TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Vladimir Putin: Russia Updates Nuclear Doctrine as Warning to the West

Episode Date: September 26, 2024

Today, we will discuss Russian President Vladimir Putin's significant statement that could have serious global ramifications. In a recent meeting with his version of Russia's national security council..., President Putin called for an update to Russia's nuclear doctrine. What does this mean? It includes a much clearer definition of the scenarios that could lead Moscow to consider a nuclear strike. President Putin has suggested that the list of potential threats to Russia could be expanded. The presence of 'reliable information' about a major airstrike being launched against Russian territory. This one item alone could signal a major shift in Russia's approach to its national defense and its stance in global politics. What does this mean for international relations, and how might other countries respond? Doc Burkhart. Airdate 09/26/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!             It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Here are two massively important products to have in an emergency, because it's not a matter of if, but when an emergency will happen to you. With years of experience in survival preparedness, let me tell you, these are must-haves. One, high quality and nutrient-packed, shelf-stable emergency food buckets. And two, reliable and long-lasting water filtration systems. These essentials will make all the difference in an emergency, supplying your loved ones with all the calories and nutrients they need to survive any scenario. Don't take the risk. Try my favorite America-loving brand American Reserves for your emergency food supply needs. This is True News for September 26, 2024. I'm Doc Burkhart, sitting in for True News host and founder Rick Wiles.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Today we will discuss President Vladimir Putin's significant statement that could have serious global ramifications. In a recent meeting with his version of Russia's National Security Council, President Putin called for an update to Russia's nuclear doctrine. What exactly does this mean? It includes a much clearer definition of the scenarios that could lead Moscow to consider a nuclear strike. Now, here's where it gets even more interesting and perhaps more concerning. President Putin has suggested that the list of potential threats to Russia could be expanded. One new addition, the presence of reliable information about a major airstrike being launched against Russian territory.
Starting point is 00:01:43 This one item alone could signal a major shift in Russia's approach to its national defense and its stance in global politics. And what does this mean for international relations and how might other countries respond? Let's break it all down here today on True News and explore the possible implications of this new development. With this story, we're starting off with RT, Russia Today. You see the headline there, Putin Orders Changes to Russia's Nuclear Doctrine. And this is a story that started out yesterday, came fully developed today. The list of criteria that could justify Russia's use of its nuclear deterrent should be expanded in the updated version of its military doctrine, President Putin told the meeting. Aggression against Russia by any other nuclear state
Starting point is 00:02:31 supported by nuclear power should be treated as their joint attack, the president said. Moscow would also consider resorting to a nuclear response if it gets reliable information about a massive missile or air strike launched by another state against Russia or its closest ally, Belarus. According to President Putin, the weapons used in an enemy's potential strike could include anything from ballistic or cruise missiles to strategic aircraft and drones, he stated. We reserve a right to use nuclear weapons in case of aggression against Russia and Belarus, the Russian president said, adding that the principle had already been coordinated with Minsk, with President Dersenko there. Nuclear weapons can be used if an enemy poses a critical threat to either state's sovereignty through the use of just conventional weapons, he explained. We have this video of President Putin making these remarks
Starting point is 00:03:31 public. Let's watch. First of all, there is a basic principle of using nuclear arms, is the last resort of defending our sovereignty. We have always been responsible regarding matters like these because we understood how strong this weapon is, and we were trying to strengthen the legal framework of global stability to stop nuclear weapons and its components from proliferating across the world. Now the nuclear triad is the important component of ensuring security for our country. It's an instrument of maintaining strategic parity in the balance of power in the world. So the press is on for an update. It hasn't been set in place yet,
Starting point is 00:04:28 but obviously if President Putin wants it, it's probably going to come to pass. Now, what changes could we be looking at here? We have this article from RT as well that takes us step by step into the three primary changes in nuclear doctrine that President Putin is proposing and will likely get passed, it might behoove us to look at what was the previous doctrine. Now, there was a previous nuclear doctrine that was adopted back in 2020, and it outlined four situations in which Moscow
Starting point is 00:05:00 could activate a nuclear deterrent. First, if it received reliable information about the launch of ballistic missiles against itself or its allies. Second, if a nuclear weapon or other kind of WMD was used against Russia or its allies. Third, if an enemy acted against critical state or military facilities that could disrupt the response of Russian nuclear forces. And then finally, if Russia comes under conventional attack, that would threaten the very existence of the state. Now, that was the previous doctrine as it's stated out there. There are three major changes to what Vladimir Putin is proposing to Russia's nuclear doctrine. And let's start off with the first one here. Number one, an attack by a non-nuclear state.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Now, the first proposed update to the state policy expands the category of states and military alliances to which nuclear deterrence applies. And it also supplements the list of military threats intended to be neutralized by the deterrent. Now, what does this mean? Well, this would treat aggression against Russia by any non-nuclear state, but with the participation or support of a nuclear state as a joint attack crossing the nuclear threshold. Now, while no countries have been named, as written,
Starting point is 00:06:21 this would clearly apply to Ukraine Ukraine striking Russian territory with weapons supplied by the United States or any of its nuclear NATO allies. This is a major shift in nuclear doctrine. So Russia does things legally. You may not like what Russia does, but they do do it legally. They do it in writing. So you can't come back later and say, we didn't give you a chance to at least acknowledge and understand where we're coming from. And so in this first major policy change, and this is yet to be implemented yet, basically it's saying if you're a non-nuclear state, but you've got weapons supplied to you by a nuclear state, you just became a nuclear target. That's what it really means there. Now, another major change that's taking place, here's number two, lowering the nuclear threshold.
Starting point is 00:07:16 And this is important. The proposed revisions also clearly state the conditions under which Russia can proceed to employ atomic weapons as receipt of reliable information about a massive launch of air and space attack weapons and their crossing of our state border. Now, President Putin clarified that this means strategic and tactical aircraft, cruise missiles, drones, hypersonic, and other aircraft. Now, it's say. So he is lowering the bar right now for a nuclear response. This is significant, ladies and gentlemen. Now, the third major item that is being adopted, or at least looked at being adopted here,
Starting point is 00:08:35 is expanding the umbrella to Belarus. Now, for the first time, Russia has spelled out that its nuclear deterrent could be used in case of aggression against Belarus as well as a member of the Union State. Now, this includes a critical threat to our sovereignty through the use of conventional weapons, according to the proposal. And all of this has already been agreed to with Minsk and President Alexander Lukashenko, President Putin said on Wednesday. Now, whether you realize this or not, ladies and gentlemen, this is a major, major step as we move along in the course here of World War III. At this time right now, Russia is reserving the right to use nuclear weapons against any partner states with Ukraine, and if Russia says that it views whatever attack may be going on, whether it's a massive missile attack, a space attack, or even a massive drone attack,
Starting point is 00:09:36 Russia reserves the right to maintain a nuclear response to that. And they're making it very clear. And the third thing, of course, is that the nuclear umbrella now also encompasses Belarus as well. As we referred to you yesterday, Mr. Lukashenko has announced that Belarus is preparing for all-out war with NATO. So we're about to see a major escalation of things take place here. Should Russia go ahead and use and reserve its right to use nuclear weapons in this current conflict with Ukraine? Now, President Vladimir Zelensky is in the United States this week shopping around for more money, which Joe Biden has already promised him, shopping around for more ammunition, which he got approval from,
Starting point is 00:10:29 from Governor Josh Shapiro up in Pennsylvania while they were signing missiles at the rocket factory up there. And then he spoke to the United Nations as well. And what was significant about him speaking to the United Nations is about 100 member countries sat out his speech at the United Nations earlier. So there's a change in the wind, if you will, against Ukraine and Vladimir Zelensky. People are getting tired of the war. And now Russia has just upped the ante. Now, the one individual, of course, that always has an opinion and always has some words to add in to any major developments with Russia is former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, and he had this response on Telegram to the announcement by President Putin.
Starting point is 00:11:20 The event we've all been waiting for. Russia's president has outlined approaches to updating our country's nuclear doctrine. The main changes are as follows. He goes on to outline aggression against Russia by a non-nuclear state, but with the support or participation of a nuclear armed country will be considered a joint attack. And it is clear to everyone which countries we are talking about. It goes on to say to the joy of Poland and numerous NATO pygmies, equivalent nuclear protection will be established for our closest ally, Belarus. So in case there's any thoughts about attacking Belarus as a proxy against attacking Russia, Medvedev says, don't even think about it. Don't even consider it.
