TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Townhall Downfall: Joe Biden’s TV Performance Sparks Talk of Removal

Episode Date: July 23, 2021

Description:Today on TruNews, host Edward Szall leads the team in an examination of President Joe Biden’s recent seemingly addled behavior, prompting calls on both the left and right hand sides of t...he political spectrum to talk about invoking the 25th Amendment. The team also talks about the reasons behind the rise in food and gas prices, and weird weather that is happening all over the earth. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (7/23/21)Hashtags:#TruNews #AfterLifeMatters #FinalDayTags:trunews, true, news, Christian, Jesus, Christ, Salvation, USS, Liberty, President, biden, kamala, harris, hunter, Trump, Donald, rick, wiles, final, day, book, second, coming, of, end, times, wuhan, china, coronavirus, pandemic, virus, emergency, flu, test, positive, prepare, mask, quarantine, world, spread, shutdown, israel, infect, lockdown, test, 5g, fauci, surveillance, covid, 19, gates, foundation, soros, unemployment, great, depression, tracing, closed, plandemic, riots, antifa, warzone, protest, depression, police, civil, unrest, riot, mandate, terrorists, election, court, vaccine, fraud, vaccine, stimulus, capital, maga, impeachment, gay, lgbt, pedophile,

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help,, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. President Biden's poor performance at Wednesday's town hall has many wondering if the oldest president in America's history will be one of the shortest lived. We'll discuss that in just a moment and the crazy weather being seen throughout the world. But first, here is Kerry Kinsey with today's True News Headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. NBC Boston says more than 5,100 people in Massachusetts have tested positive for COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated against the virus.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Among the group of breakthrough cases, at least 80 people have died. reporting 49 breakthrough cases in the Garden State. The Department of Health says more than half of those who died had at least one underlying medical condition. All of the deaths were people over 50, with 30 of them over age 80. Children's Health Defense says scientists claim COVID vaccines are producing symptoms of Parkinson's and other disorders. Immunologist and former NIH scientist Jay Bart Klassen looked at data in the UK's version of VAERS. He found thousands of reports of multiple symptoms that are clear signals of neurodegenerative disorders. For information on this story and more,
Starting point is 00:02:06 visit our companion site. It's called Rolling Stone says Eric Clapton will not play shows where proof of vaccine is required. He made that statement after Boris Johnson said vaccine passes would be required at clubs and venues. Clapton says he had a disastrous health experience after getting the vaccine. He blamed the propaganda for overstating the safety of the jab. He even cut an anti-lockdown song with Van Morrison called Stand and Deliver. Magna Carta, Bill of Rights, the Constitution, what's it worth? You know they're gonna grind us down until it really hurts.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Is this a sovereign nation or just a police state? You better look out, people, before it gets too late. CBS 4 in Denver says the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is investigating plague activity. Their lab confirmed reports of plague in animals and fleas from six different counties. That includes La Plata County, where a 10-year-old died from causes associated with the plague. Plague occurs naturally in the western part of the U.S. It's transmitted by fleas and cycles among wild rodents, too. That's a look at True News headlines. Let's toss it back to Edward now. Thanks for watching.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Well, thank you, Kerry, Rick, Doc, Lord. There's some interesting stories about COVID in the headlines there. Eric Clapton. Eric Clapton and Van Morrison. Well, just the two of them together singing is enough. But that particular song, I mean, Eric Clapton had a health crisis here about two months ago now where he took the vaccine and got very, very ill, very, very sick. And so since then, he has gone the other direction. Beforehand, he was a pro vaccine. But since that experience, he has gone the other direction. Beforehand, he was pro-vaccine. But since that experience, he has gone the other direction. You saw the article there.
Starting point is 00:04:35 No, if there's a requirement for a vaccine for one of his shows, he's not going to show. Good for him. Yeah, good for Eric Clapton and Van Morrison. Let me tell you, one that happened today. The assistant coach of the Vikings, he lost his job today in the NFL. He refused to be vaccinated, Rick Dennison. And so he was shown the door. Now, so this is a high profile case of somebody refusing to be vaccinated with an experimental drug, which is being promoted to the public through medical misinformation, calling it a vaccine when it's not a vaccine. It's a symptom suppressor or a DNA changer, depending on which of the drugs you put in your body.
Starting point is 00:05:31 But he said, I don't want it. And so his job security was based entirely on whether he submitted to the pharmaceutical tyrants. Now, we're going to hear more of this, and this is already happening in many states. It's happening in hospitals and schools. And here in Florida, Florida Power and Electric, the big state utility, has told their employees, you must be vaccinated. If you refuse to be vaccinated, you have to be tested for COVID twice per week. Yes. We're going to make your life miserable.
Starting point is 00:06:16 You will not be able to work here unless you're vaccinated or you're tested twice per week. For how long? Forever? Right. When does this stop, the testing? Is it for six months? Is it six years, 60 years? Until they say when do the covid. Tyrants, when do they end the crisis? Right. There's no end to it. OK, so this is what I want people to. I want you to spread this piece of information. If your employer orders you to be vaccinated, here is your response. Pay attention. This is important. This is your response if you're ordered to be vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Before I give it to you, let me ask you, can you sue the pharmaceutical companies that manufactured these experimental drugs if you have an adverse reaction? From my understanding, no. That was put in place last year before. So they have immunity. Right. You can't sue the pharmaceutical companies. The judges will throw the lawsuit out. You can sue your employer.
Starting point is 00:07:28 We're forcing you to do something against your will that caused an adverse medical condition. So you need to tell your employer, if you force me to be vaccinated and I have a bad reaction, I'm suing you for the medical damages. And I'm going to use all of the federal laws and federal agencies such as OSHA. What is the purpose of OSHA? OSHA is to make sure that the workplace is safe for the employees. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Yes. If the employees are being forced to do something against their will, and it results in permanent physical damage to their bodies, paralysis. How about death? That's permanent. Cannot the employee or the employee's survivors appeal to OSHA and bring the power of the federal government in on that employer? What I'm telling you, if you tell your employer, if I have a bad reaction, I'm suing you.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Yeah, that thing you're telling me to get won't make me immune and you're not immune to my lawsuit. The employer is not immune. The pharmaceutical companies are immune from lawsuits, but your employer is not immune. Can't get vaccinated from liability. That's right. So let these big corporations start discussing it in their board rooms. You're right, Rick. I mean, I'm looking on OSHA right now. It says if an employer requires its employees to be vaccinated, adverse reactions to the vaccines are considered work related.
Starting point is 00:09:17 There you go, Doc. By OSHA, employers who require COVID-19 vaccines must notify OSHA within 24 hours of an employee's inpatient hospitalization resulting from an adverse reaction. Employers have to notify OSHA within 24 hours if an employee has an adverse reaction? Or within eight hours of the employee's death, which probably didn't help the employee much. I don't even know that. I'm looking at OSHA right now. There's your answer. I guarantee you there are employees that are out of accordance with that right there that didn't within eight hours for death.
