those who profess Christianity and don't
in fact believe, those who say that they are conservatives and don't walk the walk. People who are biologically able to produce offspring,
but are too cowardly and lacking in character to be fathers. I am coming for you and I will
publicly humiliate you on whatever platform will have me until the day I die, because this
is what's wrong with America. Deadbeat dads. And these are the kinds of people who sit home and crow about the appalling state of
black America.
And they're doing it to themselves.
They're doing it just the same.
And this man is a perfect example of a revolting hypocrite.
His son is nine months old now, and he's met him once for two days.
And he's been on skiing holidays. He's bought himself a brand new Tesla.
So anyway, it's Father's Day.
And naturally, Enrique Tarrio,
former chairman of the Proud Boys,
is not going to go visit his little boy on Father's Day.
He's got better things to do, apparently.
So I've invited them to come see me in Florida.
And I'm going to take them out for the weekend.
That's great, Milo.
Well, look, I just...
I know very personally and directly
what the consequences are of growing up
without good male role models.
And this is just one of those things
that was put in my lap, I don't think by accident.
I don't think it was a coincidence.
So whatever I can do to...
And I fully support shaming
bad dads. Maybe he'll like...
Deadbeat dads killed
America. Deadbeat dads killed
America. Step up.
If this embarrasses you, good, because
you should be ashamed of yourself and you can do
better. So, you know.
And I don't think he has any intention of stopping anytime soon either.
So, look out.
I will continue talking about this on Telegram and elsewhere
until this individual fulfills his responsibilities.
And I don't mean the bare minimum under Texas law, which, by the way, he's not doing.
And I'm going to make sure that this woman has every resource she needs to pursue him through the courts.
Because if he won't do it through his own conscience, he can do it under the threat
of imprisonment. And Texas is quite enthusiastic about chasing dads across state lines, in case
you didn't know, Enrique. So in the meantime, I'll do what I can to help this beautiful young
family. And with the mother's permission, I'll just show you this lovely boy.
His name is Texas, as I said.
Here he is.
This is the first time he ever said dada.
And of course, Enrique wasn't there to see it.
Here's Texas.
How much I love you.
Do you know how much?
Oh, really? Is that what you have to say to your mom
well you are just like your daddy you know that
oh my goodness you're a genius you know that
i gotta send this to him don't know if he'd even bother opening the text,
but if you won't be there for your kid Enrique Tarrio,
perhaps I will.
We're better to start the ministry, you know,
than to try to help out a little bit as much as I can.
So anyway, that's all for today.
Maybe I'll save him from being gay.
How about that?
That's the first step.
The first step in my penance, little Texas will be a heterosexual.
That's your ministry right there, sir.
Come hell or high water, that boy will be straight.
All right.
I'm done for the day.
How about you?
Well, guys.
I'm done.
It's been a great week having you here and everything.
And so, and I've enjoyed the time.
There are people online that are just convinced I'm being held hostage.
Stop saying that.
I'm not being held hostage.
I'm telling you.
95% positive.
And all he bangs on about is the critics.
I'm enjoying the conversation.
I know it's different than the conversation with Rick and Edward and everything.
It's supposed to be different.
We're different people, okay?
And they have different experiences and they have different viewpoints to bring than Edward and Rick do.
And so they have unique personalities, and we have a different kind of interaction.
I'm having a great time talking with you guys.
Both Lauren and Milo, you bring such passion to the program.
And so anyone that dismays on that you know there are other
things you know you can watch people you keep conjuring because I was speaking to
miss Susan she said every email she reads is overwhelmingly positive well I
think we have trolls that live under the bridge yeah I think I think they I think
they're all emailing from from Flowing Streams email address.
I think if we were to do an IP check, it might trace back to that office back there.
Anyway, I did just want to say, I'm sorry, before you do close,
that we're actually staying an extra day or two next week now.
And next Friday is, in fact, the anniversary for me.
One year, baby.
One year of my new life.
So one year, well, we'll talk in as little anatomical detail as is absolutely possible,
which is to say we'll talk in none.
But very exciting.
What I meant to say is I'm happy I'm going to be here with you for that.
Because you've been a wonderful, erudite, calming, and reassuring presence to be around in these weeks.
I have to put that word up later.
It means you read books.
It means you read books.
Oh, that would have been.
And he does Bible study in the morning.
And I'm learning Latin at the moment, and it keeps clashing with Bible study.
But next week, I'm going to make a concerted effort to join because this guy teaching Scripture is something I don't want to miss anymore.
Well, and speaking of that, we want to invite you to join us for a new Zion assembly on Sundays.
And we are resuming our services this Sunday.
We've had to take a two week hiatus because of the crazy COVID Chinese virus and everything.
And so but this Sunday we'll be back up and running.
So I want to invite you to come and be a part.
We post the message on Sunday mornings,
usually around 10, 10 30.
And so you're welcome to join us, watch the worship service.
We involve the team members here at Flowing Streams
in the service.
Rick will be making an appearance
on the service this Sunday.
And I'm sharing right now a series of teachings,
sermons on the Apostles' Creed.
And this week's message title is,
I Believe Jesus Was Crucified, Died, and Was Buried.
And so we're continuing on in that series.
So I want to invite you to join us for that.
And I hope it's a blessing for you.
And also, every time we get together,
we celebrate the Lord's Supper and communion.
And I continually get emails from people on a weekly basis
telling me how blessed they are to participate
in the Lord's Supper on a regular basis with us.
They feel a real unique connection with us by doing that.
And so I want to invite you to be a part of that.
So, from what I'm hearing, Edward may be back here on Monday. We're still
working on that. And so there's still some things to take care of as he returns. And hopefully on
Monday, we'll have an update on that and also on Kerry as well. You'll probably see Rick popping up
throughout the week next week too. So he's still, even though he was here Wednesday,
it took a lot out of him to be here Wednesday
and it's taken a couple days to catch up.
But he dropped by earlier today
and just encouraged us with his presence.
And so we ran a little long today,
apologize for that,
but you probably enjoyed it anyway, right?
So, well, thank you for joining us
for today's edition of True News.
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second coming of Jesus Christ.
Thank you so much.
God bless you.
Have a great weekend.
We'll see you on Monday. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support
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