Starting point is 00:12:07 He goes on to say, under certain conditions, a massive launch of enemy air power, including airplanes, missiles, and UAVs, resulting in a violation of our border, may be justification for the use of nuclear weapons, something to reflect upon for not only the rotten neo-Nazi regime, talking about Ukraine, but also all the elements of Russia who are pushing the world towards, all the enemies of Russia are pushing the world towards a nuclear catastrophe. It is clear that every situation that could constitute grounds for a nuclear response should be evaluated in conjunction with other factors, he's saying,
Starting point is 00:12:45 and any decision to use nuclear weapons must be made by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. However, this change in our country's guidelines for using nuclear weapons in and of itself may cool the ardor of those of our opponents who have not yet lost their sense of self-preservation. And then he puts the stinger in. As for the dim-witted, only the Roman maxim remains, caelo tenantum cadidamus joven regnare. And what does that mean? Well, the Latin phrase means literally translated, we believe that Jupiter reigned in heaven when we heard him shout or heard him thunder. So this warning applies to those who become religious only when they find themselves in some need as a set of sailors who make promises or vows during a storm, also known as a sailor's promise. of is saying here now, with the advantage of being able to use nuclear weapons with this updated nuclear doctrine, is there might be a whole bunch of NATO members that might be reconsidering
Starting point is 00:13:53 how they want to advance and participate in the conflict in Ukraine. So the items on the World War III list continue to develop here today. We're going to continue to follow this as we do every day because we are in the midst of World War III. We've been in World War III since February of 2022. It just has not gone nuclear yet. When the nuclear weapons drop, that's when it's coming to a close. So, all right, other updates regarding Ukraine and the war in Europe. We have this article from the Daily Mail.
Starting point is 00:14:31 And NATO, they're still high strung to get troops on the field. NATO is preparing plans for a huge number of casualties in case of World War III scenario with Russia. As Germany military says, an invasion could happen this decade. I'm going to get into this Daily Mail article here. NATO is developing mass evacuation and rescue plans in case of a future war with Russia, Senior General has declared. Lieutenant General Alexander Solfrank, head of NATO's Logistics Command, confirmed this week the security blo block is working to ensure it has the operational capability to extract large numbers of wounded troops from the front lines. Let that kind of sink in there for just a moment.
Starting point is 00:15:15 They're preparing for a lot of dead soldiers and a lot of dead civilians. Now, the German general warned that unlike the Allies' experience in Afghanistan and Iraq, an all-out war with Russia would likely see NATO incur heavy losses across a huge battlefield. And what's more, Russia's air force and its vaunted rocket and missile stockpiles mean that medical evacuations via aircraft would be far too risky, a factor that could force NATO's troops to operate hospital trains to extract the wounded en masse. The challenge would be to swiftly ensure high-quality care for, in the worst case, a great number of wounded, he said. So Frank's warning comes that the German military says it expects Russia to be able to attack a NATO country as soon as 2029. I want to share with you the map that the Daily Mail had published here late yesterday about a possible scenario for how NATO can prepare for a Russian attack. Now, you also know that Russia is going to prepare for any response that NATO builds up as well, whether they have any intention to attack or not. So you see here on the NATO side of things, where they're improving aerial defenses, increasing supply of long-range weapons from France and Germany,
Starting point is 00:16:42 preparing armies and populations for war. That's the propaganda side of things. Preparing logistics of mass casualty evacuations, strengthening defenses along the Eastern Front. Can you believe we're talking about the Eastern Front again here, 80 years after World War II? Of course, Russia is going to continue to build up its stockpiles, and it's going to switch to a wartime economy. Things are going to build up quickly here. Now, Sol Frank reasoned that a massive network of rail and road evacuations. So he actually is proposing in his treaty, so he's put it out there,
Starting point is 00:17:21 that we are going to have to activate hundreds of thousands of buses to evacuate the wounded and the dead from a conflict with Russia. He says air superiority will have to be achieved in the first place. It will require time to succeed over the which includes trains, but potentially also buses. They're looking to activate the bus lines, folks, to haul out the amount of dead that are going to be coming out of Europe here within the decade. These are the plans that they currently have on the table. Well, let's shift our focus from Europe to the Asia-Pacific region, which a lot of activity has been happening on and off throughout the week here. We have this latest article from the BBC.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Japan is planning on sailing a warship through the Taiwan and Chinese Strait for the first time. This is according to reports in Japanese media. The JS Sazanami, a naval destroyer, passed through the Strait from north to south on Wednesday, accompanied by ships from Australia and New Zealand. Now, that vessel was on its way to take part in military exercises in the South China Sea. Another headline about China, and let's go ahead and bring that, China's long-range missile tests sparks concerns. And so China here this week has been testing long-range missiles in the South China Sea and making their presence known. Folks, things are happening all over the world right now, and I want to encourage you to be
Starting point is 00:19:13 prepared and be prepared for any possible scenario. Right now here in the U.S. and here in Florida, specifically out in the Gulf waters, we have Hurricane Elaine that is on its way, churning up, and will possibly make landfall in the panhandle of Florida later on today as a category four hurricane. And it's past time for preparation for most of the people in the panhandle and on the Gulf side of Florida. But you make preparation before the storm comes. That's the idea. You make preparation before the storm arrives. And one way to be prepared is to stock up on whatever you need from American reserves. Now, it's great to have food. It's great to have shortwave radios. It's great to have Faraday packs and everything else. And I encourage you to stock up on those things. But
Starting point is 00:20:11 all of that doesn't mean anything if you don't have water. Water is an essential element in preparation. If you're not taking the calculus of water into consideration, then you're going to be found short. You really can't cook. You really can't function. You really can't do anything unless you have a good, clean supply of water available to you in the event of any kind of emergency. Now, I want to encourage you to go to and check out the latest features that we have on water filters, all different kinds of water filters, where you can have confidence and certainty in water supply,
Starting point is 00:20:53 whatever the emergency might be. The products on American Reserves for water, they include multi-stage filtration. They're durable. They're reliable. They are also extremely easy to use, so you don't have to have a physics degree in order to filter water. We have this message from American Reserve. We'll be right back. I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Shaw. I'm a blacksmith, and I like to work with my hands. I watch True News, and it's apparent to me that we are in World War III and the U.S. is very unstable. I have faith in God, but he expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for troubled times. There are two things we need, food and water. That's why I buy my supplies from
Starting point is 00:21:49 American Reserves offers easy-to-prepare chicken and beef meals, pastas, soups, and vegetables that only need boiling water. You can purchase the world-famous British Burkefield gravity-fed water filters equipped with Dalton ceramic handles and other emergency supplies at My family's security is critical to me. Something big is coming. Procrastination could be costly. Act today before a crisis suddenly appears. Be ready. Be wise. Go to
Starting point is 00:22:21 Welcome back to True News. Glad to have you with us. We're ending our first segment of news there, talking about China testing ballistic missiles. Well, why are they doing that? Why are they testing ballistic missiles? And why is China skirting around the Taiwan Strait in a battleship? Well, it could be because of this headline from the Manila Times. And this is the Philippine defense minister there that you see pictured on the screen. U.S. missile to remain in the Philippines.
Starting point is 00:22:53 It pays off to watch Philippine news at night. What is going on right now is the U.S., and it's not really known very much, but we have actually given the Philippines a number of intermediate-range missiles. And this has been going on for quite a while, kind of under the radar. But these intermediate-range missiles are able to make landfall in China. Now, I first got picked up on this story here about a week and a half ago when we were doing a feature on what was happening in the South China Sea and the sunken Philippine ship, the Sierra Madre, where the Filipinos have a marine contingent on. And they were talking
Starting point is 00:23:38 about the possibility of China trying to take that over. Well, in the interview that the Philippine Defense Secretary Teodoro said with 60 Minutes about this particular subject, he also inadvertently blurted out, by the way, we have U.S. long intermediate range missiles parked in the Philippines even as we speak. Let's watch this video from 60 Minutes. Defense Secretary Teodoro told us there are ongoing conversations between Washington and Manila about which scenarios would trigger U.S. involvement. Do you worry that perhaps some unpredictable incident at sea could cause tensions to escalate. And then, you know, suddenly the Philippines, not Taiwan, becomes the flashpoint in the South China Sea.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Oh, yes. Yes, definitely. If China were to take the Sierra Madre, would that merit America's intervention? If China were to take the Sierra Madre, that is a clear act of war on a Philippine vessel. And you would expect American intervention? We will react. And naturally, we would expect it. You're talking about a rusty old warship. How realistic is it to expect the United States
Starting point is 00:24:54 to intervene over the fate of a warship like that? There are people in there. That is an outpost of Philippine sovereignty. So we're not talking about the rusty old vessels only. We're talking about a piece of Philippine sovereignty. So we're not talking about rusty old vessels only. We're talking about a piece of Philippine territory in there. President Biden has invited Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to the White House twice in the past 16 months and assured him of America's support.
Starting point is 00:25:20 I want to be very clear. The United States' defense commitment to the Philippines is ironclad. Earlier this year, Washington sent the Philippines a powerful weapon during joint exercises, a mid-range missile system capable of reaching mainland China. That clearly angered China in a big way. Well, that's none of their business. This is for Philippine defense. It's none of China's business that you have a missile
Starting point is 00:25:46 that could reach their shores? What happens within our territory, it is for our defense. We follow international law. What's the fuss? Do you plan to keep mid-range missiles capable of reaching mainland China at some of your bases?
