TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Tucker Carlson Hints FBI Had Role in January 6 Mob Attack

Episode Date: June 16, 2021

Today on TruNews, Edward, Lauren and Doc dissect the Putin-Biden faceoff, despite the superpower summit not having snacks. Milo joins the program, and the team discusses the infiltration of the Janua...ry 6th riot by FBI operatives. Lauren lays out the facts of her being de-banked by Wells Fargo. In our final segment, a heartwarming update on the mother and child abandoned by FBI informant/faux Proud Boy Enrique Tarrio. Edward Szall, Milo Yiannopoulos, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 06/16/21.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is True News for Wednesday, June 16th, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. Today, President Biden had his tough showdown with the man he called a killer, Russian President Vladimir Putin. The two met in Geneva, Switzerland. He read his lines, he shook Putin's hand, and he stayed awake. Big win for Uncle Joe. From a foreign policy standpoint, the game was over before halftime. President Putin convinced Joe Biden to rescind his hardline stance on Ukraine. Diplomats previously expelled are
Starting point is 00:00:57 returning to each nation's capitals, and the Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty is back on, all while both nations flex their muscles with separate military drills in the Pacific. We'll discuss this further in just a moment with Doc Burkhart and Lorne Witsky, and the other war developments around the world, including what's happening in Israel. Milo will be joining us in the second half to discuss a Tucker Carlson shocking segment last night on the FBI's role in the January 6th mob attack. And he and Lauren have a special message for the bandits at Wells Fargo who have deplatformed Lauren having a courageous voice for Christ. But first, we have today's headlines with Kerry Kinsey.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin move to the second phase of a tense meeting in Geneva as Russian security officials shove members of the media and the TV types are absolutely in love with the president. You know, these moments are about moments. And I'll tell you one moment I noticed there in the Biden-Putin interaction., the handshake Biden looked Putin in the eye with a smile. Putin looked away. Again, you don't want to read too much or too little. But again, these are about public posturing. It's about how you project strength. As for the summit itself, Russia's president wanted to talk about this. As for cybersecurity, we reached an agreement,
Starting point is 00:02:28 chiefly, that we will start negotiations on that. I think that's extremely important. Now, as for who needs to take on any sort of commitment, I'd like to inform you of something. I'm talking about something that's already well known, but not known to the broader public. Not from American sources. I'm afraid that I'll confuse the names of organizations. But as for American sources, they've said that most of the cyber attacks in the world are carried out from the cyber realm of the United
Starting point is 00:03:07 States. In second place is Canada. Afterwards, Latin American countries. And then comes Great Britain. Russia on this list. Where's Russia on this list? Well, we are a country whose cyber territory has the most, Russia's not on the list, number one. At the summit, Swiss time did not run out on a Trump supporter. Coming up, see what the banner says. Ahead of the summit, Russia conducted what it calls its largest naval exercise in the Pacific since the Cold War. That led to this. The U.K. sun says before the Putin-Biden meeting, the U.S. scrambled F-22 fighter jets and a carrier strike group to face off with Russian war games near Hawaii. Israel says it carried out airstrikes
Starting point is 00:04:14 in Gaza overnight after Palestinians launched incendiary balloons from the territory. That's the first major flare-up since an 11-day conflict last month. Israel says the balloons sparked 20 fires in southern Israel on Tuesday. That's a look at True News headlines. Now, let's get reaction from Edward, Doc, and Lauren. Thank you, Kerry. Welcome to the program, folks. How are you guys doing today? Oh, I'm good. I'm glad to be back. Awesome as usual. Glad to have you here, Kerry. Welcome to the program, folks. How are you guys doing today? Oh, I'm good. I'm glad to be back.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Awesome as usual. Glad to have you here, Lauren. Well, Joe Biden made it through his five-hour meeting without snacks. Yes. Today was a win for America. That was the report, in fact, right from Reuters. Look at this. Biden-Putin summit details. Up to five hours in a villa without meals. Yes, and I say snacks because the pool report, the reporters are in there.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Their notes were specifically, it got reported by quite a few outlets, that there was a concern, the blood sugar level, I'm serious, of the president of the United States would be fluctuating, who would not be at his best in this very high-profile meeting that was being placed as if it was Joe Biden's,
Starting point is 00:05:22 you know, Muhammad Ali, George Foreman fight. You know, I think today was very interesting when you compare it to how the news media, the propagandists, treated President Trump's meeting with President Putin back in 2018. That day, in their eyes, was a dark day for America. And you were there. Seriously, people were on the brink of crying. It was wild. They thought that an American president had just met with Hitler, basically.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Their mind was crazed. You saw Jim Scuccio, the CNN anchor, who certainly overpaid. You saw his take on this. It's a great day for unity, a great message for a new message. I don't even know what Jim's show you even watched today. Yes, they had at least their propagandists. Yes, that's what they had done. They were running, you know, we've been seeing Biden, Putin propaganda in Time magazine and American magazines all week, actually, just kind of preparing and gearing up for this meeting today to kind of show Joe Biden and his strength. But
Starting point is 00:06:24 remarkably, they were more worried about him surviving five hours without having a snack. You know, it goes to show kind of like the weakness. Yes, but they did manage to get through the meeting and everything without nuclear war breaking out. And so that that was a positive sign as a result of it. And apparently Joe Biden did stay awake, as you mentioned, in the open. So Politico here hears still from them. Biden's summit was very constructive, Putin said, President Putin of Russia said. So as Edward pointed out in the open, I think it was a big win for Russia, this whole conversation, because after all, in the campaign, Joe Biden called Vladimir Putin a killer, right?
Starting point is 00:07:06 Oh, sure. So was he a killer or not? Because it seems like Vladimir Putin walked away with everything that he would want, right? I think he walked away with much more. If we're not going to take the official position the government has kind of laid out just at its ass, without we go out the evidence, for example, with the cyber attacks, with what's happened in Ukraine. Because we have to point to this. If Joe Biden really believed, the Biden administration believed, that Vladimir Putin was behind the colonial pipeline attack, behind
Starting point is 00:07:40 two election interference campaigns, right? Because they're saying it wasn't just 2016, 2020 also. A disinformation campaign that's radicalizing Americans. Remember, that's the new thing. Anything that might be critical of the Democratic Party, that must have come from Moscow. That's what we hear. If all those things were true and they actually believed it,
Starting point is 00:08:01 this would not have been so cordial. That was not... You see the picture with the political head-up, we're going to put it back up real quick. Those aren't two enemies sitting next to each other. I mean, Joe Biden's got his mouth open, he's happy, he's looking off into the distance. He's got his note cards in his lap.
Starting point is 00:08:13 He sure does have his note cards in his lap, and he kept to them, didn't he? Because the other part to this, too, was that there's going to now be discussion about a joint response to the cyber attacks. Which, again, is kind of of weird because while they were meeting, and while information was coming out from the first phase of the meeting, because it is in two phases, it was all hunky-dory.
Starting point is 00:08:33 There was no issues at all. But then when Joe Biden went to give his press conference, apparently Joe Biden threatened a cyber attack against Vladimir Putin. He said he gave him a list of red lines, 16 no-hack infrastructure locations. So if I read this correctly, Joe Biden said, I've got 16, not 17, not 20, I've got 16 places you can absolutely not hack.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Right. The other stuff, I don't really care about. We won't go to war. Yeah, we won't go to war. But don't hack. Right. The other stuff, I don't really care about. We won't go to war. Yeah, we won't go to war. But don't hack the E16. The Krispy Kreme, the Florida House of Representatives, that's okay. Just don't go after my dog's automatic water bowl. I don't know. You know, you look at the list on a serious note, the nuclear targets, for example, I'm sure as part of this list, critical infrastructure was conveyed. But then it's all based on the premise, guys, that the Russians are behind the attack.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Yes, and in the press conference that Vladimir Putin gave later, he said the majority, the overwhelming majority of cyber attacks that take place in the world originate in the United States, not in Russia. And so actually, Vladimir Putin had kind of a little tussle going on with some reporters today, and they were very aggressive toward him. And we have a soundbite of Vladimir Putin today exchanging some words. But what is interesting and what you're about to see here is how Vladimir Putin compares. He's asked about Navalny, the political opponent. Alexei Navalny, that's right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:07 And specifically asked, you know, the reporter asked, how do you consider yourself legitimate when you, you know, jail opponents and, you know, people wind up dead and stuff like that? And he brings it back to the January 6th insurrection in the Capitol. And this is an interesting interchange here. Let's watch this soundbite here. What are you so afraid of? Right.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Well, once again, I would like to repeat what I said about so-called foreign agents and the people who say that they are part of the unauthorized opposition. I've already spoken to your colleagues. Now I have to repeat that to you. OK, once again, the U.S. has passed a law which said that the U.S. would particularly favor individual organizations in Russia. And at the same time, they declared the Russian Federation as an enemy. They publicly declared that they will try to contain Russia. My question is, which organizations, which political organizations in the U.S. are going to be supported by the U, especially if they pay them.
