TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - The Great Kamala Con: Democrats Attempt to Rewrite History to Prop Up VP Harris
Episode Date: July 25, 2024This is TruNews for July 25, 2024.  I’m Doc Burkhart, sitting in for TruNews founder and host Rick Wiles.  On today’s godcast, we will be looking out how the Democrat Party is scrambling to rewr...ite history with the coronation of Queen Kamala, but first, two major address yesterday need to be addressed.  Bibi the Baby Butcher Netanyahu ginned up a war rally before a joint session of Congress yesterday, and we’ll share highlights from that speech.  But first, Lame Duck in Chief Joe Biden addressed the nation yesterday evening, in what was supposed to be rationale for his decision to drop out of the race for President. In the speech, President Biden made it clear that he is not resigning, though he did not specify the reason for his withdrawal. He did not mention Donald Trump at all. His appearance was notable, with a swollen face and slurred speech, reminiscent of someone who has suffered a stroke. He seemed particularly angry when he spoke about Kamala Harris. Despite not addressing his health, he asserted that his record warrants another term.  Here’s a brief clip of President Biden: Doc Burkhart. Airdate 07/25/2024Watch this FULL show exclusively on Faith & Values the leading community for Conservative Christians!https://www.faithandvalues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!https://www.AmericanReserves.comNow is the time to protect your assets with physical gold & silver. Contact Genesis Gold Today!https://www.TruNewsGold.comIt’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw.
I'm a blacksmith, and I like to work with my hands.
I watch True News, and it's apparent to me that we are in World War III,
and the U.S. is very unstable.
I have faith in God, but He expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for troubled times.
There are two things we need, food and water.
That's why I buy my supplies from
American Reserves offers easy to prepare chicken and beef meals, pastas, soups and vegetables
that only need boiling water.
You can purchase the world famous British Burkefield gravity fed water filters equipped
with Dalton ceramic handles and other emergency supplies at American reserves
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me something big is coming procrastination
could be costly act today before a
crisis suddenly appears be ready be wise
go to American reserves calm
I'm Jake but my friends call me Moose
jaw I'm a blacksmith and I like to work with my hands.
I watch and trust true news.
Two things are clear to me.
World War III has started, and the USA is very unstable.
I have faith in God, but he expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for trouble.
There are two things we need.
Food and water.
That's why I buy supplies from
American Reserves offers easy-to-prepare chicken and beef meals,
pastas, soups, and vegetables that only need boiling water.
You can purchase the world-famous British Burkefield Gravity-Fed Water Filters
equipped with Doulton ceramic handles and other emergency supplies at
My family's security
is critical to me.
Something big is coming.
Procrastination could be costly.
Act today before a crisis
suddenly appears.
Be ready. Be wise.
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This is True News for July 25th, 2024.
I'm Doc Burkhart, sitting in for True News founder and host, Rick Wiles. On today's Godcast, we'll be looking out how the Democrat Party is scrambling to rewrite history with the coronation of Queen Kamala.
The first two major addresses yesterday need to be addressed.
Bibi the Baby Butcher Netanyahu ginned up a war rally before a joint session of Congress yesterday.
We'll share some highlights from that speech. But
first, lame duck in chief. Joe Biden addressed the nation yesterday evening in what was supposed to
be rationale for his decision to drop out of the race for president. In the speech, President Biden
made it clear that he is not resigning, though he did not specify the reason for his withdrawal.
He did not mention Donald Trump at all. His
appearance was notable with a swollen face and slurred speech reminiscent of someone who has
recently suffered a stroke. He seemed particularly angry when he spoke about Kamala Harris. Despite
not addressing his health, he asserted that his record warrants another term. Here's a brief clip of President
Biden. A cause of American democracy itself must unite to protect it. You know, in recent weeks,
it's become clear to me that I need to unite my party in this critical endeavor. I believe
my record as president, my leadership in the world, my vision for America's
future, all merit at a second term. But nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our
democracy. That includes personal ambition. So I've decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation.
That's the best way to unite our nation.
As you can see, he does look a bit diminished even from the speech a month ago,
I mean the debate a month ago with President Donald Trump.
Joe Biden claimed that he's the first president in this century not to have any wars.
Let's watch this.
You know, I will keep working to ensure America remains strong and secure
and the leader of the free world.
I'm the first president in this century to report to the American people
that the United States is not at war anywhere in the world.
We'll keep rallying a coalition of proud nations to stop Putin from taking over Ukraine and doing more damage.
We'll keep NATO stronger, and I'll make it more powerful and more united than any time in all of our history.
I'll keep doing the same for our allies in the Pacific.
So for the next six months, we're going to have a placeholder president that will be sitting in the White House and doing who knows what during that time. Of course, the media on the left,
they were gushing all over the message that Joe Biden gave yesterday evening. We have an example of this from CNN's Van Jones,
who was almost at tears. He was so moved by what Joe Biden had to say. Watch this.
