TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Vaccine Inventor Worries about Assassination as COVID Cops Go Door to Door

Episode Date: July 19, 2021

Today on TruNews, Edward Szall and the team tell the audience how mRNA expert Dr. Robert Malone fears an assassination attempt on his life because of views on vaccination deaths. Also, CDC and FEMA moving ahead on door-to-door checkups on whether families have received the jab. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (7/19/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit wwwth, 2021. I'm Edward Saul. China has threatened to nuke Japan off the face of the earth if they try to stop an invasion of Taiwan. I'm Edward Saul. COVID cops have begun going door to door to pressure more to get vaccinated. But it seems the unvaccinated are far more convinced by experts like Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone, who claim deaths from shots are likely above 50,000 and that the mRNA vaccine technology itself is not safe for mass consumption. All this and more on today on True News. But first, here is Kerry Kensey with today's True News Headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The Times of Israel says former Prime Minister
Starting point is 00:01:37 Benjamin Netanyahu urged Donald Trump to launch a military strike against Iran after it was clear that the former president had lost the 2020 election. According to a report by The New Yorker, General Mark Milley battled to prevent Trump from ordering this strike against Iran while the president was circled by hawks, including Netanyahu pressuring him to attack that country. Milley said at one point to the president, if you do this, you're going to have a blanking war. Others, including Vice President Mike Pence, also pushed for military action against Iran. For information on this story and more, please visit our companion
Starting point is 00:02:17 website. It's The Times of Israel saying, according to The New York Times, Israel has continued to allow and even encourage cyber surveillance companies to secretly work with Saudi Arabia, despiteal Khashoggi's 2018 killing in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. But the Israeli government encouraged it and two other firms to keep working with the Saudis. Project Veritas with a new video, this one exposing Hasbro. The toy manufacturer is working with a contractor called Conscious Kids to force critical race theory upon its employees during mandatory trainings. Whistleblower David Johnson offers this from Katie Ishizuka of Conscious Kids. Children as young as two are already using race to reason about people's behaviors. And we may see this play out in daycare or on the playground and how kids are starting to choose or exclude playmates and friends. Wow. By two years old, quote, already using race to reason about people's behavior, and they exclude kids on playgrounds.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Yeah. Shocking. Two-year-old racists is just an absurd concept. I don't think at two years old, most of them know how to read or write. Many of them may, well, I would hope they know the alphabet by two, but I think it's absurd to just state as fact that at two years old, the children are going to be racist and using race to reason about who they're going to play with. Newsweek reporting that Brandi Love, a porn star who identifies as a conservative, was initially welcomed as a VIP at a Florida event by Turning Point USA this weekend, but then she was banned from the event by Christian conservatives. Love initially showed up at the Tampa Convention Center posting an enthusiastic photo of herself to Twitter
Starting point is 00:04:37 with the caption, It's good to be around so many young conservatives. Gives me some hope. Turning Point responded in part by saying, the bottom line is that it's simply not appropriate for a porn star to be actively posting images at an event with 15 and 16-year-olds present in conjunction with graphic pornography. Turning Point USA is an organization
Starting point is 00:05:00 that advocates for conservative values on high school and college campuses. The Tampa event runs until Tuesday. Times of Israel says not even the dog of the Facebook CEO is immune to online anti-Semitism. Mark Zuckerberg posted a photo of his platform to his platform of his family pet. There it is. The pic shows Beast, a Hungarian sheepdog wearing a yarmulke and a canine-sized Jewish prayer shawl. The Post was quickly inundated with comments,
Starting point is 00:05:33 most of them pushing a pro-Palestinian message, despite the photo's lack of Israel-related content, says the newspaper. They say some of the responses included anti-Semitic rhetoric and imagery. Many contain the phrase Israel terrorism. That's a look at True News headlines. Let's toss it back to Edward now. Thanks for watching. Thank you, Kerry. You know, that last story, Doc, I have to wonder if it was kosher kibble that was in there. You were waiting all day for that one. I was, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:08 But, you know, you look at the— Unusual story there. And so— I read through the thread. Dogs are anti-Semitic, too. I read through the thread. I mean, there were some weird posts in there, but obviously the ADL jumped on this opportunity because of Mark Zuckerberg's dog, and you can make some big thing about this. But honestly, the ADL, I think, spends more time looking for victims. They're kind of like a bunch of accident lawyers, especially for car accidents.
Starting point is 00:06:31 They're ambulance chasers. But in this case, they're looking for incidents of, quote unquote, anti-Semitism they can latch on their tentacles to. Doc, you had an interesting comment about the Pegasus story. It's weird watching the story from the Marxist media go viral because it almost seems like a repeat of True News 2018. Right, because that New York Times article was from over the weekend here. And three years ago, we told you that the NSO group Pegasus software that Israel was using helped in the Khashoggi killing. So this is not news to us
Starting point is 00:07:06 at all. And it confounded me today, and we'll get into this here in a few minutes, I know, that all the reporting on the Pegasus software and spying on groups like the New York Times, Washington Post, The Guardian, other outlets. And as I said, we'll get more into it. But we said this three years ago that this software was doing that. But like I said, we'll get into that here in a few minutes. But you had mentioned in your opening, Edward, that things are still ramping up over in China. What's happening now?
Starting point is 00:07:44 Yeah, I thought we needed to update the answer on this. It's a story, not a small one by any means, but this was being run by the Daily Express today. There is a video that has been produced by a state-backed entity in China, actually it appears to be a think tank. They actually threatened to bomb Japan, and not just with like a JDAM or a bomb you might see on a regular work. We're talking about nuclear weapons.
Starting point is 00:08:09 China threatened to use nuclear weapons against Japan if they continue the discussion of possibly intervening if China decides they want to invade Taiwan. Now, did this message come from the higher levels of Chinese government or just kind of a casual remark that was made in the press? I think that any message like this from the state back end has to come from someone in the party. I'm talking about the Communist Party here. A PLA spokesperson confirmed the validity of this video, but tried to say that this is just a campaign to warn.
Starting point is 00:08:42 It's not China saying they will do it, but clearly China has made it clear they will use nuclear weapons in the case of a Taiwanese invasion. And they've said they also believe it to be legal to invade. So mention this because at any time when the United States is hyper-focused on trivial news, trivial stories of entertainment and whatnot, you have to realize that the world is always on the brink of a nuclear war, especially as world power competition continues to grow. Lauren, I'd like to get kind of your perspective on things here a little bit, in
Starting point is 00:09:15 that you're a little bit younger than I am, a little bit, okay, slightly. But do most people within your age range, your age group, do they even recognize international stories like this? Or if they do, do they really comprehend the import of it? Right. So what I gather from the current climate of American politics and young people in America right now, they've been so focused on America-first
Starting point is 00:09:46 politics that, you know, China potentially nuking Japan. It's kind of like something, well, we have issues here at home. You know, when kids here can't afford to have health care, buy a home, start a family, that seems to become their priority as opposed to, you know, geopolitics in general. But, you know, also, also like this does affect us, you know, it can potentially affect us if China's threatening a nuclear war that could potentially affect us. So it is good to be made aware. However, what I've gathered from American young Americans is mostly the what about me? Because we have been neglected for a really long time. Right. OK, well, I want to get that perspective because, you know, we talk a lot about geopolitics
Starting point is 00:10:26 here on True News. And what I would hope that we could convey to even a younger audience is how important these topics are. It's not just, you know, it's not just focused on what's happening here in the United States, but there are players that are on the global scene that are impacting us on a day-to-day basis that we don't realize. I think to the audience, old and young, these stories, any story outside the country is important because you may have to flee to that country. There's literally nowhere for us to go.
