TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - UK Covid advisors: Third wave will kill up to 70% of vaccinated people
Episode Date: April 30, 2021Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall looks at the latest UK report showing that a majority of those that receive the second dose of the COVID vaccine could end up being dead by the end of summer; Mamal...itas are rising up to protect their children from the stupid virus; President Biden says that vaccines are your patriotic duty. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (04/30/21)
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The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you.
To find out how you can help,, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll.
The pandemic has brought waves of infection, but no wave has been more pernicious than the wave of persecution against Christians.
North America is now home to its first underground church, Grace Life of Alberta, Canada,
which was forced into hiding after maple leaf thugs seized their church and surrounded it with layers of iron fencing and armed guards. That was after Resurrection Weekend.
But Pastor Coates isn't the only shepherd
under siege by wolves of the state.
The whole body of Christ is facing a great reset by Satan.
But Jesus has his own reset, the greatest reset.
And we're producing a documentary about it.
We have almost forgotten
that we are in a great mortal combat.
The battle of the forces of good and the forces of evil.
We're in an incredibly dark time, and it's cast over the earth.
Whether this is a biblical plague, whether this is as you described it, there is a tension between good and evil.
We're in a crisis of compassion. So for the first time in my career, doctors are turning their shoulders away from patients.
They are denying patients care.
So this is very, very important.
What does that mean? They're killing them?
They're killing them.
They're killing them.
That's an understatement. That's why I'm picking on the academic fraudsters that literally gave the academic basis to kill people.
On behalf of the Center for Health Security, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the World Economic Forum. Welcome to Event 201. The goal of the Event 201 exercise is to
illustrate the potential consequences of a pandemic and the kinds of societal and economic
challenges it would pose. Is this anthropogenic? Is it man-made? Because one can really readily see
that a dark winter or a crisis...
We're about to go into a dark winter. A dark winter.
We are in for a long dark winter.
2020 would be the darkest winter in modern history.
Enables vast planning leverage.
It gives you wide bandwidth to do what you wanted to do all along, which was to centrally plan other
human beings and to corral them into the city of man, which almost self-evidently is what
they're doing.
Why would something that's experimental, that's investigational, it's not fully FDA approved, it's not safe or effective.
Why would this be the basis for the very quick announcements for rights to travel,
keeping your job, going to school? When you think about how many, where we're going,
needing upwards of 250 million Americans at least to finally be vaccinated to get herd immunity.
Are you frustrated at the pace of this?
Do we need to pick it up?
The vaccine is neither safe nor effective.
This is very important.
And you asked about motive.
What could motivate a stakeholder?
The stakeholder concept of stakeholder capitalism.
To want to enact a worldwide mass vaccination program
of a vaccine itself, which scientifically and medically
is neither effective nor safe, that has no proven outcomes,
and want to vaccinate individuals of which the disease
doesn't cause any problems. So there is a goal and stated goal to vaccinate individuals of which the disease doesn't cause any problems.
So there is a goal and stated goal to vaccinate children down to six months old.
Wait a minute.
This isn't a disease for six months old.
It's not even a disease for 20-year-olds.
The bottom line is this is an innocuous disease that has an incredible age dependence to it.
So what started out with this idea that maybe a vaccine could be good and we'll just vaccinate nursing home workers and seniors
and protect people and get through became this ever encroaching, ever expanding mass vaccination
program that has now raised all of our concerns because there's a concern that this isn't about COVID at all.
Almost four months into the vaccination effort, providers are beginning to run out of people who
want to be euthanized, immunized. There were significant obstacles created to suppress access
to life-saving information and life-saving medications that work incredibly well.
My estimate is 85% of the deaths could have been avoidable.
Well, I think this is genocide and a crime against humanity and mass murder.
Through this vaccine program that we basically have set up exactly what you said, genocide.
And so no one was a conspiracy theorist until it started raining. that we basically have set up exactly what you said, genocide.
And so no one was a conspiracy theorist until it started raining.
The Event 201 scenario is fictional,
but it's based on public health principles,
epidemiologic modeling, and assessment of past outbreaks. In other words, we've created
a pandemic that could realistically occur. I'll fool this darkness and make my sight clear. Take me away cause I don't like here. Ghosts of my past, they feel in the night air.
Wake me up, I'm trapped in my nightmares.
Eastern Orthodox writer Dostoevsky taught suffering is beautiful
and it unites us to Christ on the cross.
And we should not flee from suffering.
As hard as it is to go through at the time, it's worth it.
The only thing that makes sense is that this is Satan.
This is demonic.
And God has chosen some to have their eyes open. Why not engage the fight?
That's all there is in times such as ours.
Join me to discuss this project and more,
our True News founder Rick Walls and Doc Burkhart.
Edward, man. The greatest reset.
What a project. It is going to be a powerful movie.
We'll take the rest of this year to produce it.
Already, what we have already recorded is stunning. There were statements
in that short segment that everybody on the planet
should hear what was just said. Yes. You're hearing not from kooks, not from conspiracy
theorists. You're hearing from doctors and not just any doctor, the vice president of medicine
at Baylor University is saying that what has taken place is a genocide. Yes. People are starting to wake up and realize,
and the people who are waking up and realizing
are highly trained, educated medical people
who are asking the very simple question,
what happened?
What really happened?
And they're coming to some of their own conclusions
that we've been looking at
for the past year and questioning.
And so, yeah, this is going to be a great opportunity to lay out the plan that the world
is making for the whole population of the earth moving forward.
It's difficult, I mean, for us here, for me, I've been looking at this stuff for 22 years,
knowing that the global elite were plotting, scheming, working around the clock to entrap humanity.
Achieve depopulation. In their system, and that included depopulation,
but to actually see
a depopulation
being played out. Being carried out
in real time. Around us. It is mind
people can, they can say whatever
they want to say about me. I don't care what they
print. I don't care. they print. Obviously, I don't care.
I am not going to be vaccinated.
I join you in that.
I'm going to be one of the survivors.
I'm going to survive the genocide.
I tell people I'm in the control group for the vaccinations.
There you go.
That's very good.
You want to survive the genocide.
Make that your goal.
Make that your goal. Make that your motto. Look, if it means going into the most
remote places of the earth and waiting for several years, that's what I'll do. I will avoid this
global genocide. They're carrying out genocide against the human race. And we're going to be spelling some of that out for you today on today's Godcast, too.
The evidence is starting to really stack up now.
Yeah. So let's start with this Great Game India article that Edward found.
Yeah. So this article, stunning. And this isn't even Great Game India saying that the third wave will kill or hospitalize
68% of people who take vaccines and both doses at that. They actually came across a document
produced by a scientific advisory board, the top scientific advisory board at that for the
United Kingdom, that briefs the government. And this document states unequivocally in text, in graphing, in data, that there is going to be a wave of death, up to three quarters, potentially, of people who take vaccines.
And not just the United Kingdom, but anywhere in the world that are utilizing this as the solution.
OK, so let me understand this.
This group in Great Britain, this is a think tank?
They are considered to be a think tank slash the top scientific advisory body.
They're called SAGE.
They're one of the subgroups.
They're called the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Modeling Operational.
SPIMO is the acronym.
They advise the UK government, the same advisory board that makes the decision for lockdowns.
For example, when Boris Johnson decided to lock down the country and find anyone leaving, they turned to SAGE.
This is one of the scientists being paid by the UK taxpayer to advise SAGE.
Okay, so this is not coming from a critic of lockdowns and vaccines.
This is coming from a scientist who is paid by the British government
to advise Boris Johnson and his cabinet.
Pro-vaccine, pro-lockdown.
Right. A group of scientists, not just a single scientist either.