Starting point is 00:11:54 We, the same as the Americans in the 1930s, have endorsed a law, but their work is not prohibited. If the organization has an extremist character, that's another kettle of fish. I just want to tell you that that one in question particularly called for public mass demonstrations and also involved or urged miners to take part in street demonstrations. And obviously, they were being used or manipulated against the law enforcement agencies. America quite recently had to deal with terrible events after the murder of or the killing of the African American and Black Lives Matter ensued. I don't want to make any judgment about that. But what we saw, mass violations of the law and so on and so forth, we sympathize with the Americans, but we do not wish that this kind of thing should happen on our territory. And we will do our utmost to prevent it. And fears, I don't want to talk about that.
Starting point is 00:13:07 That's absolutely irrelevant. You didn't answer my question, sir. If all of your political opponents are dead, in prison, poisoned, doesn't that send a message that you do not want a fair political fight? On the question of who is murdering whom, people rioted and went into the Congress in the US with political demands and many people were declared as criminals and they are threatened with imprisonment from 20 to 25 years. And these people were immediately arrested after those events.
Starting point is 00:13:53 On what grounds, we don't know always. The state didn't actually inform us about that. One of the participants was just shot on the spot and unarmed as well. Many countries are going through exactly what we're going through. Let me just repeat, we sympathize with what was happening in the States, but we do not wish that to happen in Russia. So basically what Vladimir Putin said was, you know, you can criticize us all you want to, but we saw last year the riots that were going on in your cities. We watched that. We watched as
Starting point is 00:14:33 laws were broken and you allowed people to break the laws, to burn buildings down, set things on fire. We're not going to let that happen in Russia. That is not happening here. And the Americans can, basically this is what Vladimir Putin is saying, the Americans can say all they want to about political opponents. But you had people go into the Capitol building on January 6th, people now being arrested, threatened with 20, 25 years imprisonment. In fact, you shot an unarmed protester that day on the spot. So this is a case of the kettle calling the pot black. Well, certainly there's something so potent about what Vladimir Putin did there is that to the general public,
Starting point is 00:15:17 they don't fear the Russian government or an attack from the Reds, right? That talk, that mindset that our government's trying to sell, especially to justify the NATO drill, for example, that just took place in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, invasion practice and these other things. We need this Russian boogeyman in order to justify this. But you just heard from the leader of their country. And what he said is, we didn't attack your capital. We didn't come through the halls of your leadership.
Starting point is 00:15:49 We didn't come through the halls of your legislature. And in addition to this, you're persecuting your own people. It sounds like you have a lot of issues you may want to concentrate on before you continue to try to start a fight with us. That's what I took from it. It's very, very odd to hear another leader from another country talk so bluntly about the state of America. He's very smart, and he knows that American media, we have one thing. We are really good at projection, projecting on other people,
Starting point is 00:16:19 trying to pin them as being guilty for something that we are guilty of ourselves. He saw it, shut it down right away, turned the tables right around on them, you know, because he's very smart. He's a very smart leader. And that was what that was. He was handling the media. Well, I mean, do you see that reporter? I don't think it was in the cut, but he basically said, what are you afraid of?
Starting point is 00:16:40 Yeah, the reporter kept hitting on Walt. You poisoned that man, right? You poisoned. I read it in CNN. I work for CNN. It on Walt. You poisoned that man, right? You poisoned. I read it in CNN. I work for CNN. It's true. You poisoned him. And he's like, what are you afraid of?
Starting point is 00:16:51 I'm standing right in front of you. And I think what he was trying to infer to her is, if you really believe I poisoned him, you're ridiculous of a conversation this is. But that's the conversation now from these reporters. I do think they're true believers. I used to think that they just read the comments or the questions given to them by the news director. And I think some of these people actually do believe what they're doing. And what a waste, too.
Starting point is 00:17:21 If you're speaking to the leader of a nation, the useless and ridiculous questions that are posed to them, I think maybe you might want to ask about Nord Stream 2. Maybe we should have a discussion about this continued nuclear standoff between our two nations. Or something that actually took place in the meeting. That's the other part that was very confusing here, Doug. That press conference was about the five-hour meeting between the President of the United States and the President of Russia. Yet all the questions were talking points taken from headlines that have been written years ago. Right. Well, there were other things that took place within this discussion.
Starting point is 00:17:51 One of the big things that came out is they've agreed to restore their ambassadors. If you recall, earlier this year, Russia withdrew its ambassador here in the U.S. We withdrew our ambassador, and we said we didn't withdraw but we did withdraw he went home yes mr so uh so uh they agreed on a settlement with the ukraine i thought russia was going to invade the ukraine isn't that what we're told but now yeah i guess he they're not invading we washed away the red line so And other items too, like you mentioned the restart, I guess it would be the restart treaty now. So other things as well.
Starting point is 00:18:30 But the thing is though, Vladimir Putin, I know he's not an angel, I know Russia isn't perfect by any means, but listen, Vladimir Putin's been in power since 2000. I remember the night that he came into power. And he has had a firm control on Russia. He's kept Russia above water, in spite of all the changes in the world. Could we whip Russia in a nuclear arms race? Yeah, we could, but what would Russia gain from that?
Starting point is 00:19:04 And so it's in Russia's best interest to play the long game and to work things out. I mean, it really is. And Vladimir Putin knows that within maybe two years, there's not going to be a President Biden. There will probably be a President Harris. And so if you think that's a maybe, there are people actually talking about keeping him a two-year president. Yes, and one of those people is Senator John Barrasso from Wyoming. This is from the New York Post.
Starting point is 00:19:34 He wants to not just limit President Biden's power. He wants to actually determine a one-and-a-half term president. One-half. One-half. One-half. So term length for a president, four years. He wants to make sure that Joe Biden leaves office, at least in the sense that he will not control the Senate and the House,
Starting point is 00:19:54 the Democratic Party, at least in this sense, in 2022. I find this very interesting because John Barrasso, I have seen him speak before, but he's one of those senators that you don't often hear. You don't see, you know, giving an opinion on Fox News, drumming up a lot of controversy. He is a Republican senator who votes according to party line. But in this, he has actually made quite a lot of controversy, a lot of issues with this among the Democrats, especially because he recalled what he's heard from Senator Bernie Sanders.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Oh, really? Yeah. So he claims that recently he was told that his Democratic colleagues, and this being remarks from Senator Bernie Sanders about Democrats, they know they have only until November of 2022 to bring forward the resistance agenda. Now, Lauren, you know you ran for political office. You have a mandate after you get elected. Well, the mandate that came in with Joe Biden was not five-hour meetings with President Putin with no snacks. It wasn't dog attacks at the White House.
Starting point is 00:21:10 It wasn't Kamala Harris cookies. No, it was a complete restructuring of the country. They have accomplished some of these goals. They've got a $70 trillion budget awaiting. They certainly want to indebt this nation. But I'll be honest with you, I think many of the progressives, the woke left, are very disappointed with this, President. What do you think about this? Well, you know, a lot of them, I mean, he made a lot of promises they didn't keep to the progressive left, such as the forgiving student loan debt.