Starting point is 00:10:58 I've thought about that. I was like, well, where am I going to flee? Any other country, not going to go to vaccination. Maybe Hungary. I think other people are going to have to consider that. But the point is that you have to be up on what's happening around the world. One, maybe you're trying to generate investing income for your family. Maybe you're thinking about missionary work.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Maybe you're thinking about, again, where you might flee. But any of this is only possible if you have an awareness about what's happening in the world. We don't live in a bubble. Thanks to globalism, every geopolitical story impacts you at home. For example, if China were to nuke Japan, and that actually was carried out, you would have nuclear radiation, plume cloud, maybe reach California. It would reach much of the fishing lane. You have many relatives in the Asian community, especially the Filipino community, would be impacted. But I understand
Starting point is 00:11:52 it, I do, because when it comes to politics, people are already overwhelmed when it comes to just our own politics. We haven't got it over a stolen election, let alone have to worry about a world war breaking out. Well, in an international story, like we said, that we've actually looked at over several years, now for some reason it's the big news internationally right now. A group called Forbidden Stories, in cooperation with Amnesty International, released a list of a number of phone numbers and different media contacts within organizations like the Guardian, 16 different media organizations around the country
Starting point is 00:12:33 that apparently had been spied on by, as we mentioned earlier, by NSO Group's Pegasus software. So the Guardian was one of the lead media outlets in this investigation. And all I can say is welcome to the club, Guardian. We've been waiting for the rest of you to arrive because we've been talking about this for two-plus years, so actually going back three years, about the insidious nature of Pegasus software that's being used to spy through phones throughout the world. And I look at this story because part of it, the Marxist media is making a big deal out of this
Starting point is 00:13:14 because it's all their editors. It's all their editor-in-chiefs of places like the Financial Times, The Economist, Washington Post, New York Times, all outlets on any other day who would be working to destroy our country and destroy the world through their various proliferation of propaganda or promotion of false narratives, fake stories. Well, it just so happens that this Israeli spy firm, really what they are is it's a private security agency. It's a private spy agency for the Israeli government.
Starting point is 00:13:46 What they're doing in this case, they're saying NSO group. This group is spying on the world's journalists and is doing it for authoritarian powers. They mentioned the United Arab Emirates. They also subtly mentioned Saudi Arabia. They have to because the only reason we know about Pegasus in the main frame is that it was used in the hunting of Jamal Khashoggi. You know, that man who got butchered in Turkey by a hit team by Mohammed bin Salman, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia. But I think the part of this that's interesting is that not only is this not new to people who stay aware of this? But this almost comes off as
Starting point is 00:14:25 a way to rebrand the whole issue. The way this seems now, you have press freedom at stake here. They're not ever going to ban it. They're not going to sanction Israel over this. Even though the story says the Israeli government ordered this kind of surveillance.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Why would our greatest ally ever do that to us? Because they're at all times gathering information about every single person in the world. For example, if you had access to, let's say, the editor-in-chief of Bloomberg's emails or cell phone activity, or you could turn his microphone on while he's meeting with a world leader as part of an interview or a meeting, you would have proprietary information. You'd have information that you could act on, maybe militarily, financially. You could profit off the information. I think it's certainly true that this software hasn't just been used by quote-unquote dictators to oppress their people,
Starting point is 00:15:19 but obviously used for individuals and companies to gain on other companies. It's leveraging. You can gain an advantage against your competitor. But we don't discuss, when we're discussing NSO Group, the work of the NSA or the FBI or the CIA. I mean, public spying is now public. It's not a news story to anyone. We've almost accepted it, right?
Starting point is 00:15:44 But this story has gotten the public's attention, now public, okay? It's not a news story to anyone. We've almost accepted it, right? But this story has gotten the public's attention, or at least has been pushed in the public's face by the main outlets, because it's their journalists now who've been spied upon. Which causes me to ask, all right, why now? Why is this story breaking now? And why these particular organizations, Edward? I mean, just something doesn't smell right about this. I think they're rebranding this network, this matrix of private security agencies. I think Israel, for the longest time, they actually, I'll give them this. It was very innovative when they did this about a decade ago.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Israel decided that it would be better, it would be actually more efficient if they ran their spy operations through private companies. Now the Mossad still exists, still has great power, it still has the ability to carry out espionage. But they do most of their operations, get most of their information through these private companies like NSO Group. And it just turns out that NSO Group has an alumni of former Mossad agents, Unit 8200 members and such, which they still remember where they used to work or where they used to serve or never stop serving. Well, and I'll go along with you on that because I think they've done it several times in the past. Because really, the Pegasus software is simply an extension and a reinvention of the Promise software that was hawked by Robert Maxwell to all the different countries in the world. And his promise software was actually a reinvention of the Inslaw software that was stolen by Bill Hamilton.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Now, I mean, stolen from Bill Hamilton, the developer, years and years earlier. Rick has interviewed Bill Hamilton in the past in the program. So this isn't the first time that there's been kind of a rebranding of this new surveillance technology. Surveillance technology really isn't new. Surveillance technology has been around for a long time. It's just that it's more readily available now to a wider group of people. And I agree with you, Edward. When you mentioned this earlier today, I got to thinking, you know, he's got a good point about this. I think they're about ready to step up their game.
Starting point is 00:18:08 They're going to move out of Pegasus software and move to the next level of surveillance technology. And so they've done it before. And they've used the same tactics before. There'll be a big story that breaks out. Oh, they've been surveilled by this mystery software and everything. And then they've gone on and moved to the next big generation of surveillance software. So I really think you're on something.
Starting point is 00:18:32 One of the connections that we made three years ago was to the Khashoggi killing and the use of the Pegasus software by NSO Group to provide the intel for that. This is from the New York Times. Again, like I said, when you saw this in headlines today, if you've been a longtime True News listener, this isn't news to you because you heard us talking about this very thing. Right, Edward?
Starting point is 00:19:02 Yes. And again, this story, I think we'll see iterations of it a decade from now. I think this is a rebranding. Obviously, there's nothing new under the sun. But when it comes to Israeli spying, they are masters at masking the true story. And the true story is that these organizations, NSO group, committed crimes on U.S. soil by the actions they did. By the spying on Americans, you'll never see a sanctioning of Israel over that. That's really what took place.
Starting point is 00:19:32 There was also an accusation that NSO Group provided the Pegasus software to the Saudis to actually spy on the Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos. But again, that is not in these stories. So we're going to close on that, but we're going to share Kerry's headlines and then we have some very interesting information on the mRNA vaccines, which I don't think you've heard yet. We'll be back in just a moment. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The New York Post says viewers believe a COVID vaccine public service announcement in Australia might be too graphic.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Yeah, the 30-second ad by the government Government, Canberra. Now, the ad is playing in Sydney, where the coronavirus Delta variant has sent the city into its third week of the lockdown. For information on this story and more, please visit our companion website. It's Yahoo News reporting that 20% of Americans believe what Yahoo calls the conspiracy theory that microchips are inside the COVID vaccine, that according to a YouGov study in conjunction with The Economist, the study finds that 30 to 44-year-olds are the most likely ages to believe that theory. reporting that the Foo Fighters say they're postponing a concert scheduled for this week in Los Angeles
Starting point is 00:21:27 after someone within the Foo Fighters organization tested positive for COVID-19. The Hill says that the band's recent shows have been targeted by anti-vaccine protesters who've rallied against vaccine mandates at music venues. That's a look at True News headlines. Let's toss it now back to Edward. Thanks for watching. Do you care? Well, it looks like they have the flu-flu variant.