So it's a group.
That's advising the UK government on projections
as they see moving forward.
And we asked our guys in the control room
if they could pull up the graph
that we were looking at earlier.
So to help you kind of figure this out,
what's going on with this graph
and the forecast that they're laying out there.
So on the left-hand side, Rick,
you see hospital admissions. On the right-hand side, Rick, you see hospital admissions. On the
right-hand side, forecasted deaths, looking at a peak sometime late summer. Okay. Now,
just looking at this, they're trying to make the sell. If you're trying to sell it, they're making
the sell that it's all those unvaccinated people are dying, are going to the hospital and dying.
But you really got to look at
this chart. And that's where this article really brings us out. If you look at the blue, Rick,
the bright blue and the light blue there toward the bottom of the graph on both sides,
those are the people who have had two doses of vaccine, which most people now have been told is necessary.
Not one vaccine, but multiple vaccines.
And in America, we're at, what, 50% of the population has been vaccinated.
Right, and they're looking to get the double dose. But in this modeling that this UK report puts out, if you've had two doses, they're expecting that to be part of the third wave of infections in hospitals in late summer.
And the biggest part of the deaths in late summer for those who have had two doses of whatever this is that people are getting in. And that's why in this article it is saying third COVID wave will kill 60 to 70 percent of people who took both vaccine shots.
OK, I'm going to act shocked just for the sake of playing the role of an uninformed person.
And so I'm shocked.
I'm stunned.
This chart is saying that if you've been vaccinated twice,
there's a high likelihood you're going to go to the hospital
infected with COVID and you may die.
If you've been vaccinated twice.
If you've been vaccinated once, you might get a
little pass. That's the little green area. How about if you've not been vaccinated? Well, that's,
according to this chart, it's not even as big as those who've been vaccinated twice, Rick. And look
at the deaths. The deaths are minimal. The red on the right-hand side is the number of deaths attributed to the unvaccinated.
But the majority of deaths are occurring in those that have been vaccinated twice.
I'd say less than 10%.
And that's on the right.
If we're able to zoom in on that right graph, that's the death graph.
The majority of the deaths are from individuals between the ages of 50 and over 80 who have taken
two doses of vaccine.
But what is Dr. Fauci's explanation of this chart?
I mean, we know nobody in America is going to ask him about it.
He's probably hoping he's got a couple of weeks until he's going to get confronted with
this, or he's going to get flooded by the calls from family members who are losing their loved ones, the ones that went out and got vaccinated.
This defies all of the propaganda that has been fed to the American people, the British people,
indeed, most of the civilized world for the past year.
That is, you must be vaccinated.
You must be fully vaccinated.
Fully vaccinated is two vaccinations.
Other than the Johnson & Johnson.
But according to this report, Rick, it's the majority of hospitalizations,
and by late summer, the majority of hospitalizations
and the overwhelming majority of deaths from COVID. All right. So
the third wave, right, or the fourth wave, which however you count the third wave for this. Yeah.
The third wave that the news media is telling us is upon us. And the hospitals are filling up again
with people sick and dying from COVID. It's because they've been vaccinated twice.
It's the vaccine wave.
And this is proof.
You look at this chart here.
You can see clearly in the wave or the spike before this, they're saying the majority of the deaths were from unvaccinated.
That's red, orange, and lighter red.
The entire wave, the entire block of deaths in this new wave is from vaccinated people.
Double vaccinated people.
Defies logic.
Even if you had one dose, it's all right.
The one vaccinated part is very important.
What is the difference between the first dose and the second dose?
It's like the second dose, you know, it delivers the knockout punch.
It looks like that.
Something's in the first dose.
That gets you in the door.
It gets you in the door, and the second dose takes you out.
And isn't that what we're seeing when we look at these individual cases that have come out?
They've been interviewed.
They've talked about the death of a family member.
They usually got the first dose, had a side effect somehow.
You know, was knocked out in bed, was headaches, all kinds of things.
But it wasn't until that second dose that they had the stroke.
They had the blood clot.
That's something that actually led to death.
In this article, Grace Rahm, one of the people that were trying to decipher this information,
had this comment.
And see if you can help decipher this, Rick, because I need the gift of
interpretation on it, to be honest with you. She says, modeling suggests that when a third wave
occurs, hospitalizations and death will mostly be in those who've been vaccinated, the double dose.
Now she explains why, in her opinion, This is because so many vulnerable people will have been vaccinated by then, not because the vaccine is harming them.
All right, you got to read that line.
I'll read it again because, like I said, I've been trying to figure it out myself. This is because so many vulnerable people will have been vaccinated by then, not because the vaccine is harming them.
That's a dose.
You can't have it both ways, can you?
It's doublespeak.
It is doublespeak.
Right out of Orwell.
Look, I want to make this very clear that we are witnessing global genocide of the human race.
It's surreal.
We're at the end of the age. Christ is coming back.
Satan's team is carrying out the first global genocidal destruction of humanity.
Witnessing this, nothing like this has ever happened in the history of the human race.
For the past year, we've been suspicious.
Many of you have been suspicious.
Is there something in the vaccine?
Is the COVID pandemic? Is this a cover for depopulation?
My answer now is yes.
Yes. The vaccines are killing people
In a large number and we haven't even seen it now think about that graph and the Dutch
Scientists and in bush. Yes, and what did he say? He said
Within months in a short period of time 70%
We're going I don't know if he put a, he just said there's going to be mass death.
He said there will be mass death around the world.
Remember the Dutch scientist?
Yes, sir.
Maybe guys in control, you know, you can find that quote.
Eric's on it.
So he warned us last month or so that there was going to be mass death around the world.
It was coming. Now, he didn't come out and say planned genocide,
but he clearly was stating that his his scientific knowledge convinced him that something horrible was in the works that was going to be global.
Yes. You and I are witnessing the first global mass murder.
And it is being led by Satan's team on the planet.
This is this is absolutely Luciferian. It is demonic.
You have to survive it.
Do not be vaccinated.
You must survive the genocide.
Even if you have to flee into the mountains.
Now, I'm very serious about this.
Even if you have to flee into the mountains and hide for one to two years.
This is genocide on a global scale. They're going to kill off a massive number of humans. My objective is to survive the genocide.
Yes. Well, you have a duty to actually, a spiritual duty to, to fulfill the Great Commission,
we must carry on unless this is our hour to pass away. But no, we must carry on. Unless this is our hour to pass away,
but no, we must carry on. And we now know, as you noted here, we had suspicion, but we just didn't
know. I can't unlearn this. I've now seen it. My eyes have seen a study that the British government
has admitted, from their own perspective, is a likely occurrence in modeling. And they're not
anti-vaccine. They're not vaccine hesitant.
They're pro-vaccine.
And they are telling the inner workings,
the elite of England know now,
the vaccine, the second dose of it, may kill you.
Okay, so there can only be two explanations.
Number one, the Operation Warp Speed
here in the United States and in other countries to rush the development of a of a COVID vaccine was so irresponsible.
Right. That no little testing done.
And they broke all the rules to satisfy Donald J.
Trump and others who wanted to brag and crow that they got the vaccine produced in record time.
So that's that's option one, that they have unleashed an extremely dangerous vaccine on the world population.
Number two is it's planned population reduction. Yes. Which one do you want it to be?
You want it to be government malfeasance or do you want it to be government mass murder?
Which one? If your house is on fire. What difference does it make if the outcome is the same? If you're
dead, you're dead. And your response to it is the same too. If your house is on fire,
you're not going to figure out exactly why the house caught fire in the moment.
You want to get your family out of the house.