Starting point is 00:21:40 That was huge with the Bernie Sanders crowd, Medicare for all. And he had made promises and insinuations that he was going to cater to the radical left just to get elected. And then, you know, but the whole thing is, yes, we have they have two years and they know it, where they have the House, the Senate and the presidency, where they are going to push through everything they can. They are going to fight for and tooth and nail for the Equality Act. You know, I swear this whole thing is about the Equality Act to neuter the Christian church because they know we are the only thing standing in their way. So that is what we have to keep an eye out for, you know, but they, unlike Republicans, when we had the House, the Senate and the presidency, they're actually pushing through their agenda. You know, we need to be the same way when we
Starting point is 00:22:22 take back control. Yes, they're certainly very busy. And the article noted that there's a timeline for them. November 2022 is coming around very fast. Yes. And again, I have not seen Alexander Ocasio-Cortez's Green Deal. We have certainly a lot of rhetoric, a lot of promises, but not the work that Senator Bernie Sanders put his neck out on for. You think about how ridiculous it was for Senator Bernie Sanders to endorse Joe Biden after he did everything in his power to paint Joe Biden as a Democrat President Trump, as everything wrong with America. And even Bernie Sanders has an issue with this. If they
Starting point is 00:23:06 want to take it on the race end, if they want to take it on the notion of this, we have to have a black president, a female president, all these characteristics. A quota president. A quota president, instead of a meritocracy, instead of a statesman. Bernie Sanders has trouble on that issue
Starting point is 00:23:22 obviously too, because he's a white American, and Joe Biden being a white American. But the point of all this is he attacked him. It was bloody. It really was. It was brutal. And then he turned around and said, look, we've got to vote for him. He's going to be good. We're going to use him. I have to wonder what that progressive left, that violent left, that left that burned cities is going to do if they don't get the revolution and the radical change in society that they were promised. Right. Well, they were promised a lot of things and they were given a possibility of banning Newports,
Starting point is 00:23:57 you know, where a meat shortage, you know, all this stuff that they didn't initially vote for. I remember even Black Lives Matter put out a statement a while ago saying that we put Joe Biden in the White House and he has been, he's refused to meet with us, you know. So, I mean, they just used these people. They lied to them, gave them promises that they never intended to keep. And, you know, those people will not show up to vote in 2022. Well, one thing we have been very busy with, Doc, is deploying our military for drills. Right. And even while the discussions were going on with Uncle Joe Biden and Vladimir, the president of Russia, Putin, each country was actually flexing their muscles as well
Starting point is 00:24:37 with drills in the Pacific, as Kerry mentioned in the open, saw some of that footage that was going on there. This typically happens whenever we have these big summits and everything. Both nations go out and start throwing rockets up in the air and say, look how high my rocket can go, and the other one says, look how I can go higher. But this is, once again, it's a lot of theater that goes on. But even if it is theater, we have to always keep in mind the reason why you drill is in the event of an actual event and an actual thing happening. It's some sort of diplomatic faux
Starting point is 00:25:13 pas that might take place and says, yeah, okay, we've got our missiles on standby right now. It's very important. These drills, I pay attention to them because if anything ever goes wrong, it's a diplomatic incident. It's more than that. It could start a war. Remember when the jet, the Turkish jet was shot down over Syria. There was a very tense week there that people wondered if Russia was going to nuke Istanbul. If this would actually cause Russia to go to war again with Turkey, because they fought in the past. In this sense, we have a Russian fleet in the Pacific, near Hawaii. That's already pretty off, okay? That's very far away from home. But
Starting point is 00:25:51 more than this, the U.S. deployed a carrier strike crew. I mean, this is nowhere being discussed. We're deploying a mini city to shadow this war drill, and we were deploying F-22 jets to buzz the ships, to watch what the Russians are doing. Again, luckily today, nothing transpired. These drills went off without a hitch. But this isn't the only theater of concern. In the Pacific, that fleet has actually been very concentrated as late on their, I guess, their threat that they like to paint for us. Everything is a threat these days at the national level with China and with the Chinese. The Chinese are very concentrated. They know that with the United States in disarray, they can make a lot of progress when it comes to the expansion of their kingdom, their empire in the Pacific,
Starting point is 00:26:47 in the South China Sea. One of the stories we caught today was that China has actually sent the largest ever number of warplanes over Taiwan. This is the fourth time I think I've read a headline close to this. The Chinese are preparing for invasion. That's what this is. The Chinese are flexing, first of all, to show that Taiwan doesn't have anywhere near enough resources or people to repel a full-throttled Chinese attack. Do you think Joe Biden is going to be able to stop this with a carrier strike group or some strong words with his G7 allies in Cornwall while they drink at a pub? No. The Taiwanese are likely on their own. Hey, I would just say, based on U.S. history here within the 20th century into the 21st, it's Democrats that tend to lead us into conflict more often than Republicans. And so I don't count Joe Biden out because I really don't think he's the guy running things anyway,
Starting point is 00:27:48 that he's just the puppet, the marionette that's being controlled by forces outside of him. But, of course, we have to respond to that. We've got our own carrier group now that is operating in the South China Sea. This is a story from Reuters here. Now, the reason why this is important here, where it says this carrier group is there in South China, it's not just visiting. They have now made the South China Sea kind of their temporary home for a while. And this is in response to China's, you know, flexing of its muscles and its ships in the South China Sea. And you know, these different war games that are being played out in different parts of
Starting point is 00:28:28 the world, Taiwan, China's doing joint drills with Pakistan right now as well. That's a big deal. People need to watch that because they're using that to counter India. And so there are big plays going on here. But what we don't realize is that one spark can get a fire going throughout all the world here really, really quick. And I'll be honest with you, the global elite would love a good old-fashioned world war. Oh, sure. It balkanizes the population. It gets you focused on national patriotism.
Starting point is 00:29:01 It gets you focused on defending the flag, defending your troops, rallying behind your leader. But the thing that I don't think any of us have seen yet, this happened in World War II, we lost carriers. But in the modern era, it just hasn't happened. Thank goodness. You're talking about 5,000, 6,000 sailors who go down with one of these ships. Well, the thing about the Chinese, and this is unlike the Russians, the Russians have focused on their air defense systems, electronic warfare. They've got very powerful nuclear weapons. But the Chinese specialty has been drones and hypersonic missiles. The Russians have these too, but the Chinese have specifically advertised their hypersonic missiles as carrier killers.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Yes. So they do these drills, but they haven't ever actually got, they never shot one of these hypersonic missiles at an actual carrier. So every time we send a carrier group to Taiwan, which is what we're doing here, we're sending Ronald Reagan is going to operate in that theater along with the HMS Queen Elizabeth, Britain's brand new carrier, the Chinese have a moving target. And they were not happy, I think, with this past week's G7 and the NATO summit where they were criticized, but they did succeed in not getting scolded that bad. There were no sanctions that came out of it. There was a lot of criticism
Starting point is 00:30:15 about the way China operates, that they're a threat against the world. But when it came to actual action, China's not deterred. China's moving forward. And according to the USNI news, US aircraft carriers are absolutely at risk of being sunk by hypersonic missiles. It's not hyperbole. We've been very lucky that this hasn't come to bear yet. I mean, Doc, you've studied this story, especially because of the actions from NATO. What else is NATO saying in regards to this? Because now obviously NATO, the UK sending their own warships there, we now see China as one of the big threats against us, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:30:53 In spite of the fact that China is as far away from the Atlantic as you could get to, you know, NATO thinks it can be anywhere in the world, even in outer space. They can be everywhere. And in fact, in outer space. They can be everywhere. And in fact, here's a story out of Defense News. So NATO, they've got to attack things in space now. And so the war is just getting bigger and bigger. And now NATO can't be contained in the North Atlantic. It's got to fight China.
Starting point is 00:31:22 It's got to fight things in space. And it's got to do all these other things. But this is all leading up to a conflict that some say is already on the books, that some say we are destined to have a global conflict, basically the West versus China. And really, the only thing that really is going to be the lever in all this is going to be countries like Russia, Turkey, even Iran, some others that could flip the teeter-totter one way or the other, because it will be a global conflict. It will not be limited to just the South China Sea.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Well, the Bible tells us that there's going to be wars and rumors of wars. That's why we pay attention to this. It's not the scare tactics. It's we have to pay attention to each of these conflicts. Anytime someone is at risk of being killed or is killed, it can lead to a nation declaring war on another nation. That's the way these things happen. If I could say something, though, real quick, Edward, I remember during the campaign of
Starting point is 00:32:24 President Trump, I actually had some hope with President Trump because he said, well, why can't we work with Russia? Why can't we do business with Russia? Why can't we be partners with Russia? Which to me, as an amateur political analyst, seem like a great idea. I mean, if China is a potential global threat in the future, then shouldn't we be looking for partners that would join with us? If we're being strategic. If you're being strategic. If we have foresight. But somehow people got to President Trump and said,
Starting point is 00:33:02 you know, you can't be friends with Russia. And, you know, you can't do that. And so now what are we faced with? Well, now we're not just in a bipolar conflict, but a multipolar possible conflict, because now we're going to get Russia mad at us. And now what we've basically done is we've pushed Russia to China. Sure. And something I think we took, something that's been established and been set into motion from President Trump's term,
Starting point is 00:33:32 is that we've set the stage for another decade of conflict in Israel. Specifically, we've empowered ultra Zionists to be as racist, to be as ugly. And I mean ugly in their rhetoric and their talk and their threats. Something that happened last night, two things. There were strikes again in Gaza. Right. Interestingly, this didn't end the truce.