Starting point is 00:09:54 And was it how many hours? 24 hours for hospitalization. So all these big companies that are rallying around the pharmaceutical companies and saying we will push the vaccines, we will force the employees to do it. You, my friend, put them on notice. If I am injured because of your requirement that I be vaccinated, I'm suing you or my survivors are going to sue you. So Rick Dennison, should he be suing the NFL? Yes. Well, he didn't have an adverse... He didn't take the vaccine or the gene serum or symptom suppressant. You know what's really odd? But he didn't say, Doc. He didn't tell them, hey, I'm going to sue you if I take this
Starting point is 00:10:43 vaccination. If he would have used that on them, hey, I'm going to sue you if I take this vaccination. If he would have used that on them, they would have backed down. This is what I'm saying. You have to use that tactic before they fire you because now it's part of the record. Oh, wait a minute. You fired the employee after the employee said that there would be legal liability. okay now the company lawyers are going to have to say wait a minute um the employee had already warned you right and the the legal um ramifications ramifications are not good for the employer now you know this, this situation with Rick Denison and with the Vikings, he can't get another job in the NFL. Okay. And it's required of all front office staff, all administrative staff within any of the teams, all coaches, but players are not held to that.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Players are not required to be vaccinated. You want to know why they have a union and their union is not allowing that to be mandated on players. But the unions supported Joe Biden. All right. I'm just saying. Wait a minute. And the NFL just came up with a rule. They're they're making it. So if just saying. Well, wait a minute. And the NFL just came up with a rule. They're making it. So if there is an outbreak, they're planning to hold the team responsible because if they had any vaccinated people on the team, they're blaming it on that individual. The NFL said that. But what Rick is saying is the NFL is not free from liability. If one of the players or one of the coaches before the firing says, I will sue you.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Yes, precisely. And on a side note, so what we have here is in the NFL, you have to be vaccinated, but you don't have to sing the national anthem. That's a good point. You can sing the black national anthem. Yes, but you don't have to sing the national anthem at the start of the game, but you must be vaccinated against your will. That shows you who the NFL serves. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:51 So why are men still watching football? Give it up. You have to say, I'm done with this stuff. I'm walking away from it. I'm done with this stuff. I'm walking away from it. I'm done. If you continue to participate in their in their matrix, their games. Yes, you deserve you deserve what they're giving you. But just use this tactic now. Threaten your employer with a lawsuit if they force you to be vaccinated. I'm telling you, they will not do it. They'll back down really fast.
Starting point is 00:13:27 And put your threat in writing. And that forces them to give your letter to their legal counsel. Now it's on record. I'm sure there's some lawyers listening to this, those that they don't like being called ambulance chases, but they definitely want to look for clients. This is a great. Absolutely. Yeah, come on out and defend the workers.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Let's do it. Look, these big corporations need to be put in their place. No. I was going to say something. Oh, were you? I think you're about to go there. I know. Now I'm intrigued.
Starting point is 00:14:00 I want to know what he was going to say. No, no. It's just somebody needs to put them in their place. They need to stop telling people they're paying for their space flights? I am pro-free enterprise. I'm not for the capitalist pigs like Bezos, whatever his name is. Lex Luthor. Huh?
Starting point is 00:14:19 Lex Luthor. Lex Luthor, yeah, you know. So, oh, little peons that work for me and I barely pay you enough money to feed your family. Thank you for making me so rich so I could go into outer space. How about, how about we take your wealth from you and give it to your workers? Okay. How about Jack Dorsey? Okay. How about we take your wealth from you and spread it around to the poor? I don't know. Take the money from the oppressors and give it to the oppressed. Some nights, I love that. Some nights, I dream that I entered the 2024 Republican primaries.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Just a dream. It's a dream. It's just a dream. I wake up and I go, that was a dream. And in the dream, my campaign slogan is communism for billionaires, freedom for everybody else. But it's just a dream. That sounds like a wedding platform. Just a dream. But in the dream, I'm in the Republican debates.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Do you think God's trying to tell you something? I don't know. I don't know. But the campaign slogan, I just see the signs. Communism for billionaires, freedom for everybody else. And it's like, wow, that would make an awesome campaign slogan in 2024. Somebody should do it. Somebody should get out there and scare the,
Starting point is 00:15:48 you know what, out of the billionaires, the tech tyrants, and put them in their place. And the way you put them in their place is strip them, take their wealth from them, take their power from them, and distribute it to the people and free the American people from their tyranny. And it's the American people from their tyranny. And it's tyranny. It is tyranny. Terror. Yes, it is tyranny.
Starting point is 00:16:10 And tyrants only understand one thing, and that is brute force. Tyranny to them. Yes. You have to terrorize with political power the tyrants that are threatening to enslave you. If these people get away with their plans, all of us here, our children, our grandchildren, our great-grandchildren will be enslaved for centuries. These people are tyrants and they're building a dystopian nightmare. And somebody should enter the 2024 primaries and run on a platform to give the billionaires pure communism and give freedom to all the other people. I'm telling you, it's a winning, it's a winning platform. And they think Trump swept into the White House in 2016. You watch what happens in 2024.
Starting point is 00:17:13 A true populist. Is it possible that we could see a Rick rally in 2023, 2024? This is just a dream, Doc. Remember, it's just a dream. Every time I see this stuff, it just makes me angry that people are losing their jobs because some pharmaceutical company is making a gazillion dollars off of these dangerous drugs that have killed thousands of people and paralyzed people, killed children with heart disease. Little infants are dying of
Starting point is 00:17:46 heart disease. A two-month-old just died during the trials. They were trying them out on infants. Yes. And it was reported yesterday, Pfizer. Yeah. It's genocide. Okay, so in 2024, if I did enter the Republican primaries in 2024 and I won the nomination, would I be running against incumbent Joe Biden? I would say at this point, probably not, because it appears that President Biden is deteriorating quickly. You don't think he'll make it to 2024 and run for the election? I don't know if he'll make it past the weekend sometimes. It's going to be weekend at the Bidens here pretty soon. But just his performance this past week at the town hall, there were some moments where it really was kind of frightening.
Starting point is 00:18:39 He seemed to have a disconnect in memory. He was recalling answering questions that he wasn't asked. And Don Lemon just let it go. One thing Don Lemon should have asked President Biden is, are you OK? He didn't ask that. And so but it was a rough week. Doc, I don't think this is a new development. I think this is the condition Joe Biden was in in 2020 and they kept him in the basement. Remember, we had a rigged election. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:09 It was a rigged election. They kept the candidate in the basement because they couldn't let anybody see him. But it didn't matter if that person campaigned. The election had already been decided. He was rigged. Yeah. He didn't campaign because he didn't have to campaign. And the few times he came out, he only had 20 or 30, 40 people. It was ridiculous. He couldn't even fill up a car parking lot. And they want us
Starting point is 00:19:31 all to believe that he won the election. And yet, Donald Trump had tens of thousands of people. One was 50,000, 60,000 people. In the freezing rain. Yes. And Joe Biden comes out once in a while, and there's 30 people. It was a rigged election.
Starting point is 00:19:51 But I didn't see the town hall, but I heard a lot about it. So, Doc, what was his condition? Well, there were times where he seemed to lose track of what he was saying. There were moments where it just seemed like there was a genuine disconnect. Now, I want to have some pity on the man because it's obvious they've propped him up to just be a puppet for Barack Obama for all of this. But I think the best thing to do is just show our audience just one episode from this past week for the half-empty town hall that President Joe Biden held. That's underway, just like the other question that's illogical. And I've heard you speak about it because you always, I'm not being solicitous, but you're always straight up about what you're doing. And the question is whether or not we should be in a position where you are.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Why can't the the the experts say we know that this virus is in fact it's going to be our. We know why all the drugs approved are not temporarily approved but permanently approved. That's underway too I expect that to occur quickly. You mean for the FDA? For the FDA. I had to hop in on that and be like
Starting point is 00:21:16 this is what you mean right? They were kind of carrying him through the segment. As somebody who lived under Joe Biden, he was my senator all my life. And I can tell you, like, it's like common knowledge. Everybody knows that something's way off. He is not the sharp person he used to be. He used to be sharp.
Starting point is 00:21:32 You know what I'm saying? His politics actually used to not be that bad. I don't recognize this guy. Look at videos of Joe Biden in his last year as vice president. Yeah. He's a nobody home. And it's kind of common knowledge. It's not common knowledge that he has cognitive.
Starting point is 00:21:47 I'll be honest with you. I've seen pictures of him back when he was a bald-headed senator. And pictures now, after he's had implants and everything else, they don't even look like the same person. He does look different. They look significantly different. I'm not saying that he was replaced or anything like that. I'm just saying he's a different guy in a lot of ways. Miller-Clipson had a double.
Starting point is 00:22:09 But one of the other things that we've already talked about earlier this week, that President Biden made the remark about drinking baby blood at the town hall. Probably if you were playing Biden bingo at home, baby blood was probably not on your bingo sheet that night, but it did pop up. I don't know of any political advisor who would tell a president, make sure you bring up baby blood at least twice in 24 hours. Which he did, because not only at the town hall, but afterwards. I don't know if this was immediately after the town hall or if it was the next night, but he's on the tarmac getting ready to depart, and he's confronted by a reporter.
