TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - TITLE: Milo’s Secret Shame
Episode Date: June 8, 2021Today on TruNews, guest hosts Milo Yiannopoulos and Lauren Witzke continue to challenge the Demonic Left’s #Pride programming. Milo expresses his regret at the fruit of his previous conservative la...bors, with Lady Maga as an example. Rick Wiles has a response to the attack by Jimmy Kimmel on the TRUNEWS ministry. Matt Skow shares his emotional experience of participating in the reunion of the USS Liberty veterans, as members of the TRUNEWS team are honored as fellow shipmates of the historic vessel. Milo Yiannopoulos, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 06/08/21
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The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you.
To find out how you can help, 2021. I'm Doc Burkhart.
Today marks the 54th anniversary of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty.
Matt Scowl, the producer of our documentary series, Sacrificing Liberty, had the opportunity this past weekend to join the USS Liberty reunion in Pensacola, Florida, and the Tree News team was
honored with a special presentation. Matt will have more on this later in the Godcast.
Many have been asking for an update on Rick and the family and the team.
Rick provided a video yesterday that we shared on the God cast.
Now, if you missed that, it is available on Gab and also on the True News website.
So feel free to check it out.
True News made it to the Jimmy Kimmel show last night.
You know Mr. Kimmel, the late-night talk host who likes to dress up in blackface. Here's a clip.
And one reason for this anti-vax sentiment is you've got people like pastor slash conspiracy
theorist Rick Wiles spreading the gospel of misinformation. I'm going to survive a global genocide.
The only good thing that will come out of this is a lot of stupid people will be killed off.
Well, guess what? This week, Pastor Wiles was hospitalized with COVID-19. So I guess he was
half right. He's believed to have infected 10 people, mostly his family and members of his staff.
They released a statement.
He said, this was a full frontal hit from hell on your True News family.
Guillermo, this is a full frontal hit from hell on the True News family.
What are you going to do about it?
Maybe we should send soup.
Yeah, maybe.
Well, Rick Wallace has a response from Mr. Kimmel.
I'll read it to you.
And I quote,
Know this first,
that there shall come scoffers in the last days
who walk after their own lusts and say,
Where is the promise of His coming?
For since the fathers fell asleep,
all things have continued as they were
since the beginning of creation.
For they willingly ignore that.
By the word of God,
the heavens existed long ago,
and the earth was formed standing out of the water and in the water,
by which the world that then existed was flooded with water and perished.
But by the same word, the heavens and the earth that now exist are being reserved for fire,
kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.
Well, according to this scripture, this scoffer, Jimmy's Kimmel,
is a sign that we are living in the last days.
Jesus is coming soon.
By the way, Rick did survive a global genocide by the Chinese communists.
And the stupid people he was referring to were those who were taking the fake vaccine, not the ones with COVID.
So get your facts straight, Jimmy.
By the way, since when is it considered
humor when someone's sick? It's not funny, Mr. Kimmel. It's cruel and it's mean. And you should
ask the lawyers at ABC their opinion about it. Would it be funny if your beloved President Biden
came down with COVID? Would that be a barrel of laughs, Jimmy? Or let's bring it a little closer
to home, shall we? How funny would it be if your wife or one of your kids came down with coronavirus? Pretty funny, huh? I didn't think so. And by the
way, Mr. Kimmel, have you ever said I'm sorry for calling black people niggers or for letting 18
year olds fill up your crotch on live TV, both of which are documented and the demonic leftists
give you a hard pass on? The world is still waiting on that apology.
Jimmy Kimmel, why don't you take that racist, misogynistic, anti-Christian wit of yours and do a little self-introspection before your heart stops beating unexpectedly
and you find yourself standing before God Almighty.
Well, before we welcome True News guest hosts Lauren Witzke and Mael Yiannopoulos,
let's take a quick look at national world headlines presented by our sister site,, the right alternative to drudge.
Scientists are calling it a mega drought brought on by the so-called climate change.
The latest U.S. drought monitor map shows large areas of the southwest are exceptionally dry.
The worst category is taking a dramatic toll on the Colorado River system that provides water to 40 million people in seven states and may force the federal government to make a drastic and
historic decision. We have this story as well as other drought-related news up on our banner
headline on What do you get when you drag fraud Fauci's gain-of-function research
into the public eye? Death threats. Just ask
Senator Rand Paul. Here he is last night on Hannity.
On January 31st, Dr. Fauci was told it looks like gain-of-function manipulation of this virus, the genome of this virus.
He was told that. That happens to be also the day that Donald Trump put in place the travel
ban that's xenophobic and hysteria, and 10 days after the first identified case in this country.
So you've been right the whole time, Senator, and unfortunately you've been right.
You know, there's been no more prominent scientist in favor of gain-of-function research than Dr. Fauci. He still hasn't backed
off of that position. He believes that it's okay to take animal viruses, make them into
super viruses to infect humans, even if a pandemic should occur. He says, oh, the research is worth
it. But there are worse viruses. This is a bad one. This has about a 1% mortality. Three and a
half million people have died.
But they've been experimenting with some viruses that have 15% mortality.
That would mean 50 million deaths right now.
So this kind of research needs not to be funded by the U.S. taxpayer.
But you know what? The other danger is I've had five death threats just for being outspoken on it.
This week, I've had five death threats.
I don't know what the world's coming to. You can't ask honest, difficult questions that in the end have turned and proved out that Dr. Fauci was not being honest with us. But as a repercussion, my family had white powder sent to our house and
five death threats phoned in. Well, you can find all the latest on this story and more of Dr.
Fauci's COVID duplicity on Well, how does this sound to you? Speaker of the House, Donald
Trump. Well, former President Donald Trump said he was intrigued by the idea of leading opposition
to President Joe Biden by running for Congress and becoming Speaker of the House, an idea that
is gaining currency among his supporters. Now, the strategy was floated as Trump prepares for
his return to the political spotlight at the North Carolina Republican Convention on Saturday night. It's billed as
the next phase in his political career, with the resumption of rallies and speeches, as well as a
long-teased return to social media. He is expected to repeat his demand that China should pay for
unleashing COVID-19 on the world. By the way, it was Rick Wiles on this very
Godcast who actually floated the idea of Speaker of the House Donald back in January of this year.
Once again, True News is way ahead of the curve. Keeping us ahead of the curve while Edward Zoll
and Rick Wiles recuperate, our True News guest hosts Milo Yiannopoulos and Lauren Witsky. Here's
Hi and good morning or good afternoon, everybody.
I wanted to start off today with some fan mail that we received that I thought was absolutely lovely.
And I'm going to read that for you. It came from a self-proclaimed Milo's little brother.
I'm not aware of a brother.
Do you have a brother? Well, actually, no, I do. I have a half-brother in England, but I somewhat doubt it's the same author.
He identifies as your little brother.
He identifies as your little brother.
Who wouldn't want to identify as a Yiannopoulos?
Who wouldn't?
Let's hear it then.
All right.
To whom it may concern, from the dawn of time, there have been dynamic duos that have set
the world ablaze and have produced a wake in their path that have had historic and legendary
consequences for those lucky enough to tread the course they have honed.
Like a blonde and red-pilled Zeus and Athena, Milo and Lauren have a chemistry that light
up the set and the sort of tasteful banter that would soothe even the heart of a wayward
What a compliment.
What a compliment.
Milo, understandably, has some dusting off to do to get back in the
swing of things, but Lauren hits every note and point. It was, it is my... Now we know who wrote this.
In fervent prayer that Lauren can assist Milo in getting him back in his 2016 form without the other nasty business, of course,
so that we can take back the culture and get that lamentable geezer out of D.C. as quickly
as possible.
This is the first time I have heard of True News and I plan on watching it regularly now.
It is highly informative and allows me to avoid the unfathomable horrors of listening
to other right-wing content,
in quotations, right-wing content, like the Poison Dwarf or Charlie Kirk.
The Poison Dwarf.
I wonder who he's talking about.
We love our Shapiro haters, don't we? Yes, we do.
That alone deserves my utmost gratitude,
and I'm appreciative of Milo for helping me discover it.
Milo, Lauren, the other based fellow are the highlight
of my day.
Ouch. You could have googled it.
They called you based though.
You know, that's wonderful. This is the highest compliment
that the right wing internet can possibly
bestow on anyone. Exactly. It's not just
dished out, you know. It isn't just
randomly splattered upon people. You have to
earn based. Okay. You didn't call me or Lauren
that. And I look forward to listening
to them in the car on the way home
as I pick little flecks of paint
and wood chips out of my hair
from my construction
job. At the risk of undermining
his famous humility,
truly is a conservative legend
and possibly a future saint, whom's whom parents will tell
their children about many years from now Lauren is perfect as well I like this guy thank you and
God bless with measured affection Milo's little brother in Oklahoma with measured affection
measured affection measured affection he's funnier about me than I am.
Now, before we begin the show, we have a message from our sponsors.
Well, it's a message from our sponsors, but first we must issue an apology.
We've done something wrong.
We don't really know what it is. But clearly editorial errors on this program have led, I'm afraid to tell you, to the California Republican Party
reaching out in the hope of partnering with us. As you can gather, we were horrified to receive
this offer because it means we've done something horribly, horribly wrong. But, you know, I'm
happy to take their money, I suppose. So we've been given a message from the next Republican governor of California.
So I'd like to play it for you now.
Let's hear it one more time for the artist formerly known as the Phoenix, Caitlyn Jenner.
Sing, baby.
Come in the morning feeling like he did.
He grabbed my glasses out the door.
Gonna see the city.
Before I leave, I brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack.
Because when I leave for the night, I ain't coming back.
I'm talking pedicures on my toes.
Right on all my toes.
Boys, roll up my bum.
Yes, yes, yes.
I think you have two minutes. I'm playing CD for sure. Yes, yes, yes. It's a...
It's a...
It's a...
It's a...
It's a...
It's a...
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It's a...
It's a... It's a... It's a... It's a... It's a... It's a... It's a... It's a... It's a... It's a... It's a... the sunlight tick tock on the clock but the party don't stop oh Please, please, please Control. Please, please, please.
Control, control.
Please, please.
Enough, enough.
Your next Republican governor of California, everybody.
Your next Republican party endorsed.
I want to feel aware of that until the inaugural ball.