Starting point is 00:33:55 I was reading this today that they are still maintaining that there's a truce between Hamas and the government of Israel. But Israel struck multiple targets, underground bunkers and others such, in Gaza. They did this in response to what they say were the inflating of fire balloons. Okay. And, you know, I'm against fire balloons, okay? I'm not in favor of fire balloons. Yes, you're anti-fire balloons.
Starting point is 00:34:19 I'm anti-fire balloons, okay? In fact, we should ban fire balloons. How about that? I'll be, you know, I'll endorse a ban on fire balloons. But don't you think that the response to a fire balloon should be maybe, hey, what if we shot down that balloon? It would seem to me like it'd be a little bit more productive to shoot down the balloon rather than blow up somebody's house in Gaza. Doc, we've got a mission statement to uphold. Rise up and kill first, okay?
Starting point is 00:34:49 Rise up and kill first doesn't mean we shoot the balloons. It means we kill as many people as we possibly can if there's even a minor provocation with a balloon that costs $10. I think the most ridiculous part of this is that the attack on Gaza, at least last night, overshadowed the chance of death to Arabs in Jerusalem. This is another thing that took place last night. You have to wonder again why the Palestinians in Gaza and the military arm of Hamas keeps launching attacks. Well, you've got people running through the streets of Jerusalem screaming for the death of Arab residents.
Starting point is 00:35:29 I was watching video of this today. They want a second Nabca. They want Palestinian babies murdered. They were basically doing anything they could to incite. This in itself is a form of a military drill, is it not? Well, it does create intense conflict there in Israel. But hey, we can't say anything about it because we're supposed to bless Israel no matter what they do, okay?
Starting point is 00:35:53 And so, you know, that's what we're told, right? We've got to bless Israel. So when they say death to Arabs, you know, we've just got to either keep our mouths shut or we've got to bless Israel. We'll bless their hearts. No, that's not what the real Bible says. The Bible says if you bless those that do evil, you are a partaker of their evil deeds. And so I'm just letting you know that's the fact.
Starting point is 00:36:19 That's what the Bible says. And so… Lorna, I think we're about to learn quite a bit about the inner workings of the Trump administration, specifically their foreign policy. Before we close out this segment, is there a new book coming out from someone very important? Oh, right. You mean from the Kushner administration? Oh, Prince Kushner. Prime Minister of the Trump administration. Prime Minister Kushner. What's going on here? Right. So surprise, surprise. Kushner, he landed a book deal. So, you know, we're not really sure if he's arrogant enough to write his own book or hire somebody to write it for him.
Starting point is 00:36:54 But I'm sure it's just going to be a bunch of propaganda. Probably can't believe a word it says, but I'm sure he'll make millions off of it. I'm hoping he boasts. Because, you know, there's sometimes some truth in the boastful claims of these officials. You sometimes get a little bit of information out of it.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Will you be purchasing a book and reading it? Oh, no, you have it on back order. Oh, that's right. I've got to do that. Well, I think we're going to end this segment out.
Starting point is 00:37:20 And we're going to listen to Kerry Ken, the second load of headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. Mo Brooks, now running for the U.S. Senate, reveals that a private investigator paid by Eric Swalwell entered his home without his permission and confronted his wife to serve Brooks with a lawsuit related to January 6th. Brooks, a U.S. representative from Alabama, says his wife has sworn out an arrest warrant for a man who served a lawsuit at their Huntsville home on June 6th. A warrant was
Starting point is 00:37:59 issued for the arrest of Congressman Swalwell teammate Christian Seklecki of Georgia for first-degree criminal trespass. Seklecki illegally entered Mo Brooks' home and accosted his wife, Martha Brooks. The Warren says the next day, Congressman Brooks released this home surveillance video proving Seklecki stalked Martha Brooks and ran into the Brooks home without Brooks knowledge or permission. Just a bizarre story indeed. The New York Post says New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's nursing home order did cause more deaths and should have been reversed sooner. That according to a New York State Bar Association report that the Post got its hands on.
Starting point is 00:38:48 says a new antibody testing study shows that the coronavirus was present in the U.S. from at least December 2019, weeks before the first confirmed case was announced on January 21st. The study by the National Institutes of Health analyzed 24,000 stored blood samples. The first positive sample came from volunteers in Illinois and Massachusetts on January 7th and 8th, 2020, respectively. Now that suggests that the virus was present in those states in late December. Royal Caribbean clarified its vaccine policy ahead of the cruise line's return to the U.S. ports next month. They say all passengers 16 and older must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, except for ships setting sail from Florida. On August 1st, all passengers who
Starting point is 00:39:47 are 12 or older must be fully vaccinated in Texas and Washington state, but the Florida policy will remain the same for now. The cruise line said it expects 90% of the passengers to be vaccinated in Florida despite a lack of a mandate. The 10% who didn't get the jab will be required to undergo testing and follow other protocols at their own expense. Moscow will introduce mandatory vaccinations for service sector workers. The city is said to be facing a surge in coronavirus cases. Businesses operating the hospitality, education and health care and entertainment sectors will be required to ensure 60 percent of their workforces are vaccinated. That's a quick look at True News headlines. Let's get reaction now from Edward Milo and Lauren.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Thank you, Kerry, and welcome back to True News. In this segment, we are going to address the declaration of war that has been made against half of this country by our elected government. According to almost Supreme Court Justice Merrick Garland, a whole-of-society approach is being adopted by the Biden DOJ to persecute anyone who owns a Bible, a Constitution, and a spine. Joining me to discuss the FBI's war against America and the actions of their army of informants, agents, and operatives is Lauren Witsky and the man with many titles and hairstyles, Milo Yiannopoulos. Title got better.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Thanks for watching this, ladies and gentlemen at home. Dono Yiannopoulos. Your title got better. Thanks for watching this, ladies and gentlemen at home. Don't worry, I'm here now. Let's go. Yes. So yesterday, Lauren, you brought up, I think will be one of the most important stories of the year, that our attorney general has declared war on anyone Republican, anyone conservative, anyone Christian. Well, we're getting a lot of details about this now. He's calling it a whole of society approach,
Starting point is 00:41:50 that it's going to involve the local level police. It's going to involve every level of the FBI, but it's also going to involve our legislature. They are going to systematically criminalize even, I guess, the discussion we're having here today. Marlon, what did you make of Merrick Garland? Is it a joke? I'm mesmerized. You're mesmerized? I'm mesmerized.
Starting point is 00:42:11 By him or me? No, no, I'm mesmerized by the extraordinary journey your accent's been taking the last couple of days. Well, that's nice. Careening across the Pacific Ocean. Atlantic, wouldn't it be? I can't remember which one's which. I think that when you see people who almost got lifelong appointments and missed out on them,
Starting point is 00:42:32 in the next chapter of their life, they tend to sort of let the cat out of the bag. So now we're seeing what Merrick Garland really believes. And he's, in a sense, he's one of the freest men in America because now he doesn't have to pretend to be impartial anymore. He's a political appointee. He can say what he believes.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Well, people like Lauren and I, as you'll hear in great detail later in the segment, have been enduring some of these oppressive restrictions on what ought to be civil rights for quite some time. Now they're going to roll it out to the rest of the country. What I shared with you earlier, Edward, that I think we have to show up on the screen is the most extraordinary statement that I think I've ever seen posted to the White House website. Because of the... They're recruiting snitches and family.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Yeah, exactly. Because of what it reveals about the character of this country. It used to be that Americans were individualistic, somewhat libertarian, and that they just wanted to be left alone. But something's happened to the nature of America and the kind of people who live here. And it's not unconnected to the demographic changes, it's not unconnected to the relentless political propaganda in the education system. But the White House is now sufficiently confident that America has become Europe, that it's placed a statement on its website, and it's now going to be instituting,
Starting point is 00:43:53 as Merrick Garland describes, extraordinary new $100 million initiatives to encourage American citizens to snitch on each other. Here's the statement. This is on White House gov They said we will work to improve public awareness of federal resources to address concerning or threatening behavior Before violence occurs now. This is a senior administration official who was speaking basically To expand on what Merrick Garland, the Attorney General, announced yesterday. He said that, I would just like to know that one of the things we're talking about is the need to do something in this space like see something. If you see something, say something. Do you remember this during the Obama administration or even before this notion you see something?
