TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Trump Plan to End Ukraine War Leaked to Media
Episode Date: February 6, 2025Retired Gen. Keith Kellog, President Trump’s envoy for the Ukraine-Russia war, confirmed that he will participate next week in the Munich Security Conference, but rejected news reports that he will ...reveal Mr. Trump’s peace plan to end the war. However, the Daily Mail published what it claims are the key points of the secret plan. First, let’s get an update on President Trump’s audacious plan to relocate 2 million Palestinian to other countries and for the US to seize control of Gaza.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 02/06/2025Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!       It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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These essentials will make all the difference in an emergency, supplying your loved ones with all the calories and nutrients
they need to survive any scenario. Don't take the risk. Try my favorite
America-loving brand American Reserves for your emergency food supply needs. Retired General Keith Kellogg, President Trump's envoy for the Ukraine-Russia war,
confirmed that he will participate next week in the Munich Security Conference, but he rejected news reports that he will reveal Mr. Trump's peace plan to end the war.
However, the Daily Mail in London published what it claimed are the key points of the secret plan.
I'll tell you more in a few minutes. First, let's get an update on President Trump's audacious
plan to relocate two million Palestinians to other countries and for the U.S. to seize control
of Gaza. This is True News for Thursday, February 6, 2025. Let's begin our analysis and commentary
of today's headlines by looking at this article published by the Times of London.
Trump insists no U.S. soldiers would be needed to turn Gaza into the Riviera.
Or some are calling it Margaza.
Or the Maga Strip.
Yes. I like that one. But President Trump said no Americans would be needed
to carry out his proposal for the United States to take over the Gaza Strip
and redevelop it into the Riviera of the Middle East.
And then he posted this statement on his
platform, Truth Social. And it says the Gaza Strip would be
turned over to the U.S. by Israel at the
conclusion of fighting. The Palestinians and people like Chuck Schumer would have already
been resettled in far safer, more beautiful communities with new and modern homes in the
region. They would actually have a chance to be happy, safe, and free. The U.S., working with
great development teams from all over the world would slowly and carefully begin the construction of what would become one of the greatest and most spectacular developments of its kind on Earth.
No soldiers by the U.S. would be needed.
Stability for the region would reign.
And so do you get a sense that they backpedaled a bit on this yesterday?
He got some blowback
from his supporters.
And particularly, I think,
over the thought of putting U.S. troops in
Gaza. Right. So now he's
saying, well, the U.S. will take over
after Israel
finishes killing whoever they want
to kill, and Israel
moves all the Palestiniansestinians out right
so he's thrown that back into the court of netanyahu saying i'll let you remove the palestinians
and is it still your opinion that he caught bb flat-footed absolutely i i agree with you
absolutely i think he did too uh netanyahu did not see this coming.
And now Benjamin Netanyahu is having to readjust his policy.
Because he can't come out and be critical of Donald Trump on this.
He was having a difficult time keeping his composure standing there.
So I was interested to see if he would say anything, Rick, but I think the next story here, this is from NPR,
tells us how this policy is going to be implemented now.
Israel's defense minister tells the army to prepare to relocate Palestinians
from Gaza. It's going to be a military operation. That's right.
It's the IDF. They're going to round them up and they're going to lead them out.
The question is, where are they going?
So when you tell two and a half million people to leave and they don't have a place to go, what do you do?
Do you just push them across the border and say you're on your own?
There is no plan.
And President Trump is running into resistance from the countries that he thought were going to be excited about this plan, like Jordan and Egypt.
And they're all saying, no, we're not taking them.
They haven't taken them so far.
Why would they do it now?
They haven't taken them for a second.
Well, Jordan did.
And they took some, but they can't take the entire population.
And nobody's pretending that the Palestinians are ever coming back because they're not.
Mr. Trump's plan does not have room for Palestinians unless they're working as maids and garden caretakers.
He's not going to let them come back and live in his Riviera.
Now, he's not necessarily, you know, some people misunderstood what I said yesterday.
He said, well, Rick, you're just saying he's giving the Gaza Strip to the Jews.
Not to the Israelis.
To his friends in America.
It's his American friends that are going to get the Gaza Strip.
And friends like Ad Allison and others.
Yes, who are, you know.
People who build casinos.
That's right.
Or drill for natural gas.
So, you know, yesterday we weren't endorsing the plan.
We're just analyzing it.
A lot of people misunderstood, thought we were endorsing.
No, we're just analyzing it.
We're just trying to explain this is what we see
happening right now right caught us all by surprise i'm just trying to make sense of it
what is he doing where's he going with it how far will he go so um do we have any of the statement
do we have the we don't have the uh um the posts by uh the social media posts by the Israeli defense minister, do we?
Okay, well, anyhow, he said the IDF is going to have a plan in place and move the Palestinians.
But if you look at this Haratz newspaper article in Israel, they're in agreement with us, Doc.
Despite the shocking Gaza plan, Netanyahu didn't get
anything he wanted in his meeting with Trump.
Right. So the newspapers in Israel,
not all of them, because some of them are just so pro-Netanyahu that
they're proclaiming a great
triumph. But Haraj is reading this right.
Netanyahu left empty-handed.
He didn't get a war with Iran. Right. That's what he really
wanted. That was at the top of the list. President Trump said, we're not going to have a war with Iran.
He said, we're not going to blow them the smithereens we're we're
going to get a peace treaty with them he said i want them to prosper well that's the opposite of
what netanyahu wants he wants them destroyed so war this is the good thing war with iran is off
the table right and he also didn't get sovereignty of Gaza
because basically the U.S. said, we're taking ownership of it.
They're taking it. So he didn't get anything.
It quite frankly was a failure for him.
Mr. Trump brought Bibi to Washington
to rub this Gaza plan in his face.
Remember just two weeks ago, he retweeted the video with Jeffrey – Professor Sachs.
Yes, Jeffrey Sachs.
Jeffrey Sachs called Netanyahu –
A war criminal basically.
Well, and a lot more.
In a colorful way.
In a very colorful way, a dirty you-know-what. And Mr. Trump
put that out on his social media platform, which then
Netanyahu did not come to the inauguration.
Right. And then suddenly he gets invited to the White House.
So everybody's saying, oh, they've patched it up. They're all friends
And what happens?
Bibi gives him a pager.
Actually gives him two.
Two pagers.
All right.
And Donald Trump returned the gift and gave him a pager and blew it up in his face.
He also did something else yesterday.
And most people interpret it that it was directed at Iran.
The question was over, you know, an assassination of President Trump.
And he said, well, if they do that, I've left instructions to blow them to pieces.
Doc, I believe he intended, that was directed at Netanyahu. Right.
Not Iran. Not Iran. Netanyahu's saying I know who killed Kennedy
and we're going to release it.
I'm just going to walk through this. If the documents, the
Kennedy files, if they show that Israel killed Kennedy through Lyndon Johnson,
who was a raving Zionist maniac going back to the 1930s, and a murderer.
I mean, obviously, from what we can tell, Lyndon Johnson killed maybe several dozen people, had him killed.
The man was a murderer.
But if the Kennedy documents show that Lyndon Johnson arranged and ordered the assassination of John F. Kennedy on behest of Israel.
Donald Trump would then have the political power to say to Netanyahu, to say to Israel,
we have to do something about you.
You killed our president.
You're going to have Robert Kennedy in the administration.
And you're going to have this revelation.
See, I think Donald Trump already knows what's in the documents.
I believe he does, yes.
And he's using it.
And he's using it.
What if he says to Netanyahu and the Israelis,
the Americans, we prop you up, we give you billions of dollars,
our military defends you.
Without us, you're nothing.
What do we get from you?
What do we get?
We get wars.
That's all we get from you.
All right.
You become a U.S. state or we withdraw and let you collapse
that's the price you pay for killing Kennedy
pretty far fetched idea
but not beyond the realm
not right now
and if these
video if these files come out
and the evidence is there that Lyndon Johnson killed President Kennedy and he did it because Israel wanted it done.
Why would Israel want Kennedy killed?
Because Kennedy was stopping Israel from getting an atomic bomb.
Just like Israel is trying to stop Iran from having a nuclear bomb.
Kennedy didn't want the Israelis to have one because he knew it would completely change the balance of power in the Middle East.
And there were rumors that President Kennedy was going to send U.S. commandos
to Israel to raid the Dimona nuclear plant and take control of it.
Well, hey,
you know,
I often tell you that
in my
spare time at home,
I watch or
listen to old
videos or radio shows.
I'm kind of stuck in the 40s.
I think I probably
should have been born in the 40s. I think I probably should have been born in the 40s.
Born at a time.
I guess so, because I like the music.
I like the culture.
I just like the attitude of the 40s.
Anyhow, I came across, I saw these videos a couple years ago,
but it came to my mind last night.
I thought, you know what, we need to show these videos a couple years ago. But it came to my mind last night. You know what? We need to show these videos.
Because I like to find
I like to find videos
of historical people.
Like how far back can I go
and find
you know,
you can find videos
of Thomas Edison.
There are videos
of Civil War veterans
talking about the Civil War on YouTube.
Blows me away, dog.
Excuse me.
So, Lee, these are actually out of, they're down in number five.
So, the first one is, did you get all three?
Which one is the one I gave you for number one?