Starting point is 00:26:00 I can neither confirm nor deny if there is such a plan. You say, what's the fuss? China says that you've brought the risk of war into the region by doing this. That's what they always say. Everything the world does that they don't like is the fault of the world. How do you think this ends, though? You don't expect China to
Starting point is 00:26:25 pack up and leave, do you? I really don't know the end state. All I know is that we cannot let them get away with what they're doing. I'll tell you what the response from China is going to be because they've already issued their response with this headline from the South China Morning Post. Look at this, folks. With launch into Pacific Ocean, China tests ICBM that could reach the U.S. mainland. That's their answer. The People's Liberation Army launched its first known intercontinental ballistic missile test in 44 years. 44 years this week, sending an ICBM into the Pacific Ocean. That's according to the Chinese Defense Ministry.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Now, China wanted to make it known that this actually happened. That's why they announced it. That's why they did the missile launch. And this missile launch is in direct response to Defense Minister of the Philippines Teodoro's statement and to the U.S. persistently intervening in Pacific affairs. Well, there is still a war going on in the Middle East, but the motivations are becoming murkier. Israel says it has a right to defend itself, and no one else does. We have this interesting article. Actually, Rick sent this over to me. We told Rick
Starting point is 00:27:47 not to work this week, but he still ends up working anyway. He sent this over to me. This is from the Jerusalem Post. And look at that headline there. Shabbat rabbi calls for Israel to conquer Lebanon and settle it. So what's it all about, folks? Is it about defeating Hezbollah or is it about acquiring more land for the greater Zion project? Well, let's look at this article from the Jerusalem Post here. Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg called for the conquest of Lebanon and the settlement of southern Lebanon in a letter published on Wednesday. In excerpts from the letter published in Israeli media, Ginsburg wrote that the enemy must be struck with full force, quoting a well-known Jewish
Starting point is 00:28:30 ethical principle, those who come to kill can be killed. Rather, that translation is rise and kill first. He wrote that this justifies killing all the members of Hezbollah, but in particular, their leadership. Now, Ginsburg wrote that delaying military action due to the existing population was only providing terrorism cover. In other words, civilians are a legitimate target for extreme Zionists. Now, he highlighted that Lebanon was part of the land of Israel, listen to this, and was given to the Jewish people by God,
Starting point is 00:29:11 citing verses that claim the land of Israel stretched until the Euphrates River. Once again, the greater Zion project, folks. In our generation, God gives us the ability to receive the gift of Israel again to conquer and settle the land. Today, it is clear that the time has come to conquer the Lebanese territories as well. Only in this way can the threat be removed and true peace brought to the entire country. After the conquest and expulsion of the hostile population,
Starting point is 00:29:39 a Jewish settlement must be established, thus completing the victory. You have it right there, folks. A Jewish settlement in Lebanon. That's the plan. Now, Ginsburg is affiliated with the Shabbat movement and is currently head of Ad Yosef Yeshiva in the West Bank and is a well-respected Kabbalist, if you can be one. Other rabbis have echoed similar calls with Rabbi Nirbun Artsi Shalita saying, we need to end the war with Lebanon and a new way for the Messiah and redemption for the people of Israel will come to be.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Now, if this was just an extreme group of rabbis within Jewish Zionism, there wouldn't be that much to worry about. But now this is becoming part of the public narrative in Israel. We have a clip of a newscast that was broadcast just a couple days ago. I'm going to be reading the headlines as it goes along here, but I want you to hear the rhetoric that's being espoused here about taking over Lebanon, Israel taking over Lebanon, as if that's the part of the plan. Let's watch this. It's time to drop a big bomb there and break down the rules and their bones as well. I appeal for who's responsible for drawing the security plan
Starting point is 00:31:02 and appeal to him to destroy all Lebanese villages at the border of Israel. In Lebanese media, they say the studio, Channel 14, is inciting the plan to raid and occupy Lebanon. Well, not only this studio, but our plan is to destroy all Lebanese villages near our borders. We will encounter a serious situation. That's why we send an appeal from here. We can write them down to these various Lebanese
Starting point is 00:31:27 villages. Do you hear us? This is our list, Shamoon's list, and other villages as well. I've seen all the villages. Do you think that's enough for the first stage? Are you kidding? At the end, we must get back to these places. We withdraw from there, but
Starting point is 00:31:44 if we don't settle there, we'll be obliged to establish a security zone there. I think we should destroy Lebanon, but not just destroy Lebanon, but occupy it as well. Now, our own Rick Wiles had a response to this rabbi's rhetoric out there, and of course, this rhetoric that we heard on Israeli TV. Rick said, the greater Israel conspiracy got a boost today from an old Kabbalah wizard who called upon the Israeli Defense Force to conquer Lebanon and for Jews to seal Lebanon's land. That's the latest update from Rick regarding this particular topic. All right. Now, let's shift here to U.S. politics. We've got some breaking news that's been occurring
Starting point is 00:32:32 throughout this morning regarding New York City Mayor Eric Adams. Right now, Eric Adams has been indicted. We'll talk about that indictment here in just a few moments. But this is the headline on New York Post earlier today. It said that suited-up feds search Gracie Mansion after Eric Adams becomes the first indicted New York City mayor. Now, nearly a dozen federal agents arrived at Eric Adams' home, Gracie Mansion, first thing Thursday, earlier today, to search his official residence, just hours after the mayor became the first Big Apple mayor to be indicted in a federal probe. The men and women, who were all clad in business suits, filed into the mansion shortly after six o'clock this morning in briefcases and hauling large bags, at least two SUVs, spotted that the mansion had federal law
Starting point is 00:33:27 enforcement parking placards displayed on their dashboards. Barricades were quickly erected outside the mayor's home. And this was after the news broke that the indictment had been handed down. Now, this indictment, which is the first against a sitting New York City mayor, is expected to be unsealed Thursday by a U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, Damian Williams, according to sources. He says, I hope whatever they have is compelling because their credibility is on the line now, said one source close to the mayor. Despite the law enforcement presence outside Gracie Mansion, Adams wasn't expected to surrender to authorities until early next week. Now, the details of the historic indictment were still unclear early Thursday, but it is believed to be connected to allegations of the Turkish government illegally funneling money into his mayor campaign in exchange for approval of the Turkish consulate in Manhattan. We'll have more on that in just a moment. Meanwhile, defiant Adams, who has long denied any wrongdoing, has argued that he'd become a victim of political persecution.
Starting point is 00:34:35 We have this response from New York City Mayor Eric Adams. My fellow New Yorkers, it is now my belief that the federal government intends to charge me with crimes. If so, these charges will be entirely false based on lies. But they would be a target. And a target I became. For months, leaks and rumors have been aimed at me in an attempt to undermine my credibility and paint me as guilty. Just this past week, they searched the home of our new police commissioner looking for documents from 20 years ago, just one week after he joined my administration. Enough.
Starting point is 00:35:33 I will fight these injustices with every ounce of my strength and my spirit. Well, you have to ask yourself, why is this focus on Eric Adams taking place now as opposed to any other time? We'll talk about that here in just a moment. But we do have updates on those indictments. So these are the specific indictments that Eric Adams was issued today. So we just got this update here just a little while ago. Count one, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, federal program bribery, and to receive campaign contributions by foreign nationals. A second count of wire fraud, standing alone by itself.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Count three, solicitation of a contribution by a foreign national. Count four, solicitation of a contribution by a foreign national. So you have two separate counts regarding that, and count five is a count of bribery. These are the indictments that have been handed down by the Southern District of New York against current New York City Mayor Eric Adams. Why this focus on Eric Adams right now? Well, I'm not saying there's a connection here, but just two weeks ago, Eric Adams was complaining to the Biden administration and to federal officials, placing the blame for the migrant invasion that's taking place in New York City at their feet.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Not at Republicans, not at Donald Trump, but at Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Biden administration. And wouldn't you know it, suddenly everybody in the Eric Adams administration is getting indicted. And now even His Honor, the mayor himself, is getting indicted. Is there a connection? I don't believe in coincidences, but let's see how this all plays out later. Well, speaking of coincidences and conspiracies, this week, the Department of Justice Inspector General has been testifying before the House this week, particularly in issues related to discrepancies in the conduct of the Department of Justice. And you see this headline. This is from Just the News. Department of Justice Inspector General Horowitz won't say how many confidential human sources were among the crowd on January 6, 2021. Now, I want to keep that headline up for just a moment right now, because up until now,
Starting point is 00:38:00 most of the federal agencies or leaders of federal agencies that appeared before Congress to testify, at no time has there been any signal that they would confirm that there were confidential informants that were in the crowd at the Capitol on January 6th or that entered the Capitol on January 6th. So this is a major update in the story. Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz said late Wednesday that he would not say how many U.S. government confidential human sources were among the protesters during the Capitol riot on January 6th. Horowitz was asked if he had evidence of the number of confidential sources that were operating on the Capitol grounds on January 6th. In response, he said his forthcoming report will include information in that regard. So the report he's going to release will have that information. Representative Thomas Massey
Starting point is 00:39:04 of Kentucky asked him how many there were in the crowd. Horowitz declined to provide that information. He said, I'm not in a position to say that both because it's in draft form and we have not gone through the classification review, and so I need to be careful, he said. He needs to be careful. We have this interchange between Thomas Massey and Inspector General Horowitz from the Department of Justice. Let's watch. We've got a failed, FBI's failed investigation of the January 6th pipe bomb. Are you looking into that at all? We've had discussion, I know, Congressman, about it, and we have followed up,
Starting point is 00:39:44 and I can speak to you about that. I mean, they keep saying it's an ongoing investigation, but they've got no leads, no suspects. They've lost information. They've lost evidence. They can't find evidence. Secret Service deleted all of its texts on January 6th. Steve D'Antuono, the guy in charge of Washington, D.C., field office, says that the cell phone data that could have been used to find the bomber was corrupted. And now we just found out, I found out from another inspector general, and I want to submit this for the record.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Objection. I asked him, do you have the footage, the video footage, does the FBI have the video footage of the DNC on January 6th? And he tells me when he asked the FBI for the video footage, they don't even have video footage of the DNC that we know was created on January 6th. It's almost, I mean, so it's almost as if they don't want to know. Can you rule out that there were any confidential human sources involved in the whole pipe bomb thing on January 6th? I'm not. I'd have to go back, Congressman, and refresh myself on what information we've gathered to date on that.