Starting point is 00:44:40 It goes back a little further, doesn't it? In fact, it was you that told me, Edward, with your great depth of historical knowledge, that it's a Cold War slogan. That is correct. Or that it goes back at least as far as that. It's the idea that the enemy is next door. Your neighbor is your enemy. But in this case, we're going past the neighbor.
Starting point is 00:44:59 We're going right to the bedroom next door to the family member who lives in... Or the person next to you. And this is real communist fascist stuff, right? They're encouraging family members to come forward and tell on. My dad... Your brother, your mother, your husband. My dad's been caught openly expressing support for free speech. I saw that.
Starting point is 00:45:19 I'm going to call the government. It turns children against their parents. It turns brother against sister. And that is what it is about. He specifically mentioned families. What is the whole thing that they have been trying to break down this entire time for decades? All about the family. Break down the family.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Now they have called on families to snitch on each other and report each other for extremist ideas. Like, oh, my father had the audacity to vote for Donald and report each other for extremist ideas like, oh, my father had the audacity to vote for Donald Trump. He's an extremist. And that is what they do. They went after families. So you're going to start seeing people. I mean, I hope they don't take the bait.
Starting point is 00:45:54 This is wrong. I mean, it's going to be happening. You said that those who are family members or friends or co-workers know that there are pathways and avenues to raise concerns and to seek help for those who have perceived, those who have perceived radicalizing, not radicalized, radicalizing, okay, and potentially radicalizing towards violence. Well, we've seen where this kind of feelings, perception, impression-based rule I feel Milo has become a terrorist. Well, I'm a terrorist exclusive in your direction.
Starting point is 00:46:29 The rest of the world is safe from most of my venom. I appreciate you, brother. No, look, we know where this stuff leads. Do you feel as though you have been sexually assaulted? Do you feel as though you have been bullied in the workplace? Do you feel as though... Well, we in the workplace? Do you feel as though well? We know what this is an invitation to abuse. It is a whiners charter It's designed exclusive exclusively and explicitly and specifically for people who will abuse it That's the whole purpose of legislation
Starting point is 00:46:58 Feelings-based law is not Accidentally unfortunately flawed it is designed from the first to empower busybodies, snitches, and schoolmarmish fraudsters who go around claiming that they are kind and good and decent and just hate hateful people who are in fact themselves the most obnoxious and intolerant people in society. These laws are designed to empower them. Yep. Well, in addition to this, the White House has also released several pillars of how to go after this endemic domestic terror threat.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Tips for snitches. Yeah, tips for snitches. They actually have a pillar plan, kind of like the planks. Like, probably should just call it planks. They probably should have just called it planks. No, I think there's a reason they called it pillars, isn't there? Because it's Islamic. Oh, you think that?
Starting point is 00:47:50 Well, probably. Oh, maybe. I think it's... I mean, you could have called it anything, but they chose pillars, which seems to me to be self-consciously redolent of the five pillars of Islam
Starting point is 00:48:01 because it's the kind of thing that a woke administration would do. Well, what they've said is every component of the government has a role to play in rooting out racism and bigotry. Well, you know they're telling the truth, but you know that the USPS has an intelligence division. Yes, we learned that. The post office. The post office. The people who fail to deliver your packages, the people who take your money and lose your stuff, have an intelligence division, which is designed to root out who knows what. They have an intelligence division.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Well, they read your mail. They do more than just that now. Apparently, the intelligence division weaponizes that information. The one thing you never expected from the post office was intelligence. Apparently, they have an intelligence division. Not intelligent enough to get things to where they're supposed to go on time. Not intelligent enough to read the address you clearly printed on the front. But intelligent enough, apparently, to install scanning machines to see if you have been doing anything as grotesque, odious, and dangerous as criticizing feminism or saying,
Starting point is 00:48:58 I don't know about this Black Lives Matter thing. Well, something that was of note in that statement from the White House we have to take seriously is that they're coming for the guns of those they consider to be domestic terrorists. Now, they've left it very vague of what it will take for you to get that label. You know how we call our cabinet-level officials honorable. We're going to go after anyone deplorable, anyone who votes the wrong way now, not just as a domestic terrorist, but someone who cannot have a gun, cannot have a bank account, cannot have free speech. This is now codified through the White House, not just Department of Justice.
Starting point is 00:49:36 The White House has endorsed this position and they seek, as they said here, violence cannot be acceptable and they seek political social change no matter what. I mean this is the thinking of a new level of Mao. Don't we have a quite a clear idea of the sort of dangerous international terrorists they're seeking? Aren't we sitting with one today? No, I'm just saying, we're gonna get to it in a minute. These are the people they're coming after and I'm just saying. It's true, though. We're going to get to it in a minute. These are the people they're coming after, and I'm just an ordinary person. No, no, no. And just because I love Jesus, they hate me. No, you are more dangerous than Abu Hamza, the hook-handed hate preacher from North London,
Starting point is 00:50:16 with his army of ginger jihadis. You are, they are all, by the way, the white radical converts, the white converts to radical Islam. Do you know they're like five times more likely to have ginger hair? I could do a whole show on this. We won't. But you are the real face of hate in America. That's why you've that's why you're not allowed to fly without being touched up by overweight black TSA women. And it's also why, well, we'll get to it later in the segment, why something has happened to you. But we're going to get there. We'll not break you. And we will speak about it just a moment, well, we'll get to it later in the segment, won't we, why something has happened to you. We're going to get there. Something that will not break you.
Starting point is 00:50:49 And we will speak about it just in a moment. I think we'll just go right to Tucker Carlson. Sure. Now, the subject of persecution, the subject of lunacy from our government has been laid out by a couple of commentators this year, especially on this program. We hit it all the time. But it is always intriguing to see it on Establishment Network television. Most of the time, Establishment Network television will make you stupider.
Starting point is 00:51:14 It's going to rot your brain the same way nerds rot your teeth. But for Tucker Carlson, I think that he has done a great service. Obviously, the Daily Beast doesn't think so. They think what Tucker Carlson did last night is that he suggested capital insurrection was orchestrated by the FBI. This is bizarre. Now, the funny thing about the Daily Beast and any of the media that was floating around on January 6th that
Starting point is 00:51:47 the magamoms were not the ones destroying the Capitol. There wasn't much even destroyed, but we're now starting to find out, thanks to Tucker Carlson, thanks to government documents for indictments, that a large amount of FBI operatives, FBI informants, even agents themselves entered the Capitol and were leading this alleged attack against democracy. Last night, Tucker Carlson did something very brave. We're going to show you these segments and give our commentary. The first one, 31 for Control, let's watch that. Who did shoot Ashley Babbitt? And why don't we know?
Starting point is 00:52:34 Are anonymous federal agents now allowed to kill unarmed women who protest the regime? That's okay now? No, it's not okay. It'll never be okay. And why are all those January 6th protesters still in prison on trespassing charges as so many Biden voters who torched federal buildings walking free. What's the answer to that question? If all of that was going on in Russia, we would rightly call it scary. We would call Putin a dictator. In fact, we do call him a dictator. And speaking of January 6th, why are there still so many things, basic factual matters
Starting point is 00:53:02 that we don't understand about that day. Why is the Biden administration preventing us from knowing? Why is the administration still hiding more than 10,000 hours of surveillance tape from the US Capitol on January 6th? What could possibly be the reason for that? Even as they call for more openness, we need to get to the bottom of it. They could release those tapes today, but they're not, why? We ought to be asking those questions urgently, because as the Attorney General reminded us
Starting point is 00:53:28 today, a lot depends on the answers. And at least one news organization is asking that, Revolver News. It's a new site, it's turned out to be one of the last honest outlets on the internet. A new piece on suggests an answer to some of these questions. We know that the government is hiding the identity of many law enforcement officers who were present at the Capitol on January 6th, not just the one who killed Ashley Babbitt. According to the government's own court filings, those law enforcement officers participated in the riot, sometimes in violent ways.