Is it 5C?
5C, yes.
So let's play 5C.
This is President Harry S. Truman talking about why he approved the establishment of Israel.
But don't think that decision to recognize Israel is an easy one.
I had to make a compromise with the Arabs and divide Palestine.
The Jews wanted to chase all the Arabs into the Tigris and Euphrates River.
And the Arabs wanted to chase all the Jews into the Red Sea.
And what I was trying to do was to find a homeland for the Jews and still be just with the Arabs.
But when you go into a thing of that kind,
the people you help most are the ones that get most angry with you.
Both of them were against me on the situation,
but as President of the United States, I paid no attention to them,
carried out what I thought was right,
and I had the support of the Congress, and I could do it, which is unusual in these days.
Could you tell us specifically that a lot of Jewish people were against you too?
Oh, well, there were a lot of Jewish people against me because they wanted the whole
of Palestine. As I say, they wanted to drive all the Arabs into the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
Harry Truman said the Jews were against
him because they wanted it all.
They wanted everything.
And they wanted to drive the Palestinian people into the sea.
And it was the American Jews who were angry with him.
So here you have an American president who's saying, I'm trying to do the right thing.
Look, taking somebody else's land is not the right thing.
So President Truman made a mistake there.
He's like, okay, this is post-World War II.
The Europeans wanted to get rid of the Jews.
That was the issue. The European leaders were saying, of the Jews. Yes. That was the issue.
The European leaders were saying, get the Jews out of here.
And so Harry Truman said, well, let's send them to the Middle East.
We'll just take land in Palestine.
Take it from them.
Oh, the Arabs are going to get angry.
They'll get over it.
I'll try to be fair.
You know, I'll leave enough land for the Arabs are going to get angry. They'll get over it. I'll try to be fair. You know, I'll leave enough land for the Arabs,
but I'll take enough land for the Jews. But he said,
the people you try to help are the ones who
get the angriest at you. Why? They wanted all the land.
They wanted, the Jews wanted all the land in
48. They want all the land in 48 they want all the land in 25 you got it
nothing has changed so we're going to look at the next video of harry truman
talking about establishing the new state of israel
i had some surveys made in this part of the world when I was president of the United States.
This Dead Sea Valley is far below the Mediterranean Sea Valley, several hundred feet.
My idea was to get a siphon from the Mediterranean Sea to the Dead Sea Valley, because after
you got the water started through that siphon, I would say 100 yards wide, the water itself would do its own pumping.
You wouldn't have to pump it.
It would run just exactly like a siphon
because this end of it would be far below the Mediterranean Sea.
And, of course, that's an inexhaustible source of water,
but it's only fit for power.
It's salt water.
Then I had a survey made of the Tigris and the Euphrates Valleys
with the idea of finding out
whether they were still a potential place
for the settlement of people.
When that survey was made,
it was discovered that some of the old canals
were still there,
that were there in the time of Nineveh and Babylon,
and that if those rivers were again put to work
as they were in the time of the great population
of Babylon and Nineveh,
they'd support at least 3 million or 4 million people,
just as they did in the time of Nineveh and Babylon.
And in that way, you'd put all this country here into production
instead of letting it go to pot.
You could not very well economically get the Tigris-Refretes Valley into Israel
because there's a great hump here over which it wouldn't go.
But you can take the Mediterranean Sea over that hump
and let it fall into the Dead Sea, and it'll do its own pumping.
That was what I had in mind.
And that survey was made by the Tennessee Valley Authority,
and the report of it's in my file yet.
I wonder if
O'Harey came up with that idea himself.
in the Independence area, there's
a lot of canals and everything from the Missouri
River and everything, and so, you know,
hey, it's very possible he
came up with that idea. It was an
amazing idea. Yes.
Basically providing unlimited energy
to the entire Middle East.
I wonder if anybody has shown that plan
to President Trump.
The point I want you to see is
we've had presidents going back to Harry Truman
who've been trying to deal with the Jews and the Arabs.
And none of it has worked.
Nothing has worked.
The Jews that are there are not ethnic Jews from the Middle East.
They are religious Jews from Europe.
Right. And they're pushing out the ethnic native Palestinians.
And it's just conflict.
And there will always be conflict.
And even if they push these Palestinians out, it's going to continue.
This will continue. So I'm not, I'm trying to just analyze what President Trump is doing and trying to figure out where will this lead?
Because just saying you're going to get rid of 2 million people, well, that's easy on paper.
But when you physically have to move 2 million people and house them, and what if they don't want to go?
Are you going to march them out at gunpoint?
Is that the plan?
Well, if Netanyahu had his way, yes.
That's exactly what he was doing until the international criminal court indicted him so are we simply just renaming ethnic cleansing as compassionate migration now yes yes but mr trump is after
the land he's after the mediterranean coastline he's builder he's a developer yes he's a builder, he's a developer. Yes. He's looking at this saying, that is one of the most awesome pieces of land.
If we can just get rid of the rubble and the people,
it's worth trillions of dollars.
And there's natural gas in the sea, off the coast.
So he's looking at entirely as a development opportunity.
And just thinking through, well, what are the problems?
Two million people there. How can I solve it? Let's just move them. That's easy
to just say out there, but it's two million people.
Yes. And nobody else has been able to move
the Palestinians.
They are extremely committed to their land.
You have to understand that they are committed to their land.
Their attitude is you can kill us. You can kill Mama. You can kill Papa.
We're not leaving. And that's exactly the way they've been with the Israelis.
You can blow us up.
You can do anything you want.
We're not leaving.
And I don't see how they're going to leave.
The only difference is they have no place to go right now.
And President Trump pointed that out as well.
They have no homes.
They have no water.
They have no homes they have no they have no water they have no sewage they have nothing
because the israelis as sick savages destroyed everything right i saw a video yesterday evening
palestinians are living in tents but there's a massive storm that's passing through in the
middle east right now the tents aren't doing any good at all. The wind blows them away. You have disease because of the human waste.
There's all kinds of sicknesses that spread around.
It's a mess.
These people can't live like this for the rest of their lives.
They don't have the resources to rebuild, and the Israelis wouldn't allow them to rebuild if they tried to.
That's right. It is
tragedy I've
seen in my lifetime.
What the Jews did
to Palestinians was the
worst atrocity I've seen
in my lifetime.
Literally took, you know,
dug up the streets, dug up the water pipes, dug up the sewer
system. And they're doing it in the West Bank too. And they're doing it now in the West Bank.
And Mike Huckabee today
in an interview, he's hinting,
well, we might as well give them the West Bank too.
Well, we saw that well give them the West Bank, too. Well, yeah.
Well, we saw that coming a long ways off.
And so, well, President Trump's audacious plan here is one that has certainly stirred up a whole new set of conversations in the Middle East and around the world.
And so it's going to be interesting to see how this actually fleshes out, Rick.
Yeah, that's right.
Well, let's jump over to the Russia-Ukraine war.
This is number five. Trump peace plan is leaked. Talks with Putin. Ceasefire by Easter.
End to Zelensky's NATO dream.
Says President Donald Trump will try to force
Ukrainian President Zelensinski to agree to a
ceasefire with russia by easter under a peace plan the unconfirmed plans reported by a ukrainian
outlet have been doing the rounds in political and diplomatic circles in ukraine and will include a
ceasefire by april 20 that would freeze russia steady advance, a ban on Ukraine from joining NATO,
and a demand for Kiev to accept Russian sovereignty on annexed land. Now, Doc, I don't think
Donald Trump plans to persuade Zelensky to do anything. I agree. What does Zelensky have to
offer? Why are you going to negotiate with Zelensky?
And besides that, Russia's not going to talk to Zelensky
because they see him as an imposter right now.
There's going to be, I'll tell you, there'll be elections by April.
And the U.S. will have a new puppet.
Hey, come on, it's a puppet.
Zelensky's a NATO puppet. And they'll put a new puppet in there by
by spring who will then sign the peace agreement it's not going to be zielinski
um well it goes on to say here in this article by the daily mail that uh in addition to what
we've already talked about, Ukrainian troops
will be made to leave Russia's Kursk region, where it launched a counteroffensive back
in August, while a contingent of European soldiers, which could include British troops,
would be asked to police a demilitarized zone.
American troops will not be involved in this contingent.
The EU will reportedly be asked to assist Ukraine in its reconstruction efforts,
which may cost as much as $486 billion over the next decade,
according to the German Marshall Fund think tank.
They're doing a whole new Marshall Fund.
There's two things in here um i'm choking on i i can't imagine putin agreeing to british and european
troops on the border i can't either he'll gag that's a no-go for him he'll just gag there's
no way he's going to do that that's why they've been fighting right no nato troops in Ukraine. Period. Not going to happen.
And then the next one, the reconstruction, $486 billion to rebuild.
But that's a possibility of where the Palestinians could go. Unless the craziest thing is that that idea that was floated years ago, that Israel would come to an end and they would move to Ukraine.
Right. Which is present day Ukraine
is if you had a map
of ancient Khazaria, Ukraine would be
inside Khazaria. Yes. It was an extensive empire at one time.
But the European Jews are Khazarians.
They would just be returning.
They'd be returning to their true homeland.
Now, you know, even Henry Kissinger said years ago that Israel would come to an end.