Now, if you'd like to find out more about Caitlyn Jenner for governor, you can visit
Are you kidding me?
Back to you, Lauren.
Well, okay.
So every morning we've been starting off a scripture.
So we put a lot of thought.
I personally put a lot of thought.
I'm sure the others do into what we want to share with you every morning and a little piece of word of God
that spoke to our hearts this morning.
Today, I chose Ephesians 6, 12, 13, for we not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual
hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Therefore, take up the whole armor of
God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand.
Yeah. So I think it was very appropriate to what we are all walking through now and keeping
ourselves equipped with the word of God. And especially because this is a spiritual battle
as well. We aren't just fighting in the natural. We're also fighting these principalities and the spiritual wickedness in high places.
Milo, what did you choose for today?
I chose Proverbs 2, in fact, all of it.
So if you don't mind, I'm going to read you the whole thing.
It's not too long.
And as we've established, the Bible has a British accent.
Yes, that's true.
Perhaps just sit back and enjoy for a second.
My son, if you receive my words and treasure my commands within you so that will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom. From his mouth come knowledge
and understanding. He stores up sound wisdom for the upright. He is a shield to those who walk
uprightly. He guards the path of justice and preserves the way of his saints. Then you will
understand righteousness and justice, equity and every good path. When wisdom enters your heart
and knowledge is pleasant to your soul, discretion will preserve you. Understanding will keep you.
To deliver you from the way of evil, from the man who speaks perverse things,
from those who leave the paths of uprightness to walk in the ways of darkness, who rejoice in doing
evil and delight in the perversity of the wicked, whose ways are crooked and who are devious in
their paths, to deliver you from the immoral woman, from the seductress who flatters with her words, who forsakes the
companion of her youth and forgets the covenant of her God. For her house leads down to death,
and her paths to the dead. None who go to her return, nor do they regain the paths of life.
So you may walk in the way of goodness and keep to the paths of righteousness, for the upright
will dwell in the land and the blameless will remain in it. But the wicked will be cut off from the earth and the
unfaithful will be uprooted from it. Wow, Milo. I don't know how many times I've read Proverbs
chapter two, but having you read it, I mean that. I know, The British accent, it just gives it that extra kick.
It's about wisdom.
And it's something that I've been seeking.
I've always had cleverness, but I am now seeking in the new chapter in my life wisdom.
So it's a, I've been saving that one.
It's one of my favorites.
And the Bible tells us, Milo, that if we seek wisdom, wisdom will find us.
If we seek it with all of our heart, with all of our mind, all of our understanding, wisdom will find us.
God will provide the wisdom.
If any man lacks wisdom, the Bible says, let him ask of God and God will provide it.
That's a promise from the word.
And so you can rest on that promise, Milo.
Well, that's certainly something I turn to often.
All right.
Well, before I hand you back to our indefatigable host today,
just a couple of examples of how this show is reaching its tendrils deep into the global homo universe,
spreading the good news and spreading the word of God and a little mischief and mayhem for trolling for Jesus is what I call it.
Just to give you a few examples of the extraordinary reach that this show is having.
Hungary, we turn to Hungary,
where a headline says,
according to Marlionopolis,
since he went straight, dogs no longer bark.
You'll remember that from a couple of days ago.
Now, that is absolutely true.
The story I told you is completely true.
But I did know they'd kind of get a kick out of that one.
So we made sure to tell you
that story on air.
And I have indeed dutifully...
And this was in Hungary?
This is a website from Hungary?
That's Hungary, yes.
We also got something from Germany.
And the headline there is...
I'll read it to you.
My finest standout and furor.
Ek schwule Milo Yiannopoulos.
Oh, no, God, I've got a pop-up. I've got a pop-up. This is why you don't do things live on air. Ekwule Milo Yiannopoulos. Oh no, God, I've got a pop-up.
I've got a pop-up.
This is why you don't do things live on air.
Ex-Schwule Milo Yiannopoulos,
nun auch bei Hunden beliebt.
This is much the same thing.
Milo Yiannopoulos, now that he's no longer gay,
he's now popular with dogs.
He's now popular with dogs.
Germans are especially triggered, of course,
because German gay men love
their little poodles, which
they walk in parks and then
leave behind
while they do unspeakable things.
It's a nation of traumatized puppies.
Next up is
Australia, the Australian Star
Observer. And this is about
Lauren. Christians attempting to cancel Pride.
Celebrate June as Christianity Month.
They are very upset with you, Lauren, probably for the terrible name.
I don't know why they said attempt.
We succeeded.
Jee-haw, June.
Jee-haw, June.
I hate to say it, but I think your Christianity Month is winning out.
I just didn't find it that catchy, but it seems to be catching on.
It seems to be catching on, yes.
Not only did we just attempt, we succeeded.
Pride Month has been officially canceled, and it has been replaced with not Deha June.
It is Christianity Month.
We will continue to reclaim the rainbow.
I can't even say it sticks in your throat because you know you're wrong.
That image that the Australia Star Observer has on their main page right there is from your account.
Yes, that was my name.
That's right.
There we go.
Doing the good work of the Lord via the True News platform, spreading our tendrils all across the world.
I just want to draw attention to a little disclaimer that was placed on the bottom of this story.
Just to show you what fragile...
So on the Australian news?
On the Australian news, yeah.
What fragile babies homosexuals are.
Look at this.
If you've been distressed reading this content,
reading a story on the internet
is going to have you running for a therapist.
Are you mad?
Crisis support.
Also, by the way, I have to say,
those of you who have followed me on Telegram for some time
will know that I have occasionally been disobliging about my Protestant cousins.
I have enjoyed teasing my Christian brothers, sisters and cousins a little bit too much.
But it did not escape my notice in that screenshot, the last paragraph of that story, if we could just have that up for a second. It did not escape my notice that it was
an evangelical pastor who was defending the Vatican against LGBT flags and not the Pope,
because of course the Pope never would. And it sort of caught my attention. I was meditating
on that a lot this morning and it just goes to show that even when there's mistakes and fallen
men and theological whatever all over the place,
we are all brothers in Christ and all headed in the same direction. So that chastened me
appropriately. But Milo, regarding the disclaimer here at the end, do people, and I don't know,
I mean, tell me, would people within the, LMNOP community actually feel distress reading this?
I don't know, but I do have a message for them, which is if you're watching this program and you have found yourself distressed by the messages in it,
if you are in the American or in our worldwide viewership, if you're in the LGBT community, support services
are available. It's called an exorcism. You can find it at your local church. I encourage you to
avail yourself of it. That's probably the only way you're going to get out of it. No, okay, fine.
So that was good. We are extending our tendrils, as I said. That's wonderful. Now, Lauren, you have some wonderful things to say about the Equalities Act.
I'm not even sure what that is. I know what it is in Britain, but apparently there's one now being mooted here.
So over to you.
All right. So this week, I want to pull up that article.
Changed is a nonprofit ministry where people who are engulfed in the homosexual lifestyle can pursue
if they struggle with gender identity, if they struggle with homosexuality, they can
join this ministry and they get therapy, they get counseling. They're able to talk through
whatever trauma in their lives that they've experienced, whether it's sexual abuse or rape or
whatever caused them to be introduced into this lifestyle. And as a result, people are radically being changed. People are radically
walking away from the homosexual lifestyle. And, you know, it's just a wonderful ministry. Well,
this week they went to D.C. to warn senators against the dangers of the so-called Equality
Act. So I'm going to this is why the Equality Act. People need to understand that the Equality Act. So I'm going to this is why the Equality Act people need to understand that the
Equality Act is everything. It was the most important thing in this election. That's why
they made sure they stole the election so they can instill Joe Biden to pass the Equality Act.
The Equality Act will make that kind of ministry illegal. People can't even pursue help to change
their minds should they choose not to want to become transgender or not
no longer want to be gay. Maybe they want to have families and get married to men and women
of the opposite sex and live traditional lifestyles. They aren't even able, the Equality
Act would make that illegal. The Equality Act would also make it illegal for abort, like doctors
or nurses, should they choose not to want to do an abortion,
or they turn it down and they look, I don't want to do this anymore, they will lock them in prison.
The Equality Act is the biggest assault ever on this Christian nation. It is a direct assault
against the church. It will legalize Jesus Christ and his messaging on a federal level. This was the whole point of the Joe Biden
presidency was to instill and pass the Equality Act. And it is the one thing that we have got to
fight with every fiber of our being because it will legalize conversion therapy. It will legalize
Christian therapy. It will make it illegal. It will throw hundreds of thousands of pastors in jail for standing up
for traditional marriage. It makes people who struggle with gender dysphoria or transgenderism,
it would make them a protected class. So you can't even try to counsel them through
using biblical teachings. So what it does is you cannot, you just can't. It's awful. It's the most awful bill.
It is the most evil Satan breathed legislation that has ever been presented in American history.
And we must fight this with every fiber of our being. Right now, I'm going to call out the Republicans because I know they are working behind the scenes to make the Equality Act more palatable. I'm talking to you, Nancy Mace. I'm talking to you, Lindsey Graham. This bill,
the Equality Act, needs to be thrown in a dumpster and lit on fire. It cannot be edited. It can't be
not. It cannot be. That's what they do. That's what these Republicans do. They're like, how can
we partner with the Democrats to make this sound better? Just a little bit less satanic. Just a
little bit. It's kind of like being a little bit less pregnant, isn't it? Yes. What's in your view is the likelihood that this thing will pass at all,
with or without amendments, with or without, because you know some things kind of like will
pass Congress and then kind of like founder, you know. What's your read on how likely it is that
this, I mean this is like, you know, this is actual end time stuff. This is what, you know,
people have been freaking out about for the 70s, 80s, 90s.
This is actually it.
Yes, it is.
Every moment comes together, and this is now Europe-style.
And you see the police sometimes in America carting out monks for giving out roses at abortion clinics.
In Europe, at least, generally, these things are handled in a bit of a better way.
Whereas in America, it's very kind of, you know, just grab the guy and pull him out.
But COVID changed all that, didn't it?
You saw British cops breaking down front doors because somebody was in a hotel lobby without a mask four days earlier.
Now the police just act as functionaries of the global homo state.
And so they're now going to start just enforcing whatever's on the statute of books.