Starting point is 00:21:56 That's right. It was interesting about that story is that that band was actually banning, you know, unvaccinated people as if the unvaccinated were radioactive. They're dangerous, too dangerous to even sell a ticket to. But as it turns out here, it didn't protect the band member, a team member of the Foo Fighters from getting a PCR test positive. Again, it doesn't mean he has COVID. It means that the PCR test, which amplifies any remain of that virus inside your nostril, you basically are now given a red sign on that.
Starting point is 00:22:29 It's my opinion it's Dave Grohl that has COVID. The police singer? Yes. And so the reason why I say that is they didn't say who the band member was, okay? And so they've kept a low key on that and they've kept the lid on that that's why I really suspect it's probably David Grohl that's uh I actually do know bands and stuff I mean yeah I'm kind of hip he is pretty hip so anyway um so they're dealing with the food flu and we're going to be dealing with the food flu today on this segment of the God cast as well Edward
Starting point is 00:23:06 last week it was reported that we had a whole exodus of Democrats that escaped Texas that went to Washington DC in response to everything that's happening back there in the Lone Star State and Governor Abbott threatened to arrest him once they came back to the state and everything, arrest them and hold them in the House chamber. But we have some updates on some of those Democrats. They're not coming back right now, are they? Yes. Five of the fully vaccinated Democrats from Texas have tested positive for coronavirus. These members were among the same delegation that met with the vice president, Kamala Harris, just at the end of the week there. tested positive for coronavirus. These members were among the same delegation
Starting point is 00:23:45 that met with the vice president, Kamala Harris, just at the end of the week there. But the interesting part of this is that how could they get COVID if they were fully vaccinated? If we are to take the official statements being drilled down the throats of Americans, the propaganda, that if you get the vaccine, you'll be completely
Starting point is 00:24:05 safe from COVID. And you're actually killing other people if you're not getting it. Sure, sure. And that's the problem. You saw in Australia, they've been putting PSAs out that if you don't want to turn out like this middle-aged woman, you're stuck on a ventilator inside a hospital, breathing and then trying to get life-saving air, you know, you better take the vaccination. Well, in regard to these politicians now, they, in an isolated group, were still able to contract it.
Starting point is 00:24:33 How is that possible? Because it's not a vaccine. But I don't trust the Democrats either, for that matter, because I don't even know if they really did test positive for COVID. Because if they went back to Texas, they're going to be arrested. And so, by the way, I don't think we got the picture, but there was a picture floating around last week about all these Democrats flying to Washington from Texas.
Starting point is 00:24:58 They were on an airplane. No one wearing a mask, no one social distancing, nothing like that at all. However, the rest of us plebeians, when we fly on an airplane, when we as commoners, they have to mask us up. They have to belt us down. They make you stand six feet apart in line at the airport. But it's a different set of rules, isn't it? Right. Rules for thee, but not for me. Every single time. They were actually fleeing the vote for election integrity in Texas to pass voter ID.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Something so minimalist. And they thought they were making a great example and, you know, taking a stand against racist voter ID. But they went to D.C. and they fled. They threatened to arrest him and have him arrested. And all of a sudden they have COVID-19. I'm going to second your motion to, in your opinion, that they are, this is just dramatic. They're just trying to get out of their arrest. They're trying to prolong this as long as possible. They need to get their butts back to Texas and they need to do their jobs. And I dare them, post your, if you're positive for COVID, don't be shy, post your
Starting point is 00:26:06 results. I mean, you told us you're positive. You may as well show us the results. Oh, there you go. Thank you, control. Look at that. All those wonderful Texas Democrats fleeing the Lone Star State to go whine and complain in Washington, D.C. You notice they're not wearing masks, are they? And they're flying a private plane, you know, because Democrats love to spend other people's money. So they don't fly a commercial. No siree. So they fly on a private plane without masks, without mandates, while the rest of us, we have to fly commercial masked up. Well, thank you, Democrats.
Starting point is 00:26:41 All right. Now, whether or not they actually have COVID or not, I don't know. I'd like for them to pony up the results just to, you know, just to make sure things are clear. OK. I mean, wouldn't you want to as a statement that, hey, you should get vaccinated? But wait, they're already vaccinated twice, fully vaccinated. Yes, and this is going to lead to the question about whether the vaccine itself is what has contracted coronavirus among them. I think that on a separate note on this, it's really archaic that you cannot vote remotely. Like, I understand the mechanisms in place to have lawmakers inside the House chamber, inside to have a physical quorum. But this is the 21st century.
Starting point is 00:27:24 I mean, the average representative, you know, especially someone who's a the House chamber, inside to have a physical quorum. But this is the 21st century. I mean, the average representative, you know, especially someone who's a constituent, it's ridiculous that because of the geographic location of the lawmakers, the lawmakers breathing, and they've been voted into office, I believe they should be able to vote. Well, couldn't they be hacked? Oh, maybe, but we've been conducting business in government through Zoom. I mean, we've been told that there's a server from the Zoom company that may be based in China.
Starting point is 00:27:48 So I think it's a mechanism of government, again, another one of them that just doesn't really function very well. But if I was living in Texas and I was being told the only reason we cannot pass voting integrity law is because my representative is staying in a hotel in Washington, D.C., and they've just tested positive for COVID. I'd say, well, are they watching Netflix? Are they hanging out in that coat's arm? Are they breathing? Okay, they can vote then. Let's get them on there.
Starting point is 00:28:14 And here's the real lever of the story. By the Democrats leaving Texas, there weren't enough people in the House chamber to have a quorum to have a vote on election integrity. Yes, they did it on purpose. Right. And so so they since there weren't enough members that abandoned that, then they couldn't have a vote. My opinion on that would be that they should have just voted anyway and just said, well, you abandoned your post. You're not even a representative anymore because you're not here doing your job. Yeah, they should have passed more. They should have gone stricter with it and just passed it because they aren't there to oppose you. So you
Starting point is 00:28:52 might as well take advantage of it. Start passing voter integrity laws on person, in person voting. You know, I'd like to see some Republicans step up and have a backbone, but, you know, they're waiting for them to come back. Why? They didn't show up. They decided to leave. They abandoned their post. It's one thing that you couldn't make a vote because your child's sick or because you've got a wart you have to have excised, whatever it might be. But to purposely miss a vote, your vote, you shouldn't be counted in the quorum count then. Not at all. You abandon the vote. It shouldn't be accounted against you. I'm sure that there's some Robert's Rules of Order expert out there that'll correct me on it. But there's one thing for what the rule says,
Starting point is 00:29:39 it's quite another for what's the right thing. But let's assume, just for the sake of argument, that they do have COVID. But they also were fully vaccinated. So what good does the vaccine, so-called vaccine, do for you then? Well, according to President Trump, it does a lot. In response to the continued resistance for vaccination among those who are informed, those who live in the South, those who actually even voted for President Trump, he's come out with another statement in support of the vaccination drive. Now, again, he is touting Operation Warp Suite, which is the Trump administration's protocol, mechanism, organization that brought about a vaccine within six months.
Starting point is 00:30:28 What they're calling a vaccine, the mRNA vaccines from Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson, the non-mRNA. President Trump is claiming ownership of this. It's something that he believes to be one of the hallmark accomplishments of his administration, aside from moving the embassy. But this is a statement from President Trump on this. Actually, he agrees with the Democrats who are trying to stop any kind of audit or election integrity change due to the 2020 election. He agrees with them in this. He agrees they should have been vaccinated and his supporters should be vaccinated, too. And in fact, he thinks Joe Biden isn't doing a good enough job. So what Donald Trump did with this press release was he gave Joe Biden permission to extend mandatory initiatives for vaccines.