So, Edward, right now in India, we're being told by the media that India is the epicenter of the third wave, that massive numbers of people are dying in India. And so, you know, the media has been telling us
a mutant strain of COVID is loose in India.
This is really bad.
Look, it's killing people in India.
It's a mutant strain.
And, you know, it's going to come to America.
It's going to come to Great Britain.
It's going to come to Canada.
We're all in danger.
Maybe it's the vaccine. Well, Rick, it's going to come to Canada, we're all in danger. Maybe it's the vaccine.
Well, Rick, it's funny you say that because the Indian press,
when they were reporting two weeks ago about the beginning of this wave of death and infections,
they were saying they believed the vaccine might have caused this wave,
but then they would always give a caveat.
Well, it's because we were lulled into complacency by the vaccine. We had a vaccine drive, and now this wave has occurred.
The correlation must simply be that we stopped washing our hands. We stopped taking procedures,
social distancing, wearing masks, because we thought the vaccine kept us safe. It wasn't
true. The vaccine won't keep us safe. They have- So we're getting more people vaccinated.
Yes. And then they did the doublespeak that we just read with Doc where, no, the vaccine's still safe.
The vaccine's still safe, even though we have noticed that the death and the infection rates are occurring after the vaccine drives.
The study is very clear.
And, Rick, they have a wording for injuries and deaths in that study.
They call it immunization failure.
Immunization failure.
This is the quote from the paper.
The resurgence in both hospitalizations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine,
comprising of around 60% and 70% of the wave, respectively.
This can be attributed to the high levels of uptake in the most at-risk age groups, such that immunization failures account for more serious illness than unvaccinated individuals.
That's what was briefed.
Is that what you have chiseled on the tombstone?
Immunization failure.
Immunization failure, Rick.
All right, he died.
Oh, that's a new medical term, failure. You know, the more you think about
this, Rick, you're, of course, we call, we're saying the word vaccine because that's what
they're calling it. I don't think it's a vaccine at all. Maybe the first shot that they give you
was a symptom suppressant, but based on this article that we're looking at today and these
charts and these graphs, if it is a vaccine, then we're the virus.
Humanity is the virus.
And so, and humanity is what's being eliminated.
This is very chilling, Rick, what's being rolled out.
By the way, we did find one of the quote cards from Dr.
Gert Vandenbosch.
Gert Vandenbosch. Gert Vandenbosch.
And I don't know if we can pull it up on screen here, give him a second to find that.
But this is, you know, where he was a former vice president for Pfizer.
And we have the quote.
And researcher for the Gates Foundation.
Researcher for the Gates Foundation.
No small, I'd say, resume with this.
He was also joined by Dr. Michael Yeadon of Pfizer.
He also worked on Gavi. That was the other thing that Vandenbosch worked on.
What he said is that if someone were to be trying to enact global depopulation,
it would be quite astounding that this wasn't the way they would do it.
He kind of gave a double negative in explaining this is how you would enact global depopulation.
But of course it couldn't be.
Yes, he tried to save himself on that.
If you're going to kill off a billion people, this is how you would do it.
But no logical sane person would think that they actually would try to do it,
right? Right. But if you wanted to do it, this is the way to do it. There we go. There we go.
Here it is. All right. So this is the letter that he wrote. So we can take you back to all
authority scientists and experts around the world to whom this concerns the entire world population.
I am all but an anti-vaxxer. As a scientist, I do not usually appeal to any platform of this
kind to make a stand on vaccine-related topics.
As a dedicated virologist and vaccine expert, I only make an exception when health authorities allow vaccines to be administered in ways that threaten public health,
most certainly when scientific evidence is being ignored.
The present, extremely critical situation forces me to spread this emergency call. As the unprecedented extent of human intervention in the COVID-19 pandemic is now at risk of resulting in a global catastrophe without equal,
this call cannot sound loudly and strongly enough.
That's the line right there.
A global catastrophe without equal.
Not the virus.
The vaccine.
That's right.
Because we interfered in the process.
And he goes on to say, as stated, I am not against vaccination.
On the contrary, I can assure you that each of the current vaccines have been designed, developed, manufactured by brilliant and competent scientists. However, this type of prophylactic vaccines are completely inappropriate and even highly dangerous
when used in mass vaccination campaigns during a viral pandemic.
Vaccinologists, scientists, and clinicians are blinded by the positive short-term effects in individual patients
but don't seem to bother about the disastrous consequences for global health. Again, unless I am scientifically proven wrong, it is difficult
to understand how current human interventions will prevent circulating variants from turning
into a wild monster. Now, later in the letter, this is the quote we shared, it was the biggest
part of the letter. Vandenbosch said, of very few other strategies to achieve the same level of efficiency in turning a relatively
harmless virus into a bioweapon of mass destruction.
Look, when we read that quote to our audience, what month was that?
I've lost track.
March. March. That was a blockbuster revelation.
That a highly respected vaccine scientist who is pro vaccine.
Yes. His career is in vaccines and developing them.
He and he worked for Bill Gates and Galvin and he's Pfizer and he's sounding the alarm.
He's saying as a professional in the vaccine industry, we are creating a global disaster.
That is going to have horrible consequences in a short period of time.
Right before the major vaccine drives around the world.
We're now seeing it.
It's happening.
It's being played out right now.
People are dying.
People are having strokes.
People are having heart attacks.
People are being paralyzed, facial paralysis.
And the governments of nations and the news media of nations are complicit in covering up the death toll and the damage being done to innocent people.
Even on their own. There's been reporters who have mysteriously died.
They don't talk about the cause of death, but several reporters in the past couple months, they died in their 40s after taking the vaccine.
Well, I saw a report today out of Sacramento, a local CBS affiliate there,
had a report about a group called the Mama-licia.
The Mama-licia. Mama-licia? The Mama-licia.
I've never heard this before.
But moms are organizing and getting armed
to protect their children.
What an admirable thing to do.
Natural thing to do.
Isn't this what all mothers throughout history have done?
Before it was guns,
it would have been anything to protect their child.
Look, people have to, this is not the first time humanity's been confronted with a tyrant.
But in the past, Doc, you know, with world history, tyrants could only, could only affect
a small geographical region of the world.
I mean, there have been exceptions down through history of people who, you know,
controlled regions, but eventually that breaks down.
They can't hold on to that power because it was extended so far.
That's right.
But now, with technology, that reach can be extended globally. People on the other side of the world didn't know Genghis Khan was on rampage.
And at the border of Europe.
People didn't know Napoleon Bonaparte was waging war.
They didn't know because they were on the other side of the world.
But now tyrants can carry out mass murder on a global scale.
So we're in a new paradigm. And the CBS station produced a report on what they called
Mama Alicia. That's their name, okay? That moms are alarmed and saying, I'm going to do what I
have to do to protect my children. Yes. And in the CBS report, they mentioned that maybe,
maybe law enforcement should be tracking these mothers.
Put them on watch lists.
Yeah, put them on watch lists.
Let's watch this report.
We train you on natural medicine.
We train you on how to read maps.
We train you on how to navigate the forest. Founder of MamaLisha,
Denise Aguilar from Stockton, says she's leading a militia of survivalists. It started as a group
of moms condemning vaccine mandates and now the COVID-19 vaccine. You'll see them marketing
themselves online, toting big firearms, but Denise denies this is an extremist group.
We are not violent. We have never been violent. We have not been on a watch list that we were
violent. We are just simply a group of women who are training each other and networking together.
Dr. Richard Carpiano, a public policy and public health expert, has followed the group and their
movements on social media since it started. He says Denise was in Washington, D.C. in January when a violent coup
stormed Congress, though there's no evidence she breached the building. But she has been seen
alongside members of groups like the Proud Boys, and he's concerned with this rhetoric group members
could turn violent. When you're showing up with pictures,
we were putting up websites with pictures of you with weapons.