And it seems to be that they're picking enforcement and pensions over their consciences and the constitution. Therefore, we should ask,
what in your view is the likelihood that this thing actually becomes American law?
It is very likely. Like I said, it is the only thing, only reason they instilled Joe Biden,
because they wanted to pass the Equality Act, because it neuters the church. And we are the
only thing standing in the way between
them and this evil regime that they're trying to take over the ruling elite of this world.
And that is the reason that they stole the election. That is the reason they have the
whole thing rigged to usher in the Equality Act, because it will neuter the church. It will
illegalize Christianity on a federal level.
And it is everything that we must fight with every fiber of our being. However, there is a likelihood
it could pass with an edited version. So what the Republicans are doing is they're partnering with
the Democrats to edit the wording, to make it sound better, maybe require parental consent here.
But it doesn't matter. Like we we cannot, this bill needs to be
thrown in the fire because it will weaponize the federal government against Christians,
against pastors, and against Christian business owners as well. So there is a possibility. It
could pass. I would say a strong possibility. This is the end of religious freedom in a way,
isn't it? It is. And in entirely the wrong direction. I mean, religious freedom is obviously a completely bonkers and stupid idea. I mean, what? Like the dumbest idea in the history
of international statecraft, freedom of religion. What? Why? We probably have the same analysis as
to why that came about, actually. But this is like ending freedom of religion in the wrong
direction. Rather than, you know, insisting that federal employees are church-going Christians,
instead we're going to go
in the other direction
and make the one religion
that the founders,
in their infinite idiocy,
just assumed everyone
would practice forever,
you know,
is going to make the one religion
that they assumed
without which the Constitution
doesn't work.
Smith said it.
He said the Constitution
is wholly unsuited
to the governance of an immoral population, of an unruly population. I forget the exact wording.
You can look it up. I've quoted it before, I think, on other shows. But the Constitution,
the Bill of Rights in America, only function with the undergirding of Christianity.
Yeah, a strong, dynamic church.
Yeah. Without Christianity, the Constitution is unfit for purpose. It cannot
hold a country together. The Constitution, the Bill of Rights are useless, worthless pieces of
arbitrary rules on a piece of paper without the moral undergirding of Christianity.
If you want to see what the effects of the Equality Act would be here in America,
just take a look at America's hat, Canada. Okay. Right. What is going on in Canada right now, closing churches, closing,
you can't, even on Christian radio, you can't talk about issues of marriage, of homosexuality.
The Christian radio has been neutered. Christian TV has been neutered. The church has been neutered.
We're going to end up just like Canada with the passage of the Equality Act. I have no confidence in the
Republicans, Lauren. That's where I'm at. And I see this as a strong possibility that that is
likely going to happen. There are others that are also in this fight against the culture wars right
now. And so we're partnering up with as well.
And so I think we've got somebody here to join us right now, don't we?
Yes, absolutely.
Well, you know, speaking of this evil regime right now,
we're watching during Pride Month
as they are trying to normalize pedophilia.
That is their goal for this month.
It's not about pride or trans rights, no.
This year it's about normalizing pedophilia,
which is interesting because Twitter, did you guys know that in 2019,
Twitter changed their terms of service to accommodate minor attracted individuals, which is minor attracted persons, which is pedophilia.
Yes. I was actually banned on Twitter for calling a pedophile demonic.
I'm really grateful for people like Andrew Torba, who is the founder of a Christian
free speech social media network. And we have him on today to share and talk about his awesome
network that he created to protect the speech of people like me. Welcome, Andrew. Thanks for coming
on. Thanks for having me. It's a pleasure to be here. You guys are doing a fantastic job.
And it's great to hear that Rick is doing well. And,
you know, the whole True News team has been in my prayers. So it's great to be here.
Yeah, we're happy to have you. And we're grateful for you. So, you know, would you give us a little
backstory on Gab? Like what inspired it for you? Did you see all of this coming?
You know, I think the Holy Spirit, you know, really blessed me with the foresight and
the vision to see all of this coming, you know, five years in advance. We found a gap back in
2016. August of 2016 is when we originally launched. I was living and working in Silicon
Valley and I had worked with, you know, people inside of Facebook, Twitter and Google for many
years. And, you know, that insight led me to understand where they were going with
this. And in the rise up to the 2016 election, of course, we saw the censorship starting to get
worse. And I tried to warn everybody. I tried to warn the president's team that he was going to
get banned after the election. And here we are. Everything that I've been saying for about five
years now has come true. And, you know, thankfully, Gab has grown stronger despite all the attacks that we've come under over the years as well. I've been very happy to see, hey, Andrew,
it's Milo. I've been very happy to see Gab going from strength to strength while its competitors,
its inferior competitors like Parler just kind of collapse and or ossify into weird niche products because I'm a very big supporter of
yours you can count on one hand can't you the out people people with the temerity to be
outwardly Christian CEOs of big businesses in America well you're not just outwardly Christian
but somewhat aggressively Christian as a CEO, for which we applaud you and
give thanks to you. What's that like? And the reason I ask is because you've gone on this
journey, haven't you, from a libertarian free speech network to somewhere that doesn't allow
pornography, for instance. Being a sort of aggressively Christian CEO, what's that been
like in a business sense? Because I would imagine perhaps it's popular with customers, but a bit difficult with business partners.
Yeah. I mean, I think that's part of the reason that we've been attacked so much is I openly
share the gospel. I openly talk about my faith. When I was living in Silicon Valley,
I was really living a double life. I was tech entrepreneur Andrew in the public face, and
I was Christian Andrew behind the
scenes. And I didn't want to live that double life any longer. I wanted to be Christian Andrew
all the time. So there's no reason that, you know, CEOs shouldn't be who they are. We see
our enemies are very open about who they are, right? They're very open about their quote unquote
value. So I'm very open about my values and my beliefs. How did your users respond, by the way, when you went from, I think the way Gab was originally
positioned, if I'm characterizing this correctly, is just sort of aggressively,
even a libertarian, free speech kind of fundamentalist network. Your company has
gone on the same journey that I have since 2015-16, which is, well, yes, okay, but within the bounds of
good morality and good sense. How did your users react to that? Because obviously introducing any
kind of free speech controls whatsoever can backfire. When Parler came back online with a
number of dunderheaded, stupid policies and terrible technical implementation, it basically
killed the platform. And it's a ghost town now. But you managed to successfully pull it off. How did you do that? And how did users respond to the new positioning of
Gab? Sure. So, you know, once my daughter was born, I really started to pray and think a lot
about our policies around pornography. And I started to just look into the history of, you
know, how we got to this, this, you know, state in our culture and in America, where we somehow
were duped into
believing that pornography is protected by the First Amendment and that it is considered free
speech. It's absolutely not. You have to be a fool to think that the founding fathers, you know,
when they wrote the First Amendment, were thinking of, you know, having pornography in the hands of
10 year old children. Right. It's absurd. So I think that when my daughter was born,
it radically changed my view on that. And I said, you know, we don't have to have this on our platform.
This stuff is all across the entire Internet.
So, you know, it was something that definitely was controversial at the time when we decided to remove it from our platform.
I believe it was in July of 2018, 2019, something like that.
But, you know, the platform has grown, you know, 20x since we've done that because it turns out that most normal people don't want to see
pornography in their social media feeds in between news and information that they're getting. So it
was the best decision that we ever did, frankly. Nice. Well, we're surely grateful for that. I know
I personally am. I don't want to see that on my news feed. Now, you've been given some juicy deals.
I know that the Trump administration, after Trump was banned on Twitter, he was banned on Facebook after January 6th,
they approached you with an option, and it would have caused you to have to sacrifice free speech to a degree, and you knew that.
And I'm curious if you would mind sharing with our viewers a little bit about how that conversation with the Kushner administration went
and discuss
that a little bit with our viewers. So what was that like? Absolutely. I mean, for five years,
all I've ever wanted was to, you know, protect the voice of the president and his supporters
and of Christians and of people who are, you know, being silenced across the world, not just in
America, but across the world. So, you know, when he was banned, which again was something that I
had been warning about, I had spoken to many people in the administration about prior to it happening,
telling them this was coming. All I wanted to do was give him his voice back because, you know,
there's 100 million people or more that want to hear what he has to say. And he was totally nuked
from the entire mainstream Internet. And, you know, we had Jared Kushner's cronies essentially
approach us and, you know, try to, you know, basically get me to sell
out, right? And get me to compromise on Gab's free speech policies and, you know, ban certain things.
And you're not allowed, you should, you should not allow these certain people on the platform
and you should try to clean up your image. And, you know, how can we monetize your user data and
how can we get in front of your, your, your email list and all these things. So, you know, it was,
it was really telling to me that I have, you know, two grandfathers. I'm blessed to have both of my grandfathers still in my life on both sides of my
family. One of them is, you know, a liberal, I would call a liberal and the other is, you know,
a conservative. And both of them told me the same thing on this topic. They said, do not do any
deals with Trump. Do not do any deals with Trump. And, you know, again, that was really eye opening
to me to see my conservative grandfather say, you know, who voted for Trump twice, say, don't do any deals with this guy.
And to have my liberal grandfather say the same thing was very interesting to me and was very telling.
But, you know, all I ever wanted to do was give him his voice back and all that the people around Trump are interested in was grifting.
And that's all they're still interested in is what I would argue is, you know, they're what they told me is they're in, quote, make money mode.
So, you know, that's why we see Trump endorsing these, you know, rhino candidates and these people that you're kind of scratching your head and you're like, this person is not America first.
Why is he endorsing this person? Really, it's about the kickbacks with the endorsement.
So we weren't going to sell out. We weren't going to compromise on our free speech position. So, you know, they ended up not joining and apparently they're doing their own thing. He launched his blog, which was, you know, really interesting because there was some data out there that showed that he was getting more engagement on the statements that we mirror on a Gab account that we have observed from him than across the entire Internet.
So across Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, all of it, right, combined.
He's getting more engagement, more interaction on the Gab account where we're mirroring those statements.
So whether he joins or not is irrelevant to us because all of his statements, anything that he puts out,
all of his videos are automatically being posted to the Gab account that we have reserved for him,
which has millions of followers right now.
So he technically is there even though he's not.
Right. And I think they heard about that.