He predicted, I don't remember what year, that within 10 to 20 years, Israel would come to an end. He predicted, I don't remember what year,
that within 10 to 20 years, Israel would cease to exist.
According to a report that was in the New York Post.
There were others who said that Israel would come to an end.
I think they gave the date by 2020.
That it would simply be unsustainable.
That the warfare
in the Middle East would be so great
it would be unsustainable.
Doc, if somebody said,
if a politician
said, wait a minute,
instead of moving the Palestinians,
let's move all the Jews out of Palestine.
What would be the reaction?
There would be people pulling their hair out and everything.
You can't even possibly propose that.
Because it's unthinkable, isn't it?
But it's not unthinkable to tell two million Palestinians you have to leave. Right.
I mean, I'm thinking about in
Western North Carolina right now. We've got people living in tents. Rubble,
right? They're living in rubble. Some don't have water, some don't have sewer.
Wouldn't it be better to tell those folks in Western North Carolina, hey, you've got to move somewhere else?
Or out in California, all the folks that lost their lives.
But why won't they leave?
You've got to move to Nevada.
Why won't they leave?
Because that's their home.
That's their home.
It's their land.
In the same way it is for the Palestinians.
You know, the mayor of Bethlehem, I don't know if he's still the mayor uh christian man and he told me he said rick i have a written deed
to my property that is 900 years old it has this land has been in my family for 900 years right Right. Okay. These people have long roots, deep, deep roots in that land.
And they have paper to show that they've owned it for nearly
a thousand years. These Jews coming in from Europe and the United States, they don't have
anything. They have guns. They have guns. And that
trumps a deed. Yes. That's sad to say, folks,
but that's the reality of the situation.
It's always that way.
Okay, so we're talking about nearly a half billion, not a half billion.
Half trillion.
Half trillion dollars to rebuild Ukraine.
That's why it makes sense for either the Jews or the Palestinians to move to Ukraine.
Because you've got to spend the money over there somebody's you got to spend money to rebuild ukraine you'd be killing two birds with one stone if you move one population
from palestine either the jews or the palestinians somebody goes to Ukraine. You're spending the money. Right. And millions of Ukrainians
fled. They're gone. They fled the war.
Yes. And Ukraine's got a lot of land.
It would make sense to move some people to Ukraine.
It goes on to say the ceasefire plans will reportedly begin
with a phone call between Zelensky and Putin in early February.
Then a meeting.
With a meeting in early March and a ceasefire by April 20.
The declaration on the agreed parameters for ending the war would be released by May 9.
And Kiev would be asked not to extend martial law or mobilize troops
president trump wants to set up an international peace conference mediated by other prominent
nations that would gather to help forge an agreement to end the war he's going to say
while many of the terms of the reported plan include concessions for Ukraine, Trump is also planning on
continuing American support for Ukraine's military,
as well as a pathway for Ukraine to join the European Union by
2030. Russia would
also make significant gains as the plans include lifting sanctions
that have been imposed on Russia.
So, supposedly, this is the plan.
Right. Now, it's not confirmed yet that this is the plan.
This has been leaked out there.
And sometimes they purposely leak things, Rick.
You know that, of course.
Just to see how things fly, how people react to it, what the response will be.
And so it's still early in the process here to see what different European leaders and, of course, Russia and Zelensky and all the players involved, how they're going to react to some of this.
But once again, this is not the final plan yet well supposedly they all know this plan
yes i think the reaction is not leaked out there of course i'm going to jump down to seven this
is reuters trump team considers demanding who world health organization reform, including putting an American in charge.
Reuters said the Trump administration has been considering a plan for reform at the
World Health Organization, including putting an American in charge in order for it to remain
a member of the global health agency, according to two sources familiar with the plan and
a proposed document that
was reviewed by Reuters.
So Donald Trump is taking control of the World Health Organization.
He's probably going to do the same thing with the UN.
I believe so.
He's going to say, we pay for it.
So we're in charge or we'll just start our own.
We'll start our own and you can pay for it
and he's getting close to with the international olympic committee also right i'm expecting any day
there's going to be an announcement they're going to be the trump olympics
because he laid down the law to the olympic Committee about having transvestites in the sports of men dressed as women competing against real women, beating them up like we had the last time.
Which is insane what they allow to take place.
Well, anyhow, there seems to be a plan underway to take control of the world health organization
to adopt what this says is a radical new approach and the daily mail also reported on this
there's their headline donald trump's secret plan to take over the world health organization
so the trump administration wants to appoint a special envoy to the WHO this year
who would report to Mr. Trump and the White House
and oversee negotiations for reform before the withdrawal is finalized next January.
The envoy would push for a Trump appointee to fill the director general position,
which has never
been held by an American.
That surprised me.
So now the proposal said there is no formal reason why this is the case.
And the lack of American leadership at the top of the WHO has been a critical factor
in the wasting of American funds and decline of the organization's efficiency.
So now this is once again a policy shift. Donald Trump said we're getting out of the organization's efficiency. So now this is once again a policy shift.
Donald Trump said we're getting out of the World Health Organization.
But we'll stay in if we can run it.
There's this extreme negotiations.
So we kind of chatted about this earlier today.
Donald Trump makes the most outrageous proposal out there.
And that's where you begin to possibly imagine.
That's where you begin your negotiations.
That's right.
On Mars.
And then he wants to work your way back to the moon.
He said, all right, well, we'll stay in the WHO, but here's the deal.
We run it.
We run it.
Well, the next one, G20.
I was surprised at this one today.
The U.S. is going to sit out this year's G20 meeting.
Marco Rubio shunned South Africa's G20 amid land and Starlink rose.
This is the London Times.
Yes. And it says Donald Trump's secretary of state said he will shun a G20 summit of the world's biggest economies hosted in Johannesburg in an escalation of Washington's punishment of South Africa over new land reform laws.
The laws are the South African government is seizing land owned by white farmers.
Calling it repatriation.
And not paying them for the land.
But Secretary of State Marco Rubio
posted this on X.
He said,
I will not attend the G20 summit
in Johannesburg.
South Africa is doing very bad things,
expropriating private property,
using G20 to promote solidarity,
equality, and sustainability.
In other words, equality, and sustainability.
In other words, DEI and climate change.
My job is to advance America's national interest, not waste taxpayer money or coddle anti-Americanism.
So the announcement follows the threats made by President Trump this past Sunday to halt all aid to South Africa over the issue of this repatriation of land that they're calling it.
It's seizure of land without compensation.
Just last year, South Africa received over $440 million from the U.S.
How much money did the folks in western North Carolina get?
They each got $700.
That's right.
NBC News.
Trump administration plans to pressure the International Olympics Committee
to devise a uniformed trans athlete ban.
This has upset a lot of the DEI folks.
Donald Trump is ready to take his fight against transgender athletes
to the International Olympic Committee.
He said Wednesday during a signing ceremony for an executive order
banning transgender athletes from women's sports
that he wants the IOC to change everything
having to do with the Olympics
and having to do with this absolutely ridiculous subject
ahead of the 2028 Summer Games in Los Angeles.
So, Doc, we're going to have an American
running the International Olympic Committee.
You just watch where this goes.
Says the order empowers the Secretary of State's office to pressure the IOC to amend standards governing Olympic sporting events to promote fairness, safety, and the best interests of female athletes by ensuring that eligibility for participation in women's sporting events is determined according to sex and not gender identity or testosterone reduction.
Doc, I got something I've been just pondering, trying to understand.
Donald Trump is very radical in his position about transgendered athletes.
And DEI and all of it.
And yet he is and has been a major supporter of homosexual rights. Yes. Melania raised, who knows, tens of millions of dollars at Mar-a-Lago in 2024 for a law cabin Republican club as a gay rights club to raise money for the Trump campaign.
So how do you know? Well, they raise money for the law, which was to get the gay vote for Trump. Right.
So how do you reconcile these two things?
Oh, I can't.
It's sort of like Bruce Jenner.
I see him on TV and he's against trans bathrooms and everything while he's sitting there in
a dress.
He's a conservative transvestite on Fox News.
All right.
This is my guess at it.
I think
Mr. Trump is
going after
the transgendered
and sports and other things and
DEI and all that stuff.
And the MAGA crowd is clapping and cheering. cheering right it's low-hanging fruit yeah go donald trump donald trump he's standing up to
the transvestites but it's taking it's taking uh attention away from what he's doing quietly to promote homosexual rights right is there a is there a
golf i don't know you know i don't have contacts in the in the in the gay community is there a
golf in the a separation in the gay community between standard gays and transvestites well
there are conservative gays out there okay so, so are they saying, okay, we
don't want to be associated with transvestites? Yes. They don't want
a change in policy in schools or forcing
people to use trans bathrooms, anything like that.
So you do have that block within the homosexual
community there.
On the extreme side, on the left, you've got those that, you know, every bathroom would be a trans bathroom.
But, you know, politically, once again, this is an opportunity for Donald Trump to take an extreme position and yet support other policies.
That his supporters would not support if they knew about him.
Right. Right.
I mean, for instance, the Gaza situation, that was such a radical
extreme position
and yet if he had presented that
during the campaign,
I don't think it would have flown
very high. He's getting criticism now
about it. He would not have carried
Michigan because the Arabs, the Palestinians in Michigan voted for him. very high well he's getting criticism now about he would not have carried michigan right because
the arabs the palestinians in michigan voted for him and now they feel betrayed
wall street journal u.s blindsides panama another trump move here says american government ships
will not pay any fees well the announcement came out yesterday that made a big announcement.