You were advertising services to train people in firearms.
There's absolutely no reason whatsoever to think that they're not pushing some sort of extremist view.
Senator Richard Pan worries the group will have an influence on vaccination rates
during a time when there's already vaccine hesitancy.
He says some group members have most recently organized
and shown up at the homes of public health leaders to intimidate them.
Not only, of course, did they protest the public health measures,
but they then decided to employ tactics to try to bully,
intimidate people. Intimidate health officials, gather weapons. What is he talking about?
Are we supposed to first of all forget that Antifa, a real domestic terror group, was given a bye for all of last year to show up, beat up people,
put decapitated pig head and blood over people's homes.
We're just supposed to forget about all that.
They're painting these mothers as if they're the new Taliban.
That's right. The real extremists are the COVID maniacs.
The needle is their weapon.
The violent people are the mandatory vaccinators.
Those are the violent people.
They're the extremists.
They won't let other people alone.
They're determined they're going to get their vaccine needle into your body.
To the point that we've now seen them physically holding down mentally impaired people against their will.
One of the most shocking videos I've ever witnessed.
Holding mentally incapacitated people to the ground to give them a shot in the arm.
Wait till you hear this next story.
I got this from Ammo Land.
The FBI, when you get a background check to purchase a firearm,
the FBI is sharing your information with Interpol,
the international police agency in Europe.
Your personal information is being sent by the FBI
to a police agency in Europe.
Now, of course, my first question as an American citizen, why is any of my information being
sent to any international organization at all?
I mean, that's just a basic question.
Any data, any information.
Because law enforcement agencies and intelligence agencies for years have been entering into data sharing agreements.
That's the Five Eyes Alliance.
We act as if the gun registries and all the things that our domestic agencies are collecting
wouldn't somehow find its way into the hands of Interpol or other allies overseas.
This is a betrayal to the very core of what a background check is.
Rick, there have been some shootings, a large spree of them lately. A couple of them were
individuals were up to buy weapons after the police had already identified that this person
was someone who's an extremist, an actual extremist, someone who talked about killing people.
They were still able to buy the weapon. They say this is a fail of the background system.
But there's an overwhelming amount of law-abiding Americans who bought a weapon, had to go through this background
check system, and they got the weapon, but they didn't know what else they were buying.
They were now placed on a blacklist, which has been shared with Interpol.
Now, to understand this article from Ammoland, by the way, great website, Ammoland. When they first started looking at
this story, they couldn't get the information from the FBI because when the FBI provided the
initial documents, it was redacted and blacked out. But fortunately, a full version was backed up
somewhere else that had the unredacted information that showed that the FBI was sharing information
with Interpol. So the FBI didn't want you to know it. You couldn't get it from our FBI,
but you could get it from a source outside of the United States that was unredacted
that told us that our own FBI is selling us out to Interpol.
I wonder if the FBI told Interpol about Hunter Biden's gun he left in his car.
And the crack pipe.
Back to vaccines.
So a video that is circulating this week of a young woman who tragically suffered two strokes after being vaccinated.
And despite the adverse reaction, I mean, one stroke is pretty bad, Doc.
Two strokes, Edward.
That's really bad.
And despite the adverse reaction, she's still praising the vaccines.
She's still cheering on people to be vaccinated.
You've got to watch this because obviously the vaccine impaired her mind.
Watch this video.
All right, story time.
So recently I got the second Moderna shot,, uh, I had two strokes after that. So
that's not good. Um, yay for the vaccine. You know, I'm all for ending COVID. Uh, and I got my shot at
Walmart and it was on a Saturday and I went home and I really wasn't feeling good. I was like
nauseous and I had this terrible headache. Pretty much right after I got the shot, I started not feeling, like immediately started not feeling good. I had this weird feeling
in my head. So that Saturday, I was just trying to like truck through and just make it through.
And my mom was nearby and I was like throwing up and I had this headache. And on Sunday,
I tried to take a nap. And when I woke up, none of my words were making sense. None of them. I was just speaking gibberish. I was looking at my phone. I was trying to
unlock it, like call 911. Couldn't unlock my phone. I was like seeing the letters
on my phone. None of it made sense. I got rushed to the hospital straight into a
CAT scan. I got an MRI immediately. They gave me a very strong clot buster called TPA, um, basically,
uh, the neurologist came in, and she was like, you're only 31, I don't think you have strokes,
like, this is like an old people issue, um, and then when they got the MRI back, she was like,
oh no, just kidding, you had two strokes, um, JK. Uh, so, uh, very concerning. Like I said,
none of my words were making sense. It was super weird. My right arm felt like it didn't belong to
me, which is no bueno, because I'm an artist. Um, that's one of my super nerdy things, um,
and so is that. Uh, so, I need my hand. Um, so right now it's still really difficult to focus and read and
draw and stuff, but I'm really lucky to be alive because if I had just gone to bed that
night I could have died.
But you're pro-vaccine.
She had two strokes, still a supporter, and she still hasn't put one and two together.
She thinks it's a stroke of bad luck. No, it was the vaccine.
The real virus that's out there is the stupid virus.
Yes. That is viral. It's everywhere. It goes bone deep too. I mean,
the things that we're seeing out there and for someone to immediately after having a second shot of the vaccine,
whatever variety, whatever flavor you end up getting,
and then to have not just one stroke, but two strokes,
30-year-old girl having two strokes, that's weird in itself right there. But immediately after the vaccine and then not be able to make the
connection. I wonder if vaccines had anything to do with it. Well, then she would say, no,
they don't. Well, maybe go into Walmart is what did it because that's as much a correlation
as the other, right? But we can say other people have had clots, other people have had strokes after the second vaccine.
Doc, it also indicates to me that the nurse said to her,
look, strokes, that's for old people.
You're 31 years old.
You know, that's not a stroke.
That indicates to me that nurses and doctors
are not taking seriously
that the vaccines
are causing strokes.
Because they've been
indoctrinated themselves.
That if they dare
to just go with
their logic on this,
they might lose their job.
Plus, they have probably
already taken the vaccine
They'd have to admit
to themselves,
oh my,
this happened to
a 31-year-old.
I don't know,
20, 25 as a nurse. Oh, thank goodness
this didn't happen to me. The vaccine did this? And she said, I still can't use my arm. And for
an artist, that's no bueno. I mean, no good. The thing that she should be able to figure out here
is, was that happening? Was that likely to happen to her? And did it happen before she took the
vaccine? Like, did COVID do that to her? Because she got the vaccine. Logically, I'm trying to
work this through. She got it to prevent herself from dying. Right. Most people are saying this to themselves. I'm getting the vaccine to reduce the chance that I might die. But she almost died. But she almost died from the thing that's supposed to protect you from it in their mind. So I'm going to protect myself by not being vaccinated. That's a smart choice. I'm going to remain healthy and safe my faith is in the risen
savior jesus christ amen i am not going to allow the um covet maniacs uh to
convince me to be vaccinated or vaccinate me against my will. I know what I'm reading.
I know what I'm seeing.
There is a mass death campaign underway right now.
And I don't care what people,
they can write any article they want to write about me.
They can do everything they can to deplatform me.
I'm going to survive a global genocide.
The only good thing that will come out of this is a lot of stupid people will be killed off.
And I'm saying stupid because they're not using their brain or God-given brain to make a decision for their own good.
Here you just saw a woman who's cheering the vaccine after she had two strokes.
That's a level of stupidity I can't even comprehend.
I can't either.
That's honestly, that's so stupid.
I don't even know what to say about it.