I think they knew because they ended up taking down his desk because he was embarrassed and rightfully so with how much reception the reception desk from the
Trump website got. Yeah. So I'm just curious. I'm going to go ahead and dig in. What kind of people
did they want you to ban in order for them to join the platform? Well, you know, Jared Kushner
specifically had problems with people criticizing Jewish people and Zionism and policies related to Israel.
I mean, that's specifically what I was told is you have to do something about these people.
He called them Jew haters. I call them Jew criticizers.
You know, some of these people believe that anybody who even criticizes or remotely has any sort of criticism towards Jewish people or towards Israel or towards, you know, international policy,
you know, is all of a sudden anti-Semite, right, which is totally absurd on its face.
You know, we welcome all people. We welcome Zionists on the platform. We welcome people who are against Zionism on the platform. To us, we're a content-neutral platform.
It's a free speech platform. So as long as you're not saying anything illegal, as long as you're not,
you know, making threats of violence, you know, you're allowed to speak your mind and have an
opinion about things. And I was not going to compromise on that position, because that is
what made Gab as successful as it is. And that is what's going to continue to make Gab successful
in the future. I think that's one of the things that people quite admire about you. And it's one
of the things, from my point of view, the strength I get to maintain my standards and to not compromise. You mentioned this a few shows ago, Lauren,
it's stuck with me and I want to return to this subject. This is the perfect moment to do it.
It seems to me that it's only really Christians who are able to draw lines in the sand that they
do not cross. And the fact the Republican Party can do it over and over and over and over again,
wandering over the line and compromising on their principles just tells you that they don't really believe in the religious values that they profess.
It's only really when you have that certainty about the eternal mysteries of the universe, when you know for sure what is coming next, you don't have any option to compromise.
You simply can't.
You can't compromise on abortion.
You can't compromise on transgenderism. You can't compromise on abortion. You can't compromise on transgenderism. You can't
compromise any of these things. In your view, Andrew, as an intelligent observer of politics,
how long will it be until Trump endorses Bruce Jenner? Well, I mean, he's already done it,
right? He's already done it indirectly. You see Brad Parscale, who's directly involved with the
campaign. Yes. That's right. This whole thing is a grift. The whole thing is
a big grift. And a lot of Trump supporters don't like hearing this. They don't like hearing reality.
And they they come at me for for being critical. I say that emotional cost, isn't it? It's sunk
emotional cost. It took them so much bravery and courage and so much to vote for Trump in the first
place. They can't admit that although we hoped for the best, we got the worst. And I say that as somebody who did everything possible to put him in office.
And you, of course, did too, and lots of people did.
We voted for a heroic, manly champion of Western civilization, and we got a useless fat fraud.
We got your Kushner.
We got a Kushner administration.
The Kushner administration. Lauren hit it on the nail right at the beginning there.
So I know that Lauren wants to ask you about GabTV
in a moment, which is your video platform. But before she does that, when can I
have a Gab phone? Because you're basically
replicating the entirety of Silicon Valley by yourself
in one company. I think you're our Elon
Musk, frankly. You're doing a video platform. You're doing payment systems to replace all of
the PayPal and the nonsense that we're getting banned from. And you're even making a mobile
phone. I want more than anything on God's earth. I want a mobile, not anything obviously, but
the thing, the thing, the object I want most in the world is a phone that has no access to the internet except for Telegram and Gab
and does Telegram and Gab phone calls and text messages. When can I have a Gab phone? I know
you've got prototypes. I've heard you've got prototypes. When can we have one in studio?
I want to use it. I want one. We do. We do. We're, this is a complicated project, Milo. It's not
something that's like software.
It's something that we're still in the research and development phase, right? So, you know,
we're looking at a lot of different options that are out there. There's a lot of existing things.
We don't really need to reinvent the wheel. The goal is to just get people out of the Silicon
Valley duality of, you know, either Apple or Google, right? So, you know, we're looking into
that very strongly and we're doing a lot of research and development, testing out different devices,
different software. It's coming along nicely. You know, like you said, we're really no longer
just the Twitter alternative. We're really becoming the Silicon Valley alternative. We
have our own web browser. We have our own PayPal. We have our own social network. We have our own
YouTube alternative. So we're trying to, you know, replace the entire, we have our own hosting, you know,
all of it.
We had to build it all from the ground up, really because we had no choice.
Because, you know, we've been banned from 30 plus service providers, payment processors.
You know, we've been banned from banks, both the app stores, hosting providers, all of
Email services, you know, basic internet infrastructure that we had to build
from nothing, from dust.
And through the grace of God and through the support of our community and the talent of
our team, we've been able to do so.
So that's the mission.
We're going to continue to build the Silicon Valley alternative to all of it.
And you're also fending off attempts to outright steal your stuff and plunder your knowledge
base and go off and do it from people like, I hate to say it, the MyPillow guy.
What's his name?
I wouldn't ask you to go.
Lindell means well.
He means well.
I respect anybody that's trying to build something, right?
I think the more of us that are trying to build something.
What a diplomatic thing to say.
That's very uncharacteristic.
No, look, I mean, I think he means well, too,
but he's bringing the same ferocity to commerce
that he previously expressed in his other life, I think.
Look, you're fending off attacks even from your own side
whilst reinventing Silicon Valley.
I think you're doing absolutely amazingly.
I know Lauren wants to ask you about Gab TV.
Will you commit on air now
to letting me be a prototype tester
for the Gab phone? I'm not letting this go.
I want it. I really want it.
When it's ready, you'll be one
of the first to know. How about that? Perfect.
You said it on air,
so we got it. There we go. We've got it now.
It's the only reason for the interview. I just want a phone.
I want a Gab phone. Now,
Lauren. Yes. So I know a lot of right-wingers.
I've been censored on YouTube.
There's plenty of us out there who have had our channels with hundreds of thousands of followers and subscribers being shut down.
You are fighting back, and you have created your very own YouTube.
Can you tell me about Gap TV?
I've been seeing the mirrored images, the videos, and people are signing up en masse.
But I'm wondering
if you could share a little bit about that, what your vision is for that.
Yeah, GabTV is one of our fastest growing products right now. And the vision is simple. It's a free
speech video broadcasting platform. So where we're going with this next is we're in research and
development with a TV set box top, like a physical hardware device that you can plug into your actual
television and transform your television into a Gab TV and access all of the content that
is on Gab TV from your television with the goal of getting people to cut the cable cord
and to stop allowing the enemy's propaganda into their homes.
Stop watching these programs.
Stop allowing your kids to watch
these programs that are indoctrinating them, that are promoting wickedness and all this evil stuff
that they're pumping out into all this programming. So that is the broad vision for GabTV is, you know,
we want to destroy cable. We want to take down not only CNN, but also Fox News, right? We want
to totally turn the entire cable industry on its head and, you know, give the power back to the people and programs like True News and independent
creators. And we have people that, you know, are on farms that, you know, are recording,
you know, them out doing stuff on the farm, even, you know, just getting that type of content that
you really can't get anywhere else and that you're not seeing anywhere else. Wholesome, family-friendly, informative, free speech content that is on GabTV.
So that's a part of the broad vision of where we're going with that.
But for now, it's the YouTube alternative that allows you to speak freely.
One of the things we love about you is you are somebody who actually walks the walk.
You are doing the stuff that everybody else says we should be doing.
And actually, you know, we like to laugh at libertarians. Well, just build your own Twitter,
build your own this, build your that. And it's self-evidently ridiculous for normal people,
except actually he's doing it. I was making a list while you were speaking. Before we go to
Doc for our final question, I was making a list while we were speaking of all of the Silicon
Valley startups that you're basically replicating. You're doing PayPal, at least some of
Amazon, some of Apple, including the TV and the phone, Google, Firefox, Mozilla, Twitter, Facebook.
Is there anything missing from that list of companies that you're just replacing?
Well, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, web browsers, payment processors. We are doing e-commerce as well.
So eBay is on that list. Okay. All right. Well, that pretty much knocks out, was it 80% of Silicon Valley? Yeah. It's amazing. Well, the next big thing is advertising, right? And the next thing
is empowering creators like True News and like others to be able to monetize the great work and
the great creative energy that you guys are putting into the production of this high quality content.
So and it's not just about monetizing Gab.
It's not just about allowing creators to monetize, but it's about broadening Gab's reach.
So, you know, if True News wants to put Gab ads on their website or if Gateway Pundit or any of these alt media blogs or or news sites want to monetize in that way,
because a lot of them are getting shut out from
Google AdSense and others, or they just don't want to do it, right? So that's the next evolution of
where we're going next is the ad platform that's going to be big. I think if you can make alternative
right media platforms self-sufficient by having an advertising platform that won't ban them,
you will have a reasonable claim to single-handedly saving western civilization um doc yeah hey uh rick senses thanks for your prayers and andrew you're a great friend you're
a great partner in all these efforts that we're uh that we're involved with of course uh true
news is on gab and gab tv and we wow what a response we get on gab we love gab we love gab
we love gab we just go through the office all the time saying we love Gab.
A bit of Steve Bomer coming in right now.
But Rick says thank you so much for praying for him.
And thank you for being on the God cast with us today.
You know, one of the most moving moments that I had to experience here on the God cast, Andrew,
was the video clip that we showed of you being baptized and it actually brought brought me to tears watching that um
because i saw your journey that for a while you know you're trying to find your way you're trying
to try to balance all right you know where does this newfound faith take me in this libertarian
world that i'm operating in and then when I saw you being baptized
and really making that commitment,
it just encouraged me.
And I hope it was an encouragement
to a number of the people that saw that as well,
that an individual, one individual
can make a truly unique difference in the world
by taking the gifts and talents
that have been invested in them,
handing them over to the creator God and letting
him run with them. And I'd like to give you an opportunity right now, Andrew, to speak to the
True News audience. We've got a lot of people, some of them they're watching for the very first
time. And they're looking at you, Andrew, and they're asking the question, here's a successful young man who is making a real
difference in the world and is not compromising on his faith. How can they be uncompromising
believers in this crazy mixed up world that we find ourselves in? What would you say to them,
Andrew? Yeah, well, first of all, all the glory goes to Christ for everything that we're doing
here at Gab and everything that we've done and everything that we will do.
You know, it hasn't been easy.
Many times I felt like I'm off in the ocean kind of floating and clinging to that cross and have Christ by my side and walk through me through the fires and the trials that Gab and myself and my family especially have been through in building this platform and building this community.