He asked the question, does character still matter? Well, it does tonight.
It does tonight. The kid with the stutter did good. did good that's a good man he fell on his sword
he fell on his sword most heroes they fight to the bitter end he fell on his sword
he's an old guy but the heart's still there you know the the words aren't as clear
but the love is as clear.
The heart is still there.
And I think people need to look at this because you had somebody sitting in that chair and he wouldn't give up power no matter what.
Wouldn't give up power, let there be an insurrection, wouldn't get out of that chair.
Even when the people voted for you to get out of the chair, He wouldn't get out the chair. And you've got somebody who's sitting in that same chair showing that character does matter, showing that you can have grace,
you can put the people first, you can pass the baton, and you're a bigger person for it.
You're going to be more loved for it. So you've got two examples now of what men with power do
and how they act at the end. And you couldn't act
any better than Joe Biden. That kid with the stutter grew up. He did a great job for this
country and he's doing a great job tonight. And I love that man. So the narrative you're going to
be seeing here, at least over the next few days, is Joe Biden was the greatest president that ever
lived. I mean, better than George Washington. And Kamala Harris is going to
be even better than Joe Biden. So that's the narrative that you're going to get. You didn't
even need to watch the speech by Joe Biden last night because we already knew what he was going
to say. The only thing that would surprise us is if he had resigned. But in essence, he did resign
last night. He says his resignation is on standby for six months now. So another message that was
delivered in Washington, D.C. yesterday was at the U.S. Capitol with a joint session of Congress.
And Benjamin, the baby butcher Netanyahu, addressed the joint session of Congress.
And I want you to see how Speaker Mike Johnson introduced Benjamin Netanyahu
before he delivered his address.
Watch this.
Members of Congress, I now have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you
His Excellency Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel. Thank you.
Two things to note there.
Did you hear Speaker Johnson call Benjamin Netanyahu His Excellency?
A brand new title for Bebe the Baby Butcher.
Also, just a note, that standing ovation was one of 58 standing ovations for
Benjamin Netanyahu, the most ever in an address to a joint session of Congress. Now, I had the
opportunity to watch a lot of what Benjamin Netanyahu had to say yesterday. He told some
whoppers, I mean, really big whoppers out there, but this one really perturbed me.
I wanted to share it with you. Listen to this.
I asked the commander there, how many terrorists did you take out in Rafah?
He gave me an exact number, 1,203.
I asked him, how many civilians were killed?
He said, Prime Minister, practically none.
With the exception of a single incident where shrapnel from a bomb hit a Hamas weapons depot and unintentionally killed two dozen people.
The answer is practically none. You want to know why?
Because Israel got the civilians out of harm's way,
something people said we could never do, but we did it.
Practically none on the civilian score. Actually, the number is closer to 30,000 people.
That's just the ones that they've been able to identify so far. That was just one
of many whoppers that Benjamin Netanyahu told. Now, in the address, he did make the case that
there should be the opportunity for a Middle East NATO. And we have this from RT. It says,
U.S. and Israel should create a Middle East NATO. He says that America has forged a security alliance in Europe
to counter the growing Soviet threat. Likewise, America and Israel today can forge a security
alliance in the Middle East to counter the growing Iranian threat. Now, listen to the rhetoric that's
being done here. He said a glimpse of that alliance could be seen on April 14th when Iran launched a
missile and drone attack against Israel and the U.S. and
the U.K. helped shoot down some of them. Netanyahu thanked U.S. President Joe Biden for bringing that
alliance together, as well as his predecessor Donald Trump for brokering the Abraham Accords
between Israel and several Arab countries during his term. I think we should call it the Abraham
Alliance. Always give it a good Bible name. He said that of the proposed NATO-like bloc.
According to the Israeli prime minister, countries at peace with West Jerusalem or that intend to do so ought to join the bloc, as Iran is a threat to them all.
When we fight Iran, we are fighting the most radical and murderous enemy of the United States, Netanyahu said.
And when Israel fights and works to prevent a nuclear Iran,
we are not only protecting ourselves, we're protecting you. Our enemies are your enemies.
Our fight is your fight. Our victories will be your victories, Netanyahu told U.S. lawmakers.
I know that America has our back. And we have a clip of Benjamin Netanyahu saying exactly that.
If we attack Iran, we're protecting America.
When Israel acts to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons that could
destroy Israel and threaten every American city, every city that you come from,
we're not only protecting ourselves, we're protecting you.
And he continued on in his rang against Iran and potential war with Iran,
with the U.S. involved in this following clip as well.
In the Middle East, Iran's axis of terror confronts America, Israel, and our Arab friends.
This is not a clash of civilizations.
It's a clash between barbarism and civilization.
As you can see there, the case is being made for potential conflict with Iran.
That's going to be the next big scene on the international horizon here.
So be watching for that.
True News will have all that information.