Starting point is 00:22:56 I'm not sure which outlet it was, but he has a very aggressive response to the reporter. Once again, these guys are just obsessed with baby blood. So let's watch this. Are there people in the Democratic Party who think we're sucking the blood out of kids? I'm not sure. Are there people in the Democratic Party who want this? Mr. President. What? What? So the reporter asked a genuine question.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Are there Democrats in the Democratic Party who want to defund the police? I can answer that. Yes, there are. But he wouldn't respond to that. He can't respond to it because if he affirms it, then, you know, he's also endorsing it that way. If he denies it, then he loses part of his Democratic base on it. So what does he do? He deflects and he goes to, oh, this worked at the town hall. Hey, baby blood. So it really I don't know where his mind is going, Rick. I don't either.
Starting point is 00:24:06 But, you know, I've never accused Joe Biden of drinking baby blood. I have accused him and his son Hunter of being corrupt. Now that I'll stand on. Yeah. And it's always been Hillary Clinton. That was the thing. Nobody ever thought that Joe Biden was one of the people. I mean, he was sniffing little kids.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Everybody saw that, you know, doing really inappropriate things with children publicly. And the corruption. Yeah. But with Hillary Clinton, it was that was the thing. I don't know why Joe Biden feels the need to keep bringing it up and denying it. It's just very bizarre. And I mean, it's bizarre. Twice in one night, twice in 24 hours. Yes, yes. But he is corrupt. And he's compromised in his business relationships with Communist China. His son, Hunter, is just thoroughly corrupt. And I said last year during the campaign, and I still believe it today, that Joe Biden corrupted his son. I believe he corrupted his son. I believe he corrupted his son. I believe he turned his son into a basically a political prostitute to get the business deals and bring the money home to Papa
Starting point is 00:25:20 Joe. He pimped his son out. Yes, he did. He pimped his son. And even Hunter in the one email blamed his father and said, you did this to me. And in a text message that was found by the Daily Mail, Joe Biden acknowledged that. He lamented that he had turned his own son into an addict by the way he used him. Well, really, he said that your mother and I pass that on to you. Yes. So there must be some type of addictive characteristics in the Biden family, which, listen, in that case, they need help. And the help is through Jesus Christ. The help is through the Holy Spirit.
Starting point is 00:26:01 We're not condemning them, not condemning anybody for dealing with addictions. OK, so that's not the issue. But when a father deliberately pushes a sibling to do destructive behavior because it's going to financially benefit or politically benefit, that's the thing that's sick. And Joe Biden turned Hunter Biden into a drug addict, political pimp for business deals in China and Ukraine. And nobody will investigate it because the FBI is corrupt. The Justice Department is corrupt. The whole system is corrupt. That's why we got to have somebody who will just tear down the corrupt
Starting point is 00:26:46 system. I mean, that's where we're at. You're going to have to tear down the corrupt system. It can't be fixed. It cannot be fixed. It has to be torn down and rebuilt. The republic itself, the constitutional republic has been captured and is held hostage by a criminal cabal that is in both political parties yes they're in both parties and it somebody has got to take it on uh but whoever does it is going to be um savagely uh slandered and attacked and maybe killed. I mean, there's this thing, this thing that has our country is so evil and wicked, it knows no limit in the crimes it will commit.
Starting point is 00:27:33 And the people know that. Again, the public isn't ignorant to this. Politicians may be trying to gaslight the public out of these beliefs, out of these discernments of reality. But the public is aware of this. And evidence of this, the subject of Joe Biden having cognitive disabilities, is clear in even the response to the town hall. I saw this and did a double take. It's always interesting seeing sometimes the political commentary after these events. The Babylon Bee, everyone has seen this website. A satire site.
Starting point is 00:28:07 A satire website. What they posted the night after, after people watched their president fumble through questions on foreign policy, fumble through questions on how to deal with the rampant crime throughout the nation, including shootings in the Capitol last night. They said that this was actually a public service announcement on CNN for an hour about dementia. But that's the thing. We joke about it. It's become common knowledge.
Starting point is 00:28:35 The king's mad. When we had a revolution here in this country in 1776, they called King George mad. He had to be mad, too. Edward, in the Kremlin in Moscow and in Beijing, what are the Chinese and Russian war planners saying and thinking about the man who's sitting in the White House with his hand on the nuclear football? Listen, we only have to worry about the two other nuclear footballs. That one right there, he's not even controlling it. But we do have to be worried about the person with him and his entourage, the Jared Kushner for the Bidens, that I don't think we've met just yet, unless we're going to say it's Obama. I think they're saying America is not being run by Joe Biden. And you know what? We probably should start actually negotiating or speaking with
Starting point is 00:29:25 the real rulers of this nuclear armed power. Do you think they know who's running the country? I think they have the suspicions. I don't think the Russians, for example, during the standoff with the Black Sea, were relying on phone calls with Joe Biden to de-escalate it. I think they did speak with the Henry Kissinger of the Biden administration. I believe they were communicating with him. I think the public is told, obviously, that Joe Biden is the leader
Starting point is 00:29:52 because you have to look to a figurehead. But when war is at risk, I don't think the countries are sitting or playing that game. How could they? I saw a quote by Vladimir Putin, I think it was last year. It was in one of the Russian newspapers and I had translated it, you know, Google translation.
Starting point is 00:30:11 And Mr. Putin said something like, we know that the president of the United States doesn't run the country, that the presidents change, but the same group of people remain in power. Now, that's a loose translation of what he said, but Mr. Putin was saying, we don't even take seriously the man in the White House. They've got their own shadow government. Yeah. These politicians are selected, not elected. That's right.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Well, it's interesting. What do we say about the Russians and the Chinese? I'm saying the official, you know, talking points in the country are that Russia is a mafia state. Russia's run by killers. Russia has, the president isn't really controlled there. They have many Manchurians, many communists there. Same with China. But we don't, you know, internally try to sell this out to the public. No, that's not how America works. Again, the public's not stupid. They watched the debacle last year with the election and they watched the debacle on Wednesday. And you know who else watched it was the former White House doctor, Representative of Texas, Ronny Jackson. Now, he was the doctor for both Barack Obama and President Trump. And what he's asking for is to examine Joe Biden.
Starting point is 00:31:31 He says he's a national security threat. Dr. Jackson was a doctor for Obama also? Yes. I forgot about that. Yes, he was. I thought he was only for Donald Trump. Well, that's a great example here of how they've gaslighted the public. Because Ronny Jackson.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Because the media always said Trump's doctor. Yeah, Trump's doctor. No, he was a career serviceman. He was in the military. And he served Barack Obama honorably. But they always try to deflect away from that. But in this, he is saying, and he would have seen Joe Biden during Barack Obama's term. Think about this. He actually has, he's qualified to say there has been serious changes in this man. That's true. That's true. Because he would have examined him. He would have been in
Starting point is 00:32:16 rooms and meetings in the White House where Joe Biden was sitting there conversing, talking, and he watches him now on television and says something's wrong. Right. We have a, we got a sound bite from Dr. Jackson. Yes, he was on Fox News discussing what he fears may be the beginning of a 25th amendment push. What is happening right now?