You know, I think too many people, especially Christians, are, you know, sunken in despair.
It's very easy to, you know, be sunken in fear and despair and shame and, you know, anger with the way that the world
is going on. But we have to remember that Christ is King, and He sits on the throne right now,
and we are His servants. So, you know, we need to start acting like it. The same exact, you know,
saving grace and the same exact spirit and the power that rose Christ from the grave lives in
us. So it's time to really start
acting like it. And it's time to start proclaiming the gospel as we are, you know, commanded to and
start doing it boldly and not being afraid. So that, that would be my advice. All right. Thank
you so much, Andrew. And one more thing, uh, before you send a gab phone to Milo, you better
send one to Rick first. Okay. So I'm just saying that, all right?
For sure. I'm sure that I can agree to that condition. That seems fair enough to me.
How can we support you? How can people support you and your mission and your vision for everything
that's going on at Gab? We're actually 100%, you know, funded by our users. So you can go pro at, which allows you to get verified.
You can get a Gab TV channel, a bunch of additional features. We also have a shop, We have hats, shirts, mugs, all sorts of good merchandise.
She sleeps in a Gab T-shirt.
Yeah, I have a Gab. Actually, I wear it out everywhere I can. You have great merchandise.
Whoever, like, I don't know if you're designing them or if you have professionals, but your merch is awesome.
I love it.
I love my Gab shirt.
I wear it everywhere.
And the newsletter.
The newsletter you send out, I look forward to it.
When I see it pop up in my email account, I go, oh, you got a message from Andrew here.
I can't wait to see what he's got for me today.
So that's another way to support is to sign up for the newsletter too, and get informed with the latest going on with Gab.
Absolutely. Torba, thank you so much for coming on here and thank you for everything you're doing
for Christians, outspoken Christians, and for free speech in general, in a world that wants
to silence and shut us down. So we really appreciate you and we'll be praying for you as
well. Okay. Thank you guys. God bless. Bless you. Thank you.
All right.
Now to my favorite part of the show
and many others favorite part of the show.
My favorite too.
Why isn't it on fire?
You've upgraded.
Why isn't it on fire 2. Ooh, ooh.
Why isn't it on fire 2.0?
Wow, okay.
Thanks, guys.
I don't know who's responsible for that,
but that was lovely.
It's a thing now.
Can we have it again?
I love him.
I love him.
I love him.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it is time for...
Why isn't it on fire?
Now, this segment this week is not going to be just fun and games,
but it's also going to be something of a confession from me.
The secret shame to which the name of this show alludes.
Now, you've heard about some of the other things that I've done in my life.
The urges that I've given into., have my own little dabbles with substances.
But nothing in all of my life compares in the least bit to the shame and horror of, well, I suppose you'd call it my ideological children.
They say that, I think it was Lenin that said all revolutionaries come to despise their own creations, their own movements, something like that anyway. And I'm responsible for opening the
door to something called gay conservatives, which isn't quite as stupid as, you know,
some other identities, but it's up there in the top three most absurd self-descriptions.
And I always sort of imagined, you know, I know that
viewers of this program are literate, erudite, intelligent, tall, handsome, popular, and the rest
of it. And they get more so the more they watch this show. But I sort of assumed when I was doing
those college tours in 2015-16, that people would understand that although, yes, indeed, I was doing those college tours in 2015-16 that people would understand that although yes indeed I was living that lifestyle I was also sort of performing quite heavily tongue-in-cheek
as far as the you know the the I suppose you would call it the fagginess goes right um
that you you then you then get after 2016 the opportunistic amoral grifters come in
of turning point USA you know, the Shapiros,
the Crowders, and all that. And they took a much more two-dimensional view of this thing.
And they sort of just flattened it down to like, you can be gay and conservative. Why,
don't you want me in your movement? No. No, we don't. And I've been responsible for the creation of some truly dreadful things.
And if you are watching this and you are a murderer or a rapist or a child abuser and you think that your guilt is bad,
just imagine for a moment being me and waking up responsible for the creation and success of Lady Marga,
the Trump supporting drag queen, a man cavorting around in a dress,
parading himself in front of children.
And, well, let me tell you, it does keep me up at night.
It actually sincerely does.
I've been starting to talk a bit more about this.
And unfortunately, my ideological children,
the offspring of Yiannopoulos,
I'm going to be repenting for this my whole life.
They're not very happy about being called out by their former hero.
Here's a clip.
I'm talking to, actually, Milo Yiannopoulos,
who insulted me and said that Lady Maga
will be the first to hang.
And he said, if I had known that what I started
would lead to Lady Maga USA, I would have hung myself.
Well, that's not quite true, is it?
No, I would not have hung myself, but I also wouldn't have said hung, because the correct
past participle is hanged, when you're speaking of nooses, and hung.
I'm glad you corrected the grammar.
And hung, when you are talking about paintings.
It gets worse.
There's more.
Milo, I've seen what you've said about me on social media,
and it crushed me because you were one of my heroes,
and I loved you, and I still love you.
Oh, well, I don't love you back. Except, of course, I do.
I just don't like what you're doing to yourself.
It's all your fault, though.
Yeah, but it is.
But it is.
I mean, we laugh about it, but I'm responsible for, I call it the entity.
I'm responsible for the entity, and I'm responsible for others.
Have you heard, of course, viewers of this show will have far too good taste
than to be hanging around on
Turning Point Instagram. There's another entity called Ram Rants. He has a Christmas song that
I don't think I can even play on this show. X, X, Xmas, it's called. And you can probably
fill in the blanks yourself from there. Rob Smith, that African-American gentleman who's parading, cavorting around, daring people to say, don't you want me in the conservative movement?
He called me poor.
He said, I know you're broke, like went after me.
I know you're broke.
Do you know what?
I've noticed this about Ryan Fournier as well, who's the former director of students for Trump.
I think it's, you know what it is?
People like Trump, and, you know, I've been very
blessed in my life, you know, I grew up with nice things and had a good education and all the rest
of it. But there are certain people who have what we call immense privilege, who nonetheless have
the common touch, as it were, you know, they sort of like, they identify well with the concerns of
ordinary people. And they're kind of like a little bit more comfortable around bricklayers and
proud boys than they are around
doctors, nurses, teachers, and lawyers. I'm one of those people. I think Trump is one of those people.
But there's a species of Republican activists like Ryan Fournier from Students for Trump,
and like Charlie Kirk, perhaps, and like Rob Smith. And they strike me as they're sort of those striving lower middle class, very panicky,
anxious people who are terrified of being tossed back to where they came from, kind
of hate their parents and where they came from.
They're probably from some, you know, normal, real southern state or something.
And now they're all the way in Washington, D.C.
You know, they finally made it all the way to the center of power and they're living
in some turgid, revolting, tiny apartment in D.C.
In D.C.?
Orbiting power while never tasting any of it themselves.
A sort of grotesque parody, a pastiche of a royal court they have in Washington, D.C.
And they are so petrified, so terrified of being flung back to Wyoming or flung back to all these places that are perfectly respectable,
decent places, but they're terrified of it and they go to hate it.
And I saw this thing about Ryan Fournier was on a stream
calling people peasants, you know, and Rob Smith calling people poor.
There's something so disgusting and distasteful about it.
I mean, I don't know what the darkness is in the
soul that makes people call people stuff like that. You know, it's just, it's ugly, isn't it ugly?
I agree, but I have to ask the question on the reverse side. What is it about the conservative
movement that welcomes this? Welcomes people who behave that way.
Yes. What is it? I mean, in the past, when you thought of conservatives, what was the picture?
You thought of the Falwells, the Schaftleys, the, you know, that was the conservative movement, or at least it was 30 years ago.
So what has changed in the past 10 years where the conservative movement itself, like CPAC and, you know,
all these other pseudo conservative organizations out there are so accepting of this behavior. Right. Well, these people will do or say anything
to keep the positions they're in, to keep the influence, to keep the popularity.
And as a result, we normal, ordinary Americans have a problem with it. We have a problem.
There's something that doesn't sit well when you start bashing working class people as being peasants. However, we just sit there and
take it because these are conservative leaders. How dare you? These people are the reason you
have that crappy apartment in D.C. you treasure so much. Awful friends that you secretly hate and
won't tell them. You know, terrible jobs, the succubus existence you have, bouncing from one opportunistic pedophile
loser to the next.
These working people, in their honest credulity, are the people you're taking in, the people
that you are bamboozling, getting to donate to you so that you can have the stuff that
you treasure so much.
You could at least have the basic human courtesy to be polite about the people you're raping.
It's horrible.
That begs yet another question.
How many people within the leadership of what we call the conservative movement really have conservative values?
I mean, really, do they?
No, they don't.
Because Edward Zoll has gone to CPAC and a couple of these other, quote, conservative events.
And he says, hey, you know, at night it's it's all hedonism.
It's all a hookup party. Grindr, the gay hookup app.
They have to put extra server load on in Washington, D.C. when CPAC comes to town.
You know, so so drenched in homosexuality is CPAC. So, and, you know,
heterosexuality too. I mean, it's on both sides of the fence there. But, you know, you have to
ask yourself, what do they view? I guess coming from a preacher's perspective, I have a different
kind of mindset on it, but I'm trying to put myself in the shoes of someone that considers themselves
What is a conservative value to them?
What is it?
It's the prestige economy again at play, isn't it, that we talked about yesterday.
What they care about is their status in this ecosystem, which is based on nothing.
I mean, you can imagine happily existing in that kind of ecosystem if it were based on God or if it were a royal court in
you know in in 17th or 18th century Europe but what exactly are you orbiting right what are you
orbiting yeah what are those values that you are identifying it's obviously not what's considered
the traditional views of Christianity it's not the traditional views of marriage. It's not the traditional views
of sexual mores. It's certainly not any of those things. So what makes it conservative? Are you
fiscally conservative? Are you, you know, you're certainly not morally conservative.
So the definition is changing within the movement and you've had the opportunity to be on the inside
and see some of this. And so I'm just kind of curious from your perspective, Lauren, what do these people within the
conservative movement, what are their conservative values? What do they call conservative?