Starting point is 00:54:01 We know that because without fail, the government has thrown the book at most people who are present in the Capitol on January 6th. There was a nationwide dragnet to find them, and many of them are still in solitary confinement tonight. But strangely, some of the key people who participated on January 6th have not been charged.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Look at the documents. The government calls those people unindicted co-conspirators. What does that mean? Well, it means that in potentially every single case they were FBI operatives. Really, in the Capitol on January 6th. For example, one of those unindicted co-conspirators is someone government documents identify only as Person 2.
Starting point is 00:54:38 According to those documents, Person 2 stayed in the same hotel room as a man called Thomas Caldwell, an insurrectionist, a man alleged to be a member of the group the Oath Keepers. Person two also, quote, stormed the barricades at the Capitol on January 6th alongside Thomas Caldwell. The government's indictments further indicate that Caldwell, who by the way is a 65-year-old man, this dangerous insurrectionist, was led to believe there would be a, quote, quick reaction force also participating on January 6th. That quick reaction force, Caldwell was told,
Starting point is 00:55:09 would be led by someone called Person 3, who had a hotel room and an accomplice with him. But wait, here's the interesting thing. Person 2 and Person 3 were organizers of the riot. The government knows who they are, but the government has not charged them. Why is that? You know why. They were almost certainly working for the FBI. So FBI operatives were organizing the attack on the Capitol on January 6th, according to government documents. And those two are not alone.
Starting point is 00:55:46 In all, Revolver News reported there are, quote, upwards of 20 unindicted co-conspirators in the Oathkeeper indictments, all playing various roles in the conspiracy, who have not been charged for virtually the exact same activities, and in some cases, much, much more severe activities, as those named alongside them in the indictments. Huh? So it turns out that this white supremacist insurrection was, again, by the government's own admission in these documents organized at least in part by government agents. Are you shocked?
Starting point is 00:56:20 We're shocked. We shouldn't be shocked. Because in March, the FBI director admitted that the bureau is infiltrating as many dissenting groups that oppose the regime as it possibly can. There must be moments where you think if we would have known, if we could have infiltrated this group or found out what they were doing. And that, do you have those moments? So anytime there's an attack, especially one that's this horrific, that strikes right at the heart of our system of government, right at the time the transfer of power is being
Starting point is 00:56:49 discussed, you can be darn tootin' that we are focused very, very hard on how can we get better sources, better information, better analysis, so that we can make sure that something like what happened on January 6th never happens again. But wait a second. There's a huge difference between using an informant to find out what a group you find threatening might do and paying people to help organize a violent action, which is what happened, apparently, according to government documents on January 6th. Now this segment, it's a very powerful moment in American history because you have for the first time a network anchor outright saying the government is behind an attack on our country. And not only that, that the government is working to frame the American people for it.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Now this segment was purely based off of an article from Revolver News. I read the article last night and looked at some of the specifics of it. One thing I think we need to point out, the best thing that article did is separate the groups that were at the Capitol that day. There were 350,000 people, according to various data that's been available, that were there that day on January 6th. They weren't all terrorists. Barely any of them were terrorists. But it's important in our minds to know that we have separate groups here.
Starting point is 00:58:16 The primary group are magamoms. That's the phrase that was used by Tucker Carlson and Revolver News. Magamoms. Keep that in your head. They're real people. They're patriots. They showed up to protest. That's the phrase that was used by Tucker Carlson and Revolver News. Magamums. Keep that in your head. They're real people. They're patriots. They showed up to protest.
Starting point is 00:58:30 They did nothing wrong. They didn't burn a city. Second group, and it's a big, I guess, conglomerate, is all the militia groups that show up. The Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys, the Three Percenters. Anybody who was there with military equipment. Maybe they numbered in the thousands. 2,000 at most, not 350,000. The third group we're hearing now were FBI informants, agents, and operatives.
Starting point is 00:58:59 If you know nothing else about January 6th, you have to know this. And I'm telling you, this is just the beginning. Lauren, you've interviewed and spoke to many. Yes. Not only who are there, but have been persecuted. The ones that are being lumped in, taken from the group of MAGA mums, protesters, regular people, and placed into this new category that has been defined by our Attorney General as the domestic terror hoodlums, the people that ransack the Capitol. Right.
Starting point is 00:59:26 You ought to be a man specifically. Yeah, well, it's important to also remember that nobody was armed. You know, nobody went there up in arms. The police were. Yeah, the police were armed. The one that shot Ashley Babbitt was armed, yes. However, you know, these are ordinary people. They've been putting all over the news that, you know, they were domestic terrorists. But they were ordinary people who were invited to a rally by the United States president.
Starting point is 00:59:47 It was hosted by President Trump, and he said that he was going to be with them when he walked to the Capitol. We have those categories of just ordinary people who bought the lie that it was a good idea that Donald Trump was going to meet them at the Capitol. So I did interview over the weekend one of these. He's just a father. He's just an ordinary person who's facing 20 years. He has a little baby boy.
Starting point is 01:00:11 He's a year and a half old. Is that correct? That's right, yeah. Yeah, and we have to be reminded that these are our brothers and sisters. We are American citizens. We are families. And we're allowing the FBI and the US government and
Starting point is 01:00:25 the media to portray these people as domestic terrorists and dehumanizing these people. And I would like to share a clip with you, if that's okay, from the interview I did this weekend. This is one of the people that Merrick Garland says is a domestic terrorist. Well, 20 years, it's a really long time. It's a really long time. You are married with the little boys a year and a half old now. Actually, you're married to a black woman, a black American, correct?
Starting point is 01:00:52 That's true. Does it concern you knowing that your son could potentially grow up as a young black boy in America without a father? You know, I have to prepare for the worst. So, I've done what I can. If there's, I've got family, I've got friends, and they're watching out. I know, I know.
Starting point is 01:01:25 I know it's awful. It's awful what's happening to you. I'm really sorry. You know, I know that you are an avid Trump supporter. I know that you have been covering conservative politics and his rallies and friends with all of, you know, other fellow Trump supporters. Now, Trump had the opportunity to pardon the people that he drew to the Capitol, the people that he sent to the Capitol. Do you feel as if he threw you under the bus?
Starting point is 01:01:56 Personally, I know a lot of Trump supporters are feeling this way because he hasn't even mentioned the Capitol protesters' names, including the one that was shot in the neck, Ashley Babbitt. Do you feel the same way about Trump, or are you still... Yeah, this is where it gets interesting, doesn't it? When we came there to film this, it's not 2015, all right? This is not street interviews where you go on the libs, right? We're really there sort of filming the conservative side and
Starting point is 01:02:30 I can tell you honestly me and my guys in media. We know that When the case didn't get taken by the Supreme Court None of us thought that The election was going to swing back to Trump or anything like that. The people in that crowd generally believed that there was still a chance. We were not of that attitude. And we were there covering that sort of thing. Now no one expected, you know, things to get quite as well as they did, but we're there
Starting point is 01:02:59 to film that. But Trump, there's no populist movement in this country without Trump, and I understand that. But Trump, there's no populist movement in this country without Trump, and I understand that. He has not been there for the people that love him most, which has been me and the people I associate with. And you know, maybe he still can be. It would have been a lot better if he wasn't he was president, but I'd like to see him say something about us That man Nicholas or he he was a journalist that day was not a protester not a one assignment. Yeah, they're on assignment But more importantly, he's a father. I found it very interesting though. You brought this on the interview
Starting point is 01:03:43 But that's the face of Americans who are currently being persecuted the person that Vladimir Putin brought up You have a face now to look at he's also by the way a marine veteran decorated one and He was state director for Trump in Hawaii. So there are all kinds of Violations of the okay with him being in the system then well, well, they're all violations of liberal orthodoxies, you know, serving the armed forces, being a Republican political operative. And now he's a journalist. He's being punished for past sins. By the way, he was standing shoulder to shoulder with journalists from CNN, ABC on that day in the building.