Starting point is 00:31:12 You know, we're doing everything we can to fight back against this door to door vaccines. Ten thousand people, according to VAERS, have died due to the vaccine. You know, the Trump vaccine. We are doing everything we can to fight the tyranny and the vaccine mandates and the vaccine, you know, the Trump vaccine. We are doing everything we can to fight the tyranny and the vaccine mandates and the vaccine push on people. And also, in addition, you know, there's a spiritual aspect to this, too. These vaccines do include aborted fetus parts. You know, it is, you know, and it's religious as well. So if Donald Trump is planning on running in 2024, he needs to knock off the vaccine charade because he is leading his people astray while we're doing everything we can to fight the Biden regime. They're already
Starting point is 00:31:51 censoring us on Facebook. What true, what MAGA supporter, what Trump supporter do you know out there really supports the vaccine? I haven't met one. I mean, really? And even when President Trump brings it up at rallies, people grudgingly let him talk about it, but they, and they never, they never boo him on it, but they don't cheer him on it either. And so it's definitely subdued. Yes. Well, if we're going to believe the polling or believe the data that's being provided, there are a significant portion of the Trump base who have been vaccinated. I've met Trump supporters. I can think of a couple right now that got vaccinated, and they believe it's something that is in line with their conservative beliefs.
Starting point is 00:32:34 They don't even weigh in their mind that the connection to abortion would be an ideological or ethical constraint to take that action. But it almost seems as if the conservative influencers and the politicians themselves are more excited about this. They are the true supporters of this, either because they are afraid to come against President Trump's position, which is the vaccination is good and it is a President Trump initiative, or they themselves do believe.
Starting point is 00:33:02 I mean, Governor DeSantis is a prime example. He may have passed some of the best reforms in our state to protect those who choose not to get vaccinated, but his administration is pro-vaccine. And he'll tell you that at every speech he makes in regard to any reforms or announcements. He is pro-vaccine. So pro-vaccine isn't our administration's gun vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Well, and to further look at that statement by the president, as Lauren said, Joe Biden's not moving fast enough. Remember, he said Joe Biden's way behind. If I was president, basically saying if I was president, people would trust this administration and people will be getting vaccinated. I'll remind you that it was the president's attorney, Alan Dershowitz, that actually promoted the idea of using the American military to assist in that vaccination effort. So who's to say that maybe if Donald Trump was president today, we might have army trucks rolling up and down the street right now, going door to door and administering the plunge. But we may not have to wait that much longer for the Biden administration to catch up on this, right? Yes. So this is the Kansas City, the Kansas City Star.
Starting point is 00:34:15 They're reporting that in the state of Missouri, there already are door to door vaccine strategies. But wait, no, they're being blocked by the governor. There's attempts by the CDC to go into the South. The Missouri government is standing against it. In Virginia, however, there does appear to be, I'd say, an acquiescence. The Pilot Online is reporting that FEMA is already in the state assisting with COVID-19 vaccine pushes in Hampton Roads. This is in Franklin. But the question has still been, what are they doing? What are the teams doing? What I was reading today is that these teams are handing out pamphlets. They claim to be giving information to those that actually answered the door. They aren't vaccinating door to door yet. And I do wonder
Starting point is 00:35:02 how many more visits there will be. Maybe on the second or third visit is where the vaccination takes place. But as right now, it's kind of an intimidation, if anything more. Now, I'm sure there might be viewers or listeners out there, Edward and Lauren, that might actually have had someone knock on their door. So let me just ask the two of you. Edward, if someone came knocking on your door promoting the vaccine, how would you respond to them? If I did open the door, I might have to since they won't go away, or if this gets ordered at some level by government, I might be required, just like the census, to answer the door. I would be cordial. I would
Starting point is 00:35:43 thank them for their information, and I'd say thank you, but no thank you. All right. How about you, Lauren? Let's say it's not the COVID hall monitors, but now it's the COVID cops that are showing up. How would you respond? Well, I'll tell you one thing.
Starting point is 00:36:00 I won't be the one answering the door. My two ginormous black Russian terriers that are like giant bears, I'll let them answer the door for me and handle the situation because I'm not going to do it. Well, I'd like to hear from our viewers and listeners. If you've had the COVID cops visit you, what's been your response to them? And we have viewers and listeners all over the country, and they're starting this rollout. COVID checkup, go away. Is that your response? I'd like to hear from you. Write us at info at If you've had the COVID cops show up at your door, not every state is going along with it. Missouri has been pushing back on this.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Apparently in South Carolina, there's also some pushback on this door-to-door effort as well, right, Edward? Yes. Governor McMaster has said that he actually is prohibiting these government, these federal officials from doing these door-to-door checkups, these door-to-door visits. But I think for most Americans, they're pretty smart, especially our audience. They know that it's not the visit with a pamphlet they're worried about. They're worried about the visit that has a sheriff with them or a military member with them. And it's not a question. It's an order to get vaccinated. Are we at a point where that's going to take place?
Starting point is 00:37:20 It's a crazy country. It's possible. Any of these things are possible under a national emergency. And I think the response most Americans would have to forced inoculation is they would feel that their house is under a home invasion. They would respond to this the same way they would respond to a home invader. Do you think that it's possible, and I get both of your responses to this, that President Biden at some point, let's say you have a state like South Carolina, that he could declare South Carolina a disaster region, and then different rules kick in, you know, federal rules kick in, federal rules regarding FEMA and the CDC and others. Do you think it's possible that Joe Biden would go that far at some point here in the near future? I think the extent and the probability of crazy orders from elected officials is to the moon. But the orders that I think soldiers and policemen would actually carry out is limited.
Starting point is 00:38:21 I do. I'd have to think about it. I don't know if a sheriff or a police officer or just a regular soldier would carry out a forced inoculation if a couple of the forced inoculations in the area or the state resulted in death, resulted in the shooting. Which no one will talk really honestly about this, but they have to understand that if you force someone against their will to take a shot Then someone may get shot. I mean, that's just that's just the truth of this matter I think most police understand this but the other part to this too. I don't think they'll follow the order Initially because of how poorly they've been treated due to this last two years of revolution
Starting point is 00:39:01 I think most police officers are looking to get through the day without themselves facing some kind of critical race theory citation or political correctness injunction. I think most police officers are maybe staring down retirement. I don't think they're staring down the grave. And I think this is one of those actions I'd hope, I'd hope police and soldiers understand could result in a pretty serious conflict. Well, at that point, they'll be using the FEMA workers and CDC workers. By the way,
Starting point is 00:39:32 there's a lot of preachers that are embedded with FEMA. That's a bit of program that's been going on for about five years, where they take pastors from all over the country and have them go through special FEMA training, right? Right. And then when there's an emergency, you think this is a good thing, all right? So the way they sell this is, you know, if there's an emergency, there's a tornado, a hurricane, something comes through. That way, we have some spiritual leaders that have had FEMA training to respond. But what they don't realize is that it doesn't matter what the emergency is. It doesn't have to be a tornado or hurricane. It could be a COVID response that if the federal government declares a regional or national emergency, for whatever reason, they could do it. Different
Starting point is 00:40:22 rules kick in for FEMA where they're basically federalized. Right now, they operate in cooperation on the state level with different states. But then, under national emergency rules, FEMA, the National Guard in the area can get federalized. And all these tools suddenly become at the federal government's disposal. And so do I think it's possible in this crazy administration? Yes, I absolutely think it's possible for states like Missouri, for South Carolina, maybe even Florida at some point. You know, if we had a major hurricane that came through, let's say this year,
Starting point is 00:41:05 and they had to declare Florida a national emergency, then that would be an open door opportunity for them to set up COVID rules too. I already saw a headline this morning talking about the way to prepare for a hurricane was to get vaccinated. That's really funny that you said that. And I've heard about those FEMA pastors before that they utilize church leaders in order to manipulate their flocks. How long do you think has that been going on? Have they been planning for that for a long time? Or is that something that's fairly...