Starting point is 00:40:54 I don't know as I sit here. Okay, that would be a huge revelation. I'm happy to come. I think we should get that and get it public before the election. I yield back. Got a little ahead of myself there. That was the discussion regarding the pipe bomb that was later on in testimony between Representative Massey and Director Horowitz. So many questions about the pipe bomb on January 6th at the DNC, where Kamala Harris was that afternoon. But I want to go back to the story here about the confidential human sources at the January 6th event at the Capitol,
Starting point is 00:41:26 where even the talking heads on Fox News were wondering, what does this all mean? Let's watch. So let me come back to January the 6th, four years, four and a half years ago, three and a half years ago, sir. There were a lot of people who thought that there were federal operatives within the crowd that day. Michael Horowitz, the DOJ's inspector general, was on the Hill today and seemed to indicate that people who believe there were covert or confidential human sources in the crowd might actually be right. Listen to what he said. So now that you've restarted it, do you have evidence of the number of confidential human sources that were operating on the Capitol grounds on January 6th? Our report will include the information in that regard.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Can you tell us today how many there were? Were there more than 100? I'm not in a position to say that, both because it's in draft form and we have not gone through the classification review, and so I need to be careful. Do you know how many were reimbursed for travel? As I sit here, I don't recall the number. But there's something in the report. I mean, this is very intriguing. He didn't say yes. He didn't say no. He said this is being, you know, looked at in the report. It could be that the report says, no, there weren't any. But he seems to be leaning toward, yes, there were.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Oh, I think he was definitely implying, yes, there were. Because when he was asked, well, how many of them, these confidential human sources were, which are effectively spies for the FBI. It's a tool of law enforcement. When asked how many were reimbursed for travel, he said he didn't recall the number off the top of his head, which indicates there's a number. And so I personally think this is the sleeper story of the day. You know, so many lawmakers and pundits were decried as crazy for suggesting that there could be confidential human sources involved in January 6th.
Starting point is 00:43:16 And it looks like there might just have been. Now, of course, the questions are, what was their level of involvement? What was the conversations there? Were they, in fact, enticing or inducing anyone to commit crimes? Because that would be a whole separate legal maybe even in the Capitol on January 6th. But also, in the first clip, did you hear Thomas Massey ask the question about confidential human sources as it relates to the pipe bomb at the DNC on January 6th? And so, you know, Thomas Massey recently lost his wife. And there's a lot of questions about the timing and the coincidence of that as well.
Starting point is 00:44:12 But I got to hand it to Thomas Massey. He's asking the right question. Now, will this information ever see the light of day? You would hope that the inspector general's report would have all this information. We know that there were confidential informants involved at least more than one and they got reimbursed for travel we know that we know that information but how far flung and how far reaching was this confidential informant network that day on january 6th i don't know if we're going to receive the full scope of that.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Maybe they'll pull back the curtain just a little bit, but it probably won't be before the November election. Well, speaking of the November election, the powers that be, the deep state, are always hedging the bets just in case Kamala Harris loses. What if that rascal Donald Trump wins again? Well, we got to blame somebody. Well, who are we going to blame this time? Well, let's take the old blame book off the shelf here and see who we can come up with. This is from ABC News here.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Russia and Iran, those rascals, they're using artificial intelligence to influence the U.S. election. This is coming from the director of national intelligence. Foreign actors are using artificial intelligence to more quickly and convincingly tailor synthetic content. An official with the office of the Director of National Intelligence said, The IC, the intelligence community, considers artificial intelligence a malign influence, an accelerant, and not yet a revolutionary influence tool. Officials saw AI being used in overseas elections, but it has now made its way to American elections, according to intelligence officials, who says there's evidence that Russia manipulated Vice President Kamala Harris's speeches. Well, it can certainly only improve them. That's for sure. Russia has generated the most artificial intelligence content related to the election and has done so across all four mediums, text, images, audio, and video.
Starting point is 00:46:27 It goes on to say that these items include artificial intelligence-generated content of and about prominent U.S. figures whose content is also consistent with Russia's broader efforts to boost the former president's candidacy and denigrate the vice president and the Democratic Party, including through conspiratorial narratives, according to an official. And so they've already got their script ready just in case Donald Trump wins. Well, the reason why he won is because Russia used artificial intelligence to hypnotize you and deceive you into believing that Donald Trump actually won the election.
Starting point is 00:47:13 That's where you have it, folks. All right. Well, let's talk a little bit about the assassination attempts on Donald Trump here. Some updates I want to give to you. Let's talk about the first. The fact that we're even talking about multiple assassination attempts here in 2024 should blow your mind, but let's talk about the very first one. Still so many unanswered questions about how 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks was able to outfox the Secret Service, the FBI, local law enforcement, the guy running the concession stand at the Butler Pennsylvania event. He was able to outsmart
Starting point is 00:47:54 everybody that day. Well, more and more information is starting to come out about the sheer lack of competent behavior by the Secret Service. In fact, it's so incompetent, you have to ask if it was on purpose that the lack of competence that day in protecting the President of the United States was on purpose. Now, testimony is going on today, even as we speak, before Congress with local officials from Butler, PA, that are expressing their concerns about what happened at that event and the lack of coverage provided by the Secret Service on that particular day. Now, what you're going to hear is a Butler County Emergency Response Manager testifying
Starting point is 00:48:40 before Congress saying that locals were actually shut out of protection efforts by the feds. Let's watch this. At no point during the planning process was Butler County ESU asked to secure the AGR complex, nor the perimeter surrounding that area. At no point during the planning process was Butler ESU asked to deploy a sniper team to the roof of the AGR complex, and at no point in our operations plan did we ever say that we would deploy a sniper team to the roof of the AGR complex. From their positions inside the AGR building, the snipers were not able to see the roof where the shooter was located, and again, that was not within their area of responsibility. So if you remember, initially, the Secret Service was basically throwing the local law
Starting point is 00:49:27 enforcement officials and sniper teams under the bus related to the assassination attempt on Donald Trump back on July 13th. That response from local law enforcement, now in the congressional record, now is testimony before Congress, saying the Secret Service, they shut us out. The feds shut us out of any participation in protecting the president. And so there's more and more that's coming out on this story about the sheer. It's almost incompetence to the level of being so incompetent of hoping something happens. That's where I'm at on that particular story.
Starting point is 00:50:03 And it follows up with this story that came out about a day ago here. This is Fox. Regarding the Trump assassination attempt, inexperienced Secret Service agent was flying the drone. And while he was flying the drone that day, called a toll-free number for help. Let that headline digest for just a second. A preliminary report on the July 13th assassination attempt on President Trump from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security ripped into newly revealed missteps that went into the secret search planning and execution of security at the event. Among the key failures, an agent inexperienced with drone equipment called a toll-free tech support hotline for help after a request ahead of time for additional unmanned assets was denied. And that's according to a preliminary summary of findings made public late Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:50:58 According to the committee, he had just had an hour, an hour of informal training with the device. Multiple foreseeable and preventable planning and operational failures by the United States Secret Service contributed to Crook's ability to carry out the presidential assassination attempt on July 13th. These included unclear roles and responsibilities, insufficient coordination with state and local law enforcement, the lack of effective communications, inoperable UAS systems, drone systems, among many others. I want to drop down to number 33D here. According to testimony from agents from Trump's detail and the Pittsburgh field office, neither of them were aware at the time when, 27 minutes before the shooting, the Secret Services security room and counter-sniper team was informed
Starting point is 00:51:52 that a suspicious person had been spotted near the AGR building with a range finder. The shooter eventually took position on the roof of that building. So they have people with no experience flying drones. They have sniper teams that weren't on the job. Come on. Is this incompetence or planned incompetence? Well, I want to end today with a feel-good story here. This is out of the Daily Mail today. Look at this headline here. Lost tree from the Bible is resurrected from a thousand-year-old mystery seed. I like these kind of stories here. Scientists have managed to grow an ancient seed recovered
Starting point is 00:52:31 from a cave just north of Jerusalem into a long-lost species of tree, one with likely biblical significance. The now 10-foot-tall tree, brought back to life over a period of 14 years has proven to be a once presumed extinct relative from the frankincense and myrrh family. And so this is just the latest in how making the Bible real. I want to, uh, before we go to morning manatee, I want to read to you John chapter 14,
Starting point is 00:53:02 verse one. It says, this is Jesus speaking to his disciples, let not your heart be troubled. Ye believe in God, believe also in me. Folks, even though the news on the horizon is dire, Jesus is still with us. Believe in him and he will secure you. Morning Man is next. You're listening to WWCR International Shortwave Radio. You can find true news on frequency 12.160
Starting point is 00:53:32 from 12pm to 4pm Eastern and on frequency 4.840 from 10pm to 2am Eastern. Connect with us on Rumble, Facebook, X, and Getter. I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw. I'm a blacksmith, and I like to work with my hands.