Big announcement.
Hey, we worked out a deal.
Our military ships going through canals aren't going to pay any fees.
That was the story.
Today, there's a different statement from Panama.
So they got dueling statements over access to the Panama Canal with the State
Department saying that all fees would be waived for American vessels. The idea here is that the
U.S. government ships will access the waterway without charging fees, saving the U.S. government
millions of dollars a year. Okay, sounds great. And they posted this on X from the State Department account. President Trump called the fees ridiculous and threatened to take back the Panama Canal.
But the Panama Canal Authority said late Wednesday, late yesterday, that no such adjustment had been made to tolls or transit rights for U.S. government ships. And it says that, this is from the Wall Street Journal here, it says
Panama still needs to find a way to allow free passage without
breaching a neutrality clause banning preferential treatment
for any country. The Canals administrator told
the Wall Street Journal last month that breaching the neutrality treaty would lead
to chaos. Now, the whole issue here with Donald Trump is that
Panama's already breaching the neutrality treaty by
these partnerships with China.
Now, you have two conflicting
statements here. Well, in his mind, he's saying, you're not showing favoritism.
It's our canal. That's right.
All right. He owns it now. In his mind,
he owns it, just like he owns Gaza. Right.
What do you think the odds are that by tomorrow, Panama says, you're right.
U.S. Navy ships won't have to pay anything.
Do you know what the sum of the fees are oh yeah
like two million dollars for a ship depending on the size of the ship and the weight that the amount
of cargo that's on the ship they got to write out a check and give it to panama to get to pass through
the it passed through the canal and of course a lot of the Panamanian people say they really don't care if Donald Trump takes the canal because they don't get any of the money.
It's all going to the Panamanian deep state.
Listen, we don't see any benefit from it.
We know that all these ships are paying these fees, but we don't see any benefit for Panama.
The only benefit they get is a bridge over the canal.
That's it.
Well, have you ever been?
Well, I know you were in Panama.
You should visit.
Oh, it's a great country.
I love Panama.
But to visit the canal.
You ought to see it.
It's amazing.
I've never taken a ship on it.
I've never taken a boat ride on it.
No, but I did a bus tour along the canal.
It really is an engineering marvel how we were able to pull that off.
In the early 1900s.
Yes, with 1900s technology.
Do you know the fear? that before the canal was dug,
that we were separating North and South America
and scientists didn't know what was going to happen.
I can believe that, yes.
It was kind of like a Planet X thing.
We don't know what's going to happen
when you cut a hole between north america and south america and two oceans now
are coming together yeah i'll throw another uh engineering marvel at you the atlantic ocean
actually is 12 feet higher than the pacific ocean at panama i didn't know that yes it's actually
higher in in elevation and so they had to compensate for
that and one of the issues was well what will happen will we just have an a flow of water from
the atlantic and uh you know we'll destroy the canal these are questions that they okay so that's
that's what it was that's why they were concerned about what happens when you cut through through the uh the land barrier connecting north
america and south america right uh this is a little personal story so back in those days when
i was going to panama a lot so this is somewhere around 2008 9 10 11, 12. And I was going there maybe once a year.
I wanted to see the Pearl Islands.
I'd heard about the Panama Pearl Islands.
You ever been there?
Haven't been there.
So I took a trip to the Pearl Islands
with a friend who was a True News supporter.
And so I asked him to go along with me.
I said, let's go down to Panama.
Let's go look at the Pearl Islands.
So we go into the regional.
We fly into the main airport.
And then to get to the Pearl Islands,
you have to go from the regional airport.
And there's a state airline,
Panama Airways or something like that.
It's a turboprop plane, about 40 passengers.
And we would land on each island.
It's a string of islands in the Pacific off the coast of Panama.
And so this little puddle jumper plane would land on these small runways.
And I remember seated in the plane uh on one of
these islands looking out my window and seeing through through the jungle
uh all these boys little boys coming with wheelbarrows and and wagons and they were the
bell captains oh really they were coming for the luggage and that's And they were the bell captains. Oh, really?
They were coming for the luggage.
And that's how they got the luggage
over to whatever was the airport.
It's a wonderful place.
But I forget the name of the island
I stayed on.
It was the main...
It's not super developed,
but it's the one that's developed
with some hotels.
Nothing spectacular.
Very, very modest, low-key, you know, lodging.
And somebody told us that Donald Trump was building a residential community on an island.
And this was when?
Somewhere around 2010,
11 and 12.
And so we asked
about it and they said it was about 20
miles out in the Pacific from that
island we were on.
And I said, man, I'd like to
go see it.
Donald Trump is building a
small, I don't want to say a city, a little town.
Hotels, houses, marina on an island in the Pacific off the coast of Panama.
Now, Mr. Trump had the
Trump Towers in Panama City. So that's a very
prominent skyscraper in Panama City.
So I said to my friend, I said, I'd like to
go see. I wish we had a way out there.
Well, a couple hours later,
he rang my
hotel room and said,
meet me in 15 minutes
down by the beach.
I go, what? He goes, we're going to go over to see Trump's
Oh, hot dogs. I go down to the beach
and I'm looking for my friend and i'm looking for the
boat because he said i got a boat he said i guess someone's going to take us over there i'm looking
around for the boat there's nothing there's nothing docked but out in the water was a
flat bottom fishing boat like a bass boat with a outboard motor on it with a panamanian fisherman
sitting in it well see my friend and i said where's the boat he goes that's him right out there
that's your boat i said you gotta be this is the pacific he goes yeah he says he can get us there
i said that's a fishing boat that's a bass. You can't ride that in the Pacific Ocean.
He says he does it all the time.
I said, well, can he come up here?
He goes, no, we have to go out to him.
He's not allowed to come into the ship.
I don't know what it was.
I said, we have to go out there.
So I waded out the water almost up to my chin in the Pacific.
I got to get in a bass boat.
It looked like they were pulling in a tuna.
By the time they rolled me over on the boat,
because there's no graceful way to get in that boat.
And I'm thinking, I hope there's nobody recording this. There's just, there's no graceful way to get in this boat.
So you got in the boat and you guys went 20 miles in a bass boat with an outboard engine.
And we were hitting the waves, bang, bang, like this.
And I remember trying to record it with my phone and I couldn't hold the phone and stay in the seat at the same time.
But anyhow, we finally get out there.
And there it is.
There is Trumpville rising up in the Pacific on Little Island.
So we pulled up, taxied up to the marina, and the Trump construction manager had been told we were on our way, and he couldn't believe it.
There's seven homes to wealthy people, and here come these two American yahoos and a bass band.
And he had to stop his construction work
to see who these characters were.
So he came over to the marina
and greeted us
and gave us a personal tour.
We were there for a couple hours.
He took us around the entire place
and showed us what Trump was building.
I don't know to this day
what happened to the...
I'm sure he sold off all the houses and, you know, that's a project that was finished a long time ago.
You know?
I'm reading right now that they did build it, but he sold it to Marriott.
What was the name of it?
Does it have a name?
I can't find the name right now.
Does it have the name of the island?
I'm looking for it here.
I've still got my assistant working on it.
Okay. All right.
But that's fascinating.
But you can ride in the Pacific on a bass boat.
It's possible.
If you're crazy enough.
If you're crazy.
That was one of the wildest things I've ever done, but it was fun.
I laughed.
Oh, on the way back, the outboard engine conked out.
And so we're floating in the Pacific.
And the fisherman is, he's pulling the cord.
And I'm just sitting there going, we're just floating in the Pacific.
It's getting dark.
Okay. loading in the pacific yes it's it's getting dark okay i hope this starts before the sun
is completely down but he did get it started we made it back um a memorable trip so let's get
back to the news uh number 13 white house says it will cancel $8 million in Politico subscriptions.
See, there's the leftist news media is subsidized.
Politico doesn't have to raise money like we do.
They get $8 million in government subsidies.
Is it a subsidy?
Is it a grant no the they were selling
subscriptions at ten thousand dollars each right and so the government bought a bunch of them
and paid it to politica and what did you get for ten thousand dollars
this had to be super news think about it a ten thousand dollar news subscription just what
what were they going to tell you it's worth ten thousand dollars and they did this for 37
employees yes so it was a it was a payoff yeah it was subsidy it was just give us an invoice we'll
pay it and the money comes in.
So anyhow, the Trump administration is going to cut off the money.
We've got Press Secretary Caroline Leavitt saying we're canceling the payments.
Watch this. And I can confirm that the more than eight million taxpayer dollars that have gone to essentially subsidizing subscriptions to Politico on the American taxpayers dime will no longer be happening. The Doge team is working on canceling
those payments now. Again, this is a whole of government effort to ensure that we are going
line by line when it comes to the federal government's books. And this president and his
team are making decisions across the board on do these receipts serve the interests
of the American people? Is this a good use of the American taxpayers' money? If it is not,
that funding will no longer be sent abroad and American taxpayers will see significant
savings because of that effort. Now, of course, Politico is saying, we've never received any kind of subsidies or government programs. Well,
technically you didn't. True. It's padded.