Starting point is 00:41:34 The clergy response team? Yeah, the clergy response team. That's what it was called. It's real. And they're not allowed to share their faith or anything at all. They're just allowed to kind of help out and look good. And so what exactly is a pastor who isn't sharing their faith, but is serving the government that's trying to oppress the people? He's apostate. That's what he is. And so, oh, there you go. Look at our crack control team. Yep. Get a COVID vaccine. The interesting thing here is the CDC,
Starting point is 00:42:02 they're already starting to lay the groundwork that the unvaccinated are the reason we have an alphabet of variants. So the CDC director, Walensky, she said that the unvaccinated are causing this new pandemic. It's a pandemic of unvaccinated. Well, we're also seeing from the collaborating tech giants, Facebook and their oversight committee, that not only are the unvaccinated dangerous, but they're not even human. Now, the oversight member in question here is the Danish Prime Minister, former one, Heli Thorning-Schmidt. And what she is saying is that it's not an absolute human right to have free speech. She's saying that Facebook can censor any kind of content, especially vaccine hesitancy content, things that may educate you about what's actually in the vaccine or vaccine damage, or maybe just simply a post about someone who's died within two weeks
Starting point is 00:42:56 of being vaccinated. But this post and the mindset that goes with it is that the unvaccinated are less of a human being than a vaccinated person or the elected officials for that matter. They are a second tier, third, fourth tier. It's kind of the caste system they have in India. In the Western world, the unvaccinated are the untouchables. And they're radioactive. They're infecting everyone. That is if you were to listen to the propaganda that is being spewed on the Marxist media platforms right now. But you've got to understand, too, that this isn't just a response to COVID. They don't believe
Starting point is 00:43:34 that any human being has an ultimate right to free speech because they plan to control the speech of the world, the whole world. Now, as Americans, we were founded upon the idea that these aren't human rights. That these were the Declaration of Independence. They're unalienable. They're inalienable rights endowed to us by our Creator. And that is the life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Life, being able to have a secure life. Liberty, that includes the freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom of assembly, and pursuit of happiness.
Starting point is 00:44:09 And that actually changed the pursuit of happiness, you know, made it something amorphous and everything. You know what the original third one was? What? The right to private property. Interesting. That was what the original third one was, the third pillar of the foundation of inalienable rights. But that didn't fly with Ben Franklin. And so they compromised a little bit and said, let's say, let's say pursuit of happiness instead. But life and liberty and embedded in liberty, if we are to believe that
Starting point is 00:44:41 liberty is a right endowed to us by our creator, then the freedom of speech is a divine right given to us. That the freedom of assembly is a divine right given to us. The freedom to publicly declare our faith is a divine right. It's not a right granted to us by the human community or granted to us by government or granted to us by Facebook. It's a right that comes from God himself. And so if we truly believe that, then we would speak out on those things that cause us concern, especially relates to the vaccine. Not a single if we really believe that not a single church would shut down not a single one because we would understand
Starting point is 00:45:29 that we have a divine right to worship and a divine right to assembly as Americans at least I don't know what they do in Danish land but here in America that was supposed to be the idea, that the government can't dictate what those rights we possess are. Well, that's the funny thing about the story is that a leader out of Denmark gets to enforce rules onto Americans through the tech platform. And the funny part, what you just said, Doc, is that I think it really shows you how shallow the faith of many Christians is. I mean, honestly, most Christians were happy to go along the way during the pandemic because they still had access to their Bible app on their phone. They still had access to their Bible app.
Starting point is 00:46:14 They still had access to their streaming services. And thus, everything's hunky-dory. They could care less about meeting together. They could care less about continuing small groups or hearing sermons in person. And again, I think a lot of Christians, they check to the box. They said, well, I can still access my Bible app. And oh, by the way, I'm not really using it anyway. So, you know, it's not that big of a deal. Seriously, I think that's where a lot of people are. It's really the reason why we have to report on these growingly insane stories daily is that our faith as Americans, not your patriotism,
Starting point is 00:46:46 not your nationalism, your faith is shallow. It's just the truth. It's an anatomy. Here's where they're at. If they can take away your right to worship, which they have, if they can take away your right to assembly, which they have, then they can take away your right to speech or at least put you in a position of fear that when you do speak out that your life might be threatened. And that's exactly where we want to focus a little bit today on is the inventor of the mRNA vaccine, has been speaking out on the vaccines, and now he feels like his life has been threatened. In fact, threats of assassination. Yes, now we're speaking about Dr. Robert Malone. He was described by the Washington Examiner and Tucker Carlson on Fox News
Starting point is 00:47:41 as the single most qualified expert on mRNA. This is because he was intricately involved in the process of creating the technology. The very process of which is now at the center of both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines would not have been possible without Dr. Robert Malone. Well, for his questioning about this technology being used in a mass inoculation campaign, not just nationally, but internationally, this has been used throughout the world in every nation's mRNA vaccine. He has been banned. He has been silenced. And this actually happened this weekend to start having conversations with journalists and friends. And a journalist told him that he is at risk of being assassinated.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Dr. Malone is at risk of being assassinated. And what is his high crime or what has put him in the crosshairs of a deadly assassin, hopefully not trained by the United States since we're kind of in a role on that one? Well, it's because he's speaking out against the vaccine drives. I mean, this, to date, if you were going to try to find an expert, someone who's knowledgeable, someone that might be able to give you some good information about whether this is safe, this is ethical, this is moral, other than your pastor, of course, you may want to go to the person that came up with the technology. Well, that man is saying this absolutely is not safe.
Starting point is 00:49:08 And, Lauren, you had a chance to actually hear him at a conference that took place last month, but most didn't see the conference. He had some very interesting commentary, I would say expert opinion, about the technology itself. Yes. Well, I highly recommend that everybody go on there and watch it. It was an interview done with, hold on, the names of them. It's a lawyer. Reiner Fulmich is the lawyer that organized the event and Oval Media. It was streamed on YouTube. It is still on YouTube. It's in German. Most of it's in German. So you have to forward through. That's why they haven't banned it yet. But I highly recommend everybody watch it. But in this interview, he was talking about his rate, like he was so concerned because he invented the vaccine,
Starting point is 00:49:53 or I guess I don't even want to call it like it's like a gene therapy. Yeah. And the information on it is being censored. It's being pushed by the government. He was saying it's unethical. I do have a little clip of that if you want to run that, number 16. Precisely. That is my core argument, is that with all of this pressure from governments and the press and the media and the censorship, we are failing to meet the fundamentals of medical ethics that go back to the Nuremberg trials. And those are, there must be complete disclosure of risk. Those risks must be comprehended. And there has to be free willingness to accept the product. It cannot be coerced or enticed. Those are bedrock principles and these are currently experimental products. And for some reason, governments around the world have decided that they can jettison these fundamental ethics and hastily implement these vaccines and do it in a universal way.