I don't have words to describe that level of stupidity.
So if the vaccine wipes out a lot of stupid people, well, we'll have a better world.
I'm going to survive. I'm going to survive by God's grace, by his will.
I'm going to survive the genocide. I'm going to preach Jesus Christ till the Lord takes me, not a vaccine. Right. I'm not
going to let the devil take me with a vaccine. When the Lord wants me to go home, I will go.
And until that day, I'm here preaching salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
I believe that we're in the last days. I believe that the final day is coming.
I believe Satan is loose.
Doc, I now believe spiritually that Lucifer has been released from the abyss.
You think this is that short time that we're talking about?
Yeah. Because of the insanity that we time that we're talking about yeah because of the
insanity that we see that's gone global yes see the the the rapture gang that teaches secret
rapture and and then seven years of tribulation then the second coming and then a thousand year
jewish kingdom and then the judgment of the humanity after that. I mean, all that. That's
all Jewish fables. It's Freemasonry. OK. They believe that Satan is released from the abyss
after a thousand years after the second coming. So Jesus, king of the world, he's sitting on a
throne in Jerusalem. he's got a rod
of iron and he's been ruling the world for a thousand years and yet the devil's able to take
him down at the end for a little while well that's confronting yes but for what purpose for what end
what is that that never made sense it never made sense to me Okay. Here's why it doesn't make sense.
It's stupid.
That's right.
It's stupid theology.
It's Freemason theology.
Been imprinted onto the scriptures.
We are in the millennial reign of Christ.
We've been in the millennial reign of Christ since the resurrection.
Christ is reigning.
He's reigning now as the king of heaven.
He's been reigning for 2,000 plus years as the king of heaven.
He's reigning through his church.
People like you and me.
He's reigning on this earth.
This is his kingdom now.
In a limited now. Glory.
In a limited state.
Yes. It's a limited state.
It's not the full kingdom. Because it's not the final day yet. The thousand
years does not mean a literal
1,000 years. Just like there's not a literal
dragon in Revelation 20 either.
Okay. That's right. So it's
not a literal thousand years. But
Doc, it says a thousand years.
Well, it also says God owns a cattle on a thousand hills. Just one thousand hills. Yeah. You say he
only owns cattle on one thousand hills or does it mean all the hills? It means an unlimited number.
Right. And that's what the thousand years mean. It's an unlimited number. Only God knows the amount of years.
Christ is reigning right now during. During this time, there is a period of time just before the
second coming that Lucifer shall be released from the abyss to deceive the nations one last time.
Now, you say, wait a minute.
Isn't Satan loose now?
No, he has been restrained.
He's been restrained for 2,000 years.
People are carrying out Satan's will on their own.
But Satan has been restrained.
He's been bound and restrained by what? The preaching of the gospel, by the work of the church, by godly men and women living clean,
holy, righteous lives. That restrains the devil. But the Bible says that at the end,
near the very end, before Christ returns,
Lucifer shall be released for a short time from the abyss to deceive the nations.
Boy, that makes sense.
This is the time of tribulation.
And it's not seven years.
I don't care what John Darby said. I know how he came up with seven years.
He took a scripture out of the Old Testament, took a scripture out of the New Testament,
and he taped them together. Taped them together with duct tape. Yeah. He taped them together and said, seven years. He took a scripture out of the Old Testament, took a scripture out of the New Testament, and he taped them together. Taped it together with duct tape.
Yeah. He taped them together and said, seven years. Okay. Jesus said there will be time
of great tribulation. He didn't say there will be a seven-year tribulation. You try
to find where Jesus said seven years tribulation. You tell me where Jesus said, I'm going to
sneak in and grab the Christians.
Nobody will see it. Then there's going to be seven years of tribulation. Then I'm going to
come back again. Jesus didn't say any of those things. John Nelson Darby said it.
The rapture people have said it. It's Freemasonry. It's Jewish fables. And the American evangelical church has bought into this nonsense
and millions of people have been indoctrinated. Well, it's time to be indoctrinated. Okay. This
is real stuff now. What I'm seeing, what's happening right now is for the first time,
I believe Lucifer has been released from the abyss. He is now waging war against the saints.
I don't like the part of the scripture that says
he will prevail for a season. Yes, he makes war against the saints
and will prevail for a time. He wears us down.
He will wear down the saints. That's biblical.
Until the ancient of days stands up.
When Almighty God stands up and says,
enough, this is it.
And he dispatches his son, Jesus Christ, to return.
How long does it take to go from heaven to earth?
Like that. Just like that just like that even faster
okay the moment he leaves he's here faster than thought yeah and it's just suddenly christ
lights out in the universe no sun no moon no, no lights. And then Christ is here.
And your spiritual fate is locked in at that very moment.
It's locked in for eternity.
Christ has appeared.
The angels bundle.
They gather the wicked.
They bundle them. Take them off to be burned. The righteous are lifted up. We meet the They gather the wicked. They bundle them.
Take them off to be burned.
The righteous are lifted up.
We meet the Lord in the air as a welcoming party,
welcoming a king, a conquering king.
We're shouting glory, glory, glory, King Jesus.
As we watch the earth burn.
I really believe this is where we're at right now.
The devil has been released from the abyss.
It would explain the mass deception, not just among the unsaved,
but among those who claim to be among the elect.
How many lies, how many rumors, how many things that are literal weapons of propaganda have been spread among the body of Christ. And it's everything from politics, even the arguments being made to
go get a vaccine. There are so many lies. Joe Biden told the American people, it's your patriotic
duty to be vaccinated. The patriotic plunge. He's making an argument to
patriots now. It's part of being a patriotic American. To get a vaccine, which we just laid
out to you, could kill you. It's my patriotic duty to survive. Not to do something that I know
is stupid, harmful, could kill me, could paralyze me. Do you know how many,
I've lost track this week, how many people that I personally know, it's now starting to be almost
daily. What's that? Did you hear that so-and-so took the vaccine and he's sick? Did you hear that
so-and-so took the vaccine and she was unable to walk for a couple of days? Did you hear about so-and-so took the vaccine and he's sick. Did you hear that so-and-so took the vaccine and she was unable to walk for a couple of days?
Did you hear about so-and-so who took the vaccine
and violently shook?
I'm hearing, these are people I know.
Not stories that I've read,
people here in Vero Beach that I know.
It's almost every day.
And what was shocking about this was the realization
that that's what we were told the pandemic would cause.
Not this year. I'm talking about back in March.
What they're telling us, you will see bodies, people you know, friends, family.
They'll be dead. They'll be injuries.
But it's not come from the virus. It's come from the vaccine.
That's right. Call your local hospital.
Ask them how many people are actually there for COVID.
I know how many are out here at our hospital right now. It is under 10.
Under 10 here in Vero Beach. Yes. Who are actually in the hospital because of coronavirus.
The craziest part about our president saying this is your patriotic duty is that your patriotic duty is to pursue life, liberty,
and happiness. Life. Literally. Life. This is challenging your life.
Well, we've got a video of Joe Biden calling upon Americans to do their patriotic duty.
CDC guidance this week about outdoor mask wearing. A lot of folks excited that they can now
shed these masks if they've been double vaccinated. Are you going to be one of these folks now? We're
no longer going to see the president of the United States outside with the mask on?
Sure, sure. I mean, but what I'm going to do, though, because the likelihood of my being able to be outside and people not come up
to me is not very, very high. So it's like, look, you and I took our masks off when I came in,
because look at the distance we are. But if we were in fact sitting there talking to one another
close, I'd have my mask on and I bet you'd have a mask, even though we've both been vaccinated.
And so it's a small precaution to take that has a profound impact.