It's laundered money. Yes. It's legal.
I don't call it theft. It's legal
because it's a transfer of payments done legally.
That's what laundered money looks like.
Now, I'll give you an idea
how the news media is spending this.
Look at this headline.
Trump amplifies conspiracy theory
over payments to Politico.
Oh, the news media is really worried, Doc.
Because you know why?
The truth's coming out about all of them.
Oh, yes. They've all been on the take.
I think when this is over, you're going to find out that there were
members of the House, members of the Senate, I would
say former presidents. Probably, yes. Who have been
getting USAID money. Maybe not
directly from USAID.
Well, no, because it's always laundered through, just like the Ukraine money goes around.
But what the Doge team is able to do with their algorithms, Rick, is they're able to
take the numbers, because that's how they hid these things.
You know, there were IDs on these different organizations and IDs on the donations
and things like that. But what the Doge team has been able to do is been able to track
these individual numbers and they're generating massive mind
maps of showing, hey, this is how money left USAID,
went to the Rockefeller Foundation, and got sent to
this place. Do you know what Mr. Trump has that his political enemies didn't expect to happen?
With Elon Musk, he has AI.
And AI is sorting out the waste.
Now you understand what AI can do?
AI is looking for the pathway for money.
And it can find it quickly.
And you see a pattern of where the money went.
You showed me one today.
This is number 17.
So the religious deep state getting money too.
So this one I had forwarded
to me from a friend on X. He said, Doc, have you seen this?
And so the Christianity Today, the magazine
been around, I don't know for how many years. I guess Billy Graham was involved in
the founding of Christianity Today magazine.
They receive nearly $10 million a year in contributions, but nearly $2 million of that
is from the government.
So you've got to ask, what does Christianity Today do for the U.S. government that they
get $2 million?
And that's not the only one.
I mean, I started looking through
different ones just to get an idea
I'm wanting to find out now. It's propaganda.
That's what they publish,
propaganda. Yeah.
The only thing that the magazine does is publish.
That's right. So something
that they published was worth
$2 million. That's right. I'm that they published was worth $2 million. That's right.
I'm going to go through some headlines quickly here.
I'm over my one-hour limit.
Number 18, Trump administration agrees to restrict Doge access to Treasury Department.
Bottom line on this is the opposition is building.
The deep state is circling the wagons right we can't let we can't let uh musk and his team have access to the computers
right we got to cut this off so they're going to courts they're getting judges to issue rulings so the trump administration has agreed to restrict how much access
elon musk has i want to go down to number 20 millions of federal workers face the deadline
today over whether to resign today is the day today is today well how many have resigned so far as of yesterday in today's morning wall street journal
40 000 federal workers have resigned doc he's only three weeks into his presidency and he already got
rid of 40 000 government workers right that's a win right there now these are the these workers
are the one that took basically the offer.
We let you work.
You don't have to do any work, but you'll get paid for the next eight months.
Right, but you leave.
But you're out.
Today's the deadline.
Maybe that will go to $50,000, $60,000.
It could go to $100,000 by the end of today.
Well, that was their goal.
Their goal was to-
They wanted $100,000.
Now, what happens if you don't accept the plan?
Well, and they made this clear at the very beginning.
They said, well, if you don't accept this plan, I can't guarantee whether you'll have a job the next day.
And so tomorrow he could come right out and say, I'm firing at $100,000.
I know a lot of people are thinking, well, there's 40,000 government jobs that have been eliminated.
We've saved money.
But I'll be honest with you.
They're going to be filled with Republicans.
Those jobs will be refilled with Trump Republicans.
That's what he's doing.
He's getting the Democrats out of the government.
This is a seismic change in government. Washington Post, Google has eliminated its pledge not
to use artificial intelligence for weapons or
surveillance. So let's rewrite that headline, Rick.
Google is going to use AI for weapons and surveillance.
That's what it says.
Washington Post, google updated its ethical guidelines around ai
removing commitments not to apply the technology to weapons and surveillance
it's under the section listing applications we will not pursue
so um those those applications included
weapons, surveillance, technologies
that cause or are likely to
cause overall harm.
telling you, they're going to use AI
for technologies that cause harm.
And it went on to say... That didn't take long,
did it? You know, they were willing to
you know, break
international law
it's part of their new policy part of their new ethical policy look at this new one uh this is
eurasia daily the journalist who called brigitte macron a man has applied for political asylum
in russia now this i first when i saw it i thought it was Candace Owen. I thought, oh no, Candace fled to Russia? But it's
actually Natasha Ray.
And she is the one who first called the wife of French
President Emmanuel Macron, talking about Brigitte,
that Brigitte is a man. And so the reporter, Natasha Ray,
has asked Russia for political asylum
saying she does not feel safe
oh let's see we got the transgender we've already covered this um um i'm going to save the fake meat for tomorrow i'm going to save
uh fluoride for tomorrow let's go to 38 washington state spokane a a disturbed they call him a
disturbed gentleman how about a demon possessed man a disturbed that's what i called him a disturbed
gentleman um attacked a catholic priest reverend david gaines in spokane washington
and uh it happened during uh prayers for healing yeah healing, a healing mass.
So, you know, Doc, I looked everywhere in the Spokane news media. You could barely find anything about it.
The local newspapers and television stations,
most of them didn't even have a single story about it.
Right. And we've seen that before,
you know, where they clamp down on stories.
So the Mass was almost finished. They were right near the end of the Mass, and suddenly this disturbed gentleman,
as they're calling it here in the New York Post,
charges at Bishop Gaines there,
and of course you see the response from members of the congregation there as well.
So then yesterday at the White House, a guy tried to climb over the fence at the White House.
Actually, it was at the top.
We're going over the other side.
When the police arrived, here it is.
Yeah, so this is the guy wearing all black.
He cursed out loud in front of a whole bunch of people and just said, I'm climbing the fence.
And what amazed me was how far he got.
I know.
How far the man got before security and police got there, Capitol Police.
Okay, so was it Dan Bongino several years ago said, I'll tell you when he said it, during
2020, he said, the White House is not prepared for 100 people storming the fence at the same
Right. Well, they barely the same time. Right.
Well, they barely stopped one guy.
Yeah, and what if it was a guy who knew what he was doing?
So what if 100 guys knew what they were doing?
See here, the sirens.
Where's the White House Secret Service?
Yeah, it took, let's see, we've been playing about
two or three minutes. It took that long for the police. I don't see anybody from the White House
security coming out. Maybe one.
The Capitol Police are there.
I see the sniper up on top of the White House, though.
Well, how far up the fence do you have to go before a sniper does something?
Do you have to get over the fence?
Do you have to get within 50 feet of the White House?
These are great questions, Rick.
Okay, so I'm going to end it on some good note.
Something happy.
I guess two animal videos.
It's been too long. I know know i haven't shown any animal videos
for a while and uh the first one i have i get freaked out people with large animals
animals i can eat you yes why why would you sit with a bear and take a nap?
Why would you do that?
But apparently they get along well.
Until the bear starts to pull his shirt off of him.
Really, you shouldn't play with your food.
But here in just a second, you're going to see the bear say, you know what?
I like this sweatshirt.
This is a scary scene.
There you go, folks.
Look at those paws, Doc.
Just incredible.
Look at those paws and the claws on that animal.
And he's licking him.
I guess tasting him yeah i wouldn't have a pet bear for anything but uh
apparently he does he's happy with him okay okay now the next one i'm okay and in his bear the next
one i'm okay with this is taking your dog skiing now there's a dog that's happy right and he would run back up to the top of the hill
and do it again do it again now that's the kind of dog i didn't have his ski with him fudge wouldn't
do that he didn't have his ski but he he skied anyhow that's right he enjoyed it he's enjoying
life you know rick yesterday uh and i mentioned earlier, we talked a little bit about it, and that
you know, everything Donald Trump is doing,
I mean, it's fascinating if nothing else, but it doesn't mean that
we're in favor of it all. Right.
Because I guess some people express some concern. You know,
you guys realize what he's doing to the Palestinians and everything, right?
Yeah, we realize it.
We know it.
I get the same thing.
I posted things on social media, and I got the same reaction.
I can't believe, Rick Wiles, you're endorsing this.
No, I'm just telling you what I think he's doing.
See, that's our job here, just to explain what we think,
to analyze what we think is happening.
And yet some people, that just goes over their head, and they think we're endorsing it.
But we're not.
We're just explaining it.
That's why I said a couple days ago, I'm kind of thinking about, you know, I've done analysis and commentary for 25 years.
I might just bring it down to analysis.
But even the analysis, people misunderstand. Right. They think that bring it down to analysis. But even the analysis people misunderstand. They think that
you're endorsing something. I tell you what, I enjoy morning manna.
I do too. Nobody gripes about morning manna.
They like morning manna. And I'm happy in morning manna.
I'm as happy as that dog going down that hill. And this morning we had
400 people with us live in our Bible study.
But doing the news, I feel like the guy with the bear.
He's going to eat me one day.
He's going to one of these days.
He's going to eat me.
Praise the Lord.
Well, we do have Morning Man coming up here if you'd like to watch it.
And so we encourage you to do that.
And we have our micro church prayer meeting tonight at 8 p.m.
Is it 8?