Starting point is 01:04:18 He's the only one being prosecuted. Approved for propagandist. That was the problem. He didn't get his propagandist press pass. No, he didn't get his press pass, no. Now, Lauren, you're another face that was being persecuted. I think it's very, very telling
Starting point is 01:04:32 of the enemy we face that the second you come live on True News here to help us while me and Rick are in the hospital, persecution comes to your home. And my understanding here is you've lost your bank account because of the stand you've taken. Yes. Well, you know, I opened my Wells Fargo account.
Starting point is 01:04:51 I think many, I'm not sure if many people have heard, Wells Fargo, I found out yesterday, had shut down my bank account. Now, this is on me where I only had one bank account, one bank card that I opened a few years ago when I worked in ministry. I never had a problem with this before. I never expected this to happen to me. It was only when I started here at True News that I lost my bank account. They knew I was out of state.
Starting point is 01:05:16 They knew that I'd be here alone. And they knew it was all my money. It was my entire life savings, everything. Everything I own was on one card, and they shut me down yesterday, leaving me stranded. You keep all your savings in your checking account. I do. I know. I'm working on it.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Most Americans just have one bank account. I was actually planning on opening another one when I get home. No, I don't mean to make fun of you. It's the husband's job after all. The thing is about it, if it weren't for the fact that you had friends around, I mean, you could have gone back to the airport, had a bag to check,
Starting point is 01:05:53 had a piece of luggage to check. They don't let you pay remotely for that. You can't cash in miles for it. You might actually, in fact, have been stranded in Florida with nowhere to stay, no money, calling around, asking someone to, I don't know, Western Union you some cash or something. Right. It's not nothing. It's serious.
Starting point is 01:06:10 It's serious. It is serious. And what they're doing is they, I never, they never had a problem with me working in ministry before saving my money, but it was when I was given a platform on True News. You know, there's something they're targeting me because I had the audacity to talk about God for the last two weeks on a global platform here. You know, this place, every institution is attacking places like True News, Christian stations that stand firm on the word, what God has to say, fighting for righteousness. And, you know, it's a targeted attack. You know, they had absolutely no reason.
Starting point is 01:06:40 I've talked to bankers who are enraged about what happened. They're like, how did this happen? And they went and looked. They're like, your account's squeaky clean. There's nothing on there that would even have an incentive that you were spending. I mean, this is Lauren Witzke going grocery shopping, spending money at Wawa. And now I have to borrow money from Milo Yiannopoulos. I should get paid for pain and suffering. It's awful. Well, I hope you include the indignity of having to borrow money from America's most financially irresponsible man. Exactly. In your claim against them. In addition,
Starting point is 01:07:09 I think, well, this was actually your joke. You're funny off air than you are on. He said you should... What's your serious subject? You're right. There should be an invoice of fees. You said that she should charge them humiliation fees for every time she went to buy a sandwich and it didn't go through.
Starting point is 01:07:25 And she's like, oh, well, maybe I forgot my pin. You know, try again at Starbucks. Oh, maybe there really is something wrong. You know, it used to be in the old days when you went up to a department store, there were certain flags on the credit card where they would cut the card up in front of you. But these days they give it back to you. So you're repeatedly humiliated in all the next places. It's horrible. And it's horrible.
Starting point is 01:07:42 And it's coming from an organization, Wells Fargo, that looks and sounds like a bank. But not just any bank. It looks and sounds like a bank that is wreathed in Americana, drenched in the iconography of America. Its logo, it's a stagecoach, that rickety old wheel. The colors, the font, I think the font is Rockwell, classic Americana. They've kept America's money safe for almost 200 years. Exactly. Except no. Liars. Because when you look into what Wells Fargo actually does,
Starting point is 01:08:13 and we'll just whip through it very quickly because we're running out of time. But for instance, Wells Fargo was fined $185 million for opening accounts in their own customers' names without permission and without notifying the customers. And it was all part of some bamboozle scheme to hit targets or some nonsense like that. And then we get into the political stuff they do. So first of all, that's criminal, breaks a bunch of laws. Do they care? Probably not. But then we get into the political stuff. Wells Fargo has had people hanging around on street corners trying to scoop up illegal immigrants to open them bank accounts. It is proud of this fact. It targets, it says undocumented immigrants in these notes, so you must have written it.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Illegal aliens. It's the Washington Post headline, but you're describing the actions of a street, really, a human trafficking cartel, not a bank. You're saying that Wells Fargo went out in the streets of America, and we're trying to recruit customers. Recruit illegal aliens for bank accounts, which might in itself not be against the law. I'm not an American citizen, but I am allowed to have a bank account here. I presume they can open accounts for whoever they want. But clearly what they're trying to do is get illegal immigrants in the system. So they're Americans. So they have American bank accounts to give legitimacy to illegal immigration and to undermine. You, on the other hand, we joke about you being a dangerous extremist terrorist on this
Starting point is 01:09:38 program, but you are a woman who has run for Senate in your state. You won your primary. You won your primary. You were a legitimate, serious, respectable, plausible, viable candidate for one of the highest offices in the land. But you happen to be a Christian. And they're treating me like a second-class citizen. And I'm curious where second-class citizens like myself, if I'm not transgender or an illegal alien, where I'm supposed to bank, where I'm supposed to keep my money, because this is just insane what they're doing to people. They just oppose my political views. There's been a lot of statements that the press has reached out to them to ask why they have done this to me,
Starting point is 01:10:16 and they said, oh, it has nothing to do with her political views. Oh, please. It has nothing to do with her political views. Oh, please. There's nothing wrong with my account. She's a dangerous international terrorist. It has nothing to do with her beliefs. Oh, please. But there's nothing wrong with my account. They've taken your money and they shut down your bank account. She's a dangerous international terrorist. It's nothing to do with her political views. It must be her terrorism.
Starting point is 01:10:29 Yeah. And I mean, what am I going to do? Is it they don't like the supermarket you go to perhaps? Perhaps they're Whole Foods people and she shops at Publix. They don't like the ideas in your head. They don't like the beliefs that you're willing to die over. They don't like your faith. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:10:43 Well, they are big contributors for the LGBTQ agenda as well. They were the first ones to put out a pro-LGBTQ commercial back in 2015 that caused a lot of outrage. They also have a history of banning other conservatives like Lana from Red Ice TV. But this is happening on a grand scale with Christians in America. The founder of Gab, Andrew Torba, he was banned from four banks in four weeks, including the evangelical Christian bank. Yeah, exactly. As well, you know, this is happening to Christians. They are blacklisting us to make us second-class citizens just for having the audacity
Starting point is 01:11:22 for standing up for Christ and Christian righteous values. If you don't mind me correcting you, they're treating you something worse than second-class citizens just for having the audacity for standing up for Christ and Christian righteous values. If you don't mind me correcting you, they're treating you something worse than second-class citizens. They're treating you worse than non-citizens because they're treating you worse than illegal aliens. Exactly. They want illegal alien business, but they don't want yours. They're treating you much worse than second-class citizens. They're treating you worse than people who aren't even citizens. Anyway, astonishing, shocking, and really the most painful thing about this story, as you correctly suggested earlier, is that you've had to come to me. Do you know what it's like having to ask Milo Yiannopoulos for his debit card? I didn't give it. I imagine it's like a conversation with a loan shark. I'll never
Starting point is 01:12:02 hear the end of it. Hopefully you don't have to keep doing that. Let me tell you, folks, that was satisfying. Because it's always me. He had to buy me lunch today. I gladly bought you lunch. No, no. We did break bread. We went to a very good soup and bread chain. And there's me.
Starting point is 01:12:18 Oh, no. I've done it again. My debit card's here. My other debit card's with her. I've got no cash on me. And he's there thinking, oh, that old chestnut. But no, I mean, you know, I'm literally a mess. But so it's been very gratifying, very gratifying to be your savior.
Starting point is 01:12:33 Yeah. Well, you white knighted for sure. Came in there and saved the day. Thank you, though. Thank you, though. But honestly. What do you plan to do? Well, here's the deal.
Starting point is 01:12:41 We have, I mean, Christian persecution. We know it was coming for a long time and it is here. They are coming after Christians, but I will not be intimidated by these people, by these globalist corporations and these bankers and elitists who don't like what I have to say, because I know when I stand before God that I would have stood for righteousness. You cannot say the same. You know, so you have to stand up.