Starting point is 00:51:10 What's happening is he's realizing he invented the mRNA vaccine, a brilliant man, but he's a good man. He has a conscience and he's watching what these global governments are doing to their people. And he's getting really concerned because he's watching and he's seeing that people are testing positive. People are being hospitalized, even though they've been vaccinated. He's watching as they're shutting down information. They're silencing him. And he invented the vaccine itself. You know, and he's watching this happen and he's getting concerned. And the fact he's starting to speak up now, he's going to get death threats, potential assassination attempts. And it's, you know, it's starting to scare him just for, you know, it's not
Starting point is 00:51:48 his fault that the U.S. government or the European Union or anybody is trying to force these vaccines on people and going door to door. Well, I say the craziest part. This all is crazy. Dr. Malone is pointing out that informed consent is being violated. Yes. That phrase, as he noted, came out of the Nuremberg trials because when the Nazis were doing experiments on twins, or were doing it on prisoners, were doing it on invalid soldiers, they weren't getting the consent of the victim, right? And this was considered to be not only a war crime, but a crime against humanity,
Starting point is 00:52:24 that you would dare test things on other human beings that could harm them, kill them. This has been an established point of Western medicine. It's what makes us different than a third world country, right? This is the theory that you get a right to not be experimented on, and that this was established in the Nuremberg trials. Obviously, the ADL doesn't want to jump on this. Think about this. Isn't this more of an issue to keep alive the lessons we learned out of the Holocaust, out of the crimes against Jews, that you'd want to keep alive the right against basically the violation of informed consent? But they don't care about it. They care about Mark Zuckerberg's dog. In this sense, Dr. Malone is pointing out that if we get rid of informed consent, I mean, Katie, bar the door, you could literally, in every industry in our society,
Starting point is 00:53:12 start experimenting on people. And you know what? They probably already are. They are. This is the largest experimental set that we've ever had. Thankfully, I'm in the control group, and I plan to stay there dr. Malone though is really bringing out the his greatest concerns in all of this is that things are being hidden from the public risks are not being spelled out vaccines are being sent out with blank information pages attached to them, not giving any of the dosage requirements, dosages or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:53:52 But one thing that is now getting him into trouble is Dr. Malone is saying, you know, I've noticed that there's a correlation between the number of the nations now. That are claiming to have surges of coronavirus, the Delta variant. They're also the same nations that have the highest percentage of, quote, vaccinated people, unquote. And this is number 17 for control. This is a chart showing that the nations with the highest cases of new COVID-19 cases are those that have the highest percentage of vaccinated people. So as you see on here on the screen, the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Malta, Belarus, Montenegro, Slovenia, mainly the United Kingdom is the one that points out here. You look, you have 500 new cases a day. The next chart, this notes that's the amount of cases they're getting per million.
Starting point is 00:54:51 The next chart notes that this is interesting because it's also the most vaccinated country. All right. The share of people who have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccinations. Well, Malta, United Kingdom, the Netherlands. Right. I think one of the saving graces here is that the number of cases is so low compared to the population. Like obviously here, just in Florida, anywhere in the country, everyone's not getting COVID
Starting point is 00:55:16 and everyone's not dying from it. But this correlation is something you can't ignore. They keep trying to find the magical connection to tie it to the unvaccinated people. They haven't made that argument. They just are saying that. This is a very interesting correlation that you can't ignore. Is it possible that the vaccine itself is what is causing infection among those who test positive through a PCR test? They could be false positives or they could be real infections caused by the vaccine. Both of these are possibilities.
Starting point is 00:55:50 But just for suggesting this, he's been advised that he's at risk of a vaccine assassination. I almost said vaccination, but that could be an assassination, depending on what expert you speak to. A vaccination assassination. Another health expert that's out there, and of course, this number has been making the rounds online over the past several days. Dr. Peter McCullough is claiming that he has connections within the CDC with whistleblowers there that have confirmed that COVID cases, you might have seen the number 45,000 floating around over the weekend, but Dr. McCulloch is saying that number is probably above 50,000.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Of deaths. Of deaths, as it relates to those who have been vaccinated. Okay, so this is a critical thing to think about. Now, of course, the mainstream media is not talking about this because that goes against the current negative narrative right now. Yes, this is from the same conference, right, Lauren, that had a lawyer, the lawyer, Mr. Fullrich. And what was interesting here is that Dr. McCullough, who's a professor at Baylor, he's seen patients during the pandemic, but mainly he's an educator. What he points out is that there is a VAERS database. It's saying upward 10,000 deaths associated with vaccination. But he's saying that that number is at least 10% of the total of deaths.
Starting point is 00:57:25 The VAERS database itself, what he's hearing from whistleblowers inside the CDC, is being heavily depressed. The numbers, if he's correct, if it's 10%, we're now into July. It could be as many as 100,000 people who have died. It could be upwards of a couple million who've had side effects. But here is Dr. Mercola at the conference in Germany. So what we had discovered is that the suppression of early treatment was tightly linked to the development of a vaccine. And the entire program as this, in a sense, bioterrorism phase one was rolled out, was really all about keeping the
Starting point is 00:58:06 population in fear and in isolation and preparing them to accept the vaccine, which appears to be phase two of a bioterrorism operation. Both the respiratory virus and the vaccine deliver to the human body the spike protein, the gain-of-function target of this bioterrorism research. Now, I can't come out and say all that on national TV today or any time, but what we had learned over time is that we could no longer communicate with government agencies. We actually couldn't even communicate with our propagandized colleagues in major medical centers, all of which appear to be under a spell. They're almost as if they're hypnotized right now. And doctors, good doctors are doing unthinkable things like injecting biologically active messenger RNA that produces this pathogenic spike protein into pregnant women. I think when
Starting point is 00:59:06 the doctors wake up from their trance, they're going to be shocked to think what they've done to people. So our agencies have done nothing to reduce the risks of the vaccine. It's called risk mitigation. And I've chaired over two dozen data safety monitoring boards for the FDA and the National Institutes of Health. And with this program, there is no critical event committee, there is no data safety monitoring board, and there's no human ethics committee. Those structures are mandatory for all large clinical investigations. And so the word that's really used for what's going on is malfeasance, is wrongdoing by those in position of authority. And without any safety measures in place, you can see what's going on. We're administering
Starting point is 01:00:01 basically it's the largest application of a biological product with the greatest amount of morbidity and mortality in the history of our country. We are at over 5,000 deaths, as you know. I think 15,000 hospitalizations in the EU. It's over 10,000 deaths. We are working data from Harvard in 2016 that the vaccine adverse event reporting system only reports about 10% of what's really going on. So we had to get another data source. And we have inside people, we have now a whistleblower inside the CMS and we have two whistleblowers within the CDC. And those are being developed right now in order to get this out. So we're looking at 10x. We think we have 50,000 dead Americans, 50,000. So we actually have more deaths due to the vaccine per day than certainly the viral illness by far. It's basically, in a sense, it's propagandized bioterrorism by injection. And that itself would be enough to go to war.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Think about this. We went to war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Aside from the propaganda narratives which were used to get us into this, well, let's just take it at its face. 2,000-some Americans died in 9-11 at the World Trade Centers. 5,000 officially, according to VAERS, have been killed from vaccination drives. What Dr. McCullough is laying out, we're talking about 25 9-11s. And that is as of June. If we take that 10% now, if it's 10,000 now for VAERS, it's 100,000. That's an incredible amount of Americans still. We had 58,000 Americans that died in the Vietnam War.