Well, those were the two big speeches yesterday. But the ongoing political turmoil in the U.S. has to do with Kamala Harris and her rise to power as the Democratic nominee for president. And so the very first campaign ad for potential
President Kamala Harris was just released late yesterday. Let's watch this.
In this election, we each face a question. What kind of country do we want to live in?
There are some people who think we should be a country of chaos, of fear, of hate.
But us, we choose something different.
We choose freedom. Freedom, freedom, I can't move.
Freedom, call me Luce.
Freedom, freedom, I can't move. Freedom, cut me loose. Freedom, freedom, where are you?
Because I need freedom too.
The freedom not just to get by, but get ahead.
The freedom to be safe from gun violence.
The freedom to make decisions about your own body.
We choose a future where no child lives in poverty.
Where we can all afford health care. where no one is above the law.
We believe in the promise of America and we're ready to fight for it.
Because when we fight, we win.
So join us. Go to and let's get to work.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, the great Kamala Khan is underway.
Democrats are working hard now to try to rewrite history on Kamala Harris because, first of all, what has she accomplished?
Nothing as vice president.
She never won a single primary when she was running for president before. In fact, she came in last place before.
So that qualifies you to be vice president.
I guess for the Democrats, it also qualifies you to be president.
As I said, the great Kamala Khan is underway.
And Katie Britz was on Sean Hannity's show last night to talk about this coronation of Queen Kamala.
Just just quintessential Donald Trump here with reaction, Alabama Senator Katie Britt is with us.
I think this honeymoon, this sugar high, is going to end very quickly
because this record of Kamala Harris, the more people see it,
the more people hear it, the more people hear her in her own words,
they're going to realize that she is way outside of the mainstream,
the most radical person to ever run for president. How is that going to play out?
Oh, it's not going to play out well. You're exactly right. I mean, she is left of Bernie
Sanders. How do you even get there? You know, when I heard Joe Biden say tonight that, you know, the great thing about America is here,
that kings and dictators do not rule.
The people do.
Look, Sean, every word that he read from that teleprompter at that point was just dripping
with hypocrisy, because in this very situation, that's exactly what happened.
You had party bosses, right?
You had liberal bosses, right? You had liberal elites,
right? Checking the box and saying, get out, Joe. We're going to coronate Kamala. And at the end of the day, when the American people get to know her, they will realize why she never got over 3%
when she ran for president herself. The American people want common sense policies. They want Donald
Trump back in office. They want a secure border. They want stable prices. They want peace through
strength. And today, when she had her very first test as the de facto coronated presidential
candidate of the Democratic Party, she failed. She failed miserably, just like she has as the
border czar, just like she has in other situations.
She failed today.
She refused to show up to preside over the joint session there with one of our great allies
and the only beacon of democracy and hope in the Middle East.
And it was really disgraceful.
It was despicable.
And the American people deserve better.
Now, Senator Katie Briggs mentioned there that Kamala Harris was acting as the border czar in the Biden administration.
But something interesting is going on in Washington, D.C., among Democratic circles.
They are trying to rewrite history. Now, this is an article from PolitiFact,
all right? And it says, President Joe Biden appointed Kamala Harris to be his border czar
to deal with illegal immigration. Harris was put in charge of stopping illegal immigration.
But PolitiFact says that that claim is mostly false, mostly false. What they're trying to do
right now is to tell you, the American public, that what you have heard for the past three and a half years, that Kamala Harris was the border czar, but she was never the border czar.
So which is it?
I have this clip from MSNBC.
This is James Carville talking on Morning Joe.
And he said Kamala Harris was never the border czar. Listen to this.
Hey, James, I'm thinking about defense here, too, for her, what she's going to get attacked on and
how you'd handle that, some of those attacks. If you put aside the questions of, put the racist
and sexist attacks aside and just go straight to the ones where she has one obvious vulnerability,
which is about the border. She's seen this and she's seen as Biden's borders are.
That's not been an issue. Immigration that's been helpful to Democrats in this cycle so far.
So what do you do about that? And then number two, something that they're going after right now,
that that there is some sign that it actually cuts, at least for now, with voters, which is
she was in on some cover up over Joe Biden's health and that they're going to make that
argument. I'm not crediting it. I'm just saying it's out there already. And there's some sign
that some swing voters are open to it. So talk about those two areas she needs to defend.
The first one, I mean, the second one, she's going to have to defend and discuss.
And there are plenty, plenty, plenty, plenty good answers.
And I'm sure she has.
In terms of the border, you know, you could point the truth out.
It's not going to do you any good.
She was never a border czar.
She was put in charge of trying to coordinate diplomatic activities from countries that a lot of these migrants were coming from.
All right.
So now you see the script that's being put out there, right? She was never the border
czar, even though for three and a half years, that's all you heard. So there is a rewriting
of history taking place. Now, I'm going to show an example of how this rewriting is actually taking
place. This is Axios. All right. This is Axios just yesterday saying the Trump campaign and Republicans have tagged Harris repeatedly with the border czar title, which she which she never actually had.