Starting point is 00:53:53 I watch True News, and it's apparent to me that we are in World War III, and the U.S. is very unstable. I have faith in God, but He expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for trouble times. There are two things we need, food and water. That's why I buy my supplies from American Reserves offers easy-to-prepare chicken and beef meals, pastas, soups, and vegetables that only need boiling water. You can purchase the world-famous British Burkefield gravity-fed water filters equipped with Dalton ceramic handles and other emergency supplies at My family's security is critical to me. Something big is coming. Procrastination could be costly.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Act today before a crisis suddenly appears. Be ready. Be wise. Go to Welcome to Morning Man. I'm Doc Burkhart sitting in for Rick Wiles who is out of town for a few days, him and Susan. And the timing is actually kind of good because they're going to get to avoid all the rain and everything here in Florida. Although they might have to encounter it when they journey back. So we'll see. So continue to pray for Rick and for Susan, for traveling mercies for them, and that they'll have a restful trip. And Rick will be back in the hot seat on Monday, so don't be too worried.
Starting point is 00:55:25 It's not out of control completely over here, okay? So, hey, let's have a word of prayer, and we'll look at the scripture today. We're going to start Matthew chapter 24 today, and at least start talking about it. So let's pray. Heavenly Father, in Jesus' name, thank you for this day and thank you for your glorious salvation, Lord. Lord, we exist and move in you. You're the source of everything good in our lives. Anything that is of us, Lord, is worthless, but anything that's of you is grandiose and beautiful. So Lord, continue to work in us and through us. We invite the Holy Spirit here today to guide us and direct us in our study, to give us
Starting point is 00:56:12 revelation in our hearts and in our minds today that we may know more about you. In Jesus' name we pray, amen and amen. Well, here we are. We are at the beginning of Matthewthew chapter 24 which is probably the focus of most attention in the book of matthew for i would guess the general uh evangelical church population out there today we're going to take it kind of slow because um i definitely want rick's involvement in our study and everything and And so, you know, because he has a lot of great insight here on Matthew chapter 24. But at the same time, what I'm going to do today and tomorrow is we're going to set the stage and set the, if you will, the background and the conversation all about Matthew chapter 24.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Let me read the first three verses of Matthew chapter 24 and then we'll look at a couple other passages to here real quick so Matthew chapter 24 verses 1 through 3 okay so if you've got your Bibles I I'm reading from the King James. And Jesus went out and departed from the temple. And his disciples came to him for to show him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? Verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down. As he sat upon the Mount of Olives the
Starting point is 00:57:46 disciples came unto him privately saying tell us when shall these things be what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world so those are our three verses we're not going to get through all three verses today but between today and tomorrow we're going to be setting the stage for what is commonly known as the Olivet Discourse or the End Times Discourse, as some may relate to it. Now over there and read it real quick. In Mark chapter 13, and I'm going to read verses 1 through 4 there.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Okay? So if you're taking notes, this is the companion passage over in the Gospel of Mark. So, and as he went out of the temple, one of the disciples said unto him, Master, see what manner of stones and what buildings are there. Jesus answered and said unto him, Seest thou these great buildings? There shall not be left one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down. And as he sat upon the Mount of Olives over against the temple,
Starting point is 00:59:10 Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately, tell us when shall these things be? What shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled? And there's one more companion passage here. And that's found over in Luke, Luke chapter 21. So I'm going to read from there as well. Because I want you to get the full context of this particular passage that we're dealing with here. Matthew chapter 21.
Starting point is 00:59:44 And let's see here. Starting at verse 5. Here we go. Matthew 21, verse 5. And as some spake of the temple, how it was adorned with goodly stones and gifts. He, Jesus, said, As for these things which ye behold, the days will come in which there shall not be left one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down. And they asked him, saying, Master, when shall these things be? And what sign will there be when these things shall come to pass?
Starting point is 01:00:19 So we'll just focus on those passages right now. You notice that in Matthew, Matthew has three questions listed, and Mark and Luke have only two questions listed. So the only passage that deals with, and I'll say it then, the end of the world. And by the way, that word world there could also be translated by some the end of the age um and so we'll get into that but that the gospel of matthew is the only one that adds that third question in there so there's three questions that the disciple asks at the end of this passage. Tell us, when shall these things be? What shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world?
Starting point is 01:01:12 So there's three questions in there. Three questions there. It's important that you, as a viewer and as a listener today to this particular passage, firmly gets that in their minds here that there were three questions that were asked by the disciples and mark uh tells us that it was a smaller group of disciples kind of the inner circle of the disciples that actually asked this question of jesus but then jesus made a large discourse in response to it. So there are three distinct questions that were asked. So the passages today, Matthew chapter 21, verses 1 through 3, Mark chapter 12, verses 1 through 5, and then Luke chapter 21 verses 5 through 8.
Starting point is 01:02:07 Okay? So, here we are. Matthew chapter 24. As I mentioned earlier, this is the focus of most attention. If anyone cares anything about the book of Matthew, basically they only reference Matthew for the nativity and for uh this chapter chapter 24
Starting point is 01:02:31 the end times uh most evangelical churches so um and this uh this is a transition here Jesus and then in chapters 21 through 23 has been teaching in the temple and and when I say the camp temple I mean the outer courtyard and what temple we talking about we're talking about here it's temple so it's here it's temple that had been the setting for chapters 21 through 23 here which gives us an introduction to Matthew 24 and as I really stressed and I know it sounds like a broken record sometimes but in order for you to completely understand Matthew 24 you have to have the knowledge and the reference of Matthew chapters 21 through 23 because they're really all connected as one.
Starting point is 01:03:31 Okay? And so at the end of chapter 23, Jesus gives a eulogy over Jerusalem. And he says, and I'm going to re-read Matthew 23 starting at verse 37. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets and stonest them
Starting point is 01:03:54 which are sent unto thee, how often I would have gathered thy children together even as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, and ye would not. Behold, your house is left unto you desolate for I say unto you you shall not see me henceforth till ye shall say blessed is he that cometh in the name of the
Starting point is 01:04:29 city of the temple and of Judaism itself that is totally going to be really destroyed the only question that we have to deal with is when that is fulfilled. And so you have different groups of people that teach different things regarding Matthew chapter 24, because Matthew 24 spends a lot of time talking about the destruction of the temple. But many times they make chapter 24 stand alone and by doing that by making it as a stand alone narrative they try to cast it at some point
Starting point is 01:05:15 not just in the short term future from Jesus and the Pharisees perspective of the first century but they say that it's tossed thousands of years into the future where eventually Daniel's 70th week is fulfilled. So you've got a couple different
Starting point is 01:05:36 very, I guess the best way to put it, those that hold to that particular view are very passionate in their view. They fall in the dispensational camp the christian zionist camp and so for them chapter 24 is the lynchpin between between daniel chapter daniel chapters seven and nine and matthew 24 is really about 80% of all the doctrine of dispensationalism.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Really, that's the bulk of it right there. Yes, Revelation adds to it and some of the Old Testament prophets, but between the Daniel passages and Matthew 24 is the, really, the big bulk of a lot of dispensational Christian Zionist doctrine
Starting point is 01:06:28 okay and so Jesus here at the end of chapter 23 is issuing a eulogy like you would at a funeral a warning and a judgment and so as he's departing the temple, I can just imagine, you know, Jesus has been teaching in the temple, and he's getting ready to walk away. It takes one last turn and looks toward the temple
Starting point is 01:06:56 and prays that prayer. Matthew 23, 37-39. Because this is the last time Jesus is in the temple. This is it. This is the last time. Okay? And so now, chapter 24.
Starting point is 01:07:17 And remember, you know, when Matthew was originally written, there was no chapter divisions, no verse divisions or anything like that. So we go straight from the eulogy, if you will, into the narrative that we perceive to be chapter 24. But for the original readers, it just went right into this. There was no chapter gap, if you will. There was not a reset of the scene.. There was not a reset of the scene. It's just a continuance of the scene. So let's just take this apart piece by piece and start looking at it, analyzing it, and see what we can glean from the information here.