8 p.m. Eastern time on Faith and Values.
And tomorrow is Faith Friday on Morning Manor.
That's right.
So Rick does a special teaching on Fridays on faith.
And so specifically how to have faith and how to walk in faith and how to live in faith.
And, of course, we always on Fridays have the Lord's Supper, too.
So we invite you to come and join us tomorrow morning live.
If you can't join us live, get it on the repeat.
That's right.
And as always, we're very grateful for those of you who support us financially.
We don't get any government grants.
We don't get any government subscriptions we don't get any government subscriptions nothing
from the usa id i don't have a ten thousand dollar subscription yeah i i would send the
government news for five thousand these these news organizations are getting millions of dollars from
the government and guys like me we sit back go, how do these people have so much money?
Well, now we know. It's easy street. It's good
work if you can find it. So we get ours
the old-fashioned way. We're faithful to God,
and God's people are faithful. And people like you
send donations to keep this ministry going and so we are
deeply appreciative it's been going on now for 25 years i don't expect it to stop the lord has
convinced me that he is quite capable of taking care of us and so he's convinced a lot of you
and there's some of you who need to be convinced. Yes.
And the way that you'll be convinced is stepping out in faith and start giving.
And watch what God does.
Give inflation-busting offerings this year.
Let your offerings bust inflation.
Give your way out of lack.
And watch what God does.
He'll expand your income
and he'll bring bargains to you.
You'll get bargains that you're like,
how in the world did I find this at this price?
Because God's doing it.
He has ways to expand.
He operates in a whole different economy, Rick.
And so learn to give and watch what God does for
you. We'll be back here tomorrow. God bless.
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Good morning, everybody.
Welcome to Morning Manna.
Today's Thursday, and we're excited and glad that you're here with us from whatever part
of the world you're in.
We are one in Christ.
That's what is so awesome.
There are no, in the kingdom of God, there are no nationalities.
There are no races.
There are no genders.
There's only saints.
We're all one in Christ.
And so we gather every weekday to study the word of God.
And we are now looking at Romans chapter 3.
And we're going to tackle verses 21 through 26 today.
Tomorrow is Faith Friday and also Holy Communion.
So make sure you're here with us tomorrow.
Let's pray.
Father God, Father, thank you for this wonderful day.
Thank you for your son, Jesus Christ, and the work that he did for us on the cross.
Thank you for the Holy Spirit who dwells in us and comforts us.
Father, your sons and daughters are gathered together to be fed,
and we invite the Holy Spirit to take his seat at the head of the table
and conduct this Bible study so that all of us,
teachers and students, may be instructed in your word. In Jesus' name, amen.
Amen. God bless everyone for joining us today. We're continuing our study in Matthew,
excuse me, Matthew, Romans chapter 3, and we're going to be reading verses 21 through 26. While you're turning there, I want to
let everyone know that we are now providing a more detailed synopsis of Morning Manna every day,
along with all the scripture references that we come across during our study together. I post that
along with the recorded edition of Morning Manna later on. So if you missed any scripture references
or you just want some more detailed information
on what we talked about
or want to go back and search for it later,
we're posting that every day
with each episode of Morning Mass.
So very excited about that.
And I hope it's a great tool for you to take advantage of.
So Romans chapter three, picking up at verse 21, reading from the King James this morning,
But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifest, being witnessed by the law in the prophets.
Even the righteousness of God, which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and and upon all them that believe for there is no difference
for all have sinned and come short of the glory of god being justified freely by his grace through
the redemption that is in christ jesus whom god hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith
in his blood to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are passed
through the forbearance of God.
Verse 26, to declare, I say, at this time his righteousness,
that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.
God bless the reading of this word today.
Verse 21.
But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested,
being witnessed by the law and the prophets.
There's a lot in that verse.
We'll start with that the righteousness of God is a divine attribute and an action of Almighty God.
This righteousness that Paul's speaking about is not merely moral perfection or an ethical standard of living, but it is saving righteousness.
It is righteousness that saves and is revealed to humankind through the gospel of Jesus Christ. So the righteousness of God that Paul is talking about
refers to God's justice
in offering salvation,
which is made visible,
made manifest through
the atoning work of Jesus Christ.
And this righteousness of God,
it's God's righteousness.
It is not something that humans can attain through their own efforts or by obeying the law.
But it is freely given to believers through faith in Christ.
This is what's important to understand, through faith.
This is why we've set aside Friday this year to teach faith.
Everything is about faith in Christ.
And so is our righteousness, our justification.
Now, Paul said this righteousness is revealed apart from the law.
You want to speak about that, Doc?
So this righteousness is part of the very nature of God.
And the righteousness of God has always been part of who God is,
even before there was a law.
So it's not the law that defines
the righteousness of God.
God, by His nature, by His character,
is righteous.
And with or without the law,
we can't measure up to that.
The only way we have access to that righteousness
that we're going to see here in verse 22
is by faith in Jesus Christ.
It is not dependent on the law
or being without the law, either one.
It means that the only way that we can share
in the righteousness of God,
because our righteousness,
according to Isaiah 1.6,
is like filthy rags.
So we need the righteousness of God.
But he freely shares it with us
through faith in Jesus Christ.
And I think it's important to note here, Rick,
that the very first two words of this verse here,
but now.
In other words, Paul is saying something has changed in the universe. There's been an update, if you will, or an upgrade
to things. Whereas up until Christ came, the law revealed sin, and the only way that we understood, the only way we understood the
righteousness of God, because they hadn't seen the cross yet, is by believing what God said.
But now, something new has happened. Christ has been revealed, And even though all that beforehand brought us to this point, from this point on, it is strictly through faith in Jesus Christ.
It's no longer just a blind faith. I don't want to use that word in creation or blind faith in obeying the law, but rather faith in Christ Jesus. But now, something significant has changed.
And that is we are justified and made righteous by faith in Christ.
It's a pivotal shift in salvation history.
A major change.
Paul's announcing something new has happened God is giving us his righteousness it's it's gifted
to us as sinners and it comes to us through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
There's no other way.
This points directly to the saving work of Jesus.
So there is a clear distinction between the righteousness of God
and the righteousness that the law could provide.
Yes. The law could provide. Yes.
The law could not provide
while the law revealed the standard
of righteousness, it couldn't
justify anybody.
That's right.
And it was
always by faith.
But now, but now that faith is in Christ Jesus.
That's the mystery.
That's when Paul was saying previously God winked at sin, but now he's commanding all men to repent, repent and have faith in what?
Faith in Jesus Christ.
So Paul is recognizing that Christ has become the center of time and space and the universe.
Everything hinges on what Christ did on the cross and raising himself from the dead.
So the law revealed the standard of righteousness but it couldn't justify anybody
the law pointed to the need for a savior but the law was power powerless to bring about salvation
so righteousness is revealed apart from the law.
It's a major shift.
And for the Jews who were reading this letter,
this was a mind-blowing concept.
Because this type of righteousness is in stark contrast to any attempt
to achieve righteousness through legalistic observance mind you the only
thing the jews knew for thousands of years since moses was legalistic observance
they that's the only thing they knew that's right and now god has revealed something completely new. And this is a faith-based justification.
And it marks the end of Jewish legalism.
And it signals a new covenant
where righteousness is attained through faith.
This is a total new economy.
And everybody had to have a new mindset.
So the doctrine of justification by faith
is absolutely central to understanding
the book of Romans.
And particularly this verse, verse 21, it marks the profound shift from salvation through the law to salvation by faith.
And Paul reiterates this theme over and over and over again to his letters, several times in Romans, several times to Timothy and Galatians and Colossians.
He uses this word made manifest or now revealed or the mystery of the gospel. All those are the same thing that fits in that but now category,
that there was a plan that brought us to this point, but now there's a new plan, a new covenant,
and that is Jesus Christ. Amen. So we're learning here justification.
What is it to be justified? It is God declaring you innocent, sin free.
You're justified.
There is no guilt, nothing in you that would require God to condemn you.
See, God looks at you and me as innocent, perfect.
We look in the mirror and we don't see ourselves that way, but that's how God sees us when
we are in Christ.
But this justification is not earned and is not deserved.
It's a gift.
It's a gift from God through our faith in his son.
And faith in Jesus is the only instrument by which righteousness is imputed to humans.
The only way. The only way. not one way, the only way.
And so those that teach any kind of dual covenant, one covenant for the Jews, one covenant for
everybody else, or that teach that all paths lead to God like Pope Francis teaches.
This, you know, this completely discredits that.
Paul says there is one way, but now it is Christ Jesus.
You know, it's sad, Doc.
In his latter years, Billy Graham was teaching it.
Yeah, that's true.
I don't know what happened to him.
I don't know what happened to him,
but he was teaching that all paths lead to God.
Which that ought to be a wake-up call to all of us,
that no matter how great you are used by God,
you're still capable of going off the rails that's right you constant watch constant guard you know what we're attempting to do doc and I with with morning manna is
that we want to teach you the the basics of the christian faith so that when
you hear something that's not biblical something that is not sound doctrine you automatically know
it when you hear someone talking about wow we've got to build a third temple in Israel. Why? Well, the Jews have to go back to sacrificing animals again.
See, now you know the word.
You're going to say, why?
That's not right.