Right. Well, right now they're just using the whole socialism sucks. Like socialism is the
big enemy. So as long as we oppose socialism, we're conservative. And they completely throw out the window social issues that usher in a socialist takeover, per se. But the biggest
enemy right now that we have is the assault on social conservatism on the family. And they know
that they may get called some names. CNN may call them some names if they stand up for traditional
marriage or if they stand up for the nuclear family, if they oppose LGBTQ. But however, you know, it's interesting that you
mentioned Ryan Fournier because he is fundraising for Bruce Jenner. You know, he has been. Yeah,
he is the fun. Like he was the official one. Brad Parscale. And who was students for Trump?
You know, so these people are sold and bought and sold to the highest bidder.
What makes conservative anymore then?
How many Trump supporters are really on board with this?
I mean, they were very kind about me, but I have to tell you,
since I announced that I was making a course correction in my life,
I have been overwhelmed with messages of love and charity
from people who said, we loved what you were doing,
but we did worry about this.
So how many of these conservatives are really on board
with Bruce Jenner?
Can't be any.
They weren't even on board with my homosexuality,
and they loved me.
They said, we love you, but this thing's got to go.
Anyway, ugly and hideous and dreadful.
Speaking of ugly, hideous, dreadful, faggotry,
here is a video from Nickelodeon,
which we feel duty-bound to remind you
is a children's television station.
It's pride, everybody!
Every color on the pride flag
Is a symbol in the sky
And I'm proud to be me every time that I see
That red flag waving high
The red beams life because living is a gift
Yeah but it's the same people, it's different
Big colors, big colors that attracts children
That's what it is
Right, because it was all always about the kids
It was all always about people who wanted little kids.
Because, I mean, gay, I have to say, you know,
despite their moral shortcomings,
gay people do have better taste than a rainbow flag.
I mean, if it were homosexuals choosing a flag,
let's put this off the screen.
It's too much.
It's demonic.
We're going to need to...
Get the cross.
We're going to need holy water and incense
if we play any more of that.
No, I mean,
at least if it were
real homosexuals
choosing a flag
out of pure aesthetic preference,
at least it would be taupe
or burgundy or something,
you know?
Perhaps teal.
It would be some
pleasant, tasteful color.
That is not about
That is about getting kids.
So when you park your kids
in front of Nickelodeon,
that's what they're
being programmed with. I want you to consider that. Okay? when you park your kids in front of Nickelodeon, that's what they're being programmed with. I want you to consider that. OK, when you park your kids in front of just this
random content that's going out there, this is what the global elite are programming into your
children's minds, that this is totally acceptable, that this is just common. Folks, it's not common.
It's not.
It's wrong.
And you need to teach your children that it's wrong.
You need to stand up.
And if it means throwing your TV or the iPad out the window and getting rid of it,
you know, Jesus said, if your eye offends you, get rid of your eye. If your hands offend you, cut it off.
Whatever it takes to avoid evil, avoid evil.
But it seems like we have a lot of people that,
because we've lost that Christian, I guess,
subculture within America,
where we had a fallback on,
that there was like a regulator,
a governor, if you will,
on the excess of morality in our nation.
Now there is none.
This is what your kids are seeing.
They're saying it's totally acceptable that this, you shouldn't question it, that this is the way it is now.
This is demonic.
It's a structural flaw in the way that America was put together. Disestablishing the church, guaranteeing freedom of religion,
and then instituting a First Amendment that enshrines your right to bear false witness against others.
This is a guarantee that the people in the country who will succeed will be the most mendacious, opportunistic, and amoral.
But even the separation of church and state, I would maintain, is an imagined wall.
That it was never enshrined within the
Constitution itself. Separation of church and state is not enshrined in the Constitution.
It was an opinion expressed on letters that the founding fathers, you know, in the Federalist
Papers expressed to one another as something to consider, not something to enshrine in
the law. I maintain that the founding fathers never intended
to disengage the church from the American culture. They could never imagine that America would be a
Buddhist nation, a Muslim nation, an atheist nation, a secular nation, that Christianity was the heartbeat
of this nation. Alexis de Tocqueville said the strength of America is its churches, is Christianity.
Its foundation.
That's right.
And so that...
Without that, you have nothing.
That's right.
And what do we have?
Well, I mean, in a way, worse than nothing.
Because as you know, when you take God out, whether it's at universities or anywhere else,
you don't merely leave a vacuum.
You don't leave nothing.
You just make space for something awful to move in.
That's right. So it You don't leave nothing. You just make space for something awful to move in. That's right.
So it's actually worse than nothing.
When you take God out of America, you end up with worse than nothing.
And that's exactly what we're seeing, isn't it?
Well, I've watched videos like that from Nickelodeon.
My fingers get fidgety.
I want to wield the knife myself.
Anyway, we remind you, since this is a Christian program and a peaceful, loving, peaceful, loving place,
why isn't it on fire is merely for entertainment purposes.
So just pray for Jesus.
Pray for Jesus.
Pray for Jesus to take care of it.
The fire is coming.
I'll say that.
Peter 3 says.
It's already in Ireland.
Fire is coming.
So get ready.
Before we finish, Lauren, you...
Let me ask you a question.
You asked me to say a few words about manhood and masculinity
because that went down well yesterday at the end of the show.
Before we go on to talk about the USS Liberty,
I want to leave plenty of time for that
because I know it's a very important thing we have to get on to today.
Did you say it was the 54th anniversary today? Yes, it is. 54th anniversary, right. So I want to leave plenty of time for that because I know it's a very important thing we have to get onto today. And it's, did you say it was the 54th anniversary today? Yes, it is. 54th anniversary.
Right. So I want to leave plenty of time for you to talk about that with the director, Matt.
What would you say is the most frustrating thing about dating men in America in 2021?
About the men. They're all like spineless, kind of weak, kind of feminine.
Gay cowards.
I don't want to say it like that, but it's been a problem.
It's been a problem as a 33-year-old who is just kind of hopping back into the dating field.
It's kind of slim pickings for people my age.
Maybe it's because I'm old.
With your conviction.
Yeah, I'm getting old.
But the truth is, people, millennials...
No, no, no.
Not condition.
I said her conviction.
It's millennial.
Her convictions.
Oh, okay.
Not her condition.
Her condition is grace.
I agree.
Grace, mercy, joy, and beauty.
That's the condition she's in.
Look at her.
She's stunning.
Oh, thank you.
But it's millennials.
Like, it's millennial men.
Men my age have been feminized, demasculinized,
but also they've been told their entire life that they're a burden to society.
They grew up thinking that.
So it's also a disadvantage to me as well.
Or give you a ribbon for participating, not for winning.
That is the generation that I'm left with.
I'm glad you said that.
We didn't plan this ahead of time,
but that dovetails beautifully into what I wanted to say wrapping up, which was I'm going to try to just sort of give you a few nuggets.
I could talk for hours extemporaneously about men and masculinity.
But briefly, this Pit Viper story has been been bouncing around my head.
How a man with a successful business could allow his wife to
ruin his company. It seems to me that feminists are right about toxic masculinity. There is
masculinity. What's wrong with me? I'm glad you're hosting today. Masculinity.
There is something dangerous and powerful and sometimes even terrifying about manliness,
about masculinity.
And what Christianity, which is right about everything, and the Bible, which is right about everything, brought into Europe in the Middle Ages, correctly intuits about human nature. If
you want to know anything about human nature, all you need is the Bible and complete works of
Shakespeare. There's nothing that's not in there somewhere. In fact, it's all in the Bible.
Shakespeare is easier to read sometimes. When you think about what women are doing in this feminized country that we have now in sort of tamping down manhood, trying to emasculate men, turn them into eunuchs, trying to neutralize manliness.
It's because we've lost what we mentioned yesterday, chivalry.
And the way that masculinity is a little terrifying.
It's powerful.
It can do awesome and horrifying things.
But the way to, if you like, keep it under control is chivalry, manners, skills, sports.
The arts and science are really just a way of sublimating male energy and drive into a
productive way. It's why women suck at them, because it's not really for you.
It serves no purpose to women to paint or to figure out algorithms to get us onto Mars.
This is something that men do to impress women and as a release valve for all the excess energy we have.
And toxic masculinity is a real thing.
It does exist.
And what we were talking about yesterday with the sort of the Groypers, the America First guys,
who are starting to treat women disrespectfully, right?
It's based on a misunderstanding, not just of the women, but also of themselves.
They are channeling their toxic masculinity, if you like.
They're channeling their masculinity into hatred, into divisive conflict, instead
of the superior way of sublimating, of channeling your manliness, which is chivalry, learning
how to court and delight and engage with the opposite sex properly, into manners, learning
how to be a gentleman, learning how to conduct yourself in an honorable fashion.
How to eat well. How to speak to people in general, rather than just lashing out online to get it out of your system.
Skills in sports. I mean, there's a lot of gesticulation, genuflection toward sports.
People are constantly saying post-physique on the internet.
But most of these boys have never set foot in a gym.
You know, they kind of know what's right, but they're not doing it.
So my encouragement to young men is rediscover, return to medieval values, which are the best
Return to knightly romances, you know, courtly romances, where the man will go out and perform great acts of heroism
and then come back and treat a woman with the veneration that she respects.
And open doors for them and do lovely things.
Yeah, you know, one of the...
It just doesn't happen anymore.
No, right, but one of the things I like about you is it doesn't even occur to you to open the door for a man.
You've slammed the door in my face about four times without even realizing it.
We've been down here in Florida.
It doesn't even occur to you.
Whereas if I'm going first, I'm naturally like, you know, sort of put my foot in the
door, make sure she's through safely and all the rest of it.
No, but it's good because you've just got a natural understanding of how things ought
to be.
The way it should be.
And, you know, there are ways in which men and women are simply different.
Women, I don't believe, can ever really be friends because they're basically in competition with one another.
Men form platoons, brotherhoods.
The reason the Ghostbusters reboot didn't work
is that there's no equivalent in female friendships
of that strong, close bond of people who have nothing in common
but have an enemy that they must vanquish
or everything will be lost.
And that's the same kind of dynamic as you see in...
That's the best review of the reboot of ghostbusters yeah i know that's why that's why
it doesn't work right that's why it doesn't work because men have these these these bonds forged
in fire um between people who have nothing in common right you know and male friendships male
friendships end if they end well or their culmination is in love and sacrifice right
yes rather than sacrifice just like jesus christ female friendships culmination is in love and sacrifice, right? Rather than sacrifice, just like
Jesus Christ. Female friendships
tend to end in gossip and hair pulling
because women
are competitors. They're competing for
scarce resources. Those scarce resources
being good men.