Starting point is 01:08:00 And so we start off with the very first part, and Jesus went out. Went out of where? Well, as we've already established, and departed from the temple. And it's interesting that upon this departure, both the Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Luke. As Jesus is leaving the temple, this is when the story of the widow's mite occurs. Okay? Where the widow woman, she gives just a really small gift into the temple treasury but it's all that she had
Starting point is 01:08:52 right so that's when this takes place that's when the story takes place as jesus is finishing up his teaching and narrative he's departing the temple that's when this widow's might event occurs and i think that's significant because j Jesus is giving one last opportunity to say, because he contrasts between the Pharisee and the widow woman, between their gifts, that there's a true faith yet to be sought seeking the Father God, but Judaism is not the answer. So, and Kim, on our chat, by the way, we do a live chat every day at 8 a.m. on because we do this Bible study live every day. And so we have about 300 people that are online with us every day, and they have the ability to ask questions, make comments along the way.
Starting point is 01:09:47 And you can too. So if you're a member of Faith and Values and you join us for Morning Man Alive, you can participate in our live chat. You can ask questions, make comments along the way. And so Kim brought out the point that this was the last time that Jesus was was in the temple and do you recall the first time that jesus was in the temple well that was when he was just 12 years old and he was in the temple at that time and so so we have two uh two incidences of jesus his first time in the temple, and Jesus' last time in the temple. So, interesting that we have those bookends with the story here. Interesting that we have the story
Starting point is 01:10:35 of the widow's mite right into this, even though Matthew does not speak about this, but since you're good students of the scripture, you have the other references there. Now, why would Matthew leave that particular story out? You know, you've got to remember that each one of the Gospels, of the four Gospels, are meant for a different audience. And Matthew's Gospel was likely written to get the attention of Jewish leaders in the synagogues, because it was written in synagogue Greek.
Starting point is 01:11:12 Some say that it was later written in Hebrew, which it might have been. There are copies of Matthew in Hebrew or Aramaic really but they appear to be of written in a much later date so so we have this incident Jesus went out and departed the temple temple is behind him now where is he headed well we'll find out later this chapter, he's headed over to Mount Olivet, or the Mount of Olives, which at the time, at Jesus' time, it was covered with olive trees, hence the Mount of Olives, and had been for centuries. is a cemetery i know because i've been there and i've seen it and so uh it if there were any olive trees at any time they were scarce and in between because today there's nothing but tombstones there uh now at the base of the mount of olives are a lot of olive trees uh and uh supposedly the garden of gethsemane is there and there, and it's a garden of olive trees. Now, focusing on this transition here, Jesus has left the temple.
Starting point is 01:12:34 He's heading toward the Mount of Olives. And so as they're walking away, and I can just kind of imagine that the sun in the west is going down and as the sun is shining it's reflecting onto the temple and everything and the disciples look back and they see this beautiful temple and so his disciples as they're walking away came to him and said look so we may
Starting point is 01:13:10 well you know we may well consider their action as following on the words they just heard they might they probably heard Jesus do this eulogy of Jerusalem Jerusalem and yet here they are walking away from the temple and it's like they're having cognitive dissonance Jesus has just said has just pronounced judgment on Jerusalem and yet they're looking back at this beautiful temple and saying how could something like that as beautiful as that be destroyed so that might have been the response to jesus's eulogy about jerusalem uh how is it that this beautiful building with all of its decorations and all its great stones it's golden and it's beautiful gates like we read in Acts chapter 3 verse 2 you know remember the paralytic that was at the gate
Starting point is 01:14:16 beautiful well it was a beautiful gate it wasn't just the name. It was a beautiful gate. And it was probably the gate that they had exited the temple. It was probably the beautiful gate. But they're looking back at this temple, at the columns, at the decorations on top, and the ornamental features and everything keep in mind that the temple had been going through a remodel if you will a renovation that had been going on for nearly 50 years that here it had financed here in fact here to financed it so the work and construction work would continue even after his death. And so this is the second temple that we're talking about. This is the reconstructed temple after the Babylonian exile.
Starting point is 01:15:21 But that had been hundreds of years earlier when the temple had been built, the second temple had been built. And Herod, following the example of the Romans, often did what the Romans did, and that was to do great public works and to renovate religious centers. And this wasn't just limited to the temple in Jerusalem. Herod also authorized the renovation of a temple to Jupiter over in Capernaum. So, it wasn't like Herod had a loyalty to Judaism or to the temple itself. He was building memorials to himself, a lot like a lot of guys do today. A comparison of someone that likes to have building projects and have buildings to be remembered by would be someone like Donald Trump.
Starting point is 01:16:24 I'm not saying Donald Trump's Herod or anything like that. I'm just using that as an example. Donald Trump builds things and then puts his name on it. You know, you've got Trump Tower. You've got the Trump Hotel. You've got all these different things. Herod was much in the same way, except he used the public treasury to do it. Now, there was a method to their madness in doing this and doing
Starting point is 01:16:46 all these renovations not just to the Jewish temple but also to the Roman temples they those in power realize the how powerful religion is and how it can often be used to pacify a population that if you can keep the temples going you can keep the sacrifices going uh that people have something to distract them they're not as focused on uh the problems that are going on around them okay it's like the government sending you out a big check of $2,000 so you don't pay attention to what's happening with the pandemic right so his disciples came to him you know there's looking at this beautiful temple, this temple that's been under renovation for nearly 50 years, and yet Jesus is saying, back up in verse 38 of chapter 23, your house is left unto you desolate.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Now, there was no mistaking what Jesus meant by that. There was no mistaking in the disciples minds because that's what prompted these questions when Jesus said back up in verse 38 your house is left unto you destiny he is saying that the tip what he's really saying is the temple is going to be destroyed it's going to be emptied out and it's going to be destroyed it's going to be left unto you desolate we're in ruins you're right we had someone on our chat that made that connection there that it's going to be just it's going to be found in ruins and so the disciples you know they heard jesus say this hey this is all going to be just, it's going to be found in ruins. And so the disciples, you know, they heard Jesus say this, hey, this is all going to be in ruins. And they're looking back and going, look at this beautiful temple
Starting point is 01:18:50 and all the buildings and the columns and everything. How's that going to be emptied? How's that going to be destroyed? so this seems like for me this is a better explanation of the destruction of the temple than probably I've ever heard they were looking at the natural wonder of the splendor of the city remember most these disciples were country boys right so you can imagine if if i know how it was for me when i was a kid the first time country boy not eight nine years old biggest city i've been to was a city population 15,000 country boy through and through but when I was I think I've got eight or nine we drove to Kansas City and it was the first time
Starting point is 01:19:53 I'd ever seen a skyscraper in person and and I'm looking at the buildings and all the cars and all the roads and everything and yet you just wonder how can there be that many people in this one place and how can there be all these buildings and everything else like that so uh you know imagine like i was when i was eight or nine and i'm seeing skyscrapers and big buildings for the first time imagine these uh galilean rednecks most of you know, looking back from the Mount of Olives back over to the Temple Mount and seeing that beautiful temple.
Starting point is 01:20:30 And so look at, golly, look at that. You know, it's big, it's beautiful. They didn't have the exposure to that every day. So, as we kind of dig into these first three verses here the Matthew 24 we get the idea that there's been a major transition that's taken place a big transition and you have you sense it in the narrative here as well Jesus went out it's the last time he went out he never entered the temple again his disciples came to him as he was departing the temple to show him the buildings of the temple to call his attention to the splendor and the sumptuous decorations and and the Gospel of Mark puts it this way, saying, Master, see what manner even the stones and buildings are here.
Starting point is 01:21:31 So these disciples weren't just impressed with the glory of the building itself. They said, Lord, consider even the stones. Consider even the stones that are here. And expressing that in such a way as to think, what a calamity if something like that should be destroyed. old enough to remember the original World Trade Center or to have visited. And I don't know if any of you had the opportunity to visit the World Trade Center before whatever happened on 9-11 happened. We won't get into that here today. But it was an impressive structure. I mean, really, the World Trade Center symbolized American enterprise, independence, financial markets. The World Trade
Starting point is 01:22:28 Center had a huge mall underneath it. It was a subway station, subway terminal, and it was just really the World Trade Center, the two towers were just, even though they were stark, they were glass, they were steel, there was something about their image on the New York skyline that spoke volumes. And same way with the temple as well in their day. This was really the largest structure that was visible in the city. And it could be seen from far off. It was on an elevated place. So you could see it for miles and miles coming in.
Starting point is 01:23:10 It was the center of everything that happened in Jerusalem. And so, Master, look at even the stones that are here. And how sad it would be to see that destroyed. Just like we were shocked. Imagine your shock at seeing the collapse of the World Trade Center, no matter how it occurred, but the shock of it for those of you that remember and watched it. So imagine the disciples. They're looking at a building that's hundreds of years old,
Starting point is 01:23:45 beautiful. It's hard for them to comprehend the shock of seeing that building destroyed. And one of our chat members here, Pam, she says, the disciples must have been astonished to hear Jesus say this. and that's what the point i'm trying to get across here as they're walking away they're looking back saying jesus look i mean this is a pretty big place this pretty big temple is beautiful and yet you're saying it's going to be left in ruins is that what you're saying? Now, to give you an idea here on the temple, it's hard for us to comprehend because we don't have a similar structure that we can reference from.