Starting point is 01:13:03 You know, they're going to hate you anyway. So stand up and fight for what you believe in. Fight for Jesus Christ. We need you now. Persecution, it's here, it's coming. But you know what? When we stand before God, we can say that we did not compromise and we did not bend. On another note, there was a verse I wanted to share with you very quickly. You know, I put it in, I don't know if it's going to, if I'd like to read with y'all. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake, rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven. For so
Starting point is 01:13:40 they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Matthew 5, 10, 12. And on that note, you know, I will be pursuing my legal options and filing consumer protection complaints against Wells Fargo for violating federal and state banking laws and consumer regulations. This is not over. I will not stop. You can cancel my bank account. You can cancel my social media network, my voice, but you will not cancel my bank account. You can cancel my social media network, my voice, but you will not cancel me. Amen. I'm glad, not just glad, honored to sit at a table with a fighter. Thank
Starting point is 01:14:12 you. You're not rolling over, but more so you're not letting these people get what they want. They wanted to intimidate you. They wanted to shock you, but more so they wanted to get you to flee. Honestly, I think that this tactic they've used in the past, they do it not just as a bully. They do it as a predator. They took your money. I think a lot of people don't realize this. When the account was shut down, they didn't just hand a check to you today, yesterday. They have your money right now. Yes.
Starting point is 01:14:42 They would not allow me to pick it up at a bank. I even told them. I'm like, I'm stranded out of state. I don't have any money. That was Yes, they would not allow me to pick it up at a bank. I even told them. I'm like, I'm stranded out of state. I don't have any money. That was it. It's not their money. They've literally stolen money from an American citizen. Yes, they have.
Starting point is 01:14:52 Aren't they terrorists? Yes, they are. They're the real terrorists. Yes. Big bankers are the real terrorists. But, Mal, before we close out, you have an update on Enrico Tarrio. I do. Former head of the Proud Boys.
Starting point is 01:15:05 I'm so glad we have time for it. We do like to return to this story because the former chairman of the Proud Boys is kind of emblematic of everything that is devastatingly wrong about American manhood. We covered a story that we hoped would shame Enrique Tarrio, former chairman of the Proud Boys, this fraternal organization. I wouldn't classify them in group two as you perhaps did earlier in the show. I think they're in group one. We're all in it, that's why. Who cares? The point is that they're good, peaceful guys who, you know,
Starting point is 01:15:39 they don't start fights, but sometimes they finish them. So, you know, I understand it's a gray area. This is a fraternal men's order that is supposed to be about strong men good fathers and families he as we know is a deadbeat dad and uh doesn't pay his child support and rest of it which is a story we broke here and we were hoping that we'd shame him into good behavior he's also of course an fbi informant uh to to touch on tucker carlson's story. So when Matt Gaetz said that he was going to demand of Christopher Wray today, he wants to know, he wants to know, yeah, Eric, Eric Otero on Suicide Watch, as they say online. So this odious individual, FBI informant,
Starting point is 01:16:19 deadbeat dad, has cut his child off. He has cancelled child support for the crime of being publicly humiliated. A child he would have killed too, right? A child that he tried on numerous occasions to kill. We have texts of him begging the mom to do all this. And he said, it's not six weeks yet in these text messages and all the rest of it. We won't bore you with screenshots and screenshots. But there's a little glimmer of hope in this story. And that's where I thought we could end today, just a little shaft of light coming down. Now, when this mother, her name's Haley in Texas,
Starting point is 01:16:53 was in the depths of her despair, broke, she was... She wasn't sure how she was going to feed herself and nurture her baby. She couldn't afford diapers. She didn't have money for formula. She was worried about being well enough nutrition to herself to feed her baby. She found Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:17:19 Now, we've got a little video from her that she sent in to thank the True News family and the viewers for bringing her story to light. We've had some very generous people who have written in and offered to help her out in various ways. And so just I thought to finish the show, there's lots more to say about this particular unpleasant individual. We'll save it for another show. We've got a little message just to show that, you know, that the work we do here and the stories that we tell here touch people's lives in a positive way. We've already raised thousands of dollars for her, actually. And we didn't even ask to.
Starting point is 01:17:54 We just sort of told her story. People reached out to her, reached out to us, all kinds of things. So this is a little video of her and her beautiful boy, who's about nine months old now, who now will have air conditioning in the car soon in Texas. They live in Texas in the Texan heat. The dad just, you know, going on ski holidays and buying new Teslas, just refused to do this basic stuff for his kid. But we got just a little video to finish the show off of her in response to us and message to the viewers. So here it is.
Starting point is 01:18:25 Hi, Milo. It's me, Haley, and my awesome son, Texas, who is just about ready for his nap. But we wanted to stop by to say thank you, especially to you and to your followers and to everyone out there for all of your comments, your kind words, and just for all the support. I really appreciate it more than you'll ever know.
Starting point is 01:18:45 So thank you guys so much for that. It has definitely made going through this journey a lot easier. So I really appreciate you. Thank y'all so much. I did want to tell you guys there is a silver lining. Actually, because of everything that I went through with Texas's father, it led me into the ministry work for Urban Conservatives of America. So now I am actually growing and learning and working in the ministry and just trying to make sure that I raise my kids God and to Jesus and that I just keep walking in the right path and making sure that my kids are happy and taken care of. And that's the best thing that I can do. So I just wanted you guys to know that I am happy and not on drugs and everything is going okay. I do work my butt off. Yeah, a lot. It is really expensive to live here in Austin, but we get by as best we can. And, you know, I'm grateful. So as long as I have a roof over my head and food in front of my kids and myself, then, you know, I'm doing
Starting point is 01:20:00 all right. So, you know, I'm struggling with the AC thing, but hopefully we'll get that fixed soon. So if anything, I've got AC in my house, so it feels real nice in here. But thank you guys. Y'all have a great day. I'm going to get him down for his nap. But God bless you, Milo. God bless all of you. And thank you guys once again. Have a great and wonderful day. Bye-bye. Well, I can tell you that thanks to the extraordinary generosity of True News viewers and some of the Telegram followers of various ones of our accounts, we have her car going into the shop to get her AC fixed so the baby's not sweating in the Texas heat. Yes.
Starting point is 01:20:37 And since this odious individual has canceled child support, I'm making sure she's got that all taken care of as well. So doing some good here as well as having laughs and sharing the bad news. I think you're doing something very honorable. And it's not just a commendable thing. You're doing the
Starting point is 01:20:56 Christian thing here. And I think that you are going to reap dividends. You won't tell any of my friends, will you? I'll tell all of them. Because between bailing me tell any of my friends, will you? Yeah, I will. I'll tell all of them. Because between bailing... Between bailing me out. Between bailing her out. Between bailing her out. You're a hero.
Starting point is 01:21:11 You take that back. I'm telling everybody how nice you actually are. You take that back. I'll never recover from this episode. These are the things that are important and the things that you're going to remember. But I encourage you and I encourage the audience, Haley's real.
Starting point is 01:21:26 And there's hundreds of thousands of Haley's out there. They're your neighbors. You need to help them. You need to stand with them. You need to keep them strong. We must lift each other up. And through Christ, we are going to endure through anything that these mad men throw at us.
Starting point is 01:21:43 Well, folks, I think we're going to end it for today. That's it for today. Okay, well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. It was a lot of information and hopefully inspiration. We're here to inform, reveal, and analyze this crazy world so you're prepared not to be consumed by it. If you got something out of today's Godcast,
Starting point is 01:22:02 please share it with your friends and family and consider becoming a partner of this ministry as we report the truth every day with spines of steel and conviction that won't fold under pressure. We can support True News by going to that is T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. Just click on the heart on the left hand side or the red donate button on the right you can call our toll-free number at 1-800-576-2116 that is 1-800-576-2116 be preferred to donate to us by mail or send prayer requests you can address uh you can send to the address at p.o box 69 0069 vera beach florida zip code 32969 we accept stocks cryptocurrency precious metals precious metals, even South African coffee beans, anything you want to send to bless us, we will gladly receive. Put toward our mission here to save souls and report the good news as we approach the
Starting point is 01:22:59 second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you and God bless you.

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