It's a patriotic responsibility, for God's sake.
Joe, if you've been vaccinated, you can't get COVID.
Then get up there close to him.
See how far apart they were? You're like 12, 15 foot away from each other.
Now, Mr. President.
They're both vaccinated.
But they're afraid of getting COVID.
You have a higher likelihood of getting COVID if you've been vaccinated.
They're putting the virus in your bloodstream.
All right.
I've got a question.
I'm not prepared to talk about this right now.
I'm just going to throw something out.
A lot of doctors are treating patients with ivermectin.
The FDA says don't do it or recommends they shouldn't.
I don't think there's a rule against it.
But what is ivermectin?
It's antiparasite.
Why is an antiparasite drug killing COVID?
Well, that means there are cooties in it, right?
There are parasites.
Now, the argument could be made that what that particular medicine is doing is fighting the parasites that result in pneumonia that people get as a result of being infected with the COVID virus.
Are there parasites in pneumonia?
Well, you're more susceptible to bacterial pneumonia.
So a parasite.
But ivermectin is to kill parasites.
Right. So maybe if COVID is a man-made biological weapon, did they put parasites in it?
Or something in this helps parasites that are existing in your body, maybe weaponizes the parasites that are inside you.
Never thought about that.
You weaponize the parasites.
It's a great question, Rick.
Is it parasite food?
All we know, all we really know, is what is being used to treat COVID. Here at this table, we're taking a lot at face value of what's the
actual coronavirus like makeup, the cell itself. We're being told by the government what the
coronavirus molecule looks like. And we're being told by the Chinese what the coronavirus molecule
looks like. If we believe they might be lying, everything is back on the table.
We heard from Joe Biden
saying it's a patriotic duty to be vaccinated.
Now Donald Trump is starting to make noises.
I heard him the other day on an interview
with Maria Bartiromo.
He's indicating he's going to run for president again in 2024.
And he's restarting his MAGA rallies.
Like what, in June?
This month.
Next month.
And as of listening to this, if you hear it tomorrow, it would have been May already.
Next month or in the May, President Trump is thinking about starting his rallies. And Rick, I got a question about this.
President Trump is pro-vaccine. President Trump is for the vaccine. He's for vaccination. He
encourages it. Will President Trump set up a vaccination booth outside his rallies? And will
he require people who want to attend
get vaccinated?
Those are really good questions.
So diehard Trumpers out there,
if you go to a Trump rally next month
and he has a vaccination booth at the rally,
will you be vaccinated
in order to honor your hero, Donald J. Trump?
Because he called himself the father of the vaccine.
The father?
I thought Fauci was the father.
You think President Trump called himself the father of the vaccine?
The Trump scene.
He called himself the father of the vaccine.
There it is.
Well, let's listen to him say it.
I did the vaccine. They like to take the vaccine, but even the fake news isn't giving them credit for that.
We did the vaccine, saved, you know, just tens of millions of lives throughout the world by coming up with a vaccine.
If I weren't president, the vaccine, you wouldn't have a vaccine for five
years. Three to five years would be the minimum. I got it done in less than nine months. And that's
only because of me. If I wasn't president, you wouldn't have a vaccine. And then I went out and
bought spent billions of dollars to buy the vaccine before approval. So people are getting
shots long before they would have. Otherwise, you wouldn't have been getting your shots till October or November. Nobody would have had a
shot right now. So I tell you what, it was the military and it was a system of transportation
and system of getting those shots out to people like nobody's ever seen. It was a military
operation. The generals did a phenomenal job, a really. And then they
took it over and it kept going. Very simply, it kept going. But and then they blew it with
Johnson and Johnson. They should have never done a pause with Johnson and Johnson. That was done
for either political reasons or because they like Pfizer so much. But what they did with Johnson
and Johnson was horrible. They want everybody to get a vaccine
and then they do a pause, which got so much publicity, hasn't recovered yet. What they did
there was just terrible. But the vaccine saved millions and millions of people throughout the
world. We have the best vaccines. Nobody even says they have better than what we have. We have
the best in the world.
Everybody's trying to get them. And that was all done by Trump. You just mentioned J&J. And I want to stay there for one second, because this pause had to do with a handful of cases of blood clotting.
What should have been done in terms of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine rather than taking that pause?
Obviously, it's back on the market. The FDA making that decision last Friday. What would you have preferred to see,
given those blood clotting issues? Well, at the time it came up, there were eight million shots
and there were six cases, which, as they say, was far less than women's birth control pills,
than Tylenol, than, you know, almost anything.
It was very, very minuscule.
And I would not have made, I would have put a warning on or something on just that particular vaccine.
But I certainly would have deposed it and gotten front page news all over the world.
And then people don't want it.
And it probably even affects the others because, you know, there's a big situation with a lot of people don't want to take the vaccine. Well, this played right
into their hands and they want me to do public service messages and everything about everybody
taking the vaccine. And look, I guess in a certain way, I'm the father of the vaccine because I was
the one that pushed it. You know, to get it done in less than nine months was a miracle. Fauci said
it would take three to five years.
He thought it was something that just wouldn't be that effective
because it would take so long to get.
I pushed the FDA like they have never been pushed before.
I wouldn't exactly say they're in love with me.
They have never.
This is a very bureaucratic organization.
I pushed them like they've never been pushed before. And that's why
we have it. When they did the pause on Johnson and Johnson, I thought that was a very, very stupid
thing to do. Rick, you heard him say it. Father of the vaccine, he also said if it wasn't for him,
we wouldn't have a vaccine to mandate right now. That's right. He is claiming ownership of the vaccine.
He also
the temporary
pause in the Johnson & Johnson
vaccine, which was causing
blood clots. He compared it to birth control
for women. Donald Trump
it's wrong to stop the Johnson &
Johnson vaccine over blood clots.
Well, then he's the father of the blood clots.
This is what he said on April 16th.
This is coming from the desk of President Donald Trump.
The federal pause on the J&J shot makes no sense.
Why is the Biden White House letting insanely risk-averse bureaucrats run the show?
The last line is one.
I hope everyone watching here,
because I know most of you watching and listening,
you are opposed to vaccinations.
You don't believe in the current vaccination that's going on with coronavirus.
Read this.
This is from president Trump.
this moronic move is a gift to the anti-vax movement.
The science bureaucrats are fueling that deranged pseudoscience.
If you are considered yourself anti-vaccination, President Trump just called you deranged.
And a moron.
And a moron.
And you believe in pseudoscience. All right, so if there are any Trump supporters
still watching me, hanging on to Donald J. Trump,
believing that he should come back to the White House,
how do you reconcile your support for Trump,
your opposition to vaccines,
your belief that the COVID pandemic is a plandemic for mass extermination of millions of people, maybe a billion people. How do you reconcile
that with your support for Donald J. Trump? He does not deserve our support. He is the father
of the vaccine. The very vaccine that we're telling you is carrying out
mass death. Yes. And now it puts into a whole new perspective the campaign slogan President
Trump used for his 2020 campaign. Keep America great. Remember where that first was debuted,
where it was first included? It's in the Purge movie. The Purge movie about our election system.
Oh, my.
President Trump used the very same slogan for his campaign.
Oh, my.
So we were saying that the Purge movie, even though we knew it had connections to Jared Kushner.
Yes, they'd hired the marketing, the PR man for Blumhouse Productions.
And so I said on this program that it appeared that the Purge movie was a warning that the left is going to carry out mass killings.
But that slogan that Trump used in his campaign came from the Purge movement.
Yes, it was in the Purge movie, produced around 2016,
finally released in theaters in 2000.
It was in that year, 2016.
The Purge election year upon, it was released in 2016, is an article.