But the same Axios, the very same Axpanied minors crossing the border has reached crisis
levels. Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar, said she would be looking at the root causes
that drive migration. And this was an article that's two years old, by the way.
So now Axios is trying to backtrack on those claims. Look at this.
They added an editor's note to that old article.
This article has been updated and clarified to note that Axios was among the news outlets that incorrectly labeled Harris a border czar back in 2021.
Do you see how they're trying to rewrite history here?
Rewrite the narrative to make you think that what you saw before wasn't really true?
But we've got the receipts, folks. Let's watch this. This is a comparison of all the times or just a few of the times that the Democrats are talking on both sides of their mouth.
She was the borders are, but she's not the border czar.
Watch this.
Quote, unquote, border czar.
Vice President Harris was not a border czar.
Meantime, Vice President and border czar Kamala Harris facing some backlash.
What he said about Harris and immigration was not true.
She was never appointed border czar.
And this will be her first visit to the U.S.-Mexico border region since she was appointed as the border czar by President Biden.
People have to counter the misinformation. You already hear folks talking about the border
czar. She wasn't the border czar. President Biden tapped Kamala Harris,
Vice President Kamala Harris, to be the border czar.
Now, she wasn't the border czar. That's what Republicans labeled her.
They were very critical of Kamala Harris, especially in her role as border czar. That's what Republicans labeled her. They were very critical of Kamala Harris,
especially in her role as border czar. Now what she's up against is folks lying about her border
record, calling her a border czar. Kamala Harris, who was appointed as the border czar. The Biden
team didn't declare her the border czar. They wanted her to work on kind of the root causes
of immigration. There has been so much criticism against Kamala Harris. You know, she was the
border czar. Calling her sort of the border czar, which wasn't necessarily the case. So the border, if they weren't planning
to address it in a major way, do not make her your border czar. She met with some of the Northern
Triangle countries, but nothing has effectively changed. And by the way, those were all liberal
news outlets there. Nobody on the right. That was all liberal outlets. So which is it? Is she the
border czar or not the border czar?
Well, the thing is, when you're trying to rewrite history, you can lie all you want to.
Another lie that is being perpetrated here is there's a website that tracks the conservative or liberal leanings of politicians called GovTrack. And a couple years ago, Kamala Harris
was interviewed, and she was confronted by the rating that GovTrack gave her as the most liberal
senator in the U.S. Capitol. This is from CBS. Watch this.
You're very different in the policies that you've supported in the past.
You're considered the most liberal United States senator.
Somebody said that, and it actually was Mike Pence on the debate stage.
Well, actually, the nonpartisan GovTrack has rated you as the most liberal senator.
You supported the Green New Deal.
You supported Medicare for all.
So the nonpartisan GovTrack actually rated her as the most liberal senator.
And you notice how she was like caught flat footed there with that.
So it was GovTrack, Ms. Harris.
And I actually have the image of that.
This is from GovTrack, Senator Kamala Harris's 2019 report card.
Look at that.
She is ranked most liberal compared to all senators.
So this is the rating from nonpartisan GovTrack.
Now, what's interesting about this listing on GovTrack is you can't find this today.
It has been removed. When it was removed, whether it was within the past few days or the past week, you cannot locate this particular listing on the GovTrack site anymore.
It's been taken down. Something is going on. They are rewriting history for this woman, Queen Kamala.
Another example of an attempt to rewrite history has to do with the murder plot to eliminate Donald Trump at the Butler Pennsylvania rally here a few weeks ago.
We have this article from Newsweek.
Look at this headline here, folks.
Donald Trump might not have been shot after all.
Yeah, you read that right.
That's Newsweek there. FBI Director Christopher Wray said on Wednesday in testimony before Congress
that it was not clear whether former President Donald Trump was shot or hit by shrapnel
when a gunman opened fire at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.
Now, it says a week after the shooting, the Trump campaign released a doctor's note
from Texas Representative Ronny Jackson, who had served as Trump's White House physician,
that said Trump sustained a gunshot wound to his right ear that was less than a quarter of an inch from entering his head
and struck the top of his right ear.
Trump was doing well and he is recovering as expected, Jackson said.
But on Wednesday, Director Wray testified before the House Judiciary Committee
that it was not yet certain if Trump's injury
was caused by a bullet or shrapnel.
To the best of your understanding,
how close did the assassin's bullet
come to killing President Donald Trump?
California Rep. Kevin Cawley asked Wray.
Wray replied that his understanding
was that either a bullet or a piece of shrapnel
is what grazed President Trump's ear.
And later in the hearing, Jim Jordan, the committee chairman,
asked Ray if all eight bullets fired by the gunman had been accounted for.
We obviously know that Mr. Campatori lost his life.
Two of the rally goers were injured, seriously injured.
And then the one that hit President Trump.
Does that account for where there are some of these individuals hit multiple times?
Jordan asked, where did all these eight bullets go is my question.
Ray said he did not have that information.