Starting point is 00:32:41 Where are the people in our academic medicine that were out there calling for, for president Trump to have a cognitive test. Where are these people? There's something seriously going on with this man right now. And you know, I think that he's either going to, he's either going to resign, they're going to convince him to resign from office at some point in the near future for medical issues, or they're going to have to use the 25th amendment to get rid of this man right now. There's some serious stuff going on right now. And if they do that, it'll be the president's cabinet that initiates that. And if you got to imagine if you're a cabinet member right now, if you're the president's secretary
Starting point is 00:33:11 of defense or secretary of treasury or his attorney general, you have to be looking at him right now and thinking to yourself, like what is going on? Can I take direction from this man right now? And, and I think that's going to start happening pretty soon. I think there's going to be some serious pushback from the white house and from the left to do something about what's going on. Because you mentioned in your opening, this is a national security issue at this point, Sean, it really is. He might have just alluded to something here. Maybe it was just commentary, but do you see the officials he pointed out here that might be discussing the 25th amendment? The treasury secretary, Janet Yellen.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Do you think she has allegiance to Joe Biden? Do you think she has any qualms if it were the globalist way or the globalist intent to get rid of him? The general, General Austin, he served Barack Obama. OK, Merrick Garland, the attorney general is the other person that Ron and Jackson mentioned there. All officials that I would go out on a limb and say, they're all Obama people. Yes. And I just think it's ironic that a year ago, they were using the same tactic on Donald Trump. They were invoking the 25th Amendment. And he was mentally unstable. That's right. And they were going through the litany of cabinet members and everything. Will Mike Pence finally step up, you know, and, and, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:25 call out president Trump and invoke the 25th amendment. We went through all that, but Rick, I remember sitting on this very set and you said that, you know, they're trying this on Donald Trump, but they will do it on a Democrat president first. Yes. And we, last year, if Biden is elected, he he will most likely resign by December of 2021. And here we are now. We're at late July. And now the media is talking about a possible resignation or removal from office. Dick Morris, who was the campaign advisor to the Clintons, and finally Dick Morris just said he couldn't take anymore the corruption and he broke away from the corrupt Clinton regime and began speaking his mind. He pointed out something that, do you remember, it's been weeks ago,
Starting point is 00:35:27 there was a lot of negative stories coming out about Vice President Kamala Harris. And his theory is the negative attacks were actually being leaked by the Biden supporters in the White House to make voters not excited about Kamala Harris becoming the president. Well in fact that New York Times article that Dick Morris refers to in this article Newsmax said that Kamala Harris is not ready for primetime. Those were the words. She's not ready for primetime. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:36:09 You put her on the ticket. Yes. That is primetime. That is primetime. That's what primetime is. You're on the presidential ticket. Dick Morris' theory is, and actually I trust Dick Morris and his political savvy on this. I wonder if he'd manage my campaign.
Starting point is 00:36:26 You know, he might just do it. And so, but basically what he's saying is that the leaks to the New York Times came from Biden aides, came from people close to Joe Biden to sort of, and he used the word, and one of my favorite words that Dick Morris uses when it comes to- Inoculation? Inoculation. Inoculation is feeding negative stories out about others.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Not bad, just a little negative. Sort of like when you get a true vaccine, they have a little bit of the virus in it and it makes you be able to fight the big vaccine. Have an immune response to it. Have an immune response. If there's some left over. How does that work in politics? Well, in politics, depending on which side that you're deflecting on.
Starting point is 00:37:16 So for instance, Dick Morris, I read his book, Triangulation, and he said specifically, we would leak purposely negative stories out about the Clintons. Mild ones, you know. But that was for the purpose of deflecting them from the larger negatives. Like the Spice scandal? But in their political opponents, they would also do the same thing. And then they would speak to the press and say, you know, you really should follow up on this. And so it was, depending on how it was used, but it was the same thing. It was the idea of inoculation. One, you're inoculating to defend yourself against negative stories. The other, you're giving them the disease.
Starting point is 00:38:01 So it's interesting how this is playing out, fact that dick morris uh you know i spoke about but he would also spoke more recently uh on newsmax about how he feels like this is coming up quickly to an opportunity for the 25th amendment to be invoked on president joe biden which would empower the 25th amendment of the Constitution of the United States, empowers the cabinet to take action to remove the president if the cabinet believes that the president is unable to fulfill his presidential duties. Here's Dick Morris on Newsmax. What's going on is unbelievably interesting. They are the Biden administration
Starting point is 00:38:48 is marginalizing its own vice president and dumping on her. Two weeks ago, there was a big story that Harris's aides say she's not ready to be president and that she's not disciplined and not doing her homework. And that couldn't have come from Harris's people. They're not going to kill their own meal ticket. It had to have come from the Biden people. And I think the reason they're doing this is that they're worried that as Biden's dementia worsens and becomes more and more apparent, the push for the 25th Amendment to make Harris acting president is going to accelerate. And I think they're sending these negative shots at Harris as shots across her bow to basically say, back off, kid, otherwise we'll really fry you.
Starting point is 00:39:32 And also to invoke the Spiro Agnew insurance policy. I don't know if you have a cop policy, but it was one that Richard Nixon took out in 68 when he was facing impeachment. And the idea was Agnew was so terrible, nobody would want him to be president. So they'll leave Nixon in. And that, I think, is wasn't good, especially when she went to Texas. And remember the gotcha moment with Lester Holt on NBC, where he asked Kamala Harris about when she's going to the border i think that was meant once again to you know rein her in to humiliate her you see it works that way too in the democrat side uh so you got to humiliate them to you know say now's not the time um but uh you know there's been a
Starting point is 00:40:41 plan in place to invoke the 25th Amendment for those that are in deep power. Remember back in October when Nancy Pelosi announced that they were establishing a commission on presidential capacity? This was back in October. Now, of course, this was supposed to be targeted toward Donald Trump. But there's, I went through the... this was supposed to be targeted toward Donald Trump. But Donald Trump came out publicly and said, this isn't about removing me. This is about Nancy Pelosi removing Joe Biden. That's right.
Starting point is 00:41:16 In fact, in January of this year, before the inauguration, U.S. News and World Report published a story, Donald Trump, 25th Amendment, zero risk to me, which proved to be true, but will haunt Joe Biden. Might be a bit prophetic, right, Rick? That's right. Donald Trump was
Starting point is 00:41:38 accurate in his analysis of what Nancy Pelosi was up to. And we also have video of President Trump saying that as well. Congress has a constitutional duty to lay out the process by which a president's incapacity and the president of any party is determined.
Starting point is 00:42:00 This bill honors the duty by creating a standing commission of top former executive officials and medical experts selected in a bipartisan, bicameral way. A president's fitness for office must be determined by science and facts. This legislation applies to future presidents. But we are reminded of the necessity of action by the health of the current president. That was Nancy Pelosi. And I think, Billy, the response was on Twitter from President Trump, or at least in statement. What was interesting here, you notice that big blop she had of the 25th Amendment. We'd spoken about this at the time.
Starting point is 00:42:42 I think the Democrats caught on and they needed a commission because of the specific wording in the Constitution. You technically could expand, in theory, your cabinet. If you're a president and you're under siege, we spoke about President Trump doing this. Joe Biden would have had a defense. If they ever get this commission through, they might take away his ability to expand his own cabinet to ensure he doesn't get a majority vote to remove him. Now, this is all political theory, of course, but the commission she talked about putting in place is the other end of the 25th Amendment. It is technically in the Constitution. They've never done this, but it is a way for the deep state officials, both parties, to control a president and control the White House. To have a veto board.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Yes. Mr. President, if you don't do what we tell you, we're going to convene the veto board and we're going to veto you and we're going to remove you from the office. Right. Well, they knew this all along. That's why they kept him in the basement the whole time. They knew they couldn't let him out in the public on his own. You know, he's barely struggling through a town hall.
Starting point is 00:43:46 You know, they knew this. And now they've got three more years of this. Yes. And what's he going to do in 2022 when he has to go out there and campaign in the fake elections of 2022? Right. But what we're seeing different this time, I mean, the Democrats are trying to use this tactic against Republican Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:44:06 But now you see Democrats, and this is a big trend that's going around now, Democrats now saying maybe the 25th Amendment is necessary. In fact, here's a poll, a conservative brief is reporting on this. You know, the fake news out there all the time says, you know, oh, so many Republicans believe that Joe Biden didn't win the election fairly. Well, 10% of Democrats don't believe Joe Biden won the election, Rick. It's a Rasmussen poll. This isn't just a poll on Twitter. And if the audits continue in Arizona and Pennsylvania and other states by next year, probably about 30 percent of the Democrats will believe that it was a rigged election.