And those scarce resources, the good men, are coming few
and far between, which is good news for
you, young men, if you're watching this, because you
can become one of them. You can become one of them. It's up to you, not to the women that you're
bashing on the internet. It's up to you to set out a path, what you expect and how you want to live,
convey those values, and do some work on yourself, because it's very easy, very easy to give in to the instinct to be venomous.
And who am I to tell anyone not to be venomous?
But it must also come with discipline, with rigor,
with holding yourself to the same high standards
that you want to hold women to.
And I think that a lot of this has got to do with,
this is partly what's been on my journey,
the construction of a false self.
You know, the idea that you sort of make this internet persona that is stroppy, obstreperous,
And actually, there's just somebody who's lonely behind it.
And I desperately want for these young men in the generation that we love so much to
have all the things they want.
I want you to.
And to finish up on a lighter note, I just want to give you an example of what can happen with somebody who constructs a false self. There's a chap I like. I mean,
I love him. I don't love everything he does, obviously. His name is Brandon Strake, and he is
the founder of the Walk Away Movement, which is a very venerable and honorable initiative it's
designed to it's a movement of democrats leaving the democrat party realizing it no longer
represents them specifically women blacks gays who are sort of like wait a minute they're just
using us for whatever very venerable i don't obviously agree with everything brand does his
private life he is a he does describe himself as homosexual at the moment.
But you sort of see when people pop up in public, when they're constructing a false self,
they're very good at inhabiting fake characters.
So when he was invited on a Christian TV network to perform a song,
because he's a singer as well, here's how he presented himself. And I want you to remember that this is a gay
hairdresser from New York who sounds as you would imagine. Here's how he presented himself on
television. Is that a proper southern accent?
No, that is someone trying to pretend to speak in a southern accent.
They don't know the first thing about talking southern.
Let's play that clip again.
What's the clue there for you?
More. How would you say it?
That's quite a subtle distinction there.
We've got another version of that clip, actually.
We can play you now.
You keep leaving.
Notes stuck on my door.
I guess you're hungry for some more.
Did I do any better, Richard?
I like your version better.
Well, thanks, thanks.
Yeah, well, so look.
Where did you find a flannel shirt, by the way?
I borrowed it.
Because I didn't think Periel has sold flannel shirts.
No, no, no.
Look, true, authentic, real masculinity is about finding what God wants you to be.
You don't have to make all these complex decisions for yourself.
He already did it for you.
Stop pretending to be other people.
I've got much more to say on that.
We'll save it for another day.
Do you want to wrap us up and then pass to Doc for the news?
Yes, yes.
You know, this was a great episode.
I'm going to hand it over to Doc because he has something he wants to share.
We have some big news.
All right.
Thank you very much.
Well, as we mentioned in the opening, today is the 54th anniversary of the attack on the
USS Liberty.
And to honor those veterans and everything, we'd like to provide you with the opportunity
to have the DVDs and have the online version of the program available to you.
We've got some new pricing available and everything.
I want you to watch this.
And when we come back, we're going to be joined by Matt Scow, the producer of Sacrificing Liberty,
to tell us about the event that he attended this past weekend in Pensacola with the USS Liberty Vets.
Watch this. attack to investigate the attack on the Liberty.
90% of the country doesn't know what the Liberty is, was, or what happened to it.
The reality of what happened is it was not a mistake and they wanted to sink us.
And what does that mean to this country?
Never before has the U.S. Navy ignored eyewitness testimony of American military to accept on faith the story told by their attackers.
This is not a story about what Israel did and what America did.
It's what some people in very powerful positions did in both countries.
They said they made a mistake. It was an accidental shooting and our government has accepted that.
So it was always written off as an accident.
The aircraft was sent to make us incommunicados. We couldn't send an SOSO.
Torpedo boats were sent to sinkers,
and the helicopters were sent to pick out survivors,
so there'd be no choice.
It was a perfectly executed military operation.
That doesn't happen by accident.
That's a coordinated military strike.
It's a traffic combination of American money, French equipment and Israeli air force pilots.
The way to Cairo, the way to Damascus, the way to Amman is through war.
The Liberty was sent to that part of the eastern Mediterranean, right into the middle of the war zone, to be a target of some sort.
You know how much press the nuclear warheads got
when they landed in Cuba?
Well, this was a thousand times worse,
but nobody knows about it.
The CO3 Committee was simply a device
for examining covert operations of any kind
and making a judgment on behalf of the president
so he wouldn't be nailed if it failed.
As soon as the first nuclear weapon was detonated in Cairo, the Dome of the Rock would be disintegrated. The major power, when it believes its vital interests are involved, will sacrifice any
number of its own people to preserve their vital interests.
I am not saying anything about the liberty, period. That's the Sacrificing Liberty.
Of course, you can acquire your own DVD box set for only $19.99.
And, of course, the digital download for $12.99. Order your copies of the DVDs or the digital download at
As I mentioned earlier in the Godcast today, our own Matt Scow had the opportunity to attend
a very special reunion of USS Liberty survivors as they had their reunion in Pensacola, Florida
this past weekend.
Our plan was to have the entire True News team up there,
but of course you know about the circumstances over the past couple weeks.
Matt was able to go, however, and he is here to tell us about that event.
Matt, welcome to the Godcast.
It's been a while since you've been on set.
It's like the same set, different people.
How you doing?
I'm good.
Good, good, yeah.
I'm'm good. Good. Good. Yeah. Really good. Wow. It's like,
it seems so long ago that we did this. It seems like, you know, what a, what a project that
changed my life. It changed all of our lives. I think, I mean, none of us knew about this before
we started doing, you know, took this project on.
And throughout the year and year and a half of production and then just becoming friends
with these guys and like bonding and for these men who were part of Sacrificing Liberty,
it was closure for them.
They actually had their chance to tell their story.
Because we know that no American production company has taken this on.
We had Al Jazeera.
We had a BBC documentary. Right.
But no American production company has made a film about the liberty.
And what's unique about our film was it's told by them,
by the men who survived it.
There's no narrator.
There's no other voice.
No twisted version.
No, it was strictly, I sat down with these men,
as many as we could find, who were on the ship,
and I said, tell me your story.
And what they told me blew my mind.
Like how in the world does not every American know this?
Like these are true heroes. Like when you talk about what is a hero, someone who will give up their life to save another person.
That's what these men did. They gave up their lives. They didn't even know the bigger scheme that was going on, too.
And when they find out the deceitfulness, the sneakiness, the backstabbing behind the scenes of the most high ranking officials in our government and with colluding with another country on behalf of that country.
It's it's it's amazing. And what a lot of the men this weekend, they had never seen the film, the survivors.
Oh, a lot.
Most of them hadn't seen it.
Most of them are in their 60s, 70s, 80s.
How many were at the event?
I would say about 40.
I mean, the numbers are dwindling.
A lot of the people who were in the film, they had passed on before I even could interview them.
But we did get to interview some amazing people that they had not heard from, like the first pilot off the America to rescue who was recalled by Lyndon B. Johnson.
I interviewed this man.
This man is 92 years old.
He was in the ready cap.
He was the first one off the America.
And he told me what his experience was.
I interviewed the first person who was off the Davis who came to the rescue of the ship.
And he gave us his Super 8 footage, his 8 millimeter footage that no one's seen before.
So these men got to see that footage from that day where he was on the
ship. And the coverup just goes deep for that because there was a professional film crew that
was sent in to record the devastation. And when they got on the ship, guess what they forgot?
The cameras.
The film.
The film.
So they had all their cameras, but oh, we forgot the film. Oh, my goodness. So this man, he took it upon himself to highlight his Super 8 camera over,
and he shot that footage, and that footage has not been seen.
And so when these men are looking and watching and reliving this,
for me, I sit in the back and just watch them, their reaction of it.
And it's weird because after, there's four episodes,
so after each episode, like usually you're like clap, you know,
but they don't even, there's none of that.
They're just sitting in awe and like taking it in, reliving that moment.
And for a lot of these men who were on camera who have never spoke before,
it was cathartic for them. I mean, we went to deep places with these guys. I did not hold back.
I knew what I was going to get them into. And as a filmmaker, when you know you're going to
lead someone into a very dark place that they don't want to go, it's, you know, I understand
what I have to do because their
story needs to be told and when you see that when they're reliving that moment like larry thorne
his eyes they do something where he go back in time and it's so like just as a film as a
as dramatic as anything you'd ever see you cannot replicate what that man did in that living
room. Of course, this past fall, we had the opportunity to invite a few of the people that
you talked to for the docuseries and have them here in the building. We had a very special event
to honor the veterans of the USS Liberty. To me, that was a very emotional event. I mean, to honor
these men and to say to them, thank you for being who you are and for not giving up over all these
years and being able to tell your story. How was this weekend different than that particular event,
Matt? So, you know, that weekend,
I don't think you understand how special that weekend was for them.
I don't think you do, but they talked about it.
And I was recording because, you know, that's what I do.
I record everything.
So I'm going to play a clip a little later, and they talked about it.
You know, they had never had an honor like that bestowed upon them ever.
Right. We had an honor guard that bestowed upon them ever. Right.
We had an honor guard here and everything.
We had.
Each one of them who went on there, Mo talked about it, and then Larry talked about it.
And we had a police escort escort them from, I mean, just the hotel alone.
They were like, they don't get put in nice hotels.
It was first class.
These are veterans. Yeah. Veterans first class. These are veterans.
These guys are.
Never been honored.
They stopped World War III from happening, literally.
Like if the ship would have sunk, nukes would have been sent onto Cairo.
And then subsequently in the movie you see from a Russian captain of a submarine, they were going to strike the Dome of the Rock.
This, not conjecture, this is reality.
Moe, who was on the America, was told by Admiral Geiss that they sent four nuclear weapons on the way to Cairo.
Now, in the film, you'll see that day, June 8th, and we have the exact day, the footage that,
for whatever reason, they were shooting that day, and they that for whatever reason they were shooting that day.
And they recorded that day what they were doing on the America.
They were loading. They were doing test runs with nuclear weapons on them.
Seems seems like an M.O. for 1967. But that's what we do. Right.