Starting point is 01:24:36 All we can do is point back to ruins of temples to Roman gods and things like that. We can look at the scriptures that tell us a description of both the first temple and the second temple, but it's hard for us to comprehend without a visual reference just how magnificent the temple was. Even before its renovation
Starting point is 01:24:58 by Herod. And to give you an idea that in this the foundations of this to haul the foundation stones in for the temple I'm said there were 60 to 70 foot long the by Josephus said 40 cubits they were 40 cubits that's about 60 to 70 feet most of the stones were cut out of the widest marble 60 feet to long 5 to 10 feet high 5 to 10 feet across now according to Josephus the Jewish general who wrote the works of Josephus he described the temple and the stones of the temple that that they were so
Starting point is 01:26:14 white that they were so white that at a distance it looked like a mountain covered with snow and some of the gold trim on the temple when the Sun was either coming up or going down it said that Josephus says that when the light hit the gold of the temple it just made it even more magnificent so it's hard for us to comprehend, really, the grandeur and the beauty, the immensity of the temple, how big it was. This was no small, you know, little place. So, it was beautiful. It was beautiful. It was beautiful.
Starting point is 01:27:09 And yet, Christ, in this passage, as we get into chapter 24, and really this sets the tone and the narrative for everything else that occurs in 24, Christ foretells the utter ruin and the utter destruction that's coming to that building. Now, it's one thing to put graffiti on a building and it's one thing to try to deface the building it's quite another to totally destroy a building where nothing is left nothing is or very little is left. Nothing is, or very little is left. But keep in mind that every temple one day will be destroyed.
Starting point is 01:27:56 Every temple. Every temple to Satan, to Lucifer, every temple that's ever been built is going to be burned up. Every human temple one
Starting point is 01:28:13 day will turn to dust unless the Lord redeems it before you die. But every body, whether you like it or
Starting point is 01:28:24 not, should the Lord carry, they're going to put you in the ground and you're going to be warm food everything dies in this world everything dies but to the Jews the temple could not die. In fact, they would call the temple heaven and earth. The temple being heaven and the earth being Jerusalem where the temple sits. And so in the very last, no, not very last verse, verse 35 of chapter 24, when Jesus says heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. He's not talking about the literal heavens and earth at some point in the future. What he's referencing is the temple itself. Yes, verse 35 there where it says, heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away.
Starting point is 01:29:27 He is saying the temple shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away. Okay? All right, so this adds a little bit of context to it. So this beautiful building, Jesus saying it's going to be destroyed, not just destroyed, not one stone is going to stand on another. See ye not all these things? It will do us good to see them. Jesus said, see ye not all these things?
Starting point is 01:30:03 See that temple? It'll be destroyed. You see this body? It's going to be destroyed. All this thing, everything in the earth is going to die at some point. But there's an imminent destruction that's coming. So, if anyone has ever, you know know had to rebuild a house very rarely do you rebuild it on the old foundation you have to build a whole new foundation and
Starting point is 01:30:38 everything so jesus said see these things he's saying then take a good look at that take a good long look at that you see that you see these things verily there's that verily there he said listen up verily i say unto you there shall not be left one stone upon another that shall not be left one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down. We're talking about the building, the porticoes. Everything shall be thrown down.
Starting point is 01:31:19 Everything shall be thrown down. Even everything shall be thrown down. Even 40 years later, when the Roman general Titus put a siege on Jerusalem, marveled at the beauty of the temple in Jerusalem. And while the siege was going on, there was the general policy of General Titus, and that was on orders from Caesar in Rome, not to touch the temple. Not to touch the temple. Not to touch the temple.
Starting point is 01:32:09 Now, I'm talking about during the initial siege from about 66, 67, going up to 70. Those were orders from him that General Titus gave to his soldiers, to his underlings, not to touch the temple. And this went on until 70 AD. And we'll talk about that here in just a moment. There's an interesting story as it relates to this that I want to share with you today.
Starting point is 01:32:41 We'll be doing that a little bit later here in the hour with us. So Jesus said this, not be one stone left on another. Now you could take this as a proverb or just a figure of speech, you know, utter destruction. But in this case, it was a prophecy. Because this prophecy was literally fulfilled. So what happened in 70 AD? For years, the running policy, the current word in 70 AD,
Starting point is 01:33:18 was that you weren't supposed to touch the temple. Temples were important to Romans, even if they didn't agree with the God being worshipped in that temple. Temples were important to Romans, even if they didn't agree with the God being worshipped in that temple. They recognized that the temple was a center of power and influence in every community, whether it was a temple to story has it that um when uh the siege finally broke when general titus finally broke the siege and entered jerusalem an over zealous roman soldier threw a firebrand into one of the windows of the temple and it caught on fire now mind you that this was not the first time that it got set on fire the
Starting point is 01:34:17 Jews actually set the temple on fire previously but had managed to put it out but on the day that the siege finally broke one of the Roman soldiers disobeying an order that the standing order not to do anything to the temple through a firebrand through the window and that's what finally caused the temple to burn. In fact, Josephus described it this way. He said that one of the soldiers, neither waiting for any command nor trembling at such an attempt, but urged by a divine impulse. Those are Josephus' words. It was as if God had spoken to a heathen Roman soldier and told him
Starting point is 01:35:12 to throw the firebrand into the temple. That's the way Josephus describes it. So, Josephus tells the story this way. He said, one of the soldiers stood on the shoulder of his buddy, okay, and thrust a burning brand into the window and thereby set fire to the building of the temple itself. Now, Debbie is asking a great question on our chat today.
Starting point is 01:35:44 How does stone burn well of course stone doesn't burn but the temple was not just stone the interior of the temple was had wood paneling inside all throughout the interior it wasn't just cold stone it was paneled with cedar panels all throughout. By the way, cedar has a high oil content, which makes it burn easily. And so the interior of the temple had wood paneling. Now, not like wood paneling like you had in your grandma's mobile home back in the 70s. No, these were panels of cedar that were anywhere from three to four inches thick that lined the walls of the temple. They were beautiful. They were polished, everything, but they're also a fire hazard. Okay, and so, and of course, you had the curtains you had everything else that was in there you had
Starting point is 01:36:48 a big vat of oil that was in there you had the the various instruments throughout the temple, the interior, was a fire hazard. Okay? And if you get rock hot enough, rock will break up and everything as well. But that's the story that Josephus tells. The story that Josephus shares is that when Titus, General Titus, heard that the temple was on fire, he ordered his soldiers. Now, this is in the midst of fighting the Jews. He ordered his soldiers to put out the fire.
Starting point is 01:37:41 Now, you don't hear this history, do you? The Romans were trying to rescue the temple in 70 AD but God would not allow the temple to be rescued so Titus ran immediately to the temple this is the story that's told and commanded his soldiers to put the fire out. But here's the deal. The Romans hated, the soldiers hated the Jews so much that they disobeyed Titus and would not put out the fire. So despite Titus yelling at them and everything else, threatening them, they couldn't hold back their violence.
Starting point is 01:38:27 They'd been in a siege for four years, and finally all that violence and frustration is pent up and being released here. And so his own soldiers disobeyed him in his order to rescue the temple. Now this is according to Josephus here and for every indication Josephus was likely an eyewitness to this they either could not or I would think hear those behind them saying go ahead and burn the temple down because Titus was still for preserving the temple because he knew how important temples were to cities but by this time even Caesar himself had gotten to the point of saying I'm done with Jerusalem I'm done
Starting point is 01:39:27 with the Jews and I'm done with their temple and supposedly as Josephus tells this the big wooden doors at the front of the temple somebody set set fire to them, and that was the end of it. Now, the only thing that remained after the fire, and after the Romans demolished the walls, were three towers and part of a wall left standing and part of the wall left standing and that was only for a short time was to provide shelter for the Roman soldiers the And eventually the Temple Mount itself was plowed under. And so we even know who did the plowing. We even know the name of the guy that did the plowing.