Because through his death, his life, his death, his resurrection,
Jesus Christ fulfilled all of the law's demands.
And that allowed sinful humanity to be reconciled to God.
So his sacrifice on the cross is how God's righteousness is revealed.
It was revealed on the cross because Jesus is the fulfillment of the
righteousness promised by the prophets in the Old Testament at all the prophets
testified to this righteousness and it's fully revealed in Christ Christ wasn't just sent for the Gentiles, which is what you've got.
Many of these Christian Zionists are teaching.
So his life, the life of Jesus, his death, his burial, his resurrection,
his sacrifice on the cross satisfied the law's requirements.
That's what you have to understand.
He satisfied all of the requirements of the law.
The debt was paid.
Paid in full.
There's no balance no balance due what your invoice from
heaven on Judgment Day is going to say balance due zero if you're trying to do something by works in the law,
you're going to end up owing something.
Why would you want to do that when the bill's already paid?
I mean, if Doc paid all my debt,
and then I went over to the bank and said,
you know what?
There's some parts of that mortgage I didn't fulfill.
I think you owe me.
I mean, I think I owe you.
Wouldn't that be completely crazy?
What would the bank say?
Doc came in and paid you.
He paid your mortgage.
I know, but I didn't do everything the right way.
Yeah, but he paid it.
See, this is what people that are trying to live by the law.
This is what they're doing to you and me.
Yes. They're trying to get you to add a balance to your invoice.
It's like, I know I'm not going to add anything to it. add a balance to your invoice when the invoice is already paid.
Oh, it's like, I'm not going to add anything to it.
It's paid.
And it was paid by somebody who loves me so much who said,
I'm willing to die for you so that you don't have to pay this debt.
Amen. Amen. have to pay this debt amen so the work of Christ is the revelation of God's
righteousness and it is the only way it is communicated to humans there is not not another way uh let's talk about the doctrine of imputation
so this doctrine teaches that believers are credited with the righteousness of christ by faith faith yes that righteousness is not something they earn or achieve but it is
granted to them is reckoned to them by God through faith in Christ so God's
righteousness is imputed to you and you and I are justified in the eyes of God based on our faith in his son.
It's an important doctrine, and Doc, I know you
probably could teach on this much deeper than I can.
Well, the doctrine of imputation is actually a financial term.
And actually in this passage, we'll have, I think it's over in verse 25.
We have three other financial terms too.
And so what's being implied here is there was a debt.
You had a debt.
You had a debt. had a debt you lacked righteousness
you were negative in righteousness but the bank god is righteousness it's not that he
has righteousness he is righteousness okay and imputation is the transfer of the wealth to the debt.
That's what imputation is.
And it's a payment, a payment transfer, if you will.
The great part about God's righteousness is it's unlimited.
He's not going to run out.
It's sort of like the Federal Reserve.
They just keep printing more money.
With God, he doesn't have to print
any more righteousness. He is righteousness, but we lack it. And every human being lacks it.
And it needs that payment transfer. And how is that payment transfer made? By faith in Jesus
Christ. That is the key element there. There's no other way. There's not faith in Buddha Christ that is the key element there there's no other way there's not faith
in Buddha it's not faith in Muhammad it's not faith in New Age it it's not faith and faith
it's faith in Christ Jesus that a payment has been made and the debt has been paid it's not
that the debt has been canceled that's that's a different thing no the debt has been canceled. That's a different thing. No, the debt has been paid.
That's what imputation means.
So this concept at Paul's time, it was a shocker to both Jews and Gentiles.
For the Jews, it was a shock because you mean all this stuff we've done for our entire
lives to obey the law it's it's not in effect anymore and for the Gentiles it
was like are you serious God has forgiven all of our sins and we never became a Jew
so this was a shocker for everybody
this concept
was not new
it was in
it was in the scriptures
it was the prophets prophesied about it
but people didn't understand it
so while the full
revelation of this righteousness
could not come
until Christ appeared
the Old Testament
prophets prepared the way
for it
so once you're saved and you go back Old Testament prophets prepared the way for it.
So once you're saved and you go back and you read the old covenant,
you see the Jews were being told the whole time that there was going to be a Messiah,
that our sins would be forgiven.
He'd give us a new heart.
The Gentiles would be brought in.
It's all there.
But they had been in the old system so long they couldn't see the promise of the new.
So when the new arrived, it was a shock.
But in the old covenant, you had types and shadows of Christ and salvation.
But the main function of the law was to reveal sin,
reveal God's standard of righteousness,
and to guide humans towards understanding that righteousness but knowing that it would ultimately be revealed
in the gospel so what paul is telling them is now it's now it's happened
that we are living in the the age that the prophets told us would come.
Another thing that was a mind blower was that the righteousness of God
was now available to all people in the world.
Because that marked the end of the exclusionary righteousness
of the old covenant for the Jews
and it opened the way for all to be justified
through faith in God
yes verse 22
unto all
that's probably the biggest
to Jews being saved
in Christ
they would have to admit
that they're going to have to mingle with Gentiles
accept them as
that's a big hurdle
for them to get over because they want to cling to
this view that righteousness is an exclusive benefit for the Jewish people
not available to anybody else yes but the gospel makes righteousness available to all who believe and have
faith in Christ and trust in his plan of salvation so the old covenant of law and
works has come to an end this is what paul's announcing in romans
the revelation of righteousness through faith has arrived legalism is now replaced by grace
uh we've gone from a excuse me from works-based salvation to a faith-based salvation.
This is radical, totally revolutionary.
And at the heart of this righteousness,
two words, faith and grace.
This righteousness cannot be earned it is a gift freely given to
those who place their faith in Christ the grace is there waiting for you it's for just imagine a beautiful gift box with a with ribbon and bow on it your name is on it
it's your gift it's from heaven it's from God it's your gift it has your name on it. But you can't pick it up and open it until you have faith in the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
It's free, but it's free to those who have faith.
So it's like the gift box is sitting there on the table and you you go to reach for it and
an angel says ah but what's what's the word you have to speak before you can touch the box
jesus oh okay you can have it. It's yours. Jesus. This grace is the foundation of the righteousness
that justifies and reconciles humanity to God. It's unmerited favor. Doc, what is unmerited favor doc what is unmerited favor we hear this phrase but what is it
what is unmerited favor that means there's no way you can earn it no way
there is no law you can keep there is no good deed that you can do that would
result in God saying well now I've got to give that to him now I've got to hand
that over to him now.
No, there is nothing in us.
There is nothing about us.
There is no action we can perform
other than confessing Christ.
That's it.
That's the only thing.
It's unmerited.
We're not worthy of it.
We cannot earn it.
We cannot purchase it.
We cannot, like I said, do any good deed.
We could help a thousand old ladies across the street, but it's still not enough.
That's right.
You know, we struggle with this all the time as believers.
Receiving from God.
Maybe some of you are living financially below the level that God desires for you because you have trouble receiving the blessings of God.
You are subconsciously rejecting the financial blessings.
I had a situation at the beginning of this ministry,
back in 1999.
We had left our home on the instructions of the Lord, and for a brief time, basically
about two months, we were homeless.
And I literally mean homeless. We had all of our furniture and belongings in two rental trucks.
And we're paying for these trucks week after week.
And we're trying to find a house.
And nothing was clicking right.
And we were living week by week.
Out of two year old trucks.
Yeah. But we weren't, we weren't living on the street. It, you know,
God was providing temporary housing for us,
but each week we didn't know where we were going to be.
And the Lord, it's too long of a story to tell,
but the part I want you to know,
the Lord provided a brand new house.
Brand new.
Nobody had ever lived in it.
The builder had just finished it.
We were the first occupants.
And the way it came about was miraculous
because I didn't have any money.
I had no money.
We started this. I had no money. We started this.
I had zero money.
And the Lord put this brand new house in our hands.
And this is true.
For two weeks, we didn't even live in the house because Susan and I were too afraid.
We were like, this is too good to be true.
We're going to go over there and find out this isn't our house.
And honestly, we had, we struggled with this.
And we stayed in temporary housing for two weeks after this house had been provided to us
wow that's good it was too good it was too good to believe okay and then we finally you know
moved into it kind of like looking around like is this for real it's brand new it's got 15 acres we don't
have any money to pay for it how could we be i mean we literally had a contract to buy it
was no money god told me the god told me the the deal to offer to the contractor, and I offered it to him, and he accepted.
And I'm like, well, what do I do now?
The Lord told me, he said, tell him you'll rent it, and you'll go to closing three months from now.
And he gave it to us.
The guy handed me the key.
He said, okay, it's your house.
And that's why for two weeks we didn't move into it.
We're like, this can't be real.
That's how my mind was so negative towards believing.
And then one night, Doc, this is like our first couple days in the house.
One night I was outside at the garage, and the car was parked in the driveway,
and I opened up the trunk to get something out of the trunk,
probably a suitcase or something.
And I was talking to the Lord, and I said, Father, I don't deserve this new house.
I'm willing to live in a much smaller home.
I'm willing.
I just want to serve you.
I'm not asking for this beautiful new house.
And I said, I don't deserve it.
And I heard this so clearly.
I heard the Holy Spirit say, Rick,
do you believe
I have prepared a place for
you in glory? I said,
yes, sir, it's in your word.
And he said, you don't deserve that either.