Starting point is 01:01:49 That was two Vietnams. That was a war. What's really sad about what's happening right now with these deaths is the war is on us from our own government, okay, on the vaccine level it was one thing when we had you know a biological attack by a foreign nation with from China but now the biological attack is from our own government our own government is perpetrating the equivalent of a Vietnam War on the American people right now through vaccines and that's not even counting the injuries. The injuries from the vaccines count closer to half a million.
Starting point is 01:02:30 They're not telling you those numbers either. And so, yeah, imagine half a million troops coming home injured. Imagine 50,000 body bags coming home from a foreign war. And yet that is exactly what's happening now in the American people. Our own government, the tech lords and everyone else involved, they're perpetrating a war, a vaccine war on the American people. And it's not just the troops or the adults, it's the kids too. What can be found online, what hasn't been scrubbed by the fascist overlords at the various tech platforms, it points out that the side effects from the vaccinations are long lasting.
Starting point is 01:03:12 It's one specific side effect, myocarditis, is heart inflammation. This is something that was pointed out among troops that are voluntarily taking the COVID-19 shot. Well, in Singapore, the question again has come to, this is Taipei Times, this is in Taiwan, a lot of Asian countries are looking at what would it be like for that disease itself to be spread across the population. For them, they see this heart inflammation as something that is an occurrence among the population,
Starting point is 01:03:43 not large amounts, but is due to diet, due to lifestyle. Imagine that on a massive scale, exposed to 300 million just in our country. On kids. On kids. This study is based on kids that have received the vaccine, that they're getting inflammation of the heart and other heart problems. And it's a persistent problem. In fact, it was written up in the news,
Starting point is 01:04:07 journal here, and where this has a complete outline of all the symptoms as it relates to people that have had either one or two doses of the vaccine and then showing myocarditis, which is basically an inflammation of the heart. And, you know, folks, this is how you're informed. This is how you have the weapon of information available. You know, the Bible says, my people perish for lack of knowledge. My people perish for lack of knowledge. You need to gather the information. You need to get the information
Starting point is 01:04:43 together so you can make an informed decision about how you want to proceed, because they're not going to give you informed consent. That's for sure, right? They've established that. So you need to have your informed mind ready to respond on this. Well, there was one last doctor that caught our attention in this presentation. His name, Dr. David Martin. Now, you listened to his speech, Lauren. What was he saying about this? So basically what Dr. Martin does is he is responsible for patents, managing financial assets, that kind of thing. And they've been watching what Dr. Fauci has been up to.
Starting point is 01:05:21 However, they realized there was something very wrong because they were saying that coronavirus was new. It was novel. Never seen anything like it before. However, there have been patents, over 73 patents, for the same coronavirus in the last 20 years. Let's check out his video. Right now, it's number 21. Obvious evidence that says that neither the coronavirus concept of a vaccine nor the principle of the coronavirus itself as a pathogen of interest with respect to the spike proteins behavior is anything novel at all.
Starting point is 01:06:01 As a matter of fact, it's 22 years old based on patent filings. And you heard the date correctly, 2002, where the NIAID built an infectious replication defective coronavirus that was specifically targeted for human lung epithelium. In other words, we made SARS. That coronavirus was being seen as not only a potential manipulatable agent for potential use as a vaccine vector, but it was also very clearly being considered as a biological weapon candidate. Anthony Fauci himself was told by the patent office themselves that what he was proposing as a vaccine does not meet the patentable standard, the legal standard, or the clinical standard. We're being injected with a pathogen stimulating computer
Starting point is 01:07:11 sequence, which is being sold under what the patent office, what the medical profession, and what the FDA in its own clinical standards would not suggest is a vaccine. But by using the term, we actually are now subjecting hundreds of mandate that was desperately, desperately, desperately promoted by governments around the world. They failed and they decided if influenza doesn't deliver on the public promise of getting everybody to get an injection, let's change the pathogen. There are many more they can change. Oh, goodness. We've got tons more to come. Lots more to come. Right. So the whole point of this entire thing they've been planning for 20 years is to put that needle in my arm. They're just obsessed with this vaccine. Not only did
Starting point is 01:08:23 Anthony Fauci attempt multiple times to have this patent passed for this vaccine, they would not allow it because it didn't hold up to the standards. So what they had to do, the only way that they pushed this vaccine on the population was by emergency use. It does appear that they've been looking for the opportunity to field test mRNA vaccines. The reports are that every vaccine moving forward will have this technology incorporated inside. The structure of the vaccine will be based on the mRNA technology. The flu shot, for example, is the next major shot that will have mRNA technology inside of it. The core, I think, of the concern, and it's not even up for debate, that we will
Starting point is 01:09:07 never give up the right to choose if we take the vaccine. I think that's the core of this. We're going to learn and continue to learn, I think, more information about the bioweapon origins or the other plans and effects of an mRNA vaccine to our body. But I don't think that's where the national discussion needs to be fought. The fight has to be on informed consent. Is it regardless of whatever they want to try to force, inoculate, and put into the vaccines themselves, if you take away the right for an individual to make the choice about whether they're going to have the vaccine or not,
Starting point is 01:09:42 or the food, or the property, or any of these things that you might get to make a decision in your life about, you get rid of informed consent, you've lost sovereignty. You've lost freedom. You know, informed consent even goes, you know, that's why they put warning labels on cigarettes. They've informed you of the risk in smoking a cigarette. This product may cause cancer, okay? At least that's the warning label they put on cigarettes.
Starting point is 01:10:10 You now have been informed. Yes. But what they don't inform you about is what's involved in the vaccine product. Well, I find it shocking. By the way, Dr. David Martin's a really good guy. He's somebody worth following. But he made the case, this isn't new at all. It's more than two decades old.
Starting point is 01:10:37 You guys found the patent, had the patents back in 2004, 2002. What can you tell our audience about these? Well, so what they're trying to let you know is that apparently coronavirus is 20 years old. Not only that, they have been trying to get it patented, but it already existed. So they tried to do it 73 times, but it's 73 different strands of the alleged coronavirus. So what he's trying to say is that it's nothing new. They tried to say this was a brand new disease that we don't know how to handle. We don't know anything about it. But that is obviously a blatant lie. Because there it is right there.
Starting point is 01:11:11 Coronavirus isolated from humans. All right. If you're attempting to isolate COVID-19, in this case, the SARS branch of it from back in 2004, you'd be doing that because you're either trying to produce a vaccine or more nefariously trying to produce a bioweapon. Yeah. Actually, coronavirus isolated from humans. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:31 And look at number 23. So they have been not only developing coronavirus, they've also been developing the RNA vaccine for coronavirus as patented here in 2002. Look at all the people that are named as an investor, inventor rather on this, Dr. Ralph S. Barrick. That is the doctor at the University of Chapel Hill, the one that worked with Peter Daszak at EcoHealth Alliance. Oh, yes. The man that has spoken glowingly about gain of function research in regard to the Wuhan lab. This is from 2002.
Starting point is 01:12:14 This is a patent that was pursued specifically for the recombination of coronavirus, specifically in the encoding. Now, this would be the mRNA function, so re-encode RNA. This is the core of any virus. This is 2002. The fact that you can patent a virus scares me itself. Just the idea that you can patent. It's one thing to patent a new mousetrap or to patent a new toilet paper holder or something like that. But to patent an organism, to patent life, that's basically what they're doing there. And did you see the filing date on that? That was in April 2001. So it goes back even further. Before 9-11. Right. And so even before 9-11, they had these plans in place. Yeah. And the interesting thing that they had mentioned in the video when I watched it,
Starting point is 01:13:04 I have spent a lot of time studying it, is they said they patented coronavirus as well as trying to patent the solution. So when you have the control of both the vaccine and the disease, you have 100% control over what happens. They also mentioned that there was discussions in 2015 about getting the media in on the hype, that they need the media in on the hype. It was allegedly said that they need the media in on the hype It was allegedly said that they had planned for this. They knew this was coming in 2020 They were just waiting for the the perfect opportunity and I guess removing Donald Trump from office Or maybe it was just time to kill off the global population I'm not really sure what they allegedly were up to. However, this was planned. This was concocted That's the only thing I can say about it. Is this misinformation that we're putting out today? No, we're just giving facts.