Actually, they responded to the use of this.
They even acknowledged it.
But what was not covered in this article, Rick, at the time,
was the involvement of a Trump administration official
in the Purge
series for the Blumhouse Productions team under Jared Kushner. Now, that official left in 2018,
and that's when we covered the story. And the Purge movie, is that the one that had the
eerie, bone-chilling siren? Yes. When the siren sounded, the mass killings began. Anything is permissible. And that siren was used in a few
towns, like one in Louisiana. Yes. When they announced a lockdown, the police cars were
going down the street with the purged siren. Yes. Okay. So I was blaming the left.
So left, listen to me. All right. All my leftist enemies that get paid to watch me.
Push the record button right now.
You get paid to watch me.
Think about that.
It's good education.
Here you go.
Here's a freebie.
So what if, what if the purge is coming from the Trump team against you.
What if the purge is being led by a totally different group of people
that we didn't expect?
Let me tell you something else I just discovered
about a week ago.
You guys know I have a lot of old books,
and I am addicted to buying old books, really old books.
You like learning from a generation of sane people.
Yes, and I also buy not only just old books written by Christians, but I buy specific old books that help me understand history.
I just learned something about a week or two ago. The Jacobin Revolution,
which was a purge of France, the beheading and the guillotines, the Jacobins, they invented
the term fake news. The term that Donald Trump introduced came from the Jacobins.
When you showed me that the other day, I was like, are you kidding me?
But the Jacobins...
Why would President Trump use a term from bloodthirsty satanic murderers?
Well, now you put that together with he's the father of this vaccine.
Does that mean that he's responsible
for each of the individuals past the six that had blood clots
that have died or have had heart attacks
from the various shots that are only available because of him?
Has the purge started?
And it's not gunshots.
It's not rioting.
It's not beheadings. It's not guillotines. That's kind of messy. It's not rioting. It's not beheadings.
It's not guillotines.
That's kind of messy.
It's vaccines.
As the purge begun.
Wasn't it President Trump's own lawyer,
Alan Dershowitz,
defended him in the impeachment?
He made the argument that
mandatory vaccination was constitutional.
Yes, but
it was deliberately introduced into our minds.
The association of the purge siren was linked to COVID and the lockdowns.
First time I had ever heard that siren used in real life,
connected to the COVID lockdowns.
That's true.
Was that the kickoff of the purge?
Is Donald Trump part of the purge?
The purge is taking place.
We're now figuring out who might be behind it
he's the father
the father of the Trump scene
maybe he has more
tendencies than people want to recognize
except the
Christian Zionists believe
he's God's man
you know sent here
for this time
could be Satan's man
well man, you know, sent here for this time. Could be Satan's man.
Well, this show is going in a direction I didn't see coming today. Let's show a
couple more and then let's go home. What confounded us mostly, and
especially the email list posting by President Trump and his statements to Maria Bartiromo,
was that President Trump has spoken in the past about supporting the very views he thinks are moronic now.
He said, if you're a part of the anti-vax or vaccine hesitancy movement, you're a moron.
Well, President Trump, I want to remind you.
Candidate Trump.
Candidate Trump at the time actually said this.
When he was still fooling voters.
Autism has become an epidemic.
25 years ago, 35 years ago, you look at the statistics, not even close. It has gotten totally out of control. I am totally
in favor of vaccines, but I want smaller doses over a longer
period of time. Because you take
a baby in, and I've seen it, and I've seen it, and I had my children taken care of over a long
period of time, over a two or three year period of time, same exact amount. But you take this
little beautiful baby, and you pump, I mean, it looks just like it's meant for a horse, not for
a child. And we've had so many instances, people that work for me just the other day, two years old, two and a half years old, a child, a beautiful child, went to have the vaccine and came back.
And a week later, got a tremendous fever, got very, very sick.
Now is autistic. I only say it's not.
I'm in favor of vaccines. Do them over a longer period of time.
Same amount. Thank you. Just in in little sections.
Dr. I think you're going to have I think you're going to see a big impact on autism.
I think even the most conservative among us would agree those were vaccine hesitant statements.
He outright linked vaccines to causing autism in babies. Yes, but I'd like to point out that the man beside him, Dr. Ben Carson, a tremendous neurosurgeon.
But Dr. Ben Carson, a Christian, Seventh-day Adventist Christian, is pro-mandatory vaccinations.
How did he get there?
Donald Trump has
made a transition
from his campaign
that was 2015.
Now he says, if you
criticize the COVID vaccine,
you're a moron.
Because he's the father of the vaccine. So let's If you criticize the COVID vaccine, you're a moron. Yes.
Because he's the father of the vaccine.
So let's hang that around his neck.
Donald Trump is the father of the COVID vaccine.
Let's make sure he gets all the credit for it.
Every time you meet a Trump fanatic, you say, He's the father of the COVID vaccine.
I heard him say it.
Okay, so he owns this heart attack then.
Number 15 for control. A 24-year-old,
Rick, taking the very shot that
President Trump claimed
is not bad. It's no worse than
birth control for women. A 24-year-old
had a heart attack directly
after taking the Johnson & Johnson
vaccine. And this young man, he said that the doctors have told him in the hospital he's at, there
are multiple 18 to 30-year-old gentlemen who are there for side effects, heart attacks,
other issues related to Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson.
They are the extremists.
The people with these needles are the terrorists, the extremists.
And they're killing innocent people.
But you do not have to submit.
I hope that if you have somebody in your family that is seriously thinking about being vaccinated,
I hope that you encourage them to watch today's edition of True News before they allow them to inject this unknown substance in their bloodstream.
If you love them, please get them to watch True News.
Audience are smart. We have the smartest people
in the world watching us, assuming the
content, praying over the content daily.
You've got to know
there's common sense here.
There's examples of things that you
just wouldn't do.
But everybody here
sitting at this table, we all have friends
and relatives who have already been
vaccinated or are on the have already been vaccinated or are
on the verge of being vaccinated or are pressuring relatives to be vaccinated.
It's hostage over it. I got a phone call yesterday. You guys were in my office.
All right. You guys, you guys heard part of it. I, you know, I heard I was listening to it on my
phone and then I put it on speakerphone. so you guys just heard the tail end of it.
My healthcare provider, United Healthcare, which provides the healthcare service for
our staff, I got a robo call.
Is this Richard Wiles?
If this is Richard Wiles, press 1. Okay, all right, press 1.
This is an important message
from UnitedHealthcare.
Is this Richard Wiles? I've asked you a second
time. Yes, yes. So I'm listening. Okay,
I'm listening. All right, what do you want to say?
Yes. If
this is Richard Wiles,
you should be vaccinated.
Please contact,
you know, it was a contact number.
You're eligible now for the vaccine.
So that you can be vaccinated.
So you have insurance companies doing robocalls
to people who have not been vaccinated.
They've got the numbers.
They've got the names.
Who are the vaccine-resistant crowd?
Has United moved into the funeral business?
Yeah, there's actually more likelihood I'm going to die from the vaccine than not being vaccinated.
Especially if you take the second one.
You don't see any robocalls from the life insurance companies,
do you? No, as a matter of fact, you don't see any robocalls from the life insurance companies, do you? No. As a matter of fact, you don't see that.
They don't want to pay out.
That's right.
They don't want to pay out.
Okay, so we got a report from, I know this is California, KTVZ News 21.
That's in Oregon.
Oregon, Oregon TV station.
There was a star track runner, Maggie Williams. KTVZ News 21. It's in Oregon. Oregon. Oregon TV station.
There was a star track runner, Maggie Williams.
She broke the school record for 800-meter dash last week, but she didn't do it in an orthodox manner.