Starting point is 00:44:51 And these are complete Joe Biden supporters who are in denial of an election overall, usually. But this is a significant number and it's going to grow. I'm old enough to still remember the responses from Democrats after the election to say, I don't care if it was rigged. Whatever we have to do to get rid of President Trump. Remember that? They quickly put a stamp on that because said, oh, you need to shut up because you're actually giving it away. I think we can say with some confidence Joe Biden is on his way out. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Which means. Go ahead, Doc. Well, which means we have to now deal with a President Kamala Harris. My internal political weather vein picked it up this week. I really don't watch very much news anymore. I do listen in my vehicle in the morning as I'm driving here. And, of course, at night I scan some news articles at night at my home. But my internal political weather vane this week picked up a breeze.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Okay. The media is now openly talking about removing Joe Biden. Yes. That is a clear signal that the memo has gone out. Prepare the American public for the political demise of Joe Biden. So over the next several months, I'm sure people around Mr. Biden are going to urge him to resign and say, Joe, look, you're in the history books. You did it. You ran for president 400 times. He started running for president. I think 1980, 1980, I think the first time he ran for president I think 1980 I think it was the first time he ran for president Back when he was bald
Starting point is 00:46:50 Yeah Back before he had the Transplants from his rear end That's a true story He's got butt hair on his head My nickname for him was Butt Hair Biden Are you serious? I'm serious because I lived in Maryland.
Starting point is 00:47:06 I knew that. You didn't know this about your representative? I didn't know that. I was wondering where the hair came from. I will have to say it does look good. But, hey, where he gets his hair, that's his personal business. Okay. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:47:22 That's the funniest thing you said all day. So, butt. Oh, I don't want to say but. But you did. Too late now. Now I'm having a senior moment. I'm trying to remember where I was going with this. I think the people around him are going to try to persuade him, sign the paper. Right. You've made it to the White House you're in
Starting point is 00:47:45 the history books you did it Joe you did it okay you can go home knowing you're you were the president United States go home with the pension and everything yeah you know enjoy all the money your son raised for you around the world right his legacy is him rambling in front of a teleprompter, half, like, not there. You know, that is the Joe Biden legacy. So I'm curious how they're going to push him out. Are they going to allow him to keep his pride?
Starting point is 00:48:14 His family. Well, Joe Biden is responsible for all this. You know, she wanted to be the first lady so badly. She wanted to be on the cover of Vogue so badly. She ran around her demented husband, like when he should be sitting at home in the rocking chair. She's a big fan of the cops, too. Yes.
Starting point is 00:48:29 But the most influential persuasion always comes from relatives. And so they will use his relatives to say, Dad, or Jill will say, Joe, look, your health is declining. We care about you. We don't want your enemies to use your health against you. Let's just go home. Step out gracefully. Yeah. Step out gracefully.
Starting point is 00:49:07 You did it. You did it. You won. You won the presidency. Go home. Let's go home and be a family. I think that's the tactic that they're going to use. If that doesn't work, then the 25th Amendment. They're not going to do the 25th Amendment next week. That's not going to happen. No. Maybe next year. But the fact that they planted the seeds out there. Yes. And this is the mass media doing, the fake media planting these seeds.
Starting point is 00:49:33 That's to tell the family, you need to do your job and get him out gracefully. Right. They're preparing the way, so it's publicly popular idea is what it is. Now the question is, let me ask you this Lauren, if Kamala Harris is moved into the Oval Office as the President of the United States, she gets to appoint a Vice President, who would she appoint?
Starting point is 00:50:04 That's a good question. You know, people are already, I mean, I saw an article that came out recently. If we could pull up number 14, it was asking an interesting question. Who will Kamala Harris pick as VP if she decides to run in 2024? Well, they're already talking about names and mentioning names like Bernie Sanders. Or if she wants to run with Kamala Harris. They're already not even 80 something now. Yeah, they're already. Well, they're already preparing the way for Joe Biden not running a second term. He's 82 years old. You know, they in this article
Starting point is 00:50:35 is that, of course, Harris certainly tops the list of Democratic presidential hopefuls in 2024, not Biden. If Biden decides to step aside, a prediction that experts from both sides of the aisle have echoed as he'll be 82 years old come the next general election. So they're already preparing the way. I didn't realize that he'd be 82 at the next election. He's the oldest president of U.S. history. Yes. Wow. But let's just assume he's not even going to be in the White House. For Christmas. I think, you know, I've always thought he won't make it till the end of this year. He'd possibly go into, but they got an election. They've got a fake election they got to win in 2022.
Starting point is 00:51:17 And they need all the appearance of being legit. Okay. How are you going to take out onto the campaign trail? An 82-year-old, 82-year-old man. Well, you know, it won't be 82 next year, but how are they going to take him? He'll be, what, 80? 79. 79?
Starting point is 00:51:36 How are they going to take him out and have him on the campaign trail? You're going to have Donald Trump out there campaigning, trying to become the Speaker of the House, okay? Yeah, he said that as a possibility. Which we predicted. Yes, we did. That's another one we predicted. Donald Trump becomes Speaker of the House.
Starting point is 00:51:54 And he doesn't even have to be elected to the House for that to happen. The House, if the Republicans get control, they can choose anybody that they want. They can choose the Easter Bunny to be the Speaker. So they can't- Well, it has to be a to be the speaker. It has to be a real person. Huh? It has to be a real person. It does? It can't be the Easter Bunny.
Starting point is 00:52:10 But it doesn't have to be a member of Congress. Right. The Constitution says that. A member of Congress. Okay. So you're going to have Donald Trump out there campaigning next year. They need the president of the United States. The most powerful person in an off-year election is the sitting president of the party in power. Right. That endorsement is powerful.
Starting point is 00:52:36 So during the campaign, the few times that Joe Biden talked, he didn't even know he was running for president. He kept talking about President Harris. You know, there are already articles, I didn't make the connection until just now, there are already articles coming out this week that the Democrats fear losing the House in 2024. They will, if the elections are anywhere close to being fair. They're going to be much more difficult. They need all the juice they can get. Right. But if elections mattered and our votes counted, they would have never made Kamala Harris
Starting point is 00:53:11 VP. They would have picked somebody from the Bible Belt. The fact that they picked somebody with a one percent popularity rate within the Democrat primaries from deep, dark blue California just goes to show that our vote did not matter, no matter what, in 2020. If they were taking the election seriously, they would have picked somebody from the Bible Belt. They would have picked Stacey Abrams over Kamala Harris. Again, let's say by December, Joe Biden has left the White House, either resignation or 25th Amendment. Kamala Harris is sworn in. She's sworn in.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Who does Kamala Harris appoint as vice president? My guess, maybe Bernie. Maybe Bernie Sanders. I know. It would be a radical leftist. Maybe Nancy Pelosi. Maybe she would go there. Nancy Pelosi. She has more power as speaker. How about Hillary Clinton? Hillary Clinton.
Starting point is 00:54:10 That's the one. That's who it'll be. I'd like to think Kamala Harris is smart enough to not pick someone that might kill her. True. I think Cory Booker. Hey, he reads the Talmud and he's a Kabbalah student. You've got a lot of boxes. I'll go to you guys one better.
Starting point is 00:54:28 How about Barack Obama? Oh, boy. Would that even be constitutional? Constitutionally, can that happen? I don't know if it prohibits it. That's the question. Can a former president serve as a vice president? Of course he can.
Starting point is 00:54:43 But can he assume the presidency at the president is removed yet and it the constitution says president uh... is can only be elected so is a selected as well you know cuz i i still remember an episode and this is really a date me of Morton Downey Jr. in his talk show where they were talking about how Ronald Reagan could serve a third term.