Starting point is 01:13:48 That's a U.S. patent. That's a real patent. These are real doctors. It's not false information. Okay. We're not shaping it. We're showing it to you. So anyone can watch this, right-wing watch, anybody, you can watch this and you can say to yourself, all right, there is a patent on coronavirus. Now, doggone it, something is not right about that. Yes, and to the average American now who's facing potential mandatory vaccination, it includes us. We're here in Florida. We pray our governor doesn't approve something crazy like this. But if he's pro-vaccine and he's told that the unvaccinated are causing a variant which could maybe harm the tourism industry here or the pharmaceutical industry or could lead to the deaths of a certain minority group, our governor might go with that.
Starting point is 01:14:36 You know, Doc, I look at this is that this clearly has gone much further than it went in the early 2000s. thousands if they were attempting to do this or tried to accomplish a mandatory vaccination campaign. We never saw it go to the extent that you had whole university systems requiring it for employees and students. I mean, both Indiana University and California, the University of California have required it for almost 100,000 of their students and staff. how many of those will actually acquiesce, submit to that, and still choose to go to school and get this inoculation or just quit? I don't know. What we do know is that the government has put a stamp of approval on this. The only thing left is for an FDA approval for regular authorization.
Starting point is 01:15:21 And I think then you will see it mandated across the board for government jobs. Listen, the only reason why you patent something is you're producing a product. And if you've got a product, you need a market. Okay? I mean, that's basically it. If I was building a mousetrap and I wanted to patent a better mousetrap, I could patent it all day. But if I've got the resources to get it to market, I've got to find the people that need that mousetrap.
Starting point is 01:15:50 Well, the same thing is implied in a patent for a virus, right? If I invent a virus, I don't know how you invent a virus, you cobble it together, you cobble life together, and then you've got to have a market for that. That way you can provide the solution for it, right? Because now you've created the problem and the solution. Oh, that's the old Delta argument, the Hegelian dialectic problem, solution, synthesis, then the product comes to market. So, you know what?
Starting point is 01:16:27 World is really evil, isn't it? Yes, and for those who are opposing it, especially the believers in our King Jesus Christ, we've got quite some work ahead while we wait for the joyous return of our leader. But, Doc, speaking of that, we are looking for more members on our team. We sure are. I'm glad you brought that up, Edward, because right now we are in desperate need for some new team members here. And we're looking for well-qualified people with broadcast experience
Starting point is 01:16:58 who'd like to join our illustrious organization here at True News. And I'd like to invite you, if you've got previous broadcasting experience, especially as it relates to video editing, we are looking for you. Now, when I say video editing, I don't mean, yeah, I can edit on my phone, my TikTok video. No, I mean actual video editing experience,
Starting point is 01:17:22 broadcast experience of any kind really would be extremely helpful. So we right now are looking for well-qualified, intelligent, enthusiastic, and kingdom-motivated people to join our team. And so I'd like to invite you to visit us at forward slash careers and look at the job availabilities that are on there right now. The one I am really wanting our audience to be praying about is we need video editors to assist us with future projects that are coming up. You know, we've shared this in the past. I'll share it again with you today.
Starting point is 01:18:01 We believe that God is our HR director and that we take the scripture from Luke. It talks about the Lord of the harvest and that scripture says, pray ye the Lord of the harvest that he'll send forth laborers into the harvest field. And so we're asking the Lord of the harvest for laborers. And what's interesting guys, that word laborers is actually the word technon. Technon. Well, we get the word technology today, but it's that word technon, laborers for the harvest field. So we need some technons here, people that are up on technology that especially as it relates to broadcasting and especially as it relates to video editing. There are other job opportunities available as well here with True News and Flowing Streams.
Starting point is 01:18:50 I'd like for you to check that out. If you are just a well-qualified person and you're interested in working with us, we do have a section just for you for upcoming positions because we're always looking for various roles. But we've got a lot of new content that's rolling out this fall and I need more people working here. And so we've got to get some more bodies in place here, people that love the Lord and want to work for Him and have the skills that we're looking for.
Starting point is 01:19:17 So help us out, check it out today. If you know someone that may be interested as well, please pass along and let them know that we're looking for well-qualified people that love the Lord. Amen? So help us with that. Amen.
Starting point is 01:19:30 I think the Lord of the Harvest will answer our prayer. I know he will. Absolutely. This is a great place to work. I endorse it 100%. Except for Doc, pretty sure he's a spy. But, you know, besides that, Edward's all right. I am a spy.
Starting point is 01:19:43 I'll admit, I'm a spy for the kingdom. He's, you know, but they're very- But I'm not undercover. Family. Join our family. Yeah. So we appreciate that. And we appreciate your continued prayers for us.
Starting point is 01:19:55 And ask the Lord to continue to bless us with the right people here. He always brings us the right people. He brought us Edward, brought us Lauren, so many of our staff here. BRINGS US RIGHT PEOPLE. BROUGHT US EDWARD, BROUGHT US LAUREN, SO MANY OF OUR STAFF HERE, JUST, YOU KNOW, I'VE BEEN HERE, WELL, 7 1⁄2 YEARS, AND IT DOESN'T SEEM LIKE THAT'S EVEN POSSIBLE. AND TO SEE THAT PEOPLE THAT HAVE COME ON BOARD OVER THOSE PAST 7 1⁄2 YEARS HAVE BEEN WITH US OVER THAT PERIOD OF TIME,
Starting point is 01:20:20 AND TO SEE THEM GROW AND MATURE IN THE LORD, AND IN THEIR CAREER SKILLS, IT'S A BLESSING TO ME. IT'S A BLESSING TO RICK AND SUSAN AS WELL. period of time and to see them grow and mature in the Lord and in their career skills. It's a blessing to me. It's a blessing to Rick and Susan as well. And so if you'd like to be a part of this broadcast ministry, we're looking for you. So check it out, please. That's forward slash careers. Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. Your neighbors may be getting vaccinated, but if you're saved, you've been given the ultimate inoculation, eternal salvation through our King, Jesus
Starting point is 01:20:50 Christ. Don't wake. Make that decision today. Also, we don't run ads. We don't have a marketing department. This Godcast is supported completely by the donations of our audience. If you were informed and inspired today, please consider becoming a
Starting point is 01:21:05 monthly partner with this ministry as we report on stories and basically anything that edifies the kingdom. And I bet you will never hear this on Newsmax, Fox, or any other outlets that claim just to be a news outlet and have anchors committing adultery. Well, you can support True News by going to That is T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. Just click on the heart on the left-hand side or the red donate button on the right. You can also call our toll-free number at 1-800-576-2116. That is 1-800-576-2116. If you'd like to donate to us by mail or have a prayer request or a story you'd like us to investigate, our address is PO Box 690069, Vera Beach, Florida, zip code 32969. We accept stocks,
Starting point is 01:21:54 cryptocurrency, precious metals, and even land. Whatever you want to bless us with, we will gladly receive and put toward our mission here to save souls and report the good news. Let's approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you and God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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