She was running with a mask on, Rick.
She suffocated while running.
And she face-planted on the finish line.
This is one, but this is stupid. Can I just tell
you it's stupid. It's stupid. It's stupid. It's stupid. Can I say it again? It's stupid. You're
running with a mask on. It's stupid. It's stupid. It's stupid. When you're running, you're supposed
to breathe. That's one of the primary things besides the running itself you have to do.
Have I told you it's stupid? Yes. What is wrong with people? You're stupid. They're being
intimidated and doing things that they know don't make sense. In fact, she goes on to say in this,
I felt like I just wasn't being able to get a full breath. You couldn't because you did a stupid
thing. You ran a race with a mask over your mouth.
Your mouth is your breathing apparatus.
But her coach made her put a mask on.
Rick, what would you say?
Her school administrators made her put a mask on and then go running with it.
What would you say if someone ran up to this girl and put their hands over her mouth?
They started suffocating her.
Everyone around, I guarantee you, would rush over.
They'd punch that person, get them off, and because we don't accept that. But the school administrators suffocating her. Everyone around, I guarantee you, would rush over. They'd punch that person, get them off, and because we don't accept that. But the school administrator suffocated her.
Yes, by making her wear a mask. Now, she, in previous races, she...
Did she say, yay, mask? In previous races, she didn't have to wear a mask. It says,
in the past, this has never occurred. Then this race, that I was wearing a mask, it did happen,
which I don't think is a coincidence. I'm telling you, I'm going to, I am going to outlive the stupid people. I think you're
right. That is my goal. Imagine a world without stupid people. I mean, we could actually get back
to a place of enjoying everyday life because what's wrong with, what is wrong right now?
We've got insane people running the world.
I don't remember this when I was younger.
I don't remember stupid people being in control.
I mean, this is a different topic,
but in Tennessee the other day,
the corporate CEO who was fired from his job.
Oh, that's right.
Yeah, Franklin, Tennessee.
He confronted a cross-dressing high school student.
Going to prom.
A boy in a red dress in a restaurant, in a red dress.
And the CEO told him, you look stupid.
You're a boy.
You're wearing a red dress. and the CEO told him, you look stupid. You're a boy. You're wearing a red dress.
You look stupid.
Take the dress off and dress like a boy and go to the prom.
His employer, the board of directors, fired him.
The country's gone insane.
The curse that's on this country is the stupidity.
Yeah, curse and sadness.
Insane reprobates are ruling the country.
A reprobate mind.
And people who know better are going along with it.
That makes you stupid, too.
Get back in Christ.
Resist it and get your, exactly what Edward said, get grounded
in Christ, in the word of God. Get as close to the Lord as you can get right now. This is an
extremely dangerous time. I really do believe Satan has been loosed from the abyss.
Well, I think you hit it, Frank. And that story that you shared is so important because we're called to stand firm
in the faith. And that man that was fired, he tried at first to deny he'd even uttered the words.
Like as if he should feel shame for uttering words, but he denied it. He tried to not.
There was video of it.
Right. Then he had to own up to it.
Then he had tried to apologize. But sir, stick to your principles. There's a reason why you said it.
Right. You said it in public. You said it at a restaurant because you believed it. Now stand with it.
Right. So he's stupid, too. Unemployed and stupid.
Look, people have got to resist this insanity. This is insanity. You got to make it through this summer because there are a lot of double vaccinated
people that are going to be tragically dying over the course of the next three to five months.
We saw the numbers. Well, real estate is going to get cheaper. That's a hard, cold statement,
isn't it? Honestly, I'm trying to think of the positive side of so many stupid people dying.
Houses will be cheaper. It's not us killing you. We're trying to save people's lives. Yes, I am.
We're trying to save them. We're saying that the direction you're going, the policies you're
pursuing are going to lead to mass death among the population. So if you survive, you'll thrive.
I mean, this really is down to survival.
You have to survive the genocide.
And which means you need to avoid contact with as many stupid people as possible. Well, that's that's going to be the real challenge because stupidity has gone viral,
Rick. Do we have any more stupid videos? We don't. We have a positive video if you
want to share that before we close it up. Yes, we need.
We've been gathering good news stories. We always do. We read thousands of stories every week,
but we've been gathering the good news stories. Stories that make you laugh, stories that show courage.
There was a story out of Australia that caught our eye.
Lizzie, the therapy dog, she lives in Victoria, Australia.
Here she is. She's been learning new tricks from her owner.
Now, this video shows an 18-week-old brother, Freddie,
moving around in a scooter, being pushed by Lizzie.
Lizzie's smarter than a lot of humans.
Look at this.
Go, Lizzie.
Go, girl.
Your dogs are smart.
Your animals are smart.
They're loyal to you.
She's not wearing a mask.
She can breathe.
You tell a dog to go run into a fire, they're going to look at you.
That's stupid.
Look at that.
I'd rather watch videos like that than watch stupid people cheering a vaccine that gave them two strokes.
Yay, vaccine.
No, yay, Lizzie.
All right.
And you know what?
We all have Lizzie's in our life.
That's right.
Let's go home to them and let's spend time with them.
Let's spend time with your family.
That's right.
And this weekend, please set aside time to be alone
with the Lord Jesus Christ. Develop a love relationship
with the Holy Spirit. We're in a time
of great peril.
Unlike anything that has ever happened in the history of
the human race. If Satan has been happened in the history of the human race,
if Satan has been released from the abyss, if we have entered a time of great tribulation,
then we may see a billion people killed by various methods.
In the near term.
And we don't know how long he's released from the abyss.
No, we don't.
It doesn't tell us.
It doesn't give us, doesn't give us.
Could be decades.
So it's for a time, it says.
And so we don't know.
But even if he's not being released from the abyss, evil continues to increase around us.
And that is painfully evident as we proceed.
Before we close, if I put in a quick plug, if you get the opportunity,
if you're not able to go to church because your church is shut down because of the stupid virus,
you can always join us on Sunday mornings at New Zion Assembly. So I'd like to encourage you, if you can. We usually post the service at 1030 on Sunday mornings on the website at
So come and join us and, you know, fellowship with us, worship with us.
I'm going through a series of messages on the Apostles Creed and hope you can join along with us.
Watch previous editions as well.
And we always try to encourage you and find fellowship together.
We celebrate communion every week, too.
Absolutely. New Zion is our destination. New Zion is new Jerusalem. That is our destination.
That's home base. And that's where we're headed. You and me together. We got to make up our minds.
We're going to get there. The Lord is not going to let go of you. Okay. He's going to hold on to you. So don't be afraid of what's happening
in the world. He will not let Satan rip you out of his hands. He's going to guard and protect you.
So put all of your hope and your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Get close to him.
Maybe it's been a long time since you've spent quiet time with the Lord,
reading the Word, praying, just talking to Him.
My prayer time, almost never, my prayer time is not on my knees.
I'm talking to my Father all day long.
I live in a state of prayer. I'm always talking to my Father. He long. I live in a state of prayer.
I'm always talking to my Father.
He wants a loving relationship.
Yeah, as soon as my eyes open up at 4 a.m.,
the first thing I say is, Father, I love you.
It's the first words out of my mouth,
Father, I love you.
I'm talking to my Father all day long.
I don't have to get on my knees and go through a ritual.
I'm talking to my Father all day long. Get in that type of love relationship with your heavenly father. You need to be as
close to him as possible. And, you know, if you stray away from him and get in a danger zone,
it's not his fault. It's yours. Run to your father. Get up under him and let him shield and
protect you and guard you. And you will get through this time of tribulation.
And you get through it strong because he empowers you.
It's a beautiful message, Rick. Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News.
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