Starting point is 00:55:12 And so they had a constitutional expert on the show. He said, well, what could happen is that George Bush Sr. could make Ronald Reagan his vice president. And then after he's sworn in you know step down and let Ronald Reagan be president serve a third term so I still remember that expert not not that Morton Downey jr. was an expert but the supposed constitutional expert was yeah remember Joe Pine yes I remember Joe Pine? Yes, I remember Joe Pine. You do? Yes.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Oh, man. We're really dating ourselves today, Rick. You would have loved Joe Pine. I've never even heard of him. We're talking about the Stone Age. I've got some of you. I've got a curveball on this. Is it possible that the military could step in and cancel the election? Because I'll tell you what, that's what's being discussed and threatened in brazil right now
Starting point is 00:56:05 oh brazil here is carrie kinsey with our second headlines and that story welcome to true news headlines i'm carrie kinsey huff post says the top brazilian general backs Bolsonaro's effort to undermine the 2022 elections. Brazil's defense minister suggested canceling the elections if changes aren't made to address the president's claims about voter fraud. General Walter Braga Netto told congressional leaders that there would be no elections in 2022 if the vote cannot be inspected and printed. Brazilians worry that Bolsonaro is laying the groundwork for his own version of a January 6th event. The Guardian says the U.S. is putting together a task force to find out why 100 CIA officers
Starting point is 00:56:58 and family members are among 200 officials in Ken sickened by Havana syndrome. That, according to the CIA director. Now, it's a mysterious set of ailments that includes migraines, dizziness and memory lapses. It gets its name because it was first reported by U.S. officials based in the U.S. embassy in Cuba in 2016. For information on this story and more, please visit our companion website. It's a good one. It's called U.S. News says Reuters is reporting that one of those who participated in the January 6th event at the U.S. Capitol is negotiating a possible plea deal with prosecutors. Jacob Chansley, otherwise known as QAnon Shaman,
Starting point is 00:57:48 was photographed inside the Capitol wearing a horned headdress, shirtless and heavily tattooed. Prison psychologists say he suffers from a variety of mental illnesses. The advocate says the first week of Ed Buck's federal trial in L.A. closed with disturbing evidence that left the jury shaken. Buck, a once prominent businessman and Democratic donor, faces nine federal felony counts. He is accused with being involved in the deaths of two men inside his West Hollywood apartment, stemming from overdose of drugs. And clearly this has been an issue for quite some time. The men's death, Jamel Moore and Timothy Dean,
Starting point is 00:58:35 happened roughly two years apart from each other. The first in Moore's case in 2017 and then Dean in 2019. Now, prosecutors say Ed Buck operated a drug house and lured men in with cash and drugs for days-long party and play sessions. They also say that Buck intentionally overdosed several victims, injecting them with crystal meth. Now, he would allegedly meet these men on gay hookup sites online, preferring vulnerable black gay men. Now Jasmine Kanick of The Advocate calls Bach Jeffrey Dahmer 2.0, referencing the Wisconsin serial killer and cannibal who often targeted fellow gay men. That's a look at True News headlines. Let's toss it back to Edward now.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Thanks for watching. Thank you, Kerry. You know, the Democrats love to call everyone right of Marx racist, but it's their own mega donor that was drugging and leading to the deaths of young black men. I'll tell you what. Ed Buck is he was he's a big Democratic Party fundraiser, obviously a homosexual, a predator, a very sexually violent man. He's been protected by the Democratic Party in California. Who was the attorney general of California? Kamala Harris. Did she not prosecute him? Certainly. I mean, how much money did she get from his bank account? Somebody ought to look into that. You know, Joe Biden said, well, hey, the Republicans are saying that we Democrats drink baby blood. Mr. Biden, your Democratic Party fundraisers rape people. And kill them.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Harvey Weinstein is another one. Drug them and kill them. And kill people. By the way, Harvey Weinstein, you know where he's at today? Where? He's in California. He's facing trial in L.A., right? That's right.
Starting point is 01:00:39 He was extradited to trial out in California. So he is out in sunny California right now. He's not going to prison. Oh, I don't believe he is. They have trials, but he's not going to prison. Watch how they, somehow they're going to spring him free, just like Bill Cosby got set free. Cosby spent some time in prison, but they got him out, didn't they? Sexual perverts in this country are legally protected by the criminal cabal that runs this country.
Starting point is 01:01:08 They're a protected class. Yes. And actually, if you speak out against it, you're a terrorist, actually. Quite the opposite. There's the case with Ed Buck. Has been raping and killing young black men for many, many years, and the Democratic Party machine in California protected him. Yes, they did.
Starting point is 01:01:31 They overlooked everything that they knew was going on. They all knew it. And they overlooked it because he funded their campaigns. He funded whatever, probably, he probably gave money to the PACs that donated to people like Kamala Harris and stuff like that as the way they do it. But they all know it, so they overlook the fact that he, what did you say they're calling him Jeffrey Dahmer 2.0? So is it possible that he was eating these people? If they're saying that, is that a possibility? Are they now saying he was eating them?
Starting point is 01:01:58 They're not saying he was eating them, but they are calling him Jeffrey Dahmer 2.0. So I think what Lauren is saying is the evidence might be leaned toward it's more than just drugging and killing. Yeah. Well, there's a lot of mothers and wives that have been left widowed and have been left without their sons because of Ed Buck. But the Democrats seem to be more worried about the mothers and wives who have to face inflation at the supermarkets. Right now, the economy has been directly impacted by the
Starting point is 01:02:27 trillions of dollars of stimulus, you know, stimmy checks that President Trump started. Well, Joe Biden took that well past the bank. And that's now actually hitting the bank accounts of average Americans. You can see the inflation. It's visible now. I've not seen this for many, many years. I've lived through some very steep inflationary times. Those of us who remember the days of Jimmy Carter, that's probably, in my lifetime, the worst economic conditions I've ever been in. It was like 15% mortgage rates? Oh, that was a good day. Those? Oh, oh, but like- That was a deal. That was a good day.
Starting point is 01:03:06 That was a good day. So no, more like 24%. 24%. I mean, that's like bookie rates there, you know? Yeah. Carter, Jimmy Carter just absolutely butchered the American economy in one term. And that's why Ronald Reagan won. People were like, we got to get Carter out of there so we can straighten out the economy. So now Joe Biden
Starting point is 01:03:32 and Kamala Harris are now presiding over the biggest spike in prices in decades. And I don't know if you noticed, there's talk also of removing Mr. Powell as chairman of the Fed. That's interesting. Yeah. Yeah, there's some... Because they want to get those interest rates going back up.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Yes. He's not moving fast enough on it. But where we're really seeing the inflation is... Food. Is food. Yes. Food is skyrocketing right now.
Starting point is 01:04:04 And this story just came out. Ooh, chicken wings. Forget the headline, Doc. I'm sorry. Food prices could spike 14% by October. A supermarket chain owner says it's already forcing restaurants to push up their prices. I also read that food processors are stockpiling raw inventory. Yes.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Because they're trying to get ahead of the price increases that are coming. But that only lasts for a few months. Right. So they buy things cheaper now because they know it's going to be higher later when they have to purchase it. So, I mean, it's a smart move. But they're talking about significant. I don't want processing plants storing up raw meat and raw materials and then selling me meat that maybe is 8 to 12 months old.
Starting point is 01:04:51 But when it comes to this, they are storing up certain products. I mean, one of the areas that are being hit, other than the basic consumer, those who work in a service industry, have a fixed wage. For food, bacon is up 15.6 percent. Whole milk is up 11.2 percent. Eggs, 5.7. Ground coffee, 1.9 percent. Even bananas are up 1.2 percent. This is not even factoring in the impact from drought out in California, where a lot of our produce is produced, and also South and Central America, where they're facing. Yeah, and this is the spike in prices compared to the summer of last year under Donald Trump.
Starting point is 01:05:33 So this is what we have now under the summer, in the summer of Joe Biden. You know, this only affects the poor people and the working class. I worked, I was working at a deli for a small, you know, family before Rick was gracious enough to give me a job. And nothing was more sad than watching them have to reprint menus every other week because the prices kept going up because they couldn't afford to buy the food because the prices on everything was going up. And they were just like a kind Muslim family here in the United States. And they couldn't even like afford to keep up. They had to keep reprinting and nothing is more sad. And it's just affecting ordinary, normal people here in the United States. And it's
Starting point is 01:06:14 going to be devastating. You want to know why you ran for the U.S. Senate? I'm going to show you why this is happening. We're going to go back to, well, this is the current bill that the Democrats are pushing. It's CNBC Democrats $3.5 trillion budget package, funds family programs, clean energy, and Medicare expansion. Also funds a lot of leftist political agenda items. $3.5 trillion that the U.S. government doesn't have. Where does the money come from? The Federal Reserve will expand the money supply. I heard today that the money supply right now in the summer of 21 is up 35%. They just printed an extra 35% of bills?