He said, this house is
my gift to you please receive it
doc i broke down and i cried
i i wept at the trunk of that car i realized that my father in heaven had given me that house
yes and he'd given it to you two weeks prior that's the
thing two weeks earlier and i wouldn't receive it because i didn't think i was worthy to have it
there are people who aren't saved because they don't think they're worthy
you're not worthy that's the whole point about this gospel none of us are worthy
it's a gift from God
it's a gift from your father
and he says please just receive it
it's paid for
just take it
it's the same about healing
it's paid for
by his stripes you You are healed.
Just receive it.
It's all free.
You just said something that I think shook
some people today, Rick.
They needed
to hear that today. It's already done,
folks. He's already given it to you.
It's done. You don't have to be healed.
You are healed.
You just got to go pick it up. It's got given it to you. It's done. You don't have to be healed. You are healed. You just got to go pick it up.
It's got your name on it.
Paid in full.
For Jesus
to be whipped and beaten
and the stripes put on
his back and on his body
so that you would be healed,
and then you won't receive the healing.
What does that say to Jesus?
You don't appreciate what he went through for you to be healed?
By his stripes, you are healed.
By his death and resurrection, you are saved.
He wishes us to prosper and be in good health.
It's all paid for.
He doesn't want any of his sons and daughters in financial lack.
I was hoping to get to the end of that.
We only did one verse, Doc.
Well, okay.
Verse 22.
Even the righteousness of god which is by faith of jesus christ unto all and upon all them that believe for there is no difference
once again the righteousness of god refers to God's saving righteousness, which is revealed and made accessible to all humankind through the gospel of Jesus Christ only.
This righteousness is revealed apart from the law.
It's a break from the legalistic system. It marks faith in Christ as the central and only means of justification.
This is a divine action that declares the sinner righteous before God,
imputed to the believer, not because of the believer's works,
but because of the believer's faith in Christ.
If you're going to be a believer, what are you believing in?
We call ourselves believers, but what are we believing in?
We're believing that God's Son went to the cross and paid for our sins
and that we are no longer guilty.
And because of his resurrection, our dead spirit was born again.
And by faith in him, we shall have eternal life on judgment day.
That's what a believer believes in so God acts justly in
declaring sinners righteous he's being just so now we get to justification. Justification through faith in Christ.
This is a fundamental shift from the old covenant,
where strict obedience to the law was the means of righteousness.
But Jesus brought in a new covenant,
introduced faith as the sole means of receiving God's righteousness.
Again, it's not a dual means.
Hey, Jews, you can continue to obey the law.
You Gentiles, you can have faith.
No, it's faith for all humanity on the planet.
There is no difference.
It is through faith alone. humanity on the planet. There is no difference.
It is through faith alone.
And again, it's righteousness that's freely given as a gift.
If it's a gift, it's free.
That's almost an oxymoron.
If it's a gift, it's free.
If there's a price, it's not a gift. It's a gift it's free if there's a price it's not a gift it's a gift and we owe nothing for it except
faith in christ and obedience to god's commandments which he christ himself kept
perfectly and so when we are in Christ, we're keeping the commandments.
No distinction between any races, any classes of people offered to everybody.
Christ, God's righteousness is made possible only through Christ.
These are the key tenets of this doctrine it is grace based salvation not works base and you know we have to keep repeating this because it
ended legalism I want to go to verse 23 for For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
That's one of the most well-known scriptures in the Bible.
Sin is universal.
All have sinned.
No one is exempt it it underscores humanity's fallen nature that every person from the most righteous to the most wicked shares
the same condition think about this the most righteous person on earth and the most
wicked share something in common they are separated from God because of their
sin yes because even the most righteous person still has sin the only way to get the sin off your
record is faith in Christ so sin is not limited to actions it's a condition that
affects the entire human race it's passed down through the Dean's it goes from one generation to
the next it's it's not just about wrong actions it's about a wrong state of
being see sin is not just actions it it is who you are. It's a state of your being that we are in sin.
All fall short of the glory of God.
It's speaking of God's perfect righteousness, his holiness, his excellence, and that's the standard humanity was created to reflect.
But humanity's failure to reflect God's glory is due to the sin
and our moral, our human imperfection compared to divine perfection.
So sin causes separation from God.
Sin causes men and women to be spiritually dead.
They can't reach moral perfection.
It's impossible. There's absolutely no way to do it.
Except to go to the cross and receive the gift of grace.
Which is freely given.
Again, this is talking about the inherent condition of the human nature.
That all people since Adam are born into sin.
All have a sinful nature.
And all are in need of forgiveness and justification.
And the only way, and we keep repeating it,
the only way for that to happen is faith in the atoning work of Jesus Christ on the cross.
This is what Paul's driving home.
Yeah, I think we can get another verse in here.
I'll go to verse 24.
Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ
Justification is the free gift from God.
It can't be earned.
It can't be earned it can't be achieved the word freely
means that the justification is unmerited
you don't deserve it but it is given to you because of god's love, his kindness, his grace.
He's giving us something we don't deserve,
but something he desires us to have.
And this free gift of justification, it's part of a broader concept of salvation
where God, out of his mercy and love, declares all sinners to be righteous
despite their sinfulness, if they have faith in Christ. Christ so grace is the the central theme of this verse which is again God's
unmerited favor meaning favor from heaven that we don't deserve I'm going
to try to squeeze in I'm looking at time here. We've got just a few more minutes.
Faith, obviously, is the only way you can receive it.
See, we keep going back to this message of faith.
See, every day is Faith Friday.
Every day.
The whole Christian, what do we call it?
The Christian faith. Why do we call it? We don't call
it the Christian religion. We call it the Christian faith. Amen. It's all about faith.
Verse 25, whom God has set forth to be a propitiation. I always have trouble with that word, Doc.
I can't even pronounce it
let alone...
Say it again.
Okay. That's what I said.
That's right.
faith in his blood
to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are passed through the forbearance of God.
So this refers to Christ's role in turning away God's wrath from us.
Yes. So, yeah, and it's interesting that in verses 24 and 25, Paul, and I mentioned this before, but he uses four financial terms between verses 24 and 25.
Redemption, propitiation, remission, and forbearance.
All of those are financial terms. Now, why did Paul use financial words
to express this? Because there was a debt that had to be paid. There's a balance sheet.
And I know I said it before, but God didn't cancel out our sin. He paid for our sin. There's a difference. He didn't just say,
well, your sins no more. No, there was a price that was paid. The price that was paid was Christ
on the cross. Our faith in Christ on the cross is that process of payment, if you will. And that
word redemption back in 24, really, when we think of redemption,
we think like we're redeeming a coupon or something.
But in the Greek, it's actually the word is ransom.
In other words, you're being held for ransom.
And the ransom has been paid.
So once again, it's that financial mindset that Paul's getting across here.
You owe the debt, Rick.
You owe the debt.
You could not pay it.
But Christ paid it through his death on the cross.
So the blood of Christ secures a divine transaction.
There you go.
That frees sinners from sin's condemnation.
That's what we're studying here in this verse.
There was a transaction.
Blood was the currency that was needed to pay the debt.
It was the only thing that was acceptable at the pay window.
There's got to be blood.
And Christ gave his blood to pay your debt, to pay my debt.
That is the essence of this verse.
And again, when you comprehend it,
and you think of the sacrifice, how much he loves us.
Who do you love enough that you would let somebody else torture and kill you
so that that other person could live?
When you understand it that way,
you start to comprehend the depth of God's love for you.
And if he loves you that much,
he has nothing planned for you except goodness.
Mercy and goodness will follow you all day.
I want you to get in a habit of turning around,
looking to see who's following you.
Mercy and goodness.
I pray this for you every day.
I pray for our team and I pray for the our morning manna class I
pray for the people that support our ministry and I always pray God let mercy
and goodness follow them all day to pursue you to be right be right behind you. Mercy and goodness.
Just chasing you.
Everywhere you go, there's mercy and goodness.
And that's my desire for our brethren.
Because if you have God's mercy and goodness,
well, I've prayed everything I can pray for you that's the whole package
if you have his mercy and goodness
with you all day long
Doc I'm going to stop there
probably what I'll do tomorrow
is split tomorrow
I want to finish
chapter 3 tomorrow
I don't want to have any verses hanging over because I want to on Monday to start chapter four.
So I'll finish up chapter three tomorrow and then we'll go into faith Friday and then we'll have communion also.
All right.
All right.
So, all right, folks, we appreciate you joining with us today. And we encourage you to once again, we are providing a synopsis and notes and everything on each episode of Morning Manus.
So we encourage you to take advantage of that. Those are available on Faith and Values.
And so in order to access that, you have to be a member of Faith and Values. If you're not a member of Faith and Values and you're listening some other way
on one of our social media outlets,
then we encourage you
to become a member of Faith and Values
and you get access
to this additional material that will
be helpful in your walk with the
Lord. Any final words before we sign
off for today, Rick? That's it.
Alright, well, as Rick
said, tomorrow is Faith Friday, so come
with your faith and your need, and also
be prepared for
the Lord's Supper tomorrow as well.
And we're looking forward to
celebrating the Lord's Table
in that way. God bless you.
We love you. Thank you so much for joining
us today, and we'll see you tomorrow
on Faith Friday here on Morning Data.