Like 9-11 was the same thing. We're running these like test things.
These NORAD had these things going on. Drills.
And these drills. And then when drills happen, oh, here comes coronavirus, 2019, September 2019.
Everything's planned.
Everything's predetermined.
It's so amazing.
And the viewers, like each one of these people who donate to us, they were the ones who brought
these men here.
Yes. to us, they were the ones who brought these men here. Like every time you donate and we were able
to fund that, you made their dream come true. You gave honor to these men that have never
had that before. So let's run the reunion clip. They, man, they honored us. Let me tell you about
this jacket real quick. This jacket, I've never worn this jacket.
I don't feel it's like for me to wear this jacket. I did it today because this is a special day.
Today is the anniversary of the attack on the Liberty. Phil Turney gave me this jacket. And
if you can zoom in on this, Scott, I'm sorry. This right here, this is the flight jacket from Captain Tully.
This man was the commander of the USS Saratoga. And this was one of the first planes that was
sent. This is a ship where one of the first rescue planes came from that was recalled i'm wearing
this man's jacket the same jacket that he wore on that ship i mean unbelievable doc that the
amount of respect that they show us but like i'm not worthy like i i feel the gratitude, but they were just so happy that someone told their story. Finally,
this is 52 years in the making and no congressional investigation.
To this day.
To this day, no ship in the history of the United States Navy that has been under attack
has not had a congressional investigation. Zero. And this happens to be the most decorated
ship in a single combat
in the history. A medal
of honor was given, which two
more should, hopefully this film, they say, what do you want
from this film? I want a medal
of honor for Dr. Kiefer,
who saved hundreds of men's lives that day,
who was
shot himself and tied
a life vest around his belly to keep his insides
in while he worked on men for 17 hours.
And then George Golden, who Captain McConnell was shot and hurt during this, and George
Golden took over and steered and helped keep this ship afloat.
So what are we about to see here?
So they had a, you know, we showed the film,
and then they talked about how they appreciated what we did.
And then, man, you know what they did for us?
They bestowed the greatest honor on us.
They made me, Rick, Ed, and Mike
honorary members of the Liberty.
I mean, like,
I mean, I'm a shipmate with them now.
I'm considered like a shipmate.
That's amazing.
So why don't we roll that
and we can see that.
Our guest speaker, Matt Scowl from True News, and you all have had the unbelievable privilege,
as we have as Crematory, the privilege to have somebody come and make this film, this
docuseries that truly sets the stage for the rest of our lives to get our story out.
And our challenge to every one of you is to watch this if you didn't see it.
We have some guests in the back tonight from the Bradley family.
We welcome you.
They weren't here, but I'm simply saying that if you can get your hands go to
Some of us got together with True News for a very emotional gathering over at Vero Beach. And I know for myself that it brought a little bit of closure for me
because it was a homecoming. The United States government did absolutely nothing for us when we came home, but True
News as an organization did everything humanly possible to make us feel like heroes. And I don't consider myself a hero, but I consider myself a survivor.
And those of us that participated in that gathering last year felt very emotional.
I think Mo may have said something about it earlier during the weekend when he talked about the 174 flags that line the driveway into the parking lot to their chapel. And then once we got in there and got off the buses,
next to the stand where we were going to be sitting,
there were 34 crosses representing the 34 crew members that we lost that day.
So, again, that was very emotional for me. I think it was very emotional for the eight of us, or nine of us that were there that day.
And I can't thank True News has been instrumental in making the Liberty Veterans
Association and the crew feel like we were welcomed back in the United States.
No one else back here made us feel like we even belonged.
We were abandoned out there.
And we've been abandoned when it comes to talking to our representatives
and trying to get any recognition anywhere except through True News. So earlier today we
we made a command decision to honor the True News team by making them honorary
crew members. And so Matt, congratulations. Thank you.
That'll be for Rick, for Ed, for Mike as well.
Oh, sweet.
Man, wow.
Can we get tattoos officially?
I got to say one more thing.
Yeah. The pictures I sent you guys. Yes. I got to say one more thing. Yeah.
The pictures I sent you guys.
I got one for Mike, too.
Oh, great.
He just didn't want to bring it up before he got it broken.
Oh, okay.
Okay, yeah.
Also, you mentioned Don Pegler today.
He called us at lunch today
to extend his best
because he couldn't be here.
But he's one of our true heroes.
Well, wow.
Thank you so much.
Wow, Matt. That's awesome. And
we went through a lot of struggle to produce that documentary
and to get it up and running and finally get it produced and finally
get out for everyone to share and bring everything together to honor these vets.
And it seemed like an impossible thing when everything came together but somehow it all happened i bet you feel a great sense of
of godly pride and knowing that you participated in this and got to tell a story that needed to
be told yeah it's um you don't get to tell those stories that often. You know, I did another documentary that was an amazing one-off storytelling of something.
And this too.
And it's just an honor that they know that their story is told forever.
Like this will last longer than me, longer than them.
When kids and generations want to know what happened, they now have
something that they can go to and they can see like what these men did for this country
and for the world, really.
It is an honor and it's humbly, I just, yeah, it's again to our True News family because
they again supported the making of this.
We didn't sell anything, you know, to to achieve this. They donated.
We told them what we were doing. I flew all over the country, over the world to put these interviews together.
And they're like, how did you edit a four part docuseries in nine months?
And I get and I'm like the
Holy Spirit just takes over in that booth sometimes and it just he lays out
things there's a clip that we're gonna play I'm gonna play a little excerpt of
the of the film that has Mike Rathke's a amazing theme song in it but in this
clip you're gonna see the day after there was a news report, there was
a reporter on the America and he was, they just arrived on the Liberty and this report
was out on NBC.
You had to get, you know, licensing and you had to pay for legalities.
I could not find where I got this clip from. I know it came from NBC,
so we sourced it, but I could not find it. I could not go and look and search. So
the Holy Spirit was just giving us stuff like, here you go. You need this. You need to put this
in there. And when it was finally done, it finally told these men's story and they got to relive it.
And just a great honor.
Well, let's watch this clip.
As many as 33 American sailors were killed.
The ship and its survivors are still on their way to Mediterranean ports.
NBC News correspondent Robert Gorowski reports by satellite.
This is the USS Liberty, the Navy ship that was strafed and torpedoed Thursday by Israeli patrol torpedo boats and Israeli war planes.
She's been steaming along at eight knots since she was attacked in the accidental episode of yesterday.
She has now been joined by the sixth fleet, which has been steaming to her assistance.
All day today aboard the uss america
helicopters have been taking off and landing after bringing back some of the hundred men who were
injured in yesterday's time the helicopters first took aboard the most severely wounded
now taking aboard those who are able to walk aboard ship they will eventually be taking to
the european mainland for treatment from here it's impossible to assess the damage to the European mainland for treatment.
From here, it's impossible to assess the damage to the Liberty.
She took one torpedo from the Israeli patrol torpedo boat, their starboard part of the ship forward.
She also was attacked six separate times by Israeli Air Force fighters.
She was lifting slightly starboard to the right when she first came into view.
This is Robert Kowalski, NBC News, aboard the USS America.
When daylight pierced the vessel
One cloud was in the sky
I beheld the star of Ramfam With a million questions why
And every hole that tore my soul that day
I still carry
them with me
by sheer determination
and God's grace
I remain
but if it helps you sleep
You can picture me
At the bottom of the sea Undersea Undersea You can get your copy of Sacrifice and Liberty. Go to
Order your four-disc DVD set or digital download is also available.
The four-disc DVD set is available now for $19.99 and the digital download for $12.99.
Matt, I see before we close here, I see you've got a plaque.
Yeah, Phil Turney gave this to us. This has been in his house for the last 54 years,
and he gave this to us, another momentum that he's passing on.
So what an honor.
They understand the reason why he gives this and that and this over here
and his purple heart flag, because they know that we care.
That's simple.
He knows that we're going to put this and we're going to display it and we're going
to talk to people about it.
And we didn't do this as some like this production company looking to make a buck.
We wanted to tell the truth and give these men their day.
And yeah, right after this, which is really amazing that these men have never seen or heard from.
You saw that's all real footage, right?
The man who came in to pick the men up first and rescue was in a helicopter.
I talked to that man.
He had never spoken before.
He, in the film you'll see, he wrote three letters, June 8th, 9th, and 10th.
And he read those letters to me.
And they're in pristine condition.
And he reads them in the film.
And he talks about exactly what he saw.
You know, there's no discrepancy here about if this wasn't a, they say, even in the report you heard,
an attack, accidental.
An accidental attack.
Yeah, there was no accident here
this is what what the film will show 100 this was an organized attack to kill these men and the
official story still it was a mistaken identity in the film we we show the idf who call out the
call letters of the ship.
It's time we get, if we can do anything,
we need to push for an investigation of this ship and let people know about our true ally in the East,
in the East.
And Matt's already laid the groundwork for that
by producing Sacrifice and Liberty
and now honored Rick, Edward, Matt, and Mike,
Mike Rathke, the artist that you heard sing
the song there on that clip, honored them by making them shipmates of the USS Liberty.
I can't think of a higher honor.
There is no.
So I want to encourage you.
Go to the website.
If you've never seen the story, you need to see it.
You need to watch it. If you know someone who's a veteran of any kind, please invite them to watch it.
It will change the way you look at history.
It really, really will.
Thank you, Matt, so much, and really appreciate you and your hard work.
Looking forward to the next production, the greatest reset.
There's no breaks here.
We're off and running with the next production. Greatest reset. There's no breaks here. So we're off and running with the newest one and it is
we're taking, we took on this
little enemy here and now we're going to take up the
greater enemy here. Take a bigger bite.
Yeah, we don't stop here. So thank
you for your donations everyone because
the more you put into us, the more
we do and we just, we're going to keep doing
it and we're going to keep on telling
the truth and praising Jesus. That's what we do. Well we just, we're going to keep doing it and we're going to keep on telling the truth and
praising Jesus. That's what we do. Well, Matt, thank you for being on with us today. And we'll
have a lot more to tell. And thank you, Lauren and Milo for being here as guest hosts today.
And thank you for joining us for today's edition of Good News. And please share this God cast with
your friends and family and consider and become a partner with this vital ministry as we report the
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Thank you and God bless you.
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