Starting point is 01:07:13 There's 35%. Or just typed it. Yes. Yeah, they're just digits. They're just digits. But the money supply of U.S. dollars. Why is that important, Rick? Because that's what causes the inflation.
Starting point is 01:07:35 Anybody that has any concept of sound monetary policy, fiscal policy, the Republican Party was always, in my youth, this Republican Party was the party of sound fiscal policy. Conservatives. That's why they were called conservatives. Balanced budget, never spending more than you take in. Line item vetoes. Line item vetoes, you know, cutting the size of government. Right. Making government smaller. That's not the Republican Party today. No, the Republican Party today is the one that gave us the first stimulus last year. Yes, yes. They're socialism lite. Yeah. So Donald Trump spent trillions of dollars that we didn't have.
Starting point is 01:08:13 Now come along the Democrats and Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, they want to outdo Donald Trump. Look, Donald Trump was a man of debt. He built his business empire on debt. He loves debt. He saw nothing wrong with the U.S. government going into debt. He built his business empire on debt. He loves debt. He saw nothing wrong with the U.S. government going into debt. That was different than the traditional Republican Party. Ronald Reagan fought hard for a balanced budget. It never was passed. He wanted an amendment. I say fought hard for, he fought hard for a balanced budget amendment
Starting point is 01:08:45 to the Constitution, that it would be constitutionally required that the Congress pass a budget that balanced every year. And if you wanted to spend this much money, you had to raise taxes. And he knew they'll never raise the taxes to fund their spending because they would be thrown out of office. Right. So the only thing that they could do is keep the size of government down to keep the taxes down. He could never get that amendment passed. Nobody even talks about it today. It's not even, I don't think it's even in the Republican Party platform anymore.
Starting point is 01:09:23 They don't want a balanced budget. They're not following anything in that platform anymore. We're in the new, what do they call this, the new monetary theory? Right. Which is? Quantitative easings, unlimited. Just unlimited, you know, inflating of money, you know, the money supply. So now, exactly what sound monetary theorists warn what happened is happening.
Starting point is 01:09:45 The prices are skyrocketing. And they're saying that the next three months, we should brace for extreme, rapid inflation. Oh, they call it hyperinflation? That's really what it is. Because that's dirty. You can't say hyper. They had it in the Weimar Republic. Right. And it takes a few months for a major insertion of cash flow into the economy to have those effects later on. So going back to March of this year, what happened?
Starting point is 01:10:15 Well, in March of this year, Congress passed that $1.9 trillion stimulus, and that money starts flowing into the economy. So instead of a hamburger costing $3, now it'll cost $4. Instead of a tank of gas, you know, I was shocked. I filled up my tank with gas this morning, $52 to fill up the tank on my truck. I was like- And you're in Florida. You're not in California. You have extra taxes on this. I'm just like, $50? And what was it six months ago? It was a lot less than that.
Starting point is 01:10:51 In fact, a year ago, a year ago this time, it was running about $25 a tank. Remember when gas got down here in Florida in the 150s and 160s there for a while last year? Now, this has been the impact off of a $3.5 trillion budget package, a $1.9 trillion stimulus. But imagine what a $77 trillion infrastructure and everything else plan, a budget that we have to borrow to complete is going to do to the economy. It won't be a $4 or $5 burger. It might be a $15 burger.
Starting point is 01:11:22 There's a perfect storm coming together right now because not only do we have rampant inflation coming in right now that is going to greatly accelerate over the next three to six months, but you're also seeing the food production in the world being damaged by real storms, flooding, droughts. Fires. Frost. Freezes, frost, you know. So there was a big one this week in Brazil. Yes, I learned about this from my good friend Sean out in Iowa.
Starting point is 01:12:01 He's a farmer. He listens to ag radio to know when he might need to harvest. As a farmer in Iowa, he listens to the news around the world. Then he told me, Ed, you need to look into the freak frost that hit Brazil. Now, South America, they're in their winter, right? The other side of the world, really on the hemisphere, they have the winter when we have our summer, okay? But they don't have snap frosts. What happened in Brazil, according to the Rio Times, is that it happened in minutes. There was a frost that came in,
Starting point is 01:12:34 froze crops, froze the people of the Parana state. This is where most of the produce comes out of Brazil, exported around the world, feed the mouths of not just millions, hundreds of millions. Within minutes, crop was destroyed. And we're talking about wheat, sugar cane, corn. We're talking about coffee beans, okay, from the coffee trees. Edward, a freak, rapid frost like that, that is a sign of a coming ice age,
Starting point is 01:13:06 a mini ice age. Is there something about this in the Bible? Like this bizarre weather, you know, is a signal of end times. I feel like this is all related. I don't think it's any mistake that this is all happening now. Like bizarre things that never expected.
Starting point is 01:13:23 You know, in China, they just had that huge flood that hurt and killed people. And it's like big floods going on in Germany, too. Do you see the floods in Germany? I saw photographs of the German towns. I've never seen damage. Look at this. I used to live in Germany only about a decade ago. That's a small town in the west of Germany. Never expected floods like this. And when I saw the aftermath of the floods and the debris that was piled up in those cities on those little narrow streets, the debris up to the first level of the buildings, this furniture and lumber and everything. Look at this. Look at this. Look at these cities that have been devastated in Germany.
Starting point is 01:14:11 So there's natural disasters taking place this summer. South America, in Europe, in Asia. In Africa, you know it snowed today? This is South Africa, okay? SA People News. They had record-breaking cold. It's the coldest day ever in South Africa. Can I say this again? It is evidence of an encroaching... A mini ice age.
Starting point is 01:14:40 A mini ice age that is coming upon the planet that may last at best 40 years, at worst 200 years. I like what you said the other day. It's not a global warming. It's global warning. The globalists want us to say, oh, we have to impose global restrictions on everything. This is global warming. No, no, this is a global warning from heaven. Jesus Christ is coming back and God is using the weather. The planet is, look,
Starting point is 01:15:14 the earth, the earth is groaning. Creation is groaning and moaning under the weight of mankind's sin. The earth was never designed by God to accommodate the sin that's on this planet. Creation itself is trying to vomit out mankind, vomit out the sin. And in the revelation of Jesus Christ, the Bible says that Jesus Christ returns to destroy those who destroy the earth. Think about that. Now, that's almost an environmental message. Yes, it is.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Yes. It's his planet. His creation. His creation. And things will become so bad here, he will intervene to stop what man is doing to his planet. And then the damage will be so great, he'll simply, he destroys it himself and creates a new planet without them. Without them. They're not there to destroy the second planet.
Starting point is 01:16:16 You want to make sure you're on the second planet when Jesus Christ comes back. You know, Rick, wasn't it during the last mini ice age that the King James Bible was translated and printed? Yes, it would have been. I mean, there's been a lot of, again, this isn't the end. I do think of these times, whenever I see Frost, I think of that because there's a lot of work done by his
Starting point is 01:16:38 ambassadors during these times. We're not sitting at home freezing. And I think it's very serendipitous that we're launching God's tribe as snow blankets South Africa. It is about bringing in all of the souls that we can harvest. That's the only thing that's important right now is bring the souls in. Christ is coming back. And just look around. Look at the signs. There's nothing that's normal anymore. There's nothing that used to be like it was years ago. Everything is abnormal, bizarre, strange.
Starting point is 01:17:16 And people being told you need to acclimate to the weirdness. You're the one who's got a problem if you can't accept the weirdness. You're the one who's got a problem if you can't accept the weirdness. And the scary thing is that you've got young people growing up in a weird society who think weird is normal, like transgenderism, like the sexual perversion in the country, the rampant pornography, everything is taken, that this is normal. It's not normal. It is perverse. America is a nation of perverseness.