This is the FBI director, folks.
He did not have that information to hand, adding, as I said, I think with respect to former President Trump,
there's some question about whether or not it's a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear.
Well, today you are witnessing the rewriting of the narrative all across the board today.
Discerning believers need to be aware of what's going on in the world around us and be prepared for the deceit that is coming upon us by Queen Kamala.
Ladies and gentlemen, Morning Man is up next.
Let's dive into the Word of God in
Matthew chapter 16. You're listening to WWCR International Shortwave Radio. You can find
true news on frequency 12.160 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m.
to 2 p. 2pm Eastern.
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I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moosejaw.
I'm a blacksmith and I like to work with my hands.
I watch True News and it's apparent to me that we are in World War III
and the U.S. is very unstable.
I have faith in God, but He expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for troubled times.
There are two things we need, food and water. That's why I buy my supplies from American Reserves offers easy-to-prepare chicken and beef meals, pastas, soups, and vegetables
that only need boiling water.
You can purchase the world-famous British Burkefield gravity-fed water filters equipped
with Doulton ceramic handles and other emergency supplies at
My family's security is critical to me.
Something big is coming.
Procrastination could be costly.
Act today before a crisis suddenly appears.
Be ready.
Be wise.
Go to
Welcome to Morning Man.
I'm Doc Burkhardt, and I'm sitting in for your host, Rick Wiles.
Rick Wiles has some obligations outside of the office all this week.
And so I'm flying solo here today on Morning Manor.
I hope that you'll be blessed by our Bible study today
as we broadcast around the world live on
at the 8 o'clock hour, 8 a.m. Eastern Time.
But we have folks that are joining us from all over the world,
from as far as Switzerland to Australia.
We appreciate everyone tuning in for this Bible study today.
And we pray that you're blessed here as we get into the Word of God.
We're going to continue our study today in the book of Matthew
and continue in Matthew chapter 16.
And we'll be looking at verses 13 through 20.
I'll be reading those verses here in just a few moments.
But first, let's pray, shall we? Heavenly Father, in Jesus' name, thank you for the opportunity once again to
study your word, and we just ask in Jesus' name that you would bless this time together,
that your Holy Spirit would be with us, that would guide us, direct us into all truth, Lord,
and we just pray this in Jesus' name. Amen and amen. All right. Well, as I said, we are in
Matthew chapter 16, and let's pick back up in verse 13. And so if you've got your Bibles, read along
with us here today. And I'm reading from the King James, Matthew chapter 16, verse 13.
When Jesus came into the coast of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying,
Whom do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?
And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist,
some Elijah, and others Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.
But he saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
And Jesus answered and said unto him, Peter, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona, for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
And I say also unto thee that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church,
and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven,
and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven,
and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Then he charged his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the
Christ. God bless the reading of his word today. This passage today is just chock full of great
teaching and doctrine today, and so I don't know if we'll get through all of it or not, but we will
begin our study of it and kind of walk through it. There's a lot of misconceptions within this
particular passage that men have interpreted over the 2,000 years of church history here.
And so what we're going to do is see what the Word of God has to say and let the revelation
come from the Holy Spirit, shall we? So let's begin here with verse 13.
When Jesus came into the coast of Caesarea Philippi,
he asked his disciples, saying,
Whom do men say that I am?
Now, over the past two chapters here, chapters 15 and 16,
we see Jesus kind of going back and forth across the Sea of Galilee.
And so if we were to put the travels over the past couple chapters in line,
it would be something like this.
They went from the coast of Tyre and Sidon,
and then passing through Sidon, they went to the eastern shore of Galilee.
And then after they were on the eastern shore of Galilee. Okay, and then after they were on the eastern shore of Galilee,
they went to Magdala on the western shore.
And then, again, crossing the Sea of Galilee, they went to Bethsaida.
And now they're going to Caesarea Philippi.
Now, in all of these different travels,
as they're going back and forth across the Sea of Galilee,
and by the way, the Sea of Galilee, it says it's a sea,
but really it's just a big lake.
Really, I've seen it in person.
I've been there, and yes, it's a big body of water,
but we have Lake Michigan here in the U.S.
That's not a lake. That's a sea.
But in Galilee, that's not a sea. It's definitely a lake.
But it's a big body of water, so they can travel back and forth across.
So why all this traveling back and forth? Why going back and forth across. So, why all this traveling back and forth? Why going back
and forth?
It seems as if
every step along the way of these
travels that they're making back and forth
across the Sea of Galilee,
that Jesus is
withdrawing himself more and more
from the bigger
cities and the more populous
areas, and going to some of the more remote areas.
Because it seems that in some of the cities,
he gets rejected in.
And that seems to be the places where he has confrontations
with the Pharisees and Sadducees and such.
So this last place here, the Caesarea Philippi,
took them to a place that they probably had never been before.
At least we don't have any record in the Gospels that they had been before.
And Caesarea Philippi, that is the Roman name for this city,
but this particular city had been around for a long, long time.
Now, you won't find the name Caesarea Philippi in the Old Testament, of course.
But it's probably the city of Baal God that Joshua conquered back in the book of Joshua chapter 11. The name Caesarea Philippi,
it's kind of got an interesting history to it.
I hope you don't mind history, okay?
Because sometimes history gives us context
to the scripture that we're talking about.
Caesarea Philippi sits at the source
where the Jordan goes into the Sea of Galilee.
And this source of water comes from a cave.
And this cave has a water, has a spring that comes out of it.
And that is what fills up the Sea of Galilee.
And so it's been an important area down through history. Now,
Herod the Great built a temple at this place. Why? Because they took advantage of the springs that were there at this particular location. So Herod the great built a temple here in honor of caesar augustus and
also his son philip the tetrarch philip
enlarged it and built out the city so here the Great built a temple here and had the start of a
city here at this particular location, and his son later on, Philip, Philip the Tetrarch,
had expanded it, had built onto the temple, had finished out the city on a Roman plan, and so Philip named it after the current ruler, Caesar Augustus, and after
himself. So that's where we get the name Caesarea Philippi. So Philip named it after Caesar to
kowtow to the Roman ruler and after himself as well now later on herod agrippa this is later on
herod agrippa uh the successor to philip renamed cesare philippi to uh neronius neronius naming it
after nero all right now this may seem like innocuous information and everything,
but the reason why I bring this out is I want you to understand that
in many of these cases, especially the Herods,
they were very much aligned with Rome.
In fact, they derived their power and authority from Rome.
And so it gives us some context here to give us an understanding exactly where Jesus went to.
Jesus is going to Caesarea Philippi, which is generally a Gentile city.
And really, in many ways, it's a Roman city.
What do I mean by that?
Well, there was a temple there,, a temple there, not a temple to
Yahweh God, but a temple to Caesar. There was a Roman garrison that was stationed there.
If you go there today and look at the archaeology of that area, it was built on a Roman plan,
and so Jesus is basically going here
to a Roman city.
And this is about as remote
a journey that Jesus takes
in all the Gospels.
So he is at the outer edge here
of his ministry region, if you will.
So I hope that helps you a little bit
in getting an understanding
exactly what was
cesarea philippi and that it was not definitely not a jewish city at all it was definitely a
roman city so uh so reading in verse 13 here continuing on our study jesus asked a question. And the question is, who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am? Now, it's
interesting that this particular question is asked. And I'll ask you that same question
here. Who do you, who do men say that the Son of Man is? And it's a question that Jesus asked of his disciples.
It was not to a crowd.
It was not to a big group of people or anything.
He's speaking to a close-knit group of his disciples.
And Jesus is asking a question here.
Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?
This is a critical question.
I'll tell you why.
The parallel in the Gospels,
one of the parallels in the Gospels
to this incident
is found in John 6, verse 66.
John 6, 6, 6.
That should be easy to remember, right?
And in John 6, 6, 6. That should be easy to remember, right? And in John 6, verse 66, there's a verse there that says,
From that time, many of his disciples went back and walked with him no more.
From that time, many of his disciples went back and walked with him no more.
So this was a very critical question here,
and the reason why I bring this out today is over chapter 15 and 16,
there were several incidences where Jesus said to his disciples,
O ye of little faith,
or why do you doubt?
Or I'll give you another example here.
In chapter 15, verse 12,
when then came the disciples and said unto him,
Knowest thou that the disciples were offended after they had heard the saying?
And so, based on what I understand about the scripture here and, you know,
in my study, I believe what Jesus is doing here is he is washing out the disciples that are not
committed in moving forward here. That Jesus had observed moments of doubt, moments of questioning the authority of Christ.
And so Jesus asked this question,
Whom do men say
that I, the Son of Man, am?
And he didn't say,
he didn't ask them first, who do you say that
I am, but who do men say?
And the response is interesting
here, and it gives
us a little bit of insight into the
mindset of Jewish theology theological thought
at the time now share with you why the response from the disciples we don't know how they responded
or definitely probably didn't respond with one voice but maybe Peter said this and Thomas said this, but they said, some say that thou art John the Baptist.
Some, Elijah, and others, Jeremiah, are one of the prophets.
Now, you may be asking yourself,
why would they say any of these guys?
There was a line of thinking in Jewish theological thought
about the idea of what's called transmigration.
Now, transmigration in common layman's terms is what we call reincarnation.
There were Jewish rabbis that taught that there could be a transmigration of souls from one person to another.
For instance, there were a number of rabbis that taught that the spirit and soul of Jeremiah ended up on Zechariah, one of the prophets.
And the Jewish rabbis taught that if Elijah himself didn't appear as a forerunner to the Messiah, then his spirit
would be upon someone. The actual spirit of Elijah, the Tishbite, would be on someone in preparation
for the Messiah. Now, first of all, let me just say this. There is nothing in the scripture that tells us about the validity of transmigration of souls.
But there are outliers within the Christian worldview that do hold to this, which I find very interesting in this day and age why they would do that.
But they actually believe that one soul could leave one body
and go to another body.
Okay, so that was one of those doctrines of the Pharisees,
one of the 11 of the Pharisees, among many.
But that was just one 11 of the Pharisees.
And isn't it interesting that Jesus, just prior to this conversation,
just prior to this conversation, Caesarea Philippi,
that Jesus had warned his disciples,
beware the doctrine of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.
Because the doctrine of the Pharisees and the Sadducees
rested upon the opinions of men and not the word of God.
The doctrine of the Pharisees and the Sadducees depended upon men's views of what God said and not what God actually said.
So this is one of the pieces of leaven that was in there, this idea of transmigration.
And so there were some that were saying hey uh some said that
you're john the baptist which kind of seems odd because john the baptist was alive at the same
time jesus was but he'd been killed already and so uh but herod remember here a couple chapters back
herod thought jesus was john John the Baptist come back to life.
Okay, so that's why they're responding that.
Some say you're John the Baptist.
Some say Elijah.
And Jesus had addressed this issue of Elijah several times in our study here in the book of Matthew.
And others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.
Now, it's interesting that they bring up jeremiah
as i mentioned some of the rabbis taught that the soul of jeremiah
uh ended up in zechariah the other prophet of the Old Testament. There were several
rabbis that taught
that in times
of calamity
or great distress
in Israel, that
Jeremiah or
Zechariah would appear.
That they were still
in existence. They were
waiting in the shadows. That they were still in existence, they were waiting in the shadows,
that they were ready to go, and that at the appropriate time,
Jeremiah through Zechariah would appear and bring a word from the Lord to the people of Israel.
So as you can see, there's a lot of mixed up theology in here why because it's the opinions
of men and not the word of god nowhere in the word of god does it teach uh any idea about a
transmigration of souls reincarnation of souls anything along that line nowhere uh if uh if
anyone's teaching that uh it's an error, big error.
So the disciples respond.
Some say that thou art John the Baptist.
Some say Elijah.
And others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.
So that was the common thinking there at the time.
There were a wide variety of opinions about who Jesus was.
But then Jesus asked his disciples directly,
but whom say ye that I am?
So it's one thing when it was a general question about what everybody believed,
or what the crowds believed, or what Herod believed,
or what the outliers believed but now jesus is directing his question to his disciples directly to them the men who have been traveling with them
who've been eating with him they've been sleeping with him who'd been see who'd seen the miracles
who'd seen the feeding of the five seen the feeding of the 5,000,
the feeding of the 4,000, these men that were constantly with him.
And Jesus is asking this question.
It wasn't just the 12.
There were probably other disciples too.
And Simon Peter, of course, Simon, you know, Peter, he's going to be the first one to speak up.
Verse 16, Simon Peter answered and said, You know, Peter, he's going to be the first one to speak up.
Verse 16, Simon Peter answered and said,
Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
Now, Peter said the right thing.
Peter said the right thing.
But did Peter believe it?
Well, let's continue to examine the scriptures here. Peter certainly said the right thing. He'd heard the right teachings. He'd heard Jesus say it.
Now, it's interesting that in the initial question, back up in verse 13, Jesus asked this, who do men say that I, the son of man, am?
Jesus purposely uses that word, that phrase, son of man. Why? He's making a direct connection back
to the book of Daniel, to the prophecies of Daniel, and the messianic prophecies that daniel uttered
jesus in his question his initial question to the disciples about who do men say that i am
jesus is making it very clear that he is the messiah
he's making it very clear. But then there are many interpretations
of what that Messiah would look like there
based on the disciples' response.
But then we get right down to the brass tacks
with the disciples.
Who do you say that I am?
Who do you believe that I am?
At least for Peter,
Peter's response was,
thou art the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of the living God.
Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
So he makes a confession there, a confession of the identity of Christ.
But Jesus probes just a little bit further into Peter and asks a question.
Jesus answered and said unto him,
Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
So, I would make the case here that the only way that we can truly confess Christ as the Messiah,
as the Son of the living God, is by the prompting of God the Father through the Holy Spirit.
And the question that Jesus asked of his disciples that day, and Peter responded to,
is the same question that he's asking each and every one of us today.
Who do you say that he is?
Who do you say that he is?
You see these bumper stickers, Jesus is my co-pilot.
Is he your co-pilot?
Or Jesus is my best friend.
Is he your best friend? There's a lot of different opinions
about who Jesus is today, isn't there? Lots of different. If you ask just the general population,
tell me who was Jesus? Oh, he was a great teacher, or he was a prophet uh he was all these different things uh he was
a radical he was uh some say he was a leftist uh some would say he was a someone on the right
it all depends on their particular world view how they interpret christ but as believers
as followers of jesus christ who do we say that he is?
Or who should we say that he is?