Starting point is 01:40:45 According to both Josephus and Maimonides, the Jewish writer, a man by the name of Terentius Rufus, he was an officer in Titus' army. Under orders of Titus, after everything had been destroyed, the temple had been destroyed, they burned most of the city under orders from titus tarantius rufus uh managed to get some soldiers together and they plowed up the entire city in fact those big blocks that we talked about, those 70-foot long blocks, Josephus and Maimonides both say that those blocks, those big giant blocks, were busted up. And they were totally destroyed now what you may not know and this will if you don't get anything out of our Bible study today this will be worth the money today
Starting point is 01:41:56 okay so if you'll turn with me to Micah chapter 3 verse 12 Micah 3 verse 12 and I'm gonna look at the whole chapter here but I want to focus on Micah 3 verse 12 let's see here let's start at verse 9 here Micah chapter 3 verse 9 so those of you who are taking notes this is going to be a significant passage for you here verse 9 micah chapter 3 old testament now hear this oh leaders of the house of jacob and rulers of the house of israel who despise justice and pervert all that is right who build Zion with bloodshed in Jerusalem with iniquity his her leaders judge for a bribe her priests teach for Christ and her prophets practice divination for money yet they lean upon the Lord saying is not the Lord among us no disaster shall come upon us verse 12 therefore because of you he's Zion will be plowed like a field Jerusalem will become a heap of rubble and the Temple Mount a wooded Ridge I'm going to read verse 12 again therefore because of you
Starting point is 01:43:31 Zion will be plowed like a field and Jerusalem will become a heap of rubble and so when we hear Jesus talking about not one stone, not a single stone will be left of turn, you know, he's actually quoting Micah, the prophet Micah. Now, let me ask you this for those who are with us live on chat. How many of you have ever heard this before? We have more than 300 people on chat right now and the overwhelming response live in our chat right now never heard this at all and yet this is a prophecy of the destruction hundreds of years before Zion shall be plowed like a field in fact jeremiah later on in jeremiah chapter 26 quotes micah
Starting point is 01:44:52 so let me read jeremiah chapter 26 verses 17 through 19 jeremiah chapter 26 verses 17 through 19 listen to this then some of the elders of the land rose up and listen to this then some of the elders of the land rose up and spoke to all the assembly of the people saying Micah a more chef prophesied in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah and he spoke to all the people of Judah saying thus the Lord of Hosts has said Zion shall be plowed as a field and Jerusalem will become ruins in the mountain of the house as the high places of a forest all those things happen by the way did hezekiah king of judah and all judah put him
Starting point is 01:45:35 to death did he not fear the lord and entreat the favor of the lord and the lord changed his mind about the misfortune which he had pronounced against them but we are committing a great evil against ourselves and so what uh this passage in jeremiah is saying is back when micah gave this warning to king hezekiah king hezekiah repented repented on behalf of the nation and this passage in jeremiah chapter 26 is a group of people they're reminding remember what Micah said and what King Hezatiah did we're reminding you today
Starting point is 01:46:13 that God's going to hold us accountable at some point in the future and then Jesus brings us up and so these two passages Micah chapter 3 verse 12 and Jeremiah chapter 26 verses 17 through 19 if you're taking notes today write these in your Bible margin because you know more than a lot of preachers know now. I'm just looking. One of our members live on chat today says, there's not a Bible reference to Micah in my Bible.
Starting point is 01:46:59 Probably not for the Jeremiah reference either, is there? But Jesus was re-prophesying what had already been prophesied. Micah had said the temple would be destroyed and Jerusalem would be plowed under. Jeremiah said the temple would be destroyed and Jerusalem plowed under. And what's interesting is that last line and the mountain of the house it's a high places of a forest so after the temple was destroyed in 70 a.d and everything plowed under by tarantius rufus which i think is probably one of the coolest names to have 80 years later when Hadrian visited the area and wanted to rebuild a Roman city
Starting point is 01:47:47 there what was left on the temple mount can you guess what was there what was on the temple mount I'll give you three clues based on Micah and Jeremiah there what was on the temple mount when Hadrian appeared in about
Starting point is 01:48:03 150 AD to inspect the site to see if he wanted to rebuild a city there it wasn't rubble but trees there was a forest that had grown up on the temple mount a forest that had grown up on the Temple Mount, fulfilling the prophecies of Micah and Jeremiah. Isn't this amazing? You are getting the master class today. so when you get right down to it the destruction of the temple in 70 AD prophesied by Micah prophesied by Jeremiah
Starting point is 01:48:55 and then also prophesied by Jesus we can say that the Jews burned down part of Jerusalem we can say that the Romans burned down part of Jerusalem we can say that the Romans burned down the rest of Jerusalem and the temple and that the Romans piled it up but God did it do you hear what I'm saying the Romans the Jews may have set the fires the Romans may have burned the temple and plowed it under
Starting point is 01:49:32 but God did it God's the one that did it it's really amazing when you really start digging down the word of god and seeing all the different connections that they are that there are um there are some uh christian believers today that uh kind of shy away from the old testament and its references and about the only time they use any references from the old testament all other than the bible stories of those patriarchs and everything is to support their rube goldberg view on dispensationalism on the end times otherwise they have no use for the Old Testament I'm of the persuasion and of the conviction that
Starting point is 01:50:29 we can't fully comprehend comprehend the New Testament without the old we need to have that reading and that exposure to the Old Testament because if I had not previously studied the Micah passage and the Jeremiah passage, you would have been left out on something. You would have been left out on something profound today. That God foresaw, even in Micah's day, King Hezekiah's day, in the days of the prophet Jeremiah, God was looking ahead, there's going to come a day
Starting point is 01:51:09 where Zion, the temple, will be destroyed and where Jerusalem will be plowed under. And you know where you've got this train of thought? From Josephus. Because it was Josephus that said, on the 9th of Ab, remember we talked about the 9th of Ab on True News here a while back. A day prepared
Starting point is 01:51:47 for punishments. It was the same day that the first temple had been destroyed. It says in works of Josephus. On the 9th of Ab. A day prepared for punishments. Ternus Rufus plowed up the temple and all around
Starting point is 01:52:04 about it. And Josephus says these words to fulfill what is said Zion shall be plowed as a field and so even Josephus recognized this ninth of AB a B or a V depending on who's writing it so now we're not going to have enough time to get into verse 3 today and verse 3 is significant because what oftentimes happens is people take verse 3 and they break it down into two questions. This is what the dispensationalists try to do. There's only two questions that are being asked in verse 3. And there's actually three questions being asked.
Starting point is 01:52:59 And Jesus answers all three questions separately in the Olivet discourse. And so we'll be getting into that tomorrow and digging a little bit deeper. I'm looking at our chat here, our live chat, with us today and any questions that are popping up. Someone said,
Starting point is 01:53:20 what is Zion? Zion is used in a lot of different ways in the Old Testament to either describe the temple what is zion uh zion is used in a lot of different ways in the old testament to either describe the temple or the city of jerusalem itself many times though in prophets like isaiah and ezekiel and jeremiah they speak of zion in the future tense the future city of Zion. It may have applications to now, but in many passages in the major prophets, when they speak of Zion, they're speaking of the heavenly Zion later on. So that's why when I say Zion shall be destroyed,
Starting point is 01:54:08 when Jesus is quoting here in verse 2 of Matthew chapter 24 when he's quoting Micah and when he's quoting Jeremiah he is acknowledging that the temple is Zion that Herod's temple is the Zion that's being spoken about there by these two previous prophets. Now, the name Zion can have a lot of different applications later on, so you have to be careful that you don't apply this in every single circumstance. But in this particular circumstance, Jesus is acknowledging that when Micah and Jeremiah referred to Zion, that Zion is the temple that they're talking about. Okay? And so, Jesus
Starting point is 01:54:52 foretold this, but he foretold this by quoting the prophets. By quoting the prophets. Someone else asked here in the last few minutes here, is the Wailing Wall part of the ruined temple? That's a great question, Melvin. And the answer is no. The Western Wall, Wailing Wall, whatever you want to call it,
Starting point is 01:55:17 and I've been to it, was not part of the temple. Not at all. It was actually part of a Roman garrison. And so when I tell you that the Jews and the evangelical Zionists and the dispensations, they all go and put their little sticky notes in the cracks in the wall, the western wall, the wailing wall, and they put their hand on the wall wearing a beanie.
Starting point is 01:55:48 They are doing that at a Roman wall. It's a Roman wall. It's not even part of the Jewish temple. It's a Roman wall. And so think about the implications of that. That the Jews and evangelical Zionists,
Starting point is 01:56:14 they're worshiping at a Roman wall. Are they deceived? Well, if the shoe fits James Lister when was that bill that was built around the same time as the the modifications of the temple there was a warm and garrison that was built there James under the direction of the of the Romans why did they build that they built a garrison there to overlook the temple to keep the people under control they allowed a temple but they had to have security for the temple keep the people under control but the wall was actually in that wall that they're wailing at was actually underground it was the foundation wall so when it still is in the prophecy is
Starting point is 01:57:18 still fulfilled that the the city was piled under completely, but that western wall, that Roman wall, it was underground. Alright, so we're at the limit of our time today here. I hope you learned something here on Morning Man today. We're going to continue our introduction to Matthew chapter 24 tomorrow. Tomorrow we're
Starting point is 01:57:44 also going to be celebrating the Lord's Supper. And so we invite you to join us for that as well. And have either bread and either red wine or grape juice prepared in advance so you can join us in communion tomorrow. And I invite everybody, if you've made a confession of faith in Jesus Christ and you've been baptized in water according to the scriptures, I invite you to come and participate
Starting point is 01:58:09 in the Lord's Supper with us tomorrow. Will you do that? Will you make the effort to join us tomorrow and be prepared? I'd like to see 400 people here tomorrow celebrating with us live the Lord's Supper. But whether you can be with us live or not,
Starting point is 01:58:26 that's okay. If you listen to us later and want to celebrate the Lord's Supper, you can do that too. But it would sure be great to have as many people here as we possibly can on a Friday morning for Morning Man. In the meantime, continue to pray for Rick
Starting point is 01:58:42 and Susan as they travel. God bless you, we love you, and we look forward to and Susan as they travel. God bless you. We love you. And we look forward to seeing you on the Friday edition of Morning Manor. to WWCR International Shortwave Radio. You can find True News on frequency 12.160 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern. Connect with us on Rumble, Facebook, X, and Getter. You don't have to think the world is ending tomorrow to be realistic.
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