Starting point is 01:17:55 It's a people with perverse lips, right? They're speaking words that are absolutely perverted, and the country is obsessed with its sexual sin. And the planet is attempting to vomit them out. That is a biblical pattern. Yes. That has happened for thousands of years. And in Deuteronomy, the Lord says that the ground itself,
Starting point is 01:18:24 the land itself will spew you out if you continue in your sin. Told that to the nation of Israel. And time after time, when they would return to their sin, he'd have to use the ground. The insects of the ground, invaders, the ground itself. You know, it says when Korah rebelled against Moses in the wilderness, it said the earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up. So one of the things that I've learned from you, Rick, is that blood has a voice. And the earth has a mouth. And that changed a lot in my perspective about the judgment of God,
Starting point is 01:19:05 that it doesn't even have to be God's direct judgment. He set these things in place already that the earth itself cannot handle our sin. And the planet, the land vomits out the people who pollute the soil with sin. Yes. How does the land vomit the people out? Through natural disasters or through war and invasion? And that's one of the reasons why the Lord had his people invade the land of Canaan. Yes. The Canaanites were so sinful, so wicked in all the things that they did.
Starting point is 01:19:42 They had to be removed from the land and he used the people of Israel to move them out. But then he said to them, you saw what happened to them. The same thing can happen to you if you turn to the same sins as the Canaanites. Well, Rick, if that has happened over and over again in the Old Testament, why can't we say it happens today? Of course it happens. Man hasn't changed. Man has not changed in thousands of years. The nature of mankind is sinful because of the fall of Adam and Eve in creation. What God the Father desires with all of his heart is to place men and women and children back in the Garden of Eden. That's what it's all about. If you could just
Starting point is 01:20:25 sit and talk face to face with God the Father and say, what is it that you want? He'd say, I want everybody to be in the Garden of Eden with me again. That's right. So the planet has been defiled. The creation is defiled. And everything the gospel plan is to restore mankind into fellowship with the Lord. That's what that's what he's after. And and you can be restored yourself before the whole planet is restored. If God had his way, everybody would be saved. He's given his son, Jesus Christ, to pay for your sins and make a way for you to be restored. Regardless of what your family does or your neighbor or your employer or anybody else,
Starting point is 01:21:24 you are responsible for your own soul. And you can make the decision to believe on the name of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, to turn from your sins and call on him to save your soul, to be baptized in water in the name of the Father, the Son, Holy Spirit, and live for Christ the rest of your life. If you do those things, your name will be written in the book of life. You will be saved. You will be spared from the eternal damnation that is coming to this world. And so the choice is yours. There are no excuses. You just heard the gospel. Yes. All right. You just heard it. If that was
Starting point is 01:22:07 the first time you've heard it, you're not entitled to hear it again. You heard it one time. You are now obligated to make a decision. I personally, you know, the Bible talks about the unpardonable sin. And there's always been a lot of debate about what is the unpardonable sin, PARTENIBLE SIN. AND THERE'S ALWAYS BEEN A LOT OF DEBATE ABOUT WHAT IS THE UNPARTENIBLE SIN, THAT YOU COULD BLASPHEME GOD, BE FORGIVEN. YOU COULD BLASPHEME JESUS CHRIST TO BE FORGIVEN. BUT IF YOU BLASPHEME THE HOLY SPIRIT, YOU CANNOT BE FORGIVEN. WHAT IS IT? WHAT IS IT THAT, THAT, WHY CAN'T IT BE FORGIVEN? MY PERSONAL VIEW IS THAT THE BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE HOLY that the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the rejection of the offer of salvation.
Starting point is 01:22:51 There's no, you can't. That wooing of the Holy Spirit. You can't be forgiven of the rejection of Jesus Christ. Yeah. Once you cross that line and you have consciously rejected the Holy Spirit's offer to you to forgive your sins and write your name in the book of life, once you cross that line, you can't be forgiven. It's a conscious rejection of saying, I won't, I will not do it. I will not submit. I will not believe on the name of Jesus. That's, That is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
Starting point is 01:23:25 That's my personal view because I can't think of anything else worse. There's no greater sin than to reject the offer of salvation through the Son of God who died on the cross so that you could be saved. So don't commit that sin. Maybe God's been dealing with you for years and you've been pushing him away and flirting with him and doing all these kind of things. It's time. It's time to make that decision. Make the decision to step into the kingdom of light.
Starting point is 01:24:01 You need to renounce Satan. You need to renounce all the works of the devil. Renounce them and believe on Jesus Christ as your new king. Satan is an imposter. He's not your father. He's not your king. He's an imposter. You're stolen at birth. That's right. Stolen at birth. Turn to Jesus Christ and believe on his name. And you'll wake up in the morning saved. Go to bed tonight. Make that prayer before you go to sleep tonight. And wake up in the morning liberated, free.
Starting point is 01:24:35 What's it feel like to be free? Oh, it's amazing. And there's freedom in Jesus Christ. Were you in bondage? Yeah, I was in bondage for a long time. Were you in bondage with Him and Jesus Christ, yes. Were you in bondage? Yeah, I was in bondage for a long time. What were you in bondage to? I was in bondage to drugs, to lying, to manipulation, to drug dealing, anything. You name it, I did it. And how were you set free?
Starting point is 01:24:55 Oh, it was only through the anointing and the blood of Jesus Christ that set me free. And do you actually feel liberated? Oh my gosh, yeah. Yeah, you know, there's no truer freedom than there is with the freedom of Jesus Christ. You know, it is the anointing of Jesus that breaks the yoke of bondage. You know, and it's so true and He's so real.
Starting point is 01:25:13 You know, I encountered Him. I rejected Him multiple times, you know, where I was like, oh, I can do this on my own. And you know, you can't, you can't do it without Him. And I'm free. Yes. You know, and He is good. He's been faithful, you know? He's good, do it without him. And I'm free. And, you know, and he, he is good. He's been faithful.
Starting point is 01:25:27 He's good. He's so good. And he's so real. I want everybody to have what I have, you know. That's right. You can see the joy in your face. Yeah. If there's no joy, I have to wonder if they know Jesus.
Starting point is 01:25:39 You have to, the joy will show up on your face. You'll smile. You'll be happy. You'll be free. And regardless of what people are doing against you and lying against you, whatever comes against you, there's joy and happiness in your heart.
Starting point is 01:25:52 I go to bed every night literally smiling. I'm happy. I'm happy. I'm free. And I'm always talking to my father as I go to sleep, just telling him how much I love him and how peaceful I love him and how peaceful I feel. I feel peaceful. Yes. Christ conquered death at the cross and we're his ambassadors.
Starting point is 01:26:13 We've conquered death. We're not going to die. We're not going to end. Our souls aren't going to be damned. That's right. If you don't have a peace, if you're troubled, you have anxiety, you need Jesus Christ in your life. And if you are a Christian and you're living with anxiety, you're doing something you shouldn't be doing. God never called us to be anxious and worried and troubled. We are to be joyful. We are to be the happiest people on the earth. Yeah, and some people are addicted to their anxiousness too.
Starting point is 01:26:49 It makes them feel comfortable. It's what they love. They love to be worked up over something. He can set you free from that too. That's right. Grouchy people are like that too. Yeah. They're grouchy people.
Starting point is 01:26:57 They love being grouchy. They love being grouchy. Mean people love being mean. They don't know how. They would feel out of place if they weren't mean. Don't let your heart fail for fear. That's right. So turn to Jesus.
Starting point is 01:27:11 Hallelujah. What a message for Friday. Amen. Love it. Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. This ministry has the hand of God working through it. I feel it, and I hope you feel it too. If you've been waiting to get involved in the ministry focused on the salvation of lost souls, I can assure you
Starting point is 01:27:28 this is the place to sow seed. You can support True News by going to That is T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. Just click on the heart on the left hand side or the red donate button on the right. You can also call our toll-free number at 1-800-576-2116. That's 1-800-576-2116. That's 1-800-576-2116. If you'd like to donate to us by mail or have a prayer request, our address is PO Box 690069, Vera Beach, Florida. Zip code 32969.
Starting point is 01:28:00 We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, precious metals, and even land. Whatever you want to bless us with, we will gladly receive. But toward our mission here, to save souls and report the good news, we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you, and God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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