We should be saying that he's Christ, the son of the living God.
But in this modern day world that we live in,
in this modern day church, which I believe is in a severe backslidden state,
they too have fallen to the deception of the world
about giving different interpretations about who Jesus is. So I'll give you some examples. Some
say that Jesus was gay. Okay. Some would say that Jesus was a, you know uh was the first communist uh and this is within the church or so-called church
oftentimes we give to jesus the qualities or the characteristics that we want to have him to have
not the actual character and quality characteristics that he has so if your congregation or your church is
lgbtq lmnop affirming you tend to view jesus as accepting of all deviant sexual perversion
now you won't say that but that's the essence of it there isn't it
but let's not just pick on that side
of the church world today
let's look at our standard evangelical world
if we were to interview just a general person in the pew
a church goer
good sized church in the pew today, a churchgoer, a good-sized church, they've got the American flag at the
front, they've got the Jewish flag at the front and everything, and they ask who Jesus
is, would you get the response, he's Christ, the Son of the of Israel? Or that Jesus is my co-pilot idea?
I don't want Jesus to be my co-pilot.
I want him to have the whole plane.
It's important that we as disciples of Jesus Christ
have a solid understanding of who Jesus is.
And that question is pertinent to all of us.
Who do you say that he is today?
Now, I mentioned here earlier about the companion passage over in John 6, verse 66.
This question washed out a number of disciples at this point.
It doesn't say anything about the 12,
but it appears that at this time,
Jesus, he asked this question,
says in John chapter 6, verse 66,
from that time,
many of his disciples went back and went back and walked with him no more
something happens when we're confronted with the reality of Jesus being Christ
the son of the Living God because it demands a decision on our part whether
we will choose to follow him anymore there are some people
that won't follow Jesus if you proclaim him as the Christ the Son of the Living
God they'll run away from that no they like a Jesus that will provide for them
that'll feed them that'll provide loaves and fishes they like a Jesus that will provide for them, that will feed them, that will provide loaves and fishes.
They like a Jesus that heals. They like a Jesus that talks about a future heaven and a future
kingdom, but they have a real hard problem following a Jesus that they have to live for and with day by day.
And that's the challenge.
This question, and I put it to the evangelical world today,
and I put it to the leftist side of the church world today.
Who do you say that Jesus is?
If he's anything less than Christ, the Son of the living God, then you're
out. You are no longer qualified to be a disciple. You're no longer qualified. That's the baseline,
that's the foundation, that's the bare minimum. Who do you say that Jesus is?
He's Christ, the Son of the living God.
Now, Jesus goes on to talk to Peter here,
and I don't know if we'll get into everything on these next two verses.
We'll probably pick back up tomorrow on this.
Jesus goes on in his response after verse 17. He said,
Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee,
but my Father which is in heaven.
And let me just sidebar here for just a moment.
The only way that we can confess Christ, that confess Jesus as Christ,
the Son of the living God, is through the Holy Spirit.
Anything else is of the flesh.
Anything else is of the flesh anything else is of the flesh and jesus affirms this in verse 17. there's no way you can say that peter unless the father
revealed it to you and that's why this life is a life of faith
and oftentimes christians radical christians like you and i we get criticized because
we really believe that jesus is christ the son of the living god
now he goes on in verse 18 here and we only have about a minute or two left i want to touch on this
we'll probably go deeper on this tomorrow and i say also thou art peter and upon this rock i will build my church and the
gates of hell shall not prevail against it now this particular verse really is the foundational
verse upon which roman catholicism is built and uh the misinterpretation of this particular verse, verse 18 of chapter 16,
has led to some of the most diabolical, wicked, erroneous doctrines
that could ever invade the church, and that was through Roman Catholicism. Because the Roman Catholics build their entire foundation of faith upon this one verse of Scripture.
And I wish we could get a little bit deeper into it today, but what we'll do is tomorrow,
we'll probably do a very deep dive here on verse 18 and 19 because you need to understand the correct
interpretation of these verses here in order to make a defense against the false doctrines of
Roman Catholicism. So we'll be picking back up on verse 18 and 19 tomorrow as we continue our study
in Matthew chapter 16. Well, we appreciate you
joining us here for this abbreviated version of Morning Manna and continue to pray for this
ministry and for everything that we're involved with, with Morning Manna, with True News, with
various projects that we're involved with. And I ask that you would be praying for us on a day-to-day basis. Lift us up.
Lift up the laborers in the harvest field.
If you can't labor in the field, lift up the laborer, okay?
And also ask, if you will, that you prayerfully consider helping us out financially and praying that God opens the doors for finances for us to be able to do other things and other
projects and so that we can have the people that we need. One thing we really lack is laborers in
the harvest field. We really need that. So, well, God bless you. Thanks for joining us for this
edition of Morning Manna. We appreciate you and we invite you to come back tomorrow where we pick up
on verse 18 and 19 of Matthew chapter 16.
God bless you.
